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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1904)
riTE OMAITA DAILY PEE: SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1904. 9 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Weather Still Holdi Whiphand Mid Baini Bend Prices Bkjhigh. WATER RUINS VAST AMOUNT OF CROPS alf 'Wheat .lamp tp Into the nineties mod Receipts Are Next to Nothing- aborts Badly cared. OMAHA. July 8, 1904. .oday'a wu another weather market. The opening, especially In wheut, wai bharp and very strong, and withal tho lug Was marked bv fluctuations. Again II wan clearly denionst.-ut J ti at Europe la watching the Am.'i.tnn mtrktt very clnaely, and higher cables resulted flora the wet weather reports ironi ins ids of the ocean. While higher cable were brought about from Amort, un vaiues, they, too, reflected strength un tlie Ameri can market. But wet weHther was the salient feature. Rains from Winona, Minn., to Oklahoma have wrought great damage to the harvest fields. It is still raining In Minnesota, and with the prospect of no Immediate letup. The most conservative estimates from Kansas place the loss there at 30 per cent. The whole state Is under water and thou sands of bundles of grain In shock are re ported floating down swollen streams and rivers. Fully 6'V shocks of wheat passed Kansas City In the short space of half an hour. These factors scared shorts out of their boots yesterday and wheat went loftier thvi ever, with sympathetic advances In other lines. July nt one time was up 914c and old July over Wc. Locally, shorts tried hard to cover. New July wheat win bid up to tec, but there was no selling. It looks as though shorts will have to settle on the July option and at considerable loss. : Trading In all lines was dull here. There Is a great demand, especially for corn, but receipts are next to nothing. One promi nent dealer said he would grab at twenty five cars of corn, but couldn't even get a nibble. Soma oata were offered on the . cash market today. The forecast for the west and south wsst Is for more shower and the sort of showers which hsve been responding to these predictions have been so closely In the nature of downpours that grain men look for a continuation of the heavy rains In the middle of the day holders of Wheat at Chicago began realising on top notch prices and brought about a reaction In values. However, ft Is easily predicted that unless fair weather comes within the next day, tomorrow will see values still at dlxsy figures. , , Corn felt the hurt of sogsy fields and the want of warm weather and took on better values. A reaction came on selling by the longs. The range of prices on the Omaha mar ket for future delivery and the open and close today and Thursday were: Wheat July ... Sept. ... Deo. ... Corn ' July ... Sept. ... Doc. ... n, . Open. High. Low. Close. Thur. ... 85 B 89 B 85 B 87 A 87 A ... VU 78 B 77ig 78 B 77B ... 76B 77 B 76B 77 B 76B ... 48B 49 B 4B 484B 48A ... 44'Jn 46 B 44HB 44iA 44'iB ... S9VB 89KB 29MB 39V4.B 8DM,B July 8HB Stn 3M4A 3RVA 88ttB Bept 31 B 81 B 31 B 31 B 81 B Hot of the Grain Market. Flva cars of train were Inspected at Omaha yesterday as follows: Corn, No. , four; oats. No. 4 white, one. Liverpool market cloaed higher In all line: July wheat ad up and September d higher: July wheat fed better and Bep " tember a advanced. . The reports of several statisticians were . announced yesterday and Invariably they were of a bullish nature. Receipts of Grain at Omaha Market. In. Out. Wheat, cars 1 14 ' Corn, cars 1 1 Oats, cars 1 0 Omaha Cash Market. WHEAT Nominal: No. 1 hard, 8284c; .No. 1 hard. 7HW2c; No. 4 hard. 64a?74o. CORN Nominal; No. X 4&47c; No. S, Hc: No. 4. 46Vsc: N6. 2 yellow, 46V4Si 4c; No. 3 yellow, 4fiiQ4tiHc; No. 2 white, 4xij 4V)C; No. 8 whits, iojjttc, nominal. OATS Nominal: No. 3, 8Q3Vic; No. I. 7He98c; No. 4, Kifl7c; No. 3 white. 39c; . No. 3 white, STiS37Vso; standard, 8S8Sc; No. 4 white, 36Vi&27c Grain Market Elsewhere. Closing; prices of grain today and Thurs day at tlis markets named were as follows: CHICAGO. ' Wheat Today. Thurs, July WA 90 September 84 li 84HA rnrn i July ... 48 elember 49SA. KANSAS CITT. JPfcaat September T4R December UB 494 60 75 Corn September 46A 46Ttf47 December 40HA 41 . ST. LOUIS. Wheat September 83H December 83-nB ' Corn - September 47 December 43 S8. 4814 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat- September i December Wheat September Wheat -September December .. 85 .. 8A. 86H U B DULUTH. 8SH 86 NEW YORK. 88H B 84-4 aB 1BW YORK GENERAL MARKET , tlnotatloua of th Day on Various Commodities. NEW TORK,.July 8.-PLOUR Receipts, 31.471 bbls. ; exports, 11,435 bbls. ; marked firm but with light business; winter patents, 4 8"ft& 10; winter stiuignis, 44.ikKu,-.,u; Min neapolis patents,; winter extras, 33.gbtitf.80; Minnesota bakers', 43 66t!S.86; winter low grades, 33.1&43.U0. Rye hour, ?ulet; fair to good, 34.ikku4.26; choice to anoy, 34.26iS4.tiO. CUKMUhAU- Steady ; yellow western, r; city, tl.l2Ul.lG; kiln dried, U.Wt 10. RYIVNomlnal; No. i western, 70c. - BARLEY-Dull; feeding. 4uo, O. 1. f. New York; malting, nominal. WHEATv-ReoelpU. 1.000 bu.; No. 3 red, nominal elevator and 1HH f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, f. o. b afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal afloat. A Strong advance took plane agalu at the wheat opening today, based on further rains In the west and reduced Kansas crop estimates. It lusted until midday, when a bearish report by a western authority started realizing sales, which broke the market sharply, last prices showing a partial He net decline. July, 9uVi'o, Cloaed 95o; September, 8 U-ltfc9 S-ltt, do ej lo'Ac: December, 8;fj.'ol. 15-lUc. cloned ts.c. CORN Receipts, l.ui'j bu.; exports, iOO bu. Spot, Arm; No. 3, biWo elevator and 64c I. o. b. afloat; No. 8 yellow, 66c: No. 3 white, 15c. Option market opened firmer . with wheat but soon turned weak under a bearish Iowa report and general rel Ing, with th close Mzc net lower; July closed 4Wc: September, 04Vs4jij6Ho, closed 64V- OATS Receipts, 9,wo bu.; exports, 20,179 bu. Spot market steady.; mixed oats, 2i' 13 pounds. 4aHtt46Vsc; natural white, fl-l2 pounds, 46,1)iWc; clipped white, J('10 pounds, 4H('j'H. OiUlona quiet and Steady; Bep'niber 88Hc, closed 38c. RICESieady; domestic, fair to extra, IMVo; Japan, nominal. TALLOW Quiet; city, $2.00 per package; country (package free). 4Vft4Vo. HAY Slow; shipping, 76c; good to choice, Co. HOPS Easy; state, common to choice, 1903, ttiS4c; 10J. 22i4c; otds. 78fl8o; rarllUi coast, 113, S3'U-c; lWU. Jl'uiOc;, 7$ 13c. HIDES Steady: Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs., 18c; California. 21 to 35 lbs., lOo; Texas, dry, 34 to 0 lbs., 14c. , LEATHER Steady ; acid. 26c. PKOVISIONS-Ueef, firm; mesa, 38 6l"9 Oo; beet hams, KUKyu 22.00; packet, )9.(Kii(9 6oi city" extra India mess, IH mxjlii .no. Cut meats, steadv nlckled bellies, 8mti.v pickled hams, 9W10-. Iird, easy; wesie n steamed, $7.2f; rettned, easy ; continent, $7.90. Pork, firm; family. $14 ul4 6o; short clenr, . 811.6v((i 16 W; mess, $14.264l 14.75. CHICAGO SMA1N ANO PROVISIONS fatara ol th Tradlua and Clostas; Prises on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, July 8. A sudden decline to day followed a sharp advance In wheat, the whlpsaw being due largely to censi tlonal crop damage reperu fiom Kani-us preceding mre favorable advices from thnt state. The market closed weak, with Bepteinber down 1tJlo Corn Is off , 'c. Outs are down Vc and provisions 6ui2Vc. The wheat market ooened sironK. July ceing up vlo to lJll40 at hiV'.ihc ami September ,Ho to lml'4o to Hflo at torf iWo. Additions! rain has fnllen over a territory extending from North Dakota to Cntral Texas. Accounts from the flooded . districts In Kaimus and Mlnsourl were alarming and the weather bureiu forecast aras for a cnnilnuaiio of conditions un tsvorahla to the vr'. News from abroud 4is WW bullish, Xh weekly alilpmcots of wheat from Argentine showed a de crease ef about J0o,"00 bu. The crop of r ranee was estimated at 15 per cent less than last year. Reports as to the condi tion of Russian and Italian crops were not 31 a reassuring nature. The low point on uly'was reached at CKo and on Septem ber S.TVs. The close was weak, with July at SV'c. September closed at 84c. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to U.euO. bu. Exports for the week, according to Breditrett s, were equal to 879.UUO bu. Primary receipts were 167. 8o0 bu, compared with S19.6IK) bu a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 144 cars, aralnut 23t cars last week and 161 cars a year ago. Influenced by the strength of wheat and higher t allies, the corn market opened firm. A report, of a local crop expert was bear ish, tho total average, according to this authority, being increased 8 per cent. The close was weak and at the low point. September opened 4fSe to Vi'ijSc higher at wtr'Stc, sold down to 49c and closed at the bottom. Local receipts were lie cars, with 8 of contract erode The action of oats was a repetition of the course of other grains. At the start the market was Arm, but toward the mid dle of the session a weak tone developed on realizing. The c!ose was at the low point September opened V1l higher at 3(U4c. sold off to 32HC and closed at the latter figure. Local receipts were 74 cars. Provisions were easy throughout the en tire session, the dominating Influence being Jnrger receipts of hogs and lilgheT prices at the yards. The break in grains had a weakening effect later In the day. At the close September pork was" down IViC at 3I2 92H, September lard was off 2'yTlfc at $7.10, ribs were down 67V4o nt r.62L,W.5. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 10 cn; corn, 137 cars; oats, 84 cars; hogs, 14,0ii head. The leading futures rsngsd as follows: Articles. Open.l High. Low. Close. Ts y. Whaat IJ.ily fSept. JSept. i'orn July Sept. Dec. Ontn July Sept. Dec. P. ik July Sept. Lnrd July Sept. Oct. Ribs July Sept. Oct. m-!lJ 924 9"! 90 90 JW4 9 8l 8?7l 9MIH WfS7 87 WS:86',4jr'4:.'Sli'iiWj I 8tvff, 85H t3 84 184H 44fifl4 6WH 481T 4R'4'49VitiJ4 47fp'4 47H461'6 45T!46 8!H4 S94 3S SS 3V SS'ft'i 83 14 82 4 S2H 82 S3'4'54 34 33- S3!32H(U'! 12 78 1$ 76 12 ff7 II 72nt 12 90 12 97H 13 06 1 2 86 12 92H! 13 05 708 705 92H6 924 7 07H 7 174 7 17H 7 00 7 10 7 20 720 720 713 7 16 7 22V 7 4S 7 47H 7 40 7 4: 7 50 7 W 7 67H 7 67H 7 63 7 70 T7Vi .7 7V4i 7 62V 7 67V4I 7 73 No. 1 tOld. INew. Cash nuotntlniiH were ns follows: FLOUR Quiet, steady; winter patents, $4.5r&4.fifi; straights, $4.30j?4.4; spring pat ents, $4.304.70; straights, $3.9o'4.20; bakers, $2.iW3.20. WHEAT Ncf. 2 spring, 9697c; No. 3, 86 9Ec; No. 2 red. $1.00.02. CORN No. i, 49-4c; No. 2 yellow. BTH"'2". OATS No. 2, 3g)c; No. 3 white, 3!i R YE No. 2. 6EQ66C. ' BARLEY Oood feeding, 3237c; fair to choice malting. 42i660c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.12; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.17H- Prime timothy. 32.96. Clover, contract gr.ide. $10.76. PROVISIONS-Moss pork, per bbl $12.70 12.75. Iard, per 100 lbs., $i!.92V4fifi.96. Short ribs side's (loose), $7.37.10; short clear sides (boxed), $7.26f7.60. Receipts and shipments of flour and grain were as followc: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 81,400 3H.100 Wheat, bu 7,000 26. VO Corn, bu 1R9.200 RO.fiOO Oats, bu 110,100 123,100 Rye, bu 1,0"0 Barley, bu 17,600 7,700 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 13HfU-' 17V4c; dairies. 12(&16V4c Eggs, firm nt mark, rases Included, lS15o. Cheese, easier, .VJ1 St. Lonla Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, July 8. WHEAT Unsettled; large advance In July; No. 2 red cash, ele vator, nominal; track, $l.o0VV(fl.o2; new July, 92c bid; September, 63Vio Md; To. 2 hard. 95g9fc. CORN Weak v No. 3 cash, 60c bid; July, 4Mc; September, 474c bid. OATS Weak; No. 2 cash. 40c; track, 42c; July, 88c bid; September, 82o asked; No. i white. 44HO. FLOUR Higher with advanc In wheat) red winter patents, $4.96g6.10: - special brands, ltJJ2fic higher; extra fnncy and straight, $4.604.00; clears, $8.803.90. SEED Timothy, steady, $2.40(52.75. t;tKNMEAL dtendv at $2.75, BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 80c. HAY-Tlmothy. firm for best, SS.OOKOOi prairie, steady, $5.009.60. IRON HJOT'lON TIES 8I0. BAGGING eVtC. HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing. 312. 72H. Lard, lower; prim steam, $6.46. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $8.20; clear ribs, $8.37H; short clears, $8.60. POl L'i'rl y Steady; chickens, 8Hc; springs, 13c; turkeys, lihio; ducks, 7c; geese, 8c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 14JlSVic; dairy. 10015c. KC3GS steady at lSi. c.?ne count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.000 6.000 Wheat, bu 23. WO 23.000 Corn, bu k 9,000 21.000 Oats, bu 34,000 34.000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, July 8.-WHEAT-July, 83c; September. 74 Vc; December, 74-4i74itc, market demoralised. CORN July, 48c; September, 46i5'4Gc; December, 40lSi6'40Sc. BUTTER Steady; creamery, lSfiiec; dairy. 12c. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 13c; casts count, 124c per dox. ; cases returned, Vo per dos. less. HAY Steady: choice timothy, $10.0011.00; choice prairie. $9.00. Mllwanke Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, July 8. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, 9&4fi9Mc; No. 2 northern, W fc97H: new Seotjwnber, 84. RYE HlgherlWo. 1, 69700. B ARLE Y Daaaf No. 3, 624163c; sample, 32 C6O0. CORN Higher; No. 3, 6W51c; September, 49V4C asked. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, July 8 WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures, steady; July, 6a7Ad; Sep tember, 6s 6Td. CORN Spot, quiet and Arm; middling new, 4s 4'4d; American middling. Old, 4s 4'jd. Futures, quiet; July, 4s4Vdl September, 4s ti. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, July 8. WHEAT July, 6c; September, tic; December, 82V. On track: No. 1 hard, WWc: No. 3 northern, 877c; No. 1 northern, 93H394Ho. Dolath Grain Market. DULUTH, July 8. WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 northern, 97V4c; No. 2 northern. 964C. OATS On track, 37Vc; to arrive, $3Vic Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. 111.. July 8. CORN-Quoted higher; No. 8, 48ic; No. 4. 46Vao. Metal Market.' . NEW TORK. July 8. METALS Tin showed a slight further Improvement in the London market, where spot closed at 118 and future at 116 7s6d. locally the mar ket was quiet, but n little higher In sym pathy with spot, quoted at $26. .ixfj 2G.0O. Cop per also worked up a little In the English market, closing at 67 6s 3d for spot and 67 6s for futures. The New York market was quiet but steady; lake Is minted at $12.62 V12.7H- electrolytic, $12.60 12.76; casting, $l2.26ltf12.60. Iead was unchanged at 11 15s In the London market and at I4.2r.ttit.33 In the local market. Spelter was unchanged In both markets. It Is quoted nt 22 In London and at $4.86ft4 96 In the New York mnrket. Iron was slightly lower In Olasrcw, where It clotted at 61s M. while Mlutlleithorough closed at 4Ls lOVid. Locally Iron Is quiet; No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted st $14 KKfi16.0O; No. 2 foundry north ern, $18.75114.26; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft, $13 25(313.76. Pig Iron warrsnta are nominal at $0. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frolts. NEW YORK. July 8. EVAPORATED APPLES Market Is quiet, but while de mand is light holders show confidence and prices are firmly held. Common are quoted at 4u,".itc; prime, 6itic; choice, 64(oto; fancy, 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes showing effect of light local stocks, partic ularly of seme Oregon grades, rule Arm In tone, with prices ranging from 2c to 6c, according to grade and description. Apri cots remain quiet but firmer; choice ere held at KVnWluc; extra choice, 10Vlflic; fancy, IKUl.fc. Peuches show no change; choice are quoted at 77'c; extra choice, 7Vl!c; fancy, aM-flOc. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADE1-PHIA. July 8. BUTTER Steudy, fair demand; extra western cream erv, lttc; extra nearby prints. 19c. IXJ( 18 Finn, good demand; fresh nearby, 19c, los off; fresh western. 19c, loss off; frh southwestern. Jsc, loss off; fresh southern. 17c, lows off. CHEESE Quiet, but steady; New York full cream, choice to fnncy, $St'c; New York lull crsain, fair to guoiL 1 V (J lOo. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Traders Again Tarn the Tide and Force Prices Upward. SUPPORT IN EVIDENCE FROM THE OUTSET Reading; Lifted Steadily 1'pward on the Continued Absorption of Lara; Blocks of th Steeku NEW YORK. July 8 The forces In the market making for higher price made a stsnd today against the reaction which developed yesterday and turned th course of price upward again. 8upport was In evidence from the outset and although considerable selling to realise had to be absorbed In the early dealings, csrrylng prices backwards several time these of ferings diminished and opened the way for the late advance. The upward advance which spread out the stork market In theafternoon had its Inception In Reading, which was lifted stesdlly upwards on the continued absorp tion of large blocks of the stock. ThT was no news to account for the strength of this stock, unl?!s It might be the sta tistics of the anthracite output for June, showing the largest output with the single exception of January, 1!K3, In the history of tho trade. The other coalers, however, made more moderate response in sympa thy with the ri?e In Reading. A reduction In dividend distribution by a small rail road and coal company was an Incident of the day's news. The market was helped by the very large gain In cash reserves prompted for the banks on the week's currency movement. Subtreasury operations have contributed $5 .825.000 to the cash supply of the banks. This Includes government Interest pay ments and represents also the receipts of Klondike gold, which have gained a con siderable volume and may be expeoted to furnish a source of additional supply for some time to come. In sddltlon, currency has continued to come here for the Inte rior 'In sufficient volume to promise again bv the banks on all accounts of nearly $10,000,000. Reading's 24 point advance con tinued to lift the market, until the slight recessions Just before the closing on profit taking. The closing was therefore Irregu lnr, but only slightly below the best. Bonds were firm. Total sales par value $3 870,000. United States bonds were unchanged on cnll. Th following were th prices on th Stock exchange today: Baies.Hign.LiOw.v;iose. Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific C. of N. J C. & O C. & A do pfd ...16,fMK) ... 1.200 ... 6,100 20 ... 600 ... 1,100 C. G. W C. & N. C, M. & w St, P 16,300 do pfd 100 Chi. Ter. & Tran.. do pfd C C, C. & St. L... Colorado Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson Del., Luck. &. West D. & K. G do pfd 100 Erie 12,6o0 do 1st pfd 1,700 uo za pia tw tori u .-4 Hocking Valley 6SV4 do pfd iz Illinois Central 700 1344 133V4 Iowa Central 200 18-lJ 1&V4 184 do pfd ; 84 K. C. Southern 21 do pfd L. & N Manhattan L Met. Securities 1 Mot. Bt. Railway M. A St. L M . at. P. & S. Ste. M. da pfd Missouri Pacific M K. A. T do pfd N. R. R. Of Mex., pfd. N. Y. C Norfolk & Western .. 111 800 117 2,000 6 do pfd Ontario & Western ..21,400 Pennsylvania 28,100 P., C, C. & BU L Reading 88,700 do 1st pfd 1,300 do 2d pfd 1,600 Rock Island Co 1,500 .1 S.4 CAA 28K 118 '60 83 V4 UU U1U uu St. U & 8. F. 2d pfd, 1,000 48 et. k a V ' sod 12 do pfd 900 Southern Pacific 16,000 Southern Railway ... 1,200 do pfd 900 Texas St Pactflo 3,200 Tol. St. L, A West.. 200 do pfd 100 Union Paeiflo 28,2oo do pfd-- 800 Wahtsh 200 do pfd 400 W. ft L. B Wisconsin Central ... 60O 17 do pfd 4"0 89 Mexican Central 10.500 6 IS 714 Adams Express Co 235 Am. Express co juo ism U. B- Express Co 100 109 Welts-Fargo Exp. Co Am. Copper 61 Am. Car & Foundry.. SoO 16 do pfd 100 73V4 Am. Cotton Oil do tffd American Ice ... do rfd Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. locomotive do rfd 300 37 300 200 Am. Smelt, it Refln'f. 8,600 ao pra sou Am. Sugar Refining. .10.400 128T( Anaconda Mining Co. 200 74 B. R. T. 20,800 Colo. Fuel & Iron... Oonsolldsted Gas .. Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities General Electric ... 100 81 1,700 196 200 11 100 8 300 21 500 60 International Paper . loll do pfd 4O0 International Pump. do pfd National Lead North American .... Pacific Mall , People's Gas Pressed Steel Car ... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel 200 1,400 21 "io' m" 2,000. 99 ,200 28 200 72 98 77 27 71 72 ..... 220 7 6 100 7 do pfd 3U0 4114 41 41 Rubber Goods 16 do Dfd 7 804 R 67 17 7 10 68 1M Tcnn. Coal A Iron... tT. 8. leather dopfd V. ST Realty do pfd II. 8. Rubber ft 10 200 200 87 6 80 37 6 80 .... 400 .... 0 .... S.200 ....31,100 .... 100 17 68 11 68 158 17 08 10 67 158 do pfd V. 8. Steel .... do pfd West. Electric Western Union 87 Total sales for the day 454,100 shares. Boston Stork Quotations. BOSTON, July 8 Call loans, ifrV, per cent: time loans. 84 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonus Atshlooa adj. S iWaatlns. common . TT . 1 . . (1 . . 4S, 4l . Jl . 4814 . 121 . 41 . T . 3 do U Mx. Central 4i... Atehitun do ptd Boaton Albsnr.. Boiloa Maine.. Boston ICl6vatd ,. rarhburg pfd .... M. Central ti. T . N. H. A H .10IH1 Ad..oiura . tlWAIIouas 44i Amalgamated '44. .14 .17 .lit .IM IK Amarlraa Klao . Atlantis Dingham Oal. A Heels... Centennial Coppai Range .. Dalr Weat .... Dominion Coal Pars Marquatta 77 I'nton raiioo 1 Pa.lOo iu;rriiklls .... . Arge. Cbm... It1 Orancy pfd 71 "l.i Peril Anwr. do Amar. fnau. Tubs. 4 Maaa. Mililna Aniar. Sugar do pld Amer. T. A T Amar. Woolas du ptd ..( Dominion 1. A I... gdtaon Rlae. lllu.. Oanaral Elartrto ... Maaa. Elaclrlo do ptd v, Maaa. Uas Vnltrd Prult Vnllad SbM Mach.. do pfd U. S. Staal do ptd Ex -dividend. ..lM'Mlchtgaa v .. II .. ! .. 4 .. U .. .. rO .. 10 :: ?v . n Mont. C. aV C... . 11 . 74 . 74. .144 . lV . 41 . lS .1S Old ttomlnton .... Oaoaola Parrot , Qulnry Shannon Tamarack .... Trlnllr U. S. Mining. r. oil ao It'tah , l Victoria . lol. Winona . tfttWol terms .... Bid. Asked. London storV Market. LONDON. July 8V Closing: Conaola, raooef . do account .... Anaconda At'-bieon do ptd Baltlmurs A Ohio t'nedtan Pactne rbra. Oblo Chicago (It. W ... ., M. A It. P.. IleUaera I) K O do p(d Brie du 1st pfd do td ptd .... IIII110I1 Oiural .. Iaile N. T. Central.. It t I "i 40 10i i 4! n w 41 MK ! 11 U4 . V Norfolk A W... , I1 do ptd . Tl Ontario A W.,, . 17 Penuaylvanls . Itt Rand Mlnea ... .12101a Heading . He, I do lat pfd... . 14il ao Id pfd... go. Rallwar .., . It I do pfd . JtVSo. ParlBo T 1 Iti t'nlon Paclns Ml da pfd .. 1 IT. I. Steel. ., do pfd .. ..U'i W.ueeh .... ..114V, do pfd M .. IT, Bpecl.h s M . a. T P1LVK-R Bar, steady, 34 l-16d p' ouno. MuNLV 2ul per cent The ral of dlacouot la th Open mark 944 94 94 82V4 81H 82 92 125 124 12J14 166 165 ltffi 32 82V4 2 88 100 80V4 80V4 80 134 100 172 172 171 V. 146 144 145, 17S'Z 1784 178 300 6Vi 6V4 e'4 1,300 15 ir.V4 16 200 72V4 71 72 15H 49 - 100 214 21V jn 2,800 159V4 138 209V4 21 70 70V1 70 24 26 60 69 604 for short bills I WJ 1-11 per cent; for inree montns mils, iv'z'4 per cent. Raw Tortt Money Market. NEW TORK MONET On call. l!1 per cent: closing bid. 1 per rent; offered st 1 per cent; time loans, steady: sixty and nfnetv days. 2ii2H rr cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 3S4 per cent. STERLING KXCHANGE Stesdv. with actirnl business In bankers' bills at tl7M 04.8730 for demand and at 34 S5Afr4 8f for sixty-day bills. Posted rates at HStrtf 4.88. Commercial tiiu. 4ofi486. SILVKR Bar, 67 c; Mexican dollars, 45c. BOND 8 GoTernment, steady; railroad. firm. Tne closing quotations en bonds are as follows: U. B. ret. la, rg 114 Manhattas . g. s..lC do eoupns I'M. "Met. Central 4a.... 43 do Ja. reg 106 do lat Inc 14 do coupon 14 Mlon. A St. I.. 4a. 4 do sew 4a, reg UI'm . K. A T. 4a 100 do coupon 1124 do ta SO do eld , rag 1'4 N. R. R. of M. e. 4a. T7 do coupon ti T. C, g. lva Atcniaon gea. IOi IN. J. C. g. aa 1H da adj. 4a .. 3 'No. Paeiflo 4a 104 . t do Is 74H Atlantic C L. 4s. B. A O. 4a do tv,a Central of OS. is.. do lat Inc Chca. A Ohio 4m. Chicago A A. Ia. ..lOJi. K. A W. c. 4a lot .. 444 O. I. U ( 4 par.... T ..lit Penn. conv. tWn f1 .. It 'Reading gen. 4a 44 ..If 8. I A I. M. e oa .llsVi . . 7I St. L. A i. r. It- 4a. Z b. y s. . . VI M. L.. p. T . ja., C. M. 8 P. g ae.. 107(4 Seaboard A. U 4a C. N. W. e. Ta...l2S o. Pacific 4a . .t C, R. I. r. 4a.... 71V -so. naiiarair aa.. .115 .lit do col. Bs II V. Teiaa e. la.. CCC. A St. L. g. Chicago Tr. 4a. Con. Tobacco 4a.. Colo. A So. 4a. P. A R. O. 4a... Krle prior lien 4a 10v. T., 11. I: m V . 1114 74 Union Pacific 4a 14 t to conr. 4a Kil V4 MS't'. S. Steel id ta.... T, 'Wabaah la 117 Mi (1o deb. B. M-4 1 W4 41 Hi do gen. 4a.... 6V, W. at b. K. 4a r. W. A D. C. Ia..l"3 'Wla. Central 4a Hocking VaJ. 4 Via.... 10; Colo. Fuel con. 4a... L. A N. unl. 4a lOOVe! Bid. Offered. Bl'SITTESS OP ASSOCIATED BASKS Clearlaajs of the Great Commercial Center of Conntrr. NEW YORK, July 8. The following table, complied by Brudstreet, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities fot the week ended July 8, with the percent age of Increase and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year: Clearings .J Inc.j Dec. Jl,098,617,118i 8.4 154,762.7721 0.7 125,704,832 4.4 ...... 106.026,7411 4.6 43.831.673f 2.6 40,"00.3o0 2.8 2G,S,S8t (.7 24.412.810 2.5 23,867,756 11.8 14.443.733 18.7 12,163,622 4.9 16,873.634 0.8 U,lt4,31 12.8 8.6M.1U7 6.2 11.71!4,la6 28.2 6.859. nil 8.4 6,886,342 1.5 6.7 ,2M,635 6.2 6.7115,485 18.5 6,166,603 13.3 6.4(8,612 11.8 8,478.721 22.1 8.832,802 7.7 3.81)8,700 10.4 8,497,161 22.0 2,-3.672 29.1 4,812,262 2.8 4,662,703 14.6 7.623,841 3.7 8,733.912 1.3 2.D51.063 2.3 8.D88.9D8 2,861,616 6 3 2,499.738 2.4 2,616,076 7.0 2,407,082 6.6 J.7S1.075 2.7 3.629,656 12.4 2,904,203 7.4 2,197.321 2.2 2.230,918 3.9 1,507,104 1.0 2.422.534 30.1 2,923.633 4.9 1,588,944 15.4 1.704,999 15.8 1,624,742 4.4 1,871,322 17.8 1,670,177 1.4 1,590,400 46.4 815.104 8.8 1,150.761 3.8 1,425,177 6.0 1,103.036 7.8 1,016,716 36.5 1.048.230 11.8 1.297,768 S8.8 1,242,880 17.1 685,488 86. t 1,092,614 19.1 792,967 13.8 362,417 44.1 670,230 28.7 118.600 69. 7 . A... 473,473 ' 3.0 806,614 4.0 761,618 24.1 651,846 4.0 631,104 ...... 18.9 609,426 17.S 689,116 17.6 436,484 0.4 387,322 22.S 607,000 13.6 703.740 72.7 ....... 456.244 0.7 619.929 8.9 450,148 6.4 414.487 8.8 442.600 10.0 872,296 4.1 281,186 14.1 8"!2,44fi 18.1 177,986 31.7 184,532 19.3 259,958 17.7 212.624 3.6 139.044 4.8 8.292,659 3.9 1,209.792 10.1 398.663 31,8fi8.59.7oS .6 I 767,072,687 1.2 CITIES. New Tork Chicago Boston Philadelphia .... 7 T I CI. LJUUIrl ...aaaa.aseae. Pittsburg ....I San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City New Orleans Cleveland Minneapolis Detroit Louisville OMAHA Milwaukee Providence Buffalo ..' Indianapolis St. Paul Los Angeles St. Joseph Denver Columbus Memphis , Seattle Richmond Washington Savannah Albany Portland ore Fort Worth- Toledo, O , Salt Lake City Peoria Atlanta Rochester Hartford Nashville Dea Moines Spokane, Wash Taroma Grand Rapids New Haven Dayton Springfield, Mass Worcester Portland, Me Augusta, Ga Topeka Sioux City Syracuse ,. Evansvllle I Birmingham Wilmington, Del Knoxvllle Davenport Little Rock Wllkesbarre Fall River Macon Wheeling. W. Vat... Wichita Akron Chattanooga Springfield, 111 Kalamaioo, Mich Toungstown Helena Lexington Fargo, N. D New Bedford Canton, O Jacksonville, xia.... Lowell Chester. Pa Greensburg, Pa KocKToni, 111 Blnghamton Springfield, O, 1 Blooming-ton, 111 I Qutncy, 111 Sioux Falls, S. D Mansfield, O Y . .. T T I I'eimur, ii.,., Jacksonville 111 Fremont. Neb tHouston Galveston Cedar Rapids 1 Total IT. S CANADA. Montreal 20.386,267 17.414.887 10.2 13.9 4 3 16.6 Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax Quebco 6.6S5.146I 2.115.178 1231.050! 1.278.162 4.0 9 Vancouver, u. c. 1,374.959 1.669,592 1.182,306 9.6 ",:6 13.6 Hamilton 32.01 ixmdon, ont..... St. John, N. B... Victoria, B. C... Totals, Canada. 4.0 9M.181 470.196 I 55.687,023 18.8 tNot Inoludad in total because contain ing other Items than clearings. INot Included in totals because of no com parison for last year. Wool Market. BOSTON, July 8. WOOL The market may be said to be strong and active, with a firm advance under way. Pulled wools are quiet and ter ritory grades active. In foreign wool there Is little doing. Leading quotations follow: Idaho Fine medium, 17(al8c; me dium. 18819c; low medium, 18(gl9c. Wyom ingFine, lvi7c; neavy nne, ivaw, me- .41, loA'XV.- Ins mnlllim !V(V1. T'toh and Nevada Fine, 16ftl7c; heavy fine, 144$ 16c: fine medium, 18fil9c. Dakota Fine. 17 J 18c; fine medium, 17t718o; medium, 15019c; low medium, 2016 21c. Montana-Flne choice, i9i20c; fine average, 17&18c; fine medium choice, 1717 19c; average, 1718c; staple, 21 22c; medium choice. 21022c- Regardlng the wool market the Comroer clal Bulletin will say tomorrow; The market continues very active ana strong. The demand la general from the large and small mills and about nil grades are selling. The 'most important transac tion of the week was 4.000.0UO pounds of Ore gon on account of the Wansku mills. The aggregate business Is larger than last week, bringing the total for the fortnight to consiueraDiy over on.ww.uw pounus. values are Arm and tending upward. London is strong and tending upward at 6 per cent advance on medium and low cross-breds and slightly higher on fine cross-breds and Merinos. The net supply at this series of auction sales Is SO.uOO bales short of last July. Th aales are scheduled to olose on the 16th- For the two series to follow this year there will probably be only 175,OuO bales, against 220,000 bales In 14. The shipments of wool from Huston to date from December 81. 19S, are 107. Wo, 414 pounds, against 116,920,197 pounds at the same time last year. The reoeluts to date are 145.098,361 pounds, against 122.044.648 pounds for the same period iHst year. uinuun, July s. vtuoij lit offerings at th wool auction sales amounted to 12,368 bales. Crosa-breds were In strong request for the home trade and slips were well oompeted for. Franc and Germany bought locks and pieces freely. Cup of Good Hope low greasy was unchanged, but light grade were unchanged to 6 per cent higher. Punta Arenas was In good demand and light showed an advance of 6 per cent. Medium grades were unchanged and Inferiors were In buyers' favor. Following are the sales In detail: New South Wules, 1,7J bales; scoured, Cilfjls lid; greasy, Sd'als Id. Queensland, 60O balet; scoured, llJ'als 6d; grwttsy, 6V, ft 11. I. Victoria, 4-0 bales; scoured. Is ilyla 9d; greasy, t'ad'als. Wsst Australia, 4i0 hales; greasy, 6Wn9d. New Zradand, 6,fco bales; scoured, bill Is fed: greasy, Sdils Id. 4'npe of Good Hops arid Natal, 4 10 bales; greasy, 7ti8d. I'unta Arenas, 8,100 bales; greasy, 6u9Vl. BT. Lol'la, July 8. WtHl. Steady; me dium grades, combing and clothing, if 4c; Unlit tine. liul.c, heavy fine, I24IU1; Hah washed, 3l63o, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Ban Light and Beat Grades Higher, Others Steady. HOGS SELL LITTLE LOWER Market Open Blow nt the Decline Modernt Ran of Bhern anal Active, Strong; Market Idaho Lambs nt tT. SOUTH OMAHA. July t Cauie. itogs. Sheep. Official Monday ... Official Tutsday ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday . Official Friday .... Mo Ulav. , 3.809 d.tiOti 2.077 , 2.485 9.lb8 2.473 1.973 12.6HH 6.4:9 , 3.3(a) 9,000 3,400 Five day this week... 10.566 88.034 12.474 same days last week.... 9.689 61,633 17.121 Same days week before.. 11. 624 48.t67 11.871 Same three weeks ago.. 13. 45 42, 8M 2.618 Same four weeks ago. ...14.221 49,068 lO.loi name days last year 14,445 44,67 14,001 RECEIPTS FOR THIS VKAR XO DATK. . i. iiiiwwiiig tauie anuwa inrj tfrwipi of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date witn comparison with lsst year: 1904. 1903. Inc. Deo. Cattle si.0S5 612.983 4J.698 Mogs 1,408,246 l,80f,285 101,980 Uheep 714.196 671.149 144.046 . Average prices paid :- tiuga at Souta Otnnha for the last several days with com parlson; Data I 104. 1903.19O3.19al.l00.1899.lS8, June June June June June June June June June June June June June June July July Juiy July July July July July 17.. 18.. 19.. 20.. 21.. A.. 23.. 4 81J4 4 92V 100 j 6 07 6 94 7 231 6 97J 7 26 6 94 7 33 3 I t 81 ( tSi 6 '. ( 0 89! 4 941 5 91 4 93i 6 8i 6 i'i 13l 8 63 e I 64 3 63 3 86 a 3 88 3 81 3 .2 t i 41 I 7 48 3 71 3 69 3 un 0 S3 6 Kill t 12H 6 UV,. f 14' loHl 6 04,, 6 771 1 j 49 7 691 3 63, 873 24.. J 6 51 6 67 t 931 t m 1 17 t 931 8 10, 3 621 3 61 2ft... 26... 27... 88... 29... 80... 1... 3... I... 4... f.... .... 7.... 8.... 7 67 I "I 7 62 e6 3 62 3 fci 3 60 3 60 3 61 6 701 3 63 3 64 I 661 6 91 03 I 6 66 6 M 7 65! t 871 6 11 I 90 4 99 3 60 3 uo I W 5 9 I 83 4 92 i4 a ui! e 1 ee 1 3 68, s n. 67 7 641 8 61 It.' 6 uoi ' l S 25 7 64 a 7 75; f 73 I 08 6 791 6 lj 8 78 3 66 3 63 3 66 3 811 3 74 6 26Vi 6 66 6 19 i 48, 6 111 3 8t 3 87 Indicate Suuu.t The official ul brought in tuda . Holiday. er of ears of stock etch road was: Cattle.Hogs.Bh'p.H'ses. C, M. ft St. P. Ry 1 4 Wabash 1 Missouri Paciilc ny 2 Union i'acllic system 22 10 V. A N. W. Ry 8 .. 13 V., E. A M. V. R. R.... 13 44 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry.. 3 6.. li. & M. Ay U U C, B. & g. Ry 16 1 K. C. ot bt. J bs C, R. 1. P. Ry., east. .. .. C, R. 1. A. P. Ry., west ,. 4 Illinois Central 1 .. Chlcuxo UU Western 1 Total receipts 100 130 11 13 The uieposiuon of the day receipts was as follows, each buyer purcnasing the num ber of head indicated; Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omana Packing Co 168 1,103 2J0 Swift and company iw i.vuo l,4J Cudahy Packing Co 263 3,354 238 Armour 4k Co 1.4 2,863 832 Cudahy Pack. Co., zw. C.1,8 Vansant A Co ( Hill ft Huntzlnger 3 Huston ft Co 16 L. F. Husx la Klngan ft Co Squires ft Co 186 391 Sol Degnn 1 Hammond Btandlsn Itouuen Root - , 27 Haggerty 2 286 236 Other buyers 134 Totals 2,220 8,881 2,727 CATTLE The run was moderate and be sides over one-half of the receipts arrived direct from Kansas City. Conditions con tinue favorable to shippers and consider able Improvement in the market is noted. The market on beef steers was again stronger, with the supply very limned. The trace lias grauuiuty imyrovru auticv Wednesday and today prices are fully 104 zoo nigner on nanuy graues in in last tliree uays. The market has assumed a good healthy ton and th movement la quite satisfactory again. Corn-fed oows and heifer are scare and prices hold up well on all fat stuff. Pi leas are higher on fed stock, but there are few on sale. Grass cows and heifers If food are selling well, but canning grade and medium cow and heifer are uncertain sellers according to supply and demand. in tne teeaer division iraae is sisck, Be sides only a very moderate number ar coming at present Topheavy feeder are In fair requeat at current quotations, but outside of these the demand is uncertain. Prices for soma days show no material chang. Ko. 4... At. Ft. No. At. ,..U ..lost ,.11M ..KM ..J407 ..1SH Pr. 4 M . U I to 4 70 a 71 4 W fSz 1111 1201 1141 1!00 137 100 4 04 6 It 4 It 4 75 4 li 40., 44.. 44.. to.. It.. It.. 4i... 41... 40... 16... 4ft... JO... 4 M 4 M STKKRs AND HEIFERS. at... , 464 4 OS COWS 1 4 4 8 I 6 ,.00 1 T5 . 140 .1110 .101 . 7 . no .ion .iw .1000 I 00 1 ii I M I W I 60 . 44 I 40 3 44 iota 1 00 M7 , 484 I 10 3 14 1 It 3 40 I 74 I 00 I 00 8... t: it... 4... 1... ,. 171 . tot , 11 .1011 10 8C COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 9 .. fl a ns 4 a 4 44 .1165 4 TI ...140 HEIFER. .. 475 .. 410 .. W .. 714 ,.120 ,, 130 .. no ..UM .. 40 .. 441 .. Ml .. 10 ' I 00 4 I 06 T I 14 4 ' mbulb"." I to 1 I 64 I I 70 1 I TI 1 CALVES. 4 K 4 s5 i 4 M 4 4 40 ... . ... Ill ... 4 ... 107 ... 700 ...HM ,..1031 ...1360 ...160 ... 100 ... it ... 14 ... 131 9 II 3 40 I It 8 40 I IS I U I 70 It I 00 4 00 4 It 1.. t.. 10.. 1.. 4.. 8.. 1.. 4 . BTAUH. t U 461 STOCK ERS AND FUEDERS. u 1 00 4 :o 1 it 404 I 40 4 l.t I 4 "TI I 10 4 110 I 10 141 I 16 10 tit 4 00 701 I 46 14 117 4 06 11.. 4.. 4.,...,. 710 I 60 HOOS Buyers oon tinned bearish again this morning, with a pretty liberal number on sale Chicago also reported a wesk trade, with receipts above estimate, and other conditions were more or less against sellers. Opening bids and sale were pretty close :o 60 lower, with a few toopy loads show nc rather leas decline, while, on the other hand, ooarse packers and Inferior llsht offerings were more or less neglected and sales of this class showed the full decline of the market. Sales of good hogs were largely at 35.154T5.17H this morning, against a bulk yesterday of 35.17Hfi5.22H. It will be noted that lighter grades of good quality are preferred to heavy packing lots, henc sales are bunched at a very narrow range at Dreaent. No. At, Bs. too too 40 40 40 - 40 100 110 it iio it. (a ! ,0 1 10 1 it 4 11 4 II ! 11 1 11 4 16 I 14 I II I It no. At, ... m ....K4 ....111 ....Ml ....Wl ....111 ....141 ....131 ...U4 ....111 ....I ...n ....mi ....134 ...131 ....M ...111 ....WO ....10 ....IM Pr, to 4 17 "J I ITS 4 17V 4 IT Hi I 1T I 17S4 I IT 174 I 174 I ITU 4 ITS, ai.. 14.. 41.. ..174 ,.1J ..161 .. ..16 ,...l ..It ..1T6 ..131 ..10 ..J.M ,.)l ::: Ul.. M... ... T4... ... T4... 114.. 71... 40... 71... 44... II... 1.... II..,. TI. ... 44.... 67... 46.... !... TI... TO..., 46... 44... 41... TO..., 40... 74... 44... TI... M... 14... l .... 41... T4..., II... 10... 40.,. 46.. 14.. M.. TI. . 1.. 44 71.. 46.. II. . II.. !lt It II ' '! I 14 .III 114 IH .111 I 174 I 174 TT irT 40 4 U 0 114 lit I 14 TO 194 ... I II K :.. ... 8 14 100 4 ni 1 1T4 4 I7U I 17Va .lot SO I It OO I 16 514 tit 4 to ,,...('l tit 1st . ...2tl .....121 ,....131 ,....! IM ...141 0T l4 Ul 1st 141 11 0 II 4 10 4 40 I IS I to I to I w 4 to I to 1 to I to I to I to t?4 4 ttu 00 4 U 14 II .. I It . IU .341 ..171 .164 ..111 ..lit ..104 ..t7T .144 ..111 ..nt . .K-o . ..4 .. . ,.1 II... 44... 04... T... U... 74... T... 10 I 11 I it it I 14 130 0 40 ttui 4e so 0 to 4 16 6 16 4 16 6 It 4 14 f ' 4 II II... M... M... W... TI... U... 4 474 IS !16 16 I'M 41. SHEEP Trie sheep trsde continue In a fl very eatlsrsctory conomon jrom eetier vle'rx'lnt. The run was hardly up to the demand and values continue to, strengthen on all desirable grade. Values for the week show an advance or anriioo on wona ,,.,.. re4a A bier hunch nf Idaho spring lambs that sold yesterday at 87 was nnlUDie triiure m 1110 Quotations for grs sheen and lsmh: Oood to choice yearllnss, 34J5'(T'4M; fair to good yearlings. .1.(I4 zo: gooa to cnotoe wethers. 4 0.t4Ib: fair to god wMliers. 13 4044 00; good to eholo wo. K.MJ.aOi fair to good awe, M 3oi9.o0i good t choic lambs. $3.ii'5.T5; fair to good In rubs, jr on. , i Ms ho ewes SM Idaho ewes 3 Idiho ewe 99 Idsho yearlings, wethers 13 Idaho wethers .. 13 Idaho ewes 301 Idaho wethers .. 230 Idaho wethers .. PH Idaho wethers .. tX) Idaho wethers .. 376 Idaho yearlings . 404 Idnho yearlings 1 western lamb .. 110 western lambs .. 110 3 86 110 8 85 90 3 90 84 4 70 116 4 25 96 4 00 97 4 45 97 4 45 96 4 45 98 4 45 88 4 75 88 4 75 fr) 6 00 66 6 00 ewes ami CHICAGO II VB STOCK MARKKT Cattle Ral Steady, Hogs Are) Nominal nad Sheep Strong;, CHICAGO, July 8 CATTLE Receipts, 2.000 head. Market steudy; good to prime Steers. $6.60Cp6.26; poor to medium, $4.7'ii 25: stackers and feeders. 2.26'a4; cows, 91 ti4.60; heifers, 32 no-tt 4. 85 ; canners, 31.50 f2 6); bulls, 32. 004.26; calves, $2 5-KSW.2;; exaa fed steers, nominal at 34(tiJ.15. HOOS Receipts. 29,0"O head; estimated tnmiirrnv. In U head: left over, 6.694 head; mlorf an hlltCherS. l5.Sf.'oA 5f. I KOOd tO choice heavy, 36. 6016. 62VsJ rough heavy, 5 30 6.4ti; llgnt, o.Jo'aoao; outa 01 saien, eo, tj60. SHEEP AND UMBS- Receipts, 6.000 l.n.i H .haan ,trl VIMkI to CholcS WOth ers i4.75ti6 60; fair to choice mired, 33. Sour 4 50; western aheep, 34.0Ot.4 6O; native lambs. 4.004J7.7. Bt. Iinls Lire stock Market. ST. LOi:i9. July 8. CATTLT3 Receipts, 1,000 head, including 800 head Tfnna: mar kat itnndv tn etronff! native shinning and rmnrt steers. 34 5mni 20: dressed beef and butcher steers, 34.2f.(fi6.00; steers under l.OiO Iba, 34.(My5;.00; Blockers and feeders, tXimi 4 10; cows ana netters, 2.Biu.ti; cannen, 81.504 8.6fti bulls. tl.f",i4.(0; calves. M.60i 6.50: Texas and Imlian steers, 32-307J5.10; cows and heifers. 32.0tVri3.75. HOGS Receipts. 10,000 head; msrket about 10c lower; pigs and lights. 34.2r.ti5.30; packers, 36.10(05.30; Dutcners ana best neavy 1..155.45. SHEEl AND LAMRS Racelpts, 20O0 head; market steady; native muttnns, 33 60 (94 a; mmDS. 4 .ua(.a; cutis anu pucse, 2.iXJtl4.20. , Kew Tork Live Stork Market. NEW YORK. July 8.UEKVKS -Receipts, 2.688 head: market higher; steers, SO.uuft o.5; bulls, 32.754.26; cows, 1.6V(t3.50. Cables quoted live csttle higher at 10'tTJlOVtC; ship ments, 1,500 head cattle and 7,432 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 883 head; market ac tive and firm; veals, 5.00(g7.50; tops, 88; btit- . Ml.. ,1 tA M. .. tilffllAr' I'ltV dressed veals, SQlic per lb.; country drissed, 8i lOHc. HOGS Receipts; 1.490 head; market about steady; state ana tenns) ivanm, o.too.ou, ml sett western. 35.55. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5.183 head; aheep, firm; lambs, lower; sheep, S3.00 Hl4 2f.; tops, 34.60: culls, 31.754i2.&0; lambs. ttt.JUUSWDi cutis, so. Slonx City Live Stock Market. 8IOUX CITY. Ia.. July 8. (Bpeclttl Tele gre,tn.) CATTLE Receipts, 100 hewd; mar ket steady; beeves, 35.06-6S.26; cows, bulls and mixed, 32.76i4.50; Blockers and feeders, I3.00i2i4.00; calves and yearlings, 32.75(33.45. to 6c lower, selling at 36.05i.2u; bulk, 35 10 tie.isu, OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Frodoee. EGGS Receipts libera:; market steady; iren canaica stock, nvjc; case count, lite, LIVE 1-OULTKlf Hens, Vio; rooster, according to slse, 6c; turkeys, 13c; ducks. ii UTTER Packing slock, lie; cholo to runcy dairy. i2ai4o; sepoiator, ltxuitViO. FIIESH FISH-Trout, lie; pickerel, 80; pike, 10c; pcrcli, 7o; blueflsh, Uc: wblteflsn, 14c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, llo; lobster, green. 26c: lobster, boiled. 80c: litillneads. lie; catfish, 14c; black bass, 20c; Halibut, 1U0( crupptes, uc; roe snaa, ii.ou; uunato, 6u, v. 1111a ottos, ic, tiu icfa, yvi uut, wu. BRAN Per ton. 314.00. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers association: unoice iso. 1 upland, Ui.oo: no. 2. fb.&o: medium, ii.uu: coarse. 36.00. Ry straw, 35.50. These prices ar for hay of good color and quality. Demand lair ana receipts iignu TROPICAL FRUITS. ODlVnca V. ...1. nV,.,t,u I r. mm. 33.00; fancy navels, all sizes, 3.60; Mediter ranean sweets, ciiolce, all silos, 33.0061.26; J arias, all sixes, ei.76-ij3.00; Valenclas, alt LEMONS California fancy, 270-300-360, t4.7w04.25; choi :s, 43.3.75. CALIFORNIA lauslar 10-lb. carton. Oo; Imported Smyrnn, 2-crown, llo; -crown, 14c ; J-orown, ;e. BANANAS Per medlum-slaed bunch, 2.00J2.H)J J umbo, 32V6U3.25. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkgs 32.001 In flu-lb boxes, 6c; par lb.; Oriental stuffed ter dsx. 32.40. 1 PINEAHi-JES In crates, of 24 to 41, per crai. FRUITS. APPLES Oreen, per H-bu. box, 75c, RASPBERRIES Per 24 qta., 32.50; per 34 pts., 81.50: red raspberries, per 24 pts., 33.60. BLACKBERRIES Arkansas, per 24 uts.. 82.10. bika wrjjiKiji coioraao, per 24-qt. case, 82.60. CHERRIES California. Roval Ann or Tartarian, per box, 31.60; bom grown, per GOOSEBERRIES-Per 24-qt. oasa. 3130. PEACHES Texas, per 4-baaket crate. 90c; California Alexandra, per box, 31.00; Texas Albortas, per 4-basket erate. 31.25. ri-UMx t anrornta uyman, UK. APRICOTS California, 31.50. CANTHLOr'PK-Texas, ner rrata W7a 175; California, per crate, 36.60. wai K,riMii.jJtJ f er id., crated, lXc; aeh. 8oji40c. CURRANTS Red and white, per 24-qt. case, 31.26. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New Texas Red stock. In aaoka, per bu., 31.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 22.152.25. ONIONS Btrmuda. Der 50-1 b. crate. 12 00: Louisiana, In sacks, per lb., 2Vi0, uasoauu caurornia, per lb., 20. CAIILIKLOWER Per dos., 760. CUCUMBERS Per dox., 60c. TOMATOES Texas, 4-basket crate, rOc. RADISHES Per doa. bunches, Sic. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per do., 30o. TURNIPS Southern, per doa.. 25o. BEETS Southern, per doa., 25o. CARROTS Southern, per doa., 28a. PARSLEY Per doa., 26c. BEANS Wsx.. per bu. box. 31.00: ner U- bu. basket, 76c; string, per bu, box, 32.66; per H-ou. oox, ie. BfifSAi J'er du., noma grown, vxaioe. ASPARAGUS Per dos. bunches, 40c. GREEN PEPPERS Per C-baaket crats. 32,00. eyUABlt Florida summer, per dos., 76c. FEAS Par bu. box, 31.00. EOG PLANT-Bouthern. per dog., tl.60. CELERY Kalamasoo. per doa., 26o. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, par lb., 10c No. 1 salted. 7fcc; No. 2 aalted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf. to 13 lbs., 9c: No. 3 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. 6c: dry salted. S12c: sheeD celts, 74T27c; horsehldea, 31. 5032.60. CHEK6E Wisconsin twins, full cream, llo; Wisconsin Young Amorlcn, 12c; block Swiss. 16c: Wisconsin briok. i3Vc: Wiscon sin llmhcrger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 aoft shell, rer lb.. 16c; hard shell, par lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; mo. z nara snett, per to., 120; recaps, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 0c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, 1213Hc; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft hell, ner lb.. 15c: hsrd shell. 13c: shell- bnrka, per bu., 32.00; black walnuts, per bu., 11.25. Oil and Rosin. NSIW YORK. Ju'y . OILS Cottonseed. Irregular. Turpentine, firm. petroleum, asy; refined. New York, 37.80; Philadel phia and Baltimore, 37.75; in bulk. 34-85. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good, $3 00. . . . OIL citt, juty s. 4j 11 jBl reoii dsi anoes. 81.57. t'ertlfloates. no bid. Ship ments, 69.913 bbls.; average, 49,130; runs, 7.(t?7; average, 62,748. ITTllpments Lima, 32.974; average, 66,330; runs, Lima, 66,943; average, 45,178. Colts Market. went vnnif T .. i . . e frwimrw T, market for future opened stesdy, but at a decline of 1(X15 points. Sales were re ported of 62,000 bsg, Including September s o-ioc; iecemoer, n.ouu, niaini, ,,.wu. 70c: Mar. .85c. Snot Rio. steady; No. 7. Invoice, 7V4o; mild' atead; Cordova. 940120. GOVERNMENT 8OTOEI, OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, du iooiy puimmg, mn Iks City, Utah, July 9, 1904. Healed pro- l i talllnaia mrlll aa eratii W Ikdl DOBHJH, in 14 IJ'll' caF, n ... uhtll 11 a. in , ttandard tlmo, Aum-t I, , ana lnn optnan. i"r .m uuiibuuouuu i m Tlf .... I m ann a'1amtril A' ta I Lt fa t OI ill ctrnuaa 141 v - - Fori LoUit1. IMtth. Blflderp will utaf In th ilr man tn lima in wnicn uiey ui Bte tn won, run iniirmitjr umua 7w . r.,... la a. , f-t,4. haH nn iir.llcia.. inrillV Ul 'Biuisi ,u. ii........ lion to this ofllce. Plans and speolll.-atlons niay be seen here. United Stales rerves the right to accept or rejoot any or an proposals, or any part inereir envelopes posals for Roads and Walks," and ad dressed to Captain Daml . .'iSiIiY" DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Midsummer Qnietnesi Prevails In Mercau tile Lines at the Present Time. REPORTS . INDICATE GOOD TRADE LATER Collections Are Ilrtter Than Ei perted nnd Irospeeta Are llrlght for Fall Business In th Conntry. NrTvV TORK, July 8.-R. G. Dun & Co.'a Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will any: Midsummer quiet prevnlls In mercsnti e lines and the past we-k has witnessed mm h Idle itiHi hlnery at manufacturing plants, yet the tenor of reports from lea. ling cities Indlcat.-a Increasing confidence In the fu ture. The combination of reduced output nnd pood weather for seasonable mer chandise has improved the situation by contracting stocks of goods In the hands of Jobbers and Importers. Collections were slso a little better than anticipated. Trnns- Cortltwr lines sre more active, as shown y thw Increase of 4 3 per cent In railway earnings, compared with June, 1903. Quotation of Iron and steel products v eragn slightly lower, although the marketa are almost nominal. Few new eontraeta were placed during the pnst week and the Industry Is at the dullest point of the vear. Output of pig Iron Is further curtailed, producers seeking to prevent a demorallxlng accumulation. Considerable business Is under negotia tion, however, and better 'conditions ara expected In tho near future. Coke ovens are Idle and the bituminous coal trade la dull. Some Increase In Inquiries for cotton goods at first hands has not resulted aa yet In any definite expansion of trade. The most favorable development of the week waa an Increased export demnnd. More new lines of woolens hnve been opened, but others are withheld because of the clothing strike. While sellers ex press themselves as satisfied with th progress of trade thus far, a Bufnclcnt number of high grntle lines has not been slow to determine the sltustlon. Another week would moke the outlook more defi nite. Woolen mills are confronted with a rising market for raw material, ranch men In the west holding the new clip for better terms, and the domestic market waa sustained by the London auction sales. Domestic grades of July salting ara slightly firmer, owing to the better quality and the order is well maintained except of branded hides, of which receipts are now large. Conditions remnln unchanged In the market for foreign dry hides. Leather Is a little steadier. New England manufacturers of shoes report a fair mall order business from eastern wholesalers, but western Jobbers are responding very slowly to the sample business. Failures this week numbered 304 la th United States, against 194 last year, and 12 tn Canada, compared with 24 a year ago. TRADE DULL CONVENTION WEEK Vacation Influences limmrr gnot downs nnd Crop Affect Situation. NEW YORK. July 8.-BradatrjefB tg morrow will say: Trade and Industry have been at a low ebb this week, reflecting vacation Influ ences, summer shutdowns and generally quiet distributive demand. Chief Interest, of course, centers In the crop situation and the Irrogular movements of securities and of staples are traceable to uncertainty gen erated by reports of excessive moisture In fhe winter wheat belt and too cool weather for corn. Reports from cotton and oata, however, are favorable. Rai'way earnings confirm earlier reports of good June re sults In a probable increase of 8 per cent In gross earnings. Wool continues th strongest, tho textiles shifting the old for the new clip, accompanied by an advanc of from 1 to 8 conts per pound, inducing" considerable buying by manufacturers ana at the west. Primary are strong and two thirds of tho Montana clip Is reported al ready sold. The dry goods markets have ruled rathe quiet recently, reductions In cotton good having failed to evoko expected Interest. Spring woolens are. now being opened by manufacturers, but It Is too ear'.v to tell Just what the result will be, the strike of clothing operatives rather clouding th outlook. ' Quiet has very generally ruled In all the leading Industries. Production of crude materials Is down to a minimum In Iron and steel, and while thore is more inquiry, manufacturers ere loth to sell freely at present low prices. Home labor troubles exist In hranchao of tho Iron anrl ateei Industry in Pnn.ylt vanla and the miners' strt;e In Alabama renders manufacturers firmer In their vlewa as regards pig Iron. The steel rail mills of the country have about hulf their pos sible output booked, but the outlook for the balance of the year Is uncertain. The lumber trade Is rather quiet aa a whole. Eastern manufacturers report business rather quiet. Business failures In the United State for the week ending July number 179. against 204 last week. 1C4 in th like week: in 1908. 195 in 1902. 199 In 1901 and m In 1900. In Canada, failures for the week number 14. as against 20 last week and 20 in this week a year sgo. Wheat, Including flour, exnorrs for the week ending July 7. aggregatn 878.910 bushels, agatnHt 1,127,84 bushels lsst week. 8,880.410 tills week last year, 4,404,115 in 1B"S nna 5,(0B,14 in l. Corn exports for the week aggregate 6,180,114 bushels, against ir,l last week, i.ftzs.oKi a year ago, 1&,U31 in ipiz and z,oo,- T in 1901. REAL K8TATU THANMFEKS. Deeds fllod for record July 8, as furnished oy tna Midland uuaranty ana t rust com pany, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam B,aai 4V. Th. Tta. ' Frank Slabaugh to Ellon B. 81a- baugn, e so leet lot 24. w 10 feet lot 25. block 10. Brings Place 8 1 Elizabeth I. M. Tukcy and husband to Storz Brewing company, n 22 fwet 88 feet lot 6. block 197. city 2.640 Dsrlus Hartson and wife to Ernest P. and Henrietta D. Buffett, lot 8, Hlmebaugh Place 4.000 Mary J. C. Ryan and husband to 'rank 11. Good, lot 21, block 27, first add to Corrlgan Plaoe 800 Rosa E. Wonder and husband to Ulysses G. Graham, wH lot t, block 1. LI 11 wood Park 800 Nora Lane to Martin W. Lehman, lots 19. 20 and 21. block 85, first add to Corrlgan Place 875 John Henry Loechner and wife to Amanda vanomen, lot 7, Diock 7, Brown Park 1,600 South Omaha Land company to Sam li. Williams, lot 14, block 4. Spring Lake Park 450 Louie W. Hax et ol to Pauline Chap man, lot .17, block v, ririggs t iace, and other land 1 Paulino Chapman to Eugene B. Chap- man, same ,M Martin R. Prultte and wife to Wil liam L. Barr, lota 1, 2, 3 and 4, Bur detto Court 760 Benjnmln Folsnm and wife to Henry P, Huae, lot 20, block 1, Redli k Park 800 Martha M. Mundervllle and husband to George T. Duckworth, nH lot 6, block 55. South Omaha TOO Atlantic Realty company to Leila C. Wolfe, lot 3, replat diock t, nemrs Park 638 Belle Wyland and husband to Annie Kohlmeler. land tn 42-16-13 760 Frnnk Atkins and wife to Byron R. Hastings, lota 21 and 22. Line va, Dnnrlee Place 1.000 A Ik s A. Wlece and husband to Tuker Land company, lot 12, block ill, Cllt- tt.n Hill 1.760 Hlldtir Applcgren to Francis A. Bro- Kn. lota 7 ami x. nioca 4, ltose 11111 tuu Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust company to busan I'axson, lot. a, Tukey Land company to William Lucas, lot n, mock 7, tnirton itin..,. i.waj GOVfcllMHIiM' NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BOILER HOUSE, Rollers, etc. Department of the Interior. Office of Indian Art aim. tVuslilngton, D. C, June Pi, 1904. Sealed proposals, endorsed PropueittlM for Boiler Houho, eta., Uoiioo, Nebraska, aauresnea 10 tne i oinmiaeioner of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C, will be received at the lndlun Ulrica until 3 o'clock p. in. of Thursday, July 21, 1904, for furnluhlng and delivering all ueccsHary ma terials and labor reaulred to construct and complete a bailer nouae, with plumbing, piping, boiler, englno, dynamo, etc., at tne Genoa Indian Soliool, Nebraska, In strict accordance wltoi the plans, apeclllcaUon and Instructions to bidders, which muy be examined at this ofllce. the offices of the Improvement uuiietin, Minneapolis, HIiiii.; 'Construction News," Cttiiagu, IU.; - --- M a.nV... V-.. . 41,- VTt.v,.uL.u J IIS l V lllimilK, , 1 tj . I. k'l U MP. State Journal," Lincoln, Neb.; the "Globe Democrat," St. Louis, Mo. th Bulldaia' and Traders" Exchange at Omaha, Nisi.;, Milwaukee, Wis ; St. Paul, Minn.; at the Northwestern Manufacturers' Aiaoclutlun, St. 1'aul, Minn.; the Commercial Exchange, (tea Moines, lit; at the U. S. Indian Ware, nouses, t2 South Seventh St., St. Louis. Mo.; 2".5 South Canal Ht., Chicago, III.; nj IL.w.nt Si . Omaha. Neb.: and 119 Wooster St.. New York City; and at tha School. For furllier information apply in w. ji. wins- ow, Supertnteiiavnt, Imimn ocnooi. uenoa, Kebraaka. A. C, TON NEK, Acting Coin- niloulouer. ja-Z3-a. 2a-J0-J3-6-7-