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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1905)
J J . .( TTIE OMAITA' DAILY REE: TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1905 NEW YORK MAN WANTS WIFE 5C4T Tnesrtar Valr. Watch Papers for Our Great Mid-Sammcr Sale of Furs Watch Papers for Our Great Mid-Summer Sale of Furs H nMtnl WKATHF.R FORI 1 rr ra tv rrn tt 1 Offer His Kingdom to Qaen Who Will Sit on Throne. WILLING TO DO MOST ANYTHING TO WIN Will Fve-n Vmt on and Take Off Shoea and Adopt Rellslnns Vlewa of Woman Who Mar. rlee Him. mi HI t I -l aiavl 3 I w ate? THE REUAILH ITORU. cm r m i - m tv va.ii m i ft l I M I E 1 I II II It a J 1 KM W i v r.. - r i j i i i i r. i iv s Bo line ns a certain young man In New TorK remains unfettered hy the binding ties of matrimony no young woman that In. counting alt women who have not readied 40 has reason for complaint at the stringency of marriageable men. The Bee has Just received a very confidential letter from a ii.r.u in SauKertlcs, Ulster county, N. T., who submits otif of the fairest marriage propositions imaginable. It seems to lack but onn clement so often desired by women In this frivolous age of style and avnrlc", an age when solflsh com mnrclallsm dominates so many of the mat rimonial cor.trarts. Hut while having neither gold nor silver nor proud title to lay t the feet of the queen who would as cend the throne of his nffertlons, this enter prising New Torhor appears to offer every thing else. Indeed, he seems so willing to please that some men might be cynical enough to say he was taking a long chance by one proposal ho makes, namely, that he will agree to untie at nights and tie In the morning the shoes of the woman who will be his goddess. Now, there Is a rarity which probably could never be picked up outside of the state of New York. But that is not all. The ambitious man will abandon all his own personal ideas and be liefs and adopt those of tho woman who will accept his proffered hand, if that be her wish anything to make a match. Proposition That Tempts. Here Is what he says on the subject: SAUGRRTIKS, Tinier County, N. Y., 8-8-'05 (Evidently in dating his letter the eighth month Mr. illank's anxiety has got the bet ter of him, for It Is onlv July out here in the west I To the City Editor, The Omaha Hee: Dear Sir Could you kindly Insert the below In your paper. I will send you a photograph of myself if same meets with your approval. Respt. yours, F. J. C. The writer did not wait for his letter to meet anyone's approval, but kindly sent the photo with his communication. This Is his appeal to Cupid: Here Is a chance for some maid, widow or spinster to get married if the lndv who answers same Is under 40 years old and Is In fair financial circumstances. I will sign agreement with her that I will carry the below Into effect to protect her, that I will never touch any Intoxicating liquors, will turn to whatever religion she may be and attend church each Sunday with her; will install in and around our home and its curroundlngs all the Improvements that genius can solve, will take off and put on her shoes each morning and night, will be attentive to her, will keep good hours, will be a man for home comforts. I am a man 28 years old, rive feet seven, weight 140, blue eyes, ilark brown hair, considered to be very nice looking by many, economical and thrifty and seek to lead an enterpris ing life. At present I am in p,ir circum stances, and can refer as to rtiindlng of character. In the best of health, fairly educated and well-mannered, very agree able and try to look on the sunny side of things. Anything you care to ask me will be cheerfully given, i seek to marry for love, wealth a second consideration, I seek a lady who can love and aid financially a well-deserving young man. State particu lars when you answer. Everything will bo held strictly confidential. From a lonesome young genius. Respectfully yours, F. J. C, Sangertles, Vlster County, N. Y. P.. 8. I here thought I would enclose a photograph of myself, and if you can kindly return same to me after you are through with same I will pay the postage on same. Looks Like Moat Men. Mr. Blank sends a photo with his letter to The Bee and from it he appears to look a good deal like any ordinary man, albeit if he haa correctly recalled his age 28 he ought to have a reckoning with his pho tographer. Ho has a frank, open counte nanceas might easily be supposed wear mustache and eye glasses, has prominent features, combs his hair neatlv ,k! appears very well, though not fastidiously dressed. In behalf of Mr. Blank his name, which he signs to his letter. Is withheld, at least for the present, ' since It might not be fair to place all women under 40 on an equal footing in this race for the hand of this "handsome young genius." BIG BREAKFAST TO DAVIDSON Banquet la Given Omaha's Soperln teadeat by Nebraska Tea cb era at Aabnry Park. According to the Asbury Park (N. J.) Morning Press the Nebraska delegation to the National Educational association meet ing practically took over the Hotel Or mond and excluded other guests. One of the features for the delegates from the Antelope state was a breakfast given to Superintendent Davidson, and described as follows by the Press: One of the very pleaxant social events of the week was the breakfast to Super intendent Davidson of Omaha, Neb., at the Hotel Ormond. given by the teachers and citizens of his atate who are making that hotel their home during the National Education meeting. The affair was in the nature of a Jolli fication over Uio news that fhe superin tendent, whose term expired July 3, had been re-elected for as long a term as the atate law would permit. Mr. Davidson Is one of the leading edu cators of the west and is the author of a United States history which is rapidly find ing its way Into the schools of the south and west. He at various times has filled BLOOD WILL TELL. Ii takes lot.-of vitality, nervoae force and strength to win a race. Blood stoat ba pur and good. Without good red blood a man Baa a weak heart and poor nerves. Thinness of the blood, or anemia, is common in men and young women, and aU those who work indoors, who do not get cnoogli good o ygen in their tuna, consequently have too ' tuany white blood corpuscles. Keep the nerves nourished, the heart strong, the Bead cool, the stomach rigorous, the liver active with a tonic which has stood the test of time and has a wide repu tation, such as Dr. Fierce s Golden Medical Ittacovery. Tonics constating of large portions of alcohol, iron or cod liver oil, do not brine; the desired change, in the blood, because they do not enter the system and are not abaci oed into the blood, with the excep tion of the alcohol, which shrivels up the red blood corpuscles whoa it des come in contact with theai. Therefore do not allow tha dealer to insult your iutrlligeaoe by telling yon he has something better than Dr. Heroes Golden Medical Discovery. Tkt tut of mailing only. "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," toue Uxge pagaa, is scotrw on receipt of twenty-one one-cent stamps, for the paper covered book, or thirty-one stamps for the cloth bound volume. Address Dr. IL V. Fierce SuflUo, N. y. J or constipation, the true, scientifte rare Is Dr. Heme's Pleasant Pellets. Mild, barsateaa, yet aura, tio other ttiil caa oam' yssawiUiaaay TUESDAY GREATER BARGAINS 1 IH THE GRAND SEMI ANNUAL ify n 17" A salei Fresh Lots of Embroideries, Inserting and Galloons Many of our flnrst and nowpst pattern" hundreds of dainty and elaborate My I p an his barpnin sqvmre for ensy selection, lfl. in r.. !ir.P n vni-i. nt n van! iC"JC"UC New Wash Laces, Bands and Inserting rrottipst 1'Ottcnis In white and cre;Vu variety of widths, ill the nwwpst and most desirable putterns for ttimuiings, "y C " 7 worth ns lilL-h na (m- a vard at vard . . .aiC" JC" I 2C All Our 20c Quality Lace and Embroidered Handkerchiefs All linen lmndkerfhlefs that are worth up to 20c each-pretty lace and eiuliroldf.y scalloped edges, 5 lfl at tnh JC-IUC LADIES' NECKWEAR. New stocks, embroidered turn over collars etc. many finished in wash colors, worth ns high as 20c, 1 A. fl at DC-IUC-1-52C All Our Ladies' $10 Shirt Waist Suits The new plain white pleated suits also suits with popular tiny 'Z C A figures and dots regular $10 values, clearing sale price aaU All Our 25c Sunyner Wash Goods at 5c ' Light and heary knob roiles, heavy voile suUings, plaid walstlngs, dotted crepes, organdies, mohair luster suiting, etc, at yard ; 5c N. Y. Manufacturer's Samples and Surplus Stock Ladies' PETTICOATS Hundreds of the latest styles mercerized Italian cloth petti coats these are mercerized just like satin most black, some fancy colors, wide flounces, ruffles, clusters of tuck8, etc., pretty accordeon pleated flounces, etc., worth in fi A K. H I URfcfc-N TKADIMG STAMP BOOTH ON MAIM FLOOR XJ in floor Baroains Ma The best quality 10c Dress Ging hams, per yard, at . mmmmr The best quality of Anderson's Scotch aud Silk Gingham, worth 25c, at O2C V hite Dress Duck, soft finish, worth 20c, per yard, at 15c BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Another List of Special Money Savers .ft p. mm a.- umnam : Fortv U4.00) ORKEN TRADING STAMPS with sack TE Bennett's Excelsior Flour Thirty ($ N TRADING STAMPS wlth quart ran Huskin's Soups.. .v OVJW fen-! $l"00)O R E ENT R A DING STAMPS with quart can Olp Table Byrup 12 Ten"(l'0O) CJREEN TRADINGSTAMPSwlth two Jars oTe Salad Mustard aJC Gallon Can Pie Peaches 25c Twenty f$ ORE EN TRADING STAMPS with pound Ofm (5olden Santos Coffee TVW Teh Kit GREEN TRADING STAMPS with pint bottle Diamond OSr 'S Salad Dressing L acV Tn"($l.) GREEN TRADING" ?TA MPS'with"twoJars Forest Qr City Mustard . . . . . . . -j-- -jj i...10 Ten (l"oo) GREEN TRADINa6TA"MPS with bottle' Bennett's Capitol Ur Extracts '. lOW CANDY SECTION Five (60c) GREEN TRADING STAMTSl with tin box Marshmallows 10c a regular way up to $1.25, at, each.. 1 1 n 11 TOE n I! Next Saturday Imported Austrian China s Thousands of beautifully decorated plates also odd cups and saucers fine 2 quality of china. Watch dally papers for particulars and see the window. 2 Thousands f Patterns L Beautifully Hntiri S TCO;iS Decorated 5 f bP3llClllL,'S I JULY SHOE. SOLE To close out the balance of our Mens and Women s Low Tan Shoes, we will place them on sale Titesday morning at the fol lowing prices; Important offices In ths National Educa 'nTal association and takes a lively inter est in 8.11 proceedings of that body. The Nebraska delenafon a tame or, almost Ailing the hotel. KNOCKED OUT AT FIELD CLUB John K. nimoe li Acoldentallr Struck and Saataina Concaaalon f the Drain. John E. Himoe, a clerk with Browning. King & Co., who resides at 2914 Farnam. was seriously injured at the teeing off place of the Field club golf links Sunday afternoon about 4 o'clock. He is now at the South Omaha hospital suffering from a severe concussion of the brain. He haa not entirely regained his faculties as yet, but Dr. D. A. Foote, who is attending him, says there la no fracture. He expects the pa tient to be all right again within a week or so. ' Mr. Himoe had, gone to the Field Club links with Sam and W. A. Pottjen, the latter of St. Paul. They had been old neighbors when W. A. Potter lived In Omaha and were enjoying the day together. Mr. Himoe is not a golf player, but he had attempted a stroke and mirdded. Then W. A. Potter took the club, a wooden one with rather a heavy head, and started to show Mr. Himoe how to hlt the ball correctly. The latte r stepped back a ' pace to give Potter room to swing, but did not get far enough out of line. As the club came around over Potter's shoulder after the stroke It landed squarely agalnBt the side of Hlmoe's face alongside the left eye just below the temple.' Himoe fell like an ox hit with a sledge and flattened out In a manner that brought his friends and other spectators to . his side In a spajm of fear. His heart action and pulse beats were very weak, but some quick-witted person had him carried to the club house, where hot compressions at once were applied and changed every lew min utes until a phytdctan could be secured. When 'Dr. Foote arrived he said the hot applications were the best thing that could have been done under the circumstances. He gave Himoe all the temporary relief possible and then had him removed to the hospital. The side of his face is badly cut by the blow and his eye fearfully swelled and injured, but beyond the concussion hs escaped luckily. Mr. Potter was greatly distressed by the Injury to his friend and was" deeply con cerned until assured Himoe would recover shortly. 1034 South Twenty-eighth street, the service at the home being participated In by the Plattdeutscher society and the rites at the graves being read by members of the Woodmen of the World. The funeral was largely attended, deceased having been a resident of this city since 3870. The burial was at Prospect Hill cemetery. Removal Notice. . . Until our new building is completed we will be at 1407 Harney street,.. ' SCHMOL.LER & MUELLER, ,Tel. 1625. The Big Piano House. Funeral of Mrs. Cos, Funeral service for the ; late Lillian G. Cox. wife of Ed M. Cox, was held Monday at the home In Florence. Rector Potter of St. Andrew's Episcopal church conducted the service. Mrs. Cox died after a lingering illness. The burial took place at Forest Lawn. SEASOMABLE FASHIONS. I. lie Inaarance. For twenty-five cents you can now Insure yourself and family against any bad results from an attack of colic or dlarrhoae during the summer months. That Is the price of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhoae Remedy, a medicine that has never been known to fall. Buy it now, it may save life. Tha Hldean Lakes. The Rideau river, lakes and canal, a unique region, comparatively unknown, but affording the most novel experience of any trip in America. An inland water way between the W. lwrence river at Kingston and lutawa - liver at Ottawa; every mils affords a new experience. It is briefly described In No. SI of the "Four track Series." "To Ottswa. Ont., Via the Rideau I.akes and River.". Copy will be mailed free on receipt of a 3-cent stamp by George H. Daniels, .General Passenger Aaenl. Grand Central Station, New York. ' NO 4643-GIRL'S RUSSIAN DRESS. Sizes 4 to 12 Years. For the accommodation of readers of The Bee these patterns. 'Which usually retail at from 26 to GO centa each, will be furnished at the nominal price of 10 cents. A supply Is now kept at our office, so those who wish any pattern may get It cither by call ing or enclosing 10 cents, addressed "Pat. tern Department. Bee. Omaha. Maa at tha Kaaeral, lvtiKe representations of the Nebraska vereln. Woodmen of the World Hnd the Mo Kjrn Woodmen of Amer ica attended the funeral of Christian 11a nunn tiuiiday afternoon, flies'. Charlaa W. Savldge conducted the servlua at the home. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT ToofhPoudor Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Very convenient for tourists. PREPARED BY EVIEN'S Clnpp's Russia Cnlf Oxfords Regular price $5.50; M T sale price T. U Clapp's Imported Russia Cnlf Ox fords Regular price I AA ?6.00; sale price T.UU Hanan's Rustta Calf Oxfords Vars lty toe; regular price ft J r 15.00; Bale price ). $ J Royden's Russia Calf Oxfords "I'erfltto"; regular price P y f 15.00; sale price J. i D Royden's Russia Calf Oxfords "Waldorf"; renular price 7 C $5.00; sale price 3. i O Champnlgne Russia Oxfords "Potay"; regular price -Z "7 f $5.00; sale price J, J Russia Calf Button Oxfords Reg ular price $4.0o; r ff sale price.,. wl.UU RuRRla Calf Blueher Oxfords Regular price $4.00; 7 aa sale price,,, k..T .J.UU Russia Calf Blueher Oxfords Keguiar price $3.50; 1 7 C eale price. WOMEN'S Hanan's Imported Russia Cnlf and dark Tan Kid Oxfords regular price $4.50; sale "Z C price JJD Zelgler Bros.' Russia Calf Oxfords Regular price $4.00; sale T AA price J.tU Imported Russia Calf Oxfords Regular price $4.00; T A A sale price JiUv Imported Russia Cnlf Pumps Regular price $4.00; C sale price w. I D Dark Tan Kid Button Oxfords Regular price $3.50; ") JJA sale price .3U Russia Calf Oxford Drop toe; regular price $3.50; y PA sale price 3U Dark Ton Kid Oxfords Regular price $3.00; sale 1 J C price ,iD Russia Calf Welt Oxfords-Reg-"ular price $3.00; sale r Price t,tO Dark Tan Kid Welt Oxfords Reg ular price $2.50; sale 1 CI A price I. JU Dark Tan Kid Turn Oxfords Reg ular price $3.50; sale price 250 DREXEL SHOE COMPANY Salad Forks Individual Sterling Silver and Plated. We are show ing these In beautiful patterns. We have a very hand some line of other pieces In Silver. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, ISIS Douglss Street. stopped arr SPOKANE aaBBBaaBBaaaBaaaas. HE SAYS 7 1 btt aw tw rach tltln snywhers Spokan. snd tl. If mjr oldert boy v.t large enough to b chooatng a plaeo, I would advaa hi ' to locate In on or .na oth.r of tnoaa cult, and It it i ibik .-up balWMB tb.m' SENU THIS ADV. ABB 1-CCNT STAMP s- Jssiutlffua) Mustrstsd SMCXUIC CNTITUB ONTHC IXW13 ClAISt TRAIL" ADDRESS I'nlon I'aclne Ry., OMAHA, NEB. or C. N. W. Rr., or C. B. Q. Rr. CH1CAUU, ILU s a iiii Ik mm Every Woman yiiDWaaiiesa na Buoaia Know A bunt tikaa aTORriarfnl MARVEL Whirling Spry TIM Bw TaftMl frtrn. . A ass tr tVatnlirt far It hf f ii iti aupt f th) MAll'h.Lt aVCCVDa na other, oui tMMtd iviiiu rnr liliiauvied lxHk-sU4. ft ffiTn lull imrtiouiar artd -iirevti-.n tu VAlubU to U.l'c. M H It I. CO. ICHAIKERi bHOu OloKEo lth ADS Chicago aia.: So. Guiana, Utto and N sia. Council h uh. th ami Alain . avUilM 4k CU IfrLa aa4 LmuAiMA an-satav union EVERT DAY Many kur. quloker than any ther Una to PORTLAND Tickets good to Rit.rn Through Califirnla Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARM AM STREET. 'Phone Sit. LEWIS IKD CLARK EXPOSITION $45.00 ROUND TRIP PAGSFIG f lY to Sept. 30th. 1 Great Hosiery Sale Continues SaturdaT'8 nnd Monday's bargain offerings were great. Those of Tuesday will outclass any previous offerings. Don't fail to see them. LADIKS' IMTORTED MSI.E IIOSE-In all the newest lace effects, both plain and fancy colors, worth up to tl On, divided Into two lots, . otS. at. choice IOCa4DC LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS Of Ann materials, prettily trimmed In laces, em broideries and Insertlngs, 7Cir regular 1.60 values. at... Af OW MEN'S IMPORTED T,1ST,E HOSE Mo to Roc values, in all the n,-west colors and r"ar..d.'.'!:d..,,,:?..,wo....i5c-25o LADIES' 15o GAVZE VESTS-SIlk taped, great snap. at...... LADIES' FANfT LISF.K VESTS-In blues, pinks and wliiteX, regular 60o values, a great bargain Tuesday at, IQc choice 75c Sofa Pillows 25c 1,000 HAND PAINTED PILLOWS The very latest nnvelt v lnnks like 2.60 Values choice of 24 designs Tuesday limit of two to a customer at 25c 25c Pearl Buttons, per Dozen, 5c A great snap for Tuesday shoppers your choice, per doxen U hand carved and cmne In all si Four Interesting Tuesday Specials In the Great West Room ...5c 17ic 5o 10c Sheer India LInon, at, yard . , 3Sc Snow White Table Damasr. at, yard 7Hc Uleachel Muslin, fine soft finish, at, yard 25c Organdie Voiles for summer suits, at, yard. ..5c 10c Preserve Your Fruit Now 18 POT-NDS TITRE CANE GRANU LATED SUGAR for Large crates fancy Hale Peaches, 4J per crate vjj Large crates fancy Crawford Peaches, per crate Quart boxes Missouri Plums, per box Large baskets fancy California Plums, per basket 1flf Large baskets fancy California 1f Apricots, per basket ...."C .85c irJ,Z? 15c .1.15 p 10c (! Soft Shell English Walnuts, n ...V per pound ...vJC Oen Fancy large ripe Bananas, 4 js .-' per dozen lub (Hi A YD EN BROS, WANTED A BOY In Every Town to Sell GAe SATURDAY BEE It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, Incfatlliig 10 colored pages with BUSTER BROWN COMICS, altogethar pages, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday afternoon, when the farmers are in town. Ve will send any boy the first 10 COPIES FREE. For Full Particulars Write to The Omaha. Bee, Omaha, Nebraska. THE VERY LATEST. Matting Suit Cases $3.50, $3.75, $4 Just the thing for traveling. These leather bound Matting Suit Cases are light, neat, durable and cheap. IN VESIGATK We have anything you may want in Trunks, Traveling Bags and Suit Cases. WE DO REPAlPIMA prr ' m Omaha Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam St. Teachers and Students Can make $.00 a day during vaca tion months. No investment required. Work dignified and pleasant. Write for particulars. :; :: :: THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEBRASKA Ask for QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO I a VaS-tA BBBBBBB1 BI "I r 1 1 iiiiisj ii tm I'aJst.aU AKjr-i JtWAiKW ' -bsV DEBT BECAUIH tou .r. or rfor mu 'X'K!". tr.a deal.. eUv. but for ne II " mkrO. CIUAR CO.. Maaalfao- tax.r., II. wn- SCHOOLS AMJ COLLEGES. gftW enftvorth Military Academy uisesi as a Largest Military vhoal the Middle Wt. Send for catalogue. LEXINGTON. MO. aVJ at mm Aa A A I I I II I1 lrat W AlHsVIA III M U j LcAiNu i UH uuLLtut rutt Tuunu VUMtii Lexington, Mo. (Near Kansas city). Founded 1848 tlgnor hevrlo U'Abda, Director of Afuata. pmt throufbout tb jrenr. Italian m.tLod. BOSEBT BJ. COOK. SulUH KhwI EOWABB W. f U1TE, PrMMaat. T It. 1 I r ' iiriiwiii vuutuk niikf vviivkinn will lull LAI 1 1, w i&W 'f&Si s2nd Tb holies- University trained taoulty U.riaao. 'h.tA.Jm AaierloanOooervaUry,liicnarg.ofspeelaiiA-ta. Art, KktouUoa, i'lilM Cooking and Butluaa. Court. For catalogue, addrea iOUM W. MIXJJOal, Pvaa t UoUay. havaa, ataVXIOO, SCa, i xA ! 1 1 .A