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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1905)
The Omaha Daily Bee. REGISTRATION DAY TODAY e-erter-we . at. a F. St. PRIMARY ELECTION TODAY ESTABLISHED JUNE 13, 1-7L OMAHA. TUESDAY MORNING. SEFTEMBEu P. 1. 5 -TEN FAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. a a.r Sna.r Mr$ E I F-7 la"." j Sanaa prr EiPTCTI TO HETJR1 T3 3CC" j Samca ia fiiitiroi On'.j Lxl" -ta Sat Faa;! 8;ili T eCRX STCP. CM m -LAS W CQ f G Cant. Tors-jar. Second Iaa.3' ii to Sobrmaita. uwfsT C1-3K I HCSWTL SEHV'.CES , - !T Mae B-ee la4a-ln '" ! Fat . -all Faaallr Fa raaa am a alar a Claht eew Im4p4 a "ear. Fr-m a Stan" for "-enponilenr VA3HT!mN. i"TL :. ap-iai T"l a.-n. namr ETmr J. 3nrH-tt arrtvit j mrmm tha lirt Purk-rts .-ta.r-i '-n j wnooi. whil r.i- a-nator and hia wf- j h-(nin to ana-mhla tnir hnua-nold aums In tiiir k- h"m". tw Xirrr-n'ii -rr t. nni-.1-wt, wii!n tia finzr purrfia-il noi-Jy af hia iltrrion to aana-n. S-nator Burk-tr today waa ariltry man i r- -noutc.1. Ha to char-un mt on ! tiia arorm-i rompany. mmmpr for Mr. J Burt-r-. dlr-.1:"r nf tephon-. ..-p-r manipulator and ma- ly-r. in hor-, a naw j rmtd Stitaa ainaKir wiia a naw donna to put tn napa within tlia ahorteaT powrt- bi-iaka to aamat tn tfta for J.dja , latton and tha whoia tirkat. Today, batwaan huatUn furnitura and .......... 4..- j... ........ .ar-braaka aiitainad braarh aiifflcientiy tu ;- ui miniur-r ot jWn uji-i. urn pa.-a.nrunt insua in JlaBra aka waa tba railma.1 rata quaanona and tiutt tariff ra- . vimiox w a wuimuur dinaiui'miiim. ; Timurm w Sanauir BarkfCt will do a fw "rhoraa" In the dapaLTtmantj. provtiiin tiia I dlnln room taoie and i:hma cloaat ara In ! poalriun an that t.ha ordarty pr-Hiadura uf I nii'ia-aaapin may o tin, iaan. na iaat of tha waak, tba aanarnr will o Oai-k to Xanraaka tu ramain anal Tbanka-B-ivin. Or aara far thw Amy. Cor itraot 9urn on Fiafobar Gardnar :s ra Uavait from duty In the Fbilippinas and w-.ll p :aad to Fort Crook for duty. Captain John i Worklaar, Sacnnd ln- fantry. la da tailed as profeaaor of military I artanca and tactlira at tba tTmvaraity of , atraana. Incnln. to raJis eiTact Ottober U Tica Captain W Liar in Cbaaa. Twanty-drat Infantry, who will Join but reprnwit ' Waak at Daaawaad. All work will ba auapandad Ortobar L an ennstructlun work of tba naw public build tn at Dead-wood. . . Tbia actum ia made nai-'usaary baoauae tna arruunc of mo nay anpraprail ia ao autnofant u pan nit xha . aunerviBin ajhitect to order terra nti cornita aa is deei red. it haa been deemed ait-iattnlB tn view of tha contraver sy which j haa arisen rexarrfln the material for cir- j nusa work to suspend buildUi uparaxiims . and submit tba entire oronoaitmo t enn- ! raaa. Suparvisin Arohitect Taylor does not thlna it adviaaoia to pia.Te in tba Dead- ' wod buildtn woad poralces. but unless ha a cuma an additional apprr ipnarlon he J wlll ba forcwl to Incorporate wood material j Instead of aarr oorta aa ha desires. It is ! e-aenrial tnat the huildln snail contain i tha minimum of wood and he believes that tf ennar-aa la appr-aad of tha altuauon It will r-lily rant additional monev fr fire proof eunatractiun. tber afore Architect Tay-I lor baa decided to hind up construction! work at Daadwood oandlna further uimn by ston - : 1 .. . u i 44 .i 1 1 poatmaater at Roa-ar a. Colfaz oounry. Nab.. ' TU:t g. C. Allen. reTTed. 1 Thaas rural -auras will ba established Ifo-ember 13 In Mil la eounty. Iowa. Clen avood. routes 3 and - population MB. bouses iMi H-annn, route X population S. bouses K. Maivara, mute X population bouses li: Pacirtc Junction, route X population an. hnueea CU. Rural ca-ner- a 3 pointed Iowa. Carson, route X & p Pierre, carrier: Floyd X Pierre euharitdT. Route 4 Fayette M. For- ; ward, aiini-; Ruacoe X Forward substl- ' tuie. Near Albin. routa I. Ed. A. Fish. ' earner; Norman Flan, substirota. Spirit : lAka. route 4. Raymond A. Schuman. car- ' ner; Char lea A. 3'human. subsatuta. A poetoff lire haa been earabltabed at Kay. Garaald count v. Nab.. wrb MaiB J. Howell postmaster (lark ritaa Tans Hick. Jamea W Boyd, a clerk in tne public heuth and manna haapirai aervica. waa ai rrted today on a warrant sworn out by Chief Clerk Worcester of that orBca. cnar hitf him ana mbea-lerneni. Tha dia:overy af facts lea aln to tha charge waa made last Thurada y in Boyd a a-oaeni -. and tba amount aee travted accordln to Boyd a own confeaaion. reacn out leaa tbaa Cn.iMa. It waa BktyoTa duty m p-.p.- bills for tba approval of tba surgeon arnera iL. and I wbea aborlw ware ained they were de- i II --red to him for aiailln to per (tna for nar H-d that he ....II .....T!...' ... 44 1 . . . ..J .-H M . mampiUatad tbe bi:is by arum tbe dates f '" 0I independent houses to flht tne and a.nounts of dupiicar a left in tne of- tr,,at- flea, and tnat be aecur-d the money on ! Twad of anippin Ttit tn Omana and r-vo checks bv endorain on them the ' Kansas Otv and Je-ndin 'na re-p-aerator names of tna 1 to waicb 'hev a.rt!1"' r' C'ny-T. the beef wil be uwued. Tbe a.iead aVfaii-anon haa neert , killed hare for ma moun'a.n r-lona. Mis in pme-eaa for 'be past three y-a.-a. hut t """ nvmr nr1'""'t and a -eax Eovd waa nor suape-ied until a rec-nt ' Hirr nf tn" ST,Mk-ien a arz-iment o-eroome. lllneaa cnmpeUed him to be absenr and f ' trade It ne.-eaeary Pr anm. eSa -e- ,o ' ECOY CF 'JVC MAN DISCOVERED aaeume his d'ltiea Tban bis daak wast opan-l a number of auspicious dncur-ems warn found This led to an Itiveatiganon. wirn the result rhsr tne case waa placed In tne aan ta f taa lecret aarvice opera- tl via. wio mail tna arrest, tn-1 perry be-lon-n to Boyd, valued at aoout at. aat. has beaa aeisad. Bo'-d nad haen In tna pundc heairh ser-T'i-e for a.-vour twei years and waa p tjeinrat t f-o t Teatrneater emintv. New Tirk. Ha was wed known aneuc Man. and BepectaJy i bei-su-a of bis pronounced iondnaaa fir aoromcnilln. He was draw in a aaiary of C a yaar Kia family u aa.d to ba traveling In Europe. W hen taaen before Unit d States Com misamnea Tayli'r. Bov1 waived a heenn and waa bent r K. ms bail. tia nial Lea Fa aeaa ta-fr a. Or-ga.tler 'ie-eral X M Lae. enmmand m tae Cparrment of Teaaa. Is piMiuveiv in iav"r of tbe re-aetuhiiannnent of t.ha i.-my aa He aaya thar aa per aent if ttva e-iiu- i a dntia atiieuvota. a tna jnnrv drma baar and Ught wnea wt-la a Tiinav My dr" na strong ii iir out aoay aul aarcatii tga ., ui a ' aaa. In Review epr The nmr i-mTe 1 the ra:-.e f -nr-hn-n w- m . f FVdden F'eid T1. -- ( ill-va-t hem ro.ia.' Th ! ri- ,- un anitai 'his - v-d -v K'ng king am-M at -iiinim and pr-i whence ar'i idei tr in -1 m 'if in- and a br-iitaif " i.t he. -- m '.he parade gr-und n nil a park. n hearty if. -o-ircti mi-mr-- -a m nr-"ied ip -na ear- F.nirTi"'is n-ir-oers of -nn fiTn a.l par a f f .and and th 0"r-h .-f Eng'a.nd i 'e . which is et-ec'-d to tousr in (-"'int."-!.' -in- -.1- ex-mme irr-ra-.en r;r in "oi in- reer -i im a'" -"-nt w ir-mg rn!a- i Hoiw if the Wir ,.. ' I?"irng h- marTf! 3ir Tnmaa Lipfn. J wn is hi'Tinnr" num'! f rnnd ' L-markhir ?ntfiT",n, -via .?tti nsr hi ; -T-!-t pant fjia k.r.a. nn (t: 1nr-w thr- Sim iml 'ir T'lmraii tu k;rKml n ! fai. Hln .njur'p ar Tit. -ri(ius. Sir Tormui' tniui-s nHiff if "-it miiii:!i anrl irr!H houj'i'r -iml rn. H TL -lniiir-d lT'.nir 1 mlitin wr of nl Iit-. i.t-.iuiiten in a tr"oi r'ir Th- k'ni -nt -n rirrv rn ?Ir Ttiiima' lnt"I to ui'iuir iNiut us -"nilition. ! I)fl-ial B-II-tii aaeat p-aee R-art af Kraaa l . 4 I r a" u4 aw tri Daraa ta Data. E EIFJUX. Vpt. a r"i fflina: timlHT-.n I tllrta? say r- w-r- t-n fr--n o( ,",.,, and jHa:n- fnm noon 3ai:lrtll7 to nonn Sun.iajr n.t tnr-w mw 1 an(J r)n f.)m nixm 3unda7 aimn t1(l7 max;na tile tota-a J02 caw aad ; vntVJ.n aua:aa. Th t R-r-,,. , fw ,.. at-ttin and Graj- I dana and rnr-a at. M.inannurg. I A pafajiry aa-ma 'o axiat now in tha ! ueaJth (lrtli-a that tan uiuiirar or pnoiara , rer.aifin, p ha-n o-ar-om" and than ; jj, mmiwr rif nww crajan aanounoad f im ; rnii- tfniia ; CZAR MAY HAVE olait- Caaaailaataa 1U tsaalaa I pu .. a.-..rT tm RaUr. , . 3T PETERSPLRt'. Sept. ;H.-Th projart fn- tba f irrr.atiun of i cabinar. which Em paror Nifhoiaa .-rderd tba Soiaar mm minalnn to axamina Mintampla.tas tba for mation of a body to b '-allad tba pounrfl of minifltera. which ba under t.ha pr-w l- dani-y of a pr-mier Tha Iat-ar. with tlia mmiatars of war. manna and foraiam af- f i and tba iurt 'initials, would have tha aola riibt of rapirin to the emperor. The ministers would be appointed an the nomination of the pr-mier and no admin- I IBtradre meaaur-a would become affaiTi" without tha permlHKlon uf tha pit un nil of nuniBters. aancuonai by the empaj-ar. NCR'iVEGiA4S COiY CHARGE t 1 ataiaataat ha alarfa that Traapa pw aa laiac H ahUlaaa. "HRJ9TT. NIA. Norway. 3apc '.S.-A.1- aanu-umcuu ueniai or mnaw-d cn-r ,J' - Narwin mobiiiaaaon of j crT,OD" w"- -ad tn tms momin a iwedlsb n,wspapers. rt rhat Norway haa made no mlllrarv prapai-itions azoept as ware a ban- j iuc,'v neueatvpv from a de'ennlve point of j T'w An,i lllilt th' "P"1"1 tnat pracr.caiiy a.! i tjl" tr-aipa in central Norway and in the j f""1"- dtatm-ts have bean moblliaed is un- I fuun-rd- . ., .. -. . JAPAMcSc ARE IV CT SATIS Fl FD ' - - . . . , , Aaci-Paew Daaaatmulaaa Caattaaa ! (-! ta Dtfrrrat Ftaaa mm Iaaavaa. CETIO. 3ent, 19 r m. Anti-peace treaty demonstrations contlmie to be held v....-.-,... .4u 4.,- ,--,ia, pHin eoniemnatory resolutions, but thers haa been no further violence. Tbe members of tha proareastve party are united, but the cansriruaona-lsts are divided in their attitude toward tha peavn settlement, some branches bavin passed r-solutions contradictory of tha pi-j-a -ern-ment statement at Its tarma PACKERS BUY IN DEPENDENTS warrla Caaaaata atatlaaa wa Kaawdla aid Flaata at Daattt. ?E?inr-w, Colo.. Sept L 3pertal T-le- am. e-The "Bi Four" packara am In- Ivad in a deal ar tne two indapandant (nun voive in a deal tor tne two indapandant packin plants tn Denver, and tna enver arora yards. Neiann Mom a nican ,b in L'enver for tna third time this summer trying ro close tae '-an auc tion. Tbe pi-p.imnon is for the Denver men to sal! a conrroilina :nr i- i:i!i i i-iu-cii. w-ncn nave an aggregate! of Tbe on.v hire, i. ,k my hitcn Price. Lne plants and arocit yar-l.a. aceo rdin to a prominent member of the National Lve Sroca A.aeociarion. am wanted by ! P-'kiti tr-iet to fomara.l the movement '- rail a Far-a aar4r arr j BUaaala. 1 Has aaaMhar NEW I'-iRI. Sept. IH X rne disctiv-rr i I of tne biery of a woman under the j 1 rear stoup of a hi tenemenr at All ("eat , j Thirty -aacood atr-e t.xtay -ha police be-' I have they had avui oca of another murd-r ! j Tha victim ano-e name was unanown to t 'he poiii a waa afaiut a --ura ma and ten'.y in poe nrrumHtani--s He- ciotun waa dlaa.- -ajiaeit, ner face br-nnd ami mere wem moras of vinani'e about -ae lar oat whii-b amuse .j rhe suboh -ions of 'be pouce. Whan the Oottv waa '.lf-d rne he, m and ao m aaiiy a to indicate that tne woman a ty k had oeen bmaen. The front of her a. at wta stained wit a blood Tha safttion of t.ha city woere t.ha body as found is known aa -Heira K.r,m-n. : nd is 'na siampin ground ef soma roun rna a-Ter 4 Tbe ctindiiiim now ia ir -naa lAauaL Tha Pennavivauna HU.'lruad somp-ny aaa a temporary rrasr'.e inning rh t Magi I ona alrte of f at eet and n taa iaaa imler-aa.-i a--iJ ciiih-:u Ejtra of Cira of Savai-r.a Louvre, j Iad d erar-i sa CamHttBt I SAP0 G3CWTi4 CF THE CRGiiAT'Cl ' I ' I a r tf Nearly Tew Per rent Dwr- ; ia l Tr.r-r.lllM act la I a 1 tmrm4 FHH-AT EXFHI-V. Swgt. a. CnrtT 1 i -.r.iier .nnilinonB t-iat -?r" anmewtiaL ; llsapixnnrm r.-.e annual rornm inirnunn f ..v-iim Ltiiiifp of Ln Inilnp-niint r-r ( if ' "Id roiinw, m op-nit Ura ; tuiiiij ;3 i1fip;ar--s tt anuir jirmiwrt put in a tiuay (tar Th Inmii op-nin of t.n conriava took pinuin in tiia asinn Bumlc xr':i! wr- timd in Lu L.i ! tempi. t wliitn Mayir W-ar mimnl 1 u 'wi'nn to tn -iity. ur ta ir-inn i iitttifn nfid a ssmtin ac wlicn t;it rpnr.i ! ai nrflr-rs wr- r-iii. Th r-!S"T-ji annw ! ui.t til imfr naU -i mi'sr pmap-mtia vnr T'i rmandtr nf th. lay waa tajcni up in i pr-.a dr:i, -t m::irary bi-.m:a of -h jr'tnr, exempi:.1(m.uiin of rtpyn w ir oy . vaiunc ii'titos nit r-r-ptiona to pnminnr , 3itmh-r if ra onraniiaiiona ATtir til- public ti nuni-a. th sr'-r-ntn n,lm. Anniiaj p-por-j of rha nnd sira. w-ml I 3a:rra.rv innn B. 'Tood-ain. 'irand Taa- urr M. M:c!iart3 Mick and OanaraJ M. A. H-vnay. commaniUng Parrarpna M..U tant -r- tna -ar.ira- of tiia -asinon. aftar bam pr-aant-d. thay ara pafarrad m na commi'T-a an diarr"urion if grand ofHara rpirta. Th r-pnrt if "rond 3ira Tpt atioaa tha tota. aubiirdinara lodna mambar-h:p to ba LJ17.iH6. am-ampmant mamoar-in;o. l.C5: ,,horriir.ra !orf- iii; . .-... !- .... i railaf, t.'CT.-H9; torai p-vnua. C3.CS 721 total r-aoumaa. T.!MS.(fn. ConCniun ' thai ! r-nort stataa Tba mcraaaa of mambaratiip of our aub- ori:na:a UMiitas waa n tha ancamr)- i1-' .Ui" "T '?;-- ..ia oarrup'-n hillitajit W'il anuw a dapr-aaa i n mamoaniuD. nut Liar 'larr-H.aa jj miv m m i ai a" noiTuna. uii (iiiuhi.aan pnuj' iroin a o:aar LAStiVc I n ''it r p.amaa 'aat raaily did not pn ; -stmt a. t:v mamoara (if that branett. i ha mt"r-aaa in r '"aipra -it :ia var waa fTil. TT" . Tha mrraaa in rniri. t..r4..)fl anii t-ia ni""a.a m p-iief tlOT S. Tha militant branrb acina in mr organ ization t.uis to anow aunma.ntini nfiirr-aa Tiir- bua baan a m mamoaratiiD dur- '"a" tiia v-nr of a !lr-!a ovar Ml. This on- jiuon of a.Taipa. n my luilamnt damands immadiata artanflon and parnapa radiiaii maaaur-a. The atatiatn-ai information fur t.ha yar. of tile Grand 3ecrtar" John 3. Goodwn. inclurted tha foilowin' candidates tniriated. I.JI4 mambera auaoended ind IX 5 died. Slnoa 1S30 tba order baa initiated i3Tr.2a , eundidaras. memhar- bate died. i Tba r-port upon the nrirat homes for j the can of its orpnans and aad hmthmn ' abows 3 natltutinns. Tha consideration of of appeal on j various quastionB of law comin up from rand jurisdictions ronaatr led a part of tiia seaaiou and tail! a-ptin claim, rbe atteat Oon of mp asenrarlvea when they convene tomorrow. taawtaaa tm Caa a ft. ' A pilut.on presented bv Claude Buck- j "I do nor balla-a the air! was kil'ed out y jf Kenrjcky. pruvuiad for a chane in . r"nt. 1 think the w m mnderd lncnn the operation of tba Grand Council of Pit- ' acious and the brut- who a"'acked har ruurttns Militant bv which tnat body in tile furore will be permifte.1 to leifialate directly in its own iniemsrs. suii'ect 'o approval of the aovemia-n rand ioita. If tbe resolutions which will come up later :n t!m weak a paasad it will mane the Iran it tecrerary. Joiin B. "Toodwti. now adjutant general of tae Patrai-'-na Vtilitat atmpiv x-!rni io hooter of tiiar position. The .luesrinns of forbiddln the lmis- aiun of mta.l dealers i ilquor to member- bip and of a.-fliiatlon with 'ba Manchenier mirv of Enaiand and Cana.ia w.ll or .hahi v ' not receive 'iie oonaider turn of tne rapr-- aentativea ont.l "Thursday Ezempitflcation of tie Par arhs Mili tant dar-e tiMik piace tomnt at -.he aec- ! ind mghmant armory after which a r-cep- ntt w. tendered at the Odd Fallow a f ri!mpiB co Ganer M. A. EUnay .: ommaa- i a-P f th Patnarms MUltaat. I REPORT CF THE "KATY RCAD P-raiaat Feara CaTara a' -aw Uata. Uvrlaia aad Miaaaia-L NTV TnP.X. 3apt, 'A Aa incr-aae of I j C-VAa in its risa -amins for 'be var j endin June Ki ts anown bv tbe anaua! m I port of the Missouri. Kansas a Tts Rail j road company made public today The I earninirn or tha year w-re t. l.-lS and j expenses r4.jdti.l5. an increase of The surplus for tbe -ear. tfrer payment ' nt lntsr"t "n oonds. mntais and taxes and i 11 '- !nr n'w m!pmenr. waa t e8. an ! !ncr-a" of El-i4 over .. wnii-a tbara i was a deficit of CV.575. " 1 - I Ilia. Oll nt rh. V. 1 . . , in me r leiT. attention to some very . drastic legislation ' .n Kansas and Mis- : "m' nrac'ica.'.y pla.-in- in .ie hands if ! muma.i ommi-eions of -nose sta . . "'"o '""- -a .. '. . -ur-,,ng ro '.Kianom temrnrv and anould tf meult -,n rate legisla tion. Mr Rouse aaya. prainilcaily tbe whole of tbe teiitorv cnverd hy "aa Miseoiin. Kansas A Taxas wl! be sub'ect to ra arncttva cuntroi by pmlucai bodies. Mr. Rinine ai-a J ier what the T--t of supn a air ir-n ii i-a.i.ii" now oe .'lear".- rorHee- mir can nu...- aj t.i m tve 'ler-nrnen'-i. -n . '-ie pccp'-i u ir -s nrac' a-ir no ir "i th- patrons of 'na railroad rae rmwar I ' tlx tna i"mpenniiion tor aec-ic-a r-n- i Uer-d. "itn --ie ninoncna activrv whicn pmva Is 'nrouarmiur m. mriin rna miurinua 1 reauirs. woti-n are denr-ca :e.. are ncnaniv I not imminent, bur toe menace nf airoa- ! rion i-Hiini" oe imr aurlr if. n, n, , v m vie' of ci'- r i-'j4fiitn of dismhuiinri of tne miKlt-nt 4(irpnia your company now anjcya me I nyeiiiii. . ... LijAi I nL-U 0 ririC Inl RCIC Baan af tha laataaaa atrwyaa E a rl r I r . Laaaa Carl at Haif wtllWw t-i 8 BUTTLE Wsn.. Sept, TS. D'stMrcbes -er-t-ed in S-at'le teU of a d!sa.r ub fir- ui w-pi i naa i. : or rne Dusinsa Bect'.nn of Nome on rba aignr of S at en in r U. F-om the meagre informat on given It ts heueved tnat twnrv to twenty eve buildings wem derroved in tna vrctmry of Lana s Wi -and that -he rim ama covered f im two to tame hux as. No details am given uiit nn lose of life ta -p"P-vt If tne rtm burned ui - bath dim-rums from Lanes Way tt -a eai mated by iaa ie per ma eB.millar wrta the 1 c:aa of bueineea hmis s m the v 'emity rba I lna will peacn (., l ajul may exceed taar ; ngure. a.rboua any eatimara maJa at J pr eaenc arouid ba a mere g-eaa. ! Oaoie aad te.egn.pnte eora ununiranon was t-asftabilBbed aitn Noma last eeentn afer aa uifer uprann of "u ' 1iya, pt .1 i t af ua -.a a. a iaca.ii. FRIVARY ELECT1CM TCCAY. A prtmary aa-Tton to noiriLnara ranf1lra for fminrf otfla on horh oVoiiH-raf ir ani r-puhiiran tH'kat will faka piat'a to.Ur. "Pi aia!ion will ha -nti'i IPTJ'1 br roafilar !-rion offl'ar? pailirriri'n of -ra- fjr rhe Ni tmiiT aiT;na N h;ul a' tSa ri-n aa pia-as. Tia poHinn flu- wtiirh na" ba daitrnajii tn aath -or-.nj fi!rr1tt anil ba npanatt aa foilow-c a Omaha a. m. to ! p. hi. In Soar It On aha . a. m. to l p. m. a cnancrr pi-rincr. ti mnnn tn 9 p. tn. sTun oflpial bailors for r puiiin'aaa aad demiM-rarj will ft f 'lraiHnaci at a-t.-'i mra. rls.-. aai'.a ilily ruir,5,Tr"ii -u-?r baia4 an";"ii 'a a rDurtlicaa or ilanio I'rario ballot, an top!; rig- as h 4--riarud hi pry afll.tanons r jini'.r.aa or iemw.rric a; ta? laat rsj:srrarlna. Tha oina on rfia ofOrnil ballot anI"r tha rpai t i-a haaifins- will ba ror-jfad in tfiatr oriT. my time aai-h nama anil apoaar at tha top on -ocrawiTa hallora m ram. This will r-qnira pcial cara on tha part -)f tha Tor aaiil tho rauwiinii of aat-ft rii-ma bafora itiukinu: the X mark.. . Vatrrt who cannot rami may hara thair tirkats markail a' coclinut to thair ilir-cnoj by the alat-tuin nificrr. Ta caadidaws rcaiviat a aliralir.y at ta to tea by tings a-fi.iaiia: wtt.a r.aa saai poiiucal ?ar7 bn ta aommaas cf r"spectjT! pines for tn otSces to waica r.ay an? aspirinuj. DtTECTIVES LCGK FCR filHlRfl i -rltra KJIlla kauraaca j FfalnTar Haa a Tat BVaaa Faoaa. ' v TEX. 3apt 18. A ;ar for of j datacuvaa ar at work today a-arcnin for '. JoBapn 'irard. for wbnaa ar at. a warrant 1 haa been lanuad m ciinnei:rliin wrb taa murdar if Aaa-ista P'ti-f-r near tba Pi- . bam road. Wst irheairr. on M-imlay ni!it. . this division, by a deputy maranal of an- C imberiand tonihr heard "he annual ora- i Turke- crnek. wblcb flowa thronh Roe -Sev-r.U -aani-ia -if rho man 1 ainvementa otnar dlvtslon of tna district. f tion bv Ctnonal John J. MoCook of New rt ,.,.r ...-r,-. rha !loa in Kansas, on ti-a 4im?e W..dnaatay have ban miieiv-d and ! the aatacRtraa axpatt to tlnd hnn w thin twenty-four boura. 'Jlra.-d'a boms is suid ! to be .V.uMiuu. N" H. ! j 'iir-ard :a a tru k Irrrer and bnapdail witii i Mra Julia 3 Maiiun on tbe Pihain pna.1 j i not far from tba plare alum Miaa P'i"ri i bodr was ound. Tba police A.iBer tilat j tney found a- uuiuitiry of -iia man a cloth- i I :n -n file sink in Mra. Vlannn a kitphan and that aha told rbam 'hat Glrard bad , ,rhanad ail his anments -xcapt bia undar- -lorhm on -Tiuraday muninj. 31ie had found on rba pioiliaa. aha anid. ant h ,nTcml no er-rtana-.o aa to bow ' they came there. Coroner CGirman said 'bat he beii-vad. low for Monday aad ia taken as an tndica ths youn woman lay s."- a in tha woods ' an that the p-ca.- for tha next week, ar for two days after the brat aaaault and , ao will be nr-tty low waa a: lied on a aecond attack bv the atna i I UI. ! Tl, The comner aaiil. ! draay-d har budv into tna nuabes and hid if. tninkin af.a wan -lead. Probably ue j ia- them ail Thurada - and Friilar mabie to move or make an outcry and tbe mur- ' demr p umed Fridnv nia-hr to look at hia victim. Fimlin her a.!-.-- ha ilnisned har J Undounredl v the .firl knew tha man : who kille.1 har O'nerwne 'har- anniild have ! be-n no aecenBity for him to have utile. 1 ' murder 'u hia ilrar .-r-tTia Ha killed her ; because she pecnani-ed him. ' I .---- : D 1 ! Ml MTU C-TI P C l5 rCIfl , I . t. I . 1 I I I W Id W I i I iB4la sal4 ta Have Killeif AVeae-al r a rev Faaaea Isar at ttaaala Bia la. ASERT'EITN. 3 D. Sept. IS Raannn-the Face, one of tba lradin chiefs in the Cua- I ter ma-macm. and who !s aa.d per to : hav k lw ,n"1 r u,t'"r- t t!" , Standin r-sei-at:on. " D.. Saprem- . her He waa- years oitL Rn-m-r.he-Fae did nor kill General Custer ill mpois ro tne contrary not withstanding It ' nor detlnirelv known, even amon the Sioux, who flr-d the biu- I ieT .-IK. a.ii (i .11. a-4.1a.ii1 if wicr ui liis j "Fint:n Seventh " on tne Little Ei Horn in nar bioodient day of its history Ra.m- tn-tb-Face is anaral!v accredited wtb bain taa man Who a. .iml Captain Tim (""-.later, a brother of Mm kaneral. 3ime months before the bartie of the Ljrt'.e Bi ! . ;f er i aB H' m. 4t Fort brami o Lincoln. apian had hastened the departure of the' from the fort b" aptilvin ms boot Must about waam the gee-errm cnonecta - wb tne cmcn. For this insult Rain-m- the-Fa.. der -t mned to aaa a deadly ven- i '"n,"'!- and gor bis "nance ar -.he maa trhe'iier ha k:!'e.l Captain Ousrer s not -er-ain. but na u:d ac.p mm. ar.d . i t.ha heat of us dent leman. Elam-in-tne- : Face was aa Tncapaca Sioux and Utile de- serve tne promm-nce given him. One of 1 the poems bv the Late H-nry W Long- feiiow waa dedicated to birr appmnenaum of ne facta nmter a m-m. ! DECISION IN FAVCR OF UNION har O-ataalaatlaaa are Ltabla far DaaatM Dwa ta tMa-harga af aaaaalaa lea. CTTIi-AiGih. Sapr. . "tf a inicn reils a cinrrc'or that m men will not work with a nonunion man and if a meuif tna non onion man 's discharged and 'S iinama to aecum emplovmenr on i.Tiiunr of me a'Ti- I ride of ri unions roward him. 'he union -j not llama for damagea to rne nununinn I This is '.he aunatance of a decision n- dared ham rjidav tn the aupenor 'iurr bv I J utg" 'lari-. when Instructing a 1'iry to i tlnd a verdict :n favor of Icai No 17 of j -tie Bro tbehood of Pa.nrers. r-nrnn ' aad Paper Hanger wnicn orgamaanon waa ailed bv Jonn P Burgher a nonunion man. for lS. damages. tn his -iec-.a-ation Burgher aiud ne had oean expelled bv tne union and a. e-wards had h en 'manle to obtain emplovmenr v ma'n of stones nruiared by memoera cf tae union m rna erT'"'T raa' na was di.noneat and incapanle The evioanca pmarnted 'o 'be jury MinvM tnat afee Oatn expelled by tne union Burgner had ru n tmpiuvet bv a m tractor a.'n w-rn avverai onion men. Later the union is to nave tidt-.fle d the srinrrac tnr r.uit as Burgner p'uul not inns hut ir ion earn na would ha j ro ba lim-nargao or taa i n ( I men would ston work, Tbeae ta'-Tics Burgher dea'amd wem kapr in and ba was anarae hi -r a poriuua aaa aa air 4-i;i e j.iuiti Ixuiuws UU PACIER5 ATT AC i JURORS Lav FUa Faj :n Abaumsa. ALLI-E JLRY w3 IWPHCPE3LY CRV1 Claim 4-aaaa( that Ova Wai a irt4tr tad taa rra ! af ataaoarra paaa Waa I I a lawful. CHT'.V. apr. IS Bf ptn- tn j m-n" 4r irna- -jr1"TH na avTl' i ' oa -k-t-s 4Pd '-"Mar parina 'ndl,,d v "na i 'ini trand jurv -ip "oara f cnriapir ipa; m a "'"imt ti -nnniicilaa -n- m-a: rnl naH T"ackad tla pnt'lnn of ''la fnv-rl-mant -pdiiv r'ia ftack wan Tiada ntfamft 't! tmpanatltna of -ha ;nrv . a:ia"d im prnpar -apii'- of wiimrpiiTin on iopo M ir- ic. ona of -na ;ii-p i. iimnw'-il aa---py ar I :hPacr tlntr'ita. a- Tllcti .lamandn wnl oa ma rh- pirv wad drawi Mm tha on. J ha forni'llard -o o- 3rrr1rM o tha an-inia-f-il prnanr of a atani-cnobar tn "ha j vitkH" omnanian naxt Tir'naT. wU b ;Tirr- -nom i'l'-ina oa iiaarpa ind "ha miti- i haid har- in Pa-mfiar 14. Tha oitna work .ifint w:na; f "ha tinrhand tints: j -r pf tha hr-a iinmcj w.ll shortly -ia't i-a- 'ha tndii-r laqr wan 'urnad in "h -a.tip ii--ptrn "f T'.I'ioia. a.thouarii "ha jii w;i'-ti found h- -ndlat-iant wait tt. . -rn lint .-.'. Tha pint.. whirh in '"f ! a P"n "nt-.on wan haid to ir-iw up lamandn. daya, md toiiar 'ham waa an proapac-a of '-na-hT. waa 1lad '.at- rhln a--iiion Wh j Tha award of -ha i.ntnncit- OniU ?trka , lmme.dia-a .:nna;:on. P-.'f.ra.iy iha same Tintrirr A rtot-lav r. r. firain. a. ar an i onrrmiswino w'll axpir- TI. naat i eond:t:ona nai-a prvaiid thruuuhout ad day a nf "ri'-a bar "n Arr.-may J"Pn . yar Pnidan- Mir-ttail baa haan Jn tha ; waaiarn M-aatntrt. aaparjaily n tha norui 3. MUlar. a-na-al -nunnal fir tha pai'kara. . antbrunta pa!n for 'ha '.ant 'wo -nontba waNiam .nirnar of tha ata ta. and in a por'uin and a numhar of iaao-Ta"a aottnaal !n 'ha t hiidlnn nw.nin day "or "ha pur- .,f aararn and anfrti Kanaaa. Aa a ra- oa.aa. Tha'-- waa no oour pro'-aainaa ami tha piaa. haa out yt baan pr"Oar'v Vml w-h tha -iapk of -ha dlatr'at -rnrt. but "hia w'H ha dona tom"i o ' moiiina. j I '( n a i . m.a 'innn "iii'O tha ia- ! . . in .I... . iuuii 4piti .ii' .i fan dant-a arand in "hair piaa la 'ha pr-aanaa ' . of J.ihn VI ir-ay on 'ha joirr. tt is thai- I aia.m 'hat ba Jury waa drawn fntn "ba i 1 bix p vinua to Marb 1 af whirb rima a i law r-dlatnrnno- tha nnfhar diatnrt of ; rilnnta want into -ff'v-r P--viriua to bt Kankaica- po unty. tha homa of .fohn M ir- ar waa in tha mr..1m dl-timon of tha noi-Sam U"trtrt of r.linota. By tha 'arrna nf tha naw law this oounty waa placad !n ; t:ia fatten division of tba nnrbam iCarr lor i and 'har-fora is not within tba lurindlction ' of tha cnurt. Ta suiisranriate tba a.laaf.on that 'ba ur waa Ulaaal and mrompaiant bmiaiiaa if M irray's pr-aam-a. It is da-: ':la..d in tha niaa "bat Marram was aa --d ! on Marrn 1 a fw ia-a af .-r the enactment if taa 'aw movtnir KAn kail aa Miunty from I YELLOW FEVER DECREAS Tfaaaay'a Llet af lw Caan Lawaat Far Thla Day Far tral i XEW 0.EA.V3. 3epr. .H Reoor of y-i- low ?avr aituarion to ! p. m.. Monday N w ..-aaea Tatai ta da.: a DaatiM Totai to 'lata Naw foci Cases under treatment ' .( 341 9 . dischanfed i The number st new cases is easethaily The country airoauon ta anil a source of I concern because of tbe appearance of inf c- . turn in new loca.lties far removed from the known centers of inf ction. The dia-tnosui of y-ilow fever :n Merroue. Moomnouse partBb near tna Arkannaa luirdar has bean -onrtrmed and Dr a. J Thomas has been piu.ied rh pbarya bv "ha board. Tile aitaa r.on near Eajou N'an-nes in Natchidocnes parnn ionks had aino and tha cnarxs that tner- am more .uiaea 'hare than mDorrml makes it worse. Orher -aaes r-unr'a wm- 3a you Bouaf. two new cases, one ieath. Kenner. aula new .-ases 3t. R-.iaa. tap-e new ases. T"P Bonne, aev-mean naw aea. on .iearh. Bayou Narcbea. thme cajas-. 3f. Bernard, 'h a cases Everar -en. ( Ave"yeilei parish, two caaes. T'Miav Mayor Behrman ceivad a "ale ara.n from 'he priiiant n re.rd tj hiB for.hcomin viBit in October aavji -bar he would time October J. as previously ar rHnnTl. r wouiil lef-r it tu a Later date. Tonint -he ciimmitTae in rtur uf the matter met and afterward aent a teiegrt im to 'he pr-aldent aann that it would be perfectly aafe for him 'o visit the city at tne date oi-or.naily planned. '"CLL'MBrS. 3-pt. IH. -S-cr-rary C. O. Probst of -be State Board of Health, baa returned from Cincinnati, wham he was sent bv the to look mro the yeiiow fever altuanon. Ha said tnat seventy of lite inn mf'isjeaa from tile anut.h am m hos pitals 'nam and thme of 'hem have nn-(Uiiim-d caaes -if f-'er and 'hr e otners have pronounced "tnptnma of fever All .lie 1W '-lifas are avrounted for and are bain wat.uied A few of tnem na-.'e font to ""hicaao. but tbev have nor oeen allowed u acartep thpouitnour Ohm. as r ported. -a -a . - n -.--. a-i.'in new caaa yeiiow fever waa reported today. RwMl I U iflCwl larteaal faataattea kadi aaal Vaalaa at laatiaa Taalay. Ita tmlim j tND TAN A PC LIS. Sept. IS. -The aanual National -onnuon of the Rural Later ! Camera asnorm-inn will begin tomorrew art-mMin at . o -im a ar "na at ire nnuae. The w'll ha nrsenr intt le,,Tir-a im hii-v "l-e differenr atares. The ennven'ion ' Zl 11 he , ro order by Pr-siilenr J H- ninnham. Sour.n traba. Neb. Them w!l ba aeaa of w-lcome bv Mayor Hoirzmaa ind P"et.mosrar Henry W Ban- t na't, foiipwed by a response bv H. H. i " uins-r or i n ica go. a r'r 'na appoint menr of -he denrial -rommitTee r;m eaa aion 'll .i;nirn. The national garnering w.ll mnrinue in ae mon unril Fr-nay afer mmn. cmsin with 'ha app"inrmant of offl cera and the onoosiii of a piace for rne net ifinvennim. T'lam are four cities aeaa- ig to enter-ain tbe aao. iatin next year- 5iet"n. Chii ago. C-air-ut and Niagara Faiia JUDGE DELAYS THE DECISION ELeafc P-alarlflT aaa OafaaaUaat la Ta. art tM va ae fata Ira laaieaa far aiiag. WOC'STER. O . Sapr T8 Judge Eaaon is not maiiy ro announce his decision in tba Taggart dlvor a caae. I' is undarsrood aa otner weaa may eiatiae bet im de cision is handed down E'unn the past aererai daB J'jiige Eaaon baa ha.1 great maaaes of r-arimony wrt 'Ten out in full for him bv tna nrt arancg-apnar Mrs Taggat- .s anxioua to haa tna mairr over with, and says the ar -an of wa.rin for tne decision u than ne arra-n ef the 'rati. Ma or Taart auar.ds Bis aignra in i ille hut VUHtS W. mater e-v--y dav to sea what tba nut nioa is for a d cuMin t. H.a aiatz-day rirtonn. wnirb waa emeu Iema for rna purpoae of at-eruhn rn. wax aaia ux ten - I NEBHJ3KA WE1THJR FCrEClST i rala r.lit aarf T raiaa arfa4iit. Taat aaa faa- at Oaikt rMtHai p. t a Haaa. tar. S a. "H t a. aa " t a a. ai K.1 a a. aa TI T a. aa H-4 S a. at TI a. at a a. at ? ! a. m "4 S a. aa "'J i t. as a . at 3 1 1 a. at IX T a. at " 11 a Tt a- at a. "t VM FCRVIUUTING CMACS ! taikpaclt Waakara Wltl tiaaaaal raatfca IWataf 1 rw Tike Flaal 4aTla Fa.. S-T 1H -P aidant j John M trtir-ll of .ia "nitd M'na TT.irkr I of A.nant'a ajinminrad "nffav "-ontn of n in wirkar of tint tha con Ma Hr- an- .idacan o -pr-aant "ham ir "ha maai. t (nir. T dat'inmn "o hoiil a p"in-"anr!on to I p i naV aianta a atmtlar to tha pf:nn poaa of tpnar.hai.ia 'ha anion. Ar su,r al ir-a.nn in tnia par, of tha country "ha :tz ar-k- tbar arm a conairtar-ihia j -,,n-:nua -o rwa .ind -at! way traiflu La ba fauHna; off 'n tha -namhara tup. Aa a r-- . .-imma; damnra-iaad ba:aaa of namaroua mlt of tha oamna.ari 'ha mnPi ".aalor , waanouta ........ - - - out of 'ha ia-ir;i'n a rat-ir tn. Amon tha lamaniia ".hat tbn .ton ntirn will pmhaolr fornuiara ir an !ht-himr work Jar for all -iaasaa of mine work- ara, rarua .lfion if tha ininn and a v a.-'y aitT-amant with t.ha oai oompahiaa. aimi .ar to t.ha ona nx;ntinir tn aoma of th bir-aminous oual inula of tha ilddla want. ARMY CF CUMBERLAND MEETS c, aaral Ttantaa Will Frwhahly 9w aaa d tha Lata tSaaa aj BaTataa aa fttdeat iTHATT A.VOOOA. Tnn.. 3apt. !S The deiaaatea to t.ha union of tba Amy of 'be Tirk City The apeaaer. who is a member the ' -a.-nlly of "ntln M.t- Cooks." pecalled many Incidents of the ar and apoke of the. history of tha Army j of tba Cumberland and tba anciety of that ) name. I The election of offli'e a will occur on Wednesday The committee of nomination mHt this afemoon and mfiBed to fv out any information. tbouh It is practically (.artain that Ganarai Gatoa P Thurston uf Naahville will succeed tbe !ate Genera. H. V Boynton as pmaidant of tha society Tomorrow another busineaa seaion will be held. In tba afternoon them will ba an eacuraion ro the battlefield, and in tna e-emn tha v-terana artll pa run pa fa tn a campflre at the Audlto-ium. CIRCUS TENT BLOWN DCTWX r r eeaa laiare- InMaat Dwrla ata at Hy vtlle. 1c MAT"VTL-E. Mo.. Sent. t8 Dbirin heavy windstorm this af'ernoon a arste ctrpus tent was blown down and flftv per- j aims in the audience were injured, none , Amon the Injured are: '"har'en t Riihlnwin. aim of editor of Ma " 'lie Renutiili-a.i-Tribune. nead crunbeU. E.iwar'i B'Mirh rba broa-n. M-a. Edward Boora. ie orokn. XiHB Euotn: ie bmkan. Mr-a Thomaa '"lark, two ribs broaen. Junn E. :rm. arm broen. Ail 'he rents of tba amu were turn to shreds, and t La said two weak a enae-man-a w.ll ba cancelled. MCRE PRINTERS CUIT WCRX Taaaa af aVheaeetaav aa4 Claaiaaarl Are aa( far aa Clkt-Bear War- Day. 3CTTENEI7TAD T. N. T , Sept. a. The pr-nrera employed by tha "lener ai Electric company want on arnke today to enforce their demand for an eight-hour day. with no reduction tn pay. inNCrN'NATT. Sept. UI Because aevaral I tha fmsnat interfered to a considerable -pnnnn estabilBbmenra r-f ised ro graoj i tent. Thousamia of bat eIB of apples, kaies tae demand of tbe memoera of Typorapn- ! of hay. sacks of gra-h. bales af cotton aad ti -ai Union No. 1 for an ihi-anur day ! in ona instance T7i. ww feat of lumber were tbe onion men employed in Job printing establishments in tais pity day. raiked out to- FREIGHT MEN SIGN OLD SCALE Caatrarra Ha4a With -taa-- BLaada Oa Baaia af CaaaUUtlaaa af Pa-X Ti Tta 4 CHICAGO. Sept. IS ihirao union fr-lght I handlers voted y to accept the old ; wage sca.e and condllona which nave pm- vailed for two years aad a m menta to j mat effect warn made wta nineteen ra.1 I roads against which strikes have been tnmarened for 'be past tan days. Ti mor ow ail the freight handlers wil! betn work under tbe naw-d cnntpi u-ra w.ta no cnance for a artrka 'intil the expiratton of rhe ar eametits A year hence. ', ai a aiTC OlnPk' FIRING GUN Mail a j " M ' 1 J u ' W faaa4laa Casta la Daaltaa ta iairkraa Paavahara Ommr I "OTTAWA, Cmt . Sent. a fapraun Dunn i J of 'he government cruiser Volant nas ap- piled 'o the manna leparrment for a auirk flre --in for tbe cruiser American needier i ; r- - e- r-oons. do nor o ' had ro 'be only g-in now on board, wbu-b a a nrte of ia-ga ca.'ih-r I latmai ml nana tMaawra, aeat. lav A' N-w York Ar ved Cnited Sta'-s. f-om I'ooannagen. Sta;anita.-, from B.n- tar'iam ("mte. from Naoiea L f-om Hav- .,and. f-om Aoiw-rp AC Lovertwt oi l.Tivei Bevj-an. from Monrr-a. Pm'onan. f--'m Ja.inimal. t. Clyde-Ar-v-d Pre-onao. trim - 'tl - at " Hambura-Amved Bluecber f-om N-w Yark ..lea Batutia. for Colombia. New T irk. Ar Gia.igow Arrived N-w Yora. via Movule. A! So'i'tiampt'i. aailed ' irar for N-w Y ra. tt B.Kia lam-art'vel from Kor . 111. L .'lll N-w Y r Bmman Ar vel Ma.n. from New ' 'r"- v a n Ai i iiernoiira 4-nv4 Ka.aar WHheim II. r'-m -w York. r v laon- ma a m aM. i"hina. f im Vant ' iuver Em ij i ' a a of : r iiver e pi Arrived F'ler r Piamar'-a. r-ooi New T-o-a i -.iuu ie-a. EjridaiTi. Crjna Saw JJ f f S TIED LP Tra.aa aa ill Haa.i.i Cit of Xaasaa Aftxteii by H tri "::: THE RIVEH IS 0lf RlSiHt, I..a In! TWE inchcs Cf -a.!. AT wchita Mjt Tmnbis of H-v.i wr Lia ta "a"a- XISSIS jiPPl IS RSSiMG AT ST. ICUS arlaaa Daaaa .! tha Watar mat la aaaa ky tha Sii a a Klaa a Taa ra. KVS3 TTT. sapr. IH Ra.n ilaa fa.!an n aajiaaa '"!iy and -i-inity avary 'lay a- japi.n Sautarroar. wit-1 a "it: i miwiri to o.a"a or ui ;m::iaa 'n ipwni "n . 4 un n u j vi urv I1 J Knaa Ctt? and it. L.m;a and aoutbaaat nrr- ,m tnB vr:aaourl. Kanaaa M T"naa nuiroad am aavarai Boura lata or ba baa.n annullad "amporarily A.iar i-am atamlii" ail Laat waak and than bacnmin ataiinnary Sunday, tba ftaw nvar ac kanntta Oty. baaa aain today to noma up. No dH.nnr ta anticipated at this point, iiowavar. aa tba IVUsaourt rvar ia low and is 'taxr ym off tha axcasa watar from tba tCaw Tba troubia bain a paranrad bv .h rslwaya ta from waah outa tbroubnut tba ataxa In tha -trinity of Carroilron. 3aranaJ and 3ada.ia. At Kansas City stnua y-atarday ona inrb and a aa.f of Paul fall, wbile at Wicbita. Kan., the praclpnatiun amountad to Z.U m-n-a MnUym. is on a rampaae and rampaa and many prwmie a.orit its banks w-ra for-.ed to move out today. Caaltlaa af Hilr-a4a Tile Missouri Pacific, tbe Wabaah and tbe Mlsanuri. Kanjias dt Texas railways ut and anut.h of Kanaaa City am expe riencui the areaiest trouble. The Mismiuri Pai'itlc is derourin Its St. Iouis-iCnss City trairs over tbe Burlinnn railway via Chi'licotba because of washouts in central Mis-ourl. All thronh trains are bain ope raxed, but are lata, those arri-1n from St. Louis bain fr-m three tn four hours behind time. Tha mam trouoie on tha Mlaanurl Paniflc is beln expertanrett aa a result nf tba wanhin. nut of tha alael bt-vtare ovr the Latnme -irer af Ottervilla. Some rural rrns on tha Mia-aurt Pata,a hatween Myirk, Boorr ille. Jeff r bh Clry and Sedaiia bava beau annulled. Tha Mis souri Pacific need the Wabaah tracks unl! that piud was tied up bv waabmirs In tiia "'cinlty of Missouri City The Missouri. Kansas m. Texas ;s umn 'he Buriin tun trai-an. ietourtn rhatr Txai trains bv way of the Kanaaa City branch. The Chu iin Alton ia usin its own trr u-ks. as ax- aiao the Burlinton and the At-ibt on, T lpeaa Santa Fa. Daman at at. Laela 9T LjOCIS. Sepu IH Heavy rains and awoilen trtbutanea have caused a rtsa of over ten feet In the Mississippi river dur m the aiat twenty-four hours and resulted m damae aion 'be St. Louis river front amounnn to many thousands of dollars. A vast amount of produce and other ship pin property aion the levee ts still !n laner. The rver stae tms fomnoon bad -eaciiad ..T f-er, a sudden r-aa of 10.9 feat in twenty-tour hours. The danger line is tbirty-flve feet. Tbe water ia cmepin up and It is pmitlctail that by nitfbifa.1 tba range will show a stage of rwentv -eight feet. Produce bouses and grain and cotton Urnis bavin consignments srored aion tha levee haanly orgruilzed fan- of laborers and endeavored to save tneir property from baan aw-pr away, but the suddenness of swept awav Men woraed breast deep in tba flood interrepttn tinatin merrnaadisa and a fleet: of ak-fs manned bv man with boat honk.a aaamt-d In the aaivage work Six city garbage boats mocmd along tha river front am in danger of bain a warn pad. This marks the quickest rise in 'be river a stage aince eleven years ago. when tba river rose fouren f-et in one nignr. Wtaanouts in various places in Miaat rr( caused tne annulment today of five -ra.ns due hem. Thev were .;ie Texas accommo darion of "ha M.ssoun. K.inaaa t Texas, two 'rains due f-om Kaunas City on 'he Mjamirt Pc:rlc and two 'rains dua fr-m tm wear on rhe iVahaao. T"a.ns on tne Iron Mounrain and Buri!non ayetema i wem an hour or mom late n ar-1 vn raaahea tAlaadena a fillaeat. I J iLi-'y EP.-HT N '"ITT. Mo. Sent. IS Tha ' Missouri etver a nsing ranidly bare and "Darkuiwo " miianitants are movm from -oe uiwer nart of 'ha -err ro hi.her ground. Tha lood : waenin tarough rne Caiiaway pnunty nairtom. a.:vma 'he i-ver from ham. I and fOJ-nera iia'e lean dr"'en from their j homea Tha farm of one man. named r .ia , inder aix can rear ot waier ma recent tic-niin. rvna. auppiaman-ad by Backwater f-om 'he river, pur a.l smal it-rnri nut of taeir hansa. The Tanner Bridge, a steel strucure aoannin tha Moreao -vr has been twepr away, and cnn Gree'ibar ' nnuae. aiso spanning tba Moreao. .a .n imminent dar.gar of gain out. tver Falls at Taae-aaa. I TnPSKA. Kan., a-p'. IS The Kaw rt-er ' Ion has fallen la.f a ( n'l ain.-e Sunday and Soidie- -raea. wm.-a lid mucn daxnage . . . . , Nor-a Tooeaa on so . i-to La again within us nanaa ! w,, fumn Pacnc eaat and w-ar of here jB',,. rtlit rhicago. Rock La.and 4. i P'-' tic a II " 'ha A chiecn. Topak Ai Santa re t i. aa wii oueg and K maaa -" J O-TTA1' a. Sir. a-pt. IS -Thme incnea - . of wate' f!1 .a tn.a -u in.ry am night and. ! following 'r-m-ndc-as n.wnpour if last w a. iM he jao. i.n ir ' ygnea nam .and an a to re rapmh rloi diii tba low- W star. i :i ('tw of riia r n-en expenenced "ha Verni 'g has t .a.Tta faaa I t MATU'" V k in. .;: worar --.j- nam s now -ir f.K- tvaiiawi "s nana.a and ha.f of Motarn. : wrn a poc'i ii'ioo of 2. am. is under wafer, i Uiaai. Cii.L at ,!- a jiatig ia ia