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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1905)
The Omaha .Daily Bee. CHEAPEST BECAUSE BEST THE BEE. CLEAN AND CONSERVATIVE THE BEL OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25, 1905 -TEX PAGES. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. SINGLE COrY THREE CENTS. HILL ON LAND LAWS Letter from President of Great Northern Bead Before Irrigation Congress. SAVE THE SOIL FOR SETTLEI . t r t I Lumber Kiiige and Cattle Barom Beizi Patrimeny of the People. RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE REPOR Several Changes in the Irrigation L Are Suggested. ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS I Governor Pardee of California Chosen President Six titles Ask for the Next Con vention. U PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 24.-After two days devoted to deliberating In section the KaMoral Irrigation congress assembled In general session today. Chairman Gcorgo E. Barstow presented the report of the nominating committee recommending- the following officers for the ensuing year: President Governor George E. Pardee of California. First Vice President L. W. BhurtllfT of Utah. Second Vice President J. It. Stephens of Texas. Third Vice President E. L. Smith of Ore ion. Secretary H. B. Maxon of Nevada. Issue was made over the selection of Maxon e secretary by F. J. Klesel of Ore ion on personal grounds and the congress eferred the report back to the committee, srlth Instructions that It endeavor to agree n a nomination for secretary. When the matter of selecting a meeting place for the next session came before the rongress Invitations were tendered by Chi sago, Bismarck, N. D., Denver. Spokane ind Boise. William E. Curtis of Chicago made an art- !ress on "Irrigation In India," describing ihe Irrigating projects Instituted by the British government. Letter from J. J. HIM. A letter to the congress from J. J. Hill, president of the Oreat Northern railway. vas read. It was stated that Mr. Hill was inable to appear In person owing to the lerlous Illness of Mrs. Hill. Mr. Hill's let er was In part as follows: How this campaign was begun manv of is still remember, and It is right that the leople should not now forget. The first work In spying out the land for Irrigation. n Investigating its possibilities and above ill in getting its merits nernre the people done by the railroad companies. At first three and a little later five of the great lystems of the west united and furnished saeh t&ono a year as a working fund to fiake the necessary Inquiries and to spread he facts abroad. It was bv the nrn vision Of these corporations, studying the Interests and welfare of the west, searching for means to Increase the tillable area, the wealth, the population and the rjmenerlrv of the country tributary to thnm, that irri gation first passed from the sphere of the noon men to mat or the men of affairs; that It rose from the rank of a theory and an Idealist's dream to that of a national policy undertaken In pursuance or and for tified by a national law. It would be strnnge If they had not now the lntensest Interest In the working out of the magnlfl cent scheme, at whose birth they presided and whose Infancy was nurtured by their cere. For by It the boundaries of man's heritage are to be enlarged, the volume of the food supply, man's first necessity, may be almost Indeflnietly expanded, and the total sum of the world s available wealth nd of common comfort may be expanded Snd at the same time the conditions of the II I'll IU I,, 1 1, 1 r. , " , , 'l HI" inilllljr, ,11 111.3 home, may be so bettered as to counteract those tendencies that are commonly ad mitted to be threatening In the .develoD. ment of the race and the rearing of a Mgner civilisation. Land Owner Foundation of Proa re The need of this new area for home build ing is Immediate and pressing. There lies the great source of wealth which alone may a and must be drawn upon without Intermls slon for man's needs. The forest falls, the mine is depleted of Its precious contents. even in pe nusni n Hnrcnwi too severely cease to give tribute, but the soil Is the list unfailing resource. Play games as we may with picture cards adorned with other names, the man at the bottom, the man -with his foot upon a plot of ground, the 'man who Is drawing from the earth food for himself and others Is the foundation of all advancement as wnli as of all pros Serlty. Make way for him, far where he Ii ecaying the pillars of the state are weak enlng, ana all the more Impressive form of wealth are trembling toward the dust. Tne need or more land spaces for the home builders la created by Ihe rapid set tlement of the country and precipitated and aggravated by the Insane policy of land laws which tend toward the exhaustion of the public domain by the land monopolist nd speculator. Except in a few selected spots wnere tne innuence or the railroad companies as colonizers haa been exercised to secure actual settlement on their lands. the Influx of actual cultivators Is so small as scarcely to be reckoned with. Those wno gu upon government land In our day ir me piirpo 01 matting nomes are I handful. In contrast with this the follow Ing table giving the Increase In area of public lands passing Into private ownership aeh year, snows how rapidly our patri- ?iony is passing away: ar Acres IK 8.4S3,8! I1" 9,182.413 If") lI.4f3.fM IfrU 15.52. M 1"3 .. 19.4xx.535 la i.... :2,fi50,9U gave Lsssi (or Settlers. Doubtless congress will consent to amend tne land laws tiy tne repeal or those em Ployed now solely to Increase the holding of the dishonest man and to give rise to sucn scandals as nave lately thrown shame UDon the American name: but if the future Is to be Judged by the past, this accees of wisdom and vl noneaiy will come only whei there Is no longer any land left that Is d sired by the lumber king or the cattli haron. it In, therefore, of the utmost mo ment that these lands capable of reclama tion. which It was not In the past to thel Interest to acquire, and which are at leas partially and in a lame rashlori safeguardei bv the law of 12. should be prepared ss . patrimony for the days when the land hunger that is as old and as Indestructible as man shall find no food for its reasonable satisfaction. , There Is, Indeed, a magnificent area avail able for this purpose. One-third of the en tire land are of the I'nlted Status outside or Alaska aim our outlying possessions ii still vacant. The great bulk of this la In eluded wlihln the regions known as arid u nd semi-arid. In tlie sixteen division thirteen slates and three territories, t wnicti tne reclamation act Is applicabl there are IVtS.tftri.uuO acres vacant out of a total TS.7T7.6ta acres. What portion of this ran ultimately te made tit for the liabliallon man we are unable at the present moment to declare. I'ndoubtedlv. for reasons to be stated hereafter, it will bs largely In excess of current estimates. And it is confidently stated bv good au thorities that about t0.a.iiO acres are cap able of supporting a settled population ,.n the basis of irrigating enterprises now re garded as feasible. A great portion of this area, many times as valuable for produc tion as the same quantity of land would le upon the richest prairie or In the tim bered districts. Is Included within the states and territories carved out of the mighty acqutaltlon which is celebrated by the niHg ntricenl exposition here before our eyes. The cause of Irrigation is, indeed. In a special sense, the cause of the country included In the Ixiulmana purchase, Jusiifv lng aster the lapse of a century the states manship which, far-sighted fur Its age. was more brilliant than those who con ceived and executed It could possibly have imagined. Ulaeasslua of Heaolalloaa. A motion to adopt the report of the com mittee, en resolutions was followed by the (Cuatinuad on tiecuud tags. NEW STANFORD SENSATION Honolulu Doctor Say They Arc Asked to Revise Report of I'olaonlna. HONOI.l'I.r. Aug. 24. The tragic death " Mrs. Jane Stanford has leen recalled by sensational story published here to the 'eels trat representatives of the Stan rd estn'.n practically offered monetary In icements to local physicians to change eir opinion that strychnine caused the ath of Mrs. Stanford, it Is alleged that e bill of 1130 of Dr. C. B. Wood, who irfortned the autopsy on the body of Mrs. an ford, has been refused payment by ie estate on the ground of territorial uthoritles should have performed the jtopsy. Dr. Wood declared he was etn oyed on behalf of the estate by Dr. Hum fireys and that the latter said that he considered the refusal to pay Dr. Wood to be amazing, as he considered the employ ment of a private autopsy physician to be proper. The Star In its story of the matter says that In different Interviews, a representa tive of the estate indicated to the physl- ans that it would be satisfactory to the state If they could revise their findings f poison, and In such events their bills were not to be questioned, and Drs. Hum phreys, Day and Wood would be paid the mount of their claims of 1M. All three doctors are preparing e state ment to place their version of the scientific facts of the case before the public In a nal justification of the decision concerning the cause of the death of Mrs. Stanford. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 24. Referring to cable dispatch from Honolulu which In- imated that efforts had been made to Induce the autopsy surgeon and physicians who attended Mrs. Leland Stanford at the time of her death to modify their first tatementa regarding poisoning. Attorney Wilson, representing the Stanford estate, and Detective Captain Callundnn deny that there was any such attempt. The statement was based on the alleged re jection of a claim for remuneration pre sented by Dr. C. K. Wood, who performed the autopsy. I do not know," said Attorney Wilson today, "that Dr. Wood'has made a claim for remuneration for his services as an autopsy physician. There was a claim from Wood & Day, who are partners, for $150. which has been paid. In fact, all the physicians connected with the. last Illness of Mrs. Stanford have been paid. It Is hardly reasonable to expect the estate to compensate the autopsy surgeon, who was acting for the government. The Intimation that ah effort has been made to have these physicians change their statements Is too ridiculously absurd to require a denial." Captain Callundafi said that every legiti mate claim had been paid. KING OSCAR CHANGES VIEW Swedish SoTerelsju Sow Willing; That His Son Accept the. Throne f Norway. STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24. According to good authority, sentiment In government circle regarding the accession by a Berna flotte prince to the Norwegian throne has undergone a complete change. King Oscar no longer opposes, the acceptance of the crown by Us son Charles, As soon as the union between Norway and Sweden Is dis solved his answer will be given and it probably will be affirmed. At a meeting of the council of state today Minister of Justice Berger presented a re port on the decision of the Norwegian Storthing, approving the proposals of the government for the formal opening of ne gotiations with Sweden for the dissolution of the union. At the same time he pro posed that King Oscar be requested to em power the council to enter Into negotiations with the Norwegian government for tt)e settlement of the questions In dispute, and also to authorise the government to appoint delegates to meet the Norwegian representative. On the recommendation or the council the regent. Crown Prince Gustave, gave his consent to the proposals. AGRARIAN' DISORDERS START President of Zemstvo Wonld Call Meeting; of Landlords to Stop Trouble. ODESSA, Aug. 24. Fresh agrarian disor ders have broken out In the EUsabethgrad and Alexandria districts and the peasants are destroying the property of the land owners. A big estate at Butsky has been entirely demolished. The president of the EUsabethgrad semstvo has asked permission of the gov ernment to convoke a meeting of landlords with the view to settling the agrarian agitation. During a fair In the village of Llhovla in ritfltHet of Wernednenrovak a crowd of peasants attacked the merchants. After pillaging their goods the peasants massa- cred a number of the merchants and mutl- lated others, pricking out their eyes and cutting off their ears. Cossacks arrived too late to save the village, which was com pletely devastated. WARSAW, Aug. 24. The whole govern ment of Warsaw haa been placed under martial law. A bridge on the Vistula railway near Radom has been blown up and communica tion Is Interrupted. WELCOME FOR JUDGE CALHOUN Caracas Journal Saya Venesnela Is Glad to Have Its Court's Action Exumlaed by a Great Jurist. CARACAS, Aug. 24. The semi-official Constitutional commenting today on the visit of Former Judge W. J. Calhoun, whom President Roosevelt appointed special com missioner to look Into the relations between Venexuela and the United States, says: The appointment of this honorable repre sentative of the American Judiciary pleases the friends of the present administration because we know that the proceedings In our courts are and have been founded on law and 1utlce and the light which will le shed by his investigation will enable the commissioner to mtx'laim before the American people and the world his homage for the Venezuelan courts and the govern ment under the law. JudKe Calhoun yesterday had a confer ence with the attorney general. The issue of scrip for the new 3 per cent diplomatic debt win begin August t. STEAMER STRIKES TRANSPORT Hundred and Hsreuty-SeTeu Invalided Japanese Soldiers Drowned la Inland Sea. TOKIO, Aug. 24 The Japanese transport Klnjo was sunk in a collision with the British steamer Bars long on August 22 In the Inland sea. One hundred and twenty seven Invalided Japanese soldiers were drowned. Strange Vessel Alssit, LONDON, Aug. 24. An unidentified vessel Is on fire off the Isle oX Wight. It la blaxiim turluusly. BEFORE JACK FROST APPEARS Marine Hospital Surgeons Ezpeot Early Viotory 0er Yellow PeTer. DECREASE IN THt NUMBER OF CASES Steps Taken to Prevent Travel Be tween Points of Infection Sev eral New Cases In Country. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 24 Following Is the official report up to p. m. Thursday: New cases 44 Total to date l. Deaths 7 Total deaths 22(i New foci lo Total foci 3J Remaining under treatment iai The. raider mud expression of hopefulness which Dr. White made a lew days ago is made more emphatic by the steady im provement In the figures from day lo day and predictions are now freely being made that victory will be accomplished before frost appears. Surgeon White, with tlie assistance of Mayor Dehrinan, has arranged for the establishment of a new emergency hos pital and detention camp, which will be opthed tomorrow. The MacDonough public school on North Rampart street has been Impressed and will be ready for occupancy. Another part of the plan to be put into effect tomorrow is a form of quarantine of Infected places against other infected i laces. .Heretofore there had been no Interrup tion of traffic between places that are Infected and as a result many of the panic stricken Italians have returned to New Orleans and brought new Infection with them. This will be prevented In the fu ture. The State Board of Health will meet tomorrow and formulate a plan. The territory bounded by St. Ann, Es plade, Rampart and Decatur, the heart of the original Infection, is again under going a thorough course of disinfection. Tl'ls will be the third treatment given. A total of thirty-six square miles contain ing 1,200 houses is embraced In the dis trict. Distinguished Surgeons Arrive. Prof. Robert Boyce of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine reached here today. Trof. Boyce expects to make a care ful study of the campaign against the fever and to make a report of his observations to his school. Surgeon Von Eidorf reported to Dr. White today. Surgeon Eidorf has been identified with the sanitary work on the Isthmus, where yellow fever has been pre vailing for some time, and because of his knowledge of the disease there was ordered to New Orleans by the Department. Another case of fever at Terre Aux Boeufs, the parish seat of St. Bernards, was reported today, bringing the total to eleven there. The citizens' committee has been called to meet on Monday when the whole fever situation will be discussed and full reports made of the work of financing the fight. Chairman Janvier la continuing to take subscriptions to the general fund and them Is a dally flow of cash and checks Into his office. The committee has fixed 3.'0.0n0 as the total fund and the probability Iq that It will all be subscribed. All the money that Dr. White can use is at his disposal. Dr. Ralph Marcour, formerly of the navy, started today for Leeville. and the board will send additional yellow fever nurses and doctors soon. It is desired to prevent an exodus of Ievllle people to New Orleans, In order that there may be no Increase In the Infection here. Case In Michigan. DETROIT, Aug. 24. A Detroit News special from Grand Rapids, Mich., says that a case of yellow fever has been dis covered In Crockery township, Ottawa county, ten miles from here. The ratlent Is Godfrey Llmburg, a telephone lineman, who left New Orleans a week ago last Tuesday. He was taken sick Saturday, but a physician was not called for several days. Yesterday his temperature reached 106. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Two New National Banks Authorised by Comptroller to Commence Business. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Aug. 24.-(8peclal Tele gram.) The comptroller of the currency today authorised the following national banks to begin business: The Atkinson Na tional bank, Atkinson, Neb., capital t.OOfl, M. Dowllng president, C. H. Walrath vice president, Q. J. O'Donnell cashier; the Shel- j aon oneiaon. i., capuai 50 000 Tnl new national bank succeeds j ,ne security Savings bank and Its officers are: James F. Toy, president; P. W. Hall, vice president; E. E. Springer, cashier; E. B. Meyers, assistant cashier. i The following appointments have been made to fill vacancies In the rural carrier force: Iowa Independence, route 8, Fred J. Moody carrier, Zoa Moody substitute; Mystic, route 1, Charles N. Stark carrier, Rachael A. Gordon substitute; Vllllsca, route 1, Alfred Havens carrier, Harley G. McCoy substitute. Nebraska Gretna, route t. Frederick W. Cockerlll carrier, Han Gosh substitute; Stromsburg, route 1, Frank W. Carlson carrier, Mrs. Elnnra Carlson substitute. Postmasters appointed: South Dakota Little Eagle, Rose M. Hall, vice Lulu W. James, resigned. KEARSARGE SINKS OIL CRAFT Battleship Runs Down Small Schooner In 'Fosj Off Newport Men on Board Rescued. NEWPORT. R. I., Aug. 24. After collid ing with and damaging ('.he little kerosene oil schooner N. 8. Gallup, of New York, the battleship Kearsarge arrived In the harbor tonight with the disabled craft and her crew of two. The warship was not In jured and the loss to the owner of the schooner, the National Oil company, does not exceed 1600. The battleship squadron went out for a course of maneuvers this afternoon be tween Point Judith and Newport, but was obliged to head for this port at noon be cause of a dense fog. At point five miles southeast of Point Judith, the Gallup which was bound from New York tor Portsmouth, R. I., with a cargo of empty oil barrels below and filled casks on deck, crossed the bow of the battleship. The lat ter, steaming at the rate of five knots, struck the schooner on the starboard side below the water line and the water which poured In through a hole a fool square soon tilled the Gallup and caused her to capslse. The only persons on board were Captain John Andrews and Mf aon Wii liam. They were rescued by the craw of the Kearsarge. RYAN MAKES FULL DENIAL Says Senator Barton Is Sot Involved In Chickasaw School War rant Case. WASHINGTON. Aug 24-Actlng Secre tary Ryan of the InterloV department today contradicted a statement published here that that department had made public a report reflecting upon Senator Burton In connection with the school warrants of the Chickasaw Indians. He said that an Inves tigation had been made into the Issuance of those warrants, in the course of which the discovery had been made thnt some of them had been Issued to Senator Burton and his brother for services as attorneys, but that no record had been found of the Issuance of warrants to the senator for such services performed subsequent to his election. ABILENE. Kan., Aug. 24. fnlted States Senator J. R. Burton, who Is at his home here. In an emphatic statement today, de clared that the Chickasaw wurrants issued to him in October, 1901, were In payment for legal services as counselor to Governor Johnson, prior to his election as a senator. "I have never," declared he, "received one penny In compensation for legal serv ices rendered the Chickasaw Nation since my election as I'nlted Slates senator before a federal department or anywhere else." Continuing, Senator Burton said: Trior to my election I was employed as legal counselor to Governor Johnson. When I became senator, my employment with the Chlckasaws ceased, although Governor Johnson requested that I remain in my former capacity. The warrants is sued to me in October, 1901. were In pay ment for services rendered prior to my election as senator. The facts regarding my connection with the Chlckasaws has been known to the departments at Washington for four years. The warrants Issued to Z. T. Burton, I have never had any interest In. 7,. T. Burton Is my brother and he rs now a resi dent of Tishomingo, the Chlckasuw capital. He was employed In a legal capacity by Governor Johnson several months after my connection with the Chlckasaws had ter minated. 1 was not paid for anything I did. di rectly or Indirectly, sfter I was elected senator. The governor did not have the money to" pay me when I quit his services and that is the reason whv the warrants were given to me in October. 1!M. It was for services I had rendered before I was senator. LIGHTNING STRIKES OIL SHIP Bark Laden with Naphtha and Petro leum Destroyed In New York Harbor. NEW YORK, Aug. 25.-Struck hy light ning during a terrific storm which swept over Staten island and the lower part of the upper bay at midnight, the ship Marlbor ough Hill, laden with case olt and naphtha, lying In the stream midway between Tomp klnsvtlle and Stapleton, was burning early this morning, lighting up the bay from the Battery to Sandy Hook. The crew of twenty-four men left the ship Just after the fire started and landed at Stapleton. Word was sent to Mnnhsttan for fire boats, which hastened to flood the vessel with water. The lightning hit the mainmast and passed down the steel pole Into the hold, where there was an explosion. Smoke began to show at once. Finding their signals were unheeded, the men manned the boats and made for shore. Five minutes after the alarm was given one of the hatches, about midships, blew up. " The flames poured through . the hatch anif sprang Into the shrouds and began to eat away the sails and cordage. After these burned the fire settled down Into the hold, where explosion followed explosion. The Marlborough Hill Is an iron vessel, bark rigged, of 2.3R3 tons. It was In com mand of Captain Jones and had cleared for Sydney, N. 8. W. The ship Is owned bv the Marlborough Hill Shipping company of Liverpool, England. TALK MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP Discussion Occupies Greater Part of Session of Leaafne of Munici palities. TOLEDO, O., Aug. 24 The only voice raised at the convention of the League of American Municipalities today against mu nicipal ownership of public utl'itlea was that of Mayor Woodward of Atlanta, and the time limit cut him off before he had reached any definite point In his argument for private ownership. The prominent champion of municipal ownership was Mayor Dunne of Chicago, but Vice Mayor George D. Jones of Columbus, O., and F. S. Spence of Toronto also made strong addresses favoring the municipal Ideal. Many of those who discussed the subject were not in favor of municipal ownership as an Ideal, but seemed to regard It as a last resort, to which the municipality was being driven by the hopelessness of secur ing fair terms and honest fulfillment of ob ligations from the public service corpora tions. Andrew Roaewater, city engineer of Omaha, discussed paving construction. There was no evening session, but In stead the delegates were hanquetted at The Farm, and later attended a vaudeville show In the theater adjoining. Tomorrow morning occurs the final ses sion, the election of officers and selection of a place for the next convention. . LOST BERRY HUNTERS FOUND Party of Three Women and Three Children Rescued from Swamp In Northern Michigan. ESCANABA. Mich., Aug. 24. Huddled to gether within an open and dry spot only a few feet square In the Immense blueberry swamps north of this city, a searching party today found Mrs. J. A. Fisher, wife of Bernard Fisher, chief engineer of the Northwestern road; Mrs. B. J. Snow, wife of a Northwestern railway engineer; Arthur Snow, aged 12; Bessie Snow, aged 8; Miss Evelyn Doyle, aged 19, and a child of Mrs Fisher's, aged 7, who had become lost In the swamps. The party was camping and wanted blue berries for lunch. Deserting camp Wednes day they struck out Into the forest and lost their way. A special train, with 200 searchers, found the sextet of sufferers today four miles from camp, headed Into "No Man's Land," whence no one haa ever returned. Though badly scratched and com pletely prostrated all of the members will recover. GIANT POWDER EXPLODES Two Men and a Woman Killed and Four Persons Badly Hurt at Paris, Cel. BAKERSFIELD. Cal . Aug 21.-By, a terrific explosion of giant powder at Paris, 61 miles from Bakerafleld. today. Mrs. A. W. McRae. wife of a prominent mining man. her son George and Oscar Ducioae, snother mine owner, were Instantly killed. Mr. McRae received injuries from which tt is feared he will die, and at least three others wcie badly hurt by tlie explosion. RETAILERS ELECT OFFICERS Lait Year'i Boiter Again Chosen by the Bute Auooiation. STOCK SUBJECTS UP FOR DISCUSSION Catalogue Houses and Collection of Debts Debuted After Settlement Is Made with Pure Food Show People, The Nebraska Retail Merchants' associa tion finished Its annual session at the Au ditorium last night by the election of offi cers. The entire slate of last year was unanimously re-elected as follows: Presi dent, J. Yungblut, Lincoln; vice president, S. T. Davles, Nebraska City; secretary and state chairman, II Fischer, Omaha; treas urer, O. C. Thompson, Blair. , The Grocers' snd Butchers' Journal, edited In Omaha by J. B. Conlngham, was made the official organ of the association and Its name will be changed to The Re tall Merchants' Journal. A committee was appointed to audit the accounts of the pure food show people and to turn Into the association treasury Its percentage of the profits. .The place of meeting next year was left optional with the executive committee. In the afternoon there was a program of addresses and open discussions. Daniel Carr of Omaha spoke on "Local Home Trade." To Flaht "tat" Houses. "Along four rural routes In this state I have Investigated," said Mr. Carr, "ninety five per cent of the money sent out through the mails goes to Chicago catalogue houses. I have found that the banks and express companies show the same per cent In rural districts. It Is alarming in that it points to a further concentration of wealth, where already 60 per cent, of the wealth of the nation Is controlled by 1 per cent of the population. "I believe In a different system of attack on the mall order houses than that which has been employed. The direct methods hitherto have failed in their purpose and have succeeded only In advertising the order houses. We must educate the farmer through the country paper. We must show him that the concentration of wealth in the large cities detracts from the industries of his own little town and reduces Its pop ulation. When his eyes are opened to the fact that by supporting home Industry he will Increase the population of his town and make double on the Increase in value on his farm what he would ssve by pat ronizing the mall order houses, he will buy of them no longer. I have the names of lR.orm mall order patrons In the state. Seventy per cent of them are of our for eign element. We must educate them through the papers of their own language. And In all publications the direct attack must not be made, but the farmer should be shown how he will lose a dollar In the lonjf run by saving a penny." To Collect Debts. O. F. Munro advocated legislation for the registration In public records of all assign ments of wages. "If such were In effect." he said, "the secretary of the state associa tion could send out a list to members of those who assigned their wages and the grocers would be protected." It was suggested by one member that the city council ought to pass a resolution that any city employe assigning his wages would be Immediately dismissed. This rule, It Is said, is In force In some of the packing houses of South Omaha. Among other subjects discussed were the parcels-post, pure foods and credit rat ing. Pore Food Show Closes. I.ast night closed the pure food show at the Auditorium. It was a success, both In the opinion of Manager Dean of the show and the officers of the Nebraska Retail Merchants' association. In whose name It was given. The association realized a snug sum as Its share. The show will go. from here to St. Joseph. In' the guessing contest for the pony, trap and harness, offered by the J. M. Bour Coffee company for the closest guess on the number of grains In three pounds of coffee, three persons guessed the correct number. They were H. Phillips, C. A. E. Johnson and Frank Swoboda. The number of grains was 11,5m. The outfit will be sold today and the proceeds divided among the suc cessful contestants. HOCH'S CASEWILL GO UP Supercedeas Is Issued by Illinois Jadge and Delays Execu tion of Convict, CHICAGO, Aug. 24 Johann Hoch, the man of many wives, convicted of the mur der of one of them and under sentence of death, has escaped the gallows a third time. He was to have been hanged here tomorrow, but a supersereas was issued today on an order of Justice Magruder of the supreme court. The Justice said he had carefully exam ined the record presented by Hoch's at torneys and his study of It satisfied him there was enough doubt to Justify a re view of the entire case by the supreme court. The case will come up at the October term of the court at Springfield, 111. Hoch has been confident that the sen tence of hanging would, not be Inflicted. He had very little to say when Informed of the action of the Justice. Jailer Whit man said It was the first time In his ex perience that a prisoner exhibited no con cern about his fate the day previous to the execution. Hoch was smoking a cigar when told of the Issuance of the writ. "I am not guilty of this horrible murder," he said, "and now I will have the oppor tunity of proving myself Innocent before the highest court In the state. I never felt that I would go to the gallows'. I may be guilty of other crimes, but never of that murder." DECISION IN REED WILL CASE Lower Court Finds That Bequest of Million to Ednrntlon In Oregon Is Valid. PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 24 County Judge Webster today handed down his decision In the celebrated Reed will case, ruling that Mrs. Amanda Reed's legal domicile at the time of her death was In Portland and that the terms of her will, In which more than 11.000.000 was given for the establishment of an educational institution in Oregon, will thus stand. The case will be appealed to the state circuit court. The point at issue was In regard to Mrs. Reed's legal domicile at the time of her death. If Pasadena, Cal., was her legal residence, as claimed by the contestants of the will, the laws of California would have applied. Vnder the California law not more than one-third of the estate can be given for charitable purposes, and the Intention of Mrs. Reed to establish a large educational Institution In Grtsun would bavs been de tealed. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Friday and Saturday. Temperature at Omaha Yesterdayi Hour. Dea. Hour. Dear. ! a, m T4 1 p. m T!i a. m Til 8 p. tn TO 7 a. m T1 S p. m T.I M a. m Tt 4 p. m T4 n. m To II p. m Tfl 10 a. m Tt n p. m Tft 11 a. in T3 T p. m T4 L m 72 N p. m Til 9 p. ut Til OMAHA MAN SEVERELY BEATEN Had Been Working on a Rulldlna; Where There was a Strike In Pronresa. KANSAS CITY. Mo. Aug. 24-(Speclal Telegram.) Claude Harding, a non-union structural Iron worker, was assaulted, kicked and beaten Into unconsciousness at the corner of Ninth street and Broadway this morning by men supposed to be strik ers, snd was left lying on the street sense less. After striking him on the back of the head with some blunt Instrument and sev eral (1st blows In the face, his assailants Jumped on his body and kicked him. ' Harding wss employed on the new addi tion to the Savoy hotel. He came here from Omnha. He said he was on his way to work this morning and stopped at Ninth street and Broadway to mall a letter. Just as he was about to raise the lid of the box some one struck him In the back of the head with a "black Jack." "The blow stunned me," said Harding, "but before I fell some one struck me In the face and knocked me down. Then they began Jump ing on me and kicking me. I suppose I would have been killed If some one hadn't happened along and frleghtened them away." Harding had seen the men who assaulted him loitering about the building for several days and says they are the persons who have been Intimidating and threatening the men at work on the building. He did not know their names, but furnished the police with a good description of them. Harding's name does not appear In the last Omaha directory. CLOUDBURST NEAR TRINIDAD Mne Persons Drowned In Mining; Camp and Heavy Damage to Property Reported. TRINIDAD. Colo., Aug. 24.-A cloudburst In the vicinity of Rhode canon, through which ordinarily a small stream of water runs, converted the canon Into a raging torrent tonight, which swept through the towns of Berwlnd and Tobasco, wrecking everything In Its path and drowning at least nine persona. The property loss is estimated at hun dreds of thousands of dollars, suffered most ly by the Colorado Fuel and Iron company and the Colorado Southern railway. The former company had mines and coke ovens scattered all along between the two mining towns of Berwlnd and Tobasco and although they were situated mostly out of reach of the flood, the tramways connect ing the different properties of the company were practically all wrecked and the loss In this particular will be Immense. The railroad company had a line running up the canon and the roadbed was nearly com pletely washed out. It Is Impossible to get accurate news of the loss of life and property tonight, for the reason that com munlcstlon with the stricken towns is constantly being Interrupted by the storm which Still continues. Relief parties have gone from this city and neighboring towns but cannot reach the canon for several hours, as the sixteen miles of distance lying between Is deluged. .. ,. ,hih the disastrous effects of the storm which From all directions are coming reports of enveloped Trlnidaa ana tne territory an Jacent for miles, but no further loss of life than at Berwlnd and Tobasco has yet been reported. YOUNG WOMEN IN FACTORIES Subject Is Discussed hy the National Y. W. C. A. Conference at Lake Geneva. WILLIAMS BAY. WIS.. Aug. 24 Dr. Annie Marlon MacLean of the Tnlverslty of Cihcago today addressed the Young Women's Christian association conference at Lake Geneva on the present Industrial condition of women In the I'nlted States. Milwaukee was the first city In the coun try to call a- secretary to work wholly among young women in mills, factories, laundries and bakeries. This work has since been taken up in Peoria, Omaha, Des Moines, Sioux City, Kansas City, Grand Rapids, Cedar Rapids and many cities, especially In the cotton manufacturing cities of the south. FAMILY ESCAPES A TORNADO Neighbor Telephones Them of Ap- pronch and They Leave Just Be fore House Is Torn to Pieces. WINONA, Minn., Aug. 24. By the use of a telephone, the family of Frank G. Sand ers, consisting of seven persons, was saved from death today In a tornado which did great damage to buildinga and crops In this vicinity. The family was eating dinner when A. McConnochle, a neighbor, tele- Phoned that a funnel-shaped cloud was sweeping toward the house. The members of the family ran toward a clump of willows, where they lay face downward. They scarcely reached the place before the storm lifted the house from Its foundation and dashed It to the ground some distance away, with hardly a board unbroken. TIMBER SALE IS POSTPONED Action; Secretary Ryan Decides That White Earth Auction Hns Not Been Sufficiently Advertised. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug 14 A special to the Tribune from Washington says the big sale of timber on stump advertised to take place at White Earth, September 6 next, when S3.U0O.0O0 worth of white and Norway pine, Jack pine and oak was to have been offered, has been recalled. Judge Thomas Ryan, acting secretary of the interior, after consultation with Com missioner of Indian Affairs Leupp, decided to postpone the sale and give the matter further publicity. Movements of Oecnn Vessels Aug. 2-4. At New York Arrived: Slcllla. from Naples Hailed: Deutnchland. for Hamburg. At I Jverpool Sailed: Bavarian, for Mon treal. At Hamburg Balled: Blucher, for New York. At London Arrived: Certarlan, from Mon treal. At Antwerp Bailed: Manttou for Boston. At Quennstown Hailed : Oceanic, for New York; Westerland. for Philadelphia. At Liverpool Arrived: Baxonla. from Bremen, nailed; Canada, for Uuebec and fkluDtrsaL CHANCE FOR PEACE Emperor Nicholas and President Roosevelt Etill Exchanging Telegrams. WITTE'S INSTRUCTIONS FROM LAMSDORFF Russia Refuses to Oonoede Prinoiple of In demnity Even Tndireotlj. ANOTHER SUGGESTION OF ARBITRATION Agreement May Be Made for Commission to Fix Prioe of Island. LAST WORD MAY COME SATURDAN Annonnccment from St. Petershuri That Csars Envoys Will Be Ready to Resume Ne gotiations. PORTSMOUTH. N. H.. Aug. 24.-fp to a o'clock tonight six cablegrams had beea received by M. Wltte from St. Petersburg All came from Count Lamsdorff and all were opposed to the Japanese compromise proposition, as presented at yesterday's meeting. However, It Is positively stated that the cablegrams announce thnt direct pour pnrlora are now In progress between Emperor Nicholas and President Roosevelt. The prospects of pesce seem desperate, but they are not hopeless, despite the pre vailing pessimism. There Is still a chance and the forces working for peace are con tinuing their labors. The president failed twice, but he Is fighting on. The result of Ambassador Mayer's audience at Peterhof yesterday was unsatisfactory, but at least It was not a rebuff. It left the door open and within a few hours after the receipt at Oyster Bny of Mr. Mayer's account of his audience the president had sent a new ap peal through M. Wltte, who received It from Mr. Pelrce about S o'clock this morn ing. The emperor hnd already In effect de clined the proposed compromise offered hy Japan. He had refused It because, under a disguise, Japan offered to withdraw an article demanding remuneration for the conduct of the war on the ground that Russia purchase military possessions of Japan in the northern part of Sakhalin at a fixed price of l,:nn,ooo,0oo yen, the estimated "frais de guerre." Price Is the Ohatacle. Every mesas ge received from Peterhof, including those that came early today, was inflexible upon that point. Had Japan not Inserted the sum, had that been left for future adjustment, the proposition would undoubtedly have proved more palatable. And the Associated Press Is In a nosl'lcm to state that the divergence In the compro mise, as suggested by the president and as offered by Japan at the conference, which was mentioned In these dispatches last night, touched this very point. ,The presi dent did not suggest any price or the fixing of a price, and It Is believed, although this cannot be affirmed, that his latest effort was to secure the consent of the emperor to agree to accept the Japanese proposition with the amount sunject to future adjust ment by an arbitration board or etherwlse. According to ths Jspanese M. Wltte has al ready offered to divide Sakhalin. If the repurchase of Sakhalin was placed upqn a purely business basis the following few lines from the authorized statement of the Russian position, given to the Associated Press last night, should be borne In mind: All that Japan does Is to Join the question of Pnkhalln with that of a cash payment and to Insist upon war costs under the name of purchase money. The transaction Is fictitious and the terminology misleading. i If what Is proposed be in truth a purchase n'.h',, he treated as such and therefore, should Russia decline to buv the territory Japan should keep It and conclude peace on the basis of the concessions al ready made. Japan, It Is believed, would make the further concessions suggested If Emperor Nicholas would commit himself to this solu tion. This statement is based upon the words of the Japanese authority most com petent to speak. When asked if It waa cor rect as reported that the Japanese had said their last word and that all hope was over, he replied r No. we have not declared our proposition of Wednesday whs our irreducible minimum. We are not assuming a threatening atti tude. That Is not the way to make peace. But the plenipotentiaries themselves no longer control on either side. The negotia tions have passed from their hands to their principals at Peterhof and Toklo. Attltnde of Knlser William. Most persistently the report continues to be circulated here that Emperor William haa been one of the main obstacles tn peace, that while ostensibly In sympathy with the president's efforts he is advising Emperor Nicholas not to yield. The foun dation for' this belief is the fact which ap pears fully confirmed, that M. Wltte's In structions were made more Imperative and Intransigient upon the question of indem nity and cession of territory after the Kaiser's Interview with the Russian em peror In the Gulf of Finland. It Is signifi cant that M. Wltte made It a point tonight lo express his disbelief In the report from St. Petersburg which caused considerable consternation here, that Count Lamsdorff had authorized Reuters' agent to declare that Russia under no circumstances would pay a contribution, either direct or Indi rect, or make a cession of territory what soever. M. Wltte said he could not Imagine that Count Lamsdorff could have author ized such a' statement without Informing him (Wltte.) President Still nt Work. OYSTER BAY, L. I., Aug. 24.-A crisis In the pence negotiations Is approaching rapidly. Whether there is to be peace be tween Russian and Japan, or a continuance of the war will be determined very likely within a few days. Since lie made his direct appeal to Em peror Nicholas, President Roosevelt has been awaiting developments, hopeful that such efforts as he has felt proper lo maku to avert a failure of the Washington .con ference might not be futile. Today these developments began to appear. A report from Ambassador Meyer at St. Petersbuig of hlB audience with Emperor Nicholas yesterday was received and In addition some important advices from Portsmouth reached the president. They were regarded as so urgent that as soon as they were received in the executive office In the vil lage tiny were carried to Sagamore Hill by a trusted executive clerk. The utmoHt secrecy Is maintained regard ing the communications, not the slightest Intimation of the nature uf their contents being permitted to become public. ll is Quite certain now that in addition to making a direct appeul to tlie Russian emixror to tuke such measures as may bring the pending negotiations to a suc cessful Issue, President Roosevelt has com municated with tlie Jcoanene government along similar lines. Whether that appeal was made dliectly to ths emperor of Japan, as In the case of Emperor Nicholas, cannot be ascertained, aa do offlclai eunarmallui)