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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1905)
Tnn OMAITA DAILY REE: SATt'l.DAY. FEBIUTAI.Y 4. lf)0. CRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Chicago Beceipu Show Very Small Per Cent of Contract Wheat. MIXED FLOUR DRAWBACK PLEASES TRADE 'learaares-Smaller and Aren- tin Visible Larger-Chicago Hears f ITen Oat Movement from Omaha In ' Pat-lite. OMAHA, Feb. 3. 190G. A showing the mnnll prospect of a run oi choice wn'iit at Chicago to swamp the Mjy bull. Wall street cites 1.5W cn of wheat which have hem inspected at Chi cago, only eleven beng contract, of t tic ontrnct eight rr were No. 2 hard winter w,, ''ehverablo only with a 2-ceiu pen alty. During the month or January only 10 ear of No. 2 red and pevn cur of rn. I hard were Inspcrtid Into More In private, house. The. contract stocks have decreased M.wi bushels In the month. Last 'TV. ,or lnc Br'- month, sixty-threa earn - intra were inspected in nna nine teen cara of No. 2 red him! one .ar of No. 1 northern out. The total receipts were M cara, against Ri last year. More or i wneat arriving that la not inected Koes into private houses, home of this la bought by the mlllera and Home by , the elevatora. It la claimed In tills aomc choice wheat haa been received. The flour men are pleased with the le rlalon of Attorney (ieucral Moodv backing up the, action of Secretary Shaw in allow ing the drawbnrk on part t'anadlan wheat r?Hr whloh exported. It la thought tilts trengthen the American market some wnat. Home mfllirs, hnwevfr, believe the "' nd regulations will be published too lata to be of much use for thia crop. Min neapolla shipped 91.215 barrels of Hour wedneaday. Thla was the lieui,.?t shlp ment alnce September and was caused by trie accumulation of cara beld for the rate reduction which went into effect that day. uverpool waa sugntiv stronger toda. h. ArBPntlni shipments l lug smaller I"" xpected and ihe continued cold in xnaift wero the causes. Berlin closed wit li a 4 decline. Buda Pest Was stronger. frln Weakeried to a close from 5 to 13 centimes down, and Antwerp remained un changed. American markets showed strength early in the session, but weak ened a cent later in the lav. Valentine H'L- l,JIR seller of the Mav around ' Thf! Juy ' and far lias seemed a nigh mice for so long; there Is now out a- considerable short line. The dolUr mark is making thla Interesl nervous. The prl-'"JJ-JT receipts are Xtt.Ooo bushels ugninst fx?' . ftn,i ,Iie Khlpments I'll!.!") ngainet .99,000 bushel. The corn clearances' are not so heavy today, being 20,ooo bushels. The rate re ductlona are making a fine profit for soma or the local grain men. who happen to nave corn bought on the old basis and ready to move It out. The coutilrv move ment continues light because ol the cold weather. The Argentina visible supplv at the principal ports is 1.337,onu bushels against 789.000 last vear. The primary re ceipts are 607.000 bushels against M5,(K last year, and the shipments are 3u0,0no bushela against 89,000. Chlco hears Omaha houses have been ending 250.WK) bushels of oats to the Pa clflo coast the last two days. Iu-al houses are In Ignorance of such a movement, or protest) to be. Omaha Caali Prices WHEAT No. 2 hard. $1.071 !.09: . No. 3 hard, $1.05ft 1.064; No. 4 hard, iWcrall.OO; No. 3 spring. 1 .OS. CORN No. 2. 40c; No. 3. 40?4c; No. 4. JSOc; no grade, aafollSc; No. 2 vellow. 41c; No. 3 yellow. 40V; No. 2 white, 4uc;. No. 3 white, 40c. OATS-No. 2 mixed, 284c; No. 3 mixed, 28c; No. 4 mixed, 27c; No. 2 white. 29c: No. 3 white. 28c; No. 4 white, 274rf(2Sc; stau Uard, 28c. 1'arlot Iterelpts. . , Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago '. u ISO 48 Kansas City is 30 10 Minneapolis SH Duluth :. H St. Louis 24 37 3'J Omaha 12 32 Wheat Quotation nt Minneapolis. The range of prlcea In Minneapolis, as reported by the Kdwards-Wood company, waa: plv of rotfon shows a total visible of 4 411. V.3 beles. sgainFt 4.573.7i bales last week, of tht the total of American cotton is a&14 14 bales, against 3.GS2.73 bales last wet k. (IIHK.O .R.I ASD t'ROYlIOf 1'eatnres at the Trading and lloslas Prices on Hoard ( Trade. Oltt'AOO, Keb. S.-Apprehcnslon ton cernlng fold weather damage to germinat ing crops forced up above the doiiar mark loiny toe price of wheat for July delivery, a net gain nt "fnr. I'nder heavy tlquida tlcn by 11 prominent trader. May wheat ojsed weak at a net !oi of 4)'a"u. Corn, oats and pr.ivlsiona nre unchanged. The feature of trading In wheat was the relative strength and activity of the July delivery. The temporary supplanting of toe May option by lnc more distant month was due to an awakened realisation of he possibility of a shortage of wheal during the months of June and July. Fear of this contingency was emphasised through a re pott by a 81. Iaui trade Journal that many cnnipliiinta of damage to winter wheat by cold weather had been received. Closing; prices on t lie July option showed The market whs also bullishly affected by the decision of Attorney General Moody r.garoing "drawbacka" on wheat Imported lor the manufacture Into flour for export. Action of a leading operator In buying July and selling May was a factor In canning disparity between the two lending options. At the opening the market was Quite firm, Ma ybeing up He to He, at $I.171.17. July opened at SU'&t'Vl Predictions of snows throughout the west and southwest caused some selling of July early In the session and resulted In a decline to WHje. A leader of the bull crowd waa an active seller of May. Gradually but surely the price of that delivery sank lower. The same trader, however, soon started buying , juiy quite treeiy. fit traders followed the I lead. From r'l,ao July rose to $!.004- Late I In the day some reaction occurred on profit taaing. nnai quotations on July oeing II. to',. The May delivery sold off to ll.lti and closed weak at 1.16.' Clear ances of wheat -and flour were equal to wt.Swn bushols. Kxports for the week as shown by flrndstreet's were equal to 45.0X bushels. Primary, receipt were 333.200 bushels, compared with 66."W bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago ieoned receipts of 228 cars, against 110 cars last week and 3(11 cara a year ago. In the corn market was unusually quiet and prices showed alnost no change. One explanation for the lack of interest might be found in the chaotic situation In freight rates due to the tight between the gulf lines and eastern roads. Western shippers. It waa said, are holding off until some settlement la reached. Local receipts today were small, the falling off, however, being partly due to the delay In shlptnentB caused by cold weather. May opened a shade lower, at 44V44Tio, sold between 444c and 44Tc. and closed at 44TiiC. Iocal receipts were eighteen cars, with two of contract grade. As a result of selling by cash houses and some local bears the oats market waa lather easy early In the day. Later a steadier tone developed on covering by shorts. May opened unchanged to a shade higher, at 3o toSOSfi 3Hc, sold off to 30i fn.Wtkc and closed at 3oc. Local receipts were 4ii cars. Provisions were neglected. There was lit tle done outside of a commission house trade sufficient only to establish quotations. At the close May pork and ribs wero un changed, at II2.K714, und W.876 respectively; lard was up a shade, at I6.92H. Kstlmated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 8 cars; corn, 22 cars; oats. 48 cars; hogs, 26.000 head. Commodity. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat I May 1.16 US', 1.15! 1.154 -July , l.i.t i.)4',i 1-13',. 1 l.iavs September ... V54 fco;v &i I i ., YORK GKJVKHAL MARKET (tnotatlona u( Ihe Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Feb. 3 -FLOCR-Recelpt. 12.2SU bbls.; exports, 3,1)14 bbls. ; market tirm with light, demand; Minnesota, bakers, l6.luCC.du; winter patents, $5.tKUA.ti8; winter strulghtw, lo.2yuu.2o; winter cxtraa, 3.66u-.30; winter low graucs, 3.4i 4.10. nyo Hour quiet; fair to food. 4.3o'u4.i0; choice to fancy, HTMfH.Oo. buckwheat Hour, quiet; per cwt, I.OwgiMO. . CORNMliAL Steady; fine white and yel low, (1.20; coarse, new, 1.06(1.07H; kiln drlea,2.oip3.10. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 80c asked. BARLEY Slow; feeding, 43Vc, c. I. f. New York; malting, 4fi62e, c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 1)17 bu.; siwit market easy; No. 3 rd, nominal, elevator atid 11.22 f, o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 11.27, f. o.. b.. allout; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, 11.11, f. o. b., anoat. Options opened uteady on firm cables und covering. A subsequent reaction was succeeded by decided strength 'In July and more activity, following bullish crop newa from winter wheat Btules. loiter the market aagged pff under realizing and closed Ho lower on May to c higher on July. May, 1.16ifil. lti-. closed ut SI. Id; July, tl.S'nl 044. cioaed at 1.H1,; Septem ber, WJ4tl '-c, closed at Wc. CORN Rooelpts, 74.175 bu.; exports. 2.454 bu.; spot market steady; No. 2, MVfcc ele vator, and 6ic f. o. h., ittloat; No. 2 yel low, 61-Hc; No. 2 white. oHnc Option mar ket was featureless hei ., closing c net lower. May, &wSs'uu0 3-lUc, closed at CO'ic. OATS Kvcelpta, fci.tou bu.; exports, 1,1 bu.) spot market steady; mixed oat.t. 2li to 33 pounda, aoHJMVtc; natural white. 30 to 3.' pounds, HoHfyiiiHc: cilpputl. No. 3 white, 3ti to 40 pounds, 3!40c. HAY Unlet; snipping, (!0Q6oc; good to choice, 8ujSJc. HOPS tjulet: state, common to choice, 104, 3nc; 1903, Si(3Sc; olds. lBc: Pa clrlo oottSl. 1H04, aftix;, U03, 2D$3:c; olds, 14 lc. HIDES Firm; Oulveston, 20 to 25 lbs., I80; California, 21 to ib lbs.. ISc; Texas, dry, 84 to 30 lba., 144c. LEATHER firm; acid, !426c. PROVISIONS-Beef. steady; family. $11.00 Blli OO; mesa, Hi.OoV'.f.O; .ber hams. 22.iiO(! 23.60; packet, 10.504U.OO; city extra India meaa, I5.1W17.. Cut incuts, quiet; pick led bailies, . 7J&7.f0; pickled shoulders. Sti.oo (uo So. pickled hams. xh.754j9.&0. Laid, barely teady; western ateamed. 17.10; refined, quiet; continental. i'.2ti; Uouth American, Si.75; compound, $4.7Mi6.124. iork, quiet; family. $14 0tiil4.&0; shurt cleurs. $ia.0Oj)iB.&0; meaa. I13.ll5'ai3.78. VALLOW-Dull; city (12 per pkg), 4Hc; country (pkga. free), 4S,fi4So. RICB ateauy; uomeatic, lair to extra, 2T4 fiCVc; Japan, nominal. BUTTER tueudyj street price, extra creamery, jawtaic; umciai prices, creamery, Artlcles.l Open., High.! Low. I Cloao.i Yes'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn Feb. May July Onts Feb. Mar July Sept. Pork Feb. May Lerd Feb. Mav July Rlba Feb. May July 29 StUeti'H'SOVsflir1 I 30U ,30Hfi V SOHf'U 1 17, t'34 4444, 46?,rfli4 1 17H 1 oou 84 ,934t 44-4,1 44 4o' 4641 1 lti',!l 16i; 1 16'4 w ! ,41 44 44'I 4&HI ' 4&H 12 87V, ' 8'87H 8 67H B K5 T 00 28! ZSHiMSSii 28H 12 87 8 2Vs I I 11 67 IS 67V4 12 824' 12 1W 13 87 8 67'4 6S 8 874 ft Kfi 7 024! 7 00 I 8 75HI 8 874 ' 2'4 7 06 8 65 6 8741 7 024! 8 724 024 7 05 6 674 8 874 7 024 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Dull: Winter Patents, $5.105.S0; winter straight S4.80ift6.OO; spring patents, I5.00ft5.60; spring straights, $4.504.jK); bak ers. S2.60ffl3.80. WHEAT No. 2 spring. S1.14(S1.18; No. 3 spring. $1.061.16i No. 2 red, $1.18431.204. CORN No. 2, 42e; No. 2 yellow, 43c. OATS No. 2, 28c; No. 2 white, ZZIWyic l No.-8 white, 30Vtf3He. RYE No. 2, 7oc. BARLEY Good feeding. S7(63c; fair to choice malting, 42fg8c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, SI. 16; No. 1 north western, $1.22; clover, contract grade, $12.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.85 &12.70. Lard, per 10O lbs., $fi.70f(iK6.724. Short ribs sides (loose). tG.62Hati.75. Short clear sides (boxed). $6.75S4.874- Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Flour, bbla 24.100 Wheat, bu 20,000 Corn, bu 2HS.8HO Onts. bu 92.400 Rve, bu 4.000 Barley, bu 82.300 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 19B2S4e; dairies, l!4r8 25c. Eggs, firm; at mark, cases included, 23ft 2c; firsts, 2c; prims firsts, 31c; extras. 33s. Cheese, steady, IKcp 12c. 19,600 3S.700 );,sno 62,901) L'T, 900 common to extra, 213oc; held, common io extra, 242K4c; renovated, common to ex tra. nift-Hc;. western-factory, common to extra. I723e. CHEESE I'ncnanged. EOGS Strong! western flrsta, 31c; woat ern aeconds, 2!US0c. POULTH5T Alive and dressed, quiet and unchanged.-- - Kaaaaa City Orala and ProvUlena. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 3. WHEAT -Higher; May, $1,084; July. 8tinso: cash, No. 2 hard. $1.11; No. 3. $1.074wl titi; No. 4, Mcil.,; No. 3 red, $1.16; No. 3, l.HI.H, No. 4, il.Oosjd.Oft. Receipts. 11 cars. T CDRN-J'lrm; May, 434H',c; July, 434c; cash: No. t mixed, 444c; No. 3 4ljj44V; No, 3 white, 46o; No, 3, 444c OATS Steady ; No. 2 while, 31Vic; No. 2 mixed, $i4c. ' HAY Steady: choice timothy, $.60filO.OO; choice prairie, $7 &o8.00. RYE Steady, 7"i'?7c. EOU Firm; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 3 whltewood cases included, 2V4c; case count, 27c; raaos returned, 4o less. BUTTER Creamery, 2327ot dairy, 19c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu...... 8.8uo ko.koo Corn, bu 20.0UO 27,201) Oats, bu 12.000 7.2U Mllirsvkft 4irala Market. MILWAl'K EE, Feb. S-WHEAT-Sleady: n' 1 unrtherii. Il.loiu 1. 16: No. x northern it . RYK Steady; No. 1, t2o. , ' BARLEY Steady ; No. 3, 5 roRN-Bteady; No. 3. 424c; May, anktd. Philadelphia Produce Market PHILAUKl.PlllA. icjo. 1, - firm; extra item creamery. 31r EOlsi Firm; western fresh. jV ai mark. ;HEESE-Slrad 12",c. 1 tlalM aail of tollun. NKW ORLEANS Feb. 3. Secretary ter'p statement rin ' orlU vialj St, Louis tiralm and Provisions. ST LOCIS, Feb. 3. WHEAT Ixiwer: No. 2 red cash, elevator, $1,144; track, $1.14&, 1.19; Muy,; July, 9ic; No. 2 hard, V:OUN Firm; No. 2 caah, 43c; track, 44o; May. 434r43c; July, ',- . , M OATS Dull; No. i rush, 31e; track, 32c; May. 3oic; No. 2 while. 324tl33c. r i,ul 1 nruwJ " . - 1 ...... ffi5.o6: speclul brands. $5.65!B6.85; extra fancy. SHEL Timothy, nominal, $2.0O2.4O. CtmNMEAI-Steady. $2.40. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track. 85c. HAY-Steady; timothy, $8.00i&12.00; prairie, $o.ooai2.oo. IRON COTTONTIES 93c, BAOGINd 7,iC HEMP TWINE-64C. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; jobbing, new standard. $12.14- Lard, tlrmer; prime steam, lb. 35. Dry salt meata (boxed), steady; extra shorts. $6,624; clear ribs, $6,874; short cloars, $7. Bacon, (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $7.50; clear ribs, $7,624; short clears, $7,874- POl'LTRY Firm: chlckena, 8c; auiings, 10c; turkeys, 15c; ducks, 12c; geese, 8c. b UTTER Quiet; creamery, 24804c; dai ries, IB'hJDc. EGGS Higher at 30c. case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.0HO 10.000 Wheat, bit 24,000 8.0o0 Corn, bu . 37.000 18.000 Outs, bu 39,000 37,000 Minneapolis brain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 1 WHEAT May. $1.16Wil.l6; July, $1,134; September, 47v3 95c; Nil. 1 hard, $1.16; No. 1 northern, $1 14: No. 2 northern. $1.1(4. FLOI7R FlrMt patent. $6.9iMj.40; second patents, $6.104r.2O: first clears, $4.15ti4.3o; second clears, $2.nii3.70. BRAN In bulk, $13.80. asked sample, 36 V. 11 a- I.tverpool Grain Market. LIVERPDOL. Feb. I.-WH BAT-Spot, nominal; No. 1 California, no stock; futures, quiet; March. 7a d, May, 8e UH; July. 6s llVrl. CORN Spot. American mixed, new. quiet; Ss llad; American mixed, old. steady at 4s lid; futures, quiet; March, 4s Sd; May, 4s ld. . llnlath Grain Market. DUTjUTH. Feb. S.-WHEAT-To arrive and on track. No. 1 northern, $1,124; Nd. 2 northern. $1,064; May, $1,144; July. $1.13; September. 944c. OATS To arrive and on t-ack. 294e. Toledo teed Market. TOLEDO, O.. Feb. S.-8EED-Clover, eesh, February, $756; March, $7.60; April, $7 45: October, $6 90; prime timothy, $1.35; March timothy, $1,374; prime alalkt, $7.80. Peoria Market. PEORIA, Feb. I-CORN-Steady ; No. 3. 42V'; No, 4, 41c; no grade, 4VV.V. CoaTee Market. NEW YORK, Feb. S.-COFFEE-Market fur futures opened steady at unchanged prlcea to an advance of 6 points and rmed generally steady. Sales were reported of W.750 liags. Including Msrch at T.lofalltvc; April at 7.15c; May ut 7 4utfj"7.45c: JTy at T.ftxnl 7oc; August at T.7(f7.75c; September at 7 e7.9(V. October at He; November at 8c; December at 8.10c. Spot market quiet; No. 7 Rio. 8 -lc. . Trraaarr Ntatemrnl. WASHINGTON. Feb. 3. -Today's ataie ment of tho treasury balances In the gen eral fund, rxclusive of the $15o.0oo.uu0 gold reserve in the division of i.ii.n.nii.,,, ''"iTiso ii-. -ii'i'l,le u"l"i'. $l4u,4ta,fctil;l 1 " 1 ' NEW V0RK STOCKS AND BONDS Eptcnlatiaa ii Actire and ' Prices Ar Generally Higher, MOVEMENT UNEVEN AND INTERMITTENT renns) Ivanla. Anthracite Coalers aail Southern I'aelfle Advance Sereral Points raln Rate War Af fects Some "hares. NEW YORK, reo. ..-There was con tlnueu ai'ule tLec:u.aJoii 1,1 siocks toUu aitu ciMi.uei auiis tu.iiier auvauce in lii plies icwi. 1 ue uiueiiieiii a.-, uneven nun .oici rinUc..t, ii.c iu.ancv bhiiLing ,roui pu.llt to altoiiltfl. mere Waft 1,0 ut'naii ,,tto .0 UMuuiik lor ine ueinaud, which hs b.isea oic general conH,ueii.oiirt Which v. a.-i lua.t.iu i llio; uouna- ...... v. Ol IIH.IK . n,ri'; ui 1. ..ere st centered In railroads ol to.- eastern u 1111 cuuiai), aicouug.i mere aM oiue lecuneuee 01 snngin later in me nay 111 1 no t acincs. nciiu..,( cou linutu to ue me ieaiuie vt ihe inalaei anu toe ispiu njianCc tnelH 111 ll quottu va.uu Had it enec t c.n cno couiuis and lue r-enns nsrii.i group imrticulai i . Aiioiner uuiivt; lur .ne niu.King up 01 tne price ui fennayivunta Wua lor m puipose Oi au JUeting It 10 tne rucent Wiue auvatice in 4ew lOrn venirul. A inovemeni III either one of the stanuard trunK line stocks is cer tain sooner or mier to 00 loiloweu by tne oiner to preserve a certain parity between mem. r'eiinayivanin is natuiauy benented by 1110 g row in in value ot the various com panies in which it nolds a dominant iiuor cst, especially by the Inci cased uividend disbursements on many ot its controlled stocks. Hie rate ot accumulation of Penn hyivanla. and in fact or all the coaiers, was very rapid.. Blocks ot l.cmO to 6.W0 snares weie constantly transierred. The announce ment of tne rfoutnern paclnc reiunumg p. an revived tne demand tor the Pucincs, out did not carry tne movement In tnem tar. This plan has alreaay figured to sucn an extent in the previous use in bom Southern Pacific und Union Pacific tnat Its Influence) as a market factor was largely exhausted beiore Its announcement, 'inem was some awakening In Kock island alter a long period of comparative neglect. Dut that movement also was not we'll sustained. ii .iwi;eu co cm oaseu on the intimat.on that the supfKised change of control, in Kansas City Southern und Colorado & Southern was ucslgned In tha Rock Island Interest. Atchison hung back during the period of strength and was one of tho first stocks to weaken. Tho prospect of a prose cution lu the Colorado Fuel rebate case Is not relished by stockholders, especially in view of the present public attention aroused to thl wholo subject. The ex tremity to which the grain rate war la be ing carried muat be taken some account of in regard to the earning power of tho grangers. A number of the stocks wnlcn have had unexplained advances relapsed sharply today when efforts were made to dispose of recently accumulated holdings. The Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic stocks were an example and the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Bte, Marie stocks also were heavy. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omuha preferred, tho purchase ot ltO sluices of which caused n rise of 35 points the other clay, relapsed today 25 points on a sale of 400 shares. The active remixing movement today was coincident with tho appearance of the estimates on the week s currency movement. Indicating a loss of cash bv the banks of upward of $5,t.0oo, due to the excess of gold exports over the receipts from the Interior. The renewed strength of the coalers, however, and a rush to buy Missouri Pacific pulled the market up and made the closing strong. Bonds were irregular; total sales, par value, $5,744,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. . Quotation? on the New Y'ork Stock ox chanrs were aa follows: Soles.Htsh. Low. Close. Atchison 8,100 88i 8J4 RSH do preferred 700 iozj, niz Atlantic Coast Line. sno 122 1214 1214 24,900 105 1034 4 9,600 135 1344 2,9f) 2054 1994 203 15.800 504 434 21.200 24V4 1,6X 242 997. 24 64 394 33 h8 444 81 664 91 914 DO-4 414 '234 241 Baltimore & Ohio do preferred Canadian Pacific; ... Cen. of New Jersey. Chesapeake Sr Ohio,. Chicago A Alton ... do preferred Chi. Great Western. Phi. N. V Chi., Mil. & St. Paul. 19.100 1774 Chi. Term. t Trans. l.fiyO . 174 ao preferred wo ji C. C. C. & St. Louis . 700 Colo. & Southern .... 5.000 do first preferred.. 700 do second preferred 3.400 Delaware & Hudson 26,300 194U Del.. Lack. & West.. zoo aoi Denver & Rio G. ... 400 do preferred 3,000 Erie 47.500 do first preferred.. 6,000 do second preferred 1,200 flOCKing valley .... do preferred Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferred Kansas City South. do preferred Louis. & Nashville . Manhattan L Met. Securities Metropolitan St. Ry Mexican Central ... Minn. & St. Louis . M..St. P. & S. Ste. M. 2,600 1014 100 61,300 109 60 1,600 3.400 97 1344 604 42 80 234 2404 17U4 H74 700 400 4.700 15 4,8o 3: 900 1.6)0 6.500 1' 30 99 V4 26 134 3SV. 1SS ST'74 33 8T4 44 804 66 904 914 174 304 994 24J 63 38 i;w4 359 33 8T4 444 804 664 9)4 914 loi4 1564 5t4 31 67 30 674 30 85 30 574 304 654 ,100 138 1374 138 800 170 170 170 2.100 7SV 7S 12,300 1174 116 22 60 1.900 200 224 60 ,84 116 224 5S 100 32 664 424 do preferred 400 1614 16"4 Missouri Pacific 61,300 109 io.', loni Mo., Kan. & Texas do preferred N. R. R. of M pW New York Central N. Y Ont. & West. 19.700 Norfolk & Western.. 11,000 do ofd.. ex. dlv. .. 200 Pennsylvania 196.100 144 1H94 1404 P.. CO. & St.L.,ex.d. 5UO 82 "2 814 Reading 271.500 Ur4 do first preferred... 200 934 do second preferred l.ioo 92 Rock island Co 95.0OO 354 do preferred 2.700 82 St.L. A 8.F., 2d pfd. 2,700 734 St. L. Southwestern.. 1,600 2114 324 67 434 12.6D0 1694 148 4r4 444 M4 914 801; 934 314 . 664 43 1484 444 814 93 924 934 91 344 804 72 254 61 4 61 1.800 1184 1184 1184 32.300 35 344 844 1.100 16,300 1,000 2,600 98 874 974 364 34 364 364 354 354 644 63 54 106,700 1234 1224 1224 100 974 974 9,4 SJ4 464 8.400 10,200 45 23 do preferred 1.8O0 614 Southern Pacific 52,20 674 do preferred Southern Railway .. do preferred Texas A Pacific ... Tol., St. L. A West. do preferred Union Pacific do preferred Wabash do preferred Wheel. A iJtke Erie. Wlsooneln Central ... 600 234 do preferred OoO 614 Adams Express American Express .. 200 235 United States Ex.... 300 iV) 128 WelU-Faigo Express Amalgamated Cop. .. 66.500 754 744 Am. Car A Foundry. 1,400 334 33 do preferred 200 93 924 Am. Cotton Oil .... 2,3oO 344 33 4 do preferred American Ice 1,300 64 64 do preferred I,4n0 40 404 Am. Linseed Oil .... 100 174 174 do preferred Am. Locomotive .... 4,000 374 3ti4 do prererrea Am. Smelt. A Refng. do preferred Am. Sugar Refining.. Am. Tobacco, pfd. .. Anaconda Min. Co. .. Brook. Rap. Transit. Colo. Fuel A Iron .. Consolidated Uas. ,. Corn Products 4i0 20 80 do preferred 2) 764 74 DIs. Securities 2,500 36 364 General Electric 6n0 IM64 186 International Paper.. 2u0 21 20 do preferred 10 764 "64 International Pump . 300 384 38 do preferred National Lead 2,9o) 294 2S North American .... 800 104 104 raciuc aiaii ,110 444 People's Gas 1,700 lo, Pressed 8teel Car ... 700 864 do preferred 100 so. Pullman Palace Car I'm 243 Republic SU'?I 8i)0 do preferred luO ' Rubber Geods 700 do preferred Tenn. Coal A Iron.. 700 U. 8. leather $.200 do preferred .. IT. a Realty ... U. 8. Rubber 4K 34 do preferred 100 1O0 United States Steel. 20.800 304 do preferred 22.1oO 96 Va. -Carolina Chem.. 2.200 36 ao preierreu Weat'house Electric, Western Union ttoO 94 93 914 :4 81 724 26 614 674 23 46 19 23 504 Z4 2344 235 129 240 744 334 924 344 93 64 40 164 40 374 36 37 300 110 lloia 110 8,0oO 864 86 86 2.200 1194 1184 118 1.500 1424 1424 1424 1,700 9"4 94 95 1,200 10x4 I08 108 2.9UO 614 604 604 1.800 74 46 47 8.9M) 2044 2024 20314 20 76 36'4 ISO 20 "6 84 86 29 104 44 1074 36 90 244 164 68 254 94 72 14 164 69 264 '724 4414 107 90 243 14 69 254 'n 14 3.SO0 IO44 104 lOji. 4.600 86 834 84 2i lug 100 ISO 924 3)i4 100 80t4 94 344 I'M 180 924 36 100 4 954 85 108 178 924 rsss-SS'S, nriojuiu LIVE stock market regn iar. DIIF.M OF R5KS Clearings of the Great Commercial tentere of Conntry. NEW YORK, Feb. 3 The following table, complied by Hradstreet. shows the bank clearings nt the principal cities (or the week enued February 3. with the per centage of incicaso nd decrease, as com pared with the corresponding week last Joar: CITIES. I. New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. Ixiuis Httsburg San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City New Orleans Cleveland Minneapolis Detroit Louisville OMAHA Milwaukee Providence Buffalo Indianapolis St. Paul jOB Angeles St. Joseph Denver Columbus Memphis Seattle Richmond Washington Savannah Albany Portland, Ore Fort Worth Toledo, O Salt Lake City .... Peorta Atlanta Rochester Hartford Nashville Des Moines Spokane, Wash Tacomn Grand Rapids New Haven Davton Norfolk Springfield, Mass.. Worcester Portland, Me Augusta, Ga Topeka Sioux City Syracuse Evnnsvll'.e Birmingham Wilmington, Del... Knoxvllle Davenport Little Rock Wllkesbarre Fall River Macon Wheeling, W. Vn... Wichita Akron Chattanooga Springfield, 111 Kalamazoo. Mich.. Youngstown Helena Lexington Fargo. N. D New Bedford Canton. O Jacksonville, Fla... Lowell Chester. Pa Oreenshurg Pa Hockford. Ill Blnghamton Springfield. O Bloomlngton. 111... Oulncy III Sioux Falls. 8. D. . . Mansfield, O Decatur, III Jacksonville. 111.... Fremont. Neb Houston tGalveston Charleston 8. C... Cedar Rapids Totals. U. 8 Outside New Y'ork. , 44.0 . 13.7: . . jo!).;'. 8.1,. 8.4,. 0 4 10.3 11 6 1 I Clearings. lnc. Dec. I II- $1,871. 996. 9ri ; 1 Ik3.5l2.i9,64.i.l.a i )19.37. M9' 61,5'.'0.4'' I 60.237, 38 ;U.877..')N.i 2.42t..12 il.28.i.JW; 22.2i3.;ii2, , 20.394. 5.-4 ! 13.61.4. ,96' I 14,00.1. ;,M: 10.92O.77ii 12.0..9.1 X9 7.4'ic.,.c.6; 8.221.7VS' 7.07O.Hfl! 6.565. 8"6 . 282.034; 8,172.311. 7.492.6741 4.341.148 6.975 58Ji 6.iW7.1iO 4.690.M9 4.1S2,iw7 5.293.2'38 4.413.1) 3.595.261: 3.774. 033' 3.191,972! 4.023.Sl!'4 3.529.o23i 2.809.674' , 2.987.3.",9; 2,980.3281. 1.124.K16I 8.196,035 2.060.1 "IS 1 2.169.3: 2.101. 5:i0i 2.37J.828! 1.977.010 2,155,3i7 1,478.6.11:. 1.554 055 , 1.864,95m, 1.416.4:; 1.773.90I): 1, 040,9o8 ' 861.9,rw,, 1.6i.51.'l' 1.436.9IS 1.130.201 , 6 5. 19 9. 8.6 . 4 6,. 0.5.. 9.5;. 16.0,. 'io'2;. 17. . "un'.'i,. . 11.91. 5.6:. 29 9 3 5 7.3 i5!5 2.8', 9 9 1 3o!s I 19.4 12.5 . 8 3. 15.8 . 3.0:. 16.9 . 45.8 24.5: 32.4!. 11.8;. J 16.1 26.7 'is.': 'ik'.s "2.4 2.4 13.2 18. T 10.2 47 12.2 ..I 1.096,614 . 1.229.41S . 766,r.27 . 842.510'. 1,046.151! 691.9701. 456.6X9,. 826.3i;9i 1.269.79'i' 43,8l),. 775.159; . 716. 224; 912.7W 548.127:. 618.279 . 650,537 465.443'. 4i.4'.8 . 498. 02S.. 1.508,442" 418. 4Jo: 3SS.534'. 430.6"'. 367.6:21. 50S.W)' ' 360.160'. 366.3H01 . 322.529:. .204.1521 f43.511l ,307.0iO! 226 4, 183.34'. 9.774. 236'. 8.940 00,):. 1.15R.9XS . 484.185;. 19.0!. 16. 8. 13.5'. 3.9 "79 5.3 18.2 28.8 '66.'3 61.3 11.3!, 25.4'. 1S.1I 24 2 Yl 34.71. 0.2!. 13.9.. 6.1 0.3 i;2 30.0 25.8 100. 01. 29.91. 44.11. 7.11. ! 15.2 4.1 14.2 10.9 7.7 ....I 1 ..... .1..-. 1.6 14.0 21.2 , !$2,7Trt.OO?.231 1 I 880,006.236' 28. 3l. 4.1. CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax Quebec Vancouver. B. C... Hamilton London, Ont St. John, N. B Victoria. B. C Totnla 21.657.301! 18.709.791 5.180.170 2.131. 3P8 1.904 02ir 1.245.93 1.407,040! 1,069 082' 819.3181 11.1! 757.870! I 746.8951 18.31 22.41 43.6! 16.2! 22.3! !.".....! I 18.7 11.1 26.8 0.1 'io.i $ 65.118.817! 24.21. Not Included In totals becsuee containing other items than clearings. INot Included in totals because of no com parison for last year. Boston Stock Market BOSTON, Feb. 3-Call loans, cent; time loans, S44 per cent closing on stocks and bonds: Adventure ... AHoupz Amalgamated Am. Zinc Atlantic 2G7.Blnsham .177 jl.lumt-t & Hac.... .1(6 ce.ntrnnlal .14o !i t'opar Ilange . 22 Daly weat tiotnlnlon lull .... ranktln 23 per Official AlchlKon ad. 4a do 4a m Hex. Central 4 74 Atchison 88 do M .'102l DoMton e Albany boatnn A; MfO'ia. Boaton Klevated Kltihburs. prd... Mei. Central N. Y., N. H. A H...ZU) Pere Marauetta 10 t'nlon Paclllo 12'2 !Grano' Am. Arxe. Chom -lVlnle Iloyale do pfd 0 Mm. Mining Am. Pneu. Tuba 4H ! Mii lilltan Am. Sugar 142 Mohawk do pfd 1V Mont. Coal & Coke Am. T. ft T 14ntilold Dominion Am. Woolaa 24 jOereola do pfd 914 Parrot Dominion I. & 8 19 iQnini'y ol Hhannnn 15 Tamarack Ii Trinity ... , ... . .. 71 ... 11 ... 16 ... 324 ...6H0 ...18 694 U 10'i Kdlaon Kler. ilium Ueneral I2lectrlu .. Mm. Elae do pfd Maaa. Oaa I I, Und Fruit do pfd L 8. Steel . do pfd Weatlnghousa Com... uv Ex-divldend. ti) l'. 8. Mining ... S "U. S. Oil ... ...KW'.a t'tsh ... 11314 Victoria ... Sii'( Winona . 1 wolverine .... . MM . lu' . ,l.'i . 6a', . . 27 . 34 . 2 .111) 7 .123 . H1 . 23 4 . at . 424 . 4:. . 12 10t London Stock Market. LONDON, Feb. 8. Closing quotations on atocus und bonds were: Conaola. money.... -l N. V. Central 162 do accoust Norfolk Went 82a Ai.aconda ei do pfd 1)0 Atchlaoa l Ont. & Weat do pfd IO6V4 Pennaylvanla 714 Baltlmora ft Ohio... 107 Hand Mlnea 11 C anadian Pacific Ill Heading 47tt L'hea. & Ohio HVi do let pfd 474 Chicago O. W 24St do d pfd 4(4 , M. ai 8t. P lei Southern Hy 1i4 De Ueera 11 dt pfd loo Denver & K. 0 3J Southern Pacific CS do pfd 1t I'Dlon Pacinc 12j Brie ih do pfd loo do let pfd..." 2 t: 8. Steel .11", do 2d pfd M do pfd Illinois Central 104 Wabash 2:14 Loulavllle t Nali...l41 do pfd 44 Mo., Kan. & Tea.,.. ;3 8panlah 4a DU a SILVER Bar, firm, 28d per ounce. MONEY 2Cy'24 per cent. The rate 01 oiscuunt In the open market for short bills is 24 per cent; for three months' bills, 24 per cent. -ew York Mining- Stocks, NEW YORK. Feb. S.-The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con Alice flreeca brunswlck Con.... Comatock Tunnel. Con. Cel. and Va. Horn silver Iron Silver LeadvlMe con Ottered. . to . II . i . 10 .1M ii .200 . 2 Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr I'hoenix Hotosl savage Sierra Nevada Small llopea .. Standard .. i ..17 J ..160 .. Iv) .. 10 .. n .. It .. 27 ..150 Total sales for the day, 1,438,600 shares. ew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Keb. 3-MONEY-On call aleady at l'fi-'4 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent: offered at 2 per cent. Time loans easy and steady; sixtv dava and ninety days. 3 per rent; six months, 84134 per cent. f'RIME MERCANTILE PAPER-34'f4U per cent. BILVEH-Bar, 814c; Mexican dollars. 47-e. HTERLINO EXCHANGE Steady, with actual .buainets in bankers' bills at $4 88 4 8)., for drntand and at $4 857ifl 1.8574 for I 'o reign Flnaaclal. IjONDON, Feb. 3. Money was in fair de mand In tho market today and rates ware easier; much of tha money paid Into tha Bank of England yesterday was released. Discounts were quiet and steady. The ahip ments of gold from New York to France caused a rise In Berlin and Paris exchange. It la understood that the Paris demand la pretty well satisfied. A portion of the above shipments will come to London. Trading on the Stock exchange was quiet, owing to the luck of outside aupport, though consols and other gilt-edged securities were upheld by the strength of the bank re serve. Americans were the center of ac tivity. After opening at parity, Philadel phia & Heading and Erie further Improved, sharply strengthening other stocks. Am sterdam buying was an additional Item. Villon Paclfio and 1'nlted Blatea Bteel were In moderate demand Prices closed steady. Grand Trunk was bought frely on tho excellent traffic raturna. Foreigners wero irregular. Paris supported specialties. Japanese were easier on profit-taking. Im pe.rial Japanese government 6s of 1804 were quoted at 1.00V Peruvians were active. Kaffirs hardened on Paris supimrt. BERLIN. Feb. 3 On the Bourse today coal shares were lower; foreign govern ment funds were firm. PARIH. Feb. 3. Tha tone 011 the Bourse today waa firm throughout. Russian im- K'rlal 4s were quoted al 89. 0 and Russian nds of 1i4 at 5"8. The private rate of discount was 24'52'S per cent. Verj Little Change in Rtlin; Prices for Fat Cattle. HOG MARKET WAS A TRIFLE HIGHER carcely Enough Mirep nnd l.amba on nle to Make a Test of Market, bnt Demnnd Was In lioml 9hape anil Prices Held Mead). :i ji 4 4 17 m ia 4 774 41 !7 ... 4 ",4 lea ' t 714 TJ 14 ... T ?......: ... 4 .J 75 H i 4 4 114 S M 4 f. : leu 4 'i t 11 ,.1 ' 4 M M ZM . . 4 7-t 4( IK M) 4 ., 74 H I 40 4 t! 1 4s 40 4 :", ot I'.'l ... 4 7:4 12.. 11;, 4 aak Perelnte m-re Ofllclal Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday. Official Thursday'. Official Friday....... SOL'TU OMAHA. Feb. 3. 1M. Cflftle. Hoars. Sheep. . .. 2.'.oa 4.:'! .l it! . . . 8 447 .f4 B.11S ... R IM cl.8,5 4.,'44 ... 2.74S 5i:,4 i.4o . .. 1.4KI 4.70U f Five days this week. . . .1 l.i 11 27.:tf2 21. OW Same days last week. . . .17,'JXJ 67.22) :.l'.,. Same days e. k liefore. .17.M..' 64. HW, 32.j3 Same three weeks ago.. 18.53.: 47.3'i." :.8ol Auma r,.,, n.nrl. 1,1 -ii I Vri l -'7.IM Same days last 1 ear. . . . 11,77u 1i,M& 2.bXi RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. J"o ivnuwil'g tauic BllOSIB CI1H lvv,',i v. voioe, nutfs ann sneep at ouuin vn, u for the year to date, with coiupauson with 19115 1M4. Inc. Dec. Cafe 77.808 83.815 5.947 Hoes ?', 7 '.hu umi ih 7H Sheep I. i;;oi4 173J,sil 40.008 The following table shows i'.ie average price of hogs at South Omaha lor the last several days, with comuartaions: :9o4. 1? Ki. ;i9')2. !llrt-.-4l90. 18. 4 74 8 4D, 8 lo 27 1 4 ii 3 ii I Ii 601 6 17' & 3v 4 4e J 4 63 I 8 22j U 2 b 1 3 61 4 i4i 29, 1 -. 4 Mi 3 o4 4 ti 0 47, 6 27 ! 4 84! 3 6b 4 791 8 15 " 2fi, ' 3 ; 4 8 6 53 6 02 6 13 4 63 4 k,H 0 b 8 (3, b 15 4 3 i ! ti Wil 6 06 1 6 2il 4 o.i 3 1 4 SOI ti 14, 5 13 4 48 3 J 4 87; 6 73! I 6 11 4 601 a if 4 811 H to' 6 12, 1 4 bJ 3 W 4 81 64, o !Wi 5 22 1 I 3 tio 4 79 1 6 4J4 5 98 , 5 28 4 2 ' 4 811 ti ,4 ti UOj 6 km 1 64! 3 ,0 I 6 6s S b'n b U 4 66i 3 84 4 72 I 6 9.t 5 22 1 4 7 8 84 4 7. 6 6S, , S 2b 4 C 3 64 4 84' ;(i 6 33, I 4 tiJI 3 6! Indicates Sunda. The 0thnl.1l nmnlia. r.,,l' rtf stock brought In today by each road was: Cuttle. Hoga. Sh :ep.H"r's. C, M. & Bt. P. Ry.... 1 5 .. 1 WahHKh Mo. P. Ry 3 I . 1 system 4 K uy. Jt, t V w ' I? r. C, St! P., M. ri O.' Ry 1U n. & M. Hy C. H. & y. Ry. ... C, R. 1. & P., east. Illinois Central Chicago Ut. Western i 19 ! Jan. 16... I 4 51',,; Jan. 17... I 4 U04, Jjn 18. .. 4 6iv Jan. 19... 1 4 , Jan. 2,... 1 4 b7 1 Jan. 21... 4 6t Jan. 22... Jan. :3... 4(34, Jan. 24... 4 U,4i Jan. 2S... 4 71 Jan. 26... 4 7:4 Jan. 2f .. Iw 1 Jan. 18. .-. 1 4 644: Jan. 29... 1 Jan. 3d...: 4 504; Jan. 31 ... 1 4 83 1 Feb. l.... 4 t Feb. 2 J 1 7n I Feb. 3...., 4 724, ):i 1 Hi 8 15 6 lii U b 88 ToUil receipts b8 The oispoFition ot the day's receipts was as .'ollows, each buyer purchasing the number ot heud Indicated: Cattlc.llogR.Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. Swllt und Coinpany . Cudahy Packing Co. Armour & Co Carey & Kenton V. 1. Stephen Hill & lluutzinger ... Hamilton L. F. Hum Mike Haggcrty J. Ii. Root & Co S. & S Other buyers 213 84 2CM 1.3i8 2 174 1.723 82? 22S 1.41W W M 37 113 41 15 43 532 2S 4K7 Totals 1.512 6.971 1.912 CATTLE There was a very moderate run of cuttle reported this morning, but, the same aa yesterday, the I rains were so slow ill arriving that tho opening of tho market was delayed until a lute hour. When buy ers did start out. however, it did not take them long to buy up most everything in sight. Only a few cars of beef steers were In cluded In the receipts and moft of those were of.onlv fair quality. Buyers, though, took hold fairly well and paid just about steady prices. Of course nome cf the cattle that illd not Just auit them were neglected and hard to move at steady prices, but as a general thing there was very little changa from yesterday In ruling prices. The cow market was also Just about stcudy. The demand for the more desirable grades was active nnd such kinds changed hands very freely. When It came to the common nnd medium kinds thme waa not quite ao much activity noticeable, but slill the prices paid could not be quoted any thing but steady with yesterday. With tho exception of some very late arrivals a fairly good clearance was made at a reasonably early hour. Bulls, veul calves and stags did not show enough change to be worthy of mention. There were only a few stockers and feed ers In tho yardo. and u.s supplies have bean light all tho week speculators were all will ing to take a few cattle even though it was Friday. As a result the good heavv cattle sold nt good strong prices, with othera Just about steady. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No 2... 6... ... I .. 17... 10... 12.!. n!!! 18... At. .. mr, .. 734 ..1015 .. 8X7 . . 1 IMS rr. 3 !S ! r,o 3 HS 4 00 4 Oo No. . 12.i7 15 1147 1245 If HMD 10 iars STEELS AZV) COWS. COWS. 4 :r, 4 25 4 25 4 35 4 70 ... 70 . . . 90 . .. 710 ...lit.') . .. :) ... 70u . .. 98') ...1010 ... K65 ... S5 ... H'X) ...1064 ... 978 ... '. . ,. 861) ...1080 . . .Kti',1) . .. 81 . .. r.c ...1070 ... 940 . ..1170 ...104 ...1085 ... 88" .1250 1 78 2 no 2 21 i 25 2 25 : 25 2 25 t :0 1 S5 t 40 2 40 51) 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 60 2 0 2 8,1 : 85 2 70 2 75 9. 10. 9. 5 . 4. 1. a! :i. 14. 4. 2. 4. 25. l! 1. 18. 1. 28., 4. 10. 20. 17.. 4. 12. .. 72 .. 8:8 .. 991 ..1098 ..1045 ..1180 ..1081 . .1088 ..1000 3 00 ..1017 S 00 ..1080 3 00 ..875 3 00 2 75 2 75 2 80 2 85 2 85 2 9,1 2 5 3 00 . 67 .1087 .1100 .1150 . 8S: .1012 . r,5 .1079 I 00 8 15 3 25 1 25 2 25 3 30 S 30 3 30 ..1110 i 30 ..1005 3 35 ..loeo 3 40 ..1098 60 .1187 .1108 COWS AND HEIFERS. 856 880 427 .. 913 ..1090 ..1270 ..1540 9 50 7. . . I'.EIF'.L.S. 3 10 2 3 26 14 BULLS. 2 35 1 2 50 1 2 80 1 2 00 CALVES. 475 170 1520 820 710 a 50 3 50 1 25 3 (5 2 4 3 25 4 00 1 60 2 CM 2 25 1 00 3 31 4 00 4 50 4 50 3.. 5.. 6.. 4.. 1.. 1.. 2.. 1. . 12.. 250 310 J50 210 42 240 110 220 STOCKEK8 911, X 311 60 832 447 790 710 630 724 ....... 887 1. t... 1... 1... I... 1... 4. . . 1... AND 102.. ... 4... 10... :... 33... 10... :c... 150 4 50 194 6 01) 120 I 00 90 ( 00 130 140 5 25 140 FEEDERS 142 6 60 9 75 BHEEP 'I hete vcrc only three cars cf sheep and lnmhs on sale this morning, so that a good test of the market was not made, l ackers, however, took hold free.v of what was offered and paid good steady 1 prires. though the quality waa onlv lull. two rars or rslr inrr.lis sold for tii.TS. The receipts all the week have hern light for the time of year and with a good oemnnd trading has been quite active with prices sieani.y oinsncng . .t i,,e cl,.e v, ,uc week the tnarlet 011 both sheep and iamb Is just about 'r,rk to where It was before the big break ast week. If there Is any change at a.l It may be that some of tins fair 10 medium kinds have rot quite re gained all the lne. but as a general thing prices are right rack to the high point. Quotations tor ted etocx: Oood to cholca yearlings. $d.iNJ.;n; fair to good vear yearlingr. $ 00'u 8. 25 , fair to good year 'tr. Ii..60ti6.00; good to choice wether. $.V(VrfTii.50; fair to good welhers $4.5yg5i); K'"'i1 lo choice ewes, wVivo: lair to r "t1 twes. $4(Hy l.40; common to fair ewes. $3 50 tr3.!i: good to chrl e inmhs. ,;.ixili'.64i' 1ST Io good lambs. JS. Soft 7. 00; feeder vearllngs, $4 5O'06 leeder wethers, 44.2614.nO feeder ewes. $3.3Kl"J.75: feeder lambs. tj.503 25. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. lu native wethers ivi $6 75 14 imlve lambs 9i 8 75 281 western lambs f.l 8 76 225 western lambs 61 6 75 197 western ewes 88 4 4') 25 western lambs 2 8 7S 241 western wethers 98 S 25 C IIK (.() LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Strong, Hog's a Shade Higher and Sheep Mroaaer. CHICAGO. Feb. 3. --CATTLE- Receipts, SS.OnO head: market strong; good to prime Steers, $5Ofa6.i6: poor to medium. Whftcj 5 46; stockers and feeders, $2..!6'(i4 36: cows. $1.2Mi4.46; heifers. $2.HK6. 15: ranners. $1.X t26: bulls, $2.ivf4.UO; calves, $3.iku7.25. HOGS Receipts, 24,010 head; market n shade higher; mixed and butchers, $4 851$ 4 6; good to choice heavv, 14.8Mi4 tf: rougit heavy. $4.fiKu4 7o; light, H5V(i4.0; bulk of sales, $4.65!('4.)4i. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, K3 head: market stronger: lambs weak: good to choice wethers. $ii.iu?Tu.h6; fair to choice mixed, $4.1,ib6.10; western sheep. $4.6!ii.6; native lambs, $5.tcVS7.75; western lambs, $5.ioi7.76. -w York Live stork Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 3. BEEVES Receipt 3,4d2 head; good steers steady; medium and common Blow to Hie lower; hulls dull and western bulls loe off; cows steady; native steers, $3.a0itf'S.75; oxen and Singe. a.3.4(V7i 4 ; bulla. $2.atf4j.l0; cows. $1.5nti i. to. C.c bles quoted live ciutel clow at ll'cillc per pound; tops 12c ctressed weight; sheep steady nt I2513c rireav.d weight; refrigera tor beef steady at 91io per pound; exports tomorrow, l.ObO cattle, 7,200 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 104 head: market for veals firm; barnyard calves steady; west ern dull and weak; veals, $5.0iV39.75; no very choice here: good barnyard calves. $4.K); westerns, $3.5; dressed calves steady. HOGS Receipts, 2,813 head; market feel ing Heady; prime state hogs, $5.20. SHEEP ANU LAMBS Receipts. l.SriO head: sheep In light supply nnd steady; lambs very dull, but hardly quotable lower; sheep, $4.yfi5.oO; no prime sheep sold; lambs, $7.50(8.16; few fancy Jerseys at $8.76. Kansas City l ive Vtoek Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 3. CATTLE Re ceipts, s.OeO head. Including 200 southerns; mutket steady: choice export and dreseej beef steers. 5.n0f!6.75; fair to good. $3 60if 4.75; western fed steers, $3.5ij?5.:S; stockers and feeders, $3.0aHi4.86; southern steers, $3.25 ?M.25; southern cows, J2.26fl3.25; native cows, l.764i4.0Q; native hellers. $2.b04.H5; bulls, 2.25ii3.75; calves. $3.0o$3.60. HOGS Receipts, 8,5o0 head; market 6c higher; top $5.05; bulk of sales, $4.70; heavy, 4.oO; packers, I4.8o-g6.00; pigs and lights, $4. ICS 4.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.400 head; market 5SH0C higher; native lambs, $6.60(a7.o0; native wethers. $5.00Cpti.85; native ewes. $4.75'q5.25; western fed lambs, $rt.60ijji 7.60: western fed yearlings, $i.O(Kri4j.6; west ern fed sheep, $4.76ti5.6"; stockers and feed ers, $3.SO2i5.&0. Ut. I.onla LItc Stock Market. ST. LOt'IS, Feb. 3. CATTLE Receipts, 1,600 head. Including 600 head Texan: mar ket steady; native shipping and export rteers, $5.(XVB6.75; dressed beef and butcher steers 14 l iff, 4f, : steers under 1.000 Ihs.. $3.25 j'4.70; stockers and feeders, $2.ST,f4.?5; rows and heifers, $; canners. $; bulla, $2,354(4.00; calves, $3.76(97.00; Teaa and Indian steers, $3.01X44.75; cows and heifers, $2.0oifi8.75. HOGS Receipts, 7.500 head: market steady: pigs and lights. $4.0094.80; packers. $4.75'&4.90; butchers and best heavy, $4.85 4 90 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.5O0 head; market strong: native muttons, $4.50 5.60: lambs. $5.007.25: culls and bucks, $3.25 04.50; butchers, $2.0OS3.00; Texans. $3.00 6.00. cottrn thev nre not likely t'i buv wi'h sec f-eedom. JoblVrs locally nre do i g siighily more, but are not gem rally busy. OMlllt W IMIl.CS Al.t; 41 A ItK K r. t onalltlon of Traale ami tluntatlnn oa Staple aud Kaarr Prailare. EGGS Candled stock. 3."ri UVK POl'I.TR -llentv r4r; rooetort. i nc; tui'keys, loc-; ciucus, t"A-, gec'se, BS; sprit. g chickens. fMiMtc. , liRr;s8Kl) POl.l.lHY Turkeys. 1tli?ic; UUCRS. 1I7IC-C. rrtTr, ilry,u, v iiii. n iiw. 11c: rocstets, tf'fTc. RI'TTER Packing stork. 19c; eh1-e to loncy dairy,; creamery. 2.W.".v; prints. .) . FRESH FROZEN FISH Trout. 9,; rlcker.l. So; pike, 8o; perch. 7c: blueflKh, 12e; whltefish. !c, salmon, l,c: redsnapper. 11c- lolmter. cgrein). 3V; lobster limited). 33c: lullheads. 11c; cattisii. 14c; black baas, Lin-: halibut. 12c; erapples, 12c, liuflalo, ,c; white has. 11c: Hon legs, per dox , 25c BRAN Per ton. $17.W'. HAY Prices quoted Ky Omaha Whole sale Hsy renlers- isp-!atlon : Choice V,v I upland. f N... . ic.i" .r.r'lum. $jV); coarse. $160. Rye slra". HW. Tliese prices are lor hay of good color and qual ity. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 45c; extra selects, per can. SSi standard v. per can. 30c; bulk standards. ter gsi . 11.40; bulk extra selects, per gal , $i.(5; bulk New York counts per gal , $1 90. TROPICAL FR'.'ITS. ORANQES-Cnllfornla extra fancy Red land navels, nil sixes. IJ.oo; choice Redland navels, $2.26; choice navels, all sixes, $.ou; California Mediterranean sweets, all sixes, $2.00. LEMONS California fancy, $2.75; 3tJ and 360. $3 6; choice, $1.26 DATES Per box of 30-lb pkgs.. $2 00; Hallowe'en. In ,0 lb. boxes, per lb. 64ii5-. rlOS California, per lt-in. carton. 7a1$ $Ec; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 124c; 8 crown. 14c: 7-crown. 18c; fancy Iniportcil (washed!. In 1 -lb pkgs . K'.aiSc; California, per case of 38 pkgs.. $f.t. PANANAS Per medium slxsd bunch, $1.7M?9.: jumbos, $2.60tT3.00. GRAI'EFRl'IT Per box of 51 to 61, $ 00. FRUITS APPLES New York Kings, $315; New Y'ork Greenings, $2.75; New York Raid wins, 2. ,e; Colorado Jonathans, 81. 7a; YVIneaaps. per bu. box, $1.80. CRANBERRIES-Wisconsin Bell anil Bugle, per bbl., $8.(V; Jerseys, per bbl., $7.o; per box. $2.75. (IRA PES Imported MnUgas. per keg, g ("jfijooo. TANGERINES Florida or California, par 4-box, (2.50. VKCSET.RLS:8. POTATOES Home g.own. In sacks, per bu., 46c; Colorado, per bu., ;.c. i CKN1PS Old, per bu., 40c; Canada ruta bagas, per It., lc. CAKROTS-Old, per bu., 40c. PAHSNIPS -Oid. per bu., 40c. JJEE18 Old, per bu., Sue. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1.964i2.00. ONIONS Home grown, red. In sacks, per lb., 2c; Spanish, per crate, 12 60; Colorado yellow, per io., ic. wnue, oci id., .4-. CLCCAlHERS-Per dor, $2.25. ToMAiuEfi Florid, per u oaskat crata, $4.50. LAEBAQE-Holland aeed, per lb., 14o. SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln uriod, per bbl.. $260. CELERY-Callfornia, 4cV8-75c. KAUiisllliS-liotliouse. per doa., 45o. ONIONS New, aouthem, per dog., 4e CARROTS New, per dox., 45c. BEETS New, per dox., 4oo. TURNIPS New, par dox., 45c. LETTUCE Per box of about fifteen heads, 60c. RHUBARB Per dox. bunches, 75c. PARSLEY Per due. bunches. 74c. MISCELLANEOUS. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per keg., $2.60. CIDER-ITcw York, per bbl., $5.50; per half bbl.. 7) z6. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 124(ul3c; Wisconsin Young America, 13c; bloc-k Bwlsi, new, 15c; old, 1&&17C; Wiscon sin brick, 14c: Wisconsin llmburger, 13o. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 3 green, to; No. 1 salted, 84c; No. 2 salted, 74o; No. 1 Veal calf, 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 7c; dry salted, WHc; sheep pelts, 25c$f$1.00; horsa hides, ,1.50(33 CO. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 14o; hard ahell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. t hard shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c: roaated peanuts, par lb., 8c; Chili walnuts, r lb.. 12&134C-; almonds, soft shell, per ib.. 17c: hard shell, ner lb.. 16c: chestnuts. per lb., I244i:15c: new black walnuts, per du.. I&cgwc; sneiinara nicanry nuce, per du., 11.75; larg hickory nu'. par -u., sin ' 1 4 'i St. Joseph Live Slock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 3. CATTLE Receipts, 771 head; market steady; natives, $3.65'(ju.35: cows and heifers, $1. 054.36; stockers and feeders. $2.6&ff4.00. HOGS Receipts. 4.919 head; mnrket Be higher; light. $4.724rj4.90; medium and heavv. 4.S065.oTi. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,233 head; market sieady; lambs, $7.55. Sioux 'ltv Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Feb. 3.-(8pecial Telegram CATTLE Receipts. 400 head; market steady; beeves, $3.60ft5.25; raw, bulls and mixed. $2.2T)'(i.1.6(i; Blockers and feeders, 2.7:Vf3.70; calves und yearlings. $2.2&a3.60. HOOS-Recelpts, 3,800 head; market Bteady; selling, $4.4d64.70; bulk. $4.55V(j4C5. Stock lu Sight. Receipts of live stock at the aix principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hops, ttlieep. ...... Sout' Omuha SIouv City ... Kansas City... St. Loula., St. Joseph Chicago Totul 400 . . .?.Xs . ..1.800 ... 771 ...3.500 4.;oo 3 8i k) 8 603 7.6uO 4.919 24,0:10 3 401) 2.6 8) 2.135 6.0.10 ..9.571 51.419 14,935 ..475 1 40 50 475 i 60 3 18) 4 470 3 40 8 00 10 7m j 4d 3 00 2 81 o 3 00 33 :I2 J 70 1 00 10 849 3 75 3 20 20 910 i ai 8 35 MINNESOTA. 71 feeders.. 045 2 55 1 fteder... 000 1 50 HOGS There was a very light run of hogs here this morning and with a good demand from both packers and shippers the mar ket ruled fairly active at the opening, with prices strong to 5c higher, or generally 34c higher. The trains were so slow in arriv ing that only a small portion of the re ceipts was on aa!e at the opening and it took but a comparatively short llmo for most of the early arrivals to change hands. I Light weights of guod quality showed the I greatest ueinauu, as me ueiuauu tor mat kind particularly at the opening of the market, was very brisk. They sold largely around $4.70 and from that down; butchers and mixed hogs sold from $4.70 to $4.75, heavies $4.73 to $4.80, with a top at $4,824. The close of tho muiket was rather siow and weak. and. in fact, the late sales showed very little Improvement over yes terday, most of the curly advance having been lost, The average price of all the hogs today shows a gain of a little mora than 24o over yesterday's average. Rep resentative saies: . t, sb. . 74. 85. 38. Wool Market. BOSTON. Feb. 3.-WOOI, Regarding the wool market the Boston Commercial Bulle tin will say tomorrow: The market la dull. Small lots only are selling and not many of these. A little better movement of new Australian is reported, but the sales are far behind the receipts, which continue large. Owing to the prolonged dull spall some holders are becoming nervous. Weak ness has developed In domestic scoured and pulled wools and the high pretensions of holders have been shaded. Standard grades, however, are unchanged. The Lon don auction salea were a disappointment, prices declining on cross-bred. A general advance waa expected. The shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 29. 1904. according to tha lu me authorltv. are 23,765.439 pounds, against 26,690.591 pounds at tne sime time last year. 1 ne receipts to date are 24.61:1.136 pounds, aaalnst 13.46V).- 4(10 pounds for the same period last year. 81. Lot IB. Feb. 3. WOOL Steady; me dium grades, combing and clothing. 284 2S4c; light fine. 16U22C; heavy line, 14tjl7c; tub washed, 2741c. AT. ..104 .141 .168 . 1M ..172 . . U3 . .a, ..194 .216 ..187 . .210 . :k . .226 . . 2..S ..'84 . .;' . , Mil .214 . ?57 .254 .274 . :- ..I7J' Sh. Pr. 4 oo 4 4) 4 VI 4 45 4 45 4 47 4 4 7V, 4 k7 4 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 120 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 40 4 70 l.-i 4 7li SI 4 70 200 4 71, so 4 7:4 ... 4 72', 4 7:c, 4 7.4 ico DO 40 40 lu . a. . 83. . : . 72 12. ! 68.. 73. . 5. . 72.. 4 . 54.. ao. . II . . ! 2 . . K. . 88 . 24. . at . At. ..217 ,224 ..157 .247 ..240 . . 2(8 . . I: ..221 . . JC8 ..287 . 254 , .211 801 ..217 . .1' 4 724 f 72 4 4 721, 4 711, 4 724 4 4 72k, 4 714 4 75 4 75 4 16 4 75 4 76 4 7lf 4 75 4 76 ..tan !' 4 76 231 .24 .241 .214 4 76 4 75 4 78 4 76 4 76 4 7 7i Metal Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 3. METAL8 Th London tin market was firmer, with spot closing ot 130 ISa and futures at 1130 5s. Locally the market Is oulet but cteidv. with spot quoted nt $29.609.85. Copper was a little lower abroad, with spot quoted nt 7 10s by the London cable and futures at l(i7 Ids. Locally the mnrket Is unchanged. I ake is held at $15.50, electrolytic at $15 374 ff? 15.50 and canting at $15 OofilS.25. Lead was lower In London, with spot quoted at 12 18s 9d. Locally the market continues Bome wliat nervous, owing to the scarcity of Im mediately available sunplies. nnd spot Is Ounted at from 84.4n(2r4 80. Spelter was un changed at 24 15s In London and at Jilt",, 8.25 in the local market. Iron cloned at 53s 2d In Glasgow and 47s 741 in Middles borough. Locally the market was un changed, with No. 1 foundry, northern, quoted st $17.8Ii17.9&: No. 2 ndry. north ern. $17.60; No. 1 foundrv, southern end No. J foundrv. southern soft, at 817 fcn.n.on. ST. LOUIS Feb. 8 M ETA LH Lead, steady. $4.36. Spelter, dull, $. aarar aatl Molasses. NEW YORK. Feb. S.-PUC1A R-Ra w, otilet; fair refining. 4c: centrifuge I. 98 teit. 6,.c; molasses sugar. 44e. Refined, iteodv; No. 0, 6.56c: No 7. 6.60c; No. 8. 5.4fc: No. 9, 6 86c; No. 10. r sflc: No. 11. 6.20c: No. 12. 6 16c: No. 13. 6.06c; No J4. 6c; confectioners' A. c: mould A. 8.60c: cut loaf, 6.85c; crushed. 8 86c: powdered. tl.25o; granulated. 8.1Ke: ollf'ee. 8 4cc. MOLASSES-Qulet; New Orleans, open ket' in,,'' Io choice, '&t1c NEW ORLEANS Feb. S.-HUO AR-u"e1 : open kettle. 34,44c; do centrifugal, 4VtrV: centrifugal whites. 04c; yellows, tc; se""flen 8 4c. MOLASSES Uulet: open kettle. meKc; cetnrlfugal. TfllSc; yrup. steady. 21'2'ic. Dry (iooels Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 8. DRY OOODB -Conservatism insrks all the operations of hue. era in the dry roods market, and little change in their attitude oil prires of cotton or cotton goods 4s -ewldaneed. - The south continues to lead In pessimistic assertions and as long ti they believe In much lower I per ou., 1 '60. .nail ' f tho airois thla Cotton Market. . ,in tha NEW Y'ORK, Feb. 3.-COTTON-Spot.'aalon closed quiet, 16 noltns higher; middling up-1 lands. 7.80c; middling gulf, 7.85c; sales, 638 bales. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 3. -COTTON Spot In food demnnd. prices 6 poltns higher: Amer c.nn middling fair. 4. Mid; good middling, 4.09d; middling, 3.97d; low middling, 3.8d; good ordinary. S.71d: ordlanry. 8.66d. The salea of the day were 12.000 bales, of which 4,000 were for speculation and export and Included 11,400 American; receipts. 6,000 bales: no American. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. S.-COTTON-Flrm; sales. 4,376 balea; ordinary. 4U-1c: Sood ordinary. 6c; low middling. 64c; mid ling, 74c: good middling. 7 9-16V; middling fair. 8 1-16c; receipts. 7.348 bales; stock, 338 879 ba les ST. LOUIS Feb. 3. COTTON Firm. 4 higher; middling. 74c: sales. 42 bales; re ceipts. 360 bales; shipments, 245 bales; stock, 43,575 bales. ! i Oils anil Roaln. NEW YORK, Feb. 3. OILS Cottonseed, easy; prime vrude. omnian); yel low. 23W234c. Petroleum, steady: refined. New York. $7.25; Philadelphia and Balti more, $7.26: In bulk, $4.30. Turpentine, steadv. ,ri5'4i'(ir,8c. ROSIN Pull; slralend, commo nto good, $2,874- OIL CITY, Feb. 3 OILS Credit balances. $1.39; certificates, on hid. 8hlpmetns, M.4?3 bbls.: average, 79,683 bbls.: rusn, 78.735. Shipmetsn, Lima, 62,709; average, 68850; runs Limn. 65.706. SAVANNAH, Feb. 3. -"OILS Turpetlns, dull. 614c. ROSIN-FIrm: A. B. C. D, $2.fi0ft52 8?H: K. X2.B24: F. $2,074: O. $'!.8'4(t'?.86: H. 8316; 1. $:i.M': K. 84.06; M. $4.50; N, $1.75; WQ, $5 00: WW $5.lJ. Dank Clearings. The bank clearings for Friday were $1,276,603.85. For the same day a year ago they were $1,21)6,700.59. i REAL ESTATE TRAXUFERS. Deeds riled for record Februarv 3. aa nmlied by the Midland Guarantee ana Trust company, bonded abstracter, lti)4 Farnam street, for The Bee: H. J. Grove to Florence company, n4 of sw4 of nw4 of nw4 of 12-16-12 $ i W. Beaia to J. F. Flack Co., iota 8 to 16, block 1, Madison Square 1 J. F. Flack Co. to Florence Co, same.. 1 H. J. Grove and wife tq Louisa A. Jackson, lots 21 and 23, block Ben son U H. H. Clark to Mary B. EMklldson, 30 foot strip on Arbor street adjoining block ti, Bowery Hill 425 J. E. George to J. Jullnek, lot 1, Sulli van's addition 200 C. W. DeLumnlre and wife to O. Y. Baker, lot 18, block 6, Creightou 1 Heights ....'.....'...'....' 1 J. F. Uehm to Alice M. Howard, lot 17, block 2, Iirlggs' Place 25) T. L. Kimball Co. to Omaha Elevator Co., part of the r.e4 of ne4 of 8-16-8.. 1 F. v. Fogg to J. C. Kruger. lot 18 and part of 19. block 3, Ames Plaoo 14! Laura A. Young to D. Tuckaon. w4 of let 1, Shlnn's sub., block Q. Shlnn's... 8 J. N. Perry and wife to Mary Rons. , part lot 3, block 10, West Omaha 1, Sheriff to J. H. Levy, lot 1. block 3. and other lota In Colbur Place S,20 . E. H. Selling and wife to Pabst Rrew- , 1 eg Co., lot 14, block 2. Paddock Place I LEGAL NOTICE. i 1 NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING. Notice Is hereby given that the reg;jlnr annual meeting ot tha stockholders of the South Platte I,und Co. will be held at the office of said company In Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 1st day of March. A. D.. 1905. By order of the Board of Directors. C. H. MORRILL. President. A. B. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 30, 1905. J31 diwt Edwards -Wood Go. (Incorporated ' rialn Office: Fifth and Robert Straeti 51 PAUL. niNN. in 1 1 DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us traack OIBce, linvltl Roaral af Traili tsMat.. Oinaba, Mab. Telepltoae ;tni4 212-214 Exchaute I'Mjr . South Omaha. ' Bell 'Phone Sit Independent 'Piiooe 1