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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1904)
itiE OMAnA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY. MA Km 29, 1004. 11 poTorrif k KontE. addreesed for dispatch bi- mnmr, closes t this oflW dally, except funds?, at 1 Jo p. m. end 10 3O p. m. Sunday at 1 p. rn. n1 lo i p. m NEWFOUNDLAND Hy rail to North Srd " ''" risy and thenc by mttmrr close at thh rffW dstly t 4ks0 p m. (oonnactlns; mall ' clos her rery Monday, Wednesday and " fturday. JAMAICA Br rail to Philadelphia and thenc by imr rinses at this office at -' id p. m. every gunday. ' : Ff rail to Boston ami thence by steamer tloss at thla office at JO p. m. every Friday. '" )IQt ELOM-Py rail tt Boston and theno " by steamer cloaca at ttila office dally at 3D P m. EF.I.1ZE. FCKRTO CORTEZ and OVATE MAI. A Hy rail to New Orleans and thenc by itfmf closes at thla offln dally. except Bundny, at p -M p. rn. and ' lo:30 p. m , Sunday a at 1 p. m. and 110 M - p. in. (connecting mail cloaea her ilon. 5ys at I10 S0 n. m ) C'OHTA RICA-Ry rail to New Orleans and ' thence by itmmur clime p at thla office dally, except Sunday, at fl JO p. m. and ' 10:80 p. m , Sundays at II p. rn. and 110 30 . H p. m. (ronnor-tlng mall cloaec here Tues- 'day at 10: p. m.. BAHAMAS (cxeer P;!r!.-rcs Malls)-. .' ' By rail to 'Miahi. and thence by ((earner noaea at .vju a. m every alori "J ' day, Wednesdsv and Saturday. s , Registered malt cloaea at p. m. previous Traaapariae MilU, sHnLIPFINE ISLANDS, via Ban Fran claco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to y Mitroh 27th. Inclusive, for deapatch per V. H. Transport. . . , HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP-1 rINE ISLANDS, via San Franclaco, close ere dally at :) p. m. up to March 128th, Inclualve, fir deapatch per a. a. Coptic. HAWAII, via .San Francisco, close here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to March lath. In . elusive, for despatch pr s. Alameda. v CHINA ind JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, li. C, cloae here dally nt 6 30 ... p.' m. up. to April -JMh.. inclualve, for , - ... deapatch per . a. Empress of Japan. (Merchandise for u. B. I'ostal Agency at Shanghai cannot bo forwarded via ... .Canada.) -CHiNA and JAPAN, via. Seattle (specially addreaaed only), close here dally at :3 v p. m. up to April nth, Inclusive, lor despatch per a. a, f'lelades. ..CHINA .and JAPAN, via Tacoma (spe ,. daily addreaaed only) cloaca here daily at 8:80 p, m. up to April 7th, Inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Agamefmm. ... NEW ZEALAND, AISTKAMA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA. FIJI, SAMOA and HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, cloae here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April , . IHh. Inclualve, for despatch per a. a. VeniUra, (If the Cimarcf steamer carry ; , Ira- the British mall for New Zealand doea not arrive In time to connect with , , thla dispatch, extra mall closing at 6:30 ' a. m.. 1:30 a. m, and CS 30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., I a. m. and t:So p. m. will be made up and forwarded until tba ar rival of the Cunard steamer.) HAWAII. JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLAND, via Han Francisco, close here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to April lllth, f Inclusive, for despatch) per s a. Korea. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS vl Dan r rar.ciaco, cioee nere oauy at B:S0 p. m. up to April (lxth, inclualvo, for des- tatch ier a. a. Marloosa. ... AUSTRALIA (excent West), FIJI I3L ;i AND8 ajl NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April 23d, ln , elusive, for despatch per a. a. Aorarifl. KOTE t'nlesa otherwise addressed. West .. Australia la forwarded via Europe; and New Zealand and Philippines, via Ban Francisco the quickest route. Philippines , anecially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the . .foreign rates. .. Hawaii Is forwarded via . Ban Franclaco exclusively. . . Transpacific malls are forwarded to port ,rof sailing daily and the schedule nf clos ln Is arranged on the nreaumptlon of thelr uninterrupted overland transit, v.. (.ResTtatered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous i-Jay. . . CORNELIUS VAN C.OTT. Postmaster. r roatpfflce. New Tork, N. T., March 26, 1904. OMAHA wholesale: market. , Ctfodltloai of Trade aoud Qootatlons on ,. Staple ad Fancy Vrodace. "f EOOS Receipts, libera; market steady; ' "at I" P d h fl too 1( i ro LIVE POULTRY Hens, 104c; young ' roosters, gfytk.'; old roosters. In:; turkeys, Jic- ducks, S4c; geese, 8c. BtJTTEK I'acking stock. 12c; cholca , to fancy dairy rolls, U14c; separator, !Uo. jv FRKSJt FISH Trout, Hlw; pickerel, . Hiftfioj pke. Be; perch, 6fiS'; blueusn, 15o; (,,yv'ilteflsh, 8yc; salmon,, lie; haddock, lUo; uedtlah, 12c; recanapper, 11c; lobster, boiled, i er lb., S2o: lobatefH, green, per lb., auc; bullheads, 11c-; -catrtHh,- !3&14e; black bass, 10c; hallbut,lo; trappt'S..i2e; herring, 4 WO;' .white bans, 13c; bluehns. me; smelts, lOiiUo. ' , OTSTER3 New York counts, per can, lit; per gal., 12.30; extra select, per can, . 15c; per gar, f 1.76; standard, per can, 27c; .,er gal., 135U1.40, . , . r ... BRAN Per ton. 118 00. ( HAT Prloes quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No 1 upland, M.M; No. 3, 16.00; medium ,5 SO; coarse, 15.00; rye straw, ta.00. These prices are for hay " Of good color and quality,, Demand tair l.and receipts light. ' ' VEQETABt-ES. " - POTATOES Colorado, 11.20; Dakota, per " Jiu-j. H 10; natives, 11.00. - NAVY REAN8 Per bu., t2.2&82.85. CJLLERY Large Calltorula, tWc, 7ic, and 0c. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, II 90; Colo - raio yellow and red, per In., 8Wc. i'VAHBAOB- Wtaconafn Holland. 40. . TUKNIPS-Whlte. ear bu.. 0c - JAKKUIB-rPP t)U., 11.00. "H'AKaNlPSPer bu ; 75c. np,D,l I'cr DU., 760. C'LCITM HERS Per dos., $160175. "TOM ATOKA Florida, per 6-baaket crate, 13 (10, RADIsHBS Per dos. bunches, S&gfiOo. - LETTUCW HEADS Per dos. bunches. fc)rill.Ao, tp lettuce, per dos., 46iJfOc. Tl'RNIPS-Southern, per Jox.,,4&c. r, -BEETS Southern, per. dos.. Mo. , o CAHKOTS-Southern. Der dos.. 76c in PARSLEY Southern., per dos., So-'ot&e, uuti;MJin-rtr aoi., inc.' T.ilON SETS Per bu. of 33 lbs., vallow. 12.26; red 2.:'5; white, 12.50. SPINACH Per bu . a&cfrll 00 ,, BEANS Wax. pel bu. box. 15.00; string, pr bu. beK, H OO. . - . FRUJTS. . - APPLES California Bellflowers. per box. IL75; Oregon fancy reds,- per- box, 11.90: .-.New Yotk expott tireentngs. Russets and Baldwins, H W. CRANBERRIES Jersey, per bbl., 7; per box. la w. STRAWBERRIES Texas, per I4-qt. rase. ' H60; LoulelHiia, per 24-pt. Cac, :.OiKti2.26. TROPICAL FmilTS. '. ORANUK8 Navels, chukt, all sixes, 12.25; fancy naVela, all sixes, li 60. LtMuNl c'ailioruiu, tancy, itO to 3), 3.; choice, 2-tu to till sixes, j.(ii3.ij. . . FIGS California, per JU-b. canons, 85c; Imported Minyrns, K-ctowh, 14c; 6-crown, - lac; 7-crown, 16c. BANANAS Per medium slxed bunch, i I2 1xhh2 wi: Jumbtw, 2.75flC3.i5. - DA 1'ES Pel slun, Liox of SO pkgs., 2; 'per lb. in 60-lb. boxes, 6c; Oriental stuffed : liates. per box, 12.40. etJCOANLTtt-Per sack, M: per dos., 60o. ahscellaneoOb. CHEESE wIm-oiisiii twins, full rrenm. Ec; WlHconsIn Youiik Americas, 13-; block Bwlsa, Hie; WlBoonaln brick, lie; Wisconsin Umburgrr, lie. -ClDt-lter bbl., 15.60; per H-bbl.. 1123 HONEY-Nebtuaka. per 4 frameil 3; . Utah and Colorado, per 34 frames 13. . HORSERADlSHPer case of S doll packed mm. MAPI.K 8t!OAR-Ohlo, per lb.. 10c UIDES-No. 1 green, ec; No. I green, 5c: . AO. 1 salted, 7c; No. 1 salted. 6c: No 1 ,val calf. to 12 lbs., 8He; No. t veal calf , JJ to 15 lbs., V; dry salted hides. X'UUc: IVE'".?: r'ilf-'7e: hoTUK l,1,,8- 2 50. rl.NVr8rxVal"uU' No- 1 u,t shell, per lb.. Ir1 r(.ph1Jv lb nq. a soft heu "per lb.. 1.1c; No. I hard shell, per lb.. 12c Braslls. per lb., lie; tilherts. per lb.. Uc: almonds, soft shell, per lb.. i:,c; hard shell per Jbw 13c, pecans, larne. per lb.. 12c: smsll. per lb. liV; peanuts,-per lb. 6o- ItTI.V0. 'r,e ntckory nuts, per bu.. II 50; ''la' I? is."' V'T blck-, walputs. per i v. ' . . i Oils al Koala. . NEW YORK. March 2.OUCottonsd. V IV n''' BalU,m,re.,'K46riu U T..ri.u.,tln. u . KOSIN-Steady; strulned. AXW?:&: iUrLh -oiiTurp. '?. 9?::.M. 12 0; I. 2 x: "v. W 4,i'. " ' W' 340; W' - .;oi OIL VlTY Pa . March 5S. -Oil Credit Ijalancea. tl .71 : eertiitcaua. o bid shin, meiits, Mf22 b....; averuae V4 bhl. shipments. IJma, 111.919 bbls.; aveiaK, SfLal bi: fuu"' 1 M'U3 bbl-; vr''. traperateel Apples mm Dried Frtlti, 1 '.VP."' Yn.BK. March 9-FVAIMKATEi) AFP1.E8 The market la still firm, though the demand at the moment is only model - P M. 1'iimi.i.iii r. I . ... . fTi.6A,c; choice, 64iIUc; fancy. 7'yTW.-. rule ay. with quotations ranging from ' are very quiet; choice are held at el-eachee are in good demand and firm; GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Streofth of Oath Wheat and Htarl Tatar Teatnrei of Tay. BULLS GET BETTER OF LATE REPORTS Oplaloa Is that Arssosir t tmpalm in May. Cora Is ! Preparation, If Aot Already Began. OMAHA, March 79,, 194. The strength of cash wheat and ol the nearby future was the feature of the mar ket. Moet of the Minneapolis mlllerj have i turned operations and there Is said to bo an Increasing feeling that the country stores will be short. Crop reports are con flicting, but the greater weight of autnority seems to bo on tne bull side. The cash men are assuming that the Chicago stocks will be early reduced, or No. 1 northern 2.',(M bu. sola there today on a par with the May and Buturday 1W,iO bu. sold at the same llgure. Kansas City wires that No. 3 sold there at Voc, 4c premium over the May. Chicago May ranged from 97c to KHo after opening strong, 'i he high point came early in the session. New July ranged trom Vvo to OiVsc May was bid up on the Omaha floor io and July the same amount. The general opinion is that an Armour canipajun In May corn Is In preparation, if not already begun. The market today sliowed a scattering short Interest, Induced by the poor cash situation Saturday, agalnat a long line, presumably Armour's. A Chi cago wire says receipts of corn were only 70 cars, but that of these 11 were contract grade. Some of the talent bellevVthat the recent receipts show that the bad corn hue been marketed and that the remainder in the country is of better grade. A Hroom hall cable says that It U the present Inten tion of the ministry to reimpose the duty on the Import of cereals Into the United King dom. Chicago May ranged from 64Ho to WW', while tiie Omaha crowd bid it ud by noon from 4fic, the opening, to 4ic. i ne range in prices o Omaha grain ror future delivery and the close Saturday and today were as follows; Closed Wheat Open. High. Low. Today. Hat'y. May tot K'J hit HtH CBH July 82Vi Si ' 82Vx . MHO 82li Corn May 45i 474 4&H 47R 45 July 45 4iH 44 4u 44vA Oats May 3N4& S3 3SH 39B S8B Local Cash Orala Market. Omaha was In line with the better cash situation and tne samples were cleaned up within ten minutes from the gong. Four times as much corn would have been taken If It had been on tap. Orders were earned over by brokers. The wheat was up 1 cent and corn advanced from Saturday prices 1 to 2 cents. One car of No. 2 hard winter wheat wns offered and taken at 90 rents. The local corn market was said to be higher than Kansas City this morning. One car of No. 3 yellow sold for 45 cents and a car of No. 8 for 43 cents. No. 4 corn sold for 46 and 44Vi cents to the Mississippi river and some no srade stuff went at 38 cents. Receipts of wheat were 4 cars In and IS cars out; one week ago, 4 cars In and 11 cars out. Corn receipts were 7 cars In and 21 cars out; one week ago, 25 cars In and 12 cars out. Oats were 1 car In and 3 cars out one week ago, 9 cars In and 5 cars out. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 83yfr!c; No. 8 hard. 804a7c: No. 4 hard. 71fv7Kc: No 2 spring. SSHfi'tfc; No. 3 spring, 0H&86c; No. 4 sprlnir. 71Wrfr76c I'liRN-No. 2. 4R'V: No. 8. 43W44HC; No. 4, 41,Vfi43c; No. 2 yellow. 4c: No. 8 yellow. 44 (5i5c; No. 2 white, 45Vic; No. 8 white. 43 4414c. OATS No. 2, 873Sc; No. S, yvS37c; No 4, S'ftMn; No. 2 white, 41W42e; No. 3 white 89-S40C; No. 4 white, 3839c; standard, 4014 Hmc. Notes from the Exchange Offices. Omaha Inspections of grain were 21 cars; of wheat, 2 cars graded No. 8 hard winter: of oats. 1 car graded No. 4; of corn, 15 cars graded No. 3, 1 car No. 4. 1 car No. 3 white and 1 car No. 4 white. Oral a Marketa Elaevmere. Closing prloes of grain today and Satur day at the markets named were as follows: ClilCAUO. --Closed Wheat Today. Sat'day. MX m W.H July - V 7kB Corn . ' , May '. 65 53B July bi to, a . , I . . . KANSAS CITY. . . .. Wheat""' r May Rfi, U July 78 ' 1- Corn May ,., 4fi 45 ,. July 45 44 HT, LOUIS. Wheat-. ... May ,, 96 93 July . 83B M Corn May , 4A 45 July 48B 47 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat May 98 B 97 A July U li W DULUTH. Wheat May 7B 6 July 97 KB NEW YORIC Wheat May J 99 .98 July 64' A 3B A asKtd. B bid. NEW YORK CiKNEHAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. March 28. FLOUR Re ceipfH, 41. W7 bbls.; exports, 6,224 bbls. -The market showed a more firmness on the wheat situation, but was. Quiet. Winter straights, 16.000.15; winter' patents, S5.2U& 6 Ki; Minnesota bakers. It. 104. 4v; Minnesota patents,; winter extras, ta.&xu; 4. 60; winter low grades, S3 loiSna.W. Rye Hour, steady; fair to good f4.3u4j4.36; choice to fancy, . Buckwheat, flour, heavy. COKNMEAL Steady; western, 111001.11; city. Il.l''uli:: klln-Orled. 13.1u&320. RYE Steady; No. 1 western, 81u, to ar rive prompt. BAKLE Y Dull; feeding. 4c, c. 1. f., NW York; making, 601660, c. 1. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 6.825 bu.; spot market firm; No. 2 red, 11.07. nominal elevator; No. 2 red, tl.UKfel.U, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Dtilnth, 11.07, nominal, f. o. b , afloat; No. 2 hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b , afloat. Options closed lVulc net higher; May, 9(aW 13-Pic; cloned, lo. July, 93'u4 i-ltic; closed. 84c. September, 66vl7Ki)c; closed, W MkC. Cult N Receipts, lc.B75 bu. Spot market firm; No. 2, nominal elevator. 65c, f. o. b., u float; No. 2 yellow, bnc; No. 2 white, 55c. The option market waa more active and strong. The cloae was jrlo not higher. May, (Jjto'4C, closed at 'Jtc; July closed at fic. OATS Receipts, 229.WI0 bu. ; exports. 10,6X5 bu. Spot market, steady; No. 2, 4ic; stand, ard white, 4oc; No. 2 white, 47c; No. 3 white, 4ic. HAY Steady; shlnping, TtiT72c; good to choice, 9;c41.0tt. HOI'S Hteady ; state, common to choice, 1903. 27i:itic; 12. 23a27c; olds. ua4c. Paoltlo coiiHt. W3. 2-lyJlc, 12, 23d 27c; olds, VjiMo. HIDES Steady; Oalveston. 20 to 25 lbs. ISc; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas, dry, 24 to 80 lbs.. 14c. I.EATH ER Steady: acid. 232c. PROVISIONS-Heef. easy; family, 111 OX? 12 ": inesa. x SKii.00; packet. I1O00 41II1IO. Heef hams, 120 6iVfij'2 (; city, extra India mess. 116 om 18.00. Cut meats, dull: pickled belllee, li.Ofkfj mv pickled shoulders. .(); pickled hams, 110 00 Jill. no. Lard, firm; western steamed. 17 45: refined, firm; continental. 17 5o: South America. 17 50; compound. ii.75'uti S7. Pork, steady; family 115 : short clear, 14.75tf Iti.M; meHS, 115 uu 15 50. Hl'TTER-Firm; creamery, 15ff25c; state daln-. lS'TlTlc CHEESE-Steady; state. full cream, fancy. H.null and large colored and white, September. 12c; late made. 10c. F.C.'iB -Strong: western flrata. lRc. IDI'LTRY Alive, lirm: western chickens. 13c: fowls, ltio; turkeys, 15c; dressed Heady; western chickens, 12'itl3c; fowls) 14c; turkeys, western young hens, loylTc. CHICAUO AND PROVISIONS. Featares of the T'raillag aad f'loalac Prices oa Board af Trade. CHICAGO. March 28 -The sample tables, not the speculative pita, were renters of business today on the Board of Trade Spot transactions for actual cub largely controlled contracta for business. .The ac tual kernels were said to he so scarce that there was a shortage of seed wheat In even such a tvplcal cereal section as the Red River vslley of the north. Compared with last nltihi S closing figures. July wheat to day closed at an advance of lftlc. Corn la up lVulc. Oats show a gain of Vc and provisions 7 to 20 cents. More general Interest In the wheat mar ket was manifested today thaa hud been experienced since prices made the recent sensational advance past the dollar mark. The principal feature at the opening were a decrease In world's shipments unfavor able iTun repoits from the southwest, and firm cables. Initial quotations on July were W lowtr to 4.c higher, si rrtitaSc. Prices advanced until late In the day, when July touched Wtc At that figure many of the rariy nuyrrs took prollta. Closing prices were almost at the ton. Anal figures on July being at fVS8 .a. May sold between Wi'c anil 97n and closed at tr. Clearances of wheat nnd dour were equal to KiOrtiiO bushels. Irlmsry re ceipts were ;T9.4, sgninst K4.Vi a vear go. 1 ne amount on passage Increased to2. CN bushels, while the visible supply de creased 414.1110 bushels Mlnnesnolls. lin- Juth and Chlcngo reported reolrts of 69 cars, against t,o last week ana ci a year aso. The .irlce for spot corn was up 2 to 8 cents. un tne late reaction In wneat some realising occurred which resulted In an easier tone. The weakness was soon dissipated, however, nnd closing prlcns st the high point. July opened a shade to Ho and So hlcher, sold between W' and 61fi52c and closed at 51c. May closed at ffiv; after rsnglng between 53c and 5fic. Ixical receipts were 78 cars, with 11 of con tract grade. flats participated In the general advance and ruled strong throughout the day. Clos ing prices were near the top. Af;er opening unoh-rger rose to 37c to rc, Julv sold between SJfctSMtc and 3ifrWc. closing at SAV'ic. Iocal receipts. 110 cars. The action of gralna resulted In advances In all products snd caused the market to close strong. Final quotations on July pork were up 20 cents at $18.56. Julv lard. 7 cents higher at $7.22, and ribs up 7 centa at $7 1?i?J7.1S. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlclee, open. 1 Hlgh. Low. Closo.l Sat'y. Wheat May a July b July a Sept. b Sept. July Sept. Oata May July Sept. July Lnrd May July July 97 I 95 96 1 9". 9"! tw-V W'Si t'" fc1 b7- 8SVa i 8; 84-4 fc3s M, 1 K), 62, t2 I96VG961 8i4l"l lw-V' "WI 53f 55 531 55 I 63 6''(i51Vu-j 6',51uJ250li 1 5oiU )1I 60 I tl 49',, 394 40i.i39Wl 40V S9V 38i 3S''ga93stAJ(;' 3- q rSj38' 13 15 13 40 7 00 13 40 13 60 I 7 10 7 25 7 02 13 15 13 85 7 00 7 17 6 90 7 05 13 32 13 66 13 12 13 35 7 07i 7 00 7 22 7 15 7 17 8 90 7 U0 7 00 7 Is 6 90 7 06 7 17 No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotation were as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents, $4.80(f(5.00; straights, $4.6i4j4.7o; spring patents, 4.4oftf 4.70; straights. 4.00ii4.2i; bakers, 3.0o'u3.6o. W HEA'l No. 2 Hpilng, 9Jci$1.00; No. 3, S7Gi99c; No. 2 red. 9iV-$l . COHN-No 2, 64-Ujic; No. 2 yellow, 54 OATS No. 2, 40i&40c; No. 3 white, 41 43c. RYE No. 2. 70c. BARLEY Good feeding, 3SSI0c; fair to choice malting, 4541660. SEED No, I flax, $1.09; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.15; clover, contract grade, $10.40. PROVISIONS-Meas pork, per bbl., $13.25 '13.37. Lard, per loo lbs., $i.9(liii0 92. Short ribs sides (loose), $. 75(36.87; short clear sides (boxed), $7.20'&7.76. k The following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.7i 24 loo Wheat, bu IS.O00 24 3o0 Corn, bu 90.2' 12;,9o0 Oats, bu 240,700 21h,lo0 Rye, bu 11,000 4.1oi Barley, bu, 67,3o0 16.i0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 14i2 24c; dairies, 12i21e. Eggs, firm at mark, case Included, lfijjl6o. Cheese, easy at lo 11c. St. l.onls Grain and Provisions. HT. liOlTIS, March 28 WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevntor, $1.01; track, $100 4T1.07: May, 9fic bid; July, 83!(!53u bid; No. 2 hard, 91((i92c. CORN Illgher; No. 2 cash, 45c; track, 46't4rtc; May, 46c bid; July, 4c bid. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 41o; track, white1 46c JU'y' 87 N FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $4 90 5.00; special brands.' 2ovji25c; extra fancy and straight. $4.60tj4.X5; clear, $4 00''n4.2o. SEEDS Timothy, steady. $2.40tf 2.G0. CORN MEAI-Steady, $2.40. BRAN Dull; racked east track. ROfgRSc. HAY Strong and higher; tin.othy. 19.00a 14.00; prairie, $7.00W10.(). IRON COTTON TIES 82c. BAOOINO 6c HEMP TWINE fic. PROVISIONS Pork. higher; 'obblng, $18.46. Lard, higher; prime steatn, $6.70. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 17.76; clear ribs, $7.75: short clear, $8.00. POULTRY Unchanged; chickens, 11c; springs, $8.0Oi3.60 per dos.; turkeys, 123l3c; ducks. 12c; geese, 6ig7c. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 40'25e; dairy. 154flflc. EGGS Firm at 16c, enso count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls R.ono 9.000 Wheat, bu . ,.36.000 118.000 Corn, bu 72.000 46.000 Oats, bu .- 64.000 21, CO) Kansas Cltg Grain and' Provisions. KANSAS CITY, March 2S.-WHEAT-91c; No. 8, 8890c; No. 8 red, 81.02Qi1.O4; No. 8. 9"!cifi1.0f. Receipts, 46 cars. CORN May, 4fic: J"1 W- Cash: No. 2 mixed. 461 46c: No. 8, 45'3,46c; No. 2 white. 46c; No. 8. 46ff46c. OATS No. 2 white, 40c; No. 2 mixed, SS SOc. RYE 2c. HAY Firm; choice t'tnothy, $70.00; choice prairie. $7.75118.00. BUTTER Creamery, 20'22c; fairy, fancy, 17c. EGGB Higher: Missouri and TCnnsos. rases returned, 14c: new No. 2, whitewood cases Included, 16c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 3fi.soo 73,600 Oats, bu 12.0") 16.000 Corn, bu 4,000 2,000 Minneapolis ' Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 28. WHEAT May, 98c;. July, 98c; September, 84o; on track, No. 1 herd. fWie; No. 1 northern, 8Sc; No. 2 northern, Wic FI.OUR nrst patents, $5.15go.25; second patents, $6.0o4n"i.l0; first clears, $3.608.76; second clears. 2.6502.75. BRAN In bulk. $14.50. . MIlTvankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, March 28. WHEAT lo higher; No. 1 northern, $1.01M 02; No 2 corthern, 97S1.0O; old July, 89o bid." RYK Firm ; No. 1. 72c. PARLEY Dull; No. 2, 62G3c; sample. S7(909c. CORN lo higher; No S, 4849c. nnlnth Grata Market. DULUTII. March 28.-WHEAT Active; No. 1 hard, 8Te; No. 1 northern, 97-W No. 2 northern. 4c; in store, No. 1 hard 8c; No. 1 northern. 97c; No. 2 northern" 94c; May, 97c; July, 7c; teplember, 84c. OATS On Irack and to arrive, 39o. l.lTcrpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. March 28 WHEAT Spot dull; No 1 California. 7a. Futurea closed steady; March, nominal; May, 6a d; July, 6s 7d CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed new, 4a 2d; old, 4a 6d. Futurea closed quiet; March, nominal; May, 4s 3d. Visible Supply of Grain. f'EW YORK. March 28 -The visible sup ply of grain March 28, as compiled hv the New York Produce Exchange, followa Wheat. 32. Ml. 000 bushels; decrease. 414 006 bushels. Corn, 10.060,000 bushels; Increase 63.900 bushels. Oats. 10,35S,OuO buxhels: de crease, 133,000 bushels. Peoria Market. PEORIA. March 28.-CORN-Hlgher: No 8. 45c; No. 4. 43c. ' WHI8KY-On the basis of $1.28 for fin ished goods. Philadelphia Prodnco Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 28.-BI TTER Flrm, c higher; extra western creamery 26c: extra nearby prints, 23c. EGOS Firm, c higher; fresh nearhv 19c, ut mark; flesh western, 19c. at mark' frvsh aouthern. li!c, at mark: fresh din k egK". 83c, ut murk; fresh geese eggs 90c at mark. ' CHEESE Dull and easier; New York full creams, choice to fancy, 104tjllc; fulr to good, 104jlvc Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, March 28.-DRY GOODS The market continued unusually quiet and restricted to a minimum. No further evi dence of willingness to make concealons on the part of manufacturers are apparent The possibility of general curtailment Is regarded aa the niot.t healthy factor In the fltuatlon and may bring about changed conditions if reallxed. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. March 28 COFFEE The market for futurea opened steady. The close wua stesdy, with sales of only 4.(i0 bags, Including April. 0c: May, f ioc July, 6.70c; September. 6.0uc; Ocluber, 1 luct 1 member. 6 $oc Spot, quiet; No. T In voice, 6c Mild, steady; Cordova, KstfUa Elgrln Batter Market. ELGIN. 111.. March 28 BUTTER-rMnr. ket. steady and unchanged at I4c. The output of the tUevtut durmg Ui ek was ii,JU lbs. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Laiiitnds and Cnlbeit 8noreedi Excitt mnt of. Last Week. LARGE ABSORPTION OF UNION PACIFIC Railroads Shovr Advance aad Amal gamated Copper Alao Rises la In Response to Demand for Mel-1. NEW YORK. March 28 The speculative excitement which kept last weeks mar ket stirred up over the Northern Securi ties dissolution had pretty thoroughly sub elded In toduy'a market and the tone re lapsed into tn dullness mid lassitude of the period preceding the Northern Securi ties decision. Much less significance was attached to the mystery still surrounding the uffalrs of tho merger, the one fact re maining in evidence being the undeniable absorption on a large scale of Union Pa cific without news to explain It. Union Pacific made a rise of a point In the morn ing, but did not hold iu The weakness of the merger In the curb market had a bad effect on It and upon the whole market. The London settlement Induced some de mand for American stocks from that quarter on the part x the uncovered shorts. It was reported that one small dealer In Americans In London, short of the market, was compelled to assign. The later market was made up of a few spe cial movements in individual stocks which proved to be without general Influence In the market. The rise In Amalgamated Copper was due to the encouraging re ports of the demands for the metal and the large exports making. Wabash, pre ferred enjoyed an upward movement of a point In spito of the large decreaso In net earnings of the system shown by the Feb ruary statement. Louisville & Nashville 8 Ealn was connected with the circulation of ankers' computation of the relative ad vantages of the stock compared with others selling st a higher level. Other southern railroads stqeks responded in sympathy. Steel hung back. Cheerful reports of current conditions In Iron and steel are counteracted by fears of a poor showing for the quarter, the returns of which are expectPd to make their appearance next week. Money continued very easy, but the firmness of foreign exchange kept expecta tion alive of gold engagements for export. Tho rise In the southern group of rail roads stimulated more general strength In the market than at any previous time and the closing was steady, with prices of the prominent leaders up a point or more. Prices of bonds were well held. Total sales, par value. $l,fi60,0"0. United States 4s coupon advanced per cent on call. Following were the quotations on the Stuck excliunge today: , , Sales Hlgh.Low.CIose. Atchison 14,300 7o 69 7o do pfd 9.000 90. 89 9 Baltimore & Ohio. ..10.900 80 78 79 do pfd 89 Canadian Facltic ... 1,200 115 114 114 Central of N. J l&a dies. & Ohio ao 32 32 82 Chicago & Alton .... 300 37 37 a; do pfd 80 Chicago Great West. GoO 10 15 15 C. & N. W 1,400 171 itiM 170 C, M. He St. P 17,500 142 14o 141-., Chicago T. & T. 4i0 9 9 9 do pfd 200 19 19 19 C, C, C. & St. L .. 74 Colorado Southern .. 6i0 16 15 16 do 1st pfd ;. ..... b3 do 2d pfd ; 23 Delaware & Hudson.. 2,400 153 100 153 I)., L. oc W..i , 'Mi & R- O A) Io pfd igi,4 Erie 16,800 26 26 U do 1st ?fd 2,200 64 63 i-, do 2d pfd.. 300 41 41 41 Hocking Valley 73 lo pfd 100 81 81 80 Illinois Central 3.80O 130 129 130 Iowa Central 2oo 19 19 19 do pfd 100 34 34 34 K. C. Southern is do pfd , ejix Louisville & N 21900 10 lor. 108 M .ntiMtan L 800 145 142 142 Met. Securities &00 7S 78 78 Met. St. Hy .......... 00 111 111 111 Minn St. L 64 M.. St. P. 4 Ste. M.... 300 62 62 62 do pfd . 2i Missouri Pacific 7,6n0 92 91 92 M., K. & T.. 1,000 18 18 18 do pfd - ggu N. R. R. of Mex. Jfd. 4 ..... 30 N. Y Central ......... 117 117 117 Norfolk & Western ' 4U 68 68 68 do pfd 85 Ontario & West I,4u6 ,21 21 21 Pennsylvania ,,2l,80"is 116 117 Pitts., C. C. & St ..Tj, !f . to Reading 6v800 ' 44 43 44 do 1st pfd 100 78 78 78 dO lid pfd Rock Island Co.t.... 3,000 22 22 2'' do pfd : .' 62 62 62 St. L. Ac S F 2d pfd. H : 4ti 45 46 St. L. S W. 100 1.1 . 13 13 do pfd.. ....... lt - 33 83 83 Southern Pnciflo ....16,700 49 t8 49 Southern Hallway ... 6,40i) ' 22 21V 22 do pfd 5110 83 82 83 Texas & Pacific 1,05 24 23 23I T.j S. U & W 2-10 25 24 24 .do pfd 300 35 85 35 Union Pacific 80.100 K'i 82 83 do pfd 1,00) 92 91 90 Wabash 100 19 19 18 ..9 .f" 4-m 3' X vv. & I E iix Wisconsin Central .. jgi.. do pfd Adams Express ,.' , 22-J Amer. Express ,, ..... l'O K; J:xpre'"U Wells-Fargo Ex ,. a,5 Amalgamated Copper.37.6i0 60 49 4': Amer. Cur ip F 700 . 20 2 20 do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil 2914 do pfd 8i American Ice 200 7 "7" 6 do pfd 1,00 27 . 26 26 Amer Linseed Oil g do pfd 2fi5l Amer. Locomotive .. 600 21 2114 2iu, do pfd MO 2- KJM, r2 Am. R & R aK), 4. 49 do pfd 5110 9 S3 &iZ Amer. Sugar H....... 1,400 126 12i "h Anaconda Mln. Co 05 Brooklyn R. T 7,800 44 43 43 Colorado F & I pio 28 l Cons. Oas 700 197 108 ! Corn Products 100 13 13 13 Distillers Securities.. 200 23 23 23 General Electric 55 International Paper jj do pfd International Pump a5.7 do pfd 74 Internutlonal Lead 15 North American " ss Pacltlc Mail "" 27i People's Oas 2,500 96 96" Hi Pressed Steel Car 29 do pfd ; m Pullman Palace Car. 100 209 208 29 Republic Steel 2m) 7 7 71 ort;pfd-"i 100 42 Rutilwr Goods jtpz do pfd loo 77i 'r-v! r-il Tenn t? ft 1 80 $H 3Ri2 si2 U. 8. leather inn 7 7 7 do pfd 100 78 78 78 U. S. Realty " flu , do pM joo pi so jo v- 8- Rubler 7-0 13 13 18 do pfd ro) 54 64 64 U. S. Steel S.4on 11 a, nu Vv, do pfd 19.9ciO TJ&L K?.v t.01 Weptlnghnuse Elec 158 Western I'nlon 100 g 'rs W Northern Secur o.1 Kx-divldend. "Bid. Total Sales for the day.' 237,800 shares. I.oadoa stock Market. LONDON, March 28 Closing: Cnnaols, inoaoyi.. U U-H1N T l'nnl 1:0 la an US 40 , tt , 40 , 10 . tl , ' , M', 11 i . . M So arcount Ni Nnrfulli a W Ancomla 1 Ik I do DM ' AKhlson Tlviorllrii & w. do pfil 't rniivylvanla Bslllmors A O slu Hand Mln. .. ( inadln rsctSc 11T Ruding .. Phei. a Ohio 31 dn lit rM . riil.o Ot W t5 do !(t pfd. (' . M St. P 14H Bo. ftll.r . Pel)rs l:c do urd Prnver ft R. O S So Paelflc ... do pfd T04 L'ntoo Pc'.f.i Brie 7 in pfd . . . . 0 lrt rM V i. Btesl.... do td I'M 4:1 do Bfd .... Illinois Ontnl U:iW.ku5 Iuis. a Nsih lfMS do pfd ... M . K 4 T 17H Inanith 4. ... SILVER Bar. steady. 26 lWbd per ounce, ti per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 1 per cent; for three months' bills, 25$ per cent. New York Mlolasr Storks. NHW YORK, March 28 The following are the r'oslng prices on mining stocks: Adams Coo Little Chut Allr. firac hrunawlrk Con ... Comatoek Tuonal ram. ( al. Vs.. Horn Bilvar r lrua Silvar LMdilil Co .... . il . Ill . I . ISO !- .Ill . I (Inurls , Ophlr I'hnnlx Poloal ka.i Siarra Kavada goaall HoiMa . M XI u li m Standard Mew Yarlt Mea Market. NEW YORK. March : 28. MONEY On call,- ateady at IMil per cnt; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at 1 per cent; time loana easy; sixty days, li3 per rent; ninety days, per cent; six months, Sfii per cent; prime mercantile paper, H'"i5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actual busineas in bankers' bills at It. TVS -i iVTM tvt tteiuan4 u4 at ijii fr slxty-elny hills; posted rates. $4 86 and $4 W; commercial bills. ll8tuiS4. SILVER-Bar, .V.c; Mexican dollars, 44c. BONDS Government. firm; railroad, steady. The closing quotations rn bonds are as follows: 17. 8. rrf l. teg.., do roupott do ,1a. ivg do do new 4a, ret..., do teiir-oti do old aa. reg..., do coupon Atrhlaon sn. 4a... do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a.. balumnra a O. 4a. dii J'aa Central ef Oa. la.. do lat Ine . H'4 Manhattan e f 4a. ..104 . .K'.'A Mea. Ontral 4a 44 ..lwl! do lat tne H ..ino Minn. ft 1. 4a ... H M , K. A T. 4 1JI a M.. K. a T. !a 714, ..let N. R. K. ot M t 4a. 7S N. T. r. s '4 N. i. C. t 1H No. Prlo 4a..., 10S do V : TIH N A W. c 4a Ore. Short Lin 4a... HS Pann. con. Ia M Reading sen. 4a K'4 ..HMH ,. " : .losta .H4S Chra. A Ohio 4Sa. (hi .) & A. IM C, R. q. a. 4a. PC L. I M r. U llf 7T 1st u a s r. rg. a il .... 4 I St. L. 8. W. la Ut tm 1I?V mrA A t. Am Mm t- M. ft S. P. ( . at n. c. is ir4) Bo. Purine a SSH C, R. 1. ft P. 4a .... ;' So. Rallwaf I12 0 eel. R 7 Tnaa A P. la Ill C. f.t'. A St L. g. 4..ltW'.T.. Bt b. A W. 4a... (0 hlcnan Tcr. 4a M jl'nlnn Tarlfln 4 10 Ton. Trbarco 4a 61, do eonr. 4a 4 rolo. A So. 4 avt'. stael id ta "5 D. A R. O. 4a 7'tWahah la lit Krle prior Ilea 4a.... do dah. B 61 l" sen. 4a HSITV. A L E. 4a P. W. A I). C. ts....I04"4,WlB. Ontral 4a Hocking Val. 4a . . .Iu5v l olo. If. A I. it lit U A N. unl. 4a 99 Offered. Host on Block Qootatlons. ' POSTON, March 28. Call lfns. 2ti,s DPr CMTit limn Innn. Hl.tiiiU rtr ,.unl I lOl- clal closing of stocks nnd bonds: Atohlaoa adj. 4a Waatlng common . HO . S . 44 . . I . lUi .460 . II . 41 . 16 . 44 . 7H l " . 4 . I . i . 14 . livt . M . U . to . . w . It. . 11 1 . a . ii ' . . 71 do 4a .. )t I Adventure , .. 43 Allouel .. 70! Amalgamated .... .. 'JOiajAmerlraii Zln .., ..SO Allanllo ..I4r,i, Bingham ..13S4, Cal. A Hccla.... ..140VtOntennlal Hpi. (.'antral 4a. Atrhiann do nfd Button oi Atbalijr Iloaton A Mnlna. Boalnn R lava tad ritchhurg pfd .. Max. Otitral ... 9'4i'(.uppr Hangs ... N. T., N. H A H..1S9 Data WhI Tara Marauatts 71 tlnmlnlon loal L'nton Pacific S3 Franklin Hran..w Amar. Arge. Cham do pfd Aniar. Pnsu. Tubs. Amar. Sugar 1W 724 : Iain ROTala v, 1 Maaa. Mining .. 12VMlchln 1?3 Mohawk do pra Amar. T Jtr T 1H4 Monl O. A C. Amer. WckjIbo ... 104. Old Dominion do pfd Pomlnlon I. A a . Osceola Parrot Kdlaon Blartrle I)lu..:iS (Julnc ocnarai Klectrle ...164 Khatmon , Tamarack .... MaaB. Klectrlo .. do pfd Maaa. (aa 144 , 7: . 3'i ,101 , 47 , 54 ITrlnlty V. 8 Mining. V. S. Oil I'tah Victoria t'nltad Kntlt .... initad Phoa Mach do nfd TJ. 8. Steal iiuin'in.M. do ntd Bid. MVW'olvarln ... Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, March 28 COTTON-Spot prices, steady, 22 points higher; American middling fair, 8 5tid; good middling. S.lod; American middling, 8..Kd: low middling, 8.2iitl; good ordinary, S.lod; ordinary. 7 11 id. Futures closed quiet. American middling, g. o. c, March. 7.99d; March and Aiirll, ,Qi:,1' inrll nrtA M.,, 1 f.1.1 . un. .1 T..H.. 7. Did; June and July, 7.89d: Julv and Augurt,' 7.Siid, August and September, 7. tad: Sep- lenioer and i winner, s.k.'m; llctoher ana November, 8.53d; November and lX'cember, C.43d. NEW YORK. March it COTTON Fut ures closed quiet and steudy. March, 14.4fc; April. 14.47c; May. 14fi.1-; .fune. lt.foc; July, 14Kc; August. 14 34c; September, 12.77c. Spot closed. May. 14.64c; Julv, 1484c. ST. LOl'Ifl. March 2S.-COTTON- Quiet. Middling, 14c. Sales, none; receipts, none; shipments. 14.1 bules, stock, M.Gftl linles. NEW ORLEANS, March 28 -COTTON Futures quiet and steady. March. 11.47c bid; April, 14 4,ry 14 50c; Mav. 14.82'iil4.s.1c; June. 15 rilfjli.Titc: Julv. 17. 1K "tier Ainrnsf 14 4Syl4Mc; September, 12.IS.S.M 12.7'ic: October, 11.8!ii.U.90c: November. 11.7r.fill.8"c. Spot quiet; s.iles, ,w bales: ordlnnrv. 12 ll-hlc; good ordinary, 14c: low middling. 14c; middling, lf.c; good mh'dllng. IB 5-liio; midd ling fair. 15 11-lHc. Jttecclpts, 4,071 bales; stock, 315.CU bales. Porelgn Financial. T.flVTkllr Ua,Ak OC 'U . L . t ...a.. ut3. i nn nuiMUIIl Ol IJU1- llon in the Hank of England on balnnce t ... 1 a 1. I mm f Of! ,U. . . .j. ..F..n.T io jvioney was in Keen ue- mand In the market todnv for Stock ex change, requirements. Business on the Stork nvnltunira -, , - ...... .... . i - . -. .. .... t... o.ciai i.M.i i. v omwoih were steady. Amerlcanv opened dull, grew fiemep th.n h..nR. . ... n .... i . . i , ...... .-t ... mitt uiipnucu nnu ciopctl auiet. Grand Trunk was weak on the discounting of the February statement. Dl Dtfl . l. no t ... , . ia, mnivii r-ricee on me nourse today were firm throughout except French rentes, which were slightly off. Russian Imperial 4s closed at 94 francs. Rio Tlntos count was 2 per cent. Three rer rent v A n ,1. M mi . . iiicnn. .i o.c ior tne account. Excnange On Ixindon, 2fif 14o for checks. RERL1N. March J8.-Egoharig- on' Tn- don 90m In. .. I. .. rru . . . - discount for short bills Is $ per cent nd for three months bills 8 per cent. Trsd lng cn the Bourse was very light today. uia.n.ii wns iMiny maintained. Metal Market. ' 'v, Binivii Ji.-.lir.lAl.H "1 in was lower In London, spot declining 15s 1 o,, pornions Closing at 17 6a. Locally the market was easier. declined 2s 6d In London to 57 7s 6d for ni.l und CK Km f r,..,u r .. - .... . . 1. 1 1, i , . Ajov;miy cop per remains firm, with lake and electro lytic quoted at H2.o7 13.0O and casting at l'J .'"1. Liio r. T .. ...... ii . . . C 7z.. . ui iii in tne ,xrw Jork market at $4 60'S4.86. In Lon don prices advanced Is '3d to 12 6s 3d Spelter was pgiln higher and firm here, closing at $6.14(5.26. In London there was nr. aAvnnrtk ..a Om . n jyttn a. " . . . . ' - aw ao DO. iron closed at 62s 3d In Glasgow and at 43s lOWil It. M l.lillahnnnua), 1 11.. . , ... ......u...,...uun.. "."ii; nun ib un changed; No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted at $15 0IVB15.60: No. 2 northern foundry. $14.5 16.00: No. 1 southern foundry and No. 1 southern foundry, soft. $14.00314.50. ST. LOUIS. March 28. METALS Lead, stedy at $4 42. Spelter, higher at $1.60 Wool Market. BOSTON. March 28. WOOL Pulled and territory wools steady. Quitatlont: Ter rltory Idaho fine, l.Vfil5c; heavy fine, 13 14c; fine medium. 16i;jl6c; medium, lii.?j'17c; low medium, UtjlSc. Wyoming Fine. 1,V ltk:; heavy fine, 13n4c; fine medium, lfVfC ltic; medium. 18l19c: low medium, lSfiKic. l!tah and Nevada Fine, 1rilic; heavy fine. 13'iiHc; tine medium. 15'31t!c; medium, iSrlSc; low medium, 19a2fic Dakota Fine, 15616c; fine medium, lC'iiliic; medium, lsrji 19c; low medium, 19ti2oc. Montana Fine choice, 18'ft-lHc; line medium choice, lSJjLdc; average, 1 Kill 9c; staple, 19((j20c; medium to choice, Wlllc ST. LOIMS, March 28.-WOO L- Steady, medium grades, combing and clothing ISIe 22c; light fine, I51il7c; heavy fine, li:iiji4c; tub washed, TJfyUe. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady to Weaker and lings and Sheep Ilia her. CHICAGO, March 2d. CATTLE Receipts, 28,0(10 head; steady to weaker; good to prime steers, $6. 254(5.00; poor to medium, 43.7UI& 6.110; Blockers and leeders,; cows l.,(M 4l; heifers, $2.004.75. HUGS Receipts, 6iM head; estimated tomorrow, lH.ow innrket Itaj higher; rough heavy, $5 2fV(i4 50, light, ib:Auh bb; bulk ot sales $5.40(1,6.56. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, 22,000 head; sheep luftQoc higher; lambs loc nr.: good to choice wethers,; fair to dunce mixed, $4.2;i(4.oO; wcstein sheep, $4.i) 45.56; native lunibB, $4.60.75; weitera lambs, $4.76tf0.16. liw Tork Lire Stock Market. NEW YORK. March 28.-HEEVE8-Re-celpts, $,6J head. Market for good tat steors a trifle tlrm, others steady; bulls and fat cows, steady; medium and common, slow and luu lower; steers, !4.26'6.60; bulls $3.ut'u4.5u; cows, tl.4CBjj3.70. Cables un changed: shipments, 12 cattle and Ho sheep CALVES Receipts, l.'JLi head. Market L0 (i75u higher on llgiit su.ply; will sell lower when delayed stock arrives; veals, l i'nP 8.50; geiitral salea, $6.0ou7.i0; little calves, nominal. City dressed veals, firm at 7(Wl-o per lb.; country dressed at 6-'o9c; choice. 10c. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 6,291 head. Market for sheep, steady; for lambs, steady to lou higher; kiieep la.tVyi.2i; culls . b"a3iv, lambs pi ui'ud.75. li()GH Receipts, 6.319 head. Market 'Mlp 26c higher; Pennsylvania, and slate hog. to.O& Kansas Cits' Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, March 21. CATTLE Re ceipts. 7.HU0 head. Including !u southerns; market steady; export and dressed beef steels, 14.60416 .5; f.tir to good, at.ady to hi lower, $3 tk'((4.4o; western fed sleets, $J 4f 4 Do; atockera and feeders, 6c higher, 13 ij 4.25; aouthern steers, l'lc higher, $3.6iJti4 15; southern cows, ..(4 ou; native cow a, $2 04j 4o; native heifers. $3.40444.25; bulls, li.Hia $.75; calves, $2.7t44J.00. HOGS ReCeiplB, 4.400 head: steady to strong: top, $o25; bulk, l6.1Kt6.2&: heavy, t6.iUuu.26; packers, to.ll6.2'J; pigs and lights. $4.2&4a17. SHEEP AND LAMBB Recolpts, T.000 head; market steady to strong; native lambs, t6.0out.76; western Limbs, $4.7f.y 7b; fed ewes, l4.W046o; yearlinga, t4.oon,6. in; tuckers and feeders, $2.76 a 4 2o. tons City LJt liork Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Msjch 2S. r!jlaJ Tel egram .) CA1TLE Ue,elpt, 2.J.AI head; liiarknt ; Btocl.eis, Bietolv en iM; beeves, t) ;.jiti.., . was i.u I . :.-, f- ' y $ &o; sto.'keis an t-i-rn. 4,1 : i cuives and ymr !' k, i IRM.M - I--. , -o i I,,.,- l.e.1- tnatfcat 60 a.t ii l-.k, ;.aj1i 0J1AUA LIVE STOCK' MARKET BeefSteen Steady to Ten Lower, Cows Plead to Strong. HOGS MOSTLY A NICKEL HIGHER Active Demand for lloth Sheep aad l.amba, with gome Sales tioliig Advance ol as lnrh as a Dime Ove Last MrrU'i (lose. SOCTH OMAHA. March 2S. liV4. Tl rVPlnt a ari, . - . . 1 . a. ... Ortlclal Momliiy 4.5i8 bMl iit.m wpok.... 8. MO 4,1.h; .4iti K In. 1 ,. 1. . . . . ... . . v' .."j ".-r-n iMiunj., .m'IJ 4,ltl (,.(- Pame three weeks ago.. t.M i.asw n.7ll Hnme four weeks ago.. 2.411 ('. 4i'.s iu ;pij Same dsy last year S,:vl 4.ini S 1H17 ri r if OR T,1K T EA R TO PATE. . . '"""""i; tame snows tne icceipis 01 cattle, hoga and sheep at South Omaha for the vear in ,iu. JTt.i .1... , 1 111 iviuiiai invd n 1 in last year: . .. ... 19o4. mi. Inc. Iec. i,att'e f.2l5 2:'7.:j(! J.PS1 llnau ..... .... r ..... e,"',"P 3J4. 7SS 115.474 -Avt'e Prtcf Pll for hogs nt South Omaha for the last soverul days w 1th com parisons: Da- I 1904.11909. 11902. 11901. 11900. 11.199. 139S. Mr. .... S ltv: ar. x.., Mar. $.. t OKVI l f Vi I 02 Mar. I... Mar. .., Mar. Mae 1 0 u Mar. I... Mar. i.., Mar. 10.. Jar. a.. Mar. 12,. Mae 1 a 131 6 1KI 6 40 4 6 46 1 4 791 4 761 4 7! 4 Xi 4 H, a 4 f 4 u, 4 "l 4 Hi 4 4 Ml I 4 SU 4U. 6 iu, 3 C! Mar. U... 15f 7 28 13 5 60 10, 6 M t K3j 3 61 S (3 t ti8 8 70 3 71 t ii I 71 a 3 75 8 70 i 70 t 71 Alar. 16. Mar. It). s to 15; f t4Wl 7 19 7 1 ft 60 8 1R 8 & 8 H 6! uar. 17. U.r is O IM I I I BTl 1 211 6 -U 6 66 6 1.1 Mar. It. Mar. 20. Mar. 21. Mar 22., Mar. 23. Mar. 24., li., Mar. 2H. Mar. 2i. Mar. 2(i. 97 7 U 'I . ' . I.i !l a 3 oK 3 5(1 0 1 1 1 6 n 6 80j 6 60 1 1 a4 V mtO 1 t.jjs -4 ttij, 7 43 6 31 3 tidl 8 03! t aj C SI I I W'.ai i a, I 6i;i4eT21 I I 1 30 a si 6 7b 8 67 8 k 6 Ji. 6 bii e 4.. 6 b..( 6 o4i u ) 1 S 09 3 i 3 wi 3 57 Indicates Sunday. Tho ollluial number of cars of stock bicught lu today by each roua wasl Calllu. r's. C M. & Bt. P. Hy.... 6 j, Wabush 8 .. ,, Missouri Pacific Hy.. 8 I 1110 11 riclilc system. 31 U 14 10 C dc N. V. Hy 3 i. K. tk M. V. R. R.. ,0 30 6 C, bt. P., M. f. O.... 1 1 11. at M. Ry m 20 11 C, W 4k g. Hy. 4 C, H. 1 Jt 1'., east.... b 1 .. 1 C, H. 1. Jk P., west.... 4 Chicago Ut. vVesicrn. t Total receipts 2u6 6J a;i 11 Tiie UlspoHition of tne day's receipts was as loiiows, eacil buyer purciiaaiug liio n.imuei' ot lu-uu ludicalud: buyers. Cattle. lKg. Bhuep. Uiiiuuu i'ucklng Co o ,uu t 40 bHill mid coiuian imi ,iw i.ln t.ll(tUliy I'UCKlllH k-O l.WJO 1.01J Almoin- & Company l.hia l,olo 1,661 cuuuny rkg Co., country U .... Armour ec t o , tf.oux City. l l,tj? .... Vaiisaul ec lu loo .... Carey Ac iiuiuou ik .... .... lilli ate bon 0 B. P. .Lewis is iluinllton & Hothchlld... ii L.. rlusa Ii Wolf Ac ill ur nan lij HobblcK At tt ao .-iaistead ..' jm .... La.-npbell llros li, .... a. li. Root Ac Co 42 Mccreary Ac Cury 4 Al. Hugerty Ac Co 77 Other uuyers , lu Total 4,(135 6.2J0 6.7S1 CA'lil'LK There was a fairly liberal run of cuttle in sight this morning at ail poiius and, wiille the reports lrum Chicago weiu hot very encouraging, the uiaikct here was 111 generally satibiaciory condition. Huyers aiuiieu uui 111 goou Beason ana ine vain or tiie arrivals waa Uispuxcd of 111 good season. The beet steer market could turn ue Ue- sciiuea uy calling it all tne way Horn steady to a dime higher. '4 no kinds tum just suitta them buyers bought ilht around steady prices, but aside lioin tiiosn Kinus pacgers were bcailBli and bought Lie cattle wouit to a dimu lower. Hulesmtii were a Utile slow 111 accepting the piicei ottered, but, as Chicago was quoted vieady u a dime lower, they llnally nad to sdl out ior a mill) less money tliun tliey re ceived last Week. The cow market was active and steady to strong. Considerable uneveiineHS won noticed In the prices paid, but that was also true last week. Puckers were still most anxious for good light-weight heifers and tidy cows b.nd those kinds could Biit'ely be quoted strong, with the general run not much dlfforent trom the done of last week Trading was active all around and a good clearance was niade at an early hour. There was a better demand for built, this morning and the prices puld were a llttl better than those In force last week. Veul calves were unchanged. Hie demand for stuckers and feeder quite liberal, and us the supply wan not ex cessive, the market ruled active end steady to eiroiiK. iesirauie gnues were strong tnd others about rteudv. Itenreaentuiiw sales: BBEF STEERS, No. No I... 1... II... 1... 4... II... ID. . I... I... ... J... ... S... JO... I. .. 14... ... IS... S3... IS... 1... II... . . !?... ... 16... I... XI... 14... II... 40... It... T... 10. . I... 12... ... t... 10... i... 10... 32... U .. II. .. It... IS.... V... It... I .. I... !... II... 14... 4 .. i... t .. If... I .. I... 12... U... At. Pr. 4C. ,...nn . . . . 1 :; ,..i2".e . . . 1 210 .. ...1K.10 .. in-O ...ttf. ...ll'JO ..nil ... 911 ...1120 ...1'".1 . '.Ml . . . 1 1 H ... 1 ir.o ... 1 1 nr. ...lOK ...12,0 . . .11.711 . ..VI4 ... (dO ...1SI7 . .iro ... 1 4 .. 1l'2 . . . 1 171 ...1IMI ...ISM ...1114 ...1K14 .. .11711 .. .ut; ...p.' ...i.'tm ...12'i7'll", ...I.'I4 ...if ...:':, 1 2 . 1 2:1 ...i;4 ...1:'. ...14(.7 ...1610 . IMS ...U--.S ...lsir. ..14(7 ...1471 4 10 4 M 4 10 4 in 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 15 4 14 4 IS 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 At .. 7!0 ,. 110 !. tm .. tl'4 ..1U17 ..1114 .. 477 .. MT .. PM .. e .. Ml ..101 ,.1XK) .. too . lilt ,.lltil .. IMt .. wt .. 174 .. tm .. wo .. Mi It ft ..1021 .. 3 ..105 ..1140 .i'l'l .. 9:H ..1 ..1('4 ..lor.o . . 5 . . iri ,.im ..H'Sl ..ll?l .. 1 .. 7I . .l'Ki ..KW1 ..1111 .Utl .1140 .liar ..Ilia ..1T.T ..1111 .. lino .1110 IV. S no I GO 1 eo 1 o I 60 I 711 I 75 J S 7(1 I 0 I to I HO 1 e s us I no I I. t I 40 I 40 I 0 1 45 I M I as 1 i 4v 4 IK) 4 00 4 (XI 4 00 4 00 4 no 4 00 4 no 4 no 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 ft 4 fit. 4 OS 4 0 4 ( '. 4 ((ft 4 06 I dl 4 05 4 15 . 4 04 4 n 11.... ID.... 7.... ll... IK ... . I.... 14... Kl.... 14.... U... IS.... J8.... So.... 41.... Id.... 86.... 17.... 40... I ... 14.... St.... e.... in.... 17.... !.... 18 .. jo. . . . ... to.... 2'. .... IS.... 16 ... to ... JO.... ! ... 13. ... Hi... 41!... tl.... IS.... It tt,... i'. ... !.... 1 ... SI... sr.... !.... 14. . .. 44.... 4 20 4 20 4 :n 4 20 4 :o 4 21 4 21 4 4 25 4 15 4 25 4 2'. 4 ro 4 :m 4 an 4 -.n 4 4 31 4 15 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 4u 4 40 4 45 4 (15 4 16 1?4 10 8TKJSRH AND HEIFERS. 446 I 10 17. ltd . ..llif. 1 ' 74 . . .t.'4! . . . I III. I ....'242 4 10 4 15 4 JO 4 '-'4 4 15 4 4'j . .10JII . .10i .. 7J . .11W7 . . n I M 4 00 4 00 4 (15 II... 13 .. te . . li ... 10... . .110 4 1 STEERS AND COWS .1011 1 44 40 mi .i 4 15 8TEEI13 AND BTAQS. lui 4 vo COWS. 4 10 .. ISO .. HI .. 7-5 .. u(l .. 7W .. 70 ..1144) .. 71-6 .. T40 .. ( .. 7 ..11 ... a4 . .n; .,1010 ... 421 ..111") ..10M1 . ,im) .. o ... 410 ,..1U5 ,..lvl I no I 01 t C 4 P t 61 t 71 116 2.1 4 M, 1 ,' I 6 111 I 4 68 IS 671 S t I 01 I DI i 32 I X 1 XT t (( . J 7 11 f 97 t M 4 741 $ 81 . I 7 06 4i 4 7o! I tt 8 13 7 15 6 l' t .17! 4 711 Hl S W 19r- t 06 t 19! 4 721 3 C3 $ 7d 6 lo, 7 14 6 41 4 7i S DDI t 7'l i low. 7 26 6 07 1 4 7Ji 3 M 3 O 6 10 7 fc 6 US t 3'. 3 r.: $ 7 ill 1 J 1SI S 1KI k 4.11 " W4 I 40 llliD I 40 ' 1044 9 44 ,? 1177 I 40 I; Ic 2 J 4i J 1C7I I 44 I K-w. IU 14 prts 3 sn 1117 150 I.V-" I 5.1 I 1W.6 I (i) 7 llll I 50 I KB.5 I 60 4 77 I 15 4 1120 I 65 I Kit I U 4 122 I CO 77 I fi 1110 I o 1 UaO I 40 14 ....111! a 40 17 li;i I ao 1 1W2 t M M tit I 44 I ... I 4". 40 p. ;4 ai 4 1044 I 46 4 (0I I II) it 1ll4 I 10 4 ,i2,!i ia 1 141 I 70 1 7 I Tl I IMS I 71 1 , .Id 10 7 . I IW4 I Tl 1 I44) i :t 1 10 1 11) I ii I 21 I 15 1 15 i 50 I 40 I 40 1 5 I 75 I 45 I I US I (10 I 10 I to I 10 I II 1 15 I 10 I no I li 1 IS I 25 .5 I ii t 4 . to .1110 .lest .IIO 1 1"0 1 4S 14 041 I 4S 1 1K4 I 40 i 1) it I 40 I .1: j i ei U M IM taiWaJ AND H El FEU 8. .. m I an HEIFERS. ... li I ia tft .. u iii 1 : iM I Kt I .4 I ' i I M I .1 '...' tin t " ' 2 " it. '.. . 1 n ' 41. 2 Hi' ,14 7' a 04 4 4 ! t - to;n 5 4 ISO 4 i (. K.11 a u, . ; 1 s.. 1 ii.h 1 m ic.i J 4i It...., !"ti 1 ki 4 4v; I. .' ' rri.i.s. I tun ; t.i . i.n 00 I 1 1 -n it.:- 1 1 4i'.i I tA 1 14 1. . k: I. . . ., 1:411 3 to 1 7n I JO 1 J7 70 I 10 i I'i4li'i 2 1 S : I i ' 1 1710 I It 2 "' I J V4 1 ii'i " ? 1 . . , ; ivfti i . I lo4( VI 1 .!; IK ... .1 iv. i ,m 1 1 v.,. 1 4 I IS Jo J (Kl 1 fi.Jv.1 I 50 t'AI.VIiS. 1 4 0 J 4n ! I :, 1 3 :'" s:"i I l 5 1 so 4 00 1 s a. t i"l 4 ri'i t:; 1 im. i ..,. I I4u 6 :;, 1 jin t ;.4 l l' l i r.n 1 urn I 60 1 2"' 6 :.( STlU'K l'.ltl4 AND PEICDKHP. 4 2 1 '.cm 1 40 I Hi 5.. ..! 3 tf, 7 i c's ; i. :. tvi fin 5 tl It 37 S n 4 MS S 10 . 1 vol I NO 21 3 2:. ,fl I 5.". I ti."4 .12.-. 47 d.!0 3 .".5 JO M. 3 JO IS. 7.7. IN l i("i :i an 71.7 1 to t ''"i a .'. 1 3 c.s 2 IT. US 15 , 5.4 J 45 10 4.'n a in ........;... c;s 1 m 1 MT. a 4n 57 H..4 4 10 HOtlSThete wns a fnlrly liberal rlirt of hogs here this morning, but tile demand was In good shape, ami the market ruled finite active, with prices molly a nickel higher. Hutcher weights- were plainly In the are, Hot demand, while hiavy packers were slow, and in some cafes did ii"l show as great an advance as the lighter weights of good (liiality. Mogs weighing over SuO pounds will 110 longer top tho market, even If of good (pinllty. The bulk of the sales this morning went from t'. lfi to iM" and ns high as f:. 221fc whs paid. Some of the trnshv kinds sold under $i.l5 Trailing was quite, active from start to finish on deslrablo grades nnd practically everything wns sold In good sonson. Ive Sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. Ku. A. h. fr. lot ISo so 605 71. j'.t so 6 :;i4j '' ." a i i.i.. ... a 1, t( 31K Zm t Ut, 4.. am ;( 5 i2".a 4..JW ... I 7, ...1'44 ... 6 17', .. :M ... 6 17', ..211! ... I 17', ...ill Su i IV, ...t ... 5 17', .. 115 ... I 17', 40 5 l.'a ... ... 5 l.'(4j ...211 Ml 4 ...2I'.I UU 6 l.'a ...217 ... 6 17', ...2C1 ... b 111, ...2('.J l.'O 5 111, J..MS 40 6 K', ...'.'-4 ... 6 17( ...;'i:. ... 5 17 ...:.'s ... ii;i .. ."(5 40 5 I, it ...;i .. 6 lTa . . . 31 ... 6 rn ...:4s ... 1 20 i b 11 ti i.l ' 40 I II 74 2l ... 5 :l if Mi mi t is 2(1 211" 4'i 6 IS ' 7 Il'4 80 5 If. ft I'M ... a 15 72 211 HO 5 1.S s ... 4 15 24a 60 5 15 72 14 . . t hi 40 'MS 120 6 16 62 IM' ... 61.. ti :ii '2.1 :. is It foi atf I li 79 210 1.0 I i; 67 rr.i 40 4 i?', 77 t;.i mi i. in, Id t'.'O ... 6 171, 75 ,.2lt 4'l 6 171, 4.' -M ll 5 17 , S.'.t ... I 17', 51. . t;. . 45.. in. . tS. . 75.. 7!). . 42 . . VK. . 47. V. (i. 41. . 6... 61. s ... i la ' 2..1 ... 6 17', 72 ...IM 40 5 20 4S 2'M ... 5 17( 4 f7 il 1 20 41 215 to h 171, M 2l'4 til 6 20 " . 2'.'4 hO 6 liH 7 2 .. 5 20 6S 11 ... 6 17, 4 2!4 ... I SO M 201 40 6 11', U .270 ... 120 1 ttil 120 6 I7'i St JIJ ... I 20 !( 2i'4 ... 6 17', (IS 2S4 80 1 20 W 201 ... 6 17's to tn ... 6 t'i 71 2.S ... 6 17", 71 j..2l.i' ... 5 221, 72 2J3 ... 6 17i, 79 197 ... I 22' G( "70 120 5 171., 2" J.01 ... 6 2:',, 8I1EEP AND I.AMI19V Receipts this morning were not in excels of the re quirements of the local trade snd an active and strong market sis experienced. Sales In fact were imidn as much aa a dime higher t tin 11 the close of last wsck, cr KV.ti l.".c higher than the ntlddlo of the week. All tho pa-.kcrs r.cmed to be tnxlous for supplh'S nnd trading was active from start to llnish, everytlilng being sold nt an early hour. Colorado cwea sohl this nK'7'ilng ns high as l4.tiT. yearlings and wethers mixed brought J.l.lo unci Co'orado year lings brutiKht ir. 'i. There was also a gohd demand for lauil.s this ninrnlng where the Quality was Ht nil good and prices showed ss much Im provement us on sheep. As high as I0.T6 was pniii for Cclornilo "aiiibs, which is the highest prlco for some time past. Quotations for corn-fed tt:ck: Good to choice lambs, ;5.Mi((5.75: fair to good lambs, ffi.'AVfiS.SO: good to choice Mexican yearlings, M.wn'ua.irj; good to choice western yearlings, 4.7tiiiu.iiO; fair to rood vearlliiRS, 4.5(Kn4.iu; good to choice vethers, M.ioiij 4 90- fair to good wethers, H 2i(jj4 .8,1; good to choice ves, $4.?r.(& 1,(91; fair to good ewes, $3."5'(i4.15. lienrcsentutlve fairs: A v. Price. 4S wtstern cull owes 4 1 2 western culls M I On 2 wectern L-Lcks liKi f no f western Blags jj 3 mi PO western cull ewes 711 g 110 81KI native ewes 9X 3 M f) native .wes td SH0 36H native ewes lt.ln 4 mi 4L'(j native cull lamiis m 400 Kt native cull bimhs.. v.;:.. M 4W 2(K native clipped ewes... til . on 4L8 nutlve ees ,i. td - 4 ;t6 4U nutlvo iwtii j. lit) C 611 311 native Iambs ....1. ...... .11.... lit " 4 (K) 2ti native ewes lis 4 00 i'.S na'.lvo loin tij 4 75 ITS native yearlings and wethers lid 6 10 F!l native yearlings ind i 25 1W native Innibs K2 f, CO 2i2 Nebraska lambs Kl b tiu ' HI Colorado ewes 1 m 8 tl0 2L'S v, eftern ewes MS 4 ;0 231 western ewes S9 . 4 tt', 215 Colorndo ewes , 4 r.5 1 western wot her ; 110 4 7J 3 Colorado Mexican lambs.... 73 R (10 V'3 Colorado Mexican lambs.... 7l 5 76 2W Colorado Mexican laml'B.... Kl t ':, 274 Colorado Mexican lanih.... Hi ' 15 75 124 Colorado Mexican lambs..,. 7d b il 211 western : earllngs w 4 Ht Stock In Sight. Following are the receipts cf live stock for the six principal western cities yester day: . Cattle. Hrgs. 8heep. South Omaha 4.5iw ' .2i(2 D.341 Chicago 2S.i0 82.0i.'0 I"J,s Kiiiihiis City T.RoO - 4 400 7.(io0 Bt. l.otils 3.&0U 4 :.( ft. Joseph ."I.Oi'S I. Hill! t,24 Hloux City 2,000 1,600 Totals... .'..4fc,81L 62,671 .4,590 3t. I.nals lllve Stock Market. ST. Iri8, Mnrfh' 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, j.Virt head. Including l.itiO Texnns; innrket stendy; native shtiplng and export steers, f I.2.V11A.40; dressed beef ami butcher steers, H.;rji620; steers under 1 Qtm lbs., W.n( Blockers and feeders, 13.2544.0"; cows nnd heifers. $3.35(14 fH);, t2.1iKi J.fio; calves, H 7i'fi (10; bulls. 2.:tfH.U0; Texas und Indian Mecrs, 3.35(jj4.30; cows and heif ers. 12 ("cielUO. lirXiS-llecoipt. 4.5"0' head: sft ndy; pigs nnd llntits. It.iu'iiS.lii; puckers. f..l0fD45; butchers nnd best heavv, Ib.4ti4t5.t71. SHEEP AND iiAMBS Hecelpts, 1.000 held: innrket strong; native muttons, 14.(0; lambs. II 7f'i o.rto; cults and bucks, t2.0U?;4.25; itockers. 12 l".00. st Joseph 1,1 v- tnrk Market. HT. JOSEPH. March 2S CATTI.F-Ite-celpls,'l bend; steady to 10c lower: na tives. : ..'; cows and hHfers, t2.tKKu? 4.4H; Blockers nnd feeders, I3.0ik4.20. lil)4iS-llccelj.ts. 3,:li head: steady to strong; light, Ij. lliiC.20; niedluin and heavy, KIIEEP AND I,AMlR-P.e-e.lpts. ,?4 head: innrket active, higher; lambs, t.'..!"!!; ewes, It R5. COMMISSION! jJm Timorporatod Capital and Surplus $600,000. Usalers In , GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES. ' HEEEIlE.NCi'.B: 17ti tit at and Na tional lunks (0 Commercial Agclicies. - ItM I'.ranch HITVes. lirsiiBl titlleei .V. V. I.lfe Uulldlng, MINNEAPOLIS. OmaliB llrancb Itl 1 h titrnam St.. Tel. RI41T. I'llO. M. Wtlllllt 1(. (nr. Lovrcy Bros & Go. Comttiissiun Merchants Grain. Stocks and Provisions Room 212, N. Y. Life Building Phone 3610. RpecUl attention given to telegraph and mall orders. OMAHA. Updike Commission Co., GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Dullness hsndked promptlf in all in ark eta. Office, Kt Be Building, Telephone 24G1 COE