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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
11 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SUNDAY, , OCTOBER 16, 1604. I Business chancls WLBBOTT -COWAN CO., lit Nil. Iik. bid, can get you in ur out t,f buMness. S fcs-e IHOLKS-ARMSIRUNU CO., 7:2 N Y. Life, Tel. 4. TO get In or out of business, or If you want to buy or sell eatalv s Umalut fteai E.maie auu i jr'iuh vuaijuv srni;. tU N. V Lite LiuK. X ajt WHEN you want to uy. Mil or exchtng your property ur ui,.i.h njuicK, see j. 11 Johnson, Ml N. V. l.i. Viiod L-'it. $1,800 AND tome push will bring teversi thousand doling per year In a new and honorable busmen; no competition here. AddroMS U 11, Uee. Alio ltix DRUU Stores Knlest, IV P.. N. Y. L. bldg. I ib4 UAKERY and confectionery, cheap. C 3, Bt. X 47 1 PHYSICIANS located. Knlest, N. Y. U Y-Mui FOR BALK Battling works In western Iowa town; twill Invoice; can sell way under this price; good reason for selling SEARS & LEWIS, to. New York Ufa. Y 181 II FOR BALE A dental office In the best town of 1w Inhabitants In southeastern Ne braska, cheap for cash If taken at once; owner going into other business. Address u i, eee. -i SECURE your country for the simplest and best machine for continuous1 hollow wall construction: Impervious to neat, com or'water; pronounced by engineers, con tractors and builders as the machine for putting up dwellings, factories, power Jilants, retaining walls, barns, granaries, ce and poultry houses, silos, water tanks and troughs at a considerable saving. Call or address George W. Fischer, Red- fleiO, 8. U., General Agent. X as ltix 400 ACRES of good Iowa land at 140 par acre to trade for stock of goods; en cumbered for $5,000. The Abbott-Cowan Co., 804 First Natl Bank Bldg., Omaha. Y If "WANTED To rent, with privilege of buy ing, complete photo, gallery In good town. Address U, l'hoto. Car, Uiltner, Neb. Y-303 16 FOR BALE Established fur dressing bus iness; 4.j0 business per year; all neces sary machinery; selling on account of sickness. Addrent D 18, Bee. Y 361 16x GROCERY and market for sale at 2212 Far nam St., good , location, doing a good business, but wish to retire on account of age. Apply B. Newman, 221. Farnam. liOTS Specials which MUST be sold THIS week. 1 acre In Okahoma Add., 15th St., south of Vinton. Come 1n and make an offer. This Is going THIS WEEK. Corner lot, eOx.125, 28th and Pratt. Corner lot 60x128, 28th and Mandgrson. These two lots are CORNER lots and lie welL Come In and let im tell you about them. MUST go. Here's a chance to turn your money In a little Investment. The Abbott-Cowan Company, S0i First Nat. Bank Bldg. Y-3U 18 FOR SALE, GROCERY One-half Interest In prosperous grocery, meat market aud bakery near Bemls Park, large trade. One partner leaving town, reason for selling. This Is a first-class proposition for a man who wants to go Into the grocery business with an experienced partner. $1,210 will buy It. SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO. m N. Y. Life. Tel. 4. Y 326 WANTED, party with $2,000 to Invest In food proposition, can double same In welve months, full particulars address C 56, Bee. Y-332 l'JX $90 ACRES near Mo. Valley, Iowa, to trade for stock of hardware. Good bottom land, priced right. Write for particulars. The Abbott-Cowan Company, $04 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. Y-310 18 620-ACRB farm In eastern Nebraska, with $8,000 worth Of Improvements, 24 miles from city of 4.500 population. Never be fore offered for lens than $50 per acre, but owner wishes to sell In ten days, and will take $40 per acre. Time on 60 per cent of f ries If desired. Write quick. The party hat makes first payment gets farm. You are getting this farm for $5,200 less than it Is worth. The Abtott-Cowan Company, $04 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Omnhn. Y 308 18 HOTELS FURNISHED 40 ROOMS Modern, elegantly furnished $3 hotel; accommodate roomers only; money imiKer; fl.buO caah, balance easy. (0 Rooms Modern, well furnlBhcd, only $2 house, best town Greene county, la.; does tine business; eusy terms. 40 Rooms Modern $2 house, completely fur nished; only hotel of consequence in fine western Iowa town; money maker; terms reasonable. An elegantly furnished $2 modern house of i good capacity; live town, Cass county, f)la. paying business; 'twill suit you; see It. i .x'umber of others of smaller capacity in food locations and all right propositions, 'ull information upon request. J. H. Johnson, W3 N. Y. Life. Y 873 16 SUBSCRIPTIONS are Invited to the stock of a company now forming to manufac ture a' staple article in big demand at a big protit; 10 per ceiit guaranteed. W. 1.. Monroe, 110 N. 4th St., BU Louis, Mo. Y-M3J2 22x BRIGHT republican with few hundred dollars who wlahes to enter county Jour nalism should writs quick to l2ri, cure Bee. Y-397 1 FOR sale or exchange, stock ot general merchandise of $2.i.00 to $15,uo0.tJ, and double store building and dwelling, $6,oo0.00, tor Improved farm. Address John X. Johnson, OmuJia, Nob. Y-M396 17 FOR SALE, stocH of general mdse. at Juniata, Neb.; will invoice about $1.6o0: clean stock; good town; a good opening for genera! mdsv business; price, mado Jlght; no trades considered. A. J. Cates, uulatu. Neb. Y M931 Ut 80 Acre Improved Farm at $50 Per Acre Harrison county, Iowa, $ miles from town; all high bottom land; no waste; improve ments alone are worth $2,0u0. A tax a chance for a good home. The Abbott-Cowan Company, $04 First Nat l. Bank Bldg, Omaha. V-au3 18 $20,000 L1...LN COUNTY RANCHTflnJ hard land;( tine water, plenty hay; ijO acres in cultivation; H.Ouo worth of lin- ' provementa. To Uudo for, like value iu tar property. The Abbott-Cowan Company, M First NatX Bank Bldg., Omana, Y-aoa 10 -a. FOR BALE Foundry and machine shop complete, for $l,2ou; mild winters; plenty of coul minea, factories and worn. Gilbert, Fultou, Mo. Y MIWi tox WANTED An experienced pop maker to take either a itnaucltil or working Inter eat la well established plant; or will pay luwi wi i iigtii, ftiim or man. uox LU. Auburn, Neb. Y-MW lBx FOR SALE A good aying newspaper and Joo ottics in Iowa, A bargain at $1,200; or will exchange for land or an Improved town lot. btute what you have to exchange and address D L Omaha bee. Y Mluti In LOOK OUT FOR WHEAT Now Is your time to get big profits In the grain market; $ln0 invested now should make you tn within next 15 days. Bond for booklet, "HOW TO SPKCULATE " K. J. Morton & Co., Board ot Trade, Chicago. Y 23$ ltix FOR BALK, steam bakery and fixtures doing good business; snap if ten at once Addrea Frauk Warner, Wyniore, Ni ' Y-MU9 lx BEND for our "Guide to Success." It's free. Best Information to small investors In grain markets. I.ogaji Ji Roicli. 43 Commerce bldg., Chicago. Y 413 16x PATENTS BF.t-UnrcD. WILLIAM N. ROACH, JR.. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. 41$ Itta st.. Century Build tug, Washington, p. C. Y 41$ Ux BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS Chance of a lifetime. If JO'J are seeking on Investment which will bring you hnmbmnie returns without tie leant of loa we advise you to write to us today. We absolutely protect your investment against loss and we ponitlvMy guarantee 25 per cent yearly. This is not a wildcat specula tion, but a conservative iilgli-clnns Investment proposition, which Is endorsed by the Christian Her.tld and the publishers of the Ladien' Home Jour nal. Thi Is a straight, high-clans Invest ment, which clergymen, physicians and prominent business men hnve Invested in and endorsed. You ran Invest $i.ta week or more, and the returns from your In vestment will of oonrse be In proportion to the amount you Invest. I refer to national banks or any mercantile agencv nnd to thousands ot eatisrWl cli ents. Write today. V'c'nr .T Humbrecht. liiia Droxel Bldg., Philadelphia. Y-2C7 Ut PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS necurro or fee returned. Send model or saetch for free upinlon an to patentability. Send tor lliuslaaied GLiL'bJ liOOK. una list of inventions wanted, finest publication issued for free fltair.b-i-tiun; contains valuable Informal. on re garulng patents, trade mirks and copy rights, how to obtain arid sell Ultra, iJO mechanical movements, etc. Patents se cured by us advertised free In the I aleut Record; sample copies free. Aua.e Evans, wllklns & Co., Registered Attor neys. 603 F St., Washington. D. C. Y WE CAN sell vour real estate or business no matter where located. Jr you oesire a quick sale send us description and price. Before buying a business cr prop erty of any kind, anywhere, write .. We have, or can set. what you want. N. O Johnson & Co., 504 S, Bank Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Y WB can PROCtTRE additional CAPITAI, on PHORT NOTICE for ft LKOIT1MATK ENTERPRISE of MERIT. (Jur llnnnclnl resources are unlimited and WE represent the largest financial Institutions. WE have special facilities for srrnngine; nn-l niacin an entire Issue of stork or bondn direct to Investors. Write today. THE AMERICA HECURITIES CO., 30C Fcho field Bldg., Cleveland. O. Y 100 LOTS FREE ADDllcants sending stamp will receive deed of lot, slie lixWO feet. Suburb, New York. 20th Century Realty Co., street. New York. wan Y $10,000 Your last opportunity to win It. write tonay for particulars, i-resi ruu. Ass n. Mack Bldg., Detroit. Mich. Y CASH for your real estate or business. no matter where locateu. ir you aenire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, DMi Bank of Commerce Building, Minneapolis. Minn. - Y YOU can never profit by business chances unless you nave some money; amaii sav ings are tne foundation of lare fortunes; start a savings accounts with J. L Brandels it Sons, Bankers, 14th and Doug las Bis. Asset over $400,000.00. S STOCK or bond Issue reputablo corpora tion, mining. Industrial or ranroaa, wanted. Have every facility for selling name on commission. Give particulars. P. O. Box 1463. New York City. Y-266 16x OUR form of Investment pays the highest weekly Income compatible wltn perfect safety. We have never earned nnd pnld lens than 6 per cent per week. Write for particulars and reference. Address Place & Co., 122 Liberty St., New York. Agents wanted everywhere. Y 249 16x SECURITY and profit In cotton Invest ments, uur investors are receiving ow 4 per cent a month In semi-monthly divi dends averaging 24 per cent. Our busi ness Is one of investment, pure and slm- rle, and the risks which attend speculn Ive ventures are completely eliminated. Dividends payable 1st and 16th of each month. Funds withdrawable on demand. Elliott Kingsbury & Co., 90-96 Wall St., New York. Agents wanted In every lo cality. Liberal commissions. Y 248 18x A SHARE of your capital Invested with us will yield tor you tne mgnesi revenue possible with safety to your capital. You can share In the results we achieve through our conservative and tactful op erations In the most active and profitable field of Investment by subscribing a trial amount of $25 or upwards. Full par ticulars with references and testimonials by addressing Industrial Guarantee Com- gnny, Suite 1040, First National Bank lug., Chicago, III. Y 240 16x BEND for free book, Facts and Figures, explaining option trading In wheat. $20 margins 1,000 bushols 2 cents. Osborn Grain Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Y 238 16x FOR SALE Restaurant doing $1,000 busi ness per montn. sickness cause; splendid opportunity; $M0, partly tlmo. Address Box 295, Sidney, Neb. Y-269 16 SUCCESS IN SPECULATION. $100 INVESTED In grain, stocks or cotton by our "conservative plan" niould re sult in a profit of $300 to $1,000 within a month. Write for particulars and market letter. Mailed free. Orders executed in Chicsgo and New York. C. A. Lane & Co., Rankorn and Brokers, Keystone bldg., I'lttaburg, Pa. . Y 237 lBx FREE lots to advertise N. Y. suburb. Send stamp for one lot. Ocean view; high elevation. Seaside Co., 23X Broadway, N. Y. Y285 lOx $50.00 worth of prizes; 2278 chances to win. This in the offer made by a million dollar corporation. Greatest opportunltv ever offered the man of small capital. A propr o.sltlon In which you cannot lose and may win big. This opportunity only good few days. Write Immediately for full par ticulars. E. N. Legg, Kansas City. Mo. Y-283 lOx AN established manufacturing company, staple line, desires a good, live manager for its Omaha office. Will pay literal sal ary nnd commission to right party. We have the line that commands the trade; always a ready seller, for our prices ore right. Applicant must furnish gool ref erences miu bo in a position to become financially Interested In the company. Don't answer unless you can meet thise requirements, fuller & Gumprecht, room . 23, 108 La Salle St., Chicago. Y-313 IKx ALL our clients are making money In our privilege department. Fronts mailed ' weekly. Deposits withdrawn on demand. We have never had a dissatis fied customer. . Address Leslie, Morris & Co.. The Bourse, Philadelphia, Pa. . Y-277 lOx PROFITS of 20 per cent monthly are pos sible, owing to the present market. Our method of Investment Is conservative, but the rupid movement of grain prices brings large gains. Invest while the oppor tunity Is yours. Returns made the first of each month. The Western Grain 'i -"fueia. 3b Hathaway Bid., Milwaukee, Wis. Y-278 16 BY Investing $600 In prominent manufactur ing company of Iowa you gut monthly $:'60 to $iu0. Product patented. Universal demand. Money secured. Rigid lnventlga tion invited. Write G. C. Kulllmarv, Cieve- land,Ohlo; Y-226 ltix FREE, six months subscription to our Bulletin and Mining News. If Interested In mining write Kaye, DeWolf & Co.. 39 Cortlundt St., New York. Y 221 16x AN Income for the family. Dividends that will pleane you. 701 Drexel Bldg., Phlla- delphla, Pa, Y-22J lCx THREE months free. The Weekly" Share holder; it contains latest stock market, grain and mining news. Jt puts you right. Oldest financial Journal. Address Share holder, 6 Wall at.. Now York. Y-219 Hx GOLDFIELD mining stocks mean big prof Its for early buyers; richest district In the world; a few dole Irs Invested may mean thousands: Goldm-ld letter and lat ent map free; highest references; write today. Emerson & Co.. 42 Broadway. 171 La Salle street, Chicago. Y 220 16x CORPORATION whose products are han dled by leading wholesale and retail deal ers want competent man to take manage ment of branch office, salary $2.&t0 por ann;inm and commission. Energetic man should earn $6.0u0 tier annum. Must in vent from $1.00ij to $5 000 In stock of cdm pnny. I noucstlonnhle references as to ?,b",,,. "ni Integrity required. Address Lox 63b. Madison, Wis. Y 2u3 ltix FOR RENT HOUSES 'tOOMS. new, water, ' fewer, gas. only $13. 5c. T rooms, water, only $12.Ffi. . , SWEET BEST, 613 New York Life. Tel. 1475. D 17$ lit FOR RENT An tight-room house, modern Improvements. No. 2iiil Hanoy street. A Pit- to Allen Koch, No. n Hsrney street O-law Wx FOR RENT HOUSES HOl'SES. blk. insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker l ltI TWO modern, 7-room houses on California St. $o and per mo. Apply 007 N. 19th. D M1W BEE CHRIS BOTEK, 22d and Cuming. L MM1 OJV MODERN 7-roora dwelling, one block from liunavam park $24. 'Phone 623. D 231 ' - Uni ICCt In all parts of the city. Tht w j j w (j. Jr. U 'avis Co., bu$ lies bldg. U io THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 16114 Klinim. Tel. 15:9. v-m GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. 2121 Lake elegant 10 rooms; all modern; Al repair; corner lot; $40. z&Ji North 24th Nice cottage, 8 rooms; all mouern; excellent repair; IjU. i.932 North 26th Verv aood S-room dwell ing an moaern out furnace; Darn; J. S44 park Ave 4-room cottaaei $2". 1218 S. 7th ave room; bath; barn; $20. bniriey rooms; batb; . 2t38 Doage t rooms; all modern; $26.50. D-M106 1$ 1943 S. 11TH, 7-ROOM house for rent after uctuuer iu; pcrceiuln bath, gas; i.u D S74 WE NEED HOUSES. On account of our street floor location we have many calls for houses to rent and our list Is nearly exhausted. We make a wpceiaky of renting property ana cannq tor tne same at low rates, we employ repair men by the month and can make your repairs at small costs. Put your property In our hands If you always want good tenants and the best net returns. N. P. DODGE & CO. Tel. O. 1614 Farnam St. D 520 1 1612 LOTHROP St., l-rra. house. MODERN, half blk. from car, $30. fos Dewey ave., t-rm., excellent location, $35. Z&M No. 28th ave., 8-rm., ALL MODERN, half blk. from car. Bemie park, NEW, 8 rms., $40. llbi Webster si., 7 rms., mod. ex. furnace, 135. 31st and Maxcy sts., 7 rms., practically new, it. 2u and California sts., new, very swell 8 ' rm. brick flats, $43. 85th and Harney stn., 8-rm. brick flat, $35. 1554 Sherman ave., 8 rms., 2d fl., bath, etc , $12. 29th and Dewey ave., 7-rm. flats, $22.60. 1204 No. 24th St., brick storeroom, city water. $15. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor N. Y. Life. D 298 16 WE MOVE pianos. M.iggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel 1469. Office 171$ Webster st D 17D Uni IQPQ I" Prt of th city. R. O. ft m w w w Peters & Co., Bee Building. i iii PATNE-BOSTWICK & CO.. choice houses. 601-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D-181 MODERN brick house. 412 North 22d St., within two blocks of High school. In quire at No. 410 D 507 2018 WIRT ST.. 12-oom all modern brick house and barn; oak finish; hot water heat: excellent condition. $16.00. A. Q. Elllck, 802 City Hall. - D-902 10-R. ALL modern house .and barn, flrat- ciass repairs; 630 south Z6th ave.; walk ing distance. 9-r. all modern, 1517 S. Kth St. 8- r. modern ex. furnace, 28th and Farnam. 9- r. good home, 2 lots, 26 Maple. 8-r. modern and barn. 2322 Harney. 7-r. modern, -2132 N. 28th; $15. 6-r. modern ex. furnace; cottage; $510 La fayette. And 20 other houses In all parts of city. F. D. WEAD 1624 Douglas. D-380 18 SEE M'CAULEY EXPRESS CO. for moving, storage, baggage delivery. W 8. 16th. Tel. 1454. . D-M1S 647 S. 2Eth ave., 7 rooms, modern. $18.00. 814 S. 16th St., 6 rooms, city water. $35.00. 4123 Farnam st., 9 rooms, all modern, will be vacant Nov. 1st. 140.00. 4012 Farnam, 7 rooms, barn.' will put In shape, $20.00. 1816 N. mth st, ( rooms, hot water heat, $27.60. 1021 S. 81st, 7 rooms, bam, $28.00 and water. 1420 N. 26th, 6 rooms, modern, $20.00. 1064 8. 20th, 4 rooms, modern. $12.00. 2224 Clark st., 6 rooms, will put in good Shane. 116.00. 2710 Parker, 6 rooms, $16.50. iza a. jun st., o rooms, city water, $8.00. W21 Howard St., 3 rooms, modern, $12.00. 1302 S. 31nt, 8 rooms, all modern, $36.00. intu uinun ntz&u uu,, 'Phons 297. 212 S. 14th St. D 196 li TWELVE-ROOM modern brtck. In perfect repuir; hai iiarney street Wm. K. Potter, Receiver, 301 Brown Blk. 12-646 POR HRNT. Elegant modern, east front houiertear Hanscom park $30.00 Good modrn house and barn. 904 8. 83d st 35.00 Eight-room modern house, 2025 N. 30th st 20.00 THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. D M974 18 FOR RENT Desirable modern 7-room cot tage. No. 2Z17 Burt St., $2.) per month. E. E. Zimmerman, No. 2217 Burt. Telephone No. 8026. D-954 FIVE ROOMS. 2647 Rees street. Good re pair. 12. 14)90 16X SIX-ROOM brick modern. 1626 Kyner Ave. U 1D8 17X VERY fine r.i.wr brick, furnace, gas. bath, laundry 'no, basement plan). In fine condition. iio;g JK Capitol ave., ad joining. D $70 16x 1314 SO. 31st St., 8 rooms, modern except rurnace, el'gant east front. $27 and wa ter rent. J. Q. Burgner, Atty. No. 823 N. Y. Life. D M409 16x 806 N. 89th, fine house, strictly modern $30- or rent furnished, $35. 2518 Davenport, 10 rooms, modern $33. 1914 N. 27th, 8 rooms $17.50. 1US5 S. 22d, 6 rooms $12 6. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., 1320 Farnam st. D 30$ 16 HOUSES, $ rooms and up: also INSUR ANCE. CHAS. E WILLIAMSON CO. D FOR RENT. 19!1 S. 15th St., 6 rooms, modern, $18 00. 9M N. 27th ave., 7 rooms, modern, $26.00, SU19 Pacific St.. 8 rooms, modern, $45.00. HENRY F. DAI LEY, 'Phone F-3246. 601 Bee Rldg. D 187 111 THREE rooms, close In $6. E-room cottage near 29th and Leavenworth $18.60. ? rooms, modern except furnce$19. rooms, newly repaired and patlnted $20. 10 rooms, all modern $22,60. 9 roomn. all modern $30.. 10 rooms, modern $30. 9 rooms, modern except furnace $30. G?o. P. Bemis Real Estate Co., 'Phons 685. $04-$0 Paxton bldg. D 3i9 16 FOR RENm-2124 Douglas St., T-room, modern house. 7-room houses 8239 Lalk St. $10. 6-room house, 7u N. 82d st $8. J. H. PARKOTTE, Paxton block. D 358 16 NEW 8-room, strictly modern house, corner 20th and Locust sts. J. N. Marsh, 445 Board of Trade bldg. D 878 ltix IF you trade at the Installment stores, let us show you how much you can save here; better quality, besides. Our terms are: I'S.ou worth, $1.00 per week. $ui'.ti0 worth. $1 60 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE A CARPET CO. Between 12th and 13 tb on Farnam Street. D-315 16 YOU buy your house furnishings right when you buy thero here, at least 26 rer cent cheaper than all competitors. VVe sell on euny payments, too. OMAHA FURNITURE 4s CARPET CO. - Between 12th and 13th on Faro am Street D-316 16 FOR RENT, the 8-room house situated at 3o 8. Wth Ht., near For nam; prio $45 per month; Immediate possession. Also the 9-room renldence at " B. txth St.; Crlce $,"iO per month; possession Novem er L Inquire owner, $61i Farnam. . J-4$16 FOR RENT HOUSES t-ROOM COTTAGE, cistern and all modern except iurnace, (20. wsi o. i , "l' PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., . Ill So. SMh Avt Ur rnnins. all mod- . ern except furnace ..$20.00 MS bo. 2tn Ave., seven rooms, moa ern itCAnt ftirn.ra. nnved Street. clone In 25.00 516 tin Xilh lt . lht rooms, new. strictly modern 40.00 lbk.1l tnklin Sit alrht rooms. CltT water, good barn 10.00 1901 So. th Ave., eight rooms, strlrtlv all barn, large lawn, will put In Al shape 40.00 4103 Lafayette Ave., eight rooms. ktHotlv mrvlarn r.nrnftr Int. n&VM street "V. 38.00 ! 1 fin. 2fith fit . nin riyinu. Strictly I all mnilrrn 26.50 412 N. 22d, ten rooms, strictly modern 66.00 we nave otners. bee our list Deiore you move. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO . Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. D 347 16 MODERN 8-room hnun. S(T19 Pacific Kt. H. F. Dalley. room 6ol. Bee bldg. "Phone F3240. D-lt$ ltix 215 S. MTH AVE.. MODERN, $3. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. D-301 16 FOUR nice tooms. 816 So. mth st. D M331 16 X 5- r., Grant St., $10.00. 7- r., modern, California St.. $16.00. $-r., modern, 8. 20th St., $20 00. 8- r., modern, Park Ave., $34.00. 6- r. cottnre, modern except furnace, N. 23d. I14.EO. 6-r.. 2nd floor. S. 23d St., $11.00, including 7-r., S. Jlnt St., near Pacific. $25.00. 10-r., modern, Cnpttol Ave., $30.00. 9-r., modern, B. 86th, $25.00. 9-r., modern, Sherman Ave., $?.5.00. 7-r., modern, Haneoom Park, $24.00. 7- r., modern, Ohio 8t., $22.00. 8- r., modern. Capitol Ave. $30.00. , 8-r., modern flat, S. 20th St.. $40.00. 8 end 9-r., modern, Sherman Ave., $35.00 each. KENNY REAL EST. & INV.CO. 800 Bee Bldg. D FOR RENT 10-r.. modern, desirable loca tion, nice lawn. barn. 3016 Pacific. KENNY REAL ET. A INV. CO., $00 Bee Bldg. D FOR RENT BY R. C. PETERS A CO., Bee Building, Telephone 890. THREE strictly modern houses, 8 rooms each. S. W. cor, 3a Ih and Farnam, $50 arwt XiK ill O. 0lil at.. a IUUIII.i 115 W, tin, m. 23d and Douglas, 8 rooms, new, modern, $60. oiS narncy, rooms, new, mouei ii, o. V.2S Park ave., 8 rooms, modern, $34- 1623 IJark ave., 8 romi, modern, $34. 6J6 N. 20th, 8 rooms, modern, $27.60. 2320 N. 28th ave., 9 rooms, choice, modern. 81.4 Marcy, 7 rooms, modern except furnace, I2b. 20i Plnkney, 6 rooms, modern, $26. 0t9 N. 19th ave.. 8 rooms, modern excapt furnace, $20. D M32S li FOR RENT, two new, modern brick houses of eight roms eacn, locatea mm ana fornlu; will be ready for occupancy N.v. 16th. 'Phone 3293. D M329 17x TWO modern, 7-room houses on California st. $32 and $22 per mo. Appiy mi n. mn. D 376 18 F0R RENT FURN ISH ED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. 1110 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th.and Farnam. . - " 1721 DODGE: nicely furnished; steam E M118 ltix heated; modern. VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, lauies cafe, private dining r.; open nigtits. 3118 Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago; reasonable. ru iiff NICD comfortable room for one or two gentlemen; very reasonable; modern. I'-o Si. 17th. E-M914 THREE excellent outside rooms; modern. 1714 Douglas. E MUI 1W WEST BELLE HOTEL, St. Louis., Mo. Rooms $1.00: permanent brick ouiiaing. Write for booklet. 10 minutes to World s fair. E MU50 27x NICELY fu-nished rooms for one or two young men. 2310 Douglas. a ovjm iox 1916 CHICAGO; large front rooms; modern. FURNISHED ROOMS, 605 No. 24th, South Omaha; also rooms. Apply 1521 heaven worth. E M101 16 Mrs. E. K. Mack-y, 'Pnone Delmar 1945. Direct car line to Fair. THE UTOPIA Furnished Rooms. 3916 West Bello Pla-it. St. Louln. Mo. Tuke Laclede car at Union Station west, transfer to VandevenlH norm to West Belle Place. THE INCUBATOR CAFE. On the Pike. Home cooking. First-class In every respect. K 34u 16 $23 N. 20. Front parlors; steam heated. K M116 16X TEL. A2282; neatly furnished; gentlemen preferred. E M147 17 $31 S. I9TH, nicely furnished rooms, mod ern. . E M146 17 ROOM, with or without board; wrlvate family. 2223 Burt. E-MloJ 16x THE difference between our store and tho installment stores is that you get your money' s worth here, and we sell on cajy payments, too. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO. Between 12th and 13tli on Farnam Street K 317 16 DESIRABLE room for one or two gentle men: modern. 1817 Capitol ave. Tel. Bmk I-M154 17x PLEASANT room. 2213 Dodge. modern, convenient. E MlbO lsx STEAM-HEATED rooms; everything mod ern. Tel. 2203. E M394 Ux 2101 FARNAM. nicely furnished rooms) everything modern. E M393 1KX LARGE furnished room, with first-class board, in large modern detached house, 1818 Capitol ave. E M401 18 FOR rent, large front alcove room, for light housekeeping. References. 1623 Douglas. E 403 16 1816 DODGE, neatly furnished rooms, mod ern. E M392 18x WANTED A young lady room mate; terms teasonable; references exchanged. Address D 21, Bee. E Mi7 FOR RENT 4 or 6 furnished or unfur nished rooms for housekeeping; modern, first floor; references. 28U9 Poppleton ave. E-071 FRONT room for gentleman, modern. 171$ Davenport E 3S9 18x ELEGANT furnished room; gas. bath and heat. 702 Bo. 17th. E 100 16x SUITE of front rooms and other room; modern. 116 S. 20th. E M334 23 . DESIRABLE rooms with desirable people, gentlemen preferred. 061 North 19th st. E M326 17X FURNISHED room for rent, with or with out board, 2539 California St. E M158 17 WANTED TO RENT WE can rent VOUP roems snd houses. 'Phone 133. Glover K-M669 Room . A Bon. Room $, N. Y. Lite. WANTED to Rent Three or four furnished or unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; steam heat preferred; ref- ' erence given. Address D 6, Bee office. K-123 16x WANTED To rent, by man and wtfe. 7 room 2-story modern house In good loca tion. Address D 6, Bee. K 121 ltix WANTED, by lady and daughter, board nd rooms In nice private family or board ing house, in Hanscom park or Farnam district Best of references. Address D 9, Bee. K 2M 16 PROMINENT young eastern cutter and tailor wants rent store room In some live city or town for tailoring establishment. Lock box 361, Waterloo, Iowa. K-271 16x GENTLEMAN and wife want board and room for the winter. Will puy well for g.iod accommodations .and refined sur roundings. D lii, Bee office. K 185 liTx WANTED, one or two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address D 22, Be K. 4351$ FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD M E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-120 THURSTON HOTEL: steam heated rooms. $1.60 to $100 per week; board, $3.80. F-121 Midland hotel, 16th & Chicago; reasonable. F-122 VICINITY of high school, modern, south front roomn Including board, $6 per week. 24U6 Cass. Phone A-2693. F-123 DOUBLE parlors, well furnished; hot and cold water In rooms; also large closets; board; rales reasonable. 618 8. 19th. F-124 811 8. SOT II, board and rooms, modern. F 61146 17 BOARD and rooms; gentlemen preferred. t&S 6. 19th. F-M144 17x FURNISHED room. 2223 Dodge. t' M142 17 FURNISHED ROOMS, with or wlthont board; private family. 2215 California. F M374 17 SUITE of desirable rooms at the Bache ors; suitable for small familv; rates reasonable. F M134 14 THE MERRIAM. 26th and Dodge St. Tel. "w. ramiiy noiei. r M v4 609 S. 2fth ave.. nleasant room; good F 602 board; private family. 1720 DODGE, board and room, modern. 31 1KX 1723 DODGE, first-class In everv respect. tr 330 lx PLEASANT room, good board, $4 50 per week. 605 Bo. 21st ave. F 162 16x GOOD room, good board, reasonable rates, private tamiiy. 4WU Mlcnoias St. F-186 16X A PLEASANT alcove room with a small family to a refined gentleman and wife. A fine table and every convenience. Ref erences exchanged. A dress D 13. Bee . F 189 18x DINING ROOM at 2103 Farnam, under new management, could accommodate a few more table boarders; rates reason able; good home oooking. F 879 16 x CLEAN, well furnished room and alcove, also front parlor, with first-class board; few other boarders; references required. Telephone L2724. 2671 St. Mary's ave. F 1 f3 16 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THREE unfurnished roomn, with gas range, bath. 13M N. 23d St., South Omaha. O M863 ltix 417 N. 19TH. light housekeeping rooms. modern. G $88 18 TWO unfurnlnhed roomn for light house Keeping. 2422 cnanes at. o M131 I7x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A $10 OFFICE in the Bee buldlng carries wicn it an tue conveniences aim advan tages in the way of heat, light, janitor service, all night and all day and bunday elevator service. A $10 oltlce is now va cant. Call at once. R. C. Peters A Co., grouna noor. jjee uunaing. 1 2J lain Fernam flt 9' hv Inrt fnnr f! .1. vaior, steam neat, city water, closet, etc.. tiiv. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO.. Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. 1346 16 GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR RIGHT NOW. Strictly modern, up-to-date offices; three large grouna noor omces on I2tti ana far nam sts.. especially adanted for nidge. brokers. Also offices on third floor, single or en suite. DESK ROOM. In large ground floor office, heat, light. teiepnono ana janitor service rurnisneu. (HAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., Ground Floor U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. 1-178 16 6-STORY and basement brick building, 1003 farnam, zxiuo, nyarauno elevator,, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First Nat 1 B:tnk building. 1126 DESK room for rent on street floor. 1614 Farnam st. I M112 16 IF A GOOD light is needed we can show you a north front onlce on the fifth floor, a splendid room, at the moderate nrlce oi li'). R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor. Bee DUllQing. 1 22 FOR RENT 44 office, 712 N. Y. Life Bldg. J 3 ii FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WE RENT Sewing machines, 76a week. We repair and sell parts , (or every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from ka.00 to $10.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phons 166$. cornor liib and Harney. Q-100 TELEPHONE poles, long fir timbers; cneap cnicaen tence. vtu uougias. y ivuu COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q 103 SECOND-HAND oafs cheap. Farnam. Derlght, 1119 SKIS 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman A Mcconnell Drug Co., Omaha. q 999 SECOND-HAND MACHINES The following Is a partial list of what we oner tor an oi tnis week: 1 Domestic $5.00 1 Domestic 8 Singers, high arm 1 Singer, new improved 1 Household 1 Union X White 1 White 1 Wilcox A Glbbs 1 New Home 1 Singer, Shoemaker Modern drop-head machines, 10.00 1300 16.00 10.00 6.00 8.00 6.00 $0.00 10.00 20.00 slightly used, at one-half the rearular Drice We rent machines at 76o per week, or $2.00 per month. We sell needles and parts for and repair every sewing machine manufactured. SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. These machines havo all been thoroughly overhauled and put in first-class condition nd are bargains for the money: Yost $10.00 Callgraph 10.00 No. 1 Bllckensderfer 16.00 No. I Remington 20.00 No. 1 Smith Premier 26.00 No. 1 Densmore 60. 00 No. 6 Remington 42.00 No. 1 Remington 60.00 Nq. 2 Smith premier 66.00 No. 2 Oliver 45 00 No. $ Oliver 65.00 No. 2 Oliver 60.00 No. 4 Underwood 70.00 No. 6 Remington 76.00 No. 2 Smith Premier 65.00 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. ' Corner 15th and Harney Sts. 224 Uroadway, Council Bluffs. BRANCH OFFlCii-626 N. 24th St., South Omuha. GEO. E. MICK EL, 'Phone 1663. Manager. TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horse power, which have been used but six years; made of firebox steel, triple riveted, butt and strap joints, Insurance oompsny permits of pressure of 126 pounds. They are now in use and can be seen at boiler house rear of Bee building. Can be delivered about August 26. Call or address W. H. Bridges, engl neer. Bes building, Omaha. Q M9W FOR BALE Several scholarships In a first class standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee of fice. O-l ELECTRIC nickel in slot. Peerless plnno playert rnd Keglnr. musle boies Mg money makers, cheap for cash or time. Schmollcr Mueller. 131 Farnuin. Tel. I6j Q-iul FOR SALE, pair of yearling colts, full brothers, for farm use; will make good fcrm horses. Also a few IB-months-old thoroughbreds, registered. Shorthorn bulls. Also some heifers. Inquire A. D. IJrundels, ttoslon Store, Omaha. Q-M1G1 IT BO TO DIAMOND Lan Office for loans; bargains In goods in pawn. 1401 Douglas. Q -ltd FOR BALE Shelving, counter ana fixtures. Megtatu Stationery Co., lJua rnan. Q-M060 FOR SALFX new, handsome, 6-room cot tage; modern plumbing, porcelain bath tub: cemented cellar; shade trees; good neighborhood; Jih snd Cap. ave.; terms easy. Inquire at W7 N. llth st, Q s;i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BEST furnished flat in Omaha, lease and furniture cheap, inquire at M N. ltth Q 641 12 H. P. STEAM combination engine, also heavy platform spring wagon. J. It MePherson, 1281 E. Pierce, Council Bluffs. ACTOMOBILK An Olds In fine shape. $m Fredrlckson, loth and Capitol ave. Q-MSU$ 21 BASE burnw for sale, cheap. 914 N. $2d St. Q 164 16x HARD coal stove, medium nlje; ptunh-cor-ered front room suite. 2S36 Bristol. Q-165 17x WILTON carpets, parlor 67 yards, hall 23 yards, rug 13'jxl0 feet; 7 small Smyrna rugs; 1 chamber sets, whole or In sep arate pieces; bookcase; center table; three-quarter Iron bed, with wire and hnlr mattress; 1 patent rockers, sewing chairs; Domestic sewing machine: 2 three-light chandeliers, with globen; drop llRht; an assortment of oil lamps: nquare Stelnwny piano; 100 feet best quality girden Iiono, with reel; two-neat carriage, victoria top; gasoline stove; porch chairs; step ladder; washing nnd Ironing utensils, etc. A. B. Pel-ong, 610 S. 25ih ave. DeLong, 610 S. 25th ave. Q-M3K8 FOR SALE, one 1904 Oldnmoblle. new fitted with SVinch Flsk Tires and two gas headlights; price $o50. Frank W. Pncnn. 7 Q-179 m HOUSEHOLD furniture for nnle Wednes day afternoon, October 19, at 716 N. isth street. Q lu4 16x FOR SALE, two male tickets to Denver. Telephone 784. Q 293 16x FOUNTAIN PENS We manufacture the Warrane N. Lancaster "Perfect" nelf fllllng pen. Write tit about them. Colonial Fountain Pen Co., 8S2 Park ave., Baltimore. Md. Q 262 16x YOU will save at leant onc-ouartor on everything you buy here. The largest stock In Omaha to select from. Our terms are: $25.00 worth, $1 00 rer week. $00.00 worth. $1.60 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO. Between 12th and 13th on Farnam Street. Q-318 16 FOR SALE A range and gas stove. Tele phono 836. Mlas Mount. Q M324 STEEL range and carpet, nearly new, will be sold cheap. 62t N. 23d St. Q 304 16x POOL TABLES and show cases. 1407 Har ney St. Q 104 STEAM automobile; taken In on a trade nnd have no use for It. Inquire 406 S. St. Q-8U9 When You Write to Advertisers remember it ocly takes an extra stroke of two of tne pen to mention Hie fact that yoe lie nrt ! Tne Men TIME'S UP To Cjy Your Station Wagon Either New or Good Second Hand Ones to suit you. Drummond's it I 4 18th and Harney. f ,tmmitmn3t RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION TENTH AND MARCY. Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific. AST. Chicsgo Daylight Ltd... Chicago Usyligut Local Chicago gxpraaa Dea Molnca Kiprcaa ... Chicago t'aat Express .. WEST. Leare. ...a 1:65 am Arrive. ...b 7:00 am a f x! nm iliSilau pm bii 60 lm V )m A:V pm Rocky Mountain Ui a 7:M am a 1:54 am Lincoln, Colorado tprlags. Den ver, Pueblo and west a 1:10 pm a (:0t pm Chicago A Northwestern. Faat Chicago a 6:60 pm Local Chicago all 10 an Mall a 1.10 p,u Daylight 8t. Paul s 1:20 am Daylight thlcari a 7:10 am T:M am i t:M am 10 00 poi II :0 pin 7:11 am Llmlttd Chicago a 1:25 pin Local Carroll a 4:0'J put Past St. Paul a 1:14 pm .J0 am 7 06 am Local Sioux C. 4k St. P b 4:ufl pm a t SO am Kaat Mall a I SO pm Chicago Expr-ss Norfolk 4b Boneated ... Lincoln A Long Plna ... Dcadwood A Lincoln ... Caspar at Wyoming .... Haetlnga-Albion Union l'ncinr. l i:u pm ..a 7:4(1 am 10.JS am ..b 7:41 am 10:3 am ..a 1.60 pm 6:16 pm ..d 160 pm e 6:11 pm ..b I s pm t:li pm ..a 40 am a 1:05 pm ..a 4:10 pm a 1:40 am ..a 4:19 pm 1:19 pm ..b :00 pm b :U am ..a 7:46 am I I H n . b 1:60 pm b 1:15 pm ..a I 50 am 110 pm ..al0:4S am a 4:10 pm . ,all:45 cm a 7:00 Dm Tha OTsrland Ltd Colo, ana (Jala. Sip Chicago-Portland Special Eaatarn Expreia Columbus Local Colorado Special rhlrago Special Beatrice iocai Faat Mail Mlasonrl Paclfle. St. Loula Expreaa Kan, City. aV St. L. Ex. World's Fair Special ... .a 1:40 pra all:60 pm Chisago Great Western. tt. Paul Minn., Ltd a 1:10 pm s 7:11 am Bt. Paul Minn. Exp s 7:16 am a to cm Chicago LlmltH a 4:6i pm alO 30 am Chicago Expreia a f :u am a :oj pm 8t. L. Ce.unoa Ball Exp a 4:10 pm a I.JO ta Wabash. Near World's Fall a 7:45 am a 1:00 pm Local from C. BlufTa a 1:16 am a 3:00 pm Bt. Loula Cannon Ball Ex a 4:0 put a I 10 am Illinois Central. Chicago Expreaa ..a 7:15 aui alo:3 pm ..a 7:50 pm a 1:05 am ..b 7:26 am bio is put nilnio Limitea Minn. St. Paul Eip Minn. 4b St. Paul Ltd... ..a i :eu pm a.oe pm Chicago, Milwaukee Si. Paul, Chicago Daylight Exp a 7:M am all 00 pm Calllornla-Uregun Exp a 5:46 pm s 1:10 im Overland Limited I U via m Dea M. A ukobojl Exp a 7:66 aiu a 1.10 pm BURLINGTON STATION 10TI1 at MASON Chicago, Borllogton A Qnlney. Cbloage Special a 7:00 am a I M pm Chicago Veatlbuled Exp a 4:00 pm a 716 am Chicago Local a 1 11 am all :0ft pm Chicago Limited a 4:05 pm a 7 40 pm Faat Mall lUPm Burlington at Missouri River Wymore, Beatrice A Lincoln, .a 5:60 am bli:M pm Nebraake Expreaa a l:6u am a 7:40 pm Den rer Limited a t .co pm a 4 44 am B. Hllla A Puget S. Kip ali:UI pm a 6 0 pm Colo. Vraubulta riyer .... Lincoln i'eet Mall ... Fort Crook A Plattemou'.h. Belletua A Pae. Junction . Bellovuo A Pae. Junction . a 1.14 urn . o i n pm aix u p ,.b 161 pm Hi li am ..a 7 60 pm a t.U am ..a a:3o am Kansas City, si. e i ouucu vinos. Kaniaa City Day Exp s 5:16 am a 4.05 pm St. Loula Flyer a 6:16 pm all oi am Kaneaa City Mghl aip....' pm a 4 am WEBSTER DEPOT 13 Til at WEBSTEU, Missouri Pacific. Ncbraeaa Local tU Weeping Water b 4:10 pm all II pm Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Paaaenger ...b 4 10 em b 1:10 pm Sioux Cltr Paaaenger ...a 100 pm all jo am ...b 5:46 pm b I 10 am uakians ixwai a Dally, b Dally oxoept unday. d Dally except Saturday, a Dally except Mondey OCEAN STEAMEHS. CLARK'S CHl'ISE OF THE "ARABIC." 15, Ml Tons, one of the largest steamers, to the MEDITERRANEAN H? ORIENT FEBKUARY TO APHIL. 18, llWiB. 70 Days, Costing Only 4xi and up. First Class, including Shore Excursions. SPECIAL FEATURES Madt-rlii, Cadlx, Revile, Algiers, Malta, IV days in Egypt and the Holy Land. Constantinople, Athens. Rome, Rivera, eto. F. V. 4.LAHK, 143 Broadway, Kew York LEJAL AOTKEb. WATER SETTLING UASINB AND F1L TERS. Sealed proposals will be received at tha oflice of Andrew Roaewaler, city engineer, Omaha, Nebraska, at 2 o'clock p. rn., JJcto. ber Xi l. 'or the construction of settling basins and slow sand filters for tha Croston Water 'company of Creston. Iowa. l'luns and speilrlcatlons cun be obtained by bona ride bidders on or after October 14. 14, by. applying at abevs oi'&litt)l. MASOKIO A.IXOCNCEMBNT. Maaoal Temple, Coras1 sIsteeBth Capi tol Artstt. CAPITAL. LODGE, NO. 3. A. F A A. M. Special meeting Monday, October 17, st p. m. Work in Fellow Craft degree. Visitors welcome. K. V, Cole, Master. John Bamford, Secretary, NEBRASKA, NO. 1. A. F. A A. M Spe cial meeting Tuesday evening. October la, at 7.30. Work In M. M. degree. Visitors cordially Invited. Charles L. Shook, Masttr. W. C. McLean, Secretary. OMAHA CHAPTER, NO. 1, R A. M.-Spe-clal convocation Tuesday evening. Octo ber 18. for work In the Murk Master and Past Master degrees. A. Hugh Hippie. Secretary. bITlT.EVUE CHAPTER. NO. 7, R. A. M Regular communication Wednesday, Oc tober 19. at 7:30 p. m. Work In Mark Master degree. Visitors welcome. A. T. Ayers, Secretary. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. NEBRASKA LODGE, NO. 1. K. OF P. Regular meeting Monday evening, Octo ber li', at 7:D. Visitors Invited. B. B. Anderson. C. C. Roy A. Dodge, K. R. A 8. LILLIAN TEMPLE, NO 1-Rathbone Sis ters card party Monday evening at Myr ' tie hall annex. Dancing, refreshments. TRIANGLE LODGE. NO. 64 Meets every Thursday evening. Castle hail, 22d and Cuming. Visitors always welcome. Spe cial social session for members and their fumilles October 20. Refreshments. D. B. Btlne, C. C. J. R. Btlne, K. K. ft B. i. o. o. r. STATE LODGE. NO. 10 Meets every Mon day In I. O. O. F. hall, northwest corner Fourteenth and Dodge streets. C. M. Collin, bee, 1514 Dodge. BEACON LODGE, NO. 20 Meets every Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock In 1. O. O. Jr. hall. Fourteenth and Dodge streets. E. C. Burkett, N. G. J. L. Alvlaon. Secretary. ROYAL, ARCAMM. UNION PACIFIC COUNCIL, NO. 1069 Moctlng second and fourth Mondays each, month at Arcanum hall, northwest corner Sixteenth and Harney. Visitors welcome Alex Reed, Regent . Harry B. Morrill, Secretary. PIONEER COUNCIL, NO. 118-Meets In regular session Tuesday, October 25. In Continental block, Fifteenth and Douglas. Visitors 'nvlted. Thomas G. Magrane, Secretary. EASTERN STARS. VESTED CHAPTER. NO. 6. ORDER KA S i ERN STAR-Kegulnr meeting Sat urday, November 6. at 7:30 p. m. Visitors welcome. Card party Friday evening, Oc tober 21; admission iS cents. Winifred Wallace, Sec'y. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Reaches the Live Stock Men. NEW SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY Everybody with a Theory Will Be Given an Opportunity to Explain It. L6NDON, Oct. 15.-(Speclal Cablegram to The Bee ) A new scientific society, which has for Its object "the study of human nature" In its broadest sense, has been formed under the name of the Etiological society. The study of human nature will not be carried on through any one department of science, but all will be considered, with the object of arriving at a knowledge of the intellect and character of man, and the laws which govern their manifestation. The society will not limit its efforts to any one method of. research, but will col lect all the material that is available, and apply It to the preservation of the mental health of the Individual. It is Intended to Invite all the moat famous scientists of the day to "eak at ,ts meetings, and give the I W4 n.uu.v.iL., Not only will these scientists whose theoriet are generally accepted find a hear ing. Every scientist who has a theory of his own, which so far has not met with recognition, will be invited to statt his opinions before tho society, whose mem bers will then discuss them and issue their conclusions for general reading. To aid humanity is the Alpha and Omaga of the society, and to this end subjects will be discussed which the nonsclentlflc minds border on the ridiculous, but as a member of the committee said this week, "Tho ridiculous In science often becomes the reality." Such subjects as criminology will be dis cussed, and the various scientists will be asked to give their opinions as to the best methods to be - employed to combat the growth of crime In England. Ope of the members of the society, A most distinguished physician, proposes to bring forward the' case of a boy whose criminal Instincts, he declares, he has cured. The boy In question, by means of an electric current placed on a certain part of his head In the region of the brain, was, according to the doctor, Immediately transformed from being a born thief Into becoming a most respectable member of tha society. On the Committee of the new society are such well known people as Dr. Bernard Hollander, "Lucas Malet," Mr. Wallace, P. R. S., and Messrs. Henry Arthur Jones, J. Churton Collins and Laurie Magnus. The first meeting will be held in Novem ber, when Dr. ' Hollander will deliver an address and tell his audience the result of his researches in the realms of the occult sciences. He Intends to show that hyp notism, when properly employed, Is a great aid ,to medical science, and, incidentally, to humanity, Mr. Rudyard Kipling hns written to tha secretary, warmly wishing the new venturtj good luck. NOVEL THEORY OF MILKY WAY Australian Astronomer Hays tho Sop posed Nrbolne Are Shadows of tha Earth. SYDNEY. N. 8. W Oct. 15. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) A novol theory as to the Milky Way has been evolved by Mr. S. L. Adams, an astronomer of this city. This luminous phenomenon, it ap pears, is really a shadow. The Milky Way." says Mr. Adams, "Is constantly being seen at many different angles and In many parts of the sky, but It always preserves the same luminous front 'arising from the telescopic stars In Its background "Now, as this background It constantly changing, and the luminous effect Is only seen whenever the foreground happens to be the Milky Way, It Is evident that it li not the telesoopie stars themse'vas which produce the effect, but something pro jected on the foreground of the sky. Thai something Is the earth's shadow. "Tho supposed nebulae," continues Mr. Adums, "art all shadows, and this ex plains their contempt for the laws of grav itation and their refusal to conform to the globular shape assumed by celestial objects, generally. They are spots ol shadow representing mountains or moutain ranges on the earth." Mr. Adams' anticipates that his discov ery will be received with anil ts ot Incre dulity, but be expresses his belief that his view will one day be socepted as correct. He It to read a paper on the subject be- for tha local branch of tht British Astro nomical association. s.iwpung fxa ui tLavojQ avjaaa J