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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1905)
10 " THE OMAHA DAILY REE: TUESDAY. MARCIT 14. 1003. VON WALLER FOUND CULTY Jury Agnei on Verdict of Moider in the Second Degree. COMMENDS PRISONER TO COURT'S MERCY Vong Debate la Jar Room Comn to En 4 After Dlsareemea Seems the Only Probable Oatcome. George Von Haller as found guilty of murder 4n the second decree by the Jury which ha been considering his case since Saturday noon. The Jury came into court with IU verdict shortly before 6:30 Monday afternoon. Accompanying- the verdict of the Jury was a recommendation to the court for leni ency. 4 Judge t)ay had directed the bailiff to bring- the'jury Into court about 3:40. and had asked if there was any chance of an agreement tyelng reached. Some of the Jur ors rathe Intimated there was not, but some Insisted there was still 'a chance for agreement. ' A question was rftlsed by two of the Jurors as to the exact meaning of one or two expressions In the court's charge to the Jury. Judge Day said- he did not feel like revising any part of the charge and the Jury retired for further consideration. Judge Day had said that he would allow a reasonable Urns for further consideration and agreement, but gave the Intimation that if. he became convinced there was no mirh chance he would feel like again call lng them' In and discharging them. He alluded to the great cost to the county of the trial, but was liberal In his review of the duty of the Jury. After being out another hour and a half the Jury reported It had reached an agree ment and when brought tip from the sub terranean depths of the fcourt house gave the verdlcf as detailed. ,t o Relatives Present. When the verdict was returned irno court neither Airs. George Voo Haller. his wife, Mt. Mary Von Haller, His mother, or any other relative was in court. Mr. Jefferls and M ' Shoemaker, his lawyers, were there, as was County Attorney Slabaugh and two pf his assistants. Mr. Jefferls de manded poll of the Jury, and each man, as his name was called, answered that the verdict was his. The punishment for murder in the second degree, under the Nebraska law, Is not less than ten years In the penitentiary or life Imprisonment, In the discretion of the court. In, discharging the Jury Judge Day com plimented them on their conscientious dis charge of a most disagreeable duty. He said that during the two weeks of separa tion from their families his sympathies hud been with them. As a slight token of his appreciation of their services he would excuse them from service for one day and possibly he might overlook a miss, ing of a roll call on a second day without holding them guilty of contempt of court. Von Haller look the announcement of the Jury's verdict without an indication either of disappointment or elation. n r ' f " ""v f"i f" pi r wns mas Extra. Specials in Sale of ?vfe J, EtJTI o)n?rn rvn 0). gi ! U 1 TO 1l1vIi 0 il HI i OMAHA KATHER Tl ESDAY- Rain y OB I mmmmm- or 9now Warmer. -wSSjSJ I i t TOOK A Week of Rousing Bargains Great Lace and ' Embroidery Sate on THURSDAY- THE RELIABLE ITOM.w Great Sate of Ladies' New Spring Suits THURSDAY. NEW SCH00LF0R NORTHWEST Old Monmoath Park Bolldlnsj Goes to a New Site Without Delay. The work of moving the old Monmouth Park school building, which consists of a two-room frame structure, from its present location at Thirty-third street and Mer edith avenue, to Thirty-sixth street and Kansas avenue, has been Btarted. When In position on the new site the school will be opened, with one teacher in charge nd under the jurisdiction of the Central Park school, according to the present plans of the board, A new school will be created by the change at the request of. the New-port-Belvldere Improvement club, which urged the matter in a letter to the Board of Education. The chief reason for the new school is that there are from forty to fifty children of ages attending the fourth grade down, living in the extreme northwestern part of the- city, who have to walk ex- cepilonally long distances to the Mon mouth Park and other schools. A new district will be created for these young sters as soon as, the new school, which will be knowp as the Central Park annex, Is ready for. use. Arrangements have been made for the purchase of an acre of ground at .Thirty-sixth street and Kansas avenue for 1200. Though no definite action has boen taken on the subject the present plans of-the board are to open the school Just as soon as It can be moved and put In condition. Already two aspirants for the Janltorshlp have manifested their desires. It Is not Improbable that this duty will be placed In the hands pf the Janitor of. the Central Park school and a small sum set aside for the-hiring of an assistant. - A 'new Job Is In sight, because the Central Park school Is a long distance from the - site of the annex. . . . New Goods Are Continia.IIy Being Broujht Forward. Here are Today's Special Bargains All Mrs. Benson's finest Extra Wide Embroideries 10c, 15c, 25c 39c Finest embroideries, inscrtiugs, galloons and headings of swiss, nainsook and cambric neat and dainty patterns and baby nets also embroideries suitable for muslin under wear, corset covers, skirts, flounciugs and children's dresses a splendid variety of Mrs. Benson's choicest embroideries at, yard Muslin Underwear Specials From Mrs. Benson's Stock. Kvery well Informed wuiiiao. in Ouiuba k turns of the exceptionally Llgh quality of the muslin underwear carried by Mrs. Benson It was all selected with great care for an exacting and high class trade. All the Corset Covers and ers that Mrs. Benson sold for LCte, 30c and 35c, at All the Cornet Covers, Drawers, tiowns and Chemises that Mrs. Benson sold up to T.'c, at All the Skirts, Chemises, Drawers and Gowns that Mrs. Benson sold up to $1.00, at Draw- 19c 39c Drawers 69c 98c All the line Muslin Underwear that Mrs. Benson sold at $1.25, $1.50 and $1.85, goes at All the very lilph class Muslin Un derwear that Mrs. Ben- f fa son priced at $2, $2.25 I and $2.50, at aWvr V All Mrs. Benson's finest grades of lingerie and elalwrate undermus lius at correspondingly low prices. Children's aid Infants Wear From Mrs. J. Benson's Stock. Mrs. Bsnson carried the most beautiful and com plete stock of children's and infants' wear in Omaha all new, all high grade and all going at prices that are wonderfully reduced. All the Infants' Slips and Baby's SKort Dresses tf O Worth up to 3.50 of Silk, India yfC Linon, Swisses, etc., goat White Goods from Mrs. J. Benson's Stock 10c All Mrs. Benson's India I.inons all Mrs. Benson's Long Cloth all Mrs. Benson's Checked Nainsook all Mrs. Benson's Dimities Mrs. Benson sold it up to JWc a yard at, yard ; All the Plain Linens from Mrs. J. Benson's Stock 'All the plain handkerchief linens all the shirt waist linens all the pillow ease linens all the drawn thread linens Tuesday at the White Goods Counters, at about One-Half Mrs. Benson's Price. , White and Embroidered Flannels From the Mrs. Benson Stock All Mrs. Benson's stock on hand, together with a line that had been shipped at the time of our purchase. The latest showing of white silk embroidered flannels ever seen In the west at about HALF MRS. BEN SON'S l'KICB. Mrs. Benson's Fancy Linens ALL THE CLUNY LACE LINENS ALL THE TENEKEKUE LINENS ALL THE HAND DRAWN WOKK LINENS ALL THE HAND EMBROIDERED IRISH LINENS ALL THE SCARES, CEN TER PIECES, DOILIES, SHAMS, ETC. Most superb line in Omaha in most cases at HALF MRS. BENSON'S PRICE. ' ' toABLE FASHIOKS. r KID GLOVES FR0M Kc BENSON STOCK Perrin's gloves, absolutely 69e-l-l-50 Well known brands, including Perrin's gloves, absolutely the best glove on the market, ff A $l $' . m 1.11 .W. ASB tne enure siock or nign class new kid gloves, at, pair. Mrs. Benson', Stock of LdieS HoSlCry All tbe Misses' Children's and Boys' Stockings Including the Black Cat and Pony brands Mrs. Benson's price 25o pair, f at, pair '. I J C Ladles' Imported Hosiery All the j All Silk Hosiery The most beauti hlghest class lisle hosiery, lace I ful stock of all silk hosiery In c, new spring kooub, i uinHnii wmn variety, nnesi goods , 25o35c-50c F 98cl.39-l.98 hosiery. st, per pair, Ladies' Knit Underwear from Benson Stock. All the spring and summer weight knit underwear from the Benson stock bargain counters, choice. ll IT- Ef at pair I ZiC-Zj C-JJC-J UC JEWELRY SPECIALS FROM THE BENSON STOCK. All the latest crystal beads that PA n QQ jut- m wfu-j'ui; Mrs. Benson sold up to $2, at Automobile Hat Pins The regular- price, is JIZn 50c each, at. '. . . . . DO N08. C59-"tf, (Two Patterns) LADIES' SHIRT WAIST COHTL'MK. HI Bos, ti'.'fts S3 to 4:l-lnc)i bust measure. Pises, COO 0 to So-1 iu-n waist measure. Each pattern 10 rents. For the accommodation readers of Ths Bee thesa patterns, which usually retail at from 36 to W cents each, will ba (urnlahed at ths. nominal prica of 10 cents. A supply Is now kept at our oflU-e. so thosa who wish any pattsrn may get It slthar by call ing or nclOKlna lu cents, addreaacd "J'at tern Dausruneak , Omaha." H I JrFTllrnnrv H i iti iir LnMsan wuma iw m nan All Mrs. Benson's $1.00 and $1.25 Wrist Bags at 50c wi:ii'ij!nl DEPUTT STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L. RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S, CITY VKTKKIHIA1, mnd Inflrmsry, 281 p soil M '.sci 8ta OMAHA, M.U. Itk-viwn ' Ivory Woman l uwnswt nn.l should know MARVtl'whir'li;;!'; 1Tb MW ,rt.. 'j' Jo ennoi supply lha "'I'l no t'lhrr. but llld LLnn fria t MnM ConiiL.nL ... ........ .n.H WSMS. i lull niriil.rind itlreptlin In 41 furkUvu, Xvn larfc. for sal h aCHAEFERs UHUO PTOKE6 lfth am) KtU.N oi LoJ i-U 4d JLMUa-laa sutats. MILLINER.Y! . MILLINERY! Formal Opening of Bennett's New Millinery Parlors. Largest. Best Ar ranged and Fullest stocked west of Chicago. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. You Are Invited. SECOND FLOOR. Tuesdav mnrnlnn hnnc nn nf thm raff rc of Baraain Sales viMiiiy a Vnv VI 9 that Omaha has ever known. Read caretully every item. They money saving propositions to you. V" Sale of Ladies' Kid Gloves Tuesday we will place on sale 100 dozen Ladies' Hid Cloves from the IL G. Miller stock, all in newest shades 0 K and Paris point stitching, with one large clasp, " u regular $1.00 aud $1.50 values, choice v FROM 9 TILL 10 A. M. 10c Half Hose at 5c Men's half hose, in blacks 5c FROM 10 TILL If A. M. ladies' plain and fancy Hose, some silk embroidered, splendid value at 15c to 25c, d limit of 4 pairs to ens-1 Q if I tomers, Tuesday at pr." Bennett's Great Grocery. Special money-saving salrs every day In our famous Grocerv Section. Thirty (U.oo) Grcrn Trading Stamps with ten cans Early June Peas... $1 .01 Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with ten cans Solid Pack Tomatoes 11.0 Ten 1.00) Green Trading Stamps with three x cans Rocky Mountain Cream 25; Ten ($1.00) Green Tiad- Ing stamps with ( in IMumond 8. Sal mon . 22i Thirty ($;!.ot)i Green Trading SUnipn with Aluminum Coffee .Maker ifto Tu ($1.0oi Green Trad ing Stamps with Kngllsh pint bottle H a a r - man Pickles,, a...... ....... ......,. 23o Twenty ($2.00)' "orpen"'TVadVng'" "stamps with half gallon bottle Sweet Asia Plcklen 30c BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. Easter Novelties In great variety. Red Bird Eggs, thirty for lo Chicks In eggs, each fie Cotton Ducks and Chicks, each 5o Fifteen ($1.50) Green Trading Stamps with package California Figs 12H Specials in Tuesday. Like fresh ground Coffee? Every body does! Buy a Coffee Mill of the right sort here are bargains! Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with X Ray Coffee Mill and Canister, holds one pound coffee boo Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with Home CofTee Mill and Canister, holds one pound coffee ttoc Forty ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with 21-pound Flat Top Family Scale, neighs by ounces $1.15 Forty ($4.00) Green Trading Stamps' with 24-pound Flat Top Family Scale with scoop, weighs by ounces.... $1.33 Forty ($4.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with 24-pound Scale wlih scoop, only $1.23 Forty y$4.00) Green Trading Stamps with 24-pound Family Scale with tile top and brass face $1.43 Forty ($4.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with any Universal Food Chopper, $1.3S, $1.08 and Mc 7 BR.ANDEIS FOR MILLINERY Your presence in requested at our ANNUAL SPRING " MILLINER Y OPENING EXHIBIT TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY f $ March utr and isth. We specially mention a superb assem blage of absolutely exclusive Paris pat' tern hats, the most complete showing of model hats ever imported by a west em house. THE MOST ARTISTIC AND - FASHIONABLE MODELS FROM NEW YORK AND LONDON. Original Millinery conceptions by Miss Daverne, lately of New York. . Her designs are exclusively for Brandeis. J. L. Brandeis & Sons 1MPOBTERS. PAM8-XEW YUUK-OXA1IA. Greatest Millinery Department West of Chicago. Occupies Entire Third Floor. and tans, a regular 10c value, Tuesday at, pair In the Domestic Room One big table of cheviot, ox fords, madrasses and percales, 36 in. wide, well worth 15c per yard, creat snap at, yard Wool Dress Goods From 2:30 to 3:30 P. M. We will sell short lengths of all wool and silk and wool dress goods in lengths irom 2 to 8 yards, voiles, eollienes, suitings, etc., worth Irom 75c to $3.00 per yard, lues- day. one pattern to a customer, at yd. 5c i 39c Great Silk Special Wednesday Watch Tuesday evening papers for prices. You cannot afford to miss tbis jrreat sale. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' SHOES WEDNESDAY An immense line in vici kid and patentcalf J J 0J to ?j.0U values, a 2 48 QROClRllSl OROCmiSlt GROCERIES!!! Big money swing pricts, en the highest quality goods, everything guaranteed to be tie best. 48 lb. Sacks High Patent Minnesota Flour at $1.48 10 lb. Sacks Best Cornmea! 15c 7 lb. Best OutmeaJ., 150 6 lb. Best hand-picked Navy Beans 19c 6 lb. Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Fht- lno '. ic 5 lbs. Fancy J.ipnn Rice c 6-lb. palls Pu-e Fruit Jelly ISc 10 bars Best Laundry Soap 25c Sapollo, per bar 5c 1 Gold Duot Washing Powder, per pkg.ISc On Time .'Yeast Zi: Pearline, per pkg 2c CANNED GOODS PRICES THAT, ARB 2-lb. cans Best Sweet Sugar Corn.,,C 6o "l 2-lb. cans Wax Beans ,,, Bo 2-lb. cans Lima Leuns BomI 2- lb. cans String Beims So w 3- lb cans Fancy Apples Bo 3-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin 65 S-lb. cans Lye Hominy Bo 3-lli cans Golden Table Syrup 7'o 3-lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes "Vjo 2-lb cans Early June Siftet Peas 7Uo AtilNllER SNAP 8PGC1AU FANCY, FRESH, CRISP GINGER SNAPS, PER POUND t 40 HAYDERS BROS, w ANTE A BOY ; , : in every iowi to sell our new Saturday Bee. .We will send any boy the first 10 COPIES FREE It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, including 10 colored pages vith BUSTER BltOWJJ COMICS, altogether 30 pages, and Js a big seller everywhere on Saturday. YOU WAKE TWO CENTS PROFIT ON EVERY PAPER YOU SELL For Full Particulars Write to - The Omaha Bee, . Omaha, Nebraska Cut Glass for Weddings A visit to our Cut Glans Room will convince you that we have many beautiful pieces to show you. Berry Bowl, 16.00, a beauty, too. Handaome Nappies, 12.00, $2.26 and $2.50. You can spund a (aw minute with us very profitable- Look (or the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, IMS Douglas Btrast. Ak for BE8T BECAUSE Tou are HOT paying lor bill boards, ! salBtlsg, eloeke. ra dasvis, etc. but tor Fim tlnalltr Hi Tobaoeo, VMVAL. to Import Clears. Sold direct la tbo retailer If W.tX. BJOH MBilC CIGAR CO Muiflu. tuwvs, ST. UOVlt, .None SuchFIince Meat I la 2-Pls 10c Packages with List of Valuabli Premlums.C . J m assi aaa aaa asa mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mW sjsl mm J j WITHOUT CHANCE II y7 ' POK PACIHQ II. Th Main ThorougMar to lha Lewis and Clark mm ... .a . a a 4 II' Eiposmon, rortiann, urt,, wun ' 1 to October 15, 1905. II Two Through Trains Daily I j III With Accommodationu (or all Classes II' II V SHORTEST LINE FASTEST TIME . CITY TICKET OFFICE, NX Phon. me. . 132 FA K NAM STKEET. V . 'k 1 (5 j WANT A WARM OFFICE? j (Qf)) t Steam Heated I VjJ T Offices In . I i: me m mmim i $ o $10.09. $15.00 $18.09 and $25.09 . T PER. MONTH. : 1 0 R. C. PETERS H CO., Ground Floor, f -f 1 Rental Acents. tu sii. i i ar f QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO t j