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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1905)
tttt: oMAnA daily hep:: satftipay. FERnrATir 2." 1005. The Organization of the Fypewriter encircles the Globe. t t Salesrooms: Re o. imntxcA Kw Tork Asroe Albaay Ado Arber Arrlmor Atlanta AoatlB Saltlmore ttla Creek Banff or Binabaajtna Btrntlafhtf bioomiacte B1M Baa toe (to gala Butte Car Baslaa ChulMtM Charlotte ' Chattanooga Chicago Cincinnati Cle'elana Oolorado Is. Columboe, 0, Hallee Da reaper Pajton- Penlena- Inr Dm Mcrfaea Detroit Iiorar, DaU Dubuque Dnltith Elmlra - Rl Peee Brie rt. Worta QaWeeton Grand Rapids. '-' Hsrrlaburf Rartfare RaleD Honetoa. Indlanapolle lthara Jacksonville Kalamatoe Kanaaa City Klngatoa Lincoln Uttle Rnrk Loa Angelas Tmlarllla Macon Manrbaetet Isempale Ullwenkee. MlnnoapoUs- Moblla Montfoaier Naehrllle. Newark Now Haree New Orlaaaa Newport Norfolk Oakland ao Oklahoma Oman Tadacak f'eoaacola Peoria Philadelphia. Phoenli pit tabor Portland (t) Portsmouth ProTldrnca Pueblo RaWia Iteadtnf Blchmone' Rocheeter. Baeramanta- Salt Lake City Ban Antonio Baa Prandec Ban Joee Ravenna a Borantoa Brattle Blouz Cltr Booth Bend. Spokane Bprlnj field 3) fit. Joaepo. Bt. Louie Bt. Paul etrraenae Taeama- Terr Baute Toledo Tnpeka Trenton ftlra Vlpkeburi Ware. Tea. Vaaklnftoa Watertowa Waterburr Wheeling Wllllamaport Wilmington (1) Werceeter Juaeaa. Toronte Montreal Halifax Hamlltoa London Ottawa tiuebee Bt. John. Bt. John'i. Vancouver Victoria Winnipeg Mexlre Monterey Iiurango Guadalajara Chihuahua Tamplco B. L. Potnat Baltlllo rampeaab Merlda. Tiara la (vrdenaa Clenfuegoe Glbara Mataniai Ptnar d. Bio Pto. Principe Begita 1 Urende Banta Clara Hantlage Ban Juan Harbadoee Hamilton. Bermuda Bellee Ban Joee aegnclf alpa SO. AHItICA Antofacaata Arequlpa Baenoa A tree Tallao -Caracaa . Chllae ConcepcloB Georiretowa Guayaquil, Imilooe Lima HniM Crura Para Rio de Janetra Bao Paolo Bantlafo 7 alnahuano Tralgnen VsldMa Talparalao EV&OPX. London Aberdeen Aberretwrta Aehford Eenburj Belfaat rtlrmlnihaaa Bradford Brlahtoa Bristol Purton-ea-Trent Cambridge Cardiff Cardigan toreutrj Dartmouth Dublin Dundee Eastbourne Edinburgh Exeter Glaagow Gloureater Great Yarmouth. Guernaey Harrowfata Ruddera field Hull Ipawieb hint a Lrna, yeamlnatoa Dee da Lalceater Liverpool l.llnrllr Londonderry , Maldetona Manchester Mansfield Newcaatle-oa True. Kewporl Norwich Nottingham Plymouth Portamoota Preaton Bcarhorongk Kheffleld ahrewabury Boutbamptoa Itre tweaaea Tannton Ttinbrlda-a Weill Walaall Woroeatar Tork rarle Ba.ronna Beat era Bordeaux t'arcaaeona Haere. l a Roche Ua. I.lbourna Lille Mmuea lrtent , I rone Mamelllea Montpelllef i Nantea Narbonn Nice Nltnee i Bocbefort. Tonlon ' Toulouaa Botterdem Bombay. The Hague Madrae ; t'oloiubo- ropenbafea Simla Aalborg HaDgooa Aarbuua Clngapora- Penang Boerahaya Batarla Bamarana;- ' ( herlbon PalembanB. Ttanka Falxon Ilalpbonf - 7e1eta Kaaaa- Kovno h barker Kief Hclalngfora Mlnak ktogblle MJdI Not go rod Odeaaa Orel Ornnburf Penia Perm I Roe tor aa Doa samara Barapul fiaratne Blmblrek Bmolenab -ffa ' Varonle) I V araaW' AJaeala, Berlin All Bremea Breelau Cologne. Portmund Preaden Pitareldorf Blberfeld Keaen . Frankfurt Hamburg Hanorer Enolgeberc Lelpilff Mannheim Magdeburaj Munich Nuremberg Btettln Btraaahurg Btuttgart Bt. Pctereborj Moecow Aarrakkaa . Rakn KVaterlnbarc Iranoro Tnrln Bologna , Florenca- Genoa Milan Naplea Palerma- Rome Venlca Vienna Budapeat. Graa. Pnrne Trleata Baael Genera Lucerne Eutick Madrid Malaga B-rllle Valencla- MuboB Oporto Brnaarla Antwerp barlerol Gand Llaga Amatardam Gronlngea fitnekbolm GothenburB Malmo Buudarall Chrlattanla Rergi'n Chrlatlanaand Xrondbjem Couatantlnopla Athene Balonlca Soda Taletta Las Pal true Canary la. AFBIOaV- Alexandrla (airo Alglera Bone Oren Tnnla Addle-Ababa- I'JIboutl Harrar Capa Town Bloemfontelo Bulawayo Ptirban East London Johannceburg Klmberly Klngwllllama- town Krngeredorp Ptetermarltiburf Port Elisabeth Pretoria AHA Emrrna Beirut Calcutta Allahabad Rong Kon$ Shanghai Canton Fooohow Hankow Tlcn Talnv Prkln Klae Ckaai Toklo Yokohama Kobe Manila Tashkent Tlflla Toruek Irkutsk Blairoweatacblnik Vladlroatok OCrAJTIA, Mclhourna B.rdney Ncwcaatla Adelaide Brlabana Perth Uobart Punedln Chrlstohureb Wellington Auckland Nnpler Inrercnrglll Oamaru W'angaaiil Honolulu Apia Noumea Contemplate for Thirty Seconds the Work of Thirty Years! FATHER STABBED BY HIS SON Hwaalt of Attempt to Stop right of Two Brother. la Dlaaatrona to Patreot. NORTH LOUP, Neb.. Fab. 24. (Special.) -H. W. Trefren. a farmer living; on Davla creek, about nine tnllps from hero. Is lying ii a dariBcronr) condition aa the result of wounds Inflicted by one of hia boys with ft pooket knife. Lnat evening two of the boys became en gaged tn an altercation ubout a calf. The quarrel was fuat merging Into a' genuine fight, and Mi. Trefren lntei'poned to atop the trouble, when one of them turned on him with tho knife and cut and atabbed litm In three places. One of the wounds la In the muscles of the right arm, one nearly severed the muscles of the left thigh.,- But the most serious one is a stab In .the lower abdomen, which penetrated the bowels. . Physicians were secured aa soon as ponel lite and the wounds dressed, but consider that to the'abdotnea aa being very danger- Nw of Nebraska PrjfTTSMOUTU. Keb. 24 Warren Rich ards of Wabash and Miss Clara Stoarns of. Murdnck wetv united in marriage on Weilnenday, Rev. I-otig officiating. FA IRBl'RY, Feb. 21.-The Falrbtiry Building and Loan aasnclatioa elected Phil S. Kasterday prenlderit, a. V. Peau vice president, J. O. Evans treasurer and J. A. Axtll secretary. PAPILI-ION. Feb. 24. 9. . Martin, Jr., has sold his forty-acre farm southwest of 1'aplllion to George & Co. of Omaha, the consideration, being $4,200, or $105 per acre. This Is the top notch for Sarpy county land. Mr. Martin has purchased a farm near St. Edward, Neb., and will move there. HUMBOLDT. Feb. 24-The Methodist congregation at this place has chosen Rev. Calvert, the pastor, and Messrs. (.'. I,. Hummel and P. O. Avery to represent the body at the great mlcsionary convention to be held In Uncoln next we"k, and it Is anticipated quite a number will attend from here. BEATRICE. Feb. 24.-Horace B. Mittan, who was sent to the anylum from this city about two weeks ago, died yesterday. The remains will be taken to his late home in Island Orove township, this county, for burial. He was about 62 years of an and leaves a widow and a large family of children, all grown. HL'MROLDT, Feb. 24. Frank Hummel and Miss Mabel Draper were united In marriage at the home of the bride's parents, R. R. Draper and wife, several miles cast of the city. In the presence of about seventy-five Invited gusts. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. Dillon of the Kvan gelical church or Dawson. HUMBOIJ5T. Feb. 24. The local Knights of Pythiaa lodge at their regular meeting tills week voted a gift of $200 to James H. Davis, one of the leading members, who had occupied a place as chairman of the building committee of their new hall. Just completed. Mr. Davis hud superintended the construction faithfully and neglected his own business, refusing compensation therefor, and the above action resulted. FA1 RBl'RY, Feb. 24. James Markham died yesterday from the effect of the gun Orchard & Wilhelm CARPET COMPANY Saturday Special o o o 33 1-3 per ceivi discount on itny of our figured or plain velour. tufted or plain top Couches. About 42 patterns, while they last SATURDAY. Come in and pick out your couch and take one third off. Store open Saturday evening until 9 o'clock shot wound received Monday, when he tired a rille ball Into his head. He was conscious most of the time, but did not seem to realize that he hud attempted suicide. He leaves a wile and two step children, 12 and 14 years old. PLATTSMOUTH, Feb. 24. A white 'possum was captured alive near Rock Uluffs and is now exhibited In a window of a saloon on Main street In this city, where his peculiar actions are admired by tho passersby. Thla Is the first one of the kind captured here, so far us known, al though the common kind are very plentiful in that vicinity. BEATRICE, Feb. 24 The members of the Gage County Rural Curriers' associa tion held a meeting at the postofflce Tues day evening and elected a delegate to at tend a meeting of the statu association soon to be held In Lincoln. The name of the delegate was not made public. Post master t;lgar addressed the meeting on the subject of "Organization of Bodies." FAIRMONT, Feb. 24. Tho Masonic and Kasteru Star lodges gave their annual banquet on Tuesday evening. From eighty to 100 guests wero present and one of the enjoyable times of the season was enjoyed. A select program, consisting of music. In strumental and vocal, with readings by Mrs. John Barsby of (leneva, was enjoyed by all. After the program supper wua served in the banquet room. NORFOLK. Feb. 21. Two Pinkerton de tectives arrived In Norfolk incognito and ransacked the resorts east of tho city In seurch of a murderess who was. thev thought, located here. They failed to find the woman. At Clinton, la., on Tuesday of this week they arrested one of the crowd mixed up in the Killing. The place or the ciime anu tne acians wero not ob talnnble. HUMBOLDT, Feb. 24. The ministers of the citv have reorganized tne local minis terlal organization with the following oltl-i-ers: President, Rev. L. R. Built h uf the Presbyterian church; secretary, Rev. Bert Wilson ur tne i nrisiian cnurcn; treasurer. Rev. H. A. Hohenwald of the German Methodist Kplscoual church. It Is the in tentlon of the preachers to make a united effort for the betterment of the commu nity, as well as consider a number of questions of- especial Importance In their regular wora. PAP1LLION, Feb. 24-Action haa been Instituted In district court of Uarpy county whereby Mrs. Mary Rosencraim seeks to recover from A. II. Nichols certain sums of money alleged to be held by Nichols for t'haries itosencraua, ner nusimnd. The court haa Issued an order of attachment and a levy made upon the residence prop erty of Nichols in Mouth Panllllon. About a year ago Rosencrans mysteriously dis appeared, nothing having been heard of him since. Foul play was suspected, but the proor or his dcutn has never been ea tablished. BKATR1CE, Feb. 24-The annual meet lug of the Presbyterian Woman's Mis. sionary society was held yesterday after noon at the homo of Mrs. Joshua Gams. Officers for the coming year wero elected as follows: Mrs. Mary C. Hoyt, president; Mrs. G. W. Warner. II rat vice president; nirs. a. r. Lester, seconu vice president; Mrs. R. M. Hood, secretary; Mrs. F. B. Uheldon. treasurer: ftlra. John Elliott, sec- rotary of literature. Mrs. G. W. Warner was chosen delegate to the next Presby terian meeting, which is to be held at Heward. The reports of the secretary and treasurer were submitted, showing the so ciety to be in an excellent condition. COLI'MBI S. Feb. 24. District court hns been In session all the week and the term will probably continue over Into next week. The case of J. C. Fraxelle against the 1'nion Paclllc railroad was called this after noon. In this action the plaintiff seeks to recover $2.lau damut.'ex for Iniurles received in November, 10. Ho was employed In the capacity or swuenman in tins city, and while coupling a caboose onto a freight train some cars were thrown against the other end of the train at the same time by another engine and he whs caught and crushed uhou.t I lie hlis. He alleges his Injuries are permanent. In the case of J. D. Stlres. trustee, against L. London the Jury returned a verdict of no cause for action. HHS. lYiHSLOW'S SQOTKIKQ SYRUP i as been need rir Millions of Mothers for their ! ohlldroa srtiiie TeeitUua foe uer rm Vuskre. It auothea Ue oiili'l. aoficua the auuia, alUre i ajn. cure, wma cuua, aua aa Mir f'jr dtfTQ,ea II nutn Miiraasa w I iwl Aoiln am I Ika tt m GOVERNOR IIAS HARD TASK Wife and Children Plead with Him to Pardon Husband and Father. HAS SERVED FOUR YEARS FOR MURDER Ceirahaaker Athlete. Arc Invited to Participate In Three-cornered Event on Track at Kanaaa tlty. (From a Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN, Feb. 24 (Special Telegram.) "It'a one of the severest problems a gov ernor has to face," sadly remarked Gov ernor Mickey as ho emerged from hia private office in the state house today, where for over two hours ho had listened patiently to the pitiful pleas of a wife and two children for tho release from the pen itentiary of a husband and father. Four yeara ago Ntcholaa Gentleman of Columbus was convicted of murder In tho second degree and sentenced to the peni tentiary for nineteen years. Today his wife and little boy and girl, S and 10 years of age, respectively, called upon the gov ernor for his clemency. Every argument, every plea, every cause, tho devoted little wife presented in her most persuasive man ner to the chief executive. With tho duty of upholding the majesty of the law on the one hand arid these powerful pleas upon the other, Governor Mickey admitted he found himself In a position, to say the least,' most distressing. But the governor thinks four years is a alight penalty for the crime and even nineteen years not an exorbitant price to pay for a human life. 'Please, governor, let us have our papa to go home with us," pleaded the little girl, aa her mother arose to leave the ex ecutive office. Governor Mickey made no promises, but agreed that If a written document was presented to him showing that the judge, the county attorney and the Jury thought the sentence too . severe he would take the matter under consideration. Gentleman is less than 40 yeara of age. He is said to have been an exemplary man until ha yielded to drink. When intoxi cated, in which condition he was when the murder waa committed, ITe la said to have been Ill-humored. For the last three) years of his Incarceration his wife has main tained herself and children, by teaching school. Other Influence la being exercised in Gentleman's behalf. Nebraakana Hold Aloof. The suggestion emanating from Kansas City that an effort likely will be made to Invite the track teams of Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska universities to take part In an outdoor meet in Kansas City is frowned upon at Nebraska. The subject haa not been given formal consideration at a board meeting because of a lack of a formal pre sentation, but the members of the board were frank to declare today that Nebraska could not consistently entertain such a proposition. From what Nebraska has learned of the plan for a three-cornered meet, it appears that it waa set on foot by a third party and not directly by cither of the Kansas or Missouri boards. Were Nebraska to send its athletes it would be tantamount to a resumption of athletlo relations with Kan sas, which were severed Jty Kansas after the annual. foot ball game In l.t03. Secre tary Clapp of the board 'at Nebraska de-I dared today that ,tha Cbrnhuskera would not consider such a plan. . He stated that Nebraska had been getting along quite satisfactorily since 1908 and that If Kansas was in a different frame of mind it waa clearly the part of titn Jayhawkors to come out publicly and exdrena a desire tn re sume with Nebraska..- TTtrtfl such a course Is taken by Kansas, he Asserted, the board at Nebraska can have nothing tangible upon which to act. ' . v"f Nebraska's position, in short. Is that Kan sas severed relations of its own volition and initiative and until the Jayhawkers give formal expression of a desire for ath letlo peace there can be bo resumption with the Lawrence school. Passing: of Notorious Demimonde. After almost three score years of life, the greater portion of which have been spent in halls of sin and during which years she has been a most picturesque character, Bertie Mann has at last suc cumbed to the Inevitable and her body to night Ilea at the Roberta undertaking es tablishment. Her death was caused by an attack of dropsy and heart trouble and It occurred at 6 o'clock this afternoon In her own room in her establishment on SouthTentli street. Two days ago she called to her room Rev. Benjamin Fltz, pastor of St. Luke's Epis copal church, and It waa to him that the dying woman gave the commission to make her peace with God. The same minister will preach the funeral sermon at the un dertaking rooms at 3 o'clock tomorrow and he will officiate at the interment at Wyuka cemetery. The right name of Bertie Mann la said to be Madeline Remington. Where she came from and who her relatives are no one here knows. Aa she lay dying and uncon scious for two days, her establishment continued to run and while the death angel hovered in one room in adjoining rooms revelry reigned, without a thought for the woman who spent a lifetime with one ambition to be the landlady of the most famous establishment of Its kind in the west. Huprrme Court Call. These cases will be colled for hearing March 7 In the supreme court of Nebraska New Omaha Thomson-Houston Electric Light Company against Dent, Douglas county; t nicugo, nurinigron oc wumcy jtall road Company against Troyer, Hamilton; .Txhnka uifalnst State. Box Butte: Clancv against Barker. Douglas; Levara against McNwiy, Webster; Shannon against Omaha, Douglas; McLean against Omaha & Council Blurts Hallway ana Milage i ompany. Doug las; Bnelbloy Hgainst iiuney (ior rcargU' ment before the court). Dixon: Lanadoi against Clarke, Harpy; Huber against Chi cago, Burlington & Qulncy Railroad Com pany, MerricK; riarwoou against ureese, Clay: tfanK or ltoi louniy against I pton, Cass: Crelahton ngalnst Crane. Douirlas: County of Loup against Wlrslg, Loup; Mc Braver against Jordon, Red Willow: Ne braska Loan and Trust Company against Crook. Rock; Kohirr against Estate of Kny der. Saruy: McCaw against Cox. Pawnee Diggs against State, Cas; Barker against State, Webster; iatnrop against vanAnt- werp, Custer; Fall against Fall, Hamilton. The following is a proposed assignment of cases for hearing Tuesday, March 21: Goken against DaMlugge, Butler countv: Commercial National Hank against Grunt (reargument nerore tne court , Douglas: Hardlnger against Rl intern Brotherhood (oral argument on motion for rehearing I. Dawson: Terry against Johnson. Ghitc: Richardson against Omaha. Doualas: Mr. Cagut) Bros, ugainst irey. Douglas; John sou against Songster. Fillmore; Henry saalnst Henry. Dawson: Davev nealnst Davey. Lancaster; Kownd axalnst Ho en- beck, nun; i.icnty against Beale. Thayer; MeUliils against it. K. Johnson t oinonnv. Saunders; Porter ugainst State. Lancaster; City of lyexlugton ugainst Kreitz. Dawson: Westervelt Hgainst Kilter, Pierce: Lewis against McMlllen, Thomas; Chicago Northwestern Railway Company unalnst State, ex rel. Carr. Holt: Kwlfr against State. Burt: Hasiach against Wolf. Platte: Goddsrd against State. Chase: I. h line sgalnst Parmele, Cass; Nebraska Telephone Company against County of Hall, Hull. .esBBsseassBsseessssasi New Paper for Papllllnn. PAPILLION, Neb., Feb. 24. (8perlul. A Bubcock cylinder prea and other equip ment have been received and are now be ing set ui in the basement of the bank building from which tho republican news- puper will be printed. A gasoline engine will furnish the power to operate the dif ferent presses. The publication will be named the Sarpy County Republican and will be under the management of R. w Mistin ot Omaha, with the-fcarpy County s piling Op Sale of Men's Finest Hat Styles for Spring Wear Showing hundreds of the iortmost Hat shapes and colors, from the style centers of the world in the greatest concourse of fine headwear ever brought before you. B, S. Co, Special Hat $3 Ntwtsl shapes and col ors, soft and stiff stylts tqualing In tvtry de tail the $5 hits shown in exclusive hat stores new lawns, new tans, browns, grays and black soft hats and new browns, fans and black stiff hats, In the favored proportions. J. B. Stetson Soft and Stiff HaJs 50 $ 5. Extra Special Hat Offer $J50 A great purchase of ffia entire overstock of the No Name Hat Mfg. Co., Orange Valley. N. J., closed to us at a fraction al figure. Hats worth $S and $2.50--now on salt aej eaaaesBaa Spring Skirts Resxdy Representing the productions ot The Elgin, The Star, The Princely, The Griffon, The Monarch, The Lion. The E. & W. and The Manhattan brands newest stripes, spots, dots and figures all sizes and sleeve lengths for men of all proportions, at 50c-75c-1.00-1.50 to 3.50 CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND BOYS. Publishing company as the publishers. The officers of the company are as follows: President, J. K. Wilson; secretary. H. 2. Wedgwood; treasurer, W. H. Davidson. These with I. D. Clarke and J. J. Lutz comprise, a .board ot dlrectora. The pub lication will be weekly and the first edition will appear March 10. It will be an elght pugo, six-column paper. lniANS KXHOLTK TO WASHINaTOX Object to Proposed Retentlo ot Money of Children. VALENTINE, Neb., Feb. 24. (Special.) Rev. Aaron B. Clark, missionary of the Episcopal church for the Rosebud reserva tion, arrived here this evening, accom panied by Chiefs Hollow Horn Bear, Peter Tall Mandan, Paul Stranger Horse, James High Pipo and Interpreter Tom Flood, en route to Washington to interview the sec retary of the interior relative to the pay ment of the first Installment of the money due from the sale of the Gregory county lands. There ure close to 6,000 Indiana of all ages, and tho money due from the forthcoming payment will amount to close to $25 per head, aggregating $125,000. However, the department is disposed to withhold that due to those under 18 yeurs old, as a trust fund, to be paid each on arrival at that age. The minors number about 1,400, which would mean the reten tion of about $35,000 of this money. The Indians are. protesting against this contem plated action, and hence this delegation. Should tho department adhere to Its de termination the disbursement at this time will be close to $!)0,G00, instead ot $125,000. However, about $45,000 Is due for Interest on sales of lands under former treaties. Since tho two payments will likely be made during March, and In silver, several four horse wagon loads ot this specie will be seen making its way from Valentine to the Rosebud agency, . Hollow Horn Bear will represent the Brule Sioux in the Inaugural parade. T7" New Orleans Rtfardi Gras Here is a chance to visit the Gulf country and escape the March weather of this section. Destinations New Orleans, La., Mobile, Ala., and Pensa cola, Fla. Round Trip Rate New Orleans, $31.50; Mobile, 30.35; l'ensacola, $30.35. Dates of Sale March 1st to 5th, inclusive. Return Limit By depositing tickets, travelers can leave southern destination as late as March 25th. Stop-Overs Liberal arrangements as to stop-over privi leges at southern points enroute. For tickets, berths, information, etc., call. ' . J. B. Reynolds, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. -'""'V""UI 1111 111 111 1 rt TIC KII.I.KD BY A BLOW OF THE FIST Chief of Police at Falrbary Strlkea Too YlsToronsly, ' FAIRBCRY. Neb., Ff h. 24.-(SpeclaI Tele gram.) John Sullivan was killed laat night while resisting arrest by Chief of Police Franz. Sullivan had been drinking, and Franz tried to induce him to go home. He placed him under arrest and was taking him to jail when Sullivan made vigorous resistance, and Franz struck him with hia fist, felling him to the pavement. Bulllvan waa unconscious after hia fall and was taken to his home, where he died about four hours later. The coroner's Jury is still out investigating the case. Mi The children who are drink-, ing Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate are laying a solid foundation for long, active, happy lives. Always fresh in patented hermeti f Uy sealed cans. TO 0regoa u Washing0 VIA UNION PACIFIC EVERY DAY From March 1 to May 15, 1005 00 SHORT LINE. FA8T TRAINS. NO DELAYS, Be ture your ticktts read over thii line. Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1H24 Farnam Street, 'Phone aid. PehmyroyaL pills v Orlaiaal a4 Ouly Ssaulas. WJ7ftkTK. I .41.. .t lrf1 tor Illt lir.SI KT.i VKU aa tola aMiallla basat msU4 Uh st ritaaa. Tmkm vthaw, Kafkaa PMasnai aMballtalloaa ataie laiiti ta a. .r rM, irutsti. r 4. ua rartlvHlara. 'I aatlaaanlaia aaa "R.IUf nr l, unsr. bt r. am Mali. 1 ".. l.Mls.aitl. a.14 M MaakMa a.., f alliaW VAi TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER 'rlte for a aaoile Copy. '5 ttlnf La A at ia""" -.aaaaB HYGIENIC la O T 0 M Far ftanorrkota. Gleet. Laucof rrxM, tpsraaatoe rnaM, Pitas ni All UaaeeHns Saaaal Dieohaifee. . No Pain. No Stain. NO STRICTURE. FRIC SYRINGE, 4TA rramMTa aal IMaaaaa K At Draa (lata, or aaal ta eor aaldraaa (ur 01. MAIVOON MFO. CO.. laeeaater, O., A.