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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1904)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1904. Headquarters tor Rubbers and Orersboei JOfGlOMfilira a r m f r w ww Today Extraordinary Special Head, quarters for Over shoes and Robber flnn I? mmm it OF The bargains that we offer today in bobinet, fish net and nottingham net had never before been equaled. 25c and 50c Bobinet 10c Yd Today we offer one big lot of best grade of bobinet, all in full pieces, that generally sells at 25c and 5Qc, per yard, at f OMAHA WEATHER TUESDAY FAIR. j $ rtirf -lb-It :3 rr--Ai I 10c Bobbinet at 2Jc Yard One big table of short remnants fc narrow widths of all kinds of bnbbiuetgoes at 2,540 per yard. 75c Bobhinet at 10c Yard One big lot of bobbinet remnants, these are in white, ecru and Arab col or, various widths s worth 50c & 75eli jf per yard, at, yard"" Fish Net nnd Nottingham Net at 10c Yard One big table of white and ecru drapery fish net and double and single fold Nottingham nets. These would be bargains at 28o per yard we offer a big table, at, yard These are suitable for ruffl dresser scarfs and var ous other purposes iese 22C 10c 12ic Silkollne a.. 3c Yard 3c We offer one big table of best grade silkoline in long mill lengths, new and beautiful patterns, as long as 3,000 yards last we will sell at for, yard , 50c Printed Hungarian Cloth for 10c Yard We place on sale tomorrow one big table new and beautiful drapery ticking, cretonne and Hunjtnrinn Cloth; all In new and beautl- ful pattern-., and all In long mill length They go tomorrow II If at, per yard ..- 100 Visit I nr Carda for 49c Printed While You Wait Neat and stylUh cards for busioei and call ing printed In latest styles type souvenir card case FKca 100 Carda at Main Floor 49c 100 Business Cards for 49c SaJe of Made-up Carpets We have a very fine lot of handsome made-up carpets which we now place on sale made from rem nants and odd rolls of Axminaters, Brussels, Wiltons and other high grade carpets. Will sell at much less than their regular price. Watch Our 4 Windows sV Watch Our Windows GROCERY The moet satisfactory place to buy the best groceries at lowest prices. Ten thousand pounds Pop Corn, (Ec Tuesday's special offer, pound -' Ten ($1.1)0) Green Trading Stamps. Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps pound package Bennetts Cap-'Jiiir, i ltol Coffee 6w Twenty ($2.on) Oreen Stamps pound Tea.... Trading ggg Ten O1.0O) Green Trading Stamps two founds fine Japan Rice A at Ten (11.00 Green Trading Powder. ng pound can Bennett s Capitol Baking Stamps 1 4C Run vour eves over that Sunday Ad aain; the mealiest ad that appeared Sunday was Bennett's page ad Dry Goods, Clothing Milli nery, Furniture, Art, Wooden Ware, Sporting Goods and Shoes all jood for Tuesday's, selling, and all mail orders touching any part of the adver tisement received up to Wednes day evening will be filled. Green Trading Stamps? Sure! Ten ($1.0n) Green Trading Stamps dozen Dill Pickles.... 10c Pure Fruit Preserves, assorted fruits, warranted pure fruit and sugar, JQq CANDY Headquarters for all the good things Ten ($1.00) Oreen Trading Stamps I"nd Mint Kisses, very dell- tOr clous I5fc I YOUR EYES Better bring them to us before they get worse. We guarantee perfect fit ting glasses at money-saving pieces. Before you buy that Range make sure you see the PENINSULAR, jou'll buy it, and you'll prove for yourself that it's the bast all around Range on the market. 1 Tl''''"M8yyinitw2ll j IHISll PENINSULAR 4 OPEN LETTER TO R.B. HOWELL E. Eosawatsr Again Exposes the 8ballow Msiaf the Maroons Mariner. HIS DUPLICITY AND DECEIT UNPARALLELED gelf-Convlcted of Prevarication smd f Seeking Folit Himself on the People by the Meanest 'of fabterfaarea. MAHA, Nov. 7, 1904,-To R. B. Howell, Candidate for Water Commissioner: You have had the sublime assurance to address an open letter to me, charging me with trying to create false Impressions concern ing yourself and your relations to the Omaha Water company. You Insidiously endeaver to create public sympathy by re ferring to the recent death of your father and denying that the deceased was an attorney in New York connected with W. A. Underwood, former president of the Omaha Water company, and . now one of the attorneys of the Omaha Water com pany, and ' you purposely misconstrue the accusation made by me in my former let ter, that you Introduced the compulsory water works purchase bill at the Instiga tion of your father, when In fact I charged that you Introduoed the bill In the In terest of the company, at the Instigation of Mr.- Underwood. Your denial recalls the adage that an habitual prevaricator should have a good memory. If you will take the trouble to reread the report of the city council com mittee that Investigated the charges against you while you were city engineer, you will note this sentence: eltOonfessed Prevaricator. "He (R. B. Howell) testified that his father resided In Detroit, Mich., Is a lawyer and has been associated in the law business with one Underwood." The testimony taken by the committee also showe that you were brought to Omnia, and secured your appointment as city engineer through. Mr. Underwood's In fluence. You remember also,' that Mr. Un derwood visited Omaha and held several conference with you Just before the last legislature assembled. Mr. Underwood was again In Omaha two weeks ago and ap peared as the attorney and chief witness for the Omaha Water company before the ap praisers. He knew about the controversy between myself and yourself and the charge I had made and did not deny It when I talked to him Just before he left for New York. , " , You ak why the Omaha Water company TWADt Specialties of the Dorflingcr glaascraft are pre sentation sets and pieces for table, boudoir and decorative purposes. UeaJeri who handle the Dor- tUnger glass are of such standing a to supply largo demand tor this gift glassware, Look a a .... fqr the trade-mars: label. Is working so desperately to defeat R. B. Howell. You know as well as I do that the owners, of the Omaha Water company are not opposing your election, but on the contrary, the president of that company, Mr. Woodbury, expressed himself to me last week before his departure for New York, as friendly to you and your election. It is true, however, that A. B. Hunt, superintendent of the Omaha Water com pany is hostile to your election, because you tried to get his position some years ago, and Mr. Fairfield, the manager of the works, Is opposed to you because you are trying to get his place now. Stool Pig-eon for Water Company. I now reiterate In more specific terms that you were hired to introduce and engi neer the passage of the compulsory water works purchase bill at the Instance of Mr. Underwood and In the Interest of the water company, and I assert that the com pany helped you to pass the bill. Had It not been for that mischievous and vicious legislation the city of Omaha could have had possession of the works now by merely exercising its right of condemna tion under an appraisement by seven ap praisers appointed by the mayor and coun cil. , The city would have been in position to have voted bonds last year to the amount of the appraisement and If the company refused to accept the money it could have taken possess on and let the company go into court to recover any ad ditional amount It might claim. If your mischievous and vicious com pulsory purchase bill had not passed the city could have brought the company to time by serving notice upon It that it would proceed to erect its own water works If the company would not sell Its works at a rea sonable price. But your vicious bill com pelled the city to buy the werks on the company's own term a By consenting to pay the price agreed on by three ap praisers the city is handouffed and yoj nave put the handcuffs on. Sells Oat to Kleetrlo Lighting Ho. atopoly. In your various screeds you prate about your championship of municipal owner ship, but in your eagerness to become a factor In the negotiations for and purchase of the water works, for which you have had a pay roll attachment, you turn traitor to the cause of municipal owner ship and oppose the establishment of a municipal light plant under false pre tenses. You brazenly stand up and pre tend that the issue of $500,000 of electric light bonds would hinder the acquisition of tke water worke, when you know the contrary and when, moreover, everybody In the community knows by this time that you have become a capper for tha electric light monopoly In exchange for Its support and Its money. In all my political career I have never met a man so devoid of honor and resorting to such despicable duplicity to foist himself Into office. E. ROSEWATER. It hna tricks and turns in its get-up that make In the master-piece of stove building. It's the standard steel range of the world Made of Planished Steel, a Quick Baker and Great Fuel Saver The ovens are 17, 19 and 21 inches, with eight inch tops. The oven bottom Is made of 10 gauge steel and is riveted through the center. It can never crack nor warp. Prices up from $26.50 W. a. JERREMS, Pres. 209-211 5 15th Street. Don't Be a Ready-Made Man "THE good dressers are not the ready made men by any meansl There's a set and hang about the "Tailored Suit" that you can get only when you're meas ured for It. DON'T WAIT Select your Christmas goods now, and have them laid aside for you. Some of the goods we have: Oold brace 'ets, neck chains and lockets, watch chains. fobs and- me of the handsomest lines of rings In the' city. Come n and look around. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas St. ..,''. You'll have to look at our tailoring stock for display of fineness. A most generous variety draped side by side so that comparison and choos ing Is made easy. Trousers $5 to $12 Suits.... .$20 to $50 It Is In what Is called the tailoring that the real qual ity of a garment lies. The sowing of the seams the edges the pocket points the shaping and fin ishing. These are the points that add cost and give quality to properly made garments and rhey are the particu lars of which the average buyer knows the least. Have a chat with one of our salesmen. You'll glean some Interesting pointers on Tailoring facts. FRED PAFFENRATH. Mjr. NEWBROSHERPICIDE THE ORIGINAL remedy that "kills the Dandruff Germ." GOING-1 GOING!! GONE !!1 9 r HERPICITE WILL ME IT HEEP1CIDE WILL 5S7E IT TOO LATE TOR HEHPIOUE A Wis IV! Ai lUBE PhbTif must have pretty hair. Beautiful locks have a subtle charm, for the poet says, "fair tresses man's Imperial race en snare." Tne unpi etic and Intenoelv real dandruff microbe makes the hair dull, brittle and lusterless with later dandruff, Itching scalp and falling haJr. Newbro's Herpiciue aesuu; this nemy of beauty and enables ths hair to resume its natural luster and abun dance. Almost marvelous results fol low the use of Herplclde. An exqui site hair dressing. Overcomes excess ivenesa oIllnc-M and makes the hair light and fluffy. No grease or dye. eiops iicning instantly. SENATOR SCOTT'S FORECAST West Vlrsrlnla for Roosevelt and Three Hnadred and Seventeen Electoral Votes. United States Senator Millard has re ceived a personal telegram from United States Senator Scott df West Virginia and a warm personal friend, of Senator Millard In which he says West Vlrg'nla will go republican by M.OuO and that Pres. Ident Roosevelt will have 317 votes in tha electoral college. ."Senator Scott. It will remembered, said Senator Millard, "was an Intimate friend of Senator Hanna and had practical charge of the national republican committer ork In New Tcrk City throughout this campaign. Senator Hanna, a short time befjr his death, told me his friend. 8 nitor Scott, was one of the most efficient campaign managers In the republican party. I aUo think no man has a better Insight Into the political situation today than has Senator Scott." 1 , Drsf Sttrit, fl .00. , Si ad Wc SUnps to HEIPCIDE CO.. 0 pt. H. Detr.1t, sVcli. for s uasls, SHERMAN & McCONINELL DRUG CO.. Special Aaronta. cles, has been bound from the police to the district court on a charge of larceny from the person. Miss Bradshaw was charged with stealing IJU from John Christen of Florence. It Is said Christen came from the water works town to Omaha to see the wheels go round and met the Brad shaw woman. She Is said to have piloted Christen over crags and rocks, taking his money while he was not looking. COPLEY DOES GOOD WORK Enarlneer Expert Comes High, bat Is Said to Be Worth the Money. I IB. Cooley, the Chicago engineer em ployed by the city in the water works ap praisement, returned home Saturday night after working here three weeks. . The bill for this service will be S2.100, as Mr. Cooley's contract calls for 1100 a day. This la $26 more than the appraisers cost the days they sit, each of them receiving $50 a day, according to agreement, of which the city pays half and the watr company pays half. Although Mr. Cooley comes high. City Engineer Rosewater and other officials at the city hall deolare his services are worth the money. "He has gone over the whole matter with tremendous detail and care, and with the benefit of hla vast technical knowledge," said the city engineer. "He worked every evening until 10 and 11 o'clock, and some times later, and put In Sundays as well. He Is giving the city the very best work that Is in him. His services would be cheap at several times what they cost." For hla labors In the summer Mr. Cooley was given a check of Sl.OOO. Shoes Sold to Brandeis to turn a certain amount of stock into money as quickly as possible A Boston Shoe Man ON LINCOLN STREET S ELKS TO J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Omaha 14 lots Men's Shoes. 16 lots Women's Shoes. 8 lots Women's Slippers. 6 lots Boys' and Youths' Shoes. S lots Misses' and Children's Shoes. These 47 lots of excellent shoes will GO ON SALE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 ON SBJCOND FLOOR. For further particulars of sale see Tuesday and Wednesday papers. U. tlH.ANUtL.ia & BUINH, Boston Store, Omaha. Pilot Gets the Cargo. "Chub" Bradnhnw of the Cimbrtdare bold, a woman well kuown In polke clr- Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the forty-eight hours ending at noon Monday: Births Charles Johnson. 2916 Cuming, boy; Frank IX Hill. 6ol2 Cass, boy; O. L. Wass. Sim Marcy, girl; Hpoxtak, Fourth and William, bov; Kdward Munchoff, 937 North Twenty-fifth, bov. Deaths Adolph Harding. 1711 Dodge, 39 Macei v. rowier. in Hriatol, monms; InfHnt Qrlneor. 813 North Twenty-fourth svenue. 2 months; 1'atrlck IGlllgan, 707 Hickory, (0. SOOTHlUa SYRUP ' Baa hsssi esed by Million! of Moth. for thlr $ oUlUlroo ikiiile Taoiliiuir Joe ovur fifty Yert. C It toutuaa the oliild. tu ruiai alUMC all pau. cures w il J ouiiik sad u Lbs kl J-yiK t-WTS A BOTTLK. J. Please. Accurate Oven Thermometers There U a certainty and satisfac tion about the baking done in Moore'a Thermometer Ranges that is unequalled. Thousands cf these ranges are in use and they are especially in favor with particular housekeepers who have a reputation for good cooking. You are invited to call and whether you wish to purchase or not, we shall be pleased to show you the working of the thermometer, the Hing ed Top, the Controller Damper and the many other points in which , Jm FfAmoore's Kanges exceii an oinere. NEBRASKA rVRNlTTJHE ANO CARl'tT CO. 413-415 No. 24th SL, South Omaha. Women's $3.50 Patent Leathers 9 Why pav 14.00 for a patent leather of the 3.00 value when you can get for 3.S0 what others iixk 4.00 for? The real swell shoe this winter will be the patent leather dull top and button Patent Colt and Ideal Kid vamis dress toe on the new swagger potay last suitable fr dress or street wi r We' have others In both welts and turns and if you are lonklnK for the real thing you should see the styles we have. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 FARM!- STREET, Omaha's Up-lo-Dali Snsa Ham Write for Illustrated Catalogue. Election Day Only. Handsome Udiej' Rain Coat, Regular 912.50 Car- r4 tr, menf, f T3U n in uu THE RELIABLE STORK. Election Day Only. 15 Tourist Cos In Fini Kerstf and Satin Unid, J.50 Election Day Specials Heavy Ribbed Hose iw pHii cnuace i Tuesday.... OJC Tuesday Grocery Specials Finest . kiln dried California White Oats, lb iv. Vey fine Rice, lb Tapioca, lb 8c Sago, lb sc Farina, lb 3c Fearl Barley, lb 3 ,c White Navy Beans, lb 3vj0 Flake Hominy, lb S'fco Pearl Hominy, lb Zta Fancy new California Evaporated Beaches, lb 124c Fancy new Oregon Peaches, lb loe Fine new Michigan Peaches, lb 6c 4-Crown California Muscatel Rulslns, lb 74c 3-Crown California Muscatel Kai Ins, lb 54o 2-Crown California Muscatel RaiMns, lb 44o Very fine new Prunes, (small) lb 34o New Evaporated Blackberries, lb 74a Potted Tongue, can 4c Deviled Tongue, can 34c Potted Ham, can.. 34c Deviled Ham, can S4c 10 bars Soap for 2oo 4-pound package Oold Dust 15? Sapollo, cake 5c Pearllne, pkg 2c Very best (.linger Snaps, lb 84c TEAS AND COFFEES. Oood blend Santos Coffee, lb Imperial Java Blend Coffee. ll Family Java and M.,clia Coffee, lb. Sundrled Japan Tea, lb Fancy Young Hyson Tea, lb Silver Leaf Japan Tea, lb. at, yard. BOc fancy Bilk Laces, yard 36c fancy Silk Laces, at, yard . 16c .174o 2c . 36c 45c Basket Fired Japan Tea, lb 4e Fancy White Clover Honey, lb 124s Hand Made Shetland Floss Shawls In black, white and fancy colors, actually worth up to t2.0( choice ltJr Tuesday. 98c and 25e fancy Silk Laees. at, yard 35c Black Wool Lace, at, yard Men's Shirls In Mndras, Permits. of,r,1, etc. stiff an 4 uPf WtKchT. .,:a.,.,:.?.'".v?:::::h.. .250 Great Lace and m broidery Sale 73c WIDE EMtmOIDElUES STe YARTV-. Wide ("or.ei ('overs, inibrold rlc of ths very Intent designs, every piece perfect. worm irom ooc 10 ioc yara, ' j .19a ,.15o ,10a ,..5o $1.60 pure Silk Ijices, In black. 90n cream and white, at, yard ..." Silk Ices, for family work, R at, yard.... OU Big Job lot 2fc and 36c Torchon Rr Laces, at, yard Another Great Dress Goods Sale From One of the Best Milts 64 and W-lnch All Wool Meltons and Vent tlans, that sell at tl. and iJ.OO yard; 64. inch Broadcloths, worth $1.60; 6S-inch black heavy Meltons, worth $150 yard; Scotch Tweeds, Baunnockburns the preateHt of all bargains in at, yard, 69o and 64 and 62-Inch All Wool rialds, tegular $1.60 and $1.98 goods, in at, yard OVO Other bargains In the High Grade Dept. Announcement A tremendous stock of Voile Skirts from, a New York manufacturer on bale Tuea day at Half Price HA YD EN BROS. (C )j A EDoot Vote X X until you htw read tho two most remarkable personal articles over written during a Presidential Cam paign. They deal with ROOSEVELT PARKER. 'and are by W. Dourke Cockran and Alfred Henry Lewis In the great November Election Number of the Metropolitan Magazine RIVER ' In IDAHO is a region full of advantage for upbuildern of new homes, and rich with opportunity for farmers and investors. Dent roached via the UMBO PI PACIFIC 270,000 acres of this wondorful valley recently -reclaimed by irrigation are now open for settlement. Take advantage of homebeekera' Low Rates to IDAHO and see this valley for yourself Inquire City Ticket Office, 1824 Far nam St. 'Phone Itlfl. Bee Want Ads Produce Results 1 J? I