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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
Ifi THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JANUARY 22. 1903. TAXES ON STREET RAILWAY Companj Will Paj on Five Million. Without Protest. OFFICIALS SAY INJUSTICE IS BEING DONE aarrt that Airniinl I lUrnpnr tlonnlrlf Hlali, list ftatbmlt la Orilrr in Ktaitr Ilia talta lion of T(i tturstion. Taxrn will b paid iih;iii r"""1 on :,.mn,r by the Omaha & Council Mult Htrr-ft Railway com.nn. Tin- company be lieve the asscsMneiit In hr an injiisti c. but It will submit rather thiiti Mir up a cutitr" becuiu-e It believe tint fuMI UKlta. tlon of thin Mjrt is detrimental to the busi ness Interest of the city. In a pre parer! for the common council th" fore troliifr facts are Rlvrn h. an explanation of :lie street cur company a posit lop. One of the onVers of the company said: "Hy making uh pay the taxis on 5.n"0.(KM worth of property we are paying one-fixih t)f the personal taxes of Omaha. We thought It was excessive whin we were raiHcd to, but rather than make a kick we submitted. To Hglt.tte th.-se things mid have It go abroad that Omaha li being overtaxed wo believe In harmful to the city. It kces people away. It keeps Industries away. One of the first things that a busi ness man Inquires Into when u Arm Is look ing for a location Is the tax rate. I have liad the tax question thrown Into my face several times within the last two years. Only a short time ago a member of a Min neapolis Industry enld to me: 'We would like to locate In Omaha, but you people, I notice, always have a kick coming on the tax question and wo are afraid of you.' That Is the situation and It Is hurting Omaha more than is generally suspected. Street IlallTTaj-'s Foaltlon. "We arc all interested In Omaha. The street railway company is anxious to have the town grow, .for It is population that glvea us our business. But at the same time we don't want to feel that we are being worked by being overtaxed. In rale Ing our assessment they make the excuse that our franchise Is worth a great deal and till that eort of thing. They don't seem to take Into consideration that the street railway company Is a benefit to the city as well as being a business propo sition. One of the first things that appeals to tho stranger is the street car system of a city. It is about the first thing he notices. It la one of the first propositions that he comes In contact with. From It he gets a good or bad impression of the city. If the system is a good one, If cars are prompt and run with reasonable frequency, if the cars are up-to-date and are kept up In good ahapc, he goes away with a good Impression and gives his Impression to peo ple In the other cities that he visits. "One thing Is certain. There is a limit to all things. If the company is unjustly taxed it will not feel like putting money into improvements. It will put on only tho cars that it actually needs to take care of the business. It will use the dilapi dated cars a little longer. Instead of mak ing three cars do the work on a certain run It will get along with two. There has been a time In tho history of Omaha when the street railway company, as well as other franchlscd corporations, were not paying their Just share of the taxes. We know that, but that is no reason why they should now go to the other extreme and overdo It. We believe tho amount we are assessed for is extravagant, but we shall pay it, .and we have prepared a letter for the common council, explaining our posi tion In the matter." Letter to the Coo nail. The letter prepared by the company fol lows: OMAHA Jan. 31. To the City Council, Omaha, Neb.: Dear Sim 1 urn informed that a request has been filed by the Heal Kstato exchange that the taxea on the personal property of the Omaha and Coun cil Hluns Street Railway company In Omaha be raised from $4.uO,00O to $5,000,000. Buch a levy would require this company to pay practically onc-slxth of all the personal taxes of the city of Om.-ha. We are very certain that this company does not own one-sixth of the personal property in this city and that therefore its taxes are even now entirely out of proportion to the taxes of other property holder. nm Inasmuch as any contest on the part of tho Mreet railway company would involve the uiBciiHKion ana investigation or the per sonal taxes of many firms and Individual. and as we believe the further agitation of um personal axes or. me otiMlness Inter cuts of this city la detrimental In it. growth, we have concluded to submit to what we consider an Injustice rather than to go into u contest of this character. Vmi are therefore notified that we consent to i no increase in our personal assessment to the sum of o,O00,000. We take this action in the hope that the agitation on this sub ject, which we believe to be detrimental to tho city, may cease. Very respectfully. M'KINLEY CLUB'S BANQUET the Clan and electric fixtures, wholesale and emu. juni r.iecinc jo., 13th and iiuruej- mret-iB. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have neen reponea to me uoera or Heal'n dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon DUiuruay; liirtus Louis Stern, 80S North Sixteenth street, girl: N. liarsarsky. 418 North Twelfth street, girl; Henry Gross, 814 North 1 weniy-sevenin street, girl; ueorge Mark hofer, 418 Cedur street, boy; J. M. Hawkins. Benson, boy; Ueorge Oukuaa, lot nomn nixieenin street, noy; ueorge waller, 1115 Capitol avenue, girl. Deaths Miss Augusta Peatr. 806 South Fourteenth street, aged 22 years; Kate iiiinuriie, county-nospiiai, ngea 40 years; John Murphy, county hospital; George N. Seymour. 1302 South Eighteenth street, Bgcil 64 years: Henry A. Nye, Jr., Twenty fourth uud Wirt streets, aged 7 yearn. Sovoral Cases of Re served Stock go on Sale Monday f you oome Monday you will And a new supply of bargains from our stock room. saved oil purpose for those that could not attend tho sale any sooner. For any ons needing any winter goods this great sale certainly offers an opportunity to save a lot of money. Made up overcoats and suits for a good deal less than the cloth cost originally. A fair sample of the extreme good burgalna offered in furnishing goods are those Boys' and Young Men's Shirts from slis 10 to else 14 inclusive, tor 15c. Men's corduroy caps which you can pull down over your ears, 12c. Men's heavy bluck cheviot pants, Wc. All kinds or Men's Shirts, 6c. Men's Odd Coma. 99o. Odd Vests, 3o. Chinchilla Coats and Vests, 12.50. Good leather Gloves or Mitts, 15c. Mostly anybody can tlud something amongst this stock now on sale on out Snd floor. On Our Main Floor We call sell you Manhattan Shirts for 95o. Shaw Knit Socks, 20. Tresldent Suspen ders, 39c. 60c Kour-ln-handa, Sic. 5fc Sus penders, 25c. ll.Gtt I'nlon Suits, 7 Eh'. Men's pure all wool heavy black Thibet double breasted suits, IIO.110. Choice of any over coat. Including the Kenjamln make, worth tip to LVu. your pick, 115.00. Men's ex treme heavy fancy sweater, regular T.(0 value, aula price, I.Mv THE GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., 1519-1521 DOUGLAS ST. Plaas Are Now Complete for Affair to Be Held Nest ftatardar Sight. All arrangements are about perfected for the MrKlnley elub banquet to be held at the Millard hotel Saturday evening. January 2V Indications point to a large attend ance and a very enjoyable prospect looms up for the banqueters, not only In the gas tronomic line which Is assured by the prlre of 12 per piate but also in an ora torical way. Besides the local representa tion, which will lie large. Representative Foster has promised to bring a strong dele gation from Lincoln. W. K. Andrews will dlse.uss the Idiosyn crasies of "Croakers," and C. J. Greene has been n.!gned to take care of "The Future of the West." 80 far these aie the only ret subjects. Judge Howard Ken ned) . Jr.. will cover the Held of nrpnr tunlty for the young man In politics, a. wide subject and an able exponent of the same. On areount of the upsetting of the caucus verdict by the bolting republicans In Mis souri Major William Warner. I'nlted States attorney for that district, may find It Im possible to attend, but the committee Is still hopeful that he will be present. William Allen White of Kmporla. who successfully prescribed for , Iconoclastic Kansas when something was the matter with It. is very likely to be one of the ora tors, but definite announcement cannot be made as to him until next week. It Is also planned to have a few Im promptu contributions that will be cal culated to add to the Joy of the occasion. The banquet Is scheduled t get away on Its pleasure trip through the menu and the mental vineyard at 7:30. r GAS COMPANY ASKS PERMIT Evans Ordinance Will Prevent nolld iug ev Morage I'lnnt for a Time. Efforts of the Omaha Gas company to obtain a permit from the city for Its pro posed new gas manufacturing plant at Twenty-second and Burdette streets before the new Evans ordinance requiring the consent of all residents within a radius of 1,000 feet becamo a law, failed, and the company Is still without authority to build. Acting Mayor Zlmman took the precaution to sign the ordinance Wednesday morning, so when a letter from Superintendent G. W. Waring of the gas company, dated January 20, reached Building Inspector Wlthnell, he was in a position tq turn down the request. Tho communication enclosed n check for $'.'2.88 In payment for the permit, which "is requested for a "gas holder tank," esti mated to cost $26,000. The superintendent states that the company Is anxious to start work at once and desires the permit Issued promptly. The authority will not bo granted until the written consent of the property owners Is presented. COMPLAINT AGAINST BUCKLEY County Attorney Cioee After Man Charged with Attempting? to Bribe a Juror. County Attorney Slnbaugh has filed In the county court a complaint against Wil liam Buckley, who Is charged with cor ruptly endeavoring to Influence a Juror. The offense la alleged to have been com mitted In the case of The State against Wesley M. Wiseman, charged with at tempted assault. The Juror sold to have been approached is Charles Anthes, to whom Buckley is alleged, to have spoken with the Idea and Intent of influencing bis action in the case, knowing him to be on the Jury which was hearing the case Buckley was arrested, pleaded not guilty and was released on tOou bond. IN A CLASS BY ITSELF IS THE HEW Twentieth Century Investment Policy OF THE ...Bankers... Reserve Life Company of Omaha, Neb. A Ten Million Dollar Company. 1 I Reliable agents would do well to inquire concern ing the profitable agency contracts obtainable of B. H. R0B1S0N, - President. 75c and $1.50 Ladies' Kid Cloves, in all sizes and colors, at 29c and 59c TUB RELIABLE STORE. 75c and $1.50 Ladies' Kid Cloves, in all sizes and colors, at 29c and 59c lei I J MacCnrthy Cartoons SALE! OP M. II. BLISS' CHINA STOCK J, I. Brandels at Sons Offer Entire Bliss Stock of C'hlnaware, Glass ware and Silverware at Vnheard of Bararalna. BOSTON STOKE TFESDAY, JAN. 24. We bought the entire stock on hand of M. II. Bliss, 1417 Douglas street. M. II. Bliss was one of the oldest and most relia ble dealers In Omaha. The high quality of his stock was well known throughout Omaha and vicinity. We bought the en tire stock at an amazing sacrifice, and Tuesday we will sell at startling reduc tions all his stock of chinaware, glassware, silverware, Ilavllund china plates, cups and saucers, lamps, crockery, etc. Saje begins Tuesday, January 24. J. U BRANDEI9 & SONS. Invest Constant Oil stock. 301 X. T. Life. FuneralNotlce. The funeral services over the late Dr. C. O. Sprague will bo held at the Masonic temple, corner Sixteenth and Capitol ave nue, on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. In terment will be at Forest Lawn cemetery. Little Gladys Chandler will appear as Toodles in the Press club's "Toodles In Fosterland." Will Manchester will play Van Dyke Brown, the artist, and sing "When Skies Are Clear" in the Press club's "Toodles in Posterland." Notlc to Rrdmen. First monthly card party and dance of Omaha tribe No. 18, I. O. R. M , wtll bo held Wednesday evening, January 25, at Metropolitan hall, 14th and Dodge. Friends of the order are requested to attend. Ad mission 16c. C. C. MEBIUAM. Chairman of Com. H. C. EDWARDS, Keeper of Records. EXPECTATION lias its heels trod upon by realization, if the order of things includes an order for MacCar-thj- inade-for-you cloth ing. Expectations of tit of faultess fabric of fashion, all are realized if the "realiza tion'' bears the Mac Carthy label. $25 to o0 suit price-range. e-rMac Carthy. Tailoring: Co., S04-306 S. 16th St. Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office. Phone 1808. ) The Cheapest Piano is a "Stairway" The word "rilKAl'KST" in its best sense means the greatest value for the least money and thus it will be seen that the meaning of the word extends in two oppo site direetious. The-STKIN- Y.Y" iia no is bv far t cheapest piano in the world today. Emphatically it gives the greatest: value for the least money. All other makes ure often received at our store in exchange toward a "Steinway" but we have never known the owner of a "Steinway" to part willing ly with their piano. MELBA. tlif orlpbratoil prin.u tliim. now uses tho "StPlnwuy" exclusively. We cordially invii lusppctlnu of our "Steinway" stork, which wnrf nevpr nioro complete. I'nder our ONE ritlCE 1'I.AX new, soiMiitio "Stolnwny" Instruments iire now freely offers! to one fin I nil for $."ii. .?.Vio. .$r7) to ST."! for np rightH, $730. tn $i:i."ii for grnmN. SchmollerSltluellerg omana s breates: Piano House 1313 Farnam St. Phone 1629 Operating 4 stores and a factory ilaViffji'iaUIH GREAT CLEARING SALE Men's Suits and Overcoats i iT Sail FRY'S CUSHION SOLE SHOE FOR. WOMEN I MRS. CHADWICK Is solid comfort to the wearer. If the soles of your feet are sore and ulloii!c'd, Just try a pair and be wifi I njifirl inn nit Aflulnn 4f la vuiiiiuvvu nun uiuvu iiidu i v 40 g to walk. ri he only sure remedy for tired feet. Fry's Cushion Sole Shoes $4.00 A PAIR. i FRY SHOE cq I iftMRUSE (HUH t at 2 3 UNDERWEAR! Plead not guilty. W plead guilty, of tho bent cleaning and dyeing at ladled' and fents' clothing. We can save you money. lg up your old faded and shopworn clothes, hats, plumes, curtains, etc. Our process makes them good as new. Hats cleaned and blocked; nave you 150 per ctnt on your money. Join our press club and get your money's worth (or Sl.di) per month. Out-of-town, express and mall orders solli-ited and handled promptly. Prices cheerfully furnished. Write us for particulars, or telephone 300 and our representative will call and see you. Omaha's Best Cleaners and Dyers, 1324 Farnam M., Tel. 3UJO. Over Union I'acillo City Ticket Office. Effective Sunday. January 22, the 'Frisco System will Inaugurate the fastest night trains between Chicago and St. Louis. Leave Chicago 11:40 p. m. ; arrive St. Louis 7:66 a. m. Leave St. Louis 11:43 p. m.; ar rive Chicago 8:08 a. m. Prof. William Chambers will play Foxy Grandpa and sing "The Owl and the Wild Cat" In Toodles In Posterland." Men's, boys', children's clothing, hat, ladies' suits, skirts, millinery, etc.; cash or credit, i'eople's Store, 18th and Farnam. Edholm, jeweler, 16th and Harney. Clan Gordon annual Burns- festival, Gar man la lialh, January 26. Tickets, 50o each. Miss belnorte Wlnspear will have the solo, "Sleep, Honey, Sleep," In the Press club's 'Toodles In Posterland." New Point on Scavenger Law. Jn Judge Troup's court a new point has been raland against the publication of no tice feature of the scavenger tax sale law. The original owner died before the decree was entered against the property and those mw seized of the same as hells are for elgnrs who cannot understand English. city Attorney llerdnian holds that there is nothing In the new conten tion tlmi bus not been already passed on by the courts, but Judge Troup consented to look through the papers and make ruling on Monday. Asks for a Receiver. The Omaha Building and Loan associa tion has hied a petition in district court askii.if to have a receiver atnoliiiei fr Jennie Frank and others. Plaintiffs loaned J:5iki. which sum, because of taxes and other charges, hus now grown, according to the petition, to the amount of H.i" Frank It. Weud u named in the petition as a crowr person to be named as such re ceiver and to collect rents from the prop erty Involved, amounting to $35 or 140 a mouth. A Continued Story The WRATH of the Co. Bluffs druggists referred to in our last expose, helped to start the light of the patent medicine man ufacturers. They sent the well known Mr. Chamberlain of the Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Moines, and . also Mr. Normun Llchty, Iowa's original cut price druggiut, also of Des Moines, out here, and these gen tlemen called a meeting of the druggists of uinana, ctoutn umaua ana council Ulurfs, and stating they were the Pretddent and also representatives, with power to act, bf the Patent Medicine Manufacturers' as sociation, they said they were sent here to Insist that patent medicines made by their association must tie sold in this territory AT A PKOF1T. OR NO MORE OF THEIR GOODS WOl'LD BE SHIPPED HERE TO JOBBER-DRUGGISTS OR ANYBODY ELSE! We were asked what ws were going; to oo aDoui it, ana our answer win ne ID this paper next Tuesday evening ana Wednesday morning. To be continued RKAO THE STORY, 'CAUSE IT IS TRUE. , CUT PRICE DRUG SI ORE E T. TATES. rtop. 18th and Chicago Sta., Omaha, 'Phones 741 and 7H7; 24th and N Sts., South Omaha, 'Phone No. 1; 6th Ave. and St., Coun. ell Bluffs, 'Phone 333. All goods delivered in either city absolutely free. SGHAEFER'S CHICMBTEH'B CNQLIIH ENNYRUyAL Pi LIS u, m iCukvi eu'm kn;li4h la 11(11 Uoi4 uauilia hiu mu4 IU Um riktoa. 1 aka aa alkar. Strata naasarMa Saaatltatlaaa aaS lailla Uaaa. la af your Oruggi.i. ar aaai 4a. ta auMtaa ftw Parttcalara, Taatlaaaaiale aa "Rflla for Lad I aa, a kuar, ti ra. tara Mall. lS.e l.iiHtk.l. m.. k. all Draw klaaaatar ( fceailaal CmL aaiaaa aaaaraj ran , m kaaawtatofas from ear iuu. for Menstrual Suppression r.r.:si, pen-tan-got sold m Onulia by (barman McConnsll Drug Co. Wall erdara 01 leal- Trad luppltad. U s tx, I bos 16. Maaonle Fsseral, Funeral services of our late brother. Dr. C. U. Sprague, will be held at Masonic hall Sunday at S p. m. Brethren will as semble at 1:80 p. m. Friends invited. C. L. SHOOK. Master. Clan Gordon annual Burns' festival, Ger nisniav ball, January 26. Tickets, 60c each. Did you ever eat Kopp's Molasses Bat Instts? Try them. 1303 Farnam street. POPULAR PRICE PHARMACISTS Our storo has long been known as ons of "popular prices." The old-time "Drug gist's Profit" Is something we have never known. Our principle' of conducting busi ness Is to SELL EVERYTHING we handle us CHEAP AS ANY ONE quality consid ered. We issue a CATALOGUE which is brimful of interest to Drug Buyers and which may be hud for the tasking.. SOME SAMPLE CUT PRICES. SI. 00 Newbros Herpiclde for T.c $1.00 Mull's Grape Tonic for 79c $1.00 Hyomel, complete, for 7!ip $1.00 Pe-ru-na. for -. sic $1.00 Squlbb's Sarsaparllla for .....75c $1.00 Munyon's Paw-Paw for Iftc $1.00 Burnham's Sarsaparllla for ip $1.00 Crystul Tonic for 79c $1.00 Shoop'B Restorative for Tilt $1.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey for 7i. $1.00 Baker's Barley Malt for 75c (tS.ou per full dozen.) $1.00 King's New Discovery for 79c $1.00 Llquozone for 79c faic Llquoxone for 43o $1.00 Brome Seltzer for 79o $1.00 Temptation Tonic for 49c 2no Mistletoe Cream for Mc 26c Kirk's Juvenile Soap for 10c 25c 4711 Juvenile Soap for lev 6oc Llsterine for 43c $1.00 Malted Milk for 7Kc Good Fountain Syringe for 5oc Good Water Bag 60c, 66o and 75c Write for Drug and Rubber Goods Catalogue. Tho cold winds can be withstood If yon Imvc good, warm T.'NDEU-1 WEAR. Now i the time to chucure from that llarht summer weight. & We have the largest line in Omaha and we carry a complete stock in 1 ft various weights and sizes. They xcome in cotton, half wool, all wool and fleece-lined, from 25e to $11.00 S per garment. We liuve special values at 2.V, 35e and 50c per carnrent. JOS. F. BILZ, 322 So. 16th St., Omaha.. We are sole agents for the FictorlaJ Review Patterns. MEN'S STITS ?7.r0 to .i2.r0 values, in single or double breast ft 1. brown or oxford grav meltons, blue and jf blaek cheviots, fancy mixed nisiniere anil tan I nil I lll'll 11111' ' l-ll'.-l !! llir :llr 1ili. am' a .MKX'S OVKI.CO.VTS $7..'0 to 1J.."t values, medium length, in all wool blue, blaek and brown kerseys, black and oxford gmy lush frieze, brown and oxford gray meltons, F" , great snap at our clearing sale iniri -."iO to ftt.00 MKX'S PANTS - In all wool cheviot, 1 Q C eassiineres and corduroys; Monday M.JFJ :!.."( and !koo KXKi: i'A NTS SI ITS In two-piece, double brenshd styles, ages to Hi years; CO spceial $JJ YOUTHS' LON(. I'A NTS SUITS In complete variety C ()A and styles; on sale at JjJ Hardware, Stoves and Housefurnishings Sri-iC'I AT. (IT rUICE ON A I.I. HEATING STOVES. Atl kinds of Air Ticht Oaks. Hot Hlnst. Ons and Soot Consumers yf O C up from HftJD Double Heating Ha si ltunurs -Tlie tniveisal l;ne-tho best mode J r In t lifts country up from aaaV. JU THE I.AItOKST. PIN EST and BEST STOCK of Steel Ranges in Omaha. Wo ':m sell you n nice iMioln Nirel Kuiigi'. with lilgh closet, white enameled reservoir, larLe is iiH-h oven -warranted rluo baker nicely nickle 07 CA plated for aW.DU ir. SLEDS AND COASTERS -To close mil, make price Kitisfactory in up from ,...laC WAS!! IAV SPECIALTIES. Steel Frame Wringer i.o S'.'.m l'rneed Folding Ironing' Hoard 89c No, 8 Copper Hdttom Roller. . ,09c do n Clothes Pins c Regular Wash Hoard 5c I "o-foot Cotton Line 10c Willow Chillies Basket 43c! O. K. Rotary Washer 4.9 HAYDEiS BROS. BROKEN LOT SALE This Week DREXEL Will Give Per Cent Off ON THE FINEST AND BEST MADE SHOES IN TnE WORLD. ALL HEAVY WINTER GOODS. These Prices for Cash Only H Best quality imported putent colt, double a ttllnn soles, regular $5.frO 4lO H Best quality French enamel kid lined, double a r Mil 11 sole, regular $0.00 -tsOU H Women's imported patent colt, Blucher style, a (Ja till till double sole, regular $MH) 4sOl7 H W omen s kid nna calf button and lnce, double " 7 CZ UHclllsole, regulnr $5.00 O. 1 xJ Sherman & McConnall Drug Go1 Cor. Sixteenth and Dodge Sts., OMAHA,- NEB. - - -riV-iw W Trouble Making With OUR Steam Custom made, velour sole, regular $t?.00.... Imported, French enamel, kid lined, double sole to heel, cork tilled, regular !jii;.ri Genuine French calf, Rtrictly hand-mad double sole, regulnr $t!.UO French enamel, genuine kid lined, duubl sole, regular ?."". K) j s 3iK) pairs of women's broken lots. $.'.0i, 9PGC. ill $.'l..r0 and $4.00 shoes, one price Clapp Boyden Boyden S. M. calf, Blucher, double Q() 4. 88 4.50 3.75 1.50 DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 FARNAM STREET la times of prosperity placa a part of your latcouo with the Omaha Loan & Building Association l'OR A HAI.tV DAY FISD. Borne day this fuad sua? carry ea ever rough ssd rocky road. Sara in deposits are eredlted with Q per seat dividends. ' Office, XT04 Faraara. Bee Bids;. O. W. Loomls. Pres. O. M. KstUncer, E.o'y M f la I aa aara 1 J OaaraakMa 1 f aa. m aa la avtatara. B 1 friaaala faalialia. W7t fat f Citl lOSlC. MENANDWOrjini. Cm Kit J for .saalsral diat banaa.lii&amiaaliott Irrltatlaa. ar uloaraUukM Ot laaoaa aaaaattralaai. Palalaaa, aa4 set MUisx If a o L or aolaauuws. eld by aWmsalstaV vr aaat la aiaia wrapaaa ht raaa. araaala, Imt If you have not been able to get Satisfactory Results Don't blame the fireman Call up 'PHONE 455 and let us send you a load of coal that filakos Sieam SPADRA COAL , . Is acknowledged by all to be the best Arkansas Coal In the market in especially adapted for furnaces aud heaters. It will do fully 00 ier cent of the same work ua Pennsylvania Coal and cost only 75 per cent an much. Hard Coal costs per ton $11.00 Spradra Orate 8-M a aa Saved 2.50 Fire can be perfectly controlled with Spadra, o ai to . five an even heat lit all times. C. B. HAVENS CO.. 'A.'iS&T South Omaha Ice & Goal Co. AUDITORIUM CORNER OH. WILKI iSUN'i EVt, EAR, NOSE, THROAT CLINICS, To!. 8 3323. Crelghton Blook, 15th and Douglas, Omaha. Daily lor Catarrh, Catarrhal lieafneHJt, Adenoids often cauiwi or inoutn nrpain- ln and rlc afnfH.n In fhildlui. Ill-shaped Noses. Chronic Bore Throat, NuuralKluii, Knlargcd TonsllH, Urowths In NoslrllH, Pol-jy-jl, etc., Cleft I'aUte. Harelip, Kiiimlns Kain, Noises In Kars, Cross Ee stralijhteiied by operation. Affections of U"r iJiu tH. Hcndai he, line to iye or nnsul or catarrhal causes, Affeetlons of the olrs mid Speech, Irritable CuukVih, stopped up nostrils, reaulis of Hay Kever, I.a . iirlpps. Tlmxe clinics nre froe to ihe poor 11 a. m to 7 o'clock. Sundays, to J-. No (.hartce for examination of patients. Call or write and learn what can lie d"ne. Fourtcsn Years Sams Location 1 Dr, Bradbury 1506 rAKNAn DENTIST 'PnOM3 1790 The moat seusatlva oervts rsraovt-d wit ha I rilllaa-a SnV fin . . . ... Brld Work $X 50 up UrYVlTV , 't it nici w Teetl Extracted With out Pain. Plate. $2 00 tin r - if Ask for a QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO ! niau i in 11 11 .1.11 ll 1 1 , , I , J J Mi I 11 11 a 4V4'V'M' "THE OVERLAND ROUTE" AU ttvs wst to Ceutonua. o d tour. Oo the UNION PACIFIO i Omshs ! hour quicker tbsa ' su oilier Uua. Call on or telephone City i icset uffli-e, l.(J4 Karnum 8t. Htima III BEST BECAUSf ye, wot Wi for ni KtiTiS'..? CIs taxsrs, rr alatlns. rlopks. mpurtca uaffaoa vovia. BEE WANT ADS RESULTS Bee Want Ad Produce Kw" SI . or t batU.a M ia. Have Root print iU