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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1905)
TITE OMAITA DAILY DEE: THURSDAY. APRIL 6. 1905. OMAHA REAL ESTATE PRICES Exchange Members Debate Advisability of Marking Up the Figures. ACRES HELD TOO LOW AT PRESENT TIME Experience of Other Title Cited to Show that Otnahn l Kntltled to Make an Advance Dona. At the Omaha Real Kstate exchange It Is stated that Tax Commissioner Fleming's figures for the transfers during ths last year are J7,mo. This, according to Mr. Fleming Is, considering the present value of real property and Its value during the great boom, a larger value of business. Jn other words, more real estate changed hands during the last year than during any other year In the history of the city. The cheapness of acre property within a few miles of the heart of the city was discussed with considerable wlstfulness by the real estate men. E. A. Benson said that within four or five miles of this city ere property can be tought cheaper than It can at the same dlatanre from Council Bluffs, Atlantic or Davenport. It Is the general opinion that such property for suburban rcsliknceH Is much too cheap, The question was raised whether property along the car 'Ines running out of the city Js not due for an advance. The Lincoln interurban it wan thought should Increase the value of property Dot far from this city which would be suitable for resi dences. John F. Flack who has Just returned from Kansas City told about the land situation there, saying the real estate men generally admitted they are having a boom. Mr. Flack found that property one or two miles out from the center of the city Is not advancing In value, In fact he was told lots which at one time cost $1.7) a front foot were now held at JHO and will not advance. The business on the banks of the Kaw Is in acre property from eight to nine miles out. This is selling, accord ing to Mr. Flack's observation, at from $500 to $1,000 an acre. There Is also a strong advance in the southern part of the busi ness section and property In the boulevards Is held hard. In commenting on these revelations, tne Omaha men thought boule vard property here 1b not as much valued as It should be and ought to advance early. J0SSELYN DIES AT SKAGWAY Former Omaha Man Succumbs to Attack of Heart Failure In Alaska. , A telegram has been received In Omaha announcing the sudden death of Simeon T. Joeselyn at Bkagway, Alaska, on Tuesday. The message was received by his daughter, Mrs. Charles B. Stone, 144 North Thirty first avenue, and merely states that Mr. Josselyn died of heart failure. Mrs. Stone and her husband left this morning for Soattlt) to meet the former's mother and sister and accompany the remains to Omaha for burial. 8. T. Josselyn is well remombered here, particularly through his long service with the Union Pacific railroad. For nearly twenty years he was paymaster of that road, with offices In Omaha. In 1888, when the. paymaster's office was abolished on the Union Pacific, Mr. Josselyn helped to or ganire the Omaha Fire Insurance com pany, remaining with that company about Ave years. Then he went back to the Union Pacific service. In the office of auditor of freight accounts. Between three and four years ago he want to Alaska, to accept a responsible position with the White Pass & Yukon route, which position he held at the time of his death. A year, ago last February he was last in Omaha, visiting here for three weeks and taking back with him his wife and younger daughter. A letter received from him in Omaha, last week did not contain any men tion of 111 health. He was 63 years of age and a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. Loyal Legion and the Masonic fraternity. The arrangements for the funeral will not be made until the body Is received here. It waa stated that in all probability the funeral will be under the direction of Covert lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of which Mr. Josselyn was a member. He was former treasurer of tha Forest Lawn Cemetery association. The only relative of the family living in Omaha Is Mrs. C. B. Stone, daughter-in-law of E. L. Stone of the Dewey & Stone Fur niture company. Don't Poor OH. For use on sewing machines, bicycles and all purposes requiring a fine lubricant; the best la cheapest In the end. Genuine Singer oil can only be obtained at Singer Btorea. Look for the red 8. 1614 Douglas street, Omaha; 438 North S4th street. South Omaha. SEASONABLE FASHIONS. ' NO. 4460-OIRL,S RV8SIAN BLOUSE DRESS. Slses to U years. For tb accommodation of readers of The Bee these patterns, which usually retail at from it to to cents each, will be furnished at the nominal price of 10 cents. A supply l now kept at our office, so those who wish any pattern may get It either by call ing or enclosing 10 cents, addressed "Put. tern Department, Bee. Omaha," JO ton e Big Special Sale The Newest SILK WAISTS 5322 FROM MRS. J. BENSON'S STOCK Hundreds of stunning new nilk and lace waists, shown for the first time. They were spring orders placed several months ago by Sirs. Benson and the styles are the most charming of any new waists in Omaha. Tnffi'tns, luces, nets, Jnp silks, crepe do chines, etc., mnde with the new wide and narrow pleats, tailpr ed effects, fancy lace and French knot trimmings Pretty dress and evening shades, including whites, blacks and new browns, actually worth up to $10, at each .. LADIES' NEW SPRING GOLF SKIRTS at $2.98 and $4.98 New walking skirts, new side pleat anf box pleat effects, correct lengths for spring comfortable weights and the smartest QQ A Oft fabrics imaginable, special at 0"Ti0 COVERT COATS at $4.0S-The niost fashionnble Indies' coat for spring perfectly tail ored, at .. if $ )lLiiivlEIll 5 Jf J OMAHA WEATHKI1 RRPORT VS B , Wednesday, Fair and Warmer. f"' j j 4.98 SILK SHIRT. WAIST SUITS New tucked and shirred effects- browns, blues etc. latest ideas at. ...... 9.98 SPRING NOVELTY IN LADIES' NECKWEAR X 25c Brand new styles in neckwear shown for the first time in Omaha new collar and cuff sets linen turn overs- silk embroidered collars collars with embroid ered button holes, etc., also lace effects, tabs, stocks, etc., an immense variety, at 25c FASHION'S FAVORITE MILLINERY DESIGNS ARE BECOMING MORE AND MORE ESTABLISHED. Brandeis' Spring Hats ARE LEADERS IN FASHIONABLE POPULARITY Smart New Street Hats New plain and fancy mixed braids, . wide and narrow brim hats and the small turbans trim med with straw Sow- f Cfl I.JU 3.50 era, etc., at Street and Trimmed Hats New est shapes French chip hats, satin, braids, mallnes and chit-. fons, trimmed with new est (lowers, ribbons, and ornaments, at ... Stunning Dress and Carriage Hata The stunninjr Urandels modelB that are causing such admiring comment everywhere new and becoming; de- mm m g signs exquisitely HI I trimmed, at V J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE Ask for QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO I a BEST BECAUSE Toa are SOT paying for bill boards, fene painting-, cloeUs, pa, l AL io i mporiru free deals, etc. but for Pine Quality imvana Tabs Clears. Sold direct to tha reUller by F. R. RICE! UEllO. CIGAR CO., torero, IT. LOUS. Hsil(M OSES. IShoesforMen 190 styles' a shape to suit each Individual tiiHts. Made over foot form taut, of choicest materials, by most ktll . ed shoemukers: they . wear well, lit perfectly, keep their shape and give entire fmtlsrnctloii. And the "Maker to Wearer" method elves men a tA.OOslioo for f.1.50; n H.UO shoe fur t'.'.AO. Mall orders Hilt-d. Bund for style hook 11 and measurement blank. r a. P I I H I r mm I tIRS. YIHSLOIY'S SCOTKIKQ SYRUP fcai bata wmt by If 1 1 Hons t pUima UlU TeeUilut ft It iuoiue v etuiil, whi u tia. Mfa twaidj aiarrbiM. iVWKOTI-tlll CIITI A aSTTU, of Motbn far tha It lur oor rirtv Yr. It iuuaae etuld. Burtons urn itut aiUvt u ia. v tma ouuu, awl is ue PAVING ON NORTH SIXTEENTH Uarbvr's So perlntendr nt "ays Job M ill He Completed by First ol Next Month. Superintendent McLaughlin of the Bar- ber Asphalt company says the North Six teenth street paving will be finished and In use by May 1, if not before. The street railway company has started work raising Its tracks and the gangs of the asphalt company will follow in the wake of this work preparing the surface for the pave ment base. Uoth sides of the street, from Webster to Cuming, will be paved before attention Is paid to the block between Cuming and Izard streets. In all, three blocks of work and the intersections remain to be done. All the material for the pav. Ing Is ready and the clearing gangs will probably be at work Thursday. We have the greatest facilities for serv ing the people In our line. If you want paint of any kind send your order. Taint brushes, bronze, enamels, carriage paints at Kennard Qlaaa and Taint company's. Misses and Children's . Welt Sole Shoes Genuine Goodyear welt soles, with wide bottoms on the foot-form shape, for misses and children. The principal thing about this shoe is that it Is made the exact shape of the foot which allows the foot to rest on the sole of the shoe, thus preventing corns and enlargements of the Joints. ThcHe xhoes are In lace or button and are the highest type of the shoe maker's art. 5 to 8 sizes for. ...1.50 ...1.75 ..2.25 3.00 8 J to 11 sizes for. 11J to 2 sizes for. 2i to G sizes for. . . . FOR WOMEN. DrexelShoe Co. 1419 Fartiam Si. Omaha's I'p-to-13ale Sboe House, ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. TholU.PenfoldCo. Ot.eri Follow. SCIENTIFIC OPTICIANS, at ( oua mi Toaio taasia. 1403 Tirnaro St Omaha, Nab, Green Trading Stamps TIIEIU FIXITY IS NO LOXC.KR QPKSTIONKD IT'S IlECOtJMZKD MY THIS STATE IT'S ON THE STATUTE BOOKS OF THE STATE. KEEP STEADIIY FILLING YOt U BOOKS. NO IjONGEK ANY NEED FOR FEELING FANlCKY-NEVElt WAS ANY NEED ANY WSAY WE GAVE YOU OUK WORD, OUR WORD WAS AND IS GOOD. HOPE YOU ARE WORKING FOR THOSE THREE-BOOK PREMIUMS. THEY'RE DANDIES. THEY'LL SOON BE HERE. :-f 'V HOW'S YOUR STAMP BOOK COMING? Millinery! Millinery! Wonderful values in flower and foliage hats. We make a. leader of these magnificent conceptions for Thursday. I Special display in 16th street window. Many are imported models, all vnv ' flowers, all foliage and flower yJiJv. and 'foliage hats in bluettes, jjptjk roses or forget-me-nots, some yjg with wing or quill trimming. ZfJ. others with charming ribbon '?ivr embellishment, values run up to f 10.00 Thursday r ZPj1 our price NOTE: Our principle objoct Is to thin out this stock of flower and follagp huts JlVt i!' to make room for our superb Easter y?Ss4t display. fn'K TRIMMED HATS Wf trV'X An unprecedented showing of (j specially trimmed hats, all ex- c elusive "Sinclair'' styles. A medium sizer Charlotte Corday shape, made of accordion pleated ruffles of ribbon, comes in reseda, in champagne and in all light colors, trimmed with ombre ribbon and flowers, it's easily a. yf QQ $7.50 value, and it's yours Thursday for TaZO A TEERLESS DISPLAY OF TRIMMED IIATS-Hats all fresh and new, selected specially for this sale. New crown sailors, copied from French models In a neat straw braid, daintily trimmed with two-tone of ribbon and large pom pon effect of roses, bandeau M g trimmed with same roses a genuine and regular . J a-l $3.05 value, Thursday for TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, VEILINGS, ETC. A five-inch luster ( finish taffeta ribbon, comes In all colors and a guaranteed Ifp 35c value for J VEILINGS In black and colors, finest materials to date, worth IP , double the price asked for them Thursday 3!)c, 35c, 25c and I D C Higher grades also. Second Floor. a Bennett's Big Grocery There's economy In buying your gro ceries at HEADQUARTERS BEN NETT'S. Castile Boap, cake 2c Totted Ham, can 4c Oil . Sardines, can 4c Corn, two-pound can .... 5c Teppejf Sauce, bottle.... 7c Salmony, pound can 10c Fifteen (S50 Oreen Trading Stamps with five cans Tomatoes 60c Fifteen (Y.W) Oreen Trading Stamps with five cans Splendid Corn 50c Fifty ($5.0u Green Trading Stamps with ten-pound box tine Califor nia Prunes 85c Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound package Ba tavia Seeded Raisins 15c Ten ($1.0)) Green Trading Stamps with three-pound can Splendid Table Syrup 12c Twenty $-00) Green Trading Stamps with three-pound Jar Cot tage Apple Butter 25c Ten $1.iX) Green Trading Stamps with three cans Rocky Mountain Cream ...X 25o Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with three-pnund can Burnham's Clam Chowder 20c Bennett's Candy Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with Easter Novelties 25o "?hocolat Creams, vanilla flavored. pound , iuc Specials in Hardware for Thursday. , CLOTHES WHINGERS One Hiwidred ($10.00) Green Trad ing Stamps with any Wringer every one guaranteed from 1 to 5 years, according to grade $4.20, $3.05, $3.84, $3.40, ICR $3.12, $2.25 l.OO And other prices. SEE THE FINE LINE. No Exchanges Made on These Wringers 10 Cent Snaps in Woodenware Oak Towel Rollers f!andy Pail Nickel Towel Racks Vegetable Cutters.. Chair Seats Ten ($MK Green Trading Stamps with Each BASEMENT. 10 Largest Exclusive Retail Millinery House In Omaha Enormous Millinery Values for Thursday BEAUTIFUL HATS $2.50 and $5.00 Investigate: It Pays. ' 1508 Douglas St. lALOUFF'S THREE LAYER CAKES PRICE 50 CENTS These are three layers of delicious rich cae with a rich, emoth filling. Made in all the popular flavors chocolate, maple, jelly, marshmallow, nut, etc. All are made from the very choicest ingredi ents. Baked fresh every afternoon. Price 50 cents each, delivered anywhere in the city. Order One Over the Phone. Phone 711. 1519-20 Farnam. Attend the Great Sale of KarpenSample Furniture. BWDEHS- TBI RELIABLE STORK. Extra Special Values Thursday in our Art Department, 3rd Floor 4 era ue. Sensational Suit Sate. The Xew York manufacturers who furnished us with fine y suits and costumes for our opening have wired lis to hold th another week and dispose of them at a little over half their val Some of them can be seen in our windows. . $60.nn OpenlnK Suits. 40.00 Hfino Opening Suits, 33.75 $40.00 Opening; Suits, . 2Q.75 $.T..oo Opening Suits, 24.75 $. Opening Suits. 18. 00 $ri.00 Opening- Suits, 16.50 $i:.or and $1800 TAIT.OR St'lTS selected from our a ye own stock, special Thursday tJ M u 75 SAMPLE CRAVENKTTE COATS, beautiful trar flft ments, worth -'5.uo and WO.00, choice ,L,,UU 86 CRAVENKTTE COATS from our rtRular stock. Q Qf) $!&.) values, special NEW COVERT COATS 250 of them Just received. 4( ff early prices $15.00, $ and $3n.i, choice Thursda NOnWY COVERT COATS. at tjO.'M, aji.STJ H.UU 4.05 Magnificent Silk Suit Bargains $15 00 STLK SHIRT WAIST H SUITS, at ' $18.50 SILK SHIRT WAIST 12.75 SUITS, at $20.00 SILK SHIRT WAIST 14.00 SUITS, at s-s-.-vr ELEGANT SILK SUITS eiitltln ,25.00 values, at $40.00, $36.00. $"AuO and""-""" WOMEN'S $5.00 WALKING 2.08 KKIKT8, special at "1 NEW PANAMA AND VOILE SKIRTS. Just arrived, at $15.00. $12.00, R f)f) $10.00, $8.90. $7.50 and " W STYLISH SILK COATS, In the most en ticing; designs and beautiful colorings, best values In the city, at from $4'.00 down to $20.00. $15.00. $12.00. A Oft $10.00, $7.60 and ' WOMEN'S $2 00 WAISTS, at v WOMEN'S $1.50 I'ERCALE WRAl'I'EllS, at 95c 98c WOMEN'S $2.00 MOIRE 1.00 UNDERSKIRTS, at Hay den's Beautiful Millinery. itavti vnu seen our Immense display of charming Spring Hats? BEST VARIETY 'n the cltv. NEWEST STYLES. Everything" "P-VnO BEE OUR NOBBY STREET HATS, practical and effective, ranging in price J.gQ from $10.00 down to . , SWELL TRICONE HATS, made of Tuscan braid combined with . brown. FId" "f silk and T green blades of grass for trimming. Sure to please. Regular 3 95 $5.00 value, Thursday " ' , Decidedly the smartest Polo Turbans shown in the c'ty-mo"tm"onb'TlkPr,; v Turbans of horse hair braid, resela green and all colors, trimmed in silk, also stwo-tones of straw, pompom trimmings. mr.on 1 v onm ion. an velvet folds, straw and chiffon trimming. HORSE HAIR BRAID POLO HATS, trimmed with alternate rows of uhlrrefl chiffon, beautiful butterfly bow on side of .bands, most rascinaung muuui.. yj very best values shown in the city, at $8.60, $6.00 and DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM. NOBBY STREET HATS, a brand- new lot, well worth $1.60, Q8C at SPECIAL ON CAPS An elegant line of regular 75c values, choice 50f Thursday To Many Points In California, Oregon, Washington $20. $22. $25. FROM OMAHA UNION PACIFIC V EVERY DAY TO MAY 15, I90S. Ml to Ogden and Salt Lake City. I to Butte, Anaconda and Helena. PA to Pendleton and Walla Walla. vU to Spokane add Wenatchee, Wash. to San Francisco, Los Angelea, Ban Dlegs and many other California points. tn Fvprntt FVIrhnvAn. Whatcom. Van- Ml couver, Victoria and Astoria. I t T?r,aAKlircr TCllfTAnA. AlVlSflV and Salom, via Portland, to Portland, or to Tacoma and Seattle, AND TO MANY OTHER POINTS. Inqtllrp Bt Cltr Ticket Oltlce, i:ii24 Farnam St. 'Phone 81U. (I) IT IS POSSIBLE That you have wanted to buy a diamond ring for your self for a long time and you've put It off Just because the ring you wanted entailed too big an outlay. If, llisl is so, and you are Interested in a diamond ring now, we urge you to spend a few minutes in our store and examine ur collection. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1618 Douglas Straet. 55 WAN TEB- A BOY In every Iowa to sell our new Saturday Bee. We will spud any boy tbe first 10 COPIES FREE It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, Including 10 colored pages with DUSTER BKOWN COMICS, altogether 30 V 1T pages, and Ja a big seller everywhere on bat'Kciay ON EVERY PAPER YOU SELL YOU MAKE TWO CENTS PROFIT For Full Particular Write io Tkfi Omaka Bee. 7 Omaha. Ncbrasta- v