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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1904)
J. TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. DECfl!tmEIT 9, 1004. 10 i ' lv I ! !l i i I i i i i 1 i 1 ill 1 H . i i ft f 1 Hi f f i Sheet Music m Arcade ILiI.. New Sheet LLbyU -m'. 6UI at 17c A Special Holiday Sale Men's Smoking Goats, House Coats. Bath Robes, Lounging Robes Xt One-Third Less Thau Regular Price Tills is a timely money saving op portunity for Christum K'ft buyer. There Is no present that so thor oughly pleases a i"nu as a nice housi' coat or a hath robe. They make hU evening at home com fortable and pleasant. This sale la a very apeelal Inducement to early buyers. Kvery coat or robe Is a genuine bargain. Those house coats and smoking Jacket ure In all tho very newest designs of velvet and brocaded silk, also hnudsome coverts and flouble back cloths handsomely lunde and beautifully flulnhed every one a fine, sensible coat, at 3.98.$5- anJ up to 12.50 BATH AND LOUNGING ROBLS- Made of fine Turkish, blanket cloths' and eiderdown, many styles, every y one a geuulno bargain, at. ;2-98.3-98-4-98$l5 42g Ladies9 Cloak aivd Fur Sale Ladies' $10 Fur Scarfs at $4.98 A fine full shaped lox scarf, sable or Isa bella, with adjustable cords, long brush tails, a regular 110 scarf, at , Ladies' Fur Cluster Collars at $2.98 Pretty cluster scarfs, made "with tails and cords and worth up to ?6. 50, at Ladies' Long Tourist Coats The most fashionable tourist coats of the sea sonthe long belted per- C QO fectly tailored effects mannish cloths, at VJ Stylish Short Winter Coats Nicely tail ored short ooaU, noely nnishod in every detail, all the prettiest new .colors for street wear at 222 ALL THE SHOES ON THE FIRST FLOOR The entire shoe department has been moved t.J the first floor. We are offering; some extraordinary bargains in women's and men's shoes. Three Big Handkerchief Specials Ladles' Swiss embroidered and seal- Pillow Top Handkerchief- In the new. loped edire hanrlkA-rhlrfs reg-1 (t-. I est fumy deslans, on sale 71. ulurly aril at Sfio and 36c, each..OV, j arcade, at aC Ladies' and men's all linen handkerchiefs different widths and hems, at, each..... 12c DID YOU EVER KNOW A LADY To refuse, a Diamond Ring for a Chris tmns gift? We are showing some beauties) in thia line handsome, white, clean stones. Also In clusters with other stones, "lion as Kuhtes Emeralds. Pearls, Turquoise, Sapphire. The same kind of stones at In Brooches and Stick Vlns. Bpend a few minutes In our store LOOK FOR THE NAME. S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler, IS 1 6 Douglas St. I mmm I r Caidy We racalv a fresh supply dUr Gunther's Famous Chicago Candies Bon-bons att chooolatea direct from hd quarters. Sold at Chicago prioti by MYt-RS-DlLLON DRUG CO., ISih and Frnm Sts. MRS.; LULU BELL ACQUITTED Colored Woman Gomel Clear on Chargt f Kirdsring Het Huib&nd. HER TESTIMONY CONSIDERED STRONG Wosaaa Does Not Deny Possibility of Avvldeiitally Plrlnar Fatal shot, but Disclaims Intention of Kill .,1 , in aoldlrr-Siooasev Mrs., Lulu Boll, colored, last evening waa declared not guilty of killing her husband, iSorgennt W'llllum IWIl of troop It, Tenth ;I'Blted B tales cavulry, at Kurt Robinson, July 26. Such waa the verdict of the petit Jury In the United Biatea circuit court before which tho case- liaa been on triul tor the past three days. The Jury went out at 1:46 Wediiosdsy afternoon and came in at i:S5, less than an hour later, with a verdict of not aulity. ' Mia. Bell was evidently under deep amo tion when the Jury tried in solemnly and 'announced her guiltless of the murder of her husband. She arose and thanked the Jury. ' Her mother, Mrs. Carter, who hue Yemalned with her steadfastly throughout the trial, broke down when the verdict waa announced and sobbed audlblly. After . thanking the Jury the women left the court room for their temporary home In another part ol the elty. Mrs. Bell and her mother 'will remain in Omaha, preferring not to re turn to Crawford to live, , The verdict was not wholly unexpected, particularly after Mrs. Bell had told her story of the tragedy. Subjected to the most rigid cross-examination, the maintained her Innocence of any Intent to shoot her hus band, yet not denying that she might have done so accidentally while the two were etruaallng for the possession of the pistol. The admission made by her husband that "they could do nothing to her had Ita effect with the Jury to bringing In so speedy a verdict "'. ' flues after the. doctor there had dlaa-noiieri their illness hs cholera. The sickness haa crew " -ninese members of th NITW YORK, Deo. T The tramp steamer Couledon. which arrived today from Java la held by the quarantine nmVlala In the belief that cholera eaUis on the vessel, fix otea of the crew died during the voyage Hye others are ill with what ike steamer's omrre pronounce to be heil-berl. The Aeaihg of two of tho crew oowurred at New Time Card na tit Wah.-t. Kffevtlve December 4, Wabash trains will arnvc and depart as follows: From Omaha Union at&tlnn; 8t. Louis Express Leaves 6:&) p. m.j ar rives 8:zu a. m. From Council Bluffs, Union raclflo 1 runnier deuot: 8t. Louis Local Leaves 9:16 a, m.; ar rives 10:30 p. m. Bhenandoah Local Leaves 8:45 p. m.; ar rives 2:30 d. m. Wabash nty Offlce. 1601 Farnaro, Omaha, inbo. HAlllir J. WOORES, O. A. P. U Signet rings, itenxer, 15th and Dodge. Marriage Licenses. The following mnrringe licenses were Is atied up to noon. December 7: Name and itsldence. Ae Almon M. While, Ogden.,.. 61 Anna M. Brown, Omaha 45 Clyde W. Gallaway, Omaha u Stella I. Balrd, Omaha a Josejih McNett Stoddard. Fullerton, Neb! 2J Muuiie Uertiude Huker, Fullerton, Neb.. 23 Albert A. Fort Dodge, la.. jo Lmma O. Phelps, Fort Dodge, la, 28 Henry H. Welch, South Omaha 26 Marie Formanek, South Omaha 20 18-K. Wedding Illnga. l-cholm, Jeweler. Bee Want Ads are tho. Best Business Boosters. Mlekarlaoa's Heeelpts Are Large. The receipts In the oftVe of the city electrician for the month of November were the biggest ever paid In to that depart ment in m I ... 11 w ... i.. ... . . . I.t6d.i4. tor the same month last year . wo a wvc iioui This tlgiatsrt la Bias Caaraateti Ask for UEBIO COMPANY'S. , Not simply LIEBIQ'S Oust as cooos"ai?c worthless l Most Remarkable Fall Weather has prevented the need of face and hand lotions, BUT cold winds and snow will como as sure as fete, and THEN YOU WILL NEKD THE HE8T REMEDT FOR CHAPS AM) ROUGH SKIN, Now, don't tnke our word for what In best; Just try KGYPTIAN LOTUS CREAM, and If you don't say it Is the best that ever happened, we will give you heck the price In coin of the realm! What's more, the 10c slxe of KGYPTIAN I.OTU8 CRKAM Is Just as lanre as the 25c lxe of most all other face lotions, and the 25c six Is four times larger than the lc size quit an lnuiicemnt. all cthr things being AT LKA8T EVJUAL and w never yet hav had any customer for Egyptian Lotus Cream say that It waa not as good as some other kind. We send It by express to Chicago, Dnvr and manr other places. What do they aend here for If It Is not RIGHT? Try lt-that'o all. CUT PRICB DKUQ 5TOR8 B. T. TATES. Prop. Hth and Chicago Sts., Omaha, Phones 747 mo mi. zsin rnu in bis., nouin umana, rhone No. 1. 5th Ave. and Main St., Coun- I ell Bluffs, Phone Ki3 All roods delivered , In either city absolutely free. I SGIIAEFER'S THE mo& beautiful and inter l efting of all the Chriftmai periodicals is the great Christmas Metropolitan in which you will find stirring sto ries and articles by Thomas Nelson Page, W. A. Fraser, E. S. Martin, Joel Chandler Harris, Richard Le Gallienne, Charles G. D. Roberts, Alfred Henry Lewis, Harrison Rhodes, and many others. The 150 illustrations.intwo, three and four colors, are by Guerin, Rhead, Clay, Bull, Condc, Penfield, Par rish, and Haskell, and repro ductions from many photographs. THIS Xmas issue is filled with good reading and fine pic tures; it is a delight from cover to cover; it is a worthy Christmas gift in itself and is now on sale everywhere for 1 5 cents a copy. FOR the entertainment of the whole family there is no bet ter magazine published than The Metropolitan. THE following special offer is presented in the interests of those who wish to send to a friend a gift and at the same time receive four free holiday gifts for them selves: CM oot this Cbopoiu CHRISTMAS PRESENT COUPON TO any one tending: us irmned ately $ 1 .80 (and this coupon) we will send free of coft GIFT 1 A superb portfolio. Stamped in gilt, and containing photo-Audies of beautiful wo men, models, and players. GIFT 2 A fac-iimile water color, ready for framing, show ing the sky-scrapers of New York as seen at twilight an exquiute work of art arst a it uit s j fn art booklet, in brown covers, stamped in gold, . and containing sixteen full-page portraits of well-known society beauties printed on plate paper, GIFT 4 Copies of the Novem ber and December (Christmas) issues of The Metropolitan, in cluding all the color insert il lustrations. J These four gifts caa be seat to tho re" nitterof the $1.00. fj The two gifts below caa bo sent to tho remitter inced. . 1 q If yov prefer, we will send ALL SIX direct to yoa. GIFT 5 A full year's subscrip tion to The Metropolitan, com mencing with the January, 1 905, number. GIFT 6 A beautiful subscrip tion certificate to be sent to the recipient of the magazine and bearing the name of the sender. y LL of the above for the price of the magazine alone $1.60. Have The Metropolitan sent for a year to your friend, together with the illuminated subscription certifi cate, and have the "Portfolio of Beauty," the book of American So ciety Types; the - fac-simile water color and the November and De cember issues of the magazine all sent to your own address. This offer is only good for one month from date. Mention this paper, and send us this Coupon, The Metropolitan Magazine, 3 Waat 29th St.. Naw York. OMAHA WEATHER THURSDAY-FAIR. tI aTTrTTr 'IHhHhr II II II I ill I 111 II II II 14 F a I el I 111 I 111 I II 11 UXftL " r i I lliii iLwU li ii u il li li ts I From Fair Japan christmsass goods, Direct from Toklo, Japan, Including LACQUER BOXES for collars, cuffs and handkerchiefs, Inlaid gold figures and with photographs. ATA11 BOXES, for cuffs and collars, made from bamboo trees, highly polished and hand carved. HAND PAINTED CARD CASES AND PURSES. EHBOSSED LEATHER HAND COLORED PURSES. SILK POWDER PUFF BAfJS. ' HAND PAINTED PILLOW TOPS. All theen elegant Japanese novelties are on sale In the dry roods section at surprisingly low prices. Bargains m Cloak and Suit Room 1.19 3.95 Lsfllpa' Pres-ln Sacks and Short Klmonns a bargain table nllpd, gooda worth up to iz.uu, at Bilk Underskirts black and colored, regular price So.OOt S6.60 and S7.95 Thursday ' THREE HAROAINS IN UADIKS' SUITS a regular clearing sale, suits worth up to $130.00. Thursday DOUBLK QUEEN TRADING 12.50-9.75-5.95 a STAMPS 8 Dress Goods Bartfaarvs for Thursday At 50c a 98c ' All Colors and Blacks All Colors and Blacks ALIi WOOL CANVAS CLOTH ALL, WOOL GRANITE CLOTHS ALL WOOL SKKOES ALL WOOL SCOTCH MIXTURES ALL WOOL Nl'NS VKIL1NO ALL WOOL HENRIETTAS M-IN. ENGLISH KERRKYS M-1N. HALT1C SUITINGS' M-IN. PAN N 13 CLOTH 44-1N. SHARKSKIN 44-IN. CREPES AND 25 OTHER STYLES Famous Sale in Black Silks Thursday A 27-inch fine blark beau da sole medium weight pure dye, guar- Ain anteed $1.00 yard. Thursday's sale, yard VC Super'or quality black peau de solo, double faced, 21 Inches wide, a (f handsome for dresses, rcgulnr $1.50 special, yard I vlvf 86-Inch bhtck peau de sole, high finished, soft texture, for skirts OR and dresaes, regular $1.75, Thursday only , IfcO I? AMrV CfYIC " our front bargain table 2W) pieces rAllllyl 9lsLfIVk3 pretty fancy silks for Christmas waists " , , and dresaes, patterns and silks suitable for next season s wear, nil advance style, ft, , worth $1.26 and $1.50, In two big lots JJG QlIU OVC 2ND DAY OF THE GREAT CHRISTMAS LINEN SALE We are giving great bargains at the big bargain square. Rugs! Ruirs! 9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs, ahort, thick piles, noted for their durability, pleas ing color schemes, in Persian and Turkish designs, regular $26.00 '"rk nu to $'J8.00 values, for . 4JtO oxs-ront KrUHSels Hues, extra nualltv. warranter! tnmt Knlnn patterns, suitable for halls, study rooms or dens, regular $S.50 value, at a.:? 10.98 small Persian 6.48 9?..u.!:f.'.s. 10.48 S?. Millinery Sale All millinery must ba closed out January 1st on account of change of management of the department X great variety of trimmed hats go at remarkable bargains. All &rk Velvet Hats trimmed with ostrich plume, orna ments and ribbons, go at 2.49 Trimmed Hats, go at . ... l!50 Another lot go at qqc SILK VELVET UXTKIMMED HATS with shirred facing or plain, worth $4.00 and $5.00, at 1.98 STREET HATS, worth $4.00, ?3.00 and $2.00, at 25c FIJESH NEW VIOLETS at, per bunch, 10c and Qc This Rocker. ....$2.25 Made of Golden Oak or Mahogany finish, shaped arms and seat, thor oughly well made and comfortable, regularly sella at $3.50, just 100 for Thursday's Belling, at $2.26 each. No C. O. D. Orders. GROCERY The largest stocks of freshest, new- mm uroi groceries, at money- Ten ($l.oO) Green Trading Stamps wl,h pound package Bennetts Capitol Coffee Sc Ten i ($i.oiV Green Trading Stamps with pound Tea ,.gg0 Corb, two-pound can "to Three cans for 28e Tomatoes, three-pound can 8c Three cans for j60 Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with dozen New German Dill Pickles, large i20 Ten (1.0o) Green Trading Stamps with three packages Bennett's Capitol Mincemeat 25c New California Raisins, pound Nc New Cleaned Currants, pound 10o New Candled Peel, pound 25c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound Peachea lQp Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps with Jar Preserves 10c Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps with three-pound can grated Pineapple loo CANDY DEPARTMENT Yankee Peanut, pound lBc Ten ($1.0d) Green Trading Stamps with each pound. Clothing Dept. A fine clothing offering in T) CA' men's sack suits, at vpHtP An excellent collection of Men's Black and Fancy Cheviot Sack Suits, sold regularly at $15.00, $16.50, $18.00 and $20.03 -all fine, perfect suits, complete in all sizes, coats sin gle or double-breasted. The suits are made up to Bennett Standard in every particular. The chance comes simply because the manufacturer had these special lojs and was willing to have us close' them out quickly at -this great saving. The man who has a new suit in: mind will find it im mensely to his advantage to look them over. ; ' If you want a new winter overcoat today you will be interested in seeing; in black. and oxford mixtures, coats cut in the latest styles, broad shoulders, loose backs, serge lined, satin sleeve lining, the best overcoats in Omaha at the price; the handsomest, warmest most serviceable overcoat that $12 50 will buy. Watch for the great Silk Sale SATURDAY III! iM mm run rki.iabi.k iTonn Watch for the great Silk Sale SATURDAY, Great Clearing Sale of Women's Garments Thirty days ahead of nil others, wa In- augurate one of the KrontoM clearing sales of WOMK.VH COATS, Sl lTS. CRAVKN KTTK8 and SKIRTS, ever held In Omaha. Huyers who have waited, are now getting hiircajfis to their heart's in mie flunk Hens rtment. R K A I THKSK PRICKS 8KB THEBR) WoNDBRFUIj CI.KAR1.NG BALH VAL VK8. am, tr,oo scitr- o nn RED! "CKD TO O.VU ALL, Sl lTS WORTH TP TO . y rr $Jii-UKIrCKL TO lai.VU Al l. $: To $:l" SLITS- 4 nn RKDl'CKP TO H.VU I.ADIKS' SHORT COATS. $0 and Sti-lm h, length, all this season styles and made of the hest Washington Mills kersrj. every garment llneil with guaranteed tnftVta, and C W) worth up to $1.' choice O. VV $X W) and $10 crav tiette coata e fi( clearing sale price IJ. Vi W $10 and $15 cravenetto coats T f) clearing s:ih price M u J J 1ST THINK OP TT. WOMEN'S COATS-all this season's styles a mixed lot. worth up to $! j fW" tho snap of the season, at choice. IWW Cl.KARING SAMS OF SKIRTS An Immense line of handsome skirts. In mixtures, blacks, browns, blues and castors, regular $.V0O O Qtt values nt mt.TU EI.KGANT PKIRTS-Inchidlng voiles, eta mlne. tieau de sole, etc- that sold UP to $12.50- A QH clearlna: sale price ro-inivfl HALF HOUR SPKCIALS .Qo till a A M . I From 9 till 10 A. Women's flannelette and elder- flOe ,L2B "aHy, Women's black iiitl t t l lru uim mnti t . FROM 9:30 TILL 10:30 A. M. WOMEN'S FLANNELETTE WRAPPERS t . ' M. 69c 35c ah Furs for the Holidays. Just the thins- for rifts, and here you can select from an Immense line, embrac ing nearly every known peOt. The nest nurt of It In our nrices. which, quality considered, cannot be duplicated In the city. Pretty Cony Scarfs 69C Women's River Mink Scarfs at Women's Opoxsum Scarf at Women's Fox Scarfs at Genuine Marten Scarfs with 6 tails at 72-1 nch Sable Vox Scarfs with lartte busy tails, at . Other finer grades at $9.90, 112.50, SlD.OO ul to $S5 Beaver coats ' S7 Cf at -.wvr $50 Near 8eal coats Hfl at " v Handsome astrakhan capes f O fifl at $19.90 and IsS.UU Stylish Skinner coats 1"7 eft at i,ou WOMEN'S COATS-ln a: length, plain colors and fancy mixtures, extremely handsome well made garments, at iOU WOMEN'S COAT8-ln length, In great range oi siyie, iaonc ana color, regular $16.00 value fx fr clearing sale price y-VU WOMEN'S COATS In iJJdy Cunon, Peg gy trom Paris and other nobby stvles $18.50 values 0 Ofl clearing sula price I.Vvl ... .48 .2.98 .. 4.98 4.90 7.90 v 60.00 ' pin mm HAYDEN BROS. If"'1 BALDUFF'S GIFT BOX 1 II I fac-slratle of Baldult's Gft Box, spnt anywhere, carrlnifu prepaid, for 51.00 1 12.5(0 Santa Claur Haadqjartars Bsonstl's Second Floor I You dine well on the California Limited Harvey dining-car meals Unequaled ia the world All transcontinental travelers say so Sunny Jim would soon lose his lean look on Harvey fare All the Way. Chicago aud Kansas City to L't Aogalet and 'Fi-lsoo E. L. PALMER, Pais. Agt, 400 Equitable Bid., Io Molnea, la. "One Out of A Hundred" fredsric W. Taylor, Chief of tho Agricultural Department of the St. Louia Exposition aaa of THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER "Of more than a hundred papers reUtinr to sniruliur., . r.lih.d st thia fciionion. Th. 1 xuiieih Cenlurji Ftioi.r is on. ul tour or sve that I lwn look through even lo enr liin.t. I knowof no papr which urDii to nie to he s more helpful wovkly iiior lo lite furiu. sud th. rlam-rul ailiclea wriiu n tr prsntual uimO nil illuatrat.d in .a tlluuiiualin war. aeeui la us ideal." We will send sample conies three weeks free. If you like it, mil scribe other wise it will slap promptly at the end of the three week, l'rice 11. 00 per year. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. 1739 FARNAM ST.. OMAHA, NEB. a i i f J V