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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
TTTE OMAHA DA ITT DEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBET? 1. 1003. u Mam TVe extend to you a most cordial invitation to visit Oma ha's Popular Tailoring Estab lishment. Here you will find an assort ment that 'will gladden the heart of every good dresser and you will find displayed the handsomest array of Fall and Winter fabrics ever shown in this city. Our tailoring facilities are broad enough to enable us to turn out well-made garments in forty-eight hours if requir ed; Trousers in half that time. "We know the merits of fair dealing and fair profits both ot which we own the right to name by long exeperience in the Tailoring business. ' lllr You'll pick of the choicest new fabrics if you pick now. Trousers $5 to $12 Suits $20 to $50 Dress Suits $40 to $60 , AVe 6hall be pleased to take your correct measure free of charge for future reference. Samples and Fashion Plates mailed upon application. -.TAILOR 209--211 South 15th St. F. PAFFENRATH, Mgr. MURAL QUESTION INVOLVED Two Telephone Srenu Iajnrci More People Than it Can Htlp. - RESPONSIBILITY RESTING ON CITY COUNCIL Possibility of Estraillaa; Pervlr Small and Certalatr at I n rrraalfiK f nt to I tm InaroMnblr. The members nf th rlty rnunrll Anil ths rlMxns of Omaha will rnKnli some Important moral rguestlons Involved In tha acnn1 tolrphon proposition as thay be come familiar with the facta. One of thse questions Is: la It rlnht to give any company tha power to force the second telephone Into about 2.S"0 business places In Omaha and thus levy an additional expense of about H2fi,ono a year upon the business men of the city? t have shown by the presentation of facts pertaining to the experience of other cities that wherever there has been telephone competition in a city as large as 'Omaha the Rell telephones have not been dispensed with, but have Increased In number; that the Bell rates have been generally maintained, and that competition has placed many thousands of dollars of additional expense upon the business men. who are required to have both 'phones. But, It may be argued, the business men will receive an additional service com mensurate with the additional expense put upon them, for they will be placed In telephonlo connection with many residences which are now without telephone service. For the sake of argument we will grant that the independent company. If It atarts In business, will have aa many as 1,000 ex clusive residence 'phones, meaning that It will succeed In placing its 'phones In l.OflO residences which are without the Bell 'phones, although this la scarcely possible In view of the low residential rates of the Bell company here,- and If the business rate of the Independent company la to be $54, as has been intimated. It would cost the business man Just that sum per year for these 1,000 additional residence connec tions, or 6.4 cents per connection. The ex orbitance of this charge may be appre ciated by considering the fact that at present the business man with an Individ ual line 'phone in 'the Bell exchange paya $84 for a service with 5.000 residence con nections, or only 1.7 cent per connection. The additional service to be gained In Omaha from the establishment of a second telephone system will cost the telephone users a great deal more, per possible con nection, than the present service of the Bell company costs. This is Indicated clearly by the foregoing Illustration, and, further, it Is the established fact In every city where there are two companies In tha Held. If the Independent company . comes In with a residence rate of 130 per year, as has been intimated, and 1,000 residences use Its 'phone to the exclusion of the Bell 'phone the aggregate annual saving to these 1,000 householders would be $4,000, be cause 1,000 residence 'phones In the Bell exchange, at $3 each, would cost Just $8,000 more than 1,000 residence 'phonea In the In dependent exchange, at $30 each. Now, If 2,6(10 business men can be beguiled Into, put ting in tne independent phone at $64 each, they will be taking on an additional tele phone expense aggregating $126,000 per year. So, In order to save one class of users $6,000 a year, the Independent tele phone proposition means to assess $124,000 a year of additional expense against an other class of users. It is Just suoh ex perience as this that prompted Alderman John F. Domhoff of East St. Louis, 111., In a paper presented to the League of American Municipalities, to say: "In voting a franchise to any public serv ice corporation It is the duty of the city government to protect the Interests of the whole, and not merely a part, of the com munity. A city government has no right to Impose a burden upon one class of cltl- rens In order to bestow a benefit upon an other class." Alderman Domhoff showed by figures that telephone competition In East St. Louis saved one class of users $4,809 per year and cost another class $15,354 per year. And every city of any Importance which bas two telephone systems Is having the same experience in this respect. H. J. QONDEN. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy cures diarrhoea and dysen tery in all forms and In all stages. It never falls. COMMITTEE ON THE OFFERS Mrs Appointed to Consider Applica tion for Headquarters of Woodmen of World. Considerable business of a routine nature was transacted by the executive council of the Woodmen of the. World Saturday morn ing. The matter of the removal of the head quarters of the sovereign camp from this city In the event of the decision of the su preme court being-adverse to the Interest of the order 4n the matter of the taxation of the $2,000,000 reserve fund was discussed. The discussion culminated In the Appoint ment of a committee of five, with Sovereign Cpmmander J. C. Root aa chairman, John C. Yates, w. A Fraaer. C. C. Farmer and J. E. Fitzgerald to Investigate the matter and consider the propositions of the several other cities for the location of the head quarters, so that an Immediate removal can follow a possible adverse decision of the Nebraska supreme court. The contract for bonding the sovereign and subordinate officers of the order was let to the National Surety company of New York. The most favor? ble terms were ob tained. W: E. Joyce of New York, the per sonal representative of the National Surety company, conducted the negotiations to their successful Issue. The individual members of the council were entertained at luncheon at the Com mercial club by W. B. Joyce of the National Surety company of New York at noon Saturday. "11" Dr. Humphreys' Serenty Sercn breaks up drip and LD Before the first flush of Fever comes lasiltude and weakness, the premonitory symptoms of having taken Cold If at this time you act quickly take a few doses of Dr. Humphreys' .Specific "Seventy-seven," It will restore the checked circulation, start the blood coursing through the veins and break up the Cold. "77" also breaks up Colds that hang on. "77" cures Orlp, Influenza. Catarrh. Coughs, Bronchitis and Sore Throat. At Druggists 26c, or mailed. Write for Medical Book aent free. Hu.iphr.rV Horn. MmIIHim Ca., Oar. Wllll.a t4 Juha airwu, r York. ECHOES CF THE ANTEROO J Improved Order of fled Men. The arret state council of the Improved Order of Red Men will hold Its anntml meeting is. Ancient Order nf T'nlted Work men hall. Fouth Omaha. Tuesday. October 10. The Indications are for a very large rt tendanre from all over the state, with visi tors from ad.lacent states. Yah-mln-dah-sls tribe No. 2 has changed Its meeting place (mm the Continental blork to the new Rnhrhnugh building at Nineteenth and Farnam streets. All visiting Red Men are cordially Invited to meet with us. The next regular meeting will be held Monday evening. October 2. The meeting nights are each Monday evening. Rankers I nlon nf the World. Frsternal lodge No. held a largely at tended meeting Thursday evening. A large class of candidates was Initiated. After the regular business session the evening was given over to dancing and miscellaneous social diversions. Knights of the Maerahers. Owing to the A k Par-Hon parade next Thursday evening Omaha tent No. 75 de. elded to hold no meeting that night. The next meeting will therefore he held October 12. A valuable prise has been offered for members securing the greatest list of new members before November 1. Fraternal t'nion of America. The anniversary of Mondamln lodge No. 11 last Monday evening was a decided suc cess, the hall being well filled by members and friends. The program, vocal and In strumental, was well rendered, after which the balance of the evening was devoted to dancing. Monday evening this lodge meets In' Rohrbough's new building, Nineteenth and Farnam streets. I'nlon Veterans t'nion. Vlcksburg Regiment No. 1 will hold .Its next regular meeting In Barlghfs Society hall. Nineteenth and Farnam streets, Fri day evening, October 6, at 8 o'clock. Ar rangements have been made for the use of this hall by the organization, which will occupy It on the first and third Frldavs of each month. The Ladles of the Oarfleld circle No. 11. Grand Army of the Republic, will occupy the hall afternoons of the same days for their meetings. A camnflre will be held Immediately after the close of the regular meeting, and refreshments con sisting of beans, coffee and hardtack will be dished up by the women of the Grand Army of the Republic. Oarfleld Circle Aid society held an enjoy able meeting Friday afternoon at ttaa home of Mrs. O. U. Metcalf. Refreshments were served and by special dispensation Mrs. Metealf's mother was Initiated Into the order as an honored member. Beginning with October the circle will meet In tha new hall at Nineteenth and Farnam. Tribe of Ben Hnr. At Omaha Court No. 110 last Tuesday night a committee was appointed to confer with like committees from other courts to make arrangements for the coming of Su preme Chief D. W. Gerard October 26. The next meeting will be held in the new hall In the Southwest corner of rV Rohrbough building. Nineteenth and Far nam streets. Kvery member Is urged to be present next Tuesdav nlnht. AM matters of importance and for the welfare of Omaha court no. no will be discussed at that time. Woodmen of tha World.' Of United States camp No. 229 Paul B. Harm was elected banker for the remainder of th term. Consul Commander William Lampmann will be united In marriage Tuesday to Miss Wilcox, daughter of Major Wilcox, and Thursday afternoon at Fra ternal hall the marriage of Sergeant Hoover of the degree team will be formally cele brated. This will make five members of this camp who will have taken unto them selves wives during the month. Prof. W. C. VanNess of the Iowa State Normal school, Denlson, and Rev. G. H. Schleh will speak at the unveiling cere mony of Omaha-Seymour camp No. 16, Woodmen of the World, at Myrtle hall Wednesday evening, October 18. Prof. Van Ness is a well knotvn educator, and camp No. 1 has arranged the service In the even ing at the forest so he can be heard not only by Woodmen, but citizens generally. The services will be open to the public. The T. K. quartet and Miss Louise Shad duck are on the musical program, and Miss Cora M. Hitchcock will deliver the poem. The ritualistic services will be con ducted by the Seymour degree team. V Masonic. W. T. Burke has resigned aa secretary of the Scottish Rite bodies, which office he has held for years, and Is succeeded by Carl E. Herring. Mr. Burke gave as his only reason for resigning too much private business affairs. NEW PASTORF0R ST. MARY'S Rev. Lnclns O. Balrd of Ottawa, III., Aceepta Cell to rongrrega tlonat Church. Rev. Lucius O. Balrd of Ottawa, III., has accepted the call to the pastorate of 8t. Mary's Avenue Congregational church and will preach his first sermon November 19. His letter of acceptance was received by Prof. A. H. Waterhouse as chairman of the committee having In charge the se lection of a pastor yesterday. The pulpit waa vacated In the spring by "the resigna tion of Rev. Robert Yost, who accepted a call from a PreHbyterlan church at Jollet, 111. He was a Presbyterian before coming to Omaha. During the summer the pulpit was filled by Dr. Jenkins of the Presby terian Theological seminary and on oc casions various ministers who were can didates for the church. AK-SAR-BEN'S LITTLE MEMENTO Beantlfnl Soavealr Being: Sent to the Knights by Samson for Car rent Year. Accompanying the royal commands to at tend the coronation ball of Ak-Rar-Ben XII. Samson the faithful chancellor. Is sending out a handsome souvenir. It is in the form of a desk tray, of solid and mass: Ive sliver, most beautifully engraved and' chasedi The design shows a steer's head at either apex of the oval, with a border of wheat, corn and sugar beets. In the center is a mounted knight, with a visor raised, as if to view the glorious prospect un folded on the Plains of Qui vera. The souvenir Is one of the handsomest and most useful ever sent out in honor of a change in dynasty. Of Interest to Innlnn. "I travel In the southern states," says Mr. E. E. Cross of Melfa, Va. "While driving had a sudden attack of cholera morbus, with severe cramping pains In the stomach. A customer of mine at the first store I stopped at recommended Chamber lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy, and two doses of It set me right. I now carry a bottle of this remedy In my grip constantly, as do many other traveling men I unhesitatingly recommend It." The constant chage of drinking water and did often -auses disorders of the bowels. For this reason no one should leave home on a Journey without a bottle of this remedy It la almost certain to ba neeatd. , t. MM i I n I - II II I I II - I I "I , ilia ilS'l IIMLTOK1 REES I V's -,i..w,i , n...i- .,.,1 . i. in i...I.IP. i i I.III..IHUI.I1I iiiiiiimiMi--ii in rr I ' .beam QUICK -MEAL RANGE EXHIBIT MONDAY, OCT. 2 ALL NEXT WEEK BEGINNING Gune nnd soo hrown, crisp biscuits' baked in threo roin utrs. Wo will show you why tho QUICK MEAL loads the world in durability nnd rapidity of baking. A Set of Granite Enameled Kitchen Ware, 12 utensils, given with every QUICK MEAL RANGE sold during this demonstration. ange iven Away This beautiful $55.00 QUICK MEAL STEEL RANGE, with high closet, malleable, polished top; with reservoir or water front. See it in our window. Award will be made Sat urday evening, October 7th. A ticket goes with every $1.00 cash purchase made next week in our Hardware and House Furnishing Departments. S l SKIS FOURTEENTH AND FARNAM STREETS. ,-Ti..,.w.,....ii,i,i .j... ..I i, i - 2C If (Trusses, Supporters, Elastic Stockings DEFORMITY BRACES r. BATTERIES f CRUTCHES - ' HEARING HORNS . H. J. PESnJFOL 1408 Farnam Street Cameras and Kodaks, Films, Plates, Albums, Cards. Do Not Neglect Your Eyes Eyes tested free by our expert optician. "When you come to Omaha you are invited to call and have your eyes examined. You may not need glasses, but be certain about it. Our methods are up-to-da-te; our prices the lowest; our( assortment of frames, etc., the largest; our service prompt. We guarantee satisfaction or your money back. "We do repairing. Have complete 6tock of glass eyes. Your patronage solicited. Do not patronize travel ing opticians. r ORDER A CASE i Forihe 4 2 0 j 1 itile affairs' n, mpj , ee b,,. home Fred Krug Brew'g Co, j Omaha's Modal Brawrary. i 71 MF ,..,.,-....., .m, jw.sjiis!iWWaiiuapsl).pii.aW.sw, The you ike wem r StUuls ; , .. V i The whiskey with a repu j Utionj combining purity, 1 quality and age. S. HIRSCH & CO. I Kansas City, Mo. I TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER fajpalar aaa Tlmcl? ArtlcWs. EXCLUSIVELY FIRST-CLASS A Tour of Colorado, Utah and California Pcnsonally Conducted Leaving Omaha 4:10 p. m. Wednesday, October 17, 1905, under the auspices of the Tourist Department, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A 20 DAYS' TRIP THROUGH AMERICA'S WESTERN WONDERLAND. ROUND TRIP FROM OMAHA, all expenses, includ- tf J CA ing accommodations, etc., at the very best hotels vp I U v INQUIRE AT CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. PHONE 316. ' e