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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY HF.E: S FN DAY. 'AmU. 30. 1905. . SPECIAL RATE of lniere&t on selected farm loans will bo mads for a limited period by th Bankers Reserve Life Company OF OMAHA, NEBRASKA. A Solid Conservative Western Company. OFFERINGS OF HIGH GRADE INTEREST BEARING BONDS, AND FIRST MORTGAGE FARM LOANS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Agents wanted to sell the new invest ment policies. For further information call on or address B. H. ROBISON, President. For Cleaning-Dyeing Thone 1521 Omaha; 310 Council Bluffs and we'll caJl find quofe you prices.. Many do not know, or neglect to tiiko ad vantage of the fact, that we add life and beauty to House Draperies and Furnishings, as well as to clothing, and thereby can nave them money and make their home more attractive. For instance: We dye Draperies and the knick knacks used In dressing n room. Make Draperies blend with the surroundings the carets, wall paper, etc. Do everything tlint any cleaner aud dyer can do, and do It right. Twin City Dye Works 3ll ftnutb 13th Mrrrt. 'Phone lRlil, Omaha 21 Aorlh 26th Mrcrt, Tlione a 10, Co. Blnft'a. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD As usual, wo lead all our competit ors with a new line of women's ox fords. A great number of different style that have never been shown in Omaha before. The best wo can do Is to ask you to come to the store and see thcra. It's Impossible for us to give a complete description of them Just come In and wo will show them to you. They arc, however, the shiny leather oxfords, ihi- new tax oxfords and many others. The new "Drop" toe is the latest. Ask to see our line of woman's $2.50 oxfords the best ever shown in Omaha. Drexel Shoe Co. .1419 Far nam St. rl vuiy TuE99 CENTSTORtl CHILDREN'S FOLDING GO-CARTS. Reeliniu device, dash adjust, ment. extension foot board making the most complete Oo t'art on the market. 8PKCIAL. SALE THIS WEEK. Starting at 2. for the rub ber tired, and up to $9.85. COMB AND SEE THEM. HAS H Omaba'a lp-to-Date Shoe Hoove. K FOR OUK FREE CATALOGUE. 3TMNG: TO CONSIDER WHEN YOU SE LECT A PAINT. 1 Durability, aj How well and how luig it will wear. W . 2 Appearance. a The satisfaction you will have. 3 Cost, aj Not how much per gallon, b;il how iruch ou get for your LOWE BROS., HIGH STANDARD PAINT MEETS EVER V REQUIREMENT. We Carry Everything In Paint. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., tPaint Department.) M6 Harney. Tel. 325. i'.nrrka sprlnua. Ark. Any one desiring reet, comfort, pleasure and recuperation should go to Eureka Springs. Low rale excursion tickets on le dally. Through slucper from Kansas t'itjr. For pamphlet, giving lull CescrlpUon of this beautiful rea l. address J. C Lovrlen, A. U. V. A, Kunu City, Mo. 11 K. wedding rings, fcdhulm. jeweler. Men's, Roys-, children's, clothing, hat. Udlra' a-jlta, skirts, millinery, etc.. cash or ci wilt. People's biore, Itith and Farnam. Dr. Slabaugh, dentist, Neville block. Have Root print it. Chicago laundry, tins work. Tel. 203. Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. UX, Regal Clab'a Rail. The Regal clnh. a boys' organisation formed hut January, with ei.litrcii mem bers, gave a dancing party Friday evening at Clmmhfrs' hall. Twi-nty-four couple wre present. The arrangement were In harse of a cixnmllt-e -iiiivsed of Paul llomniel, Kubeit Cunningham and Robert Fisher. v))ShowforMenf. Styta Ilhiatratafl I. anaprr I 1 raoav. A treat Tavorita wim yrninn ra.n. Com.. In Lara or Bljctier etyla. In Coron l"tnt Colt, r.tent Ideal KM. oloil- Call Tn Ruali c'l! ami Frn. h Call. S"rvliabl, on lorubl. "M.k.r to $3.50 Moll order, filled. . S.nd for atria hook 11 and na uremant blank. SKS.15St3 fAS GANGES OKI EASYPAYMEWTS Would you use the old style pas range lhat has been lu use ever since gas ranges have been made If you knew that the Direct Action docs the same work In one-third less time and uses one third less fuel? Would you use the old style gas range If you knew that the Direct Action would save you enough In gas to Veep up the payments? Terms on the Direct Action Gns Tlange are ,"0 cents per week ou the smaller size and Si. OO per week on the large ones. . Although we have been selling these ranees for only ulwut otie tnoutb we have sold a great many of them. This Is what some of the buyers and users of Direct Action Gas Ranges have to eay about thorn: "The Direct Action Gas Range 1 purchased of you not long ego, I Bud to be Just as represented by your detnonst rator. It saves me much time In baking and consume, less gas than my last stove." (N'amo given on application.) "I spend less time In the kitchen mnce I bought my Direct Action Gas Range." (Name given on application.) "When I consider the time and gas saved and. sanitary qualities of the Direct Action Gas Rango, together w Ith Its moderate price and easy terms, I cannot say enough In Its praise." (Nome given on application.) "It Is far superior to my old stove." (Name-given on application.) "It bakes better and quicker than my old range." (Name given ou applica tion.) "1 will personally recommond the Direct. Action Gas Range to any one you may send to me." (Name given on applica Uon ) Attention. A. O. I . V. All members of I'nlon Pacific Lodge No. IT are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, W. E. Leeder. at l&S North 21st street, Sunday, April 80, at 2 p. in. All uniformed teams of Omaha and South Omaha invited. CHARLES IIORNE, M. W. PHIL M MILUVN. Recorder. Automobile (or rant. 'Phone SIL It will be news moat welcome to all per sous who love music to know that Harold liajer, the great pianist, is to visit Amer ica again next autumn. Bauer will be heard from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Cannda to Flurldu. In a plncn, use Allan's Fool-Eat. Mr. H. lleyn, photographer, la not now In original location, but at OTS-MV:2 8. loth St. Two-'tory building west tide of .street. ! 1612 & FARNAM STREETS. OMAHA. TIIK PKOPI.EV I IR.MTlRi; AMI CARPKT CO. WHAT'S MORE BEAUTIFUL Than a wU set table? Glistening SILVER, sparkling Cl'T GLASS, snowy napery. etc.. is half the battle won. if you wish to make ENTERTAINING A SrCCKSS. To show that we ore- prepared to fiirnish you with' some of tho.n l!ooofsltlp we offer to the public the following SPECIAL LEADER for Monday and Tuesday. All the ware the renowned Wm. Rogers & Sons make. Knlvea H Tahleanouna I Butler Knife O Forks H Tahleanouna II Teaspoons 1 Sugar Shell ALL FOR $5.60 This Is intended to be, and is, A VERY SPECIAL BARGAIN. Call any time during three two days. WE WILL RE PREPARED. Remember our contest. Three valuable prizes h GOLD WATCH. a LADIES' BROOCH and h FOUNTAIN PEN givn tn the three persona who' comes nearent guessing the correet wrisht of our Mr. F. Brodegaard. The contest is open till May nist., when he will he weighed nt 3 o'clock P. M. We tilso sell watches, diiimmdn. jewelry, cut glass. In nil tho latest designs; hand painted china in the most artietie styles, and everything else pertaining to a first class Jeweler's trade. . OUR STOCK IS NEW, OUR PRICES MODER ATE. Have your wutch regulated free AT THE SIGN OF THE CROWN v 115 SOUTH 16TH STREET SSKS'JStSrI Fine wateh repairing our special pride. Watch Inspectors for C, St. P., M. & O. R. R-, and Inspecltor of Clocks of all the City Schools. . nm in ir mi m .aaaBaMMMawiaaaiMaia.MWMaMMMM DR. BRADBURY DENTIST 1E06 FARNAM. Teeth Extracted 25c Porcelain Filllnr. $1 up k .rf : Gold .HUMS Slop ASSsSssSe SUver Fltlinf s SOc up (J fp?S Crop J-'" up Plates $2.50 up 15 Yar feima Location 'Phono .766. Bridie Work $2.50 up Nervct Removed Without Pain. Loose Teeth Made Solid. Work Guaranteed 10 Years .ENGRAVING OS ii , 4 1- v t -V if4 1 7VV'V; 5v y.'vw.AWM ,mmmsntxn ; -asm DURABLE"" DENTISTRY We promise yotj a set of teeth that will not fall out Just when you wish them to stay in they won't come out except when you want them to. Wa make a . full set . of porcelain teeth on Im ported rubber plate for tS.OO. Come tn and look at samples. TAFTS DENTAL ROOMS. 181T DOUGLAS POPULAR EXCURSION ..TO.. DES MOINES Sunday, May 7, f V I Aeao BENNETT'S Sale of Pianos The Past Week Has Been Great It Will Be Greater the Coining Week Conservative Buyers Consider Bennetts Piano Sale Should Not Be Overlooked Our Immense Stock oif.":'KP.K.,NG SONS, I VERS & fx r.V,', KY,?R.v"rT' V A c K A R D Hii'i-lc Jt" HMOND. SMITH Al HAKiNES and inuny other leudiug makes of plants have be.-n thoroughly gone over. Every slightly ua.d piano, every shop .worn niauo every piano returned from rentHl. every piano (the design or which has been dropped from the pi C cataloKUel ha been marked at a fraction of Its value. THEY Must be Sold They Will be Sold Six to ten dollars cash, and five to ten dollars per month buys (hem. Our new stock is coming in and wa must have the room. THREE HUNDRED i3l.l.c TO FIVE HUNDRED ($,X1M GREEN TRADING STAMPS FREE WITH KIRST PAYMENT. One beautiful niahoganv EVERETT piano, 1905 design, used in studio three months, regular price CIBl $475.X, now qiOOO Ten dollars cash and ten-dollars per month. Five Hundred (SoO.OO) Green Trading' Stamps with first pavnient. One large flze IVERS & POND piano, ..Colonial cuse, used four months, cannot be told from new,- retailor r.;w: $350 Ten dolltirs cash and ten dollars per month. , Five Hundred (ISO.ooi Green Trading Stamps with first payment. One figured mahogany CHASE piano, used two months, fine condition, regular price I3o0.00, $225 Ulanv other fine upright pianos, some new, soma slightly used, at S1.97. 1166.00, $132.00 down to $75.00, n splendid piano for beginners. 16.00 cash and $5.00 per month, . Three Hundred ($110.00) Green Trading Stamps with first payment. Piano DepH Third Bloor TAKE ELEVATOR. Our Monday Bargains are Exceptionally Interesting. 53i3s THE MEUARLR STORK. Every Depart ment adds its Quota of Money Savers to Monday Sales. Stupendous Clothing Values ii sen rcgumxiy hi u $10-12.50 Something Nice in Oxfords if you want to see something nice In Ladies' Oxford Ties, you should call at this store and look over the handsomest line of these popular shoes to be seen In the city. Every new and correct style of the season is shown here all tho stylish leathers-all the smart shapes-all the swell styles, In both black and tans and the prices are easy to pay, because they're small for the style and quality of tho goods. Copyright 1904 by Hart Schaffner &f Marx $15.00 and $18.00 Men's Suits $10.00 and $12.50. .lust when you int'd ilinn most, ripht at tlip ojKMiiiij; of tint sea sou, 11 fortunate purclmsp cu nblos us to offer our custtuiu ia high grade clothing at a Having of stHHit -15 per cent A liner lot of men's milts was never shown anywhere Bt tho price styles tho in-west, fabrics tho be.-l, workmanship excellent. You cant help but ftud something .Inst to suit. These garments would sell regularly at $13 to $l-our special sale price ALL YOUTH'S LONG PANTS SUITS Included in this purchase, ages 14 to 20, single breasted, rftund cut sacks and double breasted square cut stvles in all shades ami colors, worth up to $12.r0, our special sale 1 Qfl price KNEE PANTS SUITS $2.50 Your choice of Eton. Norfolk, Sailor lilouse, Russian lUouse, double breasted or three piece stvles. in immense variety ol color nml pattern, all well made and trimmed and worthT) Cf 4.00 to r 00, at aW.eJIF Base Ball and Bit Frttwilh Every Knee Pants Sut FURNITURE r?9 Evenings on Your Porch Our Furniture Department is pre pared to aid -your comfort. This Porch Seat is made of maple and is finished light or red is O (J strong and well made price. iJJo This comfortable Canvas Seat has arms to rest your elbows, is adjustable, heavy duck, fancy stripes, hard maple frame 7t price $ J IT 11 Fine bent wood chair and rocker, very etrong and com fortable, high back, green or red. The chair, $2.50; rocker, $2.75. Durable bent wood Lawn Seat the most serviceable seat in the market. Come in. four sixes. Tainted green. 3-foot size, $2.95. 4-foot size, $3. 2b. -p..,.-.,!. uiMjjn 5-foot size, $3.85. 6-foot, size, $4.25. Jpg- Everything in Furniture. Large, new stock. Efjr LOWEST PRICES. " f 'T I NAVDEsx! BROS. FRY SHOE CO Hih and Douglas Sis. H. L RAMACCIOTTIt D. V. S. Vrpmtr Stale aterlaarlaa. Feud la prefer aad fltjr Yelerlaarlaa. OPli and Infirmary. 28tn and Mason Sts, Omaha, Neb. Telephone !."!. ROUND TRIP $2.50 Special train Mill leave Omaha Union Depot 7:30 a. tn., returning leava Des Moines at 7:19 NO INTBRHBDIATE STOPS FOR PASSENGERS F. P. RUTHERFORD, 1323 Parnam St. a I Keep Thinking Don't forget that jour rlothea. nheii dry cleaned wrraalonally, will near enoogh longer to more Iban pay for the cleaning. lo garment aliould be laid away for the santmer without Irat being dry cleaned. It remotes all dirt and ureaar, tblcli tend fo rot the aooda, and alao kills all moth eggs sad dlaeaae genua. Al waja trad thriu lo The Pantorium Are You Building a. Home? If so who can come as near to furnishing all your hardware requirements as wei . Builders Hardware We have a most complete line and our prices are lower than ever. Mechanic's Tools Everything needed for every work man on the hAiilding. Guttering and Spouting You know our reputation in this line. Nothing but ' 'old style" tin used in our shop. Furnaces This is the most important. We have never made a failure. We heat every corner of your home. We wholesale and retail furnaces. PaJni We carry a full line of Heath's and Mulligan's iuiside and outside paint. Trice exactly samo as charged you at wholesale house. John Hussie Hardware Co. 2407 to 2409 Cuming Street "If you buy it of Huaeie, it's right." I Special Lawn Mower Sale During the first week in May only, any one bringing or (tending this ad to us will be given a special discount of 10 per cent from our already low prices. Riprrt (Iraarrt A Irra. 4T S. Iftlh M. Il. DIM. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oalr On Dollar tear. B i vninq Sfartkrare C w Ak for a QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO I BEST BECAUSE Toj ara WOT rsyln for bill ', faaa atmftav, clorha. trim daala.Xti, but for ri taaaluy fl avaaa Tobaro, Kll, to Import ' lVA. flikld rt tu tka maUsr fcl r.KVlUCal WSIta C30AJI CO, llsislU. as a, a. w.