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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER A, 1604. 18 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. S'HOLES CO, 721 AND 722 N. Y. LIFE. HOUSE 'PHONE F2726. Read Up Read GREAT CLEARANCE SALE AND LOTS AT 40 TO 50 OF COST. V Mortgagee's Glean-Up. POSITIVE INSTRUCTIONS TO CLOSE THEM OUT. THEY MUST GO. THEY WILL GO AT THESE PRICES. DON'T DELAY BUY THE WIFE OR BABY A HOUSE OR LOT FOR XMAS. COME TO BUY AND BRING YOUR MONEY. NO OPTIONS. MIDLAND GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. ABS1 RACT VITH EVERY PIECE SOLD . PERFECT TITLE - NO BACK TAXES " WAkRANTY DEED. . Look these properties over Sunday and if you see anything you want held until Monday noon or Monday evening, call us up by 'phone and we will hold it until you come in and make us a payment We will drive you around and show you any of these properties or furnish you with street caf, tickets free, if you wish to go yourself. We will also refund street car lares paid in looking these over Sunday if you buy, and if you don't buy and don't think they are bargains, we will refund your street car fare anyway. HOUSES $ 6002813 N. 16th Ave., $ rooms, lot 22x88. Rent $7.00. f 600 2. io .v .uth Ave., I rooms, lot 22x88. Rent $7.00. $ 600 2iii4 i. -etc, 1 cottage, 42 ft. E. front on 26th, 142 ft. deep. $ 600 3.SJ6 pfnkney St., 6uxl27, 6 rooms. $ 7002212 Pierce, 4 rooms, lot 3ux91tt. Rent $8.00. t 80014 1 eice, 4 rooms, lot 30x91H. Rent $10.00. 700 Parker, rooms, lot 60x110. $ sJO 3.3 .ii, son, 4 looiim, tui 23x124. Rent $12.00. t 900 2ul Hurley, I rooms, lot 82x110. Rent $10.00. $1,0008417 Jackson. 5 rooms, lot $3x124. Rent $12.00. $1,000 .& S. 6ist St., neat 6-roorn cottage, 60x131 on 61st and 160x132 on 60th, barns, chicken house, etc., 8 blocks from Lea v. car line, cheap. Rant $10.00. $1.4004o3 N. 30th, lot $0x100, 6 rooms, mod. except furnace, good cellar, 3 un finished rooms upstairs, newly pa pered. $1,6003312-14 8. 20th. 60x130, one -rooni double house and one 8-room house, rent $21. new roof, newly painted, city water. , - $1,600 2604 Burdette, 7 rooms, mod. ex. fur nace, lot 30x80 ft., good repair. $1,600 24 Blondo, cor., 16tixl34, 2-story 10-r. house, cost $4,000. Great snap; finest view in Omaha. Rent $16.00. $1,650 1222 8. 87th, 6 rooms, mod. ex. fur nace, new plumbing, pore, bath, sewer, gas and water; lot 60x160. $1,7501320 Park Ave., 2-story and basement, 8 rooms, and one 8-room cottage, lot 60x150, perm, walk and paving paid. $1,760 170tt N. 24th. 82x120. 2-story store and flat, rent $i$.00. $1,75064x123, wltb large 8-story store and blacksmith shop, at 8. E. cor. 17th and Vinton. Snap. $1,800 2tt N. ISth. 811x140. 10 rooms, all modern, (rood repair. $2,0002608 Cuming, t rooms, lot 61x124; groui.d alone cheap at $2,700; doubls In value sure as sun rises. $2,200 H14 N. 42d, 8 rooms, all mod., lot 60x127. $2,600 3-"- '4 N. S5th, lot 60x186 8 houses. 8 rooms each, barns, wells, rent $23, . and part vacant. $2,600 lHS8-v." N. 22d, $ houses, rent $34, lot 66x140. $3.600 21 '3-1 j Nicholas, 2 cottages, lot 66x132, track In alley. $4,000 W. err isth and Vinton, large brick building and ground occupied by Armhrust grocery. Rents $540 per year; room for more buildings, flnnp. $4,600-1516 N. lth and 1515 N. 17th, 60x120, facing 2 streets, 3 good house, ranting $38; room for more. Snap. VACANT I 100 N. W. cor. 46th and Iiard. 50x150. i loo6xlS4. N. BJ. cor. 80th and Blondo, i loo 47xVM. N. front Patrick ave., 48 ft. Oast Of 36th st 10047x11:. 8. front Burdette, 144 ft. east of 86th st. Open Monday. Evening. D. V. Sholes 721-722 N. Y. Life. H LET US H BUILD YOU A HOME. Have built over $0 this year. Call at our ofnoe and we will be pleassd you an estimate as to the cost We build good houses only. Don't wait until spring. Start now to make arrangements. 15 ACRES I miles northwest of Florence, In culUva tlon. 4o0 cherry trees. 100 apples. 100 plums, 2.000 gooseberries,- 1000 currants, all bearing finest quality. Price $l.bu0. 7 ACRES Fins land In Florence, only blocks west of car line, about I aores nearly level and the balance fine building sits. Pries $1,000. , i acres 2 btneks from and off car line in itenson, 11,000. 10 acres good land. 1 mil 8. W. Of Rusefs Park, about 8 mile west ol bouln Omaha. Price $1,060. . 10 acrea 1 mile wect of Dundee, fine, level land, on main road. Price $133 an acre.' Ws have many other good pieces. Call and see us if you want a small farm near Omaha, Hastings & Heyden,; lSc9Vi Farnam St. Ground Floor. Open Monday evenings from 8 to 10. We writ ftr lllBuranclBTM 4 IT"1 CHEAP LOTS H BETWEEN OMAHA AND , SOUTH OMAHA Near the new atreet car barn at 24th and Vinton, the Oreat Western elevator and filll grounds and the Omaha, Beatrlo 4b .lnccln lnterurban grounds. tbOD for chuloe lots fronting on the Boule vard between 29th and 81st; $3W and $400 for good Inside lota Lots on 24th street just north of Vlntoa for $ and $7u0. Hastings & Heyden, Ituvfc Fanuun St Phone . RsV-i7ll FOR SALE REAL ESTATE OFFICE 'PHONE 49. Down. OF HOUSES $ 100-27x111, 8 front Burdette, 192 ft. west or sun st. $ 100 Each for 6 lots 60x142 ft. each, total 3ixl42, E. front on Mh bet. Arbor & Bancroft, or $0u0 for all; good chicken ranch. $ 20032x142 a front on Cass st. bet. 33d and 84th sis. $ 17560x140, on Elm bet. 14th and 15th. $ 22548x150, N. front on Cuming, 48 ft. W. of 31st St.; paving paid. $ 225 N. E. cor. 82d and Franklin, 42x127. $ 22540x142, W. front on 19th, 180 ft. N. of Bancroft. $ 225-60x128, N. W. cor. 16th and Cass. $ 22S62xl6, W front on 46th. $d lot so. of Cuming. $ 26043x132, EJ. front on 26th, 125 ft. So. of Blnney. $ 260-43x132, E. front on 26th, 168 ft. So. of Blnney. - $ 26043x132, E. front on 26th, 211 ftr So. of Blnney, ' ' $ 25022x127 ft., 8. front on Cuming, 88 ft. W. of 29th 1 oavlnar nalil. $ $0042x106 ft., W. front on 26th bet. Maple and Blnney. $ $00-60x134, K. front on 86th,. 260 ft. N. of Davenport at. $ 20066x118, 8. front, bet nnton and 13th ' on narrow at. ; Oak extended. $ 800 xl27, N., front on Blondo, 120 ft W. ef 85th.i - ' - $ $5060x136, W. front on 84th, 200 ft. N. of Davenport St. $ 87560x127, N. W. cor. 86th and Decatur. $ 87560x120 ft.. W.' front on Mil. ave., 63 It. oo. Ol Be warn, on ear una, paving; nsld. $ 40060x140, 8, front on Bancroft, cor., bet 14th and 16th: fine. $ 42660x132 ft., 8. E. cor. Seward and Mil- tury are, on car line; paving paid, t 46043x300, N. front on Calllornja, 110 ft W. of 82d. -t 66060x160, N. front on California, 100 ft w. or sum. ! 650 47x140, 8. E. cor. 81st and Jnckson. 40043x180, N. E. cor. 21st and Elm. 60047x140, 21st and Jackson, joining & E. comer. $ 600 30x153, N. front on Cuming, opp. 27th ave.: paving para. 70048x125. W. front on 14th, 100 ft N. Dorcas. $ 750-53x132. N. E. cor. rth av. and Cali fornia. $ 7008oxliO, 8. W. cor. 38th ave. and Jones. Snap. $ 760-4AX134, E. front on 40th, 93 ft N. of Burt: paving paid. $ 75046x184, E. front on 40th, 47 ft N. of Burt; paving paid. . t 80025x120, K. front on 24th, $3 ft 8. of Franklin. $ 85060x113, N. W. cor. 22d and Poppleton ave.; paving paid. 86083x182, N. front on Farnam. bet 28th and 29th. t $0047x124. N. W. cor. Burt and 40th; pav ing paid. $1,15060x135, N. front on Cuming, opp. 27th ave.; paving paid. $1,60062x120, E. front on 14th. 67 ft. a Of Franklin. $2,70080x132, N. front on Farnam near 824, iolnlng C. W. Hull's residence on tbe 3.; paving paid. Big snap. - Company, "Tel. ..49, HOMES. Close In and choice location, I rooms and attlo; interior of first story finished In quarter-sawed oak, oak floors; well built and In fine condition: too large for present owners. Price, $4,600; one-third oaan. In Kountse. Place, fine residence and brand nsw, 9 rooms besides reoeptlon hall, bath and atoreroom; beat construction; grate and mantel, china cabinet butler's pantry; everything complete;, fine corner and a beautiful home; possession at once. Two blocks from Han scorn park, 7 rooms and nice lot; paving all paid; permanent walk; only $2,0W. ROOMING HOUSE. Bargain in rooming house at corner 7th and Leavenworth, twenty rooms besides two storerooms; ground 69x64 feet and sure to Increase in value. Prloe, only $2,600. BARGAINS IN LOTS. Several lot sear new grain terminal from ttoO to S7u0. Borne of thaa Im. ar on paved street, with paving paid in full. One lot left in Ashland Place; no better lot In this addition and a bargain at $760. Only ono block from ltith street car. Bargains in lots at 81st and Mason; close W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 123) Farnam Street RE-770 BEST AND CHEAPEST IRRIGATED LANDS Southern dolors do ' irrigated government lands. I sell you ths best government land at $126 pr acre; water right for $6.00. Tbeas lands are taken under the Carl act and ase of Interest to the in vestor as well as ths cheapest lands of. fared to homeseekera Kxcuraluo rates given. . Call or writs. . 1 JOHN B. HANSEN. $21 N. T. LIFHL OMAHA. RE-o $ FREE) LOTS to advertise N. T. seashore suburb; rapid transit. Write for deed .on let. U . CorvoraOoa, - 281 Broadway, N. T. RB-e ts FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor, N. Y. Life Building. 171 Canton at, J-room houss. city water. Price $M0. $818 Parker St., full lot. 2-story hmiM, I room. Prie $1,250. 4208 Cumins St., 8 room, city water and gas, good barn. Prlea $2,001 Easy terms. ' 17 8. 23d at., rooms, walking distance. Prlea 11.800. Easy term 1224 Cuming at., lot 40x138. aouth front, ot a paved street and on two car lines; a strictly modern -room house, nearly new; tha owner Is going to leave tbe city and Is very anxious to sell. Prlre $3,100. $308 Lincoln blvd., atrlctly modern 8-room house, south front, fine location. Price $3. 10. In the WeetiFarnam district, 10-room house, strictly modern, brand new, never bean occupied, well arranged, nice surroundings. Price $6.0no. On Davenport near 27th, t rooms, all modern, 6-ft aouth front. Prloe $3,750. VACANT C2 (8 feet south of Spring; st, on east side of 20th, fall lot, can be had at a bargain. Bee It and make an offer. 18 feet north of Vinton st, on west side of 20th. full lot, east front: must be sold; 100 feet east of 30th on the north side of Chicago, 60x148, a great bargain. 6406 Full lot, south, front, on Davenport between 28th ave and 30th st. Must be sold. 1 1727-000 feet, south front, on Cass near $2d; owner anxious to sell. Price $860. 1248800 feet west of 84th av., on north side of Plnkney. 60x138. The owner Is a non- resident and owns one more lot near this, which he Is determined to sell and wants an of loo feet ..ontaga on lUnscom park, a bargain at $2,800; all taxes of every description paid. FARMS Baunder county farm, 161 acres, two miles from town, high, rolling land; Improve ments consist of a l-roora l4-etory frame house, stable and other outbuildings; 10 acres native meadow, balance cultivated. Price $46 per acre. Owner would taks sums good Income city property as part payment. Payne Investment Company, FIRST FLOOR N. Y. LIFE BLDG., TEL 1781. RE DESIRABLE LOTS ON- TUKEY'S TERMS" FOR MEN OF MODERATE MEANS. The lnterurban road between Omaha and Lincoln is now an assured, fact While this road will heip the whole city, the lirst ad vantage will be noticed along the line from the grain terminals to tiouih omaiia and beyond. W e are going to sell about 40 lots In Thomason & Uoos addition at the same prices we onered them before the road was located, and we make the choice of any lot for $62o. City water on the ground. We have one entire block ol aoout 4 acres which we will sell at a barguln. When the lnterurban line is In operation and Hie llaiiscom park line extended to Vinton stiefi and Ud this properly will doubls In value. v. ...: united to sell these lots on the now lamous "Tukey s terms." A rew , years ago ws started the selling of prop- I erty in Omaha on monthly payments, ' without any Interest, In order to act o in- nicHiate a large numoer oi people wuo have not the ready cash. We muke tbe same proportion on those lois -j Uumii and $lu per month, without interest, uuU give you your choice of lots until the 40 we offer are Bold. Call at onice for plat. These lots are just south of the 80 acres we sold the lnterurban a few days ago and are high and sightly, with good sur roundings. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. RE 692 4 BARGAINS IN LOTS $160 buys lot 37Vi ft, near i6tu and 8prague. $2u0 buys a good 60x150 lot. $o00 buys a good corner lot, 23d and Laird. 840U buys a goi d lot m ar Boulevaid. $3i4) buys a good lot, 18. h and t rati. $760 buys a good lot 110x16j, 27th and Larl- more. $8lrt) buys a good lot, 3d and Leavenworth. HOUSES $1,860 buys 6-roem, all m'dern house, near Hansoom park. Your own terms. $1,800 buys a ttod $ room h us , 27th and Popp.e.on ave., modern except furnace; lot 50x150. $l,6u for a fine 6-room cottage, with city water, cistern; lot UxlCS. $l,6"(6-room, modern cottage, walking dis tance. INVESTMENTS 2 house renting for $33 per month; paved street fine location 53,20. 4 houses renting for $660 per year and al ways rsntea 4,vw. The Byron Reed Co., 212 8. 14th street RD 729 4 MUST SELL 8 rooms, modem except furnace, near Hansoom park, large east front lot 60x127, all fenced, barn, cistern, all kinds of fruit and shrubbery; house just vacated for in spection and must be sold. PRICE $2,600, BUT WE WANT AN OFFER AND CAN MAKE TERMS. DON'T PASS THIS HY WITHOUT INVESTIGATING. Sweet & Best 61$ Nsw York Life Bldg. Tel. 1472. BE 630 4 A. P. TUKEY & SON. FINEST IN HANSCOM PLACE Ws offer two lots on the northwest cor ner of 81st and Poppleton avenue, each 60 feet front; corner for $2,750, and one north for $2,250. You know the location. Com nd see us if you want one or them. 1. P. Tukey Son., 444-6 Board of Trad Bldg. RE-M772 i FARMS AND ACREAGE. 71 acres Improved, $Vj miles from South Omaha, $7,700. $0 acrea improved, 4 miles from Florence, 40 acres, improved, 4 miles from Florence, 84.260. . 40 acres, unimproved. 4 miles from Flor ence, H.ZD0. 106 seres, unimproved, 4 miles from Flor ence. $7,600. 11 acrea unimproved, 1 miles from Flor ence car line, si.nio. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1820 Farnam Street RE 762 4 HOUSES FOR SALE EASY WALKING DISTANCE $2,600 for 7-room house, modern except furnace, porcelain bath and in flrst-olass repair. Located on 21at st, near Leaven worth. I2.6u0 for No. 216 N. 26th st. 8-room houss. modern except furnace. In good condition. near hign school $2,260 tor No. 2U28 N. 19th st., I large rooms. good location, room to uuua anoint) r no use. tit 66x140 feet. $2,160 lor cso. uii n. ism St., seven rooms, modern except furnace, recently painted and papered and In first-class condition. Easy terms. $1,W0 for No. 9Gt N. 26th St., S Urge rooms, gas, city water, etc., barn, large lot 62 feet frontage. $400 cash, balance $16.00 per month. ' $1,660 for No. 1551 N. 18th st, seven-room two-story house, city water, aewer, gas. etc.: recently painted and papered; In good condition. Easy terms. GEORGE & COMPANY, . 1601 Farnam. RE-760 4 M feet on 87th - street near Jackson, for only 82.6oO.00. Right in ths best neighbor hood in Omaha, fronting on the Kirken dall ground. Terms of sals reasonable. The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 14th. RE 7514 ' F. D. WEAD. 7-room house and barn, 2 lots, facing east on 26th, aouth Ames ave.; owner leaving city, bay offer for short time at $1.W0. 1624 DOUGLAS. - RE M832I OET Landeea's AatuKetlo Hair Tonlu. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., Com'l Nat l Bank Bldg., 1604 Farnam St 837 S 22nd Street $1,500, on terms, will buy thi seven-room nou.e and barn, on paved treet, with n walking distunes. A baigain for a home or investment 1808 Corby Street $1,400 for the six-room houee. In a pood neignoon.ooa, on paved street, near thai man ave. car line. lyH -ocust Street $4.600 An attractive dweil ng if ttn room. an nnuern, grutr, ma.uei, furnace, gas, ci.y waiei, reception nail, cellar, large attic, etc., with iuo to t of frontage, lawn and shade It y u vtaat a new home mvestbate this piopurty. 821 li. 34tn Street $1,600, on easy te.nv. will buy this ight room house, with bath, etc., and full lot, lacing boulevard. 2609 N. 17th Street $1,300, on te m. This six-room cottage and nice lot, near Sherman ave. car 111. e. 401U PARKK bikbbl v $750 This seven-ioom hou.e. with 1 t 50x130 feet A big baigaiu, on easy uims RE oW 4 Best Bargain on North Side 7-room house,, uuilt only four years ugo, very well used; 60-toot east front lot, near 26th and bpaldlng sts. 1'rlce. tl,w, but it must be cash. (.Note We will loan $auo on this property.) BEMIS, Paxton Block. .' HE 864 4 The Abbott-Cowan Company, Tnlrd Floor, First Nat'l Bank. Tel. 3io6. $0,600.00 An elegant 8-1 00m west furuaui home, new and in every particular up-to-date. Call us for description. Very liberal terms. Trade For smaller home or for good land, 11-rooui house, entirely modern, has every convenience and wiiiuu una block of Joalyn'a, 89x115. Valuation about 84.3U0. $4,200.00 On 8ulh St., south of Dodge, 7 rooms, modern, comparatively new. Very preny and choice neighborhood. $4,150.00 On ibtli Ave., three ml.iutes'. walk from Ail taints' church, 7 rooms, entirely modern, almost new. I his is very choice nelguborhood and handy to downtown. $3,700.00 Near 40th and Cuming, 8 rooms and bath, gas, hoi water, very nicely arranged, half biock to car. $3,650.00 On Boulevard, across lrom park, one block to best car in city. Boule vard being paved by county. Been built about two years by owner, who leaves town in the spring; is perfect in arrangement, has unuerfeed fur nace, storm windows and screens, complete as can be; nice shade trees, permanent walka and lot 60x150. Positively a real home and wonh the money, $3,150.00 30th and Dodge, .6 rooms, modern, handy to Farnam car, half block off Boulevard and also from Turner park. ONE TO LIVE IN, THE OTHER TO RENT Can you beat this for $8,000? Two six-room cottages, well built and in splendid condition, always rented, each $16. Both modern. In good neighborhood and within walk ing dlstunce. Good only tor a lew duys. SNAP for some one. $2,700.0O-Walnut Hill, half block to car. Handsome price for elegant 7-room thoroughly modern house. Large re ception hall, finished, as Is parlor, in oak. Other parts of house hardwood floors and finished in birch. Cement - basement, and) lot 60x150. Better look into this. It's a snap. Built nearly a year. Liberal terms. $2,600 Bemis Park, block to car; very cosy, 6-room, entirely modern; very firetty place where homes are always n demand. $2,6008 rooms, 42d and Harney; very com. Elete home; permanent Talks, lawn, 1x132. $2,460 Park horns, handy to car and Park M. E. church; 8 rooms, modern, good condition and not falling down; posi tively a snap. $2,250 8-room, modern, handy to car, good neighborhood; can be bought, $260.00 cash. $1,900 Clifton Hill, very desirable, rooms, modern, with furnace; on nice ter race, permanent walks, large lawn, 60x160; two blocks to car. $1,250 6-room cottage; near new elevator it and one-half block from Park car line; this is in good condition and modern, without furnace; owner gives us this pries until December L0. $ $60 Nice 6-room cottage at gist and Lake. Very reasonable. t (25 4-room cottage, 2 blocks from Ames Ave. car ana 4 blocks to car barn; about $300 cash to buy this. VACANT $ 460-60x132, at 26th and Maple. $ 26060x125, comer lot, 28th Ave. and Man derson: dirt cheap. I 300 One whole acre, handy to cars and near center of city; good for garden ing, raising chickens, etc. We want you to list your property with us. Will give you the best and most prompt attention. THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY. $d Floor, First Nat Bank. Tel. 8908. ' RE 782 4 BUY, Landeen' AntLsaptlo Hair Tonic. A FINE HOME Fourteen rooms, rrlotly modem house, well located, on 89th street, for $8 0u0. Can make easy terms. A Fine New Hrme on Harney St West Farnam District rooms, reception hall, oak finish, mantel, nicely papered large cemented basement, gas, electricity fine plumbing, $5,600-22,000 caatv balance to suit A Good Investment 10 Per Cent Net Four cottage, modem except furnaoa for $4,000. Always rented. Boulevard Terrace. Selling. Why? Because It is the best residence site In Omaha for the money. See us for prices and terms. R. C. PETERS & COMPAMY, 1702 Farnam Street RE CHA. Williamson Co., Vti ff- KE-426 SECTION FOR SALE On of ths finest section tracts In Mer rick county for sals at $3u (twenty dollars) per acre. This Is well located, near a good - town; level and excellent land. All well fenced: no other Improvements; no belter bargain on tha market today. JOHN B. HANSEN, - 121 N. T. LIXa 'Phone 8432. RE-M627 4 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SHIMER & CHASE, Builders of Modern Houses. HOME ON BOULEVARD - ( rooms, all modern dwelling, built tor a noma, east tront. on oouievaia. nait block from car, near Rome Miller s new bouse snd parked grounds. This sectlo.i ef the city is growing In popular tavor and prices are rapluly advancing. Splen didly at ranged, handsomely finished In cypress and hard pine Change of tiuM ness forces owner to sell. You may profit by these circumstancea Pries lor quick sale, $3,000. Well built, south front, good repair, 6-roo-n cottage, on a good street. Owner wants to sell on account of leaving city $1,. 00. All modern, six rooms, dwelling 1 early new, good condition, one block from ar line; well worth $A0ou. For quick sale, $2,460. rooms, corner lot; well worth tho pr ce asked $1.2011. Make us an offer. New, up-to-date, 6-room nous?, near car. school and church, surrounded by nics homes only $2,700. 16 actes cloe In; cheapest acreage on the market today. Jut think of III A mile Inside the city limits; fine for plaiting only $3,0)0. The finest 6 seres In ths dty of Omaha; city water on one corner of It; not far from car; only a quenirn of t me until the cars will run by It; fin for plat ng or would make an ideal suburban home. Price, $2,000. SHIMER&CHASECO. 164) Farnam Street, Ground Floo, Phone 8867. RE 761 4 Something Cheap 6-room cottage. 8626 Parker,, full lot, $66. 8-room house, 942 No. 23d. corner lot sewer and water, rent $16, only $1,376. Two houses. 261 4-BUI Seward, rent $40; owner In California say sell them. Two oottages on 8. B. oor. 13tn and Grace, rent $24, ground 66x140, only $2,400. ' Cottage of five large rooms, modem except furnace, 8711 No. 19th, tot 60x140, barn, a nice home, $2,000. Two lota on Dupont st. near Oeo. ave., each 60x128; $600 for the two; sewer and water; lay nice. Lot on Blnney, 31x130. near 24th at, aewer, water, brick walk, $300. 60x120 on Maple, east of 24th, $600. W. H. GATES, U7 N. Y. Llfs. 'Phon 1294. HE 731 4 ACRES AND FARMS 40-aere farm, near Wet Dodg and Elm wood Park; beautiful site; One tree and shrubbery; good buildings. Price and terms make this a bargain. 60 acres, west of Fort Omaha, can be sub divided into acre tracts or sold as a whole. Price, $JO0 per acre; easy terms. 100-acre farm, good buildings, XV, miles N. W. of Florence; price, $i0 per acre. 18 acres and good 6-room houss, clos to town. Price, $3,600. 10 acre. In fruit, near city $2,500. Acre property Is our specialty; all lie and rrlces. See us before buying your suburban home; poultry farm or garden tract. Carriage always at your service Fine Nebraska farms and ranches for sale. Vacant lots In two fine additions; houses In all parts of the city. SEARS & LEWIS, $21 New York Life. RE-727 4 Payne, Bostwick & Co.. Dixin X lour I".. A. oiu 807 N. 43d st, 8 rooms, oil finish, gas, bath, toilet, wash bowl, lot 60x132, only $2,300. 3925 N. 24th st, seven roomslust completed. evei y nuns bum "i1 1 " .---., - room with ulckel-plated plumbing, lurge . ,1 I . . Huhl Kn. Dea rooms, . bus nuu .icvuw cellar, 50-ft. lot, paved street all taxes paid: price, $3,0OO. 4262 Harney st, two-story, eight-room, all modern house, except furnace, with two lots, fine fruit, chicken house and yards, s.ow. Poor man' chance: 4911 N. 4 2d st, located in central x-aii., jubv wiiwou. house, three-room cottage, with large lot 62HX120, nice fruit; owner leaving city and nas pui price wa.y uuii iv mt ..k. 4204 liarney St., brand new seven-room house, strictly all modern, including fur naee, fine cemented cellar, main living - . n- . .1th nl. .lulpvnv ritOlll M 1 rv. lu.lii nn'i ....... v..... - , extra large pantry, 60-ft. lot, ready to move ngm in; property uuin uj m . - . j WOI&; price, o,wv. VACANT PROPERTY Finest corner in Hanscom park district, all graded off ready to build, 100x130 feet, lo cated on Oeorgia ave., adjoining lots held from $1,200 to $1,500; our prloe, $ti00 to $1,000 per lot. Oo look at this property, located N. W. corner Oeorgia ave. and Shirley st Payne, Bostwick & Co., 601-8 N. Y. Life Bldg RE 628 4 F. D. WEAD. 7-room house, good repair; 8. 28th st. east of park. This is a very cheap home at K 1534 DOUGLAS. RE 830 4 New 5-Room Cottage North part of city, walking distance, five rooms, porcelain bath, open plumbing, cement walk and cellar. Built for a home. East front Clos to car line. Good neighborhood. E. K. LOWRY & CO. Tel. 443. 203 Brown Block, RE 6014 - PATTERSON'S OFFERINO. LOTS. 80th and Webster $ 750 Military Ave., paved 800 35th and Leavenworth 700 20th and Oak, South 20th 600 and others Just as cheap. ACREAGE. 6 acres, Florence, near motor 1,260 6 acres, Benson, near motor , 1.3-0 10 acres, Benson I,o00 20 acres, Benson 8,000 10 acres near Ruser's 1.260 17 acres near Ruser's, Improved $.600 6 acres near Hanscom park 2,500 DAVID C PATTERSON, 1623 FARNAM. RE-7u9 t F. D. WEAD. 6-room cottage on Spencer st; partly mod. i-n annth front, corner lot: i S4W caau, balance same as rent; si.wmi 1524 DOUGLAS. RE 832 4 TIMBER, coal and farm lands, south snd southwest, locations for Industrie: msg axln free. Jo. A. Parker, Louisville Ky. NINE residence lots In Ogden City, Utah; what have you In Omaha to offer for ex changer 3 68, Be office. RE-497 4x YOU WILL SAY It I the nicest and best home for the money you have seen. large living rooms, front and rear vestibule, large pantry, 2 large closets and complete bath room, all on one floor; gaa, H. and C. water, sewer, good stairs to large floored attlo. Would make two or three nice rooms. Largs porch, cemented cellar, cement walks, large lot, 1 blocks from two good oar lines, only $2,600. Easy terms. Brand new and must be seen to be appreciated. HENRY F. DAILEY. Phon F3246. 0l Bee Bulding. ttx& Mow 4 wTr-ir. tinma of 8 roonu. all newly painted and papered; combination gas and eleclrlo i papered; comoination gas ana eiecino hts, new furnace, cemented basement hols the lucky mini Only $2,700. IIMER CHASE. 1608 FARNAM BT. ' llghti Who atriMir.R. , RE-642 t FOR BALE. 2314 Boulevard Avenue Price $850: 8150 cash and balance easy; 4 rooms, city water, rents $8 per month. 013 and 2014 South Second St These Dropertle rent for 818 monthly and will be sold for $1,000; $3u0 cash, balauo on w-ALTeTREEK, R. 416, Karbarh Block. RE 783 4 BUILDING FOR SALE 8-room house. 20th and Farnam sts.; must be removed at once. Submit bids. UfcORUB 4k CO., loul Farnam St. Rfi632 4 F. D. WEAD. 8-room house, comer lot, Blondo st; con. venient to Herney car; easy pay menu; 1624 DOUGLAS. RE 828 4 80-ACRE FARM FOR BALE. WEST DOME ST., 6Vs MILKS WEST OK CITY. A very desirable farm, $ per acre. GEORGE 4k COUP AN 144 Vsrnam Ht. RJE 444 4 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SHRIVER, 10C2 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1634. 8-room house, modern except furnace. north of Hanscom park $2,000 4-room house, modern except furnace, north of Hanscom park, paved st. Prlofi $2,000 $-room modern house, full lot paved St., Kountse Place $.600 l-mom cottage, new, small payment down and balanr monthly, located In north part of city 800 8-room cottage, new, south front, Wirt. near 24th st 1,600 7-room modern house, $th and Ban croft 2,600 7-room house and barn, 15th and Martha 2.000 10-room modern house, full lot paved St.. Hansoom Place 6.000 . vvuo,t, aeiiii n 1 1 1 1 i in- aer 2.2nn l-roora house, 43d and Charles l.sno l-room house, full lot. North Omaha add. monthly rmvments ?M 6- room cottage. 16th snd Corby l.Ssn 7- room house, bargain. 22d and Peward. 1 hX) 000 otner properties In the cltv at prices ranpring irom W" to iin.uuv. P nv list before buying elsewhere. RE 796 4 EASY TERMS W) for 8-room rottage and corner lot. 450 for I-room cottage, 21st and Center. km) fur 6-room cottage and barn. O. C. Olsen, 1704 Farnam Ht RB-806 4 FOR SALE, 8,000-acre Improved farm 8 miles from Logan, la.; beet Boyer valley and table land; beat farm in Harrison county. 140-acre farm, t mile from Logan; fin vaiiey una. 80-scre farm I miles from IOgtn; splendid (arm. a L KING, Logan, la. RE 818 4X DO YOU want a whole seotlon of land for a homestead and stock ranch? For Infor mation writs W. H. Tompkins. Rapid City, 8. D. RE M 683 3x ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Titles Perfected and Guaranteed. Tel. 2244 JAMES F. KERR. lOu N. Y. L. RE M566 U31 I HAVE $1,000 to buy nice little cottage in good condition. Addrees J 66, Bee. RE 639 4 CUBAN INVESTMENTS Excursion rates Dec. 10, $rt.60; good to return Jui.e 1, 19i6. C. R. GLOVER BON, 'Phon 133. Main floor N. Y. Llfa RE 840 4 $3,600 WILL BUY a beautiful home In Knuntxe Place, full lot, south front, good barn, street paved, house newly painted and papered; everything modern THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life Bldg. RE-M425 IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent, borrow money, sell notes or account, call at R. 8. N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. Glover ft Son. RE-M422 ONE-HALF ACRE Three-quarters mils southwest of Hanscom park; lies high and sightly; beautiful building site. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE-863 4 FOR BALE Two modern, brick houses. 7 rooms each; will rent for $40. Price, $2,600, easy terms. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life bldg. RK 424 ' FARMS FOR SALE THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY, 304 First National Bank Building. WEEKLY BULLETIN of FARMS FOR SALE on liberal terms. Each of these la of the very best There Is no poor farm. Ths best is the cheapest 320-acre farm, table land, 10 miles from Kearney; Improvements worth $3,000; 240 acrea in cultivation, 80 acres In pasture. Price, $38 per acre. 160 acres, 6 miles from Kearney, 2 mile from station, on Wood river; 120 acrea bot tom land, 40 acres table, 80 acree pasture, SO acres alfalfa, balance cultivated; four, room house, barn for 10 horses, good granary, corn crib and other outbuildings. Price, $45 per acra 640-acre stock farm, 6 miles from Odessa: 200 acrea cultivated, land all fenced and cross fenced; Improvements worth $3,000. Price, $26 per acre and big bargain at that 640-acre stock farm, 4 miles from Am herst, 90 aores cultivated, balance hay and grass. Price, $16 per acre. This farm is fn the hills and quite rolling, but fine for stock farm; good clay soli; 400 acre fenced. 160 acres, $ miles from Kearney, well Im proved; all valley land; well fenced. Price, $60 per acre. 160 acres, 7 miles east of Kearney, and t miles from Buda; land all valley; best soil; 80 acres alfalfa, 8 acres pasture, balance cultivated; good fence, $1,6"0 house and other small improvements. Prlea, $46 per acre. 820 acres, adjoining the town of Buda; $2,600 worth of fine improvement; 90 acres alfalfa, 100 acres winter, wheat, 40 acres pasture; one of the best all valley farms; iscn sou. i-nce, oo per acre. 820 acres, well Improved, I miles from Buda and 6 miles from Kearney, at $50 per acre. 240 aores, 10 miles from Kearney and 7 miles from Buda, on table, all level; good house, barn, com cribs and granary; 80 acres pasture, balance cultivated; rich soil; one of the beat table land farms. Price, $37.60 per acre, 80-acr tableland farm, 7 miles from Kear ney; all cultivated, but not improved; good oil. Prloe, $31 per acre. 80 acres, 11 mile from Kearney, Im proved; house, stable, well and windmill; 60 acre cultivated, balance pasture; farm land all level, good soli. A big bargain at $3,000. 480-acr farm near Kearney, 820 seres cul tivated, balance pasture; must bs sold soon. Pries, $46 pr acra This Is vary wall Im proved. TERMS GIVEN ON ALL OF ABOVE. (0 acres nsar Modal. Ia.; second bottom or bench land; new 4-room house, new barn; all cultivated; no finer land on earth. Price, $66 per acre. Time on one-half if desired. Possessslon March L Uut. 1,120-aor farm In Nanc county, Neb.; very finely improved; the very hlgheat grade land in that county; M acres in cultivation, all nlcs smooth land. Price for a short time only, $30 per acre; terms on part 160-aer farm, 7 miles from Lexington, Dawsorr county, Nsb. ; 128 aores In cultiva tion, of which 100 acres Is In alfalfa; level land; new 4-room house, good barn, cattle shed, to. Pries, $4,800; H,su0 cash, balance time. 820 aores, Nanc county, Nebj 200 acres In cultivation, 7 miles west of Genoa, new 4-room house, new barn (24x32), granary, etc.: black soli with clay subsoil; cultivated land level, pasture some rougher. Price, $42 per acra Very easy terms. 160 aores only t miles from Leglngton; nles new houss and barn, windmill and tank; fine hog yarda and houses, 60 acres pasture, fenced In two pastures; farm all under fence; there la a nice grove of Isrgs trees; on rural routs and telephone line. Here is a good farm for some one who wishes to live close to the best town In Nebraska. This farm for sal on aasy terms. Price, $6,460. 480 acrea partly In hill and balance In the Platte valley, 180 acres of ths finest bottom land, 26 acres of alfalfa, good two story frame bouse with a brlok cellar un derneath, good slsed barn with grain room for 1.600 bushels, thres hen houses, loe house, good yards, two windmills, wltb ground and elevated tanks; garden fenced From chickens; fine grove and bearing or chard; two hog pastures sown to alfalfa; hog house; farm well fenced, three pas tures for stock, everything In good shsne. A bonanaa for a stockman, as he has plenty of rvastur adjoining the farm land. Pries, $11,000. 160 acre miles from I-eilngton and oae half mile from Darr. Neb.; three acres of timber. 60 acrea of pasture, 63 acrea of al falfa, balance under plow; one 2o-acre hug THE ABBOTT-COWAN COMPANY, 304 First National Bank Building,. Omaha. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BOULEVARD BARGAIN Splendid 4-ronra house, twoetory, dining room, kitchen and on bed room on first floor; two bedrooms and bath on second flow; 60-foot lot, permanent walks, shade trees, sewer, ga. hot and cold water, all conveniences. One of the pretty borne built on the South Bide during the past two years. Price, $2,JW. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE 865 4 $4,000 B17Y8 2117 snd 211 Itard st; 4 house, lull city lot, Mxl.12. paving In street and alley all paid. Rents $41 per month, ex cellent condition, always rented to good tenant We have not lost a dollar of rent In 4 years. N. P. DuDUE & CO., 1614 Farnam st HE MK.S GOOD property to buy for Investment 4 of block i-trd and Burt sts.; 6 houses, room for 2 more; see us. C. R. GLOVER A 80N., 'Phone 133. Main floor N. Y. IJf. KE-838 4 $1,200 BCTS 1920 and 1923 8. 10th St., two frame buildings, bam and outbuildings on leased grounu; one store, one shoe shop and three 7-room flats, all renting for $40 per month; city water In each flat; ground rent $8 per month. Look at this today. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1614 Farnam st. RE-8824 ADV. CUTS-Wheaton. Be Bldg. FOR SALE One note of $i.80t, due in on year, secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also one note for $1,600, due on or before three . years, interest st 4 per cent, payabls semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable partleav Address the owner, 8 26, Be office. RE MR NEW HOUSE. Owner ha told us to out his prloe to $3,m for his bran new modem cottage, 8324) Hamilton St., $ rooms, best arrangement you ever saw. south front You cannet beat this little bargain. Half block from car. Can move right In. N. P. DODGE 4k CO., 1414 Farnam st RE M879 . $2,000 BUYS ths best bargain clos In that we have on our list, a 7-room cottage, . east front, new roof, new paint and paper and new porcelain tub. with nickel plumb ing; handsome shade trees, large lot i2Six ' 125; barn; walk around this today and come In or telephone N. P. DODGE i CO., 1614 FARNAM ST. RB 881 F. D. WEAD. Neat home of 6 rooms, modern except ftuN nace; In Burns' Park; be quick; $2,100. 1524 DOUGLAS. . ; RE-31 4 WANT OFFER on house and lot 2829 S, 6th. F. D. Wead,'1624 Douglas. RE M829 E FOR BALE 22U acres In Belair, aouthweat of . Benson, Neb. Also, 2tH acre Improved land IH miles east of postofllce, Counoll Bluffs, composed of fruit, farm, pasturs and garden land, new 4-room house, barn and other im provements. W. II. Thomas, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. RE 745 6k $3,260 BUYS No. 940 rth are.; that Is on of tha best values we can offer; east front lot In sightly location; completely over hauled and remodeled; do not fall to fol low the crowd there today. N. P. DODGE CO., 1614 Farnam st i RE M880 8 ADV. CUTS Wheaton. Be Bldg. FARMS FOR SALE pasture and one 84-acres In alfalfa; 7-room house, barn 83x28, with a lean-to and a cow aheds 16x86; windmill, tank, scales, haymow; hog house 12x32, com crib 12x32. cattle feeder 12x16, holds 260 bushels of corn; fins apple and cherry orchard; a flue farm all around; very convenient La school. Only $4,600. 492 acres adjoining one of the finest Im proved and beat equipped farms In ths lo cality; about 6 jnilea from Lexington, oo R. F. D. and telephone line; fine 9-rooro, house, with piste and stained glass win- -dows, heated by furnace and Beautifully -finished; bam 40x45, with double walled Rranary for 6,000 bushels; carriage house, ameas room and shop, also ample hay room; cow stable and granary combined, 46x46. with haymow, machinery . shop, hog) yards, houses and chutes; wall and mill, tanks, 200-barrel cistern; Ave yards; Ice houss and on large poultry house and three smaller ones; 18 acres hog pasture la alfalfa; 40 acre alfalfa, 20 acrea of pas ture fenced in several different pastures and fields; first-class in every respect. Will ell on very easy terms: owner tins becomo rich and wishes to retire. He began with nothing. Prloe, $28 per acra $4,000 cash, balance 6 per cent 255 acres, convenient to Lexington, on tel ephone line and R. F. D.. ve y o nveni nt to church and school; about 16 acres of fine, large timber; plenty of pasture and alfalfa; farm first clsss and slap d to any kind of crop or fruit; a vsry line or chnrd on this place, yielding several hun dred bushels of apples and pe actus, e'e, each year; good, comfo'tible Impnve-' ments. This Is an Ideal country hem ami decidedly a money maker for ths .owner. Running water through tha pasture.' Price, $3,600. 820 acre first-class land; Improvements are good, expensive and all new; about 160 acres In paature; good 2-story house, largo bam and extensive granary; some alfalfa; on R. F. D. and telephone line; church and school within 80 rods. We recommend this farm as ons of ths very best In the Pla'to valley. It is sure to sell very soon; 7Va miles east, of Cosad, Neb. Prloe, $9,115. . 868 acres 8 miles from Lexington; 60 acre of pasturs snd 60 acres of grass land, 70 acres of alfalfa, balnnre In farm land; good 7-room house, good brn, corn cribs, granary, etc. This is a good place and only mils to ohobl. Price, $9,946. 160 acres only 814 miles from Lexington, watered by Buffalo creek, a fine, never falling stream of water. The improve ments here are first-class; house Is s fine, large brick one and cost $2,600; lands ara well fenced; plenty of timber; $8 acre of alfalfa 70 acres of farm land and ba -e In pasture; church convenient and sc.ool on farm. An Ideal country horns. Easy terms $8,400. 160 acres) 4 miles from Iexlnrton. on But falo creek, joins the above; first -elas- Im provements; fine, large house. 8 rooms, with cellar and cistern; fine large harnt everything new; 86 acres of fall whestl plenty of timber. This Is ss fine aa Ne braska offer for sale 48.000 cash, balanos) In reasonable tlma Only $7,0u0. 160 aores t miles north of Lexington, elosw to church and school; 6-room house, frsme barn, granary, corn cribs, eta; well fenced and cross-fenced. An excellent farm. Pries, $6,000. v 160 seres, 2U miles north of Lexington, aft) under cultivation and all flrst-c4as land( 20 acrea of alfalfa; com going AO bushels per acre; 80 aores water right Prltw $5,461 All the above farms are on R. F. D, and telepbon lines. 4M acres I miles west of Gibbon In ths fa mous Wood River country: 286 seres In crop, 80 acres) alfalfa, 90 anreo timber; V mile to school; good 6-room house; bsrn 86x60; hor houn. graosrv, corn cribs and other buildings. Price $61.60 per acra 440-aor farm In Nanc eoumry. Neb., 1VS miles to good smsll town ; 450 acrea smooth, balance rolling: good house an4 bams; windmill and good fencing; highly productive; herd soil; $46 per acre: terms; a barsaln. Thbs Is considered ons of the) vsry beat farms In Nanos county. FOR EXCHANGE. Omaha Income property, prlea $26,000; h rumbrance $7,000. WiU trad equity few good, clear farm land.v 240 acres nor Missouri Valley, la; prlea $60, to trade for mdsa or Omaha rental property. 240-acre farm In central Nebraska, price $69 per acre, to trade fi,r mdse; 160 acres l' cultivation and balance hsy land. All nice, level lend; no wasta fair Improve ments. Writs us today about this. Ot'R LIBT OF FARMS IB THH BIGGEST, WH WIM. NOT ADVF.RTIHK ANV HVV THE BKBT, WHY NOT WRITE US II" TO! ARE IN THE MAJUCET7 WU CAN SURELY SUIT. YOU.