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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1904)
THE OMAITA DAILY PEE: BUXDAY, MAY I, 1004. 11 GRAIN A5D PRODUCE MARKKT Tilde Snipndd, Speculation tod Caih Euineat Bo h Being Light LABOR TROUBLES ON LAKE ARE FEARED Beeelpts Art Short . aa Sobs Sample Ar Held Over oa betaaaa ml Wetter Price. OMAHA. April 10, 19"4. Th Omaha train market today was In a tat of supenlon. ihe speculative busi ness amounted to very little and th emu business was not large. Three car only were sold. The Chicago quotations were also of little Interest. Tn fluctuations war small and led to neither aavauces nor weakening. Th labor troubles which are expected In the lake shipping are the most important thins; to be considered now. In corn. It a Btrlk eomea, th effect undoubtedly will b bearish, but In wheat It probably will hav the reverse effect. If hipplng is t.ed Up, Dululh will be shut out troin tne east ern millers, b-auiie the all-rail charge would be rents more than the all-rail Charge east from Chicago. In this case, a demand will be created In the latter mar ket, Chicago Friday sold tu,uM bushels ot ro. l northern, to be shipped east to mill era by rail at from e to fco over the May In store. The same buyers took 2a.lfM No. I hard winter at May and io.ow No. 1 hard at private prices. The New York millers report a lltue better demand, amounting to auoui nan output, ana tney are running ai that rate.. Milwaukee sold more flour Fri day than for the whole of ADril. apolls la somewhat stronger. No. 1 north ern sold there at I cents over the May and No. 1 north, n at lVc over. The Minneap olis stocks of wheat have f.ecreaaeu in the week "ijO.OOO bushels and Friday decreased 16v,0o0 bushels. Of the stock of ll.Hi7.UM bushels, 4.600,000 bushels are No. 1 northern. The crop news i'riuay waa bullish and the statlsiln bearish. The American and European price are out of line. They must eventually get together, and there seems small chance of the European coming up, with th large stocks on that side and the large world's shipments and no help from this side. .Australia ships 1,224.000 bushels of wheat. Competent authorities now place th Oklahoma crop chance at 8u per cent of last year and Kansaa Is pledged for 9u, OOOOno bushels. The range Id price of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close today and criuay were a lollows: Open. High. Low. Today. Fri. Wheat-- May July Corn Mar July Oats May July BepL . 81 8? 82 8:vB 82 B itr 76 70 3 76HB H 4S 44 B 40 B 4H H 46B 46U 4"i3 40B StU tiU 30 B 30 A ...... 74 ...... 4 V Local Cask Grata Market. Receipt were light today and soma ot th sample were held over owing to a higher price being dun 1 red. The tendency nf corn waa toward better prices. Receipts were: Wheat, 12 cars in and li cars out: one week ago, 1 and it cars. Corn, 17 cars In and 7 cars out; one week ago, 6 and 14 cars. Oats, ( cars In; one week ago, 4 cars out. Chicago received only 4 carl more wheat than Omaha. WHEAT No. 2 hard, ",K5c: No. I hard, 81 83c; No. 4 hard. 7i7oc; No. 2 spring, bJuoo; -No. spring, SiMc; No. 4 spring, - V WKM-KO. 1, 4748C; No,' X, 4ftff46ttc; No. 4. 44U4Mc: no grade, S6u4oc; No. I yellow, 449o; No. S yellow, 46y47yc; No. I white, 47w4iu; No. 1 white, 46ru-47c. OATS No. 2, 40&lo; No. 3, 4tf3Hc: No. 4, 873"JSc; No. I white, 40fc-41e; No. 8 white, S!fc4uo, No. white, Joc; standard, 4uti 4lc Kates; frosa tfca Eicksagt Offlcee. . John Brady of Atkinson waa an exchange visitor. - Omaha inspection of grain were 84 oar. Ot wheat 1 car graded No. t hard, ears No. 4 hard and 1 car no grade. Of corn I oar graded No. 2, 8 cars No. 8. I car No. 4 and 1 car No. t yellow. Of oats 4 oars graded No. '4 white and I car no graae. ui ry i car graded No. 3. Orala Market ISlaewher. Closing price of grain today and Fri day at th market named war as follows: V CHICAGO. Wheat July Corn- Today Frt. . MHB 8HA . 80V4B iWA ..48UU HB Sept. .... July BepL .... Wheat July Sept. ... Ccrn July Bept. .... Wheat July ..... Sept. .... Wheat - July Sept. Wheat July Sept. 48 teti KANSAS CITY. .... 74 .... 71 .... 43 .... 42 83 B 74V M B s2A ' MINNEAPOLIS. .... BJ1U Bltl DULUT1L , 81V4B 0iB NEW YORK. . 0X 81a , S4 B K0 A tniCAOO GRAl ASD PUOVI8IONS. Fcataree af iba Trading; aad Closing; Prices aa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, April SO. Reiterated report of extremely barren wheat Melds throughout the Onto valley were chiefly responsible for strength in the wheat market tky In the face of favorable weather. The July op tion closed al a net gain of He. Corn Is down vte, OBts are up VtO and provis ions are. off 2H4i7Hc. Indtff&rVnt cuu;en and brilliant weather throughout the .north west and southwest caused an earner tone in wheut al the op ening, the July delivery being down He at thc. The close waa firm and near the high point- Final quotation on July were at (fitfc, after the price hud touched 85H9 fcoQ.. May ranged between Mlo and Duo, dosing at SW?. Clearances of wheat and rtenr were euiuti to i.,jo uu. primary re onrot were iiu.lOO bu.. against 83.600 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts or tue cars, compared Wtth M curs last .week and, iul cor a year tao. ' Th corn market acted heavily all day, bat there wua very little change In prices until lute In the session. July opened un changed to a shade higher at 4Me to 4SHTI 4tc, sold between 47!o and 4S'64SV, and ol.ned at 4tj4SSe. May ranged between and 4,1'. closing at 4oSe. Local re cetpta were 157 car, with li of contract grid. There wag snm good buying in oat early in the day. The close, however, waa firm. July opened Wo lower at c, sold up to iKWc ana closed at 8ta. May sold between 4oHJ and 4o'&41o. and closed at 4Cc. Local m-elDts were b2 cars. The principal buxlneas In provisions was in the way of changing from May to July, Hlthough there waa some IKiuUl Mlon through commission houst-s. Indications are for Increased hog receipts, which acted aa a depressing Influence. The close waa raster, with July Dork down 7 at lit ST u. Juy lard waa off 6(j7Hc at ti 47, and ribs were down zsynac at .m The leading future ranged aa follows: Articles Open. Hlgh.l Low. 1 Close. Yes y Wheat Way ft July b July a Sept, b aept. (KtifjWi 80 8.r 8s tH, Wl 84', M Si 84 4'1 4, 4S 4'4j,4j- fY4 47i 44 H 4SiSV Corn t I Alay July 4ts Suly fpt. JuJ Xrd eUy July, ;My July 4T 8 4A 40H 8V 8 31 8Ss 31 11 72S U 11 KV 11 8TH, 11 TSH U WVai U vIVsl u w ( 60 ti yi u e 2V &2S 72V to 64 B7H 75 87H 7U ( 80 ( (74 to UU in,! 4-'-, 6 6: 35 3711 g is 4!H! 45 I 46 No. 3. a Old. b New. ' Cash Quotations were aa rnllnwa- FlAll'R Steady; winter tent,' 4.T0f 9 mi: straigiii. n.7vtw; spring patent, HJl'. stralghU. 33 Id; bakera. J? Srf-l 30. WHEAT No V 10694c: No. -L Kf1VU- vA . XRN-Nu. X. 474&4Axc; No. 3 yellow Us:-. OATS-No. I. 4tSf41Vc: No. t White, 4SV-V P.ARLEY-Oood f-edlng, 3vtj$Vc; fats to V. II 1 mail. KJ JW. SKKDS r 1 flax. 31.01; No. 1 northwest contract grs1e. i. BYE No. t 70c IROViaiO.Na-Mes fork, fr bbL. tU.80 em, tlK4: prime tlmothv. tl.96; clover, rll.: I.rd, per lflo iHi , t 5vo ,2H. Sh'.rt libs sides, (loose; I Ot3.20; short clear sides, (boned i M..V)ft.7S. The following were the receipts and shipments of Hour and rnrn: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 17.JO 17.S Wheat, t)u l.i) JO.1'10 Corn, bu l'. l"2.i0 Oats, bu So 0 liH.S'iO Rve, bu l.' i.fflf) Barley, bu S4.l0 .00 tn the Produce exchange today the but ter market wss steady; creamery. MS'.!"! dairy, 3'q7. Eggs, steady at mark, eases included, lVf'lH'. Cheese, easy, KiflOHc OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadltloa at Trade aad Qaotatloaa aa Staple aad Kaney Predaee. EGGS Kecelpta, liberal; market ady fresh stock, l&Vac; Including cases, lie. LIVE I'UL'lTaY Hens, loc; roosters, 8tfl)c; turkeys, 13c; ducks. 9c; geese. 8c. R UTTER 1'acklng stock, UVic; choice to fancy dairy, ibite; sprator. Cc. FRESH FISH Trout. 951"c; picksret H 4jNN pike, ; perch, IxUb'-ye; biuertsh, 15c; whitetish, Tfclwc; salmon, lie; haddock, loc: cod Ssh, 12c; redanapper. llci lobster, boiled, per lb., 40c; smoked whltnsh. llci bull. I.eads, lie, catflah, U'Jlicj black basa, fOo: halibut, lie; crapples, 12c; herring, 4V; ahlte bass. 13c, Muenns, 8c; smelts. 104J11; finnan haddles, smoked. e; roe shad, 75c; shad roe. ic; small cmcoee. I'jc. OT8TKRS New fork counts, per fn, 42c; per gal., fZ 00; exira eeleot, per an. 86c; per gal., 81.75; standard, per can. 27o; per gl . $l.fefil40. KRAN 1'er ton. 319 on. HAT Prices niinte.: by Omaha Wio!e' realers" association: Choice No. 1 upland. $8.60; No. 2, 8.O0; medium, 87.60; coarse, $7.00; rye straw. 86 80. These prices are for hay or gocd color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice, all slies, $2. JO; fancy navels, all aisea, h ij. LEMONS California, fancy, W t 240.; choice, 240 to 270 sixes, 8J.ftvw4.25. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton. (6o Imported Hmyrra, H-orown, 12c; e-crown, 14c; 7-erown, 16. BANANAS l'er medium sixed bunch. 82.uu2.g; Jumbev 32.764982b. OAT KB-l'ersian, per box of 80 pkga., C: per lb. In 40-lb boxes, so; Oriental stuffed dates, per box, $2.4 COCOANUTS-Per sack. 84.00; per do, toe. APPLES Orecon anor red. Dr box. 81.M; New York export Greenings, Kuaaets ana iiai'iwins, i.w. BTRAWBEKftlfca Texas, pr 24-0. t. 83.ya.o. VEQETABLEB. POTATOES-Colorado. 81.24; Dakota, per bu., 8I.2U; new Bermuda potatoes, per bbl.. $6.00; early Ohio seed, northern, per bu. 31.25. NAVT nr.lKs.Ptr hu t2.ai2a. ONIONS Spanish, per crate. $1.80; Ber muda, per bo-io. orate, xuu. CAUBAQE California, per lb., to. Ciri CMBKRS Per doa.. 81.2&. TOMA'foEH Florida, per -baaket crate. fancy, $11.00; choice, 31.75. RADISHES Per dos. bunches. 50. LETTL'CTE HEADS Per doxen bunches, 31.26; top lettuce, per dosen, 4(uun. TLRMPa Boumau per oox., . BEETS Southern, per doa., 75c. CARROTS Southern, per do.. 7SO. PARSLEY Per dog., 0J46c. BPIN ACH Per bu.. tLOOalJi. BEANS We:. vf bu. box. 3100: string. per bu. box. 33.00. Ao t A haul a rer oox ui one uuu boxes, $2.60. URKKN PEPPERS Pr (-basket crate, 32.00. . KUU plant per aox., ii.w. ByUASH Florida summer, per do., 11.00. MISCELLANEOUS. rHKESK-Wisconsin twins, full STMa. Swiss, lc; Wisconsin brick, l&c; Wlsconain llmberger, lie. . ClDtR-Per bbl.. $6.50; per H bbl.. 38.2S, Utah and Colorado, per 84 frames, 3X0u, MA Pi. hi HliOAU-oiuo, per id., inc. HI DEB No. l BTeen. tci No. i green, lei No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 suited. c; No I veal calf, $ to 14 lbs.. Ic; No. 1 veai calf, 12 to 15 lbs., tHc; dry salted hides, 8Uo; sheep pelts, 24i27e; horse hides, 81.60tl3.MI. 1IU1.BE. lALJLaii rrr vase v. m uvkoj packed. 80e. - ' NUTS Walnut. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; bard shell, per lb., 14o: No. 1 soft shell, per io., jjc; iio. x nara sneu. per id., us, pecans, large, per lb., 12o; mail. per lb, 10c: peanuts, per )b to; roasted peanuts, per ID., 8c; Chill walnuts, 1213Hc; Urge hickory nuta, per bu., 31.40; Braslls, per lb., 11c; filberts, per lb., lie; almonds, soft shell, per id., ism; tiara nu, ic; aneu barks, per bu., $2.00; black walnut, per bu., 31.26. NEW YORK UESEBAL MARKET atatloa at th Day a Varloa i Commodities. KEW TORK. Anril 30. FLOUR-Receipts. 12.72S bbls.; exports, 3.389 bbls.; sales, i.&M htiis. Market dun ana witnoui ieaiure, Minnesota patents. 85.006.26; Mlnneaota bakers', $4.0o-4.; winter straights, $4,809 , .... I . . -1 .-Sh, im. l n . . Ini. e-w; winter Hiiai, ao.t"..w. .w grades. $3 lotiS so. Rye Hour, Inactive; fair to good, 34.lfrW4.36; choice to fancy, $4.6a 4-'0- CORNSSaTAlr-Bteadv: yellow western. $1.10. kiln dried, $2.9oj3.10. HIE uulet; ISO. 3 western, loo spot. BARLjJY Steady; feeding, 4!tc. c. I. f. New Tork; malting, 66tiloc. c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT-Recelota. 3.UII0 bu.: sales. 1.6U0.. 000- futures. Boot nnrt: No. red, $1.04. ele- vator, il.tBwi.v i. o. u. anoat; ino. i nortn- ern, luiuth, wo, r. o, o. anoat; o. J Manitoba., nominal, f. O. b. afloat. Op tions ruled generally strong. The close was Htt'Sc net higher; ftiay, iejsM'c, ciosea tu-Vc: Julv. KiaO 9-l6: closed StiHc: Sep tember, 83tJ4Wc, closed 4o; December ciosea 84c. CORN Receipt, none; exports, 1.7. a bu. elevator, ant) 65Vtc, f. o. b. afloat; No. t yellow, nStc; No. 1 white, 68c. Options dull and featureless; May closed at Bb0, Julv cloaed at i6Vc. OAT14-Receipts, 4.iiu du; exports, ju,a bu. Spot market steady; mixed, 26 to S3 I hit AMiMAc: natural white. 30 to 82 lbs.. 4n9 4!c; clipped white, SK to 40 lb., 61560. Op tion market nominal. HAY Steady ; Mupping, o iuc ; gooa to Choice, MVo'-toc. TAlJLow Slow; city (81 per package), 4c; country (package free), 4HS4V. MDrH uuiet: state, coiinuuii iu unuiue. 1903, J6V3&c; 190S, Kllific; olds, Mfl4f; Pa cifto coast. lSui, S4uc; 103, 33t0 olds, Ubil4e. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 3Si tj 'Wc; Japan, nominal. W11JI!. oteaay ; uaiveston,. Bt to at iua.. 18c; California. 21 to-26 lbs.. lc; Texas, dry. 14 to SO Iba, 14c. . . PlioVISlONB Beef", steady; family, 89SO lO.lo; beef hams, 20 0SjIl.l0; jweket, 3i W T l7 1TIJITQ.kllaa.1it m a Tl'irmu; city etra inula mess, tia.uuu io iju. ut meats, dull: pickled bellies. $6.74i7Su; shoulders, WW; hams, .WD W.uo. Ldrfi western steamed, $7.6; refined, weak, con tinent 87.00: comnound. $6.254l6.S7H. Pork easy; family. $14 50: short clears, $lS.2fctf J4.ia; mess, i.'ai4.w. BITTER Steady; fresh creamery, llff Il'-io; state dairy, common to choice, 11 tilr CHKt-BU yuiet; state, run cream, large and small, tnncy, Bepiemuer, iT,tic, eoorl rrime. vntito. EGOa Irregular; western firsts, 18c; storage selections, 18H. I'OL ii uv auv ana oressea, nominally unchanged. f Kaaea Clly Grata aaef Provlaloa. KANSAS CITY. April SO. WHEAT May, lrvc: Julv. 74tT4c: SeDtember. 707c caah. No. 3 hard. SlnS-Je: No, 8. 8o.yc; No. 1 red. 31.01: No. 1. Sactu1.00: recvinta. 31 ears. itiita-f. i-".c: Juiy, .iv:tj'c Heu- tember, 42,c; caah. No. 1 mixed. iVVaHc. No. l. 4iti4iVtc; no. s whits, etixc; iso. , 47lf(4,'. oats No. I wmte, 4ic: no. I tnixea, stxy HAY Steady; choice timothy, $10.$d lion; choice prairie, 38.ZHI-bu. RYE No. I, 64 o, 411 "TTV.f. rrAmrv 11t. alrv 17e EGOS Bteady; Mlasourt and Kansas, cases returned, 14c; No. 1. white wood cases included. UM. Receipt. Shipments. Wheat bu 24 ) Ili0 Corn, bu 14f V.W Oat, bu &.000 t,Qt PHIIADEI.PHIA. April SO Bt'TTER Fair demand; extra western creamery, 2Sc exira nearby prlnta, 27c. EGG Steady, good inquiry; fresh nearby anu wuui.oiTii ii, iii: m mira fresh western, lsc; fresh southern. 17c. CHEESE Unchanged; New York full creams, choice to fancy, IoijW'hc: Nee York full creams, fair to good, tlrc xlllwaakea tirala Market. MltAVAl'KEE. April SO W H E AT Flrra No. 1 northwestern. Wruc- No. 1 north western. t97c; old July, SV8So bid. BtE- PI nil : No. 1. 73c. B ARLaTV Firm ; No. t 63c; asm pi. 419 CORN -Firm; N 8, 0ic; July. 48$) 4Sc bid. " Mlaaeaaoll Grata Market. MIN'NEAPOII8. April 30 WHEAT- May, l?,lV; July. IHc; September 81o. (In track: ISO. nara. -c; II i 'i I it i r, wi1, . ... .... . ... , F1X1 R llrt patents. $4.'aiVO0: second patents, 84.Maisu: nrat Clears. M seonndl rlvar. KJHin BRAN-U bulk. 3lftl-Sft , Pearla Grata Market. PEORIA. April 30. CORN-Steady; No. 3. aa.. a, Kwa iNEW YORK STOCKS ANDBOXDS Bank EtaUment, oaly Howl of Day, Eioitet Languid XntTft NO SIGN OF LIFE IN INVESTMENT DEMAND Abaadaae af Moaey Keeas th Mar. ket Free frees Aay Pressor af Selilaa; ta Praeara Cash Researeee. NEW TORK. April SO.-The hank tate- menx was the only news of the day with I any Important bearing on the stock mar- I set, ana It wss accented with lanaul.l in. tereat. This wna tmrllv .ln In h I .. mo eiaiemeni was not an accurate snowing of actual condition. An In- uiuuin a email one in Tne f i I eat gold! export on record Is an anomaly In P. ... ,,, ,ilrT wrm ui tne iarg- i itseir. It la partly explained by the fact I jnai in statement doe not redact the I 83.iOO.OW) shinment of eold that went nut I toasy and which will be carried over Into I next wee as statement. Een a lnwlne- fur this, the cash reserve Is more than 3A000.. 0i0 better than waa estimated from th known movements nf mAnev p.ali nfih. J given a me explanation ' 'I'-'i.;. 1 lie increase in tne loan item was not I greater than expected in view of the weak TSllroad note imaie Further laanea are I expected and th niacins- nf the 137 fine ri I .cw inn city loan is expected to anect the loan Item till further . There ha been no sign of life In the hMim..i ........ . i - i.. i. I i I,, ueiunnu " t n . ir. n una w r-T" I. i nd price have drifted sluggishly under I mo limn operations or tne naoituai trade i In vain attempt to make profit in and out I of the market. The ease and abundance I oi money Keeps tne market free rrom any I t t'o Dresanre .f mn H ti w tn tmpup. ai I Illlnola Centra sources and those who are not obliged to I sell have evarv Ineentlva to keen thlr of- I ferings eft the market in view of Ite small r.nwr rf .hanmlliMi At lh. aama llm. the aKiini4n !wi mm i. k. mmAv m.r. I ec nave proved no inducement to opera- I tors to accumulate stock for speculative i Dumoata. I The week" heavy export of gold which have reached a record have not caused a 1 flue in in money maraei aim no uu-i uuuuon to tne movement oy a nne in in- i icreei rates is inaicaieu st prvaeni. it ib considered probable,therefore, that prac-1 tlcally all of the $40.W0,000 payable to the Panama canal stockholders will go out In I gold. The same abundance of money re-I source 1 found In London, Berlin and I Paris as here and early reduction In the rllaiviunt rtm nt th lmn.rl.1 hank of I flprmanv 1 a .rni.lMl Th. movement nf I gold towards pans in view or tne large resources already at hand there strength- I ens the conviction that the Issue of a large I Russian loan there la imminent. I nonaa nave oeen neavy, out oncee were i steadllv maintained. I'nlted States new 1 fours have advanced A uer cent on call I during the week. Bales. rtign. ijow.t-iose. i Atchison 1.JI.IU I-1! lax i-S I do pfd D V VoH, VO4 eo I Baltimore A Ohio.... do nfd 1,000 7SIH iSSt 79'i I , y7H I Canadian Pacific Km us, ilea its. I Central of N. J Chesapeake Ohio.. Chicago 4k Alton do pfd Chicago O. W 154 600 81 81 84 Til 700 It It " 111 I Chicago dc in. w C. M. A St. P do pfd Chicago T. A T do pfd .-. C. C. C. A St. U... Colorado Southern.... uu i'T' 100 lMi 16H do 1st pfd do 2d nfd 400 -tV 22i 2C4j Delaware A Hudson.. M0 157Vk 157H 157V. D., L ft Western.... tfenver Rio Grande 1J0 MUVij 869Mi it1. 204 69 do cfd Erl ... 251. . 2414 63H ess 8S 88 U 68 24"A do 1st pfd do Id nfd 400 100 100 63Vi 67V4 Hooking Valley do ptd Illinois Central ....... Iowa Central n 86 la do nfd K. C. Southern do cfd 100 86 36 35 L. A N Manhattan V Met, Securities Met. Street Ry Minneapolis A St. L. . M . Bt P. A S. St. M. 600 107H VHi 107Mi 200 142H 142H 14? TTVk 400 112H 112V4 113 oi 200 tl 61 60S do pfd .16 Missouri Pacific ...... 809 100 100 9264 17 $7 ret pii M , K. Texas 17 7 87 KH, do nfd N. R. R. of M. pfd.. N. Y. Central Norfolk Western... do nfd 8t llBU 600 67V4 oi oi Ontario eV Western.... 600 Us . . -. KM JlS 214 Pennsylvania P.. C. C. A St. L... 6,700 117v4 117H 1174 " . Reading 1,600 44H A jow 221. 3H ' 63V4 464 464 ZJt irT 5it f- do 1st prd do 2d cfd Rock Island Co 1.800 do cfd &M St. U A 8. F. 2d pfd. 800 St. Li. Southwestern TL, iJS do Bfd S3 474 844 Southern Pacific .... 1,800 6u0 400 100 4tK) 400 47T4 20',4 6 23 2i 47H 84 23 264 84 92 18 37H Southern Railway... ao pra Texas & Pacific ?.. St. U & Western Z3 do pfd Union Pacific 6,600 84S 84 do Dfd 1UU VI 814 Waboah 6u0 18 do pfd l.soo 88 Wheeling A U B... Wlscoruun Central 17 do ufd ., Vs Adams Bxpresa ... American r-x press. I'. 8. Express Wells-Fargo Exp.. ISO 103 Amal. copper American C. A F... do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil.. 1.200 4HH J0 17H IS.t " i 17Va 17'A " Kni do nfd oo gtk American Ice do pfd 600 IS 17 274 Amer. Unseed Oil. do Dfd Amer. locomotive do pfd 100 81 Amer. 8. R Hn r,M If SAIL DXU. Oi7 Am,r..-n--i-- imJ iVuT iS7 Anaconda M. Co,.i... i... 77 Brooklyn R. T 1,800 , 40 46 4rt 31V Co orndo F. A I Consolidated Ga ' 00 2094 iXi Corn Product , IJ'4 .... 7ovJ do Dfd Planners gecrultlea. Oeneral Electric ...... International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lad 300 160 15944 161 14V4 7B 100 1$H 16H 1H North American Pacific Mull People Gas Pressed Steel Car k 26 87 100 26 87 26 8t 26 do. nfd 71 Pullman Pa lac Car. Republic 8 tee! v do Dfd 42 Rubber Good -. ., 154 do Dfd 77 Tennessee C. A I 4 . d. lyatnw do pfd r. B. Realty aa pro I'. S. Rubber do pfd V. . fteel v. S itV? K74 .TO do Dfd Westlnghouse Elec. W estern l nlon ... ,'eatern 1'nlon ... aoat Total le. for the day. 70.600 .hare. B4tea Stock (taeiatlaa. BOOTON, April 80 Call loan. 1H45H per cent; time loans, W per cent. Official Closing 01 stocas anu nonas: Ateblaoa adj. 4s. tl iWeatlna. aaau. Tt d 4a M.t Caatrsl 4s.... AuklaoV .. AdToaaat .. Ullouaa .. 71,Aaa!(aauas4 .. t Aaeticaa IlaS .,, ..14 lAiUatlc , ..147 Biaekam , ..141 ical. a Haota.... ..Ut Ir.otoonlu ...... .. 4t, Cospar Raag ... ..114 Half Wast . . To Uominioa Coal .. .. 44 I r rank II a .. II Oraa.x .. ft Male ftorala .. 4 ktaas. ktlalng .. Micfctaaa ..114 Matiavk' 4unt. C A C .. 10 Old boaalnloa ... ,. 14 "areola .. t Parma ..M tiuia.f aaaaoe .. II Taasarark , .. M .Trtaily , .. ti'V. . Mining 3 3 41 do pid 1 Poataa Alba ay., ' Boatoa a Malaa..., Hiiatoa Blo.aua) .. Fltekbar pld M.i Coatral N. T.. N. M H Prna Mareuette .... I'aUa faettc Aruar. Arg. Ckea ae ynt iiwr. Paea. Tube Am.r. gagar ao sfd Aaaae. T T. law, Wools ... . Ao fit limlaloa I. .. '.! gla. lllvi. . Oaaaral Klertna . t 40 n ai ! u5 w 1 84 ax I kaaa. glwtr.d do atfd ... Vaaa Uaa t ailed rnall Cited hae Mack. do ptd V. A atoal. do :d Bid. 84 iv t( s. Mi 49 t'tak tt viMerta 10 winooa ..... , tt Walnortn a n Kew York Maaay Market. HEW YORK. April 80. MONEY Oa call. nominal: ao loan a Time loan, easy; 60 days. 2 per cent; 30 days. IS per cent; 6 niontns, r.ra, wuu PRIM B MERaT, 100 77 77 35 100 e4 ri 100 so 80 -rH 6R4 B7 674 a.t""f ii if 800 67 t41 Vi 1"V4 6 M fVS 100 lad 1 1 ANT1LE PAPER-34Jand April. 34 ii, llers; tober, tt TV Al- I .Ik. r.r1 r..m 1 K ' A naniat IIK VaA mrm per cent. STaJtUJSia LCHAJiaB-tady, wttalolhy, prUai, av; &apUtno7, (Ltt ' actual business In bankers" blllx st 34.874 ir-4 for demand and at 8 ft 8F.1O for ao-dar bills; posted rates, 34 Sfr-al.68; com- mercmi rails, w SILVER Bar, mt; Mexican dollars. B KLfa oovernmeni, sieaay; rauroaa, heavy. .. . The Closing quoiauvns en TKirKJS are a follows: f. . ref. 8s. ref....liHiU N. on I. )H 4u eirapoa 1 1 e. g 4a . n I4 Hex. Central 4s n to mapon 1OT 4 It tne U4 do sew . re It! Minn. St. U 4... 4n enuren k. a t. 4s 1" .1WH' do t f .wel. R. R. of M. e. 4. r ,N. T. C. 1. 114a to ei4 4s, nt ., 4o eospon Atfhivoo sa. 4. So mil a N 1. C. s. la UH Atlantic C. L 4a. No. P.clSc 4s 1"H do Jn IJ'i ?. W. e. 4a v a. U 4a par.. .M Pens. eonv. (Wa 1 B. O. 4a ee la C.nlrml ot Oa. Is 1M Inc. (Tea. Ohio 4 '... 101'i Rlinn set nit ritlrafo A A. T, St. L I. M. c. la..Ul raffo a A b. a q C, B. q. n. u... M fit. L. A 8 r. If. 4s. mi C. M. A a. r. a 4.i at. u a. w. la c. a H. w. e. Ta..ix mhoM a. u 4a.... u C. R I. r. 4a.... 7J 9o. Paclflo 4. 1 do eol. la I'i Jo. Inlwir ta 11V Cr r. a 8. L. . 4s..)W"4 Tesaa P. la lit1 Ckisafo Tar. 4a ('H T . St. L. W. 4a.. 7 w- . . . . ,. rolo. a So. 4. aa 4o conr. 48 9 a R. O. 4a V. g Rteol H le.... 7't krte prior Ilea 4s. Wabath la ...11 do sen. 4a F. w. A D. ST do deb. B W. L. B.'4a.. ... T ... at ... w. a D. C. la. ..lot 2 104 IW Is. Ceatral -vuweu. Lasdos Stock Market. LONDON, April .-Closlng: conaola. mon.j . Wla.N. T. Central. ..lit .. 4 .. f'S .. 10k .. ' .. 40 .. U .. II .. IT .. 41 .. .. H .. 11 .. 17 .. It .. It On fci-count Norfolk a W Anacrnda Attain! 4' M dO Bid Ontario A W. An sfd Pt-nnaylvanta . Rand Mines .. Headlnit do IK fd , do Id Bid. 8n. Railway . do pfd .... So. Paclflo ... Vnlon Pacific do pfd .... U. I. Steals. j do pfd .... Wabaak do pfd .... Baitlmon. a "hlo J,:"""':'' -"" thaa. A Ohio. i X ctt0 a at p' t.. m. a st. r . .. 14 ..147H .. 7ti .. l' .. TS4 .. W .. 40 .. 40 sneers d. A R. b!..'.' ao pfd Brie do lit pfd.. .134 !f ult 1iM0 ' K- T IT 110 IT r ' i' S-i 1 r, quiet, zd per ounce. M OlS K XV4r34 Der Cent. The rate of discount In the Orjen market ui uma is ier cent; ior inrse ."ina oms, a o-inu-t per win, " York Mlnlns; Stocks. NEW TORK, April 30. The following ar me cioaing prices on mining stocxs: Adams Con .......... 10 Little Chlaf .... I ....I7i ....tso .... II .... a .... M .... u , Alice M Breeoa ',. is Ontario Oi'hlr Potoal Sarase Sierra If evade Small llopee . Standard Bmnawlrk ron 4 Cooiatock Tunnel .... t Con. cl. vs ir.5 J4""1 "T,r !"'" "J ls"ll COB I n.... attram NEW TORK, April 80. The statement of average of the clearing house banks of this city for the week show: lanaj $1,048.-, increase, u.iiwir aeDoaita. 11.114. 367.SH0. increase. 81.1)93.400: circulation, fix 7W.7i'. increase. H.I.T'H: leaal tenders. 17rL. 63H.700, Increase S1.149.1-JO; specie r.36, 196, 5-10, un-irnsc, .-i,wv, irnfivc, aoii,oro,a. v, in- creuae, aiw.r"'; reaerve retiuirea. s'B.&nl.Sua, III irnoc. ,i,od,imiv, wuiuius, poo, UC- crease, $l.06.4o0; ex-t. nlted State deposits, etl,lDi,o, uevifuae, si,vif,DOU, Bank Clearlaaa for th Weak. OMAHA. April 80-Comparatlve atate- I ment of bank clearing for the week: 1904. ISO. Monday $I,6S3.728.4S 31.2117,451.13 T-. ...I . 1 Ola AO. , ... w a. Wednesday 1,264. 7'X.26 1.5S6.2O0.40 I Thursaay i.z40.iio.ui l.2f,6(W 34 rTlday l,zx,046.6 1.3H6.239 81 Saturday 1.270,618.77 1.806,433.02 A decrease ot $24,6ao.SI from th oorre- I spunuing week last year. Wool Market, BOSTON. ADril 80. WOOL-Market for pulled wools quiet; foreign wool show I inure activity. Ieadlna uuotatlons are: Idaho, i1Vlx:; Heavy ine, loral3Vkc: line medium, iwuluy,c; raealum, i6&lVci low me. I alum, litfisc. Wyoming, hue, 14Vi'ulic; I heavy fine. U-'ulZ-: fine medium. IkwioVm:: I medium. IMhISil: low medium, lalulsc. I!iuh 100 130H 1804 lSOtltand Nevada, Che, MHdfUa:; heavy fine, lft "ifi mi. iiirvii uni , iotv1w , mraium, loi Ilia;; low medium, ifrii'Juc. Dakota, line, lmtf I 16c; fine medium. ImiIHw: medium, lsuilitc: low medium. Wa'loc. Montana. Una choice. lifallc: line average. IitflHc: dne medium. I choice. Isul9c; average, ibVal7c; staple, Utji Hoc: medium choice, lo&flso. : LONOON, April 3u. W OOL Trading I I quiet penning uie opening or vne third I series nf auction sales on May 8.- The ar- rivals for Ihe fourth series of aalva amount I to a.iVD Dtues, including ,oou lorwarded I oirect. i n import during the week were New South Wale. 1,496 bales; Queensland 848: Victoria, 492: South Australia. 8 5ta I New Zealand. 1948: Pllnla. Arena Its l namDurg, son; eiaewnere. Bill. - Dry Good Market NEW YORK. April SO.-Baturday cloted Inn nt It tw.t th n. . 1, , V. .. . W. - . been experienced In this market for dry goods since the spring season opened. Ad- verse weather ha proved too much tot th ralle ha 1nttA klm ... Mnn. favorable conditions. With the new week. however. It is hoped that better conditions wl" Prevail, thereby permitting distribu tors to move stock now on hand. Predic tions are freely made that under seasonable conditions a decided Improvement will be experienced during the nw month. Total u imports of dry. goods and general uier chandlse at the port of New York for the Export of specie from New York for th week were I4KJ.433 silver and 812.675.E.0 gold. Import of specie at New York during the week were $4o,7Wi gold and $8,ev7 allver. Saatar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. April" 30-SrnAR-Raw steady: fair refining. 3 3-16421 ?-32c: centrif. Ukal 96 test. 3 ll-lii3 23-32c: molaaaea miir. z iD-uwii u-Aic. nrnnea. iraHiiv in. n . tf i o. i, jc; no- s. t.zoc; iso, 9, .zoc; No. 10, 4.16c;. No. 11. 4.10c; No. 12. 4.06c: No I is, 4c: iso. it, .ac; coniectionerr A, 4 6Uc mould A. 4.60c cut loaf, 6.4oc; crushed e.4oc; powaerea, t.sac; granulated, 4.76c I f.iKa L. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans, open 8 kettle, good to choice, 81$7c 28 NEW ORLEANS, April 30. SUGAR IS V Steady; open kettle, 2K(3 3-lc; centrifugal, "H JijySo; yellow, J'-c; conds, 2S4j3o. 49V4 MilLlflflim U. ,1. I 7 ....1 S. " v " ' .!"lr"u, bo. ayrup. nominal. 1 . . . Cottoa Market. LIVERPOOL. April 30.-(V)TTONllfot quiet: prices 4 points higher; American miauling, tair. a: gooa middling. 7 Sod middling, T.7Hd; low middling. 7.t4d; good ordinary, T.62d; ordinary, T.2M. Future opened oulet and cloaed steady: American ramaiing. g. c jnay, 700a; May-June, 7.4od; June-July, 7.43d: July-August, 7.3di 1 AiiKusi-nememner. 7 ixa: Hentmiier-Oetn. ber. 6Sod; October-November. 6.24d; No- rumwr-uectmixr, .ia; uecemher-Jenu ary. 61Sd; January-February, 6 15d;. I NEW YORK. April 80 COTTON Fu ture closed easy; May, 313.50; June. 11183 I Julv. 113.75: Aiiaruat til 43: 1 in". Dptt quiet; miuonna uDianas. 113. ao 1 miaaiinar aruir. sales. 1 ktx tiaieai I Evaporated Apalee aad Dried Vralts, I NPW TnBV inrll SO HVlPTIDlTrn APPLES The market continues quiet, but th undertone Is steady. . Common are ouoten at 4ic: urime ttKii choice, a 64iHc and fancy at lu i"o. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITS Prune 1 are quiet, quotation range irom (c to 640. 1 according to grade. Apricots are without n'w feature. Choice are quoted at tHd 10c. extra choice at m'oiOHc and fancy at I 1 1 1 TA ., V. ... n H.kt -k..l. I . . . ........ .upirij. "?--s ,nd ilcy at 4Tl0c All aad Rosla. NEW TORK. April . OII-SQulet i Pue crude, nominal; yellow, 30c: petro- ieum easy, refined, New York, 38.15: Phil adelphla and Baltimore, 38 10: In bulk. SD.I"; turpentine ateaay, ozsyqoac. htosirn steady at olwntc. SAVANNAH. Oa.. April 30.-OILS Tur Dentine firm at 64c. ROSIN-Firm: A. B. C. D. !.; E, 33.60: O. 81: H. $270: K. 3316; M. 33.20: W a C'altea Market NEW ORLEANS. April 30 COTTON-Fu I tures harely steady: May, 11 6913 Trie; June, 2 I ii.7t7U s7e; July, 14 0c; august, U ValXc I ISepiember, 11 74'rTll.r: October. 11 itdll 24c I November. 1111c bid: December. 11 inn 1 Spot, quiet; sales, 7,5VI bales; ordinary, t 1 11 s-ise; gnoo oratnary. nc: low middling I itc: miaauna. 1.1 ',e; iiwa miaaiinsr. 14 x-lac I mlddilna fair. 14 i-ltc: recetuts. 4.131 halaa 1 stock, 17Z.U2 oaiea. I M... MB..1, l I NEW YORK. ADril 30. METAf Jt Thill, I ness prevailed In all local metal today - 1 witn in general tinurton, nowever, ex I blDltlng fair steadiness and ahaanee pressure to sell. Tn scarcity of spot pre vailed ; future In spelter held the market Arm. Spelte.-. 35 Vtg 86; copper, lake. tlS.3THSll.62H: electrolytic. elSllHfrUUV easting. 312 87V013 11H: tin. X H-q AM; iron nominally unchanged from last quo tation. Teleela Se4 Market. mT.TTTV Anril fiETTlfl Hn... w OilAUA LIVE SIOCH MARKET Batt Lightweight Cattle Abivt CUaJy for Week and Other Little Lower. HOGS NEARLY 20C LOWER FOR THE WEEK " keep Market May Be Qaoted Strang; ta 10 ar 18 Coats Hlaher Thaa A Week Age, bile I .a sabs Ar 15 ta 83 Ceats Lewes. SOUTH OMAHA. April 10. 1904. Receipts were; Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. Otliciai Monday ..... Ottlctal Tuesday ... 4.3.MI sal 8,J le li.a.1 li.74 14,3J li.VSl 10,171 4.) I ,721 41 I Official Wednesday orhctal Thursday .. Official KTtday , 7.133 6.14 3.0M a on. i Otnclal baturuay .. Total this week 2a.M 70.871 II .F4 I Same days last week. ...81,769 Cu.Tti J,!) I .ime days Week tailors.. tu.l !. 'I I Kame three weeks ago..W,!K4 M.41S Stv.K 8ame four weeks ago... 80.777 87.1W Banie days last year....l.4j 44,371 16.471 RKCS1PTS POR THB TEAR TO DATE, The followlna table shows th receipts of cattle, hogs and sheen at Bouth Oman lor e year lu data with comoarison with last I e year to oat with w.mjJr,BO,n,Jw,la th ea i nula x: ifji fa 4ia a 4,1 I Hogs ". S7 747'667 tl V.Z eheVP::::::::::::::::::::fc3;5 u$k m.n Averase crloe caid for boa st South Omaha tor th last several day wlU oom- psnsonsi Date. I lJ04.ira.lial.lMl.pJU0.tl3SS.18tt. April 1.. April t.. April 8.. April 4.. April 6... April 4... April f... April t... April t... April 10.. April U.. April M.. April It.. April 14.. I April 16.. I April 16.. April u..f April Is..) April l.. April 20.. April HI.. April tl.. April ii.. April 24.. April 16.. April 26.. April ii.. April 38.. April 29.. April 30.. f osi t sti t h 1 tn I ! 1 ft m ui 1 ui 1 ai ui hi 1 . I IIWI iMitutMittoiteillTttoo bead: mntt 6 o.Ht 6 M 6 ll t 301 I Mi t t SWer. M.tXXdO.Wi 6 001 1 141 I 6 8 6 901 3 U 3 78 4 86; Blockers and 4 WHI 7 4i t 68f I t 37 t 64 3 J I 83 (K4.M; blfrs 13. I Mral 7 3.1 6 44; 6 Oil I iHH Ul t 3(f ( ' I I 7 8t 78 t STI t fc 1 4 86 7 31 6 881 4 1 8 3 67 4 S, Vi I I ui I hi 1 111 I U 4 svtsi I 1 I t 04 6 4U t lj I fl 4 SbWl 7 Xll Ml 4 to! 7 1 9i t 01 .1 7l 8 67 1 - I 1 l a ai a it 1 4 7H f 14J 6 99, Mi 6 4 a k 4 7 I I t Wl 6 89 t t 7l t 61 4 91441 T 101 li kfi, 3 46i 3 761 8 63 I i I iS1 ! Si .'Ji .! 1 V,! i It J Zi 2? tt J E 636 " Vi 4 klHl 7 01 6 861 t sul $ 361 3 74 5 04 t 96 6 76 t 33 I 67 4 741 7 04 7 03 6 77 6 8 I ka I 71 ?. I 'I l "J "I ' i " 4 i4Va, 92 i t iX, 6 84) 3 78 4 71V. 4 83 7 07 t 371 I 69 t 77 4 6H t 77 7 03 t 66, 1 69, 3 79 4 61141 t 84 6 6 6 64 I 32 j . ... i Th. omclal number of car. of stock brought in today b, each road waa: catua. tiog. a C, M. A St. P. Ry wauaan tiy Missouri pacific Ry Lnlon Pacinc system C. A N. W. Ky , ll 44 8 26 1 1 ., E. 6t M. V. Ry C, St. P., M. at O. Ry B. A M. Ry C, R .1. A P. Ry., east C, R. 1. A P. Ry.. west Illinois Central Ry Chicago Ureal Western Ry .. Total receipt S 140 The disposition of the day's receipt waa a follows, each buysr purchaaing the number oi neaa lnaicatea: Buyer. Cattle. Hog Omana, Packing Co Bwift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co 1.493 ...... .. ...... . io l oa. Armour A Co., Hloux City. Other buyer Totals... U in oa,, VAiiutv-inert wer not enougn cam .i. . n,.k. .... m . . 1. th. mu ih.r ,.ttmr,T.. wi 1 T r. . .. . -.-.u . i .7. . i . i i i l.oi n ciA aiiiuuiiuiia w mwvi i,wu li.aii and a compared with th corresponding week of last year there is an Increase of about 6,000 head. Taking th liberal rt- ceipta into consmeration, me maiKet naa been In very satisfactory condition. fir. Unllri.v kni 111 r,. IP a. th . mtmlr r ceiDts were auit moderate and under th Influence. of a brisk demand from both Dacaers ana snippers tne marxet on oeei steers ruled active and stronger, scoring an advance of about lo20o, on WeUnes- uay anu inunuai, nowever, supplies were niptHMlva at all the blar markata anil a harp decline resulted. Th break, how- ever, wouia ue covereu oy luajtc. so mai at th close of th week th market 1 very nitie ainereni rrom tna close or last: weea. Desirable handy weight cattle, in fact, may be Quoted steady, while heavy cattle, un - less very choice, and tha commoner grades of all weight, ar a trill easier and could be uuoted weak to a dime lower. Good to eholc cattle ar quotable from $4.60 to u.w, witn .nniij piiiim iivrm ao.w to U.AJ. r air to auoa trraue sen irom s4.uv to anil wiiii.iuit lu inn li u ll l ad.ov w OO.W in cow maraet na louowea mucn tn aoma miir.. u Ih. Irarl. nn .l..r. . ,1 .n. r ., -i p . . , v n -im. than thos tn fore a week ago. Uglit .ll.t .,m.m mr.A ti.L.r. .1 v..H II . are ateady for th week, while heavy cows ana common turt ot n descriptions is tn a Hlln. I ,.w, Tk. .imnlu butcher stock has not been very heavy this weea, so mat trading on most days waa active. Good to choice cow and heifers I may be quoted from (3.60 to $4.00, with strlotly choice a high a $4 25. Fair to good cow sell from t.60 to $3 26. and ckn- ners and cutter from 82.00. to 3260. There ha been a better demand for bulla thl week and price ar safely 10jjl6c higher than a week ago. The commoner good faV'buTlom Wtt M 175? and sinciiy cnoice graae sell a nign a 4 tw. ( 4 have held about steady, th bulk of them . NEW YORK. AprH iFEB-Pj-elllng from $4.50 to $5.f5. ture opened steady at unchanged price to Stocker and feeder hve been in light i.. .it .u. i. i t.i. - .ii.. ul'l" " " "u w'1" -A"-iy lyuu demand rrom tne country tne market hu been Quite active and strong on desirable ictiv and strong on desirable a week. Good to choice grad.a arrades all th are selling from U 0 to $4.00, with strictly choice aa high aa $4.25. Fair to good cattle sell from $3.40 to $3.80, and the commoner graae irom oown. rtepreseniauv sale: COWS. ho. At. Ft. No. At. Pr. 107 8 BULLS. til 8 M BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. TIO 04 1 11!0 I SO 444 8 It li IK 111 4... 1... 1... 8... I. til I to 1 1044 4 IS HUGS RecelDt were liberal aaaln thl morning at nearly all point and price took another oroD. facaer wer ratner btarlsh ber and started out bidding a big pic He I lower, iney lauea to get tne nogs. however, and as they all seemed to be anxtoua (or supplies, thsy raised their bid and the early sale were no more than a nickel lower. The market rained In a good shar ot th decline . . . . , . . naa oeen re- earned, the later sales being very lariely at M.tSU and 34 et. or a good deal like yes- terday extreme close. Heavy nogs ot od quality sold particularly well. The IK, ot an tne nogs went from H.iti to rt.w, witn hum:, itmui i'in Hum ea w w ta TO (larina- tr tha o-llvilv r.r.-tlr j 11 V everything waa disposed of before th mid- die or tne iorenoon. Receipt have been liberal all thl week, there being a gain over laat week amount ing to about lO.OuO head and aa romparad w,tn. LBAm rVAS1 m?r J! other Dolnt hav also been heavy and the general tenaency oi prices nas oeen oown- ward. ine net loaa ror in weeg amounts to nsarly too. Repreaentatlv sales: ha. It..., tt... tt... 141.. 104.. It... Tl.... tl... Tl... tt... U... It... a... V4... 4T... 11... A. Sa. Pi. ...ut .. 4 at ...141 i ....HI ..4M ....111 349 4 M ...1 .. 4U ....ut a lit a ih ....171 1M t ti4 iw 4 t'H ....1st at 4 lw ....tad .. 4 11 14 ....lis) tt 4 4114 ...14 M 4 " ....It .. 4 I'H 44 4 11a ... a It 4 44 . ,...t4 lt 4 44 . ,...11 ..4 4 ....ta m 4 tt ... HI 84 4 4 ....til .. 4 tt ... 111 8 4 44 .,.. M W ...118 M IN ....I J t 4 40 ,...144 te 44 ....m st 4 et .... let 4 44 ..,.1.8 Mt 4 44 ....lit M IN ....lit t 4 4 ....111 M 4 40 ....till ..4 4 ,...1M 8 4 I ....lit 44 4 M ut a in Na. A. k. rr. II Ml 1M I IJ'i 44 ill la 4 al IT M t 4 41Va M 1.1 .. 4 41 44 Xli 14 4 tit, tl I.t a 4 41 I Ill .. 4 41 II ,.141 11 4 til tt Ill .. 4 42 t tat .. 4 t i VI 4t JT.-4 It 4 41 Tt t.lA tut 4 41 Tl t1 ., 4 Hi tt Ill .. 4 tl n HI 14 4 us tt.a 941 II 4 41 11- U4 14 4 11 1 Tl Bbl la 4 41 s 41 U4 4 4 41 It... Tt... It... 44... 41... 44 .. II... 44... it... ... ... tl... 44... tl... Tl... .,. tt... M... aa aaa .. 4 44 a.. ...... Jtl 41 171 14. ...... .144 tt tit 4 11 4 41 4 U 4 41 4 II tt.... V.... n.... .... 44... 41.... ... 14.... Tl.". n.... ti... 41..., It..., ...X6 SO 4 41 ...tat aa t ...til W 4 41 ..4 44 ,...nt is is ...rt 4 44 ... ri 14 4 it ...rrt at I 44 .. H .. 4 41 ...Ml .. 4M ...141 M 4 44 ....UT ..4 41 ... .141 It 44 ,...tbt lie 4 14 ...a.4 t 4 44 ....Ul ..4 41 ... ia a is ....344 M 44 44 9m .. 4 44 IT su 4 4 IS tt 11 IS) 4 tt T4. ..... mt 4 at 14 tu 44 4 t 14 wt as 4 aa 18 M 4 4 41 I 4....... HI IS I 4T .- a I s t tl IIS 4 SI t It lot 4 w to trr .. tat Tt Ill t I T4 141 lit 4 at tt IJ4 lie ti Tl 14 M 4 t:w TI HI 1M (1 Tt lit t 4 I n tn to 4 ti TT Ill 14 4 44 1 t'i 1 4 4 n hi TO. f. u. 7. 14. Tl. . an. s. IS. It. II. II M 4 45 t4 . I 1-4 lt 4 M tt ..4 41 t:4 40 4 in 110 lu r4 to 4 44 . M IN .ITS .. 4 tt ! .. 4 T m .. 4 n ll to 4 U .tat in 4 .wt .. 4 ai 47 lit .. 4 II Tt I4 .. 4 tt Tl HI 80 4 II at I4t m in. 1 l.t . . 4 TO SmCEP There were no fresh arrival rf aheep sr.d lambs this morning with which to test th market.' For th week receipts hive been about lS.ono head lee than last week, but, aa compared with the same week of last year, there I an Increase of about $.000 head. The demand from all sources has been In good shape and price have continued their upward course. Aa mniiiared with the close of last week aheep may be quoted strong and active. with desirable grades showing an advanc of a much a lo&lic. Most of the sheep now arriving ar cupped ana tne quauiy is fairly good. Lamb have sold to even better ailvaniaa-a than sheen and may be uuoted 16t2io hlaher than the cloee of last week. Clipped stork has Improved more than Wooled lambs, and in some case are a little more than a quarter higher. Pack- ers have evidently had a good outlet for their products, as each day offerings have been well cared for, even thougn much rer than a year ago. . Uyolatlon for clipped eiocs.. jo choice lambs,; fair to gorj lambs, 36.01 ; good to choic wooled Umt. " ; tair to goou wooiea sou w 1 ' choice yearling or wethers, giir,: tal .K0oyrril','or,ilL,: rrr". " J "I?" . - ' ' Iriiinino i.ivio inric MARKKT Price Ral Steady, bat Receipt Are ' as tsaat Light, CHICAGO. April 30. CATTLE Receipts, nominal; good to prim poor to medium, $3.9tKv feeder, t3.0otj4.0o: coa. aC4 io; cannera, ii.nv 110: calves. $.v46.56; 'exaa fed steers. 84.011 4.60. HOGS Receipt today. 14,000 head; Men- good to choice heavy, $4.8v?i4 DO; rough neavy, so.; iignt, fi.oj411.itf, uuia ul sal.., $4 7&V4 88. S Receipt. l.ono mba steady; good to choice wether, t4.7646. mixed, M.764J4.75; clipped at o.iaV . nll.,r4 n.lln ; fair to choice western sheep, i . i.. . . d , . b, clipped western lamb, 84.T&0-00; lamb. 36.0037.00. inuiu.i . i' r.i . ooled New York Live Stack Market i"Vl ,Tav dreaaed cell bee tHi 'u Deer, moaeraieiy active nuu o-.v.j SHwoHo Pf in. tat orainary to cnoioe na tive side. Cables, unchanged; export to day wer 1,634 cattle and 8,000 quarters of h..r . PALVES-RecelpU, 81 head: none on Yi Vditeadr'at iimS ,b et,., dre.ged. weak at iHVko I IK 3 "V.S umia. Repaints IS cars, or 8.741 head: none for tho market; feeling? nominally tai1v m BHfciEF AItU ItAJABa wcmuia cars, or 699 head: sneep, ateaay; ismue, in Kettar il.mnnfl and steady. Lnahorn sneep, sola at so w per iu iua., rr sheep on sale; unshorn lamb, $7.16; clipped tK SiiriiA M. Dressed mutton, steady I t EifclnUst nee lh dressed lambs at 114112c: I city dresed spring lambs, l3.fXXu8.50 par carcass, mapvii ivua., Kansas City Llv Stock Market, iriNHAll TTTT. Anril 30. CATTLE Re ceipt 200 head; market unchanged; export and dressed beer steers, .euia; iair iu t let 4 M t .. T'3 good, 84.004)4.60: western ieo sieere, j.ovu k aVi 6: stocker and feeders, tS.85djH.70; outh. .rl.PM ateera 1.1 8.V.M 4.i : southern COWS. t2.i&HI ood, $4.004.50! western lea steers, aj.w'it 8 40: native) cows, 32 00(54.00; natlv heifers 1 ao MA. .a. t...ll tl HiiiiH ?a. solves 2..Tua tl i -U Til', - , T .. , M . . .. , " -w 75. ReoelpU for the week. SO.flOO head. I HOOH Receipt f.uw neao; maraei iiaj I 1 .... . . .An . , laVU. hll V U IKI HIT I1..V V . i . w 7 "'..'-Zsj o?T. .i I 14.7MM.82H: Dacker. 34.7004. 80; pig and I llrhts. 34.254.70. ReoelpU for the week I aa t Vim.1 I fcWirK.p ANT) IAMBS Recelntt too I Z . --- . , . - , 1 hd; market steady; native lambs, t560 6 60; western lamb 3o 2S .76; fed , 'VT'n ? . i . i i-k I .xji wv. it.cou neaa, St. Lroals Mva ataasc nsrsai ST LOTUS. April . CATTLE Receipts i ma heart! no Texana: marxei ateaay ana I unchanged; native shipping and export I ier, $4.1S'S6 40; dressed beef and butcher i steer.; steers unaer i.uw pounun, I a. mfiAnn. .innlt... mnA tmmA .r. K3 fill6fi 50! I cow and heifers. t2.2584.16: canners. 12.10 fitEO' hulls. calves. m.uoiuu'; I Texas Bn4 Indian steers, tl.60i3H.76; cows i nrt n KOr7Tt tr I HOOS Receipts 1600 head: market 6910c I lower- nia-a and lla-hta. 84.25114 85: backers. h 04.80; butcher and beat heavy, $4 80$ I i ok SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt 1.301 head; market steady; native muttons, 84. 2J i Aa.go: lambs, to.unu r.oo: cuii ana ducks, i unniwa fan ainrk.ra. xzontrra oB. i a aai aava I " Hitii.x till, a nn I no. nucc ai jeitt rm.)-CATTLE Rlpl. head, rnar- I kt atadV. beCVCS. 83d014.80: COWS Dull and mixed, I2.nifs.80; s toe Hers ann iwr. uuxie.o. ii"'fi I t 90 HOQ8 Receipt. 4.000 hd, market weak I seuni, a.wwi.w. I St. Joseph Llv Stoek Market, BT JOSEPH, April 10. CATTLE Ro emts 14ft head: market unchanged. MOOB Reeelota 8.S95 head: market tedy i nii.t xi rtsixnsa tk meriium and I heaVy 34 66fl 80 bhEEP AND IJIMBS-Recelpta 51 beadi roarMt uncl'ana CotTe Market " """"'ii. "L "."Ti. .IT i tinned or s.iou nssrs. iitciunioa nut ai o.noci 6" ::(.:. a mI in. . ts Mnot ?llt,"".,'..'"5'','vv,,"", ,i.t. Ul.. , X! 7 invnln. Tl.n Xlilil nnltt t I fj ".! in io' ' ' ' Cordova, 10.18c. Liverpool Grain Ma rU.t. . I LIVERPOOL, April 80. WHEAT Spot I dull; No. 1 California. 7; future quiet; U.r Ba 4kd: Julv. 6s 4td. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 4 3d; American mixed, old, 4s 7d; future, quiet; May, 4 aa; juiy. s ia. Dwlath Orala Market. DULUTH. April 10. WHEAT In stor nd to arrive: No. 1 hard, 82Ho; No. 1 northern. 90Hc: May, tic; July. 91Wc; Sep- I tember. Ilc. ... . .. I OATS On track and to arrive. 43c. I WOOL SELI.S OI SHEEP'S BACK Kearly a Million Poaads Disposed ot ta Easlera Bayer. CA8PER, Wyo.. April 30. (Special) I irk. flr.1 ww.1 ..Im nf ttia aeaann were i ...- " - - I mid. this week when eastern buyer cur -t,. oflnn oounda at a urice ranaln I . , . . ,,,, . t.. n I rrom u tenia to itrt ca-m. mm w I hair r the wool anld la at nreaent on the I l ... . . v.- i, I Sneep S DSC KB I Th Rowan clip of 15.800 pound was sold i t0 Brown gv Adam (or li cent. Daley's I ,, , , , T . ellp of 70.000 pound wnt to Hecht, IJeb- I man 6c Co., for 14H cant. Hallowell A Donald bought Pat Bullivan a clip of 100.000 pounds, paying 14V4 cent t The other Bale were aa toiioas: .! . it. 1 to Jeremiah Williams A Co., 45,000 pound, at 134 cent: Ralston clip, to Bruc A Manning. 100,000 pounda, at 13 centa; th A. E. Kyt clip of 15,000 pounds, and th O'Neal A Johnson ellp of 15,000 pound also want to Bruce ft Manning for 123 cent. There ar now sixteen wool buyers on th ground, and no lea than alg or eight representatives of rallroails, and the bid ding 1 apirltad. Th wool 1 dirtier than It waa last year and even It th owner receive 1 or I cajita lea per pound his profit will ha equally aa great a latt saaaon. Several clip of wool have been consigned, whll others hav been stored In the local warehou to wait for an ad vanc In price. Blsaoa Mar Will Relara. SIOUX FALLS, B. D., April S0.-8per 11 ) It will b a sourc of gnuln pleasure to many thousands of Htiutu Dakota rx to learn that RL Rev. W. H. I tar of thl dir. Eplaoopal bishop of Bouth Dakota, who waa recently taken critically 14 at the homo of hi aon la Philadelphia, hag Improved to sucb aa extent that arrange ment ar now being mad for hi return to Sioux Falls and Bouth Dakota. If th improvement continue th blohop wxn retnrn to Flcux Falls about the mlddl of May. I laaee Is lajared. ST. IXt'18, April 30. Bandmaster Innea, while leaving hi hotel for th World' fair grounds to lead the massed band for th music program at th opening cere monies, was painfully injured by a trolley car. Th carriage In which h was riding was wrecked. II was thrown out and for a time It was thought he waa badly hurt. PhJ-alrlatne attended him, and Mr. Innes Insisted on continuing to th fair ground and taking Ma part In the pro gram. REAL ESTATE TRAXSFF.RS. Dee. la filed for record April 1904. fur nished by the Midland uuuraniee ana Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee; Howard B. Bmlth, executor, to Th Rogers Real Estate company. Tot 3. block 76. cltv COOt) John C. Havemeyer and wife to Jes sie M. and William H. Tracey, lot 1. block 4, Improvement Association add L100 Slots Brewing company to Adolph E. Frnscher. part of lot 1, block 144, city, and atrip adjoining 6,000 James Jelenek to Joseph Jelenek, lot i. euiuvan s ana xzo Mary Miller and husband to France B. Mumagn, lot 6. block 1, Mayna a add 650 Anna M. Crablll to The Conservative Saving and loan association, part of lot 23, block 4. Poller and Cobb .. tnO Jan E. Hicks and husband to San. ford Doty, lot 8 and t, block 1, Monmotitn park i.TQ Charles W. Hallrr to Fannie Haller, part of lot 11 and 11, block 3, Han., scorn Place 1 Thomas A. I.iorensen and wife to Ptr Henkel, lots t and 10, George s sub.. 775 Alfred E. Schneider, et al to John -Oaluson, lot 8, block 1. Clarendon odd 1.200 Charles E. Johannes and wife to George A. Hampton, lot 13, blocg 7, PoDDleton nark 1.60 J John H. Dumont to John H. Evans, lots 8 and -9. block Is, Hansoom Place I John H. Evans and wife to Phil J. Kuns. lot 8, block 11, same 1,000 The Coad Real Estate company to Arthur D. Brandcla, part of lot S, block 1. West Omaha 4.875 Omaha Safe Deposit snd Trust com pany to Hastings A Heyden, part of tax lot 6, 10-16-13 L400 A DEPAnTHEIiT (W. Y. UrS JROADB.) . Oar Bend tales, whla Das sa ssllsatal 4s ear caearal brekarase la STOCKS AND QRAINS at let as U aataknsh a aPBClAl. BOND D PAATMBNT. j . Ws ewa and adTrr, sr wtU say . SOVIRnMIsTBONOI RAILROAB lOMOt M UN ICI'Al BONDS and other IIS MADE SECURITlIt rSROAIN oa'.oeaa as 4 dona st asy af ear 1st Kraaok Offla, snd dallvary eaado freat saj saaoral oOoao la Mlnnaapella Ikrous soy ef (bo 174 nailuaal sa4 stats baaks wklok are ear eapealtorUe. Bond IAU bent on Meqvtti. COE COUUISSIDN CO- Orsln Sfocst Boeii. . GENERAL STlCal, jr. T. 1.1 ( mT. lllsaeaseUt, OM ATIA BftAWCH, V 1418 Farm am St. Twlahxa ttaAT. THOS. M. WADDICK. Oar. V. Farnam Smith & Go. ' STOCKS, BpNDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnsm St. Tal. 1064 We bvy and sell South Omaha Union Stock Yards Stock. , Mexican Standard at 6c a share, PAR VALUR tl. Is the beat Investment purchase offered. Buy now (or 100 Per Cent Advance Write for Illustrated prospectus and our Hpeclal riming Market Letters nd -Weekly Prlca Lists. These are FREE upon request. WE BVY AND SELL ALL STOCKB. Get Our Prices. IRVIXO K. FARRIKGTOX A CO., Member Wall St. Mining and Block Exchange. 15 WALL ST. NEW YORK CITT. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, Neb. . U. S. Setae try Capital and Surplus, JeOO.OOQ . rtAW IW", rrt. SC. B. frSOS, V. frt. limn D4U11. CaUuar. rtAW T. SaAsLTSN. aasL Csatk. aaaeaau al kaaka, kaakaaa. I naa and lalTtaal sa la stloua. varaal farolrs atxckaa kaaght aad aold. Latlara 4 Crilt lasua. aralUkl la alt ana a ik world, latarsst ai4 aa Tlsa Cartiaoat el PaasaH. Celleetloaa swdo troaiptlr aa ssiistaliell Wa reaa i inistialisia WHY 171-2 CENT COTTON WILL EQUAL SI. 83 WHEAT. IN ITS EFPBCT ON TUB STOCK nARKET. tead ler tkit latlar akawlcf vkal atookj to say to aiaaa tba moat stoaay out at tka eoiaia rtaa. Orion eaaauiad la all llatad ataca Isr laaaataiaai a a aiargia. Ipealal attaatio ("aa le Mialaf loToatmaata lead lor lllastntwd ksok laeerlMa yroeerties and aaisaaal ad CROWN KINO MINES CO. Informal ten aea earning this vslaakle presertf art all etkar UNUSTSO ifiXkl akaartully ranlake. J. I. McLEAN 4k CO., Bankers Mala Ofltt, SS Boa4 Bl Now Task. L0WREY BR0S.& CO COilillSSION 11 KMyUAN.1 A, Grain, Stocks : and Provisions. Boom 112, N.' Y. La ilu.ldiog. 'rhorve W tipeclal a t tan lion given to telegraph and mall order. OMAHA. MONTHS FREE l.'p-to-dat Jdinlng Paper (fuliy Illustrated), contain ing all th latest .new from the fatroua arold camp,. Including THUNDER IdOLN taln and QIC CREEK, l. S. MI.M.NO JOIHJIAI, UO Sasa S4 t.'f. -. Updike Commission Co., ORAIX AKD PROVISIONS. Bualnaa baodtod promptly- la ail. muii Cffloa, t&l Ba BuUdlag. Talephon 46C 43. W. L'PDlaUB. MANAQER. 1