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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1905)
. . . , . It TUE OMAITA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, J FLY 11. 1003. RAILROADS ASR REDUCTION .Insist Thoj Are Assessed Too High ia Comparison with Othsr Propertj. uvfiniiun t,uniiiina i ntiiio tirrLnLrtfL.i Hold- a tun and Tats II I m Flight Atlantic Ueta UDird (ompllf, (From a Start Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES. July 10. Special.) The jrfrnt railroad hoard at the meeting of the ixecutive council for fixing railroad a:sc.a memi this morning wan the Sante Ke and tha attorney lor that line said they wire eattafied with the assessment provided 11 waa not raised, and In that event he desired to be heard. The road has but little track age In Iowa. Attorney Woodruff for the Chicago Groat Western, the one road of the state that has made an Increase In Its not earnings, en tered Into u long argument to show that the assessment of his line waa too high, showing that as compared with the net and gross earnings the Oreat Western was assessed higher than any other line In the state excepting the Iowa Central. He ahowed that 'the percentage, of tuxes paid in Whi to the net earnings of 1804 was 17.1 per cent, while the average of the alx larg est roads waa but 14. 01, and the Iowa Cen tral alone was higher with 25.75 per cent. He then compared the net earnings with the gross showing that the Ureat Western waa lower than all the other roads except ing the Iowa Central. Governor Cummins . tried to get him to admit that this waa due to less economical management. Frank P. Crandon of the Northwestern argued that the assessment a are all too high and chtlmcd that aa compared with the. farm assessments the assessment ot the Northwestern would fix Its value at $87,000 and said he didn't see how the mem here of the executive council could Bleep after fixing the assessment at that high figure He and Governor Cummins then en tered Into a long argument as to the basis for fixing the assessment. Governor Cum mins argued that the basis as to the value of a railroad should be what a person waa willing to puy for It Just as the value of a farm Is fixed. Crandon argued egalnst this and thought the physical condition ot the road should be considered. Governor Cum mins In answer to the claim that the rail roads were assessed out of proportion to farm lands said that if the council found that lands In Iowa were worth 150 an acre and the assessments returned to the coun cil by the county auditors was but $40 then they would assess the roads at four-fifths of their actual value. - Crandon conceded that this waa right In principle, but that the council disregarded It In practice. Little, warmth waa developed In the hear ings today, but when the railroad men ar gued that the physical condition and cost ot a road was Important, considerable con fusion Waa created among; them when Gov ernor Cummins asked what was the differ ence In the worth of two roads, one cost ing $20,000 a mile and on costing S40.0UO, when the gross and net earnings were the aame and likely to continue the same. Holdup Prostrated. Mra. J. R. Glbaon of 837 Fifteenth Btreet was ordered to throw tip her hands lost night as she passed the alley where Frits Westbrook was held up and shot. Instead she drew a revolver and on threatening to use it was unmolested and safely reached tier home a block away. The police are confronted with the fact that holdups are frequent and they are powerless thua far to stop It. It la now believed that West brook, who waa shot last Thursday In the stomach, will recover. ' Atlantic Gets Guard Company. Company II of the Fifty-fifth regiment at Charlton was today ordered mustered out by Adjutant General Thrift and In company with Colonel Lincoln of the Fifty-fifth Gen eral Thrift will go to Atlantic Frid-ty to in vestigate the petition for a company from that city. It Is practically decided that a company will be mustered In thene If a proper number of applicants can be pre sented. ONE ON CHIEF "BILL" CANADA Excited Woinaa and Bangleaome Telegrapher Deprive Him of Good Time at Huiwi W. T. Canada, chief of the aecret service f of the I'nlon Pacific, waa not in the best frame of mind Monday morning ana all be- scr3' cauae of a wild goose chase that ha was 4 compelled to inane aunaay. Mr. Canada waa enjoying, the beauties of Lake Manawa with a party ot congenial spirits, when he received a hurry call to hasten to meet the Overland Limited going east. Always ready for duty, no matter what the occasion might be, Mr. Canada left the picnic party and, after coming to this city, went west to meet the Overland. Tha occasion for this haste waa a message that a woman had been robbed on the train of two 1100 bills and that suspicion pointed to the porter. When Mr. Canada reached the Limited ho Investigated the matter and found that he knew the porter and knew him to be honest, ao concluded he would have to look for another clue. After a talk with Mra. W. T. Adama of Kalamazoo, the woman who had lost the money, he con cluded her case might bo one of those which arlae so often in which the women only think they have lost the money or Jewelry, while, they have It hidden about their clothes all the time. So Mr. Canada Insisted tluxt the woman look farther for her money, with the renult that It was fopnd in her waist, and when It waa pulled out imagine Mr. Canada's disgust when he discovered that it was only two fl bills In stead of the two 1X) bills aa had been tele graphed. Mr. Canada hlea ntmseit to the ruar sleeper and thought of the time that he was missing at Manawa. Bee Want Ads are Boosters. the Best Business Inqaest Over Rudolph. The coroner's Jury sitting at the Inquest over the body of P. M. Kudoipn returned verdict Monilay morning that the rieceaa came to his death from the effects of taking carbon. acid. Rudolph was found dead last Friday morning In his tailor hop at 2Vt Farnam afreet. He waa buried Sunday at South Omaha. "n F FT VTBts-. I the joy of the household, for withoat 7 V it ho happinesg can be complete. How tJ weet picture of mother and babe, ai""wi L Li angels smile at and commend the mm sne ioolts torward to the hour when she shall feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend, a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and render pnaoie au me parts, and assists nature in its sublime "1 work. By its aid thousands x! of women have passed this great crisis in perfect safety great crisis in perfect safety and without pain. Sold at $i.oo per r"3f" bottle by druggists. Our book of priceless L O alne to all women sent free. Address r i mttAaricua acmtnjknm mem Attmmtm. Li Uu COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS JOM1 1.. MKRKKL MOOTS HIMSELF Letter Received This Moraine Indi cates He nsi Despondent. A;im received yesterday morning by Chief of Police Richmond from the su perintendent of detectives In Atlantic City, N. .1., announced thnt John L. Merkel of this city lmcl committed suicide by shooting himself In the head with a revolver In a h tel there. Mr. Merkel was the son of Mr. and Mr. Iawtence Merkel of '.'.a Wnshington avenue, with wliom he made Iiis home when In the rity lie wus born and raised In Council Uluffs. where he Was well known. For the 1 1. twenty-five yenr or more he had ben connected with the minstrel and vaudeville stnje and was well known In the profession as the originator of nuislciil novelties. He hud been at the head of a musical trio with 1 Q. Field's, Primrose A We it's, Cleveland's and other lnrge minstrel com-l-nn'es About two weeks ago he entered oi an engagement with a minstrel com pany t Atlantic Ctty. Several years ago Mr. Merkel suff"ed from a severe attack of nervous prostmtlon and a genernl breaking down of his health, which he never fully recovered. In a let ter wr'ttrn by him last Friday at Atlantic City and received yesterday morning by Ms sl!er. Mrs. H. P. Parrett of this city, Mr. Merkel spoke of suffering Intense lftin from what he feared was spinal trouble. The tone of the letter showed that he a( penred greatly discouraged. He gave In formation regarding his personal property and explnlned that he did so because If anything should happen to him his fam'ly would rot he surprised Mr. Merkel, who was about 39 years of age, whs unmarried. He hsd aecumulild j rotislrerrhle property In this city. The re- m.ihiS will be brought here for burial. Po sldes his parents Mr. Merkel leaves lle sisters, Mrs. W. W. Sherman, Mrs. F. "-V. Hall, Mrs. N. O. Ward, Mrs. H. P. Bar rett, all of this city, and Mrs. Bert Evans of Onroen City, Kan. On the stage he as- turned the name of Howe. MOTOR STRIKES AX AtTOMORILE Dr. Tnhln Dana-eronalx Bind Dr. Sey- hert Seriously Hart. A motor car on the Fifth avenue line yesterday afternoon ran Into an automo bile occupied by Dr. R. n. Tubbs and Dr. F. T. Seybert, both of whom were more or less seriously hurt. The accident occurred at the intersection of Fifth avenue and Sixth street. Oscar Llnder was the motor- man and W. H. James, the conductor on the motor car. Both of the Injured phy sicians were able to be taken to their homes. The crossing where the accident took place Is considered a dangerous one, aa persons driving south on Sixth street can not see either way on Fifth avenue owing to the tall buildings on each 'side, which are built clear to the sidewalk, St. Francis Xavler's church, being on the west and the parochial school on the east. Dra, Tubbs and Seybert, with the former acting aa chauffeur,, were speeding south when the motor east bound struck the automo bile In the center. The force of the col lislon hurled the two occupants of the auto several feet, while the machine was DUBhed along for a short distance before the motor car came to a stop. The ma chine was considerably damaged, two of the wheels being broken. Dr. Tubbs was thrown into the gutter on the southeast corner and It is thought that his head struck against the iron gut ter cover at the crossing. When picked up he waa uaconsclous and blood waa pouring from hia mouth and ears. Ha waa removed to his home on Willow avenue, where last evening his condition, was said to be serious. He was conscious at In tervals, but was suffering from severe ennenmtnn. and internal Injuries are feared, although no bones were broken. The attending physician stated he feared the bleeding from the ear indicated the rupture of a blood vessel in the head. Dr. Seybert escaped with a general shak lng up and a wrenching of- his back, be sides a number of painful bruises, wnen seen at his home last evening he said he expected to be able to be about in a few days. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Today and Tomorrow In Ne braska and the Dakota Warmer tn East Portion Today. WASHINGTON, July 10. Forecast of the weather for Tuesday and Wednesday For Nebraska and the Dakota Fair Tuesday and Wednesday; warmer in the east portion Tuesday, For Iowa Fair in the north, showers in the Bouth portion; warmer Tuesday Wednesday fair. For Missouri Showers Tuesday, except fair In the northwest portion; Wednesday fair, probably showers in the south por tion and warmer. Local Record, OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA. July 10. Official record of tern perature and precipitation, compared .with the corresponding day of the last three years: laua. ltft. isus. luu? Maximum temperature.... 75 8 92 Minimum temperature.... M (t "5 M Mean temperature 64 7a M 68 Precipitation 00 .00 T .00 Temperature and precipitation departure from the normal at Omaha slm-e March 1, and comnarlson with the last two vears Normal temperature 75 Ietlelency for the d:ty 10 Total excess since March 1 197 Normal precipitation s 16 Inch Deficiency for the day 18 Inch Precipitation since Murch 1 10. 14 Inches Deileleney since March 1 6.11 Inches Deficiency for cor. period in 194.. 2.49 Inches Deficiency for cor. period in 1!J3.. 4.02 Inches Reports from Mntlona at T P. M. Station and State Tern. Max. Rain of Weather. 7 p.m. Tern. fall Bismarck, clear M 8 .00 .00 .2S Cheyenne, clear 74 W Chicago, cloudy 64 70 Davenport, cloudy 62 62 Denver, clear 82 fc4 Havre, ch-ar W 9S Helena, kS 0 Huron, clear 74 78 Kansas Ctty, part cloudy fti 7i North Platte, clear 74 li Omaha, cloudy 71 76 Rapid City, clear ii Si St. liouia. cloudy 70 "U .IS .00 .00 .0) .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .08 .00 .on .00 .00 St. Paul, clenr 78 80 Hnlt Lake City, clear 94 94 Valentine, clear S! SI Wllllston. clear 80 M T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. thought and aspirations of the mother bending over the cradle. The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, how ever, is so full of danger and suffering that fl ft C F1 F1 t B Mil (1 a'VX M elm " UUt-JUt-l nnai UL-ai WOMAN IX CLUB AND CHARITY Twenty-seven members of the Woman'a club responded to the prcaidenta call for a special meeting Monday afternoon and sus pended hy-lnw Iv to reinstate delinquent members of the club upon the pajment of 13, the regular niemliershlp dues, this privi lege to remain open until the second meet ing of the club in October. The recom mendation came originally from the art department, which Is making an effort to get together former members who have dropped out, but the privilege of returning without additional fees could not be granted to one department alone, so the directory decided at a recent meeting to call the club together and extend the privilege to nil. I,nst fall a recommemlatlon was brought by the club's constitution com mittee providing for an amendment of the by-lnws to reinstate delinquent members upon the payment of a fine. This recom mendation the club rejected, but It Was finally decided that delinquents might be relnitated upon the payment of $4, of which i3 should be the regular member ship dues. The action taken by the club yesterday afternoon In no way conflicts with the previous action, for "the 1.1 privi lege Is merely granted through a suspen sion and not an amendment of the by laws, and Is In effect for only a limited time. It was further decided yesterday afternoon to refund the extra dollar that had been paid by delinquent members un der the original act of the club that no injustice might be done anyone. Notice was given by the treasurer that dues might be I laid to her at any time during the sum mer. Considering the previous action of the club, that there might be no misunder standing, the chairman explained her au thority for calling the meeting, which had been duly advertised. Twenty-five mem bers constitute a quorum.. One hundred delegates attended the first nnual meeting of the Business Women's association, which was held last week at the Hotel Endlcot, New York City. Tho convention waa attended by a spirit of en thusiasm and' an interest that promises a profitable future. Especial attention was given to plans for arousing the interest of business women and so extending the mem bership. Aa the organization embracea women of every profession, from the most humblest up to the highest. Its members are well Qualified to deal with all prob lems pertaining to women wage earners. and the prime object will hp to better con ditions wherever possible and to bring them up to the Highest possible standard. It has been estimated that women have moat frequently been unsuccessful in their efforts to bring about much needed reforms in conditions governing working women because, la the majority of cases, the re form was undertaken by club women or others not affected by exUtlng conditions. Employers have over and over again met their interference with the assertion that as long as their women employes made no fuss about their condition. It Is no affair for-other women to meddle with. But the time has passed when women are to be quieted either by rldlculo or discourage. ment; through the various clubs the suc cessful, "Influential women have been awak ened ' to their responsibility to their less fortunate sisters and at last the business women themselves, In spite of their limited hours of leisure, have been encouraged to organise with the assurance of backing from a half down great national organlxa tlons. With a central, national organiza tion perfected, attention will be given to extending the league through the states, A number of the states already have suc cessful associations. A brief life of Frances E. Wlllard has been written by Mrs. 3. E. McLaughlin of Manila and translated into the Tagalog language. An edition of 8,000 has been printed. The Visiting Nurses la one of the few local women's organizations that continues Its meetings during the summer. The regu lar monthly meeting will be held Thursday afternoon. July 20, at 4 o'clock in the ban quet room of the Paxton hotel. SHEDD PRAISES THE EXHIBIT hi Nebraska's Work at Portland Attracts Attention and Com ment of Preaa. H. O. Shedd of Ashland and member of the Nebraska commission to the Lewis and Clark exposition at Portland was an Omaha visitor Monday, having been called home by the illness of his father, H. H. Shedd, at Ashland. Mr. Shedd was in charge ot the Nebraska exhibition at 8t. Louis. He said: "While the Nebraska exhibit at Portland is not as big aa it was at St. Louis, it is much the same, including the moving ptc. ture theater with some new features. The principal effort of the commission has been to make a distinctly agricultural exhibit at Portland with a view to emphasising those products for which Nebraska Is building up a market on the Pacific coast. Our corn exhibit Is much better than at St. Louis, both In quantity and quality, the corn of last year being of a higher grade than the year previous. We shall add a poultry ex hlblt later and our small grain exhibits compare favorably with other small grain states. We are now Installing the new crop of grain, William James of Dorchester, in charge of the agricultural exhibits, now being in the state getting up the new ex hlblt of grain. Nebraska is the only state making a corn exhibit In the agricultural palace and It attracts much attention." In referring to the moving picture ex hlblt of Nebraska that attracted so much attention at St. Ixiuls, Mr. Shedd said "The theater occupies a detached position Tin the center of the Nebraska pavilion. The Pacific coast papers have mentioned the Nebraska exhibit frequently and It ia also mentioned In the daily program of tha ex position." Mr. Shedd said further Governor Mickey had Informed him recently that he will I a few daya let the contract for the silver service for the battleship Nebraska and h expects to have the service on exhibition with the Nebraska exhibit at Pqrtland dur ing the latter pait of the exposition. The exposition will close October 15. The commission Is making plans for Ne braska day, which will take place during the latter part of August. Governor Mickey and his staff have promised to be present. JULIUS PEYCKE DIEDSUNDAY Word Heeelved from Rsa Franrlsco of tbe. Demise ot aa Omaha Raslnesa Man. Word waa received from San Francisco yesterday of the death there on Sunday of Julius Peycke of the firm of Peycke Bros. Mr. Peycke had been 111 since last Febru ary, suffering from a complication ot dis eases, but his condition had not been con sidered serious until a few days ago, when a turn for the worse came. A wife and two children survive him. He was 45 years old. The firm of Peycke Bros, la among the pioneer Institutions of Omaha, having been established here in 1870 by Edmund and Ernest Peycke. who opened a fruit and produce commission house on lower Far nam atreet in that year. The brothers came here from Hamburg, Germany, where they now have a Urge establishment under tbe direction of Edmund Peycke. Not long alter tha oauiue ot lb UwaM bouaa Julius Peycke was admitted to membership In the firm. Fourteen y rs later they added the manufacture of confectionery to the commission business, I ut In 1891 Ed mund Peycke took over th confectionery business and Ernest and Julius continued the commission business. A branch house was established at Kansas City, where Ernest Peye now makes his home. In Octoer, 190S, Julius Peycke and his family removed to California, where they have since resided. DEAL FOR VOTING MACHINES Nearotlatlona Opened by C ity Conacll Where They Were left OS Last Venr. The general council committee yesterday afternoon decided to reopen the voting ma chine negotiations where they were broken off last summer and authorized a resolution directing the old special committee, con sisting of Nicholson, Hoye and Evans, to get busy again. S. C, Hamilton, representing the United States Standard machine, which has been practically selected by the council, ix plained the status of the matter and told the city It could have Its own terms In which to make payments. Several mem bers of the council expressed opinions thnt he machines should be bought for the fall lection. It is estimated that thirty will take care of the city. As at present con templated the county will bear part of the xpense. Only the amount saved over present election expenses will be saved this year. City Attorney Breen thinks pay ment can be arranged legally In this way. It was decided to allow R. B. Carter, con tractor, $1,100 on his bill for "extras" on the Eleventh and Jones street fire engine house. Action taken regarding the buying of 500 feet of hose for the street department was reconsidered and orders will be given for the purchase of B"K) feet of four-ply Maltese Cross rubber hose at $1 a foot, provided It Is guaranteed for three years against defects In materials and workmanship. It was the turning down of a committee re port recommending Just this thing that caused the mayor's remarks concerning 'barroom Jegislatlon." Counellmen are an gry with the mayor, but did not let this stand In the way of their action. COATES IN CRITICAL STATE Soldier Shot While Entering; Girl's Room la Love from the Woanda. ' The condition of Private William E. Coates of the Thirtieth infantry of Fort Crook, who was shot by Mra. Martha J. Lane at Bellevue while attempting to break Into her home one night last week Is re ported to be extremely critical. ' The story of the shooting is to the effect that Coates and two or three companions unuertook to force an entrance Into the house of Mrs. Lane by a back window and had succeeded In cutting out the screen, when Mrs. Lane was aroused and ordered them to leave. T'pon their refusing to do so she fired three shots through the win dow, one of which struck Coates in the stomach. Popular sympathy seems to be wholly with Mrs. Lane, whom It Is alleged has been subjected to much harassment by some of the soldiers. Mrs. Lane denies her daughter was engaged to Coates, or that either of her daughters had even so much as kept company with Coates. She declares love had no part In the affair. SOCIALISTS PLAN AN ATTACK Will Demand Plaee on Ticket and if Refused Will Asaall Dodga Primary Law, Evidence that the socialists mean wh. they said when thoy announced they would contest the Dodge primary election law and hold a county convention In the old way U given by a call for the conven tion August 1, at 8 o'clock In the evening, at 106 South Fourteenth street. The call Is signed by Parker S. Condlt, chairman, and W. W. uiackrord, secretary. Nominations will be made for county treasurer. Judge, clerk, sheriff, superintendent of public In struction, coroner, surveyor and police Judge, South Omaha. The city conven tion for nominating five candidates for the school board will follow. After the ticket ia made up the party will request the county clerk to put It on the official ballot When the latter refuses, under the provisions of the Dodge law, the socialists will go Into court, seek a mandamus and attack the law aa unconstitutional. - LARGEST BUILDING PERMIT License leaned for Braudela Strnctare to Cost Six Hnndred and Fifty Thonaand Dollars. The largest building permit ever Issued by the city was written by Chief Clt rk Grotte of the building department ytMer day afternoon. It was for the na ltran dets department store, fronting o-i Six teenth, Douglas and 8evente3nth auetts, and the estimated price given ! fW.O.O. The largest single permit heretofore Is sued was for the New York Life It. tiding, $500,000. The new department store, which will be the largest and finest In the vest. will be constructed of brick with ornato stone trimmings. It will be 264 feet long, 132 feet wide and Beven atorlea high. The excavating and preliminary work tten In progress for some time. John l.atett-er Is the architect. To date the value of the new cons'. ruc tion for the year has beate'i the twelve months of 1904 by $188,019. Ihi fig' ures being $2,237,940 against .2,001,0 v); tils in less than seven months. MORE MONEY FOR Y. M. C. A. Merchants National Bank Contributes Five Hnndred Dollars to the Building Fnnd. The latest donation to the Toung Men' Christian association building fund waa the gift of $500 donated by the Merchanta Na tional bank. The donation waa Announced late yesterday afternoon and will be pre sented to the committee at once. Plraaant Waya for Summer Dnya are the Orand Trunk, Lehigh Valley Double-Track Route Chicago to New York via Niagara Falls, the Grand Trunk-Cen-tral''Vermont-Boston & Maine Route from Chicago to Boston and the Orand Trunk Railway System to Montreal, Quebec and Portland. Double track from Chicago to Montreal. Fares, descriptive literature, etc, will be mailed on application to Geo. W. Vaux, A. Q. P. & T. A., 138 Adams St., Chicago. Sporting- Brevities. Many hae been having fine sport catch ing fish aa they run through the channels cut from the river to .h lakea, both at Manawa and at Cut Oi. Sunday's game waa the first the Champs have been able to win from Ilohannon this year. Denver used to have another hoodoo for Omaha by tha name of Eyler. The city tennta championship opens out ai mfl r iciu ciud nami uay ana all entries should be sent to Will Wood at Swift's or le cl left with the desk secretary of tha Field ub before i rlday. ' The Pabat Blue Kit. bona defeated the Dia mond Cs by a score of 7 to 4 Snnday. The feature of the game waa the hard hitting of J. Sawatxkl of the Diamond Ca. Batter ies Pabst blue Ribbons. Nightingale and Uoblar, Liaiuond Ca, Ulup. aud WiUliock. POLICE ARREST AUTU1STS Cbief Donahue's Fljing SqnsJroa Buns Down 8ome Prominent Men-ol-Wsr. chauffeurs' timed with watches Wheaever Speed Limit Reema to Be Exceeded Admirals Jackson ad Sawyer Fire oa the Enemy. Slow down! Chief of Police Donahue's flying automo- bile squadron Is gathering In the flighty detectives Ferris and Dunn and when ar chauffours In bunches. Since last Thurs- ralgned In police court Monday morning day. when Officers Jnckson and Sawyer on the rharge of being drunk was fined tf were detailed with bicycles to keep tab on speeding automoblllsts, nearly twenty com- plaints have been filed In police court anj cnl)j were' taRrn to the matron a de charging the operators with exceeding the partment for sare keeping and untlj the speed limit as provided by ordinance. A c(,e uij D, txtny investigated. It Is said few of the number already have had war- .hAt tha fnmiiv h.. h.n rnmin trmn ants served on them; they appeared In police court Monday morning and tr cases were set ior Thursday morning, wnicn naa been designated by the police Judge as 'automobile day." S. Sleuman haa been arrested for the sec ond time within a , few weeka and Is charged with speeding his large car. He was discharged in police court last week when tried on a complaint charging him with exceeding the speed limit on North Twentieth atreet at a time WhVi Theodora Madsen was injured while riding his bl cycle. J. T. Stewart of Council Bluffa was arrested Saturday evening by Officer Saw yer while annihilating distance with his car, it Is alleged. Stewart forfeited hli cash bond by not appearing in police court Monday for trial. C. J. Downs of the Mid land hotel and F. J. White of 817 North Fifteenth atreet were arraigned Monday morning; both pleaded not guilty and their cases were set for Thursday morning. Clarke G. Powell has been arrested ou a charge of exceeding the speed limit Some Prominent Men. Complaints against, the following auto moblllsts were filed In police court Monday morning: Dan Baum, Jr.; N. P. Updike, M. H. Althouse, T. B. Draper, Clark Colt, J. R. Webster and S.' II. McWhorter. The parties will be arraigned In court Tuesday morn- Ing. Another bunch of complaints will be filed against other chauffeurs Tuesday morning. Meanwhile the flying squadron la patrollng the boulevards and other thor- oughfares traveled 'chiefly by automobile I and Is gathering evidence against thoae 1 said to be violating the Speed law. I Officers Jackson and Sawyer are making I sure of their work by timing the filing I horseless carts with watches. Two extracts from the officers' notebooks show that auto No. E went from Twenty-ninth to Thirty- second avenues, a distance of four blocks, In twenty-five seconds flat, tha rate of speed being figured at about forty mllee per hour: auto No. t? la recorded as arolnir from Twenty-sixth and Thirtieth streets, four blocks, In thirty-three seconds. In connection with the present crusade to .a I. tha .moJ n n .4 . . . 1 1 I vehicles on the public streets of Omaha a number of drivers of horse-propelled vehl- cles have been arrested during the last few day. Officer Vanderford arrested William Klsne of Twenty-fifth and Cuming street for driving on the wrong side of the street. Klsne will have a hearing Thursday morn lng. Jacob Rsoff and Thomas O'Conneli havetake; "to clty" on i ...v.i.i,., n,, B limn uuiiiitjiiiru. J Uin nell wa fined $1 and costs in police court Monday morning, while Rsoff will have a trial Thursday morning. WORK AT DETENTION HOME1 Progress Being; Made for the Care of Delinquent Jnvenilea More Facilities Needed. A look through the new detention home on South Tenth street Monday showed that Mra. Heller, the superintendent. Is rapidly getting the place Into shape. At least, this Is true so far as the superintendent can go. The county board had to meet such an , unexpected expense to put the Juvenile court law into operation that Just at pres- ent the members of the board do not feel like putting In all the repairs that are needed on the premises. A bath room for the children is being Installed in the large and well-lighted basement, wrjere th work- Bnop ior tne boys win also be located. Some of the rooms need papering and the floors need painting, but at present these things will have to be dispensed with. A school . room, on the second floor, I being fitted up, and it will be a very pleas ant room for the purpose, too, On the floor above are the dormitories, not large, but equal to present demands. There Is also a good room that Is to be aet aside for an hospital. If necessary, a case of contagion could be effectively Isolated here, owing to ' the location Of the room. Another feature of the home will be a "meditation room,' where those children who break the rules will spend a few hours In solitude. It Is the hope of the superintendent that this room will not be used very much. At present there are three girl and two boy at the home, and the boys will find a pleasant and agreeable work at cutting and raking the lawn. One of the girl a ba bualed herself In decorating the dormitory In an attractive manner. DEATH OF DR. AUGUSTA CHAPIN Eminent Woman Who Waa Paator of Omaha Chnrch Dies in the Kaet. The death of Dr. Augusta Chapln, the well known lecturer and writer on the rights Of women, which occurred June 80 st St. Luke's hospital, Manhattan, will be regretted by scores of friends In Omaha. For two years, from 1893 to 1XH6, Dr. Chapln was pastor of the First Unlversalist church Of Omaha and during that timer figured prominently In the educational, literary and religious life of the city. She was a promi nent member of the Woman's club, serving as leader of its English literature depart ment for one year, and later was made an honorary member of the club. TOO CLOSE T0 HIS MULE Driver la Kicked In. Bibs by Animal Waoee Name, He He ye,, ia Not Naod, Charles Armey, a grader in the employ of a contractor at Lyons, Neb., has been taken to Clarkson htapltal to be treated for Injuries received while driving a team of mules at Twenty-second and Leaven worth streets. Mr. Armey was walking behind th mules and got within Speaking distance of on or the animals, which landed one of his feet on the driver's ribs. The man's injuries are said to be In no way serious. He danlea the mule'a name wa Maud. FlRE RECORD. ' Bnataeaa Bloeka la Goldaelal. OOLD FIELD, Nev.. July . Two block of Ooldfteld' bualneaa and residence aectlon have been totally destroyed by fire, an- Willing a loa of 1200.000. The rtre originated i th basement ot Mra. Wllaon'a millinery store araj) apread to Romo'i bnokerage office and automobile establishment, which blaw up. A new t40,G0 , hotel being built by Boyer and other lasted about twenty min utes. Th Nevada Stat Detective agency and the Grand View hotel. Just across the street, soon followed. A llRht wind blow ing away from the main street was all that saved the town from total destruction. BABY'S HAND BRINGS TEARS little One's Tooch on Wayward Mother's Cheek Aronaea the Parental Instinct. Tha tender touch of a baby hand on her fnce and the gentle pressure of Its arm around her neck brought anguish and re morse to Mrs. F. B. Austin as she clasped to her breast her i-year-old son In the matron's department at the city J. ill. The woman's husband was arrested Sat. unlay evening at 1515 Davenport street by an() costs. At tne tlme o( Austin s arrest the wife thptr home In Council Bluffa on numeroua eVfningi and Btoppltfg at the num- for mentioned The woman Is said to' have Wn out on th, ,treets Saturday evening when tn huaband and babv were located by the detectives. Probation Officer Bernstein Investigated the case In the Infant's behalf and allowed the mother to return to her home In Coun cil Bluffa on tha promise that ahe would mend her ways ana keep the baby In bet ter surroundings, Mrs. Austin appeared penitent and pledged to keep Inviolate her promise to do better for the child. VITALS BROUGHT FOR TEST Stomaeh, Liver and Spleen of Dead Man to Be Analysed, Pend IngT Law's Aetion. Chemical analysis of the stomach, liver and spleen ot Charles Zimbleman, a young farmer who lived four miles southwest of Bonesteel, S. D., will have to await the recovery of Dr. Charles F. Crowley, profes sor ot chemistry In Crelghton Medical col lege. Prof. Crowley has been 111 for a week with Intestinal poisoning' and Is only now convalescing. It is probable that examlna- tlon of the organs of Zimbleman will not be made until next week. Zimbleman died May ft. He bad been married but three months. After drinking coffee he said It tasted queer nd before It waa time to eat another meal he waa dead. The wife aent hla brother fourteen nines for a doctor, whereas one might nav be'n obtained within three miles, Neighbors called the matter to the atten- ,lwn " Btat Attorney W. D. Backus of Bonesteel, who had the remains exhumed, th" orKf removed and brought them to ""nana Bitnaay pacKea in a grip. No in I"8-1 wa" hel1 h the coroner, although ne wa" aware or me man a sudden death. Th analyst ia to be mode to determine ,f Zimbleman was poisoned, and if so by wnal P'cu'r "ma. NU HUrt U bfc I " PESTILL0 Sher,ff Po" Despair ot t aptorlng the Man Who Killed Chnrles Jones. Sheriff Power' force has about given up Jl?-toJ !" . ' .juuiib v-uaiuM Junes. I rp,m - . . . - ..v miciiu miiiiTCifc duiu jMunuay morning he had persorally run down several cluea given to him from different aources, but without any result. One of these, "tips" took him out in the state. A Mtracnlons Escape from bledlng to death had A. Pinske, Nashotah, Wis.,, who healed his wound with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 25c. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Star Calla for Help. The Lincoln Star, which has the con tract for printing tho Lancaster county scavenger tax list, round Its plant Inadc. ouate to the Job of getting out the work In time for publication, which must be made on Tuesday of this week. Conse- . quentiy omana waa caned on ror neip. An- plication was made to The Bee, hut as the I measure oi inis paper is mucn wmer tnan L".?.$. VEHSLOV'S S03ti:i;;q syrup i ass eeaa naad by Million of llotbers for that J o&lkdrea while twUUna far ovttr Fifty Tnn. ( It lootbe cti child, sartcas tha gums, ailart 4 it iwa. OTiraa wiaa ouua aaa m vameay roe auurnoM. TWKMTY-FIV OEITTS A BOTTT. r? 2& Kl v Between Cody, Wyoming, and Yellowstone Park, reached by the Burlington's northwest line into the Big Horn Basin. Log Cabin Inns: Wapiti Wickiup at Elk Fork, 88 miles from Cody. Pahaaha Tepee at Middle Fork, 46 miles from Cody. These are new stopping places in t!ie mountains in the midst of a fine game and fishing country. Yellowstone Park: Beyond Paliaaka to the Lake Hotel, Yellowstone Park, is a 32-mile ride over Sylvan Pass. There is no scenery in the Park grander than the scenery along this new route. Cody. Wyoming, ia the headquarters for out fitting regular stages, special teams, guides, horses and equipment for any kind of au eipedition into this sports man's country. Very Low Rates: A special daily rate of $30.10 to Cody and return will be in effect all summer. Beyond Cody very reasonable rates for transporta tion by regular or special teams, also at the Log Cabin Inns. Inquiries1 are invited. Address 1). Franklin Powell, Irraa Hotel, Cody, Wyo., or Yellowstone Park Camping Company, Cody, Wyo. Special Folder: Aek for the new leaflet, '-The Cody Boad Into Yellowstone Park." i the column of the Stir the 1ob had to be declined and the wi.rk ( t.iVen t.i the Western Newiipcr I'nlon and Wateis pi. mts. whei-i' tbe tipe ;s set in time to allow the h K.-.l puhllcHtton to be made. Terrl'.tle lilvastet Averted. Tho terrible disaster of nervous break down, caused by dvspepsla. Is averted by Electric Hitters. 5"c; g'lirarteed. For Bale by & McConncIl Drug Co. Roberta la n t'nntllilate. George W. Huberts. Jr., an engineer em ployed In the city enainecrlng department, will le a candidate for the republican nom ination for county surveyor ngnlnst County Hnrvevor Edqulst. It Is announced. Mr. Roberts' friends say he will make a vig orous tight for the place. Mortality Mntlntlcs. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Hoard of Health dur ing the forty-eight hours ending at noon Mondny : Births Frank Derak. 1107 South Seventh, girl; Joseph HvoJtnk. 1409 South Fourteenth, bov; John Haley, lh-T jacason. noy. Deaths-Isnlnh 1 Dodds. 4!1S Webster. 70; Anna Miller, 2211 Cass, Kg. To treat Pimples and Blackheads, Red, Rough, Oily Complexions, gently smear the face with Cuti cura Ointment, the great Skin Cure, but do not rub. Wash off the Ointment in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water, and bathe freely for some minutes. Repeat morning and evening. At other times use Cuticura Soap for bathing the face as often as agree able. No other Skin Soap so pure, so sweet, so speedily effective. Cnttrar Bnp Amb1nM dllr mdlrtnl Mini ttmrt proptrtt dnrivwl tram liticuni, the kpm Skta (Jim, with th purfwt of r)fttftnff li.rdlmu th mort rHrMfctnf Sor 4of. 'io rtAap, In om at n nrtr namely, a MrUi1nal ana Telkrt Soup far ttc Dnif Cbem. Cr., Sal rrt. Havtan. atf- hUUeaYr, " Uow to Freear, TiirtlJ, Baaattf." Treat all disease 4 Man: Vartoooale. Hydro cele, Strtotur Stood Pol son. Weak, Nervous Man, Kidney and Bladder Dla enses, 8 to much, Bowel Skin end Chronlo Dis eases. Examination Free. Honeat Treatment. Low Charge. Write for Infor. ma tlon. 14 years In Omaha Drs. Searlss & Starlet, 14th and Douglas St Omaha. Neb. MEN AND WOMEN. n fu m tut aaaatara! tekarsa,iiiaaaaiiiiloaa, lrrltttaoa or 4ratloa f I BMiabranM. PalulMa- and Bot aatria irattVUtlCMMIMtUI. gent or pulfoaons. , CIBMSMTi,! I mm atJaSVI J Saaraakni J Jf ai t evtMara. njnapaaaasj Vtaaajaj4Ma Caattasn4sl """J SMid hy Hi aaasi j i ar aaai in aiaia wrapm. 5 1 by einraa. rasl4, lot fjrj ! M. iT I fcottl- ! T6. i S CI rami a aaa I an mil MS) pirfs!nniini Apply to the undersigned for rates, in formation, folders, etc. J. B. REYNOLDS, Ticket Agt.. 1502 Farnam SI., Omaha.