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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1905)
TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATt'IJDAY. FKHKCAUY LV. 100." Men's Shoes Agents for Rcgers-Peet Finest Men's Clothing on Earth. i Regular Value up to $3.50 and $4.00 On Sale Today ON BARGAIN SQUARES AT mm mm fjg H I Rogers Peet Clothing for Men Finest in the World. JO This huge gale of men'a clothing bag established ne w records in Omaha both for mag nitude of l be sales and for aurptusing quality of the haryaina offered. Thousand of Omaha mon have responded and all have bonn satisfied. In tptto of the pljrantic stoeK we find we must announce ns a climax Saturday the We 'call your attention to our most extraordinary offering tomorrow, on the main floor shoe department and In the basement, of men's shoes. There are fully UiO pairs In the lot samples of which we have bceu showing In our window since Wednesday. The lot consists of men's real Goodyear welt and McKay sewed sole shoes made -of Ticl kid, velour calf and lxix calf, patent coltsklu and enamel calfskin. The regular' retail selling price of n preat many Is ns hiph as $!.),. J.l.iiO and $3.00 a pair some being special advertised brands with the narre and price stnniied on the sole. We have divided them in three lots All on Bargain Squares LOT No. 1, at $1.98 on the Main Floor. LOT No. 2. at $1.59 in the Basement. LOT No. 3, at 98c in the Basement. II LlLbLb " a OF ALL FROM THE RECORD-BREAKING SALE OF Ladies' New Spring Covert Coats WHIPPLE a Co. STOCK 3 This is the crowning bargnin of the kiIo that has set all Omaha talking. The sale now at its height Mill be remembered for years and tomorrow's offering will add a new bargain of import ance to Omaha men. AGAIN WE SLASH the PRICES The offer we make should arrest the attention of every well dressed man. How ofteirean you buy a stylish, well made, right up-to-date suit at one-half to one-third its value? ALL THE HEN'S CLOTHING AT $5.00 These are suits and overcoats made by such well known tailors as Fechheimer-Fishel Co. , the Washiog- New shipments of the stimulus new covert coats' for 'spring are arriving "dally. They are the Jauntiest ami most attractive little coats In .years ami will certainly leail In popuhir favor, new sleeves. new stitched htmps. etc.. snugly titling. en eh, at icti htuips. etc.. sinter titling. i'Craveiiette Coats All the newest spring ideas - the new in vis ible checks, lute tylo sleeves. 1'eggy from Paris pockets, etc..-perfectly rain proof mid protection in all went her. 1! specials, nl 6-98.898 New Spring Golf Skirts The correct weights for colors, every one lias bright cpring style, at . . . street wear, new 2.98-4.98 5 i BASF flENT SPECIALS Hoys' $2.30 Knee Pants 1 if . Suits, nt ! Hov' 15.00 Long Pants O en Suits, nt. each Ovf Mcn'ii J7.S0 Suits, at, o 7BL only 0.T ton Tailors and David Marks & Sons some of the lots are broken but there is a wide Variety of choice for all. All iht men's Overcoats and tStitf: "a worth up to $15 at Big Sale MEN'S SPRING SUITS CARRIED OVER FROM LAST SEASON. We hare a splendid lot of men's spring suits which we will sell at a big sacri fice before the regular spring season opens there Is almost no change in styles this season every suit ottered is n beauty well made and well tailored. We are willing to accept a, loss of $." to $10 on every suit we specially mention a lot worth up to SfLUUO, at Men's New Spring Top Coats In the smart Ihoroughly tailored short effects, new light and dark shades- Just right for present wear and useful throughout ! PA i A A I V IU THE SMART NEW SPRING WAISTS Pretty China silk waists for spring In' the new pleated effects new sleeves, very stuuning Ideas, at Handsome wash waists, stylish for spring, at The Balance of Our or Sale Now We are determined to clear nvn winter cloaks at once. We offer t from one-half to one- fourth their prl Ladies' S15 and 320 Long CS C'nats, nt 4,- I-adlPS' $12 and $15 I.nnK fl Ott C'nats, at Ladles' S10 and 112. L't-ln. 0 and 30-ln. routs, at M' Ladles' fs and J10 H4-ln. and 30-in. Coats, at : 298 98c.l.25.1.Sb.l.98 Fine Winter Cloaks m Basement 98c y all the balance of our high class icin tomorrow In the basement at e. L.-itllcs' J'J walking skirts, but ton and silk trimmed, nt Ladles, Jl me'.ton skirts, hlfi iOr bargain at " LihUik' $1 sateen and Knlttop iQn petticoats at Ladles' f) flannel, sateen and 40c wash waists at ) 1 $10 the spring, at SALE OF SHEET MUSIC IN ARCADE RUTH" M bessie" "ch: . 14c Two brand new beauties Men's Spring Negligee Shirts 98c ' These are men's Imported madrhs shirts, well made jfy. f of cheviots and percales they are oil new spring ttlf yC effects big variety and regularly worth $1.5(1 II m "'A fi and f2-at k J S I Men's $1 and $1.50 Negligee Shirts at 50c and 75c ' A great lot of men's line negligee shirts for m gx mm mm ( up-to-date spring wear newest patterns JC k)C Men's $2 Night Shirts at 75c i Clearance of all our men's medium and heavy weight mm ; outing flannel and domet night shirts, figured J if and striped special at S Jw SPECIAL BARGAINS NOTIONS IN BASEMENT Wax Tapers worth 10c per l)ox at, per box l Embroidery Silk-r-qulte a large line of colors per dozen f balls .. IC Mercerized Kmbroldery Cotton- large balls each 10c Hooks and Eyes 1 per card IC BOSTON STORE, OMAIIA. MEN'S 15c LINEN COLLARS AT le MEN'S 20c LINEN CUFFS AT 3c PAIR ln,00 all linen collars, all styles standing and turn down -regular 15c collars BASEMENT at. each 1c j pairs of men's all linen cuffs link and round styles i regular 25c values ! BASEMENT at. i pair 5c All the men's and boys' 75c, $1 and $1.1'5 Hats and Cops from the n . vf Marlln-()tt stock new spring styles BASEMENT at, each . : . . . .' All the boys' and children's Hats and Caps irom tne nut Stock worth tip to Toe In BASEMENT at nun i jijim 10c M SPECIAL BARGAINS AT THK Stationery Counter. The well known Bicycle Play ing Cards c lier deck iJv (l)f $1.70 per dozen.) A very good quality Enamel Maying Card the 25c IA kind ter deck IUC Uennison's (?repe. Taper in all colors per roll 1 SPECIAL ' "" .5cl Drapery Bargains for Tomorrow Only. That big lot of Drapery Swiss that has been in the window for the past few days, 42 and 45 Inches wide, worth up to I 1-40e-at, per yard.. IUBlfc2U II Special Bargains st the Muslin Counter A good Qualijy of 81x00 hemmed Sheets, ready for use, QQ. i UUb A good ciuallty pillow slip, 42 and 45 inches wide, Tm at, each 1 2U ll Mv Inninn Quopii I'm Trvinif So Hsrl to For(fit Von-She Still Jlellnves In You (tipwl ToiiMlnn 1 Won Only KoollnB(nw) Just for Fun (nrwi Illue Moll Don't Cry Kiltie Iiffir Thf l.iltln Hoy from Ixmcsom Sfrrot Amy nrw I Hsrn" AloVHiirlrr Sly Dream f H When the SIH(;hhp!ls Sertly 1'n to Mrtiiilc SlelKh with the llirl Vo l.nve-Hy ;he Dcmt Old I,o-e Lot's All llo fhlmiwln A Slf DpIh ware Alice Roosevelt Ma roll J "sopluri.' Onoont a Northern IJKhts-Moon Winks Uhirken ChHrlle, rhoire U CENT rOSTAOK WITH KAt'll CDl'Y.) The Stormy Petrol mil thst run be iloslred In n bnss roiiki The Way of the Cross Siins: in nil chureliesl. oilhor nt comk An Iik ii vniK vk oiuri:.i ri,VKi. 14c 20c I MEN'S SPRING HATS From the Marin-Co Hat Co. All the men's lino 1.50 hats from Martin-Colt Co. ' rn all are perfect-at JUC All the men's $2 hat a from Martin-Cott stock all are perfect All the men's !f2.50 and .5.'! hats from .Martin-Colt hat stock-all absolutely perfect at. each 75c Men's Medium and Heavy Weight Underwear All the men's I'ndcrwear tleecy lined, wool and derby ribbed 75o and $1.H) values J r 1C at. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN WHITE GOODS I No. 1500 English long cloth this Is an extra rlno quality, worth lUc per yard; goes at, yard 40-ln. white apron lawn.drawn work and hemstitched bottom, worth 25c per yard per yard , 8ic ii.iii aw ii ui & 7ic RIBBON BARGAIN SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY SATURDAYSPECIAL ON One special lot of ribbon, all colors a good quality at, per ya rd Four Inch wide all bon, worth up to 40e per yard; goes nt, per yard all silk II taffeta D H 5c silk moire rib- P B 15c BARGAIN SQUARE 32 inch wide good quality of India linon. regularly sells 1 at loe per yard for aL V for Saturday only, per yard One lot of plain very hlRfk, brown, itreon, wlillo and tHn color, worth 35c per yd. In full pleres; Rnos, In remnants. to.Tiorrow Ht 3ic fine voiles 7ie J. L. BKANDEIS & SONS. L. BKANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STOUE. OMAIIA. .1. L. BltANDKIS & SONS. BOSTON STOKE, OMAHA. J. L. BHANDEIH & SONS. BACKING INTO MATRIMONY One Large Man Who is Lonesome is Look ing for a Wife. GOOD THING IN SIGHT FOR A WOMAN Country llrrtl and City Hroke Male of Sound 3llnl ana Hody Wll'. Ail vertle to Seeure a , Helpmeet. lie Is n lnr man Us who Is the principal chuiai trr In this story, anil wlu-n he called u member of The liee eiaff it. ski u with a mtcilou look on his fure the iiewKpupt,r man expected that, bu wit a going (u be handed a story. And the story at mo, but not lust the kind tlmt was untMputed. The bl( man, after aome purturbatlon, not out tlin Biniouiuement that he wanted to get married wants to set married, rather, for bu la atlll of the same mind. He really blushed u he confided to his friend tho desire of till heart; blunhed Just like a Kweet bud la auld to do when her first tuvaller Jooaena hla heartstrings In re sMua tn the urging of love. The recipient of the' ambitious man's ronftdenre felt flattered that anyone should hnve thought so highly of him as to make htm a confidant In such a weighty matter. "Hully for you," he said, while he sparred for aome time to say something worthy the occasion. "I did. that myself once." ':t know you ild." said the la,rge pr aon who lucks a mute, "and 1 allowed you could help me." "Why. sure, I can tell you Just how a man should approp.oh the girl and what will make a hit with her. My wife made me nn expert in the matter." "No. no; I don't mean thnr. Ybu see'' "Oh, you want me to . pout you up on thj etiquette of the moment when the spot Ugh; gets you In the church, eh? That's easy. Just lose the notion that you cut any figure ut all, because you don't. Like the flowers and the ribbons, you're merely am-jug the trimmings of the oc casion. The bride carries the lead part, and her maid takes precedence over you. Just so you don't forget the ring you won't attract much attention." . "That's what I want to say. I haven't got her and I want her." ' "Who la she? Does she know you want her?" "1 don't know; I haven't seen her yet.'; "Well, how do you expect to marry her, then?" "I want you to help me get her. You're a newspnper men und I know vou can help me If you will. You see. I'm not ac ounl.nted here and T don't have ' much chance to get acquainted with nice girls, and I'm sort o- 'frald of them anyway. I thought you might know a way for me to find out a nice girl. I have a good po sition, but I get lonesome and I want to settle down." How to' Gft n Wife. When the purson addressed .had taken In the full significance of what hla friend wa asking he was tempted to bolt; but the lonesome chap looked to be In such deadly earnest that to doubt him would have been cruel. Remembering a favorite motto of his old college friend, John Wanamaker, he said, "Advertise." That wan the only: thing he could think of that would meet the .Jmmediate requirements of the case. The would-be Benedict agreed. He very likely would have agreed to any scheme proposed Just then. And thla explains why one advertisement for a wife -will appear In The Sunday Bee. The daring man who thus seeks a life part ner did not specify whether she should be maid or widow. He la not experienced enough to know Just which would be best for him to sign with. She need not be very young, either, for It need not be kept secret that the man who Is going to waste (the word Is spelled right) Is no longer under age. He is country raised, not half bad looking, willing as a machine and thinks Omaha Is a good place to live with a wife. Meformlck Gets Divorce. Harry T. McCormlck has been granted a divorce from Mable Kontla Mct'ormlck, the case being heard before Judge Troup. The causs for divorce was abandonment, and no iterenne was made. I he attorney ror i Mrs. McCornilck, told the court that she J hud nam to him that she differed with her husband in taste and that she Is better unt Istled away from him. She is now teaching school In New York. I L A w Killer's Old Standard "BOTTLED IN BOND." Whiskey bottled in bond, certified by the United States Government Stamp, insures PURITY, AGE, & STRENGTH , ASK THE DOCTOR. ,T.niff IF IT COMES FROM mim' 1309 Farnom St. IT MUST BE 6000. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Today and Tomorrow In Xe. braaka, loira. Sooth Dakota and Kansas. WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. Forecast of the weather for Saturday and Sunday: 1 X7al..aku ul.afltiH Tntt'fl Smith Da kota. Colorado, Wyoming and Kansas Fair Saturday and Sunday. I.oeal Heeord. OFFICE OF THK WEATHER BI'REAU OMAHA, Feb. St. Official record of temper ature and precipitation, compared with the correaponaing nay oi me iu inree years: 19"6. 19ti3. Maximum temperature .. 60 42 37 44 Minimum temperature ... 3t 20 21 31 Mean temperature 44 at 29 31 Precipitation T .00 .00 T Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1, and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature SO Kxce for the day 14 Total deficiency since March 1 312 Normal precipitation OS Inch Deficiency for the day 03 inch I'reiipltatlon since March 1.... ..27.25 inches lietUiency since March 1 4.82 Indiex Kxcess for cor. period, l!i 1 3: Inchm Deficiency for cur. period. iac3.. l.Oti Inches Reports from Stations ai T P. kl. ' Maximum Tern- Ti-m-Btatlon, and State perature pera- Rain of Wratliur. at 7 p. m. ture. tuli. Bismarck, clntr 40 ; .oo t heyenne, clear 44 Hi Chicago, raining X, nt Davenport, raining .... ISi :W Denver, clear 4N 12 Havre, part cloudy ..t. 4S 64 Helena, cloudy 4H hj 1 1 it ion. clear 42 Kansas 1 It y. clear .... 41 41 North Platte, clear .... 42 62 Omatva. ileir 4i 60 Rapid City, clear 44 fi" St. Louts, cloudy 4H 4 Ht. I'm ul. clear 40 44 Salt I.ake City, clear.. 2 64 Valentine, clear 44 4 Wtlllaton. dourly 411 1 41, T . IndlctileM trace of precipitation. .00 .10 .44 i(K) Kl .Oil (I .00 .00 .00 .00 .12 T .1 .ml .00 SHORT WEIGHT IS BUTTER Packages Sold in Omaha Do Not Weigh the Full Found. ELLICK PROMISES TO PROSECUTE SOMEONE Creamery and Uroeery Men to Be Held Responsible for the Dis crepancy Inder (he Short Weight Knactnieut. The city legal department haa discovered that from one and one-half to half an ounce of butter less than a pound Is miss In from the packages containing the choicest and most expensive creamery products on the local markets. Under, the direction of Second Assistant Attorney El lick, Claim Agent Cockrell haa been cir culating among grocery stores for several daya buying varloua brands of butter. The packages were taken to the city hall, opened and the butter weighed, found short of a pound, although no weight whatever was claimed on the wrapping. "Just the same, when the consumer calls for a pound of a certain kind of butter he receives or.a of these short-weight packages," says Mr. Elllck. Now. this Is wrong under the law, and If the grocer bought the package fur a pound of butter the creameries are responsible. Several complaints of this kind have been made lately and we have had to investigate the matter. At the present price of butter the consumer loses from 1 to i cents on every package he buys. The laws covering short Weights and measures will enable us to prosecute not only the grocers, but the creameries as well, und this Is what will bu done if a pound of butter is not sold for a pound." Pay for the Wrappers. "There Is no Intention to deceive the pub lic," said a man identified with one of the largest local creameries. "We don't pre tend to pur a pound of butter in the pack age. We simply represent that the fin ished product, package and all, weighs, ap proximately, one pound, the Idea being that inusmuch as the wrappings are com paratively expensive, the buyer should pay for them, us they Insure the condition of the butter and against substitution. It Is simply a question of paying for the package instead of the butter. The product of all creameries la alike In this respect. "As a matter of fact. I think the present agitation has been kicked up by one of the competing creameries that haa had hard work trying to displace the better known and advertised brands of bufter." Incidentally, If patrons of the street rail way company should notice an elderly gen tleman In the cars with his pockets stuffed with butter, his hat lined with butter and his arms full of butter. It Is not foJr for them to presume that he la crasy, for It Is merely Claim Agent Cockrell gathering evidence to prove short-weight butter. FAKE CRIPPLE QUICKLY CURED His Twisted He Is A special page of Omaha's well-known people Sunday. It will keep you guesalng to tell who they are. If you can there Is money In It for you. L. A. WELSH. Local Torecaster- WASTING AWAY It's the small but constant loss of flesh that indicates physical waste the gradual slipping away of healthy flesh, pound by pound, which no ordinary food seems to re store. Scott's Emulsion will restore it. This Emulsion is the greatest flesh builder ob tainable. Scott's Emulsion first stops the wasting that's one gain. Then when it sup plies new flesh and takes one back to normal strength and weight, that's another gain and a big one. srnd you a unipls, Irst COTT ft IOWNE,,,, furl Stmt. New Vest Kntertalnment for Monamrnt. The special committee appointed to con sider the matter of an entertainment in the Inttreat of the Douglas county union vet erans' monument fund met Friday after noon with Crook woman a Relief corps at Magnolia hall, Twenty-fourth street and Ames avenue. Miss Spencer, who proposes to give the entertainment, met with the corps and outlined the character of the entertainment. The chief question was to secure a suitable hall for the entertain ment, and the matter was finally deferred until Wednesday afternoon next. March 1. when the committee will again meet at the Young Women's Christian association rooms. In the Paxton block, for further consideration and await the report of the hall committee. Mmb Straightened and Sent to Jail for His Daya. The charity organisations and city police are making a strong, combined effort to rid the eltv of fake crlnnles. One such, a man calling himself Frank Smith, received his deserts Friday morning when sentenced in police court to six days In jail. Smith was brought in by Special Officer Morris of the charity organization. He had been found begging from the guests In the Millard hotel, exhibiting a twisted arm In his sleeve He also ahowed a letter signed with the name of Dr. E. C. Henry, stating that the bearer had once undergone an operation for gall atones. Mr. Morris took possession of the letter nnd took Smith to the station. There his crooked arm straightened out in a wonderfully short time and ha became a whole man. Mr. Morris Bays that Dr. Henry was In duced by the man's importunities to sign the paper, that Smith came to him so many times that he gave him his name to obtain relief. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Pincers roughened by needlework catch every stain and look hopelessly dirty. Hand Sapollo removes not only the dirt, hut also the loosened, injured cuticle, and restores tho tlngen to their natural beauty. ALL GROCERS AND DRUCGIATS HOTELS. SEASONABLE FASHIONS. LOCAL BREVITIES. Maul Tndertaklng Co.. 419 S. 15lh. Tel. 51". Orra R. Holmes of Pender has filed his , ... v.. 1 ti , r ,i-iitnj, ii, utiimi iifiicy 111 Culled States district court. He gives oof upatloli as a farmer, ills liabilitlea !' r.-'F. u .l hid uuu..i ....,l.i..A Chris I.arxen. Mike M illen. Sum Strayer and I.ouls Stephens, bootlegger who have completed thi ir Mt iitenci h ol ImprUoiuiienl Ut lh4 lOUIllV lull Urn f.-li.HMil I'ri.luir afternoon. Hi-rtnleite Y. Voder, a traveling col lector of Omaha, has nird his petition in bankruptcy In the I'nltod States ilmtrt. t court. IIIh liahllitles lire scheduled at ."j3, ('.':! it and his asselH at $74 iil. Minnie Norton seeks divorce from her liiiNlisnil. John J . who Is alliged to be a noun Ml.l.'iil. on the ground of ii.t:mipport. They wfie miirileii In iiinaha in October. l''i and there is one i-hlM. of whom Mia. Norton wants tile custody. the his are ncssi AN to i m Ki t'w cries' r r-i '8kjnt4 -hir". HOTEL EMPIRE Broadway and Sixty-third Slraat tjiuplre I'ark NEW YORK CITY In Improve ment j 4612-CHII.D S Sizes, DKKK8. For the accommodation of rer.oers of The lire these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to 60 centa each, will bo furnished at the nominal price of 10 tents. A suj.ply Is now kept at our office, so those who lh any pattern mav g' t It either by call ing or enclosing 10 cents, addi rsed "J'at Urn Department, Bee, Omaha." over $250,000 JUST COMPLETED ELEC1RIC CLOCKS. TELEPHONES AMU AUIOMAIIC LIUrtlINU DLV ICbS IN EVERY KOOH tooiplrtel lteuotleled. Itedeeorateg anil llefurnlsheii throughout Una Mluote to Klevatetl and kabtray Blatlous Ti-Ve nearest ear at May Itallroad tea in boat Terminal, tnejr all glass 01 transfer to the I'mplre Within easy walking distance of all Theatres and Department Store. Restaurant noted for Liccllent Cookbi;, f ff cieiit Service and Moderate Charrcs Rooms (with use of buth) f 1 50 per day up private " t2 00 " Suites " " " 13 M " - V. JOHNSON OUINiN - At r r : i For Soro Throat, Atthmat, Bronchitis, ylvo prompt rcll-yft tali in ox. mtwmlm