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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1904)
12 TITE OMATTA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, MATiOIT 20, 1004. JOHN UTT WITH ROCK ISLAND Learet Comtnerolal 01 ob April Tint for Ilia Haw Position. SUCCESSOR IS NOT YET ENGAGED lit DuMian Port of CuiMtl aeagei and freight Agent OB Western Beetlon of tns System, iecretnry John Vtt of the Commercial club hu necrptod a position with the Kock liland railway and will end his connection otn the Commercial emb April 1. Mr. Utt ai In Chicago Lift week and on his return Viturday notlfled the secretaryship commit tee of his Intention. He does not yet know the exact nature and soope of his duties, but he will be In chargo of the passenger and freight departments In the western por tions of the system, lie does not know whether or not he can continue to live In Omaha. Mr. Utt began his railway career as agent at White Cloud, Kan., for the Atchison & Nebraska line In 171. In 173 he became general freight and passenger agent and continued so until 1879. lie entered the service of the Kock Island at Kansas City as general agent and later was transferred to Chicago aa contract agent. Later he served as genoral freight agent of the Bur lington, Cedar Rapids A Northern, and then left railroading to go Into the manufactur ing business at Llnooln. From there he came to Omaha as commissioner of the Commercial club, and after one year becamo also Its secretary. He hue served the club eleven years. The members of the secretaryship com mittee decline to give any Information as to the suoceeaor of Mr. Utt, and say that no one has yet been engtigod to All the place. It Is understood they have not ex pected Mr. Utt to leave the club at so early a data. If GOOD WORK STILL GOES ON Over Nino Thousand Dollars Oontrlb ated Toward Completing; tke Fund too Aadltoriam. Money la being forced on tha Auditorium director In a way they had hardly an ticipated, but which Alls them with glad ness and the hunk account of the corpora lion with credit Seventeen hundred dol lars In new $100 subscriptions Is announced, making the total to date $9,750 toward the $20,000. Tha complete subscription Hat follows: F. A. Nash 100 John L. Kennedy loo V. if. ravis , li T. C. Byrne ... loo T. J. Mahoney 100 Joeenh Hayden K) H. J. Pen fold loo C. G. Petiraa loo J. L. Pax ton 100 J. K. Lehmer loo Thomas Fry - JOO C. M. Wllhelm 100 J. F. Carpenter 100 Alfred Millard 100 Charles if. Pickens 100 W. M. Burgesa IK) Arthur C. Smith 100 J. H. Baum 100 H. P. Peck 100 Kred Metss. Jr..... loo K. A. C'udaliy 100 John Power .. 100 T. J. O'Brien 100 Thomas rennlson 100 J. c. rtoot 200 I. W. Carpenter ., 100 Samuel Reea , 100 David Cole 100 Charles Harding , 100 P. P.. Myers , 100 P. K. Her 100 F. MeOrew 100 Henry Hlllor 100 100 100 Millinery QJ llgoJjg Today Tuesday Extraordinary Salo Van Pelt Dressmaking Stock 126 W. 41st Street, New York. Fnsh, new goods brought forward for thit great tale. These good, from one of the mot exclusive and fashionable drettmakcrt of Xew York, are the highest elate fabrics ever offered at a special tale. Jivying very cheaply, we can give some amazing bargains. Splendid Spring Dress Goods at $1 a Yard Chiffon Voiles, Crepe Illusion, Hiciliarm, - Amazons, Broadcloths, Doeskins, Voiles, Eta- jj fill mines, English Cloth, etc. all the piece J " goods are in 7, 8, 9 and 10 yd. pieL'(;arnyar, Silks from the Van Pelt Stock Finest lmtortpl Novelty Silks for stroot nnci pvrnlnx con- laTa tumoH plegnnt Bilks for waists, opora coats, etc the cholco I I III of the Van l'elt purchase at yard Ms W Lining TafTeas 27-inch oil Ixilled Taffeta mj J" Lyons makes positively one dolor and a quarter value f C at-yard 9 Beautiful unfinished gowns of crepe de chine, poplin, sfl i etamlne bolero, deutello inserted, etc. worth $100 JrZF At AM each at vww Laces from the Dressmaking Stock Beautiful tff 1 Ca "Jf leovo laoes, etc., at yard , lUt'IJL'iiJ Is Great Sale of Ladies9 Belts Manufacturer's entire stock of Indies' Spring Pelts In correct styles cruKhed leather and pleated leather belts, with hamnas buckles pleated satin celts, giruie errects ana straight fronts swellt.-et new spring shades and worth fifty cents and seventy-flve cents each at , effects and !5c Greater Bargains in Sale of OILCLOTH AND LINOLEUM The finest goods from the Farr & Bailey stock, 122-124 Market street, Chlcairo some were slightly damaged by water. For spot cash we bought the choice of the entire stock and secured an Immense bargain. Some of the very finest patterns of Floor Oilcloth and Linoleum will be showu tomorrow. All Widths and Grades of Floor Oilcloth Cp that pells up to 50o yard, at, yard Wt Very Best Grades of Floor Oilcloth C n sound and perfect, all widths, at, square yd...-V Extra Heavy Linoleum, bound and perfect,. tQp worth up to 90c yard, at, square yard.. vt Best Printed Linoleum, regularly sells at AQf. $1. 25 square yard, at, square yard ........ 9mJ J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE. US is ioo loo W. J. Brant ch V. P. Klrkendall H jfl, Bruce J. A. Bchenk Ilemlrg Bros .. Remington & Keaaler )!. Kountaa MMH Maker Bros. Engraving company Victor H. Caldwell 100 M. T. Barlow 100 Fairbanks, Morse & Co...,. 100 I David Talbot 100 E. M. Andreeaen . 100 John A. Munro 100 E. J. Sullivan 100 Collins & Morrison 100 Frank B. Johnson .. 100 O. W. Noble 100 William A. Rourke M 100 Thompson. Belden & Co 100 Sunderland Bros, company 1C0 Bemls Omaha Bag company 250 Samuel J. I'otter 100 D. J. O'Brien 100 Vogele A Dinning 100 Cash 100 Kingman Implement company 100 I Rocco Bros 100 Euclid Martin 100 (Ave subaoriD tlons) 600 Klonp A Bartlett company ..M 100 Beebe & Kunyon company 100 Byron O. Burbank 100 Omaha Crockery company 100 The Nebraaka Clothing company 100 Tetter Wall l'aper company 100 Richardson Drua company nve aub- sciiotlons) fi00 Frank T. Hamilton 100 Nebraska Fuel company 100 W. 8. Balduft . 100 J. H. Evans . 100 B,. H. Koblson 100 The McCague Inveetraont company.... loo Milton Rosers & Sons company 100 The Byron Heed company 100 I R. C. Peters ft Co - 100 Johnson Tranafrr company 100 P. J. KaSbach ae Boa Co MM 100 Hess & 8woboda 100 Canh 100 T,.lf Itanaen . 100 John S. Wetrtell - loo Exchange Grain company 100 Walter H. Jardlne 100 For Waivt of a Nail at the right tin many a good building has gone to rack and ruin. . Is there anything that annoys a man mora inan to have ft window oo rd broken and stay broken, or a door knob oft, or some little trifle that would take tha right : few minute to repair? THE BEE BUILDING makes Its boast that Its tenants ara subjected to thla sort of annoyance. oorpo of meohanloa keep tha building stantly In mm good repair aa tha day first tenant moved in. Isnt this the place where you ought to have your office? Let us show you around and you will need no further argument. R. C. Peters Co., Rental Agents. Ground Flo.r, Bee Building. WECARPa not T Ask the first sales person you ma up against for a transfer slip. Use It In trading through out the departments. It saves time In making change It saves bundle carrying. Don't forget those extraordi nary Qreen Trading Stamp sen satlons advertised In Sunday's papers, which are good for Tuesday. ' i rn IMl 1M More Snaps in CROCKERY ..2ic 5-Inch Fiowor l'ots and Sauoers, each 12-pleco Toilet Hot, com plete with slop jar. Nice bright filled 1 n drcoratlnns, tnii'cd o r etlpplcd with gold a line assortment, choice And $10 worth A f0 of Orocn Trad- lfl Ing Ptanips .... Colored Candles, all colors, y each Fancy shape, larpe size bowl CO and pitcher, per pair JZC Good slop jar with cover 7Q and bail, each 'C China Nest Eggs, f each 1C One-third off on all colored Jardinieres In China Department. In the fullest sense of the word in the strictest detail of the fact THIS IS THE LEADING STOKE IN OMAHA. In spite of our rapidly growing business, we have striven to find time to rise to the full signifi cance of Easter. Our store decorations ore worth see ing worth coming miles to see, Eastern plants, palms, sprays and lilies in grateful profusion. Lily white and purple ST1JEAMEHH AKE OK ACE FULLY E NT WIN- t EL) the whole giving a re freshing draught of spring. I New York World, Sunday edition, on sale in Stationery dept. Cut the Green Trading: Stamp cou pon from Its funny part, brlnfj it to premium parlor and get f l worth of Little Green Stickers for it. Ne York World, Sun day edition 5c liii Wednesday Is March Red Letter Green Trading Stamp Day. Brinar your book in pre. mlura parlor, second floor, Wednesday, and we will paste tl.OU worth of Little Green Stickers In it for nothing. Groceries 50c Worth Green Trading Stamps with large glass jar assorted pre serves, jar 10c 10c aH Bnked Beans II 8-pound can M Jl, Tomato Catsup o, H bottle OC H Oil Sardines, e H nan . 1 li WMMBSKBBBtmW H Bennett's Capitol Baking OAr H Powder, 1-lb can - - B Bottle Bluing, An H each 1 H Fun Weight Milk, OC mm s If V J ,..r Away In the leadl Wecatertothe horns providers of Omaha pure, fresh gro ceries at lowost prices. Several thousand three pound enns solid packed Tomatoes, rjo can 50c worth Green Trading Stamps with one-fourth lb. can Bennett's Capi tol Black fO Total to dste HUGO TWO BUFFALO KILL MATE Hage AalaaaJa la Terrtfle Flabt Gc Aaother to Death la Freight Car. Jl F. Stanley, manager for the Equitable Ufa Insurance company for London, who ia In Omaha, having accompanied Colonel VT. F, Cody through his western preserves, tells an Interesting story of a fatal fight between some buffalo which Colonel Cody had procured. "He got three magnificent buffalo bulls tn Pennsylvania." said Mr. Stanley, "and they only arirved at Lincoln a few days ago. After reaching Uncoln the animals broke Innae from their fastenings in tha car and got Into a terrific fight, and one of them was anred to death by his companions. It took nearly 100 men to get the dead ani mal out of the car. as the other two bulls were savage and furious. The moval was finally successful, and the head of tha dead bast was turned over to a taxidermist to be mounted. The other two were shipped to Cody, where they will be given the best of care, afel It Is Colonel Cody's Intention to undtfrtake to cross them with domestic cattle, though he will shortly ship several buffalo cows there also, to be placed on his 'T. E.' ranch." phlne In Naples, Louise In France, Char lotte In London, Domlnlrk In Kltcheneff, and P. Amaros in Braunschwlg, Germany Epilepsy u ha cured. To thone afflicted tits eon- veva a wondHrful mfiuwie. Though quite common. It Is only a short time elnoe It was oonHldered Incurable. The Ulecovery mat It was a purely nervous diaorrier has led to tha appucalloa ul ma great nervo reawrer. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine with tha hariDV result that thousands have been ourapietely cured, and others are being uuMxl avry day. "In Uia rear 'kl I was stricken with epl Ixnair. LXk tura treated me for suveral yeaia, but 1 grew worxe. I would have such awful flta I canot tell my awful .uff.riiiiitf. A drurfflat recommended lr. Miles' Nervine, aaid I bought a bottle, and found It htlpnj me, and I look three more and am cured. I had only one light lll after 1 ooin ineucad taking It. 1 do hoie l hm tliun will ouiue when everyboily will tiiow that your medlrlne rurea these awful tta.' JOHN IJiWlH. Clarion. Fa. 'ine ia ania FAMILY OF STAGE FOLK MEET Nine Performere Come Together by Mere Cbance and Play la Same Company. Tha truth of the assertion that the world Is small, after all. Is being well borno out by exlHting circumstances at the Orpheuin theater this week. A family reunion Is being held there that is not down on the card and that la quite as strange In the way It came about as the acts on the stage. By a strange coincidence bine of the peo ple who do the entertaining ara brothers and sisters, with their respective husbands and wives, who have met here for the first time in eleven years. This is not so strange in Itself, but Is given a tinge of romance by the fact that the meeting la quite by accident, none of tha family knowing the exact whereabouts of the rest. Tony Wilson, who docs a surprising aot on tha triple bars, Is the huaband of Mile. Amoros. His act Is done with his alater- In-law. under the stage name or neioiae. Mile. Amoros does a bar act alone. 1 hese people, with Mile. Charlotte, travel together and are on their way to San Francisco from xtei,-n havlnc recently completed a tour of eastern United States and Europe. The Werner-Amoroa troupe has recently been In San Francisco and Is on Its way eaet. Thla part of the Amoroa family consists besides Prof. Werner, of Pierre. DomtnUk and Mile. Adelaide Amoroa, who ara broth era and slaters, respectively,, of Mile. Am oros. who doea the wonderful trapese act. and Charlotte and Helolaa. That they ara an athletic and wonderful family goes without saying and tnetr meeting here Is quite as much of a delight to them as It la to tha Orpheum audlencea. Another pe culiar fact about thim la that they were all born In different parts of the world. Mra. Werner firat aaw taa ngnt or aay in SUIT TO PRESERVE - TIMBER Action Brought by District Attorney Against Homesteaders oa Indian Lands. I Suit Is brought In the United States cir cuit court by. United States District At torney Summers on behalf of tha United States against George F. Phillips and WU Ham L. Johnson to enjoin them from de stroying timber on their alleged home stead claims on some of the Omaha Indian reservation allotments. Tha defendants claim to have made a filing on tha lands In question at tha land office at Des Moines. The Omaha Indians claim the land Is a part of their allotment, and It Is ascertained that defendants have erected a saw mill on the lands and that their sole purpose Is to cut off tha timber which It Is shown, are located on tha Nebraska side of the river. now that your medicine rurea thei ta." JOHN LKWld, Clark It la an aura tn heiu that Nervim Ho Oplam la rhamaerlala'a Remedy. Coa sh There Is not the least danger to gtring Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to small children, aa It contains no ophim or other harmful drug. It has an established repu tatlon of mora than thirty years aa the most successful medicine In use for eolda. croup and whooping cough. It always cures and is pleasant to take. Chlldreo Ilka It. Tha Mortality statistics following births and deaths have been reoorted to the Board of Health dur ing the forty-eight hours ending at noon Monday: Hlrthe August Pohae Fifteenth and Vallev. elrl: Fred LI'ilr.ger. Fourth and Tierce, girl; Josvph Bwobnda. 1S11 South Twelfth, boy; Phil Carroil. ea South Twantv-nlnth avenue, hov. reaths C. C. Silr. county hospital, William Wilson, county hoapltal, L 7; Pepper Pally. Coffee Roasted ever offered. Finest Java and Mocha Coffee, per pound .... Golden Santos good per pound ' No. 2 Santos good per pound No. 8 Ban toe fine- Best values 35c 26c .......22c 20c ull line strictly pure spices. per pound GREEN STICKERS ALL THE TIME. So Many People Select their Easter glfta from our stock we have so many nobby, tusty articles to select from. Spend a few minutes In our stoma. Look for the name, S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. IS 16 Douglas New Improved 1904 Gasoline Stove. The burner of a Michigan Is superior to the burner of a gas move. Out of the 360 Mlchlgans we sold last year, we sold over lu to people who discarded the gaa stove because they knew that it cont less than hair to use a Michigan man a gas stove, and that tha burner ,1s much more desirable. We sell the $8.00 to $12.00 slse tt 12.00 per month and Uje $15.00 to $a.W) nice at s&w per montn. or we mane we wholesale price for cash. AJAJJJ K ILJ n 7 .OO.MUP5SO OXOOPQ OL The burner Is ar large as the cover of a steel range, Is perfectly flat and covered with little cones each cone has two Jets .and each Jut makes a clear blue flame half an Inch high, and aa hot as a red hot steel range. The Stoetzel Stove Co., 714 S. 16th St. Agents Handle best selling gas lamp In America, a' candle power on 4Vt feet of gat Territory given $frfl per week eaally made. AGENCY DEPT.. PARISIAN LAMP CO. , 171 Washington Street. CHICAOO ILL. ALL THIS WEEK With Every $3 Purchase Wo Will Give Five Dollars Worth OF i Green Trading Stamps Laldee' Tatent Colt, VI d kid, fS fg Patent tips or Stock tips s III SHOES and OXFORDS Vaf U U Men's Ve'our and Box Calf, g A fl Patent Colt, and Vlcl Kid " 1 1 1 1 SHOES and OXFORDS WiWt Mlsnes Patent tip extension J fsi a solo, or lighter sole dress I 1 1 School shoea U Boy's Oak leather soles, Man- f pa nlsh shoes all school and I 1 1 dress wear I fj At ALL NEW STYLE" for EASTER SHOES, OXFORD TIGS aad CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS at T. B. Morris 1517 Douglas St. ASK a'Oll YOIH STAMPS. We have the Exclusive Afrency for the Zlon City Lace Cur tains. Seetheml 11 ifSEIl TtiK Bi:i.itm.K STDiti: Ooti't forget our (lrcot 5ale of Zlon City Laces. TRADING STAMPS FREE WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES. CROWDING FOR BARGAINS FROM THE Myers, Levey & Strauss Stock Twenty more snlospoople to wait on you Ttiesdny. Th best part of the stuck will be on sale then. Including all tha finest costumes Voile Suits and Skirts, fine lce and Crepe do Chine Waits, spring Cmits, etc The Greatest Sale of Women's Garments Ever Known In Omaha WOMEN'S limit CIaASS srr.INd SUITS In Crepe da Chines, fine Vollos and diamines. In blues, tans helleotrope, cream color and Mack, most elaborately trimmed with taf fta drop. Myers. lvcy a. Strauss' JC Ofl OC flfl price i.i our prico Tursilay 03 UUf 9 UU WOMEN'S l'INIl SlTTS-ln voiles, etamlnes and serges, mado for the homo trade in New York Cltyj not a salt In Omaha to equal them at $35.00 l r our price Q QU 't ;uSLr A World Beater in Suits Over 3W In ten different styloa chnvlota,. sorires and volls In blues, browns, black, tana, castors nnd fancy mixtures manufactured to sell In Now York City at 15.C0 O t( our prico U 9S Extremely Good Things Myers, Levey & Strauss Stock for Tuesday Coma Early and Avoid the Crowd Myers, Iievey & Strauss 76o Wrappers In dark colors. HOC at " Myers, Levey & Strauss 11.25 black Underskirts (morcerlxcd), 4QC Myers, Levey & Strauss Taffeta and Peau de Bole WnlaU. O QQ worth up to $8.00. our price - Myers, Levey & Strauss Lawn Vesting; and Mardas Waists, Q5C worth up to $3.00, our price Myers, Ievcy & Strauas Voile and Etamlne Skirts, worth up to $10.00. r qq our price Tuesday " Myers. Levey & Strauss Women's Capes about 800 of them worth from iM.. m silk and cloth, 1.98, 3.98 and 5.98, ATTRACTIVE SILK BARGAilNS FOR TUESDAY Several lota of silk that we snapped up at a great bargain, placed on special sale. 1,000 yards fine white Wash SUk, 36 In. wide. 49c Crash Pongee, pure silk, natural color, 39C onlv , w. White and Cream Pongee, 24 In. wldo worth $1.25, on sale 7 5c at 24 In. pure silk Crepe de Chine, all colors, gQ q at i Silks for Shirt Waist Suits 2.S new styles Just received In the boucle and Sfi q natty effects, worth up to $1.00. for . 2.500 yards fine black taffeta from Flemish Mills, fult 27 In. wide, (wear guaranteed), woven in selvedge, actually worth $1.23, 75C on sale for ""."1" i We are afrents for the black Toshlko waterproof wash silk and the 88 In. black Shal Kal Pongee silks. Wool Dress Goods-Be Sure and Attend Our Famous Sale FROM IA. M. D NT1L 12 NOON. We will sell 1,000 patterns of wool dress goods In lengths from 24 to I yarda. They are remnants of our high-grade dress goods, worth from 7o to $3.00 par T! voiles, mohairs, suitings eto. 25C Only one pattern to a customer, at. Imported Challis FROM 2 TO B P. M. Wa sell strictly all wool Imported Challis, worth 75o and $1.00 par yard, 25C at EXTRA SPECIALS! EXTRA SPECIALS! IN THE BIG BASEMENT DEPARTMENTS HallowVen Dates apaolaV- I lu? II 1 T I I I A Bad Uvir Caaiea a sick body. Drake's Palmetto Wine uiaurea a healthy, active Llrer. sued txnniartt aod sound KUlueya. A boiUe free If yoa ea& adtUca i lik fariuuia CvaqaJi. Chloaai Deputy Btata Veterinarian!. aood Inspector. H. L. Rl!iACC!OTTI, D. Y. S. CITT VETERINARIAN. Cffloe and Infirmary, Vth and Mason Bta. OMAHA. N& Tetephooa (St. TWENTIETH "CENTU RY FARM ER Kaar the Uve Stack Mra. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oava Daliavr m Vaav. A LITTLE K0RE EXCITEMENT is on in drug circles and we are right in our element again; it's been rather dull port lately thla fight of ours against thla drug combination, but thre smuis to be another little spark of life left In that bunch of hot air. For four (4) long months we have been on the cut off list where we COULD NOT buy a cent's worth of goods, (so the com bination say), but we have more today than any of them and could spare 'em a it w reside. Here are a few prices, good until farther notice. 2Tkj Curters Little Liver Pills 7c Stic O. nuine C'antorta 17o $1 00 t'hrystal Tonic Mo C0c Cutlcura Salve 33o 'Jjc Cutlcura Boap )tc $1.00 IHimlerlne L3o $1 00 Coke's Dandruff Cure 4Sic i5u Gravel Tooth Powder Sc Fkic La lllache Powder 23o (i.iw Munyon s tw-j'aw .v otv pizniil Face Powd-r 23c i'a. kf-r's Tar Hoap 13c $100 Hi unit s I)'sprpMa Tablets c 1-lb. Snssafras HMrk new clean 13c $100 fihoop's Reatoratlve 75c $1 () . H 8 63o $1 7S H. S. 8. $1.03 11 ") wnt Uraln and Nerve Treatment 1S EV- ni;ia Ruttir Tip rr-rlnge loo fyr Tetlfiw's Kwansdown Powder .... flc 6.1.x- William's Pink J'llla 2c One to a customer Compare theae prices that's all. SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICK DRUG STORE K T. TATES. Itod. 16th and Chicago Bta., Omaha. 'Fhunea T47 and 747 Mib and N Bta , B-.uth Omaha. 'Phone No. 1 6th Ave and Main bt.. Council B'.urTs 'Phone R33. All goods da- Uvared ia aiuiar city abaulutciy is. GROCERY DEPT. SPECIALS. 10H lbs pure oane granulated sugar GOc 7 bars beat laundry soap, special Uuo 5 lbs. good Japan Rice or Navy Beans. 17V: Good Santos CotTee, per lb 13o Choice Tea Sittings, ir lb 13 CRACKER DEPT. 8PBC1ALS. Cero Kruto, package special 6o Kancy crlap, spicy Uinger Snaps, lb....4c 3 packages Breakfast Rolled Oats loo Slireddml Wheat Uiectllt, porknge Wo DRIED FKUIT DEPT. HPEUIALU. Large California Prunes, per lb epeulal s0 Fancy Colorado Peaches, per lb special 6Ha California O rapes; per lb s pedal. bo Virginia Blackberries, per lb special . ., 7ftc FRESH PBC1T DKPT. SITCCIATA Fancy large, sweet Highland Oranges specialper dos 12o Fancy large. Juicy Highland Lemons, -special per aot 12c California White Clover Honey special per rack 11c 4VM Choice Country Roll Butter, a good cooking butter special per lb 13w Choice Country Roll Butter, a good table butter epeclal pur lb 16a Fancy Elgin Creamery Butter special per lb - )0 CROCK ERT DEPT. SPECIALS. Regular $1.00 large Jardinieres special .....36o Fancy Venetian Olaes Vases special each .....1(0 Cup and Saucers s(eclul each 10 6-pt boiled earthern Cooking l'ots special 10 HARDWARE DEPT. SPECIALS. A good (rHsollne Stove epecltii $2.4$ Coiiiiectlcut food Chopper epeclat euoh 79o No. 8 Copper Bottom Boiler spool nl 6W Poultry Netting special per square foot Ho O. K. Rotary Washer $4.M WHAT A SNAP! It' took leas than four yearly prepaid subscriptions to win a trip to SL Louis in tha first exposition "election." Thara are fifty more trips to be voted for, and you might as wall be ona of the fifty, or see that one of your friends is ona of the people who geta an Inexpenalva vacation. TenMore Trips io Be Voted For This Week. The second "election" started on Friday, the Z.'.th. and ends next Thurs day. March SL Look over tha following list of last week's winners and the number of votea they secured. They were certainly easyi John H. Dlaney. David City 4.R32 John Woodworth, Omaha........ J J George Bex kua, Omaha M. A. Martin. South Omaha 3 W Miss Ruby Hplgol, Omaha fifi Anna Carlson, Florence . Hoskovec. Omaha 2.3-1 Mrs. E. Peterson, Omaha W. 8 Robertson, Omaha i Miss Ruth Cornett, Nebraska City I,.i3 MJ r Theaa ten and fifty more will take a trip to the World's Fair at Louis any time they please during tha exposition. They will all go Bt. JillL Via, the Wabash lis, Tills road direct to the exposition grounds, snd In addition to saving a day for you either going or coming to be enjoytd at tha exposition instead of starting from the station In St. Louis, It will save you time, because It la the shortest road between Omaha and Bt, Louis. Rules of the "Election" The ten persons receiving tha 1 arc rat number of votea at the cloaa of ch ' election" will be furnished, at The Bee s expenan, aa prises, each a free trip from Omaha lu bu Louis and return, to be taaoa any time during the eipoeltion. No restrictions are placed as to where the party Uvea as a candidate for on of the exposition tripa No votea wiil be counted for employes or agents of The Omaha Bee. All votea must be madit on isoLpoi.s which will be publiahed ewch day la Prepayment of subscriptions may be made either direct to Tha Bee Publishing Company or to an authorised agnt of The Bee. No votea aent in by aganta will ua counud unlees sent in In accordance with Instructions given them. The vote from day to day will be published n s.11 editions of Tha Baa. The "elections" will cloaa each Thursday at 6 p. m. Votea may be deposited at the buslnaaa cttlra of Tha Bee or aent by mail No votes sent by mail will be oounted wlilch are not In the Omaha poatofflce for delivery at 4.30 p. m. on the day of closing. Address, "Exposition Department," Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. COUPONS ON PAGE 2. ! J