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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1904)
9 POSTOFFICE NOTICE . Minnehaha. . via Southampton; al a. m. for BEt.GIL'M direct, pxr . . Flnlsad (mall mum be directed "per a. Finland ; at :30 a. m. for ITAI,T direct. per a. a. Nerkar (mall must be aireciea 'w a. a. WfrKtr" : at 8:30 a for ITALY direct, per a. a. Ligurla (mail muat d directed per a. a. L,tgurla ). Malta for Rontli ana Central America, Weat Indira, Ete. THVRSnAT ). At 8 a. m. for ClBA, TITATAN and CAMPFrHE. nr Monterey (mail for other parts of Mexico muei wo "iinirn per p. a. iwonterey'i ; at 11 m. for MEXICO, per a. a. Niagara, via Tamploo tmall muat ba directed " per a. a. Niagara") nniAY (Hi. At If m. for A RQENTINA, rm'OPAt and PARAWAT, P" Arablstsn; at It Tn. for YKCATAN nnd CAMPKi'HE, per a a. Dagrry; at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BA HAMA B, per a. a. Yucatan (mall for Mintiago mint be, directed "per a a Yucatan"): at 7 d. m. for HERMl'DA per ateamer from Halifax; at 7 p. m. for jn r,w j iuwNU,- per a. a. Carthagin ian, from Philadelphia. SATt'RDAY (10). At 8:30 a. m. (supple mentary 9:30 a. m ) for I'ORTO RICO. PI RACAO and VENKZI'KLA, per a. a. Caracas (mall for Colombia, via Curacao, muat be directed "per a. a Carvaa"); nt 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTt'NE ISLAND. JAMAICA and CO IXMBTA. except Magdalen B'p't, per a. a. Hlhlrla (mall for Costa Rica, via, T.lmon, muat be dlrerted "per a. a. Plblrla"); nt 9:30 a. m. (uprilemntarv 10:30 a. m ) for BT. THOMAfl ST. CROIX. I.EF WA RT and WINDWARD ISLANDS and OtJIANA, per a. a. Fontabelle; at 10 a. m. for d'BA. per a. a. Morro Castle, via Havana: at llrso p. m. for ri'BA. per a. a. Ollnda. via Matantaa (mall muat be directed " par a. a. Ollnda"). NOTICE Five centa per half ounce In ad dition to the regular pnatsge, muat ba prepaid on all lettera forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and lettera deposited In the drop marked "Lettera for Foreign Countries." after the CI.09 JNO OF THE KF.OfLAR MAIL, for dea patch by a particular veaael, will not ba so forwarded unleaa auch additional post- sgt la fully prepaid thereon by atampa. Supplementary Transatlantic Malls are iilao opened on the plera of the AMERI CAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH ateamera. whenever the aalllnga occur at 9 a. m. or later: and late mall may be deposited In the mail boxa on the piers of the Oer man Llnea Bailing from Hohoken. The malls on the plera open one hour and a half before sailing time, and cloae ten minute before aniline; time. Only regu lar poet aga (lettera E centa a half ounce) la required on article malted on the plera of the American, White Star and Ocrman (Sea Post) ateamera: double postage (letters 10 centa a half ounce) on other llnea. ' ' Malla Forvrarded Overland, F.te., Ex cept Trnnspnelfle. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, cloaea at thta office dally, except Thursday, at fi:80 a. m. (the connecting mails close here on Monday, Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unleaa specially addressed for despatch by steamer, closes at thla office dally, except Sunday, at 1:80 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcela-Post Mails) By rail to North Sydney nnd thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m.: Sunday at fl 30 p. m. (connecting mafia close here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). JAMAICA By rail to Boston and thenca by steamer, cloaea at this office at 7 p. m. Tuesday. By rail to Philadelphia and thence by steamer, cloaea at thla office at 10:30 p. m. Wednesday. M1QUELON Br rail to Boston and thence by steamer, Closes at tnia omce daily, ex cept Bunday, at 7 p. m.; Sunday at 0:30 p. m. BRITISH HONDURAS, HONDURAS (East Coast) AND GUATEMALA By rail to New Orleans ana tnence ny steamer, cloaea at thla office dally, except 8unday, nt 11:30 p. m. and (10:30 p, m., Sunday at 1 p. m. and 110:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Mondays at 110:30 p. m ). COSTA RICA By rail to New. Orleans and thence by steamer, cloaea at thla office dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m. and 110:30 p. m. Sundays at II p. m. and 110:30 p. m. (connecting maji cloaea her Tuesdays at 110:30 p. m ). NICARAGUA (East CoaaO By rail to New Orleans and thenoe by steamer, cloaea at thla office dally, except Sunday, at 11:80 p. m. and 110:30 p. m.; Sundays at ft p. m. and 10:3o p. m. (connecting mall cloaea here Thursdays at 110:30 p. m.). (Registered mall oloaea at p. m. previous day. i ' 1 1 Transpacific Malla Forwarded Over- laad Dally. The achedule of closing of Transpacific. Malla la arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The final connecting malla (ex cept Registered Transpacific. Mails, which close at a p. m. previous day) close at the General Postofflce, New York, as follows: JAPAN. COREA. CHINA and specially ad dressed mall for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Seattle, close at 8 p. m. December i for despatch per a. a. Lyla. HAWAII, via San Francisco, cloae at p. m. December 6 for deapatch per s. a Alameda. JAPAN, COREA, CHINA and specially ddressea mall for PHU.lFflNJS I BU NDS, via Seattle, close 'nt 6 n. m. De cember 7 for deapatch. per s. a. lyo Maru. HAWAII, JAPAN. COREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Fran cisco, cloae at 4 p. m. December 8 for des patch per a. ft. Gaelic. HAWAII, JAPAN, COREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran claco, cloae at p. m. December 13 for despatch per a s. Siberia.' NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA, HA WAII AND FIJI ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, close at ( p. m. December 17 for deapatch per s. s. Ventura. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with thla despatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and p. m. j Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m and 6 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer). JAPAN, COREA. CHINA and PHILIP PINE) ISLANDS, via. Tacoma. close at p. m. December 16 fur despatch per a. a. Yangtaye. - .. .. . JAPAN (except Paroela-Poat Malls), CO- D IT A 1llt.r 1 . . I II.. itbA, VtlJlA HIIU IHSCIHIIT RUUI CIVCU mall for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at 4 p. ni. December 30 for despatch per a. rjmprese or. inma. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, clots at 6 p. m. December 24 for despatch per a. a. Mariposa, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via San Francisco, close at 4 p. m. December 24 for despatch per U. 8. Transport. FIJI ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA (except Weat) and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, dose at 6 p. m. December 31 for deapatch per a. a. Aorangl. MANCHURIA (except ' Newch Wang) and EASTERN SIBERIA la at present for warded via Russia NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, Wesi . Australia la forwarded via Europe: New Zealand via San Francisco and certain places In the Chinese Province of Yunnan, via British India the Quickest routes. Philippines speriallv addressed "via Eu- elgn rates, Hawaii la forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. EDWARD M. MORGAN, . ' ' Acting postmaster. . Postofflce, New York, N. ?.-, December I, 1H. GOVEKSaCST aOTICES. pEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, li. 8. Ueolugical Survey, Washington, D. C, November IT, 1U04 Sealed pripo.-ala will be received at the office ot tha ch ef Kng.neer Of the iteclamailon Service, L. B. Gcoiogl ual Survey, . Washington, D. C, untU a o'clock p. in. January 9, 1906, for the con struction of an outlet tunnel about lii guars feet cross section and about iuo feel lung, aud two vertical halls, in olid granite, to serve as a diversion tun nel for the Puilttinder dam, about tiny miles southwest of Casper, W'yO., on Nortn Platte river. Forma of proposal, plana and apecincationa may be seen at the omce ut tha Chief Engineer. Washington, D. C, or at the umce of - the Untied Slates Reclamation Service, chamber of Com merce building, Denver, Colo. Each bid must ' be accompanied by -a certified check for tl.OuO, payable to the order of the Secretary of ibe Interior, as a guaranty that the bidder will, if success ful, promptly execute a satisfactory con tract, and furnish bond In tha sum of JO per vnt of the contract price (or the faithful performance of ibe- work. The right la reaerved to reject any or all bids to acoept on part aud reject the other and to waive technical dercl as the in terest of the service may require Pro posals muat be marked "Proposals for Pathfinder Tunnel. Norih Plana Project.' Bidders are Invited to be present. THOMAS RYAN, Acting Secretary. Nov. it 1)1, 3, 4, t, 10, It, IS, IT, )0. LEGAL HOTirjEI. Oftlcs of tha City Clerk. South Omaha. Neb.. December 4. M. Sealed bids urf. drMl to I hat unilHralmad - and ittnlulv cived until I o'clock p. in- of lecmber lUth. A It. W4. at the otfloa of the city clerk. South Oiuaha, Neb. I " U purcaas of tb folltwtOg Issues l.m. u . I.. UMIUS Will 1B IK LEGAL NOTICES of city bonds, these said bonds so offered being general obligations of the clly. First. Seventy Thousand (I7U 0O0) Dollars Of City Hall Bonds In denominations of One Thousand ill.OW) Dollars, or Five Hundred !') Dollars each, at the option of the purchaser, dated December I. 1S"H, payable In twenty (M) years after date, Interest four (4) per cent per annum, pay able semi-annually on the first days ot December and May of each year. These are bonds to be Issued and de voted exclusively to the purchase of a ante, the erection and furnishing and equipment of a city hall, nnd are optional after five (5 years. Interest coupons pavwble at Ne braska fiscal agency. New York City. New York. Second. Forty Thousand d40.nnn) Dollars of "Park Bonds" In denominations of One Thousand (H.OoO) Dollara. or Five Hundred (IViOi Dollars each, at the option of the purchasers, dated December 1, payable twenty (20) yeara after date, Ir.terest four (4 per conl per annum, payablo semi annually on the first daya of December and May of each year. These ar bnnris in K Issued and de voted tn the purchasing of lots, lands and frround within said cltv, to be used and mproved for park and park way pur rtnsee. Interest coupons pavahle at Ne braska fiscal agency, New York City. New iora. An annual tat imnn all the taxable prop erty of the clnty will be levied by the city tn pay the Interest and principal upon these said bonds at maturltv. A sinking fund belnr provided for thst purpose. The faith and credit, the revenue and taxing powera end all the property or sain cltv being Irrevncahlv pledged for the nrnmnt navment thereof Each bid shall afete aeparatelv the amount offered as "Principal and Pre mium." and that "Accrued Interest" wttl be raid to date of delivery and payment of borts. a Fnch hid muat be accompanied tv a cer tified check on a ne,lnnal or state bank In the sum of One Thousand ftl 000) Dol lars and made pavahle to the cftv as evt denre of good faith on the part of the bMder. The cltv council reserve unto Itself tha rlrht to reject any or all bids, or to waive de'ecta. By order of the pooncti JOHN J niLT 'N D7dl3tm City Clerk. The 'Best of Everything eassssBaasBBBBBBBnaMaaaaBSBBBBsaBBBBMa THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICfl NO. 12. The Daylight Special Now Carries Elegant Par lor Car Service, Leaving Omaha 8:00 Every Morn ing, Arriving at Chicago 8:50 O'clock p. m. Din ing Car Serving All Meals Tlckat Offloai 1401 1408 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA. TttopkMH UMII, DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITY VETERINARIAN, Office and Infirmary, 28th and Mason Sta. OMAHA, NEB. Telephone 632. , RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION TENTH AND MARCY Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific. 17 A BT Leave. Arrive. PhlnaM Y.tmlteA .a t.K am b 7:00 am ,bl2:01 pm .a 4:30 pm .a 6:40 pm a 7:10 am a 9:36 pm a Sn5 pm bll:60 am a 1 :20 pm Chicago Daylight Local Chicago express Tnm Mnln.. Kvnresa... Chicago Fast Express.. Rocky Mountain Ltd... Lincoln, Denver c weat Oklahoma & Tex. Ex.. .a am n o -w pm .a 1:30 pm a 5:06 pm .a 6:26 pm all:66 am Chleasro Great Western St. P. ft Minn. Ltd a 8:30 pm St. P. St Minn. Ex a 7:35 am a 7:15 am a 9:26 pm al0:30 am a 4:C6 pm Chicago Limited a 4:60 pm Chloago Express ."..a 4:30 am CblcasTo A Northwestern. Local Chicago .....all:30 am Mall . a J:lo pm 8:30 am li:00 pm 11 :60 pm 9:li am 9:30 am 7:05 am a 9:30 am 8:80 am a 8:46 pm lo:35 am 10:36 am 6:16 pm e 6:16 pm 6:15 pm 8:20 am 10:80 pm ! 8:30 pm a 6:00 am a 5:00 pm Daylight Ht. Paul a 7:.V urn Daylight Chicago a 4:00 am Limited Chicago a :zo pm Local Carroll a 4:00 pm Faat St. Paul :. a 8:16 pm Local Sioux C. A St. P.b 4:00 pm Fast Mall Chicago Express isorroiK & uonesieei a : am Lincoln Long Plne....b 7:40 am Deadwood A Lincoln.... a 2:60 pm f -it sner A Wyoming. ....d 2:50 um Hastings-Albion b 2:60 pm Wabash. St. Loula Exprsss 4:30 pm St. Louis Local (from- Council BlutTs) 1:16 am Shenandoah Local (from council uiurrs). i:pn Mlaeoarl Pac-ISe. St. Loula Express a 9:30 Am K. C. & Bt. L. Kx all:15 pm Inlus Parlflo. Tha Overland Limited.. a 9:40 am Colo. A Cala. Ex a 4:10 pm Chicago-Portland Sp'L.a 4:20 pm Eastern Express......... Columbus Local b 6:00 pm Colorado Special., a 7:49 am a 8:06 pm a s:4u am a 8:30 pm b 1:36 am a 4:60 am b 1 16 pm 8:20 pm al0:35 pm a 6:06 am blO:3S pm a 8:06 pm 1. - all .00 pm a 8:10 pm a 7:36 am a 8:10 pm Chicago special nemrice i.ocul o s:ao pm Faat Mall... a 8:60 am Illlaula Central. Chicago Express ..a 7:26 am Chicago Limited a 7:60 pm Minn & Bt. faui Ex...b 7:26 am Minn A Bt. Paul Ltd. .a 7:60 pm Chicago, Milwaukee A Bt. Pi Chicago Daylight Ex... a 7:66 am California-Oregon Ex. ..a fi if. r,,.. Overland Limited a :20 did Dea M. A OkoboJI Ex.. a 7:66 am BIRLINGTON STATION lilTH A MASON BurltasTtoa. Leave. ..a 4:10 pm ..all:10 pm ..a 8:50 am . b 3:67 pm Arrive. ' 3:M pm 4:W pm a 7:4u pm al2:o6 pm a 8:31 am aii. a 6:65am a 8 65 pin a 7:i am all:() pm 1146 am a 4:46 am 4:t4 pm Denver California Northwest Kxpreas.. Nebraska points Lincoln Faat Mail... V,.rt Crook A Platta mouth t I K pm Bellevua A Plattamouth.a7.o4 pin itetievue at racino Junction a 8:80 am Denver Limited . Chicago Special 7:10 am Chicago Expresa a 4:00 pm Chicago Flyer .a 8:06 pm Iowa Local a 9:16 am St. 1-ouls Express a 4:26 pm Kansas City A St. Joe..al0:46 pm Kansas City St. Joe. .a 9:15 am Kaunas City A Bt. Joe. .a 4:26 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 16TH A WEBSTER Mlaaaart Paelae. : Nebraska Local via - " ' Waepi ig Water b I 6o pm.' bll 40 am raleaca, at. raal, Mtanaolla A Qaaaha. . ''win City Passenger.... b 4:30 am b 9:10 pin Bloux City Paaseuger..a 2:u0 pin all iO ant Oakland Loral b I 46 pm b 9:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally ixeepl tUtiurda. tJaUjr sacapi Monday. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL MINOR MENTION. Davis sells drugs. LefTert's glasses fit. 8tockert sells carpets. Domestic rooking, 38 No. Main at. Duncan sells the best school shoe. Night school at Western Iowa college. Drs. Woodbury, dentists, 80 Pearl at. For rent, modern house. 728 Sixth sv. Duncan does the oeat repairing, 23 Main. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. S. H., Ogden, a son. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Mc Nlece, a son. John Cromble died last night at his home, 2608 Fifth avenue. Fyrogrnphy outfits and supplies. Alex ander, U3.1 Broadway. A successful, progressive, substantial school la the Western Iowa college. Missouri oak dry cordwood 14 cord deliv ered. Wm. Welch, 16 N. Main st. Tel. li. Friday evening, Merrlam block, annual Bale and basur. Myrtle Lodge of Honor. The Woman'a auxiliary of Grace Epis copal church will meet this afternoon at the rectory. v Twenty-four karat' gold plated photo frames, the latest thing out. BorWlck, ill S. Main. Tel. 683. Mr. and . Mra. Frank L. Chapman of Easton, Pa., are guests of Mr. and Mra. H. H. Van Brunt. Mr. and Mrs. John Keller will leave tomorrow- for Los Angeles, Cal where they will spend the winter. There will be a special meeting this even ing of Harney chapter, Order of the East ern Star, In Masonic hall. Take notice, all old accounts not settled at once will be gh-en an attorney or col lector. Settle now and save costs. George S. Davis. Sam Friedman has complained to the police that two sneak thieves abducted an overcoat from a dummy in front of his store on Broadway. Council Bluffs lodge of Elks will enter tain its members and thdr friends at a card" patty at th? club house Thursday evening of next week. Judge Mcpherson will hold a apeclal ses sion of federal court todny to adjudicate certain matters In connection with the Green Cattle company bankruptcy case. ,ooo lbs. to the ton guaranteed. Morton Bridenstein, the new firm. Prompt aerv Ice, best coal and wood, lowest prices. Yards, 14th avenue and 6th St. Tel. 182. John Llnder began ault In the district court Against Karl Karrer, the convicted Treynor bank robber, to recover 81,100 al leged to be due on promissory notes and on merchandise account. Deputy City Clerk E. B. Bowman has been appointed secretary of the Park board In place of N. C. Phillips, who will leave shortly for Portland, Ore., where he and his family will make their home. Lily Camp Aid society will meet Friday at the home of Mrs. Ctierrlngton. 614 North Twenty-third street, Omaha. Mem bers will meet at Broadway and Pearl streets at 10:30 a. m. and go In a body. Justice Ouren performed the marriage ceremony yesterday for Walter Clatter buck and Susan Wilson, both of Potta wattamie county, and Theodore Pederson and Olga Martlnsen, both of this city. Dr. H. B. Jennings left Tuesday night for Cl'icaRo to attend the annual conven tion of the Rock Island railway surgeons. He will return to cloae up his buslnes9 affairs before leaving to Join hia family In a trip to Europe. County Treasurer Conslgny yesterday turned over from the November tax col lections 82,163.27 to Treasurer McUee of the school district: 83,621.67 to City Treas urer True and 8169.89 to Treasurer Dere ahelm of the Park board. The recelpta In the general fund of the Christian home last week amounted to 86H5.01, being 8396.02 above the needs of the week and decreasing the deficiency In this fund to date to 37,235.64. In the manager's fund the recelptB were only $1, ' being 834 below tha needs of the week and "In creasing the deficiency to 8610.10 in this fund to date.' Rooms and cafe. Ogden Hotel. Lttie Interest In Y. W. r. A';'- The meeting held yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. C. G. 8aundra on Oakland avenue for tho purpose of consid ering the advisability of organizing a Young Woman's Christian association' In this city did not bring out a very large at tendance and the prevailing; opinion among the women present was that it wa not Junt the proper tlmo to organise. Committees were aDDolnted to canvass the city with a view of ascertaining if there was a need of such an association and how many yoouig women would bo likely to become members If one was organised. The 'matter wa presented to the meet ing by Miss McElroy of Des Moines, state organizer. Mrs. Harford and Mrs.. Byera of th Omaha association were present and told of the benefit the young women of that city received by having aucn an in stitution. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 280; night, FS67. Attempt at Incendiarism. Word was received yesterday morning that an attempt to burn the new two story hotel In the town of McClelland, on the Great Western, had been made by an Incendiary. Only meager details were received, but It was stated that coal oil or gasoline was poured over the outside of the building, but the blaze fortunately was discovered In time to extinguish It before any damage was don. It was stated further that a certain person was suspected o9 starting the fire and that an arrest might be made at any moment Plumbing and heating-- Blxby A Son. George Mathesoa Weds. George Matheson of Weston and Stella Vincent of Ascot were married yesterday afternoon In this city by Justice Ouren. The groom Is the young man who was sentenced to eight years In tha penitentiary for shooting Constable Baker of this city. His case has. been appealed to the su preme court and will come up at the spring term. He Is. at present out on bonds in the sum of 86,000. Has. wiasLoirs SOOTHIKQ SYRUP u bam saed by Millions of Motion foctlMtr oluidrea waile TsnUuns fur oitt Kirtf Ta&rs. It simtlwis the oalld, scrteos the gumi, aliaj all pain, cures wind eolio, aud la tas best lemedy for diarrhoea. TWKNTV-riTB OKsTTS A 2MTTTLC THE Rapid Delivery Co. IO PEARL STRUT. We Guarantee Quick an4 Safe Delivery of Baggage and Parcels. OMR PRICES ARE RICHT. TRY US. Offlc 'Phone 027. Kssiusnca 'Phono 1-74(4. CHATTEL LOANS A, A. CLARK aV CO.. . -. . BtUkllalMS UU. Bratavsr n. rism's Base sura Ion t.rr, .up hum oa asm., ksnsa SsuMkold turuliura or ih, ckstui sseurllr. rsysMnts c.n fca md. princls! si tor tla to tuM borr.r tn Utersst ndlnl sceordloilf All tnnrM MrfautUI. Umm ntm. OSes seas LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN 28 PEARL ST.'"w eS 'acly Altmdant If Daalred. BLUFFS KARRER GETS TWELVE YEARS Trssor Ink lobber Zfidestly Phased it Wm Ho Mors. OTHER PRISONERS UP FOR SENTENCE Colored Men Who rie'ad Oallty to Robbery of Opinion that the Plea Did ot Help Them o Marta. Carl Karrer. who robbed the bank at Treynor. In., on October 8. wea yesterday sentenced by Judge Oreen In district court to twelve years' imprisonment in the peni tentiary at Fort Madison. Karrer was accompanied In court by his attorney, S. W. Wadaworth. and when asked by the court If he had anything to say. replied that he had not. In passing sentence Judge Green rehearsed the circum stances of the crime and dwelt at some length on the fact of Karrer having locked Miss Flood In the vault where she might have suffocated to death. In which event Karrer would have had to face a charge of murder Instead of robbery. In view of the fact that Karrer had entered a plea of guilty and the money had been recov ered, this had tended to mitigate the pun ishment which would have been Imposed the court stated, and added further that If this had not been the case there would have been no reason why he should not have received the maximum sentence of twnty years. Karrer, when sentence was Imposed, smiled and heaved a deep sigh, evidently thank ful that the auspense was ended and that he knew his fate which was undoubtedly less severe than he had anticipated. He accompanied the officers back to the county Jail without saying a word. Karrer's robbery of the bank was a par ticularly foolhardy ' crime. . The fact that he lived In the town where he conducted a saloon made him especially well known, and despite his attempt at disguise Miss Flood easily recognised his voice when at the point of a revolver he forced her to hand over such money as wns In. the bank and then ordered ber into the vault which he closed. The robbery was committed on the day of the German celebration in Council Bluffs when nearly all the citizens of Trey nor were" In this city participating in the festivities. Karrer took part In the parade In the morning, but as soon ns that was over drove back to Treynor and committed the robbery. After committing the robbery he left his team and buggy about two and a half miles from Treynor and then walked back to the town, but Instead of going to his own home, hid In the Olderog hotel. Bloodhounds brought here from Beatrice followed his tracks to the Olderog hotel and Karrer, who' had been urldcr suspicion from the start, was arrested. With the exception of a small amount the money taken from the bank waavrecqvered. Fi nancial thoubles, It Is said,, led Karrer to commit the crime. "Louis Brown and George AVatklns, the negroes who robbed a suliKijj and barber shop on South Main street were,, each sentenced to four yeara In the Fort Madlsop penitentiary; two years and a. half the charge of breaking Into' tile 'saloon and eighteen months for the robbery at the barber shop. They jevldentlv, expected by pleading guilty to" have received lighter sentences, as on leaving the court room they declared to the officers that their plea of guilty had apparently not done them much good. James Ralph, the young. farm hand who stole 830 and a gold watch from his room mat, escaped with four months In the county Jail. It was shown that Ralph, who had previously borne an excellent rep utation, committed the theft while under the Influence of liquor. Lodge Elect lone. Lily camp. Royal Neighbors of America, haa elected these officers for the ensuing year: Mrs. A. F. Wilson, oracle; Mrs. Richard Limme, vice oracle; Mrs. George B. Selbold, chancellor; Mrs. Frank Bar low, marshal; Mrs. Iaura J. Morris, re corder; Mra. John Barr, receiver; Mrs. Stephen Heart, inner sentinel; Mrs. A. Streeter, outer sentinel; Dr. M. B. and Susan MoO. - Snyder, physicians; Mrs. Laura J. Morris, delegate; Mrs. W. L. Kirkland. alternate. Concordia lodge No. 62, Knlghta of Pyth ias, has elected the following officers: Chancellor commander, Edward Steepy; vice chancellor,' Henry Hermani prelate, C. E. Cooper; master of the work, Clem F. Kimball; keeper of records and seals, Frank Klgan; master of finance, B. Crocker; mas ter ' of ' exchequer, - Jv J. KUen;' master-at-arms, ., F. Hamilton; Inner guard, James Dubonl; outer guard, Charles Hood; trus tees, J. T. Sullivan, Clem Kimball, G. B. Patterson. Cannlnar Factory Located. It was practically decided yesterday that the factory 'of the Growers' Canning com pany la to be located on the 'south aide of Ninth avenue, between Seventh and Klghth streets, where the necessary track age will be afforded by the Great West ern railroad. Tha commercial agent of the Great Western Is expected here today or tomorrow, when the question of , loca tion will be definitely settled.' - A representative of the Hastings Indus trial company of Chicago, which will In stall the plant, la In the city and the mo ment the question of location la decided arrangements for the erection of the buildings will be made and the work of construction begun. elect Line of Leather Goods at Le Vert's. Consisting of card cases, pocketbooks, hand- Dags, noteooosa, cigar cases, wallets and billhooks, playing card oases, etc. gome plain, others sterling silver ad solid gold mounted.. Our prices the lowest for this high quality of goods. Real Estate Transfers. These transfera were reported to The Bee December 7 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Mary Ellen Halladay et al. to R. A. James, part original plat lot HI, q e. d t .7.1 x John King to Ellen W. Crowe, lot 15, block 4u, Ferry addition, w. d 8 000 B. H. Tenhagen and wife to J. H Meacham, lot 8, block 8, Oakland. w. d 8,000 J. H. Meacham to Al. A. Lenocker. lot f, block , Oakland, w. d 4000 Sheriff to J. W. Bqulre, trustee, lot 8 block 8, Cochran's addition, s. d 1,00 Five transfers, total .$1,323 Breaches ana Searf Pins. The finest line of brooches and a,-rni In the" city. Ws guarantee the quality and our price the lowest. . , ' LEFFBRT. Jeweler, , ' Broadway. .. Mae of Beys Located. ' Tk- .1, V. ..-! .... m.A . A . I a -umiui iivm menjijr Inat Walter Konkler, one of the two boys that made their escape Tuesday night from tha Juvenile detention ward in the county court houhe. had returned to hia home on North JUghth street II being understood- that the boy could be got at any time that tils presence In court was necessary, no effort was made yesterday by the officers to re arrest him. Arnold Solomon, the Omaha boy who made his escape with young Konkler, Is still at large nnd the local officers are of the opinion that he may have returned to Omaha. Pnbllahlnar Company In Tronhlc. Members of the Danish Publishing com pany last evening filed an application for the appointment of a receiver for the Danske Fnlketidende. the Danish news paper of this city. The application Is the result of a suit brought by the Commercial National bank of this city to recover on promissory notes given by members of the publishing company prior to the recent re orgnnlxatlon. Jacob Hansen and William Larsen. the petitioners, allege that the paper was turned over to Axel Andersen and C. P. Christiansen, who are now publishing It, but they have paid nothing for It. Hansen and IJirsen further allege that Andersen and Christiansen are about to remove the plant to Omaha. The plant,' the con tend, should be made subject to the In debtedness to the bank. Judge Oreen Issued an order plnclng the property In statu quo until the applica tion for a receiver la heard and deter mined. Tha hearing on the application Is set for Saturday, December 17, In district court. Fine Silver Toilet Seta at Lcffert'a. We have a large and beautlfu line of silver toilet svts, "gray finish," and most artistic designs, consisting of brush, comb and mirror. Prices at to up to 8D and 810. according to the pattern. Call In; we would like to show them to you. Marrlnare Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: 1 Name nnd Residence. " Age Lionel Walker, Omaha l'3 lxiuise Fuller, NOmaha 26 Theodore Pederson. Council Bluffs 30 Olga Martlnsen, Council Bluffs 20 C. J. Bergqulst, Omaha 8 Hilda L. Olson, Council Bluffs i5 Ueorge Matheson, Weston, la "i Stella Vincent, Ascot, la ,vj Walter Clatterbuck, Po:awattamle county, Iowa 21 SuBun Wilson, Pottawattamie county, la "is Coart Work at Logan. LOGAN, la.. Dec. 7.-(8pecl.a)-At the November term of the Harrison county district court, still In session here, the matter of the Curtis ditch has been set tled. Fred Powley was awarded 8412.5) damages, sustained from the drainage ditch. In the matter of Abraham Love less against Viola end W. T. Brown the plaintiff claimed that Brown obstructed a stream which ran through the fnrms of both parties, thereby seriously damaging the Loveless land by overflow. It was de cided In the favor of the defendant. The matter of G. F. Detwller against Harrison Yount, In which the plaintiff claimed that Younfs bull had broken Into his pasture and gored two horses to death and serl ounly maimed ,a third, waa decided by giving the plaintiff a verdict of 8410. A criminal case, the State of Iowa against E. A. Quick, Is now on . trial. Quick In a farmer living near Dunlap and Is charged with stealing hogs. The cuse has not yet been decided. Frank Wilson, the tramp who stole some goods from Ed Bradley, a Missouri Val ley clothier, several weeks ago, pleaded guilty and waa aent to the Fort Madison penitentiary for the term of one yeur. Corn llnsklna Extraordinary. - FAHKAOt'T, la.-. Dex. 7.-(3pec!al.)Ora Hopkins, son of Stanley Hopkins, a promi nent farmer living three and one-half miles northwest of this place, husked 217 bushels and twenty pounds of corn In ten hours. The record Just made Is believed to eclipBe the existing authentic records. The corn was husked on the farm of Jack Farwell, welshed on R. Whlsler & Sons' scales and delivered to Ross A Ferre! for seed. The corn was husked as clean, If not cleaner, than by the average hunker und the old style 6-cent husking pegs were used. A year ago Charles Rennack, while husking two miles southeast of this place, per formed the feat of husking m bushels and sixteen pounds In the same time, which was then heralded as a world's record, und later In the season Mr. Rennack bested the Illinois cham;ilon by several bushels in a seven-hour contest. Mr. Hopkins' work wee witnessed here today by a lurge number of people from all directions. Old Soldier Hangs Himself. MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. Dec. 7.-(Speclal Telegram.)-Wm. Wlnksteln. an old soldier was found this morning sitting on the edge of his bed, like a man .putting on his snoes, witn a rope around his neck and laaienea 10 me peapost. He had been aeaa ror some time. It Is supposed that he had tied tha rope to the bedpost and thrown himself down, .' dying slowlv bv strangulation. A cotton hahndkerchlef had been put under , the rope to keep it from hurting his throat. His neck was not broken. There is no known cause for the suicide, and a careful search of all his belongings failed to shed any light, Prthlans Choose Officers. MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia., Dec. 7.-(Spe-clal.) The Missouri Valley Knights of Pythias lodge has elected the following officers to serve during the coming year: C. C, J. .B. Lyon; V. P., Adin Brown; P., R. L. Kendall; M. of W.. E. C. Shaffer; K. of R. 8., E. D. Bradley; M. of F R. U Llndsley; M. of E., J. S. McGavem; M. of A.. Earl Beagle; O. G.,' Morris Hearn; I. G., W. E. Smith; trustees. G. S. Osborn, C. W. Kellogg and R. L. Ken dall. Installation ceremonies will be held on the evening of Monday, January 2. New Record In Hogs. SIOUX CITY, Ia., Dec. 7.-Speclal Tele gram.) All records for a single day In hog receipts were smashed on the Sioux City market today by the arrival of 160 cara, or 9.8uO hogs. The largest previous day was December 3, 1889, when 8,665 hoga were re ceived. The receipts for the year se far are 8,000 past the million mark. Woman Is Adjudged Insane. ONAWA, Ia., Dec. 7. (Special.) Mrs Alice B. Kelly, who Uvea near Mapleton, - . AxA Ina.n. a r A maTi ... Ka V. . ' was adjudged Insane ana sent to the hos- pltal at Cherokee toua. 1 bud snrnS(rll Ail ot tms can be aroided, howerer, by the use of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this great liaiment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preset Tes the symmetry of her form. Mother' Friend overcomes all the ianger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through this critical period without pain. It ia woman's greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and reiief derived from the at of this wonderful - remedy. Sold by all -1 druggists at . ao per ; bottle. Our little book, telling all about this liniment, will be aent free. Jli Bn.fUI. Rtrilator Ci, Atiiitv U FIRST HANGING IN YEARS Oslorcd Man to fay Penalty for Murder of Hia Tonner Sweetheart CASHIER'S BONDSMEN FIGHT PAYMENT Wife of Secretary Shaw to Be In Dea Molnea Soon and Several Social Fnacllona Planned In Her Honor. (From a Staff Correspondent ) DK9 MOINES. Dec. 7. (Special. .-Preparation are now under way for the first legal hanging In Iowa In many years. ThU will be the hanging o( Joseph C. 8ml. h, colored, In the penitentiary at Fort Madi son, December SO next. Smith is a young negro who followed his old sweetheart to Iowa from Vlrglnli. She was Mrs. Ida Canady, who had married a miner of Bux ton and waa living happily. Smith lame to Buxton, and, aeeurlng employment, began rooming at tha Canady home. Canady be came Jealous, trouble followed and the evi dence showed that Pmlth had tried hard to lead Mra. Canady astray. One day he arose early In the morning and had a quarrel with Mra Canady about his break fast, after which he went out and, securing a shotgun, came beck to the hou-e and shot her dead In. her kitchen. He fled and was pursued across tho country, but was finally captured and brought back. He confessed and was given the death s ntence by Judge Roberts oi Ottumwa. He has made no appeal either r review of the case by the supreme court, of which he ha a right, nor for clemency, and the law will be allowed to take Its course. There waa much Interest this week at Albla In a similar case In which Judge Roberts Jiad the duty of Imposing sentence. This was the case of Joseph Hodgeny, who murdered his sweetheart. Ella T'ndera tlon. He stood trial and was convicted of murder In the first degree. The only de fense attempted was that of Insanity, but Judge Roberts In this case Inflicted only life Imprisonment. Bondsmen Will Kvnde Payment. There Is In sight an Interesting legal bat tle over the loss In the Wapello Savings bank due to the KS.OW defalcation of Cashier W. H. Colton. The directors made provision for retorlng the capital stock after Impairment and the stockholdets were called upon to make good the entire cefal catlon. They have also commenced ault against the cashier'a bondsmen, but this la restated on the ground that the directors did not perform their duty in relation to the bank. Colton has commenced his term of Imprisonment in the penitentiary, his case establishing a quick-time record. He was arrested. Indicted, pleaded gui.ty. was sentenced and placed In prUon all In one day. Colton had held the esteem and con fidence of the people to a wonderful degree and It Is still much of a mystery how he managed to get rid of the money which was stolen. Organise a Sew Bank. The state auditor today chartered the Shannon City Savings bank to b.gln busi ness December 8, with 818,000 capital; J. E. Blgelow, cashier. j Tho secretary of state received the fol lowing articles of Incorporation: Farmers' Incorporated Co-operative society of Sols berg. ln Wright county, Ia.; capital. 125.-000- V H. Brooks, president; I. L. Cun-delV-secretary. Manning' Ccal company. Keosauqua; capital. $1,000. Grand Central Tea company, Davenport; capita, 810 000 William Stuhr and others. Clare Mutual Telephone company or v.wu-. capital, 810.000; Charles Donahue, president J. A. Ridden, secretary. rn Drain Island Lake. Th state executive council today de xa rn draining another of the many Iowa lakea that are wanted for farming purposea. Thla Is Island laae. in nui.u. . -nnntv. a considerable body of water, which has become lurgely a swamp. Tha report of the state engineer presented to the council Is ravornnie 10 araum, m Ulce and sale to those Who Claim owner ship now. The lake bed waa sold by u.miiinn county a few yeara ago and owners of farm lands nearby are oppos Ing the drainage. It Is one of the lakes that will be drained early next spring, the council already having given orders for a number of such drains. ' Mra. ghavr In lira. Molnea. Mrs. Leslie M. Shaw and daughter, Enid are In Des Moines and while here this week have been the recipients of many social honors. Two or three big recep Hons were arranged for. them at a new mansion built by a local doctor on West Grand avenue. Invitations are also ou for a social function to meet Secretary and Mrs. Shaw next week and It Is stated here that Secretary Shaw will be In the city at that time, but In political circles nothing la known of his visit. The opinion widely, prevails here that Shaw will flot be in the cabinet after March 4. but doubt is expressed as to his returning to Iowa to live. Modified the Sentence. Judge Smith McPherson this afternoon modified the ten years' sentence Imposed upon Andrew Sorenson and Frank H'odge to three and one-half years on each count or seven years In al). The men were con vlcted of the Van Meter postofflce rob bery, and the court stated that he modi fled hta previous order because of Soren son 's wife and children, dependent upon Sorenson and ao each man will serve him. He held that Hodge ahould not suf fer greater punishment than that given to seven years. Hcbekaha . Elect Officers. MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia.. Dec. 7.-(Spe-clal.) At the regular meeting of the Lil lian lodge No. 20, Daughters of Rebekah. the following officers were elected to serve during the coming year: N. O., Mrs Rachel Cou; V. G., Mrs. Ella Fisher; T Mrs. Mary Hansen; R. 8., Olga Btrobehn; P. B Mrs. Helen Heath. The Installation ceremonies will be held at the first regular meeting in January. On the evening of Saturday, December 17, Missouri Valley's Lillian lodge will tender . i . V. - ..I I . I . . a re ception to the visiting lodge from Mag- noil a. Eery wosnan eorttt shapely, pretty fignr), and many of them deplore th lost of hesT girlish forms after marriage. The bearing of children it often destructive ' to the mother's, shapeliness. A as di.ia - ... IFiPtitBgdtjfl. WHY WOMEN HAVE PAINS A Few Facts That Every Woman Should Know About tier In ternal Arrangements. SCIENCE AND SENSE. Yos are L)ln lp for Yosrielf Los Year of Ssfierinf and Melancholy Refrets, , by Neflectinf- Yoar Paint Today. Interesting Information Reaardlnat Simple Way of Heatorlnsr Health o All Sick Women. W0NDERFU. RESULTS RECORDED. NEW YORK, 10. 7 -(Special ) " Is bold tnan who will venture to break away from all the traditions of the medical pro. fesslon, and give the public a few plain facts In langunge that they can understand, Yet that Is what I am going to do. What I have to say ill be addressed tS all women young women, wives, mothers, grandmothers. Hut men who have women folks, whoss health nmy depend on their care or advice, will also find these fncts of value. I want you, my friend, to bear In mind one thing: No woman should ever consent to suffer Pnln. Life Is hard enough, In Its worries and fears, without the nddltlonal torture oi J'aln. Some peoplo sny Pnln Is a symptom Rut I say it is a disease. It Is a quivering of the nerves, which caa be set at rest by the proper medicine. Understand me; I am got advocating ths use of a Pain Reliever but a Pnln Cure. , Wine of Cardul Is a cure for women's pains. It Is the only one. If you try It, you will see. You know something about the nerves. One of their, rriatn functions is to act upon the blood vessels, and to so act upon them as to Insure that the tissues are properly fed, the waate and repair of ths body properly balanced, perfect health properly maintained. Wherever there la a blood vesael there Is also a tiny nerve, like a patrolman, polic ing his beat and keeping traffic open. Kvery now and then If something la wrong he calls up central and reports. You FEBL the bell ring. It SOUNDS to you like a Pain. ! Meantime there la great activity through out your- body, one-tenth of which you hardly feel., The desk sergeant In your head fills up a patrol wagon with white blood cells dls-esHc-quellers and down they rush to ths seat of trouble. Oh, there are a thousand Intricate little things done, that It would take a beck te tell, and which all mean one thingf YOUR NATURAL LIFE FORCK3 ARB TRYING TO GET RID OF TUB TROUBLE. When they are too weak to do this, ths Pain continues, gets worse maybe, lasts, perhaps, off and on, al) your life. What to do? Take Wine of Cardul. It Is a reinforcement of your natural forces. That's all. Yes; but It's enough. Wkrte of Cardul Is a, cure for Women's Pains, because it Is n medicine which acti Upon the special nerve centers, which, In a woman, by reason of her special, womanly . functions, are most often in a weakened and untonlc condition. For this reason jt Is a woman's medicine. Because it is a woman's medicine. It acts upon every woman with an almost marvel ous, tonic, strengthening, recuperative ef fect. It relieves cures women's pains. It regulates women's forces and functions. It banishes women's nervous irritability. It brings bock women's smiles, roses, blushes, complexion, strength. It nlds mothers to stund motherhood's trials. It helps housewives to find . work a pleasure. It aaviHts girls and ypung women to study, grow aud enjoy life, as never before. In fact, In every condition, age, or state of life, women will find. In Wine of Cardul, a safe, pleusant and atrlctly sclentlno aid to health and happiness. TRY IT. 1 Tho " un,c Par Excellence. D t A Wine Cordiai.) : e best specllic remedy for v II .Malarial and Typhoid' r overs. aide. Influenza, Ao.. Every Woman , U Ust6TMtd inn thouia snow About in wotderfV MARVEL tthirlina Sprcf Tb nw VasftaaJ flyrtskM. Jrvf JL Hummt bum on. licut flaX it in out cooTnluV if he rsnnoi supply the asi si,, lu'nepi no lhr. bul mad auons fa Uln.mtedlw-.k-K.l-4. tilves full iwruciilsrt sad dueotioiM In to In-lit-, M A K V X CO., tirwsMwisiii sera. For sale by aCHAEFER'S DRUG STORES, lttn ana Chicago sts.; 80. omasa, X4tb and N Stat Council Bluffs, 8th and Main sts. CUHN CO.. 15tb and Doualas street. DRs McGREW SPECIALIST. Treat all forms of DISEASES OF MEN 8 Years' K 1 perl en m IS tears iu Omaha ' A Medical Espe r w nose reraarkabl e has ueve r been ezeelled. Nearly 30,uoo Cases Cured. Virioocl.. Hrdrocl., Blood Pol-ma. Strtotun, QlU Nervous Dobllllr. Lom oi Siroue-e sad VlUill. His Home Treatment . ass aorauuioDtlir cured tbouoanda ol qmm et threats N.nroui. Hocui, Kldn.r and BUdd.r and Skla ln- m mi .t small eost. Sava tin- aad ncHi.r ay dao. crlblnf your caae and wrlta lor ragg BOOK sad Urmi of trMlmaat. Medicine arat In plals aeke. Charges Low. Consultation Free. Office Houre-4 a sb. to I tu p. av; Ssadars, $ a. lo M a. si. Call m write, kei tad. Oflce IIS S. lilfe St., Onuba, Neb. MHIANDWOUFM, I'ee Bit 'or assaisral Sierhars,tBDinoaloiMV Irrllelleas tr elutracauakf of niaoose aaeaabfanaa. P. 1 11 1 . -.d n it! aLrtite - InuEvMlCMiMKiuCs. ,est or poteoaoa. by JPrnBgteae, ' or aea la pl.ia wrappea bt ci pre.a. prepaid, tar SI M. or bul..J.7a. Uniuu seat e reaeeaV For Menstrual Suppre jslon XXS.rS2& PlilN-TAN-GOT eold la Uallii taw saeraa a a McCeaaell tni' t. ' fcgl e4i Hied. Trade relied, it a aw j7 "N ecu r 11 .tx3,vjai a um n&ii 1 1 ia Mrdn..l.l fW a V S i f to I (. em I M M e)erMlMd U M. le eutetei.. HIIOIslUTI.1 BTl