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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1904)
TI1E OMAtTA DAILY nEE: FHIDAV. A PUTT IB. 1004. SPECIAL NOTIGES AitrrrtUrMrali tor tku rolamas vlll he takes asttll IS m. for the rvmlin edition and nntll B r. a, far (ha snoralna- nad ntav edition). Kitii. 1 l-2o a ntr nrst Insertion, le a word tnereafter. Xstklif ukm for lea (baa 2 for (aa Brat laarr. (loa. Thru iilMrllirmfili snaet lie ran consecutively. Aomllirn. hi rfiH an. tiered rhtrk. ran have " ad dressed to a aMinhrrrd letter In ftr f The Bee. Answers addraaaed r ha dellrered on presentation, of fbe eheek only. MerEl.tANEOI. BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Business Shorthand, Touch Type writing, English. Mail lessons in all branches. Catalogue free. The Nebraska Seed Co.'s seeds Will. orow. Catalogue free. 1513-1515 Howard. R 863 Jl r.RAVPI DRIVEWAYS AND ARTI- UKAVcL nciAL, stonf walkb. E. D. Van Court. 1020 N. 16m. Tel. 191. RM J 21 CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. Phllbltj. 1505 Farnam and opp. U. P. depot. leL 7M and Ult. R W OMAHA Safe and Iron works make a spe cialty of tire escapee, anuitera, doors und alea. i Andrecn, Prop., 1U2 loin at. H 8M M i D. M. HAVERLT EXPERT ACCOUNT ANT, 2a BEE BL.LHJ. VHONE m R bS5 Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 71 8. 14tb. T. 6. R Abb r.0 1 n SILVER, NICKEL Plating. On. VJWL.1V putlng Co,, 15ue Harney. Tel. lads. R ml CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R-Su Uir'Vft PC LA KB EN' 8 04 model la DIV.lU.L,CO beet. Large line of bicycle amidrlea at bottom prices. Tel. F 1373. 1421 N. 24th. R M483 MS KrJF.CUl Fnr a limited time we Will fit you with a guaranteed pair of epcctaclea for 11. Don't misa thla chance. U. S. Op tlclana, 308 N. 16th at. R 868 EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodat ing; all buslues confidential. 13ol Douglatk R--870 EXPRE88MEN'S Delivery Co . moving and storage, 214 N. lin. Tel. lix. t ea LOCKSMITH lnR- tTO?' N- R-873 X:az-trir Carpet Cleaning Works. N. A. CIcClIll Chrlstenaon, 22il N. 20th. Tel. 1B R-29D ANTI-MONO POLT GARBAGE CO. cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, deact animals; reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel 1779. R-874 P. MELCHOIR, machinist, Uth & Howard. R 875 PURLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON, In The Bee ldg. R 875 "STRONGEST In the world," the Equlta ble Life Assurance society. Its policies (ire sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager. Merchants National Bank bldg., Omaha, Neb. R 876 61GN painting. B. H. Cole. 103 Douglaa. R-7J ALL klnda carpenter work; repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2i th and Lake. R 170 FOR noon luncheon try the Karbach res taurant; reaaonaDie prices, its a. litn si. R 878 M16 CLOTHES preaaed, altered. Yousen, Pax ton hotel tailor R 881 SP ECTACLES, $1; examination free, 30 daya only. L. 8. Opticians, $08 N. 16th. i- R 133 TRACINGS, blue prints and working draw ings, cues b Co., omana. rnone is. ' R 237 Apr22x PERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; no inter est, honest values, easy terms. R 882 H. O. SMITH, plumbing. 118 N. 16; tel. $091 l OM OMAHA MIRROR MFG. Tel. B-2331. CO.. 708 N. 18th, R M79U A16 BTOVE storage and repairing. Hughes Stove Repair Works. 2217 Cuming st. Tel. F-2302. H 925 25 PHOTOS. 26C. Biuiiiu. U9 M. 16th., opp. P. O. R-911 I U V r". r; - 7,.,..." - uiui, m, rig, tit ii . imii. Tel. L2331. R-M-473-Apr 26 O. E. KOCH, tinner. 1717 N. Kth. Tel. L-1949. Agent for Columbus roof cement paint. . R 272 Je21 I CLEAN, dye repair clothes. 604 N. 16th. R M3u9 Je CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. PhllbuT fc Farnam and opp. U. P. Depot. Tel. 7t and 167. R MIDI CARPET cleaning. Tel. F 3071. J. Wood. - STOVES STORED iiv. iougias, . iei. inu. umana bi. mp. wu .rt WANTED Good Working formula for roll massage rream. Address "L." Bee office, council isiuns. it-wsi itx "bTcYCLES! BICYCLES!- OliAtiA blCVCLE CO., J wu and Chicago. R M856 M12 BRICK WORK-J. P. Healy, 182 Clark. R-M904 MM BVBINESS OIANCUS. MAIL ORDER business for sale. 632 Bo. 2lal at. X M756-17 XO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, room 411. McCague building Y 884 t . KHOLES-ARM3TROKU CO.. 72 N. Y. Ufa. Tel. 49. Y-S86 AllBOTT-COWAN CO., 12 Brown Blk.. ltd gel you in or out of bualneaa. T-8M " FOR SALE 9000 tobacco tags, counted and separated, all have paper back Sears. Hay 6prlnga. Neb. Y M831 lKx FOR SALE Newly furnished flat, T rooma. all rented; deairame location, on car line; eaay walking uiatance.- Addreaa H 18, Bee. Y-9U1 to DO YOU WANT MONEY? " Investors In our proposition are making $l, u to $15 000 annually on an Investment of nlv $1,600. A aafe, legitimate buslnesa backed by a $N0.t corporation. Fullest Investigation solicited before you Invest a dollar. . Descriptive . booklet, with full Information, sent free on request. Ad dress Finance, box 621, Dea Moines. la. Y-M9U 20 OSTEOPATHY. jonneon Inatltute, 616 N. Y. Life bldg. T. 1tt NfJ DR. CRACK DEEGAN. t N. Y. Life. Tel e Fayette Cole, osteopath, to Paxton blm k. v lir, Farwell. specialty nervous diseases, 904 Pxton. M-6 AJ DR8. LAIRD at LAIRI, t Karbaeh blk. pnone aa aos MRS JOHN" R. MU8ICK. Osteopathic Phy aician; office, Douglas block. Tel- 28'-'$. -670 SHORTHAND AND TVrBWMITINO. n . ' A. C. VAN BANT S school. Til N. Y. Life. till Jssb, Bus, 4 Shorthand Col, Boyd theater. WAHKD-MAtK HELP. Shorthand Lessons Free In order to show you that have the most simple, legible, and rapid system of Shorthand ever yet devised, we will give four IrwH.iru tree hy rtirfll, lo any one h.i will sgree to tnllow Instructions. Write us andve will mall you tnc hrst 82 pags ! our text book eo von run begin Ml once. These leu. mm will "give you quite a start. Address: OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE i;th and Douglas Streets. MEN to learn barter trade, free railroad lare upon our lulluro to lonvlnce you oi thla U-Ing the beat', largest and only re In, hi., .,,.., ,.r,. jl lurnrr college In ihi. ... i,,r .-utaloauu today. ViMKrn hu'rh.r. Institute. Olliaha, NeD. B-SM WANTED FOR I. 8. A RM Y Able-bodied unmajrled men between ages ot SI ana 86; citlsen or United States, of good character and temperate nsblis. who cn speak, read and write Engusn. for in tortnatlon app.y to Recrulurg Officer, lttn luad Dodge sis., Omaha, or Lincoln, N. b M153 tvtn piihti'di mi u-nrirl'a Fair. St. Loula; union men; boc per hour, no trouble. Ap ply at world a f air uruunus. w a njtiti i it.n in iram barber trade. Special April offer. All advantages until i.( I'nn nfnrlv earn expenses before completing. Call or write, Moler barber College, 1302 Douglas at. B-M670 16x MAN Under 35. fair education, to prepare for Gov't Position, begin 0 salary. Fu tur good, box 670, Cedar Rapid, la. b M8-o 20 X WANTED Immediately. 7B first-class ms chlnlKta. Apply by letter to Commanding Officer, Rock Island araenal, Hoi k Island, III. B M8S7 16x WANTED, experienced accident and sick insurance solicitors. Siilnry nnd commis sion paid. Address World Accident As Boclntlon, 415 H. loth St. B-MHw) 17 CARPENTER wanted; aioady work; 2ftc an hour. Address Jos. Blilcslgcr, contractor, yutan. Neb. b-M!a WANTED, coatmaker at once; steady Job to right man. Address Model I allots Tarklo, Mo. B M9U9 W WASTED FE.MALK HliLP. ANYONE need of houaekeeper or man and wife, call Canadian otnce, lath and Dodge. on LADIES for work at home stamping World s fair souvenirs; steady. 65 Doug laa bldg., opp. Hayden'a. C M382 Az WANTED Girl for 1332 Georgia ave. general housework. C 608 SECOND girl wanted. Call at 3612 Farnam. E. S. Updike. C M557. LADIES To learn halrdrossing, manicur ing or facial massage. Can nearly earn expenses before nntnhing. Four weeks completes. Diplomas granted. Call or write, Moler College, 1302 Douglas st. GIRL wanted to do general housework for small family. 1327 8 . 27th st. C-M6. 16 WOMAN not over 40, as housekeeper In Omaha family of three male adults on May 1. A permanent position to one ca pable of doing nil the work. Addrss, stating references as to character and honesty. H 12, Bee. C-M8: SALF.SLADTF.9 wanted In laces and hand kerchief departments; good salary to ex perienced clerks. Apply J. L. Brandels A Sons. t-wi ux WANTED Experienced child's nurse; ref erences required. Inquire 4123 Farnam St. C 839 14x WANTED SITUATIONS. I wiil'I.D like a Dosltlon with a merry-go- round, as engineer or conductor, this summer; wltn uve years' experience, au. dress ueo. Rlfenburgh, Oakland, Neb. A Ms8 20X MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as housekeeper In widower's home; no chil dren; or poaltion to go west; references. Aodress h 19, bee. A M'JIO 17x toil t' f'lttMaUUi HOOA1S. KUiAL ilOTt.L, Eurupuui, 1IU oc CtucMaO. DEWEY, Europcau hotel, Uth A Faxnam. NICELY furnished rooma. Inquire Omaha meant Lauiiury, iioO ieaveuworin. fbou A-iiSA lL US O. M1. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 611. E tow $1.26 PER WEEK. Dorun Houae, 422 8. 18th. E ji VIENNA HOTEL, loll Farnam; tine rooms, ladles' catt, private ulnlng r.; open nights. LARGE, warm room; Capitol ave steam heat. 19u tiillM NICE furnlahed rooma. 324 N. 16th. E 661 Dodge St. E sot I . THE FARNAM, lto and Farnam sts.; E-9u6 THREE furnished rooms, light housekeep ing. 1112 8. Uth St. E-474 PLEASANT room; references. 2228 Burt street. E M794 16x NICELY furnished room. S24 N. 19th. E C 20x NICELY furnished front room; porches, lawn, shade. 'Phone L-2793. bit N. 26th. E-903 16x NICELY furnlahed room. 1S21 Leaven E M9u8 18x worth. I TWO beautiful furnished rooms, parlor and I hrdrnnm. for man and wife, lhll Itoward. bedroom, for man and wife. third floor. E M905 17x NICE large aouth front room, modem. suitable for two gentlemen; private family; would give breakfast. 3520 Dodge at., or pnone i.aK. K M14 I7x STI'RNISMED ROOMS AAO HOARD. UTOPIA, steam beat. 1721 Davenport, F-90S Furnished rooma, steam neat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, ltith & Chicago. t 907 ELEGANT south front room and alcove, with board. 21 la Cass. F 649 14 SINGLE room. 509 S. 25th ave. F-MS21 17x BOARD and room. 4163 Cuming F-S28 17x FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, with lxard. 27o7 Farnam. 'Phone F-3241. F-867 17 25C TURKEY DINNER. -2HO. Sunday at 17O0 Dodge street. F M906 17 NICELY furnished parlor. Board. 020 Harney. F Mho7 17x FLORISTS. HESS at SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. 937 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1519 Farnam St. SKI AJRE,,DONAaHUE' ,R. VT Farnam, 61a Apr u6 TREES, SHRUBS. FLOWERS. From the F. w. Meneray Crescent Nursey u., nines trom umana. largest as sortment grown In the west. Flowering sliruba. heavy clumps, beauUea. We can pleaao you both in prices and quality. Salea ground. 21at and Farnam. where Block that falls to grow Is always re placed accoraing to contract. G. H. Keyea. Omaha, M g r. Phone S357. M 724 May AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, county to canvaaalng agents In every y to solicit auoscriu scripitona to Til B l'L'Hv riuMiu TWENTIETH CENTURY 8teady employment will, assured good in come. Agents In the country wun b,ors and buggy especially doslred. Canvaaaera make lly $o0 to $100 per month Ad dreaa Century Farmer Solicitors' bureau. He Homing, Omaha.- J 213 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, to rent modern I to 8-room house for aale In few months Address H 20. Bee . K M 16 THREE or 4 moderate-priced rooms for lignt nouBcberpiug, oalvt sad gas. Ad ll U I, bee k-AUl 17 The Bee Prints More Paid Want Ads Because Bee Want Ads Bring Best Returns. CHOICE BOOK FREE SATURDAY. SEE LARGE ADVERTISEMENT IN THIS ISSUE. FOR BALK MISCELLANEOUS. 2D-HAND aafe cheap- Derlght 111 Far nam. 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman Mc.Connell Drue Co., Omaha. Q 111 KIMBALL. PIANO, slightly used; big bar gain. Call or wrtta Koom 7, bee bide. q 912 SECOND-HAND billiard and pooi tablea; billiard tables repaired; large stocx cneap bar flzturea, cigar counters. The Bruns-wlck-balke Collei.der Co., 407-9 S. 10th. Q-91J 150 WATCHES, 76 dtamonda, left In pawn, cheap. Diamond Loan Office, 1401 Douglas. Q-914 WE RENT Sewing tnachlnea, 75c week. , We repair and aell parte for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from 5.U0 to $10.00. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone 1663. Corner 15th and Harney. SIS FOR 8A I. E Several scholarships In a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, short hnnd and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. y 852 FOR BALE Cheap, old ink barrels. Apr ply to the pressroom ol i he bee. v) n. 13 FOR BALE Will sell at a dlecount a schol arship in one of the best Omaha bualneaa colleges. Address F 15, Bee. Q M901 FOR SALE Second-hand safe, soda foun tain and National cash register. Richmond-Delight Co., 1303 Farnam. Q 917 TREES Haael Dell Nursery, 220S N. 24th. Q M199 A1K DEN9MORE typewriter, in good condition, for 30. No. 1016 N. Y. Life. Tel. 3676. Q M332 SECOND HAND furniture, carpets of all kinds, lowest prices. Western Furniture Co., 1414 Dodge. Q MS37 A28 TELEPHONE poles; long fir timbers; cheap chicken fence. 901 Douglas. J-MG95 HEAVY, full leather top buggy In good condition; Drummond make; $50; also harness. Johnson & Danforth, s. w. cor. 10th and Jones. Q-M191 Ml FOR SALE, rails of all weights; also witches, froga and cara for sidetracks and tramways, locomotives, steam shov els and contractors' tools. We make a specialty of cutting rails to any length desired. M. Mltahkun Co., Detroit, Mich. Q-M31J 2d-HAND safe. 8 w arts. Hatter, 114 8. 13th. Q 446 J3 WAREHOUSE scales cheap. Sam'l Burns. FOR SALE Roulette wheel, good as new. very reasonable. I. F. Wright, 815 W. t(h St.. Hastings, Neb. y M718 15x HOG. Poultry, Lawn, Farm and Railroad Wire Fence. Wire Worka, 611 8. '.6;h St. Tel. 1590. Q M3S7 Jy8 FOR SALE One No. 2 Hubbard oven. $75 if taken at once. Inquire W. 8. Balduff. y mj is FOR SALE Oldsmoblle, $400. Price de creases $10 dally after April 13 until sold. 208 Bee Building. Q Stil FOR SALE 60 maple trees. Apply Frits Mueller, 3715 So. 16th St.. city. Q 860 19x FOR SALE New and second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon. Baum Iron Co., Omaha. Q-871 M12 2ND-H'ND automobile cheap, tomobile Co. Powell An- Q 876 FOR SALE, sewing machine, 8lnger; power head; cost $t8; If sold at once, $15. 606 N. 18th. Q-M8S2 lBx GOOD, fresh cows and t Jerseys. 22 Web ster. Q MR85 17x STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Wholesale and retail. HARNESS and SADDLES; everything con sidered, cheapest on earth; everything hand-made; union shop; headquarters for axle grease and whips. J. G. BLESSING, 331 N. 26th, So. Omaha. Q MK90 REMINGTON typewriter, No. 6. little uaed. cheap. Knapp, Army Diag., i.nn ana Dodge. Q M895 17x SMOKE Auditorium Brick, 5c cigar. BRUSSELS carpet, almost new. five strips wide, sixteen feet long, large pat tern, best quality, $17. 1715 Miesouri ave., South Omaha. W M913 16x GAS range, ateel range, baaeburner and household rurniture for sate, can even inga. 2W2 Chicago. Q-M417 I7x FOR SALE UORSEH, WAGONS, ETC. HORSES for sale; second-hand harness, and vehicles cheap. Melchoir s biaoiea, bul 8. lyth. P sll HAVE your wagon painted or repaired by H. Frost. 14th and Leavenworth. HORSES dipped. Ko2 Cass. Cotton Livery Stablea, P M766 A14 HORSES CLlPPEDSMT'eTC P M834 ATI FOR SALE, a perfectly matched, well bred pair of horsea, t and 7 years old; drive aa one horse; brothers, weight 1.160 Ilia.; city broke; uaed for family carriage and driv ing team; also high bred driving mare, weight 1,200 lbs.; owner leaving -city for summer. .Can .be seeu at stable 624 Park ave. P-MM3 HORSE. Burns. phaeton, surrey, cheap. Sam'l P-846 Mil WILL sacrifice high-grade $126 runabout for $75; also good top buggy for $50. John son & Danforth, 8. W. Cor. 10th & Jones. P-72 M12 ONE fine driving mare, years old. 613 8. 14th. lei. jaui. i- MBiMi iox SHETLAND PONIES. 2826 Webster st. P M886 17x ONE 4-year-old . bay stallion, broke, well- hred and good speeoer. it. j. Aiortenson, 1916 6th ave., Council bluffs, la. P-M921 17x WANTED TO BUT. 8HONFEI.D the ANTIQUARIAN. 83 N. Y. N li4 JIl-HANO furniture; high prices. Tel. 2030. ChluatfO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. N-919 WANTED to buy, a house for cash, not less than nine rooms. In district west or not more than Ave blocka north or south of Farnam St.; no replies wanted unless a bargain. Iock box 626 N-M916 17x CLAIRVOYANTS. GYLMER. palmist. 715 N. 3d. Tel. B-3245. B Wit) BUSINESS MEDIUM. 71 N. 17th St. 8-245 A20x PROF. LESTER, teat medium, gives facts, names, dates, etc.; patrons out of city write for wonderful free book. 1610 Daven- jiort 8t 8873 M12 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL trade beautiful piano for boras. Sohmoller at Mueller, 131 Farnam. z-r EQUITY In eleven-room modern dwelling on corner lot, close to oualneaa center. In Iowa town, for gereral merchandise or land In Nebraaka or Iowa. Addreas 610 West 6th St., Sedalla. Mo. Z- FKINTINQ. PRINTING, I High Grade Wprk. Croujiae block, eorner of I.YNGSTAD ltb St. and Capitol Ave. aw HIGH CLASS printing at lowest prices. Tel. 1362. I- A. sieoiar vo.. . io ri. 1 t! DRESSMAKING. IN famtUes. Miss Sturdy, MO D'yjy FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Tukey & Son VACANT LOTS We find that the rricee quoted on our Pemls Park lots arp far cheaper than any thing else In the. neighborhood. A good many people are buying these lota for future homes. The location and price sella them. No special taxes on most of them. A. P. TL'KEY & SON, board of Trade Bldg RE-80X 16 SACRIFICE SAL.B IN WbST FARNAM, Will you secure the k-room modern house we are offering for a few days for 3.260.00, which Is less than It cost to build the house? Best of repair, lxit SoxlJU. Alley In rear. Near car line. A snap. R. C. PKTEHS & CO.. Ground Floor, Bee Building. RE SMI 18 Sautter & Mares Co., Tel. 1777,20th and Pierce Sts., Has for sale 200,000 acres timber and farm land, improved and unimproved, on eaay terms, at prices ranging from $o to 115 per acre, at Cumberland, Wis. Investi gate. Excursion twice a month. RE M 538 $5,500 Modern home, good as new, near the Yates residence, owner moved from city. We desire to close thia property out at onoe and will be glad to show It to you at any time. Price, $5,500. 10,000 A beautiful home of brick and stone, large enough, but not too largo; property coat about $20,00o; best material and construc tion throughout. Price for quick sale only $10,000. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE-621 H $900 Home H Good 6-room cottage with large lot, 4Jst and Center; good well, brick walk, barn, nice shade. Can leaae adjoining lots. First time offered for thla price. Hastings & Heyden, alO-Ul N. I. Life Bldg. RE OIK BENSON SNAPS Nice new ,-ruom house in Benson with eight 50-foot lots; a snap; (4600. 2 acres In Beruson, on paved street, $650. BENSON ft CARM1CHAEL, ii2 Paxiou blk. RE 874 16 GET FARM NOW 60,000 acres prairie wKn black loam soil, North 'lexas, it U to fa per acre. Excur sion April lHth. Railway tare appliea on purchase. J. B. Piper, Bee Bid., Omaha ENGLISH & CO., One of tte lineal s-ioom niuoein residencas iu Weal Fa.iuim oismci, e2,20u. 8-room inoutrn reaiucuue, Cuum and Slat avenue, W.iuu. Ht4 8U SPLENDID 8-room strictly modern house in Kountxe Place, omy 4,uuu, would ac cept smaller houae in good locality aa purl payment. ' bemis, fajtlon uluua. HE 8u 15 MY RESIDENCE house, a rooms, all mod ern. lo- bpeucer; terms easy. Will Maraa, P. O. Box ubb. UE M14 A Jo IF YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN IN AN ALFALFA FARM DO 1NOT OVERLOOK THIS. 160 acres of cnolce smooth land In Platte valley, best black, ltntm soil, clay subsoil, 70 seres in ulfalia, balance in cultivation, all fenced and croas-tenced,, honae, barn, sheds and corrals; U mile from alaliun on main line U. P. railroad. Immediate poa seaalon. Bargain at $5,000, bul owner will take Vt.OOo If aold immediately. R. C. PETERS to COMPANY, Ground Floor, bea building. RE-Mtt Illus, your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE-921 cAfl- Williamson Co-.u.'s'SK. RE-795 FOR SALE on easy paymenta, 3818 Chicago St., 6 rooms and full lot; price, $1.5u0. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, N. Y. Life. RE-M490 $21004216 Ersklne at., 6 rooms, well ar ranged, atoiy and a half, oak floors downatalra Thla la a genuine anap. See us. D. V. Bholes Co., 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel U RE 675 unnrnN t-rnom: alao (-room house: beau tlful lota; fine location; cheap. Inquire 1411 Vinton at. blw l Ala FOR SALE, a well Improved 240-acre farm, located In the northeast corner of Gsge county, Nebraska, in the heart of the agricultural part of the state. Would take a small atock of hardware as part consideration. For particulars write. F. M. Gallant, Adams, Neb. RE-M824 16x rnn rai.M at a hara-aln. 160 acres of Im proved farm land In Greeley county, Ne braska. Address D. Bee office, ouncll Bluff a. la. RE-M922 1.x A VERY good 10-rooin house, rents for $25 per month, city water, near Srth and Cas tellar Sts. .... Lot 46x100. 13-room house, the interior In fine condition, only 70 ft. from street car. good neighborhood, warning oiainuc. This will beaT Invest lgatlon-$l, 760.00. An all-modem 6-room cottage. In Mrst class location, clowe to chuicli and street car, $2,150. This is a bargain. Will offer elegant building lots on st and Burt, close to the proposed Roman Cath olic cathedral. $.125. 4. 49 lots in Rose Hill Add., where all the flne summer resorts are being built, close to Country club and street car. W 111 be sold for one week for from $100 to $200 per lot. according to location. The owner has authorised us to receive offers for 94 lots In Northfleld Add. until April 16. These lota will be aold at a great sacrifice. A 2-story 9-room house on N. 21st St.. walking distance; property In first-class condition, city water, gas and cistern. Second floor will rent for $10 per month. This will lie offered for oays tor i.wpu. J. A. LOVEGREN & CO. Suite 636 and 637 Paxton Blk. RE 878 15 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE $1,600.00 6411 Fine 6-room house on N. 20th st. near Manderson: east front, permanent brick wa:ka around house; nice shrub bery, rose bushes, etc.; good small barn; house in good repair; lias gas in every room; city water and eewer. A big bargain for someone. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1st Floor. N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 1781. RE MS8 16 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and atock raisers about it. The beat way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 59.000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, ao If you have a good piece of land to aell at a reaaonable price you will find a buyer among them. The coat of an advertisement Is small 3 cents per word in small type or $2 53 per Inch If set in large type. DtNCING ACADEMY. MORAND'fl 15th and Harney, aprlng term thla vrk hilitren. Sat.. S p. m.; adulta. Tuea. A Frt . I D. m ; 1! leasous $o; private lessons daily. Tel. 141 i if Ala FOR KEXT-UOISKS. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H li. goods. Storehouse, 11JO-24 N. Uth. Otnce, lallfe Farnam. TeL 166-8ta D M HOIIPC; In all parta of the city. Tha I1UU JCJ o, p. Da via Co.. fc bee Bldg. D9.n PAYNE-BOSTW1CK A CO., choice housea. tkil-603 New York Life bldg. 'Phone Ml. D iS WE MOVE pianos. Mntgard Van St Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. Ofhce 1713 Webster at D-ta HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. D 830 Uni IQCC In all parta of the city. R. C. I1UUOCJ Petera Co., bee Building. D-ftil FOR RENT S-room house, newly papered. S627 Charles tJ2.oO. TeL 671. B. H. Robbinaon. D-38 FOR RENT Seven-room hodte, all mod ern; 2123 California at., 132 60, Including water Ux. Inquire at 607 N. 19th at. D M 893 $40 E15 Binney St., 10 rooma, all modern house, hot water, heat; barn. Hi l&zl Park Ave., new, modern, across street from Hanscom Park, 8 rooms. $32.503609 Dodge, east H new double brick house, 6 rooms, newly papered, nickle luumoing. $T6 2411 Spencer St., new, modern cottage, 6 rooma. A double house of 21 rooms, suitable for boarding or rooming house, 2 blocks from iier urano so per montn. R. C. PETERS & CO.. Ground Floor, bee building. D-43S. FINE 14-ronm, strictly modern, brick dwelling, entirely new, 2325 8. 14th. Bemls. Paxton block. D M500 2706 DEWEY. 8-room; $40; adults: Msy. D M530 FOR RENT Four rooms, lower floor, newly papered; city water In house. 3111 Mason St., $7. C. M. Bachmann, 438 Pax ton Blk. D MM2 NICE 8-rooni flat facing Hanscom park; i-none 623. l mxm FOR RENT 7-room, furnished house for the summer. Dr. Gage, 807 N. 39th. D 89? $209 CASS, 8 rooms, new. strictly modem May t. J32. 3136 I hies go, 8 rooms, mod ern, $45. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker blk. D M91S 17 FOR RENT-STORES ND OFFICES. FOR RENT Three upper stories In four story building at 916 Farnam St., two stones ir prelerred. Address C. C. Rose' water, Seu'y, Room 100, bee Bldg. i M986 TWO-STORY building, 1613 and the second floor 1608-10 Howard, w. W. t'ushman. 1-932 DENTIST wanted to share office with physician with fine quarters In Bee bldg., with well established practice. Address C 21, Bee. 1-131 FOR RENT Building suitable for who! sale purposes at 916 Farnam. 22x90,' four stories and first-class cemented basement, elevator, tiro and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars inquire c c. bosewater. sec. - retary bee Building Co., room 100, Bee building. 1 M667 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY, If you are annoyed by numerous small bills mat Dave accumulated outing the winter il mlgnt be an advantage to you to secure money from us and pay them, and then psy us In weekly or monthly payments until you get out oi aeoi. we loan on fur niture. pianos, live stock and other chat. tels and we make loans to salaried peo ple upon tneir own agreement to reoav. Our rates are aa low aa any and a grea aeai lower man Home, uur eervica i. quick and without publicity. If you have aeau wnn ua ana are pieaaea. tell others. UU 11 uu fl.ic uiBivnini, tell 111, Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. 119 Board of Trade bldg. Tel. 229 (Established 1692). 06 South 16th St. X-l MONEY To salaried employes and ware-earnera. Get our system of loans that gets you out of debt. - Monthly monthly w'kly $1(10 Return to us. ..$28 00 or $13 25 or $6 65 $ 60 Return to us... 13.33 or 6 65 or 3.36 $ 25 Return to us... 6 66 or 3.33 or 1.66 $ 15 Return to us... 4 00 or t.uOor .00 Easiest terms, ixiwest rates, conhdentlal. No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO.. 644 Paxton Block X 866 CASH. You csn establish a CREDIT w)th an old RELIABLE Arm and secure money whenever vou need It. We will advance you enough money to par off all your debts, so that you will owe it all In one place, where you get courteous treatment Our easy payment plan has astonished peo ple who had previously borrowed of other loan companies, on account of our libera! rulta. We make loans on SALARIES, FURNI TURE, PiA.nuh, uvk mucK, etc KEL.1 A DLL LHHilll CO.. 107-8 Paxton block. X-M823 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us if you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. (S3 Paxton block, 16th snd Farnam streets. X9ril MONEY IX1ANED SALARIED PEOPLE snd otners wun security; eaay payments larzest business In 49 Drlnclnal nltu. Tolman. room 440 Chamber of Commerce bldg. A 964 MONEY losned on plain note to salaried people; nusiness connoentiai; loweat ratea. 614 raxion diocb. im j. a. uutton Ci X 965 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew eiry, iiuroea, roiti, cit. r . jteea, lis I 13th. X-987 MONEY to loan on furniture. horaa at half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbenow. room 215 at 209 S. 15th at Tel. B-2964. X-966 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Fole Ixan to, itnn rarnam at. X 968 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. FARM snd city loans, low rates u u Tuomau. Flrai Nat 1 bank bldg. Tel. 1648! KuJ PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 97 N. Y. Life. ill 'J 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls. Paxton bloc W-K71 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglaa. w a WANTED City loana and warrants. Farnaln Smith at Co.. 1420 Farnam at W-73 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Inveatment Co. w ra WANTED Real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters at Co., Bee bldg. W 974 6per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. via MONEY to loan. Investment Co. Kenney Real Estate snd r. Bee bldg. W 976 PATENTS AND PENSIONS. H. J. COWOII.L Patents. No fee unless successful. 618 8. 16th, Omaha. Tel. 17. 979 PATENTS guaranteed. Buea Co., Omaha. . Ms- pensions s. F. Moore. 162 Farnam 564 Jel2 r LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN at PRICE. 410 tat Nat. bk. bid E.K. MORKARTY, Att ., 437 Paxton Tel. A-2t3 ro- PERSONAL. DR. ROT, Chiropody. R. I, 1616 Farnam. aper Hanging WW;:.: C. P UcCLaiN. tied at reasonable prices. 2iu N. i,tu lit. Tel. B-2647. ccordeon pleating, cheapest, beet, quickest miim. a. Mark. 1,IH and lui". U -913 LA BOOK, ladles' tailoring, ill Krbac h OIK, jrrm NY coor trl i nr . friend can rail or write to the matron of the Salvation .Army Home tor Women, M24 in. " Oinana, Neb. U MM Maylx Btammerlng cured. J. Vaughn, Ramge Bid. U r.. ELITE Parlors, 616 8. 16th, Zd floor. U-944 V1AVI." way to health, 3o0 bee building. WHAT'S nleer than accordeon pleating? e ao nothing but the finest, uuiain.a Pleating Co.. M Douglaa Blk U-W BEN BOLT Why didn't you meet me at oiumuiu. monograph company night I I waited tlil half peat . Say, tneir tree loncerta are giand, and l bought a doaen v p tno leoords fur Z6c each. Peggy trom paiia. U 4 'AN TO R 1 UMciln L-50 SEND ac for HOMESTEADER S GUIDE. luuuiiuing ioriy-igiu pagea ol yiu"n liuorinauoii. OricIL MAi' and lull lutttrucuon how to get a tiaim on the ioefa.buij kiohkiiv.iIiiN eurbes lv c.ung Agency, bonesuwl. B D. U-l PIANOLAS for rent; I months' ren ' on puichase. Schmollei' at ku t ai- Muellei rarnaui. Tel. 162e. TUB, vapor and alcohol hatha, 720 8. 13th at. u IM DR. SLAB A UGH, Dentlat, N. Y. LUe Bldg. U MM, BM-K,E Capt Freer'a Greenlanoer cigar, "v o. lain, U Man Mayi 'iHf2ATRICAL maaq. costumes. Lieben, U 4 yi'UES. uancing club or meetings of any aiuu can secure a hall in the iea uuuu lug. wun splendid accommoUatlons; el vator service all nlghi. electric light, piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Peters & Co., uuuu uoor, nee oldg. u leii CRYSTAL Ice Co.. 1306 N. 24th. Tel. 2028. U M4o0 Jem DR. F1CKES, G. C. B. 8., dentist, 338 Bee iug. U MSIXI Alex THERE are at least 20 reasons why every man snouid sinoKe the Monogram 60 cigar. The first Is: it is auni to unv luo cigar me marKet. w. . stoecxer Cigar . o. manufacturers, 1404 Douglas. U 103 WALL paper ceaned. Mlddlemlas, Tel. A 326. U M146 A 30 READ THIS If you are Interested In clean domes, men patronise tne uumeaiic Laundry, 2416 N. 24th. Tel. B 1182. U-M482 FAMILY washing and rough drying a spe cialty.- MM N. .4th St. U 009 JUdX DR. C. H. DE LONG. Dentist. 352 Bee. Li 468 M4 M ArNPTI treatment & baths. Mme. lUrVJPICi Smith, 118 N. 15. 2 fir. R. 3. U OOO M-iX STEIN WAY ptsnos are sold exclusively by ocnmoiier a Mueller, 1313 Farnam st. U-M800 P-7omo SALVE. Quick, absolute oure CCZeilld B j Scannell, 609 Ware Blk U M60B MS - - Dye Works. Up-to-date I iPrmnniS cleaners and flyers. Ill WC1 ,IIallla 8. 18th St. Tel. 3627. U M857 BEST photos from $2 to $10 per dosen, and a 14x17 or lfcxio photo not crayon In eluded In each dosen FREE. Frames a very low prices If desired. Stonecypher, pnotograpner, 1312 Farnam st. t el. 3,,:'2. U-M849 MOLES on face or body removed: no acids, Knife, electricity used; no pain; reference given: for date, Sunday only. Tel. A2K44. 2304 N. 21St at.. Omaha. . U M850 26x RETIRED btiaineas man, very rich, seek good, nnnest, home-loving wife; money no object. Address Mr. 202 Washing ton si., vnicago. u mdu lax MEDICAL. MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists, $1. 965 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman at Mccunnell, Omaha. 956 DR. PRIES treats successfully sll dlseaaea and irreguiaritiea or women; experienced reliable, 16UM Dodge. Arlington block, Omaha. 957 PRIVATE hosDltal during confinement babies adopted Mrs. uardeis, Charlea. Tel. A-2816, 958 PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adopted. The Good Samaritan sanitarium, 728 lat Ave., council Biurra. ta. o.t PRIVATE hosDltal. before and during eon flnement; Daoee aaoptea ana ooaraea. Mrs. Neflln. ns N. Uth. M 420may2x MCSICAU THOB. J. KELLY, voice, Davidga block. K DAISY HIGGINS, voice, piano. 201 Leav Tel. A-27U. CHAS. H. KEEPER, piano, 66 Barker Blk. 101, LOST. LOST Agate watch charm and buckle; re- - w fc- . I 1 1 .... I. t- L" TunL warn, umsnk iav xu, - ' son. Lost-99 lax LOST White snd brown St. Bernard dog st Fort Crook April 13; large reward. Lieut, Wuest, Fort Crook, Neb. Ixist M919 16x WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED. TO BORROW, $250 for six months on good chattel security. Ad dress II 15. Bee. M.sSj17x DETECTIVE AGENCY. Capt. Cormack, M7 Karbach blk. Tel. A-?it POSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read dally by all Interested, aa changes may occur at any time). Foreign malls for the week ending April 9. 194. will cloae (PROMPTLY in all case) st the General Post office as fol lows: PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Pa reels-post mails for Germany cloae st 6 p. m. Monday, per s. s. Kaiser W ilhelm II, and Friday, per s. s. bel gravia. Regular and Supplementary mans close at Foreign Station (corner of Weat and Mor ton streets) half-hour later than cloaing time shown below (except that supplemen tary maila for Forope und Central Amer ica, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Mai la. SATURDAY" At 2 0 a. m. for IRELAND, per s. s. Umbrla. via QuoenstQwn (mail for other parta of Europe must be di rected "per a. s. Umbrla '); at 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. 8t. Paul, via Ply mouth and Cherbourg; at ( 3u a. ni ror BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Kroonland (mail must be directed "per a. a. Kroon land"); at 9. M a in. for SCOTLAND di rect, per s. s. Furnessls (mall must be directed "per s. s. Furnessia"). After the closing of the supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above, addi tional Bupplemeniary Malls sre opened on the piers of the American, Enclbh. French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten Umulte "f ih hour of sailing of steamer. Malls far Boats) and Central Anjerlra, West ladles. Etc. FRIDAY At 110 a m. for BRAZIU per a a. Roman Prince, via l'ernambu.o. Santos and Rio Grande du Hoi (mail for Northern Brasll must be directed "per a s. Roman Prince'); at 12 m. for NORTHERN BRAZIkf, per s. s. Horatio, via Para and Manaoa. , SATURDAY At 4 a. m for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Hydaspes: st a . m for BERMI DA, per s. a Pretoria: at a m (supplemew- tary JO a m ) for PORTO RICO, cuw CAO and Ys.NLllE.LA, per . S Phil- POSTOKFICK NOTIt K. artelphla fmall for 8svanlll snd rtt:i arena must be rtlrciiel "per s s. 1'hil.nbi phla "); st P. .Til a 111 (upplenntarv h a m ) for FORTUNE 1SLANIV JA MAICA, 8AVANII.I.A, CAR i" Mil". N A nn.t tSHEYTOWN, per s t. A11rRhn 1m.11! for Costa Rica must be directed "p.r s A lleghanv" : st 9. "a n. m (Mipplemcn'arv lo M a. m) for HAITI ami SANTA MARTA. per f. s i.ttv : . n. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro rHtle. : vsns: st 11 a. m for GRENADA. TRINI DAD snd CM DAD BOLIVAR, per s s Maravsl: nt 12. 3n p m. for CUBA, per s. s. f'liritvba, via Mntunr.a (mall r.ust be directed "per a. a. Curilybn"). Malls Fnrvtaraed Overland, Kir.. K.. eept Transcontinental. CURA-VIa Port Tampa., clones al thla omce daily, except Thursday, ut a. m. (the connecting malls close here 0,1 Mondays. Wednesdnvs and !vilurl ) MEXICO CITY ttverland. in, .ess specbiiH addressed for dispatch by Mramer,, at this office dally, except Sunday, nt 1 St n. m. and 10:30 p. m. Sundays at 1 p. m snd 10.30 n m NEWFOUNDLAND-Py rail to North Fyrt nev and thence by steamer closes nt tMs office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting m il s close here every Monday. Wednesday and Pn turds vl. JAMAICA Ry rail to Boston, nnd thrno by steamer, closes st this orilce at 6:.Til p. m. Tnesdsy snd Friday. By rail to Philadelphia, snd tkenee bv steamer, closes at this office at 7 p. rri. Saturday. MIQUELON By rail l Roeton snd thence by stesmer closes at una omce dally at 6 90 n. m. BELIZE. PT'ERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orlenna and thence by steamer rinses at this office dally, except Sunday, at I:30 p. tn. and 10:80 p. m . 8undays at 1 p. m. and (10-36 p m. (connoctlng mail closes here Mon dsvs at 110:30 p. m COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans and thence by steamer closes' ct this ofllce dally, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. m end 110.30 p. m , Sundays at II p. in. and J10:3U p. m. (connecting cloaez here Tue days at 110:10 n. m.i BAHAMAS (except Pa reels Post Mallsi Hy ran to Miami, Fla., and tnence hy steamer, closes at 6T:30 H. i. W'ednes.lav. I Registered mail closes at C p. tn. previ ous day. Transpacific Malls. HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE! ISLANDS, via San Francisco, cloae here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to April lllth. Inclusive, for despatch per a : Korea. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, vli nan rrancisco, close here dally at 6:10 p. m. up to April llftth. Inclusive, for des patch tier s. s. Marlnosa. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April SlMh. In clusive, for despatch tier s. a. Alaineila HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA and spe cially addressed mall for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close b": dally at 8:30 p. m. up to April 421M. in clusive, for despatch per s. s. Gaelic. AUSTRALIA WVsll, FIJI ISLANDS and NEW CALEDONIA, via Vaiu-ouv.-:-and Victoria, B. C, close uete ually at 6:30 p. m. up to April 523d, Inclusive, fur despatch per s. s. Anrnngl. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via SHn Fran cisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. in. up lo April 126th, Inclusive, for despatch per U. 8. Transport. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver ami victoria, B. C close here daily at 6 ;,o p. m. up to April 126th, Inclusive, for ib s. patch per s. s. Empress of China. (Mer chandise for U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA, FIJI. SA MOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April jWnth, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carry ing the BrltlBh mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls losing at 6:30 a m. and 9:30 a. m. and 6:3ii p. m ; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6 :10 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunnrd steamer.) NOTE Unless otherwlso addressed, West Australia Is forwarded vi.t Europe: and New Zealand and Philippines via San Francisco the quickest routes. Philip pines specially addressed "via Canada ' or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at' the foreign rates, r Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of tholr uninterrupted overland transit. (Registered mail closes st 6 p. in. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN CoTT. rostmnstee Postoffle. Now York. N. T.. April 8. 1901. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPl'LIES Department of the Interior, Hhce ol Inuiaii Attaira, Washington, D. C, March 21, lim Scaled proposals, Indorsed "PropoBalu lor beet, dour, etc.," aa the case may be, guild directed to the Commissioner of Indian Al laire, 265-267 South Canal street, Ciiicuo, 111., will be received until 1 o'clock, p. ni. ot Tuesday, May 8, ISaX, tor furnishing tor tho li.diun service, beet, flour, bacon, bean, coffee., sugar, rice, tea and other articles ot subsistence; also lor groceries, soap, baking powder, crockery, agricultural Implements, pulnls, oils, giasa, tinware, wagons, harness, leather, shoo findings, saddlery.. etc., schoo. supplies, and a long list of miscellaneous articles. Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Pro posals for rubber goods, hardware, etc.,'' as the case may bo, und directed 10 the Com missioner of Indian Affairs, 6u2 South Sev enth street, St. IajuIb, Mo., will he refciwd until 1 o'clock p. in. ot Thursday, May 6, 19o4, for furnishing for the, Indian serene, lubber goods, boots and shoes, hard ware and medical supplies. Sealed proposals, in doraed "Proposals for blankets, woolen aiic cotton goods, clothing, etc.," as tho case may be. and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Nos, 119-121 Woosier street, New York City, will bo received until 1 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, May 24, 1P04. for furnishing tor the Jndian service, blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing notions, hats and caps. Bids must be mailt cut on government blanks. Schedules giv ing all necessary Information for bidders will be furnished on application to the In dian office, Washington, D. C. ; tlio U. 6. Indian warehouses, 119-121 Woosler street, New York City; 265-267 South Canul street, Chicago. 111.; 815 Howard street, Omaha, Neb.; so South Seventh street, St. Lmus. Mo.; the Commissaries of Subsistence, U. S A., at Cheyenne, W'yo., and St. Paul. Minn ; the Quartermaster, U. 8. A.. Seattle, Wash.; the postmasters at Sioux City, Tuch.ui, Portland, Spokane and Tacoina, and iho Manufacturers' and Producers' Ion of California, San Francisco. Oil. Bids will be opened nt the hour and days above stated, and bidders are Invited to be pi' s.-nt at the opening. The department ren-rvi-s the right to determine the point of iMIvcry and to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. w. A. ju.w, ummissioi,-i AlldlM-in PROPOSALS FOR RUR8ISTENCK htorea Office Purchasing Commissary. U. 8. Army. Omnha. Neb.. ApYil 13, l!i. Healed proposals, subject to the usual con oitlone, will be received at tbla ofllce 11111 1 10 o'clock a. m , April 23, l'.4. at which time and place they will be publicly open. ; for furnishing subsistence stores us f"l lows: Baron, flour, sugar, canned good, etc Preference will le given to articht of domestic production. Blank proposals and specifications can be obtained at tin office. FRANK .A. COOK. Purchasing Commissary. All. 15. I''. '. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE FOR RIDS FOR STATE PRINT ING. Bids will be receive, pv tti ritaie rnn' t,g Board at the t.fnee. of the Pecretaty of State at Unculn, Nebraska, 011 or lM'r 2 30 o'clock p. m . Monday. April -a. I.n.. for printing ana mnuini iw ' ... n of the biennial reports of the audi lot and commissioner of public lands and nu til ings. 15,oi statistical bulletins lor lab.u bureau, und miscellaneous blank hooks, printing -n1 sti.eai.ry supplies for t'm Girls Industrial school at Geneva t... -dl.TS1 and Sailors' home t (.rand Island, Insane hospital at Lincoln, attorney irer, . era auditor, supreme . t Ireasuj . r. Hdli tani general. sn ertnte.vlent of publ., ristr.Hilon. secretaiy ft state, game inel flsh oininlssion for-1 commission - ilBFloner of public binds nii.1 buililiriK", mate bo-rd of equalisation and la bm l. i- "Pnertflcatlens for same can be found i.'i file In the office of the Secretary of Sfat. All bids must be accompanied by a bond eoual in amount to the probable cos! of the work lid upon. The board rem-rvi the right to reject nny and all lids Lincoln. Nebraska April 12, l'i . 1 STAT 1 r. r-ivi .1 1 1 tt lAFtl 1 By lM W. FUAZIKi: Pecreiarv to the Hoi ' AiidtM Not Maker of ftnret Things. , M. B. Miller. 1914 Binney street, who v a i drawn to serve on Ihe federal grand Jin y for Ihe May term and who was put d ,v n as a confectioner, arises to slate that h-i always bus la-en fond of met ihinK ami thinks well of the confectioner, busines.', but that he is not nor nevr was 1 nxaycl In It He Is president mill trea-"ir, r i.f ih Western Creamery Supplv c'ina:i and was erroneously reg-siered. Prlre of till la . otter. CLEVELAND. II The Pin- i.u 1 fill inmMiiy tod:iy uin.o,ia e,l e'eiilf duct Ion of it rent tier gallon 011 all gralei I of ;cluivd lytlioituu 9La V