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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1904)
The Omaha ' Sunday Bee. Buster Brown Himself Next Sunday's Bee. New Color Magazine Next Sunday's Bee. 4 ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMALIA, SUNDAY MORNINO, SEPTEMBER 23, 1904 FORTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. NOVEL IRISH PARTY Lord Dnnraren Heads Body Looking to More Liberal Form of Government. UNIONISTS READY FOR COMPROMISE "Would Have Laws Affecting Ireland Parsed by the Irish Alone. IMPERIAL GOVERNMENT TO SUPERVISE Flan Contemplates Perpetuation of Union on All National Question!. LONDON TIMES DOES NOT LIKE IDEA Estimate that M-lirme of w Party Will Result in Disunion and that lroniotere Art Mistaken. DUEfLIN, Sept. 24. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Lord Dimraven and hla friends made public recently the program of the New Irln.i Reform association which they created out of the old land conference com mittee. Till program as formulated by a sut-eommlttee appointed on the previous day, wan adopted unanimously. Afterward a provisional organizing committee, con sisting of Lord .Dunraven. Sir Algernon Coote, Colonel Butchoson Poe, Mr. Llnd Bey Talbot Croablo and Colonel Everard, was appointed and the consideration of tho constitution of the association, the ap pointment of officer of an executive com mittee and other details were postponed till a future meeting. There were present at last week's meeting Lord Dunraven, Lord Louth and nineteen other gentlemen. The following is the report which was formulated by the sub-committee and adopted by the new association: Believing as we do that the prosperity of the people of Ireland, the development of the resources of the country and the satis factory settlement of the land and other questions depend upon tho pursuance of a policy of conciliation and good will and of reform, we desire to do everything In our power to promote a union of all moderate and progressive opinion. Irrespective of creed or class animosities, from whatever source arising, and to co-operate In cre ating and promoting Industrial enterprise and to advocate all practical measures of reform. I'nion la Essential. While firmly maintaining that the parlia mentary union between Britain and Ireland Is essertlal to the political stability of the re and to the prosperity of the two Islands, we believe that such union Is compatible with the devo'utlon to Ireland of a larger measure of local government than it now possesses. We consider that this devolution, while avoiding matters of Imperial concern and subjects of a common Interest to the kingdom as a whole, would be beneficial to Ireland and would relieve the imperial Parliament of a mass of busi ness with which It cannot now deal satis factorily and which occupies its time to the detriment of much more Important con cerns. 1 In particular we consider the present system of hnnnciai administrations to be ..asleful and lnuppredatlve of the needs of tiie country. We think it possible to de vise a system of Irish finance whereby ex penditure could be conducted in a more efficient and economic manner, and whereby the resources of revenue might be expended. V, e believe that a remedy for the present uusatisfatcory system can be found In such a decentralization or localization of Irish finance as will secure to its adminis tration the application of local knowledge, Interest and ability without In any way sacrificing the ultimate control over the estimates preecnted, or In respect of the audit of money expended, at present pos sessed by the Imperial Parliament. All moneys derived from administrative reform, together with whatever proportion of the general revei.ue Is allotted to Irish purposes, should bo administered subject to the above conditions. Should Follow Scotch Plan. We think the time has come to Ireland to extend the system of private bill legisla tion which has been worked so success fully in Scotland, with such modifications as (Scottish experience may suggest, and as may be necessary to meet the requirements of this country. We are of the opinion that a settlement of the question of higher edu cation Is urgently needed, and that the whole system of education In this country needs remodeling and co-ordinating. We desire to do all in our power to forward the policy of land purchase In the spirit of and on the general lines laid down In the land conference report. We consider that suitable provision for the housing of the laboring Is of the utmost Impor tance and we shall be prepared to co operate in any practicable proposals having the betterment of this In view. Among many other problems existing, or which may arise In the future, the above mentioned appear to us to comprise those most deserving of Immediate attention and whlc. afford the most reasonable project of attaining practical results. To wards their solution we earnestly Invite the co-operation of all Irishmen who have the highest Interests of, their country at heart. London Times not Content. LONDON. Sept. 24. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The Times says: "It must be acknowledged by every candid politician that these proposals of the Irish Reform association. If they were put forward by persons of any representative authority, would revive the home rule question In a very dangerous form, not least because, while details are suppressed. It la possible to shuffle with the real Issues. But 'devo lution' for legislative purposes Is plainly a departure from the principles accepted by honest unionists, whether In Ireland or here, and we affirm without the smallest hesitation or reservo that Lord Dunraven and Ma friends have no claim to speak In the name of mors than an lnflnltealmally small section of unionist opinion on this vital point. The suggestions that have been made will do mischief that cannot be measured, if they are not promptly repudi ated by unionists in general, both in Ire land and this side of Ft. George's channel. Discontent and suspicion have already made too much progress In Ulster, and not a few unionists, remembering that the land conference committee played an Important part In clearing the way for Mr. Wynd ham's measure dealing wtth land purchase and bearing In mind also the avowed In clinations of some of that body towards tho Roman Catholic university scheme favored by the prime minister and the chief secretary. may ask themselves whether the declaration to which we have drawn attention can possibly have any official sympathy. Say Plan la Base. "For our own part we are unable to be lieve that this can lie the case, for the folly of such a course, after the unionist pledges of so many years of conflict, would almost exceed Its baseness. At the same time searching! of heart among convinced and earnest adherents of the union are at least excusable In the presence of such strange Incidents as the action of the Congested Districts Board In breaking the tenancy on luase of Mr. 11. II. Lewis and buying the holding over bis head for thirty-six snd two-thirds years' purchase, a prlco greater by one-third than that which the occupier offered, and almost exactly the same a was denounced as excessive when Mr. Red mond obtained a from his Wexford tenants. We have no reason to suppose that the facts are not stated with perfect accuracy by Mr. Lewis. H nten into the region of conjecture when he suggests that be was (Continued en Second Fego.Jt DESIRES OF BRITISH WORKMEN President of Trades Congress Speaks ol Demands at Annual Meeting. LONDON. Sept. 24 (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) In his presidential address to the Trades Union congress this week Mr. Bell. M. P., was obviously feeling his way with the delegates. While carefully avoid ing all topics upon which there Is intrr ral dissension he spoke In no measured terms upon matters of general Interest. He condemned the government for Its action In Thibet, for Its Inaction In Mace donia and spoke very strongly on the Chi nese labor question. He said It must have had the employment of Chinese In view when It went to war In 1K9, and It would bring the same state of things Into the In dustrial affairs of this country If It dared. Every person who took an Interest In the welfare of the people and the nation knew the great evils caused through the drink traffic, but the brewers had held a "big revolver" to the prime minister's heal, with the result that while the Iofs of a life upon whom a family was dependent was not of sufficient Importance to recelvs the prime minister's consideration, the loss to a brewer by the refusal of a license was In tolerable and needed Immediate remedy. The housing, of tho people was of Insuffi cient Importance to receive attention, de spite the recommendations of the commit tee on physical deterioration, which be lieved that the time had come for dealing drastically with the problem. The sub ject, however, was of such vital Importance that It was tiseless to go to conxing the government to deal with It, and the work ers themselves must adopt more practical measures to secure their ends. He strongly advocated the provision of free meals for hungry school children. It was unreasonable to expect that children could grow up physically and mentally sound If they were starved In their child hood. Discussing tho recent legnl decisions con cerning the status of trade unions, he said that trade unions now exist very much on stiffrance and employers If they chose could crush them, snd If the present government got back to power It would give Its sym pathy to such efforts. The "Birmingham fiscal reform scheme" was the great difficulty kept to the front by the "splendid efforts of the wily states man, Joseph Chamberlain," but he could not convince any workingman that by tax ing their food they would be able to get more of It. ODESSA'S BUSINESS TROUBLES War with Japan Bears Heavily I'pou Southern Itnsalan Commer cial Center. ODESSA, Sept. 24. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The military exigencies this year, which exceed the most pessimistic anticipations, have put many commercial houses In a very difficult position. Credits were withdrawn or curtailed, but In the early stages of the war many cases of embarrassment were met by tfie majority of creditors of such firms agreeing to pro long the acceptances falling due for six months. Now the time Is expiring and finds circumstances of these firms worse rather than better, whll bankers and others who are not dlspo icd to In many cased cannot prolong tho acceptances a second time, A fresh crisis Is, therefore, to be apprehended. Indeed, the difficulties have so much Increased during the last six months that most small firms must In most cases succumb. This throws many men out of employment. It has now be come more difficult to discount bills of ex change. The crop failure In southern Bessarabia and the consequent small re ceipts of grain thence greatly adding to the difficulties. The building trade Is likewlso paralyzed. Altogether It Is very many years since Odessa had to contend with such great difficulties. A week ago private discount was difficult to arrange at 11 per cent, but this week some merchants are able to place their bills at 9 per cent to 10 per cent, but the signatures must be especially good, and everybody, financier and banker, is act ing with the greatest circumspection. There Is one feature, however, brought about by the war, which has rather profited Odessa. When hostilities com menced, the tea consignments via Tschlla blnk were, of course, suspended and most people thought something like a tea fam ine would be wltnessd, with a great rise In prices. But an expedient was promptly found; consignments by steamer were promptly arranged for, and so that diffi culty was surmounted. ' The tea Is being shipped by German steamers chiefly, which transship the goods at Port Bald Into Rus sian bottoms. In this way Odessa has become an Important transit station for the large Russian sea trade. The Import on tea coming via European customs sta tions has been reduced one-half. In this way the Russian tea merchant has suf fered very little from the war. MONEY FROM THE POOR RATES Nearly Twenty-Fire Million Pounds Sterling Spent on British Panpers. LONDON. Sept. 24. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The annual local taxation re turns show that the sum raised by poor rates throughout England and Wales dur ing the year 1902-3 was f 24,958,6.12. London, with Its estimated population of 4,500,000, contributed to that total 4,405,285, which was equal to payment of 19s 3d by each person living within the metropolitan borders. AH this money almost 25,000,000 Is not expended upon the maintenance of pauper ism. Many other duties of a beneficial nature are discharged out of it by the local au thorities who relieve the poor. But over one-half of the total sum, or In actual fig ures, 12. 848.. HI 3, was expended In relieving the pauperism of the country. Spread over the whole population this expenditure is equal to a contribution of 7s 9V4d. That Is what the pauperism of England and Wales costs now. CHAMBERLAIN TAKES VACATION British Statesman Will Go to Italy and Return for Hard Cam paign Work. LONDON, Sept. 24.-(SpecIal Cablegram to The Bee.) Mr. Chamberlain will leave England for a six weeks' holiday in Italy ab ut October 10, and immediately on his return a great demonstration will be held in North Worcestershire. Ths muss meeting In East London will take place during the first week In De. cember, nnd Priston will be visited on January 1!. Further meetings are under consideration. For the meetings at Luton on October 5, a building to hold S.SoO people Is being erected. The prices of tickets are (a. 10s td, as and S guineas. Ths Duke of Bed ford wUi preside COMBES FORCES PLAN French Premier Will Try to Brng Separa tion of Chnrch and. HAS UNITED CONT" ATERESTS V ?V Bills in Which (V' ,s..tere8ted tiBe ration. MAY NOW A CLEAR MAJORITY Decides to Pass Two Measures Ahead of Belifrions Program. ANTI-CLERICALS MUST MOVE SLOWER Government Hopes it Has Method of Doing; Justice to Catholic Chnrch and llarlna; Its Own Will. PARIS, Sept. 24. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The clericals are angry be cause M. Combes has committed himself and the government to carrying out that separation which they had taunted him with fearing. They had counted upon his reluctance to come to an Irreparable breach with the church by tackling the serious problem of separation. He has now to submit the government solution to the legislature during tho coming session of the chambers and, what Is worse, from the opposition's standpoint, the govern ment proposals form part of a manage able working program that Is expected to consolidate the majority. Thus the sole hope of the declining clerical minority, the chance of a split In the bloc, has been once more deferred. On the other hand, the leading organs of the government majority rejoice at the clearly defined situation that has now been created. They confidently anticipate a period of fruitful labor as a conse quence of the restored harmony that will probably result from the-manner In which M. Combes has taken into account the views of the different sections of the ma jority. Other Bills Have Precedence. Among these are the foreshadowed con cessions to the moderate element and to the religious sentiments of the French people. The precedence given In the gov ernment program to the Incomo tax bin and tho working class pension scheme Is apparently accepted as rlgnt and fitting. Although it postpones for a time the difficult and delicate settlement of the problem of separation, that delay Is no where regretted now that all doubts as to the attitude of the government has been dispelled by M. Combes himself. Indeed, even before the premier's speech, with its significant promise to treat the clergy with all possible generosity from a monetary standpoint, and his declaration that the aim of the government was social concord. It was evident that the majority was becoming more conscious of the nec essity of solving this great question In a liberal sense It is evident that this Is being realized more and more by antl- clericals. It is hoped by many that the ultramontane will have taken to heart the recommendations of the liberal and enlightened bishop of Torentaise, whose vigorous appeal for moderation and com promise was published last Saturday. This will be all the easier for them, as sev eral members of the government as well as the majority sincerely desire In carrying this momentous but now perhaps inevit able change to causa as little disturbance to the country and as little damage to the re'lglous Interests of the Catholic community as possible. It remains to be seen whether the French eplsoopata and clergy can emancipate themselves from those reactionary Influences which have at times converted many of them against their better Judgment into political cats paws in the hands of leaders of a lost cause. The chances are that If the French prelates and clergy let. politics alone re publican politicians of all shades wl'l not molest them. They will enjoy to the full the benevolent neutrality now extended to the Protestant pastors and Jewish rabbis. CAMELS FOR SOUTH AFRICA I'ae of Desert Beasts of Burden Ad vocated by Loudon Xews- i paper. LONDON, Bept. 24. (Special Cablegram to Tho Bee.) A writer in the British and South African Export Gazette says: It has always been a standing wonder to me why, in a country like South Africa, which, perhaps more than any other, suffers from diseases that attack both horses and oxen, more use has not been made of camels for transport and other purposes. They have already been employed to signal advantage In Rhodesia, and the four which were some time ago placed at the disposal of the TraiiBvaal government for experimental purposes as to their capability to withstand local conditions and diseases, have come out with flying colors, and this notwith standing ail the virus which has been in jected into them. Two of the camels are now plowing near Pretoria, and I understand that the Im porters have been so encouraged by the experiment that ,they have now on the water a further consignment of 110 ani mals, which will be landed In a few weeks at Delagoa bay. These will be made to march from the sea to Johannesburg under government auspices, in order to afford a test of the burdens they can carry and the time taken for the Journey. SARGENT WANTS NEW LAW Would Have All Vndeslrable Imml. (rants Stopped in Their Native Lands. WASHINGTON. Sept 24.-(New York Herald Service Special to The Bee.) Be cause of recent private investigations mado In Europe. F. P. Sargent, commissioner of immigration, will ask congress to allow him several special agents abroad to force steamship companies to refuse passage to Improper Immigrants. Mr. Sargent thinks that in many cases consuls might act. His desire Is to correct ths abuses practiced by the steamship com panies and others in sending to this coun try many persons whs are known to be dis eased or have not proper certificates, and who are held at the United Slates port of entry or deported after an examination. "What Is ths use of our having to hold Chlnumen for months In a I'nited States port, when, If their certificates hud been properly made out, they could bo entered at once?" said Mr. Sargent. "And what Is the use of our being called upon to hold them for months and then send them back, when, if their certificates had been prop erly made out, they need never have been sent hers to give mors unnecessary work to everybody!" OUR AK-3AR-BEN NUMBER The Bee's ntinuul Ak-Sar-Bn number will be issued next Sun dny, October 2. As usual, it will excel In niiike up mid contents. It Mill nt the same time Inaugur ate the new color macnzlne, for which arrangements have been made wltli the Chicago Tribune. Buster Brown and all the favorites will appear together with special Illustrated feature that will do full Justice to the mighty Ak-Sar-Ben and his hosts. The size of the edition Is limited, so subscribers wishing extra copies will have to place their orders at oncp. I.Ike wise with advertisers who wish the benefits of this specially at tractive number and extra circula tion, they should speak for space without debt; . AFRICAN AFFAIRS DEPLORABLE Germana lllacnss Treatment of Na tives by Petty Officials of the Crown. BERLIN, Sept. 24. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Since the publication of the scandal connected with the German mer chant Groeneveld's Indictment of the Bouthwes: African official named Kossak, ithere have been some feeble attempts made In government circles to extenuate Kossak's guilt and gloss over the extraor dinary conduct of his superiors. In the Colonlale Zeitschrlft, published yesterday, Herr Herfurth, who first brought this entire scandal to public notice, continues his terrible Indictment of affairs in South west Africa. Speaking of the prisons there, especially of that under Baron von Stempel's rule fltempel was Kossak's su perior officer Herr Herfurth says his prison was a death trap. Sixty per cent of the prisoners who enter do not leave It alive, but nothing remarkable is seen In this state of affairs. An officer who had direct control of the prison Is now pro moted to be the governor's aide-de-camp. According to Herr Herfurth, farmers treat their oxen better than the prisoners are treated here. Certainly not nearly so large a percentage of oxen die, even on the abominable roads of Southwest Africa. Speaking of another Jail at Keetman skoop, under the charge of District Gov ernor Merensky, Herr Herfurth reports that in this place there is a (Cell ten feet high, thirteen feet long and twelve feet wide, where a friend of his saw twenty to thirty native prisoners confined. There was no difficulty In the way of men and women in this prison engaging in the vil est orgies. Most of the prisoners resembled skeletons rather than living human beings. Children of 4 and 6 years were sent to Jail In Keetmanskoop and beaten and mal treated by the native police. One little girl of 6, who hud stolen some milk from a goat, was punished with a lengthy term of Imprisonment. In Southwest Africa It Is the custom to employ prisoners In la bor outside the Jail. When these fall down and die nt their work, as not in frequently occurs, Instances are known where the body has not even been burled, but Allowed to '.le till mummified by the sun snd wind, . Thesj i velatlons have produced a most painful feeling here, and there fs 111 lis doubt that when the Reichstag meets the colonial authorities will experience some very bad quarter-hours. GOVERNMENT jVIAY LOSE POWER Marqnls of Londonderry Sees Trouble Ahead for I'ninnlst Majority in Parliament. LONDON. Sept. 24.-(SpeclaI Cablegram to The Bee.) The marquis of Londonderry, in addressing a Primrose league fete re cently In the grounds of Wynyard park, Stockton-on-Tees, referred in words of re gret to the division of opinion In the ranks of the Unionist party on the fiscal ques tion, which, he was convinced, was re sponsible for the radical gains In the by lectlons within the last fifteen months. The position of his majesty's government was stronger at the conclusion of the ses sion than it was at the commencement, but he did not hesitate to say that if the dissensions In the ranks of the Unionist party were allowed to continue they must look forward to the next general election with feelings of the greatest possible ap prehension. He did not see why there should be such divisions and bitterness of feeling. The fiscal question was one merely of opinion. They had no careful Inquiry or investigation, and while It was absurd to suppose the policy under which they had lived happily and prosperously for over slxt- years should be reversed In a moment, it was equally absurd to say that there should be no Inquiry and that no change was possible, for they must recognize that In sixty years there must be changes which, If inquired Into, might give rise to every reasonable and proper reform. In the midst of these dissensions the great points of their constitution the connection be tween church and state and the mainten ance of the union between England and Ireland were being lost sight of, though to his mind they were of far greater impor tance that the question of our fiscal policy. Unionist candidates should be asked to sup port those principles, and especially the union between England and Ireland, and to adhere to the policy laid down by the prime minister at Sheffield In October last. This was the policy which they as unionists should Insist upon, and that was the policy for them to support. CHINA SEEKS. INFORMATION Representative of Queen Dowager Would Learn of Good Laws of World. SOUTHAMPTON. Sept. 24.-The Ameri can line steamer Philadelphia, which sails for New York today, will take, among Its passengers, Tsang Use Nun and a numer ous Chinese suite. Nun is charged by the empress dowager to make an important inquiry into the sys tem of the governments of the world in or der that any points suitable to the-people of China may be Introduced In the empire. He bus mutie an investigation In most of the countries in Europe, with the sympa thetic assistance of the authorities, and through Ambassador Choate arrangements have been made with tho United States government to facilitate the work of Nun's mission. British Merchant Pays Ransom. TANGIER, Morocco, Sept. 21. Mr. Lee. the British merchant of Rabat, who was captured by tribesmen while fishing In the Rabat river and who subsequently returned safely to Rabat, only secured his freedom after puying a ransom of 1145. Successful Operation on Lady Curson. LONDON. Sept. 24-7:10 a. m.-A success, ful operation was performed upon Lady Curzon this afternoon and it is announced that her ladyship's condition is grave, but lthat ths outlook la mere hopeful. FIFTY-FOUR ARE DEAD Passenger Trains on Southern Bailway Col lide Head on Near Hodges, Tenn. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY INJURED Hiny of Them Are Seriously Hurt and a Number of Them Will Die. 'BODIES OF VICTIMS HORRIBLY MANGLED Two Engines, Three Passenger Coaches and Two Baggage Cars Demolished. ' ENGINEER DISREGARDS HIS ORDERS Exact Canse of the Blander Will Never Be Known, as Man Who Was Responsible for it Is Dead. KNOXVILLE. Tenn.. Sept. 24 Running on a roudbed in a supposedly high condi tion of maintenance and having about them every safeguard known to a modern railroad, two trains on the Southern rai'. way, carrying heavy lists of passengers, came together in a frightful headon col lision near Hodges, Term., today, sending fifty-four persons to death and Injuring 120, several of whom will probably die. This appalling loss of life and maiming of the living resulted apparently from the disregarding of orders given to the two trains to meet at a station which has for a long time been their meeting point. This action on the part of the engineer of the westbound train Is made more In explicable by the fact that the accident happened in broad daylight and, according to the best information obtainable, he had the order In a little frame in front of him as his monster of Iron and steel rushed by the station and a mile and a half further on came full upon the east bound passenger train. The possibility ex ists that the ill-fated engineer may have been asleep. Both Engineer! Are Dead. The trains were on time and not making over thirty-five miles an hour, yet the im pact as they rounded a curve and came suddenly upon each other was frightful. Both engines and the major portions of both trains were demolished and why the orders were disregarded or misinterpreted will probably never be known, as the en gineers of the two trains were crushed, their bodies remaining for hours under the wreckage ef their locomotives. Some of the bodies have, not yet betn re covered and many remain unidentified. The known dead: RALPH MOUNTCA6TLE, of Knoxville. W. A. GALBRA1TH, of Knoxville. MONROE ASHMOKE, aged 19, of Knox ville. JOHN BLACK, White Pine, Tenn. JAMES KING, Knoxville. TWO CHILDERN OF JAMES KING, Knoxville. WILLIAM KANE, Knoxville, engineer of westbound train. RICHARD HARROTT, Knoxville, engi neer of oast bound train. JAMES WILLS, colored, New Market, Tenn. ROSOOE KING, New Mr!?et, Tenn. E. G. ERNEST, Johnson City, Tenn. G. W. BROWN, Dandrldge, Tenn. R. B. GOODWIN, Jefferson City, Tenn. J. D. BIRD, Jefferson City, Tenn. WILLIAM JONKS, son of James Jones, South Knoxville, Tenn. MRS. R. B. WEST. Grainger county, Tenn. , . J. B. GABS. Dandrldge, Tenn. MRS. J. B- GASS, Dandrldge, Tenn. MISS GASS. EIGHT ITALIAN IMMIGRANTS, names unknown. JOHN T. CONNER, Knoxville. MRS. JOHN P. CONNER AND DAUGH TER, Knoxville. CLAYTON M. HEISKEL, Cincinnati. MRS. MARY B. PHELPS, residence un known. J H. STEVENS, Dandrldge, Tenn. UNKNOWN MAN, envelope in pocket bearing namo "J. W. Daly, Greensburg, '"MISS NANNIE MURRAY, Newport, TIilRS. W. O. HADDIN, Knoxville. WILLIAM M. BREWER, Knoxville. MAR V ETHEL SHIPP. J. M. ADKIN8. Jelllco, Tenn. JOHN MOLINEAUX, Glen Mary, Tenn. REV. ISAAC EMORY, Knoxville. J. KING, Newport, Tenn. DR. D. A. FOX, Nashville. The Injured: J C. Welch, Swanonoa, N. C painfully. Put Henry, Ashevllle, N. C, seriously. G W. Robinson, Columbia, S. C. slightly. W E. Hay, Wilmington, N. C slightly. Miss Mary Bryan, Hendersonville, Ky bruised. , S T. Lawyer, Louisville, Ky., seriously. B C. Prince, division freight agent Cen tral of Georgia, Atlanta, badly bruised. Mrs. George Broughton, Jackson, III. Rev. J. Knox Montgomery, Charlotte, N C James A. McDonald, Finnaboro, S. C, slightly. Mrs. Fred Welt, Flnnsboro, 8. C. slightly. S. B. Peace and J. H. Miller, negro Pull mart porters. T. w. Ellis, Jersey City, N. J. Congressman Henry L. Gibson, Knoxville, bruised about legs and shoulders, back wrenched. ' Mrs. Jerome Gass, Dandrldge, Tenn., fatally Injured. Mrs. isicnois. jjanariage, iaiauy. J. N. Smith, Knoxville, express messen ger. John T. Essary, Morrlstown, Tenn., slightly. t . J. A. Bones, Knoxville, face bruised, not seriously. J. S. Helms, Knoxville. J. T. Free, Newmarket, Tenn, Mrs. J. Jones, Union, S. C. J. E. Arthur, Union, S. C. J. W. White, Strawberry Plains. Tenn. Mrs. J. W. White, Strawberry Plains, Tenn. Oscar Dalton, Knoxville. Miss Lucy Gray, Oreensvllle, Tenn. William M. Livingston, Louisville, Ky. A. A. Park, Columbia, B. C. K. W. Robinson, Columbia, S. C. G. S. Groves, Ashevllle, N. C. N. C. Trent, Chattanooga, Tenn. Mliller flowers and child, Annlston, Ala., probably fatally. Allien Moore. Dandrldge, Tenn. J. M. Anderson. Morrlstown, "bruised. Mrs. James McCampbell, Knoxville, slightly. Mrs. G. G. Nance, Knoxville. Mrs. Norle Eubere, New York, perhaps fatally. Mrs. Lucy Harbin, Morrlstown, Tenn., seriously. Mr. and Mrs. Hey, Burlington. N. C. Mrs. Will Jones, South Knoxville, Tenn., slightly. W. B. Beaton, Jefferson City, Tenn. C. E. Wright. Jefferson City. Tenn. Mrs. L. C. Rlankenshlp, South Knoxville, both limbs broken. Mrs. T. O. McCallle, Knoxville, back in jured. Miss Pearl Jones, South Knoxville, slightly bruised. Victims on Eaatbound Train. The collision was between eastbound pas senger No. 12 and westbound passenger No. 15, from Bristol. No. 12 was a heavy train carrying three Pullmans, two day coaches and a mall and baggage car. No. 15 was a light local train. The greatest loss of life occurred in the eastbound train, while In the westbound train only the engine crew were killed. Relief trains were dispatched from Knoxville within an hour and all physicians In the vicinity of the wreck were doing all they could when the local corps arrived. The first train arrived here from the scens of the wreck at 4 o'clock, bringing about seventy of the Injured. Six of the Injured aboard had died while enrouts to tContlnuea on Saoond Pge THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska Fair Sunday and Warmer in West Portion. Page. 1 Dunraven Oraanlslna; n Pertr. Separation of Church and State. large ninhrr Killed In Wreck. Latest from War In the F.nst. 3 Many Bishop at Convention. Cannon llrnnlnx Great Crowds. 3 Newa from 411 Parts of Nebraska. Politics of the Past Centnry. 4 Wlthnrll Tells on Fannlnsr. Events nt the Piny Houses. Uueer old Man Passes Away. 1 Stephen Vail r-n.M n Illinois Central Railroad Report. 6 Past Week In Omaha Society. T Affairs nt South Omaha. Four Orators Come to Nebraska. Council BlnrTa and Iowa Newa. f Condition of Omaha's Trade. 10 Moult nf Saturday's Hall Games. Cornhnakera Show lp Well. Miscellaneous Sport Irk Kvent. Session of Scientists Profitable. 11 Flnanclnl end Commercial. 1-4. Amusements. IB Sporting; Ilex lew nf the Week. Ifl Note.l Lender Anions; Women. IT Rnslness Talent of the Women. Bnse Ball Men In the Winter Time. 1 S Editorial. lt Ills; Fjilr for Youthful Kyca. Bank Robberies of the Past Year. 2.1 I.nno; Ranae Weather Forecasting Musical Newa nnd Comment. 2,1 to 40 The Illustrated lice. Temperature at Omuhn Yrsterdayt Hour Ilea:. Ilonr, Dear. . . Oil . OS . . TO . . T1 . . 70 . . iVi . . 4IU ft a. m 41 a. in 7 a. m H a. m a. ni in a. nt 11 a, n TO : iT u titl 4)1 ll 1 p. m . , 2 p. m . , S p. m . , 4 p. m . , B p. in , , U p. m . , T p. m . , 12 m oi .9 INSTALL GRANDSIRE WRIGHT Names of Appointive Odd Fellow Sov ereign Grand Lodge OUIccrs Made Public. ALLENTOWN. Pa., Sept. 24.-Grand Slre elect Robert E. Wright of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, who was pre vented by Illness from attending the meet ing In San Francisco, was installed at his home hero today by Past Grand Sire Clem ent T. Campbell of Ontario In the presence of a score of officials of the grand lodge of Pennsylvania, Mr. Wright announced these appoint ments and they were telegraphed to San Francisco In order that the new Incumbents could be Installed before the sovereign grand lodge adjourns today: Grand Mar shal, John B. Cockrum, Indiana; grand guardian, Edmund L. Pillsbury, Massachu setts; grand messenger, C. H. Lyman, Ohio; committee on finance, F. A. Stler of Dis trict of Columbia and William B. Cox of Kentucky. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24 -The sover eign grand lodge of Odd Fellows today completed the work of its annual session by Installing the officers-elect with the ex ception of Grand Sire R. E. Wright, who was installed at his residence in Allentown, Pa. The new grand sire made known by telegraph his selection for the appointive ofllzes and the mm cliosen were formally Installed. The lodge adjourned to meet a year hence In Philadelphia. Announcement of the winners of the cash prize drills of cantons attending the sov ereign grand Independent Order of Odd Fellows' lodge was made tonight. The first prize of $1,000 wns secured by the Washing ton (D. C.) canton. CARRIE NATION'S APPEAL Asks Kansas Women to Meet Her nt Wichita Wednesday and Bring; Hatchets. TOPEKA, Kan., Sept. 24. Carrie Nation has issued a long appeal to the mothers w'ves and daughters of Kansas to Join her In a crusade. In part she says: I have frequent anneals from noor henrt broken mothers all over to come and help them save their sons, but from no place have I had ns many as from Wichita, Kan Last week two agonising appeals came to me mat i cannot turn a dear ear to, nnd I am now resolved to cancel mv dates und by the help of Almighty God go to that awful city of death and murder. I now ask all women over the state and !- where to meet me there on the ZSth of BeptemDer. weanesnay or next week. Bring your hatchets with you. I will pnv the railroad fare of those not able, and see that you have a place provided for your stay while there. Now. this appeal Is made to tne gentle, loving. brave Christian women whose hearts are breaking with sympathy for the oppressed.; those whose denr ones are being destroyed before their eyes. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Batch of New Rural Routes Are of New Rural Ordered for brnska. Routea Ne- (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 24.-(Special Tele gram.) Nebraska rural routes ordered es tablished November 1: Araphoe, Furnas county, one additional, area 44 square miles, population 600. Bartley, Red Willow county, one route, area 2!1H square miles, population 600. Burwell, Garfield county, one route, area 31 square miles, population S75. Germantown, Seward county, one route, area 22 square miles, population 376. Scotia, Greeley county, one route, area 37 square miles, population 600. Wakefield, Dixon county, one additional, area 28 square miles, population 40. Fred M. Hansen, appointed postmaster at Fostoria, Clay county, la., vice F. II. Hansen, resigned. MANY LAMBS START TO OMAHA Twenty-Five Thousand Are Being; Loaded in Oregon for This Market. PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. J4.-More than 25,000 lambs are being loaded at Meacham and Elgin, Ore., on the Oregon Railroad and Navigation company and Denver & Rio Grande cars for shipment to large packing houses at Omaha. This shipment is ex clusive of the regular fall shipments of mutton to the middle west, which com. mence next month and continue until Christmas. WHEAT MAKESRECORD PRICE Cash Stork Touches One Dollar and Twenty Cents at St. Lonls Amid Great Excitement. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 24.-Cash wheat sold In the St. Louis market and December wheat sold In the grain pit at tl.20, the first time wheat has sold that high since IKii. It was a sensational advance, accompanied by great excitement, and the registering of 11.20 for ths wheat on "change" produced wild cheering on the floor. . JAPS MM WITH CARE Taking No Unnecessary Chanres in The it Advance on Russian Position, SUPPLIES BEING HURRIED TO THE FRONT Bussian Officer Praises the Transport System of His Opponents. KOUROPATKIN HARASSES OUTPOSTS MoTements of Main Body Completely Veil by Smaller Detachments. INDICATIONS OF RETREAT FROM MUKDEN Probability Ruaslana Will Make Stand at Tie Pass .Troops at Both Armies Salter from Cold, ,"Sj (Copyright, by New York Herald Co., 1"A BT. PETERSBURG, Bept. 24. (New YorV. Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to The Bee.) Telegrams purporting to coma from Llao Yang must be regarded with tha utmost suspicion, because newspaper cor- ! respondents there are now muzzled mors I effectively than ever before. The only re liable news Is th it which filters out through the general staff. This Is to the effect that the Japanese are advancing very slowly In two lines on cither side of the rnllroad. The western line extends as far as Tl Mln Jang, where an engagement will probably take ;lace. On the other side the Una reaches as far an Ta Ling, whure engage ments have ulready taken place. Cni'tnln Schubert, with five Buiiats dis guised as Chinamen, managed to closely watch the Japanese for several days. He has now come into camp and reports that the transport service of the enemy works with mathematical precision. The principal subject of the enemy at present consists In pushing supplies forward in great quarw titles with only Just enough troops to pro tect the same. In this way large depots are being made at various points. As on previous occasions the movement of the Japanese troops Is so carefully veiled by the elaborate Bystem of outposts that the Russian cavalrymen were unable to locate the mikado's forces. The nar row escape of the Japanese from being beaten at Lino Ynng has made them more cautious than they ever were before. They are paying special attention to road build ing to assure their retreat la case of aeoaa- slty. General Kouropatkin has massed large quantities of ..cavHlry east of Ta Ling, whllo every forward movement of the en emy is made as difficult as possible by a great cavalry force commanded by Gener als Salsoloff and Renenkampf and by Gen eral Mlstchenko with artillery. In this way the enemy during thefr march of 166 versts from Yen Tal to Tie Ling will be con stantly harassed, while General Kouropat kin keeps the main army constantly rein forced. The expected action at Tie Ling may be decisive or not, according to cir cumstances. The Novoo Vremya prints a remarkable article in which It says: "Cold weather is setting In and our troops are In direst need of clothes, overcoats and blankets, also felt boots." It also severely criticises Russia's marine impotence and asks, "Are we never going to right our old failures?" May Stand at Tl Paaa. GENERAL OKU'B HEADQUARTER IN THE FIELD, Via Fusan, Sept. 24. Before tho retreat northward began Rus sian officers told foreigners that the re inforcements brought into Manchuria since June last were only enough to counter balance the casualties up to that date. If this is true, the Russlun forces now In Manchuria are no larger tuan when the battle of Tcllssu (Vufur.gowj was fought on June Jt. There nre persistent rumors among the Chinese that the Russians are evacuating Mukden and nre preparing to make a des perate stand at Tie Puss. Everything now awaits the result of the attack on Port Arthur. First Touch of Winter. GENERAL. KUROKI'S HEADQUAR TERS IN THE FIELD, Via Fusan, Sept. 24. The firBt touch of the Mancliurlan win ter, which follows the summer abruptly, came yesterday with a sudden cold wave, the thermometer registering 44 degrees dur ing the night. Much discomfort was experi enced by the soldiers, who, clad in khaki, were sleeping outdoors. A supply of winter clothing has begun to arrive und all the men will Boon be provided for In this re spect. Japanese Advance Slowly, MUKDEN, Bept. 22. (Delayed in Trans mlsson.) The Japanese continue thtlr ad vance northward with extreme slowness. General Kuroki's headquarters Is close to Penslhu, about forty-five miles east of Llao Yang. A Turkestan regiment is reported to have killed eight Japanese cavalry men In the brush near Yental. Junks are coming up the Lluo river reg ularly with supplies for the Japanese. The return of Lieutenant General Ren nenkampff to the command of the cavalry division has been signalized by renewed activity on the part of the Russians. Hay Port Arthur Gets Supplies. TSINGTAU, Sept. 24-Tho German steamer Erica, to which the British colll-r transferred Its cargo of Cardiff coal, cleared for Victoria, U. C, yesterday. The chief engineer of the Erica refused to sail on the vessel, alleging that Its was going to attempt to run the blockade at Port Arthur. Russians say that several supply ships have arrived at Port Arthur recently with foodstuffs, ammunition and medicines. They further say that their advices from Port Arthur are to the effect that the Japanese attacks are becoming Infrequent and less severe. They believe that the Japanese assaults will soon cease and that the Jap anese will attempt to starve out the garri son. Advices received here say that there ar 15.0C0 sick and wounded at Port Arthur. General Orion" Is Removed. BT. PETERSBURG, Sept. t4.-C:46 p. m. The Associated Press learns on uoquestton-