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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1904)
THE OMAflA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, FEFTEimEK Zn, 1904. CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS CERJIASS PLAN CELEBRATION Ir.UltloB I td nT4 rtlltl Ettobll Over Ttr4 !). MBHAiKA. INVI.lU TO PARTICIPATE lieeaslMM I lha Inn llandard mn4 AtiMrr If l lot man lltlinal In America (ierrnan ri'1i.i nr I'iMinHI Itl'ifTa, lol I iinu iitiidr af,. mlir halslilwirlha; o.uMIK I...O, In tM (fata M ti Ni-l.rn.Ks win n..'r. i. r uaa hi iitil month In iui,. i ! I i4iiii nr "Iwiiln i'fif(" III ll.le ill ' I, a 1 1 lal.raf loll, for tonli h nliili ram i. i . iiait ere mi llii( rnadi, ill l. I.. I I M e.ln. ja, 1 lull a1n K and Kl ria. n. i..l.i I, a m, 4 I, and H l. in run rt.-n.'.lallill of Ida iJlal aiiMvi raary if Km .ii,l i t nt tii- rii amlar nil li'iin Unfinnriy mi ll.a aliuree i.f Nmih An-rUn. Tl.a 1 1 m li I "r I r al nt t'lfmrr t.a'iva of Ifcrihany ar.l ll.nir ! rnilmla r.,n.eiv. l,r Al'.i-I.i llioanr, "Itlor tit l, a I rin 'r'na i.f 11,1a illy, ami In ('all "i iai.. it. iila lof It." grand !! l)fnil ,11 i, l,i,,a itaaio l,r a I '.ininll i a 1 ii.aT M Mr ... i,k", i iiolriimn, Adam Kr.. i,r, ll.l l) p1 hio't r, al. HUH, lia afut Auf lil ll.iyaa.fl. i. i,,l,. t , iMt, i,a ilila tit tha liiml- I, Hi IIU lourliy of lha first emlaTafit Ir.ifn itnni.ii, the relahrstlun a plM'H will i..i alirta ixrnr on lha ann. ( mn.l, llin day prTod Ir ai.d f..ll'i-l'g 11 A I'lma all.ii.ldiii la l-card f,,r, aa ,ii,lr. nt Invitations have la-an anl Mil M r-il.rii itf Iowa, and Nlraaa who ara of Taiii'inl)' rfeacrnt. The il.oi-al,,n win I iimlrf Ida aiiapl'-pa if Ida Curi'il lilurTa l-la nf lha Horn nf lrmriii With m.! waalliar there la rvery ,-mIMMI nf ll.a affair pfnvlris lha laraaal ald"rll,a i f IWlnona ever held In IMS alale farad mm riret lhl. An lmal, ' l a. alio," or lorrhllaht prf (. i, will Ih n arai ular feature bf ll. nafilna nf lha fsl nn Wednesday r, ir, 1l,ii will l.a roualr allure an I fiar rtra'l Ihrnuah Ida street of Ida illy iba maf hra will 'tourn In lha opera lioua-a, wdara a Mmilwr nf ntl'lrraaaa In b"in liarrnan ari'l Knallah will lia glvm. Ilrf llarthl't kraua will l Iho firtnrlial kar nf Ida avt-nlna;. following Ida lna hmaklng ll.ata will l.a nn alarmrate mui ,r..ram wMrh will rnmprlaa tdkafly alra al,. anna of lha flharlun'l. Tia f.a'li.a nn Thura.lay, lha nfTtilal daf f Ida r, hr a I Will, Will npan Wild UnA rfa-l p 1 r ! al II YIrk In lha in of irt; In whlf-h lha fifrnl ifcrmnn o tloiiaa will Ilka parl. Tha elly nlTlrlala, ..l. a ari'l fir larl ma-nla will parllrl .ia ar-l what promlaa In ha a jifity fr.. Ii,r nf lh will ! tha rnlnnin .f Hainan adKl rrtll.lran. In tha farmle will Im a riwmlwT nf llonta rtornratrd to ratraant famillaf "nn nf Ida fnthfr Uri'l arwl alorlaa whlrh ara tmaaurafl by liaimana frirn rhll.'ihnt. Willi lha illadaiiilliia nf tha arn.Va tha 'ana nf th faallvlll'a will la trannfarra.1 In lua W na a a. whara dlnnar will ba rwmA an1 an olj faaiilnnavl ' fiauichaa 'nlafat anjnyart. Piirlnn lha aftarnoon INara. will a a lnthy proaram nf aporta, lnaittna taral ahiKrilna, Iw.wllna. racaa f difarant kliwla. "Illnarait" a'lil other TaiHf-nlr (,.rla if fmanlhla a haaa hall aama will I arran"l for hatwean the tnm Dmltha of Idla rlty anil aome Omaha, laarn VrHay mornlna at 10 n'rlnck the rale tralnra will at Tautnnla hall ami from lh-ra marrh to Kalrmnunt park, lha wanthar la favnrahle, whara a pir-nlo tllnnar will he aarvaat, following wdlrh lha vlallora will ha takan for a trol ley rl'la aroun-l lha rlt. Tha ralrhratlnn will ha hrmiahl to a rlnaa In the evenlna; Mh a mrtln at Tautnnla hall whan arranaarnant will ba for a almllar sathrrira nt yaar. ariiva work nn rmlh alden can ba lookal f .f Th'il Ida vot-re ara hacomlr j intareaUil waa I roll in tori by the large attendance fat'it'lMy night at the rrpudllran townadlp ' mi fin In awla townahlp and the demo Mai If ratirua In OiirnM tnwnahlp. The fa.ilirfi i nndl'liilpa-HrpK, llattry and "li t raaant at tha I,wl townahlp inuma n1 Ihr-y ware given a moat en Idnalaatl'" rTf-pilon. Thy alao attended lha irinrkt day raklir.vllon rarller In the ilny at Mlndrn and there alao received unite nn nvnllon. Tha iletii.K ratln cnndldat'-a McBrid'!, 1 nnrkr nnd rintnr attended the dar ner townadlp rauriia Saturday night, but d" He the fnrt that It la a democratic efronghold, tbre we but very little cn Idi.alaem, although thrre wag quite a con teal nvrr Ida townadlp ticket. I.nyal Tern per a nee l.ealon Meetlna. The rulnr meeting nf the I.oynl Tem perance legion will be held thla evening In the rind rwini on Fifth avenue and I'earl atreet nt wdlrh time Mies Florence lienny will be preeent and naalut In or ganising phvalrnl culture claeera for glrla and b iya. It la alao plnnned to organise a hqekt bill team. M'ednearlny evening tha mernhrra nf the legion will" observe the ntmlvrranry nf lh Mrthday of Mlaa Pranrre U'lllnrd, whrn a apeclul program Will li" given. N. Y. I'lumhlng Co. Tel. 290. Night, FC67, NEWSPAPERS ARE HARD fflT Supreme Court Benders Sweeping Decision on the Law of LibeL PUTS PAPERS AT MESCY OF THE PUBLIC .'.rfaaal marl Will Again Hear the flalllett Caae, Arlalng Ont ol galea of Mining; Mock Said to Be Valneleee. ITumMrg and heating IMxby A Bon. Clall f'aaea Comlaar ! Tha regular a-U nmant nf law caaea will la lakn up loalay In tha dlatrli-t court. The aaaignmaol Include eighteen caaea and nf Ihla iiiimtf probably not more than eight r ten will ranch trUI during thla arm Tha flral to go hefora a Jury la that nf Ifcir'.l Hoarh agnlnat Jacob Stein. Il.arh aaeka to r-covrr at.OOO for alleged mall.-w.ue and prnaecutlnn. At a f.-rmar trial lU.arh waa awarded tlAO dam--a, bot a new trial waa granted on ac-e-,.n of an error In the Inatructlona to lha It la n llkaljr thai any criminal caeca w; ba triad at thla term unleaa the de-f-eUnle Inalal Ulth lha pleailftig nf n't I.T fTtie nf tha defendanta Indicted ly tha raeanl grind J'ltv. the docket waa (ratir : rl-ar-. The principal caaea r-TT-Vr.,a are thoae nf lloba-rl Turner and A".lr 111,1. lha recroeg chdrged with tha k i,mg ilaorge t'hllaon: I'harlea Uteven a... car-. wt;.i complicity In tha Evana I a. -..Ira r.'.heir. anj Ihoaa agalnel Harry .raiin and 'rd Bunting, charged with "i"" aioln J.fcparty. n a under f .fcti :araaal aa, Hun'lng are wlll k lal fnelr eaaaa ga aver to tha Xovem W r l-m. .laaaitai raualf Altnrney lleaa stated yr.rtii taat ha waa ef lha opinion that le remaining four week nf tha preaenl W-r-n w.i. t crupaart wlctt elll huai ' aa.l in ,l,n kal would nava an avp lha iv -mder tarrn. Aa Mr. H.aa it r amr or laa nccupleit earn-p-.wm aa krlag lha Faauhllcan nomlaea ' ' are aii.,mey. ha la Ja aa well ivil i sh.HiM aa a. Ti NuvaMKae term, which will open aw V.vamae will J .! W. n. Oreen on ia -a.-h. will ha an u;iuaually heavy , a i'. I . in u,. nunbet of caaea ennmt. fv .m thla trm. Hll MRtlO. fnvl aella druga. fafr"rt a glaaaea fit. Ktoekert arlla rnrpefa. Ininian sella the ber,t achool ..i)ea. v fipen Hundiy. Tucker's B'Wny studio. I'unran dorg the beat repairing 3 Main at. Western Iowa college fall term now open. flrhool palnta. bruahes and papers. Alex ander a Art Ktore, :u'i liroHdway. tr. I-iiella HomrpHthlc Phy sician. Office .17 4lh atreet. Phone 40. Mlaaourl oak dry cord wood pi per cord d llvered. Wm. Welch. 1 N. Main st. Tel 18. Mr. and Mrn A. D. Cook and Mr. Cfmries Houtdav.d are visiting In Chi cago. Mra. Allen F. Cooper of Jollet, III., la the gueet of net uncle, E. A. Morehouae, of Ijn Krank atreet. City Hnllcltor 8. U. Snyder and son are spending a rouble of werks on a ranch near I'MliaHile, ."eh. Htar chapter. Koynl Arch Maaone. will rvold a eptlal convocation thla evening for work In lha paer maulers' degree. Tha Ladles Aid society of 8t. Paul's KplacnpHl rdiinh will meet this afternoon at the rralclnnre of Mra. C. U. Tyler, cor ner of HI nth avenue and Sixth atreet. Wada llHmptnn. the 14-yeur-old boy re ported mlaalng from his home near Cres cent City since Thursday, waa found late Mafurday nlgnt at Island Park, where he waa working for a farmer named Joe Han sel. ('Hun No. 1. Junior Workmen of Amer ica, will ba organised thla evening at a meeting In Woodmen hall In the Merlin m block, nfflrere will be elected and unl forma distributed. rlvron Hchmldt. a hoatlrr n.t Ihe Mllwntt- krn roundliouae. fell from an eturlno riHiur- day night and surlered a fractur. l arm. lie waa taaen to his home on Toatevlii sLrect and Iir. Macrae called to attend him. I'. M. ITyur, a compositor at the Chris tian Home, met will, a PHlnful accident Hitturday while picking jo aches on the larru oi jnnn t'lumer in j.ewis luwiisiilp. lie stepiied Into a hole hidden by weeds and struck agalnet the jagged end of a broken orancn of a small tree. 1 he lone of his left eur was torn on and an ugly wound made in nus cneeg. The man arrested at Missouri Valley Bat- urduy night on ausplclon of Ix'lna the per- aon who bunc,ed Jvietcalf & Mricalf out of Ho worth of rlnthing, proved to be the wrong party and waa released yesterday. I hon.aa i. Metcalt una u.-lecilve Cunag- han went to Missouri alley yesterday morning, but the former failed to Identify thai auapect. Although the saloons of the city were supposeo. to be closed tight yesterday the patrol wagon waa kept busy hauling drunka to the city Jail. Before 5 o'clock In the evening no leas than six drunks had been booked and before 11 o'clock last night this number had been Increased to an even dnxen. With two exceptions all of the men were strangers and most of them railroad laborers. Judging from the trans portation found on them. Deny Henderson Story. BIOT'X CITY, la., Sept. 25. A special to Ihe Journal from Dubuque says there la not the least foundation for the report that former Speaker Dnvld B. Henderson Is loalng his mind. Colonel Henderson and his friends are Indignant over the report. Its publication has caused hundreds of Inquiries from the ex-speaker's friends In various ports of the country. Colonel Henderson la enjoying the best of health. Ha haa been occupying apartments In a hotel In Dubuque since his return early In the summer. Appeal In Ditch Case. ONAWA, la.. Sept. a. (Special. )-Judg Addison Oliver yesterday afternoon filed a notice of appeal from the findings of the Monona and Harrison county boards of supervisors. In Joint seselon, establishing the Monona-Harrison ditch and Sioux river cutoff, and lateral No. 1, aa petitioned for by l J. Bey bold and others and recom mended by A. M. Ralph and Q. II. Elliott, commissioners, ar.d R. 8. Feesenden, engineer. rtteee Waraalagj la, "'"' cl'. a, (-a cn-mancing to warm in n 'ajai !!. rn bora tickets are -'i., img . nyaigu in etrneat rrom 'a tu th election In November sorae Free Concert at Logan. LOO AN, la,, Sept. 2S.-(8pecini.)-A free concert waa given in the park yesterday afternoon by the Old Plantation quartet. Thla attraction waa secured for Logan by tha contributions of leading business men. It waa largely attended and drew much trade. Charles T. Luce was president of the negro concert committee, D. F. Berk ley wa; secretary and K. L. Price waa treasurer. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE3 MOINES, Sept. E.-ISpecial.) The decision of the Iowa supreme court ren dered the past week in a newspaper libel suit has caused surprise and chagrin among tha newananer men who have read and digested the document, and It Is expected that as a result of this announcement of the taw In Iowa there will be a strong movement started to effect reform of the Iowa laws. Newspaper men do not hesitate to state that if the court haa rightly In terpreted and applied the laws of Iowa In reference to damages for libel there Is but little chance of a newspaper publisher es caplng wherever lawyera can be found to take up Eults and that it la the most un safe business In the state. The decision virtually places on the publisher all re rponslblllty for proof and declares that his malice !n publishing any objectionable article Is to be presumed, also the fact of damages. Any publication that will tend to make anybody mad Is subject to an action for libel. The decision la the most sweeping ever rendered by a court, and It waa neeesiary to reverse a careful dis trict court, where the whole proceedlng3 had at first been thrown out. The increas ing number of libel and damage suits ngninst newspapers In the state haa aroused the newspaper publishers to the fact that the law la entirely antiquated and not adapted to present conditions. Connly Stewards to Meet. A novel convention is to be held this week at Adel, be'.ng a convention of the county stewards of poor farms and super intendents of county hospitals. The pro gram covers three days and Includes dis cussion of thoroughbred stock for county farms, method of purchasing supplies, care of walls and floors at county build ings, county farms as experimental sta tions and ways in which the State Board nf Control has helped. There will be an address by Judge L. O. Klnne of the state board. Wants More Yard Room. The state railroad commissioners have made a date to be In Ottumwa next Tues day to consider the application of the Mil waukee Railroad company for permission to condemn certain ground In that city for yards and additional depo, ground. The company was unable to secure at the time of the building of the cut-off all the ground wanted. Now it Is proposed .that condem nation proceedings be resorted to and If successful the company will make large Improvements. The board has alRO to go to Traer to consider an application to have an overhead highway crossing built over the railroad tracks. Oerraau Editors Meet, The German newspaper editors of Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota are holding their convention In Muscatine. The as' aoclatlon was organized here four years ago largely through the effort of Colonel Jo seph Elboeck, the veteran editor of thla city, who la in attendance and delivered the address as president. There are about twenty-five of these editors In tha three states. Instmetlona to Veterinarians. Governor Cummins la sending out to the county officials In every part of the state a circular letter In which la given a pro vision of the law In relation to making uae of the services of the Ftate veterinarian or his assistants not generally understood. It la explained that the only way In which the services of a veterinarian may be se cured Is to have the majority of the county board or a township board or city council petition the governor to send a veterinarian, and when thla is done the state will pay the expense. There have been many calls of this character recently and tha law haa not been strictly observed. Mill Try Balllelt Aaraln. Preparations are now being made for an early retrial of the case of tha United States against Letson Balllett for alleged illegal use of the malls In promoting mining frauds. Balhett gained fame as a mine promoter In Oregon and Washington by buying what Is declared to be a worthless prospect and soiling vast quantities of stock in his new companies. Ho was convicted and sentenced to a year In the penitentiary but got a new trial through the court of appeals. The case haa thus far been very expensive and moat of the witnesses came from California. Palled to Pay Bills. F. M. Harvey, alias F. H. Morton, la un der arrest here for obtaining money un der false pretenses. He was iformerly In the railway postal service and later an In surance agent, and he Is accused of beat ing board bills here and In Bloux City, Omaha and other places. He was arrested at Eagle Grove on Information furnished by an agent of the National Masonic Acci dent association. she had been held pending a hearing of her case, but when she returned to Daw son the feeling among the friends of the boy became so strong that she was at once rearrested upon a complaint sworn out by the citizens, and C. F. Reavls, a Falls City attorney, was retained to prosecute the case, funds for the purpose" having been raised by popular subscription among thuse Interested. The boy, who at the time the physician was first called was In a very critical condition. Is slowly Improving, the process of skin-grafting, which was neces sitated by the torn scalp, having proven quite successful. BARBECUE FOR POPULISTS lie Served (Itoe Rusat Ox and Oratory to at Syracnae In County. tFro'ru a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 23. Special.) The populist mate committee will give a barbe cue at Syracuse October George W. Berge, candidate for governor, has been Invited to speak and an effort will be made to pull off a Joint debate with Mr. Uerge and Governor Mickey as the principals. It waa the Intention of the fusionisis during the first of the campaign to hold barbe cues in several places In the state, but as the one In Lincoln waa such a disap pointment, announcements for others have been rather alow. F. D. McAvoy, until recently chef at the Lincoln hotel, is now an Inmate of the county Jail, at which place Vie has spent much time lately. Mrs. McAvoy, who was formerly a cigar girl at the Llndell, Is suing her husband for divorce. Instead of accepting trfb decision of his wife grace fully, McAvoy Is charged with threatening to do her and her whole family great bod ily harm. The wife became frightened yesterday and had him bound over to the district court on a peace warrant. Not having the J-00 bond to put up, he was put In Jail. Congressman Hlnshaw was in Lincoln yesterday on his way to Shelby, where he spoke last night. Mr. Hlnshaw has made a number of speeches over that district and said yesterday that he failed to find the disaffected republicans he had heard so much about. Instead he sold he found any number of democrats and populists who were going to vote the republican nationa ticket and he was sure the republics state and legislative tickets would have little trouble. ECHOES OF THE MTE ROOM Woodmen of the World. United States camp No. 23 will hold It next meeting Thursday night at Its new quarters In Fraternal hall. Fourteenth and Douglaa streets. A program has been ar ranged for the meeting. Alpha ramp No. 1 held a largely attended meeting Tuesday night. The meeting was in the nature of a welcome to Alpha team, that distinguished Itself at St. Louis dur ing Woodmen of the World week. Five new members were Initiated Into the ramp and six new applications were re ceived. A committee was appointed on en tertainment to arrange for an entertain mont to be given In the near future for the benefit of the Boys of Woodcraft and the drill team of Alpha camp. Next month the camp will begin the regular series of social entertainments, to aontinue at regu lar Intervals during the fall and winter season. The proposition received from Ak-Sar-lien to participate In the daylight parade was taken up and accepted. It Is under stood all the Woodmen camps of the city will participate In the parade. Alpha grove No. I Is arranging for a grand social meeting to be held on October 8. An Interesting and attractive program will be carried out. Modern Woodmen of America. The last week has been practically a rest week In Modern Woodmen circles, and but little has been done aside from the routine work of the various camps. The reception given to the prize winning team of Omaha camp, No. 13), for Its gallant achievements st St. Louis was the feature of the week. The presence of Head Consul Talbot added to the pleasures of the evening. The deco ration of the winning team with flowers by Ivy camp and friends was pretty. TRACK I.AVIfJ INTERIRIHN Trades Mill for Land. Dl'NLAP. la., gept. 2.-(Speclal) The Merrltt Milling c. mpuny of Dunlap has traded Its mill property to 8. W. Thomp son nf Pusaett, Neb , for J.lirt acres of Ne braska land. The value of the mill waa Wo,"). Thompacn will enter Into posaesa:o:i October I and will personally manage the property. KXAHSiX VOV DCNTITWCr: .VaVj a-i j gai. Jaaa:l3 ermle ef en. exxaiii in geap seraif,., p--h-ne Ja aal ira line denttfrtens, Yju - veiar of 7014 Wan to jffared. J aavr.lic ki joif Bockeltook. SOZODONT m t lawren rafuav Say yaar ai a esrty twai. Ku aw d. aj g.-, u Sojodor.i. ' ' -vil wru.-ii lha an: trviksa I-' ihetn; 1A4 fvanw (iveg) eri(h .4 u, lurtgj. LUWIS CUTLEU Dntlaon tnnnty Ticket. MITCHELL, a. I.. Sept. 2a.-(Spclal.) The republicans of Davison county met In convention yesirrday to nominate a legis lative and county ticket. The convention ftouble for the large attendance, avary township in tha county being repre sented by dalegutea. Hon. O. L. Branson of this city and Hun. M. C. Betts of Mount Veruon ware renominated for stata senator anj state rprMentatlve, respectively, with out tha least opposition. The followmg iunty omcars were nominated: sheriff. H Cook uf M mot Vernon: au lltor. O. D. 'arm of. Badger; register of deads. C. C. II ilyhida of Mitchrll, treasurer, E. J. tUynea of Mwiit Vernon; county superin tendent of prof. K. J. WJijley of Mitchell, elerk of courts, & of Mitchell; probata juiga, W. Abbey of Mitchell, state's attorney. T. J. Bon$ler of Mitchell, surveyor. John L. Nelaon uf Mitt-hell, coroner. Dr. R. Duade. of MltchalL T C. burns wa made lha thalr atdJi uf the county ul commit tea. L. Bras having lan.larsj his rasign.ttion. CAXXOX AMD WATSO AT HASTINGS Spend Sunday There and Will Speak Monday Slant. HA8TINGS, Neb.. Sept. 25. (Special Tel egram.) Speaker Cannon and Hon. James E. Watson of Indiana, who are to address a big republican meeting at the opera house tomorrow- afternoon, arrived here shortly after noon today. They were met at the station by Senator Dietrich, Mayor Miles, Mark Levy. C. G. Lane. Harry Haverllck. Joseph Tocum and J. Bailey, who composed the reception committee', and escorted to the Bostwlck hotel, where they had been Invited O dine with Sena tor Dietrich1. Enroute from Oxford the speaker and his party welcomed Governor Biles and party of Michigan for a few minutes abourd his private car. This afternoon the distinguished visitors were given a drive about the city In an automobile. Speaker Cannon will be the guest of Mayor Miles tonight. Tomorrow afternoon's meeting, has been well advertised and a large gathering la gnilctpated. Speaker Cannon and Con gressman Watson will each deliver ad-drvsses. Two Miles of Rnlls Down on Home Road. DAKOTA CITY. Neb., Sept. X (Special. Captain R. A. Talbot, general manage of the Sioux City. Homer & Southern Railway company, the proposed electrl line to connect Homer with Sioux City by way of this place, has a large forco of men and teams at work drawing rails from the yards of the Omaha railway a South Sioux City, and building track Track laying commenced at the south of the Omaha railway tracks In South Sioux City and about two miles of track has thus far been lain. The eighteen months franchise given by the board of county commissioners of this county to the rail way company will expire on Friday of next week. September JO, at which time the franchise calls far the completion and operation or the road from SIomx City la., to Homer. Neb. It will be an Im possibility for the company to reach Homer in the time prescribed, but It is positively announced that the road will he In oper ation to this place by the 30th Instant. A gasoline engine Is expected from St Louis next week, whicji It Is expected to ubs until electric power? can ba Installed. War on Bontiegarer. DAKOTA CITT, Neb., Sept. 25.-(Special.) Deputy I'nlted States Marshal John F, Sides yesterday took to ,Pender for exam (nation on the charge of bootlegging, be fore United States Commissioner Sloan, Abner Glllstrap, Charley Maney and Frank Orr, all residents of Homer. Bootleggers are commencing to find It a pretty hard row to hoe since the Iawahldtng element of the IJomer and the United States au thorltles have started a crusade upon them, as this makes four arrests the past week, brought about by Deputy Marshal Sides. The saloonkepers of Homer, who have heretofore employed canvassers for busl ness among the Indians, are commencing to realize where they are In the matter and to protect themselves are shutting off the Indian frame. Howard County Kepuhllcnna. ST. PAUL, Neb.. Sept. 26. (Special. The adjourned session of the republican county convention was held at the court house yesterday afternoon for the purpose of nominating the county ticket. The fol lowing candidates were nominated: Rep resentatlve. Dr. F. 8. Nicholson; county attorney, T. T. Bell; county commissioner Third district, P. H. Behnke. This Is a strong ticket, composed of good men. The senatorial convention will be held at Grand Island on October 4. aa Hahtat la t aaltH. I KXlNilTuM, K . BVpt i.-leo,n h' r.llila "Jelt l t,U l.."l'S M tohell, t-ia n. gr wur urret,J ut night for altemouila. to r lli l ia fanul i.f JaJg 1 tinea U M i.naan. ta aril reiKeuL awn wa AJa yroduce KeaulLa, DtWSO FP.OPLE ASK IP IX ARMS OVJeet ta K a Viae at Woman Who Beat a Hvy. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Sept. S5.-(8pclal.) The pec pie In and around Dawson are up in arms or the action of the county at torney last week In dismissing the case of tha stale of Nebraska a fa In.-1 Ida Pool, which waa 10 have come up for bearing in the d.jtrtct court This l tha cae which was tin heard of about August 1 when Mra ool. the wife of a wall-known farmer. Wds arrested and charged with as saulting with intent to kill her a-year-old half brother, William Warner, who was making his home with her. The wom-tn aa rlcl from the wvuiiiy JJJ, wtere Nebraska ews otea. ST ROMS BURG, Sept. 25-No frost has occurred In this county and the corn la wen iiiiiiuiwi wun a spienuid crop. BTnUAlBBL KG, Sept. 25. George W Berge, fusion canrildute for governor, Is uine 10 xpesK nere next Tldav ami a at Osceola the same day. The fusionlsts are masuig a great errort to aret out a uia crown 10 near ineir leaoer. nitv,niioM,r . m 1 i , v ..1 o 1 . 1 1 . Deni. a.- n. in unl em ployed for the business men's lecture course of this city has been announced and li as ioiiowb: iroi. rratiK A. HoUerson, lec turer and traveler; DeWitt Miller, lecturer; Elias Day, character artist and lecturer- 1 n. iiiuuuiiv riun ur rfw vrtpv I'.ri. and Byron's colored troubadors. ItttJlMSl;H. Kent. 25. Mrs. Harn.. 01 ur. c. u. ernes. was consloeruhlv u , , 1 1 1 ix 1,0 u l nin hum 11 1 1 1 lap. nura t u terday by the exnloslon nf a amnlina Her body was enveloped In flames and her clothing net afire, but she succeeded In ex- uiiguisning me maze. 1 ne kitchen was set on tire but the neighbors put it out with a few buckets of water. FREMONT. Sept. 2S.-Yesterda v afi.e. noon some men working: in the NnhA.. ern yards found three old-time muskets covered by six inches of earth. They were loaded and covered with rust and Iwd evi dently been laying there for years. As the place where they were found h near the site of the old military road It Is thought possible they may have been laying there since before the t'nioii Pacific railroad was AH Ready for Corn I'alure. MITCHELL. S. D.. Sept. 25.-(SpecIal.)-Mitchell la all r.ady for the corn palace, which opena Monday evening with Sousu'g band aa the main attraction. The band playa an engagement at the Chicago Audi torium Sunday night and leaves by special train over the Milwaukee roud at 12 o'clock for Mitchell. The parties who make up the street attractions arrived in the city today and the first performance will be given Monday afternoon. In the past few dayg over 1.000 strangers have come to the city and the streets are filling up wita all kinds of attractions. Four special police men from outside of town have been em played to tuke care of the grafters and big mitt men who may come here to ply on the unwary. What Is the Scheiarf - LARAMIE, Wyo.. Sept. 25. (8neclal some time Prof. Trumbell. head of For the department of mining of the University of Wyoming, has been hearing of one Frank Neville, who has recently visited a number of the mining camps In the southern part of Wyoming and northern part of Colo rado, claiming' thai he la a representative of the university. Just what his object Is has not appeared, but It It presumed that Neville is working the threadbare scheme of getting lugeston to Uk shares with bitt Fraternal fnlon of America. The annlversay of Mondamln lodge No. Ill, which has been announced for Monday evening, hns been postponed. Announce ment ns to date will be made later. The meeting of Inst Monday night was largely attended, a number of visitors being pres ent from other lodges Including a number from Council Bluffs. Five new applications were presented and one candidate was given the degree of fraternity. Tribe of Ben Hnr. Omaha Court No. 110 has since Its organi zation In May last secured about 100 mem bers. An effort Is being made to double that number If possible before the end of the year. With that object In view an en tertainment Is being arranged for members only to be given at the lodge hnll In the Patterson block, Seventeenth and Douglas streets. Knlghla and Indlea of Security. T'nlty council No. 1180 met last Thursday evening and elected officers for the ensuing term. There was large attendance and the reports of the retiring officers Indicate the council to be In the most prosperous condition. Independent Order of Old Fellowa, Ivy Rebekah lodge No. 33 has about com pleted arrangements for the fifty-third an niversary meeting of the lodge which Is to be held Wednesday evening. The program as outlined Includes literary and musical features, short addresses and refreshments. JrAl'ti.- ' .. l' llllll K VN.""ica.T idy P stALV,,.'VnT.ll Lsn-W-v-Wt- Workers Men and vromen who have to meet ex cessive demands upon their strength, brain and nerves find in .NHEUSER-BUscu Taaec ma as. refreshment and vitality. It induces greater strength, clearer thinking and better capacity for work. . The pure nutriment of best malt and hops not intoxicating. Sold br Drusglst. Preeared by 1rt23 Anheuser-Busch Brewing: Ass'n. iVH St. Louis, U.S.A. V r.H.- K 1 0 . nf vdiir Wafld'a Palp v1all In a trlata the Anheuaer-Busch Brewery. It will repsy you. jg-e'""" y' 1 a 1 igri jsswai ii-mnu aa Ho me wisifors xcursions -VIA Illinois Central R. R. ROUND TRIP RATES FROM OMAHh Improved Order nf Red Men. Few of the fraternal orders In the city are doing more active work this fall season than the Red Men. The membership Is steadily increasing and the Interest In the meetings Is growing. This fact not only applies to the various tribes but to the auxiliary councils. Rankers t'nlon of the World. A well attended meeting of this order was held In Royal Arcanum hall during the week After a short business session the evening was given over to social diversions, In which dancing and cards were prominent features. Addresses were delivered during the meeting by Supreme President Dr. E. C. Spinney and Supreme Physician Dr. A. Fensch. Fraternal Union of America. Banner lodge No. il held a short session Thursday evening. Two candidates were given the degree work. After the lodge closed the remainder of the evening was spent In dancing and cards. Thursday evening this lodge will give Its first dance of the season. Arrangements are also be ing made for the lodge to view In a body the Ak-Sar-Ben parade of October 6, from the lodge room windows. G. A. R. Custer post, Women's Relief corps, No. 82, will give a social next Tuesday night at Red Men's hall, at which time the quilt will be disposed of. Hammond, Ind.. Ft. Wayne, Ind.. South fleml, Ind. Lofiansport, Ind. . Kokonie, Ind I15.8S 819.20 $17.30 818.25 818.65 La Fnyette, Ind $17.85 Terre Haute, Ind 818.35 Sandusky, Ohio 823.00 Toledo. Ohio $21.25 Columbus, Ohio... $23.10 vDayton, Ohio. $22.00 Cincinnati, Ohio....... $22.50 Lima, Oo'o $21.00 Springfield, Ohio.. ...a. $22.50 Marlon. Ohio -$22-50 Findlay, Ohio... ....... $21.55 Gallon, Ohio $22.75 Louisville, Ky $21.50 Owensboro, Ky 824.83 On sale September 6, 13, 20, 27, October 11. Return limit 30 days. Correspondingly low rates to many other points in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin. Minnesota, Ontario, New York, Ken tucky, Tennessee. North Carolina nd Virginia. Full particulars cheerfully given at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnara Street, Omaha, or write, W. H. BRILL. Dist. Pass. Agt., Omaha. Neb. Vihcinnes, Ind. . . Kvansvllle, Ind. . Indianapolis, Ind. Richmond, Ind.., New Albany, Ind. Muncie, Ind i: lk hart, Ind $18.35 818.50 819.40 821.00 821.25 819.90 817.75 FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Pair Today and Tomorrow In He- brnakn and Kansas Showers In Northern Tow Tomorrow. WASHINGTON, Sept. 25,-Forecast of the weather for Monday and Tuesday: For Nebraska and Kansas: Fair Mon day and Tuesday. For Iowa: Fair In west, showers In east portion Monday, followed by fair; Tues day partly cloudy, showers In north por tion. For Missouri: Fair Monday, warmer in east portion: Tuesday fair. For South Dakota: Fair Monday, warmer In east portion; Tuesday partly cloudy and cooler, probably showers. For Colorado: Fair and cooler Monday: Tuesday fair. For Wyoming: Fair Monday and Tues day. For Montana: Partly cloudy Monday, showers In west portion, cooler In south west portion; Tuesday partly cloudy, cooler In east portion. Loral Record. OFFICE OF THE W RATHER Ttl'PTTATT OMAHA. Sept. 26 Official record of tem perature and precipitation comptired with corresponuing uay or tne last three isnt. 1!K1R. 1V 1 temperature... HO ' 87 64 74 69 M M R7 7'1 72 fil fi8 i .W .00 .52 he vears: Maximum Minimum temperature. Man temperature .... reel pi tat Ion Record of temperature and Drecii.iratl.m at Omaha for this day and since March 1 ';4: Normal temperature , ft) Excess for the day in Total denclency since March 1 . ..214 No' inal precipiis 1 tun ei i,ci Deficiency for the day (i inch Total rainfall since March 1 l.'lnche Deficiency slnre March 1 J. 21 indies KxceMs fur cor. period. 1908 4.5ti Im hea Deficiency for cor. irlod. imi2... 2.4olnche Heport from Stations nt T 1. M. EVERY DAY Until September 30, 1004. filiOEN OR SALT LAKE CITY I and return ' 1 DAILY TOURIST CARS DOUBLE BERTHS S3. 50 V For copy "The RockicH, Oreat Salt T-ake nd ' ' V Yellowstone," apply to ' f I Ty City Ticket OBlce 1.121 Farnam Street. ' jf J Telephone 31U. rfli' ' $8.50 ONLY $8,150 CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. "3.2 -t t 3? 3 Omaha, clear Valentine, part cloudy .... North 1'latle. pnrt cloudy n-yenne, ciouuy ialt part cloudy ... Kaplil City, deer Huron, part cloudy Willleton, clear hicago, cloudy 8t. IjjuIs. clear 8t. I'aul, cloudy 'aveiiiMirt. Dirt cloudy ... Kun.u City, clear lavre. clear Helena, cloudy Hlxman k. ch ar Uulvcslon, clear "li M! T 74! 7a I .lJ 7: 8S1 .0) 2' 7i .110 Vh 6ti, .irj 7o Mli .0J 6 7M .00 :- 62i T ;i yi .of '. it T 72! 741 .(al M 8?j ,uk 70 1 7 .laj CJ 7l Mi "11I ht .01 S2 M . COACH EXCURSIONS TO ST. LOUIS. MO, Sunday to Thursday inclusu of each week. Sixty Day Tickets - $15.35 f Fifteen Day Ticlcets - $13.80 Coach excursion tickets will be on sale every Sunday, Mon day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week limit of seven days from date of sale. Everyone should visit this the greatest Exposition the world has ever known. This is a delightful season for. viewing the wonderful sights. . f Ample Hotel and Lodging Uouse accomodations for al KEASONAI.LE HATES. . See local agent for full particulars. TOM HUGHES. Trav. Pass. A?t. T. F. GOODFKEY, Pass, and Ticket Ag S. E. Corner 14t!. and DoL'jflas Sis.. Omaha, Nebr. H. C. TOWNSEND, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Aj?t. St. Louis, Mo Indleates trsca of precipitation, la. A. WfcLSH. Local forecaster. READ THE BEE FOR ALL THE NEWS t