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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1904)
sWn TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, SEV1EMT.EB 8. 1904. i - t'.: u ' H ; PA AGAIN SCALPS SIOUX a . i Omaha Administer! Another 81angbtr to i the Iowa Indiana. POUND LINDEMAN CLEAR OUT OF BOX Crlsi of Wllpl rti In Slstn, : Wk,Tirflt l4ietl Batsmen Go th llonnl an Pltehvr ' Retire. A Kama of bas. ball waa played yrater . flay afternoon on th Vinton atreet ground between the Omaha and Sioux City teams. Whatever the game did lack from a purely basa1$ail standpoint. It did not lack tea tores enough to meuko several border dramas and then a problem play with the catting. The Rourke boys won th gam with a score of 12 to 6. which should have been U 'to 1. Auk the man Thomas. Spmtking of the features of the game and their. drama tic possibilities, take for Instane the fourth Inning, when : Curley and Fleming-struck out In the aam manner, namely, each had two strikes and waa served by a quick . muni . ball from' Sunder. Mr. Sanders did not give' Curley or Fleming any cue ' and such quick re' urns were not expeofed. It was' so sudden, and whea Mr. Keil oalled "three strikes" the two Bloux City men stalked ofT the stags with a far-away, look. Sandersr'did the quick return act several other" ' times ' during tun gam. Ha 'walked but on Iowan during tha after- , noon, , Tha real pathetic part of tha afternoon's entertainment was in tha seventh inning, whea..Lsll. came to bat and sent out a liner to Thomas, who missed his opportun ity. At the time the bases were filled with ,men whose names appear on the Bloux City psyrool, a nd whew Thomas made the error and the bfcll jDec4me blocked. It was lieart-f'eAdiiiR to sea th-i four Sioux run In. 1 ' Only Get Twelve Rons. ' :ThK.'ugii torts of clrcufnBtances Pa's all star stock company. only made twelva runs, id the second an third Inning, whea Oma ha was at bat,' Pa, bad' three children -on bses and when the third out waa made. Iu tha second Dolan made the , third out with three of his pals on bases and In tha third Carter did It. In tha sixth the home team did the' grand ensemble act. Every member of tha". company came - on the stage and ' three cam on twice, making ' twelve men' at bat.' They Just kept tHa ac tion going Ilka the' finale . In a malo-drama, , where the various' characters coma on one by one,,, All the stagehand, tell what they said they knew alt the time. - . Buck Thiel was the first man.1' He got a Up that Nick Carter was after' htm, so he sent out a three-base hit to get out of the way of the , man with the dark lantern.. Carter made, a htt and Howard sacrificed and bo It went down tho Una and part way back again until elglit runs had .'been scored. Dolan ' and Thomas mado two-bake hits. . Schlpke followed with. a. .hree-bagger and then Opndlng sent ouiV double. At this point Captain - Fleming took Lfhdeman off the field and placod Hutchinson in tho box. It. was too later however, the dead wan dene.', ;. ' . ' '. . ' '? Two more players have Just been signed . by Manager Rourks. They are Infield 5r Harry. McLear of Pittsburg, Kans., 'and ,' richer gchoop. who comes from the Mis souri Valley league. It la not thought they wM appear with the Omaha team this sea, onl. Soma time ago. Manager Rourke ne . gotiated for Shortstop J. J. Beayer - of 'Ottu'mwa.' He' 1s exifectea bere for a try- ,iThU afternoon.., duble-headr will bo 'phiyed, tha first gam being Called at S:K. Atnnc atxv'hia :scft: J,e;, ' 'J OMAHA. .',:" . , v''r" O. 1 0 1 3 Thiel, If... 4 3 1 'Howard, 3b,.... v,'... t ., V ,2 .Dolan. as.,..;....:,..., 4 . i 'i 8 Thomas, lb.,. 4 1 1 10 2 Schlpke. Jb.. ........... 3 i ; l n I Qomllng, o....... 5 v 3 . 8 ' ' 0 ouimcrs, p, kw.i.:'. I t , .... .0 87 11 16 14 A. 1 .1 0 1 0 0 3' 1 l ,., ;.$iflUx CITT. - . -'im ..7AB. R. H. O. , uwierM.m,Ka I 0 vuney, ZBv.v.u '; Fleroiiia-. If..-,... 4 1 t. : 0 0 1 0 0 0 , Messiriey, lb.;...i. 4: J. Lawlrr. cf..'..;.. 4 Parker. ri,..i:.v..4l... . Hulchlnsn,, 8b, pv... 4 Leslie, .,;..,,-..,.... 4 Ltndeman. p i Klly, b....... 2 Totals..'... Si I 1 24 Omaha . 8' 1-0 0 0 8 1 Sioux City i.vjt.v-6 0 o A o 4 11 . 8 0 0 1-4 -iLrn?r Tuni: vmaha.-e; Sioux Cltr. , 1. Three-baae hits.- Thiel, Schlpke. Hondlng Two-base hits: Howard. Dolan. Thomai, Oondlng. E.' Lawler,' pHrker, Leslie. Hit by pitched ball , Thiel , (2). First base on errors: Omahs. 8: Sioux City, 8. First base on balls: Off Banders. 1; off Llndemaa 6; off Hutchinson, 8. Struck out: By Suid ers ; by Llndeman, 8; by Hutchinson, 2. Ji1.. on oasws: Omaha, It; Sioux City, 4. .Mld pitqhM:.-Undeman, Huohlnson (8). Sacrifice hi is-: Howartl, Welch. Siolon bases: Howard, Bande.-s, Carter (2)i Double jm, . oauiurra . vo uur.uinaT to J homua; Thomaa .to Dolan to Sanders: Welr.h uwiw-,, anna,, umpire; Keliy. ',','. , Jo nn Back One.' ST. . JOSEPH, Sept. 7.-Foor support on .te part of St. Joseph, coupled witn several lnexcjusabl-i errors, lost, today's game to ' Dts Moines, 8 la 1'' A three-base hit a Jwv-Uiiggei: ami ,two singles In the seventh i.nvnln '"Mr ,pf Des Moines' runs. Score: ' ,. '' r.h e Des Holnes 0 1 0. t 0 0' 0 04 8 2 St. Joteph 0 0 0 0.0 1 1 0 0 t 9.4 . (Batteriea: Morrison and Q. Clarke; Diehl and Qaryln. . . . .'-' fnlorad ttprln; Take Two. f . DENVER.' Sept 't.Colorado Springs von' a rloubU-hartdei- frOra Denver today. Tho Mrsl gamo was taktn aa a result of errors and th second by superior batting. Score, first game: 1 R.H.E. Colo. Spring. .1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 S S 2 Denver i 0 0 0 1 ,0 0 V 08 2 BaUtrles: Vienna and Lucia, McNeeley and Mesallt. B)re. second game: R H E . ?olo. Springs...! 0 0 0 1 1 1 0. 06 14' Denver 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 08 t 3 ' Battrrles: Hostetter and Lucia, Sollen-l-erger, Maupln and Bacrwald. Standing;, of the Teains. Pliyc d. W-on. Lost Pet. M .kit .62.1 .4o. .303 Denver ..'........'....lai. 78 Ct.:ouiUo Bpilngd .'.in-' 8 60 61 M 61 75 Omtllm l;'7 '71 Dt'S Molne :U. e9 HI. Josph ,..v.....J2ll 61 Sioux City ... J.....Ji9t : 8K 3 Osmc today: 8oux Citv at Omaha Dee :'na,t St Joseph, Colorado Springs at iienvsr, V Ahlln Pilches Great Ball! IfAoTINOS, Neb., Sept, 7.-6peclal Tele Kja m AhMn had Oineva gniesslng today in a fast game of ball. Ahlin allowed only "iie.4rlt.and on base on balls, and only one reached third base. He struck out a;hteen men. H. Rusbsky was touched up lur sixteen hits, of which one waa a horn run-'tUMl six two-base, hits, with a total of twelve runs. Hume teams play tomorrow Today's siore bj Innings: R. H. E Hasting!..... A o 8 8 0 4. I 0 12 18 I Oneva. 00 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 01 a ButterlesV-H. Ruebaky and Seguln; Ahlln and Whltcomb. "Struck out: By Ahlin, 18: by-: H. oRufbsky, .4,. : Hiuuem on' balls: oirf Alilin, 1; off H. .Ruebsky, 6. Umpire: Prtttca., : . Indians Win at Tee anise h. TECUMSEIi. Nsb., Sept. 7. (Special. -Th 'Tecuniscli base ball boys played th Sioux Iniiiaaa, a traveling aggregation, two game yeoterday. In th afternoon th 1.A 1 BstRi Free. Braka's Palmetto Win will restore tb sp- rFilt. aaslat dlssatlon, sttmulaia tb lWeraud klacya aad cure sink btsularb. erauipa, naiiaa. lyaieila, IndlaraUoa. blllounQca sad eonsli aieU buaieis. Au reader of (hi paper wbo Is udrr can snrur a trial boula Ires. It will g.v you quktk relief aad a Mrauaosnt ear, and ust yoa uoiulag. Writ fur i todsy u u d Vnuula 90., praa skulUUig, C)iioTa score was t to 11 In fsvor of the Indians ana in tns evening lb. to s in tneir isvor. 11.. klk -- AMIAmA frost, was supposed to be played under the glare of elertrlc lights. The gronrJs were ponriy ngnisd ana tne 011 playing wii sorarining nerce. GAMES I THB NAT.OMAL. LBAGtB rhleea-e mm4 St. I,nnl Break Evesj la i Deoble-Header. HT. IJDT'iaj. Star.. 1 The Chic-San and St Lriuls National league teams broke even In a double-header her today. ' Oroth, a yrungstfr recently signed by Chicago, ftltrhri the rnnft Varna, tt nd did VerV Well. Nichols, however, was In areat form, and let the visitors down (with only two hits. Attendance, 8.100. Score first game: I chicaoo. , T. Lovm. r u n i k I R.H.O.A.C. SUsle, If.... Ill Krrll. lb .. 01BS B.rrf. lb..., . f hc. lb... 1 1 Mi'Cintijr, cf. ONll ' 1 Err, lb.... 1 1 Jon, rf 0 t luaiol, ll.. l viuwlilcr, lb.. 1 I 11 i Brain, M Snoot, ex.... DunlMrj, rf. Bnrk. lb.... McLms, c... Trlor, p.... ToUU I Tinker, m Rrown, p., Kilns. lb.. Brlgn, p.. 1 1 1 est a . a rf 10 t Totals 4 17 It l1 Chicago t 0 0 0 0 0 St. Louis., 0 0 0 8 0 0 0-4 0-8 Kamed runs: St. Lou!. 8: Chicago. 1. Two-base hit: Smoot. Three-base hits: Crance, Snmot. Home run: Blade. Dou-, ble play: Tlnkr (unassisted). Hits: Oft Brown, 6, in seven Innings; off Brlggs, 1, In ' two limine. Stolen bases: 81a (fie. Chance, Tinker. Bases on balls: Oft Tay lor, 3; orr iirlggs, z. Lit on bases: ct. LouIj. 6:, a. Time: 1:66. Umpire: Zlmmer. .' Score second gam:. . ., T. Lot ia. i CHICAGO. R H.O A.H.I H.H.O.A.B rsmIL lb.. 0S1U. if. W Brrr, tb Kilns, lb lit 8hr, 2b Snannoo, If.. Bekrj, lb.. i It Mecrth'y. ef tali Brsia, 1 O Nnn, c... a f 1 I Inn, lb.... a 1 1 Johm. rf..'i.. 1 1 I 0 THikr, m... 0 I I Broo3f. cf.... 6 i bunlorr, rf. Burk. wlid.lli. , Nichols, f... i Oroth, o I ToUU..... 1 I M 7 I ToUU 4 8 IT 11 1 St Louis JJ0 101.HH 90000001 0-1 Chicago. ........ Kamed runs St. ' Louis, 3: Chicago, 1. Two-base hit.i Smoot. Home runs: brain, Jones. Double bIhv: Oroth to Tinker to O'NeiiL Stolen bases:. McCarthy. Brain, Smoot. Base on balls: Off Oroth, 1. Struck out: By Nichols, 4: byOroth, a. Left on bases: St. Louis, 8; Chicago, 1 Time: 1:23. L-mplre: Deimmer. Brooklyn Defeats Boston BOSTON. SeDt. t7.willls was easv for Brooklyn today and was aided by Boston's errors. The game was listlessly played and luCKea features. Attendance, 1.W4. Hcore: BROOKLYN.' 'l BOSTON. , R.H.O.A.C. . R H.O A.E Strang, lb... 0 1 1 1 Oder, ef 0 0 8 Ullloa, IB.... 0 I II I J Ttnny. lb... 0 0 Omular, cf... 1 8 1 0 Abbat'io. aa.;l 1 Umiij, if... l o cooir. if.... a i Bhackard, IM lilt Dalahantr, lb 1 I Babb. as 1 8 8 a Moran, lb.. Baraaa. c... a 111 0 t'annall. rf 0 1 Jordan, lb... 1 8 8 1 Naadham, .. 0 1 Mitchaii, p... a i i a nwiiiia. s a a Total! 4 II rf 11 "ll I " ToUl...... 8 4 87 T Brooklyn... 00110400 0 Boston , v, 00000 1 01 0-8 Two-bam hit: Jordan. Three-hasa hit: Delehanty. Sacrifice hit: Lumley. First baa on balls: Off Mitchell. K: off Willis. 1. BirucK out: tiy Mitchell, 2; by Willis, . Passed ball: Needham. Time: 1:M. um pire:' Morai. ' New York Beats Philadelphia. ' . NEW YORK. Sent. 7.-New York today wor from Philadelphia the first game of a series oi seven wmcn will oe played here this ' week. Poor fielding gave the locals ma game. Attendance, 8,&So. score: NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.E R. H.O. A.E. Brasn'n. of.. 1 0 0 0 0 8 1 0 1 Thomas, cf ' 1 Browna, rf... 8 MrGano. lb.. 1 Uonlln, If.... 0 Dahleii, aa.... 0 Dunn, 8b.... 0 Ollbir, 2b... Warnar, o. .. 1 Wlltaa, p.... 1 Olaaaon, lb.. 0 Wolvar1!!, Ib.'O Donohua, lb 0 MrOaa, rf ... 0 Luah. lb 0 TUU!, If 1 Huliwllt1. : aa. 1 ftooln, c 0 Butthoff, p.., 0 1 14 8 1 110 0 1 1 10 1 0 0 11 0 2 10 1.1 1 0 a o to Totals.. a ran 4 Totals..... 1 I M 11 1 -Liusn out, nit by batted ball. New York....;;...... 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 4) Plilladolpliia... ...... 0 0 1'0 0 C- 0 03 Two-base htt: Lush. Sacrlnc hit: Lush. Double plays: McQann to Dahlen to War ner, Sutlhoff to Lush. Uleason to Hulawltt. Left on bases: New York, 0; Philadelphia, 7, Flrai buae on balls: Oft Wlltee, . off Butthoff, r 6.' First be on errors: ' New York, 2:' Plilladelphid,' t " Hit 'by 'pitched ball: 13 SutUioff.. Struck out; ...By Wlltins,. ii b .Buttr.pff, , , Wild ; pluti. nuut, nmaji;iii. ,'uinpjra: tvsr.neuy. . Crovd .Threatens Implraj.V ' .. .CINCINNATI. Sent. , 7.-TTmDlra "John. Stone had to be escorted off tha 11 jid by the pouce aiier tne games toaay oecauso ol dis satisfaction with soma of his decisions. Sev eral hundred beoDle followed., and hooted him to l(s dressing, room, . Poor ndtng, lost 1 i the first game for the Chiclnnatls. .The sec- ohd was called In the seventh on account of darkness. Attendance, 8,960. Scor , first game: P1TT8BURO. , ... CINCINNATI. '. .R.H.O.A.E. I R.H.O.A.E. beacn. lb.... 1.1 I 0 KIlr, IB... II all 1 0 Beaumort, ef 1 1 0 0 0 hrmour, of. 1 2 1 a 0 Rltchar.. lb.. 0 1 I I grbrini, rf.. 1 8 0 0 0 wasuar. aa . 1 1 0 oawall. If... I 1 10 1 Bra.ii Id, lb. 1 10 I 0 Btcln'ldt; lb. d 8 8 11 McConn' k. rt 0 8 1 0 0 Corooran, aa. a 1 I I 0 smiui, ir.... 0 s - i- Husclni, lb., a 0 1 4 1 ruolpa. c 1 5 1 1 schlel, a..... 0 0 7 10 Caaa, p 0 0,1 4 0 Harpar.. p.... a a i l 0 ; , Polan 0-0 0 a 0 Totals t 10 it 1 . , TotaJa...i. 8 8 17 U 4 Batted for. Harper in ninth. Cincinnati. ....... J.. 0 0 0 1 0.1 0 1 03 Pittsburg 01002101 0-4 Two-base hits: Wagner (2), Seymour. Stolen base: Odwell (2), Rlfchey. Double play: Smith to Wagner to Branstleld. First base on balls: Off Harper, 1;. off Case, 3. Sacrlflc hit: Branstleld. Hit by.' pitched bail: By CaJe, 1. Struck out: By Harper, 8; by One, 1. Wild pitch:. Harper. Time: 1:S6. Umpire: Johnstone. Score second gaino: , ' ' CINCINNATI.. I PITTBBfRO. R.H.O.A.E. K H.O. A.E. KallcT. lb. 01 Leach. In, 0 1 a 8 a 1 1 t 1 10 Baymo'ir, cf.. 0 Sabring, rf.., 0 Odw.ll. If.... Btaln'dt. lb.. 0 Corcoran, aa. a Huiiina, lb.. 1 Palta. e. 0 Hahn, p a 0 Hcaurnonl, of 0. 01 0 Hltchar, lb.. 0 tasnar, aa.. 0 Rrana'ld.. lb.. 1 Mct'orm'k. rf. a 1 0 1 1 8 4 a a smith, If.. Archar, 0... Laavar, p... Tol.U....ii 4 n 10 n Totals 1 4 1111 4 Cincinnati.'. 0 0 0 0 0 0-11 Pittsburg 1.....0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Three-base hit: Seymour.- Stolen base: Hahn. Double play: Wagner to Branstleld. First base on balls: Off Hahn, 1; off Leever, 2. Sacrifice -liit:- Corcoran, Beaumont. Struck out: By Hahn, by Leaver, 4. Time: 1:24. . Umpire: Johnstone. . Standing- of the Teams. ' xV J '" Wy&. Won. Lost. Pet. N'W York., ,.. 121 89,. 32 . .736 Pittsburg.. lis, ,v. 70 40 '.6H8 Clnclnpntl ;.. -122 69. 63 - - Mi St. Iul.....v 127. t, 64 . .484 Jo"7 1 ;- i 78 . , .361 biooklyn ,, lix 43 ,,.79 . .847 Philudelphla 1V1 36 86 .2S9 Games today: Pittsburg at Cincinnati. Chicago at St. Louis, New York at Phila delphia, Brooklyn, at Boston. GAMES IK TUB t AMERICAS LEAGUE Boston and Waahlnajton Break Evan . . .In Donble-IIcader. WASHINGTON.. Sept. T.-The beat Bos ton could do,today was an even break with VVaahlngton. loung outpltchlng Hughes in .the first game. In the second Wolfe pus sled th Boston. Attendance, 1,600. Score first gam: ,. i , . RQATON. ; . WASH INOTON. ... " .JBi '.. .. R.H.O.A.E. I ' lii i"-aiii, ci... a a 1 a C. Slahl, rf.. 1110 oli. Bt.hl. Jb . I Colllna. lb... 1 l'l'a I Hnalaman. If rrertnao. rf..'t a 0 0 O.Mullln, lb.,.' I LaChaoce. lb 1 .1 l -lraaaldr ' aa 1 Farrla. lb.... 0 1 0 I 0 Donovan, rf.. 4 Catgar.- ...:. 4 a T '1 lIKturaaaa. a. a Young, p..... 8 1. a 1 UHushas, p... a I 11 a a Toufa.,....! 14 It 11 l Totals..... I T tT 14 1 Boston , ;. a 0 0 I ) 0 6 0 08 Washington 1 0 t 0 0 0 0-8 Two-bas hit: J.-Stahl (2) C. Btahl (2). Huelsman. Stolen baaes: .J. Slahl La. Chanc, Ferris. Sacrifice hit; Ca'ssidy Double play: Cassldy. to Mullln to J. Btahl First base on balls: Off Hughes, a off Young. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Hughes 1. Struck out: .By Hughes. J; by Y "una 7. Left on bases: Washington, 7; Boston' 10.. Passed ball:- Crlger. Tim: jut Umpires y Sheridan and Connolly. . . Score, second game: WASHINGTON,' . BOSTON. R.H. p. A.E R.H.O.A.E. O'Neill, el... 1 aalbaeh. If Hill, lb ). elahl, lb.. I rtuetaoian, If 0 Mullla. Ik... -aaldy. aa.. lonavas, rf. 0 riarka, C....1 Walla, p 1 Parent, aa... 4 C. atahl. ef.. Collin., lb... Preemaa. rf . . Lafhaac, Lb 0 rerrta, lb..., 4 riran, a "Inter, p.... 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 4 I Totala 4 11 IT 11 Washington Boston , I Total I 4 14 if 1 0 0 8 1 0-0 11 OOOOOttlO-1 J"-1" hlf: Huelsman. Stolon bases: p Nelll J. Btahl (2), kk-lbach: Sacrltlo hits: O Nelll Wolf. Dout.l ply: l)rao to Parent. Hit by pitched ball: By Wn tr, X. ktruck om; By Wolfe, X; by Win- er, 1 , Left on bases: Washington, I; Boston, 1 Time: 1:30. Umpires: Con nolly and Sheridan. Cleveland Win Easily. CLEVELAND. Sept. 7-Cleveland made every one of its six hits count for runs today and won easily. Sudhoff's bases on balls were costly. Attendance, 1,128. Score: CLEVELAND. R.H.O.A.E ST. LOtrIS. R.H.O.A.E. Bar. cf i a a PnrkMt. Haldrtrk, H..I 1 I I I Bradlay, lb., a a rf. a rik-k, rf 1 Lajola, lb.... Stnvall. lb... 1 Utah.- If 1. Turner, as... 4 Bualnw. e. ... 4 Berahard, p., t a Wallacs, a., a i Hmaa. rf 8 H JoeHi, tb... Suada, lb. Mnnn, lb.. o. o s 1 I 0 i cl O'Connor, e SudhoR, p. Total! I 4 IT 14 ll Total! 1 4 14 10 I Cleveland 1 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 5 8t. Louis 01000000 01 First base on errors: 8t. Ixuis, 2; Cleve land. 1. Sacrifice hits: Bradley. Lush. Stolen bases: Bay (2), Flick, Turner. Dou ble plays: Turner to Lajole to Stovall (21, Buelow to Lajole, Jones to Suarden. Bases on balls: Off Bernhard, 1: off Sudhoff, 6. I .eft on bases: Cleveland. : St. Louis. 4. Struck out: By Bernhard, 4; by Sudhoff, 3. Wild Pitch: Sudhoff. Time: 1:21 L'molr: O'Loughlln. Detroit Win Ragged Game. DETROIT, Sept. 7. In the most rairged game seen nt Bennett park, today Detroit beat Chicago. There were several close de cisions by the umpire, nnrt the game was a succession of unrestrained kicks. At tendance, 1,000. Score: DETROIT. I CHICAOO. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Bamtt. ef.. Ilia S Oram, rf.... 11141 ali'fmyr. If. I a 8 a a 0 Jonra. cf 0 0 Callahan. If.. 0'Davla. !!.... I 0 McKarlanJ, C 1 llTannahlll. lb 4 I I Rnblnioo. Ik a l l a i i 0 I 1 it i 1 l i Hickman, lb. 1 Crawford, rf. 8 Prill.' e I Lowe. lb.... 1 1 11 I I 8 1 1 4 Iabslt, lb... 1 Dundon, lb.. 1 Altrook, p... 1 O'Lcary, as., 1 niiaoa, p.... s Totals 0 11 IT 14 I Total! I 0 14 14 1 Detroit.. 80000420 Chicago 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 07 Two-bas hits: Hickman. -O'Learv. Drill. Three-base hit: O'Uarvi SacVldoe hits: Crawford, Altrock, Tannehlll. Stolen bases: -rawiora, jLowe, Jones, ureen, (.aiiaimn, Davis, lsbell. Dundon. Bases on balls: Of! Altrock, 1; off Kltson, 4. Hit with ball: jsoen. rirst txise on errors: Chicago, 1; Detroit. 2. Left on basen: Detroit. 6; Chi cago, 7. Struck out: By Kltson, L Don- Die Clay: Koblnson to Lowe to HlcKman. Time: 1:45. Umpire:. Dwyer. flank Ontpllrhes Powell. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 7Plank'a fine pitching today prevented New York from scoring. The locals hit Powell frequently, but Uie hits were effective only In two ln nlnga Attendance, 6,624. Score: ' PHILADELPHIA. 1 NEW YORK. R.H.O.A.E. . R.H.O.A.E. HartMl. If... 0 1 0 0 0 Dougherty, If 0 10 0 0 Plrkarlng, cf 1 Keeltr, 11.,,. 0 Davla. lb.... 1 L. t'rcaa, lb. 0 Sarbold, rf... 0 Murphy, lb.. 0 M. Croaa, aa. 0 Powers, c... 1 PUnk. p a 1 11 Kiberraid, rr. 0 Anderson, cf. 0 William!, lb. 0 Oankcl, lb.... 0 Conroy, Jb. . 0 McOulra. c. Powall. p.. Total! 1 11 17 11 ll Total! a 4 24 T 1 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 '-3 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-baso hits: Anderson, Seybold, Plank. Three-base hit: Conroy. Stolen base: Davis. Left on bbses: New fork, 8: Philadelphia, 10. First base on balls: Off Powell, i; oft Plank, 1. Struck out: By Powell, 5; by Plank. 5. Time: 1:4b. Umpire: King. 1 Standing; of the 'Teams. - Played. Won. Lost. Pet. .618 .bl5 .574 .too .b5Q .414 .411 .248 New York Boston. Chicago Philadelphia Cleveland St. Louis , Detroit Washington .., 73 45 47 bi 50 111 75 70 6i 65 48 4( 30 IV, 117 114 117 121 62 61 i) 91 Games today St. Louis at Detroit, Chi cago at Cleveland, New York at Phlla- ueipma, nosion at wosnington. GAMES IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Colnmbv Win a Close Game from Louisville In the Tenth, LOUISVILLE, Sept. 7.-CoIumbus de feated Louisville today In a hard-fought and interesting contest. Dorner and Scott both pitched great ball. A home run drive by Davis in the first half of the tenth won the game for the visitors. Dexter was put opt of the game in the ninth for dlsDutlna- a decision. Attendance. 1. 000. . Score: - - OOLUMBt'B LOl'IS-.lLI.E. ' H.H.O.A. R.H.O.A.E. Davis, rt...... 114 10 Karwtn, rf.. 1 1 J Martin. If.... 0 0 1 0 W Hallman. If. 0 1 1 0 1 11 t y 1 4 0 0 rrlal, lb.. .i. 0 118 0 Houa,'r, -ofO 4 I t Kllim, lb.... 0 0 17 10 A abort, o..4. Olll, Hart. lb...'. Arnet. lb r, Daxtar, e..t.. Schrtavar, e. Braariear. th wriaiar. Jb.. 1 l l i 0 8 1 1 1 4 8 4 BrldFSII,' aa. 0 I 1 4 I Montg'jf, cf.. 0 Quintan. - aa.-. 0 i)ornr, p.v.iB l-I a 01 Totals'..,. 8 8,30 11 . ll Scott, p.....; 0 Total 1 t 10 1". a Columbus... .'.,,.,. II 0 i t I 0 0 0 0 12 Lvuisvuie.. OOOU0 0O1O 1 1 Two-base hlta: Oulnlnn.r Warr Rent! i- Thee-base, hit:' Montgomery.- Home run!' Davis. , Sacrifice hits: Hallmnii. rtnmer Qulnlan, Wrlgley. Siolen bases: Hallman, Abbott.,, Bases .on balls: Oft Scott, 2; off Dorner, 8. Struck out: By Scott, 6;- by Dorner. 1. Double Dlavs: Dexte to Vtra. shear. Hall to Hart. Left on bases: Louis ville, 7; Columbus, 8. Time: 8:00. Umpire: Klein. St. ' Paul Win In Eleventh: . ST. PAUL. SeDt. 7. Karma Pllv mil St.-Paul played eleven innings today, th locals winning out on a double and a Bl! Ie. Umpire Killen dtd not anooir on the grounds and the gams was umpired by Pitchers Durham and Chech. . Ati..nrina 710. Score: . . ' BT. PAUL. i KANSAS CITf. R.H.O.A.E. - R.H.O.A.E. Jonas, ef... i u i o o Aitkin. 3b 1 0 1 i 1 1 Jackaon. rt... 1 110 10 1 110 0 IS 1 0 4 4 111 0 8 t lis 0 Ntnca, If.... 0 1 Hill, cf 1 0 Bonner, lb... 0 0 Maaaer, lb... 0 0 Lewee, aa. .. . 0 0; Frantic, rf.. 0 08uran, rf.aa.'O 0, Butler, c... 0 W healer, lb.. 0 Flournor. If, 1 Kalley, lb... 0 Martin, lb... 0 Marcan, aa. .. 0 8ulllvaa, e... 0 0 4 1 It 0 0 0 8 1 0 7 0 0 keuiona, p Ilaball, P Tatals.. 8 11 17 11 I Total! 8 (si 0 0 One out when winning run was made. St. Paul 0 lOOooooo 0 2i Kansas Clty....O 00100000 0 12 Two-base hits: Sul.'ivan. Wheeler. Jack. on. Home run: Hill. Sacrifice hits: Nance, ri.ony. oiui?n utisen; nni, Conner, jviarcan. First base on balls: Oft lsbell. 4: orr ki. slons. 2. Struck out: Bv lsbell ,u Sessions, 8. Hit by pitcher: Sessions. Tlrr.e; 8:00. Umpires, Durham and Chech. Indianapolis ghats Oat Toledo. INDIANAPOLIS. Sect. 7. The lornls .hut out Tolodo today. Attendance, 400. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. TOLEDO. R.H.O.A.E. 0 0 6 1 0 R.H.O.A.E McCraary, ef, Maaoon. ra., 1110 0 Clark. 0 0 Friable, Lee, rf.. Morlarltf, !... ... 0 lb 0 1 0 0 1 1 4 1 10 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 HwanOer. If., Carr, tb Hoar-er, lb., Hammer. lb. 0 Dickey, lb.., Hrjrdon, a.., Phillip., rt.. Allamanl, p. Burne, lb.... 0 O'Hara, If... 0 Cllngman, -aa 0 diawart, p... 0 Totals i s 11 11 Totali 0 8 tt It 0 Indianapolis ...T....1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 8 Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base-hits: Carr. Hoerlever. ThrM. base hits: McCreery. Home rum McCreery. Struck out- By Allemang, 6; by Stewart, t Sacrifice hits: Heydon. Cllnaman. Dickey. Allemang. Bases on hallx: Off Allemang, L . hit by pitcher: By Stewart, 1: by Allemang. 1. Left on hases; Indian apolis, 6; Toledo, 4. Double pUiy: Cllngman to ltemmer. Time: 1:16. Umpire: Baus- wlne. Minneapolis Take Both Game. MINNEAPOLIS. SeDt. 7. Tha locals took two games this afternoon from Milwaukee with ease. Manske of Milwaukee waa pounded out'of the box In the second game . ...... .1 .. , iVw. a . - si . v ' MINNEAPOLIS. I MILWAUKEE. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Haloner, rr . 1 1 0 stone, rf 1 1 0 0 Freeman, lb. 1 o.Bcnaerer, aa.. 0 Coulter. If... 0 e'u urien, ,b.. I Gremtnser, lb 1 Hempbltl. cf. 0 o iary. e... 1 MrMcbola,. ef Vox. Ib 1 WPennell, If... 0 Bateman, lb. 0 t 11 Kaiu. Ib 0 Slattary. e... Btrlcklatt, p. 0 Oyler, as 1 Tbomaa, p... 8 Totala..... I 8 17 14 11 Totals 8 T 14 li T Minneapolis 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 8 7 Milwaukee .....8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 Twobase hlta: Maloney. Gremlnaer. Me. Nichols, O'Brien, Pennell. Flrat, base on balls: Oft Thomas, 1: oft Strfcklett. 4. Struck out: By Thomas,. 3; by Stricklett. 6. Double plays: Fox to Freeman, Oyler to rox to f reeman, tscnaeier to Hateman. Passed ball: Blattery. Sacrifice hits: Schae fer, Coulter. left on bases: Milwaukee,1; Minneapolis, 10. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Hurt. Score, second game: MINNEAPOLIS. I . MILWAUKEE. R.H.O.A.Bl RH.O. A.E. Maloney, rt. . 1 I 1 01 stone, rt I 0 1 Kraemaa, Coulter. Oreinlis lb. I 1 11 I 1 v arneeier, aa.. a 1 I ol 9' Brian, lb.. 1 4 1 8 Oi Hemphill, of I 1 0 o!Peoiiell. If., ft 1 t Bataman. lb.p 1 .1 If... r. lb O Leery M. Nlrhola. cf 1 Poa. tb Oyler, aa .... 1 a a mii. ib 0 I Slatiery, ft ft 11 llnuuel, p. .. 4 Manilla, p... 0 ft ft 1 Suae. . 1 l:w 11 si ' ft 8 Totals.. Totals 8 I 14 14 1 Minneapolis -.;.......l 3 3 1-0 0 0 0 7 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 08 Two-ban hit: Maloney, Oyler, O'Leary, Freeman. Oremlnger, Pennell. First base on balls: Off Manxk. 1; off Stlmmel, 4. Struck out: By Manske, 1; by Bataman, 8; by Rtlmmel 1 Wild pitch: Bateman. Hits: Off Manak, In two loulnga, 4; off Bataman, In six Innings, 1 Double play: Oyler to Freeman. Fox to Oyler to Freeman Lft on basfs: Milwaukee, 7; Minneapolis, -Stolen bases: Maloney (2), Freeman, Fox. Sacrlflc hit: O'Brien. Passed ball: Speer. Hit by pitcher: By Manske, 2. Time; 2:00. Umpire Hart. Standing nt th Teams. Plaved. Won. Lost. ret .04 .(Ml .537 .634 .m .41" .251 St. Paul .... Milwaukee . ... l;2 ... 135 79 ... 132 71 ... 132 71 ... 129 9 ... 187 3 4 ia Columbus .. bH ai e 74 77 100 Ixuisvllle ., Minneapolis Indlanaoolls Kansas City Toledo ,.. 132 60 .. 136 86 Uamee today Cntiimhul at Louisville, Toledo at Indianapolis, Milwaukee at Mm neapous, jvansaa city at ct. I'aui. Teheaa Prntests Colambas Game, LOUISVILLE Kv. SpDt. 7 President George 'lebeau this afternoon wired Preei dent Orlllo of the American association. protesting Jl Columbus games In which Houspholder, secured by Columbus from St. Paul participates. It is claimed that Householder waa transferred to Columbus in violation of the rule forbidding clubs to Uiae players transferred to them by an other club In the association after four months of the season have elapsed. t.iXNClllNATI, Bept. 7. President Urtll or the American association, acting on a protest from President Tebeau of th Ijoulnvllle club Hgalnxl Householder play ng with Columbus, has decided that the St. Paul club has no rlcht to s"ll Hoim holder to ColumbUB. President Grlllo said tne games In which Householder has taken part as a Columbus player have aa yet not oeru pruiesiea. Cralgr Win m Fast Game. gram.) Craig defeated Modal in a hotly contested game on the Tekamah diamond today. The game was a rare treat, being the fastest ever seen on the Tekamah grounds. Rooney and Whlted were In great lorm ana Kept the hits wen scattered. Score: R.1I.E. Craig 1 0000001 2 2 Modale 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 2 3 Two-base hits: Clark, Shea. . Hit by. pitched ball: Clark. Struck out: By Rooney. 9: bv Whlted. 18. Batteries: 'Rooney and Heffernan, Whlted and Shea.. umpire: ceurn. Beatrice Bat Oat Victory. BEATRICE. Neb., Sept. 7. (Special Tele- gram.i tieairioo today won tne second and last game of the scries with Grand Island by playing better ball. The features were tne batting of Adams and Fen Ion of Beat rice. The former got three hits In four times at the bat and the latter a home run. Score: R.H.E. Beatrice 0 0 2 10 12 0 6 8 8 Grand Island. ..0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 7 A Batteries: Orand Island, Moore and Coe: Beatrice, Morse and Wolta. Struck out: ay juiuore, 0; Dy Morse, 10. Challenge. ' The Fremont Tigers hereby challenge any team with players 17 years or less and av erage weight of not more than 126 pounds to games of foot ball, the place,' etc., to be aecicied on later. Address all answers to r ran tianoway, Manager, remont. Neb. EVENT'S OS THB RUNNING TRACKS ' I Beldame Wins the September Stakes at Sheepshead Bay. NEW YORK. Sent 7 Rnlrlum tha -..t w-j r,i -vuu mij, won tne sepiemoer stakes, on mile and three furlongs, st Sheepshead Bay today. She made practically all the 1 uiiiiiiiK una won witn ease, ori wells was decisively beaten, . finishing a bad third. Gtaztllo finished second. In the opinion of many horsemen Beldame's easy victory to- day places her In a class by herself. The world's record for Six and a half fur longs 1:18 waa broken in the first race py Martinmas, who ran the distance In 1:184. Results: . First race, six and one-half furlongs: Martinmas (4 to 1) won, Armenia second. Adriutha third. Time, 1:184. Second race, the Belles, five and one-half furlongs: Tradition, 125 (Lyne), 1 to 2, won; Handscarra, 107 (Hoffler), 6 to 1, second; Linda Leo. 100 (W.1 Davis), 20 to 1, third. Time, 1:06ft. ' 1 Third race, the Waldorf, six furlongs: Agile, 118 (Burns), TO to 4, won; Dandellne, lis (Shaw), 8 to 1, 'second; Bill Bailey II, 118 (Kedfern), 30 to !, third. Time, 1:13. Fourth raco, the September, one mile and tlire furlongs: Beldame. 123 (O'Neill), 6 to 1, won; Grazillo, lit! (Hlldebrandj, 15 to 1, second: Ort Wells, 138 (Lyne), 4 to 6, third. Time, .2:194. . n- . . Fifth race, mller -Sir Lynnewood (2 to 1) won. Spring - Bilk' second. Phantom third. Time, 1:41ft. Sixth race, selling; -one mile and a slx- m Little Ett'afceotod. Grey Friar third. , i;16',k. ,:,VT. FFALO. N. .Vi-Se'pL7.-Result: at rnee al lrlr.nn T oH., II.J.I. nn 111 6) won Time Bi: First race, .six . fm-lonra. T.nrlv (5 to 1) won.' Margaret O. (2 to 1) second, Charmel third. Time; 1:14. Second race, five furlongs: Conluress (3 to 1 won, Klttie Piatt second. Harvester third. . Time, 1:02ft, . , Third race, mile and forty yards: Attlla (20 to . I) won. Lainpadrono second, Erbe third. Time, l:44i.. ' - Fourth race, one and one-eighth miles, Erie county selling stake: Cheboygan (7 to 2) won, Ben Fonso second, Palm Reader third. Time: - 1:66.. Fifth race, five furlongs: Incense (11 to 5) won. Pirate Polly second Jetson third. Time, 1K)14. Sixth race, mile and seventy yards: Hip. pocrates (5 to 2) won, ' Athel second. Per sistence II third. Time, 1:45V DETROIT. Mich., Sept. 7. Results: First race, one -mile: Bradley Bill (15 to I) won, OutfUdd second, lllumlnati third. Time, 1:43ft. . .. - Second race, five furlongs: Muoson- (8 to 1) won, Capltnno ,(7 to 2) second, Merino third. Time,, 1:01. .. , Third race, one mile: . Triumvir (10 to 1) won. Bell the Cat second, Lady Free Knight third. Time. 1:42. Fourth race, six furlongs: Ben Mora (8 to 5) won. Lady Chariot (5 to 1) second, Outwal third.' Tlme. 1:18. . Fifth race five furlongs:- The Pet (9 to 5) won, Maggie Mackey second, France Dillon third. Time. 1:00. Sixth race, mile and a quarter: Lou Woods (7 to 6) won, Barney Buck second. Prism third. Time, 2:(ft. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 7t Results: First race, six furlongs, selling: Detest (18 to 6) won, Always Faithful second, Al bertola third. Tims, 1:16. Second race, seven furlongs, gelling: Crime (7 to 2) won, Behoove second, Milton Young third. Time, 1:28. Third race, six furlongs, selling: AddIb Sweet (15 to I) won, Easter Walters sec ond. Lady Churchill third. Time, 1:17. Fourth race, mile and seventy yards, sell ing: Blissful (3 to 1) won, Lacy Crawford second, l.uoin third. Time, i:tft. Fifth race, one mile: Barklyte (9 to 10) won, Lyrist second. Bam Stevens third. Time, 1:43ft. - Sixth race, six and one-half furlongs, selling: King Rose (4 to 1) won. Sting sec ond, Creserton third. Time, 1:22. CHICAGO. Sent. 7. Results at Harlem: First race, five and one-half furlongs: Mary r;aieanor (11 to t won, uindail sec ond. Green Rose' third. Tlmrl:07. Second race, five furlongs: Exalted (26 to 1) won, L. Otros second, Michael Byrne third. Time, 1:01. , ' Third race, mile: -Gregor K. (7 to 1) won, p-onsoiuca second, rrincess iuiane mira. TimfL 1:40. Fourtlvrace. mile: New Mown Hay (3 to 2) won, Brand New second. King Elsworth third. Time, 1:40ft. Fifth race, five and one-half furlongs: Lady Ellison (13 to 1) won, Sincerity sec ond, Girdle Stone third. Time, 1:06ft. Sixth. race, six furlongs: Robin Hood (6 to 1) won, Mayor Johnson second, Mad Mullah third. Time. 1:12ft. Seventh race, mllo: Dutiful (even) won, Ebony second, Hans Wagner third. Time, 1:41. '. HOME FOR THE SdtASH CXIB Clab 0,nnrter and Conrt to be Erected . at Seventeenth and Harney St. Within a very short time, probably within the week, work will be commenced on tne erection of a building for the usee of the Omaha Squash club. A commute representing the club has been at work for noma time making- the needed arrangements and now has the matter almoot In shape for the actual start. The building will be put up at the corner of Seventeenth and Harney street, on the Kountse lot. and will be HwrUiO feet in else, two stories in front, with the squash court running the entire height ot tn building In th rear, it Is Intended to have the building equipped with living room, card rooms, billiard rooms and other con venience for th inc-mbers, a commodious court for th game, and plunge buth, a well a shower bath. In connection with the locker room. Tha Omaha 8quash club ha been in ex. latence for about four years, it' started with twenty young men, ail enthusiast and deeply at earnest In the game. Tnete have ndded to their number from time to time until the club now number seventy five of the beat known young men in th city. The committee having the matter In charge-Is composed of Luther Kountse, Sam Burns and Frank Kennedy. . Cook Win Leech Cm p. SEA GIRT. N. J., Sept. 7 The Leech cup match was won today by George K. Cook :f th District of Columbia, shooting under the color of th Manhattan Rifle and Re volver association of New York. Th com- rany team match was won by Company Second regiment. National Guard of the District of Columbia, with a total of 310 out of a possible 860 point. The compe tition for the 64,o) Do den trophy, tb most Important event take place tomorrow. of the meet, 'will MATCH PLAY WILL BEGI TODAY Eg an and Travis Make Good Scores Qualifying; Ronnds. SHORT HILL, N. J.. Sept. 7.-MedJ play for fifty-four holes has been productive of continuous surprises In the snnual amateur roir cnamnlonsnm tournsmeni. neaun the HaltiiMml rliih's link yesterday, Throughout the two days' play H. Chandler Koran or t hlcsgo has more than neio own aaalnst nresent and former chsmplons, who. among other very prominent players, made up a competing field of 1.13 starters. He leads every other competitor so far snd has rurnlshed a surprise by his consistency. Nett to him In merit no far ss the present tournament Is concerned comrs Walter J. Travis of Garden City. Kgan leads the field In the necullarlv Arranged Qualification round of three periods of eighteen holea each. The young Harvard student made an eighty yesterday, repeated tne nitures this morning and in the afternoon turned In an eighty-two. making 42. which en titles him to the special nrlse donated to day by the executive officers of the United States Golf association for the lowest qual ifying medal score. Travis' play has been rewarded by 246 strokes, which, by com parison, shows how well the western champion has done. When the match play rounds begin tomorrow, Fgan will have A."W. Tllllnghast of Philadelphia as his opponent. Travis will be In the same com pany, and he encountered Pierre A. Frout, if .r aAKrlhf m T During the medal play rounds the best Individual scores of any of the three waa that of Max Behr of Morris county.' who mane seventy-eight on nis second, j. v. Traverg of Nassau coming next 'with a sevenlv-nlne on the third round. Thlrtv-two merr who ouallfied todav will continue match play the remainder of the tournament. There waa a hard fight for the last two places In this net. for four men tied for them. Thfso were A. Grahsm of North Jersey. A. W. Tllllnghast of Phil- adelDhla. C. B. Cory of Boston and W. M. Sinclair of South Orange. The first two won the coveted chance In the match play rounds. Following are the total scores of the sur vivors In the niinllfvlnar round: II. C Kran. Kxrrloor. 242: Walter J. Travis. 246: J. D. Travis. Nassau, 249: D. P. Fredericks Oil CItv. 2S2: R. C. Watson. Jr.. Westbrook, 253: Max Behr, Morris Countv. 254: Malcolm M. C. Surrey. Stock- bridge, 254: George T. Brokaw, Garden City, 255; A. Havemsyer. Seabrlght, 256; B. H. Connelly. Texts. 256: II. Abbott. Hillside. 256; P. A. Proat. Jr. Seabrlght. 257: Fred Herreshoff. Ekwanok. 257: F. C. Newton, Seattle, 257: E. M. Byers. Pittsburg. 25S; Walter E. Eean. Exmoor. 258: W. H. Tuck- erman. Washington. 269; It. w. ferrin, Philadelphia. 260; George A. Ormlston, Oak mount. 260: A. M. lleld. St. Andrews. 260; T. M. 8herman. Utlca. 261 : F.nos Wilder, Jr.. Morris County, 262; J. M. Rhett. Cres cent 262: E. 8. Knaon. Westbrook. 262: P. H. H Frevinahuvsen. 262: M. Barnes. New Haven. 263; R. E. Hansen. Philadelphia. 264; W. T. West, Camden, SK4: w. P. Bmltn, Philadelphia, 264: P. B. McKlnnle. Bt. Louis. 265: A. M. Graham. North Jersey, 266; A. W. Tllllnghast, Philadelphia, 206. HARNESS RACES AT HARTFORD Annas Pointer Wins the Connecticut Parse for 2i2 Trotters. HARTFORD. Conn., Sept. 7. The most Interesting race of the third day of the Grand Circuit meet at Charter Oak park I was for the Connecticut stake of 82.500. the first on the card. A surprise was furnished when the favorite, Morning Star, was beaten. He was barred In the pools and although ho caDtured the first two heats. It was evident that Mcpherson, driving Angus Pointer, did not let the horse out, and he gave way to Andrews. The change was at once noticeable and tne son or Sidney Pointer-Jane proved a winner In the three following neats. Results: 2:20 pace, the Connecticut, purse Angus Pointer, b. g., by Sidney fointer-Jnne, ny rippoo tfai terson and Andrews) 2 2 1 1 4 2 2 3 3 ds 6 da Morning Star. b. g. (McDonald). 1 1 Baron Crattan. b. g. (Geers) ..3 3 Gordon Prince, br. h. (Snow)... 4 4 Winnie Klna. ch. m. ( Wilson). . .0 b Time: 2;06, 2:05. 2:05ft, 2:('4, 2:ou. 2:06 trot, purse 81,200; three heats of one mile each. 8250 to winner, 330 to second. ttio to third horse each heat: Caspian, b. g., by Patron-carcanna, by Shelby cnier (snanK) 1 1 a Fereno. br. m. (Benyon) 2 2 1 Hawthorno, ro. m. (Hudson) 8 8 4 McKlnley. b. g. (Jolly) S 3 4 Time: 2:llft, z:U7ft. 2:08. 2:12 pace, purse 21,200: Don Carr, blk. g., by Arrow Wood Lee, by Walking Prince (Clark) ....11 1 Day Book, blk. g. (Humphreyvllle)...2 2 6 Jim Kyle, b h. (Nuckols) 3 8 2 Katie H., e. m. Hornberger) ..........4 4 3 Katie tt.. b, m.Hornberger) ..........4 4 Anllla, b. tn. (Hyde) ..4 ...6 6 Befc 0,tt) "" ?d BOO, Cn. g. INMISOn; I US HO 6 5 6 Time: 2:07ft, 2:08ft. 2:10. JOCKEY CLl'D STEWARDS MEET Participant In Bt. Lonl and Newport Races Not Reinstated. CHICAGO, Sept. 7. All applications for the reinstatement of persons and horses who had participated in the recent meet ing ot the union far-: jocaey ciud at at. Louis were -denied by the board of stew ards of tht Western Jockey club at their regular monthly meeting. Held here today. The same action was taken by the stew ards in all the applications for reinstate ment of those who took part In the racing at Newport last winter. Tne ariDiicatinn or tne new juemnn a Jockey club for fall racing date was with drawn. F. W. Foster. M. Foster. James Gray and Charles Gray asked that the decision of thfe Chicago Jockey club officials, rul ing the four men from the turf, be res cinded, but no action was taken by the stewards. ' Good Racing; at Tecnmseh. TECUM S EH. Neb.. Sent. 7. (Special Tel egram.) The attendance was large at the Johnson county fair today, it being chil dren's day. Tho racing was a feature. Fol lowing are tne results: 2:36 pace, purse vav. Omega, b. m. (Hart) 1 1 1 Milford Vincent, b. h. (G. W. Mur ray) ...4 St. Croix, b. g. (Ed Boone) 6 Capital Bar, b. g. (Fred Robare) 2 MacConnette. b. m. (W. T. Stantz)..3 Thelma, b. m. (H. McMillan) 7 S. S. All. b. s. (N. B. Doggett) 8 Nnncv Conner, b. m. (Bixler) 6 Willie Wonder, b. g. (Will Snyder). . 9 ds Time: 2:23ft. 2:26ft. 2:24ft. 2:40 trot, purse McConqueror, b. s. (C. W. Mur ray! 1 1 2 Mabel L., b. m. (A. J. Stephen)..! I I Tecumseh Maid, b. h. (G. E. Beerup) 3 I S i Time: 2:30. 2:80ft. 2:80ft. ,2:26ft. Half mile running and repent, purse 876 Rescues, s. g. (R. A. McPherson) 1 1 Vergil, b. m. S. Bates) 2 Belle Daisy, br. m. (John Maindery). ., .3 Miss Buckier. b. m. (VV. A. Scott) 4 , Time: 0:52ft. 0:53. Cnbnn Wins Fencing- Contest. ST. LOUIS, Sept 7 Olvmplc fenclnr championship In foils which was held at the World's fair today, was won by Ramon ronst or Havana, tuna, witn A. V. Z. Post or New York city, second Charles Taltham of New York city, third snd Gustave Casmier of Berlin, Germany fourth. New Pacing: Record, GUTHRIE, Okl.. Sept. 7. On tne Black well, Okl., track Woodland Daisy, owned by W. D. Boesett of this city today won the 2-year-oid pace in 2:06, lowering the world's record for a half mile track. THE DIFFERENCE There's the greatest difference between taking Hosteller's Stomach Bitters and any other remedy, when you suffer from a ,weak stomach. Inactive liver or consti pated bowels. The Bitters positively cures a thousands, have voluntarily testified. Ilostoffer's Stomach Differs hnilM t hsrafn.a V. stomach rlrc,ed by vy 'DITTrtlnN ' man or wo CJJJLJL Atyg'man who expects to 1 m-wrer iiieir neaiin again. Don't expert, merit. It , alwuy c urea. Poor Appetite, Dizziness, Indigestion, Geaeril Debii:tj, Dyspepsia, mil Malaria, Fever and Ague. Try a bottle at once. It won't disappoint vou. All druggist. a'1' 1 1 1 f ti t 1 B a,n a ' . -7ai- . . . If Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear, 1 In The BEST HOT on nis CANDY We. J5cS0e. Sa. 'aMi PREVENT ALL SURRIER DOWEL TROUBLES DOGTOESS' for E L J We will make a thorough and scientific examination of your ailment, an ex amination that will disclose your true physical condition, without a knowledge of which you are groping In the dark, and without a thorough understanding of which no physician or specialist should be allowed to treat you. All men, who are not, what they should be. who are weak, nervous and debilitated from any cause, or who have contracted nny private disease or secret habit of any kind, or who may at present be suffering from any poisonous discharges, will find It well'worth their time to come to the State Medical Institute for consul tation and examination, which has been established for the purpose of curing the terrible diseases and weaknesses that destroy men's mental and physical powers, making the duties and social obligations of life a hardship and the en joyment of mnrltal life and happlnes impossible. ' We treat men only and cure them quickly, safely and thoroughly. ' Every man suffering with any private diseases Varicocele, Stricture, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Weakening Drains, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, with any of their numerous and distressing symptoms, owea it to hlmsetf. his family, and especially to the future generations to get cured promptly, safely and thoroughly. f fiuc.!ll TlTlfll FRFF If y" cannot call, writ for symptom blank. blndULIAIlUn rntC ofQce Hours-Sa. m. toap.m. Eundays, 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1303 Farnara St.. Bst. 13th ani 14th 3treU, Omaha. Nsb. 3C nana m The Burlington la the only line with its own train service between Omaha and CMcngo and St Louis, and In view of the many rates to the east "applying on way via St Louis and the other via Chicago, it can arrange the moat desir able variable tours of the east St Louis and return tickets good in and coaches on sale Sept 0, 8, 11, St. Louis and return, , . dally. St Louis and return, one way via Chicago, daily ., Chicago and return diiect or via St Louis, in one or both directions dally. Machimere, Md., and return September 8 and 3 Buffalo and Niagara Falls and return-daily Mackinac Island and return (via boat from Chicago), daily Bayview, Charlevoix, Harbor Springs and Tetoskey, Mlcfc., and return (via boat from Chicago); dally. Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return uauy ... i.. Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return Tuesdays aud Saturdays until Hot Springs, S. D., and return daily Hot Springs, Deadwood and Lead, return Tuesdays and Saturdays Ogden, Salt Lake City and Grand daily Vollowstone National Park and return-daily Sun Francisco and Los Angeles and return CilR fifl daily until September 10 VfMsUll September 6, 13, 20, 27 and October 11, one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip to many points in Ohio. Indiana and Kentucky. , Daily ,from September 15 to October 15, one way colonist tickets to 'hundreds of points west and northwest at practically half rates. I can give you all the latest Information about excursion rates and furnish, free, , illustrated booklets about all excursion resorts. See me or write about your trip. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Pass. L. , ' it Z OPENING OF A NEW AND THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED LINR .; BETWEEN ST. LOUIS AND CIIICAfS M . SUNDAY, JULY 31. 1904. ( Thoroughly Equipped trains lesve 8t Louis and Cblcnjro nlgbtl (afte arrival of incoming trains), arriving either city the following morning.. Equipment' entirely new; lavish In design, elaborate In furnlablns Ask your Ticket Agent or address. PASSENQER TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT. Every Woman If iirttrri-r nfl tnouia snow MARVEL whirling Spray IT La new Srrtaaa. (ye arn nw-..i- If hA (-antiut aupply tho Mu at., or ei-l no OLbrl, ImiI fll(J alaina to til i .ii fh1 kMH.k-.4- im.l.r. mi Aii art i.uii in. Valuable to Utllra M ft K Kl tO., irailiUi" lar. Sor am ty SCHAKTER B I'HUU STORES, Uth an Clncago bt. ; no. untm, mid ana rt nut, r-aiin,ll li luffs. hh and Main St. KUaiM CO. lln n4 tMUnlan mm V -"a1 YTSL .'t tumt u n v M km WEATHER NEDICINC 4 Nas VV- CATIIAIVTIC er sjju w a " """" H a.iian 1 1 hiii l iniavnr ,' f SPECIAL LOW RATES chair cars (sats free) 13, 15, 20, 22, 27 and 29. , $8.50 $13.80 $20.00 $20.00 $32.50 $27.15 $26.25 $24.25 $17.50 $15.00 $16.40 $15.00 $30.50 $47.50 Sept 17.. , S. D., and until Sept 17 Junction and return , Agt., 1502 Farnam St., Omaha. KENANDWOMEff. ( M Bis (nrannatarei dlu-harKM.Istammatlana, IrllUlluul if vlcaraUoa4 cf mnaoaa niaBibraaae, P.i i. Im. aad nut aatriiaa la t M t tn J OaaranlMa aW B u. im HrHHI.: WTll rni aiataa- 7'4lNCvMSCMEMtliatC0. gaol or polmsott. V iKusiuri.t rrrj mggit. a... r-atlo Uia wrapipa; 2. 1 1 1" s.raas. srapald. UtT - a Cuaulax aaa asat DEPUTT STATU! VISTErXINARIAJ. CITT VKTBRnABUJI. H. L RAWACCI0TTI D. V. S. OMAHA. NEE Tslecbon. U. Offlc and Inrlrniarjr, Uta and luua Bta, N 1 I I !