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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1905)
lfj TTTE 0MA1TA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1905. Ribbons at 15c fT A unen Handler- Saturday Specials 1 I Men's and. ladies' hosiery, fast blacks, fancy colors, some allover laces, lace boot, etc., in lisle and fancy cot-1 A l ton, worth to 25c a pair, atHIL-I Imported Hosiery Finest lisle thread hos iery, all imported silk embroidery, and all over lace, etc., fast black and fancies, worth up to 50c pair, at JC Sale of Summer Underwear Ladies' light weight pummer underwear made of lisle thread, sleeveless, lace crocheted and ribbon bead- f n f1 ing. all sizes, at U2l"I-w2l All the ladles' fancy pllk finished vests and pants crepe lace, Halo, Mil; trimmed, etc., worth up to P fifty cents, will go at -- tmJM Ladles' elaborately finished Bilk vests, handsomely crocheted also hlph class union milts worth Cfl up to one dollar, will go at JUC Ladies' lisle thread torchon lace trimmed pants, at 19c , r in all new stylos and patterns, also exquisite silk embroidered turnover collars, silk worked button holes, etc thousands of styles, regular 25c values, at - i & i w Underwear if 10c-15c Fabric Gloves All the celebrated makes of sum mer weight fabric gloves, lisle, Bilk and cotton, :dat25c-50c-75c-$1 Japanese Corner ARCADE r Pretty Jap Wear All novelties, moderately priced. 100 CAKDS FOP. 3!c rrlnted while you wait, in the Arcade. DEIS. 4 1 1 JOOI1 1 L&JJ TAFlkTAG vvATSr USELESS EM by taikloK. It, pair furuteed. These are the latest models of the famous R. & O., dislKrifd to nlve the ta poring waist line which the spring fashions make Imperative. All sty 1 e s and sizes. In hinh and low bust prices, SI.OO to S3.00 Perfect fit, Ions; wear and entire satisfaction Kuar anteed In every R. & G. Corset. IS: WM 5c tsa ft! MAPI1 OF ANY MOT ft TH hou M This includes the Alfred Benjamin make, matter how much you pay, you can't get any better suits. Ho Genuine Imported Lisle White Mohair Hose, the 50c Silk Shirts, a"d 75c kind, Shirts, $1.50 25c $2.50 Guarantee Clothing Co., 1519-1521 Douglas St. A fine room with a vault heat light water janitor service in a fire proof office building for $18-00 The Bee Building. Teacher! My Hand Is Up "Follow the Flag' si Jllllk N. E. A. Asbury Park The Wabash will run special train from Chicago leaving Wabash station at 2 p. m., June 29, via. Detroit. Niagara Falls (short stop), Albany, boat down the Hudson, salt water trip from New York. Stop overs, long limit, many other special features. Ail agent? sell via Wabash from Chicago. Book lets and all' information at Wabash city office, 1601 Farnam street, or address Harry E. Moores, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Nebraska. - ir II --------- bI iimi. in i GRAND SACRIFICE MIDSUMMER lllinery Clearing Sale SATURDAY. Absolutely Every Hat K Below Cost Investigate It Pays. 1508 DOUGLAS ST. I L Teachers and Students Can make $5.00 a day during vaca tion months. No investment required. Work dignified and pleasant -v Write for particulars. :: :: :: THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER 0MHA, NEBRASKA want: ABOY In Every Town to Sell SATURDAY BEE It contains 18 pages of 6pecial magazine features, including 10 colored pages with BUSTER BROWN COMICS, altogether 30 pages, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday afternoon, when the farmers are in town. The Quality Store Money Cheerfully Refunded THE purchasing power of money depends largely upon I WHERE you buy and WHAT I you get. No line of merchandise affords greater possibilities for saving money than Clothing when bought of the Palace. Strouse & Bros. High Art Clothing, "The Best in the Land," in blue serges, greys, browns, etc., suits $1 2.50 SI 5.00 SI 6.50 Special Sale Saturday Men's Two-Piece Outing Suits, in grey, tropical worsted, browns, etc., in single or double breasted, suits worth $8.50, $10, 512.50 and $15, at S5--S7.50--S10 STRAW HATS tbe newest yacht shapes, 50c-S1-$1.50 Furnishing Specials for Saturday 3.00 2.00 1.50 1.25 SILK SHIRTS, worth H.SO MOHAIR SHIRTS, worth $2.50 PONGEB SHIRTS, blue or tan SOISETTE SHIRTS, white or blue , SHIRTS In Madras or Percales, cuffs detached or attached, fast colors, worth. 75c. cnn and $1.00 :...ou, Underwear Specials 35c Underwear, 1 9c 75c Underwear, 39C Others at 45c, 60c, 76c nnd $1.00. NEW NECKWEAR, 2550C SELZ ".IT. S3.50 SHOE "MAKE YOUR FEET GLAD." Others at $1.25, $1.50 $2 and $2.50 Corner 14th and Douglas '"1 Ve will send any boy the first 10 COPIES FREE. For Full PariicuUn Write to The OmahdL Bee, Omaha, Nebraska. Summer Oxfords for Mei A stock that for variety of styles and perfection of workmanship cannot be excelled In any shop In the whole world. Beautiful Oxfords In light and dark tana, plain black kid and calf, enamel and patent kid, calf and colt. $3.50, $4, $5 FRY SHOE CO. 16th and Douglas Sts. If you get an Invitation it means a. Wedding Gift We like to sell wedding presents, becaupe we have so many nice things for gifts and when the recipient arts a present from our store they know It's rlKht. Cut Class Sterling Silver, Diamond Brooches, Handsome Clocks. Haven't space to enumerate Come and let us show you. Brown & Borsheim, Jawelcr. 22e223 S. 16th St DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S- CITY VRTER1MARIAN. O flics and Infirmary, ilb and Mason Sts., OMAHA, NUii,. Telethons 60s. MEN'S 15C LINEN COL LARS All 'styles, Cr Saturday..'' mm THB RELIABLE ITORB, MEN'S 15C LINEN COL. LARS All styles, C-Saturday..'' Cool Comfort & Strict Style ill Dictate a two-plroe outing suit for your summer wardrobe. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUH SATURDAY BALE and secure ft good one at a very m ull price. $8.50 and $12.50 Outing Suits $7.50 and $5. Tctir choice of cheviots, serges, tweeds, worsteds, homespuns and many other fabrics. In the latest colors and patterns, all have self retaining hnlr cloth fronts ami radiled shoulders grcnt bargain wuur jrday at 17.60 and $5.00 $15 Outing Suits at $10. cs win possimutv $W.00 We cannot sneak too highly of thin great line of elegant gar ments. They lire all hand tail ored and nil guaranteed. They possess a distinctive dressiness of style that places thorn In th highest class by themselves In the rendv-to-wear Garment world. , Range of color and fabric precludes the possibility ot dissatis faction. See th,'m Saturday-choice $2. 75 and $3.50 Children's Knee Pants Suits $1.95 and $2.50. Choice of Sailor mouse, Norfolk and double-breasted styles. Children's Wash Knee Pants. worth from ffic to 50c, at pair luo and 9c Copyright 1905 by Hart Schaffher & Marx Ball and Bat Free with every Boy's Suit. Chnirtt Cnunirv Ruffor Saturday we will place on wnle S,W0 pounds CfJOICe .OUnuy DUlier ot FRESH COUNTRY PUTTER In ten pound Jars and Tubs, all are Individual makes, (genuine 1 Ce tn IRr article), and a fine Table Butter, at, per pound ' wt ,w ,wt AVDEN BROS. 9 1 at Omaha's Select Market Leg of Spring Lamb, per pound 10c Chicken, our own dressing, per pound. ......... ........ 10c Pork Loins, per pound 8c Rib Roast, per pound -8c High class Sausage, our own make, always on hand. MURRAY & CO. 317 South 16th Street. Phone 1744 " tiM " HI ' " - ft ft Snappy Styles If we didn't give people a square deal do you think we could keep them as custom ers in our chain of stores year after year? Selling di rect from factory to wearer is what makes us quote cash store prices. Men's Blue Seriie Suits $10 to $18 Ladies ShirtWaist Suits $3.50 to $20 All kinds of Summer Clothing, Hats and Shoes on terms of Credit the most liberal in tbe City. RENTER gf 1508 Dodge 1 The Mountain Air Beats Medicine Colorado ozone is better than medicine. Made in the mountains clear, crisp and untainted it's a mighty factor for health. Colorado sunshine, too, is a potent tonic. It is different from any other sunshine vitalizing, in vigoratingit never saps your strength. To go to Colorado is to take Nature's cure, while you have a grand good time. Agreeable treatment, taken involuntarily is it any wonder that it benefits? Low rates all summer via the Rock Island. Specially reduced June 30 to July 4. Only f 15.00 round trip from Ouiuha. New cartt fast trains. A satisfactory trip Is assured. Fill In name and address l.elow for 80-page Illustrated Colo rado booklet (containing list of hotels and boarding bouses) and details of KocW Island tervice. F. P. KUTIIORPORD. District Passengsr Aj?ent, 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. i Name , Address .