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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
,jaKitf,..itfgjHiiiii.HJL. torn ' I 12 f ' mi r r: TI1E OMAIIA' DAILY BEBt THUliuUAi, oUNK IB, " a . t. . '"'a --r - 1 Ladies9 Skirts Accordeon and Sunburst Pleats, all Da.inty Summer Shades Genuine $5 Values. The stunning skirts for wear with shirt wnlsts white, blut-s, light prpons, t'hiinipuirnp, black, etc., 'tc slilrroft yokoN, knife plontoil und ncrordeon pleated sheor smu uicr fabrics, nt Ladies Golf and Walking Skirts , Voiles, mohairs, Panamas and mixed-cloths side pleats summer weightjust right for jftt , dressy street and outing wear, worth to 17.50 Shirt Waists In latest styles, tailor pleats, lace insertions all sizes very pretty ones will go at Jets Silk WsJsts Also taffetas, etc variety of color& shirred yokes and shoulders right up to the 1 QC White Shirt Waists Lace inserting trimmed, round yokes, etc. a hundred new designs , worth up to J2 i 95c minute in 6mart style a special, at.... Millinery Bargain Day Ladies' Duck Hats at 50c The coolest hats in town stiff whitfe duck, stitched brims the becoming sailors big ta ble filled with these great bar gains, at Trimmed and Street Hats Tur bans, Pleateux, new Sugar Scoops and tailors jauntily trimmed, ready to wear- at JIB U1Q ut 50c Hats Tur- new Sugar a 'A a n r 1 r 3.98 At the White Goods Counter We direct special attention to our line of India Llnons, being by far the best values, and at all times the most complete. Buying these goods In extraordinarily large quantities direct from the manufac turers as such times when market conditions are most favorable, permits us to offer, at the present time, moot 4 . C excellent values In India Llnons and 40 inch I II T f f. Lawns In prices ranging from, per yard '" mlJ J OMAHA WEATHER BKI'ORT (' I I Iiim m Thondtf Fair and Cooler. Sa j Thursday 'mong the Millinery WONDERFUL Values ii Trimmed Hats TRIMMED HATS Embodying the cleverest Ideas of the season, the most honest workmanship, delicate colorlncs and shadings? and very artistic finishes $ 0.50 values, for $5.00 $5.00 values for ,., $2.00 $2.50 values for '. $1.00 VEILINGS! VEILINGS! A new line of millinery veilings, made of hemstitched chiffon Tvlth em broidered dots, for automoblling and all manner of outing in two lengths 1 1-2 and 3 yards up from 49c MRS. SINCLAIR IN CHARGE. Fancy Sample Slippers on Bargain Square a i t 1 ::: -li i v i $3, $4 and $5 fancy Sample Slippers on sale on bargain square on main floor at $1.50 and $1.98. The most remark able sale of high cut fancy black and beaded and col ored slippers ever placed on sale in Omaha. Teacher! My Hand Is Up "Follow the Flag' j. i N. E. A. Asbury Park The Wabash will run special train from Chicago leaving Wabash station at 2 p. mM June 29, via. Detroit, Niagara Falls (short stop), Albany, boat down the . Hudson, salt water trip from New York. Stop overs, long limit, many other special features. All agents sell via Wabash from Chicago Book lets and all information at Wabash city office, 1601s FarnarnstreeC or address Harry E, Moores, GT A. P. D., Omaha, Nebraska. ; Bennett's Big Grocery The best for the least money. Stocks direct from the producer. HONEY Sl'KCIAL. Twenty ( Oreen Trading Stamps with frame Colorado Honey 15o Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with )iirkaKe Ousto Hreakfaat Food, with cup or saucer In each, iMiokagu L'lVa Ten ($1.'' Green Trading Stamps with three cans Early June Peas.. 25c Ten ($l.u Green Trading Stamps with large can Table Peaches 18c Ton (Jl.Ou) Green (Trading Stamps with two 1-pound packages best Macaroni 20c Ten (Jl.Oiii Green Trading Stamps with bottle Bennett's Capitol Ex tract ISc Twenty (12.00) Green Trading Stamps with three cans Rocky Mountain Cream 25c TU'TTEK, BUTTER. Bennett's Capitol Creamery, one pound brick (full weight) 24c SOUP SPECIALS. Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with quart can Llbby-McNell's Soups , 20c Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading with quart can Huckln's Soups... 30c Specials For Thursday Thirty ($3 00) Green Trading Stamps with Screen Poor, painted green, complete with hinges and Siftr trimmings Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with eny Galvanized Wash Tub, 72c, 64c, 66c 4Hr and OW Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with any Galvanized Bucket, (Or 24c 22o and Double Green Trading Stamps on All Paints and Varnishes FORTY ($4.00) Green Trading Stamps with any Gasoline Oven, $2.18, $1.79, 95c. Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with 60-foot Cotton Onp Braid Clothes Line Twenty ($2.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with DO-foot Clothes OAr Line Thursday Dry Goods S ection Silk Worth 91.00 a Yard at 40c. Thousands of pieces of pretty Bilks bought at a very great reduc tion from a leading manufacturer, everything new and nobby for waists and dresses, including a big lot of plain blacks and whites, lots of silks in this lot worth from $1 to $3.00 yard, all go Thurs day, at yard H(J C Clearance Sale of Serviceable Press Good. 25 pieces little Princess Cr-pes In all the new shades, this pretty goods is nearly all wool and wash able, regularly worth 40c yard, Thursday, yard 25 pieces 54-inch dust-proof Sicil ians in blues, browns, grays, reds and blacks, regularly sold at Prt $1 yard, Thursday, yard. . . . DXJC 1,200 yardB light crisp weight fancy Fanamas, medium and dark . shades, sold usually at $2 CI yard, Thursday, yard JZfC Tab Sattlnps. A big table full of tub suitings, the end of our big stock, a little of every style on this table, goods that sold up to $1.25 yard Thursday, yard Wash Goods, at. Yard, S l-2c. A big lot of light airy, fancy lawns, very good 10c quality, Thursday, yard Bid Sale of India Llnons. 250 pieces of fine sheer India Llnons, in whites and blacks, a good 15c quality, for this f: sale, only yard 1UC Special Lace Sale. Fine Normandy Val. Lace edg ings with insertions to match, all lace appliques in white, cream and black, fine torchons and wide Cluney edgings with insertions to match, values in this lot worth up to 35c yard, Thursday, JJ yard JC New Summer Hose (or Ladles. White Lace Lisle, at White Plain Lisle, at Black Gauze Lisle, at 122c 3c at. Tan Plain Lisle, 50c 50c 50c 25c 12!c 25c For Children. Tan Lace Lisle, r- at L JC White Lace Lisle, r at ZjC Plain White Child's Sox, -IP-at Z DC A Great Bargain for Thursday. LADIES' FAST BLACK 20c HOSE, at CHILDREN'S FAST f)l BLACK 20c HOSE, at lC Iielts. Opened today, a b,ig lot, nenrly a carload of Belts. Leather in brown, white, tan and red, line embroidered and pleated canvas and elegant black Venetian, shirred and pleated, all at....ri'. Wash Jackets. In natural linen and white, loose bade and front, some have belt in back, others half-fltting backs, some have straps down front and back, good Q C values SEE OUR FULL LINE OF LADIES' LINEN WASH SUITS, Redingote effect, box coats, coffee Jacket and half-fitting backs and loose, prices J15.00 C CI C to D.JD Snmmer Jackets. LADIES' BLACK TAFFETA SILK JACKET, box front and back, collarless, latest sleeve. 24 inches long, good Jt f) C value nftZf O LADIES' PEAU DE SOIE BOX COAT, trimmed with silk Hercules braid,, 26 Inches P QC long. .'. DJD Embroideries. Swiss and Cambric Embroideries, 1 to 6 inches wide, with Insertions to match, worth up to 15c yard, Thursday, yard Special Sale of Readf-to-Wear Veils. 25 dozen fine Chiffon Veils, hem stitched borders in all the new colors, new chiffons, fancy lace edges and dots, a big lot of fine net veils, divided in two lots, on aale Main Floor, if 1.25 values, each $1.50 values, each 5c 50c 75c Paris Green, -Paris Green, Paris Green SAVE YOUR POTATO PATCH, YOUR TOMATO PLANTS AND YOl'R ROSE BUSHES FROM PES TIFEROUS BUGDOM. SPRINKLE BENNETT'S PARIS GKEEN ON 'EM! FULL STRENGTH. AND SIXTEEN OUNCES TO THE POUND-tha real thing, per pound, 22 ri a. ... 1 Five pounds, I II S for... ,,wn LINOLEUM REMNANTS 39c Michigan Summer Resorts Among the lakes and rivers of the East Coast of Lake Michigan is the ideal country, for a summer outing. Fishing, boating, bathing, sailing, golf, and above all, an ideal climate. Pure air and pure spring water. Health and recreation. Booklets descriptive of these resortB mailed on application to n. F. MOELLER, G. P. A., Pere Marquette Eallroad, Union Station, Detroit, Mich. in Inlaid Linoleums, new patterns, regular $1.35, $1.50 and $1.75 grades, per yard, on sale Jc' Our C5c grade at These are small room size pieces that have accumulated during the season. Some of these patterns we have enough for a large room. TIIIHD FLOOR. Bee Want Ads Pfoduce Results SCH ROLLER) & .ViUtLLLK PIANO CO. Manufacturers of high-grade piano, offer the following unprecedented Sar ffalns for shrewd buyers: UPRIGHT PIANOS Glltert, rosewood case, only I 05 Cooper & Co., ebony case, only.... 92 Waters, nice tone, only 106 Star, large size, only 112 Aiion, walnut case, only 125 Kimball, new scale, only 145 Hallett & Davis, little used, only.. 147 Also a number of Checkering, Vose, Gabler, Sohmer, Knabe and other hlgh erade pianos. SQUARE PIANOS Gilbert, walnut case, only 110 Liffht & Co., only 20 Hallett & Davis, good tone 25 Waters, rosewood cnBe 35 Mathusheck, elegant condition 45 Also a number of Chlckerlnjr, Knabe, Vose, Emerson and other square pianos at give-away prices. ORGANS Two with flat tops, each t 5 1 high top organ 10 1 Shoninger organ, 8 stops 15 Chicago Cottage organ 20 Mason & Hamlin, fine tone 25 Kimball, walnut case 22 Mollnc, six octaves 80 Burdette Chapel, only 85 Terms, $3 to $10 cash and 26 cents to (1 weekly payments. Write for catalogue and bargain list or pay us a visit of Inspection. We guarantee absolute satisfaction. SCHMGLLER& MUELLER PIANO MAKERS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers, I 1318 Farnam St. Tel. 1026. wSSSBBBBBEB&J' )Shpe6forMen (p Are as good as can Ml be. Boat leather I pegged by m o s t 1 skilled workmen If into unsurpassed I I I style, fit and wear. I f j Sold ("Maker to 1 I I Wearer') at . 1 I I $3.50-$2.50 i j l 1 Mall orders filled I I Send for style book I II 11 and measure- f t ment blank. I f ---Hi 'mil "jfji.""' ' ' "' ""i DOG-PRCOF To dngs a garbage can means a bone. They nose off Hie top; scatter contents. WITT'S C'OHIll OA'l'KIl CAX has a close fitting lid. Log-proof and air-tight (odorless); stays so. A fire-proof ash can. Made of galvanized steel. FOR BALK EY Milton Rogers & Sons Co., 14TH AM) FA H VIM. Every Woman liinuniuaam noma mow auoui in woaaeritu MARVEL VShirlinq Spray lib WW VaflBftI Ajrtar Mj9C lion ana bur turn, iiw n el-JUoi convenient. It hr nnnuultupply the M A U S.- ..wan, llliiiirtei tMKik mi4. II fires t1uU i l.tin. HtKlkl. iti.. B. A ST., ft KW tusk, cor au aj ECIIAEFER'a LK(JU BluHKft 16th an4 Chicago sts. : Bo. Omaha. I4th and N iu.j Council Bluffs. 6tb ana Main sta, KHUN CO.. and Dounloa atraata. DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S- CITY VETERINARIAN. Office and Innrmarjr, SSth and Mason Sta., OMAIIA. NEB. Telaobvna S38. ' Men's $2.50 Welts. Just what you want for these warm surrmer days made of vicl kid unci box calf smooth on the Itisiile n nails or tacks to hurt your fcrt-a genuine welt xolc that gives to your feet and make-! walking easy. Pun t buy a heavy, stiff sole shoo that will hurt when you enn buy a pair of these welt soles for $2.00 equal to most t'i.OO shoes. DrexelShoeCo. 1419 Farnam Si. Omahn'a Vp-to-Data 8ho Boase. ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOQUI Perhaps Your House Heeds Paint! Use the best because: It Is the cheapest and most satisfactory. If you use LOWE BROS.' High Standard PAIVT you get the best results at least cost. You will re member the high quality long after you have forgot ten the cost. Ask for Color Card and Prices, We carry everything In Painter's Supplies. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. PAINT DEPARTMENT 1416 Harney. 'Phone 3425. Goods Delivered to All Parts of the City. . SIM (TUMI 1 NlUQUID-fiAlRTjf A GREAT STOCK OF PIANOS AND ORGAIIS GO Oil SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK AT A, HOSPE CO., 1513 DOUGLAS ST. iravlng discontinued several piano agencies in t1(. .-in, a wrn B clianges In road rei'i-PMentatlon, the piano and organ stocks carried by Bald agents and Maudes have bet-u transferred to Omaha, Oiling our ware rooms and factory to over flowing. These Instruments must be moved and to do this wj will make a marked cut In prices. Bme of the pianos show a little handling, ethers received a fow scratches, all of which necessities the cutting of the prices, which benefits the buyer. In this lot there are Knabes, Kran loh St Hack, Klinballs, Krells, Ilospes, Rurtona, Cramers, Sterlings, Cable Kelsons. Gilbert & Co., and a num. ber of other well known high grade pianos In mahogany. In golden oak, In French walnut, In butternut, In curly walnut and rosewood cases. Nearly all these pianos are new and have not been used, the reshlp. ping on the mad lias not hurt their tone or action, the case only show the slightest marring. Here are pianos regularly retailed at from JuO, $&0. Him, 45o. KM) and up, selling in this Special Returned From Agents Sale, at IU.o, tiaTi, 11.6 ai, tJSb, M. U. Hlo and .'3.6. Prices In some cases cut In two, others a Bnvlng of from T0 to 1160. On the smallest payments possible. The cheaper priced pianos si-lling on terms of $10 cash and $u per month. Komr on (6, 7, t, (10 to H6 per month. Her Is your opportunity to buy a food piano at prices not quoted at actorhs, for these Instruments are Bold for !-BS money than lactone would soli them for. The stock of new pianos are re duced In correspondingly. X saving of pir emit an every new f ilano on our Honrs -this Includes th ilghest grades as well os the cheap, er kind. A stool to match and fine scarf goes with every piano, our own as well as the factory guarantee overs the future of every sal ii:u. Prices marked In pUin flum-ia. A child can buy as eas . a,; a 'tut. ORGANS About 30 r liii' p, (; oi gans, embracing many di:;i i t i r gan factories are hercwnlr cifcied at prices running from 110 up, on fcO-eent weekly payments. Square pianos and old uprights from 126 up to 190. Our prices rent anything offered. The goods are the best and It's easy to buy on the Hospa plan. Just try it. A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Douglas Street 5V GREATEST PREMIUM OFFER EVER MADE BY ANY NEWSPAPER A $12.50 COLUMBIA DISC GRAPii8?H9?!E TO OLD AND NEW SUBSCRIBERS OF THIS PAPER PRACTICALLY FREE fHIS IS THE COLUMBIA'S $12.50 DISC GRAPHOPHONE IT CANKOT Bl BOUGHT ANYWHERE FOR LESS, 1 t-r-pa, IMPRISONED Iti THE COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHOIIE RECORDS ARE Moro tJion ton thousand different cluasea of entertainment Bweet Melodlee-i Rich Music Cliuielc Sonus Comic Bongs Funny Stories Good Joke, and an ndless amount of good things from all corners of the globe. If you go to the theater, heur a catchy song, one that you Tvonld like to hum, ,)lay or whistle over but can't, you can purchase a Columbia Record with that very song Imprisoned on It and hare your Columbia Graphophon play It for you to your heart's content Erery tone Is just aa true as though It were coming from the throat of th songster. Every word Is Just as clear as though the elnger stood before you. Now, think of what an enjoyment that Is think f the good tiniea to be had ut of such a WONDERFUL INSTRUMENT. DO YOU WANT ONE? By special arrangement with THE COLUMBIA. QRATIIOPHONH CO., 1C21 rarr:am Street Omaha, Neb., we are enabled to present to both old and new subscribers A $12.50 COLUMBIA DISC GRAPHOPHONE PRACTICALLY FREE. Cut out the attached coupon and mall It to CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT -)MAIIA BDH, and we will send our representative to demonstrate and explain now you can secure It. MAIL THIS TODAY NOT TOMORROW. COUPON OF INQUIRY. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT OMAIIA BEE, OMAIIA, NEB.: Please pr nd votir representative to my address, as glvrn below, to show the GRAI'IlOI'UONE you offer with one year's subscription tu THE OMAIIA BEH. Namo Address Date. m) BEAUTIFUL CUT GLASS Howls, Tarafos. I'ltchers. Tumblers, Olive Dishes, Com potes Jewel B.ixom, Vases, Jelly DIslifM, MtistHrd Hold, era, js'ttpkln Itniga, Plateaus, Vlneaur and Oil Cruets, We are also showing soma beautiful Mbihs of llanii. Tainted China. bpeixl a few minutes In our more, Lok lor the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, X16 DougUs Street. Ask for a QUALITY I OUR MOTTO! (ffih nr. firST DEOAUtE Too are HOT paytnt tnt MM boa4a, f.qea palartlaar. almmUm. m- tmrnmrnm. sT. UiVlfa