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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
Tim OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. .TAN 1 A II Y 22. liMC, 15 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cicgo and Toledo Are the Eigbfit USTtRS UN;PllATlON VEFY CLEVER I. r swears Brlk aa t ara aad Sal l Ha Okorl llae of Sever I Mlilioa Haheis lats May Qalrt. OMAHA. Jan. 3. IPC '. .. at tl. i' I :i--.ay. i!ti the txce,,i...i, :i Ii.ea'j. w mf fi ghei mar art in th ("5it n in- May wr.-t. sij.n po.nt na r.oi or n re' r.e.; l;orc djrii.g tn.a e,..r.. h c in.' g r.gire w l. .o. i n mantel today J at. hj.h . I S- " w wi t'n - i,. but c.od str'r.g.r at 1.14 Th au) also eon ol tcfcv. rp'ntr.g at -ano ci'.Sir.g lit i"nuvn ocs-d ui- ifirM; 1 sris was from l to i"ff. dtg lverpe"..! i jrniHj with a ! . Thin erne paniy to Ighi A E r.t.r.u e rterings. 7 he cash oemand is r- i-. t- 1 a nt .tir ,,, d-')ir, 'kmii soid 4 taa. bu-nele of n;x-d lo. t.-. mi.)' is. jal.rnrapoils reported N 1 rorti.rn i a var.e.i.g ic in tore; I'jljth w at '-' St lou: s'-iei No f id 1:1 i-.r .it (1 13 . and K try No 2 ha-d at ti It la getting harder to :tr .t, IV wrat market every day i ;. easier;, interest ira to ha.e t n k'- r m- r'l It ("hir-ag j gr;' in t i.e Lam All f those who at' thought t" Lave le-en jiIim J or the Wall iMin n- u.l"r t. : i.ow N -lieved to te t ;,i mselv es entirely in trie dark a to Ine intento:,. otw? a-e p:ve-i in every'-r. bjvirg ari3 -'.litis at every sort of figure. o that tr.t pit ou erreri ar iall to say tiat if rrrg done. ' fie gi.rai ..'it.i 1 r. tt, Jor.g remaiTp- inirt t N yr.n is rj",rt'J on it.k tj i uriTij ii" l"r lh fautt-rnt" m ii'i't. t .j t h." n tartft. a loiig t!n Jinx A i'e'ifn .i -J. If 4 the rumor lie i )lrt i-.C" . buhds. Mir.f he ac.uld rmt ! rort 1 " ' buhei ;th pir-aecit market. lit- i. );" ever, a tiuil m et!tim nt Kna fity report M.lng aprlr.g h-at li Td 1 r eeaitig .titer riet in that M i" i aid to r kilieil and thr farm. re to replant tt In it - poinnu 'ut. the bUnkft ( f tm t.- f f". p'kr.t lI"tf", ,1 u:i huddtn frt-ei. i"r.trmi F'id ai.mi hur-t-i 'ii"it Frioar nid to lave a total tn thirty anr Fl' i:t th'-r" fo r 1.- iid to have eold at the hlKh tcint - f th' -lasrui. firvrrr.all eetlmate the otlda ehiimtnts Monday at ,J"" hjfle Ai.tirjJLnn aliipmetitfi are 1 (d b-neis. again't huehelit fr.r tnc pri'iioms ecK and .()(. l.ijhel f"r laM -r. Valentin hap hem e!litf f'-rn rtally. runninf from In'' to 1 hnhe!f The crowd fia-uree he le !...rt :.!i.iifi buahtla now. The Armojr Intfifet ha leen i.tar leh for everai mantl e haitia Una position nn the lniieaee In unrka. the large crop and the (air movm'nt The curn ii-.Hik: a a little weak thie mort inn and k 'eeil with a lo of ic. rime cwn i it" loaded out of Chltaaa t'r tht rrivate rt are beit.a hinted try mntf itiiril ie not ver heavy. Oala rrifciie a dtilltif K'Ja. the My rk-HiiilC with a de, i.i.r of i,. . The Fj.e.ulH tlve poeltlon at.d the taeh market are buth not very troi g. Osaka ( aah alra. WHKAT-No 3 hard. 1 r.,r. M lbs.. II H: 1 tar, M lbe . '; No. 4 hard. 1 car, bl 11.. We. Oaaaha t aak 1'rleea. WHEAT . o. hard. II il.' hard. f; No. 4 hard. SC-.-) li d apnrig. II ... UnN-Nu. i. 2Tf no rade iiO No. I velKw. toS1' 3 white. 3c. OATS No. I mixed. Jar; No. 4 mind, 7p7H-; : No. white. 2SV-; N- standard. 2S'c. Carlo! Reeelpta, Wheal. Corn. Oata Chirago Kanwr f'lty Minneapollk Duluth St. lyoiua Omaha Prleea at MlaaraaalU. The range of prke paid In Minn-apoli. a report b the tdwarda-Wood cum pany. llb-Ui buard ol Trade. wa: i northern. li'tfV May, liUS- Juiy. ti.UH. t- 1 1. rrt-r. -r4 iAlS-Ig arrive and on track. -5k. leavlhB aer of le ald of wneat made up buer.e.e the to I or ft ana The coun- No. Nu. Ni' i too .t Kn roiio9 leatarea at Ike iratlag aa4 tlaalac Prteee taaiJ -t Traae. CUCAOO. Jan .l-'l-i.tral liquidation, dje thi'ny to :.'.cre-:el pti.-rar IB' rr merit. r'-Kitej In a ret d-n:re if lc t" o in the jHH-e of ty wi..fci Corn i on i,'-. ais nit diwn -aOt- rrovinonf taan.a? :n tfe wl eat rr.arkt ilv1-C'l-eu , ny ir, the aesei :n and toward the ioe i ml.Une cf gi.pp'-rt a i.fa lr g ! fljci.ffl t ) a etroig me:kn a I Liverpool, i-nlal (juo'.attui.? e.'.owej e.ig'H g-i-.s Staf r g up '-''"- l i 1 to n t.ra'-. a !ejr t-i tre t.ui. r-l-pcTted tre rrarkt. t'-t er it J ;rt ha?:r.g orae-n trom other o jrt-e. J'lt tracrp Wf-re 'n'.riii eu- low-ird the ro f the h't h 'r on'-rirare imM"l otiio ra & and. v.;n no ir p: cvrrrent in d'Tr.ard. f.' murktt graija . weamned lH.mti- r.e ner:ii: :avoratie f the besr. i. rierketf ai ai. grain r ti ter ! very djil. A TtpTt lrom Mm ri'arv.1 alal'i t rat tixk f tnt th-ic uwr'awa n.y iiVtf-.. i.a . orr.;are. w"h an rr j.per'eu rd.ion ft S" bu He-i.-ljte In th nor-'hw-.-n quart' r were large arn the pri di'.-t ror.f wete mad' thrit in' ni' mer.l wou.d coiitir,b l'H a lit-eral , vie for fonne ti-n' to torn'- lxcal p:l inary re.-eipt wre in exce of thoe of tr.e i orresp. rnriir a amy J'r go. arm a. a toiay i,rr ..; . hu., a ega:tjt vs.! bu lst 'Si'h bnrn ir.f!uei,c r.-;-.d Jaii ' u-d the rr.prket a. that i-iie in th' iim n priee (, inJ rpi i. Woflt-takir.g hy KTgs who did not with to ho.d over Minda;. .-aed eiar.e The ri irket vloj-ea etk. :' i May at II H- Cieirnc- cf w ir f.-'-r were eaal to :JV i-V' t.a. M apoi.e I'L.. th .Tii n! u.go rep. rt'd r-ni! ef 44. against i. jp ,n5t wek ard ?.13 ir a year agu 'J he afion "f th' rr.i:ret wai the prl-.ripai fu'tor n, ir. corn pit Infuenred t.y P.wer icrl-f. the market up ried esuet and in sjnpati.y with the break in wheat, rntlmerlt 1. an, anil m re lir!'h as the se!rn advhr.o.d. Trad.nk. however. wa xirmelj i.eht i'l voiame. May cpenwi un'hnr.ite.1 i j a hac ! r at 44 -e lo 4-"!4V . .iii off to 4V'V' ai closed at 74to lxi al receipt were CIS cJiia. with of .-onirart grade. i i e volume "f trading ir. at al x eedtr.'v mtlt at d fo.,r,wi'g the a'-tion of other irraina. lower pru-o prevailed. Mav -rw-ned a ehade higher at old orl'to :: .7 and ooeed at Lo .) re'-,,t. wire 13T cars I'ioi n.ntii wre nrrn. on ooverit k t' H.ort liher jrioi for hoga tad a tr-r.gthn.n.i: Infliine At tht- i .o May pork a up :V at IH'.TTS Ma) iard was up T'fjpir at P. y'.t K timat'd reeip; f jr Mordny: Wheat. 3S ear, crti. it; care. oh:. 1 tart. begs. 4.'' head. 1 he leLi.ur.pT futui ranged aa fo.low: NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Kew Eijh Becord for or.hern Eeci-r.tif tsd Ii'frbDrcufb Etpid Trmi t. BIG IHCPEASE IN EK LOANS F.ifMiaalea af earlr Thlrtt-Uve Mll llaa nollara faae laaatrr aa Probable ae af Tk la (.real NEW TO.IK. Ja:-.. I" -There wa a g-d dej, r,f '- .Timoti..n and me eor f,;on In the active two hour tiaairg of today a t k reailiet. but th irrptrtar: change of th' d tf cor.finefj to a few -cc The furth'r buoyai t noe in the rcrtweet ern gra'.rr wa I-, ror-' th-n with an other j- tr.j. In Norther- Sei-ur-tie n the uto. Th totk Fh.-t ip to a new y-'.gh rettrd at t ard it w a'compen.ei. h on It .rev:'.tj ad'an.-'. by Inie? borouffh Hapld Trarni. wh.rh rr.afle a w-r ejurt to :!. Th' iitte movmert w.,k eried Iltt repcr rn the iil ejci-hange. b-jt the Northern jr lie movent' t was eviriemly a repo:iap for the ne !) ft Paul. Northwe'tt-rn and Ita nbfldiary etork. A number if dormart InveF'mrnt ahere r.. m- tutry points on si: f .r trai -act ion . Tie g'r.era! level of price, howe-ver. wa maf.ta.nei with f?h u;tr and (lave way entirely on the appearance of tie back statement d loeirg an nrexr.-td loan ei-pann-in of t 4'4 '". Thi . far in eies of any previous week lrcrea in the loan Item durlrg the hiatorv of the ieartr.g ho'je ira it wa fv.rthr norable for the fait trat the Increase in luai a Laa been made hy the three or four largest bark In the nesrir.g house, in which are usual. y iinrntrated the aj-eat f.narclal and syn dicate operatic:. of the eountrv rr,o.t powerfu; groups Vothir.g has ap peared on the surface to Indicate Into what channel thi enormous iTt'-r,jon of cred't may be turned There have been several bond sal's durirc the week, but rot s-;f- to ac-ourt for the rroport.oi- f tne n Pr.rr.e part of the .rce ed!" tvJT were tl WC -old aid silv er I tfw Tork Jlaaer Market. NEW TC RK Jar. C M'-NET Ort e 1. rorr r.a' n loan. Titr.e 1 an easy, s'v'y da rHti per eer.: rinety rliif tr r " : ri"t('. -'" Ir ' " ' FP.IMK MKR'ANTIl.K I AI ER-'-.H , p' r er t PTKRLIN'I E.V'M A N JF ftea y wph k ai .us!n :r. barkers hill" at fi. 4 . f r ii wan a and at ti V". , 1 vi.T f. tr-dv li . m'oi r: 4 'i3 4 ' Itei'Hll t"i"s. M K."v: FI I-VKR Far. "c; Hi '.vf J? ioverrraf : t. " dy. The fol:-.wlr.g are t 0i kf and bonds : T S rf :a rt fit 'f ret l '.jp-.-l e res .... r. it-.., . 4u e-4r. r-f ... a, f-ci-nt ... .10 iht in :. : 'OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bfit Tat Cgttie Tnt Higher Tha WMk Arc, Chhen Stfiit. HOGS CHANGED LITTLE DUPING THE WEEK !-xi. r. dollar, seeady: rai'r- ad. I. q-jeTatlor. on ila...- ,.r ...k. JmJ ! K " I Week aad Market Be j Maotea (.eaerallj Mead). lS 1lM- t t'V 1 N '""V 'ltM-111 I " t-l l 11 a l. K T ' l'li s loan rded rr.ay have acre for pay. Artide C'r-ri. H.-ri Lrw. Cloee. Yes y. 'het j SU. 1 15-,H 3 K.r, 1 1" 1 14- 1 Is July iSi' l1 "T fn Corn i i I I Jhii. 4: 41" 4.' 4: 4r' Miv 44-'4S 4n 44Nr 4,tlT 44"UJ i July 4V.IU-S 4-'.'i 4d 4.'. i' ti'VaS uata i i i I I Jan. , 3' Vfi .I'H a Mrv Sl S!Vi" 4 1 u;- Juiv Zl ii:i 31 ."1 ti1 Pork- 1 1 I Jan. 1 i; m rru, 1: v. 1" rs IT Mi.v : U' 75 12 Hu . V: Ti. 12 TTH 1- Lard- I I I I I Jeii. 1 t 67 6 To , f7S Ti , 165 Mav j . . W-V CTUj HTUj 6 7H Jjlv T T t-71 T ' 7 (IT1 T t Ribs- I I I Jan. ' , li f S5 6 5 ' 1 ES 4T. May , 71'V, f TTv, T:'" 77, 6 7:'S July . t Kt K'i 6 SC 6 hi No. Z. No. 2. 1 .To; No i. veilow. !c; No 'J white. Ss-So; No. No. I mixed. No. i' while. 4 white, -c. H 3ls 117 IHi 3ti il SSi jw : 4 1U 11 2K Artldea. I Open. I Hih. Low, t Cloae. Wheat May July b p tern her .', UhJ II 14' II W.' II 13, ... ..... 1 .4.. 1 ... . 1 llf ill,' ' .j H, ai-ra 1 10 hew iohk 4.iTm;hal market arloaa aaatatlaaa af the Day Caanmodillea. NEW YORK. Jan 21.-K IXiVR Rec-eipts. bbia . eicpori. 12.7(. Wi Maik.-t dull and barely Heady; winter patents. 15 ki tahMi winier .ia.ntr. fc. .! 4.; M.i ne aota patent, (.ih.ii...1'; wir i.i txtra to . b4i. kl 1 . ; il:.: H JMw. wiii'.r low grd. I14;i4: Rye hour, steady; fair to acHMt. ti 4 m. ; ch Ice to lancv . H'.j bjfkwiie.ii rn nr. auil; per l".' ibs.. fc.u2.1t. CURNM EAL Ftenily : tii.e i.ite iird yel low. II.?.: cnnrse, nw. II I6wl.u7'. ki.n dried, : KM lo RYE Nt'inmal. BARL.KY lull ; feeding. V. r 1 New Y'ork; malting, dri":",.. . ..I f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. :' S.T bu : eM-orts. 3 -fH bu.; aal.s. 1 ; Xi.'' bu. Sr" t maik.t barely twdv, No : ted. cmlnjl. elevab.i. tt 1' f. o. b. uflKit: No. 1 n-.fthrn. Iu lulh. U . f o. b. afl '.it; Sc. 1 htud. Man itoba, f l.llV f 0. -rt out opu iiif opened bigtur on film pen. mblik. lut ltr yleldod to liquidation and atihenc of bull !u-pvrt. clot-.nit '."iSv net I ir. ;cipi September, wl.iili il.e.d 'jc hither on luic ara re cf short.- l!ay. ll U'il 14 li-Jil. ilj.-'-a I1.14,; July. I", .i."u ! .ti. S iloe.d II".. t l temtxT Wji'ii'. doeed VRX Kct-eU'i. l'.k 3-t. bu.; e sport. 164. TH bu. Spot moikii fcteadv ; No. i 52 c. elevator. nd i.Hc f o b. ark at. N'. -' vellow. MSc. Nu 2 While, sic. Options wire Inactive and barely attady, rlustng net lower M..y closed so1.-. OATS K ipt. tS.!K I'U ; expoits. 1175(1 bu EtK't quiet: mixed. 2 to Si lbs "TW'? 3kr: natural white. :in to I: 11.. a7Hjj..c; rlltiptd white. St. to 4" !!.. 2lstf411r. H AY Pteuflv; sprir tf1tliS, gocJ to choice. Wr1' f7V- HuFS-?"ii.iv state tiBBn to choirs. 4 SMiJmc; l'.i'S aniiSc, .He's. l;c: PucitV const. i4. 25' .i..v . . t old 14 17c HIPF.S-Firm: iHivion, 2( ta 25 U . lit-; Oliforri'M. 21 to 25 lbs., lie . Tesas. dry. 24 to ' Ihs 14V LEATHER-Fi:Tn: c. It!.-. PROVISIONS l.eef sleadv. family. HI ta i:vK'. mess, tiU'djUiK'; beef ham. 122 Otnu ISaC: packet. I11K1; City extr ll,a.a mesa. lh ( ii3 1 7 ' "ut mnli. nominal: pick ed belllia. M T?. 7 J ; pu kicd shoulder .. fci. lard. ateioiv. western s'efcmel. I', s 7 1 0 ; oulei. eontinriiV. 17 .. South Arotr loan. 7t"i. eimiur'd. 14 JTfn 4.U.S Pork, ijuiit: family. UKl.!lt:: short clear, 1J" I".S So: Iij "''i 15 TAl.UAV-I'U'i. cliy. 4V: country. 4lt 4N. RK'E-Sf .iiv : domes!.-, fair to extra. 2TrJi.e: J;ipTi norrlnnl Ill'TTEK K-'V; prlc. extra; erearoery. :ii'i -l"1.'. ofru-ul price. cre:.m er . l un.moii to extra. 1W;J!k ; state, liulry. third to i rste rtiS1 '; renovate.!, "ommon to exte. 1 S.-.J rjA.-. ;;.; liiearllet : mei.rn fancy, seleued 2i-ai27c V'-Ftvrn average be-st. 2'V. Ptin.TR V -A ve firm; weatern rhh k en. ISc: fowls. 14Vc; turkey. t!t4e. lr.ed frm. welern e hie ken. IJUlee; fow.e. lJfi"i2VM : tcrkrva. ir,a .'-. t'aal. .niotfitlon FlOL"K Easy ; winter stra'ahts. !,'..'?'.! . si ni.1 era. (2 !. 1 were a follows: ait.ler j'atents. 15 24; Hl.i'aj'"'. spring patents, straight?. Kiuy. t.. baJc- Kaaaaa Cltr Oraia aad Prailalaaa. KANSAS ITY. Jan .1 W HEAT Bleady to lower: May. I1 .ili? H', , July, ks'.e; rrsh. No. I hnrd. I! '-tjl i1,. No .". II u.1: No. 4 HJ.-III 1 : No. i red II l 'j 1 l. N... I. II uvili 1". No. 4. kk Siflft". fliRX-Bteady : Vav. 'V July. 4:'Vc; ease.. No. J trixed, 4(o4.'ir. No. J 42( , No. : hin . 4.,utc. No. x . ATS- steady . No. 2 white. lie; No. J mixed 31c. HAY Steady: ohm..- tirm.'hy, fs t-ti hi .'.. i- o.,i-e j 7.f it. 'rVK-Higher. 7W. Eli. is! Ht.-adv : V1oirr1 em! Kani sioik. new No I wlluaood lr hul.-d J2s-. - as" ce.ul.i. Ih: l'IS'5 Icturned le. o. r .I f ri TTKR Creamery. :42V: da'rr. !,-K-eip s. 5' ipn.enis N hi at bu 4V ir i "tti. bu 24 ' ' u bu . II ant l-klfadrlebla P.-adaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan 21-B1TTER-Vlaiat half nut l.wer: extra Wtef-ru rre Ter) . lsV: tktra i.ari. p.-,te S2 ii;e-8tealv : n utby freeh ai. t aefteru fresn at niai k cHKlCK-si'ii'v; New Y'.ek fa'le-ream f -r . v. 1: .iii'lV. New - rn Ijli ci.-,ms 1 1 n, e. lc. New Y01W f ill 1 'ei.-iu lair 10 good iHuiir Dalalk t.rala Market. M'l.flll Jan 21 -WHKAT-To arrive. K" 1 port he'n II 1'S. No. ; 11. li a.1; M Uaik. Nu. t lictlt.ciu, i.l"; No WHEAi No. 2 spring. ll.22tTl.14V.: No. I spring ll.ii'al.U: No. : red. Il li'1 jl .1. COrtN Nu. 2. 42c; Nu 2 yellow, 4Sc. OA" t' No. 2, j'.c; N... i wwte, ai'-S Ei'c- No 2 whit'. 5iJJ(3,c. rVE-Xo. 2. 75c. BARLEY Obod feeding. S7c ; fair to chor e malting. 4i(BSc. PEEI.S No 1 flax. II IT; Xo. 1 northwest ern. x-i.21.. Prime timothy, 12 Clover, contract grade. 112 75. PROVISION -M' Tork. per Mil., 172 1 &:2fti. lrd. p( r lv lbs. Iii.a. Fhort rib side I . 16 1.r.s7e.V.; short clear aide tboxedi. It. I'j(T. lii1. Followirig were the receipts and ship meet. of flour and grain: Rece:;.i. Shipments. Flour, bbl 21 4ovt 13 .K Wheat, bu 14s.irt 2 2K) Ccrn. bu S41.n 111 . Oats, bu 12i M.TKi Rye. bu . B " Earlev. bu .W 14. i On the produce exchange today the but ter market was steadier; rreatneries. 1!J 2Vc: cralries. ln'cjo Eggw. Wroer; at mark, cases Included. 3!r2.V. firsts. 2Sc; prime tirstn, 25c; extras. 27c. Cheese, steady. 11 ii lie. OMAHA WHOLE ALE MARKET. roadltlea af Trade aad Qaotatlaaa aa staale aad Faaey Praliee. K13-.1S handled tfxlt. 2S' LIVE Pol'LTHY Hens, atc rooster, ac; turke.e. 1-. oackr. HjaVi geeae. fcc, s-riLg il,ukens. s'-jc. DhLttEu POfLTRT-Turkeys. lseiftr: ouitb, I'lfllXc; gfiae, .(.-, chickens, loff Ic't' : roosters. f.4j7r. Bl'TTER Park i.g stock. IV?; choice to fancy dairy, Vttf-"- creamery. 23j7?; pnntr. FRESH FROZEN FISH-Trout. 10c; pii kerel. 7c: pik.-. c: perch. 7c; Muehsk. lie; whltensh, l"c: salmon. 13c; redanapiK-r, 11c; lobster, irreeni. 31; lobster ito,.rdi. UT.c; bullheatia. lie. catfish. 14r; black basa. c: halibut 12c; craoj.iea. 12c. buffalo, 7c; while hi'. 11c; free legs, per dor, 25e PRAN-P'-r ton. 115 .00. HAY I 'lice quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Lealers association : Choice Xo. 1 upland, ..''. No. 2, W.a.': medium, I5.v0; coarse, 14. TA Rye straw, t5..Vi. Theae price arc lor hay of good color and qual ity OYSTERS New Y'i rk count, per can, 4."i : extra ael.cta. ier can. Sic: (tandara. pt-r can. 3(x-, bulk standarila, per gal.. tl.4i; bulk extra selecta. ir gal . 11.75; I'UMk New Turk -count per gai., II 90. TROPICA L FRl'lTS. ORAXGEt California P.edland navel, all sixes, ki. 75)0-1 (k.; chune navels. i-'U 175; California se-edhiigs, ail eixe-. I2.uu. LEMcNS California luic, ti75, Yv and JUi. $i 75; choice, ti t'ATES Per box of o-lb. pkg-s . I2.l; Hallowe'en, in Ti lb. boxe. ptx lh. Si(Be. h lijS California. rr l'elb carton. 758 U ; imported Smyrna.. 4-crowa. 12V : 5 iruxn, ltc. 7-crown. 16c; fancy imported washed., in 1-iu pkgs , ICils:-; Calif urrna. per case of 8 pkgs.. tl 25. BANANAS Per m. cium :ied bunch, J2'J..'. fc.TiyS X: GKAPEFRL" IT Per box of 5t to 64, 15.1. FRUITS. -aPPiES Home grown Jonathan, per bbl. x,.5o; New York K11.cs. Ci.25: New Yifk (ireuings. 12'; New York Bald I ti' 75; Colorado Jonathans, 1175, WlneSHps. per bu box. tl.5u. : I'EARS L'tah. Colorado at.d California. fab v Hrietie. per i'i, ILK". I CRAXBKRrilES Wisconsin Bell and 1 Bugle. jr bbl . 17.75; Wisnin Bell and i Cherry and Ji-rst-yi, per bbl.. 17 .ai', jer box. i 12 I vi R APES 1m purl, d X! :..,, Ln-r kefi. Ie.' ei !. I T A N G E K 1 X E S Florida ..r "a!iroinia. per 1 t-'''-t. ti : ve:etaples 1 POTATOES H om. grown, in smka. per i bu . 4t : Ci'.i riflo. per bu.. 1 TCRX1PS Old per bu . m , Canads ruta- I bsas. pir 1L . lc. . .R ROTS-Old per bu , 4". PARSNIPS -Old. per bu.. .?. BEETS o il pr bu.. x. ' NAVY PEANS-Per bu.. Uteris. ' ONIONS H me- grow n, red In sucks, per bu l Of., stpar.ish. p -r crate. 12 13; Cokrado 1 ytrllow. per 1D jp. while. tp: lb . 1 1'Mrifc.RS-Per do.. li'2ig25C , 1 OjI AT. LS Cu iloini. per 4-baskct rrate ti" yajiS'; Flojida, per C-btsket crate. tii.5.. t AnUAnE-Hotlsnd see.l. per lb. lc , SWEET POTATOES Kapsx kiln ilrled. per bbl . 2 a 1 CELERY Per do . 2.ti:c: Ca.'.ir'rma, 45c RAl'lbHES HoilioLke, per o..r . 45c IONIi'NS Ne. eouthern. tier d , . 4 ARROTe New. per do 45e. sfHt-Xt. per do. 45c , TI RXIFH-Xf, per cK . 45c. 1 KTTi'i't- Ti r U x of abcut fiffeii ire. ; m:5-ei LAX EtilS. SACEPKP.Ai 1-W ons.ii. per k'g. i fi :o CIDER Xew York per bM , $:..: p.T half ht.V 13 : "H EESE Wiee-onsiii twins, full rr.m llal . Wiscoiir 'i To ir.k Amen.'S 13e. t'l. k "win. new. ,'.e. ..iJ, lHatlTc. Wis. -on. lain l.rltk. I.-: Wa.-o.-ii 'l li rr.t. J r ger. 15.- HlLLaV No. 1 gieeu. U : No 2 gree'i. jc ; SV . No 2 a ted 7-. , Xo 1 Xi 2vel.-fc,f 7i : d: y salle d. pelts -fJl ot. hoie hide... thus ex ment or maturing Ametiisr, rai.road n te at.d bond heid abroad, and It la known thet the (hetpness rf mcrey here ha prompted hariier to employ fund for the purchases of larpe amount of bond held by European mvestora which are to fall due In a short time. But there will be room tlll for the supposition that some great protect of crrpora'lon finance t In pr.K-es e.f !ir.g worked out. O'r-ipar'-d with this week s great loan increaae that fr.r the week ended January 23 of last year, come nearet to an eejjaj amount, whin the bark loan Increased Ke.rtH ) i. The only other parallel occurred dunrg the spring- of l!el. preceding the great flottion era when for eeveral weeks the clearing house banks made Increase In the neigh borhood of tn....vfi in lor,B. The Loulvllle & Nashville pur'hase and the placing of large Issue of nort time rail road note caused !ft Januarv great loan expansion Today stock market closed active find easy . Tutal aales of bonds, par value. K.:a('.iMt. Wuotatlon on the New Tork Stork ex charge raiiged as follows: Sale Hieh L"w Close. Atchi-.n do pfd Atlantic Coast lane.. B at O do pfd Can. Facfflc Central of N. J Che. aV Ohio Chicago & Alton h pi 4 Chlrago lt. Western C. V N. W C M & St. P Chicago T. & T do pfd C. C. C. dr St. L .... Colo. & Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. 4 Hudson DeL , L V W D. aV. R. Q do pfd Erie do 1st rfJ. d Id pfd Hocking Valley dO p'd 111. Central Iowa Central do nfd K C. Southern. k .' 2.'.' 'S l'kH 12--, i'S 13?4 41-S 1 I " 1 ',7'in 4'.5'. in. ;'' C ! Z.4'K 610'i(i 4.7'J I'M Vin S !ntt do pfd 7. 1" M. U N Manhattan L Wet. Securities MeL St. Ry Mexican Central.. Mino. A St. L M . St P. & 6. Ste do rfd Mo. Pacific M . K. ac T do pfd Xat'I R. R of M X. T.. Central .... N. T.. Or.t. dr W.. Norfolk & W do pfd Pennylvanla P.. C . C. St. I Reading; do 1st pfd do 2d j.fd Rock Island Co do pfd t I A P T. !d pfd St U B W do pfd So. Pacific do i.fd So. Railway do pfd Texas ar Pacific Toh. St. I & W da pfd Vnlcn Pax-lfic do pfd Wabash do pfd W. & Lake Erie Wl Central do pfd Adams Ex American Ex V. 8. Ex We Us-Fargo Ex Copper Car at F do pfd Ainer. Cotto:i Oil Oo pfd Amer. Ice do pfd Amer. Lmed Oil... do pfd Amer. Locomotive do pfd Amer. Smelt, at R do pfd Amer. Sugr Ref Amer. Tt b. pfd certif Anaconda M. Co Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel Ai I Con. Oaa Corn Products . do pfd Distillers' Securities. Gen,. Electric Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Xat'I Lead No. American Pacific kin, I People's as Preeci Steel Cr do pfd Pulltni.n P. Car Republic Steel do TfJ H'.fcber Goods d . pM Teni. e'e.el a: I 1". S. I-eMber do j '.1 IV . Peallv 1 P bber do pfd IV S Steel do "fd V. Cro. Cliem do t fd Weatl: lb E'ei trie .. Western I'r.lon 2.fC L4!t! 3.V. .... l.M- . 70'i pfd .... lLHf S.4'l0 .... i2"X' 12. ti 220 177" 15H ou, 24 371, ls4S 41", 7i4 1W siH Ml H 14m, I72S lict, 2SS 95 151 1"7H Z?S i'j 1451. 441 7 C Its MIS llV 111 l!t2 13'i lM'i 4!. 13 221 275 ! 7S. s 22', 2, 1M 4r Ts. . 1: II K 5T. 141H li 23 V, MS 10 3ii K 144 4X1, 7s4 J 1S7 ij.luft 37S, S l.'f y 14 2 1(' J.4.m I'm tS.iK'O '4.C'. VK) 5.K. I'.iO ST 117 25 7i 35 120 lis 71 H 61 H 64 117. U - i4 53", 11SS IF lk N 45, 3tK 224-i E4 1'KI r.p '. 3i 245 75 tt !'' sou 1( 13 . 1.5 i.m 1 ! so. T.500 ' J til Lb 4K. 1.3'A' 'fcVi 1 i.i 'iv. l.H 1 7. 1 l Pi t 1 "v. pi, . ax' is S4V MS a5H 114 14.", 3'T 63 4-V, ls. lit. 22H " J!'7 sv, 1's 24.r. 74 !-' MS S s ITS sS 1'J6 M 11s1, 142 f2, 117 Si' 4"4 ISMe, -s 2S s l'a, s ii. 71 ll ves !' ?; 1 rk, 1"W 82V l"'-v X :U StU, ISft MiS (k 12 urn fee, 133 in: 41 n a 375H 1S StH tl'i, ltt. 32 t 2S e4 IFll-A, '-, 5 5S li!H J7.4, 75S m 13 fc5 MS 14S.U, s eat 42S 34T 43 s 92 137 .9 KSvj Si s-H aS 3 71 S 'S l 117S 341 K MS 36 51 3iT4 s 4S 21", J? 23' 22f 130 246 :S 32S 34 US s "IS 344 li M 11 H, u4 1U7 " ' 3 19H 7 "TH IteiS S 3 WH 2". UsS 44 l"S s kU 243 14 IN MS T'-S US 1 s Tt VS van, W 'i2 A'.hist.- pT. 4" s !w.i r b H A '"-'o li d. : l.e'-a! t.r . . 1- llr Ot A "he ni cturatr. ft v : C . V A Q r 4. . R 1 a r 4. d. r-r.' j.f " st L 41 rai-anr. Te 4 cc '..I-.4-. v a '"'40 A 44 riui fr -n' ffi.i' 4 R e; l.!Mt "'--- ti' ." E- p rr rr ir. At (' crk 4s r . a 1. , , Ho k.-a v; 4 .4 . . L.-l Boston F.OFTON. Jsn cei t. t me 1'itrts riosirg 1 sunk At- h.ien idt 4 e 4s Mri '"er:ri 4t ... Atrhin " r' St su n A A J S r, . It'.! .It Vl,' . . . H'.str.r Kieeied riu hbut ; ra . V. it'-ln l mal M T.N II AH Ptre Wrc.urte .. 1'tKii. Pat.ti. a-j '"herr . r j'e Aaer. Preu Tute Amer s.iar o a . TAT Alter Woclm dc rtd . .. Ttemirinr 1 a S . . . E3:o Er-u-l'- i;iu. Oe-ml Kie.-trK ... Msx. riectnc l''H Mas O.if ... .... I" -:efl Fruit ...... t inted F!:;t Mxh . . fio pffl IV S. steel o rid . ... .. AKed. "Bid. ' v v v ?4 n : s!- - p -if. ee : 144 tf ht . ... T. 1W V A W r I. 'ST, . e . - f L r:t! 4 r'4 ,:n rT.i' ;.-, '." tZ Stf .n er 4 "-'i1 ' 1. A 1 W ' S I-. !" - L c r t s s:s ?t L. s w 4 4- ;t. -i-s b 4s r"f' 4. , . ki s; 41 Tt ;.e r.i :-fcS let ;Ti A P :s :.""S VS 7 S' I. A tv M r l"i.".r Te- f- 4' : et. 4 f S-eei !d l' It'i Wi,K ! v, '. n fi .i-:. V 4 f'. w A I. r .. tt,'- w ;i 1. er,t-4l 4s SC'CTU ' Kcie.p'i wer CTfo ta. Monusv 1 .eic vi Tiit'lm . . Official Wednesday c .... ... . ir,bi . ' 'n. a, Friday .... ifhiai Saturday T. Vtl th. we. k Tot i last we. k . . . Jotxi week before . rr.r:.e th'ee weks a'. kkj" fohr ween "anie we k last year . LLCE1 PTS l"('k I HE 'MAMA Ji. :9f. C.'. liogs t-nee;.. . Si" :.ri i -.i 4.:. j. y. v .-.. 2 os 4 . ,: , e, . , .. V .... v. . . 2. Tit. s 4' . i;.s . iv' 1 r . IT;: H 1:7 32 -t . is 4: 2: v 1 V'I'. 242' i' .s.s !'"1 .Ai :..". 2 sr-4 ;-' :'. i4J 14 Wr 41.4M 7M YEAR TO DATL. ; Vile fv..twi:g tal-l- h s th' re e.r's ,'f cat.le. hojs and at S-uth Omaha for the year 10 Jiie. witn comparison t III. V C-I 1 . t ittle Hrt hee p I in- - o; 4 . -a ir !.7 lc 1- r og at V. 24 1 '.. ''.4 114 215 3 nr. 11 l'li" Dec. 1".2" 2-.4:. v. t'-e avt' several d . j 1KC P uth iimili for tr.e !st :ti ccniparisi n- i'.M ::jJ !''i :'' :r.' toek Market. 21 -Call si4 per cent, and M-7 l;.i" per official r -1 t C",.TT1T1 eulre . 1" T.f 174 4m&..atTi'e4 Ar.. ir Z.r. ' i: "' hi--'ni 1ST-C,i jV He . . 144 -.ertur-a. i?'rc.t.'- nat-ge . Ill 1 ! it t est se ' ;-oti r t 1 li! i. )Fri.kna 21 Sraatr ("V. lut Bi- - . 4IKt-s V nlr . Mur-rsri . . . M- k K atort li 1 f,,J,l'Ti . M tr's -e. 'a i Parrot :;.IV0ti:n'-- isi.xr.nco ii iTama-ark 41 ITrit.H. . ... s4 I", s Minir . . II t p I'll t'taa Vlrtcia i;k TV irjnna k. , W'olve-rln lit .1 HI' K' .14 II' . 1: - e . r M lie vt 4 r:V . n lc , Jin : .... 4 :.t 4 v.. t. 4- 77 4 si 4 -.. Js-i S I ava lr !1M 13 I Jan. .... 4 44VA 4 77, S 2 I t2 4 27 1 Jar.. ... 1 4t,S, H ' Jan. ....! I 4 I H I )' t ' 4 2j Jan 7,...j 4 5(1 'IS ! IW .Jan l.... 4 ft t, 4 I 01. 4 14 ! Jan. ...., 4 n j tw' d 4.. 15 4 Is Jan 10 .. '4 t." 40 I 14 5 -'5 4 its i JJti 11 .. 4 5: I i; . C4 i 23 4 4. ; Jan 12.. 4 2S 4 ai i 48 5 17 4 4 i Jan 1 . 1 4 t.:- 4 71 t. 4( i i 4 I Jar 3 4.. . 4 4 71 . i 14 t 16 ! Jn 15 .. 4 ' C 41 t 2i 2 4 69 I Jar s..4 51S ' "if i,: 1 Jar. 37.. ; 4 y.s . ( C 37 5 2" 4 4e t Jan IS t 4 Mv, 4 225 245 1 .'an 4 5.1 4 '.4 - t- i-7 4 ta ;Jsn. 3"... 4 f7 I . I 4" f r 4 54 , Jan. 21... 4 5:-S 4 7s t 59 6 .5 5 2 I 57 il 44 .: 47 1 ;: s J 42 I 45 3 5f ! 55 .- tiu 1 5 2 5 3 :! 1 41 , M s .-4 5 twh shee-p ir1 "amb t bn b'isk a id eseh dav s cfNe es have been wei car-el f- r. In s t i .a--" rt :at k n,i were rattier n w sale, but is genera. ly the case A l-irge rr-.t-rtion eT fe receipt .. I the week wa made vir e f ewe-, and if there has t-r. any ihi'.p' at a I worth rer;li"i!', It Is a ilttle weaker feeiieg on O at el and pseij'y r, the i-s de s :b.' graoes. ( there have leen a good ma"-e on !e The dtmand for feeoe- nas tseeti fullv eiLl to tbe suppiy and the market may be )'..oted sir'.tg on al, d ,-s-.ra'.'.e grades A h'gh as f. i.'- was ptd for feed r g 'f.mb which esiebllshed a new h gh point for the eas-r.. W'O'alKts fcr led stock: Oood to choice Jet'ltrgs I-. W'af. if'; fa'r to got d year hr.r. I; 5nt7t !... eond to rhoh-e wetera 1 I". t jsi-iio. tair 10 co.J weiher t4 75i". g""d to c ho-i e ear. 14 Vj5 . : lair to a; d ewes l 'Je 5. . common 10 f" ' lv. ' Jl !. e-'Od to , '"''e sm t: sjujr; f..; fa r to g-oHl lamiv. ff 7S.fe7.9r. feeder year'lng. M.V'i't lei-der wt'tert. 4 2i j4l- feoet ewe. t. iT..S :i. '.4er lamb. 15 5-'er -Hepreae i.tativ sales. I No At Pr 7 ee i; 4 7s i 1 aesfrr. buck imb ' i " 5 western lamt-i ! 7no 2 western latnl.s 725 7 t" j I Hit tl.ll IMF T04 K MttKKT 4..e Akee s.ti-H... F.ea. j aad treac 1 : J!ICA;o Jan 21 -4ATTl.F -P.eeetp- ; I head. re.irKet Mesdv: go-d to prime 7(1-:t. i5. poor m medium. i75'i.l'-o, 1 's'.'-iker and f'eder-s 12 2T. ii4 2N. eo I" .bi , 4 Ai. ha'feea " r 11 f, to . cpr-er tl.iMr'45. ' il i' s ti' 1- 34 . calves I.A .417 . I to-lay. 15 h'a-. etl nat'-d Mr-iii' 4- head s-ror.g ard frm. ' m'xed and butce.r l4 4f.iS4.S. good t-v . ch"-f teavv 14 c,v,-j4 Tv. 1-0. iph heavy. l C ' ! 'u4 5f, light It 4-.U4 I'U'.k cf aa.e 14 5'5 4 " 1 SHEEP AND LAMBS- Receipt. :' lies'!, sherp steattv. iambs, frm. gord to It hone we've: S5ijti . fair t n " ; ml ted. H .. tV. H't'l'll Sh'ep l Z fi " ' : tiptiv tdrr.b li. 75-ffT 75 . western lmb. V 75 1 STC I 1 M lndic:-te iuDuay. The official number rf car e.M. ,v-t .i, i.-.,t4.v e.v mi-h ro A j vattie. Ilvr jsrirei cf as . s.o k 11 as Kew York Mlatnaj Stock. XEW YORK. Jan. 21 The following are e' M Kt P. Missouri pacific .... Lr.ion Pacific V A- NV W F.. E A M V V, St P . XI at O . . B A M Ry C . P.. LAP. et I l.r.ois Central Chi-ago G. W the closing: quotation on mining stocss: Aaatn rm Lit: I Cfcief I Alios v Ct-lario 27 3 ir'j.'i.r 4'Hl Brunevna '"tn - F-'fei-U I t:.ti'4. "lionet .... F'ut'.ei '.I Cor. Cal. A Va 1 ; Fa rage a, 1. -. r I'M li.1 iSe 4 Nivatla 4J lroa fi.Jrer 20. Ismail Kc.jf Ss Leu4riiis Cos I lji:aii! lev Foreliia FlaanrlaL IXiNDON. Jan. II. BjFir.ess on the 6tk exchange today w as unsettled, there being an absence cf public support ar.d an indis position on the part of the profe.onil to operate In view of the political disquietude- and the attitude of the continen tal Bourse. Foreigners were dull on ac count of the lack ot up port lrom the continent, where uncertainty prevailed. Pari w as a seller. Russian declined. Japanese Improved. Imperial Japanese o of liei4 were quoted at HS'S Rio Tinto were offered In cor.eque:.i of the con tinental trlkts Americans generally were higher In response to the tone In Wall street. Philaaelt hla et Reading led the advance which extended to Chicago Milwaukee & St. Pul. New York Central and Lotneville A Nashville. The under tone was cheerful, but there were some re cessions ar.d the market closed Quiet. The rates for money were easier today on account of the redemption of tl&loO.otio 0f treasury bill Discounts were weaker in sympatbv with the money and view of prospective gold arrival next week. Con sols were cull and lower. Home rails were irregular. BERLIN". Jan. IL Business on the Bourse today generally wa dull. PARIS. Jan. 21 Business on the Bourne today wa teady dei.:tc the extension of the St. Petersburg strike. Russian were depressed, particularly industrial. After a sharht weakness the market cloed calm. Russian imperial 4 were uuoted at t& S5 and Russian bonds cf llv-4 al 4il Cattle. Hog . . 1 4 was um- 6 P. 36 4 learlas Hoaae Averages. XEW YORK. Jar.. 21 The statement cf average of the cleerit.s houe bank of this eity for the week show: Ioan 11, (. Kil.UiO. increase 154.4:4.7', deposits tl. 163. s'.5.1". tnrrea 144 155.1fi0; circulation t42. i. oecrease .4..; legal tender t.-e'.-t7.. increase ll.'j: Jt; specie Ui4 12 V increase t47 4; reeerve t.iM.Cs'T ejfi m crefcee tlfi.43k.3"-; reserve required f2S"ri KJ.fne, Increase lll.ltJ.775; urp,us 123. 722. If, de crease 725.4"5: ex-l"r,lted Sute di-c'osits litt.S'':ii.250, Oecrease Jl.ll2.6'in. Treaanry lalemeat. WASHINGTON. Jan. 21-Today s state ment of the treasury balances in the gen era fund, exclusive of the t3JiO.Oub.ek) gold reserve ir. the division of redemption, shows- Arnilable cash balance,,frGli gold. tU.541.s2i7. Bask tlearlaca. OMAHA. Jan. 13 The bank cltarlrs for today were tl.371.3Ci ()7. For the nti day lhi year they were I2.niie,4a 7. For t.1- week they were ts. 122."! 1.12. For the same period last year they were l7.472.5ov Sc. aa: Provistea. 21 WH EAT Lower ; track Nu. 2 track. track. t. l.oala Grata ST. LOV1S. Jan. Xo 2 ted. cash, eievator I! i2'j I1.15&1.1. May, ti.l1,; July. M'c; hard. l.i5jLli. CORN Weak. Xo. 2 caah. 43c; 44Sc. May. 42'ji-CS'. : July. 4So. OATS Steady; No. 2 can. SCUc: 22c: May. 3".-c: Xo. 2 white. Sli.feK&c. FIjL R Duli; r J winter ;.atents. t5 4" t75 5o. special biands. 15 A, 157' 71.; extra iancy. 4.ii.2-: ciaar. 14 4(np'4... SED Timothy, nomir.a! ul 12 ereoegf 2 40. CXi-NMEAl Steady, ti fV BRAN Dub. aaeki-d. eaut truck, S7&4.V. HAV-t'ull; ticiothv, v.wijlHii; prali.e. eClX'tjS.K.. IRON COTTON TIES-KJc. BAOGlNG-7c. HEMP TWINE CSC. PP.OVISIONS-Pork, highr; jobbing, old. I11S7S; new. :2.C'S Lard., higher; prime steamed. IC.S7S- Dry salted meat iboxedh steady: extra l.c.ri. l.i'S: clear rib. KITS. short clear. 7.0. Bacon iboxedi, edy; extta si nr-s 17 it'.; clear r;b. 7.'Rru.: hort clear. 17 'TS.'LTKY Quiet : i-t.ickers. 1k : pr1ngs, 11,-; I it Key. 4c. Out a, lie; gee. NC Total receipt 6 97 The disposition Of the day receipt is foikw. each buyer purchasing th. n ber r.i l ead indicated I.uyer. iiiniiii Parkins Co Swift and Coatpariy I 3 .Mo Cudahy Packing Co 1.Cj Armour A C 1 '-',1 W. I Stephen So Hill & Hunttlnger 11 S A- S ; 325 Other buyers Total M 421 4.1 PATTLE There were only a few bunches of tattle In the yard this morning and no in the market took place. For thr week recelr: have been fairly liberal for the time cf year, ahow'.r.g an increase over the oon-er.ondirg week of last year of at out SAW head, but a compared with last 1 week I a falling on 01 aoout imiu r.eaa. I .. . 1. V... .. 4 . , a. Kbk Kaam irregular thi week. The frst half the gen eral tendency wa upward, but toward the c'nse the market wenkened and most of the advance wa lost There wa. considerable difference of opinion among traders as to how- much wa !ol. Some thought the market closed no more thn tea5y with Isst w eek c-loae, while other thought there was still a grain of about a dime In other word, the market closed rather uneven, some ale blr,T better than other. A a reneraj thin; ihe better grades showed more strength than the short-fed cattle. Good to choice steer ms.v be quoted from 15 to 15. 50. fnlr to good from 14 25 to 14 SO and rommorier kinds from 14 15 down. Th cow market followed much the tuitie course as the trade on ste-ees. The mialitv of the cow and heifers offered thi week wa unusuallv rood, which helped out the sr.pearance of the market on ptper. While the mrrket w -uneven at the close of the week the general opinion was that the bet-re- rrrsde Tree aflT a dime hlfther. with otvers not a great denl different from the cloe cf last wek Oood to choice sows snd heifer rou'el he ouoted from tJ 5 to 14 fair to rood frem r ft to y 1 and the ce."-.mioer kinds from 1 5o i 12.25. Tbe demand for bttil ha been rather limited this week and a a rcsu't r-'ce hsve fufe-ed tn ome extent Good to choice grade sell from I 10 ti " ''nd 'h rommoreT kird from 2 to 12. S-?. Y'eat c'-es hare shown bttl chanpe. The sopplv of '-od h'sw feeder t vis beer i:ht thi week Hid with f"!e .'e-res'-d pr.oe have scevsnred fu"r leXyiRe w vlch rsrrl. th rr-ket to the h'eh pole cf the seescp. A hirh 4 9 was p'd th week fo- choice cattle Th oorrmo-t se,d l'rht catt'e hsve rcf shown inv p.. ti-hle Improvement. Good to cv"'1'-. S-e'-ele srsv e nejoiaet fre-ew IT, tn It !T, : 'lie to rood f'ltn 3 40 to 7S and te tes (V-stesV,'e esdcs from S2 3 down. Repre sentative sales: COTS. A. T"r :'. At tr M ! 71 1 1170 I 7l 3 lk HEIFERS. Ki I 1 : si BCT.LS 1 1 1 :." 1 . . : w t w STOCK EPS AND FEEDERS. . . 40 S H Hrvns There was about a normul run of hogs here this morning and Kith a fxid ! local dtmand the market opened Janiy act 1 ire and about 2S" higher, ir tr mp to j 5c h.gher. Light hog aold exceptional, y well, a packer seemed to be anxiou for 'them and were willing to pay -.early (. I much for them a for medium and m'xed i hogs Th extreme light weight could he i quoted from 14 5H down, light weight from 14 57S to 14. mixed and medium ! weight 14 90 to 14 2S "1 prime heavie I from M Ci'S to 14 7 After the bulk of the bogs hd been disposed of less favoratle renort wer tecetved from ether points. , which caused a corresponding weaknes here, end the rlos was little, if any. bet I ter than yesterday. Receipt of hog this week have been '. quite liberal, there being an incPse over last week or sdoui s.wuj r.eau. ana as com pared with the same week of last year there 1 an Increase of about 13.0. head. Prica have fluctuated but little all the week and the close of the week find price In mjch the same notches they were at the close of last week. Representative ales: Kansas t Its Lire Stark Market. KANSAS CITY. Jar 21 I'ATTLE F.. iretpt 7.V. te4 tnrludir.g 41 aoutherra: 'rr.ikt sti-edv . , h. h- export ana d'eseei bef .leer- 14 TT.'.!' T! ; fa-r to gcw.d. tT. i'.M 4 7f-. western f-d steers. tS.5'65 2E; sloikers unl feeders t"''ri42!. stutr.ern steer. l-.i:' ,4 75.'en cow. I2 25.ii.25 nafve cw-e. )-Vii-, rattre he fer F .v: b-.ii: L 5,1174 t. ialve tl: vr K. Receipts for the wt-e-k, S5 10" head. ' HOGS -Receipt. 4.500 ber.d market srteadv . . losej str.'t.g, t"t' Kk hio rf irsVii4 7F. h'vr. I4 7"'4 9': pa. ke-rs. :4.Wf!47i. pie and Ight. 14 iXa4 70. Re- I i-etpt for week. Si Js. head 1 SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipt. IP head. I market nomlrl!v steady: rst'v-e lmb. Mia7 5f. ratlve wether, tt 25575: native fed ew e. 14 25iyA 75. weatern lamb. t3 , 7 f ; wster- v e arllr rs. tiKfSCA'; weste-n sheep. 4 Tf.flf. 75: siocKer and feeders 13 ( 45(a. Receipts P r the week. SJ.tii head. I 91. Loal Live Stock Market. Fa.. Ll"iS. Jan 21. CATTLE Receipts, i 25" heal market dull, steady, ratlve t tp ! plr.g ard export teer 15 v: dresed ! beef ard butchers' steer. 14 Ht5i5 25. eer lund'r I.O.V. pound. 13 SSS-W1; stockers and , 'eedc-rs. t;ra4i.: ccw and helfets. 12 2.V"r 4 : ranner. 11.7562 10. bull. tlri W: calve. ts.2f.KiT '; Texas snd Indian teer. t 1, cows and heifer. t2 Ortii 5c. HOGS Receipts. t.tinf" head: market strong. Pigs and lights. S 7V&4 45: r-A-tfrs. 4 .-j(,ja 7v; butchers and best hesvy, 14 t5l 4 75 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, none; market nominally uncharged. t. JssrpU Live flock Market. PT JOSEPH. Mo.. Jan. H CATTLE iRereipt a2 head, market steady, native. 13 7.va5 35 cow and heifer. tl TStrtt-:'. stoek er and feeders t2 75'rt-l no. HOGS Receipt. .79t head; market teadv to shade htglier; light. 14 5 4 70; niedutm and 1 vv . I tsi-a 4 o. adv--ce " '. pr r e- a mc'eratA - rsnrii -Mr-rM li cat e Sid report of drna :r w rtt Bit thete w a cat'erirc .1- otst - n and tKe market n.:.1 'i- biter t'i fadv being vin ihntifvl " v-nlv 5 p.vt higher at tre cV..e wN. h was st-tv tn tone. SaJe er r.p-rtel ,f 1 bag .-iciuntrg h at 741r--. ;r. 79.777 9V-: Jul-. S H Sett'ttl-ir 4 jA. . O. toper 1 .em:r " Sf-'t Rl" .1 i!t X" ' lt.-v-oice '"-(. n.ild. quiet, c.rdosa. y-ajntc. e.l Market. I!. 'STviN. Jar. iJ - Wee 'L Cor'-ernirg th. m..rH't the "ntmer'-lAl Bulletin sav The n.arket l ex-remey dull and firm No large t i. k have ien oid. ( it th-re ha h n a mortem b i'nes w it a ihe m'i mills in tirtltory iKOurvd ar,i jj'l-d I'rices h chstirr Th feel- - I- tr r e S-ve:a. mrxe m'.l hav n..ih raw'ril p. i , rn them lor vear Impor'atUns of Australian ard tsuth Amett. an an- large and aocumulat ,rg l.opdoi. . was .- d.s ppolntmer.t. RM,n from the d-v trrkt re en-ourxgti g Fojr of toe largest Roton disbr have resumed rot trading in th w.t d't te effort t" e.t.a n them Th ftlprrett 1' wool from B.veton to dt from Iw-'trler 2 secci-diiig to the Same authorry. are 14 n.'J 1:5 iwumls. 15 -14" 'il T" tir.o at the same ftp .ast ea-. The re-e!;". 1- dale are n ian.ess pojnrt. gatrt P. 1' (OA ijn1 i v the nine pericd l-4 year 1-N1N. Jan. 21 -Wi K tly The evnerlrf at the woo auction sale today amountel to lSVJf. hale Demand Mine from all ' tln and c.mpe'itior wa keen. The larg efferir were yot. klv ' ld at um hnge,I 1 'l.-e-f Arreri at lvu ght Pne grease rperipos and rood bright rrose bred at rate in el!er fvor A rcsod :ctlon ef scoured w taken by home and German :t firm pr'ce r-isre w a an eager hn-f- of larrb 'i' tortp th remainder of' tie se-v ik bale wi 1 be offsred. FoVk w re ite th a'e New South WVe. J 'em hn ooi.rfd. IstSd lWd. greaay. IS1" t-1 Id QiieenelnnJ J " bale sroured 1" Sdr.l lid. rreav V1it Id Victoria 1 . ha e. crurn 1047U . greasy. Dd'Stefcd South Au-rlla .M.i tale, greasy Mfflld New Zealand. 4 Jn bale oured. llff" 'u-d. greasv. ISdls id Cape of Oprvd Hop l"t. bale .-cured. IS1 Sd-r-et,v f.i .d ii sd Riverplate. mn bale, scoured f'.iSjl M The irrlval for th. e?ord serle of sa'e amovnt tf 97. 5S ba. Irc.udie "fii' forwarded direct to plr nr T- impo-t of wo during the week were New South Wle. 5.279 hale; Ouees'and f 'T h'.ie. Victor' 4144 bale o-j:h Auirlla. 3 7 bale, (.ape cf Good ,.., d Vtal lVK'. li' 7r-40bale T LOT1S Jan 23 -WiXHe-Xomlna' i r-ml'i-m g-de '-e-et.r.g and clothing. l""r L-V. lirht f-e wsy, hvy fine. 14ritc; tub washed. r7i41c I Mlaaeaaall rala Market. V'NX-.APci1.1S. Jan 21 WH F.AT Ma ll.l'S Julv. 11 10. fptember. i? Wr ; No. hard 113. ; No 1 northern, tl US; N. t northern I" OKV rU'l'R-First patent, fi. HMJ 1 W : second oaterts lf. frst cler. I4 1t4 2J; secrnd cte V 0r . PP.AN-ln bulk. 114 0ft. Oncorporated nim Office; Fifth and Robert Streets 5T. PALL, m.NN. 0CALER8IN Slocks, Grain, Provisions SHEEP AND demand strong. LAMBS Receipt a. none. Ship Your Grain to Us (nark OaBee, lltV-Hl Board at Trade Bid at- Oaaaka. Xek. Teleabaa B514. F12-234 Exchange Bldg.. South Omaka. Bali 'pbon i!A InAeoendent 'Pbtn a. lleai City Lire Stock Market. PIOCX CITT. la.. Jan. 23 "Special Tele rram CATTLE Receipt. 2v head Mr ket teadv; beeve. t2 5('S5 90. cow, bulls srd mixed. 12 5564. 00: srtockers and feeders, i ti.7F.iP.. (: calves and'a u. HOGS-Receipts. 5 Mi head. Market strong, selling at 14 X64 60; bulk. 14 45 6 55. Stork la 9lht. Receipts of lire gtock at the lx principal western market yeteraar I'll' e South OmaLa 155 Sioux City Kaneaa City 750 St. Loui 2) St. Joseph s2 Chlcaro 2t) Hora. Sheen 550 6.(e)rt 4.IU J .7e0 15.900 1.306 It S.000 .L640 41. MO I.4U6 Total Oil aad Baala. NEW YORK. Jn 21 OILS Colt or seed, ste-adv: trim crude, nominal: prime yel low. '.424Sr Petroleum, steady: refined. New York 17 40; Philadelphia and Balti more. 17 15: Philadelphia and Baltimore, in bulk 14 45 Turpentine, weak. 54SS55e. P.i 'SIN Easv; etralned, common to rood. 12 sTS. OIL CITT. Jan. 21 OILS Credit bal ances. 13 C; certificates, no bid Shipments 17 311 bbls.. average 70 U bbl : tun. 810 bbl : average , ai bbls. Shipment Lima, t H37 bt . uverag te'l.S bbls.; run Lima, 75 74 bbls average it. MO bt'ls. SAVANNAH. Jan. 21. OIL Turpentine, steady. tlV- P.06IX-F!rm: A. B. C. 2 55; D. t: "0 iS: E t27T; F. t27(j27f. O. M SVa 2 (? : H tS1"tu8 15; I. S3S: K 14': M. 14 50. X. 14 75, W. G.. t50i'. W. W.. 1515 The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, Nt. U V tawMry Capitt! aad Surpluv JWO.OOt flANI UrtY. frta. UTU MAKE. Utaaw. Mas T. lAlllTt. Aut Casaaas Eaeet, aeiuu at baaka, tautaera. e,ss atlsoa, Araw v4 laoiTiAMia teaawkA larwv rrlg atsehaea bsuglkt at awlA, crrv in tasa. aeaiiaM aa gwru oC tk wwri. lutareai Ai mm Tim OrUAoata mt PuiaXv OsUenlMa av4s rrtrr a4 W TONAPAH AND GOLDFIELD The two Tatet gold mining ramp In the world. We are not broker, but bav. t.ub!lhed under the editorship of W. E. Lawson. the most rompieb and autbenie mining book on three camps. Complete his tory cf every reliable mine and prospect. ismea unaer ine oensorsnip. oi tne leading I mine owners Beautifully Illustrated with MS handome half ton views. Anyone Inter , ested in Gold mining should not fsll to aend for a ropy Price i& cents, 3 for 11.00. BIR4S-UI IXH PIS. COh I 4VfM Qalaey Bid , Deaver, Cala. No. S... I... 1 Dry Good Market. XEW TORK. Jan 23 -DRY GOODS The week end howa slight Improvement in de mand for certain line, but buyer are still conservative in the extreme and eem t. fear no inability to secure goods by wait ing. Prices remnln substantially unchanged Ht'd sellers continue their unwillingness to yield to any arguments of buyers for lower price. Cotfee Market XEW YORK. Jar 51. COFFEE Mar ket for future- steady at c.od prices to an V. Farnam Smith & Go. STOCKS, BONDS, NVESTMENT SECURITIES, 1320 Farnara St.Tel. 1064 BI TTER vuiet ; c-ieamery. uairv,;..-. rGOri Sready at 23c. -6 .41.1 jt,. , Flour, bhls. U het. bu. t'i irn. bu Oai. bu count Rei-eipt. Shipmenr. I 11. l ll.'.ei 40.11(11. '" 's.n v- '' rre ki.tsiii 4.'."i.i Total nle for the dy. 47I.KI share I naeloB ftoek. Market. lyOXDOX. Jan H Clotring quotation Hocks al'd bontls: ( emssie. money .. 7 lr-it . Y Ceatra! X. 1 sailed. vcl calf 5. . t ile-: ehe-ep I. . '. M l S-W i rot., ir ie. No 2 eofi . e ;!.ei. .r .b., . . e m. il. tr ri).J peaioitf pr It... . . I'i.l.. wlnj-. per lb. l.'jl.'tc: almond, sort rel . p r .b.. 17c. hard sbell i-er in. j. ; -he etnuta. )wt th i:s'5c: w l'-k walnut rtr I'U . T.-''- l.i"i.ark hickory iiul. per II.., large hiikory iu La. per ou.. Ilia. a"i".nt Aiaeatida A'.t.!' .- kauin.- A C'tio f 44k4.'i Pie If . ' he A Cik reae Ot WV .. C . M A tvtun . .. liMtr A R O . An eld KM- e. t wi etei tt U !4 ... I'liniit I tj,t . . l,i A Kek K A T M iNFY '.luts. N" 1 i!t si-el , e ea . 14., l.!j shell per il... li. .. i e.u- per lb. 12c. No . hard , 12. ; .uo. ,a:g. per it. . lo. i.e. pearul ir lb. 7c; W , SorfoU A W 1 so 'd .. w ciman A v- . Lis Permrl.aria ... . Im-14, Kit, 4 Xt.bM , lS4- ItewAlb .. W '-, i 1st f. .. .. . 4S' A 14 ' l'k Bcutl.era Ra.lsar 1!"V " .. (vavlker fsr .'. !4 . H t Sl-I . .. . c. e fia . t, Wahask ..:: ( A m'm ttrm 27Vd oer ounce iSfl ir i n.t . ' m the open mir for sh.wi bills i 2W per cent, for th Dio.i.i rj j. rtpr -is fr cent on 47 14 s 4 is, 44, 47 44 St. 44 kst re evv lerk Kaaort aad laaaart. Xb'W Vi'RK Jan 71 In. pi-i of mer chant at J eliy o,ik ai lie sx-rt of New York Ivr tni w-k itre valued at US Ks k.k lm.;a.r. e.f tpevle at ll.e p.rt ,f New it f..r the we. a ei.dh.g today wetet7cf.l golii and l-i. 'H4 )ver Expuiu of specie fi--m tLt j-it cf .Nu Vu:4 Kr tbe wes.k f ottoa Market. XEW TORK. Jan, 21 -OOTTON-Fu-tjres csosc-d teadv; January, ttkk-; Feb ruary. ?: atari h. .Tiv: April. C71L-; May,; June, tikjc; July. Ait. Spot closet! quiet; middling upland. 7.15c; mid dling gulf. 7.4V.H ; ralra. Lj5 bale LIVERPOOL. Jan. 21 t OTTOX-Bpot quiet: pri(i- J point k lower; American itild dilng fair. 4 liij; good middling SUd, mitl olirs. 2 7d; low tniddhi.g. Ittd; good or dinary. J5;.d; ordinary. J.STd. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 21 COTTON Steady; salt. .'150 hai'-k, ordinary. 4 3-lfc-; good ordinary. 5Sc; low middlit g. 4b,. ; mldulirg, S'-: g.jol middling. 7 11-lfc.-; m ddlir fair, t -lc. Receipt, 11.55J bales; st". k. S.,34? bales. ST UH'IS. Jan. 21 COTTON" (juiet. um hanged, miduhpg. 7 ., fl tiles: fc" t.e-le ; shipments, Je! I Ir ; kto.-k. 42.1,7s b-aiea. Mllnaakee Grata Market. M I L W A 1 ' K F K. Jan 21. WHKAT I or; No. i portlier?' '4. X" 2 leu'ifl tn: II .ceil ,; Miv, r 14 sk'-d. RVK- K e.,nv . No 1 US' - " PARLi V-D'ill; X... i. hrU . sample. 4m siM-t. i oRN-I wfr: Xla). 447,c bid. liver pool Grata Market. LlVKRpesi K Ja- 21 -WHEAT-Spot. steady. Nu. 1 ." i'f.rnia. 7s Futii"s sto. d Macch. 7 1SI. Xlav. i DSd. Jj.y. b iiS'i crjkN-l I. nrm; Arn.-ri.-att m'xed nw. 4e Id. Am.ri'sn m sd o'd. 4 l?S'l Fu turi. Heady. Mar. h 4, !S1. Miv e i-i,,. feorla MsrVet. PEORIA. Jan. 21.-4HN-lx.wer; Xo. C'V. Nu. 4. 4i.e, eta grade. 4't. k A, la. rr ;.a ai ea. st , 4 at ... 4 4 44 ... 4 Ml, 7 . 4C 41 tin ' ?.v Jt't a a Je . 4 41' 4 It, (t; i-!7 41' IV' M J4W Af 4 f7, ti ti el 4 s m . . . . ... 4 l 74 Iti 41 4 li-, it ill 4 s -k . . 1H M ML, III JSl j.f 4 k" T ri 4 U i1! 4 4 II. 71 tit 4 r.:. 44 twj ;!' 4 tu 7 )4 IS. 4 tt ST 4V 4 4" . :l St. 4 k! ti Ml 4 I Aw H I-.T ... Ill U 4 r j ter. . . ih n :.: m 4 c tl nr 10 4 I'l 11 f44 ... 4 i. a tM K 4 1.1 As tt. ... 4 47 .7 . 4 II t4 IK iii -441 tm 4 At tl tl ... 4 4 - xii 1'J 4 f SH ... 4 K. TS til 10 4 It 70 tei. 4 4 k MS 4 11 14 ti JSd 4 tii M' Zbi P 4 M 41 J.' 4 ' 7i. .14 ... 41 ii, r ; . . 4 14 171 ... 4 kt IM ... 4 SO mi 1st . . 4 t 11 :e in. 4 en. 47 ti 4 4 tt 44 I'l 4 4 SI jl ISC' 4 SI. IT7l 44 4 l. u 777 4 At ir km I ' 7 r4 p 4 kt ii ... 4 " It S-44 ... 4 47-4 ' 4. . . 4 C 71 ... . til . . 4 1744, It I 4 4 .' 74 J4I IM 4 t7V, t.'. 21 kv 4 4 I, " tl t. 4 7w 47 i4 ... 4 4 47 27J U 4 Its, 74 tXJ 4" I A - . rt I I V, tl 31 41' I S 7; t7s ;f 4 17', 14 tk.-i :mi 4 m m re 4 4 171, 44 tin ee 4 4 11 . . tit . . 4 I'v, 41 te, ... w. 4,1 all ... II I. tl Mi . t in te 7 1 4 fv, "' il.7 sen, It 41 Ml t"1, 14 IBk Ml 4 ft r. i 114 a .. r . 4 i:.j r . . '.. tf 4 tf, ir i 4 1:1, I.. . .. .ii kil 4 17 U 47 ... 4 4J-, 1;. . . 4 I?, 47 : ; ni t i; .til 14 4 1"-, 'ii Ul 4k Iti n . :-7; 4 4 t'i, n . . :e 4' e ;., 44 ;o . . 4 4: .... . 4 t .. . : . ills i s 4 si. . I . . .4: ki. I !. 4 . . s,t 4 ki K .. M ID I ITS, el lit t tl kli .. t47 .' 4 7. i.".. .17 . . 4 lit LAST CHANCE TL! win I the last oi.porrnriJtr to 6ecnre stock in th Mount Wiiltrwy Vold MiniDc CotTJpauy of California at 10 cems a stare, ou value Tbe- irico will 4,dvrj-e tbe coming week. Kt-nd In your order by mail or wire- at onpe. Thre lateral tunuel now in, couipr elnir mor' than l,ty0 ft4t of work. 10 of them equipped witij ore oars and tracks runnlnr dirtptly v. ilir (lump All the ore Is rich In gold, assarinp as hifh aa 4,Vi a ton. It i an uiicr iraieosuil.lJlTy to csovtr minutely the full scope of this mint) or its exceptional advanrapes as an investment opponnnity In this odTer liseiuent. kiniply nope to conrlnrsf you that it is worth your time to InTesiijrate our utatpmenisi. EAerj- inrestor. large or small. Is prfertly protevt-41 This is 4'iXE company that can prove to your sstisfactton such a ktkieuient. The' man or woman w ith Vt or eo.rtvi is equally prcitiMned. There remain to be pltti-ed lens ilian ten thuumnd duJUrs worth of slock, which will tie sulil al lo cent a share, eittjer for cash or utsou tbti lifl.i of monthly or weekly iumcHum-m. in the very near future. We will Wiike no prniiiifce-s of soe-k. however, at thia titrtire for any future dute. our own rrtiple. thn jire'iii Ktk kliolde'rw. are ine-reainir their holiinga and inklnj; P the ttm-k In as Lire I. lock a they can afford to carry. If you sto p this ojiieurt unity, it is leclievecl that within two years you will own stfsck tbiit will pay es'reuiely larce dividends. I'leaM' Isfar in mind the fact tlsit you have only a l!miiid lime in swenure any of thi stock at lo ents a share and that If you are Intereste-d, xoV ii, the time to (set it aud not wln-n oblijred to pay mor.- than double that figure for iv Write for further particulars i-ciiii-eTiilne thi preiiieny and ask all lbe- (itiestion you desire to har answered. Hut whatever you do. lo it at once-uotbine will le gained ty waitiui; and you may sustain trreat n ley priM-niMtiua ion. Soaihwrslcra Sccurit et Comptay, l tagrlea. tal. '. W. I.-11ui:hi Hliltr. THIS ke HIS COIPO. vikea seat la a, wtlll rerelved la fall aaiaaeat for la aaiaalk wkerlalloo ta "latest saeal Seearltles." a Callferala Pabll eatloa af (teal value. If turn sun, or f-oateaaalate owalac t04-k, la aa reaaiiaa,, aay alare. Ikls Jaaraal will faralsk yaa saleable iafarawa Itaa aad anay av yaa aaaaey. Snalkv, ratera Seearlilea Coiaa, L tagrlea, Cal. of kl.eep were tiny n!-t 1..41 a teat of I SliEEP-About six is rej.irteJ thi tn' but ' 4 frer.-d .m the rnc.-l a-u j value- was n't For the week r-ielpts I l.av en about the aam as t. r the Hm Iwiek '( last ui. ti.l v'l who ,11 trik' is ell sf about I 7 "' be ad r-o far a the market concerned there ha i."' been much .-Miig In enhtr diresc tion The demand for decltabie grades of I S. BURNS, ,lr-. 320 n.y. Life. 'Phoocm WE OFFER SLBJbCT TO SALE Sioux City Stock Vards. Pfd. Stock, at 96, YieMintT the investor Iriut 4. percent lafarruaiion on reqjett. 10.000 OrriAh Renewa.!., 4'a. I92M9JJ on 3.75 Basis. WE BUY AM) SELL Bank Bin. k 4'ina.ia 1 R R hond Nelrakka Tel 8to. k S' ho ! Dietnct Bend irr aha A o Blufta Bruge St'irk ' uion Kt vk Voa. StO'-k Municipal Bunds si Mortgage R. R. B"nds