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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY RKE: Tlin.SIUY. IIKCEMBER S. 1004. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Eiormom Liquidation in Wheat Bring a Break of Two Genu. ARMOUR AND GATES REPORTED SELLING 9ftinkr Cora Weak, May Oata Easier lltrki Have severe Break Imtlltr Common OtT Fr Polaa. OMAHA. Dec. T. I'M. Thers waa a world of wheat liquidated today on the Chlcigo market, and a a result there win a break of 2'c a bushel. It wss a case ef big receipts and Armour polling out. Other long liquidated mil lion of hm and the weakneas wa th natural result of this drop. The weather report are all more favorable, aave In this immediate aectlon of the wheat country, and the manner tu which wheat comes to the front la demoralizing to bull hope. The bear were ready for the Mart of the decline and added the weight of their ahort s-les, keeping up a vigorous campaign until they had sec -red the declinea, when they walled for more pressure. During tho noon hour the market waa lesa active, with considerable ahort covering, but oot enough to make an- lnipresaion on the price 114. The acceptances on blda pent out Tuesday night were very large and thta sent the commission houses to selling, aiding the weaknesa. It waa repotted that the Wat son-Gate holding were being sold. In Chicago December opened at tl.loH. a losa of 4c at d dropped to fl.onyt; May sold tu from II 13 to fl.12, dropped to SI.1DH and remained weak. July waa e lower at BffHc. The felling of i.- H. Wrenn A Co., a large Chicago house, reached There wa quite a few aamplea of wheat on the Omaha market, but they were taken away for the reason that holder would , not accept the blda made for it. Other markets were equally as depresaed aa Chicago. In some case the breaks were more severe. Minneapolis and Dnlutli broke 4c a bushel on December or cash wheat. CornThere waa another reaction In caah and December corn. The recelpto are Increasing and the quality la Improving. December lost He, going to 45Vc; May waa oft 'An early, but later recovered. There waa a little more activity In the oats market, but there wa also the uaual decline of trc with aomethlng of a re covery before the close. The weaknea In wheat and nearby future In corn had a weakening effect, but the better demand prevented any more serious concessions in values. " Omaha Caah Prleea. WHEAT No. 2 hard, tl.O619i.OS; No. 3 l ard. ll.01Ul.o4; No. 4 hard, DUctl.OO; No. 3 spring. 11.06. CORN NO. 2, 39c; No. t, 38c; No. 4, S7SJ :i.'c; no grade. SvuMc; No. 2 yellow, 34c; No. t yellow, tc; No. 2 white, 28c; No. t whit. 39c. OATS No. J mimed. 2Rc; No. S mixed. 27c: No. 4 mixed, Wc; No. 2 white, 28c; No. 1 white, 28,ic No. 4 white, 27Hc; standard, J$'6c. . . Oma ha Caah Ma lea. CORN car No. 4, 37c; 2 cara No. 8, 38c. OATS 1 cr No. 4, 30 lb., .7Vic; 1 car No. 3, 21 Ins.. 2V4c. (.rain Market Elsewhere. Closing price at the following martens today and Tueaday were: . CHICAGO. Clos Wheat 1 December Today. Tueaday. .. LOS. 1.10'a Mev l.W July 887i Corn- 1.00'a December 45 48 May 44'i 444 July 441 444 Oats December 2SVi 2S Mav sn, 11014 July ii U0H 8T. LOUIS. Wheat December. May ,. Corn- . . December l.H4 i.nvi 4l'-i 1.10'i 1-1ST4 42- May ...... Wheat Deoember May Corn 1 cember , May 424 KANSAS CITY. 1 01 1.02, 44H4 1.04V 104H 40. 41'i 1V4 NEW YORK ion jniv. lute Hii-Vj'S on Wheat i. December M l.-ila May V .4 1.12 1.1)1 'A 1.14 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat Decembef My Wheat Iecember May ...... i.m 1.124 Vl2i 1.15 DULUTH. 1.10, i.m 1.14'i 1.16 NEW YORK QBUGRAL MARKET , . a t . 4aetatloa ef the Day oi Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Dec. 7.-KLOUR-RecHpt, 19,714 bbl. ; exports, 2,025 bbl.; market quiet St ml lower to aell; Minnesota, patents, $0.8.15; Mlliueanta bakers, tt.0ui34.76; winter patents, $6.6oCi6.90; winter straights, 15..6a6.46; winter extras, t3.654j4.SO; winter low grades, t3.H'pi.lQ. Rye flour, barely steady; fair to good, tt.6c;4.76; choice to fancy. t4.7Mi6."". Buckwheat flour, steady: per cwt., $..0082.S. RYE Nominal. BARLEY -Quiet ; feeding, 44c, c. I. f., New York; mulling. 4wjj62c. c. I. f Buffalo. CORNMRAL-Steady: fine white and yel low, tl.40Tdl.46; coarse, .tm.i&. WHEAT Receipts. 4t!.w bu. Spot, No. 2 red, nominal elevator; No. 1 noruiern, Du luth, $1.17 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Mani toba, $1 .OK f. o. b. afloat. Trom start to tlnlsli wheat waa weak and heavy today, yielding to perslatent selling by some of the big western holders. Influenced by bet ter Argentina weather news and lower cable. It closed HtCc net lower; May, i n i-io; cinseu at 31. !-'"; July closed at ll.iJUH; December. tl.16Vstjl.17H; closed Ht CORN Receipts. 49.450 bu. 8not. easv: No. 2. nominal elevator, and MHo f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 644c; No. 2 white, 64V. Option market was fairly steady all day In contrast to the wheat heaviness. Is fa vorable grading at Chicago waa the fea ture. December closed 4c down, but May was only 40 lower; May closed at 6oVtc; December, Mii(Ac; closed at 64c. OATH Receipts, 64.600 bu. Hpot, slow; mixed, 25 to 22 lbs.. 344ift'S54c; natural white, 37 to 37 lb., clipped white, 3u to 40 Ins.. H7(HI4- HAY-8teady. KEEP Steady: spring bran, $30.00; mid tiling. $16.!). city. tl'.iKxu 17.60. HUPS Dull: tate, common to choice, VMM crop, aotjSSc; 1U03 crop, UiWioe; old. He, Pacific couat, 1!M crop, 3oi36c; 18U3 crop, 28ii34f;'olda, 14617c. I11DEH FI1111: Galveston. 2 to 25 Ins., ISc; California. 20 to 25 Iba., Ji-; Texa dry, 24 to 30 ll., 144c. LEATHER Firm; acid, 24926c. PROVISIONS Reef, firm; mesa, t9(JttS)i beef hama. t-.0ue4.60; packet. IHi.Ootj lO.ji); ity extra inula mess, n.wjBitt wi. t ut eats, quiet; pickled bellies, t".2S4iN.: tickled shoulder-. 7.6": plckleit hams, VJH .11 c, . T A .lull .'.ul.rn .lun ... -.1 1 II. I . .PI. M-lm ' ! . I . -. - I, I. Ml,, Oecemner cioaeu it ..a-i. nominal; renned. dull; continent, t.3S; compound, ta.3749 6 i. Pork, barely steady; ftinlly, llfl.ur 15 So; hui t clear, $1.1. 75u 1 6; 'into, tlS.Ooifi 13.73. TALLOW Steady; city (t2 per pkg.), 4Se; country (pkgs. free. 4e. KICK tHeady; doineatlc,, fair to exlni, 24 t)!S'"' Jaiatn. nOnilual. I'ol'LTKY Alive. etM.v; western chick en. 1W; fowl, 12. Dreaaed, quiet; western chli kens. 12; fowl. 04illc; turkeys. 164 lCc. Rl'TTER Firm; creamery, held, common to extra, 1H4244C ' CHEESE Firm; tate full cream, small. September, c.o.ored and white, fancy, 12c; state, late made, poor to choice. SHtTllc; tale, large. September, colored and white, fancy. 13c; state, late made, colored, good to choice. lOtnoV; state, late made,1 whit, fancy. 104c; state, poor to prime, H4M0c. EUQS Strong; western, tine selected, 32c; wesiern average bet. 3u431c. Kaasas City Grain mm4 P.ovUloa. KANSAS CITY. Dc. 7. WHEAT Lower: December, tl.ot; May, fl !4; July, ao4J!ki.c; caah, No. 2 hard. ll.tMl.ui: No. 3. tl tfl'SI W; No. 4. 8Siil 024; No. 2 r. d, tl (sVbl.06; No. 3. tl.OMU Uu. CORN Steedv: December. 4oUc: Mav. juiy, foe; cash. o. 2 mixed, 424.4i l No. t. 414'04.V; No. 3, 4lc ncro-Ujilii- v.. No. Z white, 4-c; OAT 8-tila.idy: No. t mhlte. llci Nu. 1 mixed. Sue. HAY Hleadv; choice timothy, t.60; choice prairie, I7.7r.tj8.0O. RYE Sleaily ut 7oc. EOC.8 Steady; Miaaourl and Kanaa. new Nu. 1! whltewood case included. 26c ier dosen; rae count, :;lc; case returned. 40 per dosen less. .it'TThill-Cre-mery. JltV-ic: dairy. 17c. I Itc elpla. Slil. inenls. Wheat, bu ... "orn, bu . tat, bu Iji 77.6m) 39 21-i . :...! t vll 1,(I0 J rhlladelphla rrodaef Market. PHUADELPH1A. Dec. 7 Rl'TTER Market fslr and good demand: extra west ern creamery, ?4c; aatra nearby prints, tor- ' . XUS Market Arm aiid guod drmajig. nerhy, flr-ts. 34c. at mark: western first. 3-TTMc, st msrk. fHEESB Market firm, good demand: New lork. full creams, fancy. r.V; New York full cream, choice. iHtillNc; New York full cream-, fair to good. Uc. CHICAGO (.HAH n PROVIMO Featares ( the Iradlag aad Clealag Prlees oa Board of Trade. CHICAOO, Dec. ".Liquidation of enor mous lines of wheat today caused a break of almost tc In the price of the May ! Ilverr. The market closed with a net de cline of 24c as compared ith yesterdays ttnal figures. Corn, oats and provision are practically unchanged. r.xtreme weakness prevailed In the wneai pit from beginning to end. At the siart May was off M,r4c at II 12"fll 11. Liquida tion of long Wheal hv commission houses and by local professionals was a rro nounced feature at the opening. A the session advanced the offerings Increased 111 volume. News of the dav tailed to furnish any satisfactory explanation for the urgent desire to sell. A a result of contradictory advices regarding the Argentina condition an easy tone waa manifested in the Liver pool wheat market, hut the slight decline there was seemlnglv not of sutflclent Im portance to warrant heavy selling here. Receipts in the northwest showed only a moderate Increase rnmnnml with vestal' day'a arrivals. One noticeable feature of trading was enormous offering by a promi nent commission house, said to be for the account of a leading long. Total sale of the day for this account were said to be In the neighborhood of i.m.nifi bu. Smaller holder were influenced by these heavy sales and sold freely. The principal de mand came from shorts. Offering so far exceeded the demand, however, that price dropped continuously throughout the day. The low point on May wa reached at t1.104bl.lo-'a, a break of 24c from yester day's closing figures. The market closed exceedingly weak, with May at tll"4. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 71.000 bu. Primary receipts were 870, 7' bu., compared with 1, 1 ex. SX bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 7M cars, against 6i cars last week and 628 cars a year ago. Considering the break In wheat the coin market held comparatively steady. Prices were aomewhat lower, however, aa a result i or moderate profit-taking. Ixrge primary receipts were the only Influence of Impor tance. A minor factor was the easier tone of cables. Mav opened 4ti to 'JiAiC lower at 44Vn44c. sold between 444c and 44c and closed al 44'f'ii444c. Local receipts were 4R cars, with 10 of contract grade. Liquidation of December holdings was a feature of trading in the oata market. The result from the weakness in that delivery caused an easier tone In the more distant months. The volume of business waa only moderate. Mav opened unchanged to 4c lower at aoVa.Wio. sold off to ai,3o4c and closed at sV J .oca I receipts were 8o cars. Provisions were firm on covering bv pack er. Trading wa very light. At the close May pork was up 24160 at $12.90; lard wa off 240 at 17.074; rib were unchanged at W.724. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 4" car; corn, 6S8 cars; oat, 9 curs; hog, 39JW head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat Dec. May July Corn Dec. Mav Julv Oats Dec. Muv July Pork Jan. May L.rd- . Jan. , May Rl he Jan. May 1 104j 1 0841 1 13 il 10',4ur'! I 1 WW l osh; 1 104' 107T4 1 134 1 0114 1 JO. 1 12Vo l MA left5' I I nmi l oo 84n 4 S4 I J 46!44 4ft 4S4! 44 444'S 4 444! 44H 44'.'i-4 444ii 4 444! 4441 W ' 444 444&4I .1 I -4' 24 l''4l 30HT4 31 "A SOtiWa, 304130434, 304 I 12 674 12 6741 12 674 12 6741 12 624 12 824j 12 24 12 80 12 80 I 12 874 8S I 8741 6 85 6 8741 84 7 06 I 7 10 7 05 7 0741 7 10 60 I 6 55 ' 60 6 65 ' 6 65 6 70 75 I 6 70 I 7241 6 724 No. 2. Cash quotation were as follow: FLOCR Steady; winter patents. to.KVft 6.20; straights, M. 80S. 00; spring patent-, t4.9V55.40; straights, t4.8Oi94.90; bakers, 13.50 WHEIAT No. 2 spring. l.ODfil.15: No. 3 spring, tl 0O&1.12: No. 2 red, tl. 1241. 15. CORN No. 2. 4Gtf,44c; No. 2 yellow, 47c. OATS No. 2, 31c; No. 2 white, 304814c; No. 3 svhlte. 294314c. RYB No. 2. 74c. BARLEY Good feeding, 38c; fair to choice malting. 424T49c. . SEEDS No 1 flaxseed. $1.13; No: 1 north western, tl.224; prime tlmothv, t3.724; clo ver,' eontract grade, 112.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. t1l.874 fiill.624. Lard, per 100 lbs.. t6.824- Short ribs sides (loose). M.374'36.60; short clear sides (boxed), t.75&.874. Recelpts. Shipments. Flour, bbl... 32,2of) 2G.010 Wheat, bu.... 126.000 04,700 Corn, bu !870.5ix) 127.IKK) Oat, bu 226.200 lZ9i)0 Rye. bu 11,000 8tX Barley, bu 186,300 26.600 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa firm; creameries, 16g264c; dairies, 16022c. Eggs, strong at mark; cases included, 2o4l3-6c: firsts, 26c; prime firsts, 28c; extras, 3oc. Cheese, steady, U12c. t. Loals Grain aad r-rorlslon. 8T. LOUIS, Dec. 7.j WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, tl-094; track, tl.l4t 116; December, tl.04; May, tl.114; No. 2 hard. tl. lo1.12. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, nominal; track, 43to44c; December, 424c: May, 424c. OATS Lower; No. 2. cash. 31c; track, 32 824c; December, 24c; May, Wc: No. t white 324c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, t5.20 6. 36; special brands, t6.4Ehti.O0; extra tanoy. t4.iO&4.8fl; clear, t4.16'54.40. SEED Tlmotliy", steady at t2.0WS2.40. COHNMEAL Steady. t2.60. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 8H 87c. HAY Firmer; timothy, t8.00igl2.60; prai rie, fioofa woo. IRON COTTON TIES 93c. BAOOINO 74c HEMP TWINE 64c. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; jobbing, $U.i. Lard, higher; prime steam, IH.K24. Bacon, ateady: boxed, extra shorts, $7,624; clear rlha, $7,874: short clear, $8,124. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 74c; springs. 104tv, turkeys, l'oltc; ducks, geee. 74c. Rl'TTER Slow; creamery, 20i28c. EUOS Steady at 24c, case count. Receini. Shipments. Flour, bbls 2.000 u.uoo Wheat, bu 28.000 7o,tl0 Corn, bu 42.oo'l Oats, bu 38,000 18,000 Mllwaakee Grata MarkeV MILWAUKEE. Dec. 7-WHEAT-Mai ket 2c lower; No. 1 northern. $1.141 1.15; No. 2 northern. 11.1101.124; May, 11.1041a 1. 104. M I fi aiaraej c lower; jo. 1. aivc. BARLEY Market lc lower; No. 2, 53c; sample, 2760c. CORN Market lc lower; No. 3, 4:'4H(' 434. May, 44441444c. Mlnurapoll Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 7,-WH EAT De cern inr, tl l; May. $l.i:4: July. $1.11-,; Sep tember. 94c; No. 1 hard. tl.lo: No. 1 north ern tie1; No. 2 northern, tl.044. FIXl'R First patents, $'. .Oorfni. hi ; second patents, t5l"tf6 .80; first clear, t4.koi4.L3; second clears. t2.7Mii.86. BRAN In bulk. $14. Go. Dnlath Grain Market. Dl'LUTH. Dec. 7-WHEAT-To arrive: No. 1 northern t1.K4; No. 2 northern, tl.044. On tiac.k: No. 1 northern. $l.luV No. 2 ncrthern. $1,044; December. $l.lo4; May, 11.124. OATS To arrive and on track, Sa'Sc l.lrerponl Grain Market. L1VERPOOU Dec. 7.-WH EAT-Spot, nominal: futures quiet; December, 7s 24d; March, 7s 44d; May. 7a 4','i. CORN Spot, ateady; American mixed, 4s 94d; futures, steady; January, 4s 4d; March, 4s 3d. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Dec. 7.-8EEDS-Clover. cah and December. $5 87; February'. $5.85; March, tuon. Alslke. prime ta.oo. Timothy, prime, $1.3". Peoria Market. PEORIA. Dec. 7. CC'JiN Lower; Nu. J, 414t42c; No. 4. tie; no gr-"le, 36g39c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 7. The Ijndon tin market underwent a sharp break. pot do, lug at 133 and future at 131 l'.' d. The local market waa quiet. Home' dealer were ircliued lo hold price on the former level, while others weakened with the Eng. llali market and the closing quotation ior apol ranged from tif.L4 to t-9.5o. Copper wa unchanged al 6 for spot and 7 tid fur future in London. Locally there were nu change. Iik is uuotej at 114 674 ttM.Mi; electro y tic at $14 Tou 10.O.1; casting it r 4 5" 14.75. Lead wa unchai.ged at tl.6t4l4.75 in the local market aud al 12 i.a td in lindon: p'lter also was un- liar.ged In both market: spot closed at l i in l.oti.lon and t 75'iin.8T4 in New York. Iron closed at 66s d in Olifiow and at 47 104d In Mlddlesborough. locally iron wa (Irni. No. I foundry northern. No. 1 foui'dry southern aud N I foundry outiu in soft are quoted at tl7 Ooo 17.6a; No 2 foundry northern at $' Jolt 17 ST. LollH. Iee.' 7.-MKTAI.A Load, firm gt $1 1.4j4 4,-4 ppeller. Inhr at $5. it. NEWYORK STOCKS AND BONDS Violent Slump in Taloai Makes End f the Ball Campaign. SPECIALS DROP FROM 4 TO 15 POINTS .alre List I tiff from Two to Three Point Decline Dae to Fart Market Had Reached Top Heavy Dimension. NEW YORK. Dec. 7-Today violent slump In the stock market came upon the sanguine simulative element like a bolt from the bine ky. The fact that mnawav bull markets always overrun themselves never avails to lenen the surprise of the (-peculators when the airy fabric crumbles. The fabric could not. of rinirse, be blown up to Its diaphanous dimension If there were not enough buyers who continue to buy all tock oMerlngs and hid up prices In unbounded confidence that the upward course will never le Interrupted. Neither would it be Inter rupfed if fpeculator were noio 10 go on inlying iniK nnlteiy. mil wnen the time com." that distrust obtains an en trance to their consciousness and they at tempt to sell their holdings It develops that the buoyant rli-e has been due to Jhelr own buying and there la nothing left to suMaln prices when that ceases. That Is probably the true explanation of the slump today, which took on fairly panicky proportions at limes. The crumbling of prices led to the uaual efforts to assign a cause In some new development In affairs that might be an index of a decline in the ptosperous conditions of hurineea and Industry. Thero was no such news forthcoming. There waa a rise in the call loan rate late in the day to the hlgheet of the season, but this seemed to Ik- an much nn effect a a cause of the fall In prices. It was not learned that there had been any calling of loans or restriction of credits to precipitate the break, but the expectation of further gold engagements for export was conllrmed and there were remittances through the sub treasury of tl.oio.nio to San Franclivo and tami.Omi to New Orleans. The drawing of tha purse strings and the Increased exac tion reaardma collateral has tonulrd over more than one bull market in the ful tide of its advance, but there has been no pre monitory symptom In the pre, nt matket of money stringency. Much more atten thwi was paid to the flying rumors of the attitude towards the market assumed by Important financial powers. The sharp lost- which, were sufferfd gave spirit to pome of the assertions that combinations had been formed to raid the market and that some of the advertised attacks on special propertlcn for the laet few days res II v represented a deeply laid plot which had the backing of great capitalists. The easy manner in which Amalgamated Cop per' succumbed to successive attack was the ground for these assertions. Much im portance was attached by the hurt specu lators to a dinner and 11 conference of rail road captains which took place here lnjt night and which they supposed adopted alarming ronehiPtoiis over the prospects for the railroads afforded by the president's recommendation to allow the Interstate Commerce commlselon power to fix freight rates. The tumble in Amalgamated copper waa from 774 at the close last night to 64 near the closing today. The declines In Sugar, Tenneesee Coal. Colorado Fuel, Lackawanna and some other special stocks ran from 4 to 15 points, but aside from these It la hardly worth while to detail the declines, which range gen erally from 2 to over 3 polnla. The closing was weak and not far from the lowe3t. un der the Influence of renewed breaks In Amalgamated Copper and Sugar. The few points of strength in the morning session were swept Into the downward movement. Bonds: yielded in sympathy with- stocks. Total saW, par value, t7,fcp,000. United State) lands were unchanged on call. Following were the sales and range or prices- on the Stock exchange today: Sales.Hlch.Low.Cloee. Atchison 31.200 8.4 R4 do pfd....::.: umi 103 i4 i-4 Baltimore & Ohio ... 43,200 14 974 W no pfd 1W 95 95 94 Canadian Pacific .... 12.400 1334 J30J4 W Central of N. J 194 1934 192 Chesapeake A Ohio.. 9.3O0 494 T4 Chicago & Alton 41 cMwa'a.'w.'.y.:: il. a cmK:-: CECKE::: S C? clTC. A St. L.... 1.100 not, .874 684 Colorndo Southern... I.! 22 20 204 do 1st pfd 300 684 M 3?J;t: iff S"' iS Erie P . M.500 404 38 38 do IM Pfd 24.600 74 734 744 AO 2d pVd .. t.700 584 534 554 HckIngP Valley pfd. 1.200 84 824 92fS Illlnoto Central 1.K 1564 1624 1M KKd,,,hr:::::::: 22 Hit S t IAN 26,300 1 44 1414 1424 MetnhsecrriVe,:::::::: 2: ftetroU an si Ry. ..Kg 14 m4 1 o88-8!:.: iSSi iSI. MYssouVrpacVnc 34.100 1104 1JS - M.K:.&.::::: S feu fe yVS.r:: i- 18 Norfolk A Western.. 8,9n0 .. .54 54 oStrt" Weitert.:: 5',.V 434 ,joi 414 pe"nn, ...-lU, i:4 Mh -ft "iaf :::::BiSS ?Z I? do -'S pfd ... K - M 87- 80 , RoV island i-Co.'...... 4H.WJJ Wi U 4 J,, nfrt 3.i00 84 t "'i St L A 8 F. 2d pfd. 1.900 WH 7 h.4 gdoIpf5ou,hwe",.e-?: S fi Sthrn-Paciflc 131.... 4 4 ?s? t W?:::::: f:IS do t'fd ' .......... 2.70" k5 M M v H rirtR -:::::mSS 5iW ?"bHsh . 2,4-10 23 22 :.'4 Mn nf.l . .. 7 100 454 434 44 wteeg'A-ilE . . H W!.Se:::a::::: lK s l Adama Expreae American Express V. 8. Express. WellK-Fargo Express .... - - m.iliru Conner 338.WIO n w" revs Anierican C. A F 2. 3 4 a.-. 9IU AmerTca Cotton Oii.' !." 364 SW JiVS u Pfd.... -ji? -,. American Ice -JW s .4 do pfd.. S"" 38' i- Amei b an Linseed Oil .... do pro... AtrcomoViVe::: im M do PIU ..iJC " r-Li -wli American S. & '!'" ."I,1 , 3 , ? K orn Pr.Klucte 5 y .. n -i t r.,Ae"sec;;r1t1e.: 4.4,-! .394 JJJs ,38V. ttener-1 Electric. .H i ,11,ernatl....l Paper. 6.PJ) -,j .Ji Internatlwrsl Pump jj n.?,opi h 234 5r,flh. iJatl "V: i 5 424 vj EHr"ii.Mla' 19 100 111 1074 107-1 ro..: ig is; & Rbete.-:::::::: do PM-..". ;2K, 74 -oi, -.14 v;Ttner.,::...l-?- 4 4 I o. u;! y. 11 -ten York Mlnlnu Slock. NEW YORK, Iec. 7. The following are the closing quotations on milling slock: Adais l ou 2S ,Llltlo Cll 4 AH, l IHOaflo br. IS Ophlr tao briiuowlik Con II eiandard Ui rbtn-toi'8 Tunnel 4 Potoal 14 Ton. t at. A V l't Ka aa 14 Horn Sllirar 1M Siarr Nevada li Iron Slltrr SOo Slnall 2 Ldvlll Co I nineaU 1 t offered. Foreign t'lnaneial. LONDON, Dec. . 7-M'nev w..s In In cre.sed demand In the murkri today owing In pa inriits lo III 1-iank itf K.ig anti. whereby suppllet weie rJj,f, PI uuuni weie eleadv. Coiitiiientm em hargF were a.lvetae. whilu bar gold waa In .Ionian 1 for fc.i!;r. cioiy,;. Vid:ng on th St'k ta .1.- ..If. I Ai r Sugar Rertn.. . 14 " AnanOa M. Co..... 1 4 tolorad i . r . i. J10 i UJia-Steei::.., 8.4 4 wJ!rrn. -1,"10?., e -.h.' dav 2.4'26loO hire.., 1 Ulitl r i, " " - - change was dull on profit taking. The movement were slight. -ept in Amert csn. Cons,-is were unsteady, the report o.' a new Natal loan affecilng g I -eded re rurltles. Americans nperiea weak snd re covered to parltv. si which they were moderstelv stesdy. President Roo'e veils mestage was well received, hut the mar ket wss disappointed at the amour t of profit taking In New York since fs pub lication. Price closed firm. Japtrese er firmer on the recent news from I on Ar thur Imnnl.l JaiMne'e g'A-pi nment e of 19m "were quoted at !V Rii Tlrt s were neavv in sympatnv nn cowi-n. PARIS, bee. 7 Business on the Rcurse todav wa depressed, the refer-nce by President Roo-evelt to trusts In his mess sge to ongres contributing to this fiel Ing. Rio Tlntos lest 23 ilnts. At tne close the market was heavy. Ri'slan Im perial 4s were quiet at 82.80 and Russian bonds of 194 at 501. e-r York woney Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 7. MONEY On iai. strong. 8'(i44 per cent, cloning bid 3. of fered at 34 per cent. Time burn-, easy: ) davs 9i devs snd months. Sfi4 per eit. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-44i44 per cent. , . STERLING EXCHANOE-Steady. with actual business in bankers hills at $4.i-le'(J 4.8640 for demand and st M.Kh4 8:5 fnr slxtv-dav bills: pasted rales. t4.8,'ii4.8,4; commercial bills. $4 83U'.1 4 8:'S. SILVER Bar. 594c; Mexican dollars. 4Sc. BONDS Oovernment. steady; railroad, weak. The following are th quotations on storks and bonus V. 8. raf. Sa, ei....l04'4 do coupon 104S do . ret 14' do coupon 104 4 do new 4a. ref 1.V do rftupon 11 do old 4a. ret l'S Manhattan -. 4a Mel. (antral 4a... do lat Inr . 7 ... fl . .. 7 . . .in . . &" 4. ", ...v"S .. 1 . . ,1l' ... tr,it . . . lot . . !w . .10-14 ...K4 Minn A St I. 4a. M . K. A T. 4a do t X. R R. of M r. do eonpon lo-H At.Mann xen. 4a 102t, do art). 4a 4' At'.antlr r b. 4a MS Kal. Ohio 4a do IW MS Penlral of Oa. l HIS N V. C. . S',a.. S. J. C. . Sa... No Pa.-lflr 4a do aa A W. i . 4a . .. O. 8 I.. 4a A par rann. innv. Vi.. Raadln gen. 4a.. do lat In. l fhea. A Ohio 4't" ...'.MS rhliaio A A. '.... :. I. B A Q n. 4a ...ion C. M. AS P 4... .1"' ftr I.. I V .a..HS St I.. A K. f 4a RS', St. h. S. W. la ;S Seaboard A I.. 4a So. Pa. lS.- 4a H Ho nails a. v r.a ms Taa A P. ! IIS T St. U A W. 4a.. Kl'i fnlon rariflc- 4a 1"4 do .-on-. 4a ltl I' S Btael 2d S SI1 Wabaah la 117S do deb. R 47 C. A N. W. r. 7....1'..S V.. R. I. P. 4a .... WS do rol. 6a SI1 . St L. 4a .mns I hlraxn Tar. 4a 4. I'on. Toharc-o 4a m Colo. A So. 4a 1) A II. O. 4a Krle prior lien 4a. do ren. 4a lots l.'i1 . 2i,,W. A I.. E 4a M .lS,Wi. ntral 4a .lit t'olo. Fuel r. ir j .1OTV.I F. W. A D. C. la HorkUix Val. 4a L. A N ynl. 4a... Boston fftoek Market. BOSTON. Dec. 7. Call loans. ont; tlmo loans, 4ffo per cent, closing of stock and bondv . Atrhlaon .IJ. 4a ts't! Adventure do 4a im Allonei Me central 4a 74 Amaiirama-d .. Atrhlaon WlAmertran Zlnr . do prd inl Atlantlr Rnatnn A Albany SM'titllngham Roatnn A Main 172 -Tal. Hi lleila. Roatnn Rlevatrd la.1 t'entennlal Fltrhbur pfd Ml Copper Hangf .. Ml.-n I'entral t2';I)al Weat .... N. Y., N. H. A H...1I7 Oomlnlon foal . fnlon Parlflo limiFranklln Amer. Ara;. Them... 2' draniy 87 4 per Official . . 17'4 . - . 12 . I64 . X, W . . 4, . 12, .. 3 . II . 4 . 22 . at . . 52' .. 4 . :s . . rt .. 971, .104 . .12! , . ,. as ,. ll'4 . 4:i ' .. 4 .. in , .1(14 do pfd M4lale Royals Amer. Pnen. Tube. Amer. Suar do pfd . Amer. T. A T.... Amer. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. A -... Kdlann Rler. Illu... Oaneral Klertrtc ... Maaa. Pl-utrle do pfd Maaa. Gaa fnlled Fruit I nltad Shoo Marh.. do pfd V 8. Htael do pfd Weat In, common Bid. "-Asked. ai "waaa. Minin .141 ..l:ia ..14 .. 1 .. 1 .. 14 ..1M ..14 tllrhlsan Mobattk Mont. c. A v.. Old llomlnlon .. ttaeeola Pa -rot Qutnry ......... inriannnn Tamarark 14 ! iTrlnity 1-4 It'. 9. Mining... ,.114 .. ni ,. Jl f. a. on t'tah Victoria Winona l4lWolvtrln . 81 London Stock 4motntloa LONDON, .Dec. ".Closing: ronioll, money I7T4'N. T. Central do account M 1-lt Norfolk A W. lM'-l 78'- 94l 44', 7H4 U'4 4U4 Anaronda 6 do DM Ali hleon M Ontario A W. do pfd 104 Baltimore A Ohio . . . ,1"2S Canadian Parlflc 17 I'hea. A Ohio IflVfc rlll.aio Ot. W H ('.. M. A 8t. P 171 DeBecrs lis Denvar A It. 0 do pfd 8ot Krla 4ti ilo 1 at pfd 7I4 An A hM xau Fennatrtranl Rand Mlnaa . Keadlns do lat pfd do - id pfd 44 42 Southern Rallwar .... 814 do pfd sai4 Southern Pa. iflo 67 S fnlon Parlflc 117 '4 do pfd D'Va V. 8. Steel 12' do ' a4 t Wahalb 2tt do pfd 47 fllllnola Central 141 Ixiula. A Naah 14fH M. . H. T 34 S Spanlah 4a 81 SILVER Bar. quiet. 274d Jier oiuice. MONEY IHSri Ber cent. The rate ot discount in-the open market for short bills is 2 13-ltV(r24. per cent; for three months' bills, 2442.4 per cent. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Dec. 7. Today's state ment of the treasury balance. In the general fund, exclusive of the tl50.000.000-gold re serve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, 1142. StUa9; ' gold, t8b',lbl,388. Wool Market. BO8TON, Dec. 7. WOOI Trading in the wool market is quiet, due partly to the fact that the manufacturers have partly sup piled their wants, but practically It la due to the fact that the selections of desirable wools are very much broken. The year will apparently close with a small stock on hand. Territory wools are firm, with small holdings. Pulled woola are steady. The foreign market maintains a firm tone. Quotations: Territory Idaho: Fine, 1Syi19c; heavy tine, ltHSj)17c; fine medium, 18'nl9c: medium. 22Hj23c; low medium, 23ij24c. Wyo ming: f ine, IiWbih'c; neavy nne, nji..o; line medium, 1.4'ftl84c; medium, 23l(2le; low medium, 23C24c. I'tali and Nevada: Fine, 7818c; heavy tine, 15-aioc; tine me dium, 174fg18c; medium, 22C(423c; low me dium, 23i24c. Dakota: fine, 18fil9c; tine medium. 18&lc; medium, 23024c; low me dium, 23&24C. Montana: Fine choice, 21(9 22c; fine average, 18ti.20c; fine medium choice, 21622c; average, uvg'19c.; staple, 22 4523o; medium choice, 23'326i.; average, 21y. 22c. r ST. LOllS, Dec. 7. WOOl. Market strpng, with fair offerings; medium grades combing and clothing, 2(Q29c; light tine, 18 ((l224c; heavy fine, i4M4f; tub Washed, 24f4W. Tnttnn Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 7. COTTON-Spot closed steady; middling uplirds, c; mll dllng gulf, 8.2oc. Haies, 3u bales. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 7.-CO 1'TON-Spol, quiet, prices 5 points hlgner; American middling fair. 4.64.1; good mldilMng. 4.:-21; middling, 4.22d; low middli'ig. 4. 10,1; gi.o 1 ordinary. S.9nd; ordinary. 3 8 d. The ralei of the day were 6.00O bales, or w hi h 1, 00 were for speculation and export and in cluded 6,500 American. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 7. COTTON Steady; sales, 4.050 balet; ordinary. 6 11-lbc; good ordinary. 84c; low mldoling, 74c; middling. 7 9-16c: good middling. 74c ; niid dling fair. 8Vc. Recrlpts, 1S.22I bile.4; s o k. 3b.Kii0 bale. ST. Uil'IS. Dec. 7. COTTON CJulet. in changed: middling 74c Sales, none; re ctlpt, 34s blef; shipments, :6i baits; it ct. 28,olli bales. Kvaporated Apple and Dried f ruits. NEW YORK, Dec. 7.-EV A PORATED AP PLES Market shows llttle change. Com mon are quoted nt 3'4itiic; prime at tWit 44c; choice at 5'8ft4c: fancy at tW4i4 CALIFORNIA DRIED FRCIT8-P1 unes are firm on the larger and smaller demand, which are in moderate aupply. Tho gei eral range for California fruit Is from 21i 4c, with Oregon grade running aa high as bAc for the large sixes. Apricot are reported to be advancing on the coast. Choice here are quoted at 10c; extra choice at 104'911e; fancy at IVfuMr. Peaches also rule firm: choice are quoted at 94i94c; extra choice at 4iiloc; fancy at loknllc, Sugar and Molaaaes, NEW. YORK. Dec. 7 -SL'OAR-Raw was firm; fair refining. 44c; centrlf iiga1. 96 test. 4c: molaaaes sugar. 4c. Refined, firm: No. . 6.06c; No. 7. to; No. 8. 4 9k; No. 9. 4.5e; No. 10, 4.80c; No. 11. 4.70c; Nn. 12. 4.600; No. 14. 4.50c; confectioner. A. 6.3oc: tut loaf, fi 15c: crushed, o lio; powdeit-4, t.&Oi-; granu lated. 6.46c; cube. 5.70c. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 7. SI'QAR Eay; open kettle. 344c; open kettle, cen trlfusHl. 4V,t(44e; centrifugal whites, 4 13-We; yellows, 44ru44c; seconds, 34 44c. MOLASSES Steady; open kettle, 18r.3Ac; centrifugal. 7t)aOo; syrup, steady, .3'(;Cc. Ulta and Rosin. OIL CITY. Dec. 7. OILS Credit l,a urcea ! tl an; certificates, no bid. 04 - 2 jo libis , avcivgw su it tuiio.j rurs. 7). 1 74 liblr., avtrage 02.978 bbls. Shipments Lima, 63.4:-9 bbl., average 00 "47 bids.; run L rna, ti5 635 Mile , average 63.373 blila. HAVANVA'i Dec: 7. til 1-Tunentie. stendy, 484c Receipts, "317 Ith's. ; Fa'ts, KjO bbls. RUHI N Firm. Reluta. 1.4a.'. bbl.: rUv. l'.M bbls. A. H. C. t2.5l4; D. t2.t.u : E. t-.'b.r.1i 2.674; K. S.74.Jtt: il, t2.:44i :.o.i: H. f 24; I. t3.: K W.s: M. M 30. N I4 f0, W. !.. t4.75; W; W , V lU. 4 otto Msrkei. NEW YORK, Dec 7-rlYIKFEE-Tlie fu tore niarkil opened iiea4y at unchanged price. The close wa aleatly at a nt int'n of tsglu polnta Sti'e wtre rep-rted vl 41. 06i laigi. Including March at 71ofi7 2i-. Ma at 7.i7.4ic. July at 7 46r7 &; Auace ut 7 65c, St pr ere bear - at T.i.d7.'.6e, gt. H10 wa steady; k'o. T. S1'- OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Quality of Cattla Vtrj Cara a. on, bat f ricet Showed Littlt Change. HOG MARKET VERY" SLOW AND LOWER Light Ran of Skern And l.ambs anil with ttrlsk Demand from All Sonrre Trading Rnled Active, erlth Price Knlly Steady. SOL'TH OMAHA. D.c. . 19o4. Receipt were- Cattle. Hog, rheep. ifrlcl Monuay ,i ti.,..l I.ti4l Krh.ial Tuesday ll.. Offlcliil Wcdnesilay r.r 9 09 o.,A Three days this week.. 11. .77 27.014 Same days last week It. 7.9 2s.i:t9 17,Wrt Name week before i".(9 ;'. Mi -9.7t Pame three weeks ago. ..".09 .9 24 476 Same four weeks ag 7,'. 11 o-i; li.ito Kitme days last year 14.1"3 27 3-'t : 4Hlt RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR Mo DATE. The following table fhows the rece pts o. csltle, hogs and she.-p at Hnnh Cmahi lor the ye;ir to uatc. with compail o. s wltn last yexir; 1J04. 1903. Inc. ! '. tattle is9,78: l.oltil:5 I...l53 I'"!" M.13,;.7 2,of3.a9 80,-85 8,'eep l.w.47 1.73-.042 '6'a The following table sin ,vs the average rptce of hogs at South Omaha for the last sexeral duys. with comparison: Data. Nov. 14. Nov. i;,, Nov. jt. Nov. 17. Nov. is. Nov. 19 Nov. Si Nov. :'l Nov. 22 Nov. Nov. ;4, Nov. 2! Nov. 2H Nov. ;7 Nov 2. No-. :9 Nov. tl Dec. i 1804. U'sjn. !'1900. lf4.lae1 I 1 S'lU 4 171 28' t 31 s at t 571 t4l 4 471 t t2l 4 t 3 H 4 8i t 841 4 -; i ". I t 861 I 41 t 9 I $5 .1 si. 3 Uo 4 US r 4 56! I 6 4I at: 1 2! 6 V t "I' t 2! 15 n 99 4 VI , 4 4I 4 W4, 4 PTTi R14I 4 4-' I 4 4;.'.. 4 4ti! 4 381 4 46 I 4bi 4 44: 1 4 3l' 4 :oi 4 is - 4 201 4 24' 4 34 1 4 5: 4 3:'j 4 41. 4 43i 4 37 4 37' 6 f.3. t 3! .. '.I r. m: i 75j .1 te; 4 78 4 . 4- ' 1 1 W 3 8 :; sii 3 S : s;: i ;: 4 7, 37 3 44 t 4 a - 3 21 4 '. t $' 1 4 s?4: fi 791 6 731 I S 8T ( 0(' 5 W, 11 5 921 0 tKv 19 06. 4 87-. 4 7 t 761 4 711 3 73i .1-1 :; pi 4 61 3 711 4 o3l 1 74 I 1 7: 'ut 1 4 tW 3 81 j 4 77 1 3 80 4 84' S 8' 4 81 1 3 Sll 1 4 4'n, 1 4 mu,i 4 4214 4 4 ". 4 4S-y 1 8 O .'i 6 19 I 0 119 t ov I. 1 j. 0 2':' R 24' 17 3 20 rt is 1 21 3 25 3 2i ; Iec --I Dec ! Dec. j I )ec. I Dec. ! Dec. .1 4 41-, .1 4 3114I 3 r7 3 80 3 28 Indicate Rund-.y. in-llcatea. holld.iy The official number o. cars 01 stock brought 111 by each road wa; t-aine.tto. Biieep.ii rs ; c. .M. Bt. r . Wabash . 6 17 2 .3 4 4 .4 2 . 2.1 19 It 1 .6 8 . 1 2n . II 11 . :9 2.7 2 . 14 15 . 1 .4,9 1 . 1 7 . t 6 .118 19 22 i C. A N. W K., E. A M. V C, St. P., M. A O... H. A M Ry B. A U K. C. A St. J C. R. I. A P. van. C. R I. A P., west. Illinois Central Total receipts The disposition of the day s receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: rtover l'.,..ln 1J....- en.-... I . .tii,t-. j.ij..-. aiit-rii. t una nil r-acking Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Omaha I'k. Co., Denver. Armour A Co., Soo City Vansant A Co Carey A Benton Lnbman A Co Huston A Co Hamilton A Rothschild.. L. H. Meyers Mike Iliiggerty Bulla A Co Squires 8. A S Harger A Webb Hill A Son J. B. Root Other buyers Totals 343 1.329 5n9 rxu 2.3 5 1.227 :!9 29 fril 394 2 49 547 211 43) 80 64 173 5 1S 14 47 57 .... .... .... 199 184 219 114 44 48 .... 2.H12 280 8.7C4 D.H2S CATTLE There was a verv smull run nt cattle here this morning and the quality of those that did arrive was verv common. As a result there -,vas not ss much activity to the market as Is noticeable sometimes, but still the cattle kept movi..g toward the scale, as packers I. ad to have fres'i supplies and were forced to take com mon stuff In the absence of deairable grades. There were several enra of cornfed steers on sale, but none of them were strictly choice. Packers, though, took hold fairly well and anything at all desirable changed hands without a great deal of trouble at Just about the same prices that were paid yesterday. The comparatively small num ber on sale scon brought the market to a close. The supply of western range beef steers was also small: Receipts Included a good many shipments from the range country, but very few of the cattle were good enough for killers. The demand was in g ind Hhape and anything at all desirable met with ready sale ut f iod. steady pries and something choice would undoubtedly havp sold strong. Cow stuff seemed to make up the bulk of the offerings, but t lie aame as with steers, the quality whs common. As com pared with yesterday's weak clone, there was, perliH ps. a little Improvement, but the market was no better than vesterday morning. Trading wan fairly active, par ticularly on desirable bunches, and the big end of the ottering was disposed of in fairly good season. Bulla, veal calves and steers sold In Just about the same notches they have for some time paat. There were only a few choice stoekers and feeders In the yards and, us the de mand was brisk for desirable grades, the market ruled active and strong. The medium to common kinds sold at Just about steady pries as compared with yesterduy. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. NO. At. Hr. No. Ar. Pr. 1 n 3 10 11..,, Mil 4 u' 2 1120 f.u :n i;nt 4 u 2 4o a a.". 22 1124 4 m 78 i 7S 4 14t, 4 5 7 840 9 US K 10.I6 4 (S 1 l"tl 4 00 14 nn 4 70 2(1 1176 4 26 16 4 bo 12 li)4 4 8i, 4 uoa t IW 1 1071) 4 60 2 12K0 6 26 1 1100 4 60 20 13,5 1 26 2d 104 4 66 IS ,...122t 6 40 It ...111 4 60 COWS. 1 7.".0 1 M 2 . ... 1 1 SO 1 71 2 766 I 00 3 1071 J 75 4 - 7l 2 ;:. 1 940 t 0.) 4 1120 2 75 I 740 2 00 2 101O 1 7f. 1 t!tfl I 00 1 1020 2 7i II W7 " 4 mi 7J 2 1(45 2 11 27 toil 3 7j 2 IHJ4 2 HI 21 22 a 7r, - ni i 10 iiijo t 7r, X 107J t 20 ' 11.64 7., 4 Mo 2 20 in a; j 7., 4 913 2 1... I.Wrt t an t tut 8 : S 942 ! SO J IK 2 2.V 14 746 2 to 1 4.i ::! K(2 !in 1 OHO .10 I III2U 1 Ihl 4 UiSO U 9 ki 2 ,5 1 107.1 t J6 7 45 J I.-, U 105 2 3 4 man 2 ,-, 11 960 2 S-'i 1 IH70 2 ar. 1 16V) t 4ii 14 1.W6 ; 6 1 II") i 40 6 USD 2 Wl (l 926 S 40 7 HSU 9.1 7 1107 I 40 ' I ltao a 1 8M 2- P76 2 9.1 9M 2 Hi 17 11.22 2 a.. 16 SS&. 2 0 i II 4S 2 9 1 1170 2 so 4 1 mi ; a,-, 1 una 2 :o 1.: 1127 I 00 I 8il 2 fl 1 1200 3 on 1 1110 2 to s io7( 3 on J 9'.i 2 0 14 1037 I 06 I 1023 2 46 It nan I 06 1 10)0 2 S& 7 K137 if, 1U40 2 6 1.110 1 15 H 64 2 I I01S 2 16 107 1 2 70 I ma) i jo 12 100 2 70 24 li.fci 1 j 2 1010 2 70 1 1060 1 j;, 28 1007 2 IS 1 1340 I 2:, 1 10O0 2 76 1 1127 3 30 14 ' 10S2 I 75 4 1300 .3 111 . ' 1000 2 15 COVVft AND HEIFERS JO 14 175 JO..... 9 SO t .... 370 1 Ml 7 667 1 7o .... 4.10 2 to It 721 I 7u 461 I 15 3 710 I 9.1 tot 2 15 t 400 2 5 ..,.; 3 46 1 910 I 96 . . . . 20 I 50 1 490 8 Ou .... 432 I 5 7 746 3 ia ... 714 2 60 t 1000 3 . ... l7 2 M 2 660 J 26 .... eia 2 to t. mio 3 so BILLS. . ...14'.'0 1 70 i 134.1 2 15 ....MIS) t ! I I4U 9u IH40 2.0 1 1170 3 10 OALV fcu. 11 l'i. - . ;w 3 ot I 1 mi T 0 3 7J - 4 6 Hi J"-" 1 1 4 00 I Itu t 26 1" 17J 4 to 1 210 0 ., , " ' 15 5 l 1 It'll i 25 1 ' 1 I 1...... Jl 6 '! .... iu 5 no 8TOOKEHS AND FEEDERS. 3 tat 3 70 !t i;A t 34 t3 t 76 It t6T I 4'. 3".... 7:0 2 ' 2 ti; 3 to nut S nn 24 :it 3 tu 3 ., 6M I at 144 3 66 4 itu a t 15 s r. i Ill IX 5 . I Ml t 7IH) . f. 1.1 in I ti. NEBRASKA. "3 row 1'U7 . t I feeder.. Sill J 65 t row a dO it 1 leedt-ra. . kM I 10 . t 70 2 . 1 bull 1040 J bulls li 3 feeders. . R.3 11 leeters.. 9K1 It feeders. 1 ts 2 24 9 -o a A) 1 1 60 I 75 t 0 3 a sa 1 bull !.. i X 1 bull c. T. Johnson, yo. t feeders. . 1 cow I"." 1 heiier... 6su 1 bull 1.14.1 3 feeders.. j .4 h feeders. . 701 .llMBI . 9.0 .lnjn . 9; . "io . M0 3 ta I -t 6 I '. t 75 1 .6 t '.a t '. 1 co Sre. . . . 2 eows. . . . 1 bull 24 feeders.. 1 teener... 1 fecuer . 11 feeders.. 3 feeders. . t feeders. t leener. 4 feedeis. 1 feeier.. i fceuers. Mi 1 w V7 74" 1 ii 1 teeaer 4i C II Ha seel I I.UhO. 21 feeder.. 00 two 1 con 1180 4 steers. ...lit t 15 2 bun 13.4 t 00 1 lo 4 15 3 7 t W a 10 a 10 2 25 2 25 3 So X 36 2 00 ! li I bo I 0" 1 7o 5 0i 3 35 2 80 w. if. l.arkin. joano. 30 steers. ...1244 1 feeders. .11.11 4 IS 5 ,teers....Kls t ;S i feeders.. but t lo 8 cows 870 1 10 7 cows lo . 6 17 cows 897 3 10 1 bull 160 2 AO 1 bull ln-o 3 1 21 feeders.. 91" 8 4i IS feeders.. 89 8 n 1 steer . t cows 1190 11 cows. 1 cow.. 4 cows. 1 stsg. . SM 9sA 3 steers. .ll3 2 steers. ...11H. 1 steer. 9i"0 Peterson 7Sn 1 8 K t 40 916 3 4'i A I.. Colo. 1 bull U80 Si feeders.. 1 feeder... tlo Bro Ida. 1 steer.. .l.TWi 1 steer asji 2 feeder.! 8.;. 1 cow I feeder. 14 feeders 1 cow 17 con s. . , 3 bulls... Adams .. 940 3 irt l"t2 2 9" ..i:ut E ! Kllnch Neb. 17 cows.. . 840 2 2ft Mercer A 3 cow sra Nelson Idaho. 1 feeder... 820 6 feeders., 8f8 1 steer.. 3 st. era. 1 steer.. 1 steer.. 1 steer.. 1 steer.. 1 feeder ..1170 3 4ft t 35 ..1IS3 ..IISO ..111 ..LWi ..lH'l .1040 3 46 6 feeders.. 968 i 3.1 3 4o 1 feeder.. 920 3 36 1 feeder., f-n 1.11 " 3 45 4 feeders.. 101 7 3 35 3 4n 7 feeders.. 846 3 36 3 36 1 feeder... 890 1 36 1 86 was another fairly liberal sight' this morning, so there ot stopping the downward market. Packers stalled in IIOII8- There run of hogs in was no WHV course or 1 lie here i.ldillnar a bia nickel lower and In many taxes 5 4c lower. Salesmen were not willing to take off that much, and 11 was well along toward noon before buyers and sellers got together on terms. Tue hogs .1.,,, m..iH a fiwuI ni. 'Mel lower, the buik ot them going at M.324'84. 35. The choicer I. oH- -nlH lur-plv from 84 "iVi to 4 to When salesmen Itegan to cut loose trading was ..nlie active and the bulk wa soon ;diiosed of. The close, though, was ami. ana at niton part 01 me noun ir ph.- ...... not yet arrived so that It was late before a clearance was made. Representative wnles: 31.. ;'. . 34 . 38 . 64 . SS.. 66. . 63. . 4K.. 1 . fl.. 67.. !.. a. . AV. ...94 ..267 . ..7t ...Son ...114 ...730 . . .337 . ..S.l .. .116 . . ..1.13 ...297 ...i?97 . . . :M ...277 .. .104 ...361 ...2 . . S.1.1 ...107 ..26 . ..t.14 ...294 ...642 ...327 ..247 . . 2tt ...6.1.1 . . .30.1 ...2KI ...22.'. ...391 ...2'.4 . . . 209 ...212 ...24 ...365 ..."96 .. .304 ...917 ...311 ...294 ..260 ...207 . . . 261 ...271 ...262 ...290 ...217 ...271 ...266 ...369 .. .291 ...347 ...244 ...244 fr 4 06 4 26 4 30 4 ) 4 82i4j 9t, I 32' I :s 4 12 ' 4 .12 4 4 32 ' 4 i2 4 2 't 4 32 '4 4 ,13 4 2IV, 4 a:" 4 32t 4 3219 4 32 14 4 :4i 4 2Va 4 32', 4 32', 4 24, 4 82V, 4 3214j 4 32 4 35 '4, 4 22', 4 36 4 36 4 16 4 36 4 36 4 36 4 35 4 35 4 35 4 36 4 36 4 36 4 Si 4 36 4 35 4 36 4 36 4 35 4 36 4 36 4 15 4 35 4 36 4 35 So 49. . ... to... I! . 46 . 60.. 17... 60. V 10.., 4t. ., 71.. 29.. 12.. 14.. 14.. ct.. al . . ! . 70. . 69.. 44.. 62.. 65.. 66.. 63.. 16... 87.. 2 . 72.. 49.. tl.. 70.. tl.. 46.. 75.. 46.. r... 63.. 67.. 60. . 60.. 70.. 47.. t9.. 61.. 64.. A. .. .223 .. 27 ...tlo ,..!!.2 .. tti .. 291 ...II" ...l'-t ...274 ...12 ...192 ..239 . ..291 ..241 ...SOt ..321 ...214 ...2t ...21t .. Ji'4 ...271 ...4 ...310 ,..23 ...291 .. .273 ...244 ...14 ...279 ...271 ...24 ...279 . . 250 ...244 .. .20 . .29:1 ...29.1 .. .244 ...241 ...2t ...267 ...Mil . . .210 Sh. 40 200 120 12 14 121 '40 ' Pr. 4 it 4 36 4 !6 4 15 4 36 4 34 4 .16 . 4 16 4 36 4 36 4 36 4 M 4 81 4 36 4 36 4 96 4 36 4 36 4 36 4 36 4 36 4 96 4 36 4 85 4 35 4 34 4 86 4 874j 4 37', 4 J7V, 4 40 4 95 4 36 4 36 , 4 36 4 86 4 36 4 36 4 86 4 87', 4 37', 4 87 , 4 374 4 874 4 374 4 874 4 874 4 874 4 374 4 874 4 874 4 .174 4 874 4 974 4 40 4 46 ( to 2S0 ' 4. I .19. . j 66.. 6.. 63.. 62.. 42. . 46.. to.. 6t.. 13.. 49.. 6t. . 49.. .17.. 64.. 7t . . 70.. 76.. 7J.. 62.. til . . .!.. 64.. tl.. 70.. 70.. II.. 6.. 47.. 32.. t7.. 70.. 6.1. . I').. fit.. 12.. SO.. 37.. 2tt 192 219 to itn no 4.1 40 so to 40 120 4 36 U 337 3.1. . fi.. S3. . nil " II.. 71.. 40 4 36 S. 172 .217 .22t .207 .270 .266 4 85 25 821 7 MS ... 4 6. 23 44 SHEEP There was not much change In the sheep situation today. Receipi were again light and the demand from pukert In axce of the supply. g that would do to kill changed hands aa last as offered at prices that looked s e.dy to strong. Fed western ews sold up to 14.3.1 and ted western lamba a5.85. There were no choice wethers or yearlings offe ed. Owing to the small number of k liars on sale, the market foon came to a close. There was also a good demand for feed ers, and with more buyers than sellers, ihe msrket ruled active and firm at yesterday's prices. Quotations: Good to choice yearllnaa, t4.Kih5.tO: fair to good yearllrgt. $l.4o4.6&; good, to choice wethers, I4.40ti4.76; fair to grod wether. 1.26i4.40; gicd to choice ewes, $4.26(64.50; fair lo good ewes, II. OO 4.25; good to choice lambs. Ii.7f4i6t0; fair to good lambs, I5.604f5.7o; feeder yearlings, $4.0iCg4.5; feeder wethers, 4.0fQ4.-5; teeder ewes, $3.ooi3.&0; feeder Irnnti.', J4.50&6.1S. Representative sales: No. av. Pr. 5 native cull ewes "J n 01 18 fed western ewes 91 3 61 I fed western ewe 90 4 25 5L' fed western ewe 1 4 35 557 fed wrsteim lambs 75 5 H 75 10 113 loo 57 ho 04 t:fi 6- I'M) Nehrai-k l breeoing ewes I'll .1 u Si Nebraska breeding ewes. Hi Nebraska breeding ewes. 4 (rl 5 '.Il 5 60 5 50 5 50 5' 50 nf); Nebraska reeiier lamns. 250 Nebraska L'5 Nebraska 1114 Nebraska 73 Nebraska lambs, lambs lumhs lambs t'lllt'AUtl LIVE STOCK M AH KET Cattle Steady In Lower, lloga Active and l.uwer. CHICAOO. ' l)tc. 7 CATTLE Heceliits, lli.lKiO head, including 1.(410 western. Mar ket steady to 10e. lower; good to pi Ime slerrs, $fi.ootfi".25; poop to meoium, $3.60(5.70: ( Ptockers 11 ml reetlers. J.aJl4.1i); cows. $1,411 ( ,4.i0; heifers. $'.0i"t5.00; canners. $l.f5ti.40; bulls, j;.iKKa4.10; calves. $;i.Mt? i.uu; weeiern steers, $3.4tlf(i4.9t). HUGS-Receipts, 48,000 head; ei-llmated to morrow, 40.0H0 head. Market 5f10c lower, mixed and butchers'. $4.3tfi4.5o; good to choice heavy. $4.4.Vu 4.57'4; lough haavy, $4.30 i4 K7; light. 4.4j4.6o, bulk of sales. $4.40 SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipt, 5 WO head. Sherp steady lambs 10c higher; good to choice wethers, $4.40fti5.25.: fair to cnolte mixed, $3.5iru4.35; western sheep. 13.5ib.1'i; native lambs, $4.tioti.35; western lambs. 4.756.i6. i ev turk Live Slock Market. j NEW YORK. Dec. 7. BEEVES Re- 1 eel pis. 07 head: market for steers, slow and 10fal5c lower on all grades except 1 choice: bulls, steady to strong; cows. U"u 15c lower; ordinary to choice steers s ild nt $4.1rit.:i; oxen and stags, $J.itS4.a5; bulls, $J.6'(i4'23: cows, $l.'.6ii4.15: dressed beef, steady; 794c per lb.: cables quoted live cattle selling at M4j(12c; exports to dav. B.4IH' quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 1.SS5 head: market, steadv; veals sold at $4.5oa.75: few top at ! Ui; grassei s. $.'.5l"'a:'.75; lew t $3; one car westerns at $4.;'5; dt eased veals, 11f13c per 'ilOtJS Receipts. .fi55 head: only W nad for the market; feeling weak to 10c lower. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. O.IM head: market for sheep, steady; for lamb. J60 higher: common to choice sheep sold at $3(i'a4.S5; lambs. $H.uo7.K'; culls. $5.ui 5 60; dressed mutton selling at 7Vv'(ln4c per lit ; dressed Itmbs. llYii;!..; caliles quoted ! live sheep selling at lO-fjle; lambs at 111 l:ie. ' Kansas t'lty l ive altvi-k Market. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 7. CATTLE Re- 1 crlpts, 7.!i0 head; beef steers steady, otn- -..r. strong and active; choice export und , drcsed beef teer, $6.o:i.0; fair to grol. $'. 5041O.CO; western fed steer. $3.50ti J. . ; stoekers and feeders, $2.5tij 1.15; southern steers, $2.501-60: amthern cjv., J1.7J.J.; native eow. $1.7.tJI.7i; native he fer, $.'. 0 si.i.orfr-bull. izww w; civ. livm- HOOE Receipt. 13.0X) liead; lia 1 tjl c :h. higher; other ateady to 5c 14 60: bulk of sal-, $4.M5.66: low er; lieavy. and II ru4 60; packers, M-MH-tO; P'B $3.mfi4.4o. HHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipt. 1.(0) head; neep wiak; limb aieidv; nn'lce lamba, $4.6oC.fO- nat've witiera. f4!sf6 $.',.iio: native ewti, M Utj l .); wen n lambs, $4.froii.0i: western etillrg4, !4ix 4j.o.i; western sheep. U.7t'o4.5o; atockers and fteder. llMtH.. t. Louis Live Slock Market. ST. LOl'IS. Dec. 7. -CATTLE-Ret ep:. 5,iaj head. Including Low Ttxina: market stetdy, but 9 1 w ami uncvci. wi(h offer ings mosilv common snd in.iil im giud-s. Nalfve shipping and expjrt ieer, t4.-j)'a .5o. the top for fancy grin; drei-sed beef and butcher st'ers. $1 4'(j5.'4l; s eeri under l.oM lbs.. IS . i.(w; stocker and feed.r. $2,2543 75; ciw gr.d I filers IS.rti 4 a"; tanner. $l.f"ti2.2.'i, I u'l. $2 35114.'): calves, a4.4axer6.75, Texas and li'dli-i 'iter. $2 .ViS" 26: cow and heifers. I2ni:ti. HOtlJ-Reeclpt. ll.'"-' 'ia. in'ikr' lower on heavy supp.y: i,:i. ilihis. $ 6 i4i4 2a; pa.-ker. f4 3o)4 . I up her all I bet heavy, $4 4t4u4 60. HHEEP AND LAMBS-Rev Ipl. OKI head; market ateady, native motion. $V10 1 Cow 1020 ti tenders. . 18t V COWS 84s 1 loars Kt b co ! P4.7.V lamls. 34 2Ja o: cull and bucks, t.' n-iSS"; stockcrs, I2.3.'. Teaans. tMi i oi. - j : ( Pt. Jnsesih l.lia Sleek Market. POl'TH ST. JOSEPH. Per. 7.-CATTI.B-Reoelpts. 3.1 head- market ae.lve: rm tlves. m 7Mt.'; cows and heifers. 1.98i st.-kers and ft.lers, r;7lJt.. HOtJS Hecelpts. 10.S4I Head; msrket 5o lower; light. t4.2i I .in; medium Slid heivy, t4;"4IA SHEEP AND l.AMRS-Reoelnt. t.Wa hesd; market steady; lambs, to.''; e, t4.7S. ftlcaa I Ity l ive "Jtnek Market. SIOI'X CITY. IVc. 7. tSpeclsl Telegrsm.) CATTIE-Recelpts, 2.0t head; niarket stesdy; stoekers, weak: lieeves. t3.au4lrt.iai; cows, bulls snd mixed, t2.5nti3.60; stm-keta snd feeders, t2 6u3.&ti. calves and yearling.. ttfS.26. Ht MiS Receipts. 9.6." head: market to lower; selling. t4.f4 40; bulk. t.1tt4 35. Stork In 9lghl. Hecelpts of live s4ock st the six prln. ipat western clttea yesternay were s louowa Cattle. nor. 9 "! 9 Call I3.MKI II tMl 10.841 48t4l Sheep 5.-8'o intVi :.' it 2&.tt South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas City . St. Ixtuls St. Joseph Chicago Totals 1.77" ..CHI . 7.9v . ttaa . t i .2.oo" .4S.79H 101.637 40.574 OM AHA WHOLES 41, K MARKET, Condition ot Trade anal 4)ntatlnns on tnple and Fnney Prodaee. EGOS Candled stock. 24c. 1.1 VK POll-TRY Hens, 74c; rooster-, oc; turkev. 12414c; tlncks, j8c; ge. 8.9c; sit ng rhlckens, 84c- 1(1 r.Tr.U l' siotk. 15c: choice ti fant y dairy, 1719c; it ame.-y, 3SJ2f ; istlcy ' EREBh' FPOZEN KISH-Trut. 10") plrk etel. tc;, Pv: perc:i. 7c; bluefl'h. 12c; whlteliah, l's-j ssimr.n, 71c; rtdsnpper, lie; lobster tgreen), 20c; lobster tboi ed. tot'; bullheads, lie; catfish. 14c; b'ack rss ; halibut. l"c: crapples. Ut ; it s nad. tl ; buffalo. 7c; white bat. 11c; frog lrg, pr do)! 2n( UMAX-Per ton. 415.00. HA Y ft ices quoted bv Omaha Vhnl-la Deal r ." aso. latlon: Cholc No. 1 'ipl-nd, J43jO; No. 2. $ti.'; medium. $5 X1; core, $" t 1, ye straw, luio. The e pric-s are for hay ot good color and quality. OYSTERS New Vora cniinls. per ran, 45c; extra seletts. per ran. 7c; a'andarda, Jier can. ..'(: bulk (standards), rer gal., 1.115; hulk lextra select), per gal. $l.7; bulk (New York count), per gai., ti UO TRDPICAL FRVIT9. OR A NOES Florida. lse lvb. l?fl 17$ 500. 21t and 'SrO. $2.76tt4.ii; California navel, all sites, :'.75'f Wi. LEMON "I California fancy, $2.75; Jo and $t). $4 27,; choict , $3 50. IiATES-Per box of 30-lh. i,kg.. $i00; Hallowl. In 70-lb. box. per lb.. ofUc. l-'lGH Calif ornln. per 10-lb carton. Tift $5c; imported Smyrna. 4-crown. i2sc; fr crown. 14c: 7-crown. 16c: fHhcy Importsd (wathed). In 1-lb. pkgs.. letjlSc; Callioi nla,. per case of tf pkg.. $2.26. KANAKAS Pi medliim-slaed bunch. $2.nKi2.S4i: Jnmito. $:.75.r5H. GRAPE FRUIT-P.r box of U ta 4. J5.O'",'u.50. . FRUlTa. APPLES llomt-grown Jonathans, per bbl.. $4.00; Ben Davis, $2 25; New York Tsl msn and Pound Sweets, $1.00; New York Kings, $3.00; New Yoik Pippins, $2.75; New York Greenings. TI.Sj; "v-ew ork .Bald wins, $2.75; Colorado J.-.naih" i.0; Wlna Sap, per bu. box, $1.40, PEARS- Ktah. Colorado snd California, fall varieties, per b ig. $1.7RVJ2.2S. CRAPES Imported Malaga, per keg, tG.OO(64!.lil). CRANHERRIES Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, per bbl., M.&OfcS.UO; Wisconsin Bell and Cherry and Jerseys, per bbl.. $7.7; per box. $?75. TANGERINES Per. H box. $2 W. VEGETAHl.tlt . v POTATOES New home Blown. In sacks, per bu.. 40c; Colorado, per bu.. Wk;, 1 LkNIPd fer bu.. joei Canada ruta bagas, per lb., lc. CARROTS Per bu., 40c. PARSNIPS Per bu.. 4c. BEETS Per bd., 40e. NAVY BEANS Per bu $1.Sir?.0O. ONIONS Home grown. In sacks, per btl 85ocrai.(Ht: Spanish, per crate, $2.10. Ci't'CMBi'ttb Pel- rase ot 2 dog., $5.S0. TOMATOES California, pr . 4-baaket crste. jj.60. CABBAGE Home-gl own, per 100 lit., ioc; Holland seed, per lb.. 1VC. SvvlOET POi AToi-.b rtom grown, per bu. basket, 60c; Kansas kiln-dried, per bbl., $2.25. SaCASH Home grown, per doa., BOe. CELERY Per doa., -tfc&oo; California, 45c. ...... 1 .;. RAD1BHEB-Pr do., SOc . -.- , LETT I'CE Hot house, ner doa., 4OQi0o head lettuce, per doa., $1.00. 8H ALLOTS Per doa.. 6t)c. CAULIFLOWKR Southern, . per bbl., MlSCELLANEOv'8. SAVER KRACT-Wlsconsln. per keg, $2.50. CIDER New York, per bbl., $5.20; per 'i bbl., $3.25. . . CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12nic; Wisconsin Young America, ISc; block Swiss, new, 15c; old, lS17c; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmburger, l$c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1. soft shell, new crop, per lb., 14c; hard shell, per lb., 13ci No. 2, soft shell, per lb.. 12c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb.. 12c; pcana. large, per lb, 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., $c; Chill walnuts. I per lb., l-y'l.te: almond. Soft shell, per in., lie; naru eneu, per 10., 10c: cneeinuf. per lb., 12'i'fHfc': new black walnuts, per cu.. 75ft90e; shellbark hickory nuts, ner bu., $1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu.. 11 60. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. CHRISTMAS TREES 3 to 6 feet, par doa., $1.76; 5 to 7 feet, per do., $2 50; 7 to 9 feet, per doxf $.1.50; ft to 11 feet, per doa., $4.6u. I.urge school and church purp., eacli $1 to $1.50; extra large, la to 20 feat, each $2 to $5. EVERGREEN WREATHING In coll of 20 yards, per coll, R5c to $1. WREATHS Magnolia and galtx wrea h. per do.. $1.2nhl.50; evergreen wrettla. per dor.. $l.2o'ul.50; holly wreaths, per doz., $1.2591.50. HOLLY BRANCHES Per case of 24x2x4 feet, about 50 lbs.. $ per bbl.. $1.50. I LONG NEEDLE PINES-Per dn $oiv 2.50. MISTLETOE Mlnletoe branches.i per -I lb. box. $1.26; per lb., 30o. I Whisky Market. CINCINNATI. Dec. 7. WHISK Y Distil lei'f finished goods, steady on basis of $1 .'I. ST. LOCIS. Dec. 7.-WHI8K Y-Hlglt wines on battsp of $1.27. REAL ESTATE TRAKIFER. Deeds filed for record December 7, a fur nished by the Midland Guarantee- and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Karnam street, for The Bee; Charlotte A. Cochran and husband to K. S. Illiiyney, part of sw'4 29-16-11..$ Mary L. YolKel and husband to J, R. Graves. v lot 0, block 2, Ho I by ! addition j J. Vlckey and wife to A. Heck, lot 17, I block 2. Cottage Home addition H. Kountse 11 nil wife to l ulled Real Estate and Trust company, lot I aud . part of lot 2, block A. Forest Hill.... H. Koiintxe et al. to I'nltert Real E- ! tale and Trust company, same E. M. Martlndale and wife to A. Ci ulekshand. lot , block 3, Fred De tune' atldition C. F. C. Piatt to F. Nelson. wiO elOO 1 lot 6, block 2. Orchard Hill.. 2,on0 I J. P. O Krleu to Marie A. O Hi ten. lot 4. I'Tuck's aub ! Rhnda E. Lear to O. C. McKenxle, I unillvlded lot K. block 350. Omaha. . I G. C. McKenxle to W. F. McKenxle, part of lot IS, in w ue4 4-15-1:1. ... ; W. F. McKenxle und wife to Rhotlii , E. Lear, same I Bridget 0. J King nnd husband lots 36, tu E. L. Krl-el and wife, 37 and 38. nrllalr 86, 2.N 2. Inn II. A. Tukey to L. F. Crnfoot. lots 2, 7, 10 and id. Aiavne:a auuitioit. J. A. Doyle lo F. D. Wead, lot 13, block 2. Hopper's Bonanza T. Hot-tor and wife to J. M. Fixa, lot 5, block 1. Corrlgan Place. . 1 ...... J. D. Crelghton to C. H. Crelghton, lot 3. botK 14. city... a.&to Tukey Land company to Jesse Polley, ot a. b ock 2. t niton lint l.ttsi Benann lind syndicate to H. J. Grove, lot 2 to li, block 8, Henson Msry E. Lane and husband Grove, lot 8. black 4, 1,000 lo 11. J. Halcyon j drove! Heights J. A. Howard snd wife to H. lota 1, 3 and i. block 2. Highland Place 2tJ Edwards -Wood Co- 4 Incorporated ) Hajn Oi flee: Fifth and Roberta Stracta, ST. PALL, fllNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us i.i 11 '1 . : t Itraaeh Ota-e. till-Ill Boaral af Trade llldg.. Ornak. Tilaiif 111114. 212-214 Exchange Hldg , South Omaha. ' Bell 'Phone -11 lntcpnden$ 'l-tw-ae 1 70 7 nu 1 i 300 10 loo d5)