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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1904)
I 1 r 3 I in SPECIAL NOTICES Advert laeniente for these coin ma a will be taken tsatll 12 m. for the edltlna aad fitll M p. m. for the morilrt and Saada edition. Ratra, 1 l-8e a word Bret Insertion, le a word tuerraftrr. Nothing- taken for leae thaa aoe for the flrat laser tloa. These ad rrl laeraeata mnat be ran eoit.seratlrelr. Advertisers, h reqoestlna a nam tiered check, ran hate anawera ad dreased to a numbered letter In pare of The Bee. Aaawera an adareaaed will be delivered oa preaentatlon of the rherk only. MI!U ELLANEOl S. APRIL 4 . SPRING TERM Boyles College, $VEW YURiv LIKE BUILDING, OMAHA. Catalogue Ready. II MKi3 The Nebraska Seed Co.'s SKk.Ua WILL GROW. Catalogue lieo l.iU-uii Howard. It jliKi nPAVPI DRIVEWAYS AND ARTI- AbMj. taiiLOUri, ivju IN. win. lei. imo. C UT HATE TICKETS everywhere, Fhilbin, lima e amain and oob. Li. I', uepot. 'lei. .04 anu iV'ii. H M6tf3 OMAHA Hate and iron works make a spe cially ot lire cm ayes, shutters, doors and .net. u. Andreeu, Prop., n e. 10111 si. 11 M.vjO Aiay-j li. M. HA VEULY EXPERT ACLOLrtt AM', 212 bi.b llLuli. fllOiMK --Jt. Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 718 3. 14th. T. 60S. ft CCtl n SILVER, NICKEL Plating. Om. VJWL.LV i-iatlng Co, loud Hartley, lei. CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cunt. It l6 bl'ECIAL For a limited time we will tit you with u guaranteed pair ot spectacles ior l on 1 ini'-s chance, c. o. op ticians, joo N. iuiu at. li 63i EAGLE Loan efnee. Rcllubie..iUcomniodat- ing, all uusincs colluileluiai. ljul iJuut,""- li ' EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and Ktoruge. Hi is. Wtn. lei. iiiu. o TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDHY. If you don't, we both lone. Goou work, prompt attention, i.14 N. 16th. 'lei. -Ui R-HiJ LOCKSMITH Ji-U- "eF;FI': 309 N- It M 253 Uartrir -'arpet Cleaning Works. N. L-ltCll ChriBlensoii, $, 2oth. 1'el. 1' ii- ANTI-MONOPOLY QARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbag", dead anlniala; reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel. 17i'9 it trti X. MEICHOIR. machinlat, 13th & Howard. K 1 I. BLICIT I DESIGNS WIIEATON, In the Bee Bldg. K 643 J. E. WALLACE. Taxidermist, 600 S. 13th. H li2G Al STRONGEST In the World." The Equita ble Life Assurance society. Its policies me signi oralis at maturity. 11. L. Neely, iimnagor, Merchatila' National i.anK Bldg.. omaha. Neb. R 146 SIGN painting. S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. K ml ALL kinds carpenter promptly attended to. uth and Lake. work, repairing j. i. ocuiliree, M wo J. DAVIS, safa mover, heavy hauling, llttt Uurnunt 'P.,1 Ot.m 'f. .... ... ' l-'OR noon luncheon try the Karbach Res taurant, reasonable prices. 418 6. loth St l HJi May 16 ,VODICKA A CO.. fine tailoring; all kinds iiresaiiiK, repxinng. ivrug j neater blua. Tel. Sit!. R-o4, CLOTHES preased, altered. Yousen, Pax- n'li iioiei laiiur. H trU) 3KA11NU8; blue prints and working drawings. Sues & Co., Omaha. Phone 237 Apn:2x FERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.; no In. icirsi. uoiieai vaiuea, easy terms. K 638 XI. O. SMITH, plumbing, 118 N. 15; tel. TOi R-M356 OMAHA MIRROR MFO. CO., 70s N. 16th. -! M790 A1S bjovi!,, storage and repairing. Hughes W.' , cV' "oriuj, iin ouming HC 2S PHOTOS, 26C. Studio 11 N. 16th., opp P. O. R9U BTOVEH stored, cleaned, blacked and set tip, v seaaon; bicycle repairing. Jackson - rrtt, hi. n. lutn. l ei. L 2331. k R M473 Apr 20 O. E. KOCH, tinner. 2717 N. 24th. TM. L-1949 seni ior cuiumous roor cement imlnt. R-272 Je 'l P ARPFT9 1u"'- yed. waahed; gon ... r""1 hoU!" -l"nlna;. J Wood. iin ium itwiimiii. can or write. 2M Clark. K M'.to A-22 l tuiA.y aye, repair clothea. 604 N. R M309 Je:3 C'Z IATK TICKETS everywhere. Phlll-in. Vf-I" "nd Pn- l'- p- Ppot. Tel. "" R Ml3 x.i r.nt hum) necessary to a complete rlnes. Witte Iron Worka Co., 529 W 5th St.. Kansas City. Mo. R , "..r. " " goes wnn witte tias Kn- IUSINKSS CHANCES. oit KENT, a summer hotel furnished .ui,i.ieo nun miuaieu at Lake Washing ton inear Mankato. Minn i ..,, .i. jsed hi summer resort for several piivate families. 1-ake affords boating and fishing. For particulars write Macbeth & y.d. .inn . i.immani, minn. I M357 1 ao ot( in or out of buslnesa call on Wll- iiauia, njm in. juccague building. t Y-653 B HOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 722 N. Y. Life. Y-M816 ABBOTT-COWAN CO, S12 Brown Blk.. v jv ui or uui ui ouaim sfc. Y-M838 TOR SALE A money making Nebraska newspaper; anap If taken soon. Address for particulars F S3. Bee. Y 350 28 PARTIES with capital to aulal In vn In. . able invention. Peterson, the lock and unamiin, taj orotawiy, council Bluffs Y 395 2nx OITEOPATHT. Johnson Institute, 615 N. Y. Life bldg. T 1661 Dr. J. A. Meehan. 615 N. 1. Ufa bldg. T. lrtl -719 Ths Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T. 2352. iJU PR GRACE DEEGAN, 83$ N. Y. Life. Tel. 26B. 721 Fayette Cole, osteopath, 609 Paxton block. 7' lr Farrell, aiecially nervous diseases. 604 Paxton. M 546 A26 IRS. I.AIRD A LAIRD. M3 Karbach blk. 'Phone saui. M 38 A 2d SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Life. 724 Js'eb. Bus. It Shorthand Col., Boyd theater. DETECTIVE AGBNCT. Cast Cormaca, 617 Karbach blk. Tel. A-I3J. -M n nTF.IWMU.R HELP. CiAMhb WANTKD Our Bst-e imiii Team in luliy organized. It i ready lor games, -several have been schedim J. It plays the Omaha ijhuf team A pill H arid ii. Any learn deslrm a gstne andiess: J. A. Savage, rare of Unrnhi Commercial College, i.lli and Douglas bid. MKN t lenrn bHrier trade, free raliro.iJ fare upon our failure to convince you ol tins being tiie i.tai', lars-si and only Pllabl", most practical bai ner college In this section. rite lot catalogue today. Western Barbers Inmituie, Omaha. Neb. B-655 WANTi:i- For U. 8. army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between ages of Unmix, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate halilts.who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to reirulllng officer, 16th and podge Hts.. Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B M154 MOLEK'8 IIARHEH COLLEGE of Den ver, Colo., offers advantages In teaching the barber trade that ennnut be had else where. Write today for our terms. B M-17 A5x WANTKD Expert laundryman, or will sell good steam laundry doing good busi ness. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow. Neb. B M84 AN OPPORTUNITY. You can mnke from $15i to $u per month selling our new combination accident and sit kne nollev the heat and most liberal contract ever Issued. A little energy will do for you what others are doing easily. Write or call at the home otnee. BANKERS ACCIDENT INS CO., Des Molnfs, la B M311 2 WANT1J1), Prat-clas baker of good habits; steady work, good wages, Wayne HiKery, wayne. Neo. h WANTED, two agrnts. nt once; salary or conunlssion. C. F. Adams Co., THIS MOW- ard st. B-M3V3 6on PAINTERS at World's fair. Pt Louis; union men, n'le per hour; no trouble. Ap ply nt World's f ilr grounds. B M90! lx PERMANENT position for three energetic people residing In Iowa or Nenrassa; special w-crk: Xn "alary, with commlH- ilons. call or tirtdres H. M. larioise. 614 Paxton block. Omaha. B-H91 1 WANTED Men to lenrn barber trnde; board, tools and sctiolnrsulp Included 111 our offer; few weeks completes; prepare now for sprfnu rush: graduates earn top wajxes; nostttwiis guaranteed; call or wrtto. Moler College, mZ Douglas st. " I! M4:i4 Aprtx W.V N'TED-First -class blc-cle repair man. in: capltoi are. n T)7fi a WANTED I want the name of every man In any way Interested In inruhr.tors or poultry raising. I have something for vou. Write at once to M. M. Johnson, The Inctibntnr Man, C1ny Center. Neb. K-MMl JX PRINTER All around man for country office; no bo' c fiphter need apply; past ime, power. F. E. -ftarnum, Madi8"n. iseu. K .YlStl tit WAXTF.U KEMAI.F. HKI.I'. ANYONE need of housekeeper or man and wife call Canadian onlce, lath and Dodge. C &8 WANTED Olrl for general housework; small family; best wages. Mrs. J. M. Metcalf. 12UI 8. 11th. C-M351-2! FOR ST. I1UI8 World's fair, 50 ladles. work mammoth palmistry studio. $20 weekly; experience unnecessary; larg.i Il lustrated palmistry bonk with Instruc tions for 2 stamps. Professor Frederick, ;13 w. 12&th at., Kew lork f air iept. rn. c -M3S( 2X LADIES for work nt home rtamplng World a fair souvenirs: steady, no Doug las bldg., opp. Hayden's. C M382 A28 WANTED -Trftdies to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or racial massage. i wo to four weeks completes by our method. Can nearly earn expenses nerore completing. Instruments and diplomas given. Call or write. Moler College, 1312 Douglas St. C -M435-1X WANTED Experienced laundry girl. Hln- cney Laundry, J5th ana N bis., bo. omana. C S'JH M WANTED Marker and asaorter: expe. Hence necessary Hinchey aundrv. 25th nnd N Bts.. So. Omaha. C 399 2S WANTED Experienced millinery sales- ladles. Apply at once to J. L. urandeis A Sons C 82 30x WANTED An experienced second girl. C M844 31 X Mrs. Marsh, 804 Pine at. $10 WEEKLY. Pleasant profitable home work, no canvassing. Bend stamped en velope Co-Operative Supply Co., Pas saic. N. J. C M848 2flx WASTED SITUATIONS. DO YOU want a young man with lots of , energy and joo.oo to pusn a good propo sition for you? Answer, fully explaining. F, 60, care Bee. A o.J 2x BOY 17 years old wants position In somo who4esale house in city; willing to worn for advancement. Address Box 707. Mla- sourl Valley, la. A M843 4x FOH HE.T FIHMSHEU ROOMS. ROYAL HOTEL. European, 10. h & Chicago li ooe DEWEY, European hotel, :3th and Farnam Hi 660 NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha Steam Laundry, 1750 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-1783. K 661 O. M. Ii. hauls trunka. Telephone 611. E 662 $1.25 PER WEEK, Doran House. 422 8. ISth, VIENNA HOTEL. 1011 Farnam; fine rooms; laaica caie, private uiiiing r. ; open nignu t; Wj LARGE, warm room, steam heat. 1909 Capitol ave E anal NICE furnished rooms. 324 N. 15th. E-6C8 if.I.EflANT anartment house for men: rooma alrgle or ensulte, luxuriously lur nlshed, now ready for occupancy. Apply at the Chatham, 13th St., opposite Millard hotel. E M812 NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 1420 Dodge at. E M497 THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam ats. E M9.S5 Reference required. MODERN furnished rooms. 2423 Cass. K M1J1 30x be FURNISHED rooms and board; fine loca tion; gentlemen only. 22i arnam si. F 561 Alx LARGE front room, modern, In desirable neighborhood; private luniuy jn. ju street. E 5w 29x MODERN, furnished rooms. 19 Califor--Mi.l 3o nla. c- FURNISHED rooms. $5. 1806 Lake. FURNISHED rooma. 2220 Burdette. b-Ma atx FIVE large and small rooms. 616 N 19th, E M523 2tlx SINGLE or double room, nicely furnished. 523 N. 20th. E M534 2x NICELY furnished room, private family, 2118 Burt. E M536 2x NICELY furnished rooma. 1704 Csss. E M537 30x FURNISHED rooma. housekeeping. 417 N. 19th. K-MM 19 FIHMSIIEU ROOMS ANU BOARD. UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. ROC KA WAY, 1316 Douglas. Meals, 16c. IT OUf Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland noiei, iiun cnicago. F-66I HOME Dining Hall; first-class meals, 2uc and 2uc. Home cooking, law IHxige. F M462 A-10 LARGE south front room and board for two; all modern, with pnona A-s&J, w week each; gentlemen preferred. 24o6 Cass. F V642 ELEGANT south front room and alcove, with bu-'td. 2418 caca. t-iis.t ix ROOMS and board. 2310 Douglas. t -Mai rax FURNISHED rooms and board; An loca tion i gcntlemea uuly. 221a Farnam at. F-4 Alx TITE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. MATiCTT 20. 1004. Looking For An Opportunity? GLANCE THROUGH THE WANT ADS YOU'LL FIND IT A PROFITABLE HABIT FOR Itk'M tFl KMSIIEU DOOMS. UNFURNISHED rooms. 1612 Harney. G M3iiS 30X THREE unfurnished rooms, ave. 2L'16 N. 27th O M527 29 MODERN, unfurnished roumi. I81 (!race. O Mi.'ti S i FIVE modern, unfurnished rooms, on car Ine. 2J06 Lake. G-M524.29X THREE desirable rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, partly furnished. ''M Cass. tJ-.M.W FOR 9 A 1, 10 l I C K I.L A MJO I 8. INDIAN GOODS and relics. 1119 Famajn. y oe4 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long 11 r tlmbera. Vol Douglas. W S5 liJO KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. y ti97 KIMBALL I'lANO, slightly UBcd; big bar gain. Call or write Room 7, Bee Bldg. SECOND-HAND billiard r.nd pool tables; billiard tables repaired; latge ftock cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters. The Bruns-wick-Balke Collender Co., 407-9 S. lath. y 7tH) 1D0 WATCHES, 75 diamonds, left In pawn, cheap. Diamond Ixmn Oflice, 1401 Douglas. Q-MoH WE RENT Sewing machines. 75c week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from li.UO to $li).0O. Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phono 163. Corner 15th and Harney. 7WJ FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first class standard school in Omaha, comprU Ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee otllcc. y K52 FOR SALE cheap, old Ink barrels. Apply to the press room of The Boe. Q 343 AUTOMOBILE-J1.100 Toledo Steam Das-a-das at a great bargain. E 65, Bee office. y MS49 Ati STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., Wholesale and retail. HARNESS and SADDLES; everything con sidered, cheapest on earth; everything hand-made; union shop; headquarters for uxle grease and whips. J. G. BLESSING. 331 N. 25Ul St., So. Omaha. y M 774 FOR SALE Will sell at a discount a schol arship In one of the best Omaha business colleges. Address F 5, Bee office. y-M 901 FOR SALE Second-hand safe, soda fun- Ism and National Cash teglster. Hlch-mond-Deright Co.. 809 8. 13th st. O 917 TREES Hazel Dell Nursery, 8208 N. i4th. y MliM A 19 DENSMORE typewriter. In good condition, ror wo. no. 1016 jn. x. L4te. lei. ;m,t. Q M333 FOR SALE Grocery ahelvea and co-jntera; must be sold at once, inquire Brcs.. 28th and Farnam. QS)b 29 FOR BALE A few snares of stock In one of the best paying mercantile lines in Omaha. Address G 3, Bee. Q-MR42 Six SECOND HAND furniture, carpets of all Kinds, lowest prices, western furniture Co.. 1414 Dodge. Q-MR37 A28 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC, HORSES for sale; second-hand harness and vehicles cheap, jueicneor s cauies, wi. a. lstli. P M!6i SAM'L BURNS, phaeton and surrey, cheap. i via aj. HAVE your wagon painted or repaired by 11. irrost, 14 in ana ieavenwonn. F-M375- . HORSES clipped. Cotton Livery Stables, 1502 Cass. P M766 All SECOND-HAND dosed carriage, rubber tired, $260. Addresa F 63, Bee. P-M548 9 HORSES CLIPPEDJnan0 cTeip6: P M834 A-27 AGENTS WANTED, WANTED, canvaaalng agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired, snvaaaers make easily $60 to $100 per month. Ad dresa Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Building. Omaha. J 213 WE want 10,000 agenta for greatest house bold seller ever produced; actually sells In every house; immense money maker tor agents; send loc for complete sample and our large Illustrated catalogue, of agenta auppltes. Southern Mercantile Co.. Dept. B 107, Houson, Tex J M446 Apr 8 WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair edu cation to travel for a nrm or 5iiO.uoo.iio rapltal. Salary. $1,072 per year and ex- J enses paid weekly. Address, with stamp, I. A. Alexander, Omaha. Neb. J-M840 2!x WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent, an 8 or 9-room house, latter preferred; modern conveniences, in west or southwest locality. AdJrcss E 67. Bee. K 679 aox WANTED to rent, 10-room house In West Furnam district, oy ret ponsiiue party. Address 11 72. Bee. K-580 3ox WANTED to rent, by small family, fur nished house In desiranio location; want yard with shade trees. Address E 7S, Bee. K 6K1 30x YOUNG man wants room and board In private family by April lotn. AourefB r' 66, Bee. K 678 3ox WANTED Furnished rooms and board in nrivate family for man and wire wun - year-old buy. Muat be near school and desirable; some distance from center of city. Address G 4, Bee Office. K-MM6 $1 WANTED TO BIY, p 1 bought, sold. Antique Book Con- uooiw cern, 213 Karbach big, Tel. $534, N-6.9 ZD-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. 2020. Chicago Furniture co. rv DRIVING horse. 15o6 Farnam al. Dr. Bradbury, dentist. JN SECOND-HAND Invalid chair. 417 N. 19th. N MUC 29 LOST. LOST tlold medal: finder please return to Model Steam mundry, 1110 Uodge; reward Ixist KS3 2.HX LOST PiM-Vetbook, Saturday evening Hon eat finder, retain miney and bring diamond Btud to Olseu, 304 New lcrk Life. Lol-83tl-x OCEAN STEAMEiiS. CLARK'S PARTIE3 TO r.UIlOrE. 1904 Twenty Excursions during Spring and Summer Ocean Ticket All Lines. Sen! Tourist Gasette F. C. CI.ARK. 113 Broadway, N. Y. FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. UNION PACIFIC R.R. LANDS IN NEBRASKA FOR SALE BY THE UNION PACIFIC R. II. LAND AGENCY, 223 South 1.1th St., G-naha, Neb. Nobody can undersell us, quality, location and other advantages considered. Our terms are the very best. Call or write us fct 222 South 131)1 St., Omaha. Neb. RE 073 28 GLOVER, 1st floor N. Y. Life city prop erty, farms, ranches. Tel. 123. RE 68S llluif. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE-SJ5 Small Homes Small Money $550 40x1 Oh, 4-r. uottuge, block from Harney car. Cheap. . J7oo lirt S. 2m.1i Ave., 2fix7!, 4-r. cottage. t7io 45x120, on paved street and car line, 3-r. cottage; goou place to start a small busi ness. P 3116 Miami, B"xl20, 4-r. cottage. $X0O. xiK :lti S. L'Sth Ave, 4Hx79, good couuge, close In, cheap; offered for some time at i,wiu; owner says SELL; grejtt bargain, 241il Biomio, 30x127, 6-ir. cottage, city water, rents $12. Easy payments on all. GEORGE G. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. Rii-iiS 29 ENGLISH & CO., l'AXI'oN BLOCK. One of the finest 8-room modern residences In West Farnam district, $2,2uO. 8-room modern residence. Fan. am and 31st avenue, $3,700. RE 1-8 MISSOURI LANDS AN CHOI'. LAND COMPANY, 1U1S N. Y. Ufa Bldg., Omaha. RE M406 A9 BARGAINS IN ACRE TRACTS. 12 acres, good house, etc., on Bellevue road, two miles fro11 South Omaha $3,600. 5 acres, very well Improved, in the Gll- more road, M.6uu. 2 acres, fair Improvements, on Boulevard, Hi miles from South Omaha poatofflce 40 acres, unimproved, liys well, close in $4,0110. 35 acres, unimproved, good land $3,500. 10 acres, adjoining Albright; great bargain $2,000. We have several smaller tracts adjoining the city tnat ore nice ana very cneap. O NEIL'S HEAL tSTAl'K AGKNC r. South Omahu. RE M658 AU i8-Williamson, RE 795 CLOSE IN MODERN house, 9 rooms, near High school and Crelghton university, (.avlng all paid, only $4,500 W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1S20 Farnam St. RE M878 WHEN buying , or selling real estate be sure to get a Midland Guarantee and Trust company bonded abstract, 1614 Far nam street. N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. RE M6S CHRIS BOYER, 22nd and Cuming. Tel. 2049. A LIST OF GENUINE BARGAINS CITY PROPERTY. $1,250 6-room house on Nicholas St., bet. 2th and 30th ate.; Jot 61x125. $3,500 8-room new modern house, except furnace, lot 46x90, on Spauldlng, near 24th st. $2.7oo 7-room house, barn and chicken house combined, trees of different I'JikIs, lot 60x150, on 42d and Parker. $650 t-room, lot 30x127, on Charles St., half block from car line. . $l,2oo House with two lots cor. 46th and Hamilton sts. $750 4-room house, lot 23x127, on Charles St., half block from car line. $o,5u0 Beautiful ull-modern residence, lot 100x150, on 42d and Cuming. A snap. $2,000 House and lot on Blnney St., lot 132x128. A bnrgaln. . . n V.... .a., KnOTr. n , .1 1 1 .'1 Al.t.m water, lot 25x150, on Burdette, bet. Hat and 32d ats. $300 3-room house, lot 25x65, at 3013 Bur dette, In rear. . $860 House and Jot on Franklin at., bet, 36th and 37th sts. $6o 4-room house In Eaat Omaha, on Gust et., barn, chicken house, coal sheds, good well, fruit trees, lot 66x12. fenced and crosa-fenced. Thla Is a genuine bargain and must be sold witnin 30 days. VACANT I.OTS. Vacant lot In Cbfton Hill, 3 blocks from car line. 4xli $250. Vacant lots on Burl St., bet. 27tli and 28th sts. $600 each. Two lots corner 27th and Saratoga tits. $600. Vacant lot on 25th ave., near Cuming St., 59X70 4 v. Vacant lot on Spauldlng St., 50x127, perma nelit sidewalk $750. STORE BUILDINGS. Store building corner 24tli and Spauldlng StS., lot 4hXi6 ?2,MJO. Building with two store rooms, flats above. lot 4xh3, rental no per year, on 24th, liet. Patrick nve. and Burdette St.; must be sold; cheap at $.1,000. Make offer. UNIMPROVED UND8. 160 acres In Cheyenne comity $3.00 per acre, 820 in custer county $S. 50 per acre. 160 In Frontier county 10.00 per acre. CHRIS BOYER, 22nd and Cuming. Tel. 2049. RE RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO buy a Nebraeka ranch or farm. Thcae prices can not remain at present ngures long. Land is becoming acarcer every day. Just think of good lamia In Ne braska for from $3. 00 to $lo. 110 per acre. It costs nothing ti hear the whole story. We shall be giad to "show you." I moil Paclttc Land Agency, 222 S. 13th, Omaha, Neb. RE-MS45 29 ELEGANT BRICK BLOCK. 4 atorea, with s-room. modern flats above; price, $16,000; V cash or farm land, bal ance can run nearly 5 years at 6 per cent. THOMAS BRKNNAN, Room 1. New York Lifa bldg. RE 823 $2,100. 4216 Eraklne St., 6 rooms, well ar ranged, story and a half, oak Moors down stairs. This is a genuine snap. Hi e us. D. V. Sholes Co., 722 N. V. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. RE 675 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FAKM? If you want to aeH a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stork raisers about It. The beat way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tills agricultural weekly go.-a to fOO"U homes of farmers and stock raisers, so if you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will nnd a buyer I is small i rer.ta per word In small type or I lit; per inch II set in Israeli) pc. FOR SAI.K-HK.AL ESTATE. FARM nm ncres, H mile north Im. Platte. Sarpy Co.. 4i. 7-R. modern cottnge. Capitol Hill. W.200. Two S-R. modern houses, near hlsn school. jr..&oi. 20 acres on creek one tuile west of Florence some Improvements, small liouse ana other outbuildings, $1,10; $oo() cash,- bill, initial payments. 15 acres 1 miles west Florence, 5 acres cul tivated, well fenced, young orchard. 40 apples, nenring, $l,"w; iO cash; terms to rclt on balance. W. N. NASON. 44 Bee Bldg. RE 392 2s $1,:5') Four--nom house; city water, barn and shed. 3613 Seward St. RE M0I6 4x I'OR SALE 11-rooin 1,.nise, modern and In first-class condition; large yard and shade trees; 3177 Davenport, at. Apply H. J Windsor, 151S Dodge st. UK M37 SEE R. H. Landeryoti If you wish to buy or sell real estate. 442 Board f Trnde. Tel. 2151. RE-oai FIVE acres, with apple on hard, at a bar gain; close In. Inquire 14ln Dodge. T.E-M34S A7 WEST FARNAM I OT, $750. We have for ralA 4 lots on 41st St., 200 feet north of Davenport. The first man with the money gets ills choice nt this price. They are r'.ght up on the hill no rsnson why they will not be as good as Lowe lots soon. Yew lots command such a teautiful view. Two blocks from the street car. Una block from a splcm'ld school. Sewer, water and gns in the street. Look et them. Growing neighbor hood. Act quickly. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. T. Life. Tel. 314. KE-M353 MODERN 8-room; also 6-room house; beau tlinl lots; fine location; cheap, inquire 1411 Vinton st. RE 916 A18 2 HOUSES and lot, renting for $18.00; nearly new; near 20lh and fcancroft; J'.'.ono. Bemls. Paxton Bldg. RE M571 30 FOR RENT HOISES. THE Omana Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Cilice, lull1 Farnam. Tel. lot9 863. D 670 lBPlM EEMr"PVV?''ks. Poultry. Lawn llWll 1 L.llL. 'Wire. 611 S. 16th. y-M;.87 Jy8 HOI 1QCC In all uarts of the city. The nOUOCO o. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D 671 PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO., choice houses. 8J1-6V3 New York Life Bldg. 'Phine HU6. D-673 WE MOVE pianos. Mnggnrd Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 14U6. Ctllce 1713 Webster st. D 674 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker t.'k. D-75 IOR RENT 11-room house, modern t.nd In firstlaxs condition; large yard and shade trees; si( uavenport st. Apply 11. j. Windsor, 1518 Dodge at. D M375 UAI 1CCC in all parts of the city. R. C. peteTB & Co.. Bee Bulliling. D-672 FOR RENT 8-room house. newly pupered. 1-527 Charles St.; $J1. Tel. 673. u. it. iton- neon. D 389 FOR RENT IT Llx-rooin modern cottage, at. The O. F. Davis Co., 008 2533 Bee Spencer Bldg. D M507 20 FOR RENT 3719 Marcy St., 10 rooms, mod ern, burn and shade. $&. l?o So. 27th. 6 rooms, modern, except furnace, good repair, $22.50. 1732 So. 27th St., 6 rooms, modern, $30. 7106 Park ave., 8 rooms, modem, $37.60. Tel. 49. D. V. Sholes Co. 722 N. Y. Life. D M511 29 TO RENT for the summer, a large, modern furnished residence, from May 1, If the right party can bo found. Address G 2, lie. D 674 3 FOR RENT Seven-room house, all mod ern; 2123 California St., J32.50, Including water tax; 6-room cottage, modern except furnace, 2ill California St.. $25. Inquire at 6o7 N. i9th st. D M518 6-ROOM, modern flat 1112 B. 11th st. D-MP39 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, building Suitable for whole sale purposes nt 916 I t.rnain, 22x90, four stories and first-class cemented basemen., elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and partlcu'ars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary Bee Building Co., room loo. Hee Building. l-Moi.7 FOR RENT Three upper atorlea in four story building at 916 Farnain a:., two a cries If preferred. Address C. C. Rose vater, Sec'y, Room loo. Bee bldg. 1-M06 FOR RENT 4-story and basement build ing. 1515 Dodge St., now occupied by Cniaha Carpet Co, Inquire on premises. 1 6S2 TWO ITORT building, 1512 nnd the second lloor 1508-10 Howard. W. H. Bushman. I 6X3 DENTIST wanted to share office with a physician with One quarters In Bee bldg, with well established practice. Address C 21. Bee. 1-131 PRINTING. HIGH CLASS printing at lowest priced. Tel. 1262. 1. A. Medlar Co., 22 S. lotli rt M3:'2 A8 AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment Get our prices. Tel. 1621. 1018 Chicago. M174 A8 PRINTING ! ,I1h Work. LYNGSlAD I ICth St. aid Capitol Ave. 30 KRAMER & CHANDLER, yulck Printers, lie; Farnam. To deliver work when promised Is our hobby. -M.55 AH WE make calendars, and do all kinds of ;iintlng. Burton Printing Co., 707 S. Kth. Phone 8266. -M754 A14 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BT1LLMAN & PRICE, 410 lat Nat. by. M-lg. THE new Snow-Church Co., law collec- Mons, real estate, uttorne, collectors, "trnkers everywhere. 1st floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 123. 6,4 JUDGE DICKINSON. 516 N. Y. life; set tlement estates specialty. Tel. F-26.V -1123 MIMICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davidge block DAISY HIGG1NS. voice, piano. Tel. A -2741. 2013 Uai-. CHAS. H. KEEPER, piano. 55 Barker lilk. - MVko FI.OHISTS. II ESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. --800 L. HNHEP.SON. florist, 1519 FarnanisT. -Kul ALFRED iKlNAtllll'E, JR. 16"7 Firnam Tel A4 DAM IXC 44 ADEMt. MoRAND'S-ljth and llainey. spring term b. gina this aeek: hililien. 3 ti. in ; sdults, Tues. & Krl . K p. 111 , 12 lespnus $5; private lessons dully. Tel. li.ll ;:r- AJ.4 rF.novi Ml. P.OY. Chiropody, r. 1615 Fsrnnm. U-MS37 Paper Hanging WiunlVn: t !. McCl.iN. teed at reasonaule prkes. 21tt N. l.tll St. 'lei. U-2&4!. C-M.KU Accordeon pleating, cheapest, best, nulckesl .Mrs. A. C. Maik. l.tll and Douglas. C-..V1 ; ENTI.EMAN, . C.ermsn descent, good i uaracii r, desires to toim tne m nuain taiue or young Indv, ane 1S-21. l.runeiie .mil Kood ilgure, with view to matrimony. I.hiI) nlon,. in city seeking companion ship preferred. No agenta. Andrews U. Bee. I - Wf Jtix LA BOOK, ladles' Blk. tailoring, 513 Karbach 1-731 ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write i.i ihe matron of the MilvaUoii Army Hum,, for Wmnen, 8s.l N. :tili M Omaha. Neb. U M5JS Maylx Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, Uamge Bid. li ii: ELITE parlors. 615 8. 16th, 2d floor. "VIAVI," way Wl health. 3V) Bee building. M A r.MET I r treatment & baths Mm in v null K i 'Smith. 118 N. 15. 2 nr.. K i U M33 ASS WHAT'S nicer than accordeon pleating? Wr do nothing but the finest. Goldman Jleatlng Co., it.i Douglas blk. U 73o BEN HOLT Why didn't you meet me at Coionibiu Phonograph company lat night? I waited till half past 9. '', their free concerts are grand, and I bought a Onsen X. P. fine records for 25o tach.-I'rggy from Pails. U M13? PANTORIUM uyeing Ho. lbth. L-737 send :5c for homesteader o guide, containing foriy-eini paget ol valuable .r.toi maiiun. OFFICIAL MAP and lull irstructlcn how to ge. a claim on the P.OsElil.'D RESERVA'I'ioN. Forbes Lo i dung Agency, Boncsled, S. D. 1. SS3 WILL the girl with charming blue eyes, ti n Jacket, who noticed man with light cveicoat and tan shoes on West Farnain cur, near 14th St., address G 7, Bee.' U 691 30X PIANOLAS for rent; 3 months' rent al lowed (.ii purchase. Schmollcr & M.ieller, .jm rainam. lei. 1626. t s3. TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13lh st. U 366 GAS fixtures at cost. Sam'l Burns. U M914 Al SMOKE Capt. Freer'a Greenlander 'igar. no . i:th. U M'Jli Mayi THEATRICAL mnsq. costumes. Llebeii 1018 Farnam U M911 L.ODGE8, dancing club or meetings of any kind can secure a hall In the Bee build ing, with aplendld accommodations; -le valor service all night, electric light, piano, etc. Apply to R. C. Peters & Co., giouna noor. Bee bldg. u 341 CRYSTAL Ice Co.. 1305 N. 24th. Tel. 2028. U M450 Jell) DR. FICKES, G. C. B. 8., Bldg. dentist. 338 Bee U MS00 A15x L. T. D.. will call at 7 Wednesday or Thursday to take you to dinner. Please aty which. r 693 Sox IF EVER In the park you sat and heard the band '.pun your hat Dlav waltzes. inarches and fo-steps. too, I think It wouia asionisn you, Mn t you? nut say, the most surprising thing Is how Stoecker. 1404 Douglhs, can sell hla Monogram cigar ior dc. just oa goou as most ioc ixars U M86: THE DELIVERANCE," hy Ell'-n Glas gow. Investigate Roach's Circulating Library, inio f arnnm. 1 -i77 30 MEDICA-U MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, $1. IT CURES. 758 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McConnell, Omaha. 739 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women; expet lenced, reliable, 161 1 Dodge, Arlington Block, omana. 740 WANTED The case cf catarrh, rhuma tlsm, tciema or stomach trouble that "o Lin-Co WON'T CURB. 853 29 PRIVATE hospital during confinement babies adopted. Mrs. Gardela, 2231 Lake Mel. Ked-1884. 741 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium i.s ist Ave., council Biurrs. la. 626 i'RIVATE hospital before and during c flnement. Mrs. Fisher, 2615 S. 11. Tel. 1KX9, -742 PRIVATE sanitarium during confinement, Bablea adopted. Dr. and Mra. Geilsch, 8625 California. 269 28x L. DIE8 Chichester's English Pennyviyal Pills are the best. Safe, rellab e. Tcl 'trier. Bend 4c stamps, for DaM.'r "lai a. " Relief for Ladies." In letter, t e; urn mall. Ask your druggist. C hlcWi'er ChemlcH Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. CLAIRVOYANTS. Complete Readings 50c. Winona Brooks, Trance Ciairvoyant. Born with a dcub.s vet., educated In oc cull science In Egypt and li.oia. '! TELw YOllt NAME." ANSWER yLESTIONS MENTALLY .ANU .R11TEN. Winona Brook Is prbbably the moat be Bought woman la America. Men and women come nil the way across the conti nent to seek her aid-to learn of things thuc are hidden to them, but which are to the mysterious amC woi.derful psychic i events recorded In an ope.t book. If YOU would kno-v the t'llure, if you would BETTER YOUR CONDITION, If you would wli trie hand of him or her you ove IK THERE IS ANY MATTER IN THE FUTURE THAT IS BEYOND YOUR OWN INSIGHT, Win. ma can make It known to you. In anair 'ii tne matrimony, apec tilalinn, btlslnest. mining, tho location of physical ailment nr tne restoration of lost property or the Mnravrling ot any mysterv. Winona's advice Is accurate anil beneficial. 1816 Dodge St. 1816 S-MJAO 31 LESTER, THE WONDERFUL GYPSY. The only trance me Hum In the world so sure ot his powers he gives a wonderful tent of your past free, names of lov d oih-s, naino of ihe one you love, who and when you marry; for free teat come alone, hon estly prepared for reuiiing. His startling revelhliona and pn dictions of dollar wheat and i very prealdent for twenty-elcht years known from ocean to ocean. He nas given readings to many prominent pnllilt bins and business men in this country, and teried rtiitrK aci nss the; letters and testl mor ials of prediction nn tile. He has helped otters in trouble; he can help you. WRITE IF VOU CANNOT CALL. For pntiiiiifc out of the city loo far to call, stamp fur answer; will send ynj a wonderful test five and circular. PAR LORS 111 3ol Til 17TH ST. Cut tlila out. It will o.ily appear every other day. S-MI.49 29 $5 READINGS, Wc. $.' READINGS. Doc. . READINGS, one. THIS WEEK ONLY PROF. PHILLIPS. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. SPIRIT MEDIUM. I DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGREE and guarantee lo make vm no rhaige if 1 fail to tell you MnRE THAN Al I, OTHER CLAIRVOYANTS IN OMAHA PUT TOGETHER, and what ynu called for. ! promise lo tell you whether hus band, wife or sweetheart Is true or fale whom ar.d when you will marry. 1 will tell you how to gain the love of tie one vou most desire, nen thoiiKh miles away. In fact. I will tell vou every hope, feir or ambition better than you can fell your relf. Your health, wealth and happiness depends ni.nn your knowing. HOURS 10 A M to p. M DAILY. PARLORS. 1M9 DODGE ST. S Miil 1 GYI.MER. .;.lrnlt 715 N !!d Tei. H-3C S ill 1, LUNI.oS MEDIUM, 7U N. 17D. St. a- 15 A20x MONK 1 '! I.ON 4 II TTEI.S. MONEY. If yo'. .1,111,01 i . n..,ii. I'luf small bills that nave at cuiiiiiIhim.1 ourn.g tne winter it nilnut i nil utiwiiiiMge u you to secure tnm i j from us and pay them, and then 1" i.s hi weesij i laoiuhiy payments ...hi act cut of aebt. e loan on fur i 1 1 ti r. . piHiios. live sioc and other chat tels mi we uiase It.ans to salaried peo ple upon their own aaieenienl to repay. Our i i u s sic as low us any nd a great ileal lowir than some. our tervice is jiil k .ii ui without ;iu:iiclty. If you have c.ealt wun us and are tiieaHed, tell others, ud if )i.ii ar' diapieaseu, 111 us. Omaha .Niongaae Loan to., Ill' Bnaiu of Trado Bldg. 'lei. 2B. ;Esluiilisiie.l iy.-.i. aoti South 16' h St. N . 4S i ' A ll I You can establish a CREDIT with sn old RELIABLE ft i m and secure m ncy wnen- evel- vim ii.'eil II. We win advance you enough money to pay off nil ucr debts, so thai you will owe it all in one place, where you get courteous t rom I n..,i I Our easy pavment plan has astonished peo ple who have previously wivrimru ui other loan t.oinpnn'es, on acioimt of ur liberal rates. We make loans on SALARIES. Kl RNI- TU RE. PIANOS. LIVE stock, eic. RELIABLE CREDIT CO , 3o7- Paaton block. X M30$ monkv uu'i;n on FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE 8TCK"K. SALARIES. Kit. Low rates and enrv terma. Business confidential. Trv us If vou want :o save money. ' PHOENIX CREDIT CO., (33 Paxton block. 16lh and Farnam atieets. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPT.W and others with aecurlty; easy riayment.s; largest business In 49 principal clle. Tnlman, rcim 440 Chamber of Commerce M3g. X-70S MONEY loaned on p'nln itotr to salaried feople; business conmlentlul : lowest tales. 14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hiitt-Mi Co. X 7m MONEY to loan on furniture, Mrse, ete.. at half rates. Dr. Prlhbennw, r-om 215 at S. 15th St. Tel. B-2064. X -M 7 MONEY loaned nn p'anos. urnttire, 1ew- eriv, horses, cows. etc. c. r. Jjee.i. sit' fi. 13th. X-707 LOANS made nn Jewslrv n.nd dlnmonds. t.rat western I.onn OTite. i-ti7 Ftn"m. X-M7M A 15 CTt ATT1TT., SBiirv nnd 1ew"lry lean' p"1- i.onn t o., i.vh Farnam st. a -7ts MONEY Tt LOAN REAL ESTATi:. FARM nnd city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat'l Bank Hdg. Tel. !R4. W 710 PRIVATK money. Sherwood, 987 N. Y. l.'t'f 'v -ni 4 TO 5 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxtcn block. W 712 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas vv 713 WANTED City jrans and warr.irts. W. Fnrnam Smith & Co., 1?J0 Farnam st. W-7I4 WANTS! P.eal estate loans nnd warrants. R. C. Vetera A Co.. Bee bldg. W-715 6 per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. V , 1 1 MONEY to loan. Kenney Real Estate and Investment Co., r. 800 Bee bldg. w 34r MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 837 FOR EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE, 440 acres choice enstern Nebraska farm lnnds for stack of general rr,rchandlse or clothing. Address Iine A Miller, Winner, Nebraska. Z M384 5 'r7LL trade V'enutlful rlnno for horse. Irhmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Z-f.92 NEW hotel to trade for rood farming Innd; i-story orlck, it tedrooms. steam hent, gas light, t'nter worka, and all the fur nithre,, all rented; good trade; rrl'-e $17.I), II. Harder. Pcrlbner, Nob. 7 M474 JO DRESSMAKING. IN families. Vies Stt'tdy, 2606 Davenport. -M30S MDOWELL8 school removed to 1906 Far nam rt. W916 Al SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED Road salesmen possessing ti thorough knowledge of saddlery In all Its branches with an established trade In Iowa. Addresa Meyer, Bannerinan & Co., Si. Louia. M 462 28 PATENTS. II. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 618 8. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 179$. 728 PATENTS guaranteed. Sues & Co., Omaha. -692 AUx POSTOFKItE NOTICE. (Should be read diily by all Interested. as changes may occur at any time). Foreign malls for tne week endiug March 26. 1904, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General Puslottlce as fol lows: PARCELS-PuS l' MAi Lat cloaAone hour earlier than closing tlma ihownwa- low. 1 Regular and Supplementary mails r.;ose at Foreign Station (corner of Weat and Mor ton streets) I alf-liour later than closing time shown below (except that supplemen tary mails for Kiuope and Central Amer ica, via Colon cImso una hour later ut Foreu Stafon). 'i rausallautic Malls. WEDNESDAY At 6.30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. a. Majestic via ijueenstowii ; at s.el a. m. for ITALY dt;ec;. per a. s. Cltta di Mllanu (mall must l e directed "per a. a. Cltta di MlUno"). THURSDAY A l 7 a. in. for FRANf E. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, I'OR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT, GREI.CE tn.i BRITISH INDIA, per a. s. Im Gau mgne, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe muil be diiectod "per a. a. La GaBcogne SATURDAY At 3:30 a. m. for IRELAND, per a. a. Etruria, via ijtieenstown maJI for oilier parU "f Europe must be di rected "per a. a. LJuria"i: at 6 a. jr. for EUROPE, per s s. St. Iuls. via Plym outh and' Cherbourg; at 7:3o a m. for St:fTLAND direct, per s. a. Col'imbl:c tr.iall must be directed "per a a. Colum bl"i; at K ".(i a. m. for BELGIUM direct, t-r a a Finland itcnll must be directed tier's, a Finland'; at s SO a. m. toi "TALY direct, per a. a. Princess Irenn (mail must be directed "per a. a. Prlnosi Irenu" I After the dosing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above, addi tional SuppI'meniary Maila are opens! on the piers of the American, Fnitll-h. French and German steamers and remain (.pen until within Ten Mlnutis of the hour of sailing cf steamer. Malls ir otu nnii Ou'ral America, Weat ludles. Etc. THURSDAY-At 8 a. ni. for CUBA, per a a. Monterev (ni.tll for Mexico, via Prngreao. I ii n i t.ei lie uiid Vera Cruz must ba directed per s. n. Monleiey "; al i n. in for ii I A V AiU V.7. (ordinary mail only), per a s lordinury! for ol her parts of 1'oito ltno iiiust be directed "per a. s. FRiDa'y At II in. (supplementary 12 .30 p. ,., (or BAHAMAS, per a. s. Orizabil iiiihII lor Giniiitanaino and hsntiagn must be directed "per s. s. Orizaba"!. SATURDAY At i n. in. for BERMUDA. I. r s. a. I riliiuu, .ii i. a. in. i,,i AlllJJ-.. 'I Mr). I Itl il AT IUIU t'AltAlll A I , per s s. Tropic; ut s:.i a. in. (supplementary i 3o a. in. i for PORTO RH'O. CURACAO nnd VENE7.UKI.A. per s. a. Caracas (mail for h.iv..nlUii and ( urlngena must be di rected "per s. s. Caracas"): at 9 30 a. m. istiinileu.enliii'v 10 3 a. in ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA SAVANILLA. CAR- J A.L.A linn i-i. per m. m. Alisl ini'ii! for Cosia Rica miiKt be dl I i. i-ted p( r s. a Altal 'l; at 9 30 a. m. iMipt.leiiii iitarv in j i ii in ! tor it A I I I and HtNTA MARTA. (.er a . Adtrondiick ; nt )( a mi. for CUBA, per a. a. Morro I astle. ' iu Havana; at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per a s Kqh1io.1i. via Matansas ii. i. ill meat l d;i lul "pi a. a. Faah- ' Malls Fornarard Otrrlaad. Kle., Ki. rept 'I raukcontlneatal. '.CUBA Via T'rt Tamua Flurida. riosea at ! this ntl'n dully, except T.-iursday, It H 30 a. in. nee connecting niinis r.iw nera on i .iondHa. i p.lnci.ini and Saturdays!. I VU.XICO CirY-OiarlamJ, units apeviails