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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1904)
TnE OMAHA DAILY REK: WEDNESDAY, JULY 20. 1004. THREE OUT OF FOUR FOR PA Series with Prohibs Ends and Omaha . is on Top. LAST GAME HARD. FOUGHT AS THE REST peapH Six. Error by Home Tram It Wist, ,ltf Moines Being laable to Hit Ualck at . , ' ' 1 .Itlaht Tim. Quick pitched a good g-nme yestenlay and your fa added a third Hawkey? plume to Ms well-feathered bonnet when Omaha won the Inst of the series from tlio Bill Huffer crowd at a 4 to 3 gallop. Omaha picked fruit In the ninth when with one man out, two runs were whisked In. There was no use' for further argument and Bobby Caruthers put up his shutters and . went home.. - I'ntll.lhe Inst act the Trohlbs threw out tho , delusion , tluit they were going to split even on their visit here. Omaha had made a. run.' eitch In the third and oiyth, but, a couplet for the visitors In the fifth balanced those and It was nil bands round until the eighth. Then Pes Moines led to the center with another run and cold shivers chased themselves along the fans' spinal column. But the chills were short-lived. Thomas Started off the ninth with a hit. Flsko made an error, giving Schlpke first. Uncle Johnny Qondlng followed with a hit. Freese was substituted for Quick at tho bat and made a long drive to Thlet In left field. -The same Thlel gobbled It up be foro the ball could be fielded within bounds., Thomas had broken the flfty- yard - record and tied the score. There were yet two' men on bases and only one out when Carter aspired to make a hit and he did; Howard went to the bat with the bases full. He knocked to Le fleld who fielded to George Clark In or der to force Bchlpke Out. But Clark not only dropped the ball, but Interfered with the runner and Schlpke scored and tho da was Pa's. '....,.. It la only to be regretted that the most excellent' series Which the Prohlbs brought to towa with them couldn't have remained superflna until they left. But rank errors which butted Into too same at frequent Intervals .spoiled the-' good effect of the victory. ' ' ' '" ' ' Quick conducted himself remarkably well In the face of such discouraging support, and that Des Moines more runs than It did Is because It couldn't hit the ball when It would have found swats most timely. ' Of ' the seven' hits which the guests ' made, during- the afternoon 1 but two were, counted .tap, in one Inning. Lefleld, too, peddled ( nicely until , the nlnthi JNhen a BticK ' p 'of three ripe hits, done to 'a brown fwere turned over by Clark's poor beha vior. , There 'Was but 6rie? earned run during tho show, which'' Oivtaha made In the' f ourth.' 'Weloh-Wit ind Dolan advanced him , to second, by , pretty, sacrifice. Doubting Thomas, got a hunch that there ougHtto b omothlng -doing and lambasted the WfrJootftwo ' base scoring ' Welch. Bcore: ... ';OMAHA. au.. n. Carter. Tt. ...........i 0 kwaro-.-21.7. ..-.. i. 4 - 0 Miller, If wtt;.v.v.4 0- Welch,. cf.,..,..,J 1 ' Tolan, ss 4 0 Thomas, lb... . 1. Bchlpke, 3b 4 1 Oonding, c...s. ..2 : 1 Quick, p. -..3 0 ireese ............. :.t 0 , i-i. TotaH ....:...:;.. ' f,:tr. fcThlel. If H. PO. -A. E. 2 110 0' 0 S 0 I -'1 0 0 .1 ,J 1 0 0 4 2 2 2 12 1 2 0 0 3 1 2 1 11 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 "a 27 17 6 I; , 'fV ' " H. PO. A. !B. 1 S 0.0 0 0 0 10 .0.. 3 .2 1 1 ' 2 0 ' 0 11 0 0 1 10 2 0 0 2 2 2 14.8 0 3 0 8 0 r t25- 12 3 ohert. 8b 4 1 Flske. ss ..4.--0. McChesney, rr.. o Clarke, cf ......,4, 0 Connery, lb........ 4 0 Clark, c -4 0 BhtiBHrti.ab... . 9 LeHeld, p .......... 3 1 - ToUlo-;.. A. ;(!.. 3 Freese batted. for Quick In the ninth. tOne eut when winning run was made. Omaha"....... .....,0 0 1 .1 0 0 0 5-4 . Das Moines 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0-3 Two-base' hit: Thomas. Stolen bases: Welch, LobeM. McChesney. Sacrifice hits: Howard, Dolun, Quick, Flske, Shugart. Ksrhed'rtm: '. Omatm. First base on balls: Oft Quick, 3; 6ft Lellejd, 6. Left on bases: Omaha-' 9; Des Mo(neg, 8. First base by ' errors: Omaha, l;'I)es Moines, 6. Struck out: T3 Quick, 4; by Lefleld, 3. Double plays: ' Dolan to Thomas, Carter to Dolan. Flske to Bhugart to Connery. Time: 1:35. Umpire;' Car?uthers. , Pitchers' Caeui it the "prints. COLORADO BPRINOS, Colo., July 19 The Inability of Colorado Springs to hit Dlehl In today's game with Bt. Joseph lost tho game. Score: . ' ' ' ' H.H.K. Bt. Joseph ...... 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0-2 7 1 Pnln finrlnirn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 4 0 Batteries: Colorado Springs, Nash andS ' Bacrwald; St. Joseph, Dlehl and McConnell. Donvrra Wis a Victory. DKNVER. July 19. Today's game was re markably pi use and bunched hits alone rave Denver tho Tlctnry. Score: R, H. E. Denver OSOIOwtft 8 10 2 Kloux City 0 0 2 0 5 0 0 0 07 13 Batteries: Eyler and Lucia; Cadawall der and Ward. Standing; of the Trams. Played. Won. Lost Denver ,...7 i M t'olorarto pi lng lis 41 T! Des Moines 19 Omaha , 7s Bt. Joseph 71 Sioux Otv .71 Games today: Omaha t Des Moines, Bioux City at Colorado Springs, Bt. Joseph at Denver. 4tl 37 31 25 S9 40 4A PC. .3 .En .4!3 .437 .35: GAMES IX THE KATIOSAL LEAGIE St. Loals Takes Third Straight Game In Doaton Series. f-T. IX)1'IS. July 19 St. Ixiuis took the third straight game or tne series from IUiston tiMlav. Corbett. who has been r.ltch- Ing poor ball slnre he joined the Bt. louis team, showed goon form ana hem Bonton saf with the exception of the sixth, wnen three hits netted two runs. Attendance, 18J. Score: T. LOVtn. I ' BOSTON. R.H.O.A B I K.H.O.A.C. Parrrll, lb... 1 1 ( 0 Ooler. cf t 1 t 0 Fhnnon. rt . 1 1 I t 0 Tenner, lb .. 1 1 I 1 He. kler. lb. . 1 1 11 0 0 Ab tlrhlo. M. 0 1110 Smoot. rt 1 110 0 C ooler. If 0 1114 1 1 t I 0 Palehtntj, lb 0 1 4 1 0 1110 0 Rirmer, lb.. 0 0 1 6 0 1 1 0 t 1 Carnr. rt.. . 0 110 0 1111 0 N""1lm, c. . 0 I 6 0 0 0 10 1 0 Wllhelm, p... 0 0 0 0 0 FUner. p o t 9 a o Total! I IS It U 1 e.nncll 0 0 0 0 0 I I 14 11 0 Hraln. m Iiarrlar. If. Iturke, lb.. Orailr. .... CorlKU. p.. I totalp... Batted for Fisher In ninth. St. Louis 1 1501001-9 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02 Earned runs: Bt. Louis, ;. Boston, 2. Two-base hits: FarrelL Abbattlchlo. Three. base hits: Brain, Burke, Tenney. Home runs: urady. Hraln. uoimii play: uooley to Needham. Passed ball: Needham. Stolen base: Burke. Bases on balls: Off Wll helm, 1; off Corbett, 2. Struck out: By corbett. o: by Fisher. 1. Ieft on bases St. Louis, 4: Boston. 9. Time: 1:43. Um pire: tmsiie. Pitchers' Battle at Chicago. CHTCAGO. Julv 19. Today's came was a hard-fought pitchers' battle, both pitchers aoing excellent Horn, and was lost by Hulswitt's errors. Kiln scored the only run on his single, an error and an out. YMiuams neJdiDR was the feature. At tendance, 2,2u0. Score: CH1CAUO. , PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.B. K H.O.A.S. Slle. If 0 0 1 0 0,Thnm, rf. ..0 1 1 0 0 lorrldon, rf.. 0 1 1 0 0 Oleaaon, lb.. 0 1 I I 0 Chance, lb. . . 0 1 7 0 1 WolvcK'n, lb 0 0 I I 0 nvfiuf, ei. v v J V v.uusn, ri...... v v v Kline, n 1 1(4 OlDoTto, lb 0 110 Even, lb 0 0 4 1 0 Tltua. If. 4) 1 t 0 0 Tinker. ...... 0 0 11 ljlluliwltt, as.. 0 0 3 1 1 lb. 0 1 It OiRolh. c 0 1110 Brown, p 0 1 i 1 O.SuthoS. p.... 0 0 0 4 0 Totals 1 7 IT 11 ll Totala 0 tM 16 1 Winning run scored with two out. ChicHgo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Left on bases: Chicago, 8; Philadelphia, Two-base hits: Kline. Oleason. Dovle. Sacrifice hits: Doyle, Lush. Stolen bases: Williams, Chance. Double plays: Suthoff io noin. wolverton to L,uxh. struck out: By Brown, 4; by Suthoff, 2. Passed ball: Both. Bases on balls: Off Brown. 1: off Suthoff, 8. Time: 1:45. Umpire; Zlmmer. I'lttsbnra; Wins from New York. PITTRBrP.O. Julv 19 Plttahura- won nnr In the ninth Inning with three-baggers by wtigiirr aim Depnng ana a single oy Rltchey. Lynch was rather wild lor two .inline,.-.. uu i vicujini uuwii niiu pilciier much better ball than Mathewson, who was saved by the brilliant fielding of Mer les. . jeuen made an almost imDosslble catch of a foul fly. Attendance, 5.330. Score: PlTTSIiURa. it. H.O.A.S. Leach, lb.... 0 14 3 1 Beaumont, cf 0 1 0 0 t Kruger, It.... 0 1 10 1 MtW YUHK, R.H.O.A.B. Breenahan. cf 0 f 0 0 0 Hrowna, rf... 0 14 0 0 DeTlln. lb.... 0 0 0 1 0 Speaking of Quality! Just Open a Bottle of BLATZ WIEB BEER MILWAUKEE Town's when Um a u a 1 1 1 T rumiiii coui In -It'a b avary toitla or k. thai bears the Wiener U bl. Older VT!nu tor tbe sake el your litellb and the k.tbth of your tamlljr, gverr bottle atertUo4. 8Utz Malt-YiYloi, (Noa-lBtsa.) Toaie Yal Biatz Brew. Co, MILWAUKEE OMAHA BRANCH. Tel. KX1. ' 1412 Dour'' Stret abentt what, a gtxHl cigar should be be re alised and try 'a . f ' MCNOCnAM, Go Cigar. It you have ner tried It do so and enjoy tb tre;. W. S'i'QLCKEU. CIGAR CO., J." . 1UX Iou;ltt Bt,- Wasner, aa. ..1 I 1 I II MrOann, lb.. 0 0 0 0 Hran.neld, lb 0 0 t 1 u Mertea, lt....O 0 I 0 0 Be brlti,, rf... 1 110 u liahlen, aa.... 0 0 110 Hltcher, lb..O 14 1 H JIIhert, lb... 0 0 14 0 Bmlth, c 0 0 I u Warner, c 1 0 0 1 0 LjDcb, p 0 0 0 4 v Mathewaen, p 0 0 1 0 Totals I 117 16 ' Total....... 1 lH I 0 One out -when wlnir.r.g run scored. Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Now York 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Three-base hits: Wagner, Sebrlng (Z). Sacrifice hits: Beaumont. Mathewson. Stolen bases: Smith, Bresnahan, Gilbert, Warner. First base on balls: Off Lynch. 4: off Mathewson. 2. Hit by pitched ball: Gilbert. Struck out: By Lynch. 6; by Mathewson. 4. Wild Ditch: Lynch. Time; 1:50. Umpires: Moran and O'Day. Oae InnlnaT Finishes Garvin. rlKPIKMATl .Tiilir 1Q fiaVvIn Inatnd hilt one Inning for Brooklyn, four hits and oil error proving his undoing. Cronln, who succeeded mm, waa nil nara ai intervals. t he Brooklvns were unable to bunch their hits, hence tnelr few tuns. Attendance, 4,117. Score: CINCINNATI. 1 BROOKLYN. H. H.O.A.S, R.H.O.A.B. Hueflna, lb.. 1 0 I 0 Dobb.. ef 0 110 0 Seymour, ct..l 4 1 0 0 lilllon, lb...l 1 1 Dolan, rf I I 10 Olbumley, rf... 0 0 0 0 0 Udweii, it.... 1 1 I o v sn.c.ara, u... 1 I o v o Kelley, lb....O 1 II 1 0 llabb. aa 0 1 110 c 0 0 I 0 0 k. lb 0 0 0 1 1 Jordan, lb.... 0 0 14 0 Garyln, p 0 0 0 1 0 Corcoran, aa.. 0 0 1 i "0 Kilter, woodrun, 2b. 0 0 11 o;McCorm Schlel. e 0 0 110 Harper, p.... 0 0 10 0 Total.. T I 17 14 01 Cronln, p.. 0 10 10 . 1 7 14 10 I Total. Cincinnati ...".3 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 7 Brooklyn 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 02 Two-base hits: Sheckard (2). Three-base hit: Dolan. Stolen bases: Sheckard, Dobbs. Double play: Corcoran to Hugglna to Kel ley. Base on balls: Off Harper, 2; off Garvin, 1; off Cronln, 4. Hit uy pitched ball: By Crunln, 2. Struck out: By Har per, J; by cronln, 3; by Garvin, 1. Hits: Off Garvin, 4 In one Inning; off Cronln, 4 In seven innings. Passed ball:- Schlel. Time: 1:66. Umpires; Carpenter and John stone. - Standing; of tu Teama. New Tork Chicago .. Cincinnati Pitts ourg St. Louia . Brooklyn Boston ... Philadelphia Played. Won. Lost. ....77 .76 .76 .73 .75 .82 .78 66 48 44 41 40 30 28 17 21 27 31 32 35 62 60 66 P.C. .727 .610 .687 .662 .633 .366 .369 .233 Gaines today: Boston at St. Louis: New York' at Pittsburg; Philadelphia at Chi cago; Brooklyn at Cincinnati. GAMES IS AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Louisville Snatches . Victory from Knnaaa City In Klahth. KANSAS CITY. July 19. With two men out Louisville batted out a victory In the eighth inning. The game wuh marked by sensational fielding. Attendance, 100. Score: LOUISVILLB. I KANSAS CITY. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. Kerwln, if I 111 0 Butler, e 0 110 110 0 Uonner. lb... Oil 110 0 Sullivan, lb.. 0 0 1 119 0 Hill,, it 1 I I H.llm.o, rf.. 1 Campbell, cf. 1 Arndt. lb 1 Dexter, e 0 lir.shear, lb. 0 0 4 1 0 Ryan. lb.. 1 0 I 0 1 0 1111 Lewee, ...... 1 ,00100 Eihreiver, lb. 0 1 9 0 1 Gear, It 0 Wulnlan. Elan, p. 1 4 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 I I Kolhluaa. rf.. 0 14 0 0 I I Pram,, p.... 0 0 1 t 0 Totala I IT 11 ll Total. I I TT 11 0 Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 06 Kansas City 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 02 Earned runs: Kansas City, 1; Louisville, 4. Two-base hits: Butler, Campbell, Arndt. Home run: Arndt. Stolen bases: Hothfuss, Hallman. Quintan.'- Double plays: Hill to Byan; Krauts to Ryan; Dexter to Schrle ver; Braahear to Quintan to Schrelver. Baues on balls: Off fcTants, 6: oft Kgan, I. Struck out: By Franti, 6; by Egan. 3. Left on bases: Kansas City, ft; Louisville, 6. Time: 1:35. Umpire: Hart. Indianapolis Win from St. Pa ml. ST. PAUL, July 19.-Oromley was too much for the locals today. With the bases full In the ninth he struck Ferguson out and endod the suspense. Attendance, 9eu. ocure INDIANAPOLIS. H. lt.0. AS M.-Creery. cf. 0 I I 0 0 Montc'ery. aa 0 0 0 rrr. lb 0 I 0 4 1 ST. fai;u R.H.O.A.B. Jone., ct 0 1 I 0 0 J.rkon, rf. .. 0 0 0 I Wheeler, lb.. 0 0 0 1 1 Bwander, If.. 0 0 1 0 0Klournoy. If.. 0 110 0 Heydon. e.... 1 0 T Chlllliia. rf... 0 I 0 1 (i Croniley, p .. 1 1 1 I V Martin, lb. .. 0 1 1 4 I Dickey, lb... t 111 M t Kelley. lb.... 0 I 11 1 1 O'Hrten, aa. .. 0 1 I I 0 Marfan, lb... 0 1 I T 1 dulllvan. c... 0 1 i I 0 Kersueoa, p., 0 0 I 0 Totals 1 10 17 11 ! Totala 0 T 17 11 I Indlanapjlla 00000010 13 St. l'uul 00000000 00 Two-base hit: Phillips. Hucrldoe hit: Montgomery. Stolen bases: Murcan, Carr. Double play: Marcan to O'Brien to Kelley. Klrat oil halls: Off Cromley. 1; off Fera-u-mn. 1. Struck out: lly Cromlev, ; by Ferguson, 4. Hit by pitcher: By Cromley, Murcan. Time: 1:40. I'mpire: Ha uh wine. A t'ouule More Head Woald Help Out. M1NNKAPOLIS. July 19.-Thomaa al lowed one hit today and Minneapolis played nil errorless game. 1 he winning run for Minneapolis was scored In the first Inning on Maloney's double and Coulter's single. Atteniliiiue. l.btu. Score; , kUNr.KArtlt.13. I ' TOLKDO. H H.O A.K.i R.H.O.A E. V. lon.y, rf . 1 110 0 Friable, ef...O 0 10 0 bullion, ct.. 110 OO'liara, II... 0 0 10 0 .ulier. If . .. 1 I 0 Cllug aian, ea 0 0 1 I 0 Ftvemaa, lb.. 0 0 1 0 0 Ie. rl 0 0 I 0 0 Wearer, C....0 0 f 0 0 Morlar7, lb.. 0 1110 MrNlch'la. lb 0 I I I 0 Hrowq, e 0 10 0 Koi, b 0 1 4 0 Burua. lb. ... 0 0 1 I 1 I'yler. aa 0 0 4 1 0 Readlul. lb.. I 0 10 Tnomaa, p... 0 0 0 Uiudbloaw p. 0 I 1 I 0 Totala I IH J Totals! 114 1 Minneapolis 1 0 0 0 0 1 Toledo ...r.... 0 11 I I I M 0-4 Two-base hits: ' Sullivan, fox, Morlarty. , oo UtUa: Oft TUoui, 2, Strut. k out; By Thomas, 9; by Lundhlom, 9. Sacrifice hits: Fox. Brown. Double piny: Lund hlom to Morlarty. Left on hoses: Minne apolis. I; Toledo, i. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Hoiliday. Colambna Makes si Wl: MTLWAUKEK. July 19. Columbus mndn a fine rally In the eighth and ninth innings and after tlelng the score succeetieo in beating nut Milwaukee in the tenth Inning. Attendance, 1.1(10. Score: COLtMBtS. I MILWAVKBE. R. MO 11 I R.H.O.A.. Darla. rf 0 1 1 0 0 Stone, rt 0 0 I 1 0 Whaler. lb..O 1 1 4 1 Hrhaerer. aa. . 1 4 I 1 Frlel. Ib I 111 1 O Brlen. lb...O 1110 Klhm. Ih S I II I n ri.rke lb 0 1 1 I 1 firmer, rf.... I I 4 1 -Hemphill, cf. 1 1 4 0 0 Martin If A 111 a Sl.llerr. i 0 0 6 1 1 Hrldwell. aa.. 1 0 1 I 1 Pennell. If .0 0 10 0 Veaaer, e 0 1 7 I 0 R.trman. lb. 1 I 10 1 0 Hlrkey. n 0 1 1 I 0 Curt I. P 1 110 0 9lmnn 1 1 0 0 0 Dougherty, It 0 0 1 0 1 Olendnn b... ,001 At " Total! 4 10 10 14 4 Totala I 11 S 17 4' Bntted for Hickey In the' ninth. Columbus 000001012 16 Milwaukee 000020110 04 Two-base hits: Hemphill, Batemnn, Cur tis, Schaefer, Klhm. Stolen bases: Schaefer (3). Hemphill (2), Clarke,, Dough erty. Bases on balls: Off Curtis, 6; off Hickey. 3. Hit bv pitched hull: Dougherty. Passed ball: Yeager. Sacrifice hits: Hemp hill. 3. StrucR out: uy turus, t, uy Hl.krv 4. T-ft on bases: Mllwnukee, 9; Columbus, 11. Hits: Off Hickey, It) in nlno Innings. Time: 2:10. Umpire: Klein. Standing; of the Trains. Played. Won. Lost. PC. St. Paul 86 60 119 .i9 Columbus 81 49 32 Milwaukee 81 45 3 .5r6 Louisville 84 47 39 .647 Minneapolis 82 41 41 .6iK Indianapolis 85 41 41 .482 Kansas City 79 29 6o .367 Toledo 83 23 60 . 277 Games today: Columbus at. Milwaukee: Toledo at Minneapolis; Indianapolis at St. Jfaul; Louisville at Kansas euy. GAMES THE AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland Wlna from Boston In Twelve Hard Fought Innlnirs. BOSTON. July 19. Cleveland won to day's game In twelve hard fought Innings by a final batting rally in wnicn MicKman, Turner and Bernhard were prominent. Bay established a record for outfielders, nine or ins twelve put-outs oeing maoe. In the regular Innings. Attendance, 6, 4 Jo. Score: CLEVELAND. ( BOSTON. K.H.O.A.E. K.H.O A.M. Flick, rf 0 110 0 St.hl, ct 0 0 1 0 0 demla. c 0 110 I Col Una, lb...O 1 I I 0 Bradley, 3b.. 0 111 0 Freeman. rf .O 1000 IJole. lb....l 110 0;Parent, M....0 0 110 Heinacn. it. .. l l o v i It'h.nre, lb 0 16 0 0 Ferrla, lb.... 0 0 I 0 ITIier, e 0 0 110 Dlneen, p.... 0 0 0 I 0 Hlrkman. lb. 1 1 11 0 0 Turner, is.... 0 0 14 1 nay, cf I I ll o t Heaa, If 0 0 1 0 I Bernhard, p.. 0 1 0 1 t Totals I 10 II 13 ll Totals 1 4 14 14 1 Cleveland 0 0010000000 23 Boston 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Two base hits: Bradley (2), Bernhard, Bay, Selbach, La Chance. Sacrifice hits: Hickman. Turner, coiuns, terriB. aioicn base: Bay. Double play: LJole and Hickman. Base on balls: Oft Dlieen, 1; off Bernhard, 2. Struck out: By Bern hard, 2; by Dlneen. 7. Time: 1:66. Um pire: Sheridan. Eleven lining! at New York. NEW YORK. July 19 The New York ers won an eleven Inning game from De troit today by a score of 2 to 1. Bnrrett s fumble and a hit by Williams to O'Leary scored the winning run for the locals. At tendance, 3,zw. score: NEW TORK. I DETROIT. R.H.O.A. E.I R.H.O.A.B. Dougherty. It 1 I 1 0 0 Barrett, cf... 0 1 1 1 o Mcintyre, ll.. i 9 o o oj 0 0 Carr. lb 0 1 t 0 1 1 0 Crawford, rl.. 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 Lowe, lb 1 t 4 0 1 0 Koblnaon, Ib. 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 O'Leary, aa... 0 0 1 6 0 0 O Bu.low, o.... 0 0 0 0 Donovan, p.. 0 1 matches In singles and double took pUce this morning on the grounds of the local asportation. The principal towns repre sented in the tournament with players are Huron, Aberdeen. Pierre. Parkston. Brookings, Madison. Dell Rapid. Mitchell. Flandreau. Hot Springs and Blous. Fnlls. There are from one to five teams from each of the towns mentioned. There are about forty-five entered In singles and about half as manv teams, making a tournament of large proportions, considering the fact that the state association Is a comparatively new one. TRADES BROWN FOR SANDERS Itosrke Gets St. I-oola Man and Will Kern Iowan Until Cloae of Season. Papa Bill Rourke came back from his trip and brought, back a new pitcher In War Sanders, who played part of the sea son last year with Omaha. Sanders has been with the St. Louis Nationals this season and Rourke has been trying to se cure him since before the playing season 'opened. It is understood that he traded Brown for him. Brown to remain In Omaha the remainder of the ncascn and Sanders to join the Omaha team at once. Bandera was a favorite with the Omaha people last year and his acquisition should strengthen the tcom greatly. Wllllama, lb. 0 0 Anderaon, rt. 0 1 I Elberfeld. aa. 0 0 1 Conroy, cf.... 0 0 1 Klelnow. c... 0 1 t O.mel, lb... 0 0 McOuIre, lb.. 0 0 I Osteen, I6....0 1 1 Cheabro, p... 1 0 0 I 01 4 0 Total... 0 10 "t 711 11 "l Totala I I 13 11 01 'One out when winning run scored. New. York ....0 000000 01 0 12 Detroit 0 001000000 01 Two base hit: Dougherty. Sacrifice hits: Williams, Lowe. Double plays: Chesbro. Hlberreid ana Gansei: U Leary. Lowe and Carr. Left on 'ases: New York, 4; De troit, 4. First aae on balls: Off Chesbro, 1; off Donovan, 1. First base on errors: New York. Struck out: By Chesbro, 6; By Donovan. 9. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Connolly. Chicago Defeats Washington. WASHINGTON. July 19. Walsh was very, effective today against,, Washington, keeping hjts scattered In all but one Inning. All the nits, save one made oft Dunkle, were bunched in three innings. Attend ance, 500. Score: CH1CAQO. I WASHINGTON. R.U.O.A.K. K.H.O.A.E. Jone., cf I I I 0 0 Coughlln, Ib. 0 1 1 3 0 Oreen.- rf I 1-0 0 0 Donoran, rf.. 0 0 10 0 'llahan. If.. 0 ISO 0 l.aaaldy, .....1 1040 Darla, aa 0 I 1 I 1 Stahl, lb 0 1 10 1 1 Donabne, lb. 0 0 It 1 C O'Neill. cf....O 110 0 Dundon. lb... 0 III 0 Mcconn'k. 2b0 1161 Tanneblll, ib 0 1 I 4 0 Hulaeman, If. 0 1 I 1 0 MtParland. CO 0 I 0 0 Clarke, C....0 0,10 Walah, p 1 0 14 OjLuukle. p.... 0 0 1 t 0 Totala I I 17 14 ll Totala 1 17 15 I Chicago ..1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0-6 Washington 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Three-base hits: Cassldy, ilulseman. Stolen bases: Donovan, Qreen, Callahan, Dundon. Double play: Hulaeman to Dun kle to Coughlln. Bases on balls: Off Duir- kle, 3. Struck out: By Dunkle, 3; by Walsh. 2. Left on bases: Chicago, 3; Washington, 4. Time: 1:60. Umpire: O'Loughlin. St. Lonla Scores tbe Only Ran. PHILADELPHIA. July 19.-St. Louis broke Philadelphia's' winning streak today by scoring the only run of the game in the ninth Inning on Walluce's single and Ka- hoes cratch two-base hit. Glade s pitch ing and the brilliant fielding of the home team were the features. Attendance. 4.316 Score: BT. LOUIS. I PHILADELPHIA. K.H.O.A.E. K.H.O.A.E. Burkett, If... 0 1 I 0 O'H.rtiel. U...0 1 1 0 0 Heinnh 111. rf. 0 1 I 0 0 ricaering, ci. v v l u Heldrlck. ct.'. 0 1110! Davie, lb 0 I I 0 0 Jonea, lb 0 0 0 0 ;I Croaa, lb.. 0 1 1 0 0 -Wallace, aa.. till 0 Seybold, rf...0'0 0 0 0 Padden, lb... 0 0 0 1 1 Murphy. lb..O 0 0 10 Hill. Ib 0 110 1M. Croaa, aa.. 0 0 1 10 K.hoe, e 0 111 0 Shreck. 0 0 OHIO Clad., p 0 0 0 1 1 Waddell, p...O 0 1 I 0 Totala 110 17 10 ll Totala...... 0 5 17 0 Bt. Louie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-bnae .hits: Burkett, Kahoe. Stolen bases: Hemphill, Heldrlck. Left on bases: St. Louis. 8; Philadelphia. 6. First base on balls: Off Glatie, 1. Struck out: By Glade, 3; by Waddell, 9. Time: 1:30. Umpires: King and Dwyer. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Boston ,76 New York Chicago Philadelphia , Cleveland ..... St. Louis Detroit Washington .. Games today ..75 ...79 ...74 ...71 ...71, ...74 ...73 60 46 46 41 38 31 30 14 25 29 83 33 33 40 44 69 P.O. .007 .613 .52 .664 .636 .437 .406 .1U2 EVEXTS OS THE RIXMSG TRACKS Sunshine Stakes, Fratsre at Brighton Beach, Won by Pasadena. NEW YORK, July '. The Sunshlna stakes, the feature of th - card at Brighton Beach today, was won I ' the 6 to 1 shot Pasadena. St. Bellalre, Austin Al'en and Martha Gorman finished heads apart lor the place. Monte Carlo, In the first race, was played down from 30 to 10 to 1, and wol easily. Results: First race, six furlongs: Monte Carlo, 10 to 1, won. Ascension second, James V third. Time: 1:13. Second race, se'ling, five and a half fur longs: Tarpon, 20 to 1, won, Go to Win second. Perry McAdow third. Time: 1:08. Third raoe, handicap, one mile and a furlong: Sonoma Belle, 5 to 1, won. Palm bearer second. Stamping Ground third. Time: 1:64. Fourth race, the Sunshine stakes, five and a half furlongs: Pasadena, 6 to 1, won, St. Bellalre second, Austin Allen third. Time:' 1:07V.. r irtn race, selling, one mile and a six teenth: Fexion. 12 to 1. won. Black Socks second, Allen third. Time: 1:48. Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth: Hurst Park, 1 to 2, won, Dinah second, Hydrangea third. Time: 1:47. sr. louis, July 19. Results: First race, four and a half furlonars. selling: Annlsquam, 6 to 1, won, Lady Lou second. Stella M third. Time: 0:56V. Second race, six furlongs, selling: Kino's Charm, 16 to 1, won, Simon Kent second. hotter third. Time: l:16Vi. Third race, five and a half furlongs, purse: Hadraln, 11 to 1, won. Princess fc.rna second. Red Leaf third. Time: l:0bV4 WANTS BRYAN AND PARKER Mayor Harrison Would Open the Democratic National Campaign in Chicago, LEADERS' WORK INTERESTS CANDIDATE Announced that He Will Remain Home Most of the Time, bnt Will Make a Few Speeches. ESOPUS, N. Y., July 19. United States Senator Arthur Pue Gorman of Maryland who has been asked to become chairman of the democratic national committee was Invited by Judge Parker to come to Rosemount tomorrow with Former Sena tor Davis, the vice presidential candidate, and until late this afternoon It was taken for granted that he would come. The fol lowing telegram from him, dated New York, was given here at 6 o'clock: "Regret that It will be Impossible for me to accompany Senator Davis tomorrow Will afford me pleasure later on." After 6 o'clock the steam yacht Queen City brought up a party of the demo cratic friends from Poughkeepsle. Judge Parker showed them about the place, but the visit was entirely informal. Mr. Sheehan did not return home today but Is expected tomorrow, very likely with Senator Davis. It was reported that National Commit teeman Taggart waa expected In New York today or tomorrow, but nothing definite could be learned here and apparently there in no present expectation of his coming to Rosemount. The conference of New York dem ocrats held last night at the Hoffman house was the subject of the keenest interest, even to the villagers, who hitherto have been content in tho knowledge of Judge Parker's nomination without bothering about any of the details or gossip 'con nected with his campaign. The Judge him- i self showed an Interest beyond his usual calm and at breakfast read tho newspaper accounts of the conference with close at tention, but as usual without any comment which could reach newspaper men. A report Is current that there will be an effort to get the Judge to begin his active campaign in the middle west with a speech at Chicago soon after the notification cere m'onles. It Is understood that Mayor Carter H. Harrison of Chicago Is anxious not only Fourth race, . six furlongs, handicap: ' to have the first gun of the campaign fired Otto Stlfel, 10 to 1, won, Rebo second, Folles Bergeres third. Time: 1:14. Fifth race, one mile: Thane, 9 to 2, won, Bryon Rose second, Light Opera third. Time: 1:43. Sixth race, one mile and three-eighths: Goo Goo, 2 to 1, won. Nettle Regent sec ond, Miss Eon third. Time: 2:25. GOOD 8HOOTI.NG AT NORTH PLATTE One-Armed Man Cantnres tho Caatlroa Medal. NORTH PLATTE, Neb., July 19. (6peclal Telegram.) 'the tiains of lust nigni and this morning brougnt an additional fifteen sportsmen to take part in the tournament, and the entries have reached the fifty mark.' . Three events were shot from the tower, two of fifteen targets each and one of twenty. Ralph Starkey won the two first, with fifteen targets straight in the first and thirteen in the second. The third was won 'by John Federhoof, with nineteen out of twenty., Out of a total of 160 tar gets in events from traps, Fred Gilbert broke 148; F. C Rlehl. 144; D. W. King. 1.19; W. Waddirgton, 146; C. Plank, 144; M. Diefenderfer. 144; G. Selvers, 139; George Carter. 139; Joo Campbell, 139; Dan Bray, 138. ... Of the experts!' shooting from the tower D. W. King led.. with twenty-live straight. The most Interesting event of the day was the shoot for Mio-csRtiron trophy offered by the Buffalo BUI Gun club to the one making the ilghest score in twenty-five targets from ground traps. There were thirty-six entries and of these Maxwell of Holsteiii, Neb., the one-armed wonder, and D. W. King of Denver tied with twenty five straight each, Shooting off the tie, ten targets each. Maxwell was winner, with nine out of ten to his credit Tomorrow the best shots of the country will contest for the Denver Post, trophy. Basket Ball Championship. CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. .July 19. To the Sporting Editor of The Bee Please publish the following challenge: Whereas, The i Geneva basket ball team has failed to reply to our three letters of acceptance of its challenge which was is sued through - the World-Herald on June 13; and . Whereas, Geneva still claims the state basket ball championship, which we fairly won when we defeated them at Aurora on April 1; Therefore; We. the Central City 1904 bas ket ball champions of the Nebraska high schools, challenge the Geneva basket ball five to a game of basket bail to be played at Central City on September 9, 1904. All expenses of the Geneva team for making the trip to play the game will be guaran teed by us. ... on Chicago, but to have Judge Parker and William J. Bryan on tike platform together upon that occasion. Of course nothing def inite on that subject can be learned here for Judge Parker absolutely refused to dis cuss hla plans previous to his notification. So far as the notification is concerned it will be held at Rosemount. Judge Parker Intends to remain here throughout the cam paign, save perhaps for two or three ab sences to make speeches. in large cities such as Chicago. Philadelphia and New York and possibly Boston. It was a cloudless, very warm day at Esopus. The judge began hla part In a dive as usual, then after the morning newspaper arrived he took up his volumin ous mall. When Mr. Davis comes to Esopus to morrow he will probably be accompanied by Senator Gorman. It was announced at Rosemount today that Judge Parker has aent the senator an invitation to coma with Mr. Davis. Whether or not the sena tor's visit will have any bearing upon the election of a chairman of the national committee could not be learned. , ' Harrison Counts on Parker.' CHICAGO. July 19.-"It Is true that we are to have a meeting In Chicago on Au gust 20," said Mayor Harrison today, after reading the Associated Press dispatch from Esopus relative to the opening of the dem ocratic campaign. "We intend to Invite Judge Parker to be one of the speakers. The celebration was originally set for last Saturday, July 16, but we changed the date when we found It would occur before Mr. Parker and Mr. Davis had received their official notification. We have already In vited Mr. Bryan, ex-Senator Towne and Champ Clark. Threy have practically ac cepted and we are counting upon Judge Parker." . -mm Tke larix of, all STORZ is pure .rparkling Arte mn water from our "own well wkicli is 900 fe ct deep and flow 150000 gallon daily. Tki.f'wateT' com-, Lined wiQivflxe Anc-tt American. Barley mall and Imported B- nexaian llopj cons dien4r vued.m v-Qie manixracluro' of J,ott. Blue E.iLlon Beer . m i i l in lnatJ why it ix pure , neaitny and invigorating, it kelp J youTup - cleanex fne Hood sootier lie nerves Dinner -r luncli laxte letter lecauxe ipf t - Have luili and. xt.ra Qie.lvme,. Order;a ca'xe. aw: u ST O RZ B1RE-WING CO Stora Bine Ribbon contains more nntrlment and less alcohol (only 2.03 per cent) than any other standard beer. (? - J Ipif 3C Go to Cincinnati Via Pennsylvania Lines, the direct route from Chicago. Parlor car on day trains, sleeping cars on night trains. Ask for tickets over the Pennsylvania Lines. Ad dress Thos. H. Thorp, 26 U. S. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb., for full particulars. 9 4V M I A. til St. Louis at Philadelphia; Detroit at New York: Chicago at Wash ington; Cleveland at Boston. Beatrice Takes Second. BEATRICE, Neh., July 19 (Special Telo- frram.) The second game of the series e ug played here between the Beatrice and Schuyler ball teams was won by the lo cals this afternoon, the score being 6 to 6. The features of tho game were the fielding of Bender and I-awaon of Beatrice and a home run hit by Captain i'ulmer of the Bchuyler team. The score: R. H. E. Beatrice 00040101 0 (S 9 3 Schuyler 8 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 06 8 t Batteries: Beatrice, Adams and Wilson; Schuyler, Fulmer and Whiting. Struck out: ByWldams, 4; by Fulmer, 2. i Overton Is Hhat Ont. NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. July 19. (Spe cial Telegram.) The game of base ball played today between the Overton team, with Swayne In the box and Olsson behind the bat, and the North Platte team, with Pendergast In the box and Short catcher, resulted In a victory for the latter by a score of ( to 0. The Overtone played fulrly well, but were unable to find Pendy, hence the result. Hit Prlniley Hard. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. July 19.-(Spe-clal Telegram. Grand Island found Prim ley today for fourteen hits, with a total of twenty-four basese. The score: R. H. E. Grand Islnnd ! 0 S 0 1 1 2 1 010 14 4 Central City 0 00001000 1 0 4 Batteries: Prlmley and Clack; Lon'gen ecker and Marsh. Pllger Uefeats Mtaaton. PILGER, Neb., July 1S (Special Tele gram.) Stanton lost to Pllger today In the presence of a large crowd. The score: It. II. H. Pllger 1 1007OS0 -12 8 6 Stanton 1200001128 6 10 Batteries: Stanton. Nicola. Mayer and Olaae; pllger, Larson and Tift. Umpire: Soot a Dakota Tennis Toarnaaieat, PIOl'X FALLS. 8. D.. July l -(8peclal ) The second annual tournament of the South Dakota Tennis association com menced today on the grounds of the Sioux Flla Tennla aaaociatlon. The entries ooin prtae the larger portion of the representa tive tennis players of the state most of whom are entered In both singles and doublea. - J'he drawing lor tit twuroamwt WhyY0U should buy an Oldsmobile. "? For $650.00 you get a runabout that has the greatest road efficiency of any on the market. It has more than enough power for ordinary use and always enough for extraordinary conditions. We have been in the gas engine business for'over 20 years and have solved the questions of simplicity, power and dura bility. Our engine has the fewest parts, so perfectly constructed and assembled that the chance of getting out of order is reduced to a minimum. ' ' ' It requires no experience to run an Oldsmobile, no physical strength, it starts from the seat, controlled by one lever, the body is easily removed.There Is ""nothing to watch but the road ahead." It is the only runabout that has been driven from New York to San Francisco, and It has proven Its superiority over all other machines in its class at alof the endurance runs. . ' You are taking no chances in buying an Oldsmobile. Send for catalog telling about it in detail its increased power, speed and size, increased strength in all its parts, larger gasoline and water capacity, hub brakes, 3 inch tires, the entire absence of packed Joints or gaskets, 7 actual horse power. Also Touring Runabout, 1750.00; Light Tonneau, $950.00; Oldsmobile Delivery Wagon, $850.00. Free demonstration by our nearest agent. Olds Motor Works, Dotroit Mich., WESTERN BRANCH. V YV 1116 FARNAM ST., t Omaha, Neb. III m r 1 1 4 I CHEAP EXCURSIONS uve ; V VIA Illinois Central R.IL Round Trip Rates From Omaha betrolt, Mich., on sale July 6 to 7 .19.25 Atlantic City, N. J., On sale. July 0 to 10.... $34.00 Cincinnati, Ohio, on sale July 15 to IT -$S;2.75 French Lick Springs, Ind., on sale July 22 to 25. ti0.75 Boston, Mass., on sale August 11 to 13., tJO.50 Tickets to points below on tale dally until September auto. Return October 31st Cambridge Springs, P. $27.15 St Paul-Minneapolis... . 112.50 Duluth-Superior , . 416.50 Alexandria, Minn... ft oe Walker, Minn., (Leea Lake) -.. -817.10 Rice Lake, Wis. ....... f 15.00 Wlnnepeg, Man.....,..toe Watervllle, Minn -tlpO Madison Lake, Minn... if A Rli Spirit Lake (Okotjl)....f;9S5 Waterloo, Iowa... til Cherokee, Iowa Montreal, P. Q . $33.00 Buffalo, N. Y. 127.15 . Put-In-Bay. Ohio $22.00 Chautauqua Lake Points. 27.15 Chicago $20.00 Chlcugo (via St Louis one way $20.00 Charlevoir, Mich. . . . .$24.25 Windsor, Ont $21.50 Quebec, P. Q $38.85 Mackinac Island, Mich. $26.25 t Toronto -$27.15 I Correspondingly low rates to many other points In Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin. Minnesota. Ontario and New York State. Attractive tours of the Great Lakes via rail to Chicago or Ds luth and steamer. A, -., Before planning your trip, call at City Ticket tOffics, No. 1403 Farnaui St., or write W. H. BRILL. Dist. Pass. Agt., Omaha, Neb. j rM ":i 11 1 ' 1 BSOTBiS for y . If you feel thn need of skilled medical attention, come to us and we will .pare you the (tenuities associated with private diseases and weaknesses of nn-n. We will make a thorough and scientific examination of your ullmonts an el imination thut will disclose your true physical condition, without a knowledge of which you are groping In the dark, and without a thorough understanding- of which no physlclun or specialist should be allowed to treat you. We will li'lp you to escape from the slavery that Is holding you captive and depleting your manhood. You should not lose your grip on life because unreliable and Infer-, or remedies huve failed to benefit you. Our speclnl treatment for this dsns of troubles Is varied and modified to suit each Individual case, and Is on absolutely aafa and certain cure, to which hundreds of cured men ow. their sturdy healih and happy condition In life. Don't allow disease or weakness to take away all the pleasures of living, 'tilfe la beautiful when you have perfect health. Wo can atop the unnatural drains and louses which are a menace to your vlnr and vitality If you will consult us before It Is too late and your future career is blighted, thus depriving you of all your happiness and strength. Our many years of successful experience, supplemented with un enormoua practice, enables us to combat und conquer the diseases and weaknesses so prevalent among men. WE CURB QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY! Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nirvo-Scxual Debility, Impjtency, BIodI Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney anil Urinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses duo to Inheritance, ylt habits, sejf-abus s ceaaea, or the result of specific or private diseases. milCHI TATinU fDFF If you cannot call writ, for symptom blank. lUIMoLllAIIUnl IKLL omc. Hours-s a. rn. to I p hi. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE I30ft Far nam St.. Bt 13th and 14th St.. Omaha, Nt Bee Want Ads Produce Resuts -.V L 1 1 2m V