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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1905)
TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, 'AUGUST 21, 1903. QUICK IS IN GOOD FORM Champions EtTe Little Difficulty in Taking . Liit of the 8eri. INDIANS PUY K RAGGED GAME! WeleH Makes Fair Hits Oat of Four Times I p Only Two Bans Are Eatraeel ofct of Elevem Made. ryBLO. Cold.. Aug. 20.-(Bpc1al.) Cuick was in good form today and Omalia had no difficulty In taking trie last of tha cries from the India ng, who played a ragged gam. Miner, who opened up for the local, was knocked out of the boa Iff four Inning and Meiter who relived hfm did bUe work but the champion had taken too much of a lead to overcorne. Of the eleven run made in the game only two were earned. A wild throw to-first bane by Bader and another by Mott netted two runs each. The work of Dolan and Cook and a one handed catch by Martin were the features. Welch secured four hits out of four times up. OMAHA. w AB. R. niiM, ii ttt t a Carter, rf J Dolan, ss " 4 Welch. cf 1 " . Schinke. 3b "" 4 Thomas, lb ' I Msrtin, 2b 4 Freese, c .. . '4 wuitk. p I Touts .viaKA, cr , I wk, if ;.; 4 t;rirnniv, id 4 Anniw, iO. ...... M ( PUEBIiO. AB. Elwert, rf.. Bhrlver, i"'.!!!! Bader, s Winer, p..;. Hester, p. ...... Jflesslt H.. PO. A. E. 0 10 0 10 0 0 t 4 0 4 10 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 112 17 0 0 aoot It 27 T "i H. O. A. E. 1 3,0 0 0 6 0 0 0 12 0 0 110 0 10 0 2 12 1 14 0 1 10 12 0 2 0 10 3 0 0 0 0 0 "e 27 is "4 i " : 1 OMAIIA MEN AND THEIR IIORMES 1 1 1 'J&r-'-, '" ' s7. Hot -7? ,, If syJSf Zfi;-Frf&ir wt3 S V (' , , , , '' Mj hill, Morlarlty, le, Cllngmaa. Stolen base: MC'heney, Nance, Clingman. J. Clarke. First base on balls: UfT Mor- rtson. 2: Pit Mlnnehan, 4. Struck out: By Morrison, I: by Mlnnehan. . Double plays: Demont to Boyle. Nance to Morlarlty. Sac rifice hit: MoConnlck. Ieft on baes: Mil waukee, 4; Toledo, . Time: 1.00, Umpire: Kane. Attendance, 8,000. Break pvea at SI. real. 8T. PAL'U Aug. 20. Louisville and St. Paul split even on a double-header today. Score, first game: Loi'iaviu.B. it. r-Aru SB H O A I AU H, Kerl. rf... 4 I t 4 Dew. ft 4 t g ullian, lb I 411 1 0 Hemphill, rf. 4 I 4 arotl. el 4 1 Wneeier, lb. 4 1 I Bruhnr, lb. 4 1 1 I o Brlea, h . . 4 t 4 nournof it. 1 1 Carnejr, 'if... 14 1 Keller, lb... 4 1 II I Marran, lb.. I 1 I J fulllven, e I 1 I p.. I I 1 I 17 II I Moouaa 1 4 4 Sloner, e 4 1 I t Woodruff, Sb 4 I 1 4 Hallman, If. I I I 0 Qulnlin, ee . I 1 1 1 Steelier, p... I I 4 4 Total!.... ' Total! 14 I M 15 I Batted for Ferguson In ninth. Doulsvllle 00010021 -4 St. Paul 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 l Stolen banes: 8. Sullivan, Scott, Brashcar, fltoner. Firm base on balls: oft Steelier, 3. Hit by pitcher: Sullivan. Struck out: By Steelier, 3; by Ferguson, 3. Haerlilco hits: Mailman, Hemphill, Lft on bases: St. Paul, ; Louisville, S. Time: 1 t. em pire: King. Score, second game: ET, PAIL. LOl'ISVILLB. AB H O.A K AB.H.O.A.E. M1D-WEST TENNIS TOURNEY Sixtj-Eight Eotriei in Singles, Which Will Start This Morning, SOME NEW CRACKS IN THE LIST OMr, cf 1 l Hifmphlll, rf. 4 0 WhHlu, lb. I I O'Brien, u. .. 4 I Carner It... I I Keller, lb.... I 4 Marcan, lb.. 4 1 J Bulllvan, e 4 4 Bewlona, p.. 4 4 I I) 0 Kerwln. rf... 4 1 1 1 0 1 I 4 S Bulllvan. lb I 4 14 1 0 4 4 P''ou, cf 4 4 I 0 110 Hrenhear. lb. I 4 1. I 0 I 1 0 Rhaw, e 4 1 4 1 0 Tib Woodruff, lb 4 I 140 14 0 Hallman, 11. 4 I 0 4 4 40 gulnlan, aa . I 0 I I 0 14 0 Liunkie, p.... I 4 I 4 1 Total 34 Messltt batted for Hester In ninth gmaha 2 t 1 2 2 0 0 0 0-1 'hl 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12 Btnleh bnsen: Blake, Carter, 2; Dolan, feohjpke, Thomas. Three base hits: Welch, Wulok, Blnke, Dolan. Bsses on ball: Minor, 2; Hester. 2; Quick 3. Struck out: by Miner, 2; by Hester, 2; by Quick, 4. Left on rueblo. 3; Omaha, 10. Wild p'tchi Miner. Double tilay: Thomas, una Ustwl. Time: 1:50. Umpire: Maoe. At leiv.ano: tooo. Kveii Hreak at ilons City, STOT'X CITY. la., Aug. 20-Sloux City nd Bt. Joseph split even this afternoon In ' double-header by small score In both irames. They were two of the best contest seen on the local diamond thl year, full of brilliant play, daring base running, th finest sort of work by all of the pitchers e.O'1 both hard and timely hitting. The f nature of both game was the field ing ot Heynolds In rightfleld for the visitors, the right gardener robbing the Sioux City team of three hits by lightning throw to Trnt, catching his man In each case. The Packers won the first because of the In ability of the Jobbers to hit Cadwsl' and the visitors came out on top In the sec ond because fop Eyler was dishing up an tirhlttable article. Zlnk's hitting In both games was a fea ture, the big first bene man hitting a home run In each game. The victory In the sec ond wa due to his hard drive over the rightfleld fence. She performed some miraculous fielding feats behind the bat for the f acker. Neither Jarrott nor Seay, the lol,g pitchers, were hit hard. Score first ttOVX CITY. BT. JOSICfH. AB.H.O.A.E. AD H O. A B TIIOMAS F. LEE-IIypnotizing Them. Nichols. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Bhuster. At tendance: 8.0110. Score, second game: DBS MOINES. DENVER. AH H O. A I AB H O A B oanley, cf... I 114 1 MrHale. cf...i 1 0 1 0 Hosrlever, rf I 0 1 0 0 Hamell, lb. 4 I 1 4 0 Lous, as 114 4 1 Randall, rf.. 4 4 10 0 Roaaman. lb. 4 I I I 0 BeMen. It.., I 1 I 0 0 Wakefield, c 4 I T 4 0 P.rrlne. lb.. I 1 I I 0 Shusart, lb.. 4 I I I 1 H'aknetter. es 4 4 I 7 0 Cattrn, If.... I 114 0 Krerltt, lb.. 4 4 4 0 0 MrNlchola, lb I I I 1 Bohannon. lb 4 I I 1 1 Kanaka, p.,.l 110 4 Brown. C....1 0 4 11 gchaub p. V.. 4 0 4 4 0 Totals 14 It 17 10 I En.le. p 0 4 110- Vollendorf, p I 1 1 1 1 Totale 17 10 17 17 I ....4 3003001 1-12 ....0 0001000 23 McNIchols, I Bases on balls: off Schaub, 2; off Engle, 1; off Vollen dorf, 3; off Manske, 4. Struck out: by Kngle, 1; by Vollendorf, 2; by Manske, 6. Left on bases: Denver, 11: Des Moines, 8. First base on errors: Denver, 2. Sacrifice hits: Shugart. Two base hit: McNIchol. Hit by pitched ball: Hogrlcver. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Bhuster. Standing- of the Teams. Played Won Lost Des Moines Denver Stolen bases: Colllne. rf.... 1 I fthreban, lb. 4 1 WeeS, lb I 1 Pulalfer, It.. 4 I Nouilt. cf... 4 1 Tamer, lb... 4 J O'Hara, aa... I 4 8tarnagte, c I 1 Csd'iUder, p I I 4 Reynold, rf. 0 Senna, lb..., OQulllln. aa... 4 Andrewa. lb, 1 Ketchem, cf 4Zlnk. lb 1 Molrneaux, if 4 4 Zlnran, c. ... I 0 Seajr, p I I 4 4 1 4 t 4 4 4 I 1 11 I I 4 I 4 1 Tetala II 117 11 1 Totale 10 4 1111 I Sioux City 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 St. Joseph 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 F.arned runs: Sioux City, 3; St. Joseph, 1. Two-bane hit: 8tarnagle. Three-base hit: Nobllt. ' Home run: Kink. First base on errors: St. Joseph. Left on bases: Sioux City, 6; St. Joseph, 6. Stolen bases: Col lins (2), Sheehan. Sacrifice hit: Reynolds. Bases on balls: Off Cadwallader, 3; oft Seay. 2. Hit by pitched ball: Weed. Struck out. By Cadwallader, 2; by Beay, 1. Wlld pitcn: seay. Time: 1.3d. umpire: caru- tners. Score second game : ST. JOSEPH. SIOUX CITT. AB.H.O.A.B. V AB.H.O.A.K. Reynolde. rf. 4 I I 1 4 Olltne, H ..4 114 4 4 4 110 Sheehan, lb. I 4 I 1 4 111! Weed, lb I 1 I I 1 114 0 Pulalter. If... 10 14 setrnera, cl. ISIS Nobllt, cf.. Zlnk, lb I 1 II I 4 Carney, lb. Uoiynesux, 1111 1 1 4 rVhlle. Ib. Uutllln, aa .. 4 Andrewa, lb. 4 Zluran, e 4 !. P I 10 114 I Newton, ea... 14 114 1 4 Shea. c. I I I I I 4 4 1 4 Janott, p.... 14 114 Totalo It T 17 It 4 Totale It I 17 II 1 8t. Joseph 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 03 Hloux City 0 0 ft 0 0 0 1 0V0-1 Earned runs: St. Joseph, 2; Sioux City, 1. Two-baee hit: Zlnran, Qulllln. Home run: Zlnk. First base on errors: St. Joseph. Left on bases: Sioux City, 1; St. Joseph, G. Sacrifice lilts: Sheehan, Ketchem. Bases on balls: Off Jarrott, 1. Hit by pitched hall: Molyneaux. Struck out: By Jarrott, 1; by Eyler, 4. Time: 1:20. Umpire: Caru thers. Attendance: 3,000, Uvea Break at Denver. DENVER. Colo., Aug. to. Five thousand fans thronged the grandstand, pavilion and bleachers, cheereu Denver to victory against Dee Moines In the first game of today's double header, 3 to t and knocked with equal vigor when the cubs went down to defeat In the second contest by a score of 13 to 3. After the Underwriters had scored four runs off "Pat" Bohannon in the first Inning of the opening gume, the Orlxxlles' made a gallant uphill rally. Manske was sent to the bench and McKay who replaced him was heavily bombarded. In the second game Manske had-his re venge while the erratic work of Schaub, Ens' and Vollendorf all of whom esayJ to pitch would have been a Joke had their plight not been pitiable. The opening struggle was the best of the season from the standpoint of sustained Interest. Although beaten, Manager Her man Long of Des Moines by his persistent kicking on every play was the center of Intereet. Mike Cantlllon got Jealous of his manager's notoriety but his tirade against Umpire Shustcr was cut short and he was fui oft the I'.elJ. Frank Shugart was a mit ixl personal lit hi conversation with the umpire and was tiral fined and than benched. Score, first gam: DBNVKH. EES M0IN1S. AM H O A B. AS H O. A. g. Des Moines 113 Denver Ill Sioux City I119 Omaha 106 Pueblo lt4 St. Joseph 110 taamea toriav! OmnhA at Denver. Moines at Pueblo. Sioux City at St.' Jo seph. 73 66 67 41 31 39 46 60 49 63 79 Pet. .652 .6S .641 .394 .2ffJ Des The fielding wa somewhat ragged, owing to the wind and dust. Score: R.H.E. Ramblers 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 Victors 0 0000001 0-1 14 Struck out: By Durness. 16; by Casey, 8. Base on ball: Off (iurness, 2; off Casey, 1. Three-base hit: Swift. Two-base hit: Stear- nut. Double play: Cavanaugh to Corrlgan. Time: 1:10. Umpire: McKeon. GAMES IX AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Columbus W In Both Games of Double Header from Kansas City, KANSAS CITY, Aug. 20. Columbus took both game of a double-header from Kan sas City today. The first game was well contested until the seventh Inning. Justus lasted five innings In the second game, after which he wa pounded hard. Kihm and Congalton scored home runs. Score, first game: COLUMBCH. KANSAS CITY. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. Pickering, cf. 4 4 1 4 0 Ollbert, If... 4 1 1 4 4 Davla, rf 4 14 4 1 rauadar, cf. I I 1 0 1 Ryan, c 4 I I 1 I DouKlan.. lb. I 0 I I 1 Congallon, If 4 11 0 4 Caatro, lb. . .. 4 4 4 1 4 Kihm. lb.... 4 1 11 1 4 Donahue, aa. 4 I 1 I 0 Hulawltt aa. I 4 4 I 1 Hill, rf 4 4 10 1 Clymer, Ib... 4 4 4 4 4 Bonner, Ib... 4 1111 Barbeau. lb.. 1111 OButltr, c... 4 4 4 4 4 Dorner, p.... 1 4 4 7 0 Durham, p.. 4 1 4 1 I GAME" IS. THE AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago Defeats Hew .York In an Eleven-Inning; Battle. CHICAGO, Aug. 20. Chicago today de feated New York I to 1 In a hard-fought eleven-inning pitchers'-1 battle. Elberfeld attempted to attack Umpire McCarthy and was ordered out of the grounds. Attend ance, 22,170. Score: CHICAOO. MEW TORK. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.E. e d Jonee, cf . , , labell, rf.. 4 4 1 4 4 Conroy, cf -aa I 5 4 1 4 4 Heeler, rf... 4 0 0 I 0 4 4 4 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 I I Davie. aa..J.. 4 III Elberfeld, aa. I Callahan, It, 4 4 1 4 ! Klelnow, lb. I Uor.aDue, ID. I 11 1 0 Dougherty if I SullUan, e.. 4 4 14 4 4 Wllllama. lb. 4 Tannehlll, lb I 1 I I 1 Yeager, lb...l Dundon, lb.. 4 4 11 Ol'haee, lb-cf. 4 White, p 4 t 1 I IML-Uulre, 0.. I Ortb, p 4 Touts u 1 u u 1 Totale 1 7M it I None out when winning run scored. Chicago 0 100000000 12 New York .v...O 000001000 01 Left on bases: Cblcago, 4; New York. 6. Two-base hit: Yaeger. Three-base hit: Williams. Sacrifice hits: Tannehlll, Davis. Bases on balls: Off White, 3; off Orth, 2. Hit with ball: McQulre. Time: 2:22. Um pires: Connolly and McCarthy. Gold Watch for Stone. 8T. LOUIS, Aug. 20. St. Louis made a clean sweep of today's double header, de feating Philadelphia i to 3 and 6 to 4. Stone, the local left fielder was presented with a gold watch, purchased by popular subscrip tion In honor of his leading this league in hitting at the present time. Waddell re ceived a drubbing In the second game and retired aUer a collision with Jones In the fifth inning, both men being knocked un sclous. Jones, however, remained in the game. Bcore: hxd ST. LOUIS. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A.B, AB.H.O.A.E. Stone. If 4 0 1 4 I Harteel, If... I 110 1 Itock'neld, ID a I 1 4 0 Hoffman, cf.. 4 Vanaant, rf..4 1 I 4 4 Uavla, lb 4 Wallace, aa.. I I I 4 4 L. Croaa, Ib. 4 Jonee lb I 4 11 1 4 Seybold rf...l Oleaaoa, lb.. I I 4 1 1 Murphy, lb.. 4 Kothler, cf.. I 1 I Mil. Croea, aa. 1 Sugden, c... 1 4 1 1 4 Powers, c... I Peiljr, p 14 4 11 Plank, p t Schreck .... 1 Totale 17 I 17 14 I 'barton 1 I I I 4 0 4 Totala 10 7 87 II I - Totala 14 T 14 II I Columbus 0 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Earned runs: Kansas City, 1; Columbus, 3. Two-base hits: Cassaday, Donahue, Davis. Sacrifice hits: Kihm, Hulswltt, Dor ner. Stolen bases: Cassaday (2.1, Pickering. Double play: Castro to Bonner to Douglass. Base on balls: Oft Durham, 1; off Dorner, 2. Struck out: By Durham, S; by Dorner, 3. Left on bases: Kansas City, 8; Columbus 6. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Bulllvan. Score, second game: COLUMBUS. KANSAS CITY. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.E. Pickering, cf I 1 I 0 4 Gilbert, If... 4 4 1 0 4 Dane, rf 1 4 4 4 0 Caaaaday. cf. 4 U 4 0 Ryan, lb.... 1114 0 Douglaas, lb. 4 4 4 1 4 Congalton, If 1 I 0 4 Caatro, lb...4 1 I 1 1 Kihm, lb.... I a 10 4 4 Donabue, aa. 4 I I I 1 Hulawltt, aa. . 0 I I 1 Wright, rf... 4 114 4 Brown. 0 4 1 4 0 0 Bonner, lb... I 1 I 4 0 Barbeau, lb. 4 1 1 I V Zeartoaa, c... 10 6 10 Sudhoff. p 4 4 4 I 0 Jualua, p I 4 4 4 4 Totala It I 17 11 I Totala It I 14 I I Columbus 0 1 0 0 0 2 6 0 9 Kansas City 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 fearncd runs: Kansas City, 1: Columbus 8. Two-base hits: Castro, Donahue, Brown, Barbeau. Three-base hit: Congalton. Home runs: Kihm, Congalton. Sacrifice hits: Bonner, Ryan. Stolen base: Kihm. Double play: Hulawltt to Hyan. Base on balls: Oft Justus, 2. Struck out: By Justus, 3; by Sudhoff, 6. Hit by pitched ball: Gilbert, Davis. Left on basts: Kansas City, 6; Columbus, 4. Time: 1:47. Umpire: Sullivan. Attendance, 6,000. Even Break In Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 20,-Mlnneapolls and Indianapolis broke even in a double header at Minneapolis today. The second game was called at .the end of the seventh because of an approaching storm. Score, first game: MINNEAPOLIS. INDIANAPOLIS. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Jones, cf.... 4 0 I 4 0 Bruce, lb.... 4 1 1 4 0 a I 0 0 Moran. aa..., 4 4 14 1 1 Thoney, if... 4 114 0 Met'reery, cf. 4 14 11 Maaaay, lb... 4 till Terrell, rf... 4 I I I 1 Carr, lb 4 1 4 1 4 lilt Zaluaky ... 4 1 1 1 0 1 4 7 0 Keldy, p 4 4 4 1 4 Totala II I 11 10 0 Totala M t 17 11 1 Bt. Taul 10000000 01 Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hit: Woodruff. Three-base hits: Brashear (2); Carney. First base on balls: Off Sessions, 2: ott Dunaie, 6. Struck out: By Sessions, 4; by Dunkle, 3. Wild pitch: Dunkle. Sacrifice hits: Hemphill, S. Sulli van, Hallman. Left on bases: St. Paul, 10; Louisville, 6. Time: l.M. Umpire: King. Attendance, 2,700. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Columbus lis 78 Milwaukee' 118 74 .115 Louisville 118 Indianapolis 110 St. Paul 115 Toledo 117 Kansas City 113 Oames today: Columbus at Kansas City, Toledo at Milwaukee, Indianapolis at itln neapolis, Louisville at St. Paul. 65 62 65 63 44 36 40 44 60 56 Gl 2 73 78 Several Familiar Same Mlaalng, bat Enoaah of the Others to -Add Zest' to the Matches. I , TMay wll! start at the Omaha Field club in the Mlrfdlg West Tennis tournament thl morning at t o'clock and be continued all week, morning, afternoon and evening, until the tournament 1 played through. Many new faces will be seen among the cracks from abroad and many of the old favorites will be missing, but the string, on the whole, Is good. Both Bcrlbner and Young, the best In singles In this city, will be ab sent from the tournament In singles for business reason, both being unable to leave their work. Young may play In the doubles If It can be arranged for him to pliy In the evenlnK. The Eberhnrdts have not en tered, being too busy to give, a week to tennis. Some of , the players arrived yesterday and several matches were played at the Field club, one between' Sanderson and , Fletcher and Hughe and Kohn being viewed by a large gallery. .The drawing for the double will be held Monday evening and the entry list will be held open until that time.' Many of the women will learn with regret that Adonis Holland of Qales burg will be unable to play during the tournament, being detained by Illness. Cracks Who Are Present. Laying aside the ever present possibility of long shots taking down the money In a .661 j tournament, It Is safe to say that the work j of A. C. Snow and C. S. Peters of Chicago. !6:5 ! F- n- Sanderson and P.alph Fletcher of .474 . Qalesburg and W. P. Hayes of Toledo. la., .4M .310 DIETZ TEAM BEATEX Br JETTERS Slow, bnt Interesting;, Game Results In Score of 4 to 2. The B. Jetters defeated the C. N. Diets team at Vinton street park Sunday In a very interesting though slow game, by a acore of 4 to 2. Score: JETTERS. C. N. DIETZ. H.H.A.O B. R H A O K. Kennedy, lb. 4 1 I I 1 Moeaman, Ib. I 1 0 I 0 Vanl'leara. If 0 0 0 1 0 Anderaon, If. 0 0 0 4 0 Deamnnd, cf. 4 1 1 1 OTounfmtn, c. 0 1 1 10 0 McMahon, Ib 1 1 I 1 0 Jenklna, aa..0 0 10 1 Koran, aa.... 114 1 1 Plainer rf...0 4 110 Clark, rf I 14 1 4 Lafertyi cf... 0 4 4 0 0 X Collier, lb 4 4 0 11 1 Harrleon, lb. 0 0 17 1 Smith, c 0 4 11 0 Knight, p.... 4 114 1 Bell, p 0 1 I 0 0 Dunn, lb 4 I 1 1 4 Totala 4 I 14 17 I Totala I I I 17 I Three-base hit: Tonneman. Two-base hit: Massman. Double play: Dcamond to Koran. Struck out: By Bell, 6; by Knlglit, 6. Base on balls: Off Bell, 1; oft Knight, 1. Bat teries: Jetters, Bell snd Smith; C. N. Diets, Knight and Tonneman. Umpire: Shar.ahan. Stors Team Breaks Even ' The Storz team broke even on a double header at Portsmouth, la., yesterday. Both games were good" and snappy. The Stors team played almost an errorless game all through. Newstrom and Schlier pitched good ball In the first game, while in tho second game Hove and Lelne were hit more freely. Score, first game: R H E Stors 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 04 3 2 Portsmouth ....1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 13 .4 6 Batteries: Portsmouth, Schlier and Batty; Storz, Newstrom and Falrbrother. Score, second game: R H E Portsmouth ....0 3002010 06 4 6ton 0 1 2 Q 0 0 0 0 0-3 8 2 Batteries: Portsmouth, Lelne and Batty; Storx, Hoye and Falrbrother. Keokuk Beats Murshulltovrn. ' MARSH ALLTOWN. Ia.. Aug. 20.-(8pe-clal Telegram.) After pitching shut-out ball for seven Innings Parkin let down long enough for Keokuk to run In four scores In the eighth, winning the game. Score: R H E Keokuk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 04 li i kMarshalltown .0 0001001 02 9 3 Batteries: Marshalltown, Parkin and Bruggeman; Keokuk, Blexrod and Hackett. Struck out: By Parkin. 1; by Blexrod, 4. Bases on balls: Off Parkin, 1; off Blexrod, 1. Three-base hit: Annls. Two-base hit: Bruggeman. Umpire: Brennan. Tennle Finals at Southampton. SOUTHAMPTON. L.. I., Aug. 20.-The finals of the gentlemen's doubles In the tennis tournament at the Meadow club were played today, the match having been a tie when play was called at tiara yesterday. Henry Torrence and T. R. Pell won from Frederick Q. Anderson and Harry F. Al len In three straight sets. In the mixed doubles, semi-final round, Miss Alice Kobbe and Harry S. Allen beat Miss Katherlne Barney and W. A. Larned. In the finals Miss Alice Kobbe and Harry S. Allen beat Mrs. Qoode H. Livingston and li. Hunt ington. ' Sullivan, rf.. 4 Freeman, lb. 4 Coulter, If... 4 Oremlnger, lb i Schmidt, e... 4 Oyler, a.... 4 Fox. lb I Siovsll, p.... 14 10 14 4 4 14 4 4 I 14 0 0 110 .11 II 17 11 4 0 0 0 23 2 0 0 0-10 4 4 4 .11 I 14 14 t 3 0 0 3 0 0 10-2 Mr Hale. of... lilt 0 Oenler, cf... 4144 Hameii, is. t I SHo'lver, rf-lk I 111 Kai.dall, rf,. 4 114 4 Long, aa I I I 4 IteltMi. If ... I 4 11 4 Ruumas. Ik. 4 1 4 4 4 Pei-riM. 1. .. 4 I 4 I 4 Wakefteld, a. I 1 1 4 0 H'akoMter, aa 4 I I I f Wolfe e 1114 4 (rut, lb... 4 4 4 1 0 Shugart, Ik.. 14 14 1 Lucia, 1 t 1 (.happen, rf 1 4 4 4 4 Brow. 1 4 4 6 aCaKya, 4 ettfhanaon, p. t 1 4 1 4 MtMchola. lb 4 Totala Hanak. p. ...11 11 17 II t McKay, p.. I I 1 I . 4 4 4 4 4 14 4 0 Totals II I 14 II 4 Penver .,s...... 0 0 8 3 0 1 1 -3 Dee Moines t.4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 06 ' fcltolen. bases: McHale, Randall, Oanley, 2; Wolfe. McKay Three, has hits: Wakefield, Carfya.' HtH-lskoetter, McHale. Baaea on balls: off Bobannon, t; off Manske, 1; oft McKay, L Btiuck out: By Bohannon, 3; by McKay, 3. Left on bases: Denver, 6; Des Mplueg. 6- First base on errors: Den ver, 1. Beorlftce hite: McHale, Belden, 2; Bohannon, Hojtretver. 3. Two base hits: Hogriever. Peirlne. Double plave: Kvtritt 10 Perrinei McKay, Wolfe, Huaaiutn to Mc- DAKQ1JBT HAIL II you may. If born soar ana itr, 1 1 I Tott'U Had nuns 1 1 it 1 LtMttaT tfana Dan- I I 1 (joe Hail CUplX- j liar tot 2flC and 1 X5c stralitL J CIGARS Totale Batted for Powers In ninth. Batted for Plank In ninth. Bt. Louis 0 0 0 0 1 Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 0 Earned runs: Bt. Louis. 2: PhlladelDhla. I. Two base hits: Plank, Koehler, Wal lace, Murphy. Sacrifice I hits: Jones, M. Cross. Double plays: M. Cross and Murphy; Rockenfield, Wallace and Jones; Rockun tleld and Jones. Stolen bases: Hoffman, Seybold. Hit by pitched ball: By Pelty, Sey bold: by Plank, Kockenfleld. Bases on balls: off Pelty, i, off plank, 1. Struck out: by Petty, 6; by Plank, 6. Left on bases: St. Louis, 8; Philadelphia, 7. Umpire: Hurst. Time: 2:01. sScore, second game: ST. LOl'lS PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Stone, if 4 I 1 4 4 Harteel. If . . . I Ko.-a' field, Ib I 4 I I 4 Hoffman, cf. I Fries, rt I 111 4 bay la. lb.... I Wallaoe. as.. I 4 4 4 1 L Cioee. lb. I jonee. ID.... Uleaeon, lb Kouter, cf kotb. Sudbog, p.. 1 I 1 4 . I 4 11 I I Seybold. lb-rt 4 .41111 Murphy lb.. I . I t I 4 0U. Croea, aa. I . 1 4 4 4 4 Fhreek, .... ..1411 4WadJ.ll, p... i Barton, e 1 Totals II 14 17 14 I Henley, p.... Lara, rf I Totale 44 4 14 I I Bt. Louis I 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 14 Earned runs: Bt. Louis, 3; Philadelphia, 2. Two base hits: Jones, 2; Hoffman, Murphy, Seybold, Wallace. B&crtrW hits: Rooaenlleld, Hotman. Hits: off Waddell, t In four innings; Henley, f In four innings. Passed ball: Schreck, Barton, Hoth. Stolen bases: M. Cross, 3; Jones, t.leaaon. Hit by Pitcher: by Sudhoff. M. Cross. Murphy Wild pilch: Sudhoff. Bases on balls: of Sudhoff, 6; oft Waddell, 2; off Henley, 3 Struck out: by Sudhoff, 6; by Waddell, 4 Henley, 6. Left on bases: Bt. Louis li' Philadelphia 11. Time; 2 oi Umpire Hurst Attendance, 17.800. Philadelphia Chicago ... Cleveland .. New York , Boston .... Detroit Washington St. lul Standi. of the Teams. Played. Won. Loat. 41 41 101 W 101 47 Iu3 W lu3 Ut ml J 66 67 61 48 4 39 37 44 44 44 64 40 66 Pet. .694 .673 .boi .bio .476 .8M .3b3 Oames today i Washington at rim.i.i,,i Boston at Detroit. Raaanlere Win Iwa Victories. After losing three straight the Ramblers took a brace Sunday and easily defeated ,h. Y1?,1"- XV Pitchers battle. In which Ourness had the upper hand. He al lowed but one hit and struck out sixteen while his opponent. Caavy. alkwed four hits and struck out eight. Both Willi.,.,. ..,. CavattauaU grsaUjf aided lUelr piifW. Moran, T honey, if . . . MoCrvery, cf. I Maaaay, lb... I Farrall. rt... I Carr, lb I Weaver, c... 4 Kb her, p 0 Curt la, p Totala it 1 17 10 4 Totala... Minneapolis 0 10 0 0 Indianapolis 1 0 0.0 6 Two-base hits: Bulllvan, Zalusky, Far rell. Three base hit: Jones. Home run: Schmidt. Base on bails: off Sullivan, 3, Struck out: By Uyan, 1: by Stovall, 1. Sacrifice hit: Stovall, Thonev. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Owen and Haskins. Score, second game: INDIANAPOLIS. MINNEAPOLIS. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. atruce, 10.... I 1 0 1 0 Jonea. cf 1 1 I 0 I 4llt r.ulllvan, rf.. I 0 I 4 4 4 14 0 Freeman, lb. I 4 4 4 4 114 0 Coulter, If... 4 1 4 4 0 4 4 4 0 Ureminger, Ib I I 0 10 I I I 1 Sihniidt, e... 4 4 4 4 4 I I I Oyler, aa I I 1 0 114 0 Foa. lb I 1 o 4 0 10 Kallum. p... I 0 1 I 1 4014 ! Tnl.l. Totala I li Minneapolis 4 0 0 Indianapolis 0 0 0 1 WO-baSS hit: Weaver SanrlSx. hi... Bulllvan, Kellum. Stolen bases: Coulter. Jones. Struck out: By Curtla, 4; by Kel- llim4' rVll!t bM on ball,: Off Kellum, 3; off Curtis, 61 off Fisher, 1. Hits: off Fisher 3 in two-third of an Inning; off Curtis 4 Left on bases: Minneapolis, 7; Indianapolis, AttTe'nnd:Ue.oinli,'re' ""keU "d W"' Milwaukee Wins Both Games. . llj?:YAyKFE: Aug -Milwaukee won a double-heuder from Toledo today. Score first game: ' M1LWACKEE. TOLEDO. AB H O A g AB H O A RoblneoD aa. I 1 4 , cilngman. aa. I I 4 i O'Brien. I I I 4 4 J. Clarke, if I I 0 4 0 , . a i a w aioriarlty, lb 4 Hemphill, cf. 4 I 1 4 4Lm. rf. ...... H Clark, lb I 1 I I ODemont. lb.. I Bevllie. a.... I I i 1 as.' ' ! Mct'or'lck. lb 4 1 4 4 4 Boyle.' lb'"! a II I II I 1 1 0 0 0-4) 0 0 0 0-O I 1 I 4 4 4 I 4 I 4 I I I 1 4 4 -v..,.u,,.. , e t v tg. Clarke, c4 Hlckey. p.... I 4 4 1 flatt, p...... . , 'Minnehas .. 1 TaUll M UflU 1 ... ' Totala 44 II 14 11 I Batted for Piatt In ninth. Milwaukee 0 4 1 0 3 0 1 3 -ll To'lo 0 0 0 0 2 I 0 2- 3 Two-base hits: O'Brien, Demont (2). trr?'"1"' Muriarlty. Home run: HeniD- otoien bases: Mcfhesney. J. Clari-. 12), Muiiarlty. Lee. First !,.. ,n v.. 11. Uckey, J; off Piatt, 4. Hit by Ditched hill. oW a-iait. ntrucK out: Uy Hlckey, 4; 7 i"l7J Douoie play: Demoiil to Boyle. facrlfice hit: Hlckey. Left on bases: Milwaukee, 4; Toledo, T. Time: 2tw. Um;lre: Kane. Score, second game: MILWAlKtB. TOLEDO. ..... ? " . - AB.U-O.A.B. m. .uu, , ; e a a cungmas. aa. 4 1 I I I Baleman, lb. 4 I II I 1 Mornrlly. lb Hemphill, tl. I I I I i Lea, rt i H. Clarke, 11)1 I I I ODemont. lb . 4 Town a 4 1 I I 0 Cannila, lb. 4 Urtor tck. lb I 4 1 I 4 Nanoe, ef .... 4 Met heaaey, rt 4 1 4 4 4 Boyle, lb.... 4 Murrieon, p.. I 1 I t H Clarke, a. 4 y Mlinehaa. p. 4 lotele II I 17 14 I Totala 14 1011 4 4 Robinson hit by batted ball. Milwaukee 0O0044AS in Toledo 5 M 1 S I f S M lag Use lUUi Tcwue, Uattman, Hmj- Plnyera Desert "Outlaw" Team. HARRI8BURCJ, Pa.. Aug. 20Frank Falkenburg, pitcher, and James Murray, right fielder, of the Harrlsburg Trl-Btate club, deserted the team this evening, the former going to the Washington American league and the latter to the Buffalo East ern league. Both are good players and their desertion leaves Harrlsburg In a crip pled condition. Fremont Defcnta Grand Island. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Aug. 0.-Speclnl Telegram.) Vnd Inland lost the game to Fremont today Qn errors coupled with a home run by Leach In the third. Inning. Score: R.H.E. Fremont 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 04 1 6 Grand Island ...0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 I 7 Batteries: Fremont, Bailey and Crelgh ton; Orand Island, Welsh and Whltcomb. Alliance Dcfeata Soldiers. ALLIANCE, Neb., Aug. 20. (Special Tel egram.) In a hotly contested game with the Fort Robinson soldiers here today, the Alliance team carried off honors by a score of to 1 Postofftce Team a Winner. The Postofllce team defeated the West Omaha Diamonds at Forty-fourth and Jackson streets by a score of 11 to 7. Bat teries: Postoffice, Doran and Camp; Dia monds, Orunleaf and Drummy. Games In KatlonnI Lease Today. Pittsburg at New York, Cincinnati at Philadelphia; Chicago at Brooklyn, St. Louis at Boston. Grandma Moll's Advice to Travelers. "You should not travel about the coun try this warm weather without a bottle ot Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," says Mrs. Kate Mott of Fair field. Ia., or "Grandma Mott" aa she Is familiarly known. "One or two doses of this remedy will always cure the worst case ot summer complaint. We keep it always at hand. In fact, wa could not keep house without It. -7 Father and Two Children Drown. MILWAUKEE, Alg. 20. A Sentinel spe cial from Jefferson, Wis., says: Frank Hall, his oldest daughter, aged 14, and his oldest son, 12 years old, were drowned In the Crawfish river today, about two miles from here. Hall and his wife were on the shore fishing, while the two children were bath ing. The girl was In distress and the father rushed Into the river to rescue her. He succeeded In bringing her part ot the way to shore, when his strength failed and he sank. The son then made an attempt to rescue them and shared a similar fate. will be observed with more than ordinary attention. Peters Is a veteran of the Ken wood courts whose work against the best players of the west In the All Western meet held each year In Chicago has placed him In the very front rank among western cracks, his play In the finals against Wald nor creating a sensation. His partner, Mr. Bnow, is almost equally well known and Is also a player with an enviable record. The playing of Messrs. Sanderson and Fletcher, the latter the present holder of the cup. Is o well known here that they need, but panning mention. They always give a good account of themselves. Mr. Hayes Is a player who by winning the cup in the recent Trlstate tourney agalnnt a field of veternns has sprung In one leap to the front rank. His advent on the Omaha courts will be watched with great Interest. From the list of entries It Is readily ap parent to all that the play will be well bal anced and fireworks are promised from the opening round. Drawing; for Singles. But two matches art to be played In the preliminary round, so all players are cau tioned to be present at the Field club at 9 o'clock Monday to start out on the first round. The drawings are: A Linstrom, Gresham, Neb, bye. R. E. Sunderland, Omaha, bye. I. Raymond, Jr., Lincoln, bye. J. Dumont, Omaha, bye. C. A. Potter, South Omaha, bye. R. R. Beard, Stella, la., bye. C. Armstrong, Omaha, bye. W. E. Blatherwlck, Rock Valley, Ia., bye. Dr. Nunn, St. Paul, Neb., bye. F. Hoel. Omaha, bye. A. C. Snow, Chicago, 111, bye. K. Leonard, Abilene Kan., bye. J. Fred Toy, Sioux City, la,, bye. John Redlck, Omaha, bye. G. Rasmussen, Omaha, bye. E. A; Baker, Sioux City, Ia., bye. E.'R. Sweet. Omaha, bye. L. Van Camp, Omaha, bye. R. H. Dosh, Stuart, Ia., bye.' B. W. Matteson, Omaha, bye. H. Diers, Gresham, Neb,, bye. T. Patterson, Plattsmouth,. Neb., bye. W. Homan, Sioux City, Ia.', bye. ' L. W. Kennard, Omaha, bye. .. . Donald Raymond, Lincoln, bye. W. M. Wood, Omaha, bye. H. Koch, Omaha, bye. S. Slaughter, Omaha, bye. C. D. Van Dyke, Sioux City, Ia., bye. R. West, Omaha, bye. W. P. Hayes, Toledo. Ia bye. C. R. Toy, Sioux City, la., plays F. Dufrene. Omaha. Dr. Schneider. Omaha, plays, McNeil, Sioux City, Ia. F. Linn, Helena, Mont., bye. J. Brown, Omaha, bye. H. Haseler, Pawnee City, Neb. F. R. Sanderson, Galesburg, 111 H". A. Anderson. Omaha, bye. A. Collett, Omaha, bye. O. A. Abbott, Jr., Grand Island, bye. M. T. Swartg, Omaha, bye. J. Hughes, Omaha, bye. J. Epeneter. Omaha, bye. W. 8. Oilman, Sioux City, Ia., bye. H. R. Williams, Omaha, bye. C. Tl. Jonea, Hot Springs, 8. D., bye. A. B. Weltzel, Gresham, Neb,, bye. Herbert Kohn, Omaha, bye. C. 8. Peters, Chicago, bye. William Chambers, Omaha, bye. O. W. Ackley, Juaniata, Neb., bye. H. Howell, Omaha, bye. C. E. Fenneasy, Denver, bye. . I. Horton. Kansas City, bye. F. M. Bllsh. Omaha, bye.' C. Potter, Omaha, bye. R. J. Haley, Sioux City, Ia., bye. C. A. Martin, Omaha, bye. A. C. Potter, Omaha, bye. E. P. Griffith. Pawnee City, Neb., bye. W. HUM. Omaha, bva. G. A. Wright, Omaha, bye. O. E. Holbrook, Onawa, Ia., bye. F. Potte.r, Omaha, bye. Local Men In Doubles, Aa Bcrlbner will be unable to play and Smith has left town there has been a shaking up of partners for the doubles. Matteson will play with Dr. Schneider for a partner and this should make a strong team for any players to meet. Herbert Kohn and Jack Hughes have formed a partnership and will play In the doubles. The prises are on exhibition in the window of Browning, King & Co., on Douglas street and are attracting consid erable attention by their beauty. The William bye. bye. TKR HISTORY OP CHAMP AQN-No. L iJWO MONKS in the France of lone tro, seeking a site for a new abbey, saw a white dove settle upon the stump of a tree. The sigrn was heeded snd here arosa the famous St. Peters of Hautvillers, des-, tined to be the scene of experiments in wine-makinff which lead to thediscovery I of Champagne, and, after many cen turies, its perfection as found today ia Great Western Extra Dry Tha qualities of frull and toll that have mad fame for French Champagnes, have been attained after lonf nd careful cultivation In the old New York vineyard of the makers of Creat Western. These natural conditions combined with the ancient secrets of this delicate art, known and practiced by us. have resulted in this superior Champagne of Amerloan make. The purest Champapntj of any country, moat delicious In flavor and boquet. The only American Champagne receiving a gold medal at Parla better than foreign goods, at half the price. Try It On Your Table. PLEASANT VALLEY WINE CO. Sole Makers, RHEIMS. H. Y. Said everywhere by Dealers la Pine Wines. m 1 rn vra-f 1 ma al SS Leaving ILOWSl ? o You will want your favor ite newspaper, The Omaha Bee, to go along with you. It is better than a daily letter from home. Before leaving give your order to have The Bee mailed to your out-of-town address. The address may be changed as often as you wish. Telephone 897 or fill out and mail us the blank below. aeeeee.e eeeeeeeeeeee. '4Xwwe4B44VS 4 CIRCULATION IJEF'T. OMAM I315B. r PJoaao havo Tho Daily and Sunday Boo now Qoing 'ib Present address) eeeteeeeeeeeaeesee est n e a e e e a e e e a e e e e e i eeeeael sont untlK : , 7.005, or r . until furthor orders, to addroaa below: (Outroftown address) .......... (t44l jBW"lReRJrv ikjsUMeaaSalSHl prises are the beat ever hung for compe tition In a tennis tournament In the west. K. J. HU1. who came especially from Chicago, will act as referee In all Impor tant tournament matches. The commit tee which has charge of the tennis tourna ment Is composed of Will " " od, Austin Collett, Herbert Kohn, D.. Schneider, John Hughes, Fred Dufrene and Dr. Van Camp. Mlulatnr. Train Rim Away. PITTBBI'RO. Pa.. Aug. 20. Tonight, when a large crowd of pleasure seekers tilled Kenny wood park, one of the Pitts burg Railway company's amusement places, a miniature railway train Jumped the track and ten passengers were badly hurt, hut none fatally. The cause of the acci dent has not been determined. When the engine Jumped the track, tbe engineer ea caiwd Injury by Jumping, but the passen gers were dragged over the ties quite a distance. Two of lhe injured. Mrs. Robert Hughes and Miss Julia Hill, are In a seri ous condition. Anaooncentent ot tbe Theater. Miss May Irwin and her own company will appear at Boyd's opera house tomor row evening In the three-act comedy, "Mrs. Black is Back." The piece' la by that clever writer George V. Hobart, and had a successful run last season. The en gagement Is for .one night only. Sesnretary Shaw at Buffalo. Bt'KFAI-O, Aug. 20.Leelle M. Bhaw. eeo retary of the treasury, arrived here today with his family and some guests. Tomor row he will leave for a trip up the lakes. 3EBIB StartllasT Evidence Is daily advanced of the curative powers of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. W cents and tl. For sale by Sherman eV McConneU Drug Co. Webb Jar la Improving-. BUFF A IX), Aug. .-Webb Jay of Cleve land, the automobile racer, who was so badly Injured at K en U worth par on Fri day, continues to Improve, iarrlug oui Hl'e.i.vus lie will revvvee-. s. Physicians Advise convalescents and all who need Strength and Health to take the ideal Food Drink, HEUSER-BUsczv, L leoauieiii.jwi00e10 Veae " TRADE MARK. For it contains the great building and health producing properties the system demands. That's why the most successful doctors prescribe Malt-Nutrine in their practice that's why their patients recover so quickly and so surely. Malt-Nutrln. is the perfect, predlgect.d food la liquid form. Sold by all druggists sod grocers. Prepared by Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. LohL. u. s. a.