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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1904)
1 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TnUKSPAY. DECEMBER S. 190 i : i if i ; ; I- SPECIAL NOTICES ft 1 11 be taken axil 12 a. for the evealaa edition mm aatll m. as. for 'the morulas aad Maanar UI. Rates 1 l.ite a word Brat laeertloni Je a word tkrrMfter. Kothtns; take far lra Ikaa XO for tke Bret laser, ilo-. Tknc adtrrlUraMti ssaet be raa roairrallrrtr. A4rrnlirri, hy rriitlif a tiered rkrrk, raa lit swers ad rfresaed lo a aambered letter la rare of Tha Dr. Answers aa addressed mill kc delivered aa oreeeatstlosj of rkrrk, . MISCELLAINEOUS Boyles College Iluslness. Shorthand and Typewriting; Normal, English, Civil Service nnd raphy Courses; Mail, Day and Night, Courses; Catalogue Free. State when writing- whether Interested In residence work or correspotidenco couraea. Address; H. H. Boyles, Pres. . 11376 CC lU Brings an Edison Phonograph Into P).AJ yur hotne. See L. Fiescher. I112J apltol Ave. R-M144D10 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY Tel. 8S30. R 37s CMOIi'P PRIDK OP HASTINGS. Best OiViVJrC 6-cent cigar on earth. R 877 C'ITT SAVINGS BANK pay a 4 per eent R 371 J. E. WALLACE, taxldsrmlst. ft BpMth. IF YOU want to bur, aell or rent property, borrow money, aefl note or account, rail at R. 3, N. Y. Life. Tel. 133. Glover Son. H a ADV. CUTS-WHEATON, In Bee Bid R 3t OMAHA School Supply Co., 1621 Howard st. R M560 D12 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 SOUTH 11TH. "PHONE 251. We trust everybody. Have our wagons call. Expreaa work solicited. R-M9C3 D17 Pianos for Rent. y 3.M.I. New Plnnoa. High gnid. Rent allowed If Jou p allowed If ou purchase. Pcrllcld Pinno Company. 1611 Farna Open evenings. Telepnona i'n. R-383 EAGLE Ixmn Office; reliable. . lug; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R-384 A NT1-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. R 385 WANTED, horses to winter. 12 60 per month; good feed, plenty of water. A. H. Read, 610 Ware block. R M347 SIGN PAINTING-S. H. Cole. 1802 Douglas. R-3S6 STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS Tel. 960. 1207 Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. Wk's. R 387 P. MELCHOIR, machine works, 13th and Howard. R 388 Electro plating. Om. Plat'g Co.. 1508 Harney. R-365 D27 EI.SAB6ER A BRICE. machine and gen eral repajr works, 817 8. 12th at. Tel. 1477. R-M556 Jl OMAHA PLUMBING CO., Tel. 3846. John Morrlasey, Mgr. Re. Tel: 3914. R 381 D. W. DUDGEON, tha expert; two "phones. R M9n3 M7 SPECIAL attention given architects' plans nnd specifications; contractors should In vestigate. Lew Wentworth, 618 Paxton hlk. R-M996 J7 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS l''OR SALE, new and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunswlck-Balko-Collender, 407 8. 10th at., Omaha. Q M420 CORN cribbing; tel. poles, long; flr timbers, rypresa fence lath. J-ply whltebasawood. 901 Douglas. Q 391 l'OR SALE, several scholarships In a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inauire at Bee office. Q 853 COMPLETE line Jiew and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 20. Q-392 LND-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Far nani. Q 393 Electrical Supplies at a Bargain We have about 200 feat 00 stranded electric light cable and one 800 ampere knit switch. Address Bee Building Co., or s-'t W. H. Bridges, engineer, Bea building, Omaha. Q 533 TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been used but six years, trade of firebox steel, triple riveted but and strap Joints, Insurauce company permits of preseure of 125- pounds. They are now in use and ran be seen at boiler house, rear of Be building"- Can be delivered at once. Call or address W. H. Bridges, engi neer, Bea building,: Omaha. . Q M9U2 ' SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FO R SALE 11 you want a bat gain hi steam fittings call and look over tha following supplies: . 2.6-tnch Jenkln's Globe valves. 1.6-lneh Gate valvei ' l.fl-inch Austlu horlsonsl separator. 1 4-lnch Austin vertioal separator. 1.6 II. P. horizontal engine, t;-inrh pipe and fittings. These nave been taken out on account of changes In our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bea Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee build ing, Omaha. Q 632 , t , . 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McDonnell Drug; Co., Omaha. Q 394 H. P. ENGINE. We have ons six-horse power horlxonta! engine. The engine ha a never been used. Will sell It for about one-half price. W. H. : Bridges, Engineer. Bee building. Q 113 WE RENT sewing machines 75o week. We repair all makes of machines. Sec ond hand machines $6 to 110. Neb. Cyol Co., Tel. 1603. Corner 15th and Harney. Q 396 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. So Pulleys, from In. to 48 In. In diameter, 3 Countershafts complete. 80 Feet 1 7-lS-ln. shafting, with couplings and hangers. 40 Fee 1 1-16-ln. shafting, with coupling and hangers, together with about 300 feet of belting from I to 6 In. These are all In first-class condition. W, ll. Bridges, engineer. Bee building lit - ENGINE BARGAINS. Two 4V h. p. Olds gasoline engines, one I h. p. Olds gasoline engine, two 26 h. p. olds gasoline engines; several of other makes, cheap. OLDS GAS ENGINE WORK8. Ill Farnam st. Q ' CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. U, Philbin, 1506 Farnam, 'phone 74. ... ' Q-M962 SHOWCASE, new design. 618 Paxton hlk. . ' Q M'i98 J7 FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS KINK $375 pneumatic Stanhope, nearly new, $125: open pneumatic, runabout, $60. Drum niond. 18th and Harney. P 4og GOOD station wagon, cheap; also second hand carriage, at a bargain. Johnson at Dauforth. 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones sta P Mau6 D2 liOOD horse, runabout and harness, suit able for grocery business or any light t business, inquire Mr. J. Williams, store, Th(fieuth and Howurd. P MM6kx PRINTING LYNGSTAD RUKFNKR. DDINTPPQ C'rounae Block, Corner of I PUll I CIW JSI Bl aud. Capitol Ave. -467 k itAMFR & CHANDI-ER. QUICK I'UINTKRS. 1106-os Douglaa St. To de. uvw work when promised is our hobby. 46I J il. FIRPI-EBS, reliable printer: esiab- WANTED WALE HELP Mosher Shorthand Modern, simple, legible and rapid. Best system now in use. Send for particulars. Address: Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas Sts. B 396 TELEGRAPH department open In Decem ber. Boylca College. B M8ul HOLER'S barber college. Denver, Colo, teaches the bsrber trade In 8 weeks and guarantees positions. Special terms. Write. B 759 Dec. 13 IF YOU sre In need of a position, call or write and Investigate our plan for secur ing employment for the unemployed. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N, 840 N. Y. Life. WANTED FOR U. S. A RMY Able-todfed unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 16, cltlsens of United States, of good charac- ' ter and temperate habits, who apeak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. 13th and Douglas s4s Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City. la. B M2OT EXPERIPJNCED grocery clerks, and no others, can get work. Mains-Case Co., 634-36 Paxton Blk. B 37 WANTED-Five good boys with wheels. 212 S. 13th St. B-123 D MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fare upon one failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only re liable. nnst practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalogue todav. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. Neb. B 39 DRUG CLERKS. Knlest, R. P., N. Y. At Bldg. B 400 PORTRAIT men. why work for someone else at fifty to seventy-five cents an order when you can btiv guaranteed work of us at wholesale? Investigate our credit plan. Hipley Art Co.. lock box 679, Omaha, Neb. B-6T4 D31 MEN. we teach the barber trade In few weeks by our method of constant prac tice and expert Instructions. Tools do nated, diplomas given. Can nearly earn expenses before finishing. Call or write, Jloler Barber college, 1302 Douglas st. B-M569 8x PERSON to call on retail trade. Estab lished business; $26 and expenses paid weekly; exprnsw money advanced; posi tion permanent; previous experience not n-sentlHl. Address Trade Manager. 323 Dearborn, Chicago. B-MK52 10X WANTED Two cltv salesmen at once. C. F. Adams Co., li19 Howard St. B-398 WANTED Ladv or gent for outside work. City Savings bank. B MW3 11 WANTED At once, flrst-cHss coachman. Mrs. T. Kllpatrlck, 3100 Chicago t, B-m 7 IF YOtJ are In need of a position, call oiid have a "lies rt-to-hearf" talk with HART, THE EXPERT. 923 N. Y. Life. B-906 J4 WANTED Good packing house carpenter; steadv position to right party; must be willing to leave city. Address K 19. Bee, Omaha, Neb. B M918 8 WANTED A bright active young man. age 15 to 20. having had two years or equivalent In the High School. for permanent position In largg office. Ad dress In own handwriting P. O. Box, 1044. , B 924 7 HAVE positions In West and South for drug clems, .a to montn. ir you. are receiving less than 875 perhaps I can tell vou the reason. Business strictly confidential. F. V. Knlest, R. P.. 701 N. Y. L. B-920 7 GOOD chance for good steady boy. Omaha Box Co.. East omana. w va n SHOEMAKER wanted. 309 N. 16th st. B MS57 WANTED Experienced picture framer for big store outside the city. Address iv 23. The Bee. B-M991 8 WANTED, salesman to sell butcher sup plies in Nebruska. South Dakota and Black Hills, for Milwaukee houe. Ad dress K 24. Bee. B M990 14 MORAL young, man, fair education for light work evenings. Address K 22. Bee. B M988 WANTED FEMALE HELP (0 GIRLS, Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. LADIES, we teach halrdresslng, manicur ing or racial massage, snort time com pletes. Busy season now. Positions wait ing. Top wages paid graduates. Call or write, Moler college, 1302 Douglas st. C-M670 8X MONOGRAM, 6c; 10c value, Skoecker Cigar Stores. C 364 10 GIRL for general housework. 3313 Cum ing. C-898 7x GIRL for general housework, small family. Call Thursday rrom S to 6. 8853 Farnam. C-926 GOOD glove saleslady, experienced, at once. WESTERN REF. & BOND ABS'N, 810 N. Y. Life. C-977 7 WANTED, an experienced second girl. 2416 Capitol hvp. . C M937 9x . WANTED SITUATION EXPERIENCED newspaper man wants management of-country publication. II 10. Bee. A 939 8x POSITION as collector or solicitor; experl- encea. u 4t, care e. a 940 x MILLINER wants position In country that will last tnrougn tne winter, n 20, Bee. A 941 8x YOUNG lady wants position in doctor's or dentist s ofnee. u ai. Jee. A 942 9x STENOGRAPHER, good penman, wants Piisition in pacKing nouse. n i, care Kee. A-936 tx SITUATION as inside wire worker; ex perienced, ri 2(, Bee. AVAb 8x YOUNG man, 17, wants place to start In at the bottom, wnero prospects are good. O 60, Bee. A 937 8x NEAT appearing, experienced . saleslady wants position in up-to-date store in live country town; state salary. G 67, Bee. A 938 8x WANTED, by a physician, registered In Iowa and Nebraska, a position. Addriss K 26. Bee. A 981 10x WANTED SALESMEN EXCELLENT cnance ior a few bustlers who are capable of presenting a splendid proposition to merchants. Experienced aalesmen or Insurance men preferred. Tha National Home Trade League, room 203, Karhach block, Omaha. M510 AGENTS WANTED AGENTS to sell shares in tlrst-claes ex onerative industrial concern; eaay seller. good profits. Alfalfa Company, 204 Macieay tung., i-oriiana, ore. J-M982 llx CLAIRVOYANTS GYLMER. scientific palmist, 716 N. 23d. 8-421 A WONDERFUL TRIAL READING The only dead trance medium in the world; his startling revelations sre the wonder of all; past, present and future events told correctly; send 10 cents, 2-cent stamp, date of birth, own writing; to lr. jorepn i.esier. box u. Merchants 8tation, Bt. Louis. Mo. 8 M368 8x A WONDERFUL trial reading; the only dead trance medium in the world; his eturtllng revelations are the wonder of all: twKt. present and future events told correctly; send 10 cents. 2c stamp, due of l.lrih. own writing, to DR. JOSEPH LESTER. Box 62. Merchants Station, St Iouls, Mo. Mention this, paper. 8-M986 17x PATENTS SUES 4k CO., Patent lawyers; sdvlce frea. 1K4 learburiv; St .-Cliiiap. 111. and'lUuS V Bt.. Waaulngton.rU. c. ; lei. u-i. -M3ol D12 J. RMRRY LESTER. Patents and patent law. mechanli-al drauiihtlng and blue -printing- Bulla M A few years ago Tbe IU won in a contest with a local contemporary concerning the relative circulation of the two papers in South Omaha. -Accordiug to the conditions of the contest this contemporary lost about 200 which it has never paid. Xow it istworrying be cause The Bee recently ignored another fake challenge. Its want ad claims are even worse than its election returns. The Bee prints the most paid want ads ALWAYS. Bee want ad bring the best returns. A trial will convince. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Omaha Plating Co..' 1508 Harney. Tel. 2635. ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms. ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open mgms. E 411 HOUSEKEEPING Three or four very de- sirarjie, parity rurnisneu rooms; omn " gas; references required. 2426 St Mary's avs. E-412 MIDLAND hotel, 16th and Chicago; steam iotkicu, meuium price; caiv in vuiim-v.,..,,. E 413 FURNISHED and unfurnished, all parts or cuy. Hoom s. is. x. i.ire. tit TWO nicely furnished front rooms: hot snd winr, eiecinc ugni, gun. iT-i-iM,",,r good board In vlnclnlty; 'convenient for gentlemen. 217 8. 25th St. E M778 HOT water heated room. 209 N 20th st. t ivioio n NICELY furnished front room, ejulet. good location; gentleman preferred. 19Z1 nodge. 'Phone 8166. E-M5W THREE pleasant partly furnished rooms. modern; can be arranged for housekeep ing. References required. 2701 Wrxjworth E-70S LARGE, pleasnnt front room: modern; 'phone. 1821 Douglas. E M524 LARGE well furnished room, modern. 706 8. 18th st. E-M525 NEWLY furnished rooms, modern. 2310 MODERN furnished rooms; bet location. n;i o. zotn. K mj.i TWO nicely furnished rooms, southern ex posure, in private family; walking dis tance for business at 2222 DourIhs st. E M954 8x FOUR rooms, closet, bath, telephone, heat; w. rnone ivm. ji-iviwj DESIRABLE rooms, first-class location, 11.1 JIM M & AfWI i - u ' wh ikiiik ciinxfincc. r h main. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O.Jf. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-415 MIDLAND hotel. 16th and Chlrago: steam- heated rooms, with or without board. F 416 609 B. 25th ave.. pleasant room: good uuaru, iiivuir lamiijr, r tii METROPtJLITAN restaurant. regular meals 15c; meals to order. 1313 Douglas. Tel. A426. F-M560 J2 AN elegant furnished south front room and aleovH, witn nrst-ciass Doara. A1991. 2418 Cass. F M889 THE HIGHLAND, furnished rooms with board. 2217 Howard st. Phone 4097. F-M956 11 FURNISHED rooms nnd board; home cooking; strictly modern. u ino. sitn. F 971 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR unfurnished rooms, south front, verv . desirable, tor ligtu nouseKeeping. 1918" Emmet. G 922 10x WANTED TO RENT WE can rent your rooms and houses. Room 3, N. V. Lite. '.pnone im. uiover & Son. K-418 DESK room In Paxton block. H 33, Bee. BOARD in private family In Bemls park; state terms ana references. w, ne. K 944 8x FAMILY of 8 want board and 4 rooms In or adjacent to bo. unianu; eimc inma, H 41, Bee. K-945 8x WANTED 8 or 9-room house near So. Omaha; give location, it . o. K 946 8x WANTED To rent good barn, suitable for 4 horses, near 3btn ana rarnam. m tn. Roe. K 947 8x WANTED 3 or 4 furnished rooms for light nOUseKCeping. whimmk umiantr. iii-r- ences. K 2. Bee. K Mft66 Sx FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A $10 OFFICE In The Bee building carries with It SH tne conveniences arm tiuvan tages In the way of beat, light. ian:or service, all night and all day and Sunday elevator service. A $10 office la now va cant. Call at onbe. R. C. Peters Co., ground floor. Bee building. 1823 3-STORY and basement brick building, 1003 rHrn&m, zxiw, nyurauiic ricmiur, un able for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First Nat'l Bank building. 1437 IF A GOOD light Is needed we can show you a north front office on the htth floor, a splendid room, at the moderata price of $0 R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee building. 1-822 CHOICE BUILDING FOR JOBBING OR - . ......... tll.DD(M3L.Q 1088 Farnam st.. 3 atories and goad hnee- meni, iJXIW n., will, nn, n:c,ii, itt,, elevator, gas, water, etc.; can furnish aub-tenant for part of building, if de sired; you should Investigate this. For further particulars see PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO.. Sixth floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. 1-M989 8 BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange Sour property or business quick, see J. II. ohnson, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L2270. Y 402 DRUO Stores Knlest, R. P., N. Y. L. Bldg. Y 403 PHYSICIANS located, Knlest, N. Y. L. Y M404 ATTORNEYS EVERYWHERE. If you have account, note or claim of any kind against person, firm or corporations, we can settle It for you. Call or write THE NEW SNOW CHURCH CO.. Main Floor N. Y. Life, Omaha, Neb. Phone 133. Y-405 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg., can get you In or out of business. Y 406 SHOLES-ARMSTRONO CO., 722 N. Y. LlfS. Tel. 49. Y-407 IF YOU wish to buy or sell any legitimate business, stocks, bonds, real estate, or wish to gat a partner, city or country, call or addresa the Western Homo Aasocla tlon, 310 McCagua Bldg. Y M96- I CAN BELL your Duslnesa or roal eatate. no matter where located. Properties and business of all kinds sold quickly for cash in all parts of tho United States: don t wait; write today, describing what ou have to sell and give caah price on same. A. P TONE WILSON. JR., Real Estate Specialist, 41$ T Kansas Ave., Topeka; Kan. 4 FOR SALE, implement bualneas. harness shop, furniture and undertaking hus-l-neas In southeastern part of Nebraska: tha stock will Invoice about $5,0ii0; this year sales will reach $2o.oi; no competl- . tlon; will sell the buildings reasonable. Address K 26. care of Bee. Y MH84 lix DANCING ACADEMY MR. and MRS. MORAND'S winter term for adult beginners opens tbla week. Tues day and Friday. p. in.; BsaemMles, ' Wednesday. p. ra.; children, Saturday, 1 p. m. Reduced prices in ail Classen; pri vate leaons. Tel. 1041. tfcth and Harney. 190 Dll CHAMBERS, society and stags. Tel. FisTI. all at FOR SALE REAL ESTATE NOTICE THE PRICE AND TERMS. $26 cash, balance $5 per month and per cem interest, will buy a neat three-room cottage, newlv painted, pUs ered. p perej. rero.ifed snd repair d throughout, for only $450; close In, near Center and 21st. Here's another: An attractive 4-room cot tage of good slxe. Jut put In be t repair same as above; has two lots, with plenty of vacant ground adjoining; g-.od well, shed, barn, new fences, e.c ; one of tne best locations In North Omaha, near 16th and Fort streets. Price, $; .erms same as above. Can give Immediate posi-essmn. Good 3-room cottage, cl,y water, south front, on Rlvervlew Park boulevard, two Mocks from Mth street car line. Price. $400, same terms; now vacant; rents for $5.50 per month. These are excellent bargains In small prnp erties. worth your pr inveMigatlon. We also have a number of others, as well aa 4. 6, 6 and 7-room houres on sim ilar terms. Csll at once if Intere-ted In securing a good home on rental pay ments. W. H RUSSELL & CO.. 4X Ramie bldg. Tel. fc7. . RE-92D 8 TWO BARGAINS $1,300 6-r. house, cltv water, full lot, east tront, Plainvlew. Reduced fr m $1,600. $1,2M 7-r. house. 60-ft. lot, we.t of 14th, north of Spauldlng. GEORGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLK. RE-928 8 ".Williamson Co.. uis8t: RE 426 FOR SALE Two modern, brick houses, 7 rooms each; will rent for $40. Price, $2,500, easy terms. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life bldg. RE 424 $3,500 WILL BUY a beautiful homo In Kountze Place, full lot, south front, good barn, street paved, house newly painted and papered; everything modern THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life Bldg. RE-M425 66 feet on 37th street, near Jackson, for ony $2,5o0.o. Right In the best neighbor. hood In Omaha, fronting on the Kirken . dall ground. Terms of sale reasonable. The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 14th. RE 728 FOR SALE One note of $1,800. due in ono year, secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also one note for $1,600. due on or before three years, Interest- at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S 25, Bee office. RE 31453 NICE home of 8 rooms, all newly painted and papered; combination gas and electrlo llghta, new furnace, eemented basement. Who Is the lucky mar? Only $2,700. SHIMER & CHASE, 160 FARNAM ST. ... RE-642 NINE residence lots In Ogden City, Utah; what have 'you In Omaha to offer for ex change? J 58, Bee office. RE 597 ONE-HALF ACRE ' Three-quarter1 mile southwest of Hanscom par it : ; new, nign ana signtiy; Deautuui Dunaing site, ling site. , . BEMl$,, Pdxton Block. , RE-863 CUBAN "INVESTMENTS Excursion rates Dec. 10, $rt.60; good to return Jui.e 1, 1906. C. R.' GLOVER & SON. "Phono .133. j Main floor N. Y. Life. RE 840 FOR SALE, 8,000-acre Improved farm $ miles from Logan, la.; best Boyer valley and table land; best farm in Harrison county. 140-acre farm, 3 miles from Logan; One valley land. 80-acre farm 5 miles from Logan; splendid farm. 8. I. KING, Logan, la. RE 816 fa;y tfrms $300 for 3-room cottage and corner lot. $450 for 3-room cottage, 21t and Center. $500 for '6-room cottage and barn. O. C. Olsen, j rof f arnam di. RE 806 ABSTRACTS OF. TITLE. Titles Perfected and Guaranteed. Tel. 2244 JAMES F. KERR. ltS N. Y. L. RE M566 D31 TIMBER, coal and farm lands, south and southwest, locations for industries: irnig azlne free. Jo. A. Parker. Louisville, Ky. RE 72 DO YOU want a whole section of land fbr a homestead and stock ranch? For Infor mation writs W. H. Tompkins. Rapid City, 8. D. RE-M583 IF VOU want to buy, sell, rent, borrow money, sell notes or account, call at R, I, N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133; Glover & Son. RE M422 GEO. W. EFFORT. M. M. 8HARPLE8S, President. Secretary. Weste'rn Home Association, REAL ESTATE SPECIALISTS. 310 M'CAGUE BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. We have nice home of 80 acres we can trade you for your residence or other property. Also 160-acre Iowa farm, very nice, for stock of goods. Also 320-acre Iowa farm, near town, for residence or any paying business. The owner says to exchange hla home farm of 100 acres for residence property. Call or write jus and let us tell you about these places. RE Mil TUKEY & SON ANSWER QUESTIONS. Yes Part of these lots are situated in the same block aa Mr. W. 1. Stephen s residence on Bouth 31wt. Yes. Wo give you choice of lots for $326 Yes.L The city water Is In tha street In front of them. - . , Yea.' We chuige no Interest. Straight "Tukey'a terms." Yea. it is like putting money In a bank, and It will taring you greater returns.. Yes. We have plats at this office, or will mail you one If you call up 2181, or our residence, F2580 after supper. Yes. "Tukey's terms" nn these lots have brought in a. good many customers. Yes. $26 down and $10 per month without interest until the $326 Is paid will buy olio of these lots. Yes. This property Is right In lino with the proposed street car lines. Yes, We are making all this fuss about 4o lots on 82d and Vinton. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-44S Board of Trade Bldg. RE M90 t F. D. WEAD (-room house, corner lot, Blondo St.; con ventent to Harney car; easy -payments; $850. 1524 DOUGLAS. RE 828 FOR BALE. 2314 Boulevsrd Avenue Price $850; $150 rash and balance eaay; 4 rooms, city water, rents $H per month. 9012 and 2014 Bouth Second Bt. These T properties rent for $13 monthly and will be sold for $l,0Ou; $2i0 cash, balance on easy terms. ... . . WALTER BKEEN. R. 1. Xarhsrh Block. ti av , ii- 80-ACRE FARM FOR BALE. WEST DOIXJE ST.. H MILES WEST OF CITY. A veiy desirable farm, $ per acre. OEORUL , CUMPANV, 11 Farnam Bt. sit sit FOR SALE REAL ESTATE I HAVE $1.0110 to buy nice little cottage In good condition. Address 3 66, Bee. RE S39 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Southwest corner 36th and Dodge Sts. A stately row of four new houses, Containing 8 rooms each and possess ing every modern convenience. Situated in the West Farnam District, a short, convenient distance from Farnam car line. 1 42. 50 per montii for the inside houses. 4S per month for ths two outsideones. H. C. PETERS & CO., GROUND FLOOR, BEE BLD'G. OM-821 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Block. D.( uni IQCC in all parts of the city. The I1UUOLJ 0- F. uavls Co., 608 Bee bldg. D 4i8 FOR RENT, 6-room bouse. In first-class condition, with large lot; convenient to car line. $16. 959 N. 26lh st. D M65 McCauley Express Co. for moving, storage, baggae delivery. 615 S. 16' h. Tel. 1454. D 429 FOR RENT, two 8-room modern houses, without furnaces. Will rent either one for $20 per month. Located 8. W. corner 34th nnd Center. Last occupants paid 60 per cent more rent. Do you want one for the winter? R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee bldg. D Mbii' A HOME on Binney st., 10-room house, tc desirable party; $40 per month. Telephona B2627. D 430 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19Ui. Office, 1511ft Farnam. Tel. 1559. D 431 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 1469. Office 1713 Webster St. , D 432 Urjl ICCC In all parts of the city. R nVJUOCO Peters & Co., Bce'Bulldl Y-fc A' C. Ildlna:. D 433 PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO.. choice houses. 601-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone KU6. D 434 FOR RENT Modern 8-room flat opposite Hanscom park, $34. 'Phone 623. D 436 6-ROOM cottage, 2012 South 2d street: city water, in good condition,' rent, $6. Walter Bteen. r. 416 Karbach block. D 436 FOR RENT, after January I. for several months, modern furnished eight-room house. Snap for right party. References. Address. H . Bee. D M780 7-ROOM cottage, 1530 8. 28th st. Clarke Powell, 1518 Capitol ave. 'Phone S21. D-M49S FROM $6 up. Beyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. TeL 2049. D 947 D22 HOUSES FOR RENT. $202016 Elm at.. 7-room cottage, modern but furnace, good repair. $172916 Shirley. 8 rooms, modern but furnace. $20844 Park ave., 6-room cottage. $16837 Bo. 22d, 7 rooms, barn. $15 New, 7 roomB, near Krug park. $13-2004 N. 22d. 6 rooms. $12.562321 So. 16th, 6-rocm flat. $113421 Mason, 6-room cottage. $8-2616 N. 3lBt. 4 rooms. GARVIN BROS, i?04 Farnam. D 632 FOR RENT 8-room house; all modern ex cept furnace; 706 N. 30th St.; $18. C. M. Bachman, 436 Paxton Block. D 558 FOR RENT. 4022 Farnam st 8 rooms, all modern, barn, convenient to Farnam car line, only $35 per month. R. C. Peters & Co.. Bee bldg. D-M823 FOR RENT. Walking distance, close in, near center of city, a nsw brick house of 8 rooms. Every convenience obtainable. No. 2220 Douglas st. Only $50 per month. Look at it. R. C PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Bit Building. D-M-826 FOR RENT. 9-room modern house, northwest corner 24th and Templeton ave.; $26. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. D M816 11 HOUSE 6 rooms and bath, modern, corner lot, nice lawn, one block from car line house In good repair, $23.00. 1602 Ohio St' Inquire at 2601 N. loth St. D 614 7x 6-ROOM cottage, 1931 S. 11th St. D-M757 Wx FOR RENT 9-room fiat on Dewey ave., modern In every respect, $40.00 per month John F. Flack, 16th and Douglas sts. D M895 11 FOR RENT House 4 rooms. 8124 Mason St., $7 per month. C. M. Bachman, 436-37 pax ton block. D 902 4-ROOM house, barn, 1834 Ontario. Annlv at 524 S. 20th. D-623 llx 8-ROOM brick, strictly modern,' $3.". 6.10, 17th ave. Apply. 701 8. 18th. D 926 Rx FOR six months, to man and wife, neat 7-room furnished home; owner will re serve two rooms. For particulars 'phone B8218. yD M9.'5 9 6-ROOM cottage, 1416 I-eavenworth. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas st. D 979 9 FOR RENT House 6 rooms and bath, mod ern, corner lot, nice lawn, one block from car line; house in good repair, 823. 1502 Ohio st. Inquire at 2601 N. lOtli st D-974 13x 5-ROOM cottage. 2604 Bpencer; bath and city water. Apply - 6423 Florence boule vard. D 973 9 FOR RENT MODERN HOUSES. 2i5 N. 20th St., 10 rooms .V....$20 1128 S. 31st St.. 8 rooms. S't 1144 8. 32d St.. 8 rooms 3j . THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. D M992 14 MODERN 8-room house, easy walking dis tance from i-enter of city; excellent neighborhood- only $J0 per month ; look at It. .3u7 N, 23d st. R. C. PETERS & CO., . ' Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. D-M994 FARMS FOR SALE FARM BARGAINS 329 acrea 6 miles of Herman, Washington county. Neb. : 240 cultivated; fine crops, smoothly rolling land, tine soli; complete set of Improvement; all fenced and cross fenced; one of the best bargains on the market today; u an acre. $37.60 per acre buys a good west Iowa farm, 14 miles from good town and railroad: good house a ad other -Improvcmente; land excellent, slightly rolling; X, miles from Council Bluffs, Harrison county; not Mis souri lwttmn. but the cheapest 240-acre farm on the market today. JOHN B! HANSEN, 821 N. Y. Life. Oisalta. 'Phone 3432. Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska. Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; Km years' time. Land Dept. U- I. M R- Co., Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A." , . . IU.-VJ PERSONAL DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 1 A 8. 15A5 r srnsrn. MAGNETIC '"-atment baths Mme ItlrtVJll C I g(1)ltn M N 15 j fl; p U Xj 9m) TRY KELLEY 9 LAUNDRY. ilor- TRUSSES made nnd n Med To men, women and children. Hris Farnam Bt. THE H. J. TENFOLD CO. j 44a. ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCH1NG, BUTTONS Send for Price list and Samples. THE GOLDMAN PL EATING CO., 200 Douglas Block. TeL 19 U-444 TUB, vapor and alcohol bat lie. 720 8. 13th. U-446 DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines them; we test eyes free for glasses and guarantee satisfaction. THE H. J. FENFOLD CO. Leading Opticians, 1408 Farnam. DRAWING snd painting from life. Case s Art Class, 1504 Farnam, room 4, rear. U 447 LARSON AV JOHNSON, cut rates to all points. 14o6 Farnam. Tel. B2113. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' Ass'n. U 449 PHONE 701 snd a man will call snd tune your piano; $2. Perfleld IMano d.. Mil Farnam. U 450 THEATRICAL masq. costumes. Lleben, 1410-12 Howard. V Miol "VIA VI," way to health. $50 Bco iJ., THE Salvation Army solicits cast-oft cloth ing; In fact a.iythlng you do not need; we collect, repair and sell for cost of col lecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call. U 611 OMAHA Stammerers" Institute, Ramge Blk. . s U 453 WE DO expert piano moving: lowest rates. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1G25. U-162 D10 e CAIENDARS and calendar puds. Burkley Printing Co., Omaha. U-M370 D28 Wanted The Deaf to Hear Free tests of Instruments for the deaf. Hutchison Acoustic Co., 618 N. Y. L. Bldg. U 356 WANTED, farmers who want to make more money to send for our pamphlet, "The One Hundred Per Cent Farmer. ' Correspondence Agricultural College, 442 Nebraska st., Sioux City, la. U-643 D29 YOUNG man of ?,, holding good position, desires to meet widow or bachelor maid with means. Hge 25 to 35, who desires marriage. Only those In Omaha need answer. Address K 17, Bee. U MSs 8x - FARNAM car. between 3 and 4 Sunday; will good-looking young woman dressed in black grant Interview to tall gentleman who rat opposite? G 65, Bee. U 906 9x WANTED Information as to address of heirs of Irad Davis. Address was Taylor county, Iowa, about 157. Small recovery can be made. Address Harvey Spalding & Sons. Washington, D. C. U M913 Sx WANTED To meet elderly gentleman with some means who would appreciate the friendship of working girl. K 12. Bee office. U 868 7x INFORMATION wanted whereabouts Peter Kenny, formerly West Rutland. Vt.: last heard of Pine Island. N. J.; by brother, M. T. Kenny, Jamaica', N. Y. U M9T0 lOx PERSONAL Anderson. .T. C. left San Francisco 1!4. Any news of will lie thankfully received by J. -.Hlckcy, 1030 Howard st.. Sun Francisco, Cal. U-M969 in PERSONAL Any person knowing the pres- ent address of Sarah Jane Perry, former friend of Sarah G. Cleveland, now de ceased, please notify the Northern Trust company. U M96S lfix GENTLEMAN In the city for 30 days wiHhes to meet young lady, preferably a widow; give age and description. K 31, Bee. U-P78 9x INTELLIGENT American widow, hand sme and worth $firt.ono. want-t good, hon est husband. Address Aetna. nennt Bldg.. Chicago, 111. U-M9S3 8x XMAS umbrellas, sterling silver and gold headed. Boston Umbrella compnnv. 8. 1th. - U M99S MEDICAL LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; tuke no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ijidles," in letter by return mall. Ask your drugrgist. Chichester Chemical Co.; Philadelphia, Pa. FOR WOMEN ONLY. DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief in 3 to 5 days. Wo have never known of a single failure. Mail orders promptly filled. Price. $2. DR. H. ti. RAYjluND REMEDY CO, R. 87, 84 Adams at., Chicago. 454 DR. PRIES treats successfnly all discuses and irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries," 1511 Dodgo St., Omaha. 465 LADIES In trouble wilting to post box 757, Omaha, Neb., will not regret II. -M777 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, i28 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. -626 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. A 2618, 456 FOR EXCHANGE WITX exchange fine piano for home. 43 W 11. A MilAllAK 1119 eVnvnd. T.1 1625. . Z 161 D10 WILL trado sewing machine for type writer. iNeo. vycie w., loin ana tiarney. Z 489 IF YOU do not find what you want In this column put an aa in ana you win soon get It. Z 93 TRADE Fine corner, excellent Farnam st. location; value. 115,000; win iraoe tor improved property. W. FARNAM SMITH 8c CO. 1320 Farnam Street. Z-M206 600-ACRE farm In Dent county. Mo. (120 miles southwest of Bt. Ixiuls), worth $10.00 per acre. Will exchange for Oniahu property, improved or unimproved. Ad dress K 15, Bee. . Z-M894 11 LOST LOST Parrot, red on breast, slate color on back, tuft on head. 3u34 California. Re ward. LOST-M1U9 8x LOST In Boston store, white fur collar ette; sultahlo reward will be paid If re turned to Mrs. Dickinson. loo South 29tu ave. Irnt 9:14 7x LOST On Dodge street car or 14ili and Dodge, pocket book containing $'JH and gold watch. Finder return wutrh and keep money. 216 8. 14th. Lost-949 Jx FOUND, ono brlndle line back cow. 'Phono 8175. Ixst-.M958 9x LOST, old-fashioned gold bracelet. 482? Davenport. 'Phone S2S4. Lt-M!S6 9x LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MORKARTY, Attorney, 437 Paxton. Tel. A 2639. 4 JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Ufa Bldg., rooms 3o4 and 319. Tel. 15..2. 441 Collections promptly reported. 634-6 Paxton. -42 Huntington ft Btrstton, 832 N. Y. Life. 9til WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN 823 N. V Life, P)S hlglient pries for books. Tel. 7036. N-419 WANT TO BI'Y 3 to 5-rooni house to move. j?W. rsttoltt. l'aUn !' ii-MiC ISi SECRET SOCIETY N0TICES Masonic Temple, nr. Iflttt A tssltol e. C. PITOL I)IX-,K N 3, A. F. AND A. M. SiMi-al meeting Fridav. Dcvemher . be ginning at 3 p. n Wiirk In Master M.-i-son il.gree 011 six candidates. Visitors Invited. Refreshments. R. V. CCI.K. Master. JOHN B0MF0KD. Secretary. KMt.HT OK PVTHI. TRIANGLE IxiDOE No S -Meets every Thursday evening. Castle hall. Twentv second and Cuming. Visitors nlwsva wel come. I. II. STINK. C C. . JR. STINK K R. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTLES MONEY WE LOAN ON Furniture, Pianos. Live Stock, Salaries. WE GIVES Best Rates. Kasv Payments, Julet Service, Any time, WE WANT Your Business If You Ever Borrow Money. omaha mortgage loan co, 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22"5. (Established 1892.) 806 B. 1Mb 8. X-466 LOANS made on sll kinds of chattel se curities, slso on SALARIES. Low Rates. Kasv Terms. Quick and Confidential Servlrs Call on us If In need of MONET. FHOKNIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block. x 4a bOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get jnn furniture, pianos, horses, cows, Jewelry, or on your pluln note, if st adily employed. 7c3 N. Y. Life bldg. ' X 469 The J. A. Hutton Co LOANS ON SALARIES AND CHATTELS. 6145I5 Paxton Block. X-M63 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOFLH and othrs without security; easy pay menta; largest business in 49 principal cities. Tolman, Room 714. N. Y. Life. X-470 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. I'reb- benow. room 214 at i'09 S. 16th St TeL B-29-i4. X-471 8 A LA RY AND CHATTEL LoTxs" RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 307-8 PAXTON BLOCK. . 'PHONE 1411. X-472 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, horses. .Duff Green Loan Co. 8 Barker block. X 478 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elrv, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 3'9 8. 13th. X 474 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLOCK. . X-4,0 SEE FULLER. 425 Paxton block, for loans on watches, diamonds and jewelry. X-478 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Fo ley I,oan Co., 1504 Farnam st. X 477 8A1.ARY and collateral loans. Temnlcton, 212 Bee Bldg. X-4T8 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans. R C. Peters Co- W-M746 FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1641 W 479 PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1520 Douglas W 480 WANTED City loans and waranls. W. Farnam Smith &.Co 1320 Farnam St. W481 , MONEY TO LOAN. Payne 4nvestment Co. - W-482 6 PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam. W-483 LOWEST rates. Bemls, Paxton block. W 484 FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 463 CHAS EDKRER. Reasonable.. SOth nnd Bristol. Tel. 1795. ' -M929 L. HENDEHHON. 1519 Farnam. Send for price list of cut flowers and plants. 464 ALFRED DONAGHUE, JR.. 1607 Farnam. Tel. 333:1. 65 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 615 N.Y.Llfo bldg. Tel. IS s 48G MRS. JOHN R. MU81CK, Osteopathy Phv sician; office, Douglas block. Tel. 2S23. DR. FARWELL, specialty nervous disease. 604 Paxton. 488 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT'8 school, 717 N. Y. Life. 408 DRESSMAKING MRS. EARLWINE. 1922 CALIFORNIA. Buy Hershey Coloivy Lativd Then you'll own a piece of the fluent Irrl g a ted land In the country. 8.000 acres wltbpald UD water rights Is now offered for sale. Fine Cllmsl. fins -Crops. Fine oll raises tlireo Vro Allalla yearly, one to two Ions to acre each cuttluir. ell tci.OO to 7.00 ton; Sugar Basis -tun to twenty tons toacra, sells now 85.00 Ion; other crops -liotatoea, barley, osts, etc., etc. 'rice per aore 8'JO u, averag ing 838, on very easy torms. huoclul excursion nexl "I uesday Dec. lth. For full particulars write or call at once. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO MAIN FLOOR N. Y. LIFE BUILDINU. OMAHA. Nf BRASKA POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read dally by all Interested, as chang.-s may occur at any time ) Foreign mails tor tho week ending Do cenibcr l'l 1"4. will close (r-ROMPH.Y ni all casesi at the General Postnftke aa fol lows: PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown be low Parcels-Post mails for Germany close at 5 p. in- Decrtnhrr 13, per s. a. Kaiser Wllhelin II. Rcgulsr and Bupplementary maila close at Foreign Staiton (corner of West ami Morton atreets) half iiour later than los ing time shown below, (except that Supple mentary Malls for Europe and Central Amerlis, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). ; Transatlaallv Mails. THURSDAY (HI. At 1 a. in. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, t'.-jj,-PORTI OAL. TURKEY. .... ''YrVr GREECE und BRITISH INDIA, per a. I.a Touralne. via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed t "per a s. I Touralne'). FRIDAV (. -At 7 p. I", for AZORES INLANDS, per a. s. Romanic, from Bs- SATURDAY ( lo. -At 4 a m. for EUROPE, per H. a Etruria. via Qwenpicwn and Llyf.rVH4; l i'iW '" tu KUROPB, Pf r1 'A v . 'io- i -A 4 J J