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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1905)
TITE OMATIA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY. MAY 30. 1003. 7 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET ! "Whoa, Deolicet Under Influence of th HortbwMt Markets. RECEIPTS ARE HEAVY AT MINNEAPOLIS frn Advances n Report of Hravr la pit of Inereaaeel Arrltala Oata Atm Flrne, E. tpt May. $: 13V May, July. 11. 10; September, oAle-ro arrlte and on track, 31 Wc. OMAHA, down today May 29. 1T. under the In- tne norinwest, ,lur"" "i wi market in unuauauy neavy receipts ai Minneapolis. At tne great wheat center 1 wr mVM which wa con .rDiy more man waa expemed. uurmg in eariy mornlnj tner waa a lair aemanu at Minneapolia wltn lower opening mat Haturasys close, but later on the mantel waa alow. Tula condition at Minneapolis, together wltn tne tact that the nulla were noi very pusy with damage reports, con tnnuted to a strong- bearleh tendency verywnere. Tha market here opened wun njr uncntnimi ana July and September "o and ko lower. All months euttered runner declines. May closed at 99c, juiy i ana Bcptemoer at Uc. Corn opened uncnangea to ".c lower, ex cept May, which waa V'8l,o nigner. May aunered a relapae for a short tune, but re trained its strength. July advanced steadily on reports of heavy rains. In spite of the fart that recelpta at Chicago were l.liU cars. May closed at 61c. Juiy at 49c. old July at 4uMc, Beptember at 4fVo anu old September at c. May oata were down, but the other mar kets better than held their own. May fin ished at 31 lie, July at 80V,c and September at one. Deliveries are not aa heavy aa might be expected wnen the month is so near it close. The Saturday deliveries In Chicago were 80,000 bushels of corn. 20.000 bushels of wheat and 20,000 bushels of oats. Umaha la getting no Nebraska rust reports direct, but bull advices at Chicago say that In parts of the state the crop has sustained considerable damage from the rust, lngua, the crop expert, wired from Tennessee that Hie state would not raise as much wheat aa last year. The decrease of wheat on passage la 1,904,000 bushels and of corn 810.000 bushels. Broom ha II cabled from Liverpool: "Wheat was affected by the decline In America Saturday and by larger shipments than en Dee ted to the united Kingdom last week Wheat opened with price Vjd lower. Dur ing tha early morning a alight reaction Occurred, but at 1:3" both months had tagged off to Vd below the opening, owing to a-ood rains in southern Kuasia ana lacx of speculative suDDort. The weakness In America Saturday was responsible for opening declines of Vd In May and Vd in July, with a further loss of Vd In the latter month later In the morning. Wheat and corn closed a lower. Omaka Cash Bales. CORN No. 4 mixed, 2 cars, 43a. Osaaha Cash Prices. WHEAT-No. 2 hard, 97c$l .00; No. No. hard. 9? 96c; No. 4 hard, 6vu6c; sarins. 98c. CORN No 8, 4Hc; No. 3. 46c; No. 4, 433 44c: no grade. 400i43c; No. 2 yellow., 4oy,c; No. a yellow, 46c; No. 2 white, 46V,c; No. white. 4Ac. OATS No. 1 mixed, 29Uc; No. I mixed, 39c; No. 4 mixed, KBVjc; 5io. i white, 31o, No. I white, V,c; No. 4 white, 3uc, standard, sic. Carle Receipts. "Wheat, lllltACO OHAI AMI I'HOMMOM Features of the trailing and Closing Prleea on Hoard of Trade. Clili'AUO, May n. -Opllmlsil': reports regaiumg tin- ciop situation In the anulli- nt loo) ueveinieu a tK umieitone in ttte Hncdi market here, Anoiner bcarlsu iniluenie was me Japanese naval victor). At the (I July wheat was oit I V'. toil) is up "Vic. uata a. id provisions aie prac li'ieii) uni liangcu. Weakness Ui evalled In the. wheat mar ket ironi start tu nnlsn. At the opening July was on Vuc l' at tVtl&rv: lo 6S-4jc. i ho initial liiillne was uue lo a i lety ot circumstances. One ot toe factors that influenced trading early In tne session waa the decisive u.-ieat ot the Russian liect. the Inference wing that Iea would probably loilow soon. w nil peace declarer grain inarKets in Anicric would lose an element oi suengin mat lor more than a year lies heipod to hold prices at a hum level. A further source ol weak nesa was a sharp ueciuie at Minneapolis following continued ilurrai teceipts at this point. In addition, weather conditions In the Lulled Hlates were considered more lavorahle to the growing plant. There was no great volume of oficrings, but selllntf by pit traders was persistent throughout the entire session, liquidation hy small longs In advance of the holiday tomorrow was one of the features of inn trading. Late in the session the market became de cidedly weak, July declining to sW6 The close was piactlcaliy ai me lowest point of the day, July finishing at Sa-S, Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 6,3u0 Imsnels 1'rlmary receipts were Wis.itW hushels, compared wun a nmi- day lasl year. The visible supply de creased 1 t( mhi nusneis. IvillineHloil, uu- luth and t'hicago reported receipts of JW1 tars, uaalnst 344 cars lasl wcca Consluering the weakness ol wneai me coin market was remarkably strong, llie itrenmh was large v the result ol a per- ilstent demand Ironi several prominent commission houses for the July option. The buoyancy, of prices today seemed to lndl- rute thut the market had heen iHraeiy oversold during the sensational slump ol last week. Local recelnta were excep lionallv larne at l.Kio cars, but even at these nffuren ine total aruvais were vun slderablv less than was generally enucl eated. Husiness. on the whole, was small volume. July ofiened a shade lower at 4HV lnlluenoed mainly by a decline at l.lvernool. The price advanced steadily throughout the day. After touching 4'c July closed at 4!c. May soia tx-iween feiilMfC, closing with a gain of IV4C at 51c. Local receipts were l.lott cars wllh 686 of connect grade. Wet weather througnout me central stales caused a firm tone In the oats mar ket. Another bullish Influence was a de crease of 1.080,000 bushels In the visible supply. Liberal receipts tended to offset the effect or these mimsn laciora. juijr opened a shade to VflV lower at &'w 3t'Sp. sold up to 30V4O and closed at Suiu. Local receipts weir ovt cam. i'rovlslons were a trine easier as a 10- ault of a decline of EmOc In the price of hogs following the liberal arrivals. Trad ing was extremely quiet. At the close Juy pork was oft ic ai ia.n. a shade at 7. 2iil 7.22V. . , J Estimated receipts ror v euneou.ij . Wheat, 2X carB: corn, 1,017 cars; oats, Oil cars; hogs, 21,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows. NEW YORK STOCKS AND Daj'i Market it Mads Almoit Wholly from London. WAR NEWS MAKES VALUES FIRMER Pear Is Sear la r relet a Lard was oif Ribs were unchanged at Articles. I Open.! High! I lxw. I Close. Sat y. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Bt. Louis .... 10 3 611 i 41 Corn. 1106 76 Oats. 807 14 66 135 Minneapolis Wheat Market. Tha range of prices paid in Minneapolia, aa reported ny tne tawarai-nooo com pany. 110-111 Board ot Trade, was: Article. I Open. High. Low. Close. Sat y. Wh at j "1 i May.. 1 19 1 22 1 18 1 18 I 1 22 July.. 107HI 10Vt 106V4 107 lo9Vi Sept.. KV (toSl 84V 141 H Corn I I I 1 1 July..! 4BHI " 491,1 48Hf " Sept.. 47HI 4' 4V 47, Uec...44S,t 46Vai 441 iW, nw. , . .: ; Wheat I May July Sept. Corn- May a July b July , Kept. b Sept. Oats- May July Bent. Pork- May July Sept. Lard- May July Sept. Ribs- May July Sept. 1 11 1 01 'l 98 ' bot.ll M, 4NV0" 4Sfs, 4- -'Hl 47'A''(HX4SVa-i 4rH 4:S; 31V sin 4: 50 4S; 47- 47i 99 'l 1 01 88VflH.9'l' Kiifcistlliflll 61 I 49 4V4! 4"7 49 i4e3,tfVi 4,48 tj-Vs 48i : General Belief that .taasea Strength Bourses hlch Is Be fleeted Here. NEW TORK. May 19-Tbe market for storks in New York today was made al most wholly from l.onuon. The amount of business originating on this side waa In significant. Tne dealings for London ac count were of an arbitrage character, ex cept for some apparent demand for Euro pean account for the Japanese bonds. Ad vances In London afforded opportunity for selling Americans In that market and re curchHHinK In New lork at a profit before ihey advanced to a partly here, tondon tooK a very hopeful view of the results to follow the decisive defeat of the Russian fleet and prospects for peace were believed to be brighter. All financial markets are agreed as lo the benetlta to their own af fairs of the termination of the war. The Issue of the enormous war credits and their disbursement has a certain effect of atlmu latlon on the Industries affected, but war Is destruction of capital and the unproductive expenditure Involved must be paid for at the time. The advantage of financial af fairs of an early peace, therefore, does not admit of Question. There waa a mo mentary hope that the Improvement of prices would prove the needed factor to stir the securitlea markets out of their apathy, but the hope was short-lived so far as the ,v york market was concerned The great naval event failed to bring duck to lown tne large representation amongst tne oroKers who had left on r rl day night with ihe determination to re main over the Decoration day holiday. The nigner level 01 prices established in aym paihy with London failed entirely to at tract any demand and there was a languid pressure of long stocks at a few points wnicn served as an additional discourage ment. 1 he I nlted states Steel stocks were heavy at the advance and there was realiz ing in Ontario & Western on last week's large gain. The decision of the supreme court In favor or the New York state fran chise tax had been quite positively fore Been and its only apparent effect was to drive a few uncovered shorts in the public franchise stocks ttt cover. While this de cision has been largely discounted In the market It has played a considerable part in the recent tone of depression and is cited as one ot tne instances indicating a prevail lng current against the Interests of comor atlons of capital. Railroad traffic officials reported some tensity to the customary min-seasnn auiiness. put exDressed mem selves, on the whole, as well satisfied with the volume of traffic offering;. The April net earnings of the Wabash, showing a decrease 01 upwards or bo per cent from those of the preceding April, were disappointing and rather emphasised the effect of the poor "ih'whib iimue Dy ine Aicnison. tne re- suit in both cases was due largely to the ennancement or operating cost. News of weather conditions from the grain crops was more ravoraoie t-rices drooped from neir lect during the midday period, but rose to the best In the final dealings, making the VIWB1IIK SHOOK. Dealings on the Japanese bonds dealt In on me ivew korK exrhanea were nn large ncale, and the Issues show gains rang ing from 3H to 4 points. The bond market ws nuii anu irregular. Totals sales, par ,. ' '.. 1 nueu Diaies Donds were an unchanged on call. Following were ihe sales and range of uiices uii me oiock exenanare todav: Sales.High. Lowe. Close 3VVtl31Vk'&,i SI 30i ; 30iA.30-'Si'V Si&ViiSVa-Sii -V4 12 36 12 40 12 62V4J I 7 17' 7 22V,! 7 42 4 1 12 36 I 12 36 12 4214 12 40 12 60 I 12 6241 12 6a I 12 674 I 12 36 ! 12 .15 12 424! 12 424 ' 7 1741 7 424t 7 1741 7 25 7 4241 7 224! 7 474 7 15 I 7 224 7 424! I 'i'mil 7 424i 7 iZ 1 7 25 I 7 4241 7 10 I 7 224 7 4741 7 15 7 2714 t 45 7 074 7 22 4 7 46 WBATHEMi IX TMBrttAJJIEr.T Valley! Rata Geaeral In Central .t and West. OMAHA, May 29. 1906, Rama were areneral tf.rmithnuL the een, tral vaUeya and west during Saturday and uunaay ana were very neavy in tne mis sourl and Mississippi valleys during the lasi iweniy-iour uours. braska were heaviest In th tlon, where they varied from one to nearly inree incnes. The weather la warmer in the centrlal valleys, but Is cooler In the west and will be cooler In the central valleys tonight, followed by warmer Tuesday and generally lair weather. Omaha record or temperature and pre clpltatlon compared with the corresponding oty ox am imi mm years; 1906. 1904. 1903. 1902. Minimum temperature.... 60 62-60 64 Precipitation 79 .03 .63 .uu Normal temperature lor today, 68 de areea. Deficiency in precipitation alnce March 1. 1 DO Inchee. .. Excesa corerspondlng period In 1904, .83 ot an Inch. ' - Kneeea corresponding period in 1903, 1.35 incnea. OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS, ' Tamp. Rain. I ' ' Italian. Max. Mln. lucae. 6 .Ashland, Nab.... 6s Auburn. Neb 67 - Columbua, Nab.. 61 Falrbury, Neb... 74 Fairmont. Neb... 62 ' Or, Island, Neb. 60 Ilartlngton, Neb. 64 - Oak dale. Neb.... 69 , Omaha, Neb M Tekamah. Nab... 62 Carroll, la........ 62 Clarinda. la 76 ftlbley, la 67 Sioux City. Ia.... 82 ailorm Lake, la.. 64 ' DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. oi Temp. Rain. ' ' Central. . Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago, ill Colunibua. O Des Moines, la... Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City. Mo. Louisville. Ky.... Minneapolis ...... Omaha, Neb...... I. lunula. Mo.... L. A. WKLSH. fcai forecaster. Weather Uureau. $t. Laals General Market. BT. LOUIS. May 29 WHEAT Lower on x rea. July. nV. 2. I a Old. bNew. Cash Quotations were as follows. via rR Steadv: winter patents. $4.10 1 20; winter straights, 3.76'aH.lK; spring pat- bakers, 12.4063 60. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 1.0&ei.OS; No. t spring, $1.0141.06; No. 2 red. $1. 021.06. CORN No. a, oic; so. 2 yeuow, 01c. OATS No. 2. 3l4fi31Vc; No. 2 white, 324'6331ic; No. 3 white, 304lff324c Kir. INO. 2, PUC. BARLEY (Sood feeding, 39Q42c; fair to Th. r.ln. 7. Ne- choice malting, 4(ft49c. ne aoutheait r!or! SEED No. T flax, $1.30; No. 1 northwest- oraSni lXwlv "rn. $1.46. Prime timothy. $2.85. 'Clover, om one 10 nearly . . tn 7mio PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.36 12.40. Ird, per W '" $7 157 174- Short ribs aides (looset, $70X(!'7.124. Short clear sides (boxed). $7.!24&7.25. Following were the receipts and shipments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 14,o0O 16.SO0 Wheat, bu 7.000 M.SW Pnrn mi 844. VI0 216,300 Oats, bu 223.300 235.700 Rve. bu i, i. ww Barley, bu.. 30.800 2.5O0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy; creamery, ltavJOc; dairy, 16ij19c. Eggs, easy; at mark, cases Included. HVc nrsts, 10c; prune uisls, aov;. Cheese, easy, 93104c NEW TORK GENERAL MARKET 69 .77 Cloudy 67 $6 Cloudy 63 1 07 Cloudy 66 2.66 Cloudy 48 1.00 Clear 62 1 90 Clear 64 1 10 Foggy 61 1.14 Cloudy 64 .79 Clear 68 1.38 Cloudy 66 .90 Cloudy 67 1.68 Cloudy 64 .96 Cloudy 60 8 16 Cloudy 66 1.27 Cloudy 26 . 78 66 . 28 18 80 68 T 12 TO 66 - .90 10 84 62 T 16 78 62 .32 19 86 64 T 17 68 43 .14 14 64 64 1.64 U 62 64 .30 Ik.: . 2 hard. belter weather and crop news; No. cash, elevator, si.ou; track, n iifli u K!jik:c: oepiemocr, i rno, 11 CORN Iiowar for cash; No. 2 cash, 49c track. 60&5ttt4c: May. blc; July. 47ia47T4C OATS Steady; No. 2 cash, 40c; track, 81 114c; July, 24o; September, 84c; No. 1 white. 83c, FLOUR Firm; red winter patenta, $4 96 Oe.lO; extra fancy and straight, $4.76i7jt.lM; clear, X3.tu04.ou. BEl Timothy, steady, CORNMEAL-8teadi-.ii.60. BRAN ateadyj sacked, eaat track, 770 Tao. . . . HAT-Steady; timothy, 8.oo3lJ.OO; rte, 6.0ufir.6O. IRON COTTOM TIE3 99c, BAOaiNO-840. HEMP TW1M-4c. PROVIIIONSSteadyi jobbing. Lard, steady: Wlme ateam. $6,724. aalt meats, ateajy; boxed, extra shorts, 17 Xk: clear ribs. 17. M: short clears. 17 62, Bacon, ateady: boxed, extra shorts, tn.oO; clear rlba U.IZ4: short clear, os.vt. POULTRY Quiet; ehlckena, 11c; springs, ao47l7e: turaeva. 12a: ducka. 10c; geese. 6c. BUTTE! 8ta4yj . creamery. . 18424c; dairy, lfculM. EQOa-aieady. 134a. case count. . Receipts. Shipments. riour. bMg 11, ("0 6.U10 Wheat, bu 42.000 6l.ou0 Corn, U 136,000 31.000 Oat, bit , 82.000 66.0U) pral- $12.26. ury (Quotations of the IMr oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK, May 29. FLOUR Re ceipts, 18.364 bbls.; exports, 2,440 bbls.; mar Wet stnariv. but dull: winter pat ems, $4.90i6.26; winter straights, $4.66(8 90; Minnesota oateots. tb.VXa6.; winier extras, 13.304J3.75; Minnesota bakers, $3.7t4.26; win ter low araaea. u.zu'aj.oo. nyo iiuur. 111 in fair to good, $4 :&u 4. 60; choice to fancy, $4 60 u .... I IIKnMJllDWUuy line wime nuu jri, low. 11.26: coarse, $l.loCgl.l2; klln-drled, $2.86 ?. . . . New York: malting. tM&Ditc. c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, lti.wu ousneis. opui, market easy; No. 2 red nominal elevator, No. 2 red nominal r. o. d. anoui; u. 1 northern Dnluth. $1.11 f. o. b. afloat: No 1 hard, Manitoba, $1,004 f. o. b. afloat. Wheat opened lower anu ruiea generally weak under poor cables, lower western markets. htavy world s shipments and free Interior receipts, raiuea on covering, oui closed weak at &lc net decline. May closed nominal; July, Kivgl -uc: Closed, 93Sc: September, 8ii4'6K74c; closed, 8HSc. 1 im.N Kecelptn. Sb.uuo ousneis; exixiris. 85,158 bushels. Spot, market easy; No. 2, 664c; elevator and &7u nominal t. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yellow. 674c;' No. 2 white. 6840. Option market opened lower with wheat ang ruieo inactive, uu close was nominally 4c lower on May, and 4c lower on July. May, uc; ciosea, one; juiy closed 64c OATH Receipts, ifii.sno ousneis; exports. 77,044 .bushels. Spot, market dull; mixed oats, 26ti32 pounds. 35iq374c; natural white, 3u&32 pounds, 36374c; clipped white, Wtf 40 pounds, 3.'u4cc. HAY unlet; shipping, 60wc; good to choice. 7t'ii24!. HOI'S r.asy; state, common to choice 1904. 26a-29c: 1BUI, 2241260: olds, lltelgc. Pa rltlo coast, 1904, 25u2c; 19o3, 2124c; olds, 11 Vise. HIDES-Steady; Qalveston, 20 to 26 lbs. 20c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 194e.; Texas idry). 24 to 30 lbs., 18c. LEATHER Firm; acid. 24fi26c. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, $13 50-31 14 On; mesa. $11 Oloull.50; beef hams, $12.0"rt 1Z &o; extra innia mess. .iniZ3.bU. l u meats, firm; pickled bellies, $7 6oi(iH 75; pick led shoulders, $6.liJ00; pickled hams, $lo.iO U'10.50. Ijird. barely steady; western steamed. $7.10rn7.40; refined, easy; continent $7.45; comiwniiid. $5 3745.i24; South America. $8.00. I'ork. dull, family, $l4.60i, 15 00; short clear,. $13.00a'J w; mess, $18,374 100 37 47 111 1114 1184 136 4 106 804 1024. HS4 797, 84 98 304 37 474 111 1"94 11K4 n 96 1044 4 J 79 . Adams Express .. Amalgamated Copper 33.100 814 Am. Car & Foundry. 6u0 344 do pfd 100 98 Am. Cotton Oil 800 314 do pfd American Express..., Am. H. & L. pfd j .... American Ice ctfs do prd Am. Linseed Oil.. do pfd .Am. Locomotive 6.600 do pfd ino Am. Smeli. & Refng. 10,000 do pfd a 10 Am. Sugar Refining.. 4.S00 Am Ton. prd. ctr.. 400 Anaconda Mining Co. 600 Atcnison 6.600 do pfd I.... 1.100 Atlantic Coast Ulne. 3"o Baltimore & Ohio... 3,1X 108 'IM- lo oiu . Brooklyn Rap. Tran. 15,400 614 . 187, Canadian Pacific 7,600 147Hii 1464 Central of N. J 300 196 195 Chesapeake & Ohio.. 800 484 48 Chicago it Alton.... 100 83 4 834 do pfd 200 79U 7X14 Chic. Great Western. 3.4ti0 184 184 Chicago & N. W.... 1.400 2164 213 M. & Bt. Paul.. 26.800 174V 172 Chicago T. & T do pfd 2.000 81 S1U C, C. C. & 8t. Ixiuls. 100 96V 95. coio. f uel & iron.... 6,000 424 414 Colo. & Southern 200 26 26 do 1st pfd do 2nd pfd 200 84 34 Consolidated Gas 300 188 188 Corn Products I,i0 104 10 do pfd 800 62 68 Delaware & Hudson. 400 181 IS04 Pola., Lacka. & W.. 4U0 3844 375 D. & Rio Grande.... 100 284 284 do Pfd 2ii0 85 85 Distillers' Securities. 600 42 42 Erie 17,400 44 40 do 1st pfd 1,000 784 774 do 2d pfd 200 664 664 General Klectrlo .... 200 173 172 600 100 "boo 1.400 4,100 600 6.000 8,000 400 $.100 2.200 100 800 100 9.0U0 10.3"0 2,6o0 '600 1.200 23.4v0 1,800 city, 44c; country, 'iPMria Market. FEORIA. May lf.-rCORN-L6wer: No. I yellow, 440; No. , 44c; No. 4. 484c; no grade, 46447o. ' OAT-i4ieady; No. l white. 80V4y&Jlc; No. 4 whit. C WHISKY-On the basis of fl.M for fin Ished good. C , I4vrnoeI Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. ' May H.-W HEAT Spot, nominal; No. 1 California, no stock; futures, quiet; May, nominal; July, (s I'M. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 4 (d; future, quist; May, nominal; July, 4 Had. v' Delnth Grata Market. DtXCTH, Minn.. May IS.-WHEAT-To rrlve. No. 1 northern, $1 U4: on track, No. t ' northern, fl l5V; No. I northern. TAi.iAiw Bteaay 44'(i'c. RICE Firm; domestic, tair to extra, 3 5c: Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; afreet price. extra creamery, 21 c; official prleea, creamery, common to extra, 194a?14c; state dairy, common to extra, lH-uDlc; renovated, com mon to extra, lWjlSc: western factory, common to extra, 15il8c; western imita tion, extra. If"(iln4c; first. Idyllic. CHEESFJ Weak ; new atate full cream, amall white, fine. 94c; fair to choice, 8?j) 9c; large white, fine, 94c; colored, fine, 9V.C. EGGS Weak; western fancy selected. 1T4-: wes'.ern firsts, 17c. POULTRY' Alive, easy; western spring chickens, ac: fowls. 144c: turkeys. 12c; dressed, steadv; western broilers. ,5 35c; fowls, 10Q14c: turkeys, 13a 17c. Hocking Valley Illinois Central Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do Pfd Louisville & Nash... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Ry Mexican Central .... Minn. & Bt. ixinls .. M.. St. P. & S. S. M. do. pfd Mo. Pacific Mo., Kan. & Texas.. do Pld National Iad N. R. R of Mex.. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y Ont W.... Norfolk & Western.. do pfd North American .... Paclllo Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas Pitts., C. C. A St. L. pressed Steel Car.... do pld Pullman Pal. Car.... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. & 8. F., 2d pfd St. L. S. W do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway... do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron.. Texaa A Pacific T., St. U & Weet.... do pfd Union Pacific do pfd V. S. Express U. S. leather do pfd V. S. Really U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8 Steel do pfd Va.-Cnro. Chemical, do pfd wabasn do pfd Wells Fargo Ex Weat. Elec Western Union Wheeling A L. E ... Wisconsin Central... do pfd No. raclflc Offered. Total sales for th day 1.600 1507, 159 79 25 26" 67 144 163 77 116 20 79 26 26 66 143 163 754 1144 19 213 80 84 96 31 V6 26 414 87 17 41 47 111 1114 135 96 106 80 102 1474 61 1174 196 48 94 SO 18 Zlli 174 17 31 964 4Z 26 66 84 187 10 60 I8O4 880 St 42 40 784 66 1724 88 1594 19 78 29 geld reserve In the division of redemption shows: Available cash balance, $130. 459. 416; g'dd, $M.771.883. ew Yerk Mane? Market. NEW YORK. Msy ?. MONET On call easv. 14U24 per cent; closing nui. 14 r" cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans very dull; alxtv and ninety days, t per cent: six months. I47-Su per cent. STERLING KXUHaNnK Heavy, wimj actual business In bankers' bills at $4X7 14 87(16 for demand and at $4 86tVl 4 W1 ft for alxty dav bills. Posted rates, $4.8'ff4 8k. Commercial hills, $4 84. SILVER Bar. 66c. Mexican aouars, ' - ...... .... ..... BONPeH-overnment nonns, steady; i.i- road bonds, Irregular. CloKln" prices on bonds were: V. g. ref. la .f....!' Hmkln V.I if to eeusoa hhh jiwii m. nrs Vi I. t. n.v. ' 4o 4H. etfi 60 eauiMMi 1" ib. t n uni. m V. t. sew 4. rg... 151 Mnhtn t f w eenson ia l,t. 1 tnirai t. g. old 4i. ri l'"H do in Ine 69 coupon l'H Minn An.r. Tab. 4s, .erllf M do m, conn. ...... Athlten fwn. 4i.. do I'll 41. Atlantic r. L. 4a... . A O. 41 do lva Ctntrsl of Oa. Is... do 1st Inc v do Id Inr ChM A Ohio 4... Chlrsio A A. IVt... C. B. A Q. a. 4 C , R. I. r. 4t... de eel. Si L M., K. A T. 4i do f N. R. R of M. N. Y. Ontrml 10t4 N. J. C 1 IMt No Px-lflr 4t .... t 1 do t lllv, Norfolk A W, c S3 iO g. L. rfdg 41 H Fonn. oonr. itt .17 FMdlns n . II St. L A I. M ii: 44 Ht i. a r. 1 so 1 St. I.. w e. KAAhnard A L,. 80. rcc. st u 1 u ii4 to. rhlcsJio Ter. .. Colo. Midland 4a.. , Colo. A 80. 4a .... Colo. Ind. la, oat A do aol B . Cuba Is, clfs D. A R O 4s DIMIIUrs' tor. la.. Kris prior Hen 4s.. do SOD II Iftoabnard A Pai-lfle Railway la. ..1114 ..101 .. 0 ..104 ..104 71 II 174 lOi 4 !. 4 V ISt I"! 1U4 lo 7 .ldli . M .1014 inji .US 1. "4 . 13 . MH .110' e. U T4VTaa A PariBo la...1l4 n. w. d. Offered. as ' t . at. l. A w. . fi Vnlon Pari no 4a... . II I do conv. 4a .11114 V. 8 Itool Id Is. .1014 Wshash la . tvl do dob. B .1214 Western Md. 4a... . tfeiW. A I.. E. 4s.... C la. 11 Wis. Central 4s.. til ..10 ..ins .. It4 ..it7 .. 7S .. I .. 4H .. I4't Boaton Btoek and Bond. BOSTON, May 29 Call loans. 334 per cent; time loans, 304 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: 4S. 4a. Airhlsnn ad. do 4s Mot. Ontral Atchison do pfd Dootnn A Albany.., Honon A Main., Boston Elevated.. Fltrhhurf pfd Mexican Central N Y , N. H. A U rsrs Mar.utl . M .Westlni common .101 Adrontura . 74 Ullouol . IOV4I Amalgamated .... .IOIHi American Zinc ... 1H .171 .157 I .144 . I4 .2(1 .104) t'nloa PaciAc lti4 Amr. Argo. Chora.. do pfd Amor. Pnou. Tube.. Amer. Ttl. A Tsl.. Amer. Woolen.....'., do pfd Dominion I. A I.., Ellison Eleo. Ill Cnsral Electric. , Msaa. Electric....,, do pfd Mass. Gas I'nited Fruit United Phoe Mich. do pfd V g 81 eel , do pfd Bid "Asked. 21 . . 44V4 .18Vs . nv, .101 . Ift4 .241 Allsntlo Bingham (al A Hecla.. Centennial .... Franklin Orsncy Isle Royals.... Mans. Mining.. Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. A C. Old Dominion. Osceola Parrot Qtilncy Shannon .ni'4 Ismsrack . 11 iTrlnlly . 69 U nited Copper . 434'V. 8. Mining.. .14 If. 8. Oil . 14 ftah . 314 Victoria . fli Winona . M Woirorlnt ... II ... S ...SS ... 10 ... ... 11 ... !Vs ...120 ... 19 ... ... IS ... Is ... t. ... ns ... so ... 1 ... 14 ... 914 ... 134 ...17 ... 7 lofi ... 7 ...74 ... l'Vi ... 10 ... 44 ... iS ... iS ...107 London Stock and Bonds, LONDON. May 2. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: Consols, money.... ro -II' N. Y. Central. do account.. Anaconda Atchleon do pfd B. A O Can.. Pacific Ches. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W... C , M. A St. P. De Beers Denver ft R. O . do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do Id pfd Illinois Central .. U ft N M . K. A T SILVER Bar, W.. MS Norfolk ft 0S1 do pfd llSjOntsrlo ft W. Pennsylvania . Rand Mlnea... Reading do lat pfd. do id pfd... 9o. Railway.. do pfd Jo Paoinc '.'oion Pacific. do pfd .... ' g. Steel... do pfd .'abash do pfd. panlsh 4a 27 l-16d per .104 .111 .ill . 4M, . 1 .1774 . . . M4. . I1, ., 4I :tt .lit' .in dull 14SS s 93 US . 44 4 41 !0'4 . M 14 124S IKS , J7' . 9S . l?s , 39 S 1S OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattl Bcoeipti Fairly HeTj, Beit Stters tnd Oowi Dime Higher. HOGS NICKEL LOWER, TRADING ACTIVE Sheep and Lamb Markets Weak to Dim Loner with Trading Slow ad Cieaeral Qanllty of Re ceipts Fairly Uood. SOUTH OMAHA, May 29, 1908. Receipts were: Cattle, lioas. Sheep. Ornciai sionuay a.4xv 4.ot) o.i Bame day last weea.... 4,u8 4,ool o.i.i bam ua.v weea beioie.. ,iui i.i"4 4.10a Ham tnree weeks ago.. 2, o.t4if 8.0M name tour weens ago k.N i.nol li.'.ti Heme day last year .4M iW RECK1P-18 FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. tne loliowlna table shows th leceluls of came, noas ana sheep at Houin Ihnnna for ine year tu ute, with cunipansuiis wun last ytar: 19ui. Cattl 3oo,i,l HONS ,. ido oneep oho.SJa The following luolo price ot noita at Bourn umalia tor tuu last. everai aajs. wlin Luinpansons: ' l0t. l.o.o.oue , 04M,U12 snows lno. Deo. 6u, H.ilU M.Si't the average Data. I 1W6. lsX.jli. l0a. ,1900. ;lhth. ktay HVkl I M IW t I4 8 e 1 aaay a ii7 a 601 1 bi o ,i ii e lorsi 00; 1 I ui a u. . i x May ... t 4 4 t 6 76 1 64, 6 . May 6...1 0 v 1 4 leii 8 iii 7 021 I Ml M May i! 4 so, to 0 Mi ( 6i I Mav J..., 1 4 ti 1 U t Ml o wi 6 21 1 May ,.. . t 1,'Wl 1 wi i m i ll . s... a josi 4 6. 1 iui iwiwiUl May ll.. 6 1 I 4 osj 1 7 Mi 0 111, loi W May U.. i 4 04 It 54, 6 11 a ll W May 14.. I It bit I 4 I t 16 4 May 14. . I o iii),, 4 M 4i I Vk t 68 I w May 1.. , 4 in, u ! 1 u, s ., 6 1 .uay Jo.. t 144s, t u 1 u, t "i 8 81 May lo.. i 10 1 4 u 8o 7 03 a tal 6 23 0 May li.., i 1 4 Oil 1 7 14, 0 ... ai, w May Is..! mWi M 8 ' ' 4 U 4 May j.. 1 ia ,1 1 v .1 7 le, 1 ii w May iU.. a 4 4B 8 i'n 1 111 B 'i I 4 w May kii..i 1 4 41 1 i4, 1 i 6 03, May u.. i 29 1 Jo, i iw, u OJi u lte 3 May 0 4s, 4 2b 0 ID, 1 li u oi, Ullii J w May .. s loii 4 .i I 7 Wi 0 i a U4 4 oi May to..el6 1 4 M, 8 04i mi IH 4 may u.. 0 lo; 4 oi 0 li 6 W 1 w, 4 May ei.. a 1, , 1 uui o 1. 0 6 tkl, 0 Uf May . , I )) t 1 ul, o oo, 4 85, May 1 1 0 1U1 1 OSf, o 0x1 4 irJi S 00 t It-o t lo 1 110 I II 1 I sM so 1 IIM I II 1 1410 I II 1 1 4 II 1 Ion I II fTto 4 n 1 1440 I 7S 1 . I40 I 1 I Tl 1 ISIil 4 14 1 inr I Tl 1 1W 4 8TAU8. 1 n 1 00 1 ijki 1 te 1....: iti 1 , CALTKH. I m 4 10 1 141 in 1 o IN 1 1M I it 1 10 I 00 1 11 I 10 I It I 00 1 lf I II 1 no 1 00 1 iw 1 1 100 I 00 1 1K I M 1 109 I 00 7 Ill I Tl l no 1 00 1 iti I oe I 110 1 00 I im in I ill 1 21 1 no I 00 STtK'ft&kM AND KKKDErtB. 1 151 2 19 4 411 4 On 1 SM I T II 7l I M t 175 i 00 1 mil 4 I 144 I OK 4 4l 4 11 1 4H I II 14 741 4 II I. Ttl) I IS I "10 IN I M I II 1 4 1 U 161 I SI II 114 4 25 I 0 I 41 1 120 4 40 II 101 I 71 10 lot 4 41 1 9t III I7 4 M 1 741 I SJ II 4 M 1 4 to 4 00 M 1011 I TO HOU8-Receipts were rather moderate to day, about 86 cars being offered. Liberal recelnts and dlscoiiraitlh early reports from eastern points had the usual effect on the market here ami sellers were coin pelled to take off some on the price. The market opened early and buyers aeemed to want tne hogs, but at a decline of about a nlckle. After buyera and sellera got to ether tradlnc became fairly active and th most of the hogs were picked up In good season. Th bulk of the hogs changed hands at from 85 10 to I6.124. or 6 to HI rents lower than Saturday' opening. Tops today reached 8.V 15. as against a top of 80 25 Seturciav. The quality of the hogs was fairly good, the best kinds suffering the most, as the commoner grades sold In about the aame notches. Representative salea: Indicates Sunday. The official number 6f cars ot stock brought in today uy eacu rottu was: Came. Hog feiieep.ll'r's. C, M. & St. P. Ry.... 4 l.nlon Pacific tiystem. 21 Misoouil pacific Hy.. Iu C. ot . W. iiy 2 '., tj. at M. V. ti. It. 31 Ry w . ... i 1 K. at. In. Pf. Ko. a. b. Pe. II Ill 120 I 1ft 71 29 1W I 12S fl 127 100 I 10 41 IM 10 I US 64 2.S ... Ill iH 40 Ills IT. ...... .241 ... 110 17 til ... Ills K 141 120 110 If. 130 ... I I2S 1 if.! 240 I 10 Il 40 I IIS 44 in 40 B 10 10....... 2i 4d I IIS 10 234 124 110 17 140 ... Ills 71 224 140 I 10 71 144 20 I 12s 71 Ill 120 t 10 TT 22J 140 I IIS II 221 120 I 10 M 2I ... I IIS 75 t2l 120 110 14 217 10 Ills 71 Ill 120 I 10 II 231 40 I 1S 10 ISO l0 I 10 14 121 110 I 12S 4 7 40 I 10 19 !" ... I IIS 14 129 40 i 10 14 330 ... I lis 4 224 l?fl t 12S II 141 40 I IIS if IK4 10 tils 14 HI 10 I1IS 14 221 120 I 12S II 140 40 I IIS 71 140 40 I IIS Tl Ill 110 I IIS II Ill ... I 12S 80. IU ... I US 75 ISO 110 I 12S "I "I I US 70 243 40 6 US Tl 21 ... t 12S 1 !'2 10 t lis 77 Ill ... I 12S II 217 10 I 12S 49 2' 5 10 I lis I 241 110 I lis 7(1 40 t 12S 9 2S 10 I I2S IS ' ... I IIS I 109 . . (Us 71 121 120 IUS 44 224 10 I 12S 67 ill ... I II 71 212 10 I Its bt. 1'., M. 61 O. u Ai. ly ti. at u. Ry.. . 1. t P., east.. 2 R. 1. At f., west., to 15 17 ..11 4 .. 2 2i S li .. 1 'i . . . . 1 i ' .. Co 18 4 ' receipts wu Hoas. Sheep. MONEY lWS14i oer cent Th rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 2v per cent: for three ritnnt ha rl 1 1 a 71 1 trw i-iaci ' iivutua svuao, 4s7B t" - 1 1 . Illinois Central cine, liieat western., a Total receipts 190 as toiiuwi,, eacn ouyei purcnasiiiss lue num ber ot ntau indicated: Cattle. Omaha Packing Co 41 swill and i-oiiivauy bw uiiHliy I'acaiii Co ni Armour dc Co 001 rniour dc Co., iv. C an bant & co uj hill at boil 14i ti us ton Ac co . J-l. f'. Hamilton iu Mike liaggeny a 1 Oegau i li. uoot ac Co loo ti. Buna ou b ctner uuers ol Forelatat1 Financial. IXDNtJON, May Money was in fair supply and increased demand in the market today In connection, with the payment of various important calls. The call on the Stock Exchange generally .waa buoyant. The war news relieved the dealers' pent-up feelings, though the settlement restricted dealings.-, Consols- led a strong upward movements;, and"nrflt rails , rose rapidly. Americans opened liYegular and hardened with other wctlonsi Union Pacific and New York Ontario' & Western were the features, and Ignited Slate steel was In good demand, i A (moderate amount ot business was transacted and prices gen erally closed firm. . rand Trunk was firmer on the April statement. Japanese improved perceptibly. Impertn) Japanese government sixes of 1804 were quoted at 102. Russians relapsed. PARIS, May 29. Ptlces on the Bourse to day opened firm. The announcement of the Japanese naval success exercised a favorable influence nn the market with the exception of Ruaslana, which declined slightly. The market closed firm. Rus sian imperial 4s were quoted at 88.70 and Russian Donas or iiM at oui. 600 116 114 s 7H 2S 454, S4H 141 624 80s & 87 loo 4 101 V 97 25'4 08 84H 138V- 7& w" 36S 10o 1,000 rru 86V1 32.300 90S 8H 9U0 174 17H Mllnaake tirala Market. MlLWAfKEE. Wis., May 29 WHEAT Market lo lower: No 1 northern, tl 13fJ 1.14; No. 2 northern. fl.fMtn.dri; July. 8Vc. RYE-WEAK; No. 1. mw:. BARNEY' Steady ; .No. 1 Uc; sample, 38 tvic. COR.N-Steady; No. 3, l52c; Jul, iVia 2,300 200 1,2110 10 400 ) 6fl l.SiO 100 f.V0 ib'.ooo 1,100 2s) 400 7.701) 100 100 8.0 81.700 87.900 l'lO 1I0 3i0 0 "jiW 200 ''$06 27 72 3614 105 3Ss 22 60 2t4 uts 2V, 'ii 32s 89 67V, 1224 2o4 73 34H 104 V, 624 22 69V 61 S 119V, 29V, 7oii 82 V, SXV, 60S 120S 25 V, 48 24 674 143 1H2 77V, 19 54 U4V 155 1 26V, 00 45 844 141 4 51S no 92 994 117 14i 100 76 864 381 9iVa 89 V, .85 24 78 84 V, 10-V, 00 22 5'iV, 2V. H94 2H 107 V, MS 27VI 944 3?H lOfiV, 18V, 88 ici" 92V, i iooii nv, 10c V, 86V, 9HV, ', 82V, lOfiV, 18"Z 18 ia" 'tis isov. 82V, 5TV, 12'S 97 V, 122V 107V 84 28 1064 H7S4 S2S 100 18 80S 740 lot 92V, 46 W 184'4 50,o00 shares. New. Ylrtt Mtatoar (toeka. NEW YORK. May 29. Th following ar th closing quotation on mining stocks: Adema Coo 10 l ittle Chief 8 A lire 44 nelerle 400 bnwa Oiihlr Ul Hmurwlrk Ooai Pkoenls Curaslork Tunnel .... I Potoel 4 Coo. Cel. A Vs 110 Ssvsg IM Hera Silver IM glerrs Nevada S4 Iron Sliver MO Small Hone HA Leadviiie Coo 4 biaudard let) offered. Treaiary Stateaaeat. WASHINGTON. D. C. May W.-Todav tatemenl of the treasury balances In th general fund exclusive el Ui tlftO.OOO.OuO Bank Clearings. OMAHA, May 29. Bank clearings for to day were $1,610,778.85. and for the corre sponding date last year 11.457, 632.29. Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 29 -"M ETALS-SDOt tin was unchanged at 138 15a In London, hut futures were lower, at 186, and the local market was a shade off in sympathy, clos ing quiet, at i29.87Vkft80.85. Copper was higher In Ixindon, closing at Ao4 17a 8d for s tot and 65 for futures, but no change waa reported locally where lake and elec trolytic are quoted at 816.00 and casting at 814.76. lie ad waa unchanged, at 12 17a 6d in London, and at U.WaA.m in the local market. Spelter also was unchanged abroad, closing at 23 12s d for spot The local market was weak and lower, at 6.406.60. Iron waa closed at 49e lOd In Glasgow and at 45a 3d In Mlddlesboro Locally Iron was unchanged. No. l foun dry northern Is quoted at I18.7fiiffl7.5n; No. foundry nortnern. iin.axB'ii.iii; ao. foundry southern and No. 1 foundry south rn soft, l7.oo$l7.Z6; No. 2 foundry south em. 116 otva'16 ,6. BT. XAJUIB. MO., May St. HClALO- Le.-d. quiet. iM.lwu-i.t-'H; spelter, steady. 16.15. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 29 COTTON Boot closed auiet. lu points nigner: minanng up land, 8.70c; middling gulf, 8.95c. Bales, 10,300 bales. NEW ORLEANS, May 2B.-COTTON- Firm. Salea, 2.000 bale. Ordinary, 5 16-lttc; Sood ordinary, iyc; low middling, sc; mia llng. fSc; good middling, 8 6-16c; middling rair, use. Receipts, 4,b.-v Dales; stock. 141 814 bales. BT. LOUI8. May 29 COTTON Firm: middling, 8Vfcc. Sales, 73$ bale; recelpta, 0 bales; shipments, 60& bales; stock, 49.5S bales. LIVERPOOU May 29 -COTTON-Snot In mooerate aemana, prion t points nigner American middling fair. 6.29d: good mid dllng. 4.97d; middling. 4 79d; low middling 4 Md; good ordinary, 4.45d; ordinary, 4.29d ine sales or tne nay were bales, of which 1,0110 were for speculation and ex port, and Included i.jno American. Re celpts, 23,000 balea, tncludtng 22,400 Ameri can. 146 Total 2.6o2 4,4K6 4.VM CATTLE There were lfc9 cars reported in this nioiiiiiiK. out eimiiy-iwo fat i..em were aouthein caule oillea inruugii, leaving iui cars on sate. Tne came aniveu in oou season auu uuyeia wtie on me iilu i-ai.y lie general quality ot tne leceium was good, Home very decent sleei ueuig 01 ered. . 1 ne market on beef steers snowed a laiaed nnuroveineni uvr tne close ot lasi week and tnere was a tinner tone to lie trade man lor aome days. : uuyers seemed 10 wanl tne came and mere was a fair activity displayed. Manay weiguis were still in tne best demand, wllh tn good cattle changing hands in lair season urlces strong 10 a uime nigner. cum inoner grades were a lime naroer to move nd for the most pari urouKiii jnitce muna steady to strong. Tnere was a gooa ue- mand for tne came ana me nioai ul incm were picked up in fair season. Tnere was a aooa nuriiiKiiu 01 nu heifers here today and tne quality of the stuff was satisfactory, ine demand lor cows has been a lime oetier man uu steers for some days and today the feeling was better and prices were nigner. un 111 a-ond kinds the market was strong to a 3im hivher. with a fair activity to the trade. There was considerable urgency to the demand and tne siun was cieaneo. up early. . . ,. . . Rulls, veal caivea ana 'Bnn mo onuwri some improvement today and Bold at a lit- le better prices man me ciuno ui i. ul Ah has been the case for some time, the receipts of Blockers and feeders have been iiffht and todav waa no exception, there beina little of this kind of stuff on sale, Tk. j.mmH which has been good, waa little light and there were few buyera for this class of cattle. Prices on what were mafM lllHr SfinUl HieHUV. BIMIUUKM 111 some cases, on goon iigm. amis, iii.f ruled & little stronger. Bh-ii-f in.e.Ka, Kansas City Uraln and Provision. KANSAS CITY. May . WHEAT MflV Wsc: July, 7774c; September, 7SV,c; caah, No. t hard, H.0fntfl 4; No. 3, 92cil.02: No. 4, 823-970; No. 2 red. tl.OOl.M; No. I, 92c0 ei.v; rMo , ouvic. corn Firm: May. 45c: Ju v. iBUc September, 434c; cash, No 2 mixed. 4V4 sc: imo. a. wa-eoxc; rso. 1 wnite, 4o'a-47Hc no. a. eotc. OATS-No. 2 white, 32 V,S32c ; No. mixed. 8134c. tucrtiH weag; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood caaea Included. 14V,a per doien! case coi nt, 13Sc per dosen; cases returned, sc per aosen less. HAY Steady ; choice timothy, 9.6o910.Sf) cnoiee prairie,'ns irj. RYE Steady at 65S72V4C. BUTTER-Creamery, lbV,igi9Vic; packing, 13c. Receipt. Shipments Wheat, bl) 40.4ia) 24.800 Corn, bu 82.400 lOofto Oau, bu 21,000 12,000 M2 9o4 l.i 1,0 10 loS l,lo l,0oj ooii Miaaisselli Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May M WH EAT May i.iz: juiy, ,i.u; Deptemoer, 04Sc; ISO. hard. 91.301 No. 1 northern. II 16: No. northern, tl 04. FLOUR F! rat patent. $8.40i8vJ.M; second patenta, 8 21 Q 30; first clears, 84.0vB4.lO; second clearu. 82 75fi1 Hi. BRAN In bulk, tlJl3H.60. Vlalbl gnpply of Grain. NEW YORK. May 2-The vlalble upply of grain Saturday, May 27, compiled by th New York Produce Exchange I aa followa: Wheal-2l.128.00O bu ; decrease. 1.308.000 bu. Corn 4.233.0H) bu.; decreaae, 88,000 bu. Oata 9.1620W bu. : decreaae, l.OaO.OOO bu. Rye 937.000 bu.; decreaae, 48.OOO bu. Barley 1.129.000 bu. ; decreaae. 244,000 bu. No. to 1 I II II 1 1 II 1 I 41 1 II II 11 11 II I .... I II I 8 I 1 ... 14 10 0.... 10... I.... I.... 1.... 1.... 1.... I..... 1.... I.... I... 1... I... I. .. 4..., II. .. 1... 4... I..., I... 4... I... 6... t... I..., I... I... I .. 8... 8... 8... 4... I... 1... 1.. At. ... 110 ...Ml , .. i0 ... 194 ... 194 ...low ... 440 ... 802 ... 771 ... 9a ... 127 ... 10 ... 114 ...1011 ...llli ...1141 ... ei ... I4'l ...1261 ...1210 ... 143 ...1191 ... 170 ...1019 ...1090 ...11W ...1069 ... 170 ...1171 ... 920 ...11I4 ...1071 ...1220 Pr. I 60 I w I 10 4 10 4 10 4 00 4 25 4 10 4 10 4 SS 4 40 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 II 4 10 4 40 4 0 4 10 4 40 4 41 4 II 4 70 4 70 4 TO 4 71 4 Ti 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 II No. 10... II.. 32.. 25.. I. ., 4.. I.. II. . 24.. S:: H. . 21.. IT.. I. . II.. 44.. I . II.. II.. II.. 11.. II.. W.. I . 10.. 40.. 17.. 34.. 11.. 11.. II.. AT. A. 1094 ....1071 ....109T ....1020 1100 ....1021 .... 934 ....1070 ....1044 ....1231 ....11114 ....1111 ....1104 ....1271 .....lint ....1174 ....1270 ....1145 ....1431 ....1300 ....1270 ....1341 ....1371 ... .1180 ....1171 ....1230 ....14711 ....1336 ....1421 1441 ... .134 ....1426 Pr. 4 16 4 90 I 00 6 00 t 00 t 00 I 00 I 01 I OS I 10 I 10 I 10 10 I to 6 10 6 10 t K e ts I 26 I IS I II I 40 I 40 I 41 I 46 t 46 I 60 6 II I 16 i 46 I 46 I 45 STEERS AND COWS. t0 1 75 t 744 4 71 790 I 74 4 1096 4 71 120 4 10 T 197 4 7S 74 4 40 II U08 4 90 414 4 40 40 1341 I 16 STEERS ANU HElKttRd. ....1021 4 40 COWS AND lltir EKS. Toleelo el Market. TOLEDO. May 2 -8 EPD-Clorer, cash. t7.0; October. 16.90. alsika. 87.46: prima timothy. 110. , j::::: 14 .... ir.: 11 Tit .. MO .. 100 .. 170 .. 710 .. 110 .. 160 ..1120 .. Ml ... 140 ... 140 ... Tfl ,.. ISO .. U7 ... 170 ...190 .. 131 .. U4 .. Kit ,.. ... 140 ... 141 ... Ill ... 171 ... no ,..12I ...1OU0 ... 710 ... Ill ... M0 ... ITT ...1040 ... 140 ...1120 ...W0 ...lu0 ... Ml ... ti ... 410 ... 4M ... 400 ... 421 ...140 ... 410 ... Ill ... 47 ...1190 ...1M0 ...UK) ... 140 . ...1430 ... II ...w 4 tl II. cows. 11... 4 ... !.... 11.... 1.... I. .. I... 1... 10... 1... I... 16... I... 1... 1... II. .. 1... 1 .. 14... 17... 6... I... 12... I... 4.. 1... 4... I... 1. 137 4 40 1 10 t SO t 34 t 40 I 40 I 40 I 60 I U 1 10 I 44 I 46 I TO I Tt I 71 I Tl I 10 1 10 t K I H I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 10 1 11 I 21 t U I 10 I M I H I 40 I 10 I 60 8 10 I 10 I 61 I II HEUEtfo. 4... .... 771 ....1140 .... Ml . ... low ....1190 190 921 1210 1066 1200 lout 991 lull 1470 lino 931 lot 1480 131 1041 790 907 11K0 1111 1021 1010 10O0 1061 1100 1190 ISOO Ul 1140 1150 1197 1417 I 10 I II I TO I 71 8 7 1 71 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 16 I U I II S6 I so I M 4 (10 4 00 4 IM 4 00 4 M 4 06 4 10 4 10 4 II 4 10 4 10 4 tO 4 II 4 60 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 40 4 TO 4 70 1 M 8 41 I 74 I U I 00 I 00 I 01 I 16 17. Is.' TIT 120 , 79V . 10 , 9KI . IS7 , 400 a to I TO I Tl 4 00 4 40 4 60 4 61 t Tl I 00 I 00 I I w . 1 11 I II 8 BULLS. 1. .1170 15 .1140 I M ,..19M 4 00 ..USO 4 00 ..1140 4 00 ..toll 4 00 . !"40 4 10 ..1140 19 SHEEP There was a moderate run here for a Monday, about IS cars being on sale Early reports from eastern points showed lime weaker tone to tne trading and this fact influenced this market to some extent. Ruyers were out early, but were slow in taking hold and were bearish. The nunlltv of the receipts was fairly good and there waa a considerable proportion of lambs received, aa has been th caae for some days. The feeling on lambs waa weak, the same aa It has been for aome days, and bids on this class of stuff were fully 10 cents lower than the close or lasi week. A load of Colorado shorn lambs brought 85.90 and another double deck sold for SR. 76. The movement was slow and there seemed to be little urgency to the demand. Sheen were In a little better de mand than Inmhs. Still buyera pounded the aheep Hnd prices ruled weak to a dime lower. A bunch of the Johnson A Graham wethers brought 85.65. which waa a nlckle lower than Frldav. Quotations for rllnned stock: Oood to choice lambs. S5.lrfflj.(V: fair to good lambs Sfi.fiOojfi.eo; good to choice Colorado wooiea lsmhs. Sft.K"fVT.2!: good tn choice yearlings, 15.orv77iR.2R: fa r to good venrunsrs. h.. tvao.ini good to choice wethers. S4.5iVfJ4.80: fair to good wethers, 84 25fJ4.5n; good to choice ewes, S4.404.d0; fair to good ewes, M.OGVfJ1 4 49. No. AV. 1 buck W 100 wpstern wethers 121 Srfl western wethers 121 226 ewstern ewes and wethers.. 107 15 western weth'a and yearlings M JW western lambs B79 Colorado lambs S western cull ewes 1 western InleW 145 western feeding lambs and wethers 1 western ewe 25 western lambs. ; 7 western ewes 201 western lambs 447 western Iambs and year'gs 115 western lambs -. ISO western lambs 2 western lambs M westefn Inmhl 24 western ewes SO 73 93 170 fW 70 89 118 69 74 76 78 65 fl 70 Pr. S 00 4 65 4 fiK 4 80 5 no 6 75 B 90 2 50 s 00 4 11 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 75 5 25 S 50 5 50 t 75 6 en 4 15 ead: market nrtlve, Colorado ooled lambs, 3" In nibs, shorn. 10. Ulna t If y l ive Mock Market. PIOVX CITY. May 29 -tfpe. ial Tel. ram 1 -CA 11 I.E -Ke, eipis. mi n can; tnar et steady to strong. Inoif, Hiii ows, bulls and mixed. ;i K'u 4. .i; eim-aei nd eilers. fj.7$tr4.i; chlvis ami ,eaiiinna, 2 7.ii4 10 111 n- Receipts J.i' tienu: maraei tt, selling at 6i.iKiii5 15; bulk. !.10. OMAHA llOLI'.SAt.K MAHKKT. Condition of Trade and Quotation on staple and Fancy Proline,. EOO 8 Receipts, fair .naiket steady: can dled slock, 16c. 1.1VK l-Ol LfllV-l 0111. 10c; rooster. 7c; turkeys. Inc; ducks, 11c. Rl Tl Elt Packing stock, iv l.tsc : ennic to fancy dixlry, lytj2".-; cieainoiy. 2iaiiei rlnta. i.e. KRESH K1SH Trout. 80; halibut, lie; kt.fful., i,l,.....h a... ..L.ku.Al 9c; white bass (dressed!. 12c; sunftsli, tc; percn (scaled ami dreHaedi. c, piae, uc; catfish, 15c; red snapper, KK-; salmon. 14c; crarpl'S, 12c; eel, 16c; bullheads, lie; Via,- lasa, vc; whlteflsh (diesaedj, iou; irog legs, per dot., ;uc; lubalcig, .- gret lh boiled lolistera, 30c. - , . HA Y Price Quoted bv Onuha Wholesal Hay lealeis' association: No. 1. S7.ii0; No Id.fd; course, 15.60. These prleea are Iwr hay of good color and quality. MRA.N-Per ton. 815 00. TROPICAL FRUIT." ORANGES bt. Michaels, ail a I sea, S3. 71 C4.UU; extra fancy Mediterranean aweeia. all sizes, 4,1 ". fancy navels, sixes ltt. Yuv. 116. IM. lilt). 250. uni: Slavs 60. 96. 11A, Si.oOw 76; aeeullngs, ail vises, 12.16. UbMONS-Calltornt, extra tancy, im, J"t and sizes. 6.4 16, uwy, 2iu, v and 8WI sixes, 13.60, choice, 24u and 2.0 sisea, 12.6u; Xu and siaes, 82.'.6(jS ,0U. DATES Per box of ) 1-lb. pkgs., 8J W; lallowe en, in io-iu. boxe, per lb., 6c KiOS Calitornlii. per 10-io. earton, 7&i 85c; Imporied Smyrna, four-tsrowu, Vic; 6n- crown, lie. BANANAS-Per medium-lid bunch, 81.76 92.26; jumbos, 2.Mi3.(0. plNliiAl'Pl.KS-riorida. pr trate of x. 30, 3 or 42. 60 00. ' FRt'ITE CALIFORNIA CHERRIES Illack. Pr 8-lb. box. 11. id; white, per e-lb. box, 41.60. S IRA WBKRR11.S Missouri, per i4 ut. case. 62.00. TANGERINES California, per half bos. SI.uu. CRANUKRRIKH Jerseys, per crate, JLt. VEOE'lAoi-B. Tl'RNIPS-New, pur uox., 45c. CAtiKulS New, ptr uoa., 4tis. PAKSNll S Old, per bu., 4w. AX UKANS per 14-bu. box. 75c: string beans, per v-bu. box. 75c: bu. oox wax ur suing, ac.Uife-'.at). puiAiO-.a itoiuo grtwn. 111 sacks, pr bu., 36c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new puua- toes, per lb., 2c. RH.ANB Navy, per bu., S3. CCCUMUERb Per dox.. 4750. PEAS New, per bu. box, l.ia"2.00. TOMATOES r'lotidu, fancy, per b-basket crate, 82 50; choice, per K-baBket crate, BUN ACM-Per l)U.. )0C. CAliRAtiE Callturiila In crates, per lb.. 2V.C uttlii-rnew, per ooi. buncnes, 46c ONIONS New. per dos. bunches. 15os Bermudas, per crate of about 60 lbs., Sl.o HADlSHLS-Hot house or aouthein. per dos.. 20o. LETTUCE Hot house, per dos.. 36a40c: head lettuce, per dor.. 11. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new. 10c; old. 17c: Wla- consin brick, 10c; v Iscoiisin llmuurger, Lmi twins, 1 -Kai6c. N ij 1 S ainuta. No. 1 soft shells, now crop, per lb., 16c, hard shells, per lb., Uc; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., l.'c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., ic; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuta. per lb., 12ijil3ytc; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 16c; shellbui hickory nuts, per bu , $1. 75 ; large lilckuiy nuta, per bu., 81.50. HIDES No. 1 green. 7Vio; No. I green. 6V.c; No. 1 edited, 6V,c; No. 2 salted, 7V,o, No. 1 veal calf. 10c: No. 2 veal calf, no. dry salted, 7(l4c; shep pelts, 26u'tt61.uu; horse niuea. ii.ouw 3.00. CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Tn to Fifteen Cents Higher Hoars FIt to Ten Cent Lower. CHICAnO. Mav 29. CATTLE Receipts 18,000 head; market 10 to 15c higher; good to pr me steers. 15 fioi?i.4n: poor to medium S45a54n: stncliers and feeders. S2.75fJ6.00 enws 82 fiOtfiS.on: heifers. S2 cannera S1.5oS'2.4; bulls, I2.6W4.60; calves, xa.oo RA 60 H(M3S Keceints. n.iro neaa estimaiea ior tomorrow. 25.000 head; market 5 to mo lower: m xed and butcher. 14.6ivao.1tiH choice to heavv. S5.26'i76.S6: rough heavy 4.7fKft6 20; light, S5.26fi6.40; bulk of sales, 15 SASS 35. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. .28.000 bead: sheen slow and dull: Iniiibs slow snd dull; good to choice wethers, shorn. 84.00 1&6.OO; fair to choice mixed shorn. S3.6oi3 1 aft- western sheen, shorn. 84.nnftfl.AO: nativ lambs, shorn. 84.75(36.26; western lambs, 85.6087.25. Sew York I.Ito fftoek Market. OTW YORK. Mav 29 BEEVES Re celpta. 4.329 head. Steers slow to 10c lower fat bulls dull: bologna bulla steady: thl enws firm: others unchanged. Steers. 14 ifj6.00; bulls. S3 55(ff4.80: few extra. 85.00: cows. S2.0OS4 80: cables ateady. Exports to morrow. 810 cattle, 1 00 sheep and 8.300 quar ters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 6 147 head; market nneneri 255op hlaher: closed eaaler. eal 5.0iva7.2T3; few choice and extra. I7.87H!fji 7 50; throw outs. 84 On$f4.60; buttermilks. S4.OivjiP4.75; cltv dressed veala firmer at 7V4 T10Vr3 per pound; country dressed alow at fiififlc. ' ... HOOS Receipt. 12 857 head: market steadv; state hogs, S5 9ft6.0ft; choice light. J5.10. BHKFP AND LA M B8 Receipt a. 7.702 head Sheep quiet, but ateady; prime handy yearling" firm; others alow to weak: lamha steady. Sheep, 33.501? 26 ; extra,' 85.40; riilla, fX 00; yearlings, 6.5iKao.50; lambs, 87.759 8.87V,. ( . KanMS CUy Lire gtoek Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. May 29 CATTLE Receipts. 6.000 head. Including 600 south erns. Market 10c higher. Choice export and dressed beef teers. S5.35'36.0ti; fair to good. 34.255.26: weatern fed steers, 34.25 6 60; stockers and feeders, 83.25(54. 75: south ern steers S3.5nf16.00; southern cow, S3 25 3.75: native cows, jz.21va4.1n1: native neir ers. J3.25(if5.0O; bulls, $2.SG'cM 60; calves. JS.00 436.50. HOtio tteceipts, s.ovi neaa; ms-raei cnioc lower. Top, 85 27t: bulk of aales. K 17V.'n 635; heavy. S5.40(fjfi.26: backers. S5.206.25; pigs and light,'v BHKr.1" A INIJ UAM oa -ryeceipLB, ii.o"w head; market strong and active. Native lamha. 85.50t36.7t; weatern lambs. 86 76fi 7.25: fed ewes and yearling. 84.0016. 75; Texas clipped yearlings. $4.6i1''a5.25; Texas clipped sheen, M. 164 4.85; stockers and feed ers, S2.6044 (A. gt. I.onU Live Htoek Market. ST. liOUIS. May 29 CATTLE Receipts. 8.60il head. Including 2.700 Texana. Market hlarher Native snipping ana export steers, 35 26fi.10; dressed beef steers. tZ.lh'SfiM: teers under 1.000 pounds. 83 768 4 40; stock ers and feedera, 83.OOtig4.60: cowa and heif ers. 8 2 25194X6: cannera, S2.'XS2 26; bulls, S3.2Vff4.4tn; calves. 84.Vti6.60; Texaa and In dian ateera, S350(fj6.60; cows and heifers, 82 5fl4 25. inula- Keceipts. 4.000 nead: market lower. Plga and lights. $4.yp5 40; packers. 14 ft6.40: butchers and best heavy, 15 km 40. SHEEP AND I.AM B8 Receipts. 6,flflO head: market lower. Native muttons. S3 50 6500; lambs. S5.0ii$7.76: culls and bucks, 88Wts.&; stockers, S2 7633.00; Texans, 33 60 I4J4.60. Oils and Itosln. NEW YORK. May 29. OIIJl Cottonseed. firm; prime crude, nominal; yellow, at'Vii) petroleum, easy; tenned. iew lora, Philadelphia and Baltimore, 36. iw. Turpentine, firm, 65560. SAVANNAH, May k.-(3II-Turpentln, firm. 73e. i ROSIN-Flrm; A, B, C.IU77Vi; D, S3.82W; E. S3 87V,; F, X.KH; O, S3.97V4; H. J482H: I, 34.70; K. J4.90; M, Jo.10; N,; W. O., 36.50; w. W., Jo.75. Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHIIjA DELPHI A, Pa., May 29. BUTTER Easier; extra weatern creamery, 21Vj'if 22cj extra nearby prints, 22c. EGGS Steady; nearby fresh, 17c at marki Western fresh, 17(ifl8c at mark, . CHEESE Easy; New York full cream fancy new, lnvailc; New York full fair to good, new, liXylOVjc; domestic Swiss, UIS14C flnarar and Molasses, ' NEW ORLEANS, May 19. SUGAR Mar ket quiet; open kettle. 3V4ic:. open Ket tle centrifugal, 4Va44 16-lSc; centrifugal whites, 6Vic; yellows, 4&5c; seconds, 3i MO .lOLASSES Nominal: open kettle. 133280: centrifugal, 6-S16c. Syrup, nominal, Sue. Wool Market. 1 Medium graiies combing and clothing, 2S2& 81Vjc; light fine, 22Vj'ji,JSc: heavy tine, 2mu 22Vjc; tub washed. SJ'fl42Vic. Elgin Hotter Market. ELGIN. 111., May 29. BUTTER Firm 21c. Bales for the week, 59ii,745 pounds. at 150 luO 400 600 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record yesterday, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, . bojulcd absliftoiers, ldlt Farnam street, for The Bee: L. li. Korty et al. to H. D. Jordan, all of Harney Place l 8. Mancuso and wife to G. Mancuao. part of lot 12V,. Millard A Caldwell's add : Lisa H. B. V. Gibson and wife to Eilltlia E. Shafer. lot 24. block 2. Potter a add G. W. Glbaon and wife to-same; aame P. Coyle to K. Coyle, lots 7 and 8, block 24, South Omaha South Omaha Investment company 10 J. J. Hlnchey, lot 3, block 1, McGav- ock ft O Keefe's ,.1... M. P. Hlnchey to J. J. Hlnchey. undV, lota 7 and 8, block 6, Bowery Hill.... J. J. Hlnchey. to Bella Hlnchey, aame.. City Savings bank to Mary L. Cattiu, lot 20 In 2th tc Ames sub. Nona Baldwin to Jenslne C. O'Don- nell. part of lots 6 and 6, block 246, Omaha South Omaha Land company to H. Wehde, lot 12. block 119, South Omaha -. Same to aame, lot 11, 'block ' 119,' South Omaha T. Vandenbroucke and wife to P. Baert, lot 3, block 21, 1st add. to Corrlgan Place , 1,200 H. F. Hoffmeyer and 'wife to J. and Magdallne Igel, lots 28 and 29, Vin ton Place ". City of Omaha to Adams A Kelly com pany, part or lath atreet vncaien .. 11. Palmer to H. F. Hoffmeyer, lota 28 and 29. Vinton Place Matilda K. Gardiner to Sarah La , Montla. lot 8, block 2, Forest Hill.. 900 E. C. Sawyer and wife to Sylvia E. Beats, part of lot 25, blocg 1, Mayne Place t.850 W. C Rich to Martha E. Rich, lots 6 and 8. block 135. Florence Ella Newman to J. and Ida Gebell, lots. 8 and 14, block 6, Albrights Annex . ..: .'. W. Beat to Elsie C. Best, lots 6 and 6 block 1, and other land. 1-asen-tlnea Raratoaa C. F. Talbot and husband to Wertha Alpern. lota 7 and s, block 4, city, and atrip adjoining 1 Clara Hughes and husband to O. A. Mulflnger. lota 3, 11 and 14. piock 1, Hoffman Terrace F. H. Garrln and wife to Jessie G. Van tamp, lot a, oiock t. 1.111mm Park Jessie O. Van Camp to A. Mcsorley. lot 6. biork z. uonage i-ara C. L. Van Camo to A. MrSorley, lot 5. block 1. cottage ram E. T. Miller to C. E. Hall, part lots 9 and in. niocg in. nouin i'mnn ... W. A. Schrel and wife to If. I., far penter. lot 8. block 1.T7. South Omaha. 1.851 Marg-ret B Brrr to Cora f . Jay, lot 1, blocg 34, Kountse riace vri Btoek Receipt of llv clpal weatern South Omaha Sioux Cltv ... St. Joseph .., St. Louis .... Kansas City Chicago Totals In Bight, stock at th six market yesterday. Cattle. Hog 6 m 800 1.807 ...! 8600 .(o , 18.000 .37.161 4.5-10 2.0u0 S.614 4.600 8,M0 &, 41 4 prln- Bheen 6,200 66,016 t. Joaevh Live Btoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. May 29 CATTLE Re celpta, 3.3S7 head; market ateady to lor hluher. Natlvea. J40n4f5.75: Texaa and svittrni. 84.10416.15; cowa and heifers. Jl 84 A5 16; attieiier and fe-ders. i:.fio'cH 76. HOfiR Recelpta. 3 614 head; market Ml TV- rower.. Light. J5.16j5.2:v,; , medium and heavv li 2X6 ZTVi. 8UE4n AND. LAMB3-Bclpt, 1,315 250 25 5u 625 25- 1 8i0 330 8,500 609 7.800 Edwards-Wood Co. (Ineorporatrd ftAla Office: Flf'b ! RobartB trti . ST. PAUL, TlINN. DEALERS I Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Groin to Us Branch Onioe, 110.111 Hoard of Trad Kid.. Osaaha. Neb. Telenhon. SnI4. 212-214 Kxchang lll'lg.. South Omaha. BU 'Faun Hi. . - iMdpnadtil 'fhuu i