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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1904)
THE OMAHA' DAILY BEEl -TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, lOOi: - v ; POSTOFFICE NOTICE m. November M for despatch per a. s. Alarreda COP.KA. CITIVA srI rollljr addressed mull fur I'lUMPI'lNE 1S1.AND9. vU Ta. twnt. clos at o. m. November. If for doKwutch lr s. Deucalion. TAHITI an.l MARgi fcf. AH 1HLANP8, Via Pan Francisco, rl.ise at t p. m. Korein. rxr ? for d-iwlch per i. a. Mariposa, HAWAII, JAPAN. COKEA. CHINA and specially iidn"w mail for the fHIb IPFINlJ ISLAM'S. VI Han Frsnclco, close at p. m. November 1. for desputch per s. a Coptic. JAPAN x--pt parrels-poet mail!, CO RKA. CHINA and srclnt1y nddressed mall for PHIL.IPPINB IffLANDH. via Vnnoiuvr and Victor!, B. C, clone at p. m. Novrmtwr 2J for despatch per . a. Emrrs of China, PHIUIITINE ISLANDS and Ol'AM, via Pan Francisco, rinse af fl p m Novem ber 24 for dpfiteh per t'. 8. Transport. NEW ZEALAND, Al'STRALIA (except west). NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA. HAWAII a-d special? addrrsd mnll for the FIJI ISLANDS, vl.i 8m Fran cisco, close at ( p. m. Sonmbfr 2a for despatch per a. a. Sonoma. (If the Cunard etennier rarrylni; the prlflsh mall for New Zealand doea not arrive In time to connect with thla despatch, extra malls closing af S:30 a, m.. :J a. m. and t p. nv; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., t a. m. and p. m. will be made up and rorwnnleil until the arrival of h ("nnard steamerl. FIJI ISLANDS. Al'STRALIA (ex.ept and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria. R C. close at p. re. December t for despatch pef a. a. Hoana. WN'HI"R1A 'except New Chwsrs;) and EASTERN PIP.KRIA la at present for wn riled via Russia. NOTE I'nlesa otherwise addressed. West Australia 'la forwarded via Europe; Nrw Zealand via 8nn Francisco, and certain places 1n the Chinese Province of Tun nan, via Brlilah India the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "vlu Europe" must he fully prepaid at the foreign rites Hawi.ll Is forwarded via San Franrco exclusively. E. M. MOROAN. Acflns Poetmnster. Tvi tofrW, New Yorlt. N. Y.. Nov. 4. 1M, GuVERXMBXT NOTICES. OIT-ICE .CHIEF" QUARTERMASTER Omaha. KeU. Oct.- 16. 1W4. Scaled pro posals. In trioleate, subject to the usual conditions, will bp- received here until 10 a. m.. central standard time. Nov. 10. 1904, for constructing an administration build ing at Fort Robinson. Nebraska. Full In formation furnished on application to this fflce. whert plans and specifications may be iteen, or to the Quartermaster. Fort Robinson, -Nebraska, Proposals to be marked "Proposals for Administration Hulldl.-iar," and adresaed to Lieut. Col. J. E. 8AVYiK,. Chief Quartermaster. ' " O 19-20-21-22-N iS-m 1 j BEAUTY TO loek well take car of yoof come-xlon. l)o not allow un plp'. blackbaad, tn, wlreckla frieeiisa your skin. Derma-Royale will rsmove these like siatfc. . Currs Ecienu and letter. Vtri with DtRHA-RoYAH Soap, a psrUct tklnr la Insured SOLO 8Y DRUO01STS, et nay be ordsrad tirtjt. DeraM-ReyaJe, SI par bottle, aipres. paid. . Derma-Royal. Seal, IS Cants, by snafl. Hetb Iimh packaia, f i.18, express paid. - Portia! Mid twtimMUn ml oa nqvMt. THE DERMA-ROY ALE CO- Cincinnati, a afcae'er's Cat Pvlaa Droar Store. Mother Nature a fmmm ffwee ta 'eltev. Pigs are a aataral laxative. Shrader's Evaporated Fig Powder Is as dees ta net are as posslkia. a Heallna; reaedles vtT cassklsMMt wta the V laxative qaalltlaa af ,ihe ffaj saaka It aa Ideal reasedy far sea aUaatloav , Fig Powder Trial stis. Ms. Maple Pen, lrt sis. M. Shrman & McConnell Drug Co Omaha. Distributer, rer sale kr all drnastats. . MEN AND WOMfHj ' CBilforonntora diwbaries,taflaniBiatlonti. Irrltotloos it lortkat of mneoas mtabraaes. Pain lest, sad not astrla at MiiMBOBa. ela ay atraccssta. r sent la plaia wrappee, bl ri.praM. prapald. fa I 00. or I botl.3.7. UniUMt mm a tsaaasl. - RAILWAY TIME CARD I'KIOI. STATION TEXTH AKD MARCY Chlcaaro, Rock Island A Facile. EAST. : Ienve. Arrive. Chicago DuyllgV.t lAt... 11:35 am ChtciiKO DayliKlu Locttl.b T:tr am ChkHHO Expiesa ....,...blJ:0l pm livm Molnea Expreaa a 4:30 pm ChlcueTO Kxpras...a S'.tU pm a It-Si pin S6:16 prn 11:60 am a 1:2U pm Rocky Mountain 7:20 am a :60 pm Lincoln, Denver at wtat.a 1:30 pm a a:6 pm Oklahoma and Jex. Ex. .a b:2& pra - all:f5 am Fast Chlcazo a 6:50 pm 7:00 am Chlcaaro Great eater a. St. T. & Minn. Ltd. .....a 8:30 pm 8tt V. ft Minn. Ex. ...... a l.ii am Chicago Limited a 4:o pm Chicago Express a 4:10 am C'alaasjo Jt Sort hwestera. x Ixcal Chlcaso .,.. aU-30am Mali I'tn Dayllaht St. Paul ...... ..a I:k) am Davllicht ClilcuKO a 1:10 am Limited Chicago a S :j pm Local Carroll .a -4:00 pm a 7 J5 nm a 8:2i pm al0:30 am a 4:06 pm t:30 am 10:00 pm 11:S0 pm n am t:30 am 7r06 am Fast St. Paul ...a s:is pm Local Sioux. C. a St P.6 4.;W pia. a :3o am Paat Miiil a :) am Chtcano'Expresa a :46 pm NorfolK & Honfttteel a 7:40 am 10-Ho am ImcoIn & Long Plne.'...b 7:40 am 10:36 am Deadwood ft Lincoln. ...a I: VI pm 6:15 pm Casper ft Wyoming a 2:U pm a 6:16 pm Mntln-s-AluIou b 2:60 pm . 6:15 pm Wabash. Naw WorWa Fair ....'..a 7:45 am a J:00 pm Local from C. HlulTa.,a :15 am a t:no pm St. L Cannon Ball Ex. .a 1:30 pm a t:20 am Missouri Paclar. 8t. Louis Ekpresa ....ln; am a ) pm K. C ft St. L. Ex aJl:46pm a 7: pm Workl'a Fair Special.. .a 6:30 pm aJl:M pm t atort Pacific. he Overland Limited, .a :40 am a 8:05 ptn Colo, ft Oalo, Ex ...a t:iu pm a am Chicago-Portland pp. (..a : pm Eastern ttxpresa . a 6:30 pm b .3i am a 1:50 am b 1 IS pm 3.20 pm Coluinbua Local ,.b 6:00 pm ..a am ,.b 3:60 pm ..a :50 am Colorado Special , -. Chicago Siwclal Ilea trice Local ....... Fast Mall Illinois Ccatral. Chicago Expresa .... Chicago Limited . ... . Minn, ft St. Paul Ex ..a 7:26 am a lo ss pm ..a 7:6o pm a t:us am b 7:24 am b!0:36 pm Minn. & St. Paul. Ltd. .a 7:60 pm a .0t pm ateaao, Milwaukee dk at. I'aal. Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:66 am all:00 pm Calif'.irnla-Oregon Kx...a 6:45 pm. a 1:1ft pm Overland Limited a S:20 pm a 7:3o am Des. M. at Okobojl Ex. .a l oo am a 1:10 pm BI RUMOTOH gTAT10. lOTH dt M.ASO!! Burllaa-taa ft Mlaaaarl River. AVymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 11:60 am 4)12:05 pm Nebraska Express ......a t:6o am a :40 pin Denver IJinited a 4:10 pm a :5 am B. lfllls ft Puget 8. Ex.all:10 pm a t:W pm Colo. Vestlbiiled Flyer.. a 310 pm Lincoln Fast Mall . ..b 1:57 pm al2:03 pm Ft. Crook a- PUttsm'th.b S:oi pm' lo.gj am Ht-Ileru ft Puc. Juno. .a 7:5 pm a :S5 am liellevue ft Pao. June, .a 1:30 am Kaaeea City. St. Jo ft taaaetl BlaCa. Ksnaaa fit v Day Ex... .a t:15 am a :fl pm St. lula f Iyer.. ... pm all:dam Kansas City Night Ex..alO:45 pm a :46 am t'kleaaa. Barliaatoa dk Qalaey. Chicago 1-lmlted :, pm 0 T:40 Ch cago Special .... ...a 7:00 am a l .'-S mil Chlgo VeallbuM Ex..a 4:0 pnl " -u am Chlcugd LotsJ al:Uaoi all.uOpm Fast Mall t , 1.45 pm WKBITER DEPOT 1BTH ft WEBSTER Mlaaaarl Fael. Netiraaka local via - Weeping Water b 4:10 pro all: pm rklcaaa, kl. Paal, Mlaaeaaulu ft .Onaka, Talo Cltv Pasaenaer h : am K I ia Oakland Local ..aianti tjv.-i4i .., h so pin d s:io am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally cai ept Saturday, a iaily extant iluutU. I 46 pm b 10 am S J Ova! U m mm m MrtMit. , yrnl Tr mmuum ftlnn Fviu Chi m jaju Co. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL SHORT SESSION OF COUNCIL Too Mach Politics for Members to Derot Much Tims to Easineis. BESLEY GRADING CONTRACT RESCINDED Contractor Aaaeata to Artloa, aa He Wn Farfl Asaeaameat Aaalast Proaerty Weald Be Good. Xot There was too much politics In the air last night lor the aldermen to hold a pro longed session, so after allowing the monthly pay rolls and grist of bills and re scinding the contract of L. C. Besley for the grading of Franklin avende, they ad journed to Friday nfght. Judge Scott, on behalf of the property owntrs on Franklin avenue, complained thai Contractor Bealey had failed to com mence the grading and a sired that his con tract be rcfcclnded. Mr. Bealey was willing that his contract be rescinded and the property owners will now be permitted to do the work themselves, provided It Is done under the supervision of the city engineer. Mr. Henley explained that part of the abut ting property pn the avenue had been platted, but never recorded, and he was of the opinion there might be trouble In as sessing the cost of the Improvement against such . property and therefore did not feel willing to go ahead with the contract. The Indian creek dredge pay. roll for Oc tober amounted to $741.20 and a bill for 1300 for coal for the machine was also allowed. Several other bills for the dredge were laid over until the next meeting. estimate: or SMITH'S MAJORITY Poll of District ladlcatea It Will Be Tea Thaasaad, . A poll of the 'counties comprising the Ninth congressional district Indicates that Congressman Walter I. Smith of this city will be re-elected by a plurality of over J0.000 and It would not surprise, his friends If he even led the head-o? the ticket. In hla district.. . Two years ag Congressman Smith was elected by a plurality q(j 7.358 and with present conditions and his increased popu larity there seems to be no reason why theae figures should not be Increased today; to the 10,000 mat X. That Judge Smith will receive a large number of democratic votea is a conceded fact. In the Fifteenth judicial district, which. with the exception of two counties, It Identi cal with the Ninth congreaslo'nal district. Judge N. W. Macy of Harlan has. It might be said, no opposition. The democrats failed to name a candidate and Judge Macy'a only opponent Is Rev. W. B. . Crewdson, pastor of the Christian church of Atlantic, Caaa county, who was nominated by the pro hibitionists. Open Avenue B School. The formal opening- -of the Avenue B school last 'nlgit' ttracted an attendance of about 500 persons, chiefly residents of that part of the city. The building, which at a' coat of exceeding 120.000, has been transferred Into ait- up-todata schoolhouse of twelve rooms, with modern conveniences of every description, presented a handsome appearance. The roomy corridor and large, airy and ..well lighted' rooms were elabo rately decorated with palms and potted ferns. ' President Hess of the Board of Education presided over the exercises and ahort ad dresses were made by members of the hoard. Superintendent Clifford and Stale Senator Saunders. Miss Porterdeld, super visor of muslo, contributed to the enjoy ment of the evening by singing a solo. Former Alderman W. C. Boyer, on behalf of the cltlxens of the West End Improve ment club, thanked the board for providing auch a splendid school for that part of the city. Rev. Lewis Ripley, pastor of the Ep worth Methodist church, opened the ex ercises with prayer, while Rev. W. 11. Starr, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, closed with the benediction. ' Matters la District Coart. Roliert Turner aod Andy Hill, the negroes charged with the . murderinf George Chil son, who was shot on a" motor car ope night In July last while returning from tha Eagles' carnival grounds In the western part f tha. city, will have separate trials. Turner, who is charged with firing the fatal shot, will be tried. first aod his. trial will be begun Wednesday before Judge Oreen In the district court. ".V Yesterday Judge ' Oreen.. pa application of counsel for the defendants, made an order authorising tha subpoenaing of wit nesses for the defense efthe expense of tha state. A similar order was made In the case of Fred Stone, former city pound master, who la charged. wrth"b8sa'ult with Intent to kill. Stone Is also a negro. Theae additional petit Jurymen have been summoned to appear Wednesday, as tha regular panel la expected to prove Insuffi cient; Fred MoCarty. Jr., J. . N. Woolf, Lewis Ryan, J. I. Lnta. E. Jenkins. Isaac Chtrnlsa. Richard Oreen. F. 8. Robinson, H. "A: Dlckaon, Council Bluffs; L. E. Sin clair, Neola. Kaplaa Family la. Trouble. A. Kaplan, salesman for tha Groneweg & Schoentgen company, was taken Into cus tody last night on a charge of . embessle ment. Kaplan up to two weeks ago, had been In the employ of the Groneweg ft Schoentgen company for tha lost four years aa city salesman In Omaha and South Omaha. He la alleged to be short 1900 In his accounts. The Information charging him with embesslement waa filed late lat evening In the court of Justice Ouren. Kaplan was placed In the county Jail last night. Kaplan Is a married man with a family and resides In Omaha. When confronted by the members of the firm laat night he ad mitted being short In his accounts and ascribed It to living beyond his means. A. Kaplan, Jr., son of the man arrested last night, la being sought Tor by the au thorities. Ha was until recently In tha em ploy of tha Stewart Proa.-company of this city and la charged with being a defaulter In a large bum. Red Oak Maa Held I . - A member, of the world-wide family of Smiths, who la said to be a prominent busi ness man of Red Oak, and la anxloua to hide hla Identity, ta ruld to have been held up on Weat Broadway In tha vicinity of Ninth street Bumlayi night by three men who robbed, him of 135. No repoft, however, of tha robbery waa made to the police, but "Smith" waa forced to call upon. .friend, a former member of J be police department, fur salstance to return home. To this LLWIU' UUTlsbK MORTICIAN M 28 PEARL ST. """ ot.r Lady Attendant If Dealred. , BLUFF " friend the Red Oak man told the rtory of the hold-up. Smith's story Is to the effect that he waa walking west on Broadway about I o'clock Sunday evening and had Just paraed the Metropolitan hotel when three men blocked his way. One of the men thrust a re volver In Smith's face while another held him firmly by the throat while the third went through his pockets and relieved him of his pocketbook. The fellow who held the revolver warned Smith not to make any outcry under pain of death. Neither of the three men were masked and after securing SmltlTs cash they turned north on Ninth street and were soon lost In the darkness. Smith said he waa too frightened to take much notice of his assailants and would be unable to Identify them. filrl Attempa Suicide. LEMARS. la., Nov. 7.-(Speclal.)-Ceclle Fcnton, aged 17, attempted to commit sui cide yesterday evening by swallowing an ounce of laudanum. The girl was despond ent, having quarreled with her lover, Dana Hentges. The two had arranged to get married In- the spring, but his family ob jected to the match. Doctors were called in time and a stomach pump employed and the girl will probably recover. The girl, who has no mother, had written a note, ad dressed to her father, who Is In Kansas on business, snylng that Hentges had thrown her over and she could not live without him. Plumbing and Heating. Blxby ft Son. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Beo November 7 by the Title. Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Joseph M. Doyle to Annie C. Doyle. lots 5 and . block 17, Neola. q. c. d..t 1 Edwin Tyiack and wife to Jeannie L. Crowl, lot 1. Auditor's subdlv nwVt seV, and lot 1. Auditor s subdlv nev sw"4 2t-75-43, w. d John Keller and wife to Victor L. Keller, lots 12 and 13. block 1, John Johnson's add, q c. d , Nellie B. Keller Peck and husband to Victor L. Keller, Jots 12 and 13, block , 1, John Johnson's add, q. c. d ,500 1.000 100 Total four transfers N. T. Plumbing Co. Tev. v-9. Night, F67. Caaea of Contagious Disease. Two new rases of diphtheria and the same number of smallpox were reported to the Board of Health yesterday. The diphtheria cases are Nellie Lewis, 105 South Seventh street, and Grace Head, 1636 Ave nue Q. The smallpox capes are In the Boardman family, 400 North Sixth street, which Is already under quarantine, the patients being Mrs. George F. . Boardman and her eon, George, aged 7 years. Rooms and cafe. Ogden noteL Marriage Licensee. Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. C. B. Sackett. Neola, la 31 Rose E. Donaldson, Underwood, la 19 H. F. Vosa. Cosad, Neb 23 Pearl E. Daggett. Gothenburg, Neb 18 C. C. Frlsbey. Council Bluffs 27 Marguerite Austin, Council Bluffs .....23 For Real, Desk room for rent Bea office, 10 Pearl street. , MIOR MESTIOX. , Davis sella drugs. Leffert's glassea fit , Btockert sells carpets. Dra. Woodbury, dentists, 30 Pearl at. Night school at Western Iowa college. . Duncan sells the best school shoes. Duncan does the best repairing, 23 Main st For rent, modern house 723 Sixth Avenue. New Picture mouldings. C. E. Alexander, 333 Broadway. The regular meeting of Excelsior Masonic lodga will be held this evening. Pleasing designs In wall paper work guaranteed. Borwlck, 211 S. Main. Missouil oak dry cordwood 36 cord, deliv ered. Wra. Welch, is N. Main st. Tel. 128. Tha Lady Maccabees will meet In regular seaaion this afternoon in their hall In the Brown building. Joseph Spauldlr.g of the Soldiers' Home at Leavenworth la In the city, his former home, visiting relatives. W. F. Heddlexton, charged with assault ing A, Hortop, had his hearing in police court yesterday continued to November 18. - The house committee has arranged to re ceive election returns tonight at the Elks' club house and all members and their wives are Invited to attend.. . . .. .. In district court yesterday Mrs. L. M. Menefee waa granted a divorce from Samuol F. Menefee and the custody of - thalr two minor children. Herbert Van De Bogarth. an old-time printer of this city, now employed In the government printing otllce in Washington, arrived yesterday on a week's visit to rela tives. . Naturalization papers were Issued yes terday to the following: Joseph' Kofsky, Russian; Anton Larson, Norwegian; Arthur John .Tucker, English: Rudolph Nelson, Dane; N. Bwanson, Norwegian. Fred Dletsch, the Lewis township farmer recently committed to St. Bernard's hos pital by the commlasioners on insanity, was ordered yesterday paroled for thirty days In care of his brother, L. C. Dletsch. W. I. Mardls of Omaha has leaaed the large tabernauie building at the corner of Seventh street and First avenue, which was erected for the revival meetings, and will convert It Into a skating rltik this winter. Henry E. Long, aged 23. and Blanche B. Bowen, aged 17, both of Omaha, applied for a marriage llcenna In thla city yester day afternoon, but on account of the youth of the would-bo bride Clerk Reed declined to issue the license. As the County Board of Supervisors re fused a year ago to bo responsible for the pay of the special policemen at the gen eral clr'.ion, none will be appointed this year, aa the city administration does not feel Ilka beating the burden. Albert Houghton, who was brought home from Worcester, Maas., where he Is at tending school, by his father. Dr. F. W. Houghton, Saturday, waa yesterday oper ated on for appendicitis. lie was reported last evening to be doing nicelyr with every prospect of his speedy recovery. Miss Rachel Acton, a member of the stranded "A Russian Spy ' company, was given a Judgment in Justice Carson a court yesterday-for 176 against Miaa Camilla Dag mar, the atar of the company, and part of whose peraonal property was attacheu by some of the members. There are other attachment suits yet to be disposed of anil R. H. Clark, manager or tne anow, is still In the city, walling for funds with which to release the scenery ana oiner enacts. Willi's lire ; Mother's friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, ' allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system tor tne ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. W1SDUP OF IOWA CAMPAIGN Eecntarr 8haw Mikei livi Bp.eehti in . His Homo Countj. WILSON ALSO SPEAKS TO OLD FRIENDS Hoa. Joha A. KasSem Rctaraa to Hla Old Home la Dca Melaee to Vote lor First Time la Several Years. (From a 8tnff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Nov. 7. (SpccUl.)--Clos-Ing rallies In the campaign were held In the state of Iowa this evening In a number of cities and towns, but not all of the Iowa speakers were In the state. Secretary Shaw had perhaps the most Interesting day. He waa In his home county of Craw ford and spoke at five meetings before reaching Denlson for an evening address. He spoke In the smaller towns of the county afternoon and forenoon, at each one having other speakers .with him, then ended up the evening with Judge Conner In Denison, where both addressed a big crowd. Becretary Shaw in his speeches In Iowa has almost entirely with the) tariff, taking the view that there should not be a revision at the present time and that on the whole the tariff Is admirably suited to the purpose of Its framers. In eastern Iowa Secretary Wilson closed the campaign with a rally at Traer, near his Tama county home for many years. Governor Cummins closed with Albert F. Dawson In the Second district, having a big meeting at Muscatine. Congressman Lacey was at What Cheer, Congressman Smith at Avoca and Senator Dolliver at Badger. Senator Allison, Interviewed on the situa tion In Iowa, stated hi confidence that the state would show an Increased repub lican plurality and that the congressional delegation will be solidly republican. In regard to the reply of President Roosevelt to the Parker attack. Senator Allison said: i minx mar tTesment Kooscveit did ex- actly right In hia rculv to the charaea mane by Parker. It Is a little unusual, per haps, but 1 believe the president has every Justification for tha course he took. It had been openly charged that there had not been and could not be any answer to the accusations made by the democratic can didate. Silenca might have been taken as a confession of guilt by some people. The president has spoken in a manly way and after the election Judge Parker will be remembered only with contempt. Kaaaoa Returns to Iowa. John A. Kasson, formerly United States ambassador to Germany, and long promi nent In diplomacy and statesmanship, has returned from Washington to Des Moines to vote thla year for the first time in many years. Mr. Kasson was 111 last summer and In a hospital, but his recovered and Is In good health for a rrian of 83. He has recently, finished a complete history of the constitution ar.u It will be published soon, the same being a revlaion and enlarge ment of his previously published volume on that subject. He will remain In Des Molnea a week or mora before returning to Washington. i ' Locate K,noxville Buildings. The State Board of Control apent the day at Knoxvllle, where they located tho minor buildings to be erected at the new state Inebriate asylum. Thla was made necessary ao that they could also locate definitely the railroad spur to be bufit .on the state grounda for the use. of contractors In haul ing material for .the new,bulldings and for fuel la tha future. Workia" nearlng com pletlon on tBe" plans for the new building. Thinks He Hat Gold.' C. H. Woodard of Manilla. Crawford county, has asked that Assistant State Geologist Savage go to Manilla to Investi gate some mineral discoveries he has made there. He writes that ho believes he ha found "both gold and diamonds," and de sires to alnk a shaft 4,000 feet deep to ex ploit his discoveries. He desires the state geologist to advise him as to the expendi ture of money. . Hard Flaht Against Brewery. One of the Interesting phases of the politi cal fight In this county will be the circula tion of petitions for consent for the estab lishment of. a brewery In Des Moines. The advocates of the brewery have made a silent campaign, and now the church people have become, aroused and' on Sunday ser mons were preached in majiy churches ad vising the people to oppose the brewery. The Issue I direct and a good deal of Inter est has been aroused In the scheme. May Hear Blsr Damage Case. Judge .Smith McPberson may hear the sensational suits of the Rayia Market com pany against J. Ogden ATmour for 150,000 damages. A motion has been filed In Sioux City to transfer the caaea to the United States circuit court and the hearing may be had In Dea Moines at the coming term. Armour was sued for about 160,000' for fall ing to furnish pork at an agreed upon price after the market price had gone up. Attempt to Rob Bank Palls. Two nten, wearing yellow sweaters, at tempted to blow up the safe of the savings bank at Walford, Ia., near Iowa City. They were driven off by citizens and made their CBcape In a buggy, leaving behind them a complete set of burglars' tools. Tha officers have no clew. - Former Banker Indicted. Ed Miller, a member of the firm of O. E. Miller ft Son, private bankera at New Providence, la., which failed last March, has been indicted by the Hardin county grand Jury on a charge of fraudulent banking and la now under arrest. It Is claimed that Miller received deposits when he knew that hla bank waa insolvent. The indictment Is the result of an Investigation set on foot by stockholders. Logaa Dedicates C'aarch. LOGAN, la.. Nov. 7. (Special.) Logan'a First Christian church waa dedicated yes terday morning before a large audience. Rev. William ghoenmlth of Hartsvllle, Ind., delivered the dedication . address. Rev. Shoesmlth will be retained aa the perma nent pastor. Mualc waa, furnished by a special choir of forty voices. A feature of tha occasion worthy of notice waa that Is to love children, and Qfc home can be completely happy without them, yet the ordeal through which the ex. pectant motier must pass usually is so full of suffering, diuger and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension and dread. Ufli 3 no collection waa taken: the church la ail paid for. Thla church la the newest and finest sacred structure In Harrison county. It was completed at a coat of t!2.tX Many people of Woodbine and Mismtirl Valley were visitors In attendance and were guests at the banquet given In the church basement Immediately after the acrvice. FlaM Over l.laht Franchise. SIOLX CITY. Ia.. Nov. 7 -(8peclal Trie gram.) -The one absorbing feature of Inter est In the "election In Sioux City tomorrow is the proposition to give Samuel McRob erts and Edward Ttlden of Chlcsgo, repre sentatives of Armour and Swift, a fran chise to furnish electricity for light, heat and poaer. The campaign for and against the franchise has been most active, thou sands of dollars having been spent In printers' bills snd speakers have been Im ported to assist local orators. Former Mayor John MacVlcar of Des Moines spoke here last week and tonight Charles T. Huston, mayor of Cedar Rapids and West ern Blarr of Chicago addressed In opposi tion to the franchise. The contest will be close. Bad of Old Romance. SIOUX CITY. Ia., Nov. 7-tSpeclal Tele gram.) Mrs. Judson Fotlett Towne has re turned from London, England, where she separated from her husband. Major David Towne. The marriage was romantic. They first met In California and later on ship board. The major came to this country to capture the young woman after her first huahand, Judson Follett, Jr., died. They were married in Texas. Mrs. Towne saya hla representations as to wealth were falae. He fought In the Boer war and Is well connected In EngUtnd. She will sue for divorce. Daughters Refsse to Bury Father. FT. MADISON, la., Nov. 7. (Special.) The daughters of Jacob Groves, who com mitted suicide after killing Thomas Lay. on, refused to take charge of his remain. They did not wish to bury a murderer's body, even If he was their own father and - It was turned over to the Keokuk Medicnl college for dissection. Layton s body was burled by the side of Klondike. a former wife at Dairymen Meet at Mason City. MASON CITY, Ia., Nov. 7.-(Spe-clal.) At a meeting of the ' officers of the two association . thla morn ing it was "decided to hold the an nual meeting of the Iowa Dairy union at thla place, February 1, ! and 3. The sub ject of the meeting place has been under discussion for some time past and the meeting here was to aettle the question. Killed by Fall. IOWA CITY, Ia., Nov. 7. (Special) Harry Houser fell from the roof of the university gymnasium this morning where he waa working, falling on hla head and shoulders. He waa picked up and carried to the hos pital, but waa unable to withstand tha shock and died at 11:15. He fell fifty feet, fracturing his skull and breaking some bones. DECLARE A PLOT TO FLEECE Former Mayor Claims Bich New York Maa Waa to Be Victim. GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., Nov. 7. At to day's session of the trial of ex-Mayor Perry, charged with bribery In connection with the Lake Michigan water deal con spiracy, the defense announced that it will attempt to show by correspondence and telegTama that the original water deal was simply an attempt to fleece H. A. Taylor, a young New York millionaire, out of his money, and that Messrs. Garman and Cam eron, the promoters of the deal, had no real purpose to put the deal through. Ro Stomach Troublt After you take Drake Palmetto Wine or week. Cures to star cured. A trial bottle free t you write to Drake Formula Co., Chicago 8 Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars, Reclining Chair Cars, Seats Free EXCURSI NOW A handsome World's Fair folder containing complete information, views of buildings, etc., and map of St. Louis, will be sent free on request T- F. GODFREY, Pan. and TIcVeT AgK, TOM HUGHES, S. E. Ccr. 15th and Farmm, Omaha, Neb. Traveling Pass Agent. H. W. TOWfJSEND, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, SEE LOCAL AGENTS FOR FURTHER ..inn.!. .jjfsaf'-."mrr ( a -a, tCX. iK hp) I -jf.. J I- -. . . . I I 'Mrs. Anderson, a woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed her signature to the following letter, praises Lydia R Pinkhamfs Vegetable Compound " Dear Mrs. Piskram : There are but few wives and mothers who have not at times endured agonies and such rain as only women know. I wish such women knew the value of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vrgretable Compound. It is a remarkable medicine, different in action from any I erer knew and thoroughly reliable. u I have seen cases where women doctored for years without perma nent benefit, who were cured in less than three months after taking your Vegetable Compound, while others who were chronic and incurabla came out cured, happy, and in perfect health after a thorough treatment with this medicine. I have never used it myself without gaining great benefit. A few doses restores my strength and appetite, and tones up the entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, henca I fully endorse it." Mrs. K. A. Anderson, 225 Washington St, Jack sonville; Fla. Sirs. Reed, 2425 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, Pa., says I 1 trouble, headache, fiZf such o mm a a jp i . r i r 2i r k - A When women are troubled with irregular or painful menstruation, weali keas, leuoorrhosa, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feelingr, Inflammation of the ovaries, backache, flatulence, general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound at one , removes auch troubles. The experience and testimony of some of the most noted women of America go to prove, beyond a question, that Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble at once by removing the cause and restoring the organs to a healthy and normal condition. If In doubt, write Sirs. Pinkham at Lynn Mass, as thousands do. Her advice la free and helpful No other medicine for women in the world has received such wide spread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles. Refuse to buy any substitute. $5000 FORFEIT If w eannot forthwith nmdafte the original letters and tfutoresaf abore testimonials, which will prove their shsolute g miuinneM. Lydia K. Pinkham X-adlclne Ca Lrmn, ataav BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS WORLD' FAIR ROUTE ON ON SALE. r '.cw'jp.v. prominent society "Dear Mrs. Pinktiaii: I feel it my duty to write and tell you the good I have received from Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound. 44 1 have been a great sufferer with female trying different doctors and medicines with no benefit. I wo years ago I went under an operation, and it left me in a very weak condition. I had stomach trouble, backache. palpitation of the heart, and was very nervous; In fact, I ached all over. 1 And - yours is the only medicine that reaches troubles, and would cheerfully rec- ommenaiyaia Jj.i'inknam's vegetable Compound to all suffering women." TICKETS ST. LOUIS Up. INFORMATION. :