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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1904)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1004. 'i Open In j Toy Dept. Saturday sflBBBLHT 1 Toy Dept. Opens Catnrfav p051 sCrao Ba,cmeiIt Specials for Holiday Shoppers SATURDAY I OFFER SOHE UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN LADIES' KID GLOVES RE I The Une&t, mort fathionabls Kid Glovetfor the IToUday- there it no handsomer gift v carry the well known Per rint, Jtcyniert, Denti, Monarch, etc in all thi most favored street and evening ffefl Tt CA T fhade, including white P II P U andblaclcdleite, jj XL aMi at pair We handle the rery finest WW kid glow 1 QQ ever sold for Dents Golf Cloves Finest quality, all wool lf gloves for ladles' in plain and fancy ffc mixed patterns, worth 60o a pair A, MP. at, pair Holiday Handkerchiefs Droldered, sea 6Jc, 10, 15c lie, 15c, 25c i uiU nsna cm- 15c, 25c NT Beautiful Gift Handkerchiefs In Swiss embroidered, scalloped sags, revered edge, eto. In a score of dainty and elaborate patterns make cearmintr glf ts, at Ladles' All Linen Handlctrchlef-All fine linen with hand embroidered initial extra fine quality, at, each.. Sample Silk Handkerchiefs Ladles' all silk handkerchief-, daintily silk etn- X jO broidered worth 50o each at W Hen's Irish Linen Handkerchiefs With hand em broidered Initial a special holid.iy bargain at Men's Extra Large All Allk Handkerchiefs-Wlth embroidered initial extra food quality, full slso, worth as 1 g f g f high as I1.0J each- HftfC 6"C ftt Plain white and fancy colored border handkerchief-. also pillow top handkerchiefs 7 at, each 2C"7C' 2C LADIES' NECKWEAR Ladies' Lace Stocks, Tabs and Turnover Collars in many pretty new styl3 specially purchased for Christ- f C I'ip rnaa trade, at 32'mM.Jm0' Ela.bora.te Christmas Neckwear The newest holiday fancies in jabos, silk ruffs, crepe de chine collars, silk scarfs, etc. a hundred styles elab orate finish: 25c Hosiery 12 ic Fine fast black and col- 1 50c-$l-1.98-2.98 MbJirS. Underwear Misses', children's and b iys' fine ribbed, heavy (It-eced, winter under- ;r?....l5c-25c ored hosiery for men, ladies, misses and boys, all AnP sizes, at .i Ladies' Underwear Ladies' fine wool and Egyptian cotton vests, pHnts and drawers, at 39c49c98c T L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE v ' m "One Out of A Hundred" Frederic W. TsLylor, Chief of the Agricultural Department of the St. Louis Exposition says of THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER "Of mora thin s hundred paper relating to arricnlture, a clanined at this Exposition, The Twentieth Centurj Farmer ia one ot four or hve that I always look through even In my busiest times. I know of no paper which see mi to me to be a more helpful weekly visitor to the farm, and the clear-cut articles written by practical met) and illustrated in aa illuminating way, seem to m Ideal." We will send sample copies three weeks free. If you like it, subscribe other wise it will stop promptly at the end of the three weeks. Price S 1.00 per year. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, 1739 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. Gold Will be riven for any adulteration found In these candles or ohooolates. Gunfhor's Famous Chicago Candles Sold at Chicago price by Importers Ot Western Distributors niDMIlX Reichenberg-Smith Co. U InmU IlLIO Wholesale Jewelers (Largest in the West.) I Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry, Etc. m - . Saturday We will place on sale the ver choicest quality ot country but ter obtainable, far superior U ny creamery butter in all tht essential requisites of the product of the churm. Superior ' In' purity ' Superior In freabneea. Superior In sweetness.. Superior In color. Superior In flavor. Superior In cleanliness. Superior in taste. At 89c per lb., and well worth It. 3 cans Early June Peas, 25c lii 3 foV:..0.??. 25c S cans. Tomatoes 25C I case. Pumpkin 25c 10 bars, Bwlft Soap 25c 1 ykffs. Seeded Raisins, 25c 2 pjegs., Cream of Wheat 25fJ Sommer Bros. Exponents of Oood Li vine 28lb and Farnam Sts. TdnvhrmM TM 1399 I 1 SMSHSS SBSaBsVBBBBB OUR COBBLER'S ENEMY A "Dandy" Shoe for Boys Any boy can come to this store and find what he wants In footwear. If he wants a fins patent leather shoe for dress he can find It here In the latest style. If he wants a shoe to stand the hard knocks of everyday wear he can find that hers, too and either kind will be the best of the kind and will ue fitted to the feet Just rUfht for ease ind comfort. Our boys' special la the beat shoe told for the price. 8 tin calf uppers, ole leather counters, hard soles, strong seavmaand only 31.60 TRY miOE CQ THE NEW STORE OF THE Omaha Clothing Co. 1316 FARNAM Most Spacious Up-to-Dade Clothing Store in the City. $50,000 Stock of Depend able Wearing Apparel. EVERYTHING FRESH from Eastern Tailor Shops for the New Store. Our Liberal Terms Of giving credit lo all without secur ity 1$ responsible for our big trade- CASH OR CREDIT No Securityl No Reference! Positively Largest Credit House In Omaha OVERCOATS, $5 to S35 Men's Suits, S5 to S25 Belt 0vercoats,$695tos28 Men's Shoes, SltoSS pair John B, Stetson Hats,'" shapes, $2.75 Heavy Cotton Undsrvsar 33c garment We carry a full line of Shoes, Hats. Clothing, etc. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. 1 if!!!, HE 1511 Douglas St. Sweeping Sacrifice on Pattern Hals Saturday. Beautiful Showing of Christmas Waists and Skirts Direct from Our Hew York Office. rai ..J 1513 DODGE ST. M m ii vi-a y 11 the QorniTi7STni?F" THE99CE!lTO0REr OFElf SATl'HDAV BVBJIINO TILL. lO O'CLOCK. Come in the morning if you can, but, morning or evening, be sun yon came to SAJITA C LACS' HEADQUARTERS. where you get better selections, better service and lower prices thaD any other store in the west BIG SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY DRESSED DOLLS 10c, 19c, 250, 89o to 19.85. KID BODY DOLLS 10c, lc, 39c to 16.95. JOINTED DOLLS loc, 19c, 25c, S9c to J9.85. DOLL, HOUSES 25c, 60c, 9Sa and up. IRON TRAINS loc, 26c, 49o and up. TOY DISHES 6c, 10c. 25o to H96. PRINTINO PRESSES !Mc, 11.98 to S4.95. MECHANICAL Tots- 2fic, 490 to 14.93. TOY CANDLES-Co Per Box. DEPOSITS MADE NOW- Draw interest for the entire month. Start a Bank Account with us and receive 4 per cent interest on your money, compounded four times a year. Union Pacific Pay Checks and all other pay checks are cashed at our bank. 7. L BRANDEIS & S0NSr Bankers. GREAT HOLIDAY PIANO SALE THB RELIABLE STORE. THE BEST PIANO VALUES. There's No Use Arguing begin to sav today? There Is no dishonor In trus economy. Don't hesltats to lay aside a reasonable portion of your Income. lr you so desire we win talk It over with you and help you save it. 11.00 opens an account hers. We pay 6 per cent Interest on aeposits. Omaha Loan & Building Association 1704 Farnam. Bee Building. O. W. Loom is, Pres. O. M. Nattlnger, Sec'y THE moft beautiful and inter- efting of all the Christmas periodicals is the great Christmas Metropolitan in which you will find ftirring Sto ries and articles by Thomas Nelson Page, W. A. Fraser, E. S. Martin, Joel Chandler Harris, Richard Le Gallienne, Charles C D. Roberts, Alfred Henry Lewis, Harrison Rhodes, and many others. The I50illustrations,intwo,threeand four colors, are by Guerin, Rhead, Clay, Bull, Conde, Penfaeld, Par rish, and Haskell, and repro ductions from many photographs. THIS Xmas issue is filled with good reading and fine pic tures; it is a delight from cover to cover; it is a worthy Christmas gilt in itself and is now on sale everywhere for 15 cents a copy. F UK the entertainment ot the whole family there is no bet ter magazine published than The Metropolitan. THE following special offer is presented in the interests of those who wish to send to a friend a gift and at the same time receive four free holiday gifts for them selves: Cat oat this Coupon. CHRISTMAS PRESENT COUPON aVaaxsiak. I (J any one tending us immedi ately $1.60 (and this coupon) we will send free ot coir GIFT 1 A superb portfolio, stamped in gilt, and containing photo-Audies cf beautiful wo men, models, and players. till: I Z A fec-timile water- color, readyfor framing, show f a r ins the sky-scrapers ot New York as seen at twilight an . exquisite work of art UlC a J An art oookiet, in brown covers, stamped in gold, and containing sixteen full-page ' portraits of well-known society beauties printed on plate paper. GIFT 4 Copies of the Novem berand December (Christmas) issues of The Metropolitan, in cluding all the color insert il lustrations. H These) four gifts can be scot to the re milter o! the $1.80. The two gifts below csa be sent to the remitter Irieod. Q If yon prefer, we wiD send ALL SIX direct to you. GIFT 5 A full year's subscrip tion to The Metropolitan, com . mencing with the January, 1 905, number. GIFT 6 A beautiful subscrip tion certificate to be sent to the recipient of the magazine and bearing the name of the sender. A LL of the above for the price of the magazine alone $1.60. Have The Metropolitan sent for a year to your friend, together with the illuminated subscription certifi cate, and have the "Portfolio of Beau"y, the book of American So ciety Types, the lac-simile water color and the November and De cember issues of the magazine all sent to your own address. This ffer is only good for one month from date. Mention this paper, and send us this Coupon. 7 and you'll never think of doing; so when you see the WONDERFUL SUIT VAL UES we are offering Saturday, at ... 10-00 You need never worry about fit fashion or fabric if you buy one of those suits They come in nil shades and very lntrst stylos, either single or double breasted, and are made up In sorcs, cheviots, funey worsteds, thlbets, un finished worsteds and casslmeres, etc. A most magnificent line, regular $15 value- If) OH special price IViVU $15 MEN'S OVERCOATS, $10.00- Rlght at the beginning of the real over coat weather, we place on sale this splendid line of stylish overcoats, at 33 1-3 per cent less than their actual value fancy cheviots, Irish frieze, vicunas, kerseys and beavers, of splen did quality. In brown mixtures, ox ford grays, plain blues, browns and blacks, in long or medium length, with or without bolted back, excellently lined and trimmed, well worth $13.00 our special IA AA sale prico 1U.UU YOUNG MEN'S SUITS In ages from 13 to 19 years, In medium and dark shades, great variety of styles and fabrics, all well made and worth $5 to $10 our special sale price Patunlny 7 Cfl Copyright I 904. by YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS In long and medium length, with or T . . , . t-i.k lltlVU 1 V i L IIS IIIMIUlll - $3.CO, $.'i.00, $0.50 and ... CHILDREN'S REEFERS belt shades, fancy mixtures and plain col ors, good serviceable linings special Saturday at $3.'.tj, 7 Cfl $3.00, $0.50 and IiJU frieze and chinchillas, with high storm collars $1.05 and 2.50 E-SAVDER! BROS. FREE ONE OF OUR Calendars IS YOURS UPON REQUEST VaO f f 5h0Ul(l U5e I VJU the same care, and iudgment in buying whiskey for your household as you would in the purchase of food or medicine. WHEN YOU USE Hiller's Whiskies You have the assurance of get- ting the best that money can buy. FULL QUARTS 80c, $1, $1.25 IF IT COMES FROM Hiller's IT MUST BE C00D. 1309 FARNAM ST. WANTED A BOY in every town, to sell our new Saturday Bee. It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, Including 10 colored pages with BUSTER BROWN COMICS, altogether 84 pages, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday afternoons when the farmers are in town. We will send any boy the first 10 COPIES FREJt , Four wsaks ago we sent Clifford Hans, Oerinaistuwii, Neb., ten free copies, and he Is now selling JO ooples very Saturday afternoon, from Which ha sets cents profit. Tou can do as we 11 If you Ujr. For Full Particulars Write to The Omaha Bee, Omaha. Nebraska FOUNTAIN PENS make line. an excellent gift. Drop In and look over my FINE STATIONERT AND LEATHER OOODS. HENR Y9 1607 riTfim strcet- He Sella Stationery and Doe Engraving. $8.00 Mantel Clocks $4.00 114 nn Mantel Clocks $5.50. These Clocks were nought ry ns at less man rosi to manufacture. Nothing nicer ror a iiimuiiae us nm ALL FIRST-LASS CAFES. CLUBS AND BLrrtTS St HVE COOK'S ftEKVtl) EVtRVWHtKB j lefactioll Every elm'K IS guars nirau IU 1V a linicvi uiurarrri. look them over uiid we know you'll buy one. , w' The Metropolitan Magazine, 9 West 29tb SU Nw York. P. E. FL0DMAN & CO.. 1514 Capitol Ave,