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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1905)
TTTE OMATTA" DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MAY SO. IMS. SPFCIAL NOTICES AavT lleameala for Iheae eaileimae ..III be ata aatll 12 aa. for the rtnlac eilttloa and antll S p. aa. for th mnrnlnf and Saaday edition. Ralea 1 l-2 a word flral lasertlnni le a word thereafter. Nothing take for leea tbaa SO for the first laser Ho. Tbaa aa-vartlarajtcata aaoal ba raa (oaaecntlvelr. Advertisers, by reqaretlnar a aam. berea rhrrk, raa hare mwti ad. dressed to a aambered letter In rare of The Bra. Answers ao addressed will ba delivered on preaeatatloa ol rhwlr. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Teleg raphy, Normal and English. All summer fcerslona. Catalogue tree. Address H. B. Boyles, Pres., Boyle bldg., Umaha, Neb. R-3!S MOVING VANSjr.drcl Stivers. Expressmen's Delivery Co., W. A. Gordon, mgr., 214 N. 16th st, 'Phone 1195. K MaxJ CITY BA VINOS BANK pays 4 per cent R-81I TRY KELLY'S TOWEL. SUPPLY. Tel. 3530. R-818 EYB STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; Hennatt a. glaaaea to fit; prices right. A NTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. Tat. 1779. 63 N. 16th. R 822 WE wish to announce that we have en gaged a flrat -class dressmaker; come and ee us. Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Doug la blk. R-M382 Je4 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM 211 So. 11th BL, Telephone 264. R-152 UMBRELLA repairing. Tel. 1714. Keys. 207 S. 14th. R M381 Je4X WANTEDMALE HELP SPRING TERM OF THtt Omaha Commercial College 17th and Douglas sis., now open. New classo in all departments. Catalogue free. KOHRBOUGH BROS., ' UmaIla, it B w: DO YOU And It hard to look for a situation )Ourself? Are you working and have no time to do so? , Have you our lint of high grade vacancies? if not, can or write Wf.aT. HEK. BOND ASSN.. INC. Department B, 841 N. I. Ula HMl- B 9J4 .s WANTED Two city salesmen; must ba of good address and able to furnish refer ence. L. K Barton, 12 Paxton block, 10 to 12 a. m., 4 to p. in., Tuesday. B 29k 76 PERMANENT salary and expenaea paid reliable men outside of tbe city; very iilu.i. nt .ir k Address C. A. O Brien, 41 Neville Cik., Omaha. Neb. Wl-tl WANTED, FOR U. 8. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 1 ana 26, vltuens ot United States, of good cnaracier and temperate haolts, who apeak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer. 13th ana Douglas sts.. Omaha; Lincoln. Neb., or clou City, la. B 873 TAILORS, attention! If you are nrst-clast coat maker Steady Dreaner, cera wa can use you. Good prices. work to men that are right. 1616 Farnam St. B 848 IF YOU are In need of a position call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk wltta HART, THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B 4 WANTED, men and beys to lean: plum bing trade. We cannot supply demand for graduates, $4.60 to 5.00 per day. Eight weeks completes course. ; Earn while learning. Address for catalogue, Coyne Bros. Co., Plumbing Schools. Cincinnati, O., St. Louis, Mo. 766 BOARD of Trade barber shop, 1606 Far nam; nine chairs; no long waiting; best service; shaving, 10c; hair cutting, ao. B 2M"y31 Stoves Stored ? u.a?t our new location, 1209 and 1208 Douglas at. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. R-826 CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. M. Phllbin. 1604 Farnam. 'Phone 784. R-827 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of Are escapes, shutters, doors and saf j. O. Andreen. prop., 102 S. 10th st. R sa PIANO and household goods a specialty. Tacking, moving and repairing by ex perienced men; lowest rates. Tel. 1626. Sohmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311 Far nam. R-704 OSCAR has returned and Invites his pa trons to return. Mullln'a, corner isth and Davenport. R 730 Te9 THE OMAHAOUNDRY- Iron and brass castings. 2432. 802 Jackson. Tel. R-829 Fire Insurance at Cost. in We want a live agent in every town Nebraska. Write for particulars. COMMERCIAL MU'FUAL FIRE INSUR ANCE CO. 1609 Farnam St. R M248 6 TEINWAY PIANO, upright, slightly used. !.'2.i; bargain. Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. R 303 TILE drainage work. Notice to contract .ore. Bids for constructing 1.464 rods of tile drains at Ollmore. Neb., will be re ceived up to June 1, 190R, at the office of the engineer, I O. Hicks. 439 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Plans and specifications can be seen at the above mentioned office. Tile to be furnished by the employer. R M142 30x SALESMEN wanted to sell nursery stock; salary right party. Address C. W. Mur phy, Uwretice, Kan. B M639 J9X EVERY DAY IS AN OPPORTUNITY In Bee Want Ads. Don't let it get away from you. It means money to you to take this advice. They cost but a cent a word. Bee Want Ads. do the business. A trial will convince. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th D 86; r DEWEY, European hotel, 13th St FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Farnam. E 80S VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. E 864 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, excellent location, modern 2310 Webster. 'Phone 6390. E oi FOR RENT, desirable front room, to "Ingle gentleman: modern conveniences. 217 South 26th st. -1 TWO very desirable front rooms, connect ing, walking distance. 603 soutn ziin ou Telephone 6346. E 630 Six E 806 NICWLY furnished room for one or two gentlemen. 116 N. 16th St. E 608 31x LARGE front parlor and bedroom, ensulte; hot and cold water; private family; ref erences required. Suite 6. Pavldge Blk., corner 18th and Farnam. Tel. 3015. v v E-661 1 LARGE furnished room, with modern con veniences, In private family; price, 18 per . month. 8. 28th St. E-691 2Stx LARGE, pleasant front room; also smaller room; all modern conveniences; large lawn and shade; reasonable 60 9 . 24th Ave. 'Phone 4078. E-M845 SOx NICE rooms, 20th St. all modern. 'Phone. 624 8. E M850 SOx Fl'RNISHED rooms, modern. 2214 Web ster. E MS54 4x THE Home Educational society of Phila delphia want more men to explain school and textbooks: good pay; pleasant work; no experience needed. Manager, B0 Ware block, Omaha. B M787 WANTED Honest, sober. Industrious man with srnali capital to learn the real es tate business and start In as speoial rep resentative of large, prosperous and well known firm; splendid opportunity for light party. For particulars, address E 68 Bee. B-M189 DRUG stores bought and sold: drug clerks wanted. F. V. Kniest, 624 N. Y. L. B 844 WANTED All-round printer for country office; send samples and references. Re publican, Papillion, Neb. B M6R8 2 WANTED Experienced brewery work men; open shop. 9 hours; 120 a week. Ap ply room 110 Midland Hotel. B-706 2x WANTED Traveling salesman; state ago and experience and whether man of family; salary expected. Address: F 12, Bee. B-MS47 30 WANTED A good blacksmith, wagon maker and horseshoer at Erlckson's Ma chine shop. Franklin, Neb. B M863 2 WANTED-Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completer; graduates earn $12 to 120 weekly; more demand than all other trades combined: can nearly earn ex nenaes before linlshtng. can or wnu Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. B M739 June xx FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS YOUNG man as bookkeeper for Jobbing house: must have had experience; state age ana salary expectea. Address r , Bee. hiim x FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first class standard achool in Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q-862 WANTED, lady or gent solicitor; city or country work; gooa connections. jan Wednesday or Saturday, between 1 and 2 p. m., 1106 N. 18th St. . B-r-149 2 FOR SALE, about 60 feet ornamental gal. vanlsed Iron cornloe and ornamental Iron posts sulable for show window. Ap ply superintendent Bee building. Q M824 80 WORKING OILS. Canadian offloe, 16tb ana uoage. v sou MOTOR FOR SALE. We have for sale a 10 H. P. lio-volt, direct current. Northern motor. This motor la In perfect condition in every way. Ad dress Bee Building Co., ot sea w. H. Bridges, anglnear. Bee bldg. . Q 774 WANTED A cook. 1506 South 8th, St. WANTED 60 overall and pantmakers; steady employment on first-class work. John S. Brittain factory, corner Sd and Jule Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. C M641 1 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 20 pulleys, from S-lnch to 48-Inch In diam eter; 8 counter shafts, complete. These ore all in first-class condition. W. II. Bridges, engineer Bee building. Q 111 WANTED Ladles to learn hatrdresslng, manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or electrolysis; few weeks completes; con stant practice, expert Instructions, little expense; graduates earn $12 to $20 weekly. Call or write Moler College, 1114, Farnam St. C M738 June 2x HARNESSl HARNESS! HARNESS! An endless variety and at prioea that can not be duplicated any here else. John son 4 Danforth, S. W. cor. loth and Jones at. Entrance from viaduct. Q 781 WANTED Good cook; references required. Kill bt. Mary s Ave. c-Mnu 2t WANTED First-class cook, S In family. no wanning, gooa wages. Mrs. Herman FOR BALE, new and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8, loth su Omaha. Q-833 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q-8a ID-HAND safe cheap, nam. Derlght, 1118 Fr Q 836 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want' a bargain tn ateam fittings can ana ujuk war tuw xuiiowing suppu l.-lnch Austin's horisontal separator. 1.4-incn Austin's vertical seoaxator. Theae have been takjn out on acoount of changes In our steam plant and are in good condition. Address Bee Building DUliaiiuj, vmaua. Ltio BUYS good runabout automohil. rno. anteed lu good running order; original coat aw. uuin. flMQus at. Q-M2S8 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman A UcConuell Drug Co CHEAP chicken fence. Ion fir timbers and leiepnOU pUieS VUX JUUKtttal. ej RELIABLE POWER IN OLDS OAS OR GASOLINE ENGINES. &jja w4.-'k.HvA.A&44u. ready . fc'ew slightly used engines cheap. Send lor catalogue and prices. OLDS OAS ENU1NE WoKKS. Uii Farnam Street. Omaha. AUTOMOBILE. 4-cyllodar, new Wlnton. at ft glfMfc 8V4 ga aa . au aj vriUKIOIg, Q-075 Jet Several fonts of type Gothic condensed, both medium and heavy faced in fair condition will sell cheap. Apply to H. A. Haskell, Supt. Mechanical eVay,1 aUVV e UU(l(iUall($J ,0. ... g-M7 FINE walnut wall caae, Jiio.oo. Albert Ed' noun, jawiwr, igia aiiu narney, ij ,m WIRE chicken. Bog ana lawn fence. Iron fence, latch poata, trelltsea. Wire Worka Si IRON beda. aprlngs, mattreasea; almoa new, tor leas man nan value; alao 8-hul Best range, aua Davenport. Q 668 Jeil Ml BT ba sold at once, furniture of a six room modern house. Apply lUu S. 2Sth St, V 814 SOX AUTOMOBILES $1 000 electric runabout mitn too uaa mo nines, aiuu. ii.4 Mo btla. 4 paaaanger, ateam marhliie, $A5. $750 ltamDier runabout, KX. o6t Olila, Jj0, r redrtcaaon. ibtn Capitol Ave. Q-M878 Je2 WHITE eteamer and Oldamoblle touting car. cheap. Addnaa E. Eailll, Floremiu. el). U-V:H4 29 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this coiumn. put aa aa in ana you win o ga .. Zf- m XPERI ENCED brewery workingmen; open shop; nine hours; $20 a week. Apply Room no, Miaiana note. umLs i 2648 CHICAGO Furnished room In strictly modern home, nice location Tor summer. Call after 6:30 p. m. E M891 30x MnnERN uni'SES FOR RENT. 7 rooms (1 story). 3002 Mason St $37.50 8 rooms, 362 N. 4Mh St 30 00 7 rooms. 1041 Georgia Ave 30.00 JOHN W. KUBIJAB. tAHMIU Ol. tj 8W IX 5fvll HARNEY street, strictly modern newlv furnished: walking distance. 'Phone Anh-51141. E MSS0 30x TWO nlcelv furnished rooms for 2 or 4 rontloinen: strictly modern: private fam flv: rent reasonable. Tel. 1155. 2573 Dodge St. ' E M910-30X ELEGANTLY furnished modern room. n quire Flat 6. Davldge block. 18th and Far nam. 'Phone No. 62S3. E M890 HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. 1613 Howard. 714 . mm. iai e. E M901 30x pt'RVIRHED rooms, housekeeping; also well furnished parlor; modern, reAsojiable. 2234 Farnam. n, iio ov. ROOMS and good board. $S per week and up. Call 1517 Chicago ot. n-sis LARGE south front alcove room. 2680 Har ney St. ry msii ui NTCET.Y furnished front room: modern; private family; telephone. 320 N. 17th 8t E M146 lx GOOD furnished front room with board. . for two; per ween. iu i.nirngo ni. E M135 lx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. F 857 HALYCON HEIGHTS WILL BE OX THE CiUOUXD TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECORA TION DAY. FROM 2 TO S OCIX)CK. TAKE BENSON CAR TO END OF LINE AND THEN GO SOUTH ONE BLOCK. A. P. TUKEY & SON. RE 938 28 BARGAIN in n eastern Nebraska farm. 320 acres. In Washington county; fine corn and alfalfa land; price reasonable; also fine half section of wheat and alfalfa land In central Nebraska, mostly in wheat and alfalfa. Vlfqualn, 1844 L, Lin coln, Neb. REfta 3ux 2910 & 2912 Seward St TWO 6-room cottases, owner very anxious to sen; price, 81,600. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st floor. N. S. L. Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE M837 $0 WANT SO FAMILIES To colonize 1,800 acres of Irrigated land! In San Joaquin Valley, California; 44 acres each; $46 per acre, H cash; if you go with us May 13 will give you use of 20 acres free and apply one-half ot crop Ob first payment on your 40 acres. FREE WATER COLONY. Room 8, N. Y. Life Bldg, Omaha, Neb. RK238 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansa, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. K.. Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." RE-62 BUSINESS property In Omaha paying $ per cent net on $20,000. Will sell for lo,- 000. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room L New York Life Bldg. RE M421 KAN SAB LAND. 108 quarter sections in Wichita county, $400 to 300 a quarter, ah gooa wneat ana ai fulta land. J. J. Stephens, OmahaNJeb. 160 ACRES fine alfalfa land, $40 per acre. 820 acres, $37.60 per acre, for short time. Willis Caldwell. Broken Bow, Neb. RE-M963 3218 CUMING ST. 7-ROOM, strictly modern, well built house; price, 83,200, Payne Investment Co., - 1st Floor, N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE M837 SO 6-ROOM cottage for sale, 1618 No. 17th St. Inquire within. RE M667 cgA8- Williamson Co.J- BiB?-,Vd RE 6i FOR SALE, 7-room house, 2423 Emmet, 100 feet frontage, excellent repair, two reet above grade, half block of car: bargain if taken immediately; elegant home at moderate price; owner on premises. RE M681 6x FOR RENT HOUSES TO LET Strictly modern 11-room dwell ing; best location; fine lawn; good barn; owner will lease to first clasa private family for two or three years during ab sence from city. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnam St. D M261 NO. 1334 8. Sth, 8-room, modern house, large and beautiful yard, only $30 per month, lnoulre R. c. Patera & Co.. ground floor Bee bldg. D 741 FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern ex- C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton block. D-775 HniKPtl,, H parts of the city. The I1WUOUJ0, Fi jJavia Co( jog Bee bldg. v tl THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move ana store xi. H. goods, storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Ofttce, 16UH Farnam. Te.. 1668. D-S78 NO. 318 8. 26TH BT. 10 rooms, modern. suitable for roomer; will be vacant aoon only 140 a month. Inquire R. C. Petera A Co. D MS13 WE MOVE planoe. Maggard Van Stor- lei. lwe. age Co. Office, 1713 Webster st. D Bi PERSONAL lARSON JOHN80N Cut rates to HI points. 14 Farnam. Tel. B 2112. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' association. U 904 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell at 114 N. Uth at. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4136 and wagon will call. 11-611 TRtANGLR I1DOE No. 64 Meets erery Tuesday evening at Castle hail, w ana Cuming. Visitors always welcome. V. H. FTINH, C. C. J. R. BTINE, K. R. and f. PRIVATE home during confinement; ba Hea boarjed and adopted. Mrs. Qsrdell. 21 Charles. Tel. 6311. U M8 TRU'NR LODGE No. M, K. OF P. Mwll every Tuesday night at southwest comer 14th and Dod'ge. Visitors welcome. A. H. RAWIT7.KK, t:. -:. W E RENT sawln machines. T6c week. We repair all makes of machines: second hand machines, 16 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663, Cor. 16th and Harney. IT-Mt OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge hlk. U-810 DR. ROY, Chiropody. It 1 ft I 1506 Farnam. J-U . PIANO CLUB Just forming, 60c and $1 weekly; pianos de "v'rd Immediately; piano lessons free. cau for particulars. 1611 Farnam st. U-811 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 First ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-628 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Perfleld Piano Co.. 16U r arnam. U 818 MAPiNPTir treatment batha. Mm. .... . w. , w a w Smith, U8 N. 16, 2d fl.. r. IT-lflO TRY KELLEY'8 LAUNDRY.. 'PHONE 8630 U-816 WILL give worthy party shorthand schol arship In leading school and wait for pay ment. Address C 66, Bee. U 289 CENTRAL, all modern, 7-room house, 220 rn. ma. u Ml NO. 641 PARK AVE. rooms, modern only 826 a month. Inquire R. C. Peter & Co. D M611 NO. 8016 PINKNET 8T.-8 room, modern; win repair to suit tenant only $20 a month. Inquire R. C. Patera & Co. D M611 ACCORDION nd SUNBURST PLKATING, RUCH1NG, BUTTONS AND FIRST-GLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 200 DULtiLAJ fclLOCK. Tel. 1936. U 842 Piano moving; aervlce. Tel. lowest rates for reliable 1626. Schmoller & Mueller. D 708 HWUOCOc. peters & Co.. Bee Bldg. D HO 26 PER CENT PROFITS Put your money in me cattle business; cash or time pay ments. We have the best ranch in Ne braska. Call and set our booklet. The Western Cattle and Land Corporation, 610 xee mag., umaha, Neb. u 267 Jeis HOUSES, Insurance. Ring-wait, Barker blk. W 882 FURNISHED FLAT in new apartment building for the summer. Address E 68, Bee. D M218 VERY desirable 8-room modern dwelling to small family; partly furnished if desired, or furniture for sale; rent, $30 per month. W. F. Holden, 8S5 Seward St. D M329 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates ior reliable service. Tel. 162ft. Bchmollor & Mueller, piano makers. U-703 FOR RENT Three nice large rooms; city water; $8 per month; 1826 N. 17th St. Ad dress C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton. D M686 OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO Manufacturers of paste for all purposes. lei. too. zziu cuming. .Established Li SEVEN-ROOM Charles. modern' cottage. 2S17 D-M584 ELEGANT 8-room house, 2602 Poppleton Ave.; large lot; fine shade trees; $i5. THOMA8 BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. D M683 30 EIGHT-ROOM modern house, S2d and Cas Sts. John R. Webster, Board of Trade Bldg. D M639 31 ALL modern 8-room house, near Hanscom park. Desirable tenant can get reduced rental on lease. J. C. Selden, 407 S. loth St. D M620 31 CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol av.; large front rooms, with alcove, southern exposure; hot and cold water; family cooking; 'phone and modern Improve ments. . F-85S WANTED FEMALE HELP LARGE or small pleasant furnished rooms. modern conveniences; excellent mmiu; reasonable rates. The Rose, 2020 Harney. F M508 31x Mrs. Joseph Barker, C-237 BOARD and room for gentleman- private family. 608 so. ztn hi. r i,a ROOM AND ALCOVE, with board of best variety: beautirui inwn; everyining mou arn and homelike. 627 Park Ave. F 696 2!ax LARGE front room and alcove with good board; 138 a montn; moaern. mo tiu fornial F-MS44 SOx Kountze, 1207 S. 10th St. C 64 X WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family; Dest wages. Mrs. Geo. B. Lake, 2207 Dodge St. Tel. 8201. C 930 81 WANTED Girl for general housework. 1329 S. 81 st. C 926 81 WANTED Good girl for general house work; no wasning; t per week to com petent girl. Inquire 424 N. 23d St, C M146 IX GIRL who can do either cooking or sec ond work. Mrs. V. B. CaldwelL 630 So. 20th St. C M140 1 YOUNG lady as bookkeeper and cashier in wholesale House; state experience. Ad dress F 43, Bee C M137 1 BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU wish to buy or nvll a business or real estate, consult U. b. bales Bureau. 634 and 634 Bee Bldg. Y 831 IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exhange rcai vBiHio vr Business WLiLa see comp- Xl'.i,, ft Rne T .... 1311. V ot . I HAVE one blacksmith shop, 60x60, and iui wwwi wun iuuu iouia, Dotn iron ana wood; only shop in town; good trade, good territory. Come and see or write 11. A. Buliman. Buffalo Gap, S. D. Y 906 FOR BALE Only Anheuser-Busch saloon in cuumy; gooa reasons. A a areas E 33. X Ml 30 J 10 RESTAURANT for aale: orloe 81.B00: do. ma uuwnrm; goua reason tor aala. Auartsi r m. Bee. X M617 31 X 8HARES In Omaha Typewriter Exchange ircuii, nielli pui iiuil, iv,.jou; so, 126 worth of shares sold In three days; 20 to 100 per cent Droftt on vour inveatmenr We will handle the best new typewriter W'E CAN PUT YOU NEXT to the best iiiinint-as (iroKjsuion now orrerea for sale In this city. It has made Its founder and inuepenaeni. e wants to retire. That is the only reason he otters to sell Jt is making money now and will make you money from the day you buy It. It waa establlshea 20 years ago. The line Is staple and in constant demand. If In terested and mean business call on or ad dress Union loan & Investment Co., 212 uinana. y M666 31 Ft 8AI- Complete fixtures, in splendid . . . . 0, unauiin, reasonaDie rent fixtures bestlocatinn, reasonable rent, spienom town S.(iO. money maker for right man: act quickly If you would se cure mis fine opportunity; good reason for i-iKK iiox is, Wayne, Neb. v Y-692 29 " rtf-.M At Emerson, la, new brick storeroom. 24x70. on mm.r ...iH Hon; gornl opening for drugs, clothing or . -v v ...... LJ, uiiiBon, jviaivern, la. Y M906 SOx ROOM to rent; a first-class location, and ""'.'I " : 11 miitara nan and claar ator in ine nest pitv of 5.000 Inhabitants In mwa. ent. In a month ?i ivea naK, la, Y M906 30x 4th St., PHOTCXIRAPH gallery, low rent, with llv in rooms upstairs; good town good lo. anon. Afiurese T. p. Olbaon. Malvern Ia- Y-M904 SOx BARGAIN FURNISHED 26th St. room and board. 316 8. F-M861 30x NICELY furnished front parlor for two, with board, 6.w per ween; mao oaj board, $3.60 per week. 1811 Capitol Ave. F 716 30x ROOMS furnished or unfurnished; modern; detached house; large, snaoy lawn, rirst class home cooking. 1818 Capitol Ave. F M911-30X FRONT room, modern, with good board. ft2 S. 19th Bt. niBoo avx EXCELLENT modern rooms with board for couple or one gentleman, rigm oown town. Call at 1714 Douglas St. F-821 30x ROOM8 and good board. 2113 Douglas. MODERN front room; board for two; $S each. 1811 Chicago. vmva ux ONE large newly furnished front room with board; very aesirapie tor counie. 2037 Harney St. r-?32 31 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 8 SOUTH rooms, arranged for light house keeping. 3210 cass st. u ia FOR RENT, two large, very nice rooms; walking distance. w n. J3j st 'j wan FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES ON MAY 31 at 10 o'clock a. m at the east front door of the. courthouse, we will sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow : lug real estate: Lots 11, 12 and west half of 13, block 16, Kountae Place, on which is a large brick resldonce of 12 rooms and strictly modern tn ad respects and known as 2018 Wirt street.f - Tax lots 7 and 8, containing 10 acres of land, on which Is a small frame house of 6 room and knowii a 2601 Fort street. This is on the Florence car line. North 30 feet of souths 60 feet of lots 8 and 8, block 10, Patrick's second addition, on which Is a small 4-room house, and known as 2317 North 27th street. T Lot 6, block 166, on which are five 7-room houses, situate at 12th and Jackson streets. ! One lot in Forest Lawn cemetery. No. 92$, section 2L THOMAS H. FELL, CHARLES T. DICKINSON, JOHN A. RINE, Referees. RE M148 30 FOR RENT In Dundee, a practically new modern dwelling. Dundee Grocery Co. D M848 SO FURNISHED modern 6-room cottage for the summer. 2614 Bristol St. D M8U 2x NO. 4202 Hamilton St., 6-room flat, only $7.00 per month. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co., ground noor woe Blag. D 867 6-ROOM modern house. 2624 Dewev Ave. paved, $25.00. G. E. Turklngton, 606 Bee. D 70S FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except lurnace, ltut in. zm ana -arner pis. D 881 SOx THE CHEAPEST LOTS On the north side are found on Ruggle St. block north Spauldlng, between 28th and 28lh Ave. 5 LOTS, $1,000. They have sewer along entire front and are worth today, $1,600. If you want less, look at 3 LOTS, $7S0. At S. W. corner 28th and Sprague. Other in all parts of the city. WALLACE, J. J. Brown Block. RE M144 80 THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. Bit f irst rat i nana aiag. 1-860 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office, wntcn rents ror siu.uv par month. Price Includes heat, light, water and janitor aervlce. It is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and Is just the thing for any one wanting a nice little office In the beat office building In town. R. C. Petera & Co., Rental Agent, ground floor, Bee building. 1771 FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. Thl building wet, four storlea and a basement. The basement 1 22x182 feet. 1 cemented. Tbe celling over the baaement ha a brick vault and iron beam construction, making th Dasemant fire proof. The first floor ha a marble door In tront and granolithic floor In rear. There Is a large burglar-proof vault and a powai elevator. Tbe upper floors bava window on three ides. Address Tbe Bee Building Co., C. C Roaawater, Secretary, room loo Bee bldg.. I-6M itf vou arjolv at once we can give any on desiring a large office apace almost any arrangement they desire. Thle apace la on the sixth noor ot ine uee ouuaing, with north light. R. C. Peter & Co.. Rental Agents, ground door. Be bldg. 178 THE atorrroom. No. 2vl2 Farnam st., only 116 ter month. Inquire R. C. Peters A Co.. Ground floor Hee bldg t 748 WANTED TO RENT 8.Ar- ?J rn,h wlu buv vou a business that you II l proud of. best location In the city, for particulars address V 42. rx LOST AND FOUND FOUND The right place to have your eye teatad and fitted right Bennett a. v JTonaoV 74 WANTED 2 furnlahed or unfurnlahed con necting rooms in Hanscom park district bv man and wife; stale location and price. Address F 41. Bee. K Msl7 31 a nn 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, with bath for light housekeeping; south part of city preferred. Address F 38, Bee. 7 H K-MK87 30 26th AND LAKE Is sure to become a' fine business loca tion, because of the great new 'shops the street car company is building. I control 120 ft. on Lake, just opposite the new shops, with a house renting for $20 per month; 80 feet vacant, will rent readily for stores. Will sell the whole for $2,600, or the house and 40 ft., renting for $240 a year, for $1,200. House has 2 apartments. wltn natn, water cioset, sinus, not ana cold water: all complete. Nothing better of the kina in tne city. Wallace, J. J. Brown Block. RE Ml 43 80 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans. R. C. Petera A Co. W-864 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st isat i liana uiag. Tel. 1648. W 866 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas. W bt WANTED City loana and warrants. W. farnam omim at to., i&ai r arnam Bt. W 867 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co, W U6 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City loan at lowest rates; no aeiay; get our terms. w m LOWEST rates, city 'property ; 6 P. C. on tarms in eastern ieo. uemis, fax ton Hi. W 870 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha prop erty at lowest rates. Thomas Brennan, room i, new xora Lire mag. w Ml BUILDING loans on residence property; i per wiik. vv. o. jmvima, xuLiuev uiuik. . W-87S NEW MODERN HOUaTE. 642 B. 24th St., eight rooms, every modern convenience, warning distance, 40. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. ' D 833 MODERN HOUSE. Brand new house, every modern conven ience, six rooms, reception hall, oombln tlon stairs, lawn, two blocks from Han scom park, 1515 s. 28tn bt.; rent K6. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. D 834 FOR RENT 7-room house; all modern, 2123 California Bt., 32.60; 6-room, 620 N. 22d St., $22. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. D M876 6-ROOM house, modern. Inquire 632 Park ave. 2014 Elm St.; $28. D M924 IX 2614 ST. MARY'S, 10-room modern house; attic, laundry; will paper and repair; walking distance. Only $40 ner month. Inquire R. C. Peter at Co., ground floor, tice Hldg. D M147 HOUSE Five large rooms, nice lawn, shade trees; 1321 So. 33d Bt. D M141 lx MODERN HOUSE. CHOICE LOCATION. 2614 Et. Mary's Ave., good ten-room house. modern, every convenience, walking dis tance, .640. Garvin ros., loot arnam. D M1S8 MODERN barn, close In, paved streets, reasonable rent. Apply to Clinton H, Brlggs, 1320 farnam Ht. I) M iho MEDICAL For Women Only Dr. Raymond' Pill, tor delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per- tectiy sare; no danger, no pain, no inter ference with work: relief brought to thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all tiat have uaed them. By mall $2. Dr. G. O. Raymond Remedy Co., Room 86, 84 Adam at.. Chicago, IlL 816 PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for ladies; never falls. $2 postpaid., Sherman aV McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. ' 917 DR. FRIES treat successfully all dlseasea and Irregularltlea of women from any cause; experienced ana rename. Aaaress, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 16U4 Dodge St., umana. u eia HONORABLE retired physician will give advice free to weak men. Aaaress Dr. Carl Kerby, P. O. box 227, Seattle. Wash. M689 Je23x DR. DE MARS. French Tansy and Penny royal Pills, guaranteed. A sure cure for all female Irregularities. Regular price, $2; our price, $1 per box. Beaton Drug Co.. ilstn and Farnam, umaha. I 348-Je9 TOADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; sate, reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. CLAIRVOYANTS LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with; can pay It back In monthly pavmenta. Hastings A Heyden, lfloH4 Far nam 8t. W-M878 WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN. 822 N. Y. Life pays hlgheat price for books. Tel. 8036. N a WE buy, sell or trade carpets, furniture and stoves. Tell 771 or write J. Levin, city. N M292 SQUARE PIANO In good condlUon. 1611 Farnam. , N 887 DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas blk. ai4 IN FAMILIES. AllM Sturdy. 'Phone A27W. Cheap vacant Iota to build houses on. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 16 W Furiiam St. 'Phone 1. N-663 U CITY SALESMAN wanta second-hand. rub. her tired runabout; good condition. Ad dress F 39, bee. N M2S 30 X CITY SALESMAN wants second-hand run- about, good couultlou. Address 1- car T : - I.! be. n-m tux MADAME BUDDHA, LocationCPSTAIRS-m 8. 16th St. Palmistry and Occult Sclencea a specialty, waai anu urn uonvmuau. Bt 111 GYLMER, aclentlOo palmist, 716 N. 23d. 8918 MRS. FRITZ, worth. clairvoyant, 1621 Leaven H WM FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS RUNABOUTS, wagons and carriages at greatly reduced prices. jonnson at uan forth, southwest corner 10th and Jones. P 7M SHETLAND ponies for sal. 42d and Cen ter bt. - r aiooo AT COST for ten days, buggies, harness snd saddles. Omaha Western Mercnntll Co., 1614 Chicago St. P MW9 6 PRINTING PDIMTIUr. MEMORIAL CARDS; ar- iMiiuo" Uetic dealgna. a. jr. cor. l.YNGSTAD161" n1 cpUo,5J. GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO, 161 Captlol ave.. Tel. 2406; fuJly equipped f. J Yinda ol prlatlc. il7i DR. JACKSON treat successfully chfonlo ana nervous diseases, call or write. Dr. Jackson, 418 N. Y. Life bldg.. Omaha, Consultation free. U 233 TUB, vapor and alcohol bath. 720 S. 13th. U 106 HAIRDRESSINO, manicuring and facial massage. Miss Agnes Hetherton. 607H r-axion Mia. C 663 2DX HOUSE, lawn, garden, work that please you. rnono -eaar oovvz. u Mbo BOX WANTED All kinds of out-of-door attrac tions ror Fourth of July. Address Chair man Sports Committee, Weeping Water, jcd. u MRU x WANTED Attractions for 4th of July cele bration. Balloon men write. Address Box 17, Harvard. Neb. U M908 4 WANTED Attractions of all kinds for all kinds for celebration, to be held In Arapahoe, roeo., on the 4th of July. 190R. Address Rami. Patterson, secretary of the 4th ot July committee. u M907 8 CONCESSIONS OF ALL KINDS FOR HALE. July 4 dancing pavilion, merry-go-'round or any other legitimate concession. Thous ands of people will visit the park and here an opportunity to make money, Address "Committee," 828 Bancroft St. U-M886-3X MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Your Debts We have no plan to assist you to avoid paying your debts, but If you are trying to get out ot debt we may ba of assistance to you. Suppose you owe your Grocer $16.00 Landlord 10 00 s Coal man 10.00 Doctor 10.00 Miscellaneous bill 6.00 Total $60.00 It may be impossible for you to satisfy them all,- but If you were to get a loan ot us and pay them all and then pay us a payment each month you could soon get out of debt. Our money is loaned on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chat tels, and to salaried people without security. It is our plan to make the con tract In 1, 2, 3, 4. 6, 6. 7. 8, 9. or even more monthly payments, making tbe payments small and then if you are able to pay larger payments we grant you rebate. In other words, with us tbe Interest stops the mo ment the principal is paid. Other ay they do 'hie, we do lu We offer you rates as low a any and much lower than many. We can handle your business quickly and without publicity, and our office motto is, try to please. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, 118 Board of Trade Bld g, Tel. 22K5. (Established 1892.) 306 So. 16th fcU X-M560 BORROW MONEY WHERE You get It on furniture, x-iauoa, norses, Waaons. Cows, balariea. eto.. WHERE You get it on short notice. WHERE You get low rate and easy terms. WHERE Confidential and courtaou dealinga bring you back. WHERE Can you do better? Top Floor. 633 PAXT&N BLK. MONEY loaned on furniture, salary. horses, eic, nan uouai i.iei. ur. fnuoe now, loom 214, at 209 S. loth St. Tel. B2U64. JV BUS UONEY loaned salaried people and other Without security, cMjr Lroyiuciiia. umces in 63 principal cities, loiman. room 714, New York un ouiiuiug. a i BOWEN'B MONEY; easy to get on furnl ture. Pianos, noraes, vuwa. I steadily employed. 703 N. Y. lain nota If jjre. X-888 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture. Jet noraea. &suu winy nvmu u lrv Barker block. X-8&9 urvuRY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew. . . . . ' T7 t 1 aid fi 1 1 eiry, norsee, cuw. eiu. . 010 a. i. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LAJA.n J.t VVt TA-rt.AWA- UWVVtt, X 91 ing ; all uuiine cunitueawtti. ivi ivuuimi, CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loana. Foley ti,l A A V ftfLa LiOa n .o- $pii haj-tiwiii -a.--p.y PATENTS H lei A. 8TUROE8, registered attorney; pat- trade ma successful ems, trade mama, copyngnis; no 1 un 617 N. I. 1-418, umana 4W0 Bt'RS A ro.. natent attorneys. Washing ton, D. C. opposite U. 8. patent office. A d vice and patent blanks free. wuyi LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Llf bldg., rooms 804 and 8l. Tei. iuut. aw iTTOBKirvil awervwhere. The New Bnow Church Co.. main fl.. N. T. L. 'Phone 1818. n OSTEOPATHY Johnson Instltut, 616 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel 164 MRS. JOHN R. Mt'HlCK. Osteopathy Phy alcian; office. Neville Blk. Tel. ua. FLORISTS H EPS tk 8WOBODA. 1418 Farnam. 902 L. HENDERSON, li Farnam, Tel. J258 4J4 SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES K1IOHTS OF PTTII1AJ8. POSTOFFICE NOTICE sl: (Should be read DAILY by all Interested. s changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mall for the week ending June 11X&. will close t PROMPTLY Tn all case) at the General Postofflc a follows: REGISTERED AND PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels-Post malls for Germany close at 6 p. in. May 29 and ' una 0. Parcel-Post Maila for Great Rrltaln an Ireland are despatched by the White Star Line on Wednesdays and by the American Line on Saturdnys. An additional despatch la made by the C unnrd Line when a Cunard teamer sails on Saturday later than th American Line steamer the same day. The f-arceia-r-osi mans close one nour DOtora the regular malls. Farcels-Post malls for BARRAnOB anA GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND CAN- 1NUT pe registered. Regular and Supplementary mall eloa t Foreign Station (corner of West an4 Morton Streets) half hour later than cloa Ing time shown below, (except that Supple mentary Mall for Europe and Central America, via colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Tranaa!anle MaJla. TUESDAY (30). At :S0 a. m. (supplement ary it a. m.i tor e.l nurt-i, per s. s. Kron prln WUhelm, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen; at 11 a. m. for ITALY di rect (specially addressed only), per s. s. Prlns Adalbert. WEDNESDAY (St). At 8:80 a. m. for F.U- , norr., per e. e. j euionic. via queens town and Liverpool; at 7:30 a. in. for NETHERLANDS direct (specially ad dressed only), per a. a. Noordstn; at 9:30 a. m. for ITALY direct (specially ad dressed only), per a. s. Cltta dl Torino. THURSDAY (l) -At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN, POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT, CREECH and RRITISH INDIA, per s. s. La Lor raine, via Havre (also other parts of Europe when specially addressed for this steamer). FRIDAY (2). At 7 P. m. for AZORES ISL ANDS, por a. s. Romanic, from Boston. SATURDAY (3). At 6 a. m. for EU ROPE, per . . St. i-aul, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (including Liverpool. Scot land and Ireland when specially addressed for this steamer); at :30 a. m. for SCOT LAND direct (specially addressed only), per . s. Caledonia; at 1:30 a. m. for RET. OI I'M PARCEL8-PO8T MAII.H. ner a. s. Zeeland (also regular mall for Belgium when specially addressed for this steamer); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY di rect (specially addressed only), per s. s. Princess Irene; at 11:30 a. m. 1 supple mentary 1 p. m.) for EUROPB,vper s. s. Campania, via Queenstown and Liverpool. Malls for goath and Ceatral America. Writ Indiea. Etc. TUESDAY (30).-At 7:30 a. m. for NEW- FOUNDLAND. per s. s. Rosalind. THURSDAY (1). At 9 a. m. for CUBA. YUCATAN and CAMPECHE, per s. s. Esperansa (also other parts of Mexico when specially addressed for this steamer); at 9:30 a. ni. (supplements ry 10:30 a. m.) for LVAOUA, HAITI and -COIMBIA. except Cauca Department and Carthagena. per a. a Graecia (In cluding Cape Haiti, Port de Palx and Carthagena when specially addressed for this steamer); at 10 a. m. for ORENDA, ST. VINCENT, TRINIDAD, C1UDAD HOLIVAR and GUIANA, per . a. Mar acas; at 12 m. for MEXICO (specially sd dressed only), per a. a. Bayamo, via Tamnieo. FRIDAY (2). At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.), for nicakauua texoepi East Coast), HONDURAS (except East Coast), SALVADOR, PANAMA. CANAL ZONE. CAUCA DEPARTMENT OF CO LOMBIA. ECUADOR, PERU. ROLIVIA AND CHILI, per a. s. Orlsaba, via Colon (also Livingston and Puerto Cortes when specially addressed for this steamer); at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, per s. a. Saratoga (also Guantananio and Santiago when specially addressed for this steamer); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WIN WARD ISLANDS and GUIANA, er s. s. Fonta bene. TURDAY (3). At 8:30 a. rrl. (supple. mentarv 9:30 a. m.J for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per 8. s. Zulla (also Co lombia, via Curacao, when specially ad dressed for this steamer); at 9 a. m. for . PORTO RICO, per s. b. Coamo, via San Juan; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10i3O a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA snd COIXJMBIA. except Cauca and Magdalena Departments, per s. s. Altai (alao Panama, Canal Zone and Costa Rica when specially addressed for this steamer); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, par . . Mexico, via Havana. NOTICE Five cents per half ounce IN AD- til T1UIN J KJ 1 11 c lEJ.,uuiiii xvo.rtvjM, must be prepaid on all letters forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letters deposited In the drops .marked "LETTERS FOR FOREIGN COUN TRIES," af'er the CLOSING OF THE REGULAR MAIL, for despatch by a par ticular vessel, will NOT be so forwarded unless such ADDITIONAL POSTAGE I FULLY PREPAID thereon by stamps. Supplementary Transatlantic Maila are also opened on the piers of the AMERI CAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH steamera. whenever the sailings occur at 9:00 a. m. or later; and late mall may be deposited in the mall boxes on the piera of the GERMAN LINES sailing from Hoboken. The malls on the piers opt-r. on hnur and a half before sailing tfme, and close ten minutes before sailing time. Only regular postage (letters 6 cents a half cunre) Is required on articles mailed on the piers of the AMERICAN. WHITE STAR and GERMAN (Sea Post) steamers: double postage tret t era 10 cent a half ounce) on other lines. Maila Forwarded Overland. Ete, Ex. , cept Tranapaelate. M,it (except Jamaica and Bahama) are forwarded dally to tiorts of sailing. The CONNECTING malls close at the General Postofnce, wew jorg, as rouows: CUBA, via Port Tampa, at 4:30 a. m. Mon day, Wednesday ana Haturaay. iaiso from New York, Thursday and Saturday bp, nhove. ) MEXICO CITY, overland, at 1:30 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. daily, except eunaay; sunaay at 1:00 p. tn. and 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcela-P-et Malls), via North Sydney at 7 p. m. laon day. Wedneaday and Saturday (also 00 caslonally from New York and Philadel phia See above). M1QUELON. via Boaton and North 8ydney, at o:o! p. m. every uuivi ouuubj wuuv 1 anil 18. etc.). JAMAICA, via Boston, at 7:00 p. m. Tues day and r riaay. iaiho iruin rtmw jora nn Ruturdav. See above.) COSTA RICA, via New Orleana, at I0 30 p. m. Tuesday. BrtlTISli HONDURAS. HONDURA8 (East Coast) ana uu a 1 r.MAi.A, via m up leana, at 110.30 p. m. Monday. (Weat coast of Honduras is despatched from New York via Panama see above.) NICARAGUA (east coast), via New Or leans, at 1u:ju p. m. weaneauny. ivvbhi coast of Nicaragua Is despatched from New York via Panama see above.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONE, via New Orleans, at m: P. ni., puuuay laiwr 10:30 p. m. and until sailing of New York steamer, mall for Panama and canal sons la held for the New York ateamer ae above). ... Registered mall for overland deapatchea clote at 6:00 p. m. previous day. Traaspaclge Maila, Forward Ovr lead Dally. The achedule of cloalng ot tranroadfl maila la arranged cn the preaumptlon of their uninterrupted overland tranit to port of aaillng. The final connecting mai'a (ex. cept registered transpacific mailv des patched via Vancouver, Victoria, Taooma or Seattle, which cloae 6 p. m. previous day) cloae at th general poatofllce, New York, as follows: JAPAN, KOREA, CHINA and PHILIP PINK ISLANDS, via Tacnma, close at I p. 111. May 28 for despatch per s. s. Tel- HAWAIl! JAPAN. KOREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6 p. in. June 2 for despatch per a. s. Mongolia. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except west), NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA. HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via Ban FianclHco, close at 6 p. m. June 8 for despatch per s. s. Sonoma. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the Hrltlsli mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this dehpatcli, extra malls cloning at 6:30 a. m , 9.80 a. m. and 6 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. 111. and 6 p. m. will be made up and for warded until th arrival of the Cunard steamer). JAPAN (except Parcels-poat Malls). KOREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at p. ni. June 6 for despatch per a. s. Empreas of Japan. JAPAN. KOREA, CHINA and specially ad dressed mall for the PHILLIPPINE ISL ANDS, via Seattle, close at 4 p. m. Jun 7 for despatch per a. a. Kanagawa Maru. HAWAII. JAPAN. KOREA. CHINA and . PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, V Fraj. 1 L4 (1 l f