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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, ISO. WANTED SALESMEN WANTED, ft food traveling KlMnta, thoroughly acquainted with Nebraska, for and In what line. Address J 44, car of . , llr'I EXCELLENT rhino for ft fsw hustlers who are capebla t presenting ft spisndid proposition to meroSants. Experienced Hieimen or Insurance man preferred. 1 ha National Horn Trsds League, room lui, Karbacli block, Omaha. UU SALESMEN to carry par Una of oldera and ao(t drinks aa alda Una; liberal commis sions. Fremont Cider Co., Fremont, Neb. PATENT medicine salesmen: Three suc cessful, experienced men for western slates, established, legitimate proposi tion: references and bund required. Box to, Chicago. 479 4x WHT not travel with pocket sample only and make $O.0O to $4uO.0O weekly selllnj; staple article requiring no experience? L, L. brown. 612 Km Blug., Bt Louis. Mo, 478 4X STAPLE rapid seller, either aa aide line or specialty. Pocket sample. Best sales men are making over three thousand an nually selling It U T. Weir W hite Lead Co., St Louis, Mo. 4x WANTED, ft few first-olaes specialty saJea men capable of earning $3,tiU0 per year to present aa attractive specialty to the re tall trade. Established house; liberal con tract to light parties. Beet references required. Address P. O. Box 356, Chicago. fc 4a BIDE) Una traveling men can make $25 to too per week carrying (ride line of most up-to-date Advertising Fan of our ex olualv and apeolal designs. Season now opening. Appiy at once. The Kemper Thomas Company, Fas Dept., Station H, CjntinnftU, O. 6I tx SALESMEN wanted by an eastern manu facturer to handle a line of high grade leather goods as a side Issue for adver tisings commission only. Applicants must be active, energetic and reliable, with beat reference and well experienced In thla class of work. Those handling Iltho- fraphlo and art calendars preferred, alesman. P. O. Box 1692. Philadelphia, Pa. A WELL ESTABLISHED firm wants spe cialty men to sell an exceedingly at tractive, salable line. Special terms and unique Inducements to trad. High prli si men. Investigate. E. M. Arthur Co., Detroit. Mich. - 637 4x BIO MONET. SALESMAN Sell prime, high-class mining stock; broad-gauge, honorable business; 20 per cant commission; $6u0 per month easily; sticceM absolutely certain. K. H. Wilson, Lilt block ilxohangs, Chicago, lit tS iX SALESMAN wanted; experienced traveling salesman by large Cleveland Jobbing house to All vacancy for balance of I; will renew for 19U6 If satisfactory: high commlHleona, with 135 weekly. W. 8. Fln ley Co., 90 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. 6W 4x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions with adyanca of $100 monthly; permanent posi tion to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 4x WANTED, salesmen for specialty line, season 1906. Commission of one man this year over $6,000. Send for particulars now. Barton-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, la. 706 tx WANTED Representatives: local and traveling; a good oportunity for neat, In telligent men and women. Write today, to-norrow may be too late. Olve age, oc cupation. New Era Mfg. Co., Lincoln, Nab. M721 6x TRAVELING salesman, by large wholesale house, to sell general stores In Nebraska; position permanent. Watson, sales man ager, 66 Fifth Ave., Chicago. 704 ix WANTED BT MANUFACTURER, A STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN FOR WELL KNOWN GROCERY SPE CIALTY IN PERMANENT TERRI TORY; EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR AMBITIOUS MAN: ONLY MEN WHO HAVE HELD THEIR PRESENT POSITIONS AT LEAST TWO YEARS AND CAN COMMAND A GOOD SAL ARY NEED APPLY. ALL COMMUNI CATIONS TREATED CONFIDENT AL LY. ADDRESS, BOX 130, , 126 MICHI GAN AVE, CHICAGO. 726 4 SALESMAN Manager, competent to take charge of territory, hire salesmen on com mission, place product of old corporation; no books or Insurance. Address J. M. Johnson, manager Western. Department, Llnooln, Neb. . 496 4x SALESMAN, traveling through the state seeing retailers, to handle, on o mmlton, - a strong side line of dry goods special ties. Bryn Mawr Mills, Philadelphia, Pa. 717 4X SALESMEN wanted Calendar. Ws manu facture the moat Interesting line of cal endars In America; made by a new process different from anything on the market, Production exclusively con trolled by us. Wa meet the wants of every customer by aupplylng special sub jects or we can furnish Ufa studies. To experienced and successful men we offer excellent territory. Address, F. H. Rea, loti Schiller Building, Chicago. 73 tx OLD established Jobbing Jewelry house w.ints traveling saleaman for northweet em (territory. Must be thoroughly expe rienced and command a large trade and furnish A 1 references. Address A 41, cars Lord A Thomas, Chicago. 738 4x SALESMEN wanted, representatives; hus tlers make big money calling on business people. Williams A Wllloughby, Seattle, Wash. M741 6 WANTED, man for machine salesman; good position for the right person. Also want young man for collector and aupply salesman. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co, M793 FOR SALE FURNITURE MATTRESSES, 11.00 and up. Furniture Co., 102 So. 14th. Enterprise JOB LOT of dressers, $12.50; worth $20.00 to $26.00 Enterprise Furniture Co., 102 So. 14th. ALL our stored machines for sale. Ex pressmen's Del. Co. MIRRORS, fine line; big bargain. Enter prise Furniture Co., 102 So. 14th. 100 OAK stoves, large sixes; your choice, $0. Enterprise Furniture Co. BED SPRINGS, 60c and up. Furniture Co.. 10 So. 14th. Enterprise (0 BASE BURNERS must be -sold, $6 up. Enterprlss Furniture Co.1 - FEATHER couches, $15 and up. Enterprlss furniture Co., loi So. 14th. PARLOR tables, tl and up. Enterprlss Furniture Co.. 102 So. 14th. NEW 140 ranges, $30 this week. Enterprlss Furniture Co.. 103 Bu Uth. CHIFFONIERS, $9 and up. Enterprlss Furniture Co., 102 So. 14th. FANCY ROCKERS, 'handsome, $6.00 each. Enterprise Furniture Co., lta So. 14th. CLOSING out big line of corner chairs, ' $1.60 up. Enterprise Furniture Co. BOOK CASES, $7.00 up. Enterprise Furni ture Co., 102 So. 14th. CLOSING sut largest - tine ef new and second-hand furniture and stoves In the city. Enterprise,' 1UI So. Meow ."-. FINE LINE of Iron beds,' $1.60 up. Enter, prise Furniture Co., UU Bo. 14th. . SIDEBOARDS from $10.00 up. ' Enterprlss Furniture Co., lol So. 14th. NEW dining room chairs, beat on the mar ket, 6uo each. Knterprlae Furniture Co. EXTENSION TABLES. Enterprise Fural turs, Co.. 102 So. 14U. 40c Japanese matting, linen warp, 20o a yd. Chicago Furulture Co., 1410 Dodge Bi. 4 GOOD gas stoves, cheap.. Chicago Furni ture Co.. 1410 Dodge Bu I HOTEL ranges at a bargain. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge St. NEW 45-plec deooraied dinner sat a Long as they last, $3.76. Chicago Furniture Co. STEEL aanltary couchaa; beat make; $124 wliile they leal Chicago Furniture Co. SEWING machines, tl up: good makes. Chicago rurniiure iiv uoage t 100 HEATrNO and cook stoves; big sacri fice. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. One fine oak library table, also typewriter table and chairs. Chicago Furnltjt Co. Combination booh case and writing desks, olid ak, $! Clues, Furniture Co. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Omaha Plating Co. 160 Harney. TeL J63S. ROTAL HOTEL. European, Kth Chlcaca IrHW DKWIT, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms. ladies' cafe, private dining r-i open nigms. E, 411 OET Landeen's Antlseptlo Hair Tonic NICELT furnished modern room; two car lines; private family: gentlemen pre' f erred; Tel. 1X37. E M168 STOPI with us: we have the best rooms in the city at 35c, 60c, 7Sc and tl per day; nice, clean beds, 26c; everything new, well i-ii ana ssre. lei. nu, HOTEL MONADNOCK, 119 N. 15th st MMI Mil OOLD plating. Omaha, PlaUng Co., 1508 jiarney. HOrSEKEEPINO Three or four very de sirable, partly furnished rooms; bath and gas; references required. 2426 St Mary's tIK c MIDLAND hotel, 16th and Chicago: steam mcoiuro price; care in cumm-uou E 411 FURNISHED and unfurnished, all parts oi city, itoom , w. r. Lire. TWO nicely furnished front rooms; hot and cold water, electric light, gas. telephone; good board In vlnclnlty; convenient for gentlemen. zi7 a. atn Bt. n mii CIO DOUGLAS ST., nicely furnished back parior, well heated; suitable ror two. E M367 4X SILVER plaUng. Omaha Plating Co.. 1508 xiarney. LARGE, pleasant front room; modern; 'phone. 1821 Douglas. E M534 4 LARGE, well furnished room, modern. 70 8. Uth st E M526 4 NEWLY furnished rooms, modern. 1310 Webster. Tel. L3218. E M530 4 SURE, MIKE! Lion brand collars at Bill. MODERN furnished rooms;. bet location. 113 8. 20th. E-M528 4x FURNISHED front room, mortem. Tel. 21H a lth. E-M531 4 FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms, modern, good neighborhood, walklnsr dis tance. 616 So. 22(1. E 643 4x NIPKEL plating. Omaha Plating Co., 160 Harney. HOT water heated room. 209 N. 20h st. E M578 ix NEWLY furnished parlor suite, strictly modern; 'phone. 109 N. 20th St. E M579 6x FRONT and back parlors, steam heat. 1721 Dodge. 'Phone B22M. E M581 4x NICELY furnished rooms: best location; modern and convenient. 1907 Cumin. E M575 4x ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, modern, telephone, etc.; good board reasonable. 618 So. 19lh. E-2 4x NICELY furnished front room, ouler. rood location: gentleman preferred. 1921 Dod;e. Phone 3166. E-M580 4x SCIENTIFIC palmist, Gylmer. 715 N. 23d. THREE pleasant partly furnished rooms. modem: can ,ne arranirea rrr nusr Keen ing. References required. 2701 WoHworth ave. E 709 4x TEL. 1936. They will sunirest style for your little girl, x-icaiiiia ARTISTIC electro plating. Omaha Plating ' Co., 1508 Harney. FOR RENT, fine front room for a gentle man; easy walking distance to business district. Address K 1, care Bee. E M810 t JOS. F. BILZ sells suspenders. HOT water heat, telephone. 816 N. 17th. E 859 SMALL alcove room, heat, light, etc., mod ern, walking distance. K 9, Bee office. E-866 6X NICELY furnished rooms, modern, for transients. 713 8. 16thst. E 867 6x NICELY furnished rooms, modern, steam heat. 7JJ N. 16th sU . E-6a 6x MODERN furnished rooms. ' So. 25th ave 'Phone 626 E 846 6x PLEASANT room for one or two; meals If wanted; good home; no boarders. 316 N. 26th st. E 835 4x LET US furnish your rooms We do it cheaper and better than any one In Omaha. Terms: $25 worth, $1 per week; $50 worth, $1.50 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE CARPET CO., .Between Uth and 13th, on Farnam St. E 886 4 SOCIETY'S palmist, Gylmer. 715 N. 23d. NICE room and board; home cooking. 2816 Leavenworth. F M872 6x THE BHELTON Nles furnished rooms and board; family style. 26th and Dorter. F M873 6x NICELY furnished rooms with board; rea sonable; walking distance; modem. 2020 Harney st. F M874 6x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 61L MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F 415 TRY Landeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. MIDLAND hotel, 16th and Chicago; steam heated rooms, with or without board. F 411 to 8. 26th ave., pleasant room: good boardf private family. F 417 METROPOLITAN restaurant, regular meals 16c; meals to order. 1312 Douglas. Tel. A42e. F-M5tt0 it AN elegant furnished south front room and alcove, with first-class board. 'Phone Aim 2418 Cass. F MbSS BOARD and room, steam heat. 1911 Dav enport st. F 627 t BILZ makes sweaters for on and alL LARGE front room, modern, furnaos heated; brick house; 620 S. 19th. F M523 ELEGANT rooms and board; good loca tion. 806 N. 26th. F M526 6X WARM rooms, modern; horns cooking. 626 S. lth. F M676 6x LARGE double room. 1st floor; board; modern. 710 S. lath. Tsi L1078. F M5SJ 4 NICE rooms, modern, well furnished, re fined neighborhood, telephone, walking ' distance, board across the street. 616 So. 22d. - F-544 4I NICELY furnished room with board, mod ern, reasonable. 620 Bo. 19th. F 641 4x COME In and see our buttons We have ft oomplete Una Goldman Pleating Co. BUY Landeen's Antlseptlo Hair Tonic. ROOMS and board, $4 up. 1811 Capitol Ave. F MV61 x ROOMS and board. 118 N. 26th street. F-686 I JOB F. BILZ does knitting to order. FURNISHED rooms and board: boms cocking; strictly modern. 116 No. 26th. F 846 BOARD and room for two gentlemen, reasonable, modern, private family. K 8, cars Bea. F 854 6x NICELY furnished rooms In good neigh borhood; reasonable walking distance. C 63, Bea. E-M870 6x LARGE front room, modern; quiet neigh borhoed. 3u26 Harney. E M871 6x FURNISHED room, one sr two gentlemen. 814 ft $oth at. ' - B-MHti2 6x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR unfurnlahed rooms, aouth front, very desirable, for light housekeeping. lixvS Emmet. O M748 6x $ OK 4 ROOMS, gas range, modern except furnace. UuS NT 'M. South Omaha. Q Mm tx THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms; furuu beat and gas. ii 6. 2oth ave. aum Is PERSONAL WANTED, horses to winter, by R. E Wll Hams, R, F. D. t. Council Bluffs, la. SOCIETY 8 palmist. Gylmer, 716 N. 23d. DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 A t, 1506 Farnam. U 440 M AnMETIf treatment A baths. Mme. MAUlN C 1 Smith, 118 N. 15. 2 fl. R. 2. U 360 SEWING machines rented, 75c ft week. Neb. Cycle Co. TRY Landeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3530. U 441 SOCIETY'S palmist, Gylmer, 715 N. 23d. TRUSSES made end fitted to men, women and children. lm Farnam St. THE IL J. PEN FOLD CO. U 442 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCH1NG, BUTTONS Send for Price list and Samples. THc GOLDMAN PLfcA I iNU CO., 2IA) Doukiaj blOCK. icL, iy0 U 444 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. U 440 JOS. F. BILZ that is the yarn store. SEWING machines rented, 76c ft week. Neb. Cycle Co. DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines them; ws test eyes ' free lur glasses and guarantee aatiaf action. THE 11. J. Pn;NOLA CO. Leading Opticians, 14us Farnam. U 446 DRAWING and painting from life. Case s Art Class, 1H Farnam, room 4, rear. U 447 LARSON JOHNSON, out rates to all points. 14t Farnam. Tel. B2113. Mem ber American Ticket Broken' AW n. U 449 SEWING machines rented, 75c ft week. Neb. a"vrtls t ,n 'PHONE 701 and a man will cU and tun Farnam. ' THEATRICAL maaq. oostumM. Lleben. 1A1A-11 XI.r. TT MAM "Va elvifMUt ftV aaaw "VIAVI," way to health. 850 Bee Bldg. U 462 JOS. F. BILZ sells ladles' furnishings. THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact auy thing you do not need; we collect, repair and sell for cost of col lecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call. U 611 SOCIETY'S palmist, Gylmer, 715 N. 23d. OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge Bik. u as WE DO expert piano moving; lowest rates, schmoiler & Mueller, r ai nam. Tel. 1626. U 162 D10 ADV. CUTS-Wheaton, Bee Bldg. ALL our stored machines for sale. Ex- pressmen s Del. Co. . HENRY He sella fountain pens. 1607 Far. WANTED The use of a piano for storage by a young married couple; can give best of references; will guarantee to keep piano In good condition. Address H 9, Bee office. U-110 6X CALENDARS and calendar pads. Burkley printing Co., Omaha. u Miiu um Wanted The Deaf to Hear Free testa of Instruments for the deaf. Hutchison Acoustlo Co., 618 N. Y. L. Bldg. U 366 JOS. F. BILZ makes shirts. WANTED, farmers who want to make more money to send for our pamphlet, - "The One Hundred Per Cent Farmer. ' Correspondence Agricultural College, 442 - Nebraska St., Sioux City, la. U-643 D29 SOCIETY'S palmist, Gylmer, 715 N. 23d. 2d-hand machines $5 up. Neb. Cycle Co. HOW to get on tho stage; good, sound ad vice, valuable Information, tips and use ful hints; In plain wrapper, postpaid, for luo. Pohlman & Co., Jefferson City, Mo. U-543 2x TRY the Chicago Laundry. GENTLEMAN, middle-aged and very wealthy, desires Immediately deserving, industrious wife. Address Mr. Curtis, 67 Clark St., Chicago. U M656 3x ADV. CUTS Wheaton, Bee Bldg. WILL young lady who boarded Sherman ave. car inuraaay evening at cnariea street about 7 o'clock kindly give address to young man she noticed? Addre.-s K 2 Bes office. U M564 6x BUY Landeen's Antlseptlo Hair Tonic. 2d-hand machines $5 up. Neb. Cycle Co. YOUNG lawyer, 26, college bred, six feet tall, light hair, good figure, good prac tice, with fine prospects, excellent social position, living In southern city, very de sirous of corresponding with young lady of large wealth. Object matrimony. Ad dress J I, Bee. U 544 2x JOS. F. BILZ makes sweaters to order. SILVER plaUng. Omaha PlaUng Co.,. 1508 Harney. MRS. PROTHEROE, 1707 Dodge st. does fine sewing; waists, underwear ana chil dren's clothing a specialty; reference, Mrs. George L. Miller. U M684 4 HENRY Hs sells fountain pens. 1G07 Far. SIX magazines for $2.65; four of them dollar magazines; ask me anout them; solicitors wanted. Grumiaux Co., 307 Brown blockt U 650 6 Id-hand machines $5 up. Neb. Cycle Co. FOR SALE, bed, stove, drophead sewing machine; time or caan. S4us r arnam st. U-489 6 REFINED palmist, Gylmer, 715 N. 23d. , EMBROIDERY Hand embroidery of sll kinds dons cheap and aulok. Apply 220 N. 17th st XJOBl OX HENRY Hs sells fountain pens. 1607 Far. KENTUCKY maiden, age 28, worth $30,000 and large stock rarm; xuu acres tobacco land, will marry and present husband with $2,000 on wedding day; also a.sdst In business venture. Address Lock Box 342. Hammond. Ind. U 661 4x YES, you can get notions at Jos. F. Blls. OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO Manufacturers of pasts for sll purposes. Tsl. A-2&0. Silo cuming. luaiauiisnea l&u. Typewriters all makes cheap. Neb. Cycle Co. WANTED, to meet elderly gentleman with some means wno wouia appreciate tne friendship of working girl. K 12 Bee olflcs. U-868 4X A COMMON SENSE Leeture on "Dress" by Mrs. Evelyn Foots, who has spent years in studying the art of economic and artistic ureusing in Paris and New York. Omaha Woman's Club first Congregational Church. Thursday, Dec. 8, at p. m. Admission 25 cents. The lecture will be Illustrated by many beautiful uwu and htts. U-753 4 SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently rem.ivtd by eirc.rltity ; con sultation tree and conndentiul: all work guaranteed. Mtaa Alleiuier, 4-3 N. 1. Lifo. U 768 x JOS. F. BILZ has underwear for children. BUTTONS are .all the rags for dress trim mings for years to coma, we make them In all sixes, qualities and the beautiful Ivory rlinsr Let us show you them. The Uuldnian Pleating Co. U GET Landeen's Antlseptlo Hair Tonic. REFINED palmist, Gylmer, 715 N. 23d. A RESPECTABLE MAN can secure ft large sum CASH by marrytug a pretty heiress. Address Dr. Curmn. 1242 Wa- f bash, Chicago. U 711 4x TRY tha Chicago Laundry. WB TEACH halrdrssslng and wearing; terms rensonuuie. v.ui take part pt 11 work. Call or write for terms. K. M. Schadell ft Co. U 751 4 Omaha PlaUng Co., 150$ Harney. Tat $536. PERSONAL PERflONAL-MoClure's Eciema Cure for em em a, luUt rheum, acne, tetter, ring worm, barber's Itch, pimples, ulcers, and Instantly aiiays all Itching and irritation of the skin. Send for fre sample. L. U. Mcl'lure, Ph. Uoi 8. LawnUale ave., Chicago. U 644 4x TRY the Chicago Laundry. YOUNG lawyer, 25. college bred, six feet tall, light hair, good ngure. good practice with fine prospects, excellent social posi tion, living In southern city, very de sirous of corresponding wltn young Iniy of large wealth: object, matrimony. Ad drtss, J 9. Bee. U 6.9 x REFINED palmist, Gylmer, 715 N. 23d. NICKEL plating. Omaha Plating Co., 1608 Harney. WEALTHY. attrnctlve. tinencumlered widow, sincere and generous, nelng lone ly, leels need of congenial fompai.ionsnlp and husband. Particulars free. Ad man, Airs. Cole, i;i4 Chestnut, Room , thlla delphla. Fa. U o3i .x HAVE BILZ make your Christmas sweater. ALL our stored machines for sale, pressmen's Del. Co. Ex- REFINED palmist, Gylmer. 715 N. 23d. HONORABLE, kind and wealthy bachelor middle aae. wants at once true, sincere home loving wife. Address Mr. John, 4W Ogden, Chicago. L x USB Landeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. REFINED palmist, Gylmer, 715 N. 23d. MARRY wealthy; descriptions of 600 worth $100 to $10u,uoo sealed 10c (nothing frte); special benefits to ladles; no $o fee. Den ver Corresponding Association, Dept 34, Denver, Colo. U 648 4x HENRY lie sills fountain pens. 1007 Far INTELLIGENT American widow, hand some and worth $jO.0u0. wants good, hon est husband. Address Aetna, Oneoma Bldg., Chicago, 111. U 714 4x WHO'S your tailor? It should be Dresner. SEWING machines rented. 75c a week Neb. Cycle Co., cor. 15th and Harney Sts. ARTISTIC electro plaUng. Omaha Plating co., ious narney. MARRY wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; Bend no money. Address n. a. Horton, Dept 297, Texonsna, Mien. U 713 4x TRY the Chicago Laundry. GENTLEMEN, middle aged and VERY WEALTHY, desire immediately aeserv- Ing, Industrious wife. Address Mr. tur lis. 67 Clark St., Chicago. U 710 4x Edison ft Victor phonograp's. Neb. Cycle Co. DID It ever occur to you how many pleated gowns are worn on the stage? Actresses know hat Is chic. The Goldman Pleating Co. U READINGS $1.00, Gylmer, 715 N. 23d WHY, Jos. F. Bill Is still at 322 S. 16th st. NOVELTIES In Dleatlnir French accordion. Berlin side or knire. sunburst, box, pine apple, etc., pinking, tucking, shirring, crimping, fluting, ruchlng, and last, not least, buttons. The Goldman Pleating CO. u GOLD plating. Omaha Plating Co., 1508 Harney. Machines; all makes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co CHRISTMAS is cnmlna. Your little ones or grown daughters may need sometning in our line. i here is no ena to tne auier ent styles. Come and see our complete garments. The Goldman Pleating Co. WHO'S your tailor? It should be Dresner. ADV. CUTS Wheaton. Bee Bldg. 2d-hand machines $5 up. Neb. Cycle Co. LEATHER and wood burning done to or- A H nc.npl ,n o n nt nnliilnv vnnrl4 on hand. Cramer & Co., 1620 Capitol ave. . U-847 4 NEW Stelnway pianos are sold only by Schmoiler & Mueller, inn rarnam. U 861 6 IF YDU WANT to furnish a house or flat come to us. We do It complete zt per cent cheaper than the Installment stores, and our goods are much better; Terms: $25 worth, $1 per week; $100 worth, $2 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE A CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th, on Farnnm Kt. U-884 4 GOOD work guaranteed Chicago Laundry. READINGS $1.00, Gylmer, 715 N. 23d FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ' Edison & Victor phonographs. Neb. Cycle Co FIRST-CLASS bowling alley at less than one-fourth Its value; building must be vacated this week. W. M. ktuahman. Q-792 4 FOR SALE, New Oxygenor, In perfect shape, J 15. Call 1416 'Dodge St. Q-791 4X ENGINE BARGAINS. ONE 3-H. P. OLDS GASOLINE ENGINE. ONR 12-H. P. OLDS GASOLINE ENGINE. ONE 25-H. P. OLDS GASOLINE ENGINE. Several others CHEAP. OLDd UAS ENGINE WORKS, 1116-1118 Farnam St Q-814 4 Machines; all makes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co GREAT HOLIDAY PIANO SALE. You can save $100 to $150 by buying now. A small deposit will reserve your piano for Xmas delivery. Beautiful new and used upright pianos, $75. $!. $116. $138, $168 and up. Elegant square pianos, including Steln way, ('flickering. Knabe, Kranlch & Bach and others, $18, $35, $48 and up. New and used organs, all makes, $10, $18, $24 and up. We sell new high-grade pianos on terms of $10 cash and $5 per month. Used Instruments on $3 or $4 monthly pay ments. Write for catalogue and bargain list or pay us a visit of Inspection. Pianos rented, moved, tuned, repaired and stored. Lowest ratea. SCHMOLLER A MUELLER, THE OLD RELIABLE PIANO HOUSE, 1313 FARNAM ST. TEL. 1625 Q NEARLY new piano, cheap; need the money. 807 No. 26th St. Q 852 4 BEAUTIFUL Chlckerlng upright piano, $135.00. Schmoiler & Mueller, 1318 Far nam. 'Phone 1626. Q&3 4 Machines; all makes repaired. Neb. Cycle Co FURNITURE, carpets, rugs, draperies, lamps, stoves, ranges, etc., on eaay pay ments. Terms: $26 worth, $1 per week; ISO worth. $1.50 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE A CARPET CO., Between 12th and 18lh, on Farnam St. Q-887 4 FINE music cabinet and center table, cheap. 1819 Davenport. Q M836 t FOR SALE, large Acorn baseburner In ex cellent condition; coat $55 new : used two years; $36. Can be seen before Wednesday at 2117 Sherman ave., second floor. Q 890 4x FOR 8ALE or Trade for Good Land An $8,000 stock of clothing and furnishings In good town of 2,500 In eastern Nebraska (German settlement). Address, J 53, Bee. Q-640-4X FOR SALE! Thoroughbred Barred Rock cockerels, grandsons of Bradley Bros.1 New York prize pullet, "Lee Belle 6th." 4210 Ames Ave. Q 624 4x NICKEL plating. Omaha Plating Co., 1608 Harney. Edison A Victor phonographs. Neb. Cycle Co FOR SALE Two fine buffalo robes; prices, t'Ai and 175. Address E. G. Blvlus. Lin coln, Neb . J-71$ 4x FOR SALE No. 6 Remington typewriter, good as new, $65. Call or, Room 1U20 N. Y. Life Bldg. W-6J6 tx TRY Landeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonlo. ENGINE BARGAIN8. Two i h. p. Olda ga line ei glnes. ens I h. p. Olda gasoline engine, two 16 i. p. Old gHsollne engines ; several of other makes, cheap. OLDS GAS ENGINE WORKS, 1116 Faraam at. Q AUTOMATIC SINGER, D. H. 26. Neb". Cycle Co. Q-600 4 PENINSULA steel range, gas stove, cabi net table and servant's bedroom furni ture, all new, cheap; call mornmi. u Georgia ave . Q Sl638 $ FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Omaha Plating Co., 16u8 Harney. Tel. 2635. Type riters. exe'd. all makes. Neb. Cycle Co. FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all klnda; easy payments. Send tor catalogue. Brunswlca-Baiae-Coliender, 407 8. loth st, Omaha. vi M4J POOL tables, show cases. 1407 Harney st. vi-jyo CORN cribbing, tel. poles, long fir timbers, cypress fence lath, 1-piy Woltebasswood. tul Douglas. n 3l Edison & Victor phonograp's. Neb. Cycle Co. FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first class standard school In Oinuna, compris ing complete course In business, suort hxnd and typewriting. Inquire at Bee oltice. 14 8d3 COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. ( hicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. W i 2ND-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Kar nam. ani Edison A Victor phonograp's. Neb. Cycle Co. Electrical Supplies at a Bargain V.e nave about ,.et uu a.randed e..tir.o lignt cable and one Si ampere knife switch. Address Bee Building Co., or wee W. 11. Bridges, engineer, Bee building, Omaha. J 1 TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILLKS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, whlcn nave been uned out six years, made of firebox steel, triple riveted but and strap Joints, insurance company permits of pressure of 1-j pounds. They are now In use and can be seen at boiler house, rear of Bee building. Can be delivered at once. Call or address W. H. Bridges, engi neer, Bee building. Omaha. y Mkw Edison A Victor phonograp's. Neb. Cycle Co. SECOND-HAND STEAM FlITliNGS FOR SALE il )vil naul a umuiJ ti b.uji uUlllaj call and look over the following supplies: 2.-iiicli jeimni s U.obe valves. 16-inch Gate valve. 1.8-lncli Austin norlzonal separator. 1.4-Inch Austin vertical separator. 1.6 H. P. horizontal engine. 6-inch pipe and lutings. These nave been taKen out on account of changes in our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer, Bee build ing, Omaha. U-32 SEWING machines rented, 75c a week. Neb. Cycle Co., cor. 16th and Harney Sts. U6E Landeen's Antlseptlo Hair Tonic. 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 394 GOLD plating. Omaha, Plating Co., 1508 Harney. SEWING machines rented, 75c a week. Neb. Cycle Co., cor. 15th and Harney Sts. BRICK, pressed and sidewalk. 618 Paxton block. Q M976 D7 6 H. P. ENGINE. We have one six-horse power horizontal engine. The engine has never been used. Will sell It for about one-half price. W. H. Bridges, Engineer, Bee building. Q 113 NEW $325 National cash register at a bar gain. Pease Bros. Co., 1417 Farnam. W M562 4 Typewriters all makes cheap. Neb. Cycle Co. FURNITURE of an 8-room house, com prising large mahogany davenport, dining room set, bookcase, etc.; all In good con dition; reasonable prices. 3062 Woolworth ave. 'Phone 206. Q 51 568 4 FOR SALE, rifle reloading set, $38.40; 1 Mjsely style watch lathe. Box 74, Ban croft, Neb. Q M666 4x WE RENT sewing machines 75c week. We repair all makes of muchlncs. Sec ond hand machines $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663, Corner 16th and Harney. Q 3U6 SILVER plating-. Omaha Plating Co., 1508 Harney. Typewriters all makes cheap. Neb. Cycle Co. PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 30 Pulleys, from 6 In. to 48 In. In diameter, 8 Countershafts complete. 90 Feet 1 7-16 In. shafting, with couplings and hangers. 40 Feet 1 1-16-ln. shafting, with couDllnas and hangers, together with about 300 feet or Deuing rrom a to o in. These are all In first-class condition. W. ti. oriages, .engineer, uue building. Q-11J Edison A Victor phonographs. Neb. Cyole Co ONFJ Riverside Oak stove In first-class con dltlon; burns either hard or soft coal; cheap. 4167 Davenport st QM636 4 Typewriters all makes cheap. Neb. Cycle Co. FOR SALE Small printing press type, etc cheap for cash. Smith, 2807 Ohio St. Q-699 4x FOR H A T .TT. wfnvA mMmmIa. 1,lti,k.n cabinet kitchen utensils, etc; ' In us a niontni. m r. toa. y 7to 4 FOR SALE First-class 12-foot. 48-Inch an tique oak square dining table, excellent ooniltlon. No. 1418 8. 10th St. Q 147 4x ARTISTIC electro plating. Omaha Plating Co., 1508 Harney. BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business quick, see J. Si. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L2J70. Y 402 DRUG Stores Knlest, R. P., N. Y. L Bldg. Y 403 PHYSICIANS located, Knlest, N. Y. L. Y M404 FOR SALE A thrifty grocery business In Fremont, Neb. Reason for selling on ap plication. Address J 2, care Bee. Y M8S7 8 BUY Landeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonlo. SCIENTIFIC palmist, Gylmer, 716 N. 23d, FOR SALE. Furniture In splendid 10-room flat near zfin ana uougias; steam neat; splendid place and big bargain, at $600. Shies-Armstrong Co. 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y 788 4 ONE-HALF Interest In law library, office aijviuic uu i ku eaiaie Business Jijast ern Neb. city, $600. Earnings last year over $12,000. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY. First National Bank Building. Omaha. Y-774 4 GOOD Omaha saloon for $600. Rent $30, In- ciuumg 1 living rooms above. Owner old and sick and must sell.. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY, . First National Bank Building, Omaha. Y-776 4 $800 for Omaha candy manufactory. Makes Usui specially on martlet. . ureat money maker. Teach purchaser secret of man ufacture. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY, First National Bank Building, Omaha. ' Y-776 4 OMAHA printing office for $3,000. Business runs i,uuu per monm. Biartea recently. Best of reasons for selling. See us. THE ABHO'f T-COWAN COMPANY. First Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Y-780 4 LUMBERV AND COAL The only business or the kind in a good town, r.eiuah4 county. Neb.; busineas value $8,(100, real estate $2,5uO: volume of snnual business $3,bo0; this is a fins opening. J. H. John son, N. Y. Life. Y su$ 4 FURNISHED ROOMINO HOUSE to 20 rooms; completely equipped; well lo cated; paying business; furniture for sals on reasonable terms. J. H. John son, 843, N. Y. Ufa. Y 801 4 HOTELS, FURNISHED 40 rooms; mod ern; only $2 bouse in live western tows town; flue business; terms easy; 60 rooms finely furnished. Strictly modem U house; a monev maker; Madison county. Neb.; It you want a hummer her it Is. 60 rooms; only house in fine town, F ll mors county, Neb) an elegant proposi tion; reasonable, terms. Many other paying hotels: well located; (ull Informa tion on application. J. II. Johnson. 84$ N. Y. Life. Y-600 4 WANTED A blacksmith In a good coun try town; excellent location; rormer smith burned out; will not rebuild; free shop rent tor trial. Address Box 236, Plttttsniouth, Neb. Y 797 4 SCIENTIFIC palmist, Gylmer, 716 N. 23d. EQUITABLE "Strongest la the World." BUSINESS CHANCES ATTORNEYS EVERYWHERE. If you have account, note or claim of sny kind against person, rirm or corporations, we can settle It for you. Call or writs THE NEW 8 NOW CHURCH CO , Main Floor N. Y. Life, Omaha, Neb. 'Phone 133. Y 405 ABBOTT-COWAN CO, i,t Nat. Bk. bldg., can get you In or out of business. Y 406 RECOGNIZED theatrical manager offers great chance to talented amateur who can Invest equal amount of money with me In a high class production; great op portunity for ambitious young ladv. Ad dress, with full particulars, William Welch, Elk Point. 8. D. Y-M557 6 CIGAR factory for sale at a bargain. Ad dress C. E. Gruber, Burlington Junction, Ma Y M57 6X FOR SALE, one chair barber shon In thriv ing small town, well equipped and doing ood business; bandsman preferred. Ad ress Box 19, Brlstow, Neb. Y-M574 6x 8HOLE8-ARM STRONG CO., 72 N. Y. Life. Tel 49. T-407 GOOD opening for general mdse. store or hardware or Implements; fine bulldlne. best location In town; building 4x75; solid plate glass front. Address W. A. Hildreth. Wisner, Neb. Y M378 6 ADVERTISER would like to meet several Christian men for the purpose of opening a worklngman's rooming and boarding house. For further Information apply L 40 Bee. Y-M371 3x EQUITABLE "Strongest In the World." FINE openln ig In gen. stock doing paying but 1. Address J 43, In gen. stock. $4,000; cen. r.eb. town nusiness. vuica turn desired. Bee. Y-M497 f EVERY ONE desirous Improving hi posi tion. Increasing his pay, should read our free 80-p.igo book. -Our mall course plan In electricity and steam engineering show the short road to s-jeces. Electrical Engineer Institute, New York. . FOR SALE A fumltur, undertaking an1 hardware stock In good live town; a good location. Will sell rlrht If t-ken soon. Good reasons for selling. Address J f2. Bee, Omaha, Neb. Y-618 4 INTERNATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, 92 La Salle St., Chicago. Organizes mining, oil. Industrial and agri cultural propositions. Incorporates under laws of any state, ter ritory. District of Columbia and foreign countries. Finances corporations, guarantees stocks and bonds and finds the purchasers. Markets, stocks and bonds of existing corporations. . Broadest, best, perpetual charters, $6. Y EQUITABLE "StronRrst In the World." YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money: small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings accounts with J. L. Brnr.oVIs & Sons. Bankers, 1fith and Douglas Sts. Assets over $400,000.00. Y 100 LOTS FREE Applicants sending stamps will receive deed of lot, 26x100 feet. Suburb, New York. 20th Century Realty Co., 6 Wall street, New York. Y FOR SALE, grocery end market; good lo cation, good business, clean stock; invoice about $3,6u0; half cash, balance trade; Lincoln, Neb. Address H 27, Bee. Y FOR BALE Grain elevator, lumber yard, coal and live stock buslneee, In eastern Nebraska, county aeat town, with excel lent territory, doing a large and profit able business: $35,ouO to $4u,uOO, according to Invoice. This will bear the closest in vestigation. Address J 10, care Bee. Y "NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS." OTHERS ARE MAKING MONEY WHY NOT YOUT ' $100 Invested by our "Conservative Plan" in Stocks. Grain or Cotton should make $1,000 profit In a month. Writs for partic ulars and market letter; mailed free. C. A. Lane A Co., Bankers and Brokers, Keystone Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Y-662 4x IF YOU have from $1,000 to $2,000 that you ' wish' to Invest, why not go In the cash grocery business in your own town under the Luytlea System? You tan earn from Jl.ajo to 85.0UO per year. Keierencea. L,uy ties, 6th. and Franklin, St, Louis, Mo. . . v .. v M - ' .,,Y-646 4Z EQUITABLE "Strongest In ths World." 110.000 BUYS Patent rirhts useful cloth article necessary ts women. Fortune If pushed. Forty first-class patents for sale to parties naving large capital, oesirous or going into manuiactunng Duainess. H. P. ry, cnaitanooga, xeun. Y-640-U CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale send us ft description ana urice. Northwestern Busintss Agency. b 812 Bank of Commerce Building, Min neapolis, Minn. I USE Landeen's Antiseptic Hair Tonlo. SCIENTIFIC palmist, Gylmer, 715 N. 23d. EQUITABLE "Strongest In ths World." AN Income for the family. Dividends that will please you. Address International Lumber A Development Co. (Assets $13,- 000,uuo), Odd Fellows Bldg., U luis. mo. 1 ai x HIGH-CLASS Invention: demonstrated ex cellence: big money-maker: managing In terest and $12,000 real estate security for $6,000. Bank references. Frank Stuart, Charlton, la. xiva 4x LADY or gentleman with $500 can make $15 weekly In established bookmaaing busi ness; larger and smaller amounts pay in proportion; subscriptions acoepted in amounts or iau ana upwara; money re rurr1 and can he withdrawn on demand highest preas Indorsements: bank refer- enoes. Address uarreit, uwum k 1.0., Chicago. ' Y 707 4x SUCCESSFUL sneoulatlon: $100 Invested In grain and stocks should result In a profit or IJMI 10 zouu wiuim a snun ie n uu . dctiu for our Free Booklet on SPECULATION. Market letter sent gratia G. Penn A Co.. 266 and 269 Lft Sails St, Opp. Board of Trade, Chicago, 111. Y 706 4x TRY Landeen's Antlseptlo Hair Tonlo. AM here from Boston for ths purpose -ot establishing manuraoiory 01 stationary supplies and ladles' toilet articles of ths latest. Large profits, staple goods. Wish to arrange with lady or gentleman to Join me. Party must have $260. Experience unnecessary. Call. Dr. W. R. Myers, Her Grand hotel. Y M788 4x SCIENTIFIC palmist, Gylmer, 715 N. 23d, $3,600 to $4,000 for old established business clearing $2,600 annually. This Is good. THE ABBOTT-CO W AN COMPANY, First Natl Bank Bldg.', Omaha. Y 781 4 $32,000 BUYS old established Farnam St mercantile business; leading place In ths west. See us for full particulars. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY, First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Y-T77 4 BEST GROCERY In South Omaha; central location; busineas from $46 to $66 per day cash, exclusive of credit. Invoice about THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY, First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Y-77$ 4 $3,000 Eastern Nebraska, laundry for $2,360; only one in town of 8.0U0; owner must leave at ones; time on part If desired. THE ABBOTT-CO WArt COMPANY, First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Y 778 4 FREE six months, ft mining paper worth reading, it snows now to mass money. Write for It North American Miner, 24 Broadway, New York. Y 737 4x ADV. CUTS Wheaton, Bes Bldg. HARDWARE STOCKS In city and country towns, an staple goods, xz.duu 10 vi.uuu; it you have good Income property or in -preved farm at right value let me havs full particulars; periiajps ws can do busi ness. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Ufa. T-804 4 I CAN SELL your business or real estate, no matter wnere louaieu. rroperties and business of all kinds sold quickly for cash In all parts of ths United States; don't wsit; writs today, describing what you have to sell and give cash pries on same. A. P. TONB WI1J40N, JR., Real Eatats Specialist. 41$ Y Kanaas A vs.. Topeka, Kan. 1 T GENERAL merchandise stocks wanted; will pay spot run ror gooa. clean stocks of general merchandise Invoicing $6,010 Ud to $.'0,i'0. Mitchell A Faught, Wood Riser, Neb. y EgUlTABLai-''Mtronss4 la Ui World." BUSINESS CHANCES The Abbott-Cowan Company, First National Bank Build nit. Omaha. Neb. 'Phone C9 5. VVbbKLY BULLETIN OF bUil fSbi: CHA.NCbS. BAKERlLa ii, ih town; Lit", town mil iJllMll.t, IIK.IIu.llrf hUi.l, i.w, omana, DuutH i,iiuaia; a, omnna. BAivucrt KHOPS I.IM), No. 16, n H., $ 00, Umaiia; v, ..o. .tt). ton; l i.o, ei u iuwm town; to-A, v 1-.. .seo. town. Gsit iv, 1 iOin t-iii.nia n .euK, one auilauie Iti wouiaii, v. L'lUAhe- aruaui St., f St., vO. Lr.L Go H. E. Neb. town, 3,.i; ve te.n ieu. town, m,.w, 1i rhx.p; 0. ,r Western loWa; fei,uOi, SuSleru v ouiiiis. cl.a. eo ,ovu la. si ya; ua.rrn ieu. low n; bokeu sluiK, eaa.ern .eu., ElECTRiC LIGHT PLANT Wet tern Iowa lo 11, tu,ouu. i"li.iiLiic-.nh 16th street, t-tW; bouih eoia.-.ka. 10,uv.; western 1 wa, W,vv; teu.iui iebia- ., m.4ma; dado .or land, W.liu, central ebra. .; tr. tia l r lanu, x.uio, Oiii.r..! iiOiuSka uwn. Fbolit iwiLLb-Cen rai iseo. a.-ka ,ko, u,ouo; euate.n .Ntoracka, $w,.v; wesUiu Iowa, tiaue for land. FLi.iMbniiU iuAio Our list Is large. In el lining many ol,abs p.-cea at p. lies 1 rum -to to 6,uuu, i rooms to 8j. Ses us be.oie buying. Gfii tiu L. jmDSE. Eastern Nebraska .own. m.OjO; western Iowa town, r4,. Po.iowli.g w ll 1 r.. tie for luid: 1 eiurai .M b a ka, $2,5uo; S. E. N b., $1.40ii; .-i. rn Iowa, u.vaai, vts. 1. n iowa, i m; eas si n Aeb. Hiotniiigi, A,(Ao. central iNeb., 4,im) (preiers Oklaliomu Iand; ontral Ne biafka, $; N. E Neb.. $:0,000; western Iowa, ,6,juu; N. E Neb a ka, ss.uuu, Gitot tiui-s omai.a, til u; mail a, $304 to $4buo; - m .ha, .u0, ..mahs, U 0. So. Omaha, $3 ow; umaha, $l,ob; csutrai N braskit town vt t,-AM, to.yw. HAKiWAut-Eaiein Neb., $2,000; Siten Neb., lw.,-ou; wes-ern Iowa, $l,ou0. Follow Ing traue for land: Hardware, imple ments and building, JlJ.Ouo western low a; ea. .eru Neb., with bul ulng, K,ooO; tsnr trai Neb., $ O.uOO; ventral Nso., w th build ing and lesiuence, 48.6M; wesiern lows, $3.ui0 (new). HOTEL) South Omaha, 65 roomn, $1,250: Omaha, 106 rooirw, $10,000; central Neb., 44 riMma $;t,6t0; western Iowa, '& rooms, $1, (new); N. W. Neb., 36 rooms, $l,uuu (mostly new). IMPLEMENTS N. E. Neb. town. $10,000, including building. Trade for low-priced land. JEWELRY Eastern Neb. town. $8,000. LAUNDRIKS Eastern Neb. town of 8.000, VM0; coft $3,iao; Council Bluffs, $7.0uu; Omaha, $1.60u. LIVERY-Central Neb. town, $4,000, Includ ing barn. LAW PRACTICE AND COLLECTIONS Central Neb. town, $600. LAW, INSURANCE A REAL ESTATE Eastern Neb. town, $500. DAW PRACTICE Central Neb. town, $300. LUMBER YARDS Eastern Neb. town, no competition, fiu.ouu. uoverea yara. MEDICAL PRACTICE Central Neb. town Of 3,000, $500. MEAT MARKETS Omaha, $1,100 for int.; Central Neb., with buildings, $1,700; Central Neb. town of 6,000, $3,000; eastern, Neb. town, $1,600. MANUFACTURING Omaha, $1,600. PAINT A GLASS Omaha, $4,000. PRINTING Omaha, $2,000. Good. RESTAUR A NTS Omaha, $150: N. W. Iowa, $1.0uv; South Omaha, $300; Central Neb., $000; Central Neb., $3,000. Fine. SALOONS Omaha, $600; good; Omaha, $3,200, good; Omaha, $,000, splendid place and cheap. SHOES Omaha, $20,000. Old established stand. SHINING PARLOR Omaha, $000. Clear $75 to $100 per month. Write us for full description, of any , of above. We have a great list of desirable places. List your business with us for quick sal e. . The Abbott-Cowan Company, . Omaha. .. .. Y-771 4 PATENTS Copyrights promptly secured; Incorporations perfected; special terms; careful service; correspondence Invited. Lewis F. Llndttl, Lawrence Bldg., Wash ington, D. C, attorney at law. Y-694-4X INVEST In 11 wonderful money making Im- firovement; ground floor opportunities tor nvestors to Jupllcate Bell telephone, Weatinghouse, etc., success; particulars free. Frederick Kunnecke, Room 1301, 108 Fulton St, New York. Y-691 4x I BEGAN business two years sgo with $1,000; now controls $10,000; you can do like wise in an unoccupied territory. Mer chandlalng Company, Nostrand A Clifton, Brooklyn. N. Y. Y-692 4x A WEEKLY INCOME from your funds exceeding that returned by any other form of Investment can be realized without the risk of your capital. Write to us and we will show you how you can prove this for yourself by referring to the official records published In ths dally papers. William M. Emerson A Co., 814 Braly Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Y-700 4x "GUIDE TO 8UCCES 8." Booklet No. 16 tells how $100 earned $680 In 8 days, $60 earned $376 In 6 days for our customers, Complste information on grain, and stock market sent with market let ter on receipt of postal. Logan A Roach, Board of Trade, Chicago. Y 698 4x WANTED Business man with from $750 to $1,500 cash, to taks charge of general sales and distributing ware room In Omaha, Neb.; salary and commission will net from $3.0u0 to $5,000 yearly; first-class ref erences required. Address The Le Malre Company, 211-218 E. Madison St., Chicago. Y-697 4x ALL OUR clients are making money; so counts can be withdrawn on demand; profits remitted weekly If desired; booklet explains; mercantile and financial refer ences furnished on request. Leslie, Mor ris & Co., incorporated, Ths Bourse, Phil adelphia, Pa. Y 698 IX POKER PLAYERS Writs ms for free firospectus regarding ths most valuabls nformatlon ever given on draw poker. Address Bitter Publishing Co., Columbus, Ohio. Y-496 4x "I WANT farms, homer business," pat ents, mills, mines, oil or other propft tr to sell; always save vou money; bank references. Write Stephens, Co-Operatlvs Dealer, M uncle, Ind. Y 768 4X FOR RENT Eh-gantly furnished s ors- room. 60x100 feet; alm st c m leted, steam heat and all modern cn' en ences; spiend d location, In a thriving 8 uth Da kota city of 6.iw; largo territory to -'raw from; admirably situated for furnishing house or department rtore. Full pa Ocu lars on applcatlon. Address Lock Box 7, Huron, 8. D. Y-767 WOULD YOU-BE SATISFIED by having It proved to you conclusively mat we earn ana pay targe mommy profits to big snd t-mall I' ve tors, with out risk of any klndT Particulars free by writing w. l Latimer, 111 vvMnut su. Philadelphia, Pa. x 119 tx FOR SALE For cash only, $2,000 stork of dry goods snd grooerlts. In good I' caun, at 8O0 on $1.00. Address J 61, Bee. Y-M722 6x IF you wish to buy or sell any legitimate Duainess, stocks, bonas, real estate, rarms, or wish to get a partner, city or country, It will bs to your Interest to call or ad dress us. We make a specialty of secur ing your wants quickly. Can furnish you references of hundreds of satlshed customers. Kaats Co., 716 Tacoma Bldg., Chicago Y-476 4x MONEY furnished manufacturers, Jobbers, snippers, ( per cent per annum; no other chaiges; no limit to ths smount loaned to established concern; service permits development of business without partner and division of profits; no application, considered without statement of Invest ment and volume of business transuded. Correspondence confidential. H. G- Smith, 210 Block Exchange, Chicago. Y 684 4x CAPITAL FOR MANUFACTURING ENTKV- PRISKH, AGRICULTURAL, RAILWAY OR MINING PROPERTIES. Stocks and bonds negotiated on a strictly vuiiiiiimeion uasis; no aavni'c ire-, tym panies incorporated under laws of any state. PRUDENTIAL SECURITIES COlt- PllUiTlliV Ai r,..rl...rn hit . ClilCHSn. - . w . 1 , w 2i '