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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1905)
TUE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. MARCH 14. 1005. fe . P0ST0FFICE NOTICE ; 1 Port Arthur! and TA8TPRN SIBERIA la at present forward ale Ruata--NOTE-I'nleaa otharwlae adclrtaaed, wit AumriUt l rrtardd ale Europe: New SeJant via ftarf' vTancleco and certain place In th C hin Provlnc of Yunnan, y ' British India the qulckt route. Philippine sperlailp addreaaed ''via Eu rope'' jrmet be fuilv prepaid at tha foralgn rat's. Hawaii la forwarded via n Fran elcr exclueiveljr. W II.UAM R. W!LTXX-J'Ostmstr. Poetofflc. New Tork. N. T., March 10, . ' BEAli .tiTATK , tH AHCim. I ... . kIeo1i Bled for ret'or.I March 12 a a fuo nlshail by the Midland Ouarnnte ' and Tniat company, bonded abstracters, 1614 Furiiftm Mrit. foe Tka nee; ' Agnes Klausner and - hukbani to ('. w. Kckrmnr. part lot 2, . Work 02. ' Demls Park., I 735 J3. Unit t J. BantWl, sv, nk 8-16-13 v . . . ,. , ,VK) Alice A. UHVerneyer ta.J. W. .peU-rp, lot S, hlptk t. Portland pface..: 1 t J. Confor and wife In, J. W. Peters, lot'l. Nock 1, Vohtithd Dar? ...... . 1 lAit-re(1R. Bcyrpour to Omaha Realty . company,, lot ,1? and 14,' block ' 2, , Bey rrj mr adt,.,rv.,. 1 Omaha Realty Company-to tha Onrg . P. Birbla'.Bei. EMata'cornparly. lota' 1J and. 14. block 2, SeymO'ir add...... t Annie C. Cook to F. D. Weed. el lot. 4.. block 8. Parker's add 1.811 M. irnn ttpd wlf'le J., Catr, lot. 10, hlfcrk J,:IjOe aubdlv 1,500 R. Houghton to Emma Jtudd. lot. 6. block 6. Omaha View , 1,000 A. O. Wakelev and wife to City flay. ., In- bank, lot 1$ and 17, block 5,' Paddock Place.,.., i... ............ t.Orf J. If. Artherton and wife to Kmllle ,'nng. Jot 6. Mock 4,. Person A Ben' 700 Winona- Jn,vTng bank to H( C. Harm, .lot 20- block 28. M'Jlox'e 2d add... M0 C. W. rilfcrr to. A, Johnson, e,H lota . 1 and j. block in,. Central Park 600 TV B. Curtis to . T.,udwlka. Zetiman, . lot 1. block 117, rnimJee Place 650 t. William and wife to J. p. White, part lot IS and 19. block 1. Hansrom Plr ... 000 Omaha Realty companv to P. Kavan, lota 8 and , TVexel ft Mail' , 700 F. Kavan to E. and Susanna Koch. aame "00 Ida M.illyrnaton io ft. N. Robert- , aon; Jof i...fiock . i5;. Omaha, oiui . other nfonerty 800 W. T nri1im and wlf -1a K. Cork lay part f. lot mt.;MJllard Cald- . M wH' yadfl... l.JsO Omaha. Tteal'y, , romoaiy , to C. H. . Kiibat.'Uit 17, Brox", Maul' 100 I.'iry, R. and r: C. Wrlht to Flora . t. .Txihnsnrt.. In 1 and part of 12, block 12, Rami Prk.., 1,600 Qeorr . ftera.Real Katate oompanv . ant M- block l . netnmoMr' add....... vt TJ jl Thtu.h to R. Berarn.. lota 4-and' JL-hlo'-k 'Pruyne Park..)...' - IM J., ftleajnl- to- . Kdvna, -part lot 10, 400 hlock 14 Brown .Parli., .. BOO LEGAL: NOTICES. NOTICE- OF CONTRACT FOft PRISON LABOR. . - Notice la. hereby J von that th Board of Publki Land and BKlidlnca will reoelv aealed-bld at the-olllca of tha Becretary of StaAa, Lincoln; Nebraaka, until twelve o'clock,' , noon, April I. 1M6, for tha m floynwat of . 4 he latwr of available prin nneia confined la ' the atata panttentlury. The ontroKr nliitu employ -auch prlenn labor for tli' bexiod of two. year trom April 3, BOS, and agree to pay a fixed Mini per day fof fact Jaborer employ! and must Wd ,ocorfllngly. The Board ot. Pub lic Laoda and Huiidlnw reaiervea tha right to reject- any and all blda. , ' Secretary of Btati, 7, LJnceln, Nebraska,. March , Mth K-dl0t NOTICE' TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bid wll bp racelvec bx the Board of Public Lands end Buddings of the atata uf Nebruak. at th otllce vt. the secretary of ataie. until-12 o'clock noon of April a. 11)06, lor tlm furnlahjng of two boilers and neoeeaary fittings, for 4ha Nebraeka Hospi tal for tha .tosaae at Incaln.. Gooda to be delivered .F. O. .ft., Aaylum switch, Lin coln, .He bra ska. Specillcatlona for thla -work can be aeh at. the o(I.ce o( (he secre tary at state, The. -oourd- any and all bid y c r e, t The. -ooard- reeerVf th rlgtit . to reject MchS-lOt A. UALC8HA. .Secretary of .Board. -, ( 1 ;, ' i t ; - - "Sealed TJfopoeaU' wlH be. -received by. Vf. R; - Ta.hoy, t halrmaji of Village Board, Nwcatl& Neh tip to, 7 p. m. March 22, 1006 for Ih complete construction ( of a cravlty ayatem of water worka, tha Coat not to- exceed W.BOO.00. Certified check IWO.OO to acconSpaaiy aaoh bid.. Plalta and speciflcaUena may be aeen at, jpfflc ,of .V. '':" - - Mch nvdiot 'RAILWAY TIME ARD . Arrive. a 8:06 pm am pm a :t0 pm a 7:40 am b 1:80 pm a. o.w a :30 I t)IOJf .TATlQy-TEKTH AID af ARCT. Jjb)Iobv. Pavlflcw . ' . z . y J . Leave. Overland -Llnytd....k.a :40 am ColoidO '& Oal. B.'.v...a, 4;10 pm Oal.' ft. Oregon Tix. 4:30 pm. North Pltte Loai....i.a T:S0 am Faat Mail.......;...m..a l:W am Colorado Special .i..a 7i4S am Beatrlca Local n...b :M pm Wabaab. i St Loul Exprea.),.... 6:30 pm Bt. Loul.Looal (from ... Council Bluff a).,...... IOB.iud Shenandoah. Local Jrom ; . Council Blua ; 6;46 pm Chtoaao ureat Weatem. St Paul. MlnW,.......a 1:80 pra St 'Paul 'Minn.:. .....a 7:46 am Chicago Limited a 1:09 pm - Chioago Expres... ...... a 6:06 am Cklcavco,, lloob. lalaad v PacltK . . liAST.- Chicago iLimlted...r... a 86o am Chicago Laytllgbt Local. b 7:(X) am Chicago-: U&lreaa.......bHtls am Lea Moinaa Expreaa....a 4:j pm Chicago il, iCiprea..a 6:40 pm . , i , WEST. Rocky Mountain L t d.. a 7:20 aaa LiAOoln,. Len.' & West.. a 1:10 pm Oklahpraa V Tax. M'x,.a 4:16 pm Chicago ' V NottaweM,a. Local Chicago am Fast M-ail , ' .i,.., ...a i.W put La tlglit St. PAul ......a l.Ul am Day tight Chicago.. .....a 1:04 am Ltmlled.' Mcago..... Jv jia pm LOCal.O-,. V'1-' :w pm Fast (H.'i'kul.. a 8.1i am Local blpux.C, ,SVt..b i iua l-'aat Mali .-v.' Cbioagg Expreas ....... a 6:iu pm Norfolk A rieneateel....a 7:W am Lincoln Long Ptne....b 7:W am CaapfT si VV: 8:20 am 10:80 pm tA pm a 7:19 am a 7:65 pm al0:80 am a 6:80 pm a 7'10 am a 8:66 pm at.-U-pa' bU W an. m:9l pm a 6:60 pm a 6:06'pm al2:40 pm 'liSaS 10:UO biu . U.aU pm - i Mil . au am 7:06 am ar. 2 60 4 7:M am 10:36 am 10:86 pm 6:616 pm 6:16 pm a:is pm yomlng.'...e 2:bU um Dead wood Lincoln., .a 2:60 pm Iiattrigs-Alpio5,,....,.b 1:60 pm thlf, Jitwa g. Paab ... . n...u.Lt. T. T . E. . .... Liuoago ujrn ui 411 :uq pm Caluorniavurvauu . u..s .w pm Ovarlaad Limned: a 8:iM pm 1M M. UkoboJI Ex. . a 1M aw IUU Central. Chicago. Expreaa....;. Chicago Limited Minn. 4k, 61. aul Ex Miuu 4k fit Pai Ltd iaurt Paeittc. '' Bt Louia Exprea...... 8:80 am a 6:00 am i..C..i au,i-. dl......ail:li pm a i.M BCRLINOTOl aVTATIOfU-lOl-H Ht MAIOJI. kiurltactwa, .a 7:26 am .a 7:60 pm .0 H.Jb am .a T:W pm . i . a i:iu pm a am 44 Pm aiO:S6 pm a U;ui am pl0:6 pm k k.i pm Denver California.. Nui'ihweal, Expreaa ... Keueaeka petals Leave. Arrive. a t.lvpm a i.M pm u itn a t in am ' b 8.67 pm- - Ft. Crook 4k PlaiiMiu tb.b pm sJellevne, .rianaiu in. a i:au pm cttjtlevua t- Vae. J una. . a 8:aV U1 tiellevua at tma.. Juau.,aU.i put. Denver Limited , ; Chicago Speclai .j..a 7tl0 am Chicago. Expraa ...i....a pin Ohicag iar.v. . :u pm Iowa L,ak :ia am Bt. Louie Expreaa .a 4:26 pm a6:u put al2:u pm ail). is am b If .y ajo a V:6b"a'm a 8:66 pm aliiat am aii:M( pm pm f.... ...... Lity 4k -J3u Joe.. a Vao am uanaaa City 4k bl. Jo. .a 4.i6 pm WEBtTER DKPOT 85TH Jk WEBSTER Mlaaaart Paclia. . Leave. Arrive. Ntnraak ' Weeping Ciea. . tc Ouiafca,. ' Twin- CUy" Paaaeager...b 6:80 am b :1 pm Sioux City Puawtigar..a 2:00 pm all -t) am Oakland IXM'Sl ,b 6:46 pin b 8:10 am - A daily, b dally except Sunday, d dally except Saturday dally except Monday. Local. aria,. Water ......b 4:60 pm bll :40 am 1'aal, alUaeapalla m -J..10. !i ;OfKA8 STEAMSHlPg Iklilt llkl A O T A t. HAI6 STgAHEk Vqatniu'ta uvfTgPooU WMkly- alliat ' . . - . at. uannn goute PhortMt. iuoibt.( in4 miHt alrtarv.qu. NgWKASI' T1.1N rWrti li'llCW SlkAMKRI "VKtusMB ' i "Vlintan'wii uoo una aaca TWIN glut IV STKAMIlK 'Tiuwi1!1' 4 "aanriaa" id hni teoa asca, ' Allf to ar liml ni, or ALLAN jACaaON bLVD, CUtCAOO ' . ,t ' ' t ...... ... NEWS OF INTEREST FROM JOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS Da via aella druga ' Leffert glaaaea fit Stockert sell carpal. Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Sm. ' Pra. Woodbury, deittlata, 80 Pearl street For rent, modern house, 728 Sixth avenue. Uo to night achooL Wtatern Iowa college. Furnlahed room for rent Wi, Oakland avenue. k Ollhert Broii. have all kind of hard and ort. ton!. Tel. ITS. Tha regular meeting of Eacelalor Maaonic lodge will be held thla evening. 76e Flemish oak photo frames on sal at 60c. Alexandrr a, A6i Broadway. Latest picture molding. Something alee. Borwlck, JU1 Main street Telephone 683. Duncan. 23 8. Main' St., aoaranteea to do the best ahoe repair work. Give him-a 'trial. Conrad hive fio. 8, Lndlea of the Macca beca will meet. In regular session thla afternoon. . John V( Peterson of Omaha and Doras V.i'Appleton of Oeoola, la., were married In thia city yesterday by Justice Field. These caafa of amillpox were reported to the Board of Health yesterday: Richard league, 1120 Third avenue; J. E. Corbett, 72 Mynater atraet Tha annual meetina and eleotion of of ficer ot tha Ganymeda ..Wheel club, to have been held inn night, was postponed until Saturday night. , ,. Missouri oak dr-y cordwood, $6 6 cord. Cobs 11.76 per load.-shell bark hickory 87 per cord, delivered.: William Welch, It North- Main, Telephone 128.' - ' Fred Adams, colored, was arrested yea terday, charged by J. .I- Price with the theft of two beagle pup. He will have a hearing in police court this mprnlng. Arthur Southwell was found guilty yes terday, lrt Justice Gardner a count of vi ciously assaulting the l!-year-old son of Robert Buriats and Was fined r-A and crista. Mra. Anna.. McAnency, wMe of William McAneney, 2612 Avenue A, died last even ing from an attutik of tire grip, after an illiirsa of one week, (rd u years. Bho leave besldea, her liusUind. live rhlldren. Mrs. Jessie' Bhlers began suit for di vorce yesterday from Axel Ehlers, to whom ehu wus niHined in Una city on December 8, I'Mi. She ciutrgc her husband with treating her In aucu a cruel ayd inhuman manner that she waa forced to leave him. Word has been received- here ot the death -lrt hicago nf Mrs. Ijiura J. Mac Brlde lasfHaturday. Deceased was the wife of Kobert J, MacLride. . They were resident of Council tflutts until five years ago. Mrs. MucBrlde nlfed the position of corresponding wcretaty of the Woman'a Christian association for seven years. Joseph H. Taber la under arrest on a charge of forgery, filed against him In Justice Field oourt by M. Keraten. It Is alleged that Tabcr forged the name of Kate B. Taber to a promissory note for 640, payable to- Keraten and secured the money pn It. Taber waa arrested In Omaha and accompanied Conatnbie Palmer of Jus tice Field's court back- to Counclt Bluff without requisition paper. ALL REPUBLICANS ELECTED 8chool Eleotion AttncU Only a Email Nnmber of Voter. TOTAL POLL ONLY FIFTEEN HUNDRED Lowest Man on the Republican Ticket Ha One Handreel rifteen Ma Jorlt yXo Electtoaeerlag la Evidence. .Th school election yesterday resulted In the election of the three republican candi date for the Board of Education, J. P. Mess, Pf. P. Andersen and W. E. McCon nell. Mess and Andersen are elected to the three-yeaf term, whll McConnell, who polled th largest vote, Is. elected for one year to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Colonel Davenport. The election, as shown by the small vote, attracted but lltle Interest. thl being un doubtedly due to the fact that a treasurer Was not to be elected thla year. Last year tha "total vote wa about 2,500, while thl year It la about 1.600. There was practically ho '"electioneering" yesterday and except for the fact that the saloons were closed, at least so far as the front doors were concerned, ther wn nothing .to. Indicate that an election wt being held. - ' Tho vot. by precinct follow: REPUBLICANS, Precinct. Flrat Second .... Third Fourth .... Fifth Sixth Total . An- McCon- Hess. dersen. nell. 209 s 153 165 U 191 IS 152 150 161 79 85 .158 .178 .14 .147 . 84 892. 872 Heal Estate Tranafera. These transfer were reported to The Be March. 11 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of. Council Bluffs: County treasurer to Henry Schultx, lot 15, block 38, Ferry add, t d....f 2 Iowa Townstte company, to M. L. ShafTert lots and 10, block 14, Bentluy, w d v.. ; 107 11. W. Hinder, trustee, to J. E. Me- Gill, lot 12, blocH 4, Twin City Place add, w d. .... ..i....:.., 60 Elmer L. Fehr to Frances H. Crom- ble, lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8. block 6; lots 28, 30, Webster' add,"w .d.... 700 Ernest E. C. Hart and wife to W. A. Cummlngs, lot 1, Judd's sub, w d 675 Lewellyn Shtets hnd wife to George Schuemann, e -w 23-77 89, w. d. 6,000 Horatio S. Braden-and wife to Grant Pllllmr, part ne4 eeW 27-74-40, w d.. 615 A. C. Meltsen, guardian, to George DlrgM ne4 aw 16-7739u p d...... 4,000 Satle L. Ruckle to George DJrgo, ne w 16-77-39, w . d... .:............... 2,000 James I. Meredith and wife to B. F. Babb, part nwty ne,4 24-74-38, W d.. 150 E. M. Smart and wife to Frank W. Pouder, aw.H 44-J5-39. W d. 8,600 Lliela M. Carter and husband to Louis E. Renard. part O. P. lot 54, w d., 8,000 Same -to same, part lot 8, In sub O, P, . lot 64. w d... 1 Total, thirteen traTtWeravi rr.V. $31,800 ,; ',',i'a6r Arreat to Bigamy."' H.' V. Battey, clerk of the district court, received ' yesterday 1 a rtqueat from "the county attorney of Tuneau county, Wiscon sin, fop a -certified, copy of Marriage license Issued "October 15, 1903, to Odran Frit and Christina. Hcnrieksen. The cotnmunlca'.lon conveyed the information that Frit wa under arreat In Wisconsin- on a charge of bigamy,, he Mvlng.marrled another woman in juneau countyo on October 6, 104. The records here show that both Frit and Miss Henrlcksen gave, their place of residence a Council BUrffa1 and- that they were mar ried on the name day the. license was Is sued by Rev. Jf,..A,. .Caae., pastor of "the Flrat Baptist church. ' Frits 1 ald to have been employed In a local photograph gallery at the time of his marriage;' here to Miss Henrlcksen. .Tanbles Follow Owens. Mrs. Rose Owens, wife of A.' J. Owens, 19t)6 Third. avenue,'d.led' jesterday morning, aged 36 years, death resulting from- stom ach trouble!' Besides' her husband three chlidren survive her. Three weeks ago the family was quarantined,' aa one of the chil dren wa attacked' with smallpox, but aa the caae waa a particularly mild one, the health authorities yesterday . raised the quarantine In order that the remains of Mrs, Owens jmlgbt be taken by. her -husband to her former home In Macedonia, la., for Interment today. Two week ago the mother, of. Mr Owens wa taken HI and d ed, and owing to tha family being quar antined he waa .prevented from going to her bedside or attending -the funeral. Marriage License. Licenses to wed. were Issued, yesterday to th following: Nam and realdence. Chrle Jensen, Hohey Creek,. la.., Haaln Hansen, Neola, la....v,,,. John V. Peterson, Omaha Doras V. . Appleton, Osceola, Neb Lou I a Conolna, Omaha. '. Louise Chesnulm, Omaha i iii i it I.. n ' Age. ,.. 21 ... 21 ... 27 ... 23 ... 30 ... 2S Why Endure Pain the excruciating misery of" blind, bleeding, itching piles, when there is an absolute cure t Dr. Perrln's Pile Specify: 1 an internal remedy that painlessly produce, a positive and lasting cure. Pleasant to -the lasts, it U absolutely free from opium, cocaine or other .injurious . drugs. Simply take 'a spoonful three times daily before each meal Dr. Peirin's Pile Specific Th Internal Remtti Tor dyspepsia, Indigestion, constipation, p&ouane, catarrh of the stomach anal kaneVyd aHmenbj it is the greatest remedy (hat has ever yet benefited mankind. Think what a relief it would be to you to be rid of these troubles sad te avoid the almost certain consequent; of Pilss Dr. Pot in Medical Co., Hsteoa, Moot. - CHATTEL LOANS A. A. CLARK CO. gal&btla JUS. Braa? aa Mala St. aw PlMWa Btaa tiara Voa ill aorraa aa aaiaaot aa cald. same ItiiHkMt laraltura r aaf ckatui sMaruy. r.m.111 a k Kaaa aa ariulpal a r llM ta suit awriawvr. an lau.-at r4uc accoralogir. All baslaM cdntll. LMI rai. OStr oitta wry ls( III! I S; Uinl aranlnc till LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN h 23 PEAHL STf?,0", Lady Attendant If Pwlrtl ....817 DEMOCRATS. gearle. Butler. Bower. , 162 lilO 142 Becdnd .' 112 ?J 116 Third 100 7j Fourth 96 W 85 PMfth 105 114 102 au Precinct. I r irsi Sixth 80 Total ' 638 677 76 697 BURKS MAKK9 IMPORTANT MOVE Aaka for Jadgment ao Far a Caae Refer to Devil Own, ' The Important feature yesterday in the trial of the Doyle-Burns suit was the filing by the defendant of a motion for Judg ment aa to stock received In exchange for the evil's Own claim. The motion asked that Judgment be entered In Burns favor, as of April 8, 1902, so far as the petition 1 based upon the alleged, convention of. the stock of. the Portland Gold Mining, com pany received In exchange for the Devil's Own' claim, for the reasons; that by the sixth special finding1 on the former trial It waa expressly found that Doyle had no in terest in' snld Pevtl's Own: ' claim when transferred to the Portland Gold Mining company, and the special findings and gen eral verdict showed that Burns was en titled to all the stock received n exchange for the said Devil's Own claim, and upon the overruling of Doyle' motion for Judg ment, notwithstanding the general verdict, Bums became at once conclusively entitled to formal Judgment on the verdict in hi favor as to all the stock above referred to, and said, finding, verdict and order have never In any manner been , reversed or otherwise set aside. f ' ' ' :: ' ' Th;'e court's ruling on thl 'motion, which it I expected will be argued today,. Will htv an Important bearlngr on tho" caae. At the former trial the Jury found that Doyle was not entitled to any of the stock Issued for the Devil's Own, but jva entitled to his share of the stock Issued for the Bobtail No. 2 and Tidal Yave claims. In the pres ent trial . Doyle 1 again suing for a share of the stock issued for all three claims! and In the event of Judge Thornell sustaining thl motion It will deprive Doyle from re covering on the Devll'a Own stock. Doyle' claim on-Devil's Own stock .amounts . to over 8200,000. ' ' ' ' ' . When cpurt reconvened yesterday morn ing the reading of the testimony of Mrs. Beatrice Sedtman, partially completed Saturday, was resumed. Following this the testimony given at the former trial by Pat Murphy. W. L. Fyffe, Cv H, Mattoon, J. T. Williams," C. A. Prentice and Attorney J. Maurice Finn was read.- - The testimony of Attorney .J. Maurice Finn waa probably the most interesting of that read yesterday. He testified that In November, 1893, an attempt wa. made by Sam McDonald and .hi men to Jump the Bobtail No. 2 claim and that Doyle came to consult with him about it A He and Doyle drove from Cripple Creek to the Portland cabin, where they stayed" over night and next day went to the claim, where, with Thomas Burns and some others, they, under the direction of Doyle, tore down the building erected by McDonald and cleaned out the shaft. For these services Finn made a charge against Peck, Burns" 'and Doyle. His book, offered in evidence,, showed charge to "Bobtail' No. 2 lode claim, account F. O. Peck, James Burns et al." The bill wa made out to Burns and paid by him. Some time after that Burn had him make out some affidavits with ref erence to the same claim,' tailing him that it belonged to himself and Doyle,- and that Pecg also had an Interest. Witness further testified that the wrlllhg on ' the Original Portland stake wa that of Burns. Al though the Portland claim Is not Involved In thl stilt the matter of who wrote the name on the stake Is held to be of con siderable Importance, as Doyle claims tbkt Burns did, while, on the other hand, Burns contends that Doyle did. In the cross-examination of Mr. Finn he stated that aa to. certain confidential com munications as attorney his tongue was tied, and that he could not fully explain the circumstances in connection with the making of the affidavits or. bill .referred to In his direct examination for that reason. H explained, further, that he could not testify fully with rifarerioe to the writing on the Portland stake unless with th con tent of Burns, stating that hi had the con sent of Harnan and Doyle. Counsel for the defense objected to reading this part of th cross-examination because they were vountary statements of th witness and not given In response, to any question, and tha objection was sustained for that rea son, la Ike ernaa-examtnattnn the defenae Introduced In evidence the receipt given by Finn when hi hill for aervlcee referred to In his evidence wa paid. Th receipt waa made In th name of Bum alone, while another receipted bill of Finn's for service on the Portland claim, offered by the de fense, ehowed It waa mad out to Doyle, Buma and Harnan. The testimony of tha other witnesses was to the effect that they had aeen Rum and Doyl working together and that Rum had oken nf TVryl aa being hi partner. Breach Library I Ordered. ' The IJbrary board at Ita rearular meet ing laat night decided to establli a branch library In tha weatem part of. the Hty. Thl la In compliance with the request of h Waet Council Bluffa Improvement club, which ha offered t proyld nuarttrt for the. library and provtd a person to ear for and sttend to the distribution of the books. Until the West Council Bluffs Im provement club erects Its club house the branch library will be quartered In the church building at Thirty-fifth street snd Broadway. The plan under which the books will be sent out from the main library lo the branch will be' left with the committee on administration to determine. The board decided to readvertlse for bids for printing the finding lists, the Contract with Woodford Alnsworth being can BfORB ' TIME FOR VACC1V4TIOJ School -Villi B Closed After Friday If Order I Igaored. Th Board of Health ,at a special called meeting laat night extended the time for cordpllarice with the vaccination order until Friday of thl week. If on. Friday the Board of Education still persists In re fusing to enforce the edict of the Board of Health then, as Mayor Macrae expreaaed last night, there will bi something doing. No reply had been received yesterday by City Solicitor Snydor from the state at torney general,' but Mayor Macrae called him up over the telephone and the attorney general stated that the Board of Health had absolute authority to not only Issue the compulsory vaccination order, but also to enforce it. " Fearing that In the event of the Board of Education refusing to obey the mandate of the health board the -court would be appealed to. City Solicitor Snyder suggested that the Board of Health reissue Its order and have the same published.' Thl sug gestion met with the approval of the board and a new resolution was adopted which requires -all teachers. Janitors and pupils to be vaccinated and the order Is to apply to all public, parochial and private schools. Accompanying the publication of this order ar rule of the State Board of Health de fining effective vaccination,, so that there may be no argument on this point. If the Board of Education refuses next Friday to debar from school such pupils, teachers or Janitors a have not been vac cinated, then the Board of Health will pro ceed to close the schools. At least this is what was said at' last night's meeting would be done. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel., 280. Night, FG67. ' Rowing- Aaaoclatlon Election. The annual meeting of the Council Bluffa Rowing - association last night resulted In the election of the following directors: W. Hart, J. J. Heea. B. M. Sargent, W. E. Shipard, 'A; J. Cooley- of Omaha, Emmet Tlnley, J. TrTtdd. Fred Etnpkle and H. 2. Has. . The dlrecor elected the following officers: President, Emmet Tlnley: vice president, W. E. Shepard; secretary, Fred Empkle; treasurer, J. T. Tldd: commodore, H. Z. Haasi vice commodore, J. J. Hess. The appointment of. a regatta committee' was postponed. ' i , "The by-laws were' amended to prohibit the voting of proxies in", the future. E. II. Lougae made . the' assertion that the di rectors had voted thlrtyflve proxies, but the vote showed. . they. would have been elected without them. . It was decided to build a syndicate class A boat to compete at the' Oshkoah regatta this year. The new boat will be thirty eight feet long. The ofTicers'.rcports showed the association owned 818,000 worth of prop erty and owed $2,500. Tbe membership is up to the limit, 300. .' n": Rooms and cafe. Ogden hotel. Praod Caa Dtwanlaaed. , SIDNEY, la., March. .13. (Special.) The case of Sarah Hohn, which wa before the United 'States district coift In St. Joseph, Mo., wa dismissed last week,-owing to the absence of an Importanlf'wltness whom the government was unable, to' procure. Mrs. Hohn was charged with defrauding the govef qmen out of .8335 pension money She married ' a widower and pensioner named Hohn and after, his death, which took place twenty years,trward, secured a pension as his widow.' It now appears that she parted with a former husband, one Henry Dlmmltt, wUhoii't.'the formality of a divorce, ' hence ber marriage with Hohn was- void. ' The parties formerly lived at Hamburg and several. .Hamburg citizens were subpoenaed as witnesses in the case. Seed Corn Special. ONAWA, la., March 13.-Speclal Tele gram.X The' corn' gospel special on the Northwestern arrived in Onawa at 10:56 A. m. A crowd of 300 farmers was In wait ing to hear. Prof., Holden;, the corn expert, explain the beet, method. of selecting seed corn, and what It' would" mean tb the far mers of Iowa If four .perfect stalks grew on .each hill. About half an hour's talk was given when the special departed up the Maple river branch., Stops will be made at all towns and an evening meeting held at Lake City. Dr. Webber, United States representative of the Department of Agri culture, -and Will C. Whiting, representa tive of Monona and Ida counties, accom panied the train., . . . . . Indncementa for Cereal Mill. -IOWA CITY, la., March 13.-(8peclal Telegram.) Exemption from taxes for twenty years and an opportunity to secure all of the land, necessary for the erection of a large -plant will probably be the bonua offered the American Cereal company by the tillage of Coralville to Induce the build ing of a new plant at that point. Ample fire protection, decreased Insurance ratea and an opportunity to build a model city after the pattern of Pullman are other con sideration which may move the new plant from Cedar Rapids to Coralville, where the American Cereal company already owns property. ' 1 i Large Land Deal. SIDNEY, la., March 13. (Special.) C. D. Butterfield and O. M. Beal of Hamburg have Just purchased 1.120 acres of land from 8(ipson Flnnell at 90 per acre, or 1100,800 for the entire tract. The land lies about four miles east of Hamburg and juat south across the state line in Missouri. One-half of It Is virgin soli, -never touched by the plow. Mr. Finnell, whoa trading point I Hamburg, still has 1,500 or 1,600 acre of land In thl vicinity. Thl Is one of th largest land deal ever made In thl section. School Elect!, tnlct. ONAWA, la., March 18. (Special Tele gram.) The. ichooi election today was quiet, a. A. Howsrd snd C. F. Fau were re-elected, without opposition A SKTIi OH BEAUTY IS A JOY POBEVPW. , R- T. FELIX OOUBATJD'S OXICNTAI, ' WBaaa,uanuivi, uatAUl iriEK Brwtm Tin. PlaiplM.riwklM. Mutk raloW auli, and fun iwii ana STry Dieautn vn uaau.y, UT il4 deuatloa. It T J a all U lU t V. t w(M yaan, and la ao harnilata we UsU It to b sura u u) properly made. Aoocrt do oouptar. Ml af alniltr aim. Dr. L. ayre suit t a ! of the aaut- ton la iturianni will kae Una, I iea si as 4 'arsue" t Crssm' s taa fwaat UraLl af of aala by all Iiuaiwa aad rcy Uuaii Jwaiw In tha I'. fanftdta. aa4 Carvf. fUU). T. oWUMe, rif r. W feast Jeae K, la aTap&nMtoaa.1' FIRST TO COMPLY WITH LAW Great Northern Express Oompanj Tiles Its Articles of Incorporation. MARRIAGE BROKERAGE HELD UNLAWFUL Senator Saander et Coanrll Bind Being Spoken ef a xt -pabllcan Candidate for Attorney General. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DK8 MOINES, March 18 (Speclal.)-The flrat article of Incorporation filed by any expreaa company In the atate of Iowa wer filed today by the Great Northern Express company of St. Paul, though the law spe cifically requires that certified cople ot such corporations shall be filed here and fixes a penalty of 1100 a day for non compliance for every day that business Is done Inside the state when such filing is not made. The matter ha been referred to the attorney general, who thus far ha taken no action so far as known. Ther Is a conflict of opinion among the mem bers of the executive council as to whether or not the requirement can be enforced. Marriage Brokerane t'nlawfnl. According to a decision ot the supreme court given today there can be no mar rlage brokerage business In this state. The decision Is in the case of the claim of Mary Aldinger against the estate ot Will tarn Orobe ot Hardin county. The clalrnant alleged that she made a trip to Chicago and that her efforts were suc cessful in Inducing a woman there to marry Orobe. She uetl to teoover 8300, which she claimed Orobe promised her. The opinion of the court says it is against public policy. . . - Taxes Can't Offaet Tatea. The decision of Judge James A. How In the Polk county court wa sustained by the supreme court today in a case where he held that taxes cannot be considered a debt to offset taxes. In an estate T. A. Baylies of Des Moines as guardian sought to use the taxes of 1908 to offset hi as sessment for 1903. The court denies the right, Organise Libraries. Mis Alice Tyler, ecretary of the Iowa Library commission, goes to Wlnterset to night and to' Shenandoah Wednesday i to confer with the library board of those cities concerning their new Carnegie libra ries which are nearlng completion. Loyal Lea-Ion in Cedar Rapids. - Captain J. W. MufTley.and others of this city will meet with the rest of the execu tive council of the Iowa Loyal Legions In Cedar Rapids tomorrow for the regular monthly meeting of the council. " - Harper a Bona Fide Candidate. Friends of Senator Harper of Ottumwa, who Is a candidate for commander of the Iowa Grand Army of the Republic, deny that he is merely making the race thl year to be In line for the position next yerfT. They state that he Is a bona fide candidate and expects to win at the en campment In Oskaloosa in May. Says Contrnct Is Followed. Senator A. B. Funk of Storm Lake and Edward P. Schoentgen of Council Bluffs, members of the Capitol commission, are In the city today and atate that the con tract for the decorations at the state house are being compiled with in putting on aluminum instead of gold leaf In the capl- tol dome. They state that white the con tract does not state ., specifically . in - all cases,' the matter was wejl understood And the work is being done a agreed, upon. Saander for Attorney - OeneraL ' It is being suggested that Senator C. G. Saunders of Council Bluffs be the next attorney general. Attorney General Mul len's term will expire January 1, 1807. The term of office 'of Secretary of State Mar tin of Greenfield and both from the Ninth Congressional district expire at the same time. Thl would leave the Ninth with out representation among the principal state offices. Cinnlai and LnPollette. At Humboldt college at Humqpldt, la., a mock cohventlon of the student nom inated Governor A. B. Cummins for pres ident of the United States to succeed Roosevelt In 19C6 and LaFolIetle for 'vice president. ; Can't Identify Colored Man. ' Deputy Sheriff Temple, who went to Oklahoma to get Nell Matthews, a colored man, wanted for murder here, la not aure It ia Matthew, and Officer Miller of the police force, a colored man, has been sent to make sure. No Chlidren In School District. SIDNEY. Ia., March la.-(8peclaU,-One of the most remarkable cases in th his tory of Fremont county school occurred at Spring Valley, Jn Prairie township, last week, when the only fatmly remaining In the district which had children In school moved away. The school was a small one at best, and during the winter the patrons began seeking homes elsewhere until not a pupil belonged In the district. The teacher, Miss Mamie Thome of Sidney, closed her work for the reasons above stated. , The director, J. R. Lewis, informed her' that there was nothing else to do, but that her pay would bi cheerfully given for the full term. Nature's Best Gift to man is her pure, sparkling ILflTWBA WATER 3 Leading physicians endorse and prescribe it. Sold Everywhere. THE KCIMROSOl DRUB CO., 1 SOU JACKSON STREET. PUTHlBlTeSQ AGENTS, SHERMAN & McCOKHEll 0RU6 CO, 16TH AND DODOS. iVKTAlla AQKirrSa p"'"",1"" ' ''' 11 "' i i ' ' Prosa the Cover Design ef the March Metropolitan THE LATEST NOVELS, FREE Ghe METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE S Great Special Offer to Readers of this Paper. A Rare Chance for Novel-Readers, EVERYBODY likes to read a good novel. Here Is a chance fof them to est the very latest, best, and most popular novel, free. Tbey are all bound In clotb. and are the regular editions aold la the bookstores for $1.80 per copy. ' By the actual reports of tha booksellers throughout the country the six beat-selling books today are: 1. The Masqueroder by Mrs. Thnrston. Thla story has ereated more Interest and more dlscuaalon than any other novel for a long while. 2. The Prospector by Ralph Connor, th author Of 'The Man from Glengarry." "Black Rook." and "The Sky-Pilot." . , 3. Beverly of Graustark by George B. MeCatckaoa author of "Oraustark." It la . a f aaalnatlng story, full of incident and romantic Interest. 4. T h e S e a w o l f by Jack London.' Thl Is the powerful and original novel by th author ot "The Call of the Wild." 5. The Prodigal Son tha newest and 1 strongest of - Ball Calne' novel. Author of ''The Christian,' eto, . ' ' 6. (iod's "0 o o d Man by Marie Corelll. An absorbing novel In which Miss Corelll discusses soot Vital problem of th day. Our Special Of fer . as t oiiowsi To any person who will sen n two 'yearly sohaerlptlons for the Metropolitan Magaslae, we will Send, free of all charge, any one of the volar nnrela mentioned above. E-r-ery reader ought te and In thla Mat something to salt his taste. 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