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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. APRIL 30. 190.V SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES KMUIIT on PiTHIa. KB!! A SK A NO. ). K. OF P.-negul.i,-meting reining at 7.30 'i i !'' k In Myitis hall. I .', f I , Kin) Do.ikIms sti. 'if I to t s well nnn. A H. ANIiKI.H'iX. ('. C. ROV A OODUE. K. R and 3. "J HI A Nf l.tiliGK, xd. 54-Mects rvirv loculy evening a Cnslle hull. I ' 'tinmiK. Vlslims Hl.yn flunm.'. '.). P.. KI'IN'K, C. C. J. R STINK. K. R. Slid 6. :l ii1 TRU'NE 1.0IMJE. No. ftfi. K. OK P.-wl very Tiled ly hlghl nt southwest . oriiiv '.lih mill I lg". Vlelti rs welcome A. 11. ItAWITZKI!, C. c. J C. RRKWINGTOX. K. It. S. IIOYl. AKIAIIX. I.'MUX M. t pacific mi xrii,. no i" eecond h 'id fourth MoiiiIhv cn-h month at .ri8iimn hull, northwest lorner I'ilii ana llnrnev. Visitors home. N. F. KECKORiJ. Regent. CAPITOI. lMWii:. NO. .1. A. F. Hiid A. M. -Monday evening mill occur tho nnnual meeting of the lodge. Elcrtlon of officers snd other business will tske place. . R V. i 'i U.K. Master. PERSONAL SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS The following Second-hand Typewriters are all in good condition and bargains for the money: 1 Underwood typewriter $S5 00 3 Remington Xn. ii typewriter $00 00 1 Remington No. 6 typewriter ., S6O.00 1 Remington Nil (j typewriter $22 50 1 Deusmorr $:,) 00 S Fox typewriters S.iO.OO 1 Blirkensdni f. No. 7 no 00 1 Wlokensdorff r, No. S $15 00 1 Oliver, No. 2 13) 00 1 Oliver Nil 3 Mf. 00 I Smith-Premier Si'hVOO j NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 15th and Harney Sts. T84 BROADWAY, COIXCIL BU FFS. IA. 20 N. 24TH ST., SOITH OMAHA, NEB. L- NEW MR STOCKS AND BONDS Growing Conditions of Distrust Break Into Furious Biortri of Liquidation. DECLINE FROM ONE. TO TWELVE POINTS Margins Are Wiped Onl mil Tleoa- Market, Hllh out llnarrs. NEW YoRK, Arnl 23. The conditions of distrust In tha stock market which liavs been growing for some time broke Into n furious storm of liquidation todav uml swept nay nil support. Soiling tinue. pressure of necessity found practically no demand to meet It and the comprehensive slump in prlrea was the reMilt. lhe weak neaa waa multiplied by the decline in prices Hiid many additional offerings were lorced nn the market by lenders or money solici tous for the value of their collateral, by speculator desirous of limiting their losses and by holdera -n margin who were forced out by their irokers as the marglna wore wiped out. The oondltlona which resulted were those of panic. The professional bear operators, of course, added their efforts to aggravate the decline, the urgency of the selling and the lack of continence argued by the small demand to buy at any stage, of the decline naturally gave rise to many rumors of financial difficulties. The presaure under which the members of speculative pools and various stock mar ket plungers were laboring was sufficiently obvious, but to thla were ndded fears ot financial weakness In more important quar tera. Nothing developed affecting Intrinsic conditions to account for the enormous liquidation. The bank statement made a strong snowing, the considerable loan re duction together with an effective Increase In cash, expanding the volume of the sur plus by fiver one-third to nearly $1.iio,oiO. The brak in the market could not he traced to money market conditions, al though next week's henvy requirements re ceived some consideration. The tone at the closing gave no c'.ear evidence that the storm had passed, prices in some cases closing at the lowest, with the furious activity unabated. It was twenty minutes after the signal for the closing before the reporting of accumulated ' transactions on the tape was completed. ' 1 tdiiruK. ij r j rAicnu niriaii from 1 to 4 points, und for Buffulo Roch ester A Pittsburg, there was a decline of Northwestern preferred ft, Cleveland, ''minibus. Chicago A fil. Ixiuls X. Atlantic Coast I,lne 7f. I tilled States Rubber pre ferred 71.. New York Central 7 and for nil extensive list cf ndive stock from 4 to 6W, me laiier ngure ror Kt. Haul. Tnliil s iles of bonds, par vuhtc, $l,B4o.UCil. Following were the sales and ranee of prices on the. Stock exchange todav: Atchison 10,i0 83 Wi do nfd loj lev Atlimilo Coast Line.. 4o Ifci 14X Baltimore &. Ohio.... 10,7u0 ion1. 104 do pfd 100 minber uoods do pfd Tennessee C. & ! I. 8. leather do pfd F. 8. Realtv I'. Rubber do pfd C. 8. Steel do ptd Vn -Caro. Chemical. do nfd West inghnuse Ktec. Western I'nion ffei ed. Total sales for the day. 1.243,600 shares. 100 7SVi 71 S 2.7"! S yS 31 4ll lO 1"7, "-, e, ;nfi s; so y tn 114 11 11 ins . i.i.n no M f8 S.UXI Sti X) W W 1"4 M.sna ?, si 14 M.!icl l'i't fK', .yt a4 :i:;7a ;( Iftfc 105 ton V2 170 1W 100 i3 M ?1 PR. JACKSON ticats successfully chronic and nervous Ulseaxes. Cull or write. i)r. Jackson, 4IH N. Y. I,ife bldg., Omaha. Hutisfactioii guaranteed. C 232 -AI-.L up 2! and get tjie correct base la.ll score by innings. Contliicjjtnl Cigar Store, J nth and Farnam. I. M246 fOUNO working girl desires gentleman ac 'lualntancc who is respectable! nnd can appreciate an honest gtrl'B company. U 48, Bee. U-2S4 2x TRAVKLIXU salesman from the east would like to make the acquaintance of an Omaha girl who Is full of fun and Is amusing. D fil. Rw, IT 205 3x FRENCH, Spanish, German . Peltier. 1 IF. s. L'ftth. lessons. F. U i M23x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES 8E8T locution for railroad or Insurance efTlca In Omaha. Inquire at First Na tional Bank building. Walter M. Carter superintendent. I ' THRSC-8TORY and basement. 1003 rr. nam; elevator. !Ui First Nat l Bank Biag WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office, which rents for S10.00 per month. Frloe includes heat, light, water and Janitor service. It Is located 011 the fourth floor of The Bee building and Is Just the thing for any one wanting a. nice llitle office In the beet office building in town. R- C. .Peters & Co.. Rental Agents, ground floor, !.ee building. 1771 IF you arpty at onco we can give any one desiring a lurge office space almost any arrangement they desire. This space Is on the sixth fldor of The Bee building with north ilght. R. C. Peters A Co Rectal Agunts, ground floor. Be bldg ' 1-772 FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. Tula building is iax&6 feet, four stories snd a basement. The basement is a2xl3j fet. la cemented. The cel'lng over the basement has a brick uut and Iron beam construction, making the basement fire proof. The flrt floor lias a marble floor In front and granolithic noor In rear. There I a large burgiur-proof vault and a power elevator. The upper floors have windows on three sides. Addrtss Tlu Bee Building Co., C. C. Rosewstsr, Secretary, room 100 Bee bldg. 1-6S9 OFFICH for rent at a bargain. Telephone 1 Mill Tills storeroom. No. JS12 Farnam at., onlv I1X per month. Inquire R. C. Peters A i;o., grouna noor ueo uiag. 1 74S OFFICP) to rent at a bargain In the New 1 org Lire bldg. '1'hone F2uS2. T-M911 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Kligant busliie offlcfS for rent In one of tlie finest bullrtlngs In the city. Strictly modern, wlih Junitor service. CU AH K. WILLIAMSON CO.. Ciround Fluor I'. 8. Nat 'I. Bank Bldg. 1 D04 3i 10,900 149 110 3.800 aoo 100 H. 700 I. ino 28.tX 10 ICO 3.J0 1,600 1,000 100 400 100 54.900 400 1.900 ion 8.300 100 ilsoti 1.100 as. 400 2.HO0 81.000 7.700 4.700 5) 34 80 as 231 17IV4 17 314 2S 372 32V, 80 424 774 fifi 92 " 1594 2n 394 624 144 Hi3'.i 81 4 1174 214 1, 1124 ."Oil 167 FOTt RENT, lioolhs. stoics and stalls, also German roof garden immcdiatclv opposite S4..1 overlooking the main entrance to the Lewis mid Clark fair H. E. Noble, 31S Commercial hlk., Portland, Oregon. I-M1T0 May 2x do nfd Canadian Pacific .. Central of N. J Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago O. W Chicago A N. W.... C M. A 8t. P Chicago T. A T do pfd C. C, C. A St. La. . . . Colorado A Southern do 1st pfd do 2d nfd DelrtWHre A Hudson.. Delaware, I.. A W. . . Denver A Rio Grande do pfd Krie do iRt pfd do lid tifd Hocking Valley no pro . , Illinois central , Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville A N Manhattan 1. Met. Securities Metropolitan SI. Ry Mexican Central ... Minneapolis A St. I, M.. 8t. P. A 3. St. M do pfd Missouri Pacific Missouri, K. & T... do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd.. New York Central... N. Y., O. & W Norfolk A Western. do pfd Northern Pacllic ... Pennsylvania P.. C.jC. a si. 1. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co... do nfd St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd. St. L. Southwestern, do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway do pfd Texan A Pacific . T.. St. U A W.... do pfd Union Pocilic .... do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling A I.. K Wisconsin Central.... do pfd Adams Express, American Express... '' 8. Express Wells-Farso i:nr.u Amalgs, Copper 79!oo American C. A F . . . . 4,2110 i.w American Cotton Oil. do pfd American Ico .... do pfd " American Linseed Oil do pfd Amer. Locomotive... do pfd American 8. A R . do pfd Amer. Sugar Refln.' Amee TnTi n Anaconda Mining Co. l.ioo m j.j..ivivii n. 1 25 700 Kt r , oc 1 1S.2II0 .onaolidated Gas .. . 4200 Corn Products .... aim .'111 Distillers' Sec irities. General Electric . International Paper. do pfd International Pump do Dfd Na'ional Lead North American . Pacific Mall ;., Peoples Gas Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car" Republic Steel .. 27,100 .. 3.700 .. 4,000 400 .. 2S.100 . . 3.900 .. 4.D00 100 700 .. 66.900 "126,400 700 '.. 2H.tio6 1,000 UK) 800 3.310 14,200 984 28Vi 61 4 364 1474 62V 784 914 1724 1394 934 4 804 7rt B64 C4 HO 4 14n MM) 1 1 7Vi 10.700 314 200 . 10.700 700 . 1.70O .212,100 . 1,800 Hi 10 300 .. 1.100 .. tiro 300 300 PRINTING PRINTIMf; MEMORIAL CARDS; ar rilll"Mlllvj ,1()lK. dtliB1. rt. E. cor. I.YNGbTAL) 11 h "d Capitol ave. 792 KRAMER A HANDIER. QUICK PRINTERS. 1108-0S Douglas at. To ds liver work when pronged is our liubby. URKAT WESTERN PRINTLNTJ CO., loll Cspltol ave.. Il. 1406: fully equipped for ell kinds of printing. M 14 LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACI'ARIAND, Nsw York Life bldg., rooms S04 and 212. Tel. Iiu2. 734 ATTORNEYS tver w here. The New Snow. Church Co., mum ., X. Y. L. 'Phone lid. -Y3 W. If. HATTEHOTII. Attorney, notary. 44 Barker blk M415 TREES. SHRUBS, , ETC. FOR BARGAINS in fruit snd shade trees cell si Crescent Nursery sales ground, list and F. n in. 'Phone Siif. -M4J MARTIN Nursery, 18th and PiioiwM04. 1 ougla M.Vx OSTEOPATHY Juhnson Institute. bU N Y. Ufe bldg. Tel 1M4 MRS. JOHN R MrPICK. Osteopathy Phy uun; orUce. Nevllir hl.k. 'lei. 2K23. -7 DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. Mss Sturdy. Phone A : M. 77 IR8. F 8XYDFR.. fancy gowns and even l ig rcais a specialty; reasonable prices. :i N. li'th. li 700 200 400 100 lUO 28,200 26,600 9.800 3. Soil Sou :.oik 810 jno 1.300 4lrtl l.fliO .ioo 1 '300 100 96 334 8'i W4 12:4 204 434 17 214 74 2SS" 124 814 36'J 99 33 B4 4f4 324 80 l4 225 17i4 17 30 91 18.1 3724 ill 86 41 7 t 4 924 167 26 264 F9 1414 IK) 4 754 US 204 HO" 167 9 68 344 141 49 764 914 169 1874 884 91 274 65 "2 664 54 1164 24 4 4 36 644 1)8 19" 414 16 20 464 230" 124 784 334 4 32 Si 174 174 47 1134 111-4 136" 9.1 110 6X4 424 2011 12 4"4 171 2i4 794 494 1144 117 134 .ic, 20 134 3i 4 1744 214 44 1014 j9; 1044 39 934 I.SoO 424 too 38 1024 36 834 174 824 1014 149 1044 95 1454 1944 494 324 81 4 194 224 1704 17 95 25 5K 34 1834 870 30 844 41 76 6.1 904 167 26 52 25 56 1414 161 75J lift 204 no 110 156 964 264 84 142 494 n 91 168 1874 89-4 Ml 86 28 74 65 214 564 64 llh 284 95 304 35 54 118 98 19 414 151? 46 246 230 124 240 784 31 85 324 94 6 374 17 43 47 113 1124 1194 136 . 95 I'O 594 424 2014 61 iff IT 30 80 434 100 38 1"24 .164 93 238 174 l.oadon Stocks a ad Bonds. LONDON. April 2J.-Closing quotations stocks snd bonds: V.X. T. Ontrnl . isVNnrfols A W . lo pM , MTiiOnlsrio A W ,IP 1 Prptviviint :(iH Rni) Min .tM'4 Resiling v. I "lo 1st pt . . do '.' i r' l .IH sin. .1 u llij; . o pid . 33 Isouthem Purine .... . SfciVn'on Psi-lfl'- . 4.1 do p'd . l S. Steel . T4 do Pd IKW.htnh .1191 do pM firm. 26-id per ounce. on Consoti. mnn .. do acrtunt Anamnila '. Af-hlpnn 4o pfd fUMtmor A Ohio 1 ni1itn Painc hrr Ortie ... I hii-tso til . . V. M. A St. P .. DeReeri Ilfnrsr A R. O . . do pfd En. do lt ptd do Id Dfd IlllnoH Onlr.l . . f.oulp. Nsib.... M., K. A T ?ILVER-Rr :i2i4 4 ' 71 10", 4 4T .i:e .10fl' . as' . ii- OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Beef 8teen and Oowi Thirty to Torty Centi Lower for the Week. HOGS AT LOWEST POINT SINCE MARCH Sheep Abovt steadr for Week, bat Lambs Have Pleea Slow Sale and I'rlees Jast Aboot Tweaty-Flve (esti Lower All Arsis, 8.0UTH OMAHA. April , 1?04. M'INEY 224 per cent. Die rMt" of discount in the open market for short bills Is 2U per cent: for three months' bills. 2 3-16f(24 per cent. nt York Mlnlnsc Stocks. NEW YORK. April 29 The following ate the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adsmt t'on 20 tittle Chief 6 Allre R4 Oniirlo 4oo Brtv li ;Ophlr 100 Brunswlik Con 4 IPhnsnU 8 Comstork Tunnel .... I 'Foto! li Con. CU. A vs :of I savage V limn siltar Its : Sierra Nevsos 45 l-on Silver 310 Smsll Hopst it Leidvills Con t l8iiadrd lis Offered. ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. April 29.-MONET-On call, nominally steady: no loans: time loans ste.ndv; sixty days and ninety days. per cent; six months. 34 per cent. FHI.MrJ Mf.tiCA. I ll.fci t'APEK 34rg44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady with actual business in bonkers bills, at $4 .8650 4 .-.60 fir demand anu .it l4.84oofi I.84'i0 for sixty day bills. Posted rates. 4.8."4 and 14.874. Commercial bills, S4.8ru4.R44. SILVER Bar, 574c; Mexican dollars, 444c. BONDS Government steady, railroad weak. Closlns prlceh on bonds were: r. 8. rf. 2i. res 104H Jptn Hi, rtii IM, u S. unl . . 104 Msnhltlsn c. .. 4s li 'Mil. I'.nlril 4t do roupon I' 8. .If. re(. do coupoo . t. S. ti.w 4i, do coupon . V. 8. old 41, res do coupon Am. Tobsico 4t, cits. rf . do As. lit ft. .. Atthtion en. 4s. .. do id). 4i B. I A ublo 4s.... do I'll Central of Os. (.. do )nt inc do Sil Inr Ches. A Oblo 4Ha. Ctalogo A A. I'll. C , B & g. a. 4s. C, K. I. A P. 4s. do rol. 6l. 11JV, ..11124 .. V ..11)3(4 .. ..ll 114 .. 76 ..107-H .. If, .. ss .. i:h fn:. A st. L. 1. 4..lfiiv, tlilrsgo Tr. 4s. Colorado Mid. 4s... Colo. A 80. 4s Cuba Si, ctfi D. A R. G. 4i.... Distillers' Sec. 6s... Erls prior lltn 4i... do sen. 4a r. w. a p. c. is. Hocking Val. i'tt. Olfered. 71 . S34i llMW .inn. . Pi .10: . u it,. .1111, 7 Hi l'i3, 104 ! IS inau M !. SOU, KV, . .13614 ....llv, .... 71 ....1014 .... H, ... .ll)44i . 1: ! do Irt inc Minn. A St. L. 4a M . K. A T. 4a... do Is N. R. R. of M. c N. Y. C. ( i,a. S. J. C. s. 6a... No. Pacific 4a.... do 3a N. A XV. v. 4a... O. 8. L. rfdf. 4 I'enn. ronv. HVbs. Heading sen. 4a. . St L A I. M. 0 He .117 .-It I,. A 8. P. ff. 41. l"4 St. L,. S. W. c. 4a ... 934 .Seaboard A. U 4a.. . 8 in. ParlOc 41 Iti .-In Hallway lit Tesaa A P. la m'4 I'., ft. I A W. 4a... M iinlon Pacific 4a U'i1' do conv. 4a. J. S. Steel Jil it rVabuh la do deb. fi Vcjtlrn Md. 4a.. W. A I. E. 4s .. Wla. Central 4a.. . 7 .111 . 74 . KVW . sV . 4 Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. April 29 Call loans, 3'0'4 per cent; time loans, 34ijj44 per cent. Official closing of stocks snd bonds: Atrhlaon id. 4a Hit Waatlnshoua com do Mex. Central 4a. . . Atchlaon do pfd Bnatoii A Albany Boeton A Maine... Boaton Klsvsted .. Kit. hours Pfd Mexican Central ... N. V.. N. H. A H. Per Marquette ... Union PacISc Amer. Arse. Cbem. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tube.. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd Potninlon I. A S... Rdlson Kler. Illu.. General Electric ... Mi. Electric do ptd Mars. Uat lulled Fruit United Shot Mach.. do pfd V. 8. Bteel do pfd AsKcd. "Bia. . .101s .. 74 .. U4 . .luiw ..., ..I7 .141', .. I'D! . .:(' .. .. M . . k 1V, ..I3il ..inn . 20 .L'SI .171 .lie . Hi 431, .101 . 1 . .IH4 . 97V Adventure Allouex Amalsamated .. American Zinc Atlantic Hlnsham Cat. A Heels... Centennial Copper Range .. uaiy wait Oomlnloa Coal . Franklin Uranby lale Royals .... Man. Mlulng .. Mich I aau Mohawk Mont. C. A C. Old Dominion .. Osceola Parrot Qutnry Shannon Trinity United t opper . V. S. Mining... f. 8. Oil Utah V'lctorls Wlnons Wolverine 13 J 12 14 31 ! II 71 14 14 i'e .5 , 11 4a1, .l , as , it 7 , 404a, . 42M .loea AUJOMOBILES "rTh.0.1 LRore buylrrTVuTo: mobile or supplies send for free samols ropy of the eadlng and largest autmfo! blla Journal In the world, From Z ii V more automobniHnforrn.: tlon than you can get elsewhere with . month', effort Write today Automobile" J7rhV!p ' F"b"'t Ph''! PATENTS H. A. BTL'RGIDS. reaiatersri i...rnw. ants tr4 tv..i.. T. .uTj: 'i' u.. T r:.7'.v.,1.,.,i no ' on- inu..iui, on r. ure, tin HUES A CO.. patent sttornevs Tt .v,i "T: D' CV Plalte V. 8. patent office. Advtoe and patent blanks free. -480 jyT OCKAlf ITESMERI. ANCHOR LINE V. 9 MAIL STEAMERS NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND QLA8QOW. NEW YORK. GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES Euperlor eccommodttlon. Excellent Cuisine The Comfort of Psssengers Carefilly Con sidered. Hingis flr Round Trin Tickets Is. sued between New York and Scotch, Eng lish, Irish and all prlnclnal continental points at attraotivs rates. Bend for Rook of Tours. For t'ekets or general Information apply to any local agent of ths Anchor Line HENDERSON BROS , General Agents, Chicago. III. piaacr rsssiNUEH skkvii.e to NORWAY. SWEDEN AND DENMARK ne net lo.ooe tsa twta.eersw aieernert MFT'.LfO PLAV. CNITCD STATE!. OSC1R II., H ELI. IO OLAV. UNIT ED STATES. Oscar ii.. froa Ne Tork. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN LINE. Ha 1 w Terk Mar II star 14 J jae f Jun, 41 July I July U) Clearing; House Averages. NEW VOJIK. April. 28. The of average of the clearing Ijanks of this city inis wren snows: Loans. Sl.li97.9O2.100. decrease. M ass son deposits, SI. 146,5a, 600, decrease, 85.140.000: circulation. S44.149.S"), decrease, S284.000; chni iiuifrw, eoo,iw. v, increase, ja,aia 000 specie. S217.715.100, increase il,598.200; reserve! n'," increase, ss,aui,2ix; reserve quirea, iJsn.tviJ.ieo, increase, gl,:tttf.0n0; sur plus, Jlti.bH6.240 Increase. S..217,2iO; ex- I nited states deposits. S20.869.9jo. Increuiw 85.182,050. Hank Clearings. OMAHA. April 29. Rank clearings todav m-.f 11 htn CKfl 'XL . u " - " - T. vi 11113 i -oi 1 eruotu ins day of 1904 the clearings were 81,270,613.77. WEATHER IN THE tiRAl.N BELT, Clear East, Receipts were; omciai sionnay Official Tuesday , titticlsl dnesdsv .... Oflicml Thursday ' ' .1 Friday -iin.ia Saturday Total thla wsek Total last week ... '! 8sme days week before Same three weeks ago Baine four weeks ago.. Ha me davs last vear Total April, 1905 April, April. April, April. April, April, April, April, April, J8tsj... 1903.. 1902.. 19n1.. 1900.. 1 . . ISMS.. 1S97.. 1896.. RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The followlna table shows the receluta of cattle, hogs and sheep st South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last ear: In West and Clondr In with Rains and Cooler. OMA1IA Inrll -JO The weather Is clear west of h xi.E..,,',i river to the mounulns. It is cloudv In thu Mlssissiunl va lev and throus-hnnt o and south. Iigiit showers are scattered over the extreme upper valleys and bb. irgiun, una inuiiaerstormi with moderately Heavy rams are ganerai in tne Ohio ana lower Mississippi valleys and west gulf D.ll CI, The wosther Is cooler in the ley rv. will probably continue cool to night Hnd Suntiity. Omnha record of tpmnArat ni- an cipjtatlon comparixl with th rorrrvpondlnaT J mo yrx ri u J r-W IK . ... , I!s5. 1P04. 1H0.!. Iftij minimum temperature 44 47 29 46 Precipitation on .on 1.24 .no isormal temperature for todav. 55 de glees. Ueflclency In precipitation since March 1 26 of an Inch. . excess corresponding period in 1904. .12 of an men. Deficiency corresDOndlna- neriod In ivi. M I 1 " ' m v tivii... "T indicates trace of precipitation. OMAHA DISTRICT REPORT8. Temp Rain. Stations. Max. Min. Inches. 8ky, Ashland. Neb.... 72 38 .02 Clear Auburn, Neb 74 40 .00 Clear Columbus, Neb.. 1.2 35 .11 Clear Falrbury. Neb. ..68 87 T Clear Fairmont. Neb... 66 36 . 00 Clear O". Island. NeL. 63 36 .() Clear Hartlngton. Neb. 58 38 .10 . Pt. cloudy w.imir, .rii.,., w a; i t lea r Omaha, Neb 68 44 . 02 Clear Teksmah. Neb... 6a 40 .06 Clear Carroll, la 61 37 T Clear Clarlnds. la 70 40 . 00 Clesr Sibley, la 61 .18 Clesr Rloiix City, Is... 56 42. .04 Clear Storm Lake, la.. 67 37 . 02 Clear DISTRICT AVERAGES. Central. Chicago Columbus .... pes Molnee... Indianapolis .. Kansas City.. 1-oulsvllle Minneapolis .. Omaha St. Louis Ixical Forecaster. Weather Buresu. l.lTerpool Orgln Market. LIVERPOOL. April je.-WHEAT-Spot dull; No. 1 California, (a 844; futures, quiet: May. s S4d; July, 6s bd, Septem rer. ss ia. CORN Spot, qui it; American mixed new, 4s !d. American mixed, old, 4s futurts. quiet; May. 4s 2d; July, 4s 24d. Mllwsskee Grain Market. MILWAl'KEE. April 28 . WHEAT-Dul) No. 1 northern. 97c; July. 82c asked. RYE-Pull and essy: No. 1, 78c. B . RLE Y- Market steady; No. i. ole nominal; sample, 3TTvlc CORN Easy, No. 8. 454160, May. 45JI No. of Temp. Rain. Stations. Msg. Mln. Inches. ...23 78 48 .18 ... 16 7 56 .55 ..14 64 40 .02 .. 11 9u (4 .58 ..22 80 42 .04 ... K 84 56 .46 ,.. 26 62 36 .04 ... IS '.4 3S .04 .13 80 48 .ut L. A. WELSH, PEORIA. 8 yellow. 4ic; Peoria Market April 2J-CORN Total Total Total Tolal Total Total Total Total Total Cat'.!' ... J. 44.1 ... 4,157 . . . h . two ... 8.386 . .. 1,!K.1 ... 3 ...15.611 17,877 30,314 16.331 16.810 ..26.419 ..70.280 ..89,996 ..87,16 .67,497 ..61,377 ..59,927 ..60,332 .53,665 ..61.811 ..8.1,828 Hogs. Sheep. 4 bio 10 1 12,110 .! 1,576 .SB 6.726 46,326 87.543 42.782 84.240 41.905 70.878 166.247 34,830 18K.564 190.786 195.1r2 169, 671 166.554 147, m 108.850 8S.6M 6.161 8.077 .fwl 89.29 44.809 88.828 .19, 806 S6.141 22.680 157.236 120.248 104.716 81.7a 1U.616 91.868 109.479 136.6S8 66.8T9 20.114 Cattle Hogs Sheep The following table price of boars at Mouth Omaha tor the last several days, wltu, comparisons: 103. 275,569 772,279 6611,761 shows 1904 Dec. 328.733 56.164 828. 8Sl te.nOB bV),006 18.314 the average April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April July April April April April April April April April April April April April April 1- 1 10. 11. 12.. 13.. 14.. 15. 16. 17. . 17.. 19.. 20.. 21.. 22.. 23.. 24.. 25.. 26.. 27. 28.. IS.. 6 164 1164! 6 20 6 284 180 J264 6 2M I 6 86 4 5 91 6 28 905. 18O4.llsj3.!19O2.19Ol.il90O.18S9. 6 03! 7 S0 S 661 6 87' I 8 64 a US T 29i 6 U6. S 001 i OS! S SS e SB B U i 631 tt lsi 2i 3 63 6 86 6 301 I 66 I 861 t 80 t Si I 68 6 271 8 64 W16 Oil e I) M T 26i 88 I Mi i 88 7 261 S 78! 6 871 s 3l 3 68 4 9l 7 211 b 89 i 91 1 6 86! 8 61 4 S7 I 88 6 88 6 S3 8 63 4 801 7 28 I 041 k 40 8 61 0 4 a si 7 Zi 6 13 7 26, VI I 00 4 3 4 80 4 M 6 26SI 4 86 7 21 6 I 6 304 1 4 Mi 7 161 6 851 6 Oil I 3 72 f oa, i ui a i 1 s v) im -B 224 I 7 03 6 Wl i 82 1 6 65 8 72 6 874 4 79 7 141 6 92- 6 84 6 4U 8 (8 6 2t;U, 4 761 6 861 i 881 6 46 1 3 71 b 2341 4 81 7 101 6 85 5 46 1 S 76 l 2941 4 T8 7 10J 6 8 15 421 3 77 6 8241 4 81 1 7 06 6 86 0 80 I 3 72 I 4 Sii 7 Oil 6 86! 6 50 6 36; 6 354i I 7 04 S 96 ii 7K 6 S2 3 67 5 264 7 74 7 041 7 C3 b 77 6 St 3 65 6 224 , 4 78, 6 98 6 77 1 6 8, 8 65 I 0 I84; 4 74 6 92 B 73 6 84 8 67 6 104l 4 71 6 83; 6 07 I 6 87 3 69 6 lot,, 4 66j 6 77! 7 03 B B I 3 68 through, so that not much of a test of the market was made. As a matter of fact, however, buyers did pot seem 10 be very anxious for supplies. For the week receipts ahow a loss s compared with Inst week of about 6.0011 head, but as compared with the same week of last ear there is an Increase of shout 16,000 head. The mutton market In the eset has been In bad shspe this week and Chi cago reports a big drop In prices for fst stuff. At this point, however, the supply of sheep has been rather limited anil with a fslr demand desirable grades have held about steady. Common and part fat kinds, though, have been slow sale and a trifle lower. The bulk of the receipts all the week consisted of lambs and as a result packers have been able to break the market Just about 25c. on both the good and medium grades. At most of the otber markets the decline Is considerably more than ttiHt. so that prices here are well In Hue with thoss being psld at other markets Quotations for clipped stock: U"Od to choice lambs. 8n.7V.!6 .); fair to good lambs. S6iXV55.75; good to 1 holes Colorado wooled lambs, 37.po7.i; good to choice veailings. S5 2"fio 60; fair to good yearlings ti.o! j.:6; good to choice wethers 84 80-d 5 00 : fair to good wethers. 84 5nd40; good to choice ewes. S4.50'ii4.85; fair to good rwf, $4 mwif 4 50. Wooled stock sfl!s from 7bc to SI 0 per hundred pounds higher than clipped stock. Representative rules: No. 8 western bucks i native lambs 6 native ewes 14 western lambs Av. ... 120 . 135 . 182 Tr 5 00 R W S 50 7 10 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKKT Cattle, Sheep and Lambs Are Steads- Hogs Easy. CHICAGO, AnVil 29. CATTLE Receipts, 2o0 head; market steady; good to prime steers. 36.76j6.50: poor to medium. JI.2."iP 6.40: stockers and feeders. S2.75ir5.25; cows, '4.75; heifers. 32.s04i5.50: csnneis, Sl-b'W bulls. S2.5t&4.75: calves. S3.U0iii6.76. HOUR Recelnta. 8.000 head: estimated Monday, 36.000 head: market easy; mixed and butchers,; gooil, to choice heavy. S5.0nfj6.30; rough heavy, S4..'.'vi( I S6; light. SS.OOfce 274: bulk of sales. $5."JiH"5.26. SHEEP AND LAMBS-RecelptS). 2.K head; sheep and lambs steady; good to choice wethers, shorn, 4 fardfi 00; fair o choice mixed, shorn. S4.iWj4.50; western sheep, shorn, S3.6iro6.0o: native lambs, rhorn, S4.00if.50; western lambs. S6.76'ri7.40. 2.40; Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in by each road was: Hogs. Sheep. Horses. C. M. & 8t. P. Ry 4 Wabash 1 Mo. Pac. Ry 2 U. P. System 28 34 " C. & N. W. Ry 3 F., E. & M. V.R. R 27 B. A M. Ry 8 1 1 C, B. A Q. Ry 2 C. R. I. A. P.. East 3 Chi. Great Western 3 Total receipts 82 35 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or neHO indicated Omaha PacklnR Co. . Bwlt't and Company , C'udahy Packing Co. Armour A c ompany Martin A Gregoa ... S. A 8 Other buyera Total Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 8.:7 14 1.358 1.421 7 1,528 409 181 6.836 28 Kansas I lly l.lve Stock 'Market. KANSAS CITY, April 28. CATTLE Re ceipts. 600 head. Including 25" southerns. Market unchanged. Choice export and dressed beef steels, S".50iji6.(i0; fair to good, 34.26V6.40; western fed steers. S4 501i6.26: stockers and feeders. S3.fl04i6.00; southern steers. 33.5oiSj6 75; southern cows, S2.2'.i 4.50; native cows, 82.-54.75; native heifers. S3.50 tr6.60; bulla, 82.754.76: calves, Hi.:i, re ceints tor the week, 24,300. HOGS Receipts. ."..OnO head; market slow to steady; top, $6,524: bulk of sales. S.V1U-! 6.20; heavy, 86.lrVa6.224; packers. So liKob 2o; pigs and light, S4.25i5.1u. Receipts for the week. 46.300. SHEEP AND LAMBS-'Recelpts, none; market nominally steady; native lambs. S5.5tkf.r7.On; native wethers. $4..Wifi.; native fed ewes, S4.25rn6.2o; western rod iiimns, S5.50i37.00; western fed yearlings, S".0ii'iiti.2o; western fed sheep, 14.2615.65; stockers ,uid feeders, 83.00(65.00. Receipts for the week. 24.000. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, April 29. CATTLE Receipts, 290 head, and market stenriy. Native. Si.oirai.a); cows ana tuiieis. 6.35; stockera and feeders, 83.0Oj(5.OO. HOGS Receipts. 3.869 head; market wonk. 6c lower; light. 86.106.174: medium nnd 266 head; market GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat in Weak Foition Throiih Otod Wmther and Bf sriphiiMi of Crod. JULY WHEAT SOLO AND SEPTEMBER BOUGHT included. 14'r-fllk. liV: extras. ! firsts lo-csr, 16c . pilms firsts, slcldj, III'. 1 : u HIHh M lllkKT torn shorts Will Not Kind It 4 on. venlenl in Deliver lonia t hl- Makea llrnvy Lake Shipment,. iilit heavy. J5. 12456 20. SHEEP Receipts, steady; lambs, 87 30. Sloox City Live Stock Market. 8IOCX CITY. April 29.-(Spec.lal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts 250 head; mar ket steady; beeves, 34.Otma.uO; cows, hulls and mixed, S3.0i&6.00; stockers and feeders, S3.otVfr4.40; calves and yearlings, t3.tKslai4.2r.. HO18 Receipts, 3.600 head; market steady; selling at 34.856.124: bulk of sales, S5.066.074. No. 3. 47c; grade. 44. OAT8-Vnchaiiged; No. 4 white, 34c Steady: No. No. 4, 4c; no No. I whits, 284tc; CATTLE There were no fresh receipts of cattle here today with which to make a test, of the market. 'or the week receipts show a loss of about 2,000 head as com pared with last week and a loss of about 11,000 head as compared with the same week of last year. Supplies at other points have also been light, no that the decrease as compared with last week at six of the leading markets amounts to a 0011 1 zo.uou head. This, of course, make quite a dif ference In the amount of dressed meat available to meet the requirements of the trade. In suite of that fact the fat cattle market this week has been the most unsatisfactory from the sellers' standpoint of any that haa bnen experienced In somo little time. Packers claim that the dressed meat trade In the east is in bad shape and conse quently they have beeu very bearish and have broke the market on beef steers about 30 to 40 cents at all points. This decline Is not confined to the commoner grades, as tho aood to choice cattle have suffered about as much as the common cattle. The condition of the market next week, oper ators say. depends almost entirely upon the size of the receipts, as they think tho dresaed beef market needs a little breath ing spell. Good to choice beef steers are quotable from S5.76 to 36.16. fair to good S5.iX)g6.76 and common to fair S4.ntisr8.oo. The market on cows ana nejrers nas stir fered the same as the trado on steers. The decline on the bulk of the cattle, Including I the better grades, Is around 30 to 40 cents. A few cows are beginning to arrive that how signsi of .grass, snd the loss on that class is a trifle more than on the others. It has been a slow, mean market an tne week. Good to choice grades are quotable from 84.350fi.OO; fair to good. S3.60t!j4 26: common to fair. 32 2r.iff3.60. Good veal calves hsve held about steady, best grades selling up to 86.00. The common kinds, though, are a nttie lower. The supply of stockers and feeders was rather limited Isst week, and as there was a fair demand from the country, the mar ket has held Just about steady in spite of the big slump in prices on fat cattle. Some of the commoner grades may be a trifle lower, but anything at all desirable Is sell ing in Just about the same notches as a week ago. As high ss 36 00 was paid this week for some choice hay-feds and good to clioice feeders may be quoted from 14.60 to STiOO. Fair to good cattle sell from S4.00 to 34 60 and the common to fair grades go mostly from 33 00 to S3 75. HOGS There was about a normal run of hogs here this morning and the market showed very little change from yesterday. At the opening prices were Just shout steady with yesterday's best time and trads was active, tho ruling prices being St 10 and S0.124. Most of the hogs changed hands on that basis at an early hour, but, the same as w-as the case yesterday, buy era beared the market on the extreme close snd tried to buy the last hegs under 85.10. Bslesmen held on for the morning prices, so that it wss rather lale before a complete clearance waa made. The bulk of the hogs could be placed at 36.074 to 35.124. with the choicest loads selling up to 85.15. For the week the receipts of hogs havu been quite liberal, there ielng an increase over last week of about 9.000 head, but as compared with the same week of last year there is a decrease of about 25,000 head. Packers have been bearish all the week at all of the markets and hsve succeeded in breaking the market a little over 20 cents. This decline carries the market to the lowest point reached since March 30. As compared with a year ago. however, the market is about 44 centa higher. Represen tative sales: Pr. I Hi I 10 I i is 10 I 10 I in I 1 I II I 11 I 11 6 U' I ll4j 1 1: 6 1ZS, I Ilk, I liV I 1", I i:v, I 1V, 1 it-, U', I ut l if, 1 ui. I it, I tit, 1 lit 1 11, 1 nt I nt lit 1 lit 1 ii', I It' I 12', I li II I le I II SHEEP There wss a b ar run reported this nmrnlng. about lO.nro being on sale. M'leyWV" ut them, however, were billed Ht. I.onls Live Stork Market. - ST. LOUIS, April 29. CATTLE Receipts, none. None on sale. HOGS Receipts. 7"0 head; market steady; pigs and lights. 34.OOfi5.10; packers. So.oofjl 6.15: butchers and best heavy. Su.OBaBSi. SHEEP Recelpta none. None on sale. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: cattle, nogs, oneep. OMAHA. April 29. l'.0o. with every prospect for fair weather over Sunday, with the crowd bearish and mostly on 1 lie short s do, and no outside buvlng. is In a wenk position. The May wheat closed Friday night 4c lower than ti was the same night Isst year. .The July wheat was 14c lower and the September 4c lower than a enr ago In corn lhe Mty closed at the same llgure it did a yoar ago, or 464c. The July ns 4o nnd the Sep tember i,c lower than a year ago. The May nuts closed 124c lower than a car ago. The Mav this morning opened at 97c, advanced to Jj,,. and returned to 87c at the close. 1 he high and low points Friday were '9c and 88'c. The July recalled 83c and 814c for high and low today and closed st 82c. Friday the extremes were M4c arid 824 c. The trade was light In the wheat and confined to the professionals. Gates Is reported to have bought a lot of short Wheat in Minneapolis. Cash wheat Is said to be selling in Chi cago at prices which cannot be met in the southwest by as much as 4c. Minneapolis loaded out 270 L'ars of wheat. Including 41 cars of No. 1 northern snd 38 cars of No. 2 northern. The world s shipments are esti mated at 9.6OO.O11O bushels. The Australian shipment" are M6 oon hushelH, against 824.000 last week a id 1.124.000 Inst year. There Is a disposition to huv Julv wheat and sell September on ihe theory that the small stocks of wheat makes It unsafe to be short the July at such a low premium. It Is said that W'renn will deliver over a million bushels of corn on May sales the first of the week. They have been bearish on corn for annm time and have held the casli corn since December. Shipping houses were active in taking off their hedges in May and July yesterday, four houses buying 600.000 bushels. If the corn longs stend bv their holdings on the first delivery day, Monday, it Is probable ihe shorts will cover for the present. The clearances are 670,'W bush els. Tho May corn ranged between 4t'.,r. and 464c for' high and low. against 46e and 454c Friday. Shippers sre bidding at Illinois stations for corn to go south equivalent to 4S4e, Chicago, for No. 3 coin, and 4S4c for No. 3 yellow corn. This . would indicate that there Is very le chance of corn coming from that section at the present time on the basis of present prices 111 the market. Corn was chartered at Ic and 14"'. Chicago to Ruft'aln, Ihe outside true being up the 1 r loaning. lhe amount contracted mr was 400,ooo bushels. The primary leceipts of com ate 168,hi bushels, against 196.000 bushels, and the ..hlpments Hie 442,000 bushels, against 2C,(.0O bushels. Omaha C'nali Sales. WHEAT No. 3 hard, 1 car, 674 Ihs., 83c. Omaha lash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 90c; No. 3 hard. 76 H5c; No. 4 hard. Hflifi76c; No. 3 spring. 9oc. CORN NO. 2. 43i,c: No. 3, 43'c; ISO. -I, 424c; no grade. 3(irii41e; No. 2 yellow, 44c; io. 4 yellow, ww. .mi, . wruie, 4ic; ino. s w hile, 434c. . . OATS No. 2 mixed. 28iic: No. 3 mixed. 2c; No. 4 mixed, 274c; No. 2 white, 294c; No. 3 white, 29c; No. 4 white, 284c; star.dard, 294c. C'arlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Chicago 62 62 Kansas city 4:1 in : Minneapolis 131 Duluth -1 St. lunula 8 Si 27 Omaha 8 7 Minneapolis Wheat Market. The range of prices psld In Minneapolis, ss reported by the Edwaras-wooo com pany. 110-111 Board of Trads, was: 86 260 5i O 280 200 6,; 3.600 3.1)00 3.859 700 3.0O0 9,986 266 2,'oo6 1,276 19,884 12,262 South Omsha Sioux City .. Kansas City St. Joseph .... St. Louis Chicago . Total 81. Louis General Market. ST. IOL"IS, April 29. WHEAT Lower ; No. 3 red cash, elevator. 874924c; track, 90c; May, 874c; July, 784c; No. 2 hard. 89(6lc. CORN Weak: No. 2 cash. 46c; track, 474(48c; May, 454tt454c; July, 45c. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 28c: track, 2S4o; May, 274c; July. 274'; X'o. 3 white, 31Uc. FIXUR Dull. Red winter patents. 34.06 4.80; extra fancy and straight. Sls'KBt..; car, S8.608 3 90. SEED Timothy, steady. 32.00'ii 2.60. CORNMEAL Steady. 32.60. ' BRAN Lower and dull; sacked east track. 70c. HAY Dull; timothy, SS.50fil2.6O; prairie, 8 CHI'S 9.50. IRON COTTON TIES 99c. BAGGING 84c. nt.-M TWINKfiUe. pBOVlSllONf Pork, higher: Jobbing. SH.50. Ijird. steady; prime steam. S66i4- Dry salt meats, steady; noxea extra, "nuru,, clesr ribs. 87.12; short clears, S7.3i4. liaeon, steady: boxod extrs shorts. Si '6; clear ribs thnrt clear. S7.87'4. pijl jyj r 1 urneys ano tiucr.i-, mn, chickens. 1040: springs. S4.onB6.o per doa. ; turkeys. 12c; ducks, wc; geese, w. BClTER Steady; creamery, 20&28o dairy, 1214e. EGGS Steady at 144c, case count. Receiots. Shipments 7.000 8.000 8.IKI) 36.000 31.000 fl.iKkl 27,000 28,000 ha. Av. Sh. rr. No. at. sh IT sni a 1 0714 t X Jtn TI 244 IN I 10 II N IS 14 KM 120 I IS UI 44 fl Ill Ml I IS II ?41 40 73 im im 1 1 17 m ... 10 40 1 in ii I4i to TI 3't 1M I 1 III txi 12 e Ml i t 1 TT til ... TS Ill M 111 II M 1M II n ... I 1 14 !l 40 T4 Ill ... I 10 TI til ... II Ill ... I 10 III 140 40 l Ill ... S 10 M 171 ... TI 141 40 10 71 31T too I HI ... I 10 M 144 M0 II HI 40 I II TI Ml ... 1 tl 40 I 10 M f4 ... IT Ill SO I 10 M rtt IM TO Il ... I to TT Ill to TI Ill M 111 TI 141 110 tt !W 00 I 10 M Ill ... V 1.1 M HI 17 Ill 110 IT HI 10 I 10 T 110 ... TT 2':t II III II Ill ... 0 2!4 ... I 10 M MO ... TI ill ISO I 10 II Ill SO w . . ... :j ... 1 in 14 ?m o 44 IM ... I 10 14 1T 1J0 4 2ol HI 111 . lr as TI HI 1W I 10 TI Ill ao 1 :.T ID I 10 M 17T ... T4 f l in I 10 Tt 7 0 M tsl ... I 10 II Ill TO Ill l I pi 17 fo7 ... ti :n :m i 10 11 ht o Ii 111 M0 I 10 tU 120 44 !il ... ill II ..... .r M 1 Ut ... I Pi I" Ill M TI l:S . . I in 1 144 ... ;'. a 1 ii ii i 7 mi 120 1 it Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Aprl 29. WHEAT t.nwr: Msv. 7Uc: Julv. 724c : September. 704c. Casli: No. 2 hard, 82G89C: No. 3. 79-8fic: No. 4. 65fi0c; No. 2 red, 82ifjf9c; No. 1 Kfp. VoRN-Uwir: Mav. 424c; July. 424c: September. 42c. Cash: No. I mixed. 444'n 45c; No. 3, 44415444c; Is0 1 white, 4&4'fj. 46c; No. 3, 46c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 31c; No. mixed, 2!1i2!4c. RYE Steady, 7"vr771c EGOS Steady; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2 whitewood cases Included. 144c; case count, 134c; cases returned. 4c less HAY-Stcady; holre timothy, t'J.jnrulo.OU; choice prairie, 88.008.50. tfl i"i KK-t reuinciy, 20fi23c: packing. Inc Receiots. Shipments Wheat, bu. 24.NOO 52.811 Corn, bu 80.4OU IS.wiO Oats, bu K.CJJ 9,000 -Snot mid- Cntton Market. NEW YORK. April 28 COTTON closed quiet; middling uplands. 17.85c; rillnar s-ulf 81oc. Sales. 150 balcf. NEW ORLEANS. April i9.-COTTON- Market steady. Sales, 1.200 bales. Ordinary 4l;i-l6c: good ordlnnry, 6c: low middling 6Tc: middling, 74c: good middling, 7 11-loc; middling fair, 81-10c. Receipts. 7,8 bales stor k 1,8 Sis bales. LIVERPOOL. April 29 COTTON Bpot quiet; prices 4 points higher; American mid dling fair. 4.68d; good middling. 4 3i,d: mid dllng, 4.30d; low middling. 4.04.1: good ord' nary, 8.86d; ordinary. 3..0d. The sales of the day were 7.000 bales, of which .Viu were for speculation and export, and tnrluded 6,600 American. Receipts. 17.000 bales, In ( hiding 12.SO0 American. BT. LOl'18. April 29.-COTTON -MarkM quiet; middling, i Mkr. Haioe. ;i. Dales; re ceipts. 400 bales; shipments. 165 bales; stoi k 48.167 bales. (tarnations of the Par on tarlone t niumodllies. NEW YORK. April 29 - FLOCK T.e ceipts. S.6..4 bbls : .i .t. 5.IUS bbls Mar ket w is unsettled nnd weak, being lower to sill Minnesato iwtiint, J." 2,Vfi S"; Minnesota bakets, Hliu3f.n. wlti'er pat ents. St.ssn.. :'5; winter straights. Sl.M'M 7-: winter extras. S3 l1 7 5: winter low guides, S3 2 ..'n:;6ii. Kr flour qnlct; fair to) good. II.I'ii4.6i.; rhol, e, to lanry, H.7U 4.M. cORNMEAIe-R.irely steady. Fine whest and yellow. Si 2": coarse new, 81 i''fl 1 l1; kiln dried, t2.75u3.a7 RV E- Nominal Western, V. It A RLE V- Slow. Feeding. 46.112 I'll . New York malting. I.e. c. I. f Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. I.irti bu : spot mar ket weak; No. 2 rid. H"',c nominal ele vator; No. 2 rod. 81 ' . f o. b. alloal: No 1 northern Puliiih. wise f o. b afloat; No. 1 bard Manitoba. 9i4'' f. o. I afloat. A weak undertone existed In wheat all Ihe forenoon, cnuelng a drop of over 1 rem III the nw crops It was due to lower cables, favorable weather and prospects for heavier world's shipim nts Last prices were 141114c net lower; Mai, :oti9o4c; closed fs'; Julv j;.8:,.t6c; closed Sic; September. 871djs4c; closed Me. CORN - Receipts. 6I,:;5 bu.; exports. 110.74 bu ; spot market easy; No. 2. 56V. nominal elevator, and 514c f. o. h. afloat; No. 3 yellow. 624c; No. t white, (24c Option market had a sharp break iniuer liquida tion. Impelled by charing weather west, eary rallies and Ihr bearish attitude of big western operator, closing 4 to 4c net lower. May, r.l4tif14c closed 514c. July clos.d 514c. OATS-Receipts, HO.ikxl bu.; exports. 1.S.V1 bu.; spot market bsrclv steady; mixed. 21(8 12c; pounds. 8Pn.V.c; n.ilnial white, fill :12c; pounds, 3.i4ti364c. .option niarkei nomlcal. FEl'U- Steady : spring bran. SIS 1: prompt shipment: middlings. S18 10: prompt shipment : cit."tl24.oo. HAY-Steady; good to choice. 77jSC11.c. HOI'S-St cad v ; state, common to ihona, 1904, 2,'u28c; ltu:, 22fj2:c; olds. U'; Pa cltlc coast, P.HH. iiw.'tc; '',',:'. -1''i"-4c; olds, 1K515-. HI DE8 Steady: Galveston. 20 to 2.1 pounds, 20c: California, 20 to 25 pounds. 1 Hi ; Texas dev. 24 to 30 pounds, lie. LEATHER- Firm; add. 24'(i2iV. PROVISIONS - Reef, strong; family. 313. ed (UI4.00; mess. 8l1.9i"!l1.nii: hcef hams. S21 0' 4)22.60; packet. S12.5H13.tXl; city extra India mess. S20.tii 22.00 Cut meats. steady; Pickled bellies. 87 2;'i8.o0; pickled shoulders, te oOWtiOO; pickled hams, $0 Vo: 10 .no. I.ard, steady; western stesimed. 37.40: April closed, 87.40 nominal; retined steady; con tinent, Sift": South American. SV25: nun pound. S5.25ri"..fi2i,. Pork, barely steady; family. $14.5t"o 16.00; short clear, S13.0o4il5.on; mess. 313 fsi. TALLOW Quiet; city. i2 per package) 44c; counrrv. iiackages free. 44!h"44''- RICE Firm; domestic. fair to cxlrs, 24''t641': Japan, nominal RCTTER-Market barely stady; street price, extra creamery, 27c; ufllclnl prices, creatnervi coninion to extra, 23'!i27c: slate dairv. common to extra. 21i2V: renovated, cominon to extra. 17ri2fic; weslern tactory, common to choice, l!1j23c; western Imita- ll..r tria tnnri ,'nin rr.. r to evtril. 232"iC. CHEESE-Firm; stale, lull cream, small colored and white, fancy, 144c: (lne,134c; state. lale made, colored and white, poof to choice. fst,lti:l.: s'ste ' '" colored and white, poor to choice. 1049130. E4.JG8 Firm; west rn storage selec tions. 17ri8t- western firsts, lisjC POCLTRY Alive: Quiet: weslern chick ens, 12c; fowls, 134c; old turkeys. 16c. Dressed: Firm; western chickens, )05!l2c; fowls, l4i14c; turkeys, HMISV. llnlnth C.raln Market. Dl'H'TH. April 29.-WHET-To arrive: Oats. 69 Article. I Open. High. Low. Close. Yst'y. Mav... 8441 K I 9341 8441 954 July... 8241 Wi 814, 92 98 4 Sept... S14! 8141 80 I 4l M 9 No. 1 northern. 90 em. 914c: May. 8041 80-Sc . OATS To arrive and on track. 284c 1 )n tra k: No. 1 north- July. 904c; September. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, April '.'9.- SEEK Clover, cash. S8.O0: April. 38.00; October. S."i.774 bid; prims alsike, 37.50; prime timothy. 31.424- CHICAGO GRAIN AMI PROVISIONS Features of tke Trading and Closing Price on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. April 29.-Brilliatit weather wilted prices In the wheat market here today. Other enervating Influences were large primary receipts and lower cables. At the close May wheat was off 14c July Is down 14I&14C Corn shows a loss of liH 4c. Onts are down 4tl4c. Provls slons are 24c lower to 10c higher. Weakness was In evidence in the wheat market at the outset. Initial quotations on Mav were off 4c to 24c at 8640 to 88c. July was down 4c to 4434c. at 8240 to 83i'd'S34c. Continuation of weather condi tions excellent; growtn or rail-sown wneai was the chief reason for the sharp de clines. Another bearish factor wan unex pected weakness at Liverpool, notwith standing the strength exhibited here yes terday. Liberal movement In the north west was a further depressing influence, receipts today at Minneapolis and Duluth being 133 cars, compared wlih 80 cars a year ago. The msrket failed to rslly from the opening break. As trading advanced distant deliveries became weaker. July declining to 81S'ii8l4c. May held within the opening range. The market closed wesk, witli May at 874c. Final quota tions on July were at 82c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 56,600 bu. Primary receipts were 273,000 bu., com pared with 165,1011 bu. a year ng;o. Min neapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 2u5 cars, against 363 cars last week and 106 cars a ear ago. Lower cables and weakness of wheat started active selling of corn by prominent pit traders. The rosult was a weak mar ket the entire session. The market lacked any outside support. Demand coming mostly from shorts. July opened 4f4c to 4c lower, at 464!&464a to 404c, sold oft to 454c and closed at the lowest point. Local receipts were 62 cars, -with one of contract grade. The onts market was affected by weak ness of wheat and corn. Commission houses and the pit traderM were the prin cipal sellers. Cash houses were fair buy ers of Mav. July opened a shade to 4i4c lower at 2S4c to 284c sold down to 284c and closed at 2B4c. Local receipts were 69 cars. Considering Ihe weakness of the grain markets provisions manifested compsrs tive strength. Shorts were active bidders, but offerings were meagre. The steady tone of the hog market was the principal bullish Influence. At the close July pork was lip 74U1AO. at $12.15. Lard was oft 24c, at $7.25. Rll were up $(?l'74c, at $7,124 47.16. Estimated receipts for Monday: Whest, 40 cars; corn, 66 cars; oats, 72 cars; hogs, 33,000 head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: DONALD MACKAY Member New York asd Bo en Stock Exchanges. LATHAM A. FISH CF.O. D. MACKAY Member New York Stock EliKanie C. TROWBRIDGE HOLUSTER od.4 F. W. KENDRICK Compriiini 0 tnajonty si tke mcmhen ef ihe loic firm el Vemulre 6 Co. Co. Mackav & 4V Bankers Nassau and Cedar Streets, New York 1 3 Congress Street, Boston Dealers in U. S. Government Bonds and other Investment Securities. Deposits received and interest allowed on balances, subject to draft at sight. I Men. Vomer At Co.. Philodelpkia. Pa. Mearri.Tkoa Branch 6tO., Richmond. Vo. Corccepondcnu. Cenoicirdbr pnvato irea QOLOFIELD CHIEF HIKINQ CO. TIN CENTS PER SHARE $10 buvs 100 shares, par value $H'0. S50 buys boo shares, par value $6.00 $100 buvs l'OO shares, par value $l'Hn. Th'-se mines are located In the famous Goldfleld District In the leame locality of other mines that have Jumped from 10 cts per share to 80 cts. to $15.00 per share and still going up. Goldfleld Chief is sure to sdvaure rapidly and investors are sure to make monev by buying now when down on Ihe ground floor. Goldfleld boats, the world lu the production of gold. MIL LIONS have been taken from partially developed mines snd Millions are yet to be taken with pay ore In night at every turn waiting onlv for development with rail roads and mills rapidly Hearing completion. A llttlo money judiciously invested now before the railroads and mills are complet ed Is sure to make Mg money. Address, COMMERCIAL BANK. Goldfleld, Nevada. Article. I Open, i High. Low. Close. Yst'y. Oils and Hosla. NEW YORK. April 28.-OILS - Col tonseed oil. barely ateady, prime crude, nominal: yellow, 28Ti264c. Petroleum, oulet; re fined. New York. 6.9ic; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 6 90c; In bulk, 4.ooc. Turpentine, steady, iSX)4c. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good, $3 26.- SAVANNAH, Ga., April 29 -OIL-Turpen-tlne, steady. 6,c ROSIN-Firm: quote A B C. $2,674; 1. $2,824; E. 83.I-S4: F, $3,074: G, $.1,124: II. $3.30; J, $3 40: K. $3.70; M. x.1 75; N. S3.7'i; W G. $3.06; W W. $4.0634.18. OIL CTTY, Pa., April 29 OII-Credit bal ances, $1.28; certificates, no hid. Shipment!., 82.38 barrels;' average, 75.091 barrels. Runs, 116.781; average, 71.960; shipments, Lima, S6.&49; averaae, 66 316. Run. Lima, 737; overage, 66,484. Coffee' Market. NEW YORK. April 28 COFFEE Mar ket for futures opened stesdy st an ad vance of 10 points on May and t points higher nn other options, in response to steady European cables. The close was st-Mdy st sn advance of 6 points en Mav Slid unchanged nu other months Pain were reported of 48,760 bags, including Mav at .M-a6boc; July. Iifoii-Wr. September. s647u6c; December. T.21t7.80c; March. T 46c. Spot Rio steady; No. 7. Invoice, T4; mild, atesdy: Cordova, lotfjlle. Wheat May July Sept. Coin May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Sept. Ribs--Mav Julv Sept. '!83 79'V4 '46 tfi.41 464 '4, I 464; I I i 284fl 4 12044 4. 11 724 12 10 89 I 8tP4j! 4 814414 184! 7941 464 464 464 1 284 i 2-4 24: I 82 44" 454 464' 21V,( 284 2T4. 274J 4.1 4 8341J" 74 xo J4 4",' 464 4A4 464'ijr4 464 40444 2841 284 284 2S4fl'2!i I 11 86 ; 11 724' 12 l.'i 12 00 7 06 I 7 224' 7 374 774 7 10 i 7 324! 7 074, 7 25 I 7 424 6 8241 7 15 I 7 35 I 7 024' T 224 7 374 774l 7 10 7 324 11 86 , 12 15 1 7 074' 7 2S I 1 424 624, 7 15 ; 7 35 ! 11 724 12 07 4 7 116 7 2-24 I 874 6 774 7 074 7 274 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FIH'R Easy; winter patents, oi.ftug 1.70; winter straights, $4.2&rj I.To: spring patents, $4.70ft5.25: spring straights, $2.S"'b4 40; bakers, $2 4O13.40. WHEAT- No. 2 spring. 8"B02c; No. 3 fcprlng. SlXaOlc; No. 2 red 864c. CORN No. 2. 464c; No. 2 yellow, 474c OATS-No. 2. 24c. No. 2 white. 314i32c; No. 3 wlilie, 2!i',V'314r. RYE No. 3. 73c. BARLEY Good feeding. 37'a4ic; fslr to choice malting, 44i47c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.26',; No. 1 north western. $1.40. Prime tlmotny. $2. So. Clover. contract grade. 1.1. 60. PROVISIONS M-ss pork, per bbl.. Sil. SO (fill. 85. Lard, per 100 lb,.. 7 067 074. Short rlba rides ilooso', 86 .7Sfj6.i"-s. Short rlear Sides (boxed 1. 16 7'fi6.i74. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Rcceints Shipments Flour, bbls 15 i0 12 (M Wheat, bu.. 9a mi 8.200 Corn, bu H8 $ 35l.4w Oats, bu 73.9"" 59 . hie bu I. left Raiiey. tu 4o.l'i0 37.40 j on tne proouca exi nange today the but ter market was essy, 1 reainet les, 2'q.Mc: dairies, 1W122C. Eggs, easy, at mirk, eases BULLFROG AND GOLDFIELD You can always, keep posted on all listed and unlisted Rullfrog snd Goldfleld Securi ties by receiving our Free Weekly Market Letters and Map of Goldfleld. Do not Invest until you get our Information. We are the larg est and onlv independent brokerage bouse In the District. No pet stocks. Our experts slwavs oithe ground. Private Wire to Hiillfrog. Tnformatlon direct from mine to investor. Absolutely Free. Write to-day. THE ii. S. JOHNSON BROKER tUB CO, Goldfleld, Ne. W. Farnam Smith & Go. We offer, subject to ssle. Union Siorg Yarda (South Omaha) at 102',,. In blocks of five shares or more. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064 Edwards-Wood Co. (Incorporated (Tain Office: Fifth aad Robert Streets ST PAUL. niNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Groin to Us Branch Office. JtO-lll Hoard of Trade Bids., Omaha, led. Telephone IV. I I. 217-214 Exchange Rldg.. South Omaha Rell Phone 216. Independent 'Phono t 120 POINTS FOk INVESTORS Itente4 to answer o.uetlona aM"1 or that aliealg he aake.l br ,qt prison' er, la.eeler In MIMSt., oTl oa IVPIsrHMI. ITStSI for tha prrtrt1i.n f tlielr oo Pilereif.. S.VI0KU tun IOH sill be mmn free os reqatal r.ori.l.4S. 1.44 I T 0.. Msasere, kireeOser 4 It las Siraet, Now Soak Wl. i" V