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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
L THE (ttfAIIA DAILY REE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1D05. - WW -iiiumu w..uiimiiu 'm,..,m.rirr. ,., w gnmuHii m, .1 r'imijua; 7" . rTnnmiiii jITZZZIlJl.Z iT-Z1L"TiTP' Vf"" Z All Kind of Hosiery on Hen's and Ladles' Handker chiefs worth up to 25c at Silk Ribbons up to 6 In. wide Plain and Fancr Colors at yd. FINB Laces .nd INSERTING FOUR MILLINERY DEPT. SPECIALS Hand-Painted WINGS at pair 10c 14-Inch Ostrich Plumes Flowers 3 Indies' STREET HATS Basement at Bargain Square Fj Large Bunch at worth 25c 12M5 2Jc5 50c 25c-50c an . to H h III I V 111! II n n r , c 5cI0cI 3c I VU 25c f llffll Iffilflffl SALE Pearl Buttons All Sizes at dor. lc-2-5c Ladles' Linen Embroidered Turnover Collars worth up to 25c 10c All Silk CHIFFON VEILING Silk Embroidered worth up to 35c yd. WEEK To Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival Visitors We invite you to be our guests at the Boston Store while in Omaha. You will be v very welcome to look over the greatest store in the west. The grandest, most brilliant carnival ever held in Omaha has inspired us to offer a series of the greatest bargains Omaha ever. knew. Buy now and save half on all your fall and winter purchases. Take Advantage off the IHlalff Pair Kates Diroto mmaha A visit to our greatly enlarged store is bound to be of wonderful interest to you. A Million Dollar Fashionable Fall Stock is on sale. ! Boston Store is now a Block and a Half Long See the New Annex, First Section of the New Million Dollar Buildinrf New sum vji, inii anvc ouuwajr uuuer tuuias oi. connects nam aiore witit Annex. $L50 Ladies' Wrappers at 69c Ladies' Wool Sweaters, worth $2.50, 98c Fancy Velvets Fairs Beat Novelties, worth up to $2 yard, at 49c Yard Wide Black Taffeta Full Una of col ors, worth np to S3 yard, 98c W.A.Rogers Extra Plato TEA SPOONS, Set of 6, at 49c W. A. Rogers Dessert Spoons . 75c W. A. Rogers Table Spoons, set of six. 98c W. A. Rogers Six Knives to Six Forks 12 pieces in fancy box, at. 1.98 OPTICAL DEPT. In New Annex If you need glasses eo our optician. Special Low Prices imriil Ml FOUR ACRES OF SALES ROOMS IN OUR GREAT MODERN STORE. NEW STORE WILL CONTAIN By2 ACRES FLOOR SPACE. BOSTON STORE EMPLOYS FROM 500 TO 1000 CLERKS THE YEAR ROUND. BRANDEIS BANK, OPERATED UN DER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION, OC CUPIES ENLARGED QUARTERS IN THE ANNEX. EVERY PRICE QUOTED ON THIS PAGE IS AN EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAIN FOR CARNIVAL WEEK ONLY. BRANDEIS' NEW STORE Now being erected at loth and Douglas Sis. 8 btories high, one fcocfc long, half block wide -Cost $1,000,000. fliiliifeiiM PRESENT BUILDING, Brandeis' Boston Store, JV. W. Cor. ltith and Doiiglas Sts. Chopping center of Omaha 4 stones and basement. Subway annex' under Doug-las street connects our present store with new annex FREE ADVANTAGES This Slor Offers for Your Comfort: FR.EE CHECK ROOM Check All Baggage and Parcels Free of Cost. FREE WAITING ROOMS. FREE WASH ROOMS. FREE PARCEL DELIVERY. FREE USE OF TELEPHONES. FREE BANKING ACCOMMODATIONS. CHECKS CASHED FREE. We Will Gladly Extend You Any Possible Courtesy. Ladies' Fall Suits and Skirts JJ)2 AK-SAR-BEX SPECIAL at $0.98 Ladies' Tailored Suits in the popular 4 2-lnch coats, made of cheviot and novelty cloths latest fall styles one-half silk lined Will go at Ladles' Tailored Suits Of new fancy mixtures and smart plain cloths, all the lat . est fall styles, at Ladles' Xewet Style Golf Skirts In right weights for fall. New pleated styles, will go at Ladies' Stylish Walking; Skirts All style features for fall special at 14.85 In right 2.98 newest 4.98 42 inch 6.98 Long Loose Back Covert Coats- The 42 inch lengths with belt backs, very stylish for fall, at Ladies' Pur Lined Coats The reigning styles this fall very special bargain 15Q f ffil In 2 lots for this week, at 1 -Ir Ladies' Silk Petticoats Black and col ors, special, at ; Ladies' Silk Waists Fall's newest, daintiest styles, at 3.98 3.98 Ladies' C Kid Gloves, 69c Pr. The best kid glove offer we ever made. Thousands of w C 1 4. A li 1 ui liiLHut eiyie Kiu gloves in street n 7TK bye ana evening shades all perfect and made of high grade kid, worth up to $1.25 per pair, at v. The Finest Kid dloves Made ai-e the Perrins. Reyni ors and Mon-archs-Brandeis is Omaha agent Tor thsset maiohless gloves the most fashionable gloves on the tPf (Pf r market full lines, at, pair Jil'vpZ Special Events in Lace Department Latest designs In lace robes, including black spangled, lierre applique and real renaissance lace, many beautiful creations Q no llp G Q for reception and evening wear, at J.JO to vpO! High Grade Lace Novelties Paris, St. Gall .and Plauen productions appliques, medallions, galloons, bands, flounclngs and allovers In white, cream, ecru and black at extremely low prices. f2 Inch fine Bretonne Costume Net (wash blonde), white and cream seventy-flve cents grade, special, at 49c $1.50 Allover Laces po'int de Ve nice, Irish crochet and Oriental effects, very special, at per yard 69c BraLiideis' Stunning Millinery Brandeis' Special Millinery at $5 The finest assortment of the really smart, up-to-date fall hats ever priced so moder ately. These hats hear Brandeis' touch of metropolitan style C and should bring $10 j readily special at Horse Show Millinery Special de signs for this great fashion event, also carriage hats, theatre, even ing and elaborate dress millinery, trimmed in the most graceful, exquisite style will $f A $ C go at ........... .. 1U" 5 1.S 2.50 Dressy Street and Trimmed Hats Latest styles, prettiest fall trimmings, 100 charming models, at . . Ladies' Suit Hats Simply, but very effectively trimmed make smart hats for street wear the most modern and popular fall style plain effects, relieved by touches of fall color, at 1.50 CARNIVAL BARGAINS IN SHOES BRANDEIS CELEBRATED SHOES at $3 LADIES' SHOES MEN'S SHOES J A The newest styles for fall. In patent colt, ealf and kid, light, medium ana winter weight r nil sizes one hundred A h..u uiij v. i ij n . Li L pij iK a at ;5 Agents for Flor- Shoes shorn Men $ C at J Agents for Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes $C for ladies at ... J 75c Pure Silk Novelty Dress Goods In Arcade yard, 29c Waisting Flannel For Wrapper and Children's Wear, yard 25c Best Standard Apron Ginghams the 6io kind, gue at, per yard, 3c Extra Heavy Canton Flannel worth up to 19o, mill lengths go at, per yard, 5c tarn.- Elegant Silks 3 Dress Goods Mme. Mercedes Autumn Silks 5,765 yards of chameleon broche, jacquard taffeta, messallnes, peau de Cygnes, Pajllette de Sole, plain and changeable rustling taffeta, worth up to II yard, at, per yard... 50c $1 Silk Chiffons at 25c and 39c Pure silk chiffons, moussellnes, liberty brilliants, in white,, black and all leading shades 42 and 50 inches wide, from Mme. Mercedes' New '' . York dressmaking stock, worth M up to 1 a yard, at, per yard JjmjJ Silks at 69c Yard 27 inches wide black and colored taffeta 36-inch fancy shirt waist silk, plain silks, etc. also white silks, A If will go at, per yard vlw Mme. Mercedes Finest Silks Silks up to $3 a yard Ombre chiffons, embrold ered grenadines, pompadour broche, etc., will go at, per yard Fine Fall Dress Fabrics Choicest fabrics from this New York dressmaking stock imported silk and wool stuffs, doeskin, broad cloths, Panamas, etc., cloths for coats, cravenettes, etc., at, yard $1 worth .$1 60c and 75c All Wool New Fall Dress Goods Direct From the Mill, at 80c a Yard Light shades and cream for waists and children's dresses also street colors and black will go at, if per yard J J V $1 and $1.25 Dress Goods at 49c Yard Surplus stock from New York Jobber, 50 inch mohairs Sicilians, fancy suitings, granites, serges, ltp will go at, per yard I J Dress Patterns of Finest Imported Cloths worth up to three dollars yard also New York -Jobbers' fall stock of high class fabrics, L lip will go at, per yard Bi Special Sale Men's Clothing A great olothing offer for carni val time fine, up-to-date, splendid-fitting suits and over coats, newest fa 1 1 6tyles and patterns all sizes a complete stock, at Men's Fashionable Clothes nt 912.AO Very dressy fall suits in the refined patterns that will lead in popularity perfect fit, perfect satisfac tion, at ana over- $10 (IS lilts I VII I2S Rogers-Peet Iland Tailored Clothes at $15 to $.1.1 The highest class ready to wear clothing In America fully as good In every way as the most expensive made to order suits prices from $15,$35 CUT GLASS SALE Most amazing bargains in brilliant cut glaa ever offered in the west. Entire stock of a Chicago dealer who retired from th cut glass business. All cut on celebrated Libby and Dor flinger blanks in the last and most beau tiful patterns The prices are barely one half the regular jeweler's price. 8. inch Cut Glass Bowls Same as n QO usual ly sella at five dollars at. ... . ... 0 Two-Quart Jugs Beautifully cut on rock crystal worth twelve dollars C OQ will go at D,J(j Cut Glass Tumblers -worth SOc and $1, at 29c49c Cut Glass Creamers and Sugars- l 0 0 air ea. extra large sizes, worth $6 pai Carpet Sale Yfie newest aim nest patterns In Csi pets and ltujis are shown in our great, ilnrged daylight Carpet and Run department. $19 AXMINSTKR RI'OS-AII th very new- est fall patterns, In Oriental and Floral patterns, tiwimlly lft at l.'S upeiial Ak-Sar-Hen week, at AXMIN8TER RUOS Variety of pattern, 3'.x7i: Inches, always sells at Jo T f O special A k -8a i-Hen week, i.lO AXMINSTER Rl'OS-27xM Inches, aiwavs sells at four dollars special f A during Ak fiar llen week, a.jU These are most extraordinary rugs for the prices. TAPESTRY BRfHSEI.8 RTGS Rent M wirn qua iuy. rsrsian auover, medallion ana norai fiatterns Ak-Sar-Ben w-k. will go at AXMINSTER CARfET-fsually sells at i .mi ).ra, Bperiai lor AK-bar-Ben week will go at, per ard 15.98 Ms at $1 See Our South Windows as Yoa Pass on Douglas 5trat Candy Specials For Carnival Week Jelly gumrlrops, 10c pound. Home niHtle fudge, HV pound. Jelly beans, fruit flavors. l.V lb. ankee peanut candy, 15c pound. Peanut taffy, l.V pound. Baited pen nuts, 15c pound. Chocolate creams, 2c pound. Fine marshmallows, 20c pound. Cream wafers, 25c pound. Cream nut caramels, 25c pound. Italian chocolates, 40c pound. Toasted msrsbmallows, 10c box. Monte C'hrlsto chocolates, 60c-lb. box. Ice cream soda, 6c ARCADE. 100 Calling Card, at 39c Printed while you wait. In the Arcade. Linen Sale Iflft AM. LINEN FlL,t BLEACHED IATTKRN TABLE CLOTHS' Three yards 10117 worth up to Ave dollars, for. each NAI'KINB TO MATCH, at, per dozen VERY FINE BELFAST PATTERN TA 250.350 2.50 iJfV'to 498.598.698 69c FINE FILL BLEACHED TABLE DA MASK worth up to fl at, yard BLEACH EP, SILVER BLEACHED AND I N RLE ACHED TABLE DA- t MASK, extra quality, worth up 1'2C to 8;o a yard, at, per yard BIG NAPKI BALE. DINNER NAPKINS worth up to four dollars a dozen, at, per dosen DINNER N APKIN8 worth up to two dollars and seventy five rents a dozen, at, dozen .. DINNER NAPKINS worth up to two dollars a dozen, at, per dozen ' BED SPREADS. FI'LL SIZE CROCHET SPREADS r. Q worth one dollar and fifty cents. If( at. each SJlt EXTRA LARGE IMPORTED MARSEILLES 8PREAD8 worth up to 14.00, at 1.98 1.25 98c 1.98 r Curtaiivs and Portieres Out-of-town visitors will find one of the InrpeRt lines of lace curtains, portieres ami couch covers In the en tire west at 11!! Ronton Store. Here are a few extra specials for Ak 8ar Ben week. Nottingham Curtains. (Arabian color pair. $1.25 All our $:i lace curtains, no at, pair $l.fi8 All our $1.50 Brussels net curtains, at, palr,$2.08 All our new TWO TONED KCRU CI RTA1NS-Arabian. Cable Net, Brussels Net. Irish Point hii1 Cluny Curtains, many of them worth up to $7..V r no a pair. at. per pair J, J J $3.50 Portieres, fifty inches wide, heavy fringe f nn top and bottom, at ItZfO NEW TAPESTRY BORDER FORTIERE8 P OQ bought for fall trade to sell up to $10. at, pnr),i0 60-INCH COUCH COVERS Extra heavy. 1 fl O worth $.i.OO. go at. each l,ZJO WINDOW SHADES The best 3x7 oil shades 1f go at, eacb UZC CURTAIN RODS-Sold everywhere at twenty cents, go at, each We are Agents for the Celebrated Art Loom Couch Coven and Portieres 10c Clothing Special MEN'S $!0 SUITS basement, $5 Clothing Special U Clothing Special Boys' SJ. 50 and U U Boys' SOc Corduroy KhEB I AO fl KNEE PANTS 1 MM II PANTS SUITS.... V (J basement 25c ah 40c Mercerized Stvteen all oolort and black, yard, 15c Full Sized Cotton Bed Blankets each, 39c Extra Heavy Cotton Blankets ona-half ilie, each, 19c Finest Qaality Outing Flannel, worth 15c, yard, 8c Doubls Fold Kimono Flannel, new Persian patterns, per vard, 10c Best Orada of Comfort Sateens, mill lengts, yard, 5c II 111 1 J L (13- SHEET MUSIC Department IN ARCADE Concert AH Daj Imported Filled PEARL DEADS 25c all sizes, worth SOc ao4 79c... Table Damaak 72-Inch, beat Irlah and Austrian makes worth up O .t'.'yoc Mill Lengths of Fine 15c Ginghams per yard, 8c iinaiiBMEiMBiMB88 GLASS Berry Dishes and Water Pitchers worth 25c, at, each, ' 5c Perpetuated Palms, worth 15c each, at, each, 3c 1 .A s , e 3 1 1 j 1 1 f i 1 1 j 1'