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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1905)
Omaha Daily CHEAPEST BECAUSE BEST . THE, BEL CLEAN AND CONSERVA JIVE THE BEL OMAHA, THURSDAY MORXIXO, AUGUST 24, 1005-TEN FAGES.. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. SINGLE COPV Till? EE CENTS. The Bee. I SIGNAL CORPS COMES Frce at Tort Myer Paaking Up Ready for RemoTal to Fort Omaha. ONE COMPANY ORDERED AT PRESENT ! Captain Henry 8. Hathaway in Command of Detachment. j DATE OF ARRIVAL NOT DEFINITELY KNOWN I Thraa More Companies Eentnally to Be Quartered Here. ARRANGEMENTS YET MADE rOR THEM Abandoned at Fort Mrr to Re verted Into Urlr- nt jr'a Supply Depot for the Southeast. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. (Special Tele gram.) Since the beginning of the Spanish American war the government has main tained at St. Asaph, Va., a quartermas ter' supply or corral for the benefit of the army. It waa one of the big depots of the country. Everything within the range ot the quartermaster s department was kept there or assembled there for shipment whenever needed. After seven years this depot at St. Asaph has been ordered aban doned by the general staff and Fort Myer, Va., has been ohosen aa the general depot for this section. In choosing Fort Myer, a, cavalry post, as a general supply depot General Chaffee had In mind Fort Omaha and the removal of the signal oorps from Fort Myer to Omaha, for which an appropriation was made In the Fifty-eighth congress for its rehabitatlon. As a result of selecting the quarters now occupied by the signal corps at Fort Myer. will be taken for the quar termaster's supply depot. The signal corps now stationed at Fort Myer Is engaged In removing Its station to Fort Omaha, where a four-company signal post Is to be established. s. All the signal officers at Fort Myer and Company B of the signal corps at Fort Myer have been ordered to Omaha. Cap tain Henry 8. Hathaway, who commanded the signal corps post at Fort Myer, has been ordered to Fort Omaha for duty, to take effect after he transfers the post at Fort Myer to the quartermaster's depart ment. First Lieutenant E. A. Jounet, on duty at Fort Myer, will also proceed to Fort Omaha on completion of the shipment of the signal corps property at Fort Myer. The signal corps Is now at its full strength of about 1.200 men, 150 of them be ing In Alaska. 350 In the Philippines and the balance scattered among the posts In the United States. The force In Alaska with tbe big cable steamer Burnslde has just finished laying the 300 miles of, cable from Valdes to Beward, Alaska. That makes a total of 1,300 miles of cable laid by the signal corps in Alaska. Fqr Omaha, has been an abandoned post for years. With 'an rehabitatlon of Fort Omaha, through the efforts of the Ne braska delegation In congress, it behooves Omaha to give the signal corps a real west ern welcome. MUNICIPAL LEAGUE MEETING City Ownership of Itllltles Principal Topis of the First Da,. TOLEDO, O., Aug. 23. "Municipal own ership" promise to be the most important question to be considered by the delegates to the League of American Municipalities, which began a three days' session here today. Mayor Dunne of Chicago will speak on the loplo tomorrow. At the . afternoon session Hugo L. Gresser, city statistician of Chicago, claimed that the city had saved by reason of a municipality owned light plant the um Of (400,000 since 1887 In addition to constructing a new plant worth over 13,000, 000. The report of Secretary MacVlcar shows all expenses paid and a balance In the hands of the treasurer, At the afternoon session J. W. Wood, Chief engineer of St. Louis, spoke on "St. Louis' Municipal Lighting Plant." , "Street Cleaning" was discussed by Mayor aUlas Cook of East St. Louis. At the evening session addresses were delivered by Peter Witt, city clerk, and R. P. King, smoke Inspector of Cleveland. ERIE, Pa., Aug. 23. Municipal elec trlclans from the large cities In the United States and Canada met here this morning and opened the tenth annual convention. More than 100 delegates responded to their names and 100 others .will come tonight and tomorrow. Papers were read today by William Brophy on "Suggested Im provement In Fire Alarm Telegraph Sys tems" and by C. F. Plehl of Harrlsbu.rg on "The Advisability and Inadvlsablllty of Fusing Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph Boxes." DELTA TAU DELTA FEAST Four Founders of the Fraternity Meet for First Tint In Forty. .Five Year's. NEW TORK. Auf 23 -The thirty-eighth "karnea" of the Delta Tau Delta was con tinued at a .banquet of the fraternity In the Hotel Astor tonight with an attend ance of about 000, Including the four foun ders of the fraternity, which was estab lished In Bethany. W. Va., In 19. These four are K. L. Hoch, principal of one of the New York grammar schools; J. R. Thornton of Pittsburg, Pa.; J. C. Johnson, a farmer of Westport, W. Va., and J. S. Lowe, a teacher at Ashtabula, O When the civil war broke out Hoch and Johnson Joined the army of the north, and the other two Joined that of the confed eracy. Tonight was the first tlsne since college days that the four had come to gethe r. ACCIDENTS TOELECTRICIANS Two Linemen Receive Shocks at Dif ferent Points and Sue Diea at Cincinnati. CINCINNATI, Aug. 25. One lineman was fatally Injured and another seriously hurt in a strange series ot accidents which oc curred within a few minutes. After seeing his friend, Joseph Ba ley, ' , , . . . . " , . , setts. ex-Governor Hugg of Texas and ex- shocked Into unconsciousness by a ve wire , ... . ' . and helping to carry him down from the ' .J"1?! f hv. network of wire, on which he had fallen. I be" invited to take part In the program. Frank Garrett, a fellow lineman, climbed J l.oomi. Return, to Duty a pole a square distant to loc.te the trouble WASHINGTON. Aug. O.-Assl.tant Sec and received a shock which threw him to retary nt State Loomiis returned to the the ground. His skull and spine were frac- I department today and resumed liU duties tuxU aaJ Us died early today. j Hvl"SAZ"l"f' U WU1 r,tUla htJ V CABINET MAY SHOW RIGOR . f on re re n re nllh Kmprror Over Hon Curia n Affairs Has ot Bern BI'DAPEST. Aug. 23.-A ministerial con ference was held nt Ischl. upper Austria. yesterday, under the presidency of the klng-emperor, at which the Hungarian po litical situation was considered. It Is the opinion of the newspapers here that It has not resulted In increasing the chances of I an understanding between the ministry of General Baron Fetervary and the coalition majority In the Hungarian Diet. In the event of failure to reach an agree- ment Premier Fejervary will continue to direct the affairs of the kingdom. It Is Stated, however, that the cabinet will hence forth follow a more vigorous policy and will endeavor to break down the passive opposition of the recalcitrant municipal and other Hungarian authorities. BUDAPE8T. Aug. 23 The liberal party at a conference today adopted a motion declaring adherence to present principles, but expressing readiness In event of a com bination of all sections of the 1867 com promise party, to co-operate in the forma tion of a new party by sacrificing Its sep arata existence as a party. Count Tlsxa and Count Hedervary. former premier of Hungary, spoke In favor of the motion. Tbe relation between Austria and Hun gary was fully regulated by the so-called compromise of 1ST7. According to this agreement the two states are perfectly In dependent of each other, possessing its own constitution, Its legislative power and Its executive department for most branches of state affairs. CHARGE AGAINST BURTON Kansas Senator Accused of Acceptlnar Fee from Indiana In Viola tion of Inn. WASHINGTON. Aug. 24. The Post today says that officers of the Department of Jus tice and of the Department of the Interior who have been 'Investigating tbe Chicka saw school warrant cases last night made public portions of the records which have been, unearthed, and are alleged to Impli cate Senator J. R. Burton of Kansas with pressing these claims before the govern ment while holding the position of senator In contravention of law. The Post adds: "In twenty-six cases Chickasaw warrants aggregating' $1400 have been paid to Sena tor Burton or his brother, Z. T. Burton, with whom he Is alleged to have formed a partnership, since March, 1901. when Sena tor Burton took the oath of office. "Six of the Chickasaw warrants Issued In October, 1901, and aggregating $5.oO0, were paid directly to J. It. Burton. This was seven months after Senator Burton had taken the oath of office. Twenty war rants, aggregating about 19.000, were sub sequently made out in favor of Z. T. Bur ton. It Is alleged that the services for which these warrants were piado out In payment was for pressing claims before the government Chickasaw It Is also claimed that Z. T. Burton never appeared before the Department of the Interior and never practiced law In the Indian terri tory, but that his name was used as a blind by the Kansas senator." NEW WIRELESS INSTRUMENT Invention by Soldier of Signal Corps May Change System In America. I SAN FRANSISCO. Aug. 23. A dispatch to the Examiner from Benlcla says that a new wireless instrument weighing about 1H pounds and found by exhaustive tests to give better results than the more cum bersome machines now In use, has been Invented at the Benlcla barracks by Hugh Annls, a young soldier of the Signal corps. The machine has transmitted and received messages from Mare island and the Yerha Buena station time after time. The appar atus Is now being used at the barracks and has met with high commendation from the officials of the signal corps. A fly walking on the outside of a box can be distinctly heard through the receiver at a distance of several feet, while If placed on the ground the machine will record the footsteps of a man walking 100 feet or more away. The materials used In the construc tion of the instrument are simple. Annls la a graduate of the polytechnic school at Terra Haute, Ind., In electrical engineering. 1 KANSAS HOLDS HEAT RECORD Concordia the Hottest Place Report Ing to the Weather Bureau. WASHINGTON, Aug. 23-Coneordia Kan., with a temperature of 104, was the I hottest place In the I'nited States today, according to the reports received at the weather bureau. Hot weather prevails throughout much of the western country, notably In the Mississippi valley and on the plains, hut an area of high pressure which has manifested Itself In the north west Is moving south, Indicating that the weather will moderate considerably. In the east also the temperatures are reported high in many sections, with prospects, however, that they will fall again by Saturday or possibly before. There was a maximum temperature, ac cording to official rating, In Washington today of 89 degrees. SEVERE ELECTRICAL STORM Thousand Telephones and Score Street Cars Rurned Out at At lantaOne Man Killed. of ATLANTA. Ga Aug. 23. An electrical storm of remarkable severity accompanied ny a nign wina visnea mis cny loony, ten years and from 20 to 30 per cent within One young man named James McDaniel, j a year, but those who are Investigating IS years of age, was killed by lightning ( the situation are divided as to the causes near the center of the city; the Kimball i whether the Increases are attributable ; house and state capltol were each struck 1 'lc' by "Kh,nln but """lo"'" damage was caused to either building. Fully 1.000 telephones are reported burned out. The damage will amount to several thousand dollars. FAREWELL BANQUET TO BRYAN Jefferson Club of 4 hlcaao Will Honor Xebraskan Previous to Ilia Departure foe Europe. CHICAGO. Aug. 23. Arrangements have been made by the Jefferson club for a fare well banquet here September 15 to William J. Bryan, previous to his departure for tin extended tour around tile world. Besides I If- - , ' r 1 .. . I . LAWYERS ARE TALKING SHOP listingnished Jurists Present at Conferenoe of American lar Association. PRESIDENT REVIEWS YEAR'S LEGISLATION Ralph W. Brrckenrldae of Omaha, and Charles Doiuclaa of I'M Moines Elected Members 1 of General Council. NARRAGANSETT PIER, R. I., Aug. 23. Between 200 and 3'0 leading members of the bar representing nearly every state In the country and including Justices White, Brown, Peckham and McKenna of the su preme court of the I'nited States were pres ent at the first sessions of tbe twentieth annual meeting of the American Bar asso ciation which began a three days' confer ence here today. Others among the Jurists Included many members of the teaching staffs In the law schools of the great uni versities of the country. Tbe principal feature of the day's pro ceedings was the address of the president, Henry St. Jleorge Tucker of Lexington, Va., which was, a comprehensive review of the noteworthy changes which have been made In the statutes by the national congress and by state legislatures during the past year. A general council was elected with a number of changes from the body elected at last year's convention in St. Ixiuis and forty-eight lawyers were elected to mem bership. Extradition of Criminals. The bill brought up by the United States attorney general to provide for the extra dition of criminals from one district to another In the I'nited Stutes and authoris ing the issuance of special bench warrants In certain criminal cases was referred to the committee on Jurisprudence. In the evening there was an address by Harvey M. Shepard of Boston on "The Jury Duty" in place of a paper by Thomas J. Kernan of New Orleans, who was unable to attend. Thirty-live new members were admitted. Judge Samuel'J. Baldwin of New York was chosen delegate to the International Bar society which will meet soon at Chrlstlania, Norway. The executive committee directed a com mute In charge of the law studies in schools to make an examination of the courses which ,are required to secure degrees In order that a uniform scale may be at tained through the country, and proposed several amendments to the by-laws. The report . of the treasurer showed receipts during the year of llfi,298 with disburse ments of (11,784, leaving a balance of (4.6U. General Council Elected. Among those elected members of the gen eral council were the following: Alaska, Robert W. Jenkins, Skagway; Arisona, J. (1. Hawkins, 'luscon; Arkansas, : John Fletcher. Little Rock: California. Lyman Helm, Los Angeles; Colorado, Lu- clus v. Holt, Denver; Hawaii, David L.. Wilmington, Honolulu: Idaho, W. W Woods, Wallace; Illinois, George 9. Page. Chicago; Indian Territory, 8. T. Bledsoe, Muskogee; Iowa, Charles Douglas, Des Moines; Kansas, J. W. Green, Mcfnerson; Missouri, William Lehman, St. Louis; Mon tana, William Saunders, Helena; Nebraska, Ralph W. Breckinridge, Omaha: Nevada F. W. HufTaker, 'Virginia City; New Mex ico Thomas B. Capion, Santa Fe; North lwknta, Andrew A. Bruce, Grand Forks; Oklahoma Territory, Ernat E. Blake, Ei Reno; Oregon, R. S. Dean, Salem; Philip pine Islands. David W. Yancey, Manila; South Dakota, Bartlett Tripp, Huron; Texas, Charles Worden, Wentworth; Utah, Charles S. Varlan, Salt Lake City; Wash ington. Charles E. Shepard; Wyoming, Charles M. Potter. GENERAL MINER ON STAND Suya He Wanted Mra. Taggart to Leave to Effect a Recon ciliation. WOOSTER, O., Aug. 23. General Miner was again on the witness stand In the Taggart divorce case when the hearing today began. The muster roll was exhibited for the month of July, 1903, and was Identified by Miner. It showed that Taggart was "slolt In the hospital July 2 to July 8, 1903, of disease contracted in line of duty." It also adds: "Arrest July 2-July 8, 1903. Released 1 July 8, 1903. and placed In command of company." The plaintiff sought to show that, al though Miner charged Taggart with being crazy when he was placed In the hospital, Taggart was taken out and placed In com mand of tils company.' General Miner reiterated that he did not confine. Taggart for acute alcoholism, but for the purpose of observing his mental condition. ' General Miner asserted that he fully ex pected to see a reconciliation the last time he saw Mrs. Tagijart. "As a peacemaker, did you think It would effect a reconciliation to send Mrs. Taggart away and have her take her chil dren away?" the general was asked. "I thought that if she went away she would be better able to quietly think the matter over and feel more like a reconcilia tion," was the reply. GERMANS WANT CHEAPER MEAT Appeals for Reduction of Tariff Dntlea Are Made to the Chancellor. BERLIN. Aug 23 The agitation for the opening of the frontiers to the free Im portation of meat and live animals has taken the form of telegraphic appeals by associations apd municipalities to Chan- j cellor von Buelow, especially from Thurln- ' gla, where prices are alleged to be 40 per I I cent higher than formerly. i There seems no doubt that the price of j j meat has risen 40 per cent during the last j i partly to the generally increasing scale , of living, or altogether to the customs t duties and the sanitary barriers to the 1m- ' porta t ion of meals and live animals. DEPUTY SHERIFF IS MISSING Alleged Horse Thief Reaches Town with Brit and Gun of the Officer. GREAT FALLS. Mont.. Aug. 23. A dis patch to the Tribune from Lewlstown re ports the disappearance of Deputy Sheriff Silverthorne, who started a week ago Into ! the wilds of eastern Fergus county after a horse thief named Connera Conners rode Into Lewistown yesterday wearing the belt and gun of the deputy, which he said he had taken from him while the latter was asleep st a round-up camp about 145 miles from here. According to Conners' story Silverthorne had capture him and they were on their way to Lew'stown when he took the gun, belt and horse, which he rode to town. Conners is now In Jail. VISITORS AT OYSTER BAY Generals Wood Wood Hilt Ia oner I.enpri Am Ident's fwlle and Com tnlaal mon g Prea- rs. OYSTER BAY, Aug. 31 General and Mrs. I.eonard Wood arrived here from Washing ton at 6:56 p. m. tonight and are guests to night of President and Mrs. Roosevelt. While It Is said that General Wood's visit to the president Is devoid of significance and Is of purely a personal nature, It Is certain that the president desired to dis cuss with him the situation In the Philip pines, not only as to the operations of the American army, but as to the development of the Islands. President and Mrs. Roose velt entertained a rnrty at luncheon today, Including Major General Davis, former governor general of the canal rone; Fran cis E. Leupp, commissioner of Indian af fairs; William Barnes, Jr., of Albany, N. Y., and T. H. P. Farr and Archer Harman, relatives of the Roosevelt family. General Davis, who is a member of the board of consulting engineers of trc? Isthmian canal commission, discussed with the president matters concerning the canal project with special reference to the ap proaching first meeting of the board of con sulting engineers. Commissioner Leupp came to Oyster Bay to make a report of an Investigation he re cently has made of the affairs of certain Indian tribes in the west and to discuss with the president some other questions that have arisen In his bureau. Later In the afternoon the president a talk with Rev. J. J, Curran of Wilkes barre. Pa., president of the Catholic Total Abstinence union, cowernlng the indus trial situation In the anthracite region. No details of the Interview were discussed. DENVER BANKERS ARRESTED Four Officers of Defunct Savings In stitution Charged with Receiv ing Deposits Illegally. DENVER, Aug. 23. Warrants were Is sued" by District Attorney George Slldger today on complaint of depositors of tho Denver Savings bank for the arrest of President J. A. Hill, Vice President F. P. Jones and some minor officials of the bank, which was placed in the hands of a re ceiver last Saturday. The nature of the charges have not been made public. Presi dent Hill Is said to be In Oklahoma and Vice President Jones In Colorado Springs. Carlos Wood, cashier; R. A. Brown, re ceiving teller, and Joseph Davis, paying teller of the savings bank, were later ar rested here on warrants charging tankers' larceny. The complaints specifically set forth that deposits were received by the bank's officers when they knew that the bank was Insolvent. SOUTH MALISTER. I. T.. Aug. 23.-J. A. Hill, president of the defunct Denver Sav ings bank, was arrested here this afternoon by Chief of Police Collier on information from the Denver authorities, who asked that Hill be held until their arrival. When arrested Hill stated that he would return to Denver without protest or requisition papers. Pending the arrival of the Denver officer Hill Is being kept under surveillance. He is not confined. tin CATHOLIC YOUNG MEN'S UNION Convention Pusses Resolution Favor Ins State Aid for Parochial and Mission Schools. ALBANY, N. Y., Aug. 23 The conven tion of the Catholic Young Men's union closed today with the election of officers and the adoption of resolutions, outlining its policies. The delegates recommended that the state aid Catholic parochial 1 schools and that the national government assist the bureau of Catholic 'Indian mis sions. All Catholic societies are urged to Interest themselves in the establishment and support of night schools. Such organizations are requested to bind themselves together In provincial unions and engage in Joint debates. The conven tion expressed its approval of the Cham plain summer school and adopted a resolu- I tlon commending "In particular the work I of tho fountain-head and the souroe of all systematic education university training" and urging the support and endowment of the Catholic university at Washington. The members voted their approval of the action of the Massachusetts legislature in recognising the right of orphan children to be reared In homes and by persons of tneir own raitn ana asuea otner states to take similar action. ARREST IN COTTON SCANDAL A. Peckham, Cotton Broker, Taken Into Custody at Saratoga. la SARATOGA. N. Y., Aug. 23.-F. A. Peck ham, indicted for complicity In the De partment of Agriculture cotton reports scandals, was arrested here today and ar raigned before United States Commissioner Charles M. Davison, who ordered an ad- journment of examination until tomorrow morning. In default of 112,000 ball Peck ham was lodged In the Saratoga county Jail at Ballston. . WASHINGTON, Aug. 2S. F. A. Peck ham, the New York broker who was ar rested In Saratoga today, has been one of the most conspicuous figures In the Investi gation of the cotton report leakage In the Department of Agriculture. His Indictment Is the flrBt which has become known In connection with the sensational develop ments growing out of the charges against the Integrity c the government cotton statisticians. -V.. Peckham's name has been associated very closely with Moses Haas of New York and both of them de clined to testify before the grand Jury here. MANY FIREMEN ARE INJURED Three May Die as Result of Heavy Blase at Orovllle, Cali fornia. OROVILLE. Cal . Aug. 23.-A fire which for a time threatened to wipe out the entire city broke out here early today. Before It was under control an entire block was de stroyed. Several firemen were severely In jured, three of them. It Is believed, fatally. The names of the latter are John Preston, Frost and X. Soskl. A lumber of lrauiia lie irjiim minniug-. The loaa Is estimated at llaO.000, one-third covered by insurance. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Appointments of. Rural Carriers to Fill Vacancies Made by Department. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Aug. 23-(Speclal Tele gram.) These appointments have been made to fill vacancies In the rural carrier service: Iowa Gilmore City, route 1, Rich ard M. Weir carrier, Will B. Weir substi tute; Numa. route 2. Glen A. Norrla earlier, Jaqob A. Norrls substitute. . SECTIONAL PLAN A FAILURE Sohemo for Dividing Work of Irrigation Congress Fails to Work. DELEGATES DO NOT ATTEND MEETING Trouble In Resolutions -Committee Over Aliened Status of the National Irrigation Association. PORTLAND. Ore. Aug. 23.-That the plan of holding the deliberations of the Na tional Irrigation congress In sections. Initi ated at the Instance of Secretary of Agri culture Wilson, is a failure, seems to be the consensus of opinion among the delegates to the congress, which is now In session In Portland, and In this view some of the gov ernment officials who have coroe here to addles the sections coincide. Notwithstanding that there are In Port land about 1,400 accredited delegates to the congress, not more than fifty or seventy five, all told, have attended the sectional meetings, either yesterday or today. The work of the congress Is being done by the resolutions committee and the only In terest that has been excited since the gen eral session on the opening day Is over the arguments which have taken place during Its meetings. The sessions of the commit tee have been attended by about fifty dele gates and the 1,000 others are spending their time In viewing the fair or visiting different points of Interest about the city. Interesting papers were read In the dif ferent sections. In groups of twenty-five or more, but it Is hard for the speakers to do themselves Justice. Trouble Over Resolutions. The resolutions committee struck a second stumbling block at its meeting today over a resolution declaring that there Is no con nection between the National Irrigation congress and the National Irrigation asso ciation, the latter an Incorporated body or wiusje board of directors C. W. Boot he of I8 Angeles Is chairman. Mr. Boothe Is also chairman of the executive committee of the National Irrigation congress. Assertions were made that large sums of money have been collected In Chicago and points In the west and Montana from manu facturers and others who have considered, the association Identical with or the parent body of the congress. Mr. Boothe was called to the committee room to explain what. If any, connection there existed be tween the two organizations. Mr. Boothe resented any supposed Insinuation that there had been any misrepresentation by him or by the association of which he Is director. Dtsrnaaton Becomes Personal. Personalities were further injected Into the discussion by the reading of an article reproduced from a St. Louis newspaper, which. In the opinion of Beveral delegates, left the Impression that Mr. Boothe was al lowing his name to be connected with the two organlxations In a manner that brought Inevitable confusion. It was stated by Mr. Boothe, and his statement was substan tiated by committee members who had not before asserted themselves on the subject, that while not connected with the congress the association had promoted the congress and he stated that during the last four years no congress had taken place without the financial and moral support of the as. soclatlon. , A substitute resolution of Senator Clark of Wyoming, stating that the National Irri gation congress never has and never will have any connection with the National Irri gation association, was adopted by the con- gress The committee on nominations named the following for the ensuing year: Gov ernor George C. Pardee of Calfornla (In cumbent), president; L. W. ShurtlltT of Utah, first vice president; Congressman J. H. Stevens of Texas, second vice presi dent; H. B. Maxon of Nevada, secretary. ROBBERY MYSTERY SOLVED Hlgglnson Jewels Recovered and Tutor Who Was Arrested In Europe la Released. NEW YORK, Aug. 23. The mystery sur rounding the robbery of the house of John I J. Hlgglnson. at 16 East Forty-first street. 1 on July j, naa Deen solved, the confessed I burglar located by the police, the disposer 1 of tne jcwels locked up, most of the plun der recovered and the name of Edward Park, the tutor In the Hlgglnson family, who was arrested In Chrlstlania, Norway, entirely cleared. Rlph Warner, aged 33, who has a police record, 'was caught through a newspaper "personal" In which he offered Information ..... . , i I, . . to the Hlgglnson family. He Implicated John Kodna, a Syrian. 19 years 19 years of age, now an Inmate of a Massachusetts reforftia tory. The latter confessed that before his arrest in Massachsetts he entered the Hlg glnson homo, concealed himself In a closet and when opportunity offered robbed the J houge e ,atpr RavP tne jwe,s to War ner, who disposed of them. Warner bears a striking resemblance to Edward Park, the tutor, and the latter was arrested abroad after a pawnbroker had Identified his photograph as that of the man who had pawned some of the Hlg glnson Jewels. Park waa subsequently re leased. CHURCH MERGER IS PROPOSED Christian MlasJonary Conference Ap points Committee to Confer with Free Baptists SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 23. The Interna tional missionary convention of the Chris tian church oame to a close today. The committee to confer with the Free Bap tists on union was made permanent. The last session of the convention opened with song led by T. A. Abbott of Mis souri. J. H. Harrison followed with a bible reading. George L. Bush of Mc Klnney, Tex., fhen addressed the conven tion, his theme being "If all Christians Were Christians." This , afternoon meetings of several af filiated societies were held. Tomorrow the delegates will leave for their homes. CIRCUS STRANDED IN FRANCE I American Show (iocs Into Hands of Receiver and Employes Are Penniless. WASHINGTON, Aug. 23-The State de partment has received a cable dispatch saying that 200 Americans belonging to the MacCadden circus are stranded at Greno ble. France. They have no means and cannot get home. The receiver of the circus has offered to send them to London snd to give them 14 each, but that will not assist them very much. The State department has no funds for ssslstlng Americans, except American seamon, who Jniay become stranded abroad. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Thnndrr Snorters nnd Cooler Thurs day. Friday Fair and Warmer. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday 1 Hour. I)r(. Hour. Drsr. r, a. m 72 1 p. m M-4 a. m Tt 8pm T a. m Tl 3 p. ni T Ma. m 7:1 4 p. in M 9 a. in 7(1 5 p. m . . . f 1 a. m 77 41 p. in Htl 11 a. m H2 7 p. m 12 in fvl M p, m Hit 9 p. m r2 ARRESTS FOR MIZE MURDER All Suspects Hut One Are Finally Releaaed by the Chicago Police. CHICAGO. Aug. 23 The police today made a number of arrests in connection with the murder of Miss Effle Mlxe. who was shot last night by a robber, but all of them were released In the afternoon, with the exception of William Bracey, a colored man. Bracey bad been a waiter at the Holland hotel and was positively Identified by Nora O'Hara and Nellie Curran, two maids employed in the Del Prado hotel, as a man they saw following Mrs. Mire and Mrs. Wilson, her companion, a short time before the shooting. Both girls had worked In hotels with Bracey and knew him well. Mrs. Wilson declared last night that the murder waa Committed by a white man, but when confronted today with Bracey admitted that he might be the man. Bracey, although a colored man. Is of a light yel low shade, and In the dusk might easily be taken for a white man of dark com plexion. Bracey denies any connection with the murder. He admits walking on Washing ton avenue a short time before Mrs Mlxe was shot, but says he went away and was not In the neighborhood when the crime was committed. There has been no developments In the case to show that it was anything else than tie act of a holdup man who feared that the cries of the woman would lead to his arrest and shot her to facilitate his escape. SOLDIER MEETS HARD DEATH Sergeant Gardner of Fort Crook Cut to Pieces I. ate at Mailt by a Train. la Sergeant Gardner of Company K, Thir tieth Infantry, was the victim of an acci dent which cost him his life Tuesday even ing. With some other soldiers from Fort Crook Gardner Is said to have been drink ing at a spot alongside the- Burlington tracks. It Is reported that he left his comrades to walk down the track a short distance Not returning, a search was In stituted, and pieces of a man's anatomy were found scattered along the track. That these were parts of Sergeant Gard ner's body was made certain by certain tattoo marks on an arm. There were rumors for a time that the man's death might have been a case of foul play, but nothing has developed to substantiate such a theory. PANAMA MERCHANTS OBJECT Government Commissariat Knocks a Hole In Their Bus In eaa. PANAMA, Aug. 23. A permanent com mittee of three has been appointed by the merchants here to seek a modification of the arrangement establishing commis sariats In the renal tone. This committee will present to Governor Magoon a state ment showing the losses merchants are likely to suffer and will endeavor to obtain a'n equitable readjustment of the matter. i A conference will be held soon between tho committee, President Amador and Governor Magoon. The relations between the merchants of Panama and Governor Magoon are most cordial, which fact Is looked upon as a good point In the situation TWO FATALITIES AT ST. JOSEPH Thirteen Yon on Men Go Swimming; One la Drowned and One Killed by Train. 8T. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 23. Two mem bers of a party of thirteen young men who went swimming In the Missouri river today lost their lives. ' Dewey Darrow was walking down the railroad tracks to Join the others and In avoiding a train sterined In front of n. other on a parallel track and was struck nil Infltantlv U 4 1 1 .1 A I, mi h -am . I . i , , ' .,.. ... . ... , cnrl Johnson got beyond his depth In the , . r browned . I . . .... . , nr ...... o ure.1 ;'irvri au.Mll llirm llCing worsen in ine pariy ana jonnson voiun- teered to carry hark any bad news. ROCK ISLAND TRAINS COLLIDE Three Serionaly Injured Anton Paa aengera Brought to Lincoln Hospital. LINCOLN. Neh.. Aug. 23 -Two Rock Island passenger trains collided In the yardM at Mankato, Kan., this afternoon. The smoker on one was badly wrecked and sev eral persons Injured, one, F. E. Tracy, resi dence unknown, perhaps fatally. The three most serolusly Injured were brought to Un coln and placed In a hospital. They are: F. E. Tracy, badly hurt; may die. Fred Robarge, Denver, foot crushed and body bruised. John Burns, Denver, hUTt Internally. FORESTERS ELECT OFFICERS W. A. tlogan of Maaaaehnaetta Choaen Chief Ransier by Supreme Court of America. BUFFALO. N. Y.. Aug. 23 -At the clos ing session today of the supreme court of the Foresters of America these officers were elected : Supreme chief ranger. W. A. Hogan. Mas saii.uHetts; supreme auhchlef ranger. J. K. Lyddy. Connecticut; suureme trvuaulor 1 j. oiiirin fennsyivania : suureme secretin- F F. Hchuls. New York; supreme examiner. Dr. A. A. Saruent. Philadelphia supreme senior woodward, I). E. Hunnlhan Pennsylvania; supreme Junior woodward! E. R. Wexsels. New Jersey; supreme senior beadle, J. J. Bovce. New York: supreme Junior beadl. S. K. Bowes. Washington. Moveiuents of Ocean 4 eaarlaA uT. St.'!. At New York Arrived: Teutonic, from Liverpool: Pennsylvania. from Dover. Sailed: Baltic, for Liverpool; Statendam, for Rotterdam; Cltta dl Nnpoll, for Genoa' At Glasgow A rrlvei: Buenos Avrean, from Montreal; Montevidean. from Boston. At London Arrived: Luxor, from Sun Francisco. At Liverpool Sailed: Bylvsnla, for Bos ton. At Queenatown Sailed: Caronla. for New York. At Cherbourg Sill-d- Kaiser Wllhelm der Grosae. for New York. At Hong Kong Arrived: Aragonia, from Portland. Korea, from Snn Fram Ihco. At Naples-Sailed; Adeittrt, fur i New York. OUTLOOK IS BLACK Japan Submits President's Proposition ai.d it is Refused by Russia. ASKS RUSSIA TO BUY PART OF SAKHALIN One Billion Two Enndred Million Tea Asked for North Half. WILL YIELD ALL OTHER POINTS Witts Says Proposal Represents Only Change in Phraseology. ENVOYS WILL MEET AGAIN SATURDAY Ruaalan Reply Will Of Put la Wrltlna In Meantime Last Ses sion t nlesa Grent Change Takes Place. RI I.I.ETI. PORTSMOUTH. N. H., Aug. 23.-From an authoritative Japanese source the As- soclated Press Is Informed that the propo sition to divide the Island of Sakhalin came origin. illy from the Russian side. PORTSMOUTH. Aug. 23-The Japanese plenipotentiaries at the conclusion of the afternoon session today of the peace con ference threw the card upon the table. It was the dramatic moment tbe moment to which all the previous proceedings of the conference bad led. The protocols Involv ing agreement upon eight of the twelve conditions originally presented by Japan had been signed. One side or the other must make a move or the plenipotentiaries had reached the parting of the ways. The adversaries faced each other across the table. Of course It was well understood what would happen, but that In a way only mn-de It more dra matic. Figuratively, President Roosevelt suddenly entered the conference room. M. Witte sat silent and the move In the great diplomatic game passed to Japan. Baron Komura In a few words explained that Japan In her great desire for peace was ready to ninke certain "modifications" of the original articles In tho hope that Russia could find It possible to accept them. He then presented In writing to M. Witte the compromise proposition which President Roosevelt had suggested. It was concrete and specific and It followed the lines out lined In these dispatches. It offered to with draw article Ix, providing for the payment by Russia of Japan's bill for the cost of war. .on conditions that Russia would ac cept article v. which provides for the ces sion of the Island of Sakhalin, so modified aa to Include an arrangement for the re purchase by Russia of the northern half of the Island for,000 yen. In addition It offered to withdraw entirely articles xl and xll (surrender of the Interned warships and limitation upon Russia's sea power In the far east.) It was President Roosevelt' compromise and M. Witte knew Its contents aa well as Baron Komura. 'Witte llef use Proposition. The question of whether he had been "bluffing" wss put to the test. Without a'" moment's hesitation M. Witte explained that the modification proposed was merely a sham, a change of phraseology, a diplo matic attempt to "dorer la pilule" and asked Russia to pay war tribute under an other name. He could not accept It. Ha told Baron Komura Russia wanted peace. It had given the proofs In accepting every article Involving the Issues upon which the war was fought, but It could fight, and money for tribute It would not pay, not a kopeck. He neked Baron Komura to with draw all demands for tribute. And so the plenlpotenUares separated to meet again on Saturday, ostensibly to permit Mr. Witte to place In writing, as the rules of the con ference require, bis reply to the Japanese compromise proposition. In reality the ad journment over the two days was to glvs each side an opportunity to consult Its gov ernment for the last time. The outlook Is black. Many believe It was never so black as tonight. The Japanese are not talking. Indeed, tonight they ap pear to be more taciturn and more resolute than ever. The only possible line of further Japanese concession Is considered to lie In the diminution of the amount of the pur chase money demanded for the north half of Sakhalin. Derision Rests with Csnr. The decision rests, therefore, as It has from the first, with Russia. Unless the em peror agrees to yield between now and I Saturday the end la likely to come on that oay, ana tne indications irom r"eternor show even a firmer determination to yield neither territory nor Indemnity, sugar- coated though the latter may he. The long Instructions received last night, while not a reply to the communication of President Roosevelt, given to M. Witte at the navy yard yesterday afternoon, Is of a rharacter to almost completely destroy hop that It will be possible for M. Witte to satisfy the Japanese demand. M. Witte himself has been quoted as saying that he would not, If ordered to do so by the em peror, sign a treaty Involving the payment of a kopeck. But It must be borne In mind that M. Witte in the negotiations is not a free agent, he represents his emperor. If he were absolutely free this conference would not fall. He would make peace, he sympathizes with the solution offered by the president, but his hands are tied and unless he receives an Imperial command, he cannot move. Black as the prospect appears tonight, however, the failure of tho negotiations is not certain. The Russian camp la pessi mistic to a man, but they all know the quick and startling changes of front that sometimes take .lace at I'eterhof. And there arc factors In the situation which might affect one of those sudden and Inex plicable changes In the emperor's attitude which has frequently astonished Russia. President's Lntrat Move. Private advices froro St. Petersburg say that sentiment there. In Moscow and In large centers favors acceptance of the compromise This may mean much. But the real hope still rests with President Roosevelt. He Is resourceful. He has mads another move. He has sent Ambassador Meyer direct to the emperor and they were together, according to advices received here, for three hours today. Mr. Roosevelt himself tonight may know more about how the emperor feels than M. Witte and lie able to act upon the Informa tion conveyed to him by his ambassador. The rt-port Is Industriously circulated here that Emperor William is resiionslble for the attitude of Emperor Nicholas and everything Is traced hack to the meeting of the two emperors on board the Hohen zollern In the Finnish gulf. In support of this It is positively stated that after the Interview M. Witte's instructions were madu stronger and more uj. yielding. Autborltutlie Hulaa Statement. The following authoritative statement has been n.uile to the Associated Press expUlntri- the Russian position with re-