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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1904)
Trife OMAHA DAILY BEES FRIDAY, ATRIL IS. lWt- LRA1S AND PRODUCE MARKET Cheat Crop Pm; Fiporti Thick, but Ftu mil I Li Ko. Bur. MARKET AT MtRCY Or CONDITION TALCS Chicago Wets Only Kin Cars at Wheat la Ono Dif Omaha Palls ' la Three. OMAHA, AH II 14," 19tA. The markets are full of tmt crop dim it reports, bin tne crop kiiier il nt seem to buy on tlu-lr new. The meritet was strong at the on admtional bull news and no ei -strung irfuiauon ot the bad reports of Vveuureuay. Ja,ier profit taking by scalpers, who bought on the last farcsk, took in uge ult lor a while, but tne cmse was strong again, trop condition will continue to rule the market ior sums time, ami anaip turns are pro ba bio, as tne short Interest was largely eliminated Weune soay. nile tne May is at such a premium over tne old July ana the. storks are nmall the tirars probably will be very careful of the ah ,rt side. Among the crop damage reports Is one font (ireat Mend, Kan., which predicts hat If there Is nw rain ten days leas than jne-thlrd crop Is poralble. A lit. Louis wine house on the other hand wires that eports from Kansas and Oklahoma am exaggerated and that plenty of twin la Wing sold. An Indiana statistician says wheat Is the worst It line ever heen in that state, and another expert tas three fourths of the fields have been abandoned through winter killing. Several cat goes of Manitoba wheat have been resold by Ihs English to the exporter. Knowing that they do not want any spring wheat at present f nines. Chicago cash business yesterday noluded 6,000 bushels of No. 2 red at 11.0m, f. o. b.. and 10. 00D bushels of No. 1 norihrrn at Mo, f. o, b. Chicago May ranged from Win to Mo and new July irom 880 to 87 c. Omaha did very UUIe speculative business today In wheat or corn. Des Moines wires that the Hamlin ele vatora, which have a line on the Iowa Central, have been trying to buy corn at Peoria to ship back Into Iowa to feeders. They were unable to fill their orders In tho state. Chicago reports that t00,n0Q bushels of No. 2 corn has been rejected as con tract when it came to shipping, It being too dirty. This was said to be due to kiln crying, which caused the grains to crack when handled. The private houses are turning a good amount of contract Into the CHIC A (JO ORA1X ABO rROYISIONS. . Feat ares at the Tresis aad Closing Prices aa Board at Trade. CHICAflO. Arrll 14. Possible decreased acreage In the northwest and renewed dam- sge reports from tne souinwest were lean ing factors In the wheat market today. At the close July wheal showed a gain of Sc over last night s final f gores. Corn al Is up He. Oats advanced vvifac. Pro visions closed a shade higher to 2Vc lower. A member of a Chicago commission house now examining conditions In Kansas tele- f;rapbe. that west of a north and south Ins down through Hutchinson, Kan., win ter wheat of Oklahoma and Kansas was hopelessly lost. With such news to en courage buying, prices readily advanced, July rallying to Mc. Later In the day an estimated Increase In shipments from Ar gentina caused sufficient selling to csrry prices down about He from the nigh point. Nevertheless, the market showed no algns of weakness the close being firm, with July at 87Vi874.e. May ranged between WSc and 94vV. and closed at SlSc. Clear ance of wheat and flour were equal to 3n.Ki0 bushels. Prlmnry receipts were 31,0t bushels, against 177.600 bUKhels a year ago. Minneapolis, Dultith and Chicago reported receipts of 13 cars, against 30 last week and 12a a year ago. The corn market had a strong-start. An advance of lVtc to 1V4 In the price of best grades of cash corn helped support specu lative trading. July opened Vu-1 h'fher t B'i'u504C, sold Detween wrvjc snu oi- nd closed at 60Tee. May closed at 61Vo. rsnglng between 62Vao and b3o. Locaj s were 49 cars, with 11 ol contract a after receipt grade. . , , . Oats ruled firm on reports of delayed seeding and on small local receipts. An Improved demand for cash, oats was an .j.liiinn.i hull factor. After onenlnc un changed to tec higher at 3THWi7c, July sold between 7Vil3rVo and 38c and closed at a7fi37T.c. Local receipts were 61 cars. Moderate recelpta of hogs, with steady prices at the yards, caused a firm tone in provisions. Ths market closed steady, with July pork unchanged at 111.(0. July lard closed up a shade. Ribs, were down 2V At .67v. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlols. Open. High. Low. Close.Yes'y. .NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Few OfferiDj of Btack EufficUnt to Weigh Prioea Downward. DECLINE DUE' LARGELY TO INANITION Rwsslaa Kaval Disaster lad seed Sonee Belling aad the Reaoced Bog llsh Rate Affects the Market. f ubllo houses, but the trouble comes when t goea to purchasers. Ths range In prices of Omaha grain for I Lard Wheat May a July b July b Sept.- a Sept. Corn- May July Bept, Oats- May July Bept. Fork- May July future delivery and the close of Wednesday and today were aa follows; . Closed m Open. High. Low. Today. Wed. Kite 88 83 83 May US July 83 corn MVn 88 B 83VB 83 May July Ribs- May July ) ' I RT5s STHIfe SNW WW' 82 83i 63v e3 604 61', 494 W 87f?Ti SK 37 38 32V'4) 32 12 46 1 2 45 11 47te 12 62 6f 7te tSf 6 85 47H 47H B 65 I 666 93SI 93S 8RSIW tf4ii 87 IMNilK M 84Vfcfi',4l 824j 6214! 60W 49 mm ii 15 16 11 36 6741 72te SB 62H 83V. 'Bu' V rrttw 37tf!.l Site 12 27H U B0 66 to t 48 NEW TORK, April 14 There can be but email Impottance attached to a market of the small volume of that of today. The dullness Is attributed In part to the de parture from the street of many of the large operators whose trading had been an important element In the activity for some time past. The few offerings of slock were sufficient In the stagnation of demand to weigh prices gradually downward. The decline was due more to Inanition than to any positive elements of weaknese. The reduction In the Hank of Kngland rate had been discounted In that market, and the Russian naval disaster Induced some sell ing for Paris account. The March statement of our foreign trade In full somewhat modifies the unfavorable Impression of the statement of exports by an Increase In the value of manufactured exporta, which offsets In part the large losa In the exports of domeeiio products. The value of Imports also has fallen, thua helping to ease- the excessive reduction in the balance of trsde In our favor which was threatened. Attention was attracted to the Interview In Germany with J. H. Schlff, especially on account of the asser tion that the Pennsylvania (50.0011,000 note ill be Issued at 50 tior conversion into stock). Assertions and opinions from vari ous sources of crop damage accompanied the deaultory decline In prices, which reached a rxdnt In some of the leading railroad stocks and Industrials. Amalga mated Copper and Anaconda were aoid on doubts of an Increase in the coming divi dend. The market closed easy and at about the lowest. The bond market turned hmvil in avmnathv with stnoke. Total 8314 aales, par value, t2.116.fHXI. United State 2s gg.Ag 1 uecnnen Pr itih uii co. in quoiainms un mv isw x 01 a diqvk exchange yesterday were aa follows: 8aies.HlgD.L1OW. Close, WS 8- Vt 60V4 4H 12 S2H u ao 8U 45 69 .24,000 74V, 73te 73 . 200 3t 8k . ,6O0 81 80 7' . jno 90te Sste Wi . 800 1174 110 Ubte lts . 2fl6 33 K . 300 f, 3te 82ti 37 -4 ItiV. 170V May 494 Julr Oats- May July Sept .. WS .. aote 4te 48 8rV 48 14 47 S6S 30te Colo. Southern.. do 1st pfd do 2d Dfd Delaware & Hudson.. Delaware, Ij. A W.. Denver & R. O....... Itaoal Cash farata Market. It Otnaha only received three cars of wheat, Chicago did not do much better, having only nine, in corn also Omaha re celpta were only thirteen cars leaa than Ch'oago. This, of course, will not happen No. 2. a Old. b New. . - ,- Cash ntiotatlons were as follows: 4HB 49 H I FIjOUR Market steady: winter patents. 48 47SH I 14.NXta4.70; straights, (4.404.70; spring pat- I ants U CMUXH hakers. t.1.WV(fS 60. H t8H WHEAT No. 2 spring, 904jV8c; No. t, 5 ennn iwij 1 tjfwc: iso. z rea, wy-fsc. . 1 1 dn nf(i corn in o. 1, ikkouosc; rio. yeuuw, boh i Erie OATS-No. t. 87a8c; No. I whtk. 4WM io iSKtfA.'.'.'.Y. i2c. . Hocking Valley.. RYE No. I. TOf&Oc. . do pfd BARLEY Good feeding. 4336Hc: fair tO Tlllnnla Central . choice malting, tjwc. 1 i0wa Central Hh.KDH NO. 1 nax, Il.iw; mo. 1 rnnnwmi. do pfd... Atchison .: do rfd Baltimore & Ohio.. do pfd Canadian Paclflo. .. Central of N. J Ches. A Ohio Chicago 4V Alton... do ptd Chi. A Ot Western.. 1,000 U 16Vs Chi. A Nnrthwest'n I C. M. & St. P 37,400 146V 144S 144 O Dfd....'. HO Chi. ter. A Trans 9 75 17 MH 23 153Vi 265 21 hi 71 2S 69 41 71 8'fH small Jobler In Kaffirs, being announced. Consols snd home rails were easier snd prices rallied. Americana opened eteady, subsequently Improved to above parity on New Vork surpori, noisoiy in tne case 01 I'nlted States Pteel: then necams Inactive and closed firm. Foreigners were dull. Jananese securities were ( better. The weekly statement of the Rank of England shows the . following changes: Total reserve, Increased 1.112.000: circula tion, decreased 512,000; bullion. Increased 59,; other securities, decreased s71, Otfl; other deposits, Increased 1. Mo 000; notea reser-s. Increased l.OB8,nn0; govern ment securities, decreased 1.0HO.O(irt. The proportion of the bunk's reserve to liability this week Is 46 18 per cent. Last week It was 44.11 per cent. Mew Vark Maaes Market. NEW YORK, April 14. MONBY On call, easy at lVi-lVi per cent; closing bid, 14 per cent; offered. Ite per cent. Time money easy and dull; dsys and 0 days, IteS per cent' months, 3 per cent. PRIM1& MERCANTILE PAPER 44H per cent. . BTBRLINfl KXCHANOE Ptrong, with actual business In bankers' bills at 14.8735 4 8740 for demand and at $4 Rfyf?4 RMS for 80-day bills; posted rates, 14 &6teft4.t8; com merclnl bills. 14.844. v SILVER Bar, 6a8i,Mexlcan dollars, 4Sc. BONDS Qovernment, easy; railroad, heavy. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: ...iv sinnniitTin e. g. H....114 ( antral 41 ...1' I do 1st Inc I do 1st Inc lot IV Inn. A St. L. 4.... Mst ..1SS M.. K. at T. 4i.. ..ll4i do ! ..10TV N. R. R. ot M. e. ..WV'N. T. C. f. ..100 . 1 M'4 C. . ref. H, reg do enapos do . reg do coupon do new 4a, ret. do cmipoa do old 4. reg. do coupon .... Atchfton fan. 4a. do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a Ualtlmnrs A O. a. ...1904a do SHa M Central ot Os. la.....l(l1H da lat Inc fil (ht. A Ohio 4Ha.... lot's Chleaao A A. tVaa.... N r n Ik a. a. la 4 ' ist. L. 8. W. la C. M. A 8. P. . 4a.. IMS soaboara A. U 4a. C. N. W. e. 7a. ...IMS C , R. I. A P. 4a.... list do col. a C.C.C. t II. L 1 4a. 101 S N. J. C. s. No. Pactno 4s do la N. A W. a. 4a O. g. U 4s A par. Pens. eosv. tHs... Raadlnt sen. 4a.... St. L. A I. M. e. 6a.. 1U Rt. L. A 8 r. fg. 4a. U ?a ... 7iS 4a. MS ... " ...IMS ...toj ... 71H . 7S . M . n 7S Chicago Tar. 4a. Con. Tobacco 4a.... Colo, ft So. 4a r A ft. O. 4a Erie prior lien 4s., do gen. 4a F. W. A P. C. la. Hocking Val. 4Sa. L. A N. unl. U... W4 . H . s . . MS .H5S .104 . 80. Parlflo 4a. 80. Railway fts Taiaa A P. la T., 8t. U A W. 4a. Union Paclfle 4a.... 4o conv. 4a V. S Steal Id is... Wabaah 1 do deb. B W. A L. B. 4a Wla. CantnU 4a. '4 .. ml ..11SS ..104 .. V'JH .. 7IS ..117S . . a2 Cclo. F. A I. 6a.... tt Boston B toe at Qaotatlons. IIOSTON, April 14. Call loans, 2H(ff3H per. urn cent; time loans, SViQVj per cent. closing or stocks nna nnnas: Atcblnon ad). 4a 'S wcatlna. common QO DIU C, C. C. A St. L 6 JO 17-4 V 106 23ii "aii 00 154H 154 10 268 2tf 100 Zlhi 7174 27 SS 41! V .. 200 .. 7,800 .. W .. 900 .. 300 81 21 1 71 264 65 4114 80S do Max. Cantral 4a... Atchlaon do pfd Bnaton A Albany. Boston A Maine... Biiaton Elevated .. Fttchburf pfd ...... Mex Central N. T., N. H A H Pera Marquette ... nlon Pacific mar. Arga. Gbam. do prd mer, Pneu. Tuba, nter. Sugar do pfd mar. T. A T roar. Woolen . . . do Dfd Pomlnlon t. A 8. Edlaon Electric 11IU..I17H often, at least not for several years. Corn I ern, 11.18; prime timothy, 12.8Sig2.0; clover, I k. .C. Southern" was up from Ho to lo from Wednesday's market and In strong demand. The sales were quite heavy and the Exchange Grain company was the principal buyer. Wheat and oat were steady at previous prices. Receipts of wheat were I cars In; one week ago, 1 and cars. Corn receipts. 16 cars In and 1 oar out; one week ago, 26 and 10 cars. Oat receipts.. 1 cat in; one week, ago, cars oat. . Representative salsa cf car lota by sam ple on track, Omahai - jnixea 4Jrn o. s. 3 cars, 60c; 1 ear, mrJi oara, sn, no. a, 1 car, 40; no grade. 1 car. 44o. White fern Mm S 1 Ko 1 ja White Oats No! 1 car. 3o; No. . 1 "vvSat-No. hard. 88010c; No, 1 hard. ?tfo; Na. 4 hard. 74SH0o; No. 1 spring, 6Wo: No. t spring, &SS; No. spring. CORN-Na Z, aflseSOe: No. . 4Sffl4c; No. 4 4fi47c; no grade, 484Rc; No. 1 yellow, 'r'y i wiuw, wuvc, o. a wniie, ewi no. a waiia, aiawvo. OATS No. 1. SlHx'JaOiso; No. t. contract grade. 110.76. I do Dfd.. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl..f12.2Ria Louis. Nash. 12.S7S. Lard per loo ins.. s wxfffj.oa',. enorx i Manhattan L ribs sides; (loose) 8 isbre J? !i ; snort ciear sides, (boxed) The following were the reoelpt and ship ments of flour and grain t Receinta. ShiDmenta Flour, bbls 23.WK) 2S.300 Wheat. DU M.O" oa.aou Corn, bu ....lHO.SOO fM.Si Oata. bu 126,200 139.200 Rye, tu o.m Barley, bu 76,100 6,600 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was ateadv: creamery. 14(T23c: dairy, 12V421c. Egga ateady at mark, cases included, WHWlfffco. cneeae,. weak, kwiuo. Met. Securltlea Met.' St, Ry..., ,., M. A St. I M.. St. P; eV 8. St. M do tud Missouri Pae.: M. K. A T dO Dfd Nat. R. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central...'..:... Norfolk A West'n do nfd Ontario A West'n Pennsylvania Pitts.. C. C. A St Reading QO IBt T)TQ do 2d pfd 6o0 130T 130S 130W 100 19 19 18S 35 18S 400 36 85S 35 782 114Vi 2.5O0 109U 108S K'8 142 14Z General Electric aea. Electrlo do pfd aea. Gaa nlted Fruit nttad Shoo Mach.. do pfd . I. Steel do pfd Bid. 400 148 1,600. "ioe oiioo 800 300 600 116 394 l 114 9SS 17H S9 IS's .. 600 " "906 ..33.400 L ....13,900 .... 200 2.4O0 400 117H H''H 68S 2i 'i 119 21S US'i 2mo 1 2no July Corn May .... July .... ... 68S ... wt KAN BAB CITY." Wheat May 84S 84 . July 77! 77 Corn May ' 4S 4H ' July , 46V4 aX ST. LOUIS. Wheat- May 2ti July 8SU Corn May 47S July 1. 48 MINNEAPOU& Wheat- May (S B 9T4A July A ta Wheat May MS July 64B Wheat-May July , St. Loots Grain aad- Provlsloas ST. LOUIS. ADtll 14 WIIEAT-Iligher ti, i-'ii-U'- nn crnn iMtnaan: No. X red cajrh. elevator. 1 a ia 980 on track, Dflc&ll.OSH: May, 2Sc; July, Bt. L. A BV'fV id pfd. 100 83!??c:..N;' 2 1ard-.5ll,lac-.. Bt. L. Southwesfn.... 600 niglierj iiu. vaau, vu uau, I Qa nfd.,, 5.700 700 100 46So. .. - . .. I Texas A Pae.......;... ' 100 HjUUH-UUH ana uncnangsa maraei. To eda. Bt. L. A W... loo red winter patents, 4.904rt.00; special I do pfd ano brands. Kaao nigner extra rancy ana i TTnlnn Paclfln... straight, f4.eooj-4.Ro; ciear. et.i' do pfd... TlilUTHi a)E.u,t nieauy ; ea.awui.ou. - i Wabash niHNMKAL-himav: u.u. i rt.w.nrn BRAN Firm; sacked, eaat track, 82(9 Wheeling A L. Erie. wtsoonsin central... do pfd... Adams Expreas American icxpreas.. If. 8. Exoress Wells-Fargo Express. Amal. Copper 16,600 Am. Car A Foundry.. oo ao pra wu Am Poltnn All . pnill.TBV Hteadv; rhiokens. - 10Ue: I da Dfd. springs. 13.0044.00 per dosen turkeys, lug I Am. Ice 14c; ducks, 11c; geese, 61i7l5,. . I do pfd BUTT CK-uteaay; creamery, a.mmwz. I -am. jin dairy, 15ft 19c 11UU8 Bieaay, ioe case count. . Receipts. Shipment 60SB Floor, bbls 4,000 . 8.000 wneat, du ...i.uuu .. m.uw Corn, bu 23.000 ' 69.000 Oats, bu ,000 . 40,000 45S 784 66 24 65 I V.UIVI1 nigliei , i-'U. va.ii, v.. u Q& prd.. .. 0, HM440Uci: Nn. 1 MUyfMOUj,- I awutiuc: Mav. 4 M JUiy. 'o. . . i a,h.m t.n an No. 4, ?7MkoL Na 1 white, tiyiSc; OATB-Hlgher; No. 1 cash, iloj on track. Bouthern Railway'.'.'..' No. I white, 8U!r40io; No. 4 whiteTsTH 0' July,,H4c; Na.,1 white, do pfd o7BV, auuiuwu, sxiuu. Hataa troaa the Bxehavnara OfBaaa Visitors to the exchange were W. V. Morley and T. p. WorraU of Lincoln and w. a. way or coiumcua. Omaha Inspections of grain were 19 cars. or corn I cars gaaea No. z, a cars No. 3, a oars no, white, cars wheat graded of oata graded while. Grala Havrketa Elaaaaher. Closing prices of grain today and Wednee day at tba marketa named were aa follows: clear ribs, 17.50; short clear, 17.76. CillCAUU, i . '.. Closed. Wheat Today. Wed'y. May H7fe ... 877S mi 44 78i 64 U 23 66 14$ 14Va an . so 60H 49t 22VJ 21 8S - 88 24H 244 uw iiuou ao. 6. u cars rto, a, stin aV n" n. wh 1 "."J $JXrtltayi tlmothy' omt?:. prftlr,ft' Jobbing, n, 16.82. .. 17.87V4; ...38,300 .'.'.' iltioo ... 3,100 'ino 600 26 . 88- " 87; 'ii. 25 'l9-' 18 18U 18 H .4H BAOOINO-6HC HEMP TWINE 8c. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; lobbing I1Z.32H. Lard, nigner; prime ateam,. Bacon (boxed) steady; extra snorts Am. Linseed OH.. do, rjfd.. Am; Locomotive. 600 200 MO do pfd loo Am. Smelt. A Ref 21 do pfd , Am. Sugar Ref 2, 60 64 20 194 72 71 30 29-4 'i "7" 28 27 ii4 'siU 82Z- 8H 4C 4X-V 47 61 117 93 . 17 884i . 3SU 116 68 88 21 1U 61 44 78 65 23 oB 47 14 35' 4! .21 84 24 26 17 85T, 92 38 If 18 40 1S5 107 204 69 19 71 29 88 7 8 27 82 41 New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. AdiII 14. The following are the closing prices on mining siocks: . .4X Alios breeca Adama Con htandard runawlck Comatock Tunnal Cos. Cal. A Vs., Horn eilrar ..... Iron stiver ...... Anaconda Mining Co. 400 76 Brooklyn Rap. Trans. 4,100 47 Colo. Fuel A Iron.... 500 32 81 Consolidated Gas 6,700 201 198 Kansas City Grain and Prevision KANSAS CITY. April U-WWlAT- Corn Products. Firm; May.-eo; juiy. cact oeptemoer, 1 ao pfd 7!To: cash, No. l nara. smuaic; no. 3, 8ias9o: No. 2 red. ll.O2iil.03: No. 1. 11.00. CORN-8teady; May, 46c! July, 46Kc; cash, No. 2 mixed, 4Xc; No. 3. 46tf47c; No. I white. 48o: No. I. 47 48c. OATS Steady 2 No. 3 white, 4?3t3c; No. HAY Firm: choice timothy.- K.OOOT 60: I North American choice prairie, 8. I Pacinn Mall.... M v h: ryn. z n.ic. 1 renn uei LL'TTER Firm; creamtry, J0C2Sc; dairy, Pressed Steel Car, Mn I do nfd irooaFIrm: Missouri and Kansas, caaea I Pullman Palace C.e returned. 14Vc: new jno. i wnin wooa cases Kenub c Steel M., nl. , 1 .) 1 C I I KTto lliciuueu, w. -."' I"" ------ . Xvvvil'in. Dllll'lliriiin. nunorr UOOOS. ...... .io.iv ii.wv 1 00 pra.. 400 93 93 92 900 128 127 127 13 4n 92 83A DUtlllers' Securities. General Electric International Paper. do pfd , International Pump. do nfd National Lend., 100 166 100 11 V 11 ... M t ... K Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oata, bu. 8.8110 100 20.801 4.000 WW YORK GCXERAL MARKET. 4saotatlens of tka Day an Varlons Cnanaaodltttra. NEW YORK. April 14 FLOUR RecelDt. 31,403 bbls.; exports, 3,990 bbls. Market snowea oeiier unaertone, prices held firmer. Minnesota iatnta. i&.ioin&au: imar int ents, e6.a.fro; winter straights, 4 etfil 15: winter sxtras, M3644.0O; Minnesota bakers, 14 lum4 at: winter low ansdea. Uiu.lbl Hv flour, steady: fair to good. 14.etXu4.6o; chotoe AJ IN llt l, g1.e V(W. LUKMttAL oteady; yellow western PHTfjnitLPHU. April 14. BUTTER Steady, fair demand; sxtrsv western, CVsc; n.nrhv nrfnls S&C. KOOS Firm, good demand; fresh nearby, 17c, at mark; fresh western, 17c, at mark; fresh southwestern, 17c, at mark; freer, anutliern. 1?C. at mark. CHKE8K Oulet, stesdy; New York full creama, choice to fancy, 10tfUc; fair to good, 10Q10HC. Bflaneapolls Orala Market. MIVVKAPOf.IS. Anril 14. WHBAT May, 954ilc: July, 95c: September, 844 84c; on track, No. 1 harel, 96c; No. II Tenn. Coal A Iron.. V. B. Leather do pfd U. 8. Realty do pfd. V. 8. Rubber no pfd...., U. 8. Steel do nfd Weatlnghoiise Electric . v, es'ern t nlon 100 Northern Securities lotai sales for the day, 1,800 19 17 18 ..... 81 ..... n 200 96 9fi 96A 100 29 29 29 ..... ....m ,0 . 208 io '7 "7" 7 M0 46 46 45 18 18 18 1J 79 7t 77 60 39 39 39 900 7 7. 100 79 79 78 1.500 7 6 6 MO W 65 ' 64 300 135 13 iro, lino 6 68 68 f.900 J1 11 11 r 7no eiaz. c JU "88 'S 60U 10) 98V Kd.ouu snsres. London Itock Market. LONDON, April 18. -Closing: fl obrfl.l: city. U.lowl.U: kiln dried 13 l&ti north srn, Sac: Ne. 2 northern, 3c, 3.15. I FIA)UR Flrnt patents, 35.0fi5.10; sec BARLEY Quiet: feeding. - e 1 t xi I nnit natents. M.90tr6.ui: first clears. 13.70(3 ion maiung, oouuc, c. 1. r. HufTalo. I second Clears, nmmt-oa. nina ua niiu vveaa; no. 1 western, vac, to arrive I closed, prompt. BRAN Jn bulk. $J4.60i6n4.71 t 11 ca 1 neceipis, n.iw du, upot mar' hat, firm; No. 3 red, ll.Ob, nominal, In ele vator; jvo. 1 rea, (i.vrui.10. nominal, f. o. o., anoat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. d., anoat. upiiuns naa a stronger opeu Ing and closed partly o net hlghsr: Mav. iuiiio, closing at 96c: July. i'y9jc, closing at -o; September, 86ui -l5o, closing at soc; jjecsmoer, mitc, clos ing at 8Sa. CORN Receipts T.62S bu.; exports, 63,611 du. ; spot market nnn; no. 1 nominal, ele vator and 63o, f. tx k., afloat; No. 1 Milwaukee Grata Market... MILWAUKEE. April 14 WHEAT One half oent higher: No. 1 northern. tVM9c No. 1 northern. 96rvc: old July, avo asked. RYK Dull: NO. 1. 73HC. BARLEY Firm; No. 3, 63c; sample, 35 1 Louie. A Naab C6o. CORN Firm; No.' t. 49flGle! July. 60c bid. Conaole, money... so account Araconda Ati hlaon do Dfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian PaclAo ,, Ob re. A Ohio , Ckirago Ot. W C . M. A It. P... DaHeera D. A R. 0 to pfd trie do let pfd do M eld Itllnola Central ... M4 . IS . 744 - . M- . 1T14 .14 . 1 .. 74 ,. I7H ,. 44 ,.1M ..llSH ,. II N Y. Cantral.... Norfolk A W.... do pfd , Ontario A W , rennjylranla ... Rand Mines Reading so lat pfd...,. do d pfd.... So. Railway so pfd So. Facts. Union Paclflo ... .do fd V. 8. Steel do ptd Wabash do pfd gpaalak 4a ..Iinu, .. S.1 .. an .. ai' .. I04e .. os ,. aa .. 12 S .. t7i, .. .1 .. aa ... II .. 41 4 ... lt4 ... Ii ... 11 yellow, 65c; No. 3 white, 64c; option mar- ke . Dnlnth Grain Market. niTTTrTTT AtH1 11 -WHF.iT-In, atnra et ODened higher with wheat and on cov- I n 1 h., 'oau- Vn 1 nnwbern oiai- vinai vmp,u . n or Aiar. a nnrihtni iwe in .rnv Nn 1 nam 6o, closed toc; July, MC6Hc, closed I t4c: No. 1 northern. 3c: No. 2 northern. . . ,,w, . . Vl'10! Mav- '3: July, .93c; Ssptember, OATS Receinta. 142.600 bu - exnnrts. 4 078 I uu. T ua. DLM.t niaraai auiei; n. . aiac; stsna- I srd white. 4w; No. white, 460 ; Nu. 1 white, 46c, . MAX W'ilet; shipping. 67S70o; good to I St.. K. A T Bx -dividend. IXNDON. April 14 Closing: SILVER Bar, quiet, 24d per ounce. MONEY Sfti4 ner cent. The rate of discount In the ooen market is zv'nv"s. per cent; ior tnres months bills. IV-ltya per cent. choice. KkiiVc TALLOW-Kasy; city, 4c; country. t I 7 io HOI PB Oulet: state, common - to ahnice. 1901 crop. TWiiioc; I9u! crop. 33d28e. H1DKS nteady; Qalveaton. 20 to IS lbs., 18c: California, 11 to its lbs., lc; Texas dry. 34 to A Ins , 14c. . LEATHER Quiet; acid, 2J26o. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair lo extra, 3 e6: Jsnan. nominal. PROVISIONS Heef. steady; family, lin so tTleO; mess. ftr00: beef hams. ao.r9 X.iw; packet a ti lo w; city, extra IndkH I mesa, 11a omiic. iut meata. quiet; pickled bellies. 17 OctW 75: Mckled .h,u,M..r. ttu.. pickled hams, 19 Kvtf 10 00. Lard, weak; west ern ateanied. 17. uB; refined, weak: continent 17 IV South America. 7 76: coninoond at an 45S.42W Pork, oulet: fa mil v luu- clsst. 114 0oail6.76; mess. 114 uf4 aO. CHEIi8k; Ouiet: state, roll .m.n colored and while and laige colored and white, fancy. September, IJo; good to frlme 10Jlia. EXiOS nnn; western flrsta, 18c; storage POrLTRY Alive, quiet; weatera chdk- ana, lac; tow la. itc; turkeys, i:v. Dieseed. Steady: Wool ere chicKena, ligllc; fowls. UxaitUfeOi turseya, igiao. i4c. OATS On. track and to arrive, 39c. Mvergtsvsl Grain Market. t TWlPDOOnT Anril 11 TX' I, X? X 1 D . 1.1. I . , . . . . .... M-n . J I - . . dull; No. 1 California. 7s. Futures, steady; Hay. a tua; juiv, as so. CORN Soot dull: American -mixed, new. 4s Id; American mixed, old. 4s 7d. Fu tures, dull; Aiay. s asa; juiy, nominal. Tolede feed Market. Tnr.FOO. Ohio. April 14.8 EETV-Clover. csah. 160; April.- Wis; tjctober, - tbb&. Prime aistke,; pnraa nmum, i.oo. . . . Pearln Grain Market, . PEORIA. 111.. April 14 -CORN-Hlgher, No. 3, 4i4,ic; ro. a. sc. Evaporated Apalea aad Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. April 14. -EVAPORATED APPLES The market continues quiet and nrices rule about steady; common ars ted at l6Vc: prime. 6-Sc; Cholcs, Vic: fairi y. 7t3 7V - . f i ctr; k'tl Tiltlirrk arRITTTS Prunes V A A A t ' A . A .... " " . . It. 1 V . . , ....... H i . 1 1 m Hh , ,Btl(1ltV imm B CO I BtlUCK ,11 II.J1HC w mm IRVtllUl. flUd HO Ufln I 6c acciding to grad. Apricots are I on the reduction today of the Rank of nit bout feature; rhoUe Quoted at tfloc; I Nngland'a rata of discount from 4 to 8. extra choice. lo10c-; Tsncy, liu ac. I iMeraiors wet-e largeiv urcupiea witn tae Peaches show no change; chulva are held I conclusion of tha sa-ttlement, which ended Foreign Financial. BERLIN. April 14-Prlees on the bourse todsy were Irregular. Domestic rails and domestic securities were firm. Trading In most departments wss sluggish. PARIS. ADril 14. Trade on the bourss today was weak, particularly alternation ala, on account of the disaster at Port Arthur. Russian imperial as closed st 94.32. The private rate of discount was 2 per cent. i ne weekly statement or tne nana o France ahowa the following changes Notes In circulation. Increase 721.oj0,o00 francs: treasury accounts current, de creased 1.6'6.i5 francs: gold In hand. In creased l,275,0ni francs; bills discounted, decreased 21.660.ta:io francs; silver in h decreased 1.226.0UO francs. Three per cent rent r 97f aac for the account. IaONDON, April 14. The supplies of money In the market today were scarcer and the rates hardened temporarily, the rush for the county oounoll loan entirely altering the condition of the market. It was estimated that the amount of the loan was covered from ten lo twenty times, thus locking up tJO.OuO.OOO snd sending bor rowers to ths Bank of England for tem porary accommodation. Busluess on ths .. Mi.; Adrenture .. M4 Allouaa . . 73 Amalgamated .. . . M i American Zlne . .2.VJ . Atlantic . .147 IBIngham ..131 Cal. A Hecla... ..141 , Centennial 7t4 Copper Range .. ..181 i Daly Weat .. 74 lominlon Coal .. K.VH Ptanklln .. 18 e'drancr .. Tl lale Rorala .. 41a Mm. Mining .. ..127 Michigan .. 123 V,, Mohawk ..IMS .. 10 .. 71. 10 144 . 19V . 7b . 40 .1110 . 4 Mont. C. AC. Old Dominion , rtaceola Parrot Qtilncy Shannon ....... Tamerack Trinity V. 8. Mining.. V, 8. Oil ftah Victoria l)i Winona 404, Wolverine flclal ... 71 ... 1 ... 4U, ... 44V, ... 10 ... a ... 31V, ...I7 ... lVa ...11 ... 10 ... crv, ... ta ... I ... T ... 4 ... t ... 41Vt ... 1 ... i:v, ... S7V, ... I4Uj ... Bo ... 8 ... 5 ... 4 ... Mv, ... IS ... MV4 ... ! ... a ... 71 . 10 . 11 . lo .148 ' . . I .111 .111 .170 Leedillle Cob Utile Chief ... Ontario Phoenix Potoal BTaie Rlerra Nevada . Small Hopes ,, uphkr .. 10 .. 10 .. 41 .. 71 .. U ..too OMAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Eeooipti llore Molrte and Priosi Held About Bteaij. HOG MARKET IMPROVED A TRIFLE Deanaad for Sheep aad Lasaba Cos llaaed Brisk sued tteady to ttroag Prices Were Paid for Every thlag at Alt Desirable. ' 4,! SOUTH OMAHA, April 14, 1904. Receinta era: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4.306 MM .M Uftlclal Tuesday .U44 1J. ii Official 'Wednesday ,30S 11.1U umciai luuisuay a,ti s.via Four days this week.. 22,08 17,100 M.40i Bami days last Week....l.t4 12.964 28.122 Same days week before. 18. 44 46.616 14.977 Stmt three weeks ago. ..11.91s 17. 1M 19.1M Same four weeks ago. ...11.901 14,643 11,737 Same day last year U.W5 81.065 li.B RlMJKit-lH iUH 'lllhl 1H.AR iO DAIS The ft.llowlns labia shows trie receipt of cattle, hogs and abeea at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison, with last year: . . . j no. JM. Cattle 179,4sl r.178 6,6 Hogs Hl..t Hs,blO tl,Ue Sheep 66.4ta 4o7,iW 117.6.1 Average prices paid tor uoga at buulh Omaha tor I be last several days with coin parlaonai 4 ' Data. U04. 1J.101. 11901. B00.1SSI. tlMS. i 1141 7 211 Ml I I7 4 9 I 1-. I 1 1st 4oi soi i WI a . . a l.., C aaU B I Us., t 17 t 14 lo U. 1. 1. I. 4. .. .. 7 wi t 14) I V 64 t uoi I tOi I fcl 6 tail W 0 2tii4 ,1 W 1 a, a ax 6 97 1 Wl 1 u lH) I bli 1 Ml lrl IW I w Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. April April April April April April April April April April ALN1 April 11.. 4 7 ffij 6 9 6 Sol 1 4 1 71 f yai s am, yi A lAl 1 161 I U 7 M W (Ul 3 71 6 tr. 6 6 10 1 41 1 I 6 Ot-Ti 7 141 6 i 1 M I 4 93 7 14 8 ...I 4 evV. 7 li til 6 01 I 1 , i 9... 4 94 7 6 i i I til t 76 10. . 7 iW 79 t ail 6 31 1 U 4 66 7 21 fi 6 9l 6 1 oil 1 71 11.. 47 W la STi 6 98 i Si) I 1 e 1 71 April 11.. (4 J! 7 19 s Hl 4u 1 ti 1 April 14.. I 4 ae 7 U) 6 S6 i "l 10 indicates Sunday. Ths official number ot cars ot stock brought in tedav uv each road was: Cattle. Hogs, bneep. Use. tj., M. ox St. f Vv abash M. K Ry 1 Onion Paclflo 14 C. N. W 8 1-'., K. A M. V 47 C, Bt. M. & 0 11 B. fc M. Ry its C, B. dc Q 1 K.-U. da lat. J .-. 1 L' K. i. mt y., eaat.. 2 C, R. 1. K, west., lo Illinois Central 1 Total receipts ....134 The ulsposltiun of the da s receipts was as lonows, sacn nuyer purcnasing tne num ber of head Indicated; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. umana racking to., Swilt and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co.. s . . 1 .. t 27 i i 41 ' 14 .. 1 27 4 1 a i i 16 22 ' -4 34j 820 4 777 1 18 41 18 6 19 70 40 1 23 1,3(0 l,Ua3 2,0.1 3M S,.M twO 11...., 1 II 1... 1.... t 1.... V.V.: i.... i... t:: i.... i.... i.... i... i.... i in 1470 ! 1110 17M .....I14S l?srt 17TS UN 1770 110 H0 110 17 i n 1 1 I 10 I to I 71 I 7S I 71 I 1 I H I 10 I to M t.... 11 BVLIjB. I.. 1. .1140 . 7I ... n ...fnc ...Ho ...1140 ...1AT0 ...loa ...uia ...l?0 ...toe ...17O0 4 0 4 ao 1 K I U 1 li I tt I It IS I 40 I 40 I M 11 .A. 10 110 I 10 i n 1 71 4.... I,... I.... 1.... 4... II.... 1.,.. 11.... 11.... 1... I.... II.. .... IT... ...... .wo 1 m STOCK KRS m 1 4 us 170 470 tn 41 IWt im ....... no 7r 170 , too 171 , 140 41 m 7M 741 CALVEh. I so l 4 71 1 4 71 1 I 00 1 I aa STAGS. 1 l!ll t TO AND FEEDERS. T7I I SO 170 I 00 I as m in I w I 1 TO I 70 ln I 78 I II I 10 I H I M I I II 4 00 4 II 4 t Off I IS I 00 I 00 I 00 t II 1 1 at I 40 ! 1 44 I M I M I M I 10 M 1 II I at I. I II 1 t I I M 4 I I IT II , t.K... 14 SO. HOOS There was also a , 777 , Tl , IS! , 4St , III . 141 . in , wo . m . I4 . Ml , T4I . 10 , 171 .1000 faUlng In the receipts of hogs as compared with yes terday and, as other markets also bad moderate receipts, there was a slight Teeo tlon In ths market. Prices here advanced a big nickel, or 6fy7Vo. The bulk of the sales went from 14 83 to 14 87. with ths pettier losas se una larnreiv at aa.iaj ana from that up to 14 95. The extreme light weights sold from 14.86 down. Trading was fairly arrive at the advance." so that the big bulk of the ofTerlnga waa out ot first hnnns in good season. Toward the close the wire edge seemed to be off the market. but still the prices paid were not muoh different from those earlier In the day snd practically everything waa sold by tha or tne forenoon. Representative middle sales: No. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Aorll 14. Today's state ment of the treasury balances ln the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 1160,000,000 gold reserve in- tne aivraion oi renemption, hows: Available cash balance. lU.04l.39z; gold, 1113,871,906. Bank' Clearings. OMAHA. Acrll 14.M-Bank clearings for to day, were 11.4oO,ftrS.7ani-decrease of CIS, 143.88 from the corresponding day last year. ' - ' Cptton1 Market. LIVERPOOL. Anrll' 14.-COTTON Prices are 22 points lower; American middling fair. 8.2611; good mhlctnug, s.ixa:. mniaiing. 02d low middling, T.Kia: good ordinary, 7.82d; ordinary, 7.63d. Futures opened easier and closed weak. American mid dling, g. o. c. Arrll. 7.6c: April-May. 74d; May-June, 7.61d; June-July, 7.69d; July-August, 7.56d; August-September, 7.1od; September-October, S.60d; October- isovember, B.iwd; . wovemoor-ueoemoer, l.lld; December-January, 6.19d; January- February, 18d. NEW YORK. Anril 14. COTTON Boot cloRed stesdy 16 point lower; middling up lands 14.26c; middling gulf, 14.60c; sales, 1,860 bales. . , NEW ORLEANS. April 14. COTTON Futures steady: April. 14.16c bid; May. 14.47(frl4.48e: June, 14.49c; July, 14 SCSI 4.87c; Auguat, lHSXU'M.OOc; September, 1.Wl2.Slc; October, 11.7oc; November, ll.&2tril.6ac; De cember, 11. 50e Md. Spot. Irregular; sales, 17,600 bales; ordinary, 12c; good ordinary, 13 15-18C; middling, 14 6-16c; gyod middling, la'ltc; minoiing lair, ioc. ST. LOUIS. Anril 14.-COTTON Steady: middling. 14e; sales, none; receipts, none; shipments, 648 Dales stock, u,4i caies. Metal Market Kr.ff TORK. Aorll 14. METAI.B The London tin market waa ateady, spot de clining 2s Bd to 126 17s6d. while futures were as lower at 128 16s. Locally the mar ket was oulet and. a little lower In lym- Copper advanced Is 8d to 67 16s 6d for spot in tne Lonaon market, dui lutures mere were 6a lower at 67 16s. Locally copper continues nrm: lake is quoted at l)3.aa i.i. o-, circiruiuc n, fioi?l,4j le. 10, vaoiiiig, IIS 08fT1S.l2. Lead was unchanged at 14.60fi4.66, but declined Is 4d at 12 8s fid in London. B Del ter advanced 2s 6d to 21 7a 6d In London. Locally It was nrm, but un changed, iron closed at szs 6d In uiasgow and at 46a In Mlddlesborough. locally Iron remains nrm at recent prices No. i foun dry northern Is quoted at 115.1&& 15.25; No, 2 tounary nnrrnern at 114.00, -ST. LOl'IS. ADril 14. METALS Lead. ateady. 14 40. Spelter, firm: May, 84e; July, i'sc; September, nrm. looa. Oils and Rosin. NEW TORK. Adrll 14 OILS Cottonseed. steady; prime yellow; 16c. Petroleum, easy. Turpentine, firm, 6785c. OIL CITY, April credit bal ances. 11.86: certificates, no bid: shipments, 79.6X3 bbls.. average. 68.864 bbls.: runs. 99.771 bbls.. average, 69.900-bbls. ; shipments. Lima, 74,18 DDIs. ; average, tn.wo ddis.; ........ T I . C .41 1.1.1a -wapava AO OXA t, V. I ruiin, 1,1111, vi.ui uai-., a.ciaer, o,rn iia. SAVANNAH, April R-OILS-Turpntlne, firm. tA43Tf V4-M.- a ' Tt ' r M . 17" 0 Afi rVt'Dlil-T II III. -ra, , W 1 A. F. 12 45; O. 12.56; H, 12.65; I, 12 f; K, 13.15; M. 13.25; N. 13.46; W, O. 1S.80; W, W, 13.80. Isgar and Molnasea. v-v-Tar vnn I" 1 nHI 1 i Hl'nia T? IT , . '..., f A A A A AJ l.v.i. . . H T . nominal; fair retlnlng, lc; centrifugal. 98 test, lc; molasses sugar, 2c; refined oulet. NEW ORLEANS. April 14-8rOAR- Bteady; open kettle centrifugal. Kn3o; centrifugal white, 4v.4T44c; yellows, 8'it4c; seconds. 2S7r3c. Molasses, nominal; open kettle. atoi2f.c; centrifugal, lfr&lfxi. .Syrup, nernlnal, juc. Armour Si Co. Vaiisant 4k Co.. .,, Mccreary A Carey , W. 1. 6tepnen Hill A. Son Huston dt Co..... L. F. Hubs , Wolf dVMurnan , Hamilton dt Rothschild., L. & S. Co , Parker & Webb 393 Halatead 137 .... Krey Packing Co 246 .... M. Hagarty at Co 83 Other buyers 394 Total 8,028 9,343 49o4 CATTLE Receipts were much more mod erate thla morning, but still there were plenty ln sight to meet the lequlrements of the local traae. Tne market was iiot very active, but still the bulk ot the offerings was disooaed of In fairly good seaaon ow ing to the comparatively email number on sals. .... The same as has been the case all the week, the big bulk of the receipts was made up of corn-led steers. The market was rather spotted, so that sales were Shade lower., in other words, packers went round and picked out tne cattle they wanted at steauy prices and after tnat was done the market was slow and certainly no more tnan steady. The heavy receipts all the early Dart of the week made Daikers rather indifferent and gave them an oppor tunity to discriminate in lavor 01 tne mure desirable buncnes. The cow market was also uneven.- but there was comparatively little change from reeterday in the prices paid. Desliaula isht-welght cows and heifers changed hands readily enough at good, steady prices, but when It came to tne commoner kinds trading was not ao brisk, and ejme salesmen thought they could not do quke as well as they did yesterday.' The close ot the market ln particular was-slow and the feeling was not aa good as It was early. nulls, veal caivea and stags all sold In very much the same notches they did yes- teraay, no quotame cnange neing noted. The stacker and feeder market wa dull this morning and a little weaker. The trade from the country yesterday wss dls- Duolntlng and for that reason soeculalora wers cautious about getting manv mora cattle on hand. Anything realty desirable proDaDiy soia sdoui steady, out aside from those tne market waa dull and a little at fancy, 9uluu. ewtesXaviHwrlly, au ati (allure, that of a CoaTeo Market. NEW YORK. April 14 COFFEE The market opened 'steady at a decline of 15ij'j0 Dotnta. The close wss barely stesdy at a net decline of lt&.t6 points, with May at 6 96iif 06c; Beptemner. Satan soo; November, 80c; December, Ktxno.soc; reDruary, i.iuc March. ItilMUp. Root Rio. ateadv: No. ' Invoice, 7c. Mild, steady; Cordova, 10 130. ' Des Moines Military Prisoners Escape DBS MOINF8. Ia.. April 14. Twelve pris oners confined In the military guard house here escaped today ty sawing their way out with a raseknire. Ths crimes for which the men are detained here are more or less serious and a determined effort will ha made to nnnrehend them. The local police department has been asked to aid In the search. Bloodhound will also be used. Blooealaar Mills Resnato, SHARON. Pa.. April 14 The blooming mill of the Carnegie oieei company naa resumed operations after an I Ulan eats of more than eight months, sffordlng employ ment to 400 men. The mill was closed on account of a scarcity or orders. The anal mill will be started next week and th open hearth department la three Wauks. Gives Money Lilkersa College, ' SPRINOFIELD, O, April 14 Ths will of the late Rev. Cliarles Stroud, filed for pro bate today, bequeaths the entire estate, valued at Ua).ouO. to Wittenberg college, tha great Lutheran tuatltuUoa o( tha weal. luualea bare. lower. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No Av. Pr. No. .1011 I 10 it . Ill I 10 4) .1111 i 40 II .14K7 I 70 It .160 I Tl ' II . IM I 78 II 110 I 80 4...... ,...1... 144 I 10 . 14 471 I 10 ' ' I...... .; 1070 I M 10...;.. 1011 I II II 1040 I M I 104 I lo II .'......loot I l 1114 1 0 It ...1110 I N 10 144 I II I) IH St 1011 IN. 11 1071 I 5 11 1171 4 00 II 120 4 00 tl 1440 4 00 11 ..1140 4 00 I 101 4 00 I Ill 4 00 I ........ IH IN 1 lornj 4 (hi to lio 4 00 1 1009 4 04 10 11T 4 00 I 1041 4 00 I ........ lout 4 o II Ml 4 04 II ...10g4 4 0 t UM 4 08 14 1141 4-04 17 1111 4 0 II 1104 4 10 ' II lou A 10 STEERS AND COWS. Ml J 40 . 14 I7T 4 OS 1VI I II 10 111! 4 11 1001 I M It 1311 4 IB ItK) I at SO 1104 4 45 Hall I ao STEERo AND HEIFERS. 14 !.... I 1..... II I II 44 .... 44 II.... II.... to.... I.... 8.... I".- I.... 1.... l.u. 1.... 4.... II.... 1.... 1.... 10.... II.... M ... 4.... to.... 10.... tl.... I.... II.... U.... I.... 17.... II.... 0.... 10.... 11.;. IS ... 11... At. Pr. 171 4 10 1110 4 II . 1111 4 II It'll 4 14 HI 4 II 1111 4 II 1"M 4 10 11M i tO in 4 ......1180 4 10 1024 4 M 1141 4 10 1141 4 10 . 1100 4 10 1001 4 10 1114 4 II 1060 4 36 1114 4 94 1081 4 tl 1151 4 II 1144 4 15 1111 4 10 1141 4 10 1246 4 M 1171 4 10 Mil! 4 M 1121 4 84 1171 4 II 1210 4 II 1214 4 II U'l 4 40 1HI 4 40 lias 4 41 1111 4 to iim 4 10 1441 4 40 1141 4 40 1131 4 71 114 I 04 III I 80 71S I I . M0 4 04 14 II.. .1187 4 10 ..1044 4 10 .... to I 00 .... 120 I 00 .... 130 I 00 ....1100 i 15 110 1 H .... Ic.4 1 II .... IX i .... 147 I SI ....111 t 10 m I to .... K4 t II .... 117 1 4 ....1110 I 80 .... IW IH ....100 I a ....1100 1 10 .... 180 1 M .... Ml IH ....110 I 0 1 7 1 J .; IH IH I 1 I::::: u... 1... I.... .... 1.... 1 ... I ... 1... II.. I.. 4 . 10.. I 4 COWS. I... I... 1... I... I... I... I... 1... I. .. II. .. T... 8... 4... las I Tl . 14 I Tl UM I" 100 I tl 1110 I M e -v ! 1 1 11... M M 4 I 1::::: 14 ii 1 t 1 t 1.... .1140 I el ...l' I N ...1047 1 ee ...1110 I 00 ... IM ., 1 ...It ...181 I 10 ...100 I 14 ...1040 I 14 ...14 I 1 ... M IM I aa COWS AND HEIFERS IM IN 1081 I II aao IN 1171 I IS 1104 I II iao 1 tl 1160 t 10 1U0 I II aao I 10 lluo I 10 1040 I 40 Ill I 40 124 I 40 1138 I 40 170 I 40 18M I 10 4010 I 10 11M I 10 1170 I 10 I't I I 1071 I II 1111 1 It 1031 I M 1171 I 10 lil! I 44 1100 I 40 1131 1 44 11M I 45 , 102 I 41 1IU0 1 4a 113 1 U , 1V7I I 1 lto I 70 78 I 71 10 1 71 1117 171 1UI I II 1110 4 00 .18 1 . tt 47 1 M , laO I 14 1... lao I la ..! la 1 t 4....u...... w ia J...." 4 1 40 1 411 I 4 U til I 4 1 I I 4 , ltaaea t I . 88. S4. . . . BIFER8. I. 8. . TT t M ..441 IN 1 ii 1 m I HO IN . I. II , I I. 1.. 1. J a... Ie; .Ml . 40 I 10 . T40 I 4 .711 I 4 . 110 . 781 . KM . .! I a ,St IN .leu I 84 IB IW a ee i m 120 140 140 Tr.' " No. at. ' Bh. 4 00 II 171 14 4 H 1 1.11 4 TtMj 43 jr.s 4 1T4 I ...:.i.T 4 M TO n 4 lH 14 t0 4 Itv T4 14S 4 2 18 110 4 t4 It K4 4 I2Uj 4 17 4 88 41 141 4M 41 14 4 II 134 4l 4 18 ' 48.. 17 4 m 4 mi 4 88 N 124 4 M . 11. ....... Ul 4 II 42 2t 4 as 10 15 Jts Tt 11 88 Tt 14 4 81 74...I... 4 M Tl IJO 4 II 74 t2T 4 M . M 108 4 W 48 13 4 88 II t'4 48 Tl 4t 4 S Tf 171 4 M M t'S 4 II 40 18 4 IS 80 234 4 83 Tl 128 4 88 (1 240 4 IS 84 i..2te 4 88 f4 22 4 18 r.f t44 4 88 M t0 4 88 84 MR 4 l . 17 27 4 88 2 220 4 85 T5 281 4 18 25 28 4 88 Tl 28 4 IS 89 m 4 11 71 270 4 85 Tt 143 4 IS 80 114 4 88 77 1.76 4 IS IS 161 4 85 86 240 4 IS 74 111 4 16 TT 224 4 88 71 2M 4 86 71 1ST 4 IS 40 10 4 II 117 r?o 4 ! tl 107 4 87 4 47 271 4 itu ; 41 m SHEEP There was a rather llaht run of sheep and lamba In eight this morning and ne market onenen in at oil season w in packers freely bidding- good, steady prices s coninarea witn yesterday. There were some more ot the wooled ewea on sale, that brought 15.15 yesterday, but there were two cars of tall ends Included ln the shipment today and they sold for a nlckle less, but considering quality. It was pronounced a good, strung price. Clipped wethers sold to 16.00 and clipped lambs brought la.60. demand from local packers seemed to be fully equal to the supply and an early clearsnce was made uuotationa ror corniea sioca: uooo to choice lambs, 8.7oif.26; fair to good lnmbs, t5.R04j6.76; good to choice yearlings, 16.26(9 tx; lair to good yearlings. xo.tNKiib.3; good to choloe wethers, 16.1M6.60; fair td good wethera, 14.90fr6.16; good to choice ewea, 14 9(n516: fair to good ewes. 14.80r4.90. Clipped stock sella IW7ic less than wooled toca. No. Av. western clipped wethers 103 60 western cull ewes ... 93 1 western cllDDed ewes 86 162 western cllpoed lambs 6i 480 western clipped lambs..., 226 western clipped ewea is western ewes 169 western clipped wethers., ;i4 western cupped wetners K8 western clipped wethers 65 western ewes 173 western ewes 2K2 western clipped lambs .., I10 western wetners 16. It Tl It tl 17 4 10 M ...., 74 17 47.... I I...., 18.... 76.,.. 8.7..., 72.... To'.!'.". 7J... 76.... 18.,.. !.. .. 14.... 66.... 64.... 4.... 68.... II.... .... 14,... It.... 1.... 78.... .... T4.... 87 an.... 17.,.. 87.,.. .... 41.... 17.... 47.... 77.... 8..-.... 77 44 71 1 6 70 II...... 71 , II II II.. 260 western wethers 61 western ewes 229 western ewes ,. 468 western ewes ,. Colorado lambs 49 western lambs 9 western lambs 11 western ewes KS western clipped ewea 218 western lamba At. ,...111 ...181 ...161 ...t ...171 ....KVf ...o7 , ,...117 ...144 ,...14 ....231 ,...10 ....104 ....127 ....lit ....168 ....110 ... ft ...201 ....217 ....111 ....130 ...M4 .,..181 ,...1T4 ....238 ....117 ...111 ....HT ....115 ..128 ....SO ....131 ....117 ....200 ...211 ....til ....111 ....170 ...181 ....Ml ...131 .147 .281 .188 .131 .248 40 .181 10 .178 110 .215 40 .230 ... .104 80 138 8 Bh. 200 'i 0 40 80 140 '0 120 10 10 114 'ii 140 40 120 M 10 80 140 120 43 40 140 io an 220 , . 10 . en M0 IM in 12 Pr. ' 4 174 4 174 4 87 V 4 17 4 174 4 174 4 174 4 174 4 174 4 174 4 17 l 4 174 4 874 4 174 4 174 4 174 4 174 4 87 4 4 874 4 674 4 174 4 174 4 874 4 17 4 4 174 4 874 4 87 4 4 874 4 174 , 4 67V4 4 874 4 87 4 4 114 4 874 4 174 4 874 4 174 4 874 4 174 4 87 4 4 o 4 !M 4 Kl 4 rt 4 to 4 10 4 M ir 4 0 4 10 4 10 4 o 4 14 4 114 4 124 4 124 4 16 4 15 4 l to 6c lower; we tern lambs, .V western sheep, 1.Y7. ' - , ."Mod City l.lvo atjoe-lt Mark. ' 1 egrsm.) t'ATTLB Receipts. St hend: market strong' peeves, n.vtui. Pulls and mixed. : st.x kera snd feeders, 13 00 j4'; ralvee snd ysarlinf. 8-1 J 80. litMIS Receipts, tr) head: market, fully lo higher: aelllug at 14.70-$ 90; bulk of sales, HoW4.6&. Rtockt In HUM.' Following are the twelpta f llva stock for tho six principal western cltlea: - l BIVI. jtogs. DBwp. , South Omsha Chicago , Kansas City .. St. Louis , St. Joseph Sioux City ... Totals 1.418 nm) .(" l.fio 1.R7S StH) 9.0,1 17.IM 9.18") ,59() 2. 800 4.xr7 k'.oiK) .OH) ' I.lMf) 1.8.i6 ..18,793 49,983 . U.fCO 62 99 88 117 103 92 110 107 m 108 108 , 102 : 103 , 103 . 77 , 98 , 66 84 1"! 6 Pr. 1 00 4 00 4 00 4 60 4 60 ,4 60 'i 60 4 60 6 00 6 00 6 10 6 10 6 60 6 60 6 60 4 86 4 86 4 86 8 10 26 4 00 4 00 4 63 6 40 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady to Strong, Sheep Sow and Hogs, Abont Five Lower. CHICAGO. April 14. CATTLE Receipts 8,000 head; market steady to strong; good to prime steers, 16.0O4rC.6O; poor to medium, 3.80a4 4O; stockers and feeders, 12.7bCy4.2o; cows, 12.001840; Hellers, Ki.2txgb.uu; canners. 12.00(31.60; bulls, I2.00ft4.10; calves, ll.KKfp 4.88; Texas reo steers, n.mnrji.tnj. HOOS Receipts 17,000 head; estimated to morrow, 16,ouO head; lert over, i.uil head: market steady to 6c lower: mixed ana butchers, IR.loftt.lR ; good to choice heavy, 15. 266.40; rough heavy. I5.10fi6.6; light. U.aMfu.lO: bulk of sales. 16.108x6.30. ouirE'ta a Kirk T.aibrit u ...,. in Ann head: market slow to steady: lambs slow to stsady; good to choice wethers. ti.Th& I 86: fair to cholcs mixed, u.6"; west ern sneep, -t.8ut.w; native inmns, r.ilf 8.76; weatern Ismns wool. sn.T&ijo.oo; w.esv em lambs clipped, t4.60t3.76. St. Loals Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. April 14.-CATTLERecelpts l.TiuO head, Including SO0 Texan; market steady; native shipping and export steers, 14 6"4f6.6rt; dressed Doef and butcher steers, 40of.46; steers undsr l.OuO lbs., 13.906 10: stockers and feeders, 13.5K(H : cow and heifers, 12.8604 40: canners. IZ.lOQ4.60; bulls H00O4.00: calves. 14.(6.60; Texas and In dtan steers, 13.758)4.75; cows and heifers, 12 764 75. HOfSS Receipts 8.500 head; . market stesdv: plgs'.snd lights. M 4ii; packers I4 506.16; butchers ana pest heavy, 8.iw 6.26. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rscelpts 1.000 head: market steady: native muttons, I4.7M5.7R: lambs. 15.2M70O; culls and bucks, 14.00&4.76; stockers, 11.604j3.b0. Kansas City Live Stock Market KANSAS CITY. April 14 CATTLE Re celpta 1.000 head market for native steers strong; others steady; export and drenxed beef steers, M eixHti za: tair to goon, .. i:,s 4.60: western fed steers. 13.8ift4 60; stock ers snd feeders. n.Zf4f4.o: soutnern steers. n.6iK&4.10: southern cows. 127119.20; native cows, 110Or4 16; native netrers j oua-i ; niiiiu m HtXti.A im: calves. tmim.ta. HOGS-JtecelDt 9JWQ head; market IQlDo hlsher: too. I6.12H: bulk, 84 PVfs.of,; heavy. l5.OOU6.12Vi; pacaera, .auua.w; pigs ana lll.l. 14 MMi-i 96. . . l . . . W A AAm AC J..- . AAAAAA SHEiltr' A0U liSSDOneceipn- n.ieei head; marVet steady; native lamba, 16 604$ 8 16; western Iambs, xt oico a; tea eres, 14.90itji.26; yearlings, 16.46 60; tockera. and eejera, o.Dut.iu. Mew Vork Live Stoek Market NEW YORK. April . M.-BREVE8-R4- reipts, none; feeling nominally steady ed beef. tWatWo for native sides: llarh western ana i-m ueei, sc. . no exports today. - ..i... . . . . 1 a 1 .v rn .K.riinia, 11 111 naao marsei 25c lower; common to prime veala, is T 6 76; city dressed veals, steady, WliHVjo HOOS Receipts, 1.100 head; ' live hogs, t4t IS 78 SHEKP AND LA MRS Receipts, 1.484 head; no sheep on the market: lambs, loo higher: common to cjioice unenorn inmns. ln.7ZVta7.00; dressed dressed lambs, 10S 1 lc. ft. Joseak Live gtofk Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 14. 42ATTLE Re ceipts 1.675 head; market steady; natives. H 764(6 16; cows and heifers, 12 0U&4.4O; stockers and feeders. I10lij4.26. HOtiS Receipts I.6S0 head: niarkst steady to 60 higher: llrht, Kst4-96; medium and heavy, I4.8tf8 86. , - m IKEEPASIi LAVBS-RecelpU 1.8E head; market lOtTtfo higher; lamba ateady OMAHA WHOLKliU MAHKBT. Staple and Fancy Prod see. EOG8 Receipts, liberal: tnsrket Stead yt fresh stock, UVc, . LIVK i'OL'LTRT-liens, .. uc; young roosters. MflOc; old roosters, -lc; turkeys. lu 14c; ducks, 9Vc; geese, 8c. Bli u nit lining stocs, uc; cnoi'-ej to fancy dairy rolls, lSigl'ic; eiarstnr. t'.V. FRESH FISH-Trout. IHJloc; rlcrl. 6V4 f!c; plks, 9c; perch H''tc: bltiensh, l"e; whlteflsh. 7710c! slmon, lie; haddock, 10:j codfish, 12c; redsnapper. 11c; lobster, boiled, per lb., 40c; smoked whlteflsh, 11c; bull heads. 11c; catfish. 1S7j14o; black has, rOol halibut, 10c; crsnples. ire: hsrrtng. 47 white bass. 13c: blueflns. 6c: smelts. lOfrllo; finnan haddles. amoked, 8to, - . OTSTERH New Vork counts, per can. 43c; per gal.. 12.00; extra feleot, per enn, !6o; per gal., 11.76: standard, per can, 27c; per gal.. 8i oI2i 4a HRAN-Fer ton. 11100. HAY Prices auoteO by Omaha Wioless1a Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, tit 60; No. 1 18.on; medium, 18. (ft; cosrsa. 18.00; rye straw, 15.00. Thesa trlc are for hny of good color and quality. Demand fair ana receipts ngnt. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANQES NaVeis, choice, all flses, H.J fancy navels, all sixes, 12.60. LEMONS California, fancy, SD to 184, t3.oo; choice, 140 to 270 sixes, ll.00i3.!u. FIGS California, er 10-lb. cartons, 5c imported Stnyrr.a, 8-crown, IJo; 6-crown, 14c; 7-crown, 16o. BANANAS Per . medium alxed bunch. 12.iAxu2.6ii; Jumbat, ti JbtiU. DATKS-l'ersian, per bog of SO pkgs., 12 per lb. ln 60-lb boxes, 6c; Oriental stuffed dates, per box. 12 40. coCOANUTS Per sack. M OO; per dos.. 600. FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Per crate, $6.00j per dos., 12.00. A PPLE8 Oregon fancy reds, per box, 11.90; New York export Ureeiilngn, Russeia and Bsldwlns, 14 00. STU A W H E It Ri E9 Texas, rer 4-qt. case, 13.00; Louisiana, per 24-pt- case. 1.71. VEUETALLES. . POTATOES Colorado. .1.16; . Dakota, peg bu., 11.10: natlvea 11 00. , r NAVY BEANS Per lU.,.l2,264Jt86. CELERY Large California, wc. 760, and 10c ONIONS Spanish, per crats. $1.90j Colo rado red, per lb., 4c. CABHAGE California, per lb 40. TURNIPS White, per bu., 0c; rutabags. per Hi.. l"c. CARROTS rer bu., Q.OO. . . ,. . ' PARSNIPS Per bu.. 00c., ' . BEETS Per bu.. 76c. . JV '" ' CLCUMBERB Per drm.. W.60t.7I. TOM ATOE8 Florida, per 6-baaket, .crate, fancy, 12.60; choice, 12.00. RADISH E8 Per dos, bunches, 5(!J504ai LETTUCE HEADS Per do, bunches, 90S 6J1 00, too lettuce, per dos., 464J8bo. TL'RNl PS Southern, per doj... 460. BEETS Southern, per dol.. 0a. , CARROTS Southern, per rtog., 7Se. PARSLEY-Southern, per dot., J04J46O. SHALLOTS -Per dots., 760. ONION SETS Per bu iif 12 Ibs yallow. $2.00; white, 12.00. . ... .. SPINACH-Per bu., 81 OOffl W. BEANS Wax, per pu. box, 13 00; string, per bu. box, 13.00. . , CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full crekm, 12c; Wisconsin Young America7, 13"; block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, Uc; Wisconsin llmhurgr, 13c. -. . ... . . .; CIDEK Per bbl . tS.60; per H-Vbt, IS.SS. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frame!, lloo, TJtah and Colorado, par 14 frames. 13.00. MAn.K 81HUP-Ohio., oer lb., loo. HIDES No. 1 green. Je: No. 2 green, 60S No. 1 salted. 7c: No. 1 aaltrd. 801 No. 1 venl cnlf. 8 to 12 lbs., 8Vic; No. 1 veal calf. II to 15 lbs., 8Hc; dry salted hides. 84511201 sheep pelts. 24rif27o; horseMdes. W.tWi ao. . HOKHEKAlJieSM rer case ui a uua. pricked, 80c. . ... . , NUTfWWalnurs. Nd., 1 wtift shell, her lb., IBet hard shel' per lb.. 14ct No. 2 soft shell. per lb., lac; nara so 14, par iu., ioj per lb., 13c; peoanaj- larg. nser 10., ,c; small. , pi r lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 4Jc; roasted peanuts, per fb.. 8c; Chni walnuts. IfrtrilLrtsr large blokory nuts, per bu., fl.60t Rrssllsj .pen 10 iir; ninens per im., iioi imOnOS. sort sneil, per I"., 10c; nara .ii.ii. shellbarks. per bu., I2.tW; black walnuts. per bu., 11.25. JV1 1PH B.i.Ljr. AZitvQ. r-niTRSif Wisconsin twins, full cream. 2c; Wlaconwln Young America. 13c; block 4wlss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 15cj Wlsconglrt llmberger, 13c. ., .., CIDER Per DDI., b.tu; per ft noi tuiNKV.N.hraeka. ner 24 frnsnce. 18.001 Utah and Colorado, per 24 frames, 13.08. MAPLE hliUAK-HUIUO. per 10., HIDES No. 1 green, 6 l N. 3 green, 6c; No. 1 Halted, 7c; No. 2 aalted, tjn; mo l vtu calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 9V4c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6V4c; dry satxea niaes, enj sheep pelts, 244f27c; 1 hojreehidea, gi.fsifil.DU. 11UKBH.KAU1DII i"V l l uucn, li rH wainuia, riu. e y- hard shell, per io.,--4oi no, 1 son snn, lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12oj pecans, large, per id,, iao; smuu,- ier id.. Oc; peanuts, per 10., eur iviueir,, innu per lb., c; enm wainnis, iuia-i:; asiam Ickory nuts, per du., i.ouj prawn, ret i.. 11c; filberts, per lb.. TIC,: almonds sort shell, per in., loc;. nara sncn, iacr nnsue barks, per bu., $2.00; black walnuts, pec bu., $1.. ,. . . , i- , .. bv per Wool Mhrk. ".i'Jtt ' '1:1 TtnarnN. Anril I4.-Thera I a Quiet bust ness in pulled nd territory wools. - Foreign wools era steady. Leading quotations are; Idaho fine, 14Vyirc; neavr m. ivo-iow; fine medium. 16Tl5V,c: medium, Wl7o; low medium, 17il8c; v Wyoming tne, - l4V4j f1Rc; heavy - fine. 13l'4e; fine meaium. lbiilb'Ac; medium, iwiki lueinuui, tvr lc. Utah and Nevada fins, 14V47)'llrt! hev fins. l:l'nnV4C! dlum, lK'filtfo; low fine. lRial'lc; nne fine medium.- IWWM"! asuiuin, pUJn;.- vaitot m.iiTiim lAAir.Vc: medlu iKdiiftc: low medium. )9if20c'. fottana fin) choice. 18ifl9ci fine average,' lTiyilcj flue: me dium choice. lJlc; atsrage, ItiftlToi staple; liefiaor: medium cholee, ih?ii, ' . dlum graqea. comping snu ciowmos. jry .tu, light fine. 14ffll7Ar;: hsavy fins ltfltvtc; tulj , warned. yviV T ' " -, REAL BSTATi3t'AKSrlpR. Deeda tiled for record Hfiatfrirtay nr lahed by the Midland 4Jurantee and Truat; impany, bonded altr!ler Wl4 Varnam - street. lor ine nee: 1 United States National bank to Artnur . East, lots 1, 1. ana .4. uiock . suu. ii lot w m.Aiiiriiiiin wmt.K;'"", jrgen 1'. Jorgenson to itarry ounos nen, lot 6, J. E. Riley s stib... ..... Jorgen P. .ovafy. Part Si, South .$1,009 800 cos mutton, firm, 6t3c; Uvm A Tndd to Hannah rT int. ill nnn . i- 1 1 1 111 b - ' ' 1 avm utnana South Omaha Land (io. to Lyman 3. Fuller and iviiisaiiein uner lot, , . block 1i9. South Omaha !..'..... 104 Patrick 8. Mcdulre to Orace 8. John son, lot 12. block t Kirk wood. ' i Margaret V. Solomon io A. U. and . Julia Connell. lota 10. v MfK4.11, Piocg -t. burkhaunet- & Blumer's sub...,.,...' 300 Andrew P. Jenaen andt wife to K..N. , Nelson, lot 9. Spring "Valley 75 Edward Thorp and wire to Cirrlo Llv-, Ingaton, lot 16, block- 10,'. Hanscom Place .-- 1,750 George P. Davis and wife . to Maria Wilson, lot 7. block 17, Kountxe Place '. V --...I MOO coj.iMi$sior COs Ihorport4t4l Capital and Surplus $600,000. dealers in 6RAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES. REFERENCES: 174 Stat and Na tional banks A Commercial Agendas, ltu Branah Offices. General UAeei N. Y. I lia Bnlldlng, K1NNSAPOLIS. Omaha lH Faraaas St, Tel. S48T. THOS. M. WIDDICK. Cor. L0WREY BR0S.& CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Grain, Stocks and Provisions. Rnom 211. N. T. Life Building. 'Phone HI. Siwajtal attenUuu given to talsgraph a4 mall order OMAHA,