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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1904. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GREAT BANK SALE. WE ARE CONTINUIXO TI1E SALE OK THE OMAHA SAVIM.S BANK ritOPKRTY AND OL'Il ADVERTISING IS DRINKING RESULTS. WE HAD FOUR PARTIES FIGURING ON ONE HOUSE THE PAST WEEK AND THE HIGH MAN GOT IT. This property must be sold. THERE ARE ROME NEW TROPKRTIKS IN THE LIST THIS WEEK NOT ADVERTISED LAST WEEK. EVERY PROPERTY IN THIS LIST BELONGS TO THE OMAHA SAVINGS BANK ASSETS AND MUST BE BOLD TO PAY TUB DEPOSITORS. WE HAVE NOT FAKED THE LIST IN ANY WAY NOR IS ANYTHING tN IT THAT WAS NOT OWNED BY THE BANK. HOUSES. $1,100. 2818-15 N. 18th ave., two small cottages near Sherman ave. and Locus st, rents $14 per month, splendid small Investment, house never vacant and tenant are good pay. $2,200. Jfioj Cumin St., Rood 6-ronm cottage, newly painted and repaired. 60 feet south front on Cuming at., near 25th St., paving paid for, p'.enty of room for store building on Cuming ft., on front lot. You cannot find any combination, residence or business property for the price. $4,500. 1914-14 Center St., large 8-room houre and 4-room cottage, rents $26 per month. Thes lots are trackage lots on paved street, paving paid for. $1,800. 122J 8. 7th st, near Poppleton ave.. 6 room modern house except furnace, 60 foot lot and splendid little home for the money. Alake an offer. , $4,500. I .ergs brick store building, corner of Vinton St., near ISth St., 132 feet front on Vinton st, Armbrust Grocery Store in building. The best business corner on Vin ton St., without exception. $2,250. zwb cumlng st., 6-room cottage, south front, room for store on same lot: 60 feet on Cuming In business district; paving all paid. Look at this. $1,000. 2861 Douglas st., 6-room double house on southwest corner of Douglas and 2xtli avo; 79 feet on Douglas; room for another house; good renting property. $1,100. 2631 8. 11th St., 4-room cottage on boule vard; new foundation and new roof; a very neat little house. In a part of the city whero houses are scarce. $2,000. 8601 Blnney st., 6-room cottage, In new repair and having SO fwt frontage on Blnney and 296 feet on 26th st. You can sell off enough vacant lots to pay for the whole place. Two small cottages in rear go with place. $1,800. 1223 S. 27th st., near Poppleton ave., 6 room modern house, except furnace; nice BUILDING LOTS. $1.800 Acre lot 132x300 feet, north front, on California, between 32d and 33d sts. $S0O-Hlgh, sightly building lot, next to the corner, north front, on California, near 301 h st. 11,000 Corner of 31st and Jackson sts.. handsome shade trees. $600 East front, nn TtStH nv naor Tnn... little above grade; handsome shade trees! N. P. DODGE & CO.. TELEPHONES 829 AND 4101. ACRE PROPERTY 80 acres, fronting Elmwood Park, with fine Improvements, 9-room house, two large barns, three windmills, ice house, corn cribs, 10 acres in timber. This Is the finest farm near Omaha, suitable for cattle feed ing or dairy. Could be resold In small DOWN ' h''h fiKure5, i1012 WAY 10 acres. In full bearing fruit, within 5 miles of P. O., beautiful building site. If desired) will sell In acre tracts on time. Price for whole tract, $2,600. KA l"r.. tlAU.. lATaa T . 4 . -VAA r M from P. O., rich soil and sightly located. Call and make an offer. 6 acres near 62d and West Dodge (no city -taxes), J350 per acre. iw-acre ieeaing lot on west u street. South Omaha. All in alfalfa. Price, $300 per acre. 6-acre tracts facing West Dodge street, about 1 mile west of Dundee line. These tracts -contain 20 acres and are considered by experts to be the swellest suburban site In the county. Price, $400 per acre. Terms easy. 100 acres about 1 miles N. W. of Flor enoe. Suitable for dairy. Good buildings. Price LOW. MAKE OFFER. This is only a partial Hat of our acre property. If you are looking for acreage, now Is the time, and a call upon us will demonstrate that with our free carriage service, large listings and general knowl edge of Omaha and vicinity, no real estate firm In the city la as well equipped to find you what you are looking for. Remember, Acre Property is Our Specialty. Good T-room house and 100 feet on West Leavenworth street, $1,300. We can build to suit two up-to-date cot tages on West Davenport street for small payment down and monthly payments. Fine locaUon on N. 24th street, close In, 11-room house and barn. Must be sold soon. Make an offer. Houses in all Parts of the City. - SEARS & LEWIS, S21 N. Y. Life. RE- BEE R. C. PETERS ft CO.'S large display ad. on page 16 of this paper. RE 304 16 VACANT LOTS IN BUSINESS DISTRICT Douglas street. Just east of Metropolitan hotel, 33x132 feet, price $3.3uO. Owner forced to sell. If you want a bargain see ua quick. On 10th street, north of Dodge, 44x132 feet, south 44 of lot 1, block lol. Nonresident desires an offer. Corner Harney and 19th (northwest), 85x87 feet. Will submit any fair offer. On 14th street, south of Jackson, 66x66 feet Want an offer. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. RE ICQ 16 HOUSES AND INVESTMENTS 403 N. SOth St., 7 rooms, modern $1,400.00. 121-4 N. 16 th St., 6 and ( rooms, barns $3,600.00. $833 Decatur St., T rooms $1,200 00. 1030 8. 2id, 6 rooms, large lot $3,000.00. 3311-14 S. 20th St., 8 and rooms $1,600.00. fin 3 Gi-snt St.. 6 rooms, barn $H60.00. 2X61 Douglas St., 6 rooms $1,000.00. 264 Buraetle St., 7 rooms, modern $1,600.00. S 11th 8U. 4 rooms $l.luo. 00, ACRES. 10 acres. South Omaha $2,000.00. 40 acres. South Omaha-$7,OuO.OO. 10 acres near Benson $2,000.00. 25 acres In Omaha, 2 houses $5,000.00. N. P. DODGE & CO. Tela. 82t and 410L 1614 Farnam St. RE-821 16 GARVIN BROS. 11,250802 So. 38th, corner Leavenworth, five room cottage and one acre of ground. This Is a big snap. fjtt 2619 Ohio, 6-room cottage. Itj0 2017 Martha, double house. U.O0O-2S23 North 24 th St., nearly new. all modern cottage of rooms In excellent repair, or will rent to desirable tenant at $JU a month. OAKV1N BROS., 1604 FARNAM. RE 303 1 F. D. WEAD ' 6-r cottsge on 86th, near Charles st, 1300 cash, balance monthly, $mjo. 1524 DOUGLAS. RE-4K3 14 SEE R. C. PETERS CO.'S large display - RE 3(4 16 SNAPS FOR SOMEBODY. I -have (an quarters of Holt county land that must be sold, fur closing estute, priced at half value to insure lmeOlate sale; $2 60 per acre up. Hume of these have stream, hay and llrutwr and all are good pasture. i. ii. Pier. lie Bldg., Oiuaha. RE U8 14 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE large rooms; new p'.umMng; large new basement wnere moie room can be marte; house now vacant and purchaser can move right In. $2,000. 1320 Park ave., 2-story and basement 8 room house, east front on Park ave., pav ing all paid; small house In rear; Doth houses rent'well; good Investment. $4,7oO. 1515 N. 17th and 151 N. 16th St., large double front lot running through from lf.ih to 17th; good 6-room brick house, fronting east and S-room frame house, fronting west; all In splf-ndld condition; present rent '-3H per month, and only half Im proved. Splendid place for building flats. $1,000. 3413 Jackson St., neat cottage, newly painted and papered; city water. $1,200. 3417 Jackson st., good 6-room cottige. one rtory and basement; good as new. Make offer on both thtse houses. $1,000. 2212 Pierce St., 4-room cottage, In perfect repair, newly painted. $1,000. 2214 Pierce St., 3-room cottage, next to above. Make an offer on both of these cottages, on one lot. They make a neat house or Investment. $2,800 1S38, 1S40 and 1S42 N. 22d St. Here Is a"n Investment; three houses of 5 to 7 rooms; in good repair; renting fur $114 per annum; taxes and Insurance ubout $40. -$1,800. 2902 ftlondo ft., large 10-room house; can bo made Into two flats; three lots on cor ner; Elghtllcst place In Omaha. This can b'j made n tine house with a small amount sptnt on it. $2,000. 2-story frame building, store and flat above, 33 feet east front on 24th St., 1706 N. 24th St., near Franklin st. $2,200. 1C3 Vinton St., large 2-story frame store building; store below and living rooms above; good location for grocery store and feed store; C4 feet front on Vinton St.; room for three more etofes; paving nil fiaid. This la the greatest business bargain n south end. Look at It today. look at thl3 today. 40x100. fSflO West front on 14th st Just north of Dorcas st. ; splendid building lot In well built section of the city. $1,000 Northwest corner of 40th and Burt sts., cast front; paving paid; nearly op posite of new cathedral. $1,000-60 feet, east front, on 13th st, near wmw, granite paving, ail paid. 1614 FARNAM STREET. RE A Few Snaps We are offering the southeast cortier of 22d and Miami streets, consisting of an all modern 8-room house, with two very fine lots, for sale at a great reduction. The owner Is very anxious to dispose of his Omaha holdings and has instructed us to sell this on monthly payments. Look at It. Our sign is on it. - A NEW HOUSE Just finished, on 26th Ave., near Cuming street, is offered very cheap. - House has 6 good rooms, with bath, closet, etc., nice attic; lot, 62x140 feet; nicely sodded and fenced; permanent sidewalk. $1,250 Cash and balance monthly payments for a good, new 6-room modern cottage on Ohio St., near 2oth; lot. 46x120; house has Just been newly papered. $400 For your choice of those fine lots on the south boulevard, Just west of the new car barn; thlo addition is one of the slghtllest spots of Omaha; several new houses now ueing punt. $1?0 For two lots on 26th St., near Bprague St $300 Each for 13 lots near 28th and Pratt Sts. We have lota of lots at bargain counter prices. THE BYRON REED CO., 2L2 S. 14th St RE H Mortgages For Sale H $800 mortgage drawing 6 per cent, 6 years. $1,200 mortgage drawing 6 per cent, 6 years. $1,100 mortgage drawing 6 per cent, 6 years. Those mortgages are all secured on flrst claoa Omaha properties. HASTINGS & HEY DEN, 1608H Farnam, RE 299 16 6-ROOM house, bath and city water, 26th and G, $2,300. 6-room house and store, 26th and Z, $300. 3- room house, 26th and 'Washington, $500. 4- room house, 13th and P. $600. 6-room house, 18th and Missouri ave., fifty feet from car line, west front, worth $2,000, for $1,800; 2M cash, balance to suit buyer. Clear title. 6, 4 and 6-room houses twovblocks from packing houses. Prices $660 and tdOO. 8-room house and 12 acres, 62d and Q sts., $3,700. Good improvements. 13-rootn house, 81st and Q, $1,600; worth $2,000. Restaurant, 26th and N. $600; worth $700. Our South Park acre tracts will advance In price within Ave days. Buy now and take advantage of this. N. P. DODGfl ft CO. 2512 Q St. Telephone 271. RE 387 16 HOUSE BARGAIN. New house, S320 Hamilton St., 6 roomi, 9 h mi ua vnu vr si a w half hlnok f mm cmli line. Immediate possession given. Price, $2,260.00. N. P. DODGE & CO. Tel. 829. 1614 Farnam St. RIS-821 It BEST FARM OFFER 160 acres, few Improvements, good land, located t,hreo miles from Woodlilne, Har rison county, lows. Can sell for $40 an acre. 126 acres fine level corn land, well Im proved, three miles from good Harrison county town, $6u an acre. Best 130 acres In Monona county, Iowa, new house and good Improvements, level land, $66 an acre. 160 near good eastern Nebraska town good corn land, nearly Jevel, good buildings. $36 an acre. Many other eastern Nebraska bargains Elkhorn valley farms, richest and best ' corn farms, from $40 to $60 an acre. JOHN B. HANSEN CH Kew York Life Bldg., Omaha. ' RK 3o6 16 F. D. WEAD Double house. 2130-32 North 28th, has 7 rooms, each all modern, with furnaces; this property rents st $30 per mouth; can be sold this week $2,600. . 1524 DOUGLAS RE 181 1 $3,200.00 buys fine home In splendid loca tion In Council Blutln. seven-room house, modern, three lota, each 44x132; twenty minutes' ride on-motor to heart of Omaha, so you can come home to lunch; terms reasonable. W, V, fcapii. 17 l'earl at, C.uin.UI bluffs. R1-U0 U FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAIN to home purchasers, If you business. s. call 436 Board of Trade. RE-M91T 26 FOR SALE, one note of $1,800, due in one year, secured by first mortgage on good improved Omaha property, bearing per cent interest, payable semi-annually; also one t.ote for $I,6H. due on or before three years, interest at t per cent, payable seml-annuall), secured by flrst mortgage on good property. Both art absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S 26, Bee office. RE-M466 Cheapest Home for the Money lhat Is what other agents say; that Is what X think. NO. J5;u CHARLES ST., FOR $1,850. Lot 6oxlJi, 7-r. hout-e on west half, always rented for $10, room for another house, fine trees, paved street, permanent kle walk, close in, near car, fine neighbor hood. See me about It this week. GlOilUk U. WALLACt. J. J. BROWN BLOCK. RE M 109 16 THK property whre 1 now reside, 610 8. nt,, oeaut'n.i snaoe trcna aim mwu, It will pay you t.) InveMlgate if you are looking for a pleasant home. A. It. Ve a'iih, oiv o. iui ave. NORTH OMAHA BARGAINS, i room brick cottage, store building and cottage attached. Jut iixiul, ou car line; rents U.b";. half cusu. Apply to ofcntr, cvl N. V. Lile. Rh. M447 cAa'Williamson Co..LMoord"- RKUs MODERN COTTAGE A nearly new modern cottage of 6 rooms, porcelain batli, eiecirlc llgtus, gas, guod lurnace, cemented cellar, puveu sireet. No. 2AJ6 North 24th street. GARVIN BKOb., 1604 FARNAM. RE-M104 16 IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent, borrow money, sell notes or account, call at K. 8, N. X. Life, 'i'noae 133. U.ovtr & Son. BRICK block on 16th st . cost over $10,000 to build; will rent for $70 a month; east ern owner will sell lor $b,Cj0; easy terms. Neat cottage and good lot on Binney st., only $l,0w; $200 cash, monthly pay ments. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. R1J-M91I $8,500 for 44x132 ft. on loth st., with alley and B. & M. and Northwestern trackage along ono side. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. RE M833 16 FARM BARGAINS The Davis farm, on paved road, only a few minutes from Omaha; 145 acres at $100 per acre. Big bargain. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Farnam Street RE 3 J0 NEW modern house of six rooms, Just completed, In neighborhood of nice homes; latest piumblng; lurnace; every thing complete; must be t-ol.l this week, tome in and see us about this bargain. Shlmer & Chae Co., l&t larnam f-t. KE-894 107 ACRES NEAR IRVINGTON, $7,000. 80 ACRES ON MILITARY ROAD, $6,400. 80 ACRES, OOOD, SARPY COUNTY. 16.400. EXTRA FINE 40 ACRES NORTH FLOR ENCE, HOUSE. CHERRIES GRAPES, ETC. SNAP, $6,000. 73 ACRES NEAR GRETNA. $5,600. S. 10TII ST., 4 HOUSES. RENTAL $660; $4,500. 215 8. S9TH AVE., MODERN, $2,300. , 8 LOTS N. W. iSTH & SHIRLEY, $1,600. BRICK HOUSE, CLOSE IN, $1,350. FLORENCE BOULEVARD, 60x330 FEET; ALSO FRONTS WEST ON 24TH ST., $5j0. JOilN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. r RE 300 16 TRUSTEE'S SALE TRUSTEE'S SALE 80 ACRES - .Well improved, near Irvington, $90 per acre. 10 ACRES In fruit, on Dodge street, macadamized road, -7 miles from P. O. $2,100. 7 ACRES 10 minutes walk from Benson, on Military road, pared, $1,000. 1 ACRE Near old Fort Omaha and 30th street car line, within city limits, 6 nice building lots, only $400. DENNEY, TRUSTEE, ?24-? Paxton Block. George & Company, 1801 FARNAM ST. PHONE 768. Houses For Sale. $2,500.00 for No. $604 South 20th street, I rooms, strictly modern, two mantels, grates, combination fixtures, furnace heat. Has Just been put In first class condition. House alone cost over $3,000.00. Easy terms. $2,600.00 for 2596 Pratt street, new, 5 roon-a, large reception haU and store room, all modern except furnace, permanent walks, beautiful shade trees, a corner lot and very attractive. Easy terms. $2,150.00 for No. 1111 North 18th street, 8 rooms, all modern except furnace, in good condition. Rents for $22.50 per month. Easy terms. $1,260 for 2623 Indiana, ave., T rooms, 2 story house, city water and sewer, newly painted, easy terms. $1,100.00 for 3410 Parker street, S room cot tage, newly papered and painted and In first class condition. Oas and city water In kitchen. Easy terms. RE-176-18 1? ano 00 for 1433 South 16th street, two- story frame building, with six large living rooms above, also nouse in reaj-, nenuu $384.00 per year, leaving over 10 per cent net after deducting taxes and Insurance. GEORGE & COMPANY 1601 Farnam Street RE 178 1 SEE R. C. PETERS & CO-'S large display ad. on page 13 of this paper. RE-SOi 1 BEAUTIFUL BEM1S PARK Four of the choicest, handsomest lots In the addition on Lincoln boulevard, facing the park. Just the place fur a fins resi dence home. Go and look at these or let us show them to you. Owner must havs money and offers them remarkably cheap, Payne Investment Company, First Floor New York Life Bldg., Telephone li&l. RE 334 18 280 ACRES of choice land near Houston, Tex., to exchange for good hotel property. Address L 17, ties. KK 3-7 18 "OMAHA'S 400;" full description In our catalogue, "Just out." ' ClfAS K. WILLIAMSON CO., Ground Floor, U. 8. Nai l. Bank Bldg. RE 177 1$ $1,500 2768 Grant street, six-room house, city wa Ur, ii-wrr, barn, shade. PAYNE. B08TVt'lC!C & CO., v filxtU Flour, N. Y. Uf VMg. llt-Ml 18 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE THE ABBOTT- COWAN CO. IF TOU want to buy a house, or lot, come In and see us. What you want may not t In this list. We cannot advertlxe all we have. $9.lo0 An elesant West Farnam home. $o,(JO 84th and Harnfy, 6-room, new and thoroughly moaern. $4 .2SO asth and Burt. 8 rooms, modern. $4,600 4-d and Farnam, 10 rooms, barn and nice driveway. $5,600 34th and Harney, I roomsr strictly modern up-to-aat noma. fl.V Will, V. " O , " IM".""I ... $4,1601 block from Ail Saints' churon, 7 l rooms, oeauiirui nome. $3,800 36tn ana jacKson, s rooms, moaern In every way; a bargain. $3,700 4uth and Burt, 8 rooms, splendid snap. $3,650 On boulevsrd. facing Rlvervlew park. 7 rooms, absolutely a perfect home. 13 150 Kounute Place. I rooms, modern. large lawn and bam. Fine place for home. $3,000 North side, good location, good con dition; can be bought with Mm down. $2,500 7th and Bancroft, on boulevard, 6 rooms. Permanent walks, etc., wurth more money, nut owner must sel . $2.430 2xth and Woolworth ave.. 8 rooms, positively the best bargain In the town. ' $2,400 N. 20th, e-room cottage, partly mod ern. $3.000 $1,600 buvs two cottages at ISth and Clark, always rented. This Is better than 10 per cent on your money. $1,800 43d and Burdette, 7 rooms, partly modern. $1,800 In suburbs, high and dry t blocks to car; large lot, shade and fruit trees. Good up-to-date 6-room cottage; Jut the kind of home you want. $1,600 26th and Wirt, 6-room cottage, mod ern except rurnace. MUST be sold that Is why you can get It so cheap, f 625 4-room cottage, newly painted and catiered: north and near car. An ex ceptionally good opportunity to get home cheap. Lots of lots all places and prleea. We have some lots wnicn u bought soon can be bouKht RIGHT. If you wait until spring you will pay more for lots. Come in and see us A l urvutt. THE ABBOTT- COWAN CO. First Nafl. Bank Bldg., Omaha. RE- FARM TO RENT OR SELL. 660-acre farm 6 miles west of Bloomfield, Knox county, Neb.; good farm land, 460 acres fine valley land, 3u0 acres broken; large new house and barn, granaries, sheds, yards, windmill and fenced pas ture with living water. This is a splendid grain and stock farm. Rent, $2 per acre. Will sell for $42.60 per acre. Thomas F. Fitzgerald, Independence, Mo. RE NEW COTTAGE on small payment down and balance monthly. Has 6 rooms modem, 63x126 east front lot, shade and fruit. Owner refused IM ner month rent and SAYS SELL AT ONLY $1,600.00. Walking Distance New 7-room absolutely modern 2-story house, located on 19th street Boulevard, south of Charles. Owing to 111 health, owner anxious to sell, make terms, and ONLY $3,300.00. Vacant 83x142 south front, near 27th and Burt a great bargain at ONLY $450 IF SOLD AT ONCE. SWEET & BEST 613 New York Life. Tel. 1472. RE 172 16 RE W. H. GATES 617 New York Life. 'Phone 1294. $1,260.008. E. cor. 18th and Grace streets, 4-room cottage and lot, 33x140. A choice looation. $1,260.00 8-room cottage and lot, 80x127; water and sewer; near H&nscom Park; rents at. $14.00; on very easy term Now vacant. Good 6-room house In Walnut Hill, full lot, shade and fruit only $760.00. $326.00 for south front lot on Blnney, 81x130 only CO feet west of 24th street; sewer, water and permanent walks. $000.00 for 50x123 on Maple streef, east of 24th street $660.0067x132, south front on Bristol, east of 27th; paving and walks paid for. $000.0060x130, Caaa street, little eaat of SOth street. $2,500.00 7-room house and barn, 2218 Miami. F. D. WEAD l-r. house and barn on 28th St., near Hickory; this Is a snap; $1,260. 1524 DOUGLAS. RE SKI 16 106O-ACRE ranch for sale. In good hay val ley, well watored and fenced; good Im provements; wouJd take stock mdse for part payment Address Y. O., Box 18, Wayne, Neb. RE 2uo 16x FOR BALE. All modern, well bulii, iwo-story cottage, hardwood finish downstairs, double floors, good cemented cellar; never has been occupied, $2,600. Elegant lot on which to build a beautiful home, east front. Located between Uodge and Farnam. KENNEY REAL ESTATE AND INVESTME NTCO. $00 Bee Bldg. UE 206 16 IMPROVED farm, 180 acres, In Cass county, Neb.: 80 acres under culilvat:on. Omaha Hydraulic Prese Brick Co., Omaha Neb. RE M.410 18 $1,400 LARGE comer lot. 60 by 127, with four rooni house, fine shude. city water, high and sightly: corner 30th atid Charles It. PAYNE. BOHTW1CK A CO.. Sixth Flour. N. Y. Life Bldg. RK $41 16 (-ROOM cottage In suburb, near car line; a bargain; selling on account of tlkueca Address V U, lie. au&-$r lac FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HOMES In West Farnam location, 8 rooms, finished with oaW: everything In tiptop shape; east front; price $6,600. Close In and fine looation, rooms, modern residence, a comfortable home near churches, schools and business: too large for present owner and rented for the wl:V ter; price I4.600. Well built 7-room house t8?0 Dodge st; best furnace snd Plumbing, built for a home, but owner moved from the city; price $3,2oU. BUSINESS Building with 23 rooms at the corner of 7th and Leavenworth, used as a boarding house; ground 6SxC2 ft.; this property Is sure to greatly increase In vlu; .price onlv 82.600. Building at 1318 Leavenworth St., about 22 rooms, usea as hotel; stahie in rear; re cently painted and papered; ground 33x 132 ft., with alley trackngc; rrnts $50 per month: this nronertv cannot fall to In crease In value, but eastern owner desires io sen ana win cioee ii out ai a oitrgain, cr oa 15.000. Another nonresident owns the property at the northeast corner of 14th ana lle'ce sts.; he Instructs u to close this out; the lot is 6fixl32 ft., with strip sdjolnlng: building consist of one 8-story bnok nnd 4 frame houses. Entire property for $6,000. . ASHLAND PLACE The tract at 10th and Dorcas sts. has been tilatted as Ashland Place: during the past SO days we have sold out this enttre tract exceDt one lot. We have some choice east front lots on 10th, south of the above tract, at 10th and Arbor sts. These lots have Just bpen graded and permanent walks laid. Tney are now reaay ior me market. Let us quote prices. The nnrthenNt corner Georcla ave. and Shirley; 100x150 ft; will cut Into t nice lots; paving pa Hi; only Nice south front lots on Harney, near 42d, only $o00. Two e i.t front lots on 20th tiwr new street railway power house; paving and permanent walks; 00 each, worth $760 eacn. Lots in all parts of the city. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1370 Farnam Street.- RE 314 16 SEE R. C. PETERS & CO.'S large display ad. on pago 16 of this paper. RE-304 16 D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. HOUSES. $625 Neat 5-r. cottsge near 30th and Sahler. $1,050 Near 25th and Burdette, east front 6-r. house, city water, lot 80x90 ft. $1,300 8316 Ruggles, 7-r. house, bath room, furnace; owner cut price; says close It out this week without fail. $1,600 4602 Hamilton, very neat 6-r. house, corner lot, fruit. $1,700 22d, near Saratoga, nearly new 6-r, house, bath; lot 63x128 ft. $1,900 1725 So. 11th. 6-r., city water, sewer, summer kitchen, barn; lot 60x138 ft. $2,000 Near 20th and Pierce, very neAt 6-r. house, good piumblng. porcelain bath: lot 45x1Kl ft. SNAP. $2,000 13th, near Manderson, nice 5-r. house, moaern except furnace, line repair; tood barn, arge 11-r. house, 628 No. 32d st. $2,500 24 Bancroft, very neat 6-r. new house, porcelain bath. high, sightly, on Rlvervlew Park boulevard. $3,000 1 212 Bo. 17th, 9-r.; lot 85x100, walking $450 2221 and" 2223 Lothrop, brick block. rour apartments, renting $40 per month. $4,000 N. W. corner 28th and Jackson, 75x140 it.. -r. nouse, all modern. A bar gain. $4,200 708 No. 40th, near Burt, fine 7-r. nouse, strictly modern, 60-ft lot; choice location $4,600 East front 28th, near Mason, brand new, 8-r. house, strictly modern with barn and lot 44x14(1 ft $5,000 2318 Douglas, lot 80x132 ft, with large. wen Dunt io-r. moaern nouse, renting $50 per month. The best Inside bar gain on the market. Don't disturb the tenant. See us. HANSCOM PLACE SPECIAL. 1112 So. 31st. finest location In Hinamm Place, well built 9-r. house, mod prn. fine oak finish, oak floors, beautiful lot, 60x150 ii., guou nam, stone steps; ir you are in the market, see us about this. Will In terest you. VACANT, $275. On 41st St.. between California and Burt choice, fine lying 60-foot lots, by 110 feet dePD to alley, close to car. and next to 40th st, one of the finest residence streets in the city. Tneae are tne best lots for the money offered In the city of Omaha. You can't beat them.. .Prices reduced to close out. $300 West front on 83rd, 40 ft south of central boulevard. Big, natural shade trees. Decided baraaln. $700 60x124 ft. south front on Locust between 16th nnd 17th. Big snap. $1,200 S. W. corner 18th and Spencer, 74x124 ft. Paving paid. Make us an offer. $1,350 N. E. corner 20th and Emmet, on boulevard. 74x124 ft. Make an offer. $1,500 56x133 ft, on Davenport, near 26th, room ror two nne names. Cheapest Inside bargain offered. $3,500 60x155 ft, on 39th st., between Dodge ana uavenport Kignt in swelldom. A snap. $4,200 62Hxl25 ft. east front on SRth ave.. ax) rt north or Farnam. Fine shade. Beautiful. $4,000 60x165 ft., Inside lots, opposite fine nomes or wattles, cowan ana otners, on 87th, between Farnam and Dewey. The finest In the land. They are dirt ' cheap. Buy one P. D. Q. EXCHANGE. 8 acres 6 blocks from car line. 2 blocks from school, with 6-room house, barn. well. etc., mostly all in fruit. .Worth $3,600, for farm near omana. will Day cash differ ence. $7,600 fine residence, -clear, In West Far nam district, strictly modern, up to date, for a good eastern Nebraska or western Iowa farm and pay the difference In money. $27,500 pressed brick block, stone trim mings, costing $40,000 to build, well lo cated, all clear,' for good land. 6,000-acre ranch, one of the finest In Loup county,, on the Calamus river, controlling five to seven miles of river, with plenty of hay and alfalfa bind. Worth $20,000. Take nart In Omaha property or good farm near Omaha RE F. DN WEAD . Neat modern house of 6 rooms In Bemls park, high and sightly, on Lafayette ave.. $2,100. 1524 DOUGLAS. RE384 16 H Why Not Own H A Home of Your Own Instead of paying out rent and having nothing to show for It Here are a few: 6 rooms, modern but furnace, on Daven- Fiort st, between 28th and SOth, overlook rig the new boulevard. In walking distance, for $2,200. 7 rooms on California St., between SOth and 81st, good location, on Harney car line. Price, $2,400. 6 rooms, new house, modern but furnace. Just completed, on 27th and Pierce, in walking distance, good location. Price, $2,660. 6-room, new house, on North 25th ave., between Cuming and Izard; large lot; easy terms. Price, $2,300. Over 100 others In different parts of the city. Call and get a list. Houses built to "vacant lot bargains $786 for 45-ft. south front lot on Madison ave., between loth and 16th, paving paid, brick walk, worth $uoo. $860 for 62-ft. lot.orthwest corner 17th and Spruce, room for two houses, in walk ing distance. $600 for 60-ft. lot on South 82nd ave., two blocks south of Hanscom Park car line, sewer and water In the street $650 for fine lot, Bemls Park, corner 34th and Lafayette ave., corner 86th and La fayette ave., $050. $50 each for two fine south front lots on California St., between 27th and 28th, on Harney car line, near new boulevard. $600 and $550 for large lots in Bluff View addition, northeast of Kountse Place, on Plnkney and Evans, between 16th and ltith. Also some on Sherman ave, for $6uo; paving paid. Open Monday evenings from ( to la HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1606 H Farnam. 'Phone 1601 We write Fire Insurance. RE $3,000 8926 N. 24th St., good seven-room house, Just completed, hard oil finish, large porch, butler's pantry, nice den off of front lmll, , cellar under entire house, large bedrooms, large bathroom, nice plumbing, nice sew ing room on second floor. 6o-ft. lot, paved street, permanent sidewalk all pnla for; reasonable terms. Ready to move right Into. Let us show you this house at once so you can get settled for winter. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor N. Y. Ufa Bldjr. . itfl-837 16 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SPECIAL That substantial three-story brirk buililinp, Xos. 1021-1923, Leavenworth street, with eottape adjoining, No. 1915 Leaven worth street, and ample vacant ground upon which to duplicate the brick. v BE And put yourself in shape to profit by Omaha's growth and at f the same time have a good income PRODUCING FOK Howard Kennedy & Son, 209 First" National Bank Building. Phone 722. Today Is the day. Th wonderful pros perity of Atlantic City is Just beginning. Profit by it now. Pleasantville Terrace Greater Atlantic City's New Suburb offers ' the safe-et and surest road to wealth a guaranteed Real tat ate Invest ment, THINK OF IT: A high and dry lot, 60 feet above tho ocean, within 1- minuter' ride by Reading R. R. and a 6c fare by trolley, for $5. Atlantic City must expand to accom modate Its growing population. There Is but one direction on the high land at Pleasantville Terrace, where the railroad and trolley lines enter the city. We are now selling Pleasantville Terrace lots, 26x100 feet, at $25 A LOT Where will you find anything like It, either for a home Bite or a profitable In vestment? More liberal terms were never offered. $2af r.H uwa 4 V KTAOINHHDU $1 WEEKLY FOR 1 TO 2 IAJT8; U WEEKLY FOR 3 TO 6 LOTS. No Interest, no mortgages, and no taxes until 1906. In addition wo guarantee a rise of 25 per cent within one year, or your money back. If you die before your lots tire paid for we give a clear deed to your heirs without further charge. You cannot but help realize on It. wine us today for free booklet. ATLANTIC CITY ESTATE CO. 1119 DREXEL BLDO., PHILADELPHIA. $3,100 CORNER lot. close in, near High school, with three houses: ground 66 by 132. Spe cial bargain. PAYNE, BOSTWICK. & TO., Sixth Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 33S 18 SHIMER & CHASE Builders of Modern Houses. We have Just completed a very fine 8- room house, witn all modern conveniences, oak finish, good barn, south front, on Farnam Bt., all ready to .move Into; finest and best house jn that district for the price $4,760.00. s-room nouse, in a aesintois remucnuo district, full south front lot, underfeed furnace, city water, bath, sewer, good barn $2,600.00. Almost new 6-room house, with all the modern- conveniences, West Farnam street. A fine homfe and a bargain $3,000.00. Nearly new six-room nouse in Hanscom Park district wlih latest piumLing snap $2,600.00. Modern, except rurnace, T-room nouse, walking distance if uold, this will take $2,200.00. We call this a snap. We have for sale one of the most desir able homes In Kountzo Place, south and east front, paved street, stone walk; 14 feet full length of lot; "0 foot front; stone steps and stone walks around house, barn ,tw.w. 8-room all modern, underfeed furnace, naved street, tine shade trees, near street cars, good surroundings and cheap, $3,600.00. SHIMER & CHASE CO. Tel. 8867. 1609 Farnam. RE $2,00 FOR a seven-room, all modern, house on rtarney street, near 42d, south front, full lot, small barn, with alley. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. RE. .840 16 IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY One t and one 6-room house, lot 60x120, on 27th ave., near Burdette, $1,650. 4-room house, lot 86x126, on 26th near Cuming, $1,600. Twol-room houses, lot 68x70, on 28th ave., near Cuming, $2,100. 6-room house, lot 30x127, on Decatur St., near 26th st., $l,4uo. 4-room, lot 80x127, -on Charles St., near 83d, $660. 6-room house, lot 23ixl27, on Charles St., near 83d, $760. 8-room, lot 40x110, On 23th st, near Far nam, $1,600. Double 2-story flat, brick and frame, 2120 and 2122 North 24th St., lot 42x82; also 4-room house, lot 23xl27, on Charles St., near 33d; both belong to same party; must be sold; make offer on one or both. 4-room house, 1608 Military ave., $300. One-story brick store on Cuming bet. 21st and tii sis., 20x182, $2,600. VACANT LOTS Lot 99x150 on Burt street between 27th and 28th, $l,60u. Will sell all or part. Corner 8oth and Manderson, 60xU7, $S00. Corner 27th and Saratoga sts., 100x127, $.. Southeast corner 2Sth and Burt, 65x160, $1,100. FARMLAND 40 acres tn Dawson county; can be Irri gated; $2,000. 320 acres in Custer county, $8.60 per acre. 1 have numerous other bargulns In both city property and farm lauds. CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Cuming Qts. Tel. 2049. RE- SEE R. C. PETERS & CO.'S large display ad. on page la of thU paper. RE 304 16 $2,00 For an eight-room house, with barn, gas, toilet, wash bowl, hot and cold water, fine lawn, nice garden tract, shade, all kinds of small fruit, large chicken house and yards, lot Wi by 130, bonne No. 42 Harney street. A burgaln. Must be sold quick. .PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-338 16 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 60,000 home el farmtrs and stock raisers. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAIN WISE INVESTMENT. SALE BY BEMIS' BARGAINS 4-room cottage. In splenAltl repair, on 8, HHh st. Price only $1,260. 6-room cottagf, practically new, lot 50x12ft, good well and. cistern, some fruit, shrub bery, nice lawn, fenced. Located near 2Hth and Fort sts. Owner anxious to leave for the coant. Price only $1,000. 6-room cottage. Just completed, near 4tS and Grand ave., $200 down and balance monthly $1,200. 6-room cottage, city water, sewer, cistern, on 23d sr., nenr Mason. $1,600 $o00 down, balance to suit. 6-room brand new, corner lot, one block from ear line, everything A No. 1. Big bargain. Price only $l,6oo. Located near 2Mh ave. and Fort St. 6-room cottage, very well built, bath, water, sewer, gas and furnace, east front near 2Sth and Seward. Price $2,000; $500 and balance on monthly payments. 6-room cottage, renting for $20, full east front lot, near 27th and Jackson. Price $2,700. I ' 4$J 7 rooms, all large rooms, In Orchard Hill, south front. $300 down and balance on very easy payments $1,600. 7 rooms near 28th nnd Lake ats., all on one floor, furnace and gas, small barn, fine well and cistern, nice shade trees. Price $1,660; $560 down and balanoe $13 per month. INVESTMENTS Full corner lot. right down town, three good frame buildings renting for $66 per month. Paved street, paving all paid. On car line. Price $7,000: $1,66 cosh, $600 In eight months and balance at the rate of $300 per yenr. This Is a fine invest ment. RENT WILL MAKE YOUR PAY MENTS. Purchaser will never have more than first payment In property. 80-room brick block, cloRn In, fine place for roomers. $12,000, $3,000 cash and bal ance to suit. j FARMS 200 acres rich bottom land, lust fair 1m. provements, $40 per acre. River front. 100 acres near Florence, $90 per acre, ACREAGE ' 2tt acres near 42d and Grand ave., $550, VACANT LOTS Two lots near 43d and Dodge, $300 each. Full lot on Bristol st., $660. Great Bargain Vacant lot 20th and Vinton, paved st, Make us an offer. MUST BE SOLD. MILLER PARK LOTS Beautiful lots adjoining and overlooking the beautiful Miller Park, on new motor line to Florence. 6-eent car fare. Price range from $100 to $200. $5 down and baU ance $5 per month, Geo. P. Bemis Real Estate Co. Telephone 685. 804-308 Paxton Block. RE- SEE R. C. PETERS & CO.'S large display ad. on page 16 of tbim paper. RE 304 16 FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Sholes-Armstrong Company, 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 48. REAL ESTATE FOR EX CHANGE. 200 acres Improved land, 17 miles front South Omaha, not a foot of waste land oa the place; black loam soil; must be sold Imo mediately; price, $60 per acre; or will take city property at a cash value. This la the cheapest thing In Sarpy county. 640 acres good farming land, Nance county, Neb.; two sets of improvements! very desirable and cheap at $26 per acrej will take one-third cash or will trade for city property up to $6,000. 160 acrea of first-class improved farm land, 6 miles from Central City; clear of all encumbrance; price, $50 per acre: to trade for merchandise; will pay or take caaa difference. j 40 acres well Improved land, 1 mile front Modale, la.; this land Is not wet; good, house, barn, fine orchards; price, $2,600) would take small acreage near Omaha In part payment. 480 acres unimproved land, 4 miles front Petersburg, Boone counly, Neb.; price, ILs per acre; can trade this for merchandise. 400 acres well linptoved deeded Und la Dundy county. Neb., and Cheyenne oiunty, Kan., 8 miles from railroad town; this is well Improved for ranching and over 8,000 acres free range are fenced with it; price, $3,000; trade for merchandise. 2,400 acres deeded land and homestead re linquishments In Thomas and Cherry coun ties, flrst-cluss ranch Improvements, 409 head of cattle, horses, haying tools, eto.j price, $17,600: will trade for merchandise and pay or take cash difference. 900 acres Improved farm land, near AN liance. Neb., clear: price. $12.60 per arret will trade for. merchandise up to $20,009 and pay difference in cash. 2,042 acres gilt-edged corn land, on B." A M. railway and Loup river; six sets of Im provements; $36 per acre cash, one-thlr4 down and balance easy terms. 280 acres, well Improved, Harrison county, la.; price, $' per acre; to trade for mer cliandlne; will take back encumbrance ua to $10,000. , Two 2-story brick stores. In good loce. tlon; rental value, $60 per month; to trade for Dnwson county land; would pay small cash dlflerence. Three 2-story brick stores, good location on asphalt street; unencumbered: renting for Itfv per month; price, $10,0u0; trade for land. ' 1 wo modern houses In Hanscom Park district; price $6,000; renting for. $65 per month; trade for email farm near Omaha. Very handsome residence In West Far. nnm district at $7,600; will trade for good farm and pay $10,000 to $16,000 cash differ, ence. Three-story business block, 133 feet of ground, pressed brick, iron front, wltr strone trimmings: cost $46.ouO to build: ( clear of ell encumbrance and will trade fot gooa tana ai .-(,wju; tins is a snap. Apartment house paying $4,800 per year, to trade for land; this property Is one of the finext In the city and is a splendid Invest, ment; any reasonable offer will be In. vestlgated. SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO. When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke at two of the pen to mention the tact that ro aw the ad in The See, 4