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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1904)
12 TITE OMAITA DAILY REE: SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1904. TOMORROW THE MOST NOTABLE SALE OF THE' YEAR w. a1 m w m m m m m m mm a a mm m r m m m a m ri a m -mm mm m mar is a I Ijpi llf I I I ft I f i r V X r i A I I 1 1 l I 32 E. 23RD ST. MEW YORK, WHO RETIRED FROM BUSINESS. mis The Most Fashionable Goods fromtheGreat$35,000 Stock of Mme. Macheret. II 111 u... -f I I' 1 I J 6? S Absolutely the most Elegant Silks, Dress Goods and Costumes Ever Shown in Omaha. THE CHOICEST GOODS FROM MADAME MACIIERET'S NEW YORK STOCK INCLUDING ELABORATE DRESS SILKS, SHEER DRESS MATERIALS, UNMADE RODES, DRESS GOODS, IMPORTED MODEL DRESSES, OPERA CLOAKS AND GOWNS. npHE establishment of Madame Macheret, 32 E.. 23d street, New York, catered to a fashionable trade that demanded the best and most exclusive fabrics and gowns that could be produced. The quality of the fabrics employed in the making of the gowns was as renowned as the gowns themselves. This stock which we show Monday is fresh from one of the greatest styJe centers on the continent. Many of the most elaborate and elegant patterns, heretofore regarded as extreme luxuries are so priced during this sale that they are well within the limiti f the ordinary shopper's purse. It is a sale and a style event of a most extraordinary and important kind. SALE BEGINS MONDAY MOIJNING. All of the chiffons and mousseline de sole, In all colorsincluding . white and black Fifty-Cent quality will go at, per yard All of the sheer crepe chiffon cloths, 45 inches wide, In plain colors evening shades, worth one dollar and twenty-five cents, xhoice, per yard. ...... Floral designs in printed nets, silk embroidered satin stripe mous 1 seline de sole for evening gowns and summer dresses will go at, per yard $2.50 Sheer Dress Materials at 98c Yard In the most exquisite designs imported by Madame Macheret, in mousseline silk chiffons in printed effeets, every one of these new this season, all sheer goods for party, gowns and reception costumes, a chance to get Im ported exclusive patterns for the coming inauguration Audi torium ball, at a fraction of the price that Madame Macheret sold these materials for in New York City , J5c 49c 69c Elegant Unmade Robes $10-$25 All of the unmade robes and evening gown patterns, containing 7 to u yards or exceptionally wide materials, go from $10.00 to $25.00 for the entire pattern 98c Dressmakers Taffeta a.t 69c $1.28 guaranteed dressmak er's taffeta at 69o. All of Madame Macheret's taffetas In blaotc and colors, which are exclusively manufactur ed for the high class dress mak ing trade go In this sale, at lanuiaubur 69c Silks for Shirt Waist Suits All of Madame Macheret's Imported high class silks for fancy shirt waists, fanoy taf fetas and Loulsene brilliants In brown and navy grounds with small shot and Jacquard effects, also messallne taffe tas in plain f r io $1.50 Dress Goods at 39c a Yard 4.11 of the short lengths and odds and ends from Madame Macheret's work room, comprising many Wgn cost materials In 44 and 50-inch Panamas, Sicilians, Coy ert cloths, serges, etamlnes and voiles. In black, creams, blues, browns and reds, In lengths from 2 to 5 yards, many pieces to match, enough for walking skirts and entire suits. These materials are actually worth up to f 1.50 yard choice on bargain square, at, per yard $2.00 Dress Goods at 69c a Yard These Include all Madame Macheret's best fabrics of this season's styles in diaphanous crepes, etamines, canvas cloths, eoliennes and chiffon crepes, Sicilians, black, white and all colors, enough for skirts and dresses ' $3.00 Dress Goods at 95c a Yard This embraces the highest class goods imported to this country. Fin et tailoring cloths, Venetians, Amazon cloth, pastel broadcloths, chiffon voile, chiffon cloth, silk and wool crepes, Sicilian melange, eoliennes, etc., for party and street dresses.. . . . , 39c 69c 1 i 95cr IMPORTED MODEL DRESSES, OPERA CLOAKS & GOWNS FROM MADAME MACHERET'S $35,000 STOCK Elaborate street gown, by Mme. Macheret. New CAQ York, regular price 1125, our price 4) wjJ Pastel Blue Velvet evening wrap by Worth, Paris vf CI Madame Macheret's price $150, our price ymZJ Chiffon Velvet evening gown, by Worth, Paris CflC lace and onyx spangle Madame Macheret's price f 275, 14) 15 J Pearl Grey Embroidered Velvet three-piece suit, C7C by O'Hara, New York Madame Macheret's price $200, P i Black Velvet Hand-appliqued Three-Piece Suit, by O'Hara, (New York) Madame Macheret's price $175 Elaborately Trimmed Black Lace Evening Gown, by Doucet, (Paris) Madame Macheret's price $200 our price Black Lace Net Gown, over whit chiffon and silk, by Paquln C? Q (Paris) Madame Macheret's price $200 our price 14) Or Blue Chiffon Evening Gown, trimmed with thread lace, by Paquin (Paris) Madame Macheret's price $175 our price.... ,$75 $59 $59 Voile street suits, by Mme. Macheret, New York, regular price $150, our price Black Velvet Evening Wrap, by Beer, Paris Mme. Macheret's price $150, our price $59 $39 lit - . upera wrap, cuampagne and chiffon velvet, by COG Modes, Paris Mme. Macheret's price $i25, our price ...... spjrlj Crepe gown, by Mme, Macheret, New York, regular , price $150, our price .. Unfinished Evening Gowns All the unfinished gowns in Madame Macheret's stock valued as high as $100 each, all go at , Special Sale of Watches De"f.,ry $29 Omt'i ' Deuber-Hampden, t0 . year (old filled cam watches- wit h IT Jewel Waltham ad Justed movement Jewelers' price m at.... 14.50 Ladle' enameled chatelaine watches fino movement, pin to match, colore red, green, blue. jeweler' Price M at 3.49 Ladles' sterling silver chate laine watches fins Swiss moYvment. per fect time piece 2.49 dents 14k void filled case watchei wear 10 years, fitted with 17 Jewel Rock ford adjusted move ment. Jewelers' price $20, special' -warranted to 14.50 Gents' 14k cold filled case watches, 30 years guar antee, fitted with ,17 Jewel Columbus, O. ad justed movement. Jewelers' price $30, special at 14.50 Laces From the Dressmaking Stock Great lota of trimming laces from the dressmaking stock superb net top lacea Venice galloons, point llerre, real Olunys, black silk wood fibre lacea some of the most exquisite laces imported by Mme. Macheret from Calais, France. . worth up to 1.50 yard, r25c-50c-69c All orer laces from the dress making stock all over black silk netB, up to 45 inches wide, dotted and plain laces that are worth up to two dollars, at, yard -xuuea mat 98c Venice laces for making entire waists in white, cream and and ecru, black silk laces, Plat vals and Point Gauze worth up to two dollars a yard ywdgo.r.t..p.e::.69c-i.39 .$39 Tailored Suits From Maicheret Stock : All the exquisite tailor made suits from Madame Macheret's great stock made of voiles, oanvas cloths, imported novelty materials, C ft fk ' etc., that were sold at $50 and f 75the very newest J? L creations, at... matM -j Handkerchief Seconds at 2c Each 12Jc A special sale of ladles' and men's handkerchiefs all linen, all widths of hems the tiny flaws cannot be noticed worth up to 35c each, at, each Ql fift I Aril Regular $1.00 quality veils many with chenille $i.uu iaaies dot8in the pretty Bpring Bhades CCh Veils at 59c peelaUt, each $jtC Bargains in the Basement Monday Btandard Shirting Prints, llfht styles, yard , 2k Standard Press Prints, mill lengths, yard 32c 7hambray, seersucker and dress ginghams, yard 6ic Fine India Llnon. mill lengths, yard 5c Drapery Swiss, full pieces, yard 8ic Bummer Lawns, batiste and dimities, 1 yard 2C One big table full pieces Minerva Suitings, chanibray styles, at 7ic Special Sale of India. Linons An extraordinary sale of India linons in full bolts not renr nants all perfect in every way bought very cheaply and jfcld at a. wonderful bargain. 10c 15c Regular lSe quality India llnon, on sale at Regular Ko quality India llnon, pn sale at, yard Oil Regular 19c quality India llnon, ...OiC on sale at, yard f 1 I Very finest grade India llnon, loC often sells at Oc yard, "vl at. yard $175 Wilton Carpets at $1.25 's .'' A very special sale of fine Wilton Carpets JT f ' with and without borders a large and Zp J 3 ' handsome line of late spring patterns they . are regularly priced at $1.75 a yard epe- '. cial in our carpet department ati yard. . . . . A great display of the newest q and In all late patterns on sale lnj $25 Model Hats ad $10.00 Great Offer of the Famous Joseph Pattern Hats for Monday We have just purchased 80 superb model hats from Charles Joseph, ?th Ave. and 30th St., New York. Joseph imports and designs the most exquisite pattern nats shown in America. We tv fi secured these fine hats at an extraordinarily low price, which enables us to offer the choice of the assortment Monday in our new pattern rooms, at ......... Trimmed Hat Special at $7.50-A tunning array or wen new nat the most recent copies of high cost imported far r models.the most fashionable shapes M D U 'nd the prettiest garniture a large n A attractive assemblage, tomorrow Ready-to-wear Hats at $2.08 A charming new assortment of street and ready-to-wear hats, 98 made of the pretty new colored straws, effec- Sjrrrs t i ij a -1 1 4. x A mmm iivciy trimuiou, an ucwoui lucdo, ab. ....... Our Renowned $5 Trimmed Hats The. new shapes in bsndsome flower bats, turbans end toqnee graoeful models, trimmed with dainif U. r.isea. buds, etc. the new snrlnff colors bar- S7 moniously blended such haU as you would ex pect to pay tlO for Monday '5 Boys' Spring Suit Sale la Boys' Clothing Dept.. Third Floor. Boys' all-wool Suits at $1.98-Great offer of boys' and child spring Suits good, durable and stylieh mue suits iorscuooi ana dress wear new patterns and colors choice Monday at Boys' Spring Suits at $2.50 A spe cial lot of spring suits in a variety of the late styles all stoutly fashioned and made for sensible every-day CA wear, seams sewed .with strong JOXj thread excellent bargain . . . . i Suit Special at $2.98 Scores of spring suits for boys and children QQ all sizes new patterns JrZJ(j Boys' $5 and $6 Suits at 3.45 Including every late style sailor blouses, sailor Norfolks, double-breasted, three- piece suits, etc. all the best and swellest styles for the little fellows very special at... Ball and Bat Free With Every Boy's Suit. i if Hass 3.45 arpets and rugs in all grades basement at special prices. 1 - fjilGi flMFlEt Special Sale of Linens 10o doilies at, Ofi each 60 Turkish weeh , f I olotbs, st. lOo rsy linen towel- " C lnr. Yard e 6O0 soarls end shams, eaoa.... '60 scarfs end bams too scarfs, lunch cloths and oenter 25c 39c 49c 11.60 lunch olotbs Q . end scarfs st, ea.. OC 1 feet color, turker red fringed tebls rn cloths, each 01 C 860 extra hesry full bleached table 1f damask, yard IJC Extre special sale pattern table cloths 75c $. $1.25 and S2.SO Special Sale of Pictures Cabinet Photo Frames with four, flvo yfl or six openings, worth 680 eaoa, TC at The Younar Mother" picture, large fl size, with oval green mat and ornamental IM0 J gilt frame, at Anna Held Fencing GlrU-ntted with TQA green and black frames, rejular price up JJ W VSo, a .j Crayon Portrait Frames, 18x30, com- Q pleie, with flasa and beok, worth S1.16, ZJ(jC at. 50c Knee Pants, fl and $1.25 Ma 89o blue denim strictly all dras shirt CA Brownie wool at..wsC waists., JUL overalls at eC COo Boys' 8hlrt Waists, Indian and cow boy 60o Boys' and Mother's 4 to 16, made 1f shlru, com- 70 Friend WalsU, f f ..."c rsrrjfsf.ttoc :k.:....I5c f m a