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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1904)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1904. MEN'S FURNISHING BARGAINS From The BOSTON STORE 50c Neckties, 19c All ths nw stylish colon and ICI pstt arris Boston Store prle IJC 80c our price " 1,000 Dot. Celebrated Barker Four Ply Linen Collars from th Boston Store stock all slies and stvles regular price IP 15o each Saturday's price lj(J lx In box, at box v 51.50 to $3.00 Sweaters, 59c Men's and boya' nna Marino awegters all colors, plain, fancy and baa- ket weaves Boston Store JJC prlc 11.(0 to 33-our price " " w 11.50 Men's Shirts 39c 100 docen high grade Shirts from Boston Store atock none worth leea fZCs ihan 7&o, and up to K.60 JlC aturdar How fire These Drug Depairment Prices? Malvina Cream at Cream Marquise 04c 22c Skin t oou Lyons Tooth Powder 15c Rubber Complexion iCr, Brushes -'' Kail Powder f er pink and white llJy- Rogers & Oillets Powder De Kii DVt Kirk a Tcllet Soap JI n tlarge cake) A 2 Possonl's Face TSo Powder Dr. Charlea ZXftr Fleah Food OOa, William's and Colgate's Ct-. having scaps w Defective Vision Carefully Corrected PROPER CLASSES AT Clearing Up Hat Sale 100 dozen men's, boys' and children's Straw Ilats worth up to 75c your choice Saturday 5c Children's Straw Hats worth up to $1 choice Saturday lQc Men's 1.50 Straw Ilats at 98c Men's $2.50 Straw Hats at $1.50 T5 dozen men's Soft and Stiff Felt Hats, worth up to ?2.50. . .95c Get a Panama Our netire line of Panama Hats worth up to $10 choice $3.95 One More Chance To secure one of those elegant suit cases QL Q'ft worth up to $10.00 at ?3.50 to pUO DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM SATURDAY. CHANCE IN OMAHA'S LUCK Bum 8eriei in the Mountains by Winning a Game. DENVER PITCHERS POUNDED PLENTY Krerr Mia oa Omaha Team bat Sblyke Oats Into Hit Colami, While Browa Holds the Moun taineers safe. DENVER, June I. (Special Telegram.) What Student Brown did to the Grlsslles today, both wlthViits patent fin and hi telegraph pole, la 'a ahame to put Into print. The Omaha pitcher waa the-whol how, barring a few atunta with the willow by Welch and Thomas, lila teammates. Brown's playing waa of the aenaatlonal or der from start to finish and the Cuba laid down whipped from start to finish. The third Innlns; started with a three-baggar by Brown. This was the cue to every man who followed to swat .the ball food and ! the fireworks did not go out till five Rourk ltes had crossed the plate. Drown came home on s hit by Carter and then Miller, Howard and Welch followed with safe ones. Eyler lasted until the sixth Inning, when Kenna took his place on the rubber, but thla did not change the luck. With the arrival of hot weather and the recent strengthening of ths weak teama In the league, the attendance here Is greatly Improved. The score: DENVER. X AU. R. H. O. A. E. Ketcham, of 4 1 0 1 0 0 Mcliale, If 4 0 11 0 I Harttell, 8b 4 0 12 10 Hallman. lb 4 0 0 1 (0 Hayes, rf. I 0 6 1 V tf Smith, as 10 1111 Braun. lb 0 1 II 1 0 Lucia, e 4 0 13 4 1 Eyler. p 1 0 0 0 0 0 Kenna, p....., a 0 1 1 o 0 Totals .' 83 l 1 it 17 1 OMAHA. Ab. R. H. O. A. E. Carter, rf 4 1110 0 Howard, 2b 5 I 1 J I 0 Miller. If 1 1 1 u Ve:ch, cf ( I t i 0 i Dolan, as 4 116 4 1 Thomas, lb., 4.0 1 t 0 Shtpke, lb 4 0 0 110 Oondlng, c 4 114 10 Brown, p t i t 0 0 0 Totale 89 1 7 15 "s Denver 0 P 0 0 1 0 0 t 1 Omaha 0 0 I 0 1 1 0 0 0-S Stolen bases: MHale, Brown. Tlir-"-baee hits: Brown, Welch. Hi" on balls: Oft Brown, 1. Struck out: Hy Brown, 4; by Eyler, l eft on bast-a- Pert it, 4: Omaha, 5 Two-bnac hits: Brown, 1 homes. Time; 1:4V I mplre: Kecfe. Ilea Motnaa Wlui Oame. COLORADO 8PRINOT July t -ls VIolnes won the game today through Sko peo'a wlldneee and Inablllly to lilt when hits meant runs. Both pitchers were hit hard. Score: R H F Pfe ...4 I 1 0 I 0 0 I 0-11 1) 0 Colo 8rlnga.. 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 12 Batteries: Colorado Sprltias. ekopec and Bserwsld; Pea Moines. Ilnnuii, llorter and Tawne. Postpoaed Garaca. SIOtTC CITY. la. July I Bt. Joseph game postponed , act grounds. Standtaa af tba Teams, Played Wop. L, P.C penver ti X 3 tl CHnradn Bprlnga M II !4 , Omaha H K 3? Ml Pes Mnlnes H 81 1' Bt Joeph 7 M ! lioua City 0 a Uauita today; Omaha at Penver, Pea nil If 1 f II 1 1 I T t 1 iMi worn WtiRFT9X 50c to $1.00 Men's Underwear, 19c The entire Boaton Store atock of men's Underwear, In silk finished 1ft balbriggan worth from 60o to III C SI a long aa they laat garment... BOSTON STORE Men's Hosiery Stock All the new patterne and col ora worth up to 25c, at pair 8Jc Cut Prices in Wail Paper For Saturday only, we will, in order to join the chorus of slashing bargains incident to the buying of the C. B. Boston Store stock, make the following surprising price reductions: IN OUR WALL. PAPER DEPARTMENT. PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS SHOULD GET OUR PRICES SATURDAY. 15C PAPER AT SC. Several hundred rolls of remnants, some celling, some Just wall, worth up to 16c a roll sn choice v POPULAR PRICES. Moines at Colorado Springs, 8t. Joseph at Sioux City. . Beemer Finally Wlas One. BEEMER. Neb., July 8. (Speclal.)-A wall and Interesting game of ball was played with Went Point, the first In years that Beemer has won from the latter. Had It not been for a wild throw Beemer would have acorea a ahutout. Score, 6 to L GAMES I5f TUB AMERICA I.EAOIE Washlnatoa Hits Philadelphia Once, bat Retains Its Standing. PHILADELPHIA, July 8 Washington made but one hit off Plank today. Town, aend was effective, but a timely double and single In the eighth gave the looala thd game. Attendance, 1.711. Bccre: PHILADELPHIA. I WABHINQTON. H.U.O.A.B. H.H.O.A.B. Hirtnl. If... 0 i o 4 d'rduvhlln. Ih. fl A 1 1 4 Jlckrlu. cf. I I 1 (I O.Dotuivui, rl..t 4 10 4 L. CroM, lb.. 1 lit 0 Cus.tdr, U...0 till SfrtMId ri... w v u UIHtAni. IB 1 1 1 4 I Murphy, tb... I 4 lIU'Nflll. If.... 4 4 Muilln, lb.... 0 1 10 4 0 McCorm'k. lb 4 11. Croii, ft., 4 0 0 10 Harrhif, f... 4 4 1 4 Powera, c... risak, a 0 1 4 1 J 4 4 110 '.!, C V T I 1 Tgwitwni, p. 4 0 4 I 4 ' Totals I I It II lj Totals 1 1 14 t Philadelphia 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 J Washington 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Earned run: Philadelphia, 1. Two baae nlta: Hartxel. L. Cross. Sacrifice hits: Beybold U). Stolen bases: Stahl, L. Cross. Sacrifice hits: 8-ybold (i). Ifi en beo: Washington. ; Philadelphia. T. first buse on balls: Off Plank, S; off Townsend, L Struck out: By Townsend, 6: by Plank, 5. Time: 1:45. L'mpirea: Dwyer and King. Boaton Wipi by Batting. NEW YORK, July 8. Long and timely hitting of the Bostons made todny's game theirs at an early stage. The visitors made eight hits and an many run off Pun ell In ths first two Innings, and Wolfe relieved him In the third. Winter held the local men well In hand for nine scattered hits. Attendance. 4.750 Score: BOSTON. NEW YORK. B.H.O.A K R.H.O.A.C. Itahl, ct t 1 1 0 O'Douihartr. If I 1 t 6 Collins, lb... t I 0 t Kealur, rf....a 0 t I 1 Frenuan, rf.. I 110 Willlama, b. 0 I 1 I Plrmt. M ...1 1 1 4 t Andrrroil. Ik. t I II II I gelbaeh. II... I t t 0 u P.lbrrfald, aa. 1 1 4 I 0. LftChauc. lb I lit 0 OPulti. of 1 J 0 11 rarria. I0 ...1 11) i onroy. 3b.... 1 Ills Cr!r. c t 1 t 9 MoOulrt. c... 0 0 110 Wlniar, p...,'o 0 0 4 OKlclnow, c... 110 1 Powell, a 0 0 0 0 0 Total! II il 17 la I Wolfa, 0 f 0 0 0 0asl I t 0 0 I Totala I ST IS I Batted for Wolfe In ninth. Boaton I ( 0 4 0 0 0 0 0-U New York 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 I Two bass hits1 Williams. Conroy. Home runs: Parent, Dougherty. Hits: Off Powell. 8 In two Innings; off Wolfe, S In sven innings. Sacrifice hits: Parent, Winter. Stolen baaea: fielhach. La C ha nee. Left on banes: New York, S; Boston. 1. First base on balla: Off Powell, ?: off Winter. 1. First base on errora: New York. 1; Boston, 1. Struck out: Pv Powell, ; by Wolfe. 1; by Winter. 4. Wild pitch: Wolfe. Time: 1:65. Vmplre: Bherldan. Postponed Games. At St. I.ouls Chlcago-8t. Louis post poned on account of rain. CLEVELAND, July I. Cleveland won two gntnes thin afternoon, both bring pitchers' battles. Attendance, 4,934. Score, first game: CLEVELAND. I DETROIT. It K O i l I H H O A B. ril.a. rf t 1, e(... I M l.uih If 1 1 0 M-lntrra, II . 0 10 Hrarilrv. lb ... 1 111 Otarr. lb S IS S l.aola. a....0 1 4 0 Crawford. (.I I 1 I I Hii kman. Ib. I 0 I I 1 I.nw. lb 1 I I I t Stovall. I It 1 i) Ormlns'r. lb t t t o iu. ct S 0 I t Wood, a t 4 i 1)10 AMolt. e I I I 0 Klllltp. p Rhoaaa. p....O 10 1 1 Olrary, aa....f I 1 1 II Tntala 10 SI 14 I1 Totala I t M II 0 (Cleveland 8 0 1 0 0 0 '8 Detroit 00000001 o 1 First base on errors: Detroit, 1. Two h! lilts: Bradley, Crawford. Lowe. Sac rifice hit: ljitole. Hickmnn. Stolen bases: Fllik t2i Lush, Carr, OI-nry. Bane on halls: Off Khiules, 4; off Klllian. 1 Hit by pitched ball: Hv NIIHan, 2. Left on basrs: Cleveland. 8; Detroit, 11. Btruck out: By KliOdea, ; by Klllian. 8. Wild pitch: Ko Stomach Troublt After three dars if you writ to Drake Formula Cunilwnr, C'lnrg. tor f rt bottle of I'raks s Pa.uiekUi W lite, buupe Ceatstlpauoa la a dajr. FIFTH DAY OF THE GREAT BARGAIN SALE Sfs BOSTON STORE STOCK This Great Sale offers unsurpassable Bargain Opportunities to all buyers in Omaha and vicinity. WATCH OUR ADS. ATTEND THESE SALES. It will mean many dollars in savings to you. Other departments in the house are making sweeping price reductions es pecially for this Great Sale. GtBHtn cSZTion Cloak $1.00 has the $100 Children's Presses 29c About H tba cost of material. Braid ruffle orer ahouldera. All bargain givers, off tbair hats to these 81.00 v&Iuea at Corset The entire gtock of the Boston Store, Council Bluffs small nnd extra large sizes In stnndnrd goods, including R. G.. W. B., W. C. C. and Thompson Glove Fit tinggoods that sell for from $1 to $3 Saturday Q choice i ImC WV T. Satin Girdles, from Boston Store stock, $2 values, QQ Dr. Warner's Rust Proof Corsets, for stout figures, sizes . C f H si 20 to 86, at 41.UU Rhodes. Time: 1:56. . Umpire: Connolly R.H.O.A.E. nick, rt o o i e o Dtrratt. cf... I 1 0 Luih. It I I 0 Molntrre, It.. 0 1 4 0 Crr. lb I 11 Bradley, 5b... 0 Lajol. u 0 Hlckmin, b. Blovall. lb...O Bar, of 1 1(40 14 11) 1 1 f 1 Jrswiora, n. v v ua jh e 4 4 0 17 1 1 0 0 0 t 1 Oramlnfr, b 0 0 4 Wood, c M J J Abbott, e.. Hh, p.... Klton, p live 0 0 0 l((OlMry, SB.... 0 0 0 I 1 Totals 1 37 11 1 Totals 1 1 One out when winning run scored. Cleveland 0 1 0 0 1.0 0 0 0-2 Detroit 00000100 0-1 First base on errors: Cleveland, 8; De troit. 1. Sacrifice hit: Oleary. Stolen bases: Lajole, Lush. Double play; , Stovall to Lejole to Stovall. Bases on ba Is: Off Kltson, I. Left on bases: Cleveland. ; Detroit, 4. Struck out: By Heaa. 1; by Kltaon. S. Time: 1:30. Umpire; Connolly. tandtasr of the Teams. Plaved. Won. lst. P.Ct. Boston 6 44 M .6t New York 65 40, .61 Chicago 68 40 W .688 Cleveland 62 V .M5 Phllade phla 64 fl ) St. Louis 1 27 84 . 448 Detroit . ! 65 27 88 .Vii Washington 6S 11 62 .176 Oamea today: Detroit at Cleveland, Chi cago at St. Louis, Washington at Phila delphia, Boaton at New York. GAMES IN THE NATIONAI, I,RAGt'E Brooklyn Falls to Pass Second Base and Cblvatio Wins. CHICAGO, July8. In the pitchers' bat tle today Brooklyn failed to get a man past first base, getting only two singles off Brlggs. The latter won his own game by a scorching hit Into right field with the aid of a wild throw. Babb's play at a'pr.t waa great. Attendance, 1,S0. Score: CHICAOO. BROOKLYN. R.K.O.AK. R.H.O.A.E. las le, If 0 0 I 0 t Dokba. cf 0 1 I 0 0 Caaty. lb 1 tillloe, U....0 till rhanra, lk.,,0 1 It 0 0 Lumiar, rf...O ( 0 t McCarthr, cf. 0 t 10 0 Shackard. H..0 0 I 0 0 Klloi. c 0 I I 1 0 Babb. aa 0 4 I 0 Eiari. lb 0 Oil I Bergau, c 0 0 I I 0 Ttnkar. as.... 0 0 1 4 0 UrCona'k. Ik 0 e o Wllllama. B..1 1 I I Brlisa, t 0 1 0 1 3 Jordan, lb. ,001 o o rrontn, p. Utailar . ..oooio ..ooooo ,.o "i 57 lo i Totals 1 6 87 10 II Totals.. Batted for Cronin in ninth. Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -l Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Left on bases: Chicago, 8: Brooklyn, 1. Two baae hit: McCarthy. Double plays: Evers and Chance: Tinker and Chance; Cronin. Dillon and McCormlck. Struck out: By Brlggs. 4: by Cronin, 1, Baaea on bnlls: Off Briggs, 1; off Cronin, 1. Hit with ball: Tinker. Tim: 180. Umpire: Moran. Miller Damns the Game.' PITTSBURG, July 8. Miller's poor work defeated Pittsburg. Lynch waa hit on the pitching arm by a hard-hit ball and had to retire. Leever did good work, but could not save the game. Wllhelm's good support prevented several runs. Attend ance, a. sou. ocua. nnaTDN. PITTgBl'RO. u u n a n K.H. OA. U. Oalar. cf 1 4 4 0 0 Tann.y. lb. .. 1 1 It t 0 Ab'tlchlo, as. 8 8 8 I 0 Cooler. If.. . 0 1 0 0 0 Dalcbanty, lb 1 I 1 1 1 lumir. Ik.. I 1 8 3 0 Leach, lb. ... I 1 0 4 Daaumont. lit I I I I c'larka. If 0 0 Wagnar, as. .. 1 I 8 3 t Inraninrld. Ik 0 0 11 1 Kcsrms. IT... 1 1 t t r.rnar. rf ... I 1 1 H Hitrbar. Ik. .. 1 1 1 a Phli,a a 1 I I I ft Naadham. S.. 1 I 8 0 1 Wllllclru, P-.. 1 1 A 3 (Millar, p OOOIO Lynch, p 0 0 0 I 0 l.rar. p 0 010 Klabenf .... 0 10 0 Totals 10 11 17 10 1 Totala I 14 17 II I Batted for Millar In cecond. Boston 1 10 0 8 0 0 1 1-10 Pittsburg 0 I 0 0 1 1 0 1 66 Earned runs: Pimburg, 1; Boston. 1 Two basr- hits: Illtchev, Ceoley, Dele hantv. Needhsm Three base hit: Brbrlng. Sacrifice hit: Branafleld. First base on balls: Off Miller. 2; off lsover, 1: off Wl. helm, 1. Btruck out: By Lynch, t: by leever, 8 Hits: Off Miller, 6 In two In nings; oft Lynrh. none In one and two third Innlnga; off leever. 8 In flva and one-third Innings. Time: 1:40. All the Runs Are Earned. CINCINNATI. July 8 Both teams per formed the rather unusual feature of earning all the r runs. Ths bom team purchasing power of $3.00 In this I $2 to $3 Children's Dresses 59c trimmed, with ICa Ginghams, madras, linens, etc., In Russian blouse, sailor r A , IP and all the latest styles, all colors,' ages 4 to 14 years, saleV r.nlr 12 00 nd 13.00. at must $12 to 15 Tailor Suits at $5 Plain colora and fancy mixtures, all the newest styles and $5 fabrics, at Swell Suits at $8.98 Bilks, etamlnes. voiles, elegant Q AO garments, worth up to $28.00, IJ..0 aturday v Handsome Silk Underskirts All colors and black, regular 87.60 and $8.00 values, 3.98 at Exquisite Siik Suits In checks, stripes snd plain " PA colors, garmenta that aold at I.JII $J and $6. Saturday . w Skirts Skirts Skirts Nowhara else In the city can you find ao great a variety and at such 1 C Q low prices. V and $ walking skirts Baturday at Women's Sicilian Skirts In plain colors and mixtures, special Saturday at $5 Beautiful Waists In linens, lawns, Japa, taltetaa, bstlntes, organdies, trimmed with lace Insertion, embroidery or Mexican drawn ) PA work, worth up to $.00, a JU Saturday Bargains Every yard of Taffeta and in one great BOSTON N won by bunching two singles and a triplet In the eighth. Attendance, 1,600. Score: CINCINNATI. PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Huftlns. Ik.. 0 0 10 ('Thomaa, ct... 0 0 0 0 0 Biymour, cf.. 1110 0 OIaaon, lb... 0 1 I I 0 Dolan. rf 1 1 1 0 0 Luih, rf 0 0 4 0 0 Odw.ll. If.... 1 10 0 Oi Doyle, lb 0 1 14 0 0 Kallay, lb....O 1 I 1 :Dooln, c 0 Kill Btatofaldt, tb. 0 0 0 1 UiMiacc, If 0 1 I 0 0 Corcoran, aa. 0 1 4 I 0 Hall, lb 0 1 0 4 0 Bchlsl, e 0 1 0 0 Hulawttt, as.. 0 10 10 Haho, p 0 0 0 I 0 sparka, p 1 1 0 1 0 Totals 8 T 17 T 0 Totals 1 ( 14 11 1 Cincinnati 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 -S Philadelphia 0 0100000 01 Three-base hits: Kelley, Dolan. Stolen bases: Dooln. MaRee. Odwell. Base on balls: Off Sparka, 3. Sacrifice hits: Thomas, I Hulswitt. struck out: My Mann, a; oy Sparks, 4. Time: 1:37. Umpire: Ztmnier. Postponed Games. At St. Louis New Tork-St. Louis game postponed; rain. Mandlns of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. New York 66 49 17 . 743 Chicago 65 39 26 ."0 Cincinnati 64 87 27 .578 Pittsburg C4 86 80 .5:18 St. Loula 64 S3 31 .518 Brooklyn 71 28 42 . 894 Boston 69 27 42 . 391 Philadelphia 64 18 47 .250 Games today: Boston at Pittsburg, New York nt St. Louis, Philadelphia at Cincin nati, Brooklyn at Chicago. GAMES IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Brewers Win an t'utnteresttna; Game from Toledo. MILWAUKEE, July 8. Milwaukee de feated Toledo today In an uninteresting game, 4 to 1. Attendance, 2u0. Score: MILWAUKEE, I TOLtCDO. R.H.O.A.E R.HOA.B. Btona. rf t 0 0 0 0 Prlabla. ct...O 1 0 0 0 scbacfar. aa.. 1 1 t I 0 alurlarllf. lb. 1 1 I I i 0' Brian. 2b. ..6 0 t 4 ulLco. rf 0 10 10 Clark, lb 0 I 1 4 OlBroirthars, lb 0 1 0 1 1 Pannall, If 0 0 10 olDalnlngtr, lb 0 0 10 1 0 Strlcklett, tl, 1 0 I 1 0 gwoeney, at.. 0 10 11 Bataman, lb.. I I 1J 1 glfUadtng. If. . . 0 110 0 Flatt.ry, C....0 1 4 I Oi Brown, c 0 4 4 1 0 McKay, p....O 1 0 3 0 Crlatal. p 0 1110 Totals 4 M7 17 0 Totala 1 14 II 4 Mllwauk' 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 I Toledo 0 0000100 01 Two-base hit: Schaefer. Base on balls: Off McKay, S; off Crystnll, 8. Passed balls: Slattery, 3. Struck out: By McKay, t; by Crystal!, 4. Double tsys: Schaefer to O'Brien to Bateman; Strlrklett to Bate man. Left on bases: Milwaukee, 8; To ledo, T. Time: 2:10. Umpire: Holllday. Bnnehes of Hits Win. KANSAS CITY. July 8 Kansas City de feated Indianapolis by bunching hits. At tendance, 460. Score: KANSAS C1TT. , INDIANAPOLIS. R.H.O.A.E.I R.H.O.A.K. TanBuran, rf. 1 II 0 0 Swasdar. II. . 0 lit Kance, If 0 0 0 0 0 Maoon.t as. . . I 10 3 Sullivan, lb.,0 1 0 3 0 atcCraarr, cf 0 1 I 4 ft Butler, e 0 1 7 0 Monte arr, rtl I I j Hill, cf 1 10 (i Dlrkar, lb.... 1 1 10 6 ft Rotbfuaa, lb. 0 0 14 1 0 Carr. Ik 0 0 14 0 Boanar, lb ... 0 It 0 Hcrdoa, c... ft 1410 Lawea. aa.... 1 111 Martin. lb...O 0101 laball, p 0 10 0 Croatia, p... 1010 Totals I It 17 II Ol Touts I I M It 1 Kanaas City 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 -3 Indlanapolla 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 13 Earned rune: Kansas City, 3; Indian apolis. 1. Two-base hits: Sullivan, Butler, Dickey. Stolen bases: Magoon, Moul- C ornery, Cromley. Base on balls: Off 1s ell, t Struck out: By Isbell, 7; by Crom ley, 5. Wild pitch: IabeU. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Bauswlne. Postponed Games. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. July 8 .-Mlnne-aplia-Loulsvllle game postponed; wet grounds. ,At St. Paul Columbus-St. Paul, no game; rain. Mandlns; af the Teams. 46 2 .634 46 27 .63) 40 81 .& 43 83 .0 86 87 .491 33 38 .4', 7 21 44 813 21 49 .SCO St Paul Indianapolis 73 Minneapolis 70 Kansaa City 67 To'eilo 7D Gaines today: lolumous ai si. raui, Toledo at Milwaukee; ."iianap'vlls at Kan aas City; Loulsvlll at Minneapolis. Somethlasj Warm la Base Ball. A hot ball gam Is scheduled for this afternoon at sUvervlew para, Tb con Department great sale. Fine Waists Lawna, vesting, batiste, madras and many other materials, trimmed with embroidery, tucks and In- f f sertlon, worth up to $3.00, I wO. Baturday aa $1 Women's Waists 39c An Immense line In all colora and white. 52.75 Women's Silk and Light Weight Covert Coats h up tc $5 $12.00. choice Baturday .... Women's Cravenette Coats Worth up to $12.00, the C fa Q greatest bargain you ever saw, Q Special Half Hour Sales 8:30 TILL 9 A M. Women's lawn wrappers , I TILL 9:30 A.. M. women'a lawn klmonas 9:30 TILL 10 A. M. $1.25 black underskirts 35c 25c 49c SATURDAY EVENING, 7:30 TILL LL 9- 59c Another old-time wrapper sale. $1.60 women'a , wrappers at BOSTON STORE RIBBONS Satin and Gros Grain, Wash Liberty Satin Ribbon?, P lot. Price per yard , STORE PRICE 20 TO c PER YARD pir tracting freight agents of the various rail roads in the city have thrown down the gauntlet to the Omaha merchandise brok ers and the result la expected to be one of the hottest exhibitions of he national gam which has been pulled off In these puria for a long time. The merchandise brokers wilt furnish the cans and dried fruits for re freshments; the deled fruits from stock and the cans from other sources. All fans have been Invited to go out and partake and swell up as the game progresses. The railroad boys have been practicing and are ready for the fray. They say the brokers will hnv. tn. HaH,a. ,1.. .- -i . will be called at 3 p. m. and there will bs i no delays excepting on regular bill of lad- I ing conditions, namely, an act of provi- I deuce or something of a similar nature. Field Clah nnd Parrel. The Field club and th Farrells will play ball today, beginning at 4 p. m., on th former's grounds. The lineup: Q. F. C Positions. Farrells. Crelghton Catcher Strong Donahue Pitcher ..Baker-Mathews Abbott First baae ,.B. Fltsgerald Mnlone Second base ..C. Fltrgernld Martin Third base McKell Chambers Shortstop a Weed Kelly Left field Bellamv Hoiigland Center field Gnddard Taylor Right Held Gibson C N. Diets Go to Craig. The C. N. Diets club goes to CYalg, NeTj., to play the locals there today and expect to carry oft the game, As me bovs are putting up a strung game. The lineup wl.l be as follows: Massman or Milllken, catcher; Gordy, pitcher; Knight, first; Tracy, third; Jenkins, second; Anderson, left; Lafferty, center; Plarttner, right, and Foran, short. Oaavra Goes to Pieces. ONAWA, la.. July 8. (Special Telegram.) The Ida Grove base ball team defeated Onawa here today by a srore of 8 to 3 in an eleven Inning game. Onawa went to pieces in the eleventh. Batterlea: Ida Drove,; Gustine and Fleming; Onawa, O'Connor and Copple. Umpire: Butler of Onawa. EVENTS ON THE RUNNING TRACKS James V and Defies site Only' Winning; Fnrerlte at Brighton. NEW YORK, July 8 Jamea V. and D Reaike were th only winning favorites at Brighton Beach today. Owing to the bad condition of the track early In the day the fields were greatly reduced. Th track, however dried out during the aft ernoon and will be In good condition for the Brighton handicap tomorrow. De Resske, svlnner of the fifth, waa bid up to 32,700, an advance of t.O over his en tered selling price. The stable bid the cus tomary 36 and retained Its horse. Htide brand rode three winners. Results: First race, alx furlongs: Austin Allen won, Britisher second, C. W. R. third. Time: 1:164- Second race, mile and a sixteenth: Glis ten won, Bardolph aecond, Conklln third. Time: 1:484b. Third race, handicap, six furlongs: Jamea V. won. High Chancellor second. Stalwart third. Time: 1:41. Fourth race, handicap, mile and a fur long: lllyrla won. Lord Badge second. Carbuncle third. Time: 1:5CH. Fifth race, selling, mile and a sixteenth: D Reszkn won, C'lnclnnatus aecond, Flam inula third. Time: 1:47 H. Sixth ruce, five and one-half furlongs: Iota won, Salt and Pepper second, Llnua Lee third. Time: 1:19. CHICAGO, July 8 Results: First race, five and one-half furlrn: Morlsh Damsel won, Jade second. No Trumper third. Time: 1:11. Second race, stceplechaxe, short course: Handvlce won. J. E. Owens second, Car digan third. lime: s c. Third rnce, one mile and seventy yards: Soufrlere won. Leila second, Klein wood third. Time: 1:50. Fourth race, five furlonara: Clrar Lighter won, The Pet second, Florentine third. Time: l:(a. Fifth race, one mile: Don't Ask Me won, Hudson second, The Lady third. Time: lfV Sixth race, one mil and aeventy yards: Edward Hale won, Freiilns second, Great Lantern third. Time: 1 :MV4. . 8 T. 1)1'18. July S.-Results: First race, five furlongs: Dlshsblll won. t'iful I edy second, Loretta M third. Time: 105. Kfinnri rre. alx ftirlnnas: Anrke won. Mis Mxe second, Santa Ventura thlid Time: 1 1S. Third race, four and one-half furlongs: n) sP TIIH RKLIABLR ITUIIK. Ladies' Underwear Bargains from Boston Store Stock This entire stock of Hich Grade Muslin Underwear, consisting of gowns, corset ' I'AfflT'iJ r lira n - K I 1 ! . l 1 1 lutian, muniiB, .liriUINf SKiriS, orately trimmed with fine lace and embroidery, divided into two lots, Boston Store price $1 to $3.50, choice Saturday . .49c to 98o 19c to 25c CORSET COVERS 10c Mnde of fine cambric, trimmed with lace and embroidery Boston Store price 10c to 25c your J f choice Saturday 1UC 25c LADIES' VESTS, lOc-Slecveloss and short sleeved, with silk tapes nnd fancy yokes all sizes worth in up to 25c, at IUC 60c UMBRELLA TANTS 25c Fine lisle thread, trimmed with torchon lace Boston Store price 50c, our price asJC LADIES' FINE HOSE 25c Lace and fancies, nil colors and black Boston Store price, 39c to 50c our's 25c Bargains from Boston Store Stock 50c Ladies' Neckwear 15c. Including every piece of ladies' neckwear in their entire stock turnover collars, stock ties, buster brown collars etc., "f C Boston Store price 25c to 50c our price Saturday C 20c Ladies' Linen Collars 1c. From the Boston Stores sizes 12J to 14$. All conceivable styles and heights. Boston Store price, 15c and 20c to close f -them out Saturday, each I C Other Bargains From Boston Store Stock. tic Fancy Pearl Buttons, per dos 5c 2c 15c Pin In Pearl Buttons, per dos 100 Yards Beldln Bros. Sewing sn silk Omaha's Grocery Headquarters Goods the Freshest, Quality the Highest, Prices Always the Lowest. 10 bars Best Laundry Soap for 25c Jello, per package .-5c The Beat Pearl Tapioca, per lb 3Vs Good Japan Rice 80 Large Sacka White or Yellow Cornmeal at 12H Fancy Imported Maccaronl, per pkg 8ic English Pint Bottles Lanenby's Chow Chow or Gherkin Pickles 20c The Best Corn Starch, per pkg 4o The Beat Laundry Starch, per lb S'o 1-lb. can Baked Beana 4o Force, Vigor, Vim. Neutrlta, Egg-O-See or Xcelo, per package 1W The Best Soda, Oyater, Butter or Milk Crackers, per lb ..6o S-lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes 7Vo V-lb. cans Potted or Devilled Ham 8V,c C-lb. cans Potted Beef -So Good Drink Santos Coffee, per lb L'Ho Fancy Marlcaibo Blend Coffee, per Ili..,.15o Fancy Japanese Tea for Ice Tea, lb....25o Fancy Tea flirtings from Finest Teas, per lb 2o Omaha's Fresh Fralt Headquarters. Large, Juicy Seedless Lemons, per doi.,12o Large, Juicy, Sweet Orangea, per doa...Uo Fancy California White Clover Honey, per rack 12o Fancy California White Flga, per pkg... 6c Fancy Mixed Nuta, per lb 10c Fancy, Large Bananas, per dos 10c Hadrian won. Mr. Dade second, Asellna thrwrt?Br.c.?:Msil. nJ sixteenth: Montebank won. Commodore second, tfu arler third. Time: 1:63. Fifth race, six and ona-half furlnw: Sid Silver won, Sanclum second, rrea nesa third. Time: 1:26;. Sixth race, mile and seventy yards: Jerry Hunt won, Gasllghter second, Wolfran third. Time: 1 :51Vj. PHILADELPHIA PRIZE FIGHT OFF Battle Between Fltsatmmons and O'Brien Stopped by the Maypr. PHILADELPHIA, July 8-The six-round boxing bout between Bob Fltsslmmons nnd Jack O'Brien, which was to have taken place at the Philadelphia National league base ball park tonight for the benefit of the Evening Telegraph free Ice fund, was declared off this afternoon by the manage ment on account of the aetlon of Mayor Weaver In Isaulng orders to the nolle to stop the contest. The mayor held that a contest such as was scheduled between Fltislmmona and O'Brien would be a prlse flKht and therefore a vlolntlon of the law. He warned the management of the affair that he would order the police to arrest the fighters the moment they stepped into the ring. . FIELD CI.l'B TENNIS TOURNAMENT Second Handicap at Singles Will Start This Afternoon. Th Field club's second handicap tennis tournament In singles will start this after noon at 8 o'clock with seven matches In the preliminary rounds, and a list of entries that promisee some good sport. Several of the old plyers are away and this will give the youngsters a chance at each other. It also necessitated a slight change In th handicapping, which may make a difference in th outcome. Th drawings were made last night and re sulted: Kennard (half-IB), a bye. Martin (owe 16), a bye. Scrlbner (owe 30), a by. Hall (half-16), a bye. Dufrene (scratch) plays C. Potter (half- 16A. I-ee (half-16) plays H. Pollard (half-16). ,r. Hillla (scratch) plays Denning (half-lM. Basmussen (scratch) plays Kohn (owe 30). Collett (owe 15) plays Buck (half-16). West (half-IB) plays A. Potter (scratch . Chase (owe 80) playa D. Pollard (owe 80). Armstrong (half-lb), a bye. M. Lee (half-16), a by. Hughes (owe ), a bye. Wood (scratch), a bye. Howell (half-15). a bye. Contestants are requested to report to W M Woods, who has the matches In charge, for assignments to courts. The courts are In fine condition and some fast work Is expected. The finals In th un finished club handicap tournament In doubles will be played off Just before the singles begin. This la between D. Pollnrd and Scrlbner (owe 16 plus half-16), and Chase and Kohn (owe 3). With the Bowlera. On the Omaha Bowling association alleys last evening the Armour leigun lenmi com pleted thflr eighth night of their ten weeks series. Following are the scores made lat evening: ORPHANS. 1st 2d. 3d. Tot : 15 169 40 ' 221 31 6'l 222 178 :17 j 112 lis aoi 710 684 1.872 3d. 3d. Tot. l',!7 13) 414 132 101 4 '2' l-,5 171 7.13 ! 11H li'2 15 6ti2 lo 1,674 21. 8d Tot 123 115 58 Ho 12.) 3X'. , l 144 114. PM 114 4 Sill tM l.HM ' Pollard Carter Urllfln Levey 120 , 1..2 , lt',9 121 Totals BflS BOUQUETS,. 1st. lf.4 137 In" 8 643 CRYSTALS. 1st. I 'd 1.1) ! 144 171 Mackay Welmer Bnnnell Price ... Totals Hanehett 0'Cnnner Davis .... O'Keefe . Tota'a i .... , , ,V.n I. v , . I An inieieeims r7" , shirs and a picked team callel the Stars wss played last evening. The Ne IMtara won two irari om Excelsiors claim he venln(; s honors, as PIP., PIIUP lt)c LADIES' BLACK AND COLORKD HOSE In all sizes IQc 19c CHILDREN'S FINE AND HEAVY RIBBED HOSE, at 12!c 25c TO 50c LADIES' GLOVES AT Vo Mercerizrd lisle and lace gloves, In nil colors Boston Store price Q 25c to 50c our price JQ LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S KID GLOVES, 19e All colors Boston Store price 60c to "Sc our price 19c :.oves Boston 50c LACE LISLE AND SILK GLOVES In all the newest shades -Boston Store price 60c our price 29c Hump Hooka and Eyes, fior card I kinds of Dress Shields, pair .24c ...9c All colors Fancy Veiling, per yard " 50c Fancy Drape Veils, 114 yards IQf long, each 8k Omaha's Para Ratter Headquarter. WE DO NOT HANDLE ANY SUBSTI TUTE, i Good Country Butter, per lb '. 12Ho Choice Separator Dairy Butter, per lb..ltio Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, lb...lTo The Very Best Creamery Butter, nothing finer made, per lb Wo CHINA CHIN A CHINA. 500 Doien Fine Dresden China Cups and Saucers these cups and saucers sell reg ularly from 76c to II. W per pair 2 C on sale Saturday, tier pair.. mr - NE PERSON. ONLY SIX PA1K TO Of M EATS MEATS M K ATS. Talk about Cutting Prices wa have alaugntered them this week. You will al ways tind BEST MEATS AT LOWEST PRICES HERE. Boiling Beef iRlb), per lb 2Vfra Shoulaer Koast Beet, per lb 03 Rib Roust, per lb To Hound Steak, 3 'bs for 85o Shcuider Steak (best), pur lb 7',-fco Legs Mutton, per lb.. 7Wo Legs Larrib. per lb - luo Mutton Chops, per lb 7o Veal Koast, per lb 6a Veal Steak, per lb i 12o Best Bacon, per lb lUo they .won by three pins after having a lead In the flrat game of 186 plnB. EXCELSIORS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Frltscher 24f 168 213 62 Hodges 2,'tl ltW 191 iS3 Sprugue 217 215 146 on' Chandler 2S7 190 U8 615 Huntington ..171 220 225 616 Totals , 1,101 NEW STARS. 1st. 1)61 2d. 1R0 248 167 m 267 ISM 3d. 316 i:t 14U ill Tot. 677 W 4r,6 693 741 Banks Griffith 171 177 Marble Ib0 Emery 177 Zimmerman 210 Totals ...915 1,061 1,017 3,0.3 GOLF PLAY FOR THE BEATON t t'l" Between Fifty and Sixty Players Will Contest for Trophy nt Field Club. The monthly golf play for the Beaton cup will be on the course of the Field club this afternoon between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock. It Is expected that the entry list will number between fifty and sixty. It will be medal play, with hundlcup. The Beaton trophy must be won three times befdre It becomes the property of the owner. In view of the sharp competi tion whlcn was experienced In the recent tourney at the club much Interest Is at tached to the outcome of this July event. Besides this play there will he a match between the four players who tied for the l"ver cup In the recent tourney. E. A. Cope, B, L. Kemper, J. H. Porter and Dr. Sherraden will play off the deciding games. Many of the local habitues of the golf course are watching, and imt without un usual Interest, the prngicxs of the Chicago tournament, which Is under way at the Glent'lew course. A. J. Christie, tho In structor at the Field club. Is taking port In th big meet there and bis friends are hopeful for his success. Washont tin Hock. Islnnd. BEATRICE, Neb.. July 8. (Special Tele gram.) Because of a bad washout on the Rock Island road near Topeka, Kan., sev eral main line trains were. run through thla city today. Goinf for Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Don't put yourself in this man's place, but keep a bottle of this rcmnly in your faoine. It is certain to be needed sooner or later and when that time comes you will need it Mly; ytt will need it quickly. Buy it now. It may save life. Price, 2o cental Urge siac, 60 cent. PEfirntiUfL SKILLS V 4( (VIA f i iii uksi j-.n.!Js.i tn 111 it a t ! l fsiue) rill, ..( m.'-.i. i wlher Hi ft) fra)' ! lMat-IHltlintl it ltd laVttft- M.l ( I J 1 1 Bg i l. .r arl. I 4.'. 4 !!-, I'll ' I t-Ht r. 'I tnit Hiatal mt "l. rllrl r. I Mllia,f. t-.iv. ii r liirtf .lull, t " ' ti''- IJ . ... i'ij tHH ANDWOTJIERa 1 1 ni 'k I li I ir tr oni.vitiri diat tiiio ibtsaiiiuiitttuuff ! way. askrM-4l trrtlatlout ir uUritaM ( vt in iwbrUsijk, t Pfil'.in, ad nut naliio Mill ir M M.uouft. aa i niWtar eateeaala I rlekar VUVANlCrtlMKil Vt mi ill )llu 4I.V m i4iwiM tfsVeM - ' Sf .JV. -a, .,-'. KmttM nit t 1 11 're