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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1904)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1904. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Another Grirt of Ci op Damage Beprta Catiwe 8tronger Markets. CORN CROp'nOW SAID TO BE THREATENED Price for. Beth Wheat, ! Cora Arc HlcherOafs Rather Essler . Gossip froaa: tna Stock riti. ' - v OMAHA, September 7. Ths general tone of the gral nmarkets of th world wna materially firmer than on yesterday. There ni another grist of damage report, coming thla time on corn aa well a on wheat. Good men who would ecaxoely be counted on to make statement that were falae for the purpose of bolster ing up piicee were arrayed on the aide of the abort crop theorists. The weather haa f been such that corn haa been kept from hardening, and the are taken by many as Indicative of poaalble damage by even mod erately early froata. An epitome of crop 1 gossip of an Interesting character la pub lished below. . The trend of new In thla direction, coupled with the good demand for wheat, caused some uneaslnecs on the part of the bears, and they were In the market to cover contract. Sentiment waa a com plete right about face aa compared wltll the opening on Tuesday, but wa In .continua tion of the display of firmness toward the close on lhat day. There were quite 11b ' eral deliveries of September wheat In the speculative markets, and thla had some ef fect in checking the demand, but for all of thla there were advance In the September delivery of a point, nearly, the same amount In December and H gala In May. In Chi cago the former opened at $1.03"4. where it cloaed yesterday, turned Immediately and advanced a point, to 11.04 V; December from $1 OM, to 11.07V., and May to 81.09. While there la considerable talk of soft torn In some of the slates, the chances for . Nebraska are considered excellent, and If there Is damage in other states It will help . Nebraska, providing Jack Frost holds off a little longer. September corn advanced to M'c December to 62to and May to 60c, fains of So to.Te, with nearby deliveries he stronger, Oats were lower and about c off. Croat Estimates aad Prediction. George O. Ball wired from Valentine, Neb. "From Omaha west, fine corn, but It la two to four weeka backward. Many fields full of sunflowers. Will require from - two to four weeks of good hot weather." The Ogllvle Flour Milling company of . Montreal stick to their recent estimate of the wheat crop In the Canadian north west. In a message yesterday they say: "Our Inapectora completed further Investi gations up to Saturday night, and confirm recent estimate, indicating a crop of 68,000, 000 bushela, aa against 63.o00.000 bushels last year. Conditions are favorable and sam ples of new wheat arriving we find to he of better milling quality than la it year." B. W. Snow, who Is traveling through the corn belt, saya: "Corn In central Iowa show stand below normal. Good showing of ears and well filled. Stalks green to ground and 80 per cent In rnaatlng-enr - stage, maturing very' slowly. Nights cold and dew heavy, wfll require frost Im . munlty to October 1 to secure average yield.1' Kentucky crop report makes wheat 80 per cent of full crop and oats 87 per cent. Kansas ' wheat-growers aay that Secre tary Coburn'a recent report, predicting 63.000,000 bushels. Is 20.000,000 bushels too high. Omaha Grain Inspections In: t cara No. Shard wheat, 28 cara. No. corn, 1 car No. corn, 4 car No. S yellow corn, 4 cars No. , S white corn, t cara No. 2 white oats, 4 cara No. t white oats, 1 car No. 3 rye; total, 60 cars. Out: 1 car No. 2 hard wheat, 1 oar No. a bard wheat. I car No. I corn; total, i car. Omaha Cash Sale 1 car No. I wheal, 58 lbs., 97c; 1 ca. No. 4 wheat, 63H lbs., 84c: 4 t car No. t white corn, 484c; 1 car No. 4 s white corn, 47 Vs. Grata Prices. Wheat 'Omaha. ,7; No. 2 hard 99 W No. 8 hard...... 97 " No. 4 hard 94 i. - No. 2 spring.... ...i x No. 8 spring.... 99 . Corn- Chicago. $1.00 ftl.OTYi 97 1.05 No. 2 49 ' No. 9 48U No. 4 4714 no graae 40 j No. 2 yellow.. 4!H No. 8 yellow... 49 . , . , .Onts . . no. i mixed..;, ao No, I mixed...- 29 No. 4 mixed.... 28 No. 1 white.... 81 No., I white... 30 83 No. 4 white.... 29 Standard 81 82 824 ; Omaha Fatores. mallear Open.'.. High. Low. TodayVTues. Corn .. . Sept. ; Dec. ., May , . 44 44 44 ,.itf B 46UB 46 B 44V 44V4 6B 46 A ,. 44HB 44V4B 44AB 44 B 44 Car Lot Receipts, , . Wheat Corn. Oat. Chicago St. Louis Kanaas City Minneapolis Duluth Omaha 96 783 81 130 804 133 786 , 21 110 8 78 36 42 Bradatreet'a Details. - Wheat, east of Rockies. Increaae. 878.000 - bu; Europe and afloat, Increase, 8,100,000 du; total increase, ,is,uuu du. corn, in crease, 1,276,000 bu. Oats, Increaae, 4,243, ,000 bu. Cralat Markets Elsewhere. ' Closing; price of grain today and Tues day at to markets named were aa follows: ,'. CHICAGO. Wheat Today. Tuesday. September tl-04 81.03 ' Deoerabcr , l.wiB 1.04 ' May 1.09 B 1.08 Corn - September 63 E3'4 1 Dcon.ber 61 61 Ma 60 B . 48 OlltK-- , Sot.rbr 31B 81 December 82B 33 : May ,. 88' 85 ST. LOUIS. Today. Tuea. Wheat September 107 1.0 ' December 1.0B 1.06 Corn . September 61 60 December 48 48 KANSAS CITY. Wheat September ....... .....i 95 B 94 December ' 95 ' 96 Corn September 47 47 December 454 46 NEW . YORK. . Wheat September 111 110 December 1.10 L10 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat September 1 11 1.10 scomber 1.10 " 1.09 DULUTH. Wheat September MS B 1.13 December '. 108 1.08 Cosaasorelal Goaalp. Shipments: Wheat, 467.000 bushels against 467,000 bushels! corn. 986,000 bushels against 439.000 bushels. Primary Receipt! Wheat. 827.000 bushels against 1,741,000 bushels; corn, 1,686,000 against IC04.000 bushels. Liverpool: The bulletin Des Halle, the farmer organ, estimates wheat crop of Franc at Wl.OOO.OOO bushels, versus their estimate of 848,000,000 bushel last year. The official estimate of last year's crop wa ftM.000.000 bushels. la the eastern division of Kansas corn ha mad a decided Improvement, but warmer night are needed to mature it. The early corn ha matured and 1 out of froat'a way. It la being cut and shocked aa far north as the Kaw river. Late corn I doing welt, but need warm night. In the mlodl division early corn I generally f from froat and I a good crop. The la Is corn I In good condition, but would probably b damaged by an early frost, riaaaolal Gossip. Mora road reporting car shortage. American stock In London steady, about parity. -. Burlington official look for enormous corn erou on their system. E. H. Ilarrtman talks very bullish about market and general outlook. Rock Island reports grain movement suf. flciently heavy to teat it capacity. Grand Trunk-of Canada I said to have paid 4U.00u.OuO for Canada Atlantic railway. Colorado 4k Southern la paaalng first pre (erred dlvldceid. Earnings allow 4 per cent on flrat preferred and 1 VT cent on aecond preferred. . v Iowa Central earnlnga fourth week Au- Euat Increased 82,6e. Minneapolis A St. ul earnings fourth wsek August In cieased fcl.aua. Twenty-one roads fur fourth wuek August show average gross Increase of 198 per oent. Toledo good Market. TOLKJXV i P 7 -SEEDS-C1over, cash, ;.0J; October, 87.02 bid; Devember, I 1.08 1.10 1.08 $ 1.08 MUffi 544 62 a bi 46 621 63 65 M 65V4"! , 66A b4. 644 63 64tf 81 80 33U 33, ""ii" 7 ng bid. Alstke, September. 17.80, nominal. Timothy, September, 81.40.. CHICAGO GRAIN ASD PROVISIONS Feateres f the Tradlnar and Closing Prlees oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO.' Peril. 7. An Improved de. mand for flour at Mlnnennolls ws one of the principal causes of s firm wheat market here today. At the ciose Decemoer wneu a up to 1?c. Corn showed a gain of c. Oat were off c. Provision were 2o higher, to 67c lower. The wheat market opened firm on higher price at Liverpool and on continued re ports of damage In the northwest. Initial quotation on December were up a shade to No at S1.06W11 . During the early part of the day trading was rather light In volume, but toward the noon hour some good buying developed. One of the princi pal operator was credited with buying December and May through commission houses, while selling December openly. Favorable weather throughout the greater part of the country was responsible for much of the early selling. As the session advanced the market became quite strong under the Influence of a bulllh situation In the northwest. An Improved demand for flour waa manifested at Minneapolis and a consequent rally In wheat prices there helped the speculative trading In this mar ket. St. Louis also reported a better de mand for flour, sale. or 10,000 barrels Iwlng made at that point. Stimulated by these bullish Influence December advanced to 3107. Although parr of the gain was lost on realising, the market closed firm with December at $1.05. Clearancea of wheat and flour were equal to 136.900 bushels. The world' visible supplv nceordlng to Brad streets' Increased 3.!7,0O0 bushela. Primary receipts were 827.600. compared with 1.741. 000 bushel, a year ago. .Minneapolis, Du luth snd Chicago reported receipts of 421 cara, against 294 cars last week and 863 car a year ago. Higher cables and strength of wheat was largely responsible for a firm tone In corn. The feature of trading was heavy buying by commission houses supposed to be act ing for a leading provlaion Interest. Gen erally favorable weather held the market In check. December opened unchanged to c higher, at 61cMe. sold between 33c and after selling off to 82c, closed at 32c. Local receipts were 804 cars. A heavy Increase In the world's visible supply had a depressing Influence on the oats market. Buslneas fairly large, De cember opened a shade to c higher, at 83c to 53c and after selling off to 82c, closed at 32 c. Local receipts were 304 cars. , The feature of trading In provisions was a moderate demand for lard. Prices showed little change throughout the day. Oc tober pork closing precisely at last night's final quotations, at $109?. Lard was up 2Uc, at 7.10. Ribs were off 67c, at t7.27M? 7.80. Estimated receipts for tomorrow. Wheat, 74 cara: corn. 466 cars; oata, 100 cars; hogs, 16.000 head. The leading future ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y Wheat J.I I a Sept. 1 06 1 07 1 06 1 00 1 06 b Sept. ' 1034 1 041 1 08 1 04 1 03 Dec. 106- 1 07,10- 1 06 106- May 1089: 1 09108-!1 095jl08- Corn I t I Sept 53S' 64 53 63 63 Dec. 61ifi 62 61 61 61 May 4960 60 49 60e 49 Oata Sept. 81 31 81fr 31ir 81 Dec. 3311 33 S3 32 32 33 May 36 86 3535 86 86 Pork Sept. 10 77 10 82 10 77 10 80 10 80 Oct. 10 90 11 00 10 87 10 92 10 92 Jan. 12 60 13 60 12 50 , 12 65 12 62 Lard ' Sept 7 00 97 Oct. 7 07 7 18 7 07 7 10 7 07 Jan.: 7 10, 7 17 .1 10 7 17 7 10 Ribs Sept. 7?R 7 25 7 20 7 20 7 22 Oct. 7 82 7 85 7 27 7 80 7 8! Jan. 6 67 62 6 67 67 67 No. 2. a old. b new. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 85.10 85.20: stralghta. 84.S0A5.0O; spring patents. 5.20rfe.90; stralghta, 84.60ig5.10; bakers, $3.20 63 80. WHEAT No. 8 spring. $1.101.15; No. I. tl.0701.11: No. t red. fl.06ffl.0T. CORN No. 2, 54c: No. 2 yellow, 66o. OATS-No. 2, 81c; No. 2 white, 83 83e. RYE No. 2, 70e. BARLEY Good feeding, 8738c; fair to choice malting, 443 62c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.19; clover, con tract grade. $12.00ffl2.15. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., $10.80 fTlO.80. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.027.06. Short ribs sides (loose), 7.2&g7.35. Short clear Idea (boxed). J8.264ST8.6o. . - The receipts and shipments today were as ioiiows: Keceipts. onipments. Flour, bbla, 25.900 10.400 Wheat, bu 220,800 42,400 Corn, bu 1.873.9O0 854,900 Oata, bu 62S.00O 260,000 Rye. bu 5.000 800 Barley, bu t.. 132.100 7,800 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was" stead? ; creameries, 14 19c: dairies. 1231Ac. Eeks. steady, at mark. c ises Included, 14iol6c. . Cheese, firm, 839c St. Lonls Grain aad Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 7. WHEAT Market higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, $1.07; track. tl-10l.U: December, $1.OS01.O ; May, $1.11; No. 2 hard, $1.051.07. CORN Market weak; No. 2 cash, 60c; track, . eiig62c; December, 48c; May, 7S ATS Market steady; No. 2 cash, 35" ; track. 23af34c: No. 2 white, 3535c; De cember, SSc; May, 35c. FLOUR Market firm: red winter patents, $5.1005.50; special brands, 10c higher; extra funey, $4.8ojj6.C0; cle-r. $4.40tff4.5O. SEEDS Tlmoth tf $2.8H1.0O; prime higher. CORNMEAL-$2.75. BRAN Strong; sacked, east track, 8587c. HAY-Steady; timothy, $8.0012.50; prairie, 85.00a.50. IRON COTTON TIES-960. BAGGING 77c. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork unchanged: Jobbing, $11.02. Lard firm; prime steam, $6.55. Ba con steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.50; short Clear. 88.87. pOUL'l'n if Market steady; chickens, 10c; springs, 11c; turkeys, 15c; geese, 5c. BUTTER Msrket steady; creamery, 15 20c: dairy, 12lc. BOGS Market firm, )7c, case count. ' Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 13,000 25,000 Wheat, bu 133,000 127,000 Corn, bu 51,000 Oats, bu 78,000 44,000 Available Supply ot Grata. NEW YORK, Sept, 7.-8pec1al cable and telegraphlo communications received by Bradatreet'a show the following changes In available supples as compared with last account: Wheat, United State and Canada, east ' of the Rockies, Increased 878.000 bushels; afloat for and In Europe, Increase, 8,100,000 huahela. Total supply, Increaae, 8,978,000 bushels. Corn, United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, Increaae, 1.278,000 bushels. Oats, United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, Increase. 4,243,000 bushels. The leading Increaaes reported thla week are 190.000 bushels St Chattanooga, 830,00) bushels at Dallas, and 68,000 bushels at ,,. V The leading decreases are 88.000 bushels j at masnvine ana m.ouu ousneis at Ogdens burg. Philadelphia Prodae Market. PHn.ADELPHIA, Sept. 7. BUTTER Market firm, good demand. Extra western creamery, 19c; extra nearby print, 2uc. EGGS Firm. good demand; nearby firsts. $a920c, at mark; western firsts, 20 t20c st mark. CHBESE-Flrm. fair demand. New Tork full creams, fancy, c; New York full creams, choice, tmc; New York full creams, fair to good, 8Q). Milwaakeo Grata Market. MILWAUKEE!. Wis . Sent 7 WHPLAT Market lo higher; No. 1 northern, $1 16; No. t northern, $1 111.13; December, $1.06 bid. kik rueiaay; jno. I, itc. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, I7tj69c; sample, $8fi6c: CORN-Lowsr; No. $, 64i64q; December, 510 bid. Mlaaeatls Graia Market. MINNEAPOLIS. SeDt. 7. WHKAT Ren. temtier, $1.11; December. $1.10iftl.ll: No. I hard. 81.15; No. 1 northern, 81 13. FLOUR First Patents, 8.10fi.B0: second patents, $B.954J06: first clears, $4.10C4.20; second clears. $$.1073.20. BRAN-in DUlk, 14.tSjC15.00. , Dalatta Graia Market. DUUTTH. Sept. 7 WHEAT New No. 1 northern, $1.14; No. 2 northern. $1.11. To sr. rive: Old No. 1 northern. $1.1$; No, $ north ern, $1UI: No. 1 northern. $1 16: No. $ northern. $1.12: September. $1.13: Decern. ber, $1 08. OA I B on tracg ana to arrive, co. Liverpool Graia Market. LIVERPOOL Sent. 7. WHEAT-Soot nominal; futures steady; September, 7s 3d; CoRN Spot unlet: American mixed, 4 lid: futures steady: Seelember. 4a 74td: Do. cember, 4a Cd. Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. Sent. 7. -"ORN Quoted hlaher: No. 2. KK.c: No. 8. no irada. WHIBKt-On the basis of 8128 for fin. Ished good NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Volume of Dealings Large, but Prices Are Below Those of Tuesday. PACIFICS OPEN HIGHER, BUT SELL OFF Strength of ladastrlal a Partial Set Off for the Heaviness ( Railroad List Close Is Irregalar. NEW YORK, Sept. 7.-Th advocates of hlgner price lOr stocks m.l loss encour agement trim in action, ot toaay's mar Ret man I rum tnat ui yeeteiuay. Inere La as aa little newa to account tor the re action aa mere wiu to explain tn advance. 1 ri oluino oi aeailnaa waa wen up to that of ejierday, iut me buying of Stucks imni outwue kourcca aim tniuugn comnue aion or aellu.g was as little in vvi ueitce as at any lime during the current peiiod of activity, 'tne concision was gtn erai that the dealings are gene. ally due to the operation ot parties ot speculator or of large individual trader who make an avocation of such operation, it was quite evident that many of such operators, who were conspicuous buyers la yeteiday market, were free eellera to take proms today. Thla la the aufticlent explanat.on ot the actual movement of prices and In or der to adequately judge the value of the price movement as an Index of conditions and values it wou.d be necessary to know the motives and Information which prompted the operations. There were rw public Developments to throw light on this subject. In view of yesterday's wide advance In the Pacifies sntl the subsequent public an nouncement of hopeful views of prospects for values from an official quai ter con nected with the system thus attected. some of the speculative followers ot the move ment evidently feared that the effective buying that they had been tollowing might be considered to be now concluded, 'the pressure to take profits In the Paclnca in consequence was quite urgent. The open ing prices for them showed a momentary eft ecu rrom the Interview referred to, but these were the highest prices ot the day. In the railroad list efforts to contest tne reaction were rather Ineffectual. In a section of the Industrial list, how ever, a considerable degree of strength ce veloped and served aa a partial offset to the heaviness In the railroad list. Tne Iron and steel stocks were most conspicuous In this movement, but other metal stocks und also the railroad equipment companies, which make a large use of Iron materials, were affected by sympathy. Conflicting In fluences kept prices moving Irregularly all day. The reaction was in force at the clos ing, which was heavy. An appreciably firmer tone was evident both for call and time loans as a conse quence of the decline In the banking sur- filus and the increasing demand for) money n connection with the stock market spec ulation. Some attention also waa paid to reporta of corn crop damage from the southwest. Neither of these factors seemed to be sufficiently pronounced to have much influence on the movement of prices. The dwy'e reports of railroad gross earnings for the fourth week In August were uniformly encouraging. Th bond market continued broad snd generally firm: total sale, par value. 85.46V 000. I'nlted. States bonds were unchanged on nail. The Quotation on the New York Stock exchange yesterday ranged a follows: fcaies.riign.LKiw.tioe. .46.6IM & 2 82 . ) 9ri 1)9 Atchison do preferred Baltimore & Ohio .. do preterred Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J Ches. at Ohio Chicago & Alton .... do preferred Chicago 4 G. W.... Chicago & N. W.... C. M. St. P do preferred Chicago Ter. AT... do preferred C, C, C. A St. L.... Colorado Southern . do 1st preferred... do 2d preferred.... Del. & Hudson Del., Lack. & W.... Denver ft R. O do preferred Erie do 1st preferred.... do 24 preferred.... Hocking Valley do preferred ....ii. Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern do preferred Louis. & Nash Manhattan L 200 W 126 't 171 41 41 "i log 16$ 79 IS 4R 21 166 276 25 80 30 67 9J 125 i;u 40 41 83 16 1X9 IS', 16 781, 16 47 21 165 276 25 79 29 . 1,400 . &) .14,400 . 2J0 .' 2;6ii6 . trllO .18,900 '. L400 . 1,"0 . 700 . 1,000 . 1,100 . 700 . 6,000 . 9W . 100 . 1,200 .86.900 U 171 4o 41 'is 190 166) "e" 16 79 15 ' 48 21 164 276 25 6.400 7,800 44 43 . 800 . 83 . 82 82 , 800 87 87 87 . 1.8C0 138 138 1 . 1,200 23 22 22 80 100 300 2,800 46 1.200 168 Met. Securities 12.700 88 Met Street Ry 8,900 Minn. & St. L 500 M.. St. P. & 8. 8. M.. 200 do preferred 400 Missouri Pacific ......17.900 Mo., Kan. ft Tex 4,800 do preferred 1,000 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 100 new York central .... Norfolk & Western ... do preferred Ontario A West.... Pennsylvania P., C. C. A St L.... 4,300 38,400 100 8,100 500 100 19,100 7.10O Heading do 1st preferred.. oo 2d Dref erred. hock island1 lo... do Dreferred ... Ot. li, ft D. , F. 2d pfd. 1,700 69 2i St. Louis S. W do oreferred . 4,000 Southern Pacific 73 2HO Southern Railway 36,600 do preferred l 7(0 Texas dV Paclflo 6.500 T.. St L. A W 100 do preferred 1,900 Union Pacific 83 fjOO do preferred 2,100 Wabash 3,000 do preferred 10,100 Wheeling & L. E. ...... 100 Wlaconshi Central .... 600 do preferred 600 Mex. Central $,goo Adama Express .... American Express U. 8. Expreen Wells-Fargo Exp Amal. Copper 50.400 Amer. Car & Foun... 6.100 do preferred gno Amer. Cotton OH 400 do preferred American Ice 1,800 do preferred 1,000 Amer. Linseed Oil do preferred Amer. Locomotive .... g.ono do preferred 300 Amer. Smelt. A Refln. 1,000 11 1 -a 100 27 269, oo prererred Amer. 8uger Refln.. Anaconda Mln. Co.. Brooklyn Rapid T. . 107 131 130 130 or 81 66 5 oio. r uei & iron.... ,200 Consolidated Gas .... 3,606 Corn Products l.oiiO do preferred jno planners' Securities.. 100 General Electric 1 7ro International Paper., ano do preferred fyio International Pump.. 100 do DreferreA 100 National Lead North American .... Paclflo Msll People's Oaj Pressed Steel Car... do preferred Pullman Pal. Car .. Republic Steel do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred ...... Tenn. Coal A Iron .. U. 8. Leather do preferred T7. 8. Resltv. Imp... U .8. Rubber do preferred U. 8. BW1 do nreferred WnptimhoiiM Elec., , 1,100 , 400 , 1,000 4.500 6,400 400 102 82 218 7 48 18 . 500 ' . 1.200 .18 800 . $.400 ano . 4 . 100 'Vino .83.800 . " 44 18 western Union 810 Total sales for the day. $07,800 shares. Leadoa gfoek Mssket. LONDON, Sept. 7,-Closlng: Oonaols. money "w Tors Centra Norfolk A Waatan,:. "J do pfd j oo socauiu Aaaroada Atckiaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohls . sa . 4 U .10114 . 01a Rand illnas ioa4 rheaapsaka Okie!! 41'k r-.. i .. . .. r tMi . naaaisg ..,7 C . If. A St. DaBaers P A R Q ... "'Jiif """,r" Aaiiw'a'r .. lot. .. It .. Wi. h?' outsern ' Paciii" 04 i.'oa PaclAc ... do pfd na A, do lat pfd... do td pfd.... Illinois r.ntral L. a- M .103 i i en, aid . . l5LtM-u '' h do prd ts waDaah t,J M . K. A T .: r.z ' rT""1'" rri ii, r.n-iiar, steady, ,Id pel' tunca MONEV-l(,m per -rfie tt. of discount In the open market for siioit fall's I. 24i6 per cent. The-rat. of dl.l-c?,"? n .h.,0,;n mrk4 for three months' bills Is l$-ltv4 per isnt. Ksvr York Meaey Market. NEW YORK. Sept. .7.-MONEY-OA csll, easy; ltil per tent; closing hid.. I per cent; offered St 1 per tent. Time loans. slightly firmer; sixty days, I osr oent; ninety days, 2 per cent; six months, 2 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE FArER-3e4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at 84 87. H 487.15 for demand and 84.84.OrS4.M.7& for siaty-dsy bills Posted rates, $4.86lr4.88. Commercial bills. 3 MM s4. SILVER Bar, 66c. Mexican dollars, 46c. BUNDS Government steady; railroad bonda firm. The following are the closing quotations on Blocks and bonds: V. 8. ret. u, rf....ln4H . ra. self 4s...l'H do coupon IW'4 Mexletn Csntral 4. . 411 r. 8. la. rf Uteres.. I" Men. Cm. 1st Inc.. 154 do roupoa i M. A ft L. 4a K V. 8. new 4a. re....l3l M., K. A T. 4t....loo4 do coupon tllV de Ida Si'a V. S. old 4a, res....l' jN. B. ot M. con. 4a 7 do coupon te7 N. T. C. ten. IvtalOAH Atchteoa s-neral 4a..lfl3VN. J. C. sen. Si.... in do adluatmsnt 4a. 4-,i Northern Parldc 4a. .lc Atlantic C, L. 4a ... MVi Northern Pacific fr, , H, Baltimore A Ohio 4a. 103 V N. A W. con. 4a.. ..1014, do Stta MS O. S. L. 4a A par... V C. ot Oaortls is....lilH Prnn. eenv lva tH do lat Inr Mti Reading General 4a . ' C. A o 4H .l'Hlsi. b. A I M.con .as. tl C. A A. it, 79H St. U A 8. r. r. 4a 6, ( . B. ft q. near 4a. MH;t. L. south, lata., n C, M. A 8t.P..4a..VWi C. A N. W. ron 7a.KSS C. R. I. P. 4a... 7 Sea hoard A. L. 4a Southern Pacldo 4a M 4 tl7H llUSa 7 m 106 So. Railway la T. A P. lata T.. St. L. A W. 4a talon Pacini- 4a... I:. P. ennv. 4a do col. la WH1 t... .Bt l,.g.4B.101vt rhlcaio T. 4a. 74 Con. Tobarco 4a 74 Colorado aV S 4a 4 D. A R. O 4a. ldl'i Erie prior Hen 4a.... H r.rlen ganeral 4a 17 r. W. A D. C lata. 107 Hocking Valley 4hl 1" LAN unl. 4a 101 Bid. U. 8. Steel !d (a Wabaah luta Wabaah deb. B... W. A L. B. 4a.. .. no' ..US .. an ,..MH wis. Centra I 4a.. Colo. r. eenv. la ct. liA Boston Stork Market. BOSTON. Sept. 7 Csll loans. 2(g3 per cent; time loans. 45 per cent. Official closing of stocks find bonds: Atchison dj. 4a '. 9i Adventure 1 do 4a ,...101 Alkniea i 1 Mex. Central 4a 41 ! Amalgamated I4 Atchlaon M lAmerlran Zinc ..... IX do Bfd ' Atlantic 14 4 Baton A A....4tBlngham 2 Ronton A Main , Iralumet A Hacsla: ..M Boalon Klavated ....114 Centennial ... FHchbnrg pfd 13" Copper Range in .. IK .. 14H .. M .. ft .. .. 1 .. l'a .. H, .. I", .. 4ft4 .. I'4 .. lftti .. 7 .1 l .. 1 .. 4H ..113 .. 74 .. lH .. 11" .. 4J .. 31 .. .. Mexican Central lzlj Daly Wcit N. Y.. N. H. A 11.. 19n I Dominion Coal ... Per Marouetta T4 Franklin Union I'aclnc ion nrancy Amer. Arga. Chem.. Writlnghnuae com. do pfd SO Trie Royals Amar. Pneu. Tuba.... 4 Mans. Mining Amer. Sugar U0',i Michigan .......... do pfd 1!H Mohawk Amer. Tel. A Tel... IJT Mont. C. A C American Woolen ... IS'ajoio: Dominion .... do pfd ft! Oaceola Dominion I. A 8.... 114,lParrol Edlaon Elec. Illu..20 IQulncy Oenersl Electrle o..170 Shannon Maaa. Electric 12H Tamarack do pfd 40 lYrlnlty Man. Oaa 41'V. B. Mining fnlted Fruit 10 it). 8. Oil t'nlted Shoe Mach.. H t'tah do pfd suit -victoria V. 8. Steal 13 1 Winona do pfd 2VWolverlna Bid. Asked. Ex-dlvldend. New York Mining- Stucks. NEW YORK, Sept. 7.-The following are the closing pneta on mining shocks: Adams Con to -Little chief OS Alice W I Ontario 3tn Breeca II Ophlr iSO Brunawlrk Con 17 I r'hoanlx IS Comatork Tunnel .... lu I Potoal 11 I nn. Cal. A Va 100 i Savage la Horn Silver .; loa i Sierra Nevada to Iron Silver 160 -Small Hopea 24 Leadvllle Con. ....... 01 Standard M Foreign, Flnnnclal. LONDON, Sept. 7. Money waa plentiful In the market today, tne borrowings trom the Bank of Lugland having neon liqui dated. Prlees on the Stock exchange were firm and a moderate amount of bustneo was transacted. '1 here waa a continued ce msnd for high-class securities for invest ment purposes. Consols ot ened with a tes ter tone, reacted on realisation and closed steady. Americans were strong, tollowing New York, especially coalers, and wcr falrly active. They eased later and closed Irregular. Foreigners were quiet. Jnpanesj dropped on the Incompleteness of the suc cess at Llao Yang. Imperial Japane e gov ernment 6s of 13o were quoted at 96. The amount of bullion taken in the bank of England on balance today was 53,Ouo. PARIS, Sept. 7. Prices on the Bouise to day were irregular. Internationals were heavy. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 93.20 and Russian bonds of 19J4 at 607. Tne private rate of discount was 1 per oent. Three per cent rent, 8Bf 60c for the ac count. , .' i BERLIN, Sept 7. Prices on the Bourse today had s tendency to bo firmer. Ex change on London, 20m 43 pfgs. for checks. Condition ef ,4h Treasury. WASHINGTON. Sept. 7.-Today's state ment of the treaearyifailMces In the gen eral fund, exclusive rr the $150,000,000 In the division of redemption, shows; Available cash balances, $147,539,215; gold, $49,769,962. NEW , YORK GE1YEBAL MARKET Quotations of , the . Day on Various - Commodities. NEW YORK. Sept. 7.-FLOUR-Rece4pts. 27,289 bbls.; exports, 488 bbls. Market better Inquiry, but sales were light. Minnesota patents, $5.90fi6.26; Minnesota bakers', $4.8004 4.70; winter patents, $5.204J'5.50; winter straights, $4.90(3.20; winter extras, $3.45 4.00; winter low grades, $3.Soi93.80. Rye flour firm; fair to good, H.26&M.50; choice to fancy,- $4.65tT4.86. ! mnNus'ii tro..,. v.nn . !1.13: city. $I.121.14; 'kiln-dried, $3.20(&8.8o! RYK Nominal. B A RLE Y Steady ; feeding, 47c, In New York. WHEAT Receipts, 8,000 bu; exports, 42. 915 bu. Market soot Irresular: No. 2 red. $1.11 f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern, Du-J ni in, i..M' r. o. o. anoat; rno. i hard Mani toba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; options were generally firm all day. The strength lay chiefly In higher cables, adverse northwest crop news, covering of shorts before the crop report and smaller western receipts. Final pricrs showed lc net advance. May, $1.101.10l.ll. closed 1.10. CORN Receipts. 69,290 bu; market, No. 2 spot and elevator, nominal, f. o. b, afloat; No. 2 white, 60c .- Option market was quiet and firmer on low temperatures west and bull support, closing net higher. September closed 69c; December closed 67c- - OATS Receipts, 154,000 bu; murket, spot easy; mixed outs, 26 and 82 pounds, 3411) 35c; natural white, 30 and 33 pounds, .WijJi 37c; mixed oata. 26 and 32 pounds, 33fi'35o; natural white, 30 and 82 pounds, 8637c; clipped, 82 to 40 pounds, 3940c. Options more active and easy under heavy receipts. September, 36Kr87c, closed 38c; December, 36&Goc, closed 38c. HA Y Easy; shipping, $7.50; good to choice. $8.50. HOPS Julet; state, ' common to choice, 1903, 2735c; olds, 7(&13c; Pacific coast, 1903, 26fi81c: olds, 713e. VIIDES-KIrm; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 17c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas, dry. 24 to 80 lbs., 14c. LEATHER Steady : acid, 2426c. PROVISIONS-Steadv. Pork, family, $10.50gll.60; mess, $8.6OS.0O; hams, $'! 25.50; packet, $9.5O10.5O; extra India met. $14.00ffl6.O0. Cut meats steady; pickled bei llps, 19.0011.00; pickled shoulders, 17.(0 7.25; pickled hams, $10 OGS11.00. Lard, fltm: weatern ateamer, $7.60; refined steady ; continent, $7.60; South America, $8.25; com pcund, $5.S7!ft.00. TALLOW-Dull; city ($2 per pkg.), 4c; country (pkg. free), 4t4c. RICE Market quiet; domestelc, fair to extra, ISoe: Japan, nominal. BUTTER Steady; etret price, extra creamery, 19ffl9'4c; omolal prices, creamery, common to extra, 136319c; state, dairy, com mon toextra, 12lHc. CHEESE Steady; state, full cream, large, colored, good . to fancy, 8&6c; small, white, fancy, 8s. EGGS Steady; westorn fancy, 21$21c. POULTRY Alive, firm: western chick ens, 14516c; fowls, 14c; turkey, 13r. Dressed, weak; western chickens, - 13 14c; fowls, 13$14c; t.irkeys, 13jl5c. Kansas City Grain tin! Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 7 WHEAT Higher; September, 9"jc: December, 96 95c; May. 9flc: cash. No. 2 hard, (Hc& $1.00; No. 8. 80i97c; No. 4, 864j9ic; No. 1 red. $l.O4fil.0; No. 3. $1.01-. CORN Higher; September,. 47c; De cember, 46j45c: May. 45c; cash. No. t mixed. 49c: No. 3. 49c; No. 2 white, 490 49c: No. 3, 45ff49c. OATS Firm; No. 2 whits, $3S34c; No, I nixed. 32fi34c. HA Y-Firm ; choice timothy, $2.60; choice prairie. $7.2667.60. RYK Steady at 70c. EGGS Missouri snd Kansas, new No. 3 while wood cases included, 18c; ess ci-unt, loc; caaee returned, o less. BUTTER-Creamery, I416c; dairy. 12c, Receipts. Shipments, Wheat, bu 132.000 U3.60) Corn, bu 28.000 14 0 Oats, bu 7.C0J 7.C0J agar and Molssses. NEW YORK, Sept. 7. SUGAR Raw, - . a . u . . . . K7 a A .L. . KI 1 Af(ka.l.80e: No. . 4.65c: No. Id. 4tc: No. 11. 4.60c; No. 12. 4.45c: No. 13, 4.40c; No. 14. 4.40c. MOI.ABBES firm. NKW ORLEANS. Sept 7 SUGAR Mar ket strong; open kettle. 2ij-3 J-lfir ; open kettle centrifugal. 3413c; centrlfusal whites, 4e; yellows, 4d4c; seconds. 2 j3Sic. MOLASSES Nominal; orven kettle. 20(f 5c; centrifugal, Kti'l&c. Syrup, nominal, 20 Whisky Market. PHIPAOft. Kent. 7 WH Iftlf T IluHv on basis of $1.2M. PhXRlA. Bept. 7. Vt HIBKET On a basis, of t.'l for finished goods, cor i ii mb uti i niia i v basis of $1-2$ for finished" good. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Eather 8mfcll Bun of Cattle ind No Great Obanga in Prices Took Place. LIGHT HOGS STRONG. HEAVIES WEAK Good Demand for Desirable Grades of Fat Sheep aad Lambs at Generally Steady Prices, While Feeders Were Active- aad Steady. atOUTH OMAHA, Sept. Recelcts wera- Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Oriiciai juonaay Othcial 'luesday .... Ottlclal Wednesday ,ej 4i4 .,M 6.4VU 1.VAU Three day this week ..11.232 15,446 l,4o u,6v; came oay last week week before . .4o9 oame tniee weea ago.. 11. on banie four weeas aj... i.ui aame day last yea- . ..lisou ib.Ul iwi.c.ii 4 ejn iHhi ihlAR 'to DA'l'Ji. i no toliowuig table ehov. (Ue recs.pi ot caiiie, nogs and sneep at euuin Omana fur tne year iu uaie, witu conifar.son with last year; ig. JBj. mo. Doo. V,al" u.o34 H,iSj l,f'l.JI4l l,o,4a4 t.t b,VeeP l4,e kSU.Jj U.Hio Average prices paid for hogs at South umaha for the last seveial aas with com parlsou: Date. 1901 190$. 1M2. 11901. 100. 18.18M. August 151 August IS 6 1 k -Jt; 6 02V $ 68 68l 78, 6 77 4 7I 4 441 $ 76 4 Ml 4 $1' $ 71 I 001 4 M $ 74 4 tef 4 47 $ August 17i August 1S Auaust till 8i n 6 84 4 991 6 18 6 68 s a l-'i ; 6 89 I 4 601 August 20 I f 8 7$ 6 12) 1 li 6 $01 87 6 03 Oi, August 31 Auirust i I 0 i1 0 Si 6 7s 4 42 4 4' 81 7 01 August 23 August It August 26 August as, Auaust 27 August 261 August 9 August 80 a 5 til t 6 I 74 4 M 3 73 3 71 3 70 I 70 $ 73 02 'J 6 46 5 $ 99 $ tl 471 O.I 4 a; 4 U 4 40 4 33 I a ui 6 13 B l 7 1(H 6 05 6 22 7 31 S 91 i 4M1 I 021 6 (2l S 24 ! 6 7 291 7 2 6 01 ( 11 00 4 401 5 83 7 19 03 6 11 4 4: 7 6 001 4 40 August 81 SeDt. 1... 6 17 6 13 F 331 12 6 061 4 27l $ 63 B Ml 7 88 6 04 4 $ 41 Bept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. 6 27l 6 201 7 42 12 6 08, 6 16 " 4 14 02 6 06i 4 19 8 69 6 33 5 24 6 24-V 6 80' 7 3U $ 6o t2 $ 63 $ 63 5 42 7 33: 6 47! 7 40) 6 20, 6 08 4 22 6 47 6 44 7 46; ( 34 6 05! 4 U 6 0S 4 30 6 21 S0 "nrticstes Rurdsy. . The official number of car of brought In today by each road was: stock n vr jl o. Cttttle.Hogs.Sheep.Hor s. 8 1 W abash : Mo. Pac. Ry I Union Pac. System. $8 C. & N. W. Ry F., K. & M. V. R.R. 32 C., St. P., M. et O. 6 B. & M. Ry $ C, B. A Q. Ry.... 1 C, RI.AP.Ry.east 1 C, R I.AH.Ry .weat 1 Illinois Central .. Chi. at. Western 8 18 24 18 34 13 1 Total recrfnta 1"a 83 32 The dlsnnsitlnn nf ih aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oinahn Packing Xo... Swift and Company.. Cudahy Pncklng Co.. Armour & Co... Vansant & Co Corey A Benton Lcbman & Co McCrcary & Clark... W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntsinger.... Lewis & Underwood.. N. Morris L. F. Hus Squires & Co... Cudnhy Bros. A Co... Wolf & Murnan Baddcn Root Bulla A Kline. Haggerty Other buyers 116 1,W9 336 1,148 638 Total .3.509 4,123 9,606 IA1 I J .K There was n d-v, . ...... . tie In sight this morning at oil of the' hlg markets with the exception of Kanaas City, wilf ? J,1,000.. "Ported. Omaha only had 2.600 and Chicago 12.000. There was no great amount of life to the trade, but still most everything at gll deiirablo sold in fairly good season.- , There were about ten- cars .of corn-fed steers lnoluded In the receipts, and the better grades sold readily enough at good. h?,y .prl.c"' u.Af. h,h " w Paid which la the highest price for a load in some little time. The kind that dragged were yarmed-up and common corn-feds, ror which the demand was very limited, and salesmen found it difficult to dispose of that clasa of cattle at what looked to be satisfactory prices. ... There were hardly more than fifteen cars or grass beef steers on sale, snd most of those were on th Texas order snd of only fair quality. The lack of good cattle natur ally made buyers rather Indifferent, so that the market was not sctive. but had the appearance of being slow. The prices paid were Just about steady with yesterday, Vnd S,M?ti.yeR'1 ,rl",r,,n', was made by the middle of the forenoon. The cow market wna uneven. There were between twenty-five and thirty cars on sale and there was no mistaking the fact h't b. were Inclined to be bearish .VL'i? tttter T''"- In "oin cases, though, they paid steady prices, while In other Instances salesmen thoueht thev could not get as much as the cattle ought to bring. In the case of canners and eut tZ"tY,f 21lS&AheTt' wa" on improvement 'Jltt.IevbJt". That w" Probably brought about by the favorable prospects for nack ers being able to oneratS htr cannlns: de partments In the near future. canmn a'" Bijlls. venl cnlyes and stags sold at gen erally steady prlcea. There were quite a few storker and feed ers In sight, but the demand wis equal to the occasion, and an uctlvo snd steady to strong mnrket was exnerl-nced on anything at all good. R "-resent" 'v.. s-Uea' "'""" BBKr STEERS. No. M... 15... IS... 41... 17... 44... II... I... 1... I... 4... 11... 1... 1... A. fr Ka. ....1164 4 Sit II ....1241 4 M 10 ....10JI 4 an ta ....1071 III ....1211 I OA 6. ... . Il.t I A. ' AT. 1144 14M , 1441 1510 1411 r I M I 71 8 10 I M 6 to 'STEERS AND HEIFERS. ,...i4 l K COW8. .1040 . 140 . Ill . too . 114 , 15 .1480 ! AT 6 t 71 I 00 I 04 I Of 4 00 I "0 1... t 40 1... I M 1... IS I... 3 44 J... BULL. ....,1140 ...... 1400 1190 1200 ....1140 I 71 STAGS. Ill" ou 6TOCKF.RS AND FEEDERS Ml I to t...; jjo HEIFERS. 130 U .11M It... , Ml no , 484 J J? , 711 IM ?, " 144 I NEBRASKA. 19 cows., 2 steers 931 X ill t 2.1 1 2 2 23 2 AO 2 80 2 80 2 80 $ 50 8 05 8 06 3 25 8 26 8 16 16 $ 85 8 08 I 06 06 t OS 160 I 25 $ 20 1 20 t 0 2 00 t 60 8 50 1 60 1 fow 1020 2 feeders.. SS5 2 feeders.. 780 6 feeders.. 812 II feeders.. 1060 2 feeders.. 735 20 feeders.. 873 8 steers.. ..1140 6 feeders.. 100$ 1 feeder... 850 1 feeder... 9M 87 feeder.. 964 26 feeder,. 919 20 feeders.. 970 11 cow 1001 875 t 00 3 00 3 75 3 10 80 2 60 8 20 $ 26 8 10 t 60 $ 26 8 26 !16 16 85 26 I 83 ! M t 86 I $ 75 $ $6 3 10 $ 10 8 10 8 10 8 84 140 1 steer 1200 1 steer 1020 I steor.. 870 , 9A0 , 738 , 920 . 746 , 840 , 75$ 2 cows... 4 cows... 1 cow. ... 4 heifers. 2 feeders 8 feeders 2 feeders .1010 2 feeders.. 1176 1 feeder.. .1080 t feeders.. 98$ 80 feeders.. ?6 1 feeder... 9n0 2 feeders.. 786 8 feeders.. 720 2 feeders,. 725 1 heifer.. MO 1 heifer... 660 j bull 860 l eow liso 1 cow.... ...900 ,. 850 .1080 . 961 . 130 ,. 990 1 cow 1 oow 13 oow.... 1 calf 1 teer. ... feeder. I feeders. I Dull...... 890 450 40 870 1 bull . V60 .1220 1 bull I feeder.. I heifer.... too t helfrs 738 $ cows $77 1 feeder... 410 t cow 1078 I cow 11S0 IDAHO. I cow 1100 90 46 feeders., . $ 18 44 feeders.. 1073 48 6 feeders.. 1218 8 10 10 feeders.. 870 jtt 44 f seders., 1065 $ M 21 feeders.. 1239 8 90 6 feeders.. 944 8 00 1 feeder... 1000 3 60 69 cows. . 994 2 46 t 10 I SO 8 26 10 t 76 8 10 I 70 2 bulls , 4 cows., 4 steers ,.180 ..1017 ..160 ,.10"0 1 bull 1 feeder.. $1 feeders. 62 cows.... , ft , 980 WTOMINO. , $ 26 cow..,, 76 2 cows..., 05 CO IX) RA DO. 8 63 10 steers.. ,.110$ 22 steers.. .! 74 steers... 1203 . 988 .KM) t 40 too 60 cows 1042 J. D. Hopkins Neb. 917 $ 66 1 feeder.. 13 coars.. 6 cows.. 1 cow... 400 783 I 16 . 908 .104" 1 OS 6 feeder, t 56 8chwlnd-Nb. $ 80 2 cow.... 8 86 I cow. . . , 2 00 $ feeder. G 750 620 1 heifer... I heifer... 1 heifer..., T heifer . 790 V0 t 1$ ! $40 1 86 704 .. 91$ C. 40 I biUI 1130 K. Miller Neb, 1 row 1030 T rows 1043 11 roars l'W4 3 cows lim 1 cow I3i 2 15 1$ feeder.. 800 26 75 $ 75 $ 78 2 76 I li I feeder.. vi 1 feied.,. sMI 1 feeder... "SO 1 feeder... $60 3 24 I "it 110 (M 611 1.630 346 1.334 609 1.328 28 299 ' ..... 203 64 119 106 54 "62 ..'.'.'. 778 .... 219 252 168 26. 115 29 476 ..... 1 7 4 35 4 3t 2 36 8 20 t 85 3 2a 40 3 73 A. KurVkel Neb. S feeders.. 88 175 - 19 feeders.. 1 $25 Kit Kunkel-Neb. 1 feeder... 700 $ 00 1 cow 1079 1 60 feeders.. W $2" 1 cow 73S $60 3 feeders.. 10 IM 1 cow ! 1 75 i feeders., 905 $ 1 cow 790 1 76 1 feeder... 420 1 76 Elk creek cattle co. wyo. 48 feedera..lW $ 80 1 steer I1V) 10 feeders.. 1017 $46 14 feeders.. U 1 feeder... 1300 $ 60 A. C. Lute-Neb. O feeders. .1078 8 65 $ fin a 50 H. V. Rowe Nob. . 706 8 30 6 feeder. II P MnnrlAncl Isen 67 feeders. 3 bulls.... 1 calf t cows.... 2 cows $ rows.... 11 cows.... 704 1 M .i4so io) 8 cows m 1 ) . 250 4 25 1 cows 6V 1 80 . 925 2 60 J. C. Regan Colo. 756 3 80 F. W. Reekee-Colo. . 1 2 30 ii cow 98 2 75 .1080 2 75 D. Broadwocd Neb. :i i t tmAT tan ro 7$ feeders. HOGS RecelDts wers verv moderate this morning st all markets snd no great change In prices took place. There waa a good de mand her for choice light and butcher welghta, which both shippers and packer wanted. Such kind could be quoted steady to strong and fairly active. They sold largely, from $5 30 to $5 35 and high as $6.46 was paid for a prime light load. Mixed hogs were sbout steady with yesterday's genersl market and sold largely from $o.lo to $5.25. Heavy hogs were hard to aell at any figure. Packers d:d not seem to care whether they got them or not. and that was particularly tru where the quality was not good. Some choice heavy hogs that would do to ship sold readily enough at fully steady prices, but the bulk of the heavy noga were slow sale at prices rang ing all the way from $5.00 to $5.16 Somo of them looked a little stronger than yes terday's weak-close, while others were no more than steady with the close. Most of the rood hciaa were sold st a reasonably early hour, but it was late before all the heavies were disposed of. Representative sales. So. M... M... 74.. AT. VA lot .144 8h Pr. Ms. Sr. Ik. rr. ... i as ma ... 1 15 ... I 06 4 m ... ?s , IM I 10 44 ., Il 40 I 15 ' MIX 70 144 IM 15 120 I IS It 5I 10 a 140- 10 - 4 ! 40 I 25 ... I 10 II .241 10 4 li ... $ 14 II 221 ... I 25 SI t 67 IM 10 lit ill.. .Ill ...114 ...ti 0 I 10 79 2U 10 I K I 10 t ;.2M ISO 28 I 10 48 ...38 40 4 18 tl... M... 11... 43... 41... lo... it... to... 54... 7... it... 0... ft... 58.... (1... ft... IS... 6..., 17..., ft... Ki... M... M.... 7..., 41.... 41..., It..., .... 54... I... 32 .. 2411 ,...U4 ....114 I is fa ?4 H I II I 11 M. ...... .Ill 40 I 15 t lrta 40 251 HO 15 I 16 46 24T 130 I 16 I II 10 161 ... I 25 16 II 241 14 4 17 I II CI it 40 I 10 I S 71 281 120 f 40 I 16 14 140 ... I 10 6 16 16 147 ... 4 10 I II , 71 110 40 I M I 16 72 24 ... I 10 ...171 ...ft ,$ 110 an 144 ....100 -4 ...t0 140 ... m ,...IW) IM too ...: ...n ...ii 4 40 ...tii ...M4 ...JS4 ...16 ...8 ...IM 110 I II fl 128 ... a Id I II 70 120 ... I 10 . t 16 Cf 151 40 I 10 to 10 0 40 40 I II 1 254 ... 10 6 17 17 221 SO 6 80 I 10 76. .246 14 I 10 5 20 60 222 ... 8 10 6 10 l 124 110 I 10 6 10 64 141 120 I 10 I M S 246 ... I 10 I 20 44 227 tO I 12(4 6 20 ' 214 160 I 12 I 20 67 184 ' 80 6 86 I 10 146 286 10 I 16 ' ...M ...iU ...10 ...!ft5 ...145 ...I.U ...145 ...t4 ...t5 40 M 0 40 'io 80 I 22 69 177 80 5 40 t ltd ...241 ... 140 . ...1!8 . M ...ZI ...JM 40 I 21 Mi 4 114 SO I 41 I 1H, 76 121 160 I 46 I 22U 44. 2 SHEEP There wss a fairly liberal run of sheep reported thla morning, but the trains were late In arriving which delayed the market to quite an extent. The local demand from packers seemed to be In good shape as all the buyers were looking for fresh supplies and all the early arrivals were cleaned up in good season at, steady prices. As high as $3.75 was paid for wethers and yearlings mixed snd $3.60 for ewes. Good western lambs were rather acarce but could be quoted about steady, with com mon kinds a little slow. A small bunch of natives from Iowa arrived that were good enough to bring $6.60. The feeder market was In much the same condition It has been for some time past. A good many buyers wAre on the msrket and a large number. of -order- were In the hand of oommlaslcn men. so that the de mand -was sufficient to tske everything in sirhfat good steady prices. Quotations for grass sheep and Iambs: Good to choice yearlings. $3.i5?4.00; fair to good yearlings, $3.608.75;' good to choice wethers. $S.6Tr?3.75; fair to good wethers, $3.28(33.50: good to choice ewes. $3.26ft3.50; fair to good ewes, $2.76t$.25i good to choice lambs. $5.00fJ5.60; fnlr lo good lamb. $4.7MP $.00; feeder yearling. -Off8.66; feeder wethers, $3.0OS3.35; feeder ewes, $2.00&2.60; fteder lamb, $3.76$4.60. Representative sales: . ' .. . , No Av- Pr- 1 Western- buck 170 2 00 18 South Dakota feeding ewes.. 91 2 86 130 South Dskota feeding ewes.. 84 2 36 102 Wyoming breeding ewes 101 $ 25 603 South Dakota breeding ewes.101 8 33 Western ewes 134 3 60 69 Wyoming wethers 10! 8 60 270 Wyoming yearling ewes...... 80 8 60 262 South Dakota feeder wether 81 8 50 ?55 South Dakota feeder wethers 84 8 60 610 Puth Dakota feeder wethers 96 $ 60 6 Western cull lambB 60 4 60 63 Native . lambs 78 5 50 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady sad HigherHogs Firm and ' Higher. CHICAGO, Sept. 7. CATTLE Receipts, 12,000 head; marKet steady to 10c higher; good to prime steers, lo.OOJW.SO; poor to medium, 3.854.li6; Blockers and toederi, $2.O0toi.S6; cows, $1.00ij4.; heifers. $:.10& 4.75; canners, $l.W2.oo; nuns. z.uuui2; Calves, H-Wruw.W. lt).an ieu viv-oib, ... iv.u. 4.2o; western steers, ,2.60(34.60. HOGS Receipts, 10,0u0 head; estimated to monow, 17,000 hesd; market firm to 6c higher; mixed and butchers. $6.20(16.80; good to choice heavy, $5.t0'5.tli; rough heavy, 14.8ClS6.06; light, $6,404(6.80; bulk of sales. SHiiEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 0.000 head; market, tteady to 10c lower; choice wethers. $3.60'J4.25; fair to choice mixed, $6.00S.6o; western sheep, $2.254.10; native lambs, 3.6C&i5.00; western iambs, $3.GO&6.90. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. . Sept 7. BEEVES Re relpts. 1.825 head. In the market steer are in fair demand and the top grade are firm; other steady; bulls, steady to firm; fat cowb, shade higher; medium, steadav; thin cows, dull and aeak. Native Steers, $S.60if5.70; hsif breeds, $3.4o4.78: oxen, $4.00; bulls. $2.2634.40; cows. il.WS $.25; fat westtrn, $3.79. Cables steady. Ex ports, 4,909 quarter. of beef. . , CALVES-Recelpt. 2,271 head. Veal steady; greasers and buttermilks, slow. Veala, $6.00(8.60; culls, $4.00n4.75; butter milks snd grassers. $3.00a$.7o: dressed calves, steady; city dressed veals, 9iil3c per pound; country dressed. 8&12c; dressed greasers, 6S7c; dressed butter- "BHiBt AND' LAMBS Receipts, 8,281 head. Msrket for sheep, sbout steady: for lambs, firm to 26e higher. Sheep. $2 oO 64.00; lambs. $5.253.60; ons csr, $6.60; culls, $4.i n Canadian lambs. Kaasas City Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 7. CATTLE Re ceipts 12.000, Including 1.200 southerns. Mar ket steady to lOo higher. Choice exports and dressed beef steers, $$.260-tl.(X): fair Jo food. $3,764(6.00; western fed steers, $3.7&4j 60; Blockers and feeders, $2 603'l.26; south, em steers. $2.6bb3.75; southern oows. $2.0071 $00; native cows, $l.Mjl.'t.l6; native heifer $2.6634 40; bulls, $2.00(03.23; calves, $2.5ui ''HOGS Receipts 4.600 head; market steady to 6o hlgheK Top. $5.60; bulk. $5 S&SS 46; heavy. $a.$540: packers, $6.356.4;; pigs and light. $5.206.60. SHEkVP ReoelBi O.200; market steady. Native lambs, $4.40(8 80- native wethers, $8.26(94.00; ews. $80w837: western sheep, $4.606.76; western yesrllngs, $3.4Ol.l0: wsstern lamb. $3.40)$.7S; stockers and feeders. $3.00a3.0; toek la Slant. Following were th receipts of llv stock for ths six principal western qlties yester- Cattle. Hogs. 6,400 Sheep. 13,000 .206 $.0u0 414 $0,0uu South Omaha loux City Kansas City St. Louis St Joseph Chicago , Total ........... ... $.830 600 12.14 4.000 12.000 .$6,450 41.971 41.514 Bleaa City Ms Stsek Msrket. 4 SIOUX CITY, Sept T fSpeclal Tele, gram.) CATTLE Rscelpts, 4u head; irtar kel strong; stockers active; beeves, $3.6k9 6 60; cows, bulls and mixed, $5 Mil 26: Block ers snd feeders, $2 76423. 70; calvts and year lings. 83o"&3 26. HOGS Kacelpts. 6,200 head; market good. Strong, selling $6.16t5.0; bulk. $6.20a3.26. 4. Lesls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 7 CATTLE Receipts l,(0, Including 2.6Xi Texans. Market active, steady to strong. Natitve shipping snd ex port steers, lleoft 9v; diesssd betf and 1 COW $19 76 14 feeders.. 1044 Gu Craven 8. D. I steer ISO 4 85 1 steer.. -...1340 30 steers. ...13 4 86 81 steers.. ..1XM J. A. Barr S. D. 1$ cows 1011 2 70 1 bull 00 4 COWB.....1045 2 70 36 feeders. .1142 $ cowa M 1 IS Hohart Sheep Co. Wyo. 18 row I I ns I cow 1140 8 cows. r.. .1010 2 85 1 steer 1SS0 1 bull 1700 1 60 Standard Cattle Co. Neb. 4 COWS lOOfl 40 M eow, 94a 64 COW 852 1 75 , 62 eow...s. MU butcher teers, ItO'tJsfS: steer under !.A0 popnds. $3.iiij.6u: stockers and feeder. i.wiX; cotvs and heifers. $12t4(; I'sntirrr, $3.toti 2t; bulls. .ViJ; calve.'iv: lexos and Indii.n steers, $3 8j $; cows and heifers. el.'i.iji.7. HOOtu Rei-elpts, ..v head: market strong and higher. Pigs snd light. $5,014$ 4.4u; paikers, 4 Jo-0 5. ;. butchers a..1 best neMV. so.eOtfJ.Wt. S11H.EP A.NU LA MPS- Receipt 8 $.; matkei stevdy. Native muttons. .t.sotfli.SO; lambs, 4.0(tio80: eull-and bucks. i KKtt 4.W); stockcra, 2.i0tjjm: Texans, $3t0,l.$O. SI. Joseph lite Stock Market. ST. JOSKt'H, S. pt. I. v. A I TLK Ktcelpt 2.CKk; maraet tte.dy. Natives. U iaJ J KS; cowa and heifer, l.otti .."&; stockers and leedrrs, $3.Mti4.0O. HOGs' kn eipts 4 371 head; market, 61100 higher: light,; medium and heavy, $d.V1i6.47. Stu.k;t Receipts 616; market steady. OMAHA WIlOUftALki UARKKT Condltloa of Trade aad 4aotatloiia o Staple aad Fancy Prodoe. EGGS Kecsipi modersts; canuiou stock. 'JlVE POCLTRY-Hens, c; rootr. $oj tuiKes, uk, uiicks, geese, uti spring CuKKoi,, uui:-,. . , . , ULiiiitt-i-tkaini stock, HCllc; choice lo uiiv i.aiii, i-u,-c; avpara.ur, iil(c. tn&oll r oJi i'iuu, .A. , picKdiei, a; piKe, ivc; peicii, Vc; o.ueflsit. Uvi wtutensha ivc; aainion, 14.; iasuatpr, lie; luostei, green, tv.-; iooster, uoileu. sue; bouheads, 11c; cauisn, iv; uiaux bass, Jtio; nallbut. iuc; crapplca, u; iue shad, 1; bufiaio, o( wh.ts baas, 11c; Hug legs, per do.. 26c. uttAA-m tun, je. HA t Price ituoad by Omaha Wholesale Deaiei-s' aasuctaiioii: L notes o. 1 upland, 6(.tn; No. i, ta.M, medium, 4b.U); coarse, tabu. My ktraw, $. i'nese prlees are lor hay ui guod color and quality. OlbiEHS-.vew ork counta, pef can, 45c; extra aeleets, per can, 3ic; standards, tier can. Sue. illOPICAL FRUITS. ORANGEb Valencia, iaige sites. $3-769 4.2u; a.-nau sixes tji.Miti.tO. , LiMO.S California larrcy, 270, $00 and .ai, e-i.Mi; clHiir. J.oa3.'i6. LtilrUS Florida, per s-basket crates. $4.80. FlUb C'aiuoi 111a. per 10-lt. carton. 6O0J imported b.nyina, -crown, 11c; 6 -crown, itv; 1 -CI own,, lao. li (NANAb-i'tr medium sised bunch, $104 Qt.iXi; jumbo, M.'iPtlaMI6. '' CAYkiNNU PLcUAPPLE-16 and 20 sis per crate, $4,011. FRUITS. APPLES Home siown, per bo. basket, Hfiiutc; per bbl., $2.u04J.. ' 1: rb.iitin.S .Slbertas and Sus- quehahnas, $1.10; home grown clings. per lo-IU basket isoi Colorado, per 4-taakst crate, 41.60; Colorado,, per box. ucjl.w. PLUMS-Calif-rnU groes prunes, UJ0 Trageiy, Jl.i; Laiiait ptunes, 81.J6; Utah and ;oiorado piums ana prunes, rucajai.iv. PEA ItS Calliornla Bartieit. ,ic;' box. $1 90 (2.00;, Colorado Flemlan Beauty, 41. sO Colorado, Utah and Oregon Bauiett. $1.64 tjl.o; California li. Hardy, $L6&. .... CANTKLOUPE-Arkanaai nnd , Indies Territory, per crate, $1.6001.76. genuine Colorado Rocky Fords., per crai. i2.09.i WATERMELONS Per 'b. (orated). lc CELERY-Per do.. lt0c. GRAPES Home gfown, prf0 10-lb. basket. 25o; California Tokay-, per case $1.76. CRAB APPLES-yPer bbl.. U76t$-00; per market basket. 60c. VEGETABLES.. POTATOES-Nsw hoe grown. In sacks, per bu., 45c. NAVY MEANS-l-Per'bu., $1.9O5?2.00. ONION8 Home grown. In sacks, per bu.. Mj 76c: 6panlsh, per crate. $L90. TOMATOKS Home grown, per marksH basket 15&20C. " A SABBAGE Home grown, per ICO lbs., 860. UCI MEERS-Per do. 15c. TURNIPS Home grown, per bu., XP5C. BEETS Home grown, pel- bu., 6Uo0c PARSLEY Per do., 25c. . WAX BEANS Per market Viaaket 60c. STRING BEANS Per market basket, 600. GREEN PEPPERS-Per' bushel basket. $1.00. ; ,., f : fiQUASH-Home grown, per dot., 60e . EGG PLANT Southern, per do., $1.60. SWEET POTTOE8-iom grown, per market basket 6flc: Virginia, per bbl., $8.00. , MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HONEY Per 24 frames, $S J. MAPLE Sl'GAR-Ohlo. per lb.. 10c. CHEESE Wisconsin twin, full cream, lie: Wisconsin Young America. 12c; block Swiss, new, 15c; old. 16 17c; Wlaconsl" brick. 13c; Wisconsin llmberger, 13c. HIDES-No. 1 green, 7c: No. $ rsn. 6c; No. 1 saltod, c; No. 2 salted ( $c: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 13 lbs., 9ot No. $ veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 7c; dry salted. 812o; shees pe ts. 24027c; horse tildes, 12.75. NUTS-Wslnuts, No. 1, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb.. 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb , 13c: No. 1 hard shell, per lb.. 12c; Iecans. large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 0c; peanuts, per lb.. l$e; roasted peanuts, per loT, 6c: Chill waltiBta, per lb.i 12(18c: large hickory nuts, per lb.. Ho; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c: hard shell. 13cj shellbarks, per bu., $3.00; black walnuts, p? bu., $1.25. Wool Market. BOSTON, Sept 7. WOOL Market aetlva, most of the large buyers still being In evidence. The Montsna wools wsrs well grown this season, an unusually large amount having gone directly to th con sumer without being sorted. Manufactur ers report that the woolen goods trade Is In better condition than a year ago and the larger mills havs been prominent In ths market. Prices here, which are held firmly are as follows: Ohio end Pennsylvania XX and above, 847j3Cc; 'X, aOffSlc; No. 1. 834$ 24c: No. 2. 33 a 34c: fins unwashed, 34 26c; ! unmerchantable, ZBTjZSc: unwashed delaine, I 26 7c: Michigan X and above, 2728c: No, 1 1, 30fQ81c; No. 2, 29930c; fine unwashed. 21 itTic; unwaaneo oeisin. bjijit; laurorma, Humboldt snd Mendocino, 2f"p27e; northern choice, 22$23c: average. .17919c; middle counties, i7iil8c; southern, 14(&15c: terri tory, Idaho fine. 18fi18c; heavy flne. 16 16c; fine medium. 18jil8c; medium. 1992oc; I'tah and Nevada fin. 17ffl7c; heavy fine, 15U16c; One medium, 17(fj.l8c; medium, 20 4521c; Montana fine.; choice, 2021e; fins average, fine medium, . choice, 200 21c; sverage, irtffi?Go; Colorado -fine, 13?fl4ol fine medium, 16fl lrio; medium, 1617p; fulled, scoured, fine basis'. , 15fi25c. . ST. IX)UIS. , Sent.-, .7.-WOOI--Market steady to firm; medium fine combing snd olothlng. 202Cc; light fine. 16S20c; heavy fine, UQ6c; tub-washod. 22QS5c, , Cotton Market. -NEW YORK, Sept, 7.-COTTON Spot closud steady, la points higher; middling up lands, ll.aoc; middling gulf, 11 .due. bales, 780 bales. ' '' Nfc.W ORLEANS. Sept 7. COTTON Steady; sale g.loo bale; ordinary, 8c; good ordinary, 6 9-ic; low middling.' I-lio; middling la.r. Uv.c, Bocflptj. lino balis; stock. il.Vl bales. Futuie.-, s.eady; nep tember, lo.84loac; October, lo.210.2toi November, lo.27(&a0.2Rc: Decembtr, lO.Sutf 10.31c; January, I0.36(tri0.34c;. Fabrusty, 10.41 10.42c; March, 10.46Hjl0.48c. LIVERPOOL. Sept 7,-COTTQNBpot lit moderate demand, prices 111 10 11 points higher; American middling fair.' 4.88d; good middling. 612-1; middling, 4404; low middling. 4.443: good ordinary, 6.2id,- ordi nary, B.98d. Future opened easy snd closed steady: American middling, g. o. c. September. 5.98d: September and October, 6.69d; October and November. 6.41d 1 Novem ber and December, 6.68d; December and January. 6.66d; Jahuary and February, 6.64d; February and March. 5.54d; March snd April, 5.54d; April snd May. 6.55d; May snd June 6.56d. ST. LOUTS. Sept. 7-COTTON-Qulet, Mo lower; middlinr. 10c. Soles snd receipts, none; shipments, 336 bale; , stock, 4,010 bales. .' . MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA MAINOFPICC Plfth and Rotxrt Sli-, ST. PAUL. MINN. ( DCALCSS iN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Bought sod sold feg cash ar carrisd .at n.saaasts saarglos, upon srhkb there will bs a caarge el H grata. H m stocks and Ji sn flag. Writs ksr our narkstlett w. 00RRIUI0I MIRCNAIT8 IN OAI UTt ip Your Grain To Us Bast FaCiutis. Psoairr Krrosxa Lisssab Abvancss. DULUTH WINNIC Breach Ot.'tce, $10-813 Beard f Trsss. ' P bens 4 1 4. OMAHA. NBS GEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN 00. OMAHA. .. CHAIN DUYERS an4 SHIPPERS' Member: Chicago. Omaha. Kansas City and St. Louis Kxchangas. Transaction for future delivery gtvoal careful sttcntlon. SIB Boar4 Trads Bldg. Tel. lOOd, Edivards-U001I Go. Sh