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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1904)
TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 20. 1904. CRA1N AND PRODUCE MARKET i . Julj Wheat Held Well Until 5 ear Close, When it Broke to 92 ?-8c OTHER DELIVERIES SHOW STEADY TONE Chicane Set a Weak Pace oa Ortr. honht Mirkel-Corn and Oat Mr(-Cro2 Gossip D liveries. OMAHA, July 19. At the opening Omaha wai not t all Inclined to follow th lend of Chlr-ago to ward lower price for July and September wheat. Trader could not understand auch radical changes over night aa to turn th market on the down ftrade, the more so aa the general new of the day from the de crease of 5,700,000 bushels In Bradstreet estimates of vlalhle world'a supply to the report of "authorities" from Kansaa and elsewhere waa of a bullish character. The break in Chirac? wa accreolted very 'largely to a speculatively over-bought mar ket and a desire on the part of longs to ; take profit. Quite a large number of atop ordera were caught on the way down 'ana after these were aold-out the disposi tion, especially In the hour before noon, waa toward a better tone During the last -half hour, hfiwever, the selling movement Increased there ahd tha July delivery tum bled 2c below yesterday's close or to We. The short Interest it) Omaha la a factor Of considerable Importance. While the i aborts have not displayed any especial ' nervousness the bulla are equally Indlffer- ent about lowering prices to Indue buying, i 1 hlle the July tuture In Chicago broke f t ily IV the break there waa only one- f quarter of a point up to 1 o'clock. In the last few. minutes 6f the session a couple of bears, encouraged by the weak close In Chicago, offered July down to 9J7Ac with out Inducing buyers, this aa compared with ,84c bid at clone Mondayi ' There were deliveries of 15,000 bushels of corn made this morning on July contracts. The market for thin cereal waa slow but displayed grtat strength, the more espe cially In the September future, which ad vanced sharply to 4tKc bid, as compared with a close with a steady raise or the 'tender to 8134c. A Chicago dispatch says i , There wore-no cablea this morning, owing to it being a holiday abroad. The weather report, showed It considerable cooler through the. grain- belt. Condition- very seasonable and farm work It progTcaf .lng rapidly. Wheat prices depc.u ... -great measure on the willingness of for eigners to take wheat around present price. Thla will be determined within the 'iiext ten days, aa tha Oklahoma wheat is now coming on the market. The move ment of corn continues light with very llt- tle domestic or export demand. Very little speculation in provisions, owing to the trlke situation. The range of price on the Omaha mar- Jtet for future delivery and the close today and Monday were; "Wheat1 July ... ' Sept, ... Dec. .. Corn . i July .... .: Bept. ... Deo. ... l Oats Open. High. Low. Today. Mon. .MAMA 92 92 MB . 2HA o2VA MviA UVkA KJHB ...82VkA 82ifcA 8VA WW 12)43 . 49 A 49 A 49 A . 44A HB 44A ..fcA 39HB 3irA 49 B 44T.B 3B 40HB 90'B 30HB ' i July 40 B 4ft B 40 B 40 B Bept. IlB S1B 81 B S1VB - Deo. 80HB 30HB 30&B 30ViB ' A asked B bid. drain Markets Elsewhaure. . Closing prices of grain today and Mon day at the markets named were as follows: CHICAGO. Wheat-- Today. Mon'jr , juiy vuiu. .,.....,.,...,. w & as ., rJeptember, 69 . . December 8(04 i&l May ... so July ...... 49H f'Oa September 49 v: December . ib f KANSAS CITT. 49 49 46 i ? Wheat-.. . ? . July f-.....i.w......w.... September ........ Today. Tes'y. ... T7 78W ...Tlit -784J. ' Corn .... 48 46H 46 tt 41 September December . - - ST. LOUIS. i.1 Wheat - ; " , , 4 f'-f December 87 87 i July -.. September ,i 47; Dcenber ..4a fl ,,. ... MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat 48 47 43 .A September 87 89 & 89 861 . iiMvmMl 4. T.-it-lirV4it .... 8& DULUTH. f j WhsaV- vt'f Beptember V f December 88 , 85 NEW YORK. SO fv? Wheat- - .-" BeotemDer 92 91 Cars. 14 DecemDer Grain, lnspeotlon reported today Wheat, no grade Corn, no grade ; f Corn. , ' Oats, no grade , ; Oats, No.' 4 white L Corn,' No. I , Total ,7 caan sales l car -oats, no grade, at 36o; 'i I car No. 4 oata a( 86c. , x Bradstreet'e Wheat Visible. , '!' Bradstreeta weekly world'a visible supply' ' -. inowi ine loiiowing; -Wheat East of Hockles, decrease, 1.290,- , O00 Itushels: Europe and afloat, decrease, V 4,600,000 bushels. r.'' Corn Increase, 773,000 bushels. t;'$ Oats, decrease, 1,128.000 bushels. ; Chicago Coatract Grain Stocks. V " Contract grain stocks In regular elevator - at Chicago: V'. Wheat-No. t hard, 69.600 bushels: in- crease, 17,000 bushels. No. I red, 184 248 M'busnels; unchanged. No. I northern spring, 'V410.949 bushels; decrease, 29,69 bushels. Corn XTA.HJJ bushels; Increase, 38,6i3 bunhels. J . Om JP2.8U buehelsj decrease, 164,302 bushels; t Note from the Grain Market. No IJverpool market today, it being one . vi nuiiirruu iiiKiivn nonaays. , Bunaeriana t upame nave opened a - branch efflce In Lincoln. Grain wtlppra- in the southwest were sel.lhg l.ea .futures In Chicago against actual grain -. Fraaler wires from Chicago: Within the next three weeks we are going to have a chance to And out how fust this new wheat la going to ride- to market and how faat these"1 cash premiums will disappear. Per haps at some time op thla crop whoat will sell very high and It would not be surpris ing, but in the next two weeks we expect to eco fower-prices, .. . , ' Two cars sot No. i, oata sold yesterday V' afternoon at 86c. . "a" A sample of new wheat from Clay county J . waa exhibited on 'change thla. morning. It. V f, was fine wheat and -weighed nfty-nlno f li pounds to the bushel, and Would probably U grade No. , . - t L One of th largeat milling and elevator G concerns In the northwest says: Crop con r dltlons In territory covered by our elevator " system In MiNnesota- and North Dakota are all that could be dewlred. Barring some :.. unforteeen dlauater. Much as extreme hut n winds or wet weather at harvest, we should 'A have a fine croptof WIYrat of excellent uual Hy and bushela enough to make tha millers U smile. . Kolln Smith, crop expert, wire from To pekal The losses to the wheat crop of 'I Kansas from rains and .floods, July 1 to 'J July 10, were as follows: Hard wheat ti .i.Mtrovert ciutrlaht. 12 i er cent: soft red ' shows 1 per oent loaa due to shrinkage and i sprouting, G fr rent loss In cutting and h per cent In handling. Taking a basis of ' oO.OuO.Outt-buiihel crop before July 1 these ; percentages show loss of 1.900,oi0 bushels. ' Kansas City received yesterday a cars wheat, grading 2 cars, hard, i curs No. i ' red; rent below No. t. . Mlnnnapolla wlivat stocks show a dec-reuse for three day of 216.COO bushels. A visible lvlr of Grain, ' NEW YOUK. Ju!y 19 Special cable and Jk telegraphic cominunlcotlons tecelved by BradBtreet's show the following changes In ft avalluble supplies as voinpared with last i. account. . J WHEAT-l'nlted States and Canada, east of the Buckles, decreased. l.Juti.Ot hu. ; afloat for and In Europe, decreased, 4i0,0u0 bu.; m total supply decreased 6.ii.0"0 bu. J COKN-l'olted Stales find Canada, east of .the hookl- decreased 773.0m bu. t OAT8 I'nltrd States and Canada, eaat of 'i the Itocklea, itcci eased l.lJti.UlM bu, f The lending reported this week J are tw.uo bu. In Munltobu, 62,( bu. at the . L incago prlviiie vtevatoi s nri Sl.oi-J du. at Coteau Lam. II us. Sunki ul Toi Hand, Me., f tin reused a.0v , 1 'i Bank ( learlaa. OMAHA July 1.-Bajk clearing for to- i-day, tum.WI uecreuHe or u from jlhe corrrspondJng day last )ear. Dalatk Grain Market. rUKUTM. Joly ll-WHRAt-To arrive: jXi I nonkeru, lUttfc; . Nu. t nontitfrn. 9!Vtc. On track: No. t northern, 11(1; No. i northern, 7c; July, 31.01; Stptenv. btr. &fr'c. OA'J't To arrive, 36c; on track, !;. CHICAGO GHAI5I AMD PROVISIONS Featoree of the Trading; and Closing Prices on Bnara of Trade. CHICAGO, July 19 A return to favor able weather conditions throughout the greater part of the country caused heavy liquidation of wheat today. At the close the September option was off lc. Corn is up c, oats show a gain of ae and provisions are a trine easier. Initial quotations on wheat were at a harp decline, September being down H He o at r84880. On the brek September dropped to 87 o Final figures on September were at 87Vrt7e. July sold between soe and 87o andMosed at the bottom. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 126,000 bu. The world's vis ible supply, aa shown by Bradstreet's, de creased .79i,Oi0 hu. Primary receipts were bu., compared with 7i'8,7nO hu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 278 cars, against 2JO last week and 36 a year ago. There waa a comparatively strong corn market, although the break In wheat had some effect at times. The market closed strong and near the top. September opened 6'Vc lower at 48V4c, sold between 48c and ifr, and closed at 49c. Local re ceipts were 887 cars, with 33. of contract grade. On active support from bull leaders oats held steady In the face of the weakness of wheat. The action of wheat had some ef fect, but the market waa Inclined to fo low corn. Crop news was bullish and the de mand showed considerable Improvement. The market closed practically at the high point. September opened unchanged to a higher at SiVQ ;c, ranged between 82o and 33c, and closed at 8333c. Docal re ceipts were 156 cars. Some strength was displayed In provis ions early on the strength or the hog mar ket, but enough liquidation developed to cause slight losses In all products. At the c!ose September pork was a shade lower at $12.90. Lard was down 2c at IS 92. Klhs were a shade lower at 7.67ig,7.0. Emlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, t cars; corn, 111 cars; oats, 60 cars; hogs, 7,oo head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. how. Close.Yest'y. Wheat a July b July a Sept b Sept t orn July Sept Dec O" I July Sept Deo Sept Oct Sept Oct Sept Oct I I 97i 97 9 9 98 97J7 OT 9f, Mi 874 CSS Ni9 8 89 SOU 88& 88 87i87(a RSi9 I I I i i 4va-49 49 4S 49 49 4Vtf45 4! .4K-V 49 49 4546 46 44 46 46 I I I I 33 82 3333 82 M3M 33 33'a 33; 12 82 12 82 12 82 12 82 12 8S 12 95 . 12 97 12 90 12 90 12 92 12 92 12 92 12 90 12 90 12 92 S?J 68?H 82 8 82 96 6 96 92 92 6 96 7 02 7 02 8 97 7 00 - 7 00 I "j'62 ''7-42 "7"67 7 60 7 0 766 765 7 62 7 65 7 66 No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Quiet and steady: winter pat ents, 84.00: straights, $4.80a4.50: spring pat $2nR'5i3 20 ; tral,hu' 3.90(uM.ilO; bakers, WhEAT-No.' 1 gprln, 9ScS1.00; No. , spring, aiKd.960. ' COHN-No. 2, 49c; No. 2 yellow, 60c. Jrlxri No. 2, 74o, BAKLEY Good feeding, 35ffl38c; fair to choice malting, 3260c SBE.PSr.No- 1 i ls: No- 1 northweat ern, $1.21; prime timothy, $2.96; clover, centre ct grade. $11.00. EROVJl5u2N--Me" Prk' P" bbl- 12 W 12.86. Lard, per 100 lbs., $6.80(&8.82., Short tlbs si dee (Joone), $7.267.40. oiiowlng were the receipts of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. - 16,300 -.12,609 8,000 ' 81.900 ' 867,600 - 180,300 ..186,600 112,300 ........ 1,000 . 700 22,100 (.600 Flour, bbls... Whoat. bu... Sorn, du ata, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu.... On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa ateady; creameries, lt17o; dairies, 12fl6c. Eggs-Steady; at mark, caaes Included, 14a,16c. Cheese Easy at 74lc. . - - - - , ------ wunnAu. nAnapr Haotatlona of the Day on Varioaa ConaidlHM. .NEW YORK, July 19-FLOUR-RecelptB, S4.0M bbls. ; exports, 10,450 bbls. ; market dull, buyers Indifferent: winter, patents, $4.86 610; winter straights, $4.804.76; Minne sota patents. $4.96a5.26; winter extras, $3.36 w-v-w, "awn, a. ivy i.w; winter low grades, $3.153.70. Rye flour, firm; $4 26460 ' -8i choice to, fancy, CoStNMEAL Market 'nrm; yellow west- Snj.V.1;?1-10' olty' -Wl.ia; kilo, dried. $2. Sufi 3. 10. RYE Nominal. ' BARLEY Slow; feeding-. 48c, c. 1. f. New York; malting, nominal - WHEAT Receipts, 16.008 bu.; export. 49 -924 bu. Spot easy; No. I red, nominal, elevator; No. 5 red. $1.08, nominal, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.09, f. o b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, r. o. b., afloat. There was a severe break In prloes today, following bearish weather and crop news. Being overloaded the orowd sold heavy In face of the lower con sols and higher London cablea. After mid day, however, Influenced by. a big decrease In world's stocks and further war talk, prices rallied somewhat, closing unchanged frUI"1 'er- Jly. $102(8n.03. closed at $1.02; September, 91fi92o, closed at 91c; December, 90 11-166 91c, closed at 80c. CORN Receipts. 82,776 bu r exports, 180. 151 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2, 66c, elevator, and 64e. f. o. b.. afloat: No. 2 yellow. 66e; No. t white, 66 c. Option market wae nar- rnnf nnrl ., n I rts m n ft , 1 1 1n, I i changed to c net higher with the west. " ' J ...... m . trw7V, ociiciUUDr, DO . !U M C , closed nt 64o. OATS Receipts. flS.nno bu. Spot, dull; mixed. 26 to 32 lbs.. 4Sif4fir- niitiirttl rV, ta 30 to 82 lbs., 4fr49c: cllnued white, xfi to 40 lbs., 47igSlo. r ji,jiiL yuiei: spring nran, 119.00.. prompt shipments;, middlings. $21.26, prompt ship ment; city, $.00&5f 50. riAi uuiet; snipping, 70c; good to choice. 95c. HQPS Quiet; state, common to choice, 1903, 26'hSSc; 1902. 21i23c: old. 7(&13c; Paclflt coast. 1K03, S2j28c 1902, 20ci22c: old, 7S13c. HIDES Firm; Galveston, M to 26 pounds, 17c; California, 21 to 5 pounds, 19c; Texas, dried. 24 to 30 pounds, I4c. LEATHER Steady; acid, JSijJJSe. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra. S4iBp. . . - I' Wf IVTQTO VO Am., 11.. ,a iwe 11.00: packet, $9 60ffll0.00. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies. $8.50a9.75; pickled shoulders, W 7.VS7.0O; pickled hams, $10,604(11.50. Lard, wetuem nienmru, rennea, easv; continent. 87.26: South America, $8; com pound. $5.fi2f.12. Pork, quiet; fnmllv. 114.50; short clear, tli SO16.60; mesa, $H.25fg) 14.75. e PtICLTRY-ailve. . easy; . aoutnwestern snrlnir chickens. 18c; fowln J5c: turkeys 10c. Dressed sllghtlv easier: western broil ers. 1iVfrZ2c; fowls, 13c: turkeys. J201Rc. BUTTER Rather easier, tut not qtiotablv lower; street price, .extra creamerv, 17 lic; official prices, creamery, common to extra, 13Hl7c; state dairy, common to extra Kfilje. ' CHEESf Oulet and easier; State full creams, small white, fah- to. fancy, 7SJ 7. Inrge white, fancy, 7c EGGS steady; western, extra selected, ?0c; western average' prime, 19fel9c. Kansaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITT. July 19. WHEAT Lower: Julv. C; September, 7777e: December. 77j77e: cash No. 1 hard, mji $ic ' 86,&8Sc! No- hard. 92ii94c; No. CORN Firm; July, 60c: September, 4V.e; December. 41o; cash No. f mixed. 63c; "S.-'i.J2 No- 1 white, 6-'c; No. 8. 62c. 2 f T4!cady; N' 5 whlta- Oi No. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $9.50 10.60: choice prairie, 8.76S9.5Q. RYE-Nomlnally 82c. 1 RI'TTER Creamery. 13lfr1R'; dslrv, lie, EG'18 Firm; Missouri and Kansas new, No. I whltewood canes Included, 13c; case 12c; cases returned, c less per doaen. Receln's. Shipments. Wheat, bu. 9T8i S SO0 Corn, bu St. 000 fc i Oata, bu 11,000 11,000 rhlleaelphta Prndaee Market. PHILADELPHIA, July 19 BUTTER Steady with a fair demand; extra west ern creamery. 16c; extra prints, 19 BGG8 Eisler; fresh nearhv, loc, loss eff; fresh western. Z0c, lots off; f resit' sout h western, lo, loss off; fresh southern, Ike, loss off. CHEESK-1'ncha.nged; New York lull cream-, choice ie f'ltwy, eW.: Nt-w York full creams, $ilr to good 7'fo. Mllwenkee Grain Market. MILWAirfflTR. Julv l.nIKl'r-KMv; Nc -! S-rrthei-n. $1 60ftl 01: No. I north ern. I'.ii9c; new Beptemlier, s7tjHi4. MARLEt-Steady; No. $, etc; sample, 33 H ft 'c , COitN Steady j N, $,-)(-ile; Kef teot ' Ler. ibSc. bid. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Becomes Beaotion&rj to Sear the Closing Hoar. BEARS VERY TIMID ABOUT AN ATTACK Publication of Crop Bnlletin One of the Effective Inflnenees Daring the tatter Part of the Day. NEW YORK, July 19.-The etoek market waa rather reactionary today up to near the close and there was a rather general acquiescence In this condition on the part of the speculative operators who have been the leaders of the recent demonstrations for higher prices. The plausible explana tion offered for this unusual restraint on the pnrt of a class of Individual rather prone to exceas was that the rise In prices was going too fast for Its own good, and that a reaction waa normally due. The re action was lacking, however, In some of the normal appearances. Today'a market showed a tendency to lapse Into dullness quickly at slight declines, snd the profes sional bears were apparently very timid about making an attack on prices. Some quite vigorous support was offered at the opening decline and the later market showed the sustaining effect of some new Folnts of strength which were developed. xndon sold freely here so long as the for eign exchanges continued to do business and the support In the local market did not become thoroughly effective until after that selling had ceased for the day. The publication of the crop bulletin of the weather bureau was an effective Influence on the later rally. Ilrooklyn Rapid Transit proved to be the early supporting Influence and Its advance, coupled with that In Long Island, led to revival of old rumors of an ncqulnltlon of Rrooklyn Rnpld Transit by Pennsylvania. These were without any verification. The rejection by the majority directors of Northern Securities of what seemed like a conciliatory advance on behalf of the Har rlman Interests offers no other surface ex planation than to discredit the recently prevailing rumors of the likelihood of a settlement out of court by compromise of the dispute over the manner of distribution of assets of the corporation. Rut the mar ket accordeH a cheerful reception to the news and made a vigorous recovery of the early declines. The grain and cotton car riers lost most in the declines. The closing was strong and active. Bonds were Irreg ular. Total sales, par value, $2,060,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. The following were the closing quotation on the Stock exchange: Baiea.Mign.Low. close. Atchison 69,900 79 77 96 84 93 do pfd J.800 Baltimore & Ohio. 12,800 do pfd .1.... 600 Canadian Pacific 1,600 Central of N. J Chesapeake A Ohio... 1,200 96 86 94 126 124 84 . 34 cnicago Alton do pfd Chicago Gt. Western. 1,500 14 Chicago ft N. W 3.400' 179 . C, M. Bt. f , 32,100 146 do pfd Chicago Term, ft T... do pfd C, C, C. & St. L Colo. Southern ' do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware ft Hudson.. Del., Lack, ft West... Denver ft Rio Grande 200 700 1,400 200 75 600 160 "iflO 600 2 73 K 62 39 68 81 133 18 do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do Jd pfd Hocking Valley ...... 10,400 2,900 200 J00 100 3,400 100 do D. Id Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis, ft Nashville... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Minn, ft St. Louis... M.. St. P. ft 8. S. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific' Mo., Kan. ft Tex do pfd N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central ......... Norfolk ft Western.. do pfd ,.. Ontario ft Western.. Pennsylvania P.. C. C. ft St. L 600 44 44 ,400 117 116 900 152 163 S0Q 88 87 ,500 117 116 809 W'. "69 I 6.600 60.100 31 121 63 ' Kt 20 62 83 1.000 Reading ; 29. do 1st pfd 100 do zd pid Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. ft S. F. 2d pfd St. Louis 8. W do pfd Southern Pacific .... Southern Railway .. do pfd 4 Texas A Pacific T.. St. L. ft W do pfd Union Pacific ....... do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling A L. E.... Wisconsin Cehtral . do pfd Mexican Central .... Adams Ex American Ex United States Ex.... Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper Am. Car ft Foundry 21,500 8.400 ,9Y) . 300 200 18.800 , 6,700 ' . 100 1.400 1.100 1.700 61.900 1,600 200 1.100 100 100 ; 100 4,100 62 . 13 32 51 24 8S 25 26 88 96 94 17 86 16 18 40 225 200 107 203 53 6 77 27 88 6 .? 32 85 . 67 ,. 97 130 76 ' 52 84 196 12 60 22 13 14 60 ft 76 23 8 J7 101 83 70 221 7Vt 43 19 T9 40 7 8.1 T 60 19 77 12 ! lfi' 24 89 .33.000 . 300 . 200 61 5 78 53 . 6R 78 do pra Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. lew do pfd Am. Linseed Oil.;..... do pfd Am. Locomotive 200 27 26 600 22 '67 98 130 70 63 86 196 do pfd Am. Smelt, ft Refng.. 8,400 do pfd ,., , 000 Am. Sugar Refng 4.800 Anaconda M. Co 1.800 Prooklvn R. T.t.1 61.200 Colo. Fuel A Iron Consolidated Gas 1,100 W 1 98 129 76 61 33 1W Corn Products do pfd - Distillers' Securities.. Oenersl Eleotrlo International Paper... do pfd International Pump... do pfd National Lead North American Pacific Ms 11 People's Gas 100 69, 69 601) 14V, 1W 13 fi 33 "n" 89 28 100 83 76 '7 43 17 $.600 14 60fl ! 100 83 80 28 101 84 76. "7 48 10 79 4w, 7 83 "(iHi 1' 7 . 900 . 800 . 200 . 2.800 . 1.300 . 100 ! "jnio . 500 . 3.000 . 700 . 2.8HO 200 . 600 Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tern. Coal A Iron... V. 8. Leather i do pfd U. S. Realty do pfd V. S. Rubber do pfd U. S. S'eel do nfd Westlnghouse Elec... 714 1W 7 83 '" 1 77 1? tn 12 . 800 . 8.700 . 1.100 .26 700 .48.710 . 410 !2 Wern Union . 100 88 88 Total sales for the day, 641,200 shares. Itnutnn 8 Inrk annotation. ROSTON. July rent; time lonns closing of stocks Atrhiios toj. 4s.... do 4t Hi. Central Atrhlton do pfd . , Boston A Albany.. Boil, m a turn Boston Elevated ritchburs pfd Mm. Csnlrsl NT. V.. N. H. A H.. fsra Marquette I Dion Paoiflo Amer. Argt. Cham.. do pfd Amar. Pnau. Tube. Aniar. Sugar do pfd Amar. T. a T. Amcr. Woo lan do pfd Potaioion 1. a a.... Bdlann Klee. Illu... Oaneral Electric ... Mass. riactrk do pfd Maaa. Uaa lulled Fruit I'sltsd Shoe Mach... do pfd I'. I. Ulaal Bid. 19. Call lonns, 2g3 per , 314 ner crnt. Official and bonds: -. . 4 I do pfd ,.. .101H Waatlng. common . IVAaentur , . TUVAUouaa . tflSi! Amalsamated .... .147 lAmerlcaa Zlno ... .US Atlantic .HI Bingham .UlVtiCal. a Heola...... . Tantenntal ll Iropper Rang .... . 14 I Pair Weat . HH Dominion Coal ... . it . 10 . 1 . . S4 . M .470 . ir.H . t . 17 . 4m . 1 1 i-i . lu . 4W . 4 ! C2vt ' f' . 7 . S . t . HH . 7a : Is . 71 1H 'Franklin . T6 . t .10 Uranr? Ulo Royala .... Maaa. Mining .. Michigan Mohawk .132 ' )IK Mont C AC... 77W Old Dominion ,, . Oseaola 1 Parrot .1M Oulncy . tO Shannon . 14 r. S Mining... . h r. s. oil .1044, I'tnh . 4ta,Vlrtor4a . IWInoua . Kit Wolvarlne Foreign Flnnnelal. BERLIN, July 1.-Prteea on the bourse today were lower. The tone wae extremely quiet, only Americana being firm. PARIS, July 19 The tone on the bourse toduy whs heavy and there was a general decline In prl-es. At the close the market was feeble. Russian Iniperlui 4a closed at K 60 and l(i,wln bonds of 19n4 at fco7. The pilvnte rate of discount waa 1 per cent. LONIKtN, July 18. The demand for 1111 ney lu liie market toduy was very active and the rales fur discount were hard. Trading on the Stock 'exchange was de prmraed on the weakness of high-class se curities. Consul wsie fiat, the interfer ence of the Russian volunteer feet steam ers with neutral vessels having a bad ef fect. Home rails sagged In spite of the advices. Americans were buoyant at first and moderately active at parity. They aft erward eased and closed dull owing to realisation. Foreigners were flat In the ab sence of buyers. Imperial Japanese govern ment 6s of 19o4 were quoted at 95. Kafllrs were unchanged. Sew Yark Money Market. NEW YORK. July 19 MONEY-On call, easy; Highest, 1 per cent; lowest, 1 per cent; ruling rate. 1 per cent; last loan. 1 rer cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at per cent. Time loans, easv; so days, 'tisf 2 per cent; 90 days, 2'gi14 per cent; 6 months. 8Hii&3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3tM per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firmer, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4,871(1 ifi4.8715 for demand and at $4 M.Vf54 8446 for 60-day bills; posted rates. $4.85iS4.86; com mercial bills. $1.64. SILVER Bar, o8c; Mexican dollars, 45C. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. The closing quotation on bond are at follows! V. I. rf is, rg.. do coupon do Is, reg do eoupon do now 4a, reg.. do coupon do old 4a, lg.... do coupon ..104 Manhattan e. g$ ..104 M- rentrsl 4s 4 ..1MH' do 1st Ine . .lnr,V Minn. A St. U 4s... I4 ..131 M., K. A T. 4a M44 ..i?2' do is so ..11414 N. R. R. of M. e. 4s. 77H pt , n. t. r. g. hi ft" Atchison gen. 4s Hi J N. J. C. g. as 134 No. Pari Be aa 1014. ao adj. 4a o Atlantic C. U 4a.... do Ss 74 B. A O. la 10JV, N. A W. . 4a 101H do IWs Ms O. a. U 4a A par... 7S Cantral of Ga. ta 110 Vmn. conr. IHa 7 do 1st Inc ni Reading gen. 4a rhea. Ohio 4Ha 1M4 R. L. I M. C la.. 117 I'hlrago a A. Is..., 7S4 St. L. a 8. F. tg. 4a. 1'4 C, B. a Q. n.'4a.... 74At. L. a. w. la C. M. A S. P. g. 4s.. 108 iSoaboard A. U 4a C. A N. W. e. 7a....lH 80. PaclBc 4a 44 C, R. I. a P. 4a.... T2 I So Rallwar 6a 116 do col. Bs H2Tasas a P. la Ill CCC. A St. L. g. 4S..101 T.. St. U A W. 4.. 71 Chicago Tar. 4s 7.1 i Union Pactne 4a 10 Con. Tobacco 4a...... 4V do coot. 4s IWH Colo. A 80. 4a MS t' B. Steel id 6s 714 D. A R. O. 4s....... Pi" Wsbaah la 1174 Erie prior lien 4s.... "V dp ileh. B 674 do gen. 4a 5WiW. A t,. E. 4s i4 T. W. a P. C. ls....lS'4j Wis. Central 4a US' Hocking Val. 4V,s. .. .17V Colo. Tul e. (a Tl L. a N. uni. 4a. Offered. .lOOSil London Stock. Market. LONDON. July 19 Closing: Conaola, money S9H N. Y. Central 123 do account kH Norfolk A W H Anaconda ,'. I"4 do fd St Atchiaon Ontario A W !0H do pfd PcnnsylTanla 41H Baltimore A Ohio.... Rand Mines 'a Canadian Paclflc 12Hsk Reading 174 Chea. A Ohio ISIk do 1st pfd 43 Chicago Ot. W 16 . do Id pfd '4 C. M. a St. P 1524 So. Railway 15 rBers iss do pfd f'H D. a R. O t34 o. Paclflc 61S do pfd 71' Union TaclSc S7T Erla M do pfd do lat pfd S4H 11. 8. Btael 12 do 2d pfd ...40 do pfd 3H Illinois Central .nt .Wabash 17L Louis. A Neah U6V do pfd S7Vi M., K. A T. 1 dpanlsh 4a U SILVER Bar, quiet, 26 13-I6d per ounce. MONEY iVMfWt per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 2'5'2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 ll-lG-'nt per cent. New York Mtnlnst Stocks. NEW YORK, July 19. The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Coo SO ILIttla Chief Alloa to I Ontario WO Breeco 10 Ophlr ...220 Brunswick Con 10 jPhoonlx I Comatock Tunnel 4' iPotosl IS Con. Cal. A Vs It I garage it Horn Sllvar Hi Sierra Nevada 22 Iron Sliver 176 Small Hopea 16 Leadvlila Con I Standard 100 Assessment paid. Omaha Money Market. There is a plethora, of money, but with every prospect of the active employment of It this fall. If present favorable weather conditions continue Nebraska should har vest a very large cropr and with anywhere like current market valnes the state should enjoy great prosperity. Jobbers are san guine and are delighted to find a revival of trade at this season, when a let-up Is usually In order. f- - The movement of grain Is Increaaing and advices from the country Indicate the early arrival of the advance guard of the wheat and oats harvest. It la not expected that country banks will disturb their Omaha balances until well lnta the fall. All reports Indicate ' that the vaults of the country banks are well filled with cirh more than thev desire to have Idle.. A local authority meda an estimate of th -amount of reserves held in Omaha banks -t 45 to 61 p-r t ent;.i lfnpN r.ska, c untr banks. SO to 00 J'er cent". ; There Is a fair oerb.rnd from intflor bankers for Omaha counly warr nt-; com mercial psper'fa readily ' taken Ratea are easy but without perceptible change. President G. E. IJovey of the First Na tional bank of Plattsmputh was In the city this morning. He saya his bank is carry ing close to 60 per cent reserves. Quite a little business la being done In this city In' South Omaha Stock Yards shares. The prevailing price la $101 a share. , Wool Market. BOSTON. July 19. There 1 a heavy movement in the wool market-, with trading marked by something of a feverish tone, due to the desire of dealers and users to control the latest clips. at the lowest prices which the high market affords. There la a general buying of territory wools, especially all medium and low grades. Territory wools are firm; pulled-wools are quiet with small offerings; foreign wools hold firm in sympathy with strong conditions abrond. Lending quotations are: Idaho, fine, lTifJi 18c: heavy fine, 14frl5c; fine medium, 17(fT18c; medium. 19(40c: low medium, 2W21c; Wyo ming, fine, 16rf17c; heavy fine. 14(315c; fine medium, 17S18c; medium, 1920c; low me dium, 202c; Utah and Nevada, fine, 16(3 17c; heavy fine. 14(il6c; fine medium, 17 18c: medium, 2vff21c; low medium, 21iff23c; Dakota, fine, 17tl8c; fine medium, 17iffl8c; medium, 18(&OTc; low medium, 2122c; Mon tana, flno, choice, 20i21e; fine, average, 19 200; fine medium, choice, 20t7T21c; average, 1920c; staple, 2122c; medrum, choice, 22 23c. v- ST. irf)UIS. July 19. WOOL Steady; me dium grades,- combing and clothing, 24 34cj light fine, I6W80; heavy fine, 1218c; tub-Washed, 33c. . Metal Market. NEW YORK, J"'n 19 METALS Tha London. tin market 'Was firm and a little higher. With - spot closing at 120 3s 9d. Locally., however, .tin remained quiet and With ' offerings some hat larger, ruled easier. Spot closed at $26.JRJj2fi.37. Cop per was firm In London, closing at 67 13s 9d for futures. Here the market was firm, but without quotable change. Lake Is held-at $12,754! 13 00; electrolytic at $12.02? 12.76 and casting, at $12.37'5 12.50. Lead ruled firmer abroad, cloning at a slight ad vance to 11 12s 6d. The local market was also firm and a little higher, with spot quoted at $4.30'(j4.!!6. Fnclter was firm and unchanged at $4.8M4.lf in the local mar ket and at 22 2s d ln London. Iron closed at 61s 9d on Glasgow and at 42s 6d In Middlesboro. Locally Iron Is quiet. No. 1 foundry southern Is quoted at $14.6018 16.00; No. 2 foundry northern at $13. 76'? 14.26; No. 1 foundry and No. 1 foundry southern and No, 1 foundry southern soft at M3.25ifr1S.76. ST. LOl'IS, July 19. METALS Lead, higher, $4 20. .Spelter, strong, $480. Oils and Iloalii. NEW YORK, July 19. OILS-Cottonsccl. dull; prime crude, nomlna'; yellow, ''V. 2n"iC Petroleum, easy; refined. New York, $7.f, Philadelphia nd Baltimore, 7llfi; Mmc In bulk, $4.75. Turpentine, steady, 66 (rfe. 5 Rofc'lN 8teady ; strained, comraiii to go.l $2.!5. OIL CITY Pa.. July 19.-OIL8-Credlt balances, $160; certlllcates, no bid; ship ments. 64.072 bbls.: average. 64,310 bbls.; runs, It.xa bills.: average, 69,069 bbls.; ship ments, Lima, 70,270 libla. : average, 61,720 bbls.; runs, Lima, 13,869 bbls; average, 63,245 bBAVANNATl. July 11. OILS Turpentine, firm at 63Wtfi63c. ROSIN Steady; A. B. C, $2 46: P, -. 60; E, $2.56; F, $2.00; G, $2; II, $2 80: t. $3 25; K. $3.65; M, $3.80; N, $3.M; W G, $4.30; W W, $4.60. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 19 COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling upliind. 10.95c; mid dling gulf. 11.20c; sales. 6u6 bsles. ST. LOUIS, July 19 COTTON Nominal and unchanged; middling. 11c: silos, 240 bales; receipts. It bales; shipments, 50 bales; stock. 11.432 bales. NEW ORLEANS. July 19 -COTTON-Fu-tures stettdy; July. 10 MOfTlrt c; August, 10 Writ 10 61c: September. 9 77 '11 9 .78c: October, 44o9.45c; November. 9.404i.41e; December, tootle. Spot, quiet; sales, 1,660 bnles; ordinary, 8 716c; good ordinary, 9c; low middling, Pc; mbl-iHng. lie: good mid dling. 11 6-1c; middling fair, 11 9-l6c; re ceipts, 902 bales; stock, 64. 43 bales. Evaporated Apples sad Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK, July 19. EVA I"ORATEP APPLES The general undertone remains steady to firm; common were quoted at 4'a 6c; prime, 6tJ'c; choice, 6l)iVc; fancy, 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITB-Prunee show no change, buvera still showing a disposition to hold off In the hope of con ceaslona. Quotations ruiige from !AtC to tr. according to grade. Apricots are quiet but sle-iflilv held, nlth choice quoted at 4il0c; extra choice, Kl'fi lc; -f hiicv, li13c. Peaches also rule quiet, with de mand along hand-to-mouth lines; choices are quoted at ifiT'c; extra choice, 7'u8c; fancy, H8 lOc OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattla Receipts Show Fait Increase and Trade Satisfactory. HOG MARKET VERY SLOW AND DULL tneertalnfy In the Sltnatlon Caeses Slow Market o Sheep Received nnd Xo Apparent Demand for Them from Any Soarce. SOUTH OMAHA. July 19. 1904. Official Monday 775 1.464 856 Official Tuesday L500 3.0u0 Two days this week.. 2.275 4.460 S55 Same days laat week.... 4.160 7,634 10,468 fame day week before. $.809 4.0P8 2,077 Same three weeks ago.. 4,786 21.331 7,746 Same four weeks ago.... 6.606 17,002 7,tu'0 Same days last year.... 6,641 13.804 23,233 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, wltn comparison with last year: 1904. IIM. Inc. Dec. Cattle 473.744 634,708 60,950 Hogs 1,434,088 1,396,034 39,064 Sheep 727,01 602.386 126.476 Average prices paid for hogs at South Omaha tor the last several Uajs with com parison: Date. I 1904. 11908. 1902. 1901. 1$W.llS99.jl89.?. f "HI & 181 6 SOI 7 64 5 89! 6 831 4 92 6 74j 5 01 "5 731 o't 6 79 6 18 I 5 11 5 82 I 5 83 6 13 3 731 $ 01 3 61 t 78 a78 "iti 3 83 3 W 3 81 3 76 3 86 3 87 I 3 78 3 90, 3 M 3 70 4 04 3 '.3 4 U9 3 ii 4 0o 3 77 3 9i 3 77 3 82 4 01, - 4 16 3 82 4 28 3 89 6 571 7 64 i 60 7 62, V'jTM J 65 5 481 7 75 5 69 7 82 I Wj 7 83 7 79 0 85 6 13 6 92 5 04 6 o 6 02 5 8jI 6 13; 7 72 5 Of 7 101 7 22 V 2i 5 771 ' 6 64 t 02 6 bi 1 f i 68 4 87 5 62 4 99 6 22 7 73 I 7 6b Indicates Sunday. "Indicates holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Sheep.H'ses. C, M. & St. P. Ry.... 4 1 .. 1 Mo. Pac. Ry 22 1 Union Pac. System.. 8 15 2 C. & N. W. Ry 1 F., E. & M. V. R. R. 6 12 .. C, S. P., M. & O. Ry. 6 8" B. & M. Ry 2 .. C, B. & W. Ry 2 1 K. C. & St. J 9 1 .. .. C. R. I. & P., west 1 Chicago Gt. West n.. 8 1 Total receipts ...... 60 51 .. 3 Tne Uixposuiun ot the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs.Sheen. Omaha Packing Company.. 50 swiri and company 836 z,o Cudahy Packing Company. 24 Armour & Co...' 229 454 Omaha Pkg. Co.. K. City. 70 Cudahy Pkg. Co.. K. City 440 Swift and Company, K. C. 160 L. F. Hus 76 Regan ' 715 Lelghton 484 Cuuahy Bros 273 ' .. Badden 246 Other Buyers 69 .. .. Total 1,443 1.448 CATTLE The run this morning was tho largest of any day since the present trouble began; and consisted mostly of beef Bteers brought In on packers' orders. One-half of the arrivals were billed direct to local houses. The larger part of today's receipts con sisted of beef steers. Packers appeared to be In shape to handle the supply and picked up the offerings quickly at very satisfac tory prices. Prices paid ranged from $5.15 &6.90, or fully as high as before the strike began. Only a few cow and heifers were of fered and the market in that direction was rather auiet. but auotnbly unchanged on anything wanted at all. Packers picked up tne few on sale st generally steaay prices. However, the demand In that line Is moder ate. The feeder trade continues quiet with the country demand of very limited proportion. The few Blockers and feeder coming are selling at quotably steady figures, but the i yet nmitea. BEEF STEERS. . No. At. Pr. No. , Av. Pr. M 1 26 21........ MM IIS 1 710 4 00 40 1-10 I U 1 1V7I 4 Tl 41 1221 6 69 1 M0 4 80 17 . ..1301 i 70 13 860 4 0 64 12f4 6 70 tl 1142 t 16 40 143S I SO STEERS AND HEIFERS. 4 Iii 4 M COWS. 1 120 04 .....HIS I 10 1 1010 I IB 1 1101 I 45 1 70 1 S5 1. 1160 4 00 HEIFERS. 1.... 700 I 46 1 1120 I II H 721 4 M BULLS. 1 1270 I 60 IDAHO. II steers.. ..1070 8 50 14 steers.... 1070 $60 SOUTH DAKOTA. 36 feeders.. 568 2 80 32 feeders.. 779 3 10 HOGS Receipts snowed a considerable in crease over the Inst few days, but there was no Improvement In the general situa tion. During the morning only one or two of the packers were attempting to do any thing and they were Inclined to lower prices rather than strengthen them. The shipping inquiry was only moderate and the market dull owing to rumored further complica tions In the labor difficulty. Shippers picked out a few of the desir able light hogs at 11 bout steady prices, while packers also got a few loads early at rather uncertain figures. Other sales of packing lots were quoted lower and the market at the best waa decidedly dull and unsatisfactory. Packer were unable to do much, not withstanding a report was circulated yes terday that a fair number of hogs could be handled. The market went from bad to worse and at a late hour the greater part of the hogs were unsold. Closing bids were 10c lower than yesterday, where any bids at all were made. The situation Is no wise improved In the hog division at least. Hi Av. Hi,, rr. No. v. Bo. Pr. 141 222 240 a 1SV 22 226 ... 6 20 si tit ill a ilti 70 217 40 I 2S 62 2l ... I 16 . 43 261 ... ( W 7. 211 100 t 17 12 14 SO I 20 82 200 140 I 20 41 171 ... 4 20 SHEEP No change appears In the con ditions surrounding the market on sheep. Packers are nut calling for supplies and the market is at a standstill all around. Quotations for grass sheep and lambs: Oood to choice yearlings, $4.26S4.70; fair to good yearlings, $3.50&4.26; good to choice wethers. J4.0Ka4.25; fair to good wethers, $35fsff4.00; good to chojee ewes, $3.50fJ37u; fnlr to good ewes. $3. 25(0.50; good to choice Inmbs, 550jO.75; fair to good lambs, $5.00 5.50. . CHICAGO LIVES STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hogs Five to Ten Cent ' Higher nnd Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, July 19. CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head. Including 460 head Texans: mar ket leadv; good to prime steers, $5.60if6.00: poor to medium, $4.Kkj5.2E: stockers and feeders, $2.i5'34.GA; cows, I2.60&4.26; heifers. $2.00(46.00; runners, $1.602.60; bulls, $2.00ft 4.25; calves, $2.50?j6.0u; Texas fed steers. $I.W!iV26. HOGS Receipt, 4.000 head; market good at fyfrlOc higher, other ttteady; mixed and butchers, 5.iMi5.8f.: good to choice hevv, $5,6546.86: rough heavy, $5 lxfi5.40; light, $6. 3O-i76.70; bulk of aales, $5 50iyC76. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000 head; market steady; lambs lower; good to choice wethers, $4.0(Vi4.&0; fair to choice mixed, U.2.' 4.00: western sheep, $2.504.60; nativo lambs, $4.00i&4.75; western lambs, $1.50i(f6.76. f Kansaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, July 19. CATTLE Re ceipts. 4.5iO head, including 600 southerns. Market steady to 16e higher: choice export and dressed beef steers, $5 20ti6.95; fair to food, $4.76(fi510; western fed steers. I3.76fu 00; stockers and feeder, $300f4 30; southern steers, $3.i6iS.76; aoufhern cows, t2.rvsn2.G6; native cowa, 12 5K(i4.26; native heifers. 13.6044.85; bulla, $3 003.05; calves, 2.504.25. HOGS Receipts, 10.500 head; mnrket slow to 10c lower; top, $6 26: bulk of sales st $6frV?i5.20; heavy. $5 .16.fi6.20; packers. $5.12ti6 20; pigs and light, $6.10t.16. BHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 400 head; market nominally steady: native lambs, $4 0k6 00: eastern lambs. $4 0Oft6.M); fed ewes, $; Texas clipped sheep. $.1 64 (U; Texas clipped yesrllags. $S.75 4 7i, Mocker and feeders, $2.50iJ.68. St. Mrs Stork Msrkrt. ST. lJTtVia. July 19. CATTLE Receipts, l,2(i0 head. Including l.uio head Texans; mar ket steady: native shipping and exnort steers, $4 SMra.OO; dressed beef and butcher steers. UK 5 40; steers under 1 oon lbs., $3 7.V'j4 1: stockers snd feeders, $2 76ff4 6": cows and heifers. $2 Skill 25; canners.- 11 6f i; hulls, $2 2641186; calves. $4 HM.7.IW; Texas and Indian steer, $2.754.50; cows and heifers. $2 tastil 75. HOGS Receipts. 710 head: market steady to 10c higher: pigs and lights. $47f.4i640; Barkers. $5.2taB 60; butcher and best heavy, Jft Vtfi S 7". 6UEP a(D LAMBS Receipts, 400 head; July 1...., July .'uiy t July 4.. . July 6.... 6 25 July 6.... 6 26 July 7.... 6 19 July 8.... 6 16 juiy ....! 0 la-.! u 44 July 10... al 6 82 July 11... 6 U 6 Ss July 12 July 13... 6 02 $ 38 July 14... 6 13- i 16 July 16... 6 11 6 16 July 16... 6 IS 6 33 July 17... p 6 1 July 18... 6 21 July 19...I I msrket steady to strong: rttlv muttons, ift KO-??4 OA llmhl II - w.A k,,.ba $2.7r-fi3.60; stocker. $1.76ji.00; Texan. $3 50 Sew York Mr tttork Market. NEW YORK, July 19 -BEEVES Re celpts. 704 hesd: market the ssme as yes terday. Rather common to flr seer sold at $4.60 per lOO pounds. Dressed beef dull at e411Hc per pound, with some sales of choicer oeer at i.e. i.stest raoiea quotej live cattle selling at isvrisvo per ponl dressed weight: refrigerated beef at IIS llHc. Exports today. 1.026 head of cattle ana i.wj neaa or sneer. CALVES Receipts, 41 head; msrket dull and - depressed. Common to choice veals sold at 4ft 7c: city dressed veal Blow at ll''dl2Vc per pound. BHi'fp AND LAMBS Receipts. $.479 head; market for aneep .c lower; inmosj 50c lower. Sheep old At $3.0O'(i4 50; lambs, $4 006 50; cull sheep at $1.00. Dressed mut ton lower at JKtfllc per pound; dressed lamb lower at louiac. HOOS Receipts, 3.800 head; msrket firm at $6 26'f.40 per 100 pounds for state and Pennsylvania hogs. St. Joseph Lit Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH, July 19. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.200 head; steady. Natives. $4 40(9 6 26; cows and heifers. $1.60tf.16; stockers and feeders, $3. 26ap4. 18. , , . . HOGS Receipts, 1.638 head: market for lights 6c higher: packers, 6c lower. IJffht, $6.:fyfifi.'J7Vi; medium and heavy. $6.16Q6.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 607 head. Market 10fil6c lower. ! rir-r l.tve Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. July 19-(Special Tele- . mr r T- 1 a tAl V. t A s ana. afe gram.) la 1 1 i.r,-nrr-ii.i, m uenu, -Set steady; beeves. $4 50r(75.76: cows, bull and mixed. $2.204 00: stockers and feeders, $3 004. 00; calves and yearlings, $2.76f3.75 HOGS Receipts, 2.100 head; market steady; selling at $6.10(SS30; bulk ot sales, $5.10(86.30. ' Stoek In Sight. Following are the receipt of live stock for the six principal western citie ye terda . Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. Sooth Omaha l.soo $,ono Chicago -....1,000 4.100 3,000 Kansas City 4. son 10.y 400 St. Loul 1.200 700 400 St. Joseph 1.20 507 Sioux City 00 2,100 Total , 14.400 17,838 4,307 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS Condition of Trade and annotations on Staple and Fnney Prodoee. EGGS Receipts liberal; firm; fresh can dled stock. 15c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 9e: roosters, ac cording to slxe, 6c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 7c; gtesc, 5c; broilers, 16c. BUTTER Packing stock, 11c; choice to fancy dairy. 1214c: separator, 16iaiViC. FRESH FISH-Trout, He; pickerel. 8c; pike, 10c; perch. 7c; blueflsh, 12c; whltefish, 14c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, 11c; lobster, green, 26c; lobster, boiled. 30c: bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black bass. 20c; halibut, 10c: crapples, 12c; roe shad, $1: buffalo, c, white buss, 11c 1 frog legs, per do, 36c. BRAN-Per ton, $18. , , HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association Choice No. 1 UP111."' IK' Mn 9 t? ,-a. m4lMm 17! coarse. 36.M1. Rye straw, $5.60. These price are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair nnd receipts light. TROPICAL. FRUITS. ORANGES Navol, choice, large lxe, $3; fancy navels, all sixes, $3.60: Mediterranean sweets, choice, all sixes, $8.(XHg3.a6; Jaffa, all size, $2.7t&3.00; Valencia, ail le, $.ou LEMONS California' fancy, 270-300-360, $3.7o4.26; choice, $2.704j8.00. CALIFORNIA FIGS-Per 10-lb. carton, 60c; imported 8myrna, . 3-crown, lie; -crown, 14c: 7-crown, 15c. BANANAS Per medlum-lied bunch, $3.00 62.60; Jumbo, $2.758.26. m . , DATES Persian, per box of 80 pkg., $2, In 60-lb. boxes, 6o per lb.; Oriental tuffed, PepiNAPPLE8 In crate of 24 to 42. per crato, $3.26 FRUITS. APPLES Green, per H-bu. box, 75c. RASPBERRIES Per H4 qts.. $31 per 24 pts., $1.60; red raspberries, per 24 pu., vV'ash., $3. , . BLACKBERRIES Arkansas, per 24 qta., $2 STRAWBERRIES Colorado, per 24-qt. case, $2.50. CHLRRIES-Callfornla. Royal Ann or Tartarian, per box, 1.2i; home grown, per 'Voo'siwuiRRIES-Per 24-qt. case, $1.30. PEACHES Texas, per 4-basket crate, 80c, California Alexandra, per oox. $1. PLUiS CalUOrpia, Trogdy, Burbark. 1pijARS-rf'alIf3rnla,'$2.75 per box. , APRICOTS-Calltornla. $i.40. . CANT ELoUPE Texa, P ejate, 2.50 .7i: Calliornla, per crate $6.0u6.00. WATERMELONS Per lb. (crated), lto; CURRANTS Red and white, per 24-q.t-ca... $1.25. VEGETABLES. u FOTATOES New Texas Red toc. In tacks, per bu 60c. . NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 12.J1I2.25. ONIONS-Beimuda, per oO-lb. crate, W.OOj Louisiana, In sacks,' per lb., !c. CABBAGE Home grown, lc per lb. CAULIFLOWER Per do., o. CUCUMBERS Per do., 26c. TOMATOES Texas, t basket crate, $1. RADISHES Per dox. bunche. 20c. . LETTUCE Top, per do.. 30c. TURNIPS Southern, per do., 250. . BEETS Southern, per dox., 25o. CARROTS Southern, per do., 26c. PARSLEY Per do,. 26c. BEANS Wax, per bu. dox. $1.00; per H bu. basket, 60c; ntrlng, per bu. box, $200; per Si bu. box, 75c; Wlsconaln blue beans, 16-nt. box. $2.00. GREEN PEiTERS Per -baket crate, acJUASH Home grown, per do., 75c. PEAS-Per bu. box, $1.00. EGG PLANT Southern, per do., $1.60. CELERY Kalamaxoo, per do., 25o. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb lOo. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green. 6c: No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 salted. tc; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lb., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6Mrs: dry salted. Fi312c; sheep pelts, 24(ti'i7c; horse hides, $1.6003.50. CHEESE Wisconsin twin, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin young America, 12c: block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick. 13Vic; Wiscon sin llmberger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft hell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., c; roasted peanut, per lb.. Set Chill walnut, per lb., l2(tl8Sc; large hickory nuts, per lb.. 11c; almond, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, 13c; hellbarks. jier bu., $2.00: black walnut, per bu., $1.2j. St. I.onla Grain and Provision. ST. LOUIS, Julv 19 WHEA'l'-Lower; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, nominal; track, 97598'rO, new; July. c: September, 6ic; No. 3 hard, 97V4c new, 98i', old. CORN Higher: No. 3 cash, 48fe; track, tO'TWc; July, 47c; September. 434c. OATS Higher: No. 2 cash, !WHc; track, Sic; July, 3Hc; September, S3c; No. I white, 4fViM5V4c. FIX)1TR Quiet nnd unchanged; red win ter patents,' 14. Kift6. 10: epeclal brsnds, KkTf Ve. higher; extra fancy and straight, $4.60 4.90: clears. $8.80ti3.90. SEED Tlmothv. teadv, $2.40S?2.90. CORNM FA I Steady. $2.40. BRAN Dull and unchanged; sacked, east track. 80c. HAY Firm; timothy, $8818.00: prairie, $6 oo-as so. IRON COTTONTIES 2c. WAGGING IU4.0. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing, Lard, lower; prime steam, $6 324. Bacon (boxed), unchanged; extra short, $3.26; clear ribs. 18.35V; short clear, $8.50. POULTRY Firm: chickens, 9Hc; springs, 13V: turkeys, l.Tc; ducks, 7c; geese, 8c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 14SI8c; dairy. 10rftl5e. EGGS Steady, 13tyc, cqse count. Receipts. Shlpmetits. Flour, bbl..,..; j... 6.0O0 T.oOO Wheat, bu 49 00.) 49.000 Corn, bu 20.fi0 54.000 Oats, bu 88,000 26,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 19.-WHKAT-Julv. 97ic: September, 9T?c: December, KS.e. On irnck: No. 1 hard. 9'fic- No. 1 northern, 91Ue; No. f northern. 94iipfA4c. FT.OUR First patents, $6.101 5. 2: second patents. I5.00R 10; first clear. $3.555r3 66; second clears. $2 to. BRAN In bulk, $14; shorts, $16. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Julv 19 -SEEDS-Clover, cssh. $6.30 hid; October, $6 35. Prime slslke. $V46; August, $AiVi. Prime timothy, $1.47Vx; Sop tember, $1.47. agar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Ju'.y 19. SUGAR Raw, firm: refining. SHc; centrifugal, 9 lest, 8 15-164c: molasses sugar, 8c. Refined, firm; crushed, 175c; powdered, 6.15c; gran ulated, 6 'lie. NEW ORLEANS. July 19. -BUO.R Ptrong: oien kettle. 24iff4 l-16c; pen l et tie centrifugal, cenlrlfugal whites, 4W-44c; ser-oads. 2V1Se. Mt.'LAHSKS Nominal; open kettle. Join) 2V: centrifugal, 16c. Syrup, nominal, 20 475". Dry Good Market, market ha quieted down considerably dur ing the last two days and yet Uiere I no evidence of any lack of flrmneas on the part of trie manuiacturer. ine maintenance or fTlce fc a matter which I generally be leved for th time being. Jobber are op erating very slowly, but from the west par ticularly ah Improvement Is noted a far aa retailer are concerned. Whisky Market. CHICAGO. July 19-WHI8KY-Stesdy, on a basis of $1.29. PEORIA. July 19 WHISKY On basis of $1.28 for finished goods. ST. UOUIS.-Julv 19 -WHISKT-tedy on a basis of $1.82V4. CINCINNATI. Julv 19 WHISKY On a basla of $1.28 for finished good a Coffee Market. NEW YORK, July 19- COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at decline of C points. Sales were reported of 40,260 bags. Including Julv, 6 86c: August, 6 9fi6 S6e; September, 0C;Tv;.A6c: December, 2StlJ0c; March, e.0i.6Cc; May, $.76 .0e. Holiday at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. July 19. All th exchanges her were closed today, due to the visit of King Edward to this city. Back from Manitoba. Peter Jansen, second vice president of the Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Land company, 1 In the city, having Just re turned from the Dominion country. Speak er land and Immigration matters there he said: "A great many people from Minne sota and the Dakota are going into the Saskatchewan country and a greater num ber are taking up land." Omaha's First Wireless Telegraphy. Wireless telegraphy is to be exploited In Omaha for th first time at the Paxton ho tel Thursday by representatives of (he Mar coni Wireless Telegraph company. Instru ment and apparatus and men who know how to manipulate them are promised, ad vance agents having been here already and arranged for the demonstration. ' Bee Want Ad ar the Best Business Booster. .... REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record July 19. 1904. a fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee: Sheriff to John M. Fix, lot 1, Ken sington ; t 417 B, S. Flor to Charles E. Byars, lot 10, block 2, C. E. Mayne'a First addition to Valley 1 Callle B. Hcnger to Charle E. Byars, lot 10, block 2. C. E. Mayne' First addition to Valley 800 Caroline E. Coman to John Swanson, part lot 49, Glue's addition 470 Caroline E. Coman to John Swanson, part lot 49, Glse's addition 80 Mlcrael Frank Sullivan to Edmund Thorp, lot 6, block 11. Hanscom Place , 1,200 Nora E. Musgrave to L. II. Itenrle, lot 9. block 9, Myers, Richard & Til den's addition 940 Home Investment company to Charles H. Smith and-Romeo C. Smith, part Rublot 2 of lot 8, Capitol addition.... 1.350 Rande Peterson to John E. Aentson, undivided H of sH of lot 6, block 12, E. V. Smith's addition.. 600 John Edward Arntson and wife to Rande Potereon, lot 6, Burdette Court annex 1 Helen L. Cowle to Charle W. Hall, part lot 69, 60 and (1, Farnam Place. 400 The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. Nob. 0. S. DsessMir Capital aod Surplus, $(00,000 nun inrm, . sen a. woo, v. . umet StAO. CaaMsr. mm T. IA.aa.TOf4, Ana. Caakk, lUaatv ssasaats f tautaa, tatabat. aetisr atlas, ftrsaa ana laatvteanM an bnetaats tanan. Foeala Bxehuan fceCt a4 sal. Laturs a Cra4lt tasuaa. a val labia I alt art the nana IsWaat pH en Tims OavUftoaiaa at Peas an. Ceilaatlana saaae siuaaaalr aa4 aaaaeaulually. Wa ruaiat eamat islllaia. O. M: E. . Tel. 611 - MESSENOKR ND BAGGAGE. ' 1613 Farnam Street, -WILL GET TL-JR ' BAQGAGE THEKB " ON TlaCS. AIL WAY TIME CARD. XlO!f STATIOT4-.10TU AND MARC Y. Chicago. Hook laland at Paelfle. AgC -. - - t . . AMm Cklescs Dayll ht Limits '. lib an Chinas Dajflisbt Leaal ...... .a 7:00 am. t. .M aa laicago Kipreaa 01 an a it sal ! alalnaa aUpraas HM ai all 40 ata laicata raai tUpraa a 1:44 ia i;m was. Reeky Mountain Umltea ,i till i I M an Lloaola, Coleraaat Sprlnam, Dan- . var, raaoie ana waa I l ta i : M Chicago, Milwaukee a St. Pafal. tva. Arrire. Chicago Darllfbt Eicraaa. .....a IM am li:v pa Calllornla-Orton Kapraaa a 1:41 pn l4:10pai uvariana umiiM .J0 pm T M am Ilea Molnea A Okobejl Kl .....a 7.66 am a 1:10 pia isiwu i-atiso, Ik C-varlanfl Llnltad..... .......a 1:44 am ' "- ,m Taa Colorado and California El.. a 410 pm 4 44 aa Tla Chloaio.Portlaad Speulal ... 4:20 pm - 'ine Kaataro . aapreaa a :0 pax Tlia Columbua Local '....a 1:04 Dm t.U am Toa Colorado Bpaclal a 1:4 aot Tha Chicago Special a . :M in Tha BaaUlca Loaal I:M pm liana Tka rait Mail ,.,.,.... W as) 10 poi Chleaco A Northweauern. -, Leava. Arrive. ,1:.av sat Past Chicago ... ..a t ao pa Local Chicago ....aJl .M, Mall 414 na I D am barllght St. Paul 1:to am, t:ts) pm IMMlgUt Chicago .,,.,.....,... tilAoaa 11:40 pm Llmltad Chicago t l it rm 1 11 am Local . Carrol'. 4ivu pm 120 aia Kaat St. raul a 1:1 pm J 04 am Local Sioux Clt A t. Paul. .. .b 4:09 put ( U aci Fast Mail ,. .... i. 10 put Chlf-ago Express ,t 4 pm Norfolk A iluiasteel ,.s 101 am lo ta am Llncoia A Lou fins I OA an )0:ll am Daadwood A Uncola.. a 140 pm 10 pm Caaoar A Wyoming . .4 100 pm 1.10 piu Haatlnga-Alblon k t:V) pm :U pm Salrfax-Bonaateal a I M pm 4:10 pm efttatasl Ipaolal ..allatpm I aia Ckienne Ureat Vr neterav, -., St. Pao! Muaanaell Lim it at a.i a. MUuaMlli .A liMp il U sj eras , T:l s :t pm Chicago Ualtal 4:14 pm ai:a am Chicago tUsraaa ..4 ilm ; pm Illinois Central. Chicago Xxpraa .....s1:ea alO M rm Chicago Uuiiu 1:au pm 1:04 gm Mlua. and HI. fssl Bapraa..., f a m W:t pm Mlaa. sua t. Paul LioiUod.,,. 1;U l.ut pm MUaonrl PnelAe. , ' . , U Lea la aUpraas all:Hm :lt pn kasaa WW M. Lewi a. . . proa - all i n T 04 am Woid's faur fciesiai at:M am Wauaah. " i It. Loam "Caaaoa Bali' .. 4:0 jm l:M an plan World'a fair ...,,.... t.ta aw .) pm Local irua Couuail allaaa. ..... l:la aa a Oils) pm ItCULIlvU tUN k t Al IUhs-ltl4 k A4AU. Cblcatco, Unrllnaton anlny. . Loava Arrl a Chisago Special .,... Ii aa a :M Chioago Vastihulo Bvrao ,..:'stpa a Lat am Ciilcaa Local 1:14 am all .Ml pa Chicago LtawUd ...... m 1:44 pa faat Mall . .' 2-m tvauaas Cltr, St. JoHllk a On. UlavJ. Kaoaa Cltr Uar anpros ......alii 4i pa I. Luula flrac I.ttls ali.ut am kansaa Cltr Night ICapreaa. ...Uiaa pm a aa am liunmgloa v Maoawurl silver. Wjsvws, Baatrlaa 4k Uaoela ..s iM am khl cfpa (uraaaa kapiaas a t.M am , ): ,, Lauvar Limlua 4.1 poa t l it is iiiack llllia a fugoi iu ata.aU.U pm a- 4.o pai tmioraao Vaallkul4 lr .... Uucoia Vaat Mali k f II pm pa Ifon Crook A riaiiamoutk k pm io:a4 am baUevwi a faiaa .. t:lo pm t it aa U.lisiua at fasuMi Juu.uaa WEBSYICn DEPOT IftTH aft WKBSrEll Mlssonrl Paeifla. In. Arrlva. Nstnak LoaaL l Wis is Water k W pm all pm Chlcaga, SI. Panl, Minn, alt Oataha. Tvla CUr raaaaosar togs tl.wpn Sioux Clip raatssaac I pa . au M aa OahlsA laasl k pa hl.Ulaa all. fe aaltr escoaA (asdar. llr Mt Satvieap e dalir auw MeaAaj. OCKAN STkSAMSUirs. KQLLANO-IUERICA LINE. Navj 1wln-rw ftt-askani of ll.fMSl Tono, MEW IfOKk KOTTXKDAM, via a" C LOO KB. . nwmmmmrt . . .a. aa. RMlardam Av. kklatndam .Aug 12 h . .... at..... . ... f .u,n . i aiauaM .AV. ( Konadam Aug II KotUrdam ...... .ul. a HOLLAND-AMERICA U H. iMaraora l . CH eaga. III.; liarrr Moor a. lul Paniaa C I (1. fcvthorfor. laU raramga H-i A aC tUiaelda. U4 Vamaa k