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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1905)
TFIE OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY. .Tt'LY 8. 1005. Japanese Folding Ftn at 5c 0 osr'oNg Raw. 50c Fancy TODAY EAe Day of the Great HOSIERY SALE Ladies' $3.50 Silk Hosiery at 98c Pair Hosiery of all pure spun "ilk and silk gauze plain and Rembrandt ribbed they come in plain and fancy effects some eilk clocked, many handsomely silk embroidered black and V colors worth up to $3.50 at, pair Ladies' Lisle Thread Hosiery at 15c Pair Regular 25c quality hosiery, in black liele thread; also whites, tans, pinks and blues many silk mercer ized, all-over lace down to the toes, open work; also misses' 1 and children's black lace II n O Boys' and Girls' 25c Hosiery at 12ic Broncho Buster stylo, fine and heavy ribbed hosiery, f 1, fast black, worth up to 25c pair at, pair. Iani2 Men's 25c Hose at 12c Pair Macks, browns and some fancy colors all weights f many silk finished 25c mialitv at. pair an2 v Big Ribbon Sede 50c All Silk Ribbons at 15c Yard Belt ribbons, sash ribbons, ribbons for fancy bows and trim mings, hair ribbons, etc. up to 7 inches wide this is all silk ribboni In the most desirable shades -J ess white, black and fancy, stripes, checks, M jffSSX plaids and figures worth as high as 50c a & JF yard at, yard A SaJe of Ladies' Neckwear Just received all the traveling men's samples and show room stock of a New York manufacturer and importer of neck wear over 1,000 dozen fresh, new effects embroidered turn overs, embroidered stocks, lace and embroidered tab collars white and colors fca f f tf hundreds of styles of f Inn k B dTh wash collars, worth P JB ) fl Ja B P Bfl J up to 50c at MVV Ladies Underwear Ladles' vests in lace Halo, silk finished mercerized- ellk ribbdn JC trimmed white, pink and blue worth up to 50c, at .. DC Ladles' Munsing Union Suits LUlo thread, $1.00 quality ' 25( Biglotsof Ladies' Summer Underwear Qln - n J 1 C many styles at O2C clIlQ IjC Handkerchiefs m the Arcade Manufacturers' seconds Cn of fine handkerchiefs, some slightly imperfect, at, each Our Japanese Comer-Arcade Hundreds of fresh Japanese Novelties Cups and Sauwrs, Saki Cups, Fiins, etc., etc., at moderate prices. IOO Calling: Cards at 39c Greatest Sale of the Season Ladies' SEIRT WAIST SUITS Saturday I ! UTi'LUtlV I U WirU tat nny.jj urn jiwiimial-WT oP- Saturday 1 Entire Surplus Stock from I. L. Narks . Co., Philadelphia. More than a thousand absolutely new shirt waist suits summer's coolest dresses made in prettiest styles of the season. We bought them very cheaply the most astonishing bargains ever offered in wash dresses Every suit high grade. MATERIALS: Black and white Lawns, White Cambric, Sea Island Percale Dotted Swiss, Shepherd Plaids, Handkerchief Linens, Butchers Linen, Indian Head Muslin. All of I. L Marks & Co.'s Ladies FINE SHIRT Ct WAIST SUITS, Actually worth $3.50 to $5, go at. STYLES: Tailor pleated Tucked, Piped & Strapped, Embroidery and Lace Trimming, Embroidered Panels, Flounced and Pleated Skirts. All of I. L. Marks & Co.'s Ladies' STUNNING SHIRT WAIST SUITS, actually worth $6.50 up to $10, go at mm Your choice of our $1.23 tl.50 White Lawn and Swiss Shirt Waists prettily trimmed, at. Choice of our tl.50 and 12.00 Ladles' Royal Shirt Waists plain tailored and neatly trimmed, at 69c 95c Choice of $2.50 & 13 Ladles' Royal Shirt raists every BtunciDg new style foa ture, at Choice of $3.50 & $4 Ladle' Royal Shirt Waists the most elaborate embroid ery and lace effects, at ... . 1.50 198 LADIES' LOW SHOES, $1.98 MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Thousands of Ladies' RoyaJ Shirt Waists BEST WAISTS IN AMERICA AT CUT PRICES. i(f Thousands of Uinana ladies who have Dought these splendid shirt waists speak in the highest terms of their style and durability. The styles are the prettiest that have been eeen in Omaha this year. Ladies' High Grade Saddle Tau Oxford all sizes and widths, formerly sold 13.00 to 13.50; this 1 QO sale at l0 Newer Than White Latest fad in cloth shoes the linen color wolt and turn sole about 300 pair, A A to EE at White Canvas Oxfords size to Ji at Jwl !.98 Williams Bros.' famous mcroerlzpd silk uuderwear plain and fancy colors,, M-orth TP. J J C. up to H.oo, at; Joe and toc Men's Union Suits and two-piece undprwear American silk and French. lisle special. . , '. 98c to 1.50 CONCERT IN MUSIC DEPT. Fred Hrownold, formerly of Omaha, has beeu en gaged by us to play his latest comiwsltions, "Vasar Clrl Walues" and "My Indian Queen," jfj if 1 . Saturday and Monday only 3 to 5 p. m. ?M90T6e. CClSEverboly ,nvlte(, Arcade, Maia Floor '-II SB 'K v I vii'j(ifr Children's ATrJn Duck t wu Caps Children's Straw Hats MILLINERY Entire Summer Stock on Hand from Al. Spiesberger & Son, Omaha. BrapdcU bought the entire summer stork of M. 8pieber(ter & Pon, Harney street, and will place It on sale Saturday at th most sensa tional bargains ever known in the rnininery lilstory of the west. Street and trimmed hats at far below their cost to mak. Ladies' Trimmed and Street Hatg from the Spiesberger stock all nil this season's st .vie, worth $2 xit i mm n an 49c Mm Ladies' Trimmed and Street Ilats from the Pniesbercer stock- many stunning styles, worth up to at 98c Ladies' Finest Street Hats - ewellest Lata berger Btock worth $5.00 Trimmed and Many of the in the Spies- - 1.98 at Ready-to-Trim Hats All Spiesberger's untriramed shapes, very latest styles, popular fl m rt" 8S aMbr.n:. c-iiyc-Zjc All the Summer Flowers from Spie3berger's the 1 Y most popular summer trimming, every variety J U 0 on hi cr tahlttS worth nn tn fiflrt nt. .hunch J q 1 - -" - - " In connection with this sale we will dlsiose of nil our finest flowers, sold up to $1.00 a bunch, at bunch 25c Choice of Entire Stock of Men's Majestic Shirts Bought from the Manufacturers COBLENS, CAHN & C0.B r Who Retired from Business Not a shirt in this entire lot cost less than $1.00 to manufacture. The finest summer shirts in the newest pat terns. The Majestic shirts are known all over the country for their high quality Saturday you can buy a dol lar and a half or two dollar shirt at REFINERY LAW NOT, VALID Celebrated "Antitrust" Bill f Kansas ii Declared Unconstitutional STATE CANNOT BUILD OIL REFINERY la Opinion Aoclt Joatlce Green Vmumrm Adversely I pon Mmsnr Aimed mt the Stand-' ard Oil Company, TOPEKA, Kan., July 7. The law passed by the leKlHlalure last winter appropriat ing (410,000 to build an Important oil re finery at Peru was today declared unconsti tutional by the state supreme court In an opinion rendered by Associate' justice Ureen. The oil refinery law was considered one of the most direct blows struck at the Btandard OH company by the last legisla ture, which adopted several measures tend Ins; to restrict that concern In the handling of the Kansas product. The oil refinery law provided for the erec tion at Peru also of a branch of the state penitentiary to house sufficient prisoner, who, It was Intended, were to work the oil plant. Btate Treasurer T. T. Kellv an.l Warden E. B. Jewett, whose duty It was to Issue the bonds, declined to Hlurn thfm In order to first secure a decision on the constitutionality of the act. Attorney Gen eral C. C. Coleman filed mandamaus pro ceedings In the state supreme court on be half of the state to compel these officers to sign the bonds. The opinion today, de claring the act to be Illegal and unconsti tutional, was concurred In by all members of .the supreme court. Declares Gas Company an Outlaw. The state supreme court today rendered a decision declaring that the Kansas Natural Gas company, a Delaware cor poration, cannot do business In Kansas. The derision, which Is sweeping in Its terms, makes an outlaw of the company, which It declares cannot hold property In Kansas and cannot operate In any man ner within the state. The company has already spent several million dollars, It Is said. In laying pipe lines In Kansas. The opinion is rendered In the case of the state of Kansas, on the relation of Attorney General C. C. Coleman, against the Kansas Natural Gas company. It seems that when the company applied to the Kansas charter board for permission to do business In this state that the board denied the application. However, the com pany went ahead laying Its pipes and con- Truths that Strike Home Tour grocer ia honeet and if be cares to do so can tell yon that lie knows very little about the bulk coffee he sells you. IIow can be Jtnow, where it originally came from. now it was blended or Wltn wnac ' -or when roantedt If you buy your coffee loose by the pound, how can you expect purity and uniform quality t LION COFFEE, the LEADER OF ALL PACKAGE COFFEES. Is ol necessity unllonrf In quality, strength and flavor. For 0YEK A ' QUASTUt OF A CDiTlTY, LION COFFEE has been the standard cotlee In millions ol homes. LION COFFEE U carefully packed I our tactartca, ana until opened la rar some, Stan m c nance ol being adaft. t crated, ar ol coming la contact with duet, dirt, a ex ma, or andean heads. In each package of LION COFFEE you get one full DOUnd of Vure Coffee. In&ibt upon getting the genuine. (Lion head on erery package.) '(Save &e Lion-he ds for valuable premiums. ) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLBON BPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. trading to deliver gas 4o many cities. To date the company has expended millions of dollars laying pipe lines from the southern Kansas field to the Missouri line and to a dozen or more northern Kansas cities, much of which work has practically been completed. After the charter board had acted the attorney general, In the name of the state, brought this proceeding In quo warranto against the company, asking that It be required to show Its authority for doing business In Kansas and that if unable to do so It be ousted from the state. The company answered, setting forth Its ap plication to tne charter board and alleging that It had - done all things required by the statute, and asking that the charter board be ordered to grant them a license. A demurrer to this answer was filed and It was agreed that a final Judgment should be entered In accordance with the ruling of the court upon the demurrer. The court sustained the demurrer and entered a Judgment of ouster against the gas com pany, all of which will have a tendency to cause the defendant to quit business. The opinion of the court was delivered by Justice Qieene, all of tho judges con curring. The barred company owns a majority of the producing gas wells In Kansas and Is capitalized at tl0.O(O,0U0. It has spent six months In constructing a pipe line from Montgomery county to Kansas City. , The company was Just on the point of piping gas Into Kansas City, Kan., Lawrence, To pe k a, Ottawa, Olathe and many other Kansas towns, but under the terms of the decision. It must cease all work In Kansas. The court goes far enough to Intimate that the company has exhausted Its re sources at law and says that It cannot come Into court and ask for a mandatory order to compel the state charter board to grant it a charter. HOGREFE SURE OF POLLARD Richardson t'oantr Man Says Repnb. Mean Has Sure Thins la the First. W. H. Hogrefe, the genial representative In the last legislature from Richardson cour'.y. Is In the city shaking hands with his many friends. When asked In regard to the political situation in his and sur rounding counties, he said everything la In good shape. He was asked particularly In regard to Pollard for congress, if ho was running well. No," said Mr. Hogrefe, -Mr. Pollard does not have to run, he Is walking, and the other fellow Is not In sight. Mr. Pollard will be elected by a rousing majority. The farmers are too busy harvesting high-priced wheat to read fake democratic newspapers, and be wheedled Into voting for democrats. We had enough democratlo prosperity a few years ago. when nearly everybody went broke. Republican prosperity with dollar wheat Is good enough for us." DIED. HOLMOREN-Frederick Wllhelm. July t. 19n6, BKrd 6 years i months, son of Jonas snd Emma liolmgren. Kuneral Bunday. July . at 1 p. m , from Swedish Lai t hern church, Nineteenth and Cass airtcU. interment Prospvvt Hill. DUN'S RET1EW 01? TRADE Brisk Duplicate Order BuiineBs in Whole sale and Jobbing Circles. BUILDING OPERATIONS ARE ACTIVE Rail vray Earnings for June Show nn Incrense Over One Year . Agwl)Fcreii la Imports. NEW YORK. July 7.-R. Q. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade' tomorrow will say: In wholesale and Jobbing circles an un usually brisk duplicate order business tes tifies to the freedom from accumulated stocks on the shelves of Interior dealers, while there is no abatement of conlidtuee in the future. Structural steel and all forms of railway equipment are the promi nent features of the iron inquiry, but iuKt conditions prevail at coke ovens and pig Iron furnaces. Bensatlonal soaring of quo tations for raw materials threatens the stability of the leading textile markets, al though consumption Is not yet perceptibly diminished by rapidly riling price, lists. Varying reports are received rexardlng the crop situation, prloes rising higher tnan would be the case If manipulation were leFS vigorous, and exports are adversely affected. Several threatened labor contro versies have been averted by agreement upon wage scales for another year and building operations are unusually brisk for the season. Inventories show a good vol ume of business for the first six months of the year and still greater activity is ex pected in the last half. Railway earnings In June were 65 per cent larger than la.-u year's, but foreign commerce at this port for the last week shows a loss of 4.1ti,' In exports and a decrease of !tsK,i58 In im ports as compared with 1904. Uncertainty In the markets for cotton goods has resulted from the rise in the raw material and It Is almost Impossible to negotiate for future delivery. Similar con ditions prevail In the other leading Wxtilo industries, except that raw material has fluctuated less of late. Increased activity Is quoted In the hide market, the demand emanating chiefly from one prominent Interest and confined mainly to native steers of later salting. Foreign hides are dull. Salesmen have returned from western trips bringing liberal orders for spring shoes and buyer In the Koslon market are operating iretiy on iiuuui ton tracts. Failures this week In the United State are iou, against last week, lao the pre ceding week and i the corresponding week last year. Failures In Canada num ber A, against 16 last week, Us the preced ing week and 13 last ytar. BH1DSTREETI HEtlKW OF THADB Holiday laflneaees aid Irregalar Weather I.lntlt Baslness. NEW YORK. July 7. Bradstreef to morrow will say: Holiday Influences, lrregulur weather and crop reports and seasonable shut-downs for repairs and inventories have tended to limit the turnover of the week. Too much rain In the west has retarded trade In that section, and from the south similar re ports come. In the central west, the east and southwest, however, trade Is of full summer volume, with a good retail distribution and fair returns for summer goods from Jobbers. The. sharp advance In raw cotton has had a rather stimu lating effect on southern traoe sentiment, though Indicating smaller than expected yields, the feeling being that higher prices will offset reduced producdon. The ad vance In raw cotton has stimulated In quiry fur coiloa goods, which Uave been generally advanced 6 to 10 per cent and I buyers complain of deliveries. Wool has ' strengthened, and the market for footwear, j though quiet, has shown the effect of pres ent prices of leather and the highest prices for hides In years. Building material of all kinds reflect the demands of a record year In this respect. Pig Iron has been dull and moved lower, but heavy finished products have been In good call. Labor Is well employed, and the signing of the new tin plate scale removes the only threatened feature In Industrial lines, which report no important strikes occur ring. Railway earnings continue largd, tho gain In June being 6 per cent, with May net earnings exceeding last year by 8.5 per cent and the fiscal year will show a gain of 7 per cent. HuBinesH failures for the week ending July 8 are far below the normal for this time of the year, being only 1Z7, against 186 last week, 172 In the like week of im and 194 In 1903, 196 In 1902 and 1U9 in 1901. In Canada failures this week number 29, as against 33 last week and 14 In this week a year ago. Wheat. Including flour, export for the week ending July 6' are 1.060.B44 bushels, against 7M,641 bushels last week. 878.910 bushels this week last year, 2.88C.410 bush els in 1903 and 4.404.166 bushels In 19U2. Coin exports for the week are 932,225 bushels, against l.tno,3M bushels last week, 813.124 bushels a year ago. 1.52.0h4 bushela In 19uJ and 185.000.0.U bushels In VMl. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER bowers and Thunderstorms In Ne braska, Iowa and Kansas Today and Tomorrow. WASHINGTON, July 7. Forecast of the weather for Saturday and Sunday: For Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Mis souriShowers and thunderstorm Satur day and Sunday. For Wyoming Shower Saturday, cooler In central and north portion; Sunday, shower. For South Dakota Showers Saturday; Sunday, fair and warmer. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, July 7. Official record of tem perature and precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the last three vears: 1S"6. 1904. 1903. 18i2. Maximum temperature ..78 68 83 82 Minimum temperature ... 63 61 74 63 Mean temperature 70 65 84 72 Precipitation 1 -01 .00 . Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1, and comparison with the, last two years: Normal temperature 79 lieflclei cy for the day t Total excess since March 1, 19u6 229 Nftrmnl precipitation 17 Inch Iet1'?lency for the day 01 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 10. M Inches IenYlercy Blnce March 1 6.73 Inches Iieftcleicy for cor. period, lf'4.. Z.OOInche Lieflclency lor cor. period, 19n3.. S.56 Inches Report front Stations at T P. M. Station and Slate Tern. Max. Rain- of weather. 7 p.m. lem. fall. OUR LETTER BOX Bismarck, raining U ii Cheyenne, raining t4 4 Chicago, cloudy 64 74 Iiavenporl. part cloudy ... 74 8'i Iienver, raining 6n 80 Havre, cloudy 64 78 Helena, part cloudy 70 80 Huron, cloudy tn Kansas City, clear 76 North Platte, cloudy 7 Omaha, clear 74 Rapid City, raining U St. Louia, cloudy 7J Ht. Paul, raining 66 halt iJike City, clear 86 Valentine, part cloudy .... '4 Williston. Dart cloudy 68 "T lndUstes trace of ureclplfatlo" X. A. WbLUH, Local Furccaster, 82 82 8i M 88 78 74 Boosting Omaha. OMAHA. July 7.-To the Editor of The Bee. Enthusiasm and optimism should al ways dominate our sphere. Puhhlng Omaha 1 a good thing, a mlghtv good thing, for Omaha need that push. To ex ploit Its industries, it natural right, It educational facilities, Its beauties. It sire and possibilities this Is all well and good; but let u not overboost Omaha; let us not exaggerate too much. After all. are we getting there as fast as we presume we are? Are we growing as rapidly a we think we aret Are our Industrial Institu tion Increasing as rapidly as we would make believe? To consider these questions It Is not necessary to become a pemimtst, but It 1 and will be to our advantage ns a city to give It a thought. To begin wllh, our retail district Is not enlarging Itself. This statement may be contrary to com mon belief, but It 1 merely changing ii location.- Lower Farnam street and lower Douglas are becoming empty, while Six teenth street la now the retail center. Our retail institution are not Increasing, but rather on the decline. Think of the many Did firms that have gone out of business or sold out during the last few months! But new ones have not taken their place. Ask any retail merchant whether h! busi ness has increased proportionately to the Increased expense In rentals, etc., and the answer will be In the negative. Th?se are all Indications of not so great a local In crease In trade as one would naturally sup pose from the general make-bellove talk handed out. Our plan on which we are working In altogether too elaborate, too big; our city government 1 too expenelV'; our rents are too high; our trade Is not big enough, not enough of It. Let us push the town, but not make things look like moun tain whon they are only hills. W. T. W. Tenth Ward HepoMleun. The republican of the new Tenth ward are requested to meet at Metis hall, on Thirteenth near William, next Tuesday, July 11, at 8 p. m., to organize a Republlcnn Tenth Ward club. The call Is signed by Edward Schlnereft, Frank Kaspur, Dl"k Murnell, Sam Scott, Henry Vavra, Frank Hemerad, Ed Cornish, Joseph Kavan and lota of others. Condition of K. W. Nash. The condition of K. W. Nash, although reported as being somewhat worse yester day, was not discouraging Inte last even ing., Mr. Nash passed a somewhat restless day yesterday, but was some better along toward evening, and late last night was reported a resting easily. We wish you would feel perfectly free to write tho Doctor at any time. Ask him anything you with to know about your hair. You will ob tain the beat medical advice free, and no one will aee your letter but the Doctor. Addreaa, . Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Maas. Testimonials? We can furnish them by the thousand. Here is one: For over half a century Ayer's Hair Vigor has been sold in every civilized land on the face of the4 globe. Is not this long, unbroken history of success the very best Kind of a testimonial? Kd ky U. 1. O. Armr Oe., towell. Km. iso nsaufsoturers of ATER'B BARSAPARILtA-For the blood. ATEh'8 PILLS- For coaitipetloa. Atka a CigakT PkClOKAL-rotewuza. ATtB't AOUg CUfcg Jroi malaria aa4 are.