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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1904)
V i THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY. MATJCTT 12. 1004. 10 SPECIAL NOTICES Adrrtlic:i:t'i.iA iuf ti.e.-e cciu.mi. will he tnl unill 12 in. fur the rimlnt edition ft a .1 nulil H p. 111. fur Ihr mornlnt .mil Minila r llllon. Mates, 1 l-iic a ard first Insertion. 1c a word 1 br rrn fter. Nothing likfn for Ipsa thnn for the first Inser vton. I'lirir at! vrrdirinrnU mailt lie rnn rnntrrnlllri), Ailtrrllirri, lij rr:nmllii a nam tiered rhrrLn, rnn l ire inm art dresseil to u nnmlirrr l letter In rare of Tbe lire. AniiTPrn no nitdreil tvMI tip delivered on presentailon of ?h cheek rtmy, Mitr::i.i.4i:ors. BOYLES COLLEGE new York ufk building, omaiia. Business, rShorthurid, Typewriting, Luglish. DAY A.ND N1GUT. Apply tot' Culuiukiue. OMAHA Sufe ami Iron works make a (spe. i nil y of lire cscapci, shutli r. c.oj.s anj safes. U. Ancreen, pi up., 10. o. ium st. It Mam May&i D. M. HAVEULY-EXPERT ACCOUNT ANT. 212 B.'-.E BLDG. P HUN hi 2. It 634 Champ. Cnrp. Clean. Co., 718 8. Hlh. T. 5 K-ia H 81I'VKR. NICKEL Plating. Om, VJWi-U i iUi1hk Co.. 1IS llarner. Tel. 1-. R-635 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per rent. R-ti SPECIAL For a limited lime we will fit yon with a guaranteed ralr of spectacles for II. Don't miss this chance. U. 8. Op ticinnii, 308 N Itith at. H (37 EAGLE Loan office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douplaa R-039 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co . moving anil storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1105. R 044 TRY THE CHICAGO LAUNDRY. If you don't, we both lone. Good work, prompt attention. 214 N. 18th. Tel. ::. R o0 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools, vaults, remove g'irbage. dead animals; reduced prices. C21 . N. 16. Tel. 1TO K 641 P. MELCHOIR, machinist, 13th ft ITnwnrd. It PUBLICITY DESIGNS WH EATON'. In the Bee Bldg. R-C43 3. E. WALLACE, Taxidermist, n5 8. nth R-921 Al STRONGEST In the Wnr'4 ." The EqiilU M Life Assurance society. Its rollcles night drafts at maturity. II. D. 'Neely, manager, Merchants' National Hank Bldg., Omaha, Nb. P. 646 SIGN pnlntlng. S. II. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R-64T ALL kinds carpenter promptly attended to. 20th and Lake. work, repairing j. l. oenntree, U-370 E. J. DAVIS, safe mover, heavy hauling. JU J' arnam. Tel. 3M. K 162 M3 VODICKA ft CO.. tine tailoring: all klnda pressing, repairing. Krug Theater wig. aei. .:bi. it oi CLOTHES pressed, altered, ton hotel tailor. Yousen. Pox. R-049 TRACINGS; blue prints and working drawings. Sues & Co., Omaha. Phone I6Z3. R 237 Apr22x TER FIELD Plnno Co., Bee Rldg.; no In tereit, honest values, eaay terms. R 633 LOCKSMITH &hR- 309 N- R I'OWER. Wltte Gna and Gasoline Engines develop more than the rated power. Wltte iron wonts uo., wa v. Bin Bt., Kansas City, Mo. R IllSLNESS CHANCES. i'OK SALE Blacksmith, horseshoeing, car riage enop in largest town Black nii-s; established trade; slock, alone worth the money, a. T. Dorsey, the Baum Iron Co., lain and Hartley U. Yli&l U J CAN quickly Bell for cash without local publicity, your real estate, bunlnevs or partnership, no matter wnere located, bend me lull particulars, price, etc. Ad dress Chas. E. Powell. 19 W. Mohawk Bt., Buffalo. K. Y. Y-M712 Maria BHOLE8 - ARMSTRONG CO., business dinners and exchanges; write us, TJt New York Life Bldg. Tel. 49. Y 651 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, room 411, McCague building. BRICK YARD WANTED An experiences oricx maker with some mean to put In u a.d. Clay lias been tented und is ttrst-ciacs. flapping facil ities good. Aduresu l,ock liox l3. Oak dale, Neb. Y M321 Ux I WANTED, president and vice president for a chartered corporation ; vucamles caused j by death; a spluiidlj opportunity for the I right men; small capital required. Ad- I dress 46, Uee ollU'c. M3S3 13 x .WANTED, lndy or gentleman with $250 to travel and take lialf-lnlereat In a good paying, respectable business; full Infor mation by letter. Address C. M. Goodell, Ci.lfax, la. Y M410 Ux At;E.TN WAV1ED. WANibu, canvassing agents in every county to aolnit sucscriptluns to THAI THKNTIE'iH CENTURY FAItMkK fcteudy employment will; assured good In come. Agents In the country wlin horse and buggy espe jally i-oiilreu. C'anvutwers make eaxiiy ini to iki per month. Ad drebs Century Farmer Sollcilois' Bureau, uee uuiiuing. umnna. J 313 WE want 10.00C agents for greatest house hold seller ever produced: actuallv nel's In every house; immense money maker for agents; send l'X- for complete sample li nd our large lllutratil catalogue of n gents' supplies. Soulhern Mercantile Co., Dept. Ai .It,. Houston, Tex j-am Aprs AGENTS muke $6 daily selling the b s water fllter ever Invented; retails at it, exclusive territory. Seneca Fllter Co,, Seneca. Mo. J M170 15x CATHOLIC agents wanted to aell Catho lc goods; local agents wanted for every congregation; traveling men for every state; liberal siilary or cnmmlsljn. Ad dess Gunner Bros., Dubuque, la. J-M'f! 13 LAIUVtl V IAT8. GYLMER. palmist. 716 N. rd. Tel. B-8V46 S-1H LESTER. THE WONDERFUL GYPSY. The only trance medium In the world so sure of hi powers he gives a wonderful t.vt of your past free, our name. nam?s of love.1 ones, full niime of the one you ne vol or fre love, who and wlin vou marry; f test conv a'one, honewily prepared for reading. His startling revelations and predictions of dollai wheat and every president Tor 28 years known from ocean to ocean. He haa given ri' idlnus to many prominent (Hillilcians and business men In this country, and served rulers serosa the s.ia; letter und testltnoniala of predic tions on tile. He haa helped others In trouble; he ran help vn'i. WRITE IK YOU CANNOT CALL. To palrotia out of the illy too far to call, stamp for answer; will send you a won derful ten fret and circular. PARIXJR3. Ill KOUTH 17TH BT. Cut this out. It will on'y aneui eve'v other dav, 8129 llx OSTEOPATH 1 . Johnsi.i Institute. 515 NY. Life b'dg. T 14. Dr. J. a. Meehan. 615 N. Y. Life bl .g. T.l'Oi. ;i The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. T. 235-'. -7-0 DR. GRACE DEEGAN. N. Y. Life Tel. 2uS 721 Fayette Cole, osteopath, 609 Paxton block. i-1 DRS. LAIRD ft IJA1RD, 208 Karbseh blk. Phone- S'l 441 M'-t fl MCAL. THOS J. KELLY, cvice. Davldge -4 DAISY HIOG1NS, voice, piano. 8018 I.eav. Tel. A -27 il. . M3.3 CHAS. H. sUCEFEK, piano, U Barker Blk. WATRI HAI.K HELP. SPRING TERM . of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Opens April 1. It Is going to be the larg est we have ever hau. rile at once lor particulars. Catalogue frre. Address, ROHRHOl'GH HKOS.. 17th ur.d Douglas Streets. MEN to learn barber trade, Irep ral'.roul tare upon our failure to conwnce yon ni th: being the UKBT, largeit und nn'v tellable, noft practical barter college l:i this Svctlun. Write for catalogue torinv mlern barbers' Institute. Omaiia. N'b. H-(w6 W ANTE IV For I. 8. army, able-bodle.1, unmarried men, tetween ages of 21 anil ..i. cltUeus of I 'lilted States, of good ter ami teniperale habits, who can spenk. lead and wille Ensllii. r'or Informailon 6pply to recruiting olllcer. Kth and Dodae bt.i., Omaha, or Unco.n, IJeb. B M1M West'n Employ t Ag'n, R. 14-1S, Crounse blk. TWO men to work from our wagons; steady position, and ex er.enre unnecessary. r . Auami & Co., 1S1 Howaid St. H-6T.7 TAILORS Wanted, first-class bushelman ana coat makers; steady worn ami goo.j w.iges. MacCarlhy Tailoring Co., 3o4 S. 16th street. B " MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE of Den ver. Colo., offers advantages in teacning the barber tiade thut cannot lie had else where. Write today for our terms. B -M17 ASx BLACKSMITH wanted at once; good plow man; good pay. Air. eeiaei, ueanier, B 363 12x TAILOR wanted at once; ono who can cut and make trousers. W. B. Korgrave, Co. L, 30th Inf., Fort Crook, Neb. B MA51 12x A POSITION 18 OPEN. Do you know where It Is? We do. f nave openings for high grade men of all kinds executive, technical and clerical paying from $1,000 to 110,000 a year Write for plan and booklet. Offices in twelve cltlcp. HAPOOdDH (Incorporated), 1S Chemical building. Bt. Louis. B WANTED Everywhere, hustlers to tacK signs, distribute circulars, samples, cm., no canvasslt.g; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chlcugo. B M466 Ui WANTED Men everywhere, B'od pay, to dlstrlbuto circulars, ndv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. 'National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. TJ M464 13x YOUNG man. 18 to years, to assist In carpet department. Miller, Stewart ft Beaton. B M463 14x WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Splendid chance now. Board, tools and scholarship included In our offer. Few weeks (ompletes. Graduates In demand. Origlnntora of this method. Call or write. Molcr College, 13o2 Douglas St. B-M478 17x WANTED FEMALE HELP. ANYONE need of housekeeper or man and wife call Canadian olllce, 16th and Dodge. C-tiis WANTED, salesladies. Hayden Bros.' cloak and suit dept. Must have long experi ence. C-M-M WANTED Good girl for general house work. Must be good cock. References required. Mrs. il T. Sunderland. 132S 8. S2d St. C-402 IS GIRL for general housework. 847 N. 25th ave. C 401 11 WANTED, girl for general housework In small family. 1117 Park ave. C-M422 U SALE8I.ADIE8 wanted In Indies' suit and waiat department. Apply J. L. Brandeis & Sons. C 425 11 WANTED Girl experienced In altering men's clothing. People's Store. C 423 11 WANTED Woman to take washing home; good washer who has cistern water to uae. Call before noon at 1060 Georgia Ave. C 456 13x LAtllEH with taste for art wishing to make money at home spare time call 56 Douglas bldg., opp. Hayden's. C M-4SC-18X OVERALL makers Experienced girls only) des.rtng to go west can ontain sieaay em. plojment by addressing the Liberty Over all Co., Denver, Colo. C M470 13 WANTED Girl for general housework. 122 North 26th street. l.'-MW 14X WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or facial massage, uraauates enrn 112 to 120 weeklv. Few weeks com filetes. Originators of this method. Facll ttes for free clinic nnd expert Instruc tions, that cannot be had eisewnere can nearly earn expenses. Meier College, 1302 Douglas St. 0M47J 17x WANTED Girl 15 yrs. eld to ;ash dishes. 08 Pleroe St. i'-M'W n HITT'ATIOJtS WILTED. WANTED, position by experienced book keeper ana lumnerman. uimptiem 10 manage yard In country town. Satisfac tory references. Address E 34, Bee. A-113 20s YOUNG lady who can do stenographic or clerical work dentres position at once; will work cheap to begin; references. Ad dress F 77, Bee A 231 12x WANTED Situation as governess, by middle-aged woman with 15 yars experi ence; best of references furnish" d dress F 69 Bee. A M236 12x MAN experienced with horses wants job In livery stable or with private family; can give good recommendations. Address F 70. Bee. A 234 llx FOR RENT HHMSIIED ROOMS. CENTER hotel, 210 N. 17th; nice transient rooms. K 129 M18 ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th ft Chicago E 6n ' ' E taw E WO NICELY furnished rooms. Innulre Omaha Bfenn-i I.aundry. 1700 Leavenworth. 'Phone A -1783. E 161 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 611. E-60: $1.25 PER WEEK, Doran House, 422 S. 18th. Vienna Hotel. 1011 Farnam; fine roms; la dles' cafe, private dining r.; open' nights. E-4 NICE furrlahed rooms. $24 N. 15th E-6 LARGE, warm room, Capitol ave. heit l1 E-M730 t or rooms, modern, steam heat, ?w N. 3d. E M44S LARGE elegantlv furnished alcove room, steam beat, hot water, gaa. bath, tele phone. Inrg" lawn, fine location, reason able. 1623 Douglas. E MHOS ELEGANT apartment house for men; rooms single or ensulte. luxuriously fur nished, new ready for occupancy. Apply at the Chatham, 13th St., opposite MlUnrd hotel. E-MH12 HOUSEKEEPING Ps rlor floor, 8 rooms, all modern. 220 N. 23d. E M405 A FEW desirable rooms st the Fernarn. for gentlemen. K M'.66 FOR RENT Front room In modern house near Hanscom park, one block from cr line; nrlvste fnmllv; geni'ernan oreferred. 1141 So. 33d St. Tel. A-I451. E 400 llx 2323 HARNEY: private, clean, modern: telephone; references exchanged E M448 17x L ROW front Cnpltol. rooms. reasoeab'e itij E M446 13 FURNISHED rooms. 1616 Douglas E-M447 15 IJHPK nnrlor, suitable for two. Tel. s?tfl7. 116 Dodge. E M444 13x givot.F or double rooms, verv reasonable. 218 N. 19. E M445 13x GOOD rooms, nice board, close In ; one block from two car lines. 7i Norm sntn street. E M466 Ux 81NGI-E room, $6 per month. rM Furnsm. E M481 14 FONT psrtor nicely furnished; r""dem: lleht hou"ekeenng privileges. 2515 St. Mary's. Telephone 2236. I E M48J It F''RNI4hs;d rooms, steam bat. modern. 623 N. SOth. E M47T 14 x HAS THE COOK GONE? INVITE ANOTHER WITH A WANT AD IT WONT TAKE LONG TO GET ANOTHER. KIKSmiKD ItUOMS AND BOAltU. THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, rooms, good board; reasonable rates. F MS18 MZix UTOPIA, steam heat, 1721 Davenport. F- ROCKAWAY, 1316 Douglas. Meals, 15c. F 6, TURKEY TURKEY TT'RKEY DINNER Sunday, 35c. Home Dining Hall. 170H Dodge. F M 461 13 Furnished rooms, steam heat, with or with out board. Midland hotel, 16th ft Chicago. . F OUT BEST meals In city. Karbach restaurant. F-i7 Marli FOR RENT A suite of four unfurnished rooms, with bourd, at tha Shrlner. 324 8. 2th St. F 427 15 HOME Dining Hall; first-class meals, 20c and 26c. Home cooking. 1709 I)te. FM452 A-10 1812 CHICAGO, neatly furnished, modern, recently changed hands. F M4R0 14x FOR KEJST INKIBMSHED ROOMS. FOUR rooms for rent, 18. S45 S. 24th. 43 M 41 5 12X THREE unfurnished rooms for rent. Water lit kitchen. 2CKJ HX. Mary's avenue. G lf'9 13x ROOMS, modern, steam heated: others furnished. 1701 Davenport. a-V479 1 4 FOR SALE MIS4 t.LLA.EUlS. INDIAN goods and relics. :119 Farnam. W Ol 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam CHEAPEST OAK SLAT CORN CRIB BING. Long -fir timbers. 901 jKuia. VI 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. VI W)i KIMBALL PIANO, I lightly used; big bar gain, t-an or write Atoom i. neo a;uf. HARD coal stoves, $5 up; furniture cheap. Chicago Mrnlture Co., I4iu A.icage. Q-6P9 BEOOND-HAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; large stock cneap bar fixtures, cigar counters. The Brans -wick-Balke Collender Co.. 407-9 8. ?0th. VJ TOO 150 WATCHES. 75 diamonds, left In pawn. cheap. Diamond Loan Olllce, Itui uougias. Q M701 We rent Sewing machines, 75c week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured Becond-hand machines from S5.00 to $10. "00. Nebraska Cycle Co., Phone 1C63. Corner 15th .and Harney. 70J STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO.. Headquarters for Whips and Axle Grease. We make a special of the above and for that reason can give you any kind at eastern prices. J. O. Blessing, 231 N. !5th St., South Omaha, union shop. Q 774 FOR SALE Several scholarships In a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q K2 BILLIARD ft pool tables. 1407 Harney st Q M848 Mar 15 FOR SALE cheap, old Ink barrels. Apply to the press room of The Bee. Q 548 AUTOMOBILES, new and second-hand, $250 te $4,000; write for catalogue. H. E. Fredrlckson, 16th and Dodge. Q-M411 M24 SECOND-HAND bicycles, good as new. $5 to $16. Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and Har ney St. Q-M2SG 12 (SVERAL hundreds of Incubators and brooders for sale, practical, well made machines, fit to man any poultry plant. They are all Petalumos and have proven their worth by years of success. For further Information address E 14, Bee. Q IPOM FCMPP Works. Poultry, Lawn tiwii i l.iii. wire. 611 So. lth. Q-M387 JyS. I l'MRPDCTiP sheeting, $13.60 thous. UUMDCrc cady Lum. Co., 6th ft Doug. Q M849 23 FURNITURE of 6-room cottae-e, nearly new. 3111 Marcy. 0896 13x FOR SALE Three counter show rases and tables. Lindsay, Jewe'er, 1516 Douglas at. Q 458 13 FOR SAT E Dental office, furniture, tools, etc. Address E 56, Bee. Q-MIC9 14X FOR SALE Cheap, folding bed and book case, almost new. Call nt 110 Emmet st. O M462 13 KOVEV TO I.OAJI CHATTELS. MONEY ! Furniture loans, piano loans, live stock loans, salary loans; service; any time: eaav oavments: best terms. We can make the loan so you have the option of paying It In one month, or if you so desire you m;ty Jay it in l. I, 4. S. 6 or even more monthly install ments, and as fast as you pay the Inter est stops. Our rates are low as is to le obtained In the city; we do not charge for papers and we never deiuct Interest In advance, as some do. See us be'ore you borrow. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 11 Board of Trade Bldg Tel. 12SK). (Eatabllshed 1892), 3f6 S. 16th P'. X-M910 MONEY. You can establish n CREDIT with an old RELIABLE nrm and secure money rnen ever vou need It. I We will advance you enough money to pay l off all your debts eo that you will owe it ) all In one place, where yoj get courteous treatment. Our easy payment plan has astonished peo- rile who have previously borrowed of other nan companies, on account of our liberal rates. We make loans on SALARIES. FURNI TURE. PIANl-S, LIVE 8TOCIC. etc RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 3C7-8 Paxton Block. X-M SO MONEY IXIANED ON FURNITURE PIANOS LIVE STOCK. SALARIES ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us If you want to ive money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block, 10tb and Farnam Sts. X-TOt MONEY LOANED SALARIED ITOPT.E snd others with security; ensy ptr.ients; largest business In a principal cities Tolman, roon. 440, Chamber of Commrei Bldg X-7i MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business cennnintiai; iowei rates Wx-on block. The j. a. MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, etc., rt half usual rates. Dr. Pribhenow. roin 215 at '9 8. !6th St.; tel. B!9M. X-M427 MONEY loaned on pianos, fniriture. 1w elrr, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. r fl. 13th. X-207 CHATTFL s'lsrw and Jewelry loans Toley Loan Co.. 1S04 Farnam Pt. X r4) DRESIMAKINC1. IN families. Miss Sturdy. 2606 Davenport MJoi GINGHAM aprons made, 1770 8. 9th. TeL . Red-ttsM. -902 Mil M DOW ELL' 8 schoo removed to 1906 Far. ttam SU A I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSE IN BENSON. 8 rooms and reception hall, ground lOOx 128 feet east front, abundance of small fruit, well and cistern, near car, a snap for I1.7W. Also two acres on paved street. In Benson ttwO.OO. 7-room electric lighted new house for $1,700, In Benson. Benson & Carmichael, C4J Paxton block. RE-393 12 FOR SALE. 1619 Center St.: 8 rooms $1,900 2014 Bancroft sJ.; 6 rooms M 2313 8. IMh st.; flats, 15 rooms 2.8X1 5109 Center St.; 6 rooms 6.0 1930 8. )8ih st., 6 rooms 2417 Dodge St.; 10 rooms C.OW H5 8. Slid St.; 6 rooms 1,8") 1412 C St.; 5 rooms W) 816 8. ith St.; 7 rooms, modern 2,50! 1D34 S. 26th St.; 6 rooms, modern 2.100 8. 21st St.. near Q. So. Om.ih: 5 rooms. Sf0 2X15 T St., South Omaha: 6 rooms 1,00 5118 Pierce St.; 5 rooms '6J 2113 Elm St.: 5 rooms i6) 2112 8. 29th St.; t rojms 1.1'W ?X0i Dunont at.: 2 houses tbl 3408 Jones St.; i rooms 1.200 12 Bancroft St.; 6 rooms 90 2; Elm at ; 6 rooms L'O) 1123 Dominion St.; S rooms 600 2780 8 9th St.; 6 rooms 1 91 OT2 Marcv at.; 10 rooms 4,000 1944 8. 15th St.: 2 houses 1.100 2208 8. 15th st ; 5 looms 1.601 4107 Dodge at.; 7 rooms, modern 2,500 1523 Canton st ; 5 rooms 1,1 ."A 1.302 Pacific St.; 4 rooms. 1M. aerei 1,400 Also many other houses' and vacant !o's In different partJ of the city. Call and see LB. THE O F. DAVIS COMPANY, 60S 510 Bee Bulldirr RE-Mia 13 $2.400 2.J22 Decatur 8t., new, well built. 7 room house, modern, piped for furnace, oalc floors downst:i1n. A BARGAIN. D. V. Sholes Co., 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. RE-41S7 COME to us for bargains In real estate. Kenny R. E. and Investment Co., room W0, Bee bldg. RE -SI J 12 EKE I:. H. Landvryou If ycu wish to buy or sell teal estate. 412 ;-.oard of Trade. Tel. 2161. RE-Ol WANTED To see at once, par ties who have small l.omes to sell on ;vymnts, fair pay ment down, balance monthly, 6 per cent ill deferred pa inents. Also nave rush customers for viionnt lots to build upon. J. H. SHERWOOD, 37 N. Y. Lite. Tel. 88a. RE M 104 IS FCR Noon Luncheon try the KARBACH RESTAURANT, where you will find ths Vest prepared meals tn the city at reason tbie prices. 413 8. 15th; Joseph Straub, Prop. RE S20 M-14 GOOD MORTGAGES. I have for sale small mortgages; perfect security; 3210 to I1.U00; 6 and 7 per cent. GtSOKGE G. WALLACE. BRO'N BLK. KE-M441 12 WHEN buying or selling real estate be sure to get a M'dlanif Guarantee and Trust company bcnled abstract, 1614 Far nam street N. P. Dodge, Jr., President. RE MOSS IF YOU want to buy, aell or rent a house or a farm; If you have a business for sale or wunt to buy, call on or write Kenny .R. E, Inv. Co.. . 'Phone 336. ' 300 Bee Bldg. , RE 6aS FOR SALE 11 -room bouse modern and In first-class condition; large yard and shade trees; 3177 Davenport st. Apply H. J. Windsor. 161S Dodgo St. RE M3T6 CHAS.Uniiomcnn r.-i 1st Floor j. i. iiiwiiijuii '--'tU. S. Ik. bldg RE 736 MISSOURI LANDS ANCHOR LAND COMPANY, -.018 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. RUM406 A9 SPECIAL attention given to property placed in our bands for rental. Kenny R. E. ft Inv. Co., 'Phone 836. 309 Bee Bids. RE-MtiSii CHOICE LOT One of the most sightly locations In West Farnam district, fine corner, 56x137 feet, beautiful view to the east, paving all paid; going at a bsrgaln. Call us up about this. Will be sold cheaper than Inside fronts go has just sold for In poorer loca UOa W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO. RE 359 ENGLISH & CO. PAXTON LLOCK. One of the finest b-roum modern residences In Wl Farnam district. $2,900. 8-room modern residence, Farnam and Slst t.venue, J.voo. ki-ui ROSEBUD INDIAN RESERVATION maps snowing In colors landa to oe rened to sett'ment; alao '.he Indian heirship land in Charles Mix county; price 5oc. Grimes ft Absher, Wsgner, 8. D. RE 822 M14 NEBRASKA RANCH LANDS SPECIAL PRICKS AND UNUSUAL TERMS. The most casual observer must see that wild lands are getting scarcer every year. This means that .he lime la coming when there will be no more of this kind of properly for sale ut any price. The Union Pacific R. R. Land Agency, 223 fcouth 13th St., Omaha, has some choice ranch and farm lands tor sale at from $4 lo $10 tier acre, on ten years' time. If interested ycu had better see them soon. All of ihetr present offerings are In Ne braska. Offlce, Zil South 13lh St., Omaiia, Neb. RE 466 11 SIX ROOMS, H ACRE GROUND Near 25th and Bristol sts., 6-room strictly modern cottage. 14 acre of ground, hard wood floors, fine cellar, cistern, lawn, fruit, garden, fenced, large barn, cow iihed, chicken house; must bo sold prlol to March 25. Price only $3,000. BEM1S. PAXTON BLOCK. RE M419 12 7 PER CENT NET ON 510,000 A piece of Improved (brick) business property, owned by eastern eoiiipiiiy. Our orders are to fell this week fir 9 000. THOMAS BKENNAN. Room 1, New York Life. RE MS WE write all kinds 'of insurance. Kenny R. E. ft Inv. Co. Phone 336. 800 Be Bldg. RE M68i B. ft. M. TRACKAGE FOR SALE OR I.EASE. OfiO so. ft., with 150 ft. frontage on caved st., nnd Stio ft. on track. South of the i Great Western terminals. - HARRISON ft MORTON. 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE-M4S3 13 Illus. your property. Baker Bros. Eng. Co. RE 333 j pjOYOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? It you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the far.ncis bad stock raise's about It The best way to resell them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This igrtcultural weekly goes to 60,000 homes of farmers snd stock raisers, so If you r.ave a good piece of land to sell st a reasonable price you will find a bue among them. The coat of an sdvertlsement is sinull t cents per word In small type or $2.52 v-r Inch If set In large type. Hit TWtNTlETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. FOR 9 A IE REAL JJSTATE. TUKEY & SON SECURE ANOTHER BUNCH OF LOTS IN BEM1S AND RESER VOIR ADD. We offer lots fronting east on Glenwood ave., south on Lincoln boulevard and west on 3Mh si. We have lots of all s.sea und various rrlces. They are beauiltuny located and they have lots of snade, be ing situated In a tine grove. Also a tract of ground on the northeast corner of 88lh and Hawthorne ave., b2x 150 feet, with very large shade trees. Will eell entire tract or will divide. We have these properties at low figures and they must be sold. Only one block from street car and on streets n.alntainei i y the Park Board, so there will be no special taxes. A. k. TUKEY ft SON. Board of Trade Bldg RE-M434 11 $1,750 Will buy two good houses sjid corner lot within walking distance, which are paying U' per cent, belter than government bunds; owner must s?ll to raise, money. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., dOl N. Y. Ufc Bldg. RE 407 12 NONRESIDENT owner Is In city: would snake especial price while hero on a 7 rom house and bam, ground 60x208, on So. 2oth st., also wurehousu property near the Clilcugu Lumber Co., 15th and Pacific. Apply F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. RE-897 11 FIVE ACRES with apple orchard at l bargain; cluss li.. Inquire 1410 Dodge. RE-M34JI A 7 LOTS near ?4th and Maple, $500 and $000. BEMIS. PAXTON BLK. P.E-394 11 51,250 BUYS A 5-ROOM COTTAGE Walking cisuii' e. near l-vo car lines; large lot, souih front, nice shnde trees and room fur small garden In the rear. Better so us quick about this. PAYNE INVES1MENT CO., Flrat Floor N. Y. L. Tel. RE M400 12 5-ROOM tcttage with eiectrlc light, porce lain bath. fas. city water, sewer, cement '. aseinent ender whole house, new roof, !xl2 summer kitchen, lot 60-fool frontage on Marcv street, alley In rear, nlca lawn and on lot to build another cottage, owner leaving city. For a few days will make prlco of $1,750. If :'OU can use a house of this size, do not fall to Investigate this property, as it Is very chtap. R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Lios Building. Rt-S: 11 COME TO 7'S FOh FIRE INSURANCE. KENNY R. E. AND INVESTMENT Co., Room 300 Bee Building. RE 316 12 GLOVER, 1st floor N. Y. Lffe. city prop erty, farms, ranches. Tel. 123. RE 63S MONEY MADE IN THESE. Either of these properties will bring big Interest on the money Invested, and a promise of good profits should you sell again. $3,600132x132, with 5 cottages, always rented, bringing1 $68 a year; taxes light; In good repair. Room fcr 4 more cottages. In "calling distance" of both depots. Near Farnam car and Train school; houses always oc cupied. $6,00011 cot tapes, 1 store, 3 lots, paved street, block from car northwest. Rent, $'300 a year, with some Im provements would bring more. $7,500 One of best business locutions out Rlde business center; prominent car line paved streets; walk to R. R. yards, shops, smelter, ware house district, business center. 2 stores. Hats, 3 cottages; rents, $1,200 a year; a good thing. 3. G. Wal lace, Brown Blk. RE-M442 12 KOH HEAT liOlBKS. THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store II. 11. goods. Storehouse, 11-0-24 N. mil. OuT.-e, lull Farnam. Tel. 1659-863. D-470 IJ O I IC.CC in all parts of the city. Ihe e e 4W W (J F. Davis Co., 6u8 Bee Bldg, u DiA HOI IQPQ In all parts of the city. R. C J IV- UOLJ Peters ft Co., Bee Building. D 6i PAYNE-BOBTW1CK ft CO., choice houses. 01-C03 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D-673 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van ft Stor age Co., Tel. 1496. Office. 1712 Webster Su v ll HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt, Barker blk, D-67i FOR RENT. 11. room hnuH it icdern and In first-class condition; large yard and shade trtea; il77 Davenport st. Apply '.. J. Windsor, j518 Dodge st. D-MS7J COME to us for cheap houses. Kenny R. E. and Investment Co., room UuO. Bee bldg. D 814 12 WANTED At once, a good coatmaker. P Souzey, Aurora, Neb. D-M3J4 12z FOR RENT 9-room cottage, all modern, 1015 Burt. $30; key at Dr. Taul's. north side of street. D M356 i3x FOR RENT, to responsible party. 5-ioom modern cottage, furnlahed, for the sum mer. 108 Stanford Circle. D M409 )8x FIVE-ROOM coUskc. first-class location, ?321 California. Inquire 22?4 Farnsm. IV-M40S-12X FURNISHED ten-room modern house, Kountse Place, tor rent during summer; $40 per month. Address E 62. Bee. D-MI33 13x $162504 Burdette St.; 7 rooms, rr.od.m. $12 S4i?4 Jackson St.; 6 rooms $123413 ,'nckson st ; 6 rooms $122419 .'srksun Ft.; 5 looms; -ltv water. N. P. DODGE ft CO.. :C14 Farnam St. D-M431 13 HOUSES TO RENT. ! $10.00 193) a. jnth et., 6 riKims. $m.ii wn rl. loth st., 6 rooms. $20.00 2004 Blondo st.. 8 rooms, modern. N. P. DODGE ft CO., 1614 Fnrnnm St. D-Mn 14 FOR AIKNT STOHIH AND OKFll'ES. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 11 Fainum. 2.x 90, tour stories and first-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars inquire C. C. Ruaewater, sec ;etarv Bee Building Co., room I'V, Bee ulldllig. I-M&67 FOR RENT, three uppjr stories In four story building st 916 Fariliim at., two stories If preferred. Address C. C. Rose water, Secy, Room luO Bee bldg 1-M986 FOR RENT 4-story and besement build ing. 1515 Dodge St., now occupied by Omaha Carpet Co. Inquire on premises 1-682 TWO-STORY building. 1512 snd the second floor ljJS-10 Howanf W. II. Bushman. 1-V83 DENTIST wanted to share office with a physician with fine quarters In Bee bldg., with well eatabllshed practice. Address C 21. He. 1-181 STORE BUILDING FOR RENT. 1515 DDOR ST. DESIRABLE RETAIL LOCATION. $". GO PER MONTH. Building 22x13-) ft., four floors and base ment; elevator, steam I eat; good coniil- Un' GEORGE ft COMPANY. I M277 12 FOR RENT, cheap, two-story store xiulld Ing with counter snd refrigerator; suit able for meat market: vth and Leaven-worth- iatiulre 970 N. 6th VJM107 Ux PEIISOSALS. Paper Hanging S,. c i: UccLmu.n. teed at rearouabls pikes, iiv S. liin hi. Tel. U-Ij4i. U H301 HIAWATHA and M other songs tn one lock, & cents, postpaid, r.nliert reenan, tKO B. 13th. l-MSK MUX Accordion nesting, cheapest. lesl, quickest. Mrs. A. C Mark, lilli and Douglas LA BOOK, ladles' Blk. tailoring, bU Karbiicli U 731 ANY poor girl In need of a friend can call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women. 3"C4 N. 24th st.. Omaha. Neb. U-M5 Maylx Stammering cured. J. Vaughn, RmlJ, ELITE parlors, 616 S. 16th. 2d floor73j "VI A VI." way to health. 350 Bee building. U-73t mAum c i icSmKh, u8 Nj "x"2- WHAT'S nicer than accordion pleating? We do nothing but the llnest. Goldman Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas block. U 13 BEN BOLT Whv didn't you meet me at Columbia Phonongraph company last night? I waited till half past 9. Say. their free concerwi are grnnJ, and I bought a doien X. P. f0c records for &o each. Peggy From Parla. U M187 WATERS PRINTING CO., 121$ Douglas St. 0736 PANTORIUMl U-T37 BILLY Am next to a good thing; s.-.eet me i owrcaer s cigar store inis evening and we'll smoke a So Monogram s.nd I'll "Up" It oft to ycu.-Frank. U-M136 SEND 25c for JIOM FSTK A nUR'a GUIDE. containing forty-eight pages of valuable information. OFFICIAL MAP and full Instiuctlon how to set a claim on the ituswiuu KfcjSEitV A TION. Forbes lo cating Agency, Boneeteel, 8. D. U-S83 PIANOLAS for rent; S months' rent al i'!we PUrehase. Schmoller ft Mueller, JJ13 Farnam. Tel. 1625. U 932 II. O. SMITH, plumbing, 118 N. 16; tel. T3092. U ai:mj TUB, vapdr and alcohol baths. 720 8. l.lth st. U a riaiiL.x rand laundry; rough drying a specialty. 916 Jackson street. J -M379 M2Jx GAS fixtures at cost. Sam'l Bums. U-M914 Al SMOKE Capt. Frcer's Greenlander c1gs,r. g- "Tn. u MHi? Muyl THEATR1CAT. niasq. costumes I.iehen, juib rarnam. u Mill SOLID Gold Rimless Eyeglasses, onlv $? M with our patent "Slip Not" fciiard. tl.CO extra. Eyes examined by our specialist free of chnrge. Huteson Optical Co., 211 8. ICth. near Farnam. II- 34221 LODGES, dancing club or meetings of any kind can e-ur n hull In the flee holM- 1ng. with splendid sccninmodntlone; ele vator service nil night, electric light rlano. etc. Apply to R. C. Peters A Co. ground floor. Bee Bldg U 31 WHEN PAPA RODE THE GOAT Onlr Rrok of this Klnil T.rtr ruhll.hM Yir vlfe n4 rhlldran wll: b drllshteil to th 100 funnr iiiiwirsiioss vnowirs paps tiklnc I(WI defrea. Th matr1et, dintreu sig ,i, pa". ln gnat and manf ffarful Ihtnga npllna4. Send r&e and w will mall it. uet ths real thing R C A Rl .ETON PUR CO.. Omaha. Neb., 21S-220 1'h Ht. U-M272 15. WANTED To knew the whereabouts of Eliza Miller; was In Omaha In August, 1900. Address John Miller, Freeport, III. U-M132 12x MAN. 36. wants to get acquainted with re fined not over 32; object, matri mony; no general delivery letters an swered. Address F 83 Bee. U--V2S! I2x CRYSTAL Ice Co., 1306 N. 4th. Tel. 307". T. -M .Srt .TelO MAXDICAL. LADIES, our monthly regulator never falls; box free. Vita Co., Station A. De troit, Mich. MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, $1. IT CUP.ES. 738 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman ft McConnell, Omaha. -739 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women; experienced reliable. 1613 Dodge, Arlington block, Omnha. 740 WANTED The case of catarrh, rheuma tism, ecrema or stomach trouble tnat Co-l.on-Co. WON'T cure. .-869 29 PRIVATE hospital during c.-nflnement: babies adopted. Mrs. Oardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-lSSl. 741 PP.IVATE home during confinement: babies adopted. The Good Snf art fan Sanitarium," 728 1st Ave., Council Bluffs. Ia. -526 PRIVATE r"tplt1 before srd durinp con finement Mrs. Fisher. 2515 S. 11. Tel. 1 8,4. -74? PRIVATE" lium dtir'nt: confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gerlsek. TfiSS Call'nrMa st. -M248 iJx MONEY TO LOAX lU'Ml. U STATE. FARM and city loans, l.-iw rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat l Bank bids Tel. 1U48. W 710 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. &7 N. Y. Life. W 711 4 TO 8 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Block. W-7U PRIVATE money. F. D. Woad. 1520 Douglas W- -711 WANTED, city loans and warrants Trurn m r-niln ft Co.. ISi'O Farnam St W. W-7H WANTED, real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters ft Co.. Bee Bldg. W 716 f per cent farm loans. Farnam. C. Patterson. 1324 . W-716 t rj- cent loans. Gar via Bros., 1604 Fa rnn m. v W-717 MONEY to loan. JCenner Resl Estate nnd Investment Co.. r. 200 Bee Bldg. W-315 MONEY TO IXJAN Payne Invest.nent Co. W 827 COME to us for loans Kenny R ! end investment Co., room aot tee oing. W-S57 15 FOR FXCHAXriB. WILL trade beautiful piano for horse. Bchmoller & Mueller. 1313 Farnam st. Z-u9 EIGHTY seres Isnd In Burt county, Neb , for Omaha residence property, w. a. Dickinson. New A'ork Life bldg. A. Ali9Z 80 ACRES near Blair: will trade for 7 room house In Omaha. The Byron Reed Co Z 426 15 I WANT A STOCK OF MERCHANDISE! Of $7.500.0.) to $8.(W.OO as part pay on m farm of 220 acres, fine bottom land, all In cultivation. Improved, rear rallmai town N. W. Missouri. i-rice or. rarm SriO per acre, time on deferred payments. Write at once, cr come end see me. J. R Adklns. Cnilg Mo., Box 69 Z-M48S 15x FOR SALE IIOHSES, MAGOtiS, Kit'. FOR SALE. 2d-hsnd. 4-passenger breug ham at bargain If taken al once. u Harney. P ;7 HORSES for sale; second-hsnd harneaa. v hlciea cneap. ncimcvr m Diiiir, iwi a lith. P-Mtk BAM'L BURNS, phaeton and surrey cheap. P 825 Al HAVE your wagon painted or repaired by H. Froet. 14th and Leavenworth. P M3it HORSES clipped and trimmed. Frank Ds via Betts barn, 1415 Capitol ave Tek Ibio P MJ78 AS FOR BALE Highly bred track and road horse. Address E 56. Bee P-M46 14s DETECTIVE AGENCY. CapL Cormack. UT Avar bach blk. Tt A-P83. wMti:n-To nt'Y, t) t. bought, sold Antique peek CVn- IJUUKS tern. Hi Karbach blk. Tel. 8...4i N ID-HAND furniture; high prices. Tel. 2o."X Chicago ! urnlture to. p ux WANTHlv-To buy a span of muler weight, about 2.0) lbs; not over in yenn old. Address F 71. Uee. N M2..3 12x WANTEI A small lot In Hanscom park district; must be cheap; prvfer to direct with owner. Address F 90. Bee. DRIVINt? horse. Dr. Bradbury. drnt1t. N-MIIO UiOn l nrnam st. WANTED A large, easy Invalid chnlr: rive description and price. Address T. C. F.. Bee. N-ViS 13x WANTED Two or three five or six-room cottiges which can be moved: stnte lo cation. Address F 68. Bee,. N 3M 13x Goon prices for 3d-hand umbrellas; will con ior mem. Address n v, iee N-JftO 15x WASTED TO REST YOUNG man who will be three months In Omaha and possibly permanent wants room and board in private familv; state price. Address E 4;, Bee. K M240 lllx . WANTED To rent n lnrge tent for threo. weeks. Address F 80, Bee. K 309 14x WANTED To rent barn tn north part of city, large enough for 6 horses. Addrese F 82. Bee. K-311 14x WANTED Desk room In New York Llfo or Bee Bldg. Address F 70. Bee. K-S07 14x WANTED, to rent 3 or 4 moderate priced rooms, for fight housekeeping. E 7. Bee.- K-M1S4 13 LAW AlfD roiJ.ECTIONS. BTILLMAN & PRICE, 410 1st Nat. bk. bid?. THE new Snow-Church Co., law collec tions, real estate, attorneys, coliecto;s brokers everywhere. 1st floor N. Y. Life. L'sl. 128. -vol JUIX5E DICKINSON, 616 N. Y. Llfr7 settlement estates specialty. Tel. F sr. i -93 PRJ.VTIN4J. HIGH CIS3 printing at lowest prlcea. Tel. 1362. 1. A. Medlar Co., 423 8. 1Mb st. M.i)2 A8 AMERICAN Printing Co. New equipment. Get our prices. . Tel. 1621. 1615 Chicago M374 AS PRINT! MP. ) grade work, ivniin. i rounse block, e LYNGSTAD(mh nd Cap: corner ave. 980 FLORISTS. HESS & 6WOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 800 L. Hk'NDERtoN, florist, 1611 Farnam at. -301 ALFRED DONAGHUE. JR., 1607 Farnam. Tel. 8S3S. 99S Al PATENTS. It. J. COWGILD-No fee unless K-uccessfuL (18 S. ldh St., Omaha. TeL 1798. 723 PATENTS g-.iaranteed. Sues & Co , Omahiv -692 A12x RIIOHTIIAXD A.D TVPBWRITIXCi. A. C. VAN CANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Life, 724 Neb. Bus. ft Shorthand Col., Bcyd theater. 225 . DANCING ACADEMY. MORAND'8 spring te.m; lessons for adult beginners. Tues. and Frl.. Up. m : private lessons dally; liberal reduction to pupliS' wiio )v.iii now. Call JSli and Harney. 59J Mart! LOSt. LOST Between V) and R streets, March 9, lady's gold watch and obaln; engraved "From I'apa to Lueinda." Finder ploaso leave at South Omaha police station. Lost 460 12x TICKET BROKERS. CUT-RATE railroad Uckeu everywhere. P. H. Phllbln. 16 Farnam. Thone 784 93 i;imioi.stb.;iia&. GATE CITY. 1705 St. Mary'i ?r1. B-1015. -ma Mi$ AO. FOUND Two stray calves; reir 2fftK Burt. C M470 13 x . a-ACUAI. .NOllCat. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received i nil! 4 o cock p. m. . oli JIO..UUJ, Apu. i., 14, st the ultue oil ut unuei'kitfiieu in ioicla, Nibiaokn, ruoftv AuA, ol 111. ceutrai U..I.I ing. Bi.tlc. uuivel sny gruanua, lor inu consti ui imii uf a pnysiea laboratory bal ding lo.' su.U univer sity upoii us giounu&i in l.iluti.n, and i;ibO ' lor tlio onaii uclion ox a actio. ! imu ijboi .i. lory' upon lis luim near to too my ' of Lincoln, according to plans and i-j.c 1,1- . i-'ilioli fur fcalu liuildiKKs on luo l.i inn olllce of the auperiiueiiuent of evnairucii m. -iiM.rn U.' ut siihI centra, buiiiil.ig. i.idd-r must eonsult the sne: lnlendi lit befo. prepaiatiuii i.i ii Hill. a of llie.r iildM u,.o,i all matters which may i.ppear to Hu m i.n certain ill eiloe. p.iiim or speclllealion.-: must also exunilii'j me forms of comiaci and hi nd re4u-1.1l und on illr v. I I. sail" ru; rliitendei t ; and must persuuul y in-- lAi-'Xt ii.o university giuiiiida. faim atid Die. Jt ulldllig sites there in selected The I ma Upon IriC mu uu.iiiiiiss ihum iiq minio. seuied and tiled separately and must con- -lot in strictly to the building pl.uiM aid specifications respectively, liiildiis mi:st be prepared tc fui nihil comm irciiil i'iii.iks or satisfactory referei.ces as to their finan cial standing. If the bo reouireJ ii; ; tho university authorities. Each bid be accompanied by a certified chick on . some Lincoln bank, puyable to the Uni versity of Nebrai-Ka unoiitJ.t unaliy, for the sum of One thousand ! Tiie check of the sjccesaful lucldcr. in ruse of.; an sward, will be held as a guaranty f..r" the Ognlng of the. building contract I t form as proposed, furnishing to the siip'-r-Inlendent schedules of niiittriiila ith iian tltles nnd prices, and fin nirhinu k. i niliv componv bonds aa renclred. liuili tin' if curliv conn any uffer.-ii and the ri"-tn of J tho bond iinist be .atlsfsctory to the lemnl or regents or iiiiim.m. . case luo au.cesxl id bidder tails within two weeka from the d.iie uf the award to hi--said schediilt'M. furnish snd tile bonds .11 required nnil to enter Ii to coniin t at Ihe amount of his bid. Hie check di p wiled by i him wM lie forfeited to Hie iinlv ii-lty us iiijui.iaie.j (wiimii" V ; reedmgs or in.llee. I be check f the b.d- I Oer WnoSft OKI 1" -i-iiuu rai, ill ...r. ,'iiiio,i of the boerd if ree;eiiis or lis nitilii tig com mittee, will alxo be held pending the nego tiations for the c,, of a contract wltn the lirst be.u bi lder. or until Ii Is l t r - -mined wh'llnr '.lie second best bid 11 bo take-i up or rel.ldding called for. .All bid-, must be sighed, si u I'd ip. ailoie utd lo I.n uudi rslgned and be plainly m.ii knj on in : outside wlih Hie bidders name am' In: ..r.l "l-livslis blliliill g hid.'' Ol, "1'uliO I school building bid, as the raw tnuv '. Said bids niuei also bear the un ience or I business address of tne bidiiers. I'l.e Ulu will I opened und inspected as soun aiier- ,h. ,ti.i.. above set for filing same us tin . i.,., ,,r rt'CeiiiK or lis inn uuoc i iiiiiiii f recent can be conveniently assemliliL Tne right is rtfirved to reject any uuu tin incj. .ig dtess tlie undersigiii d ut room 101, irn r I ., ai.iiiiu a-mi,, uiu erity. liiuoln. No' biaaka. IS In I ion A. J B. tt.ii.fcB, MU-I'J-20-A; Bme.iiir. hToTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby g.ven thai nalid blls for tne construction of two ditclita. kuoii as the EnnaiitK'l snd Illinium d u lies, v .it be received, the work In the constiuitioa uf said ditches to be dons according lo Uih plans and specifications of the county sur veyor, filed In the offlce of the oounly eie. ... The bourd ha fixed upon the 15iq day of March at 10 o'clock u. r;i. al tlm county, clerk's ofUce at Fremont, Ioigu county,' Nebraska, as ths tlmo and piace fur opeu- Inv ll,e said seuled bids. The bi.srd reserves ths rUht to reject any and all bids. Scaled bids to be ad dressed to C. O Hoe. county clerk. Fro mont. Dodge county, Nebtaska. C. O. BOE. S. W. BOTD. County Cl-rk. Chairmaa it Board of Superv.aoi s sawUtut ELEGANT parlors, modern. 24 'r'-in. V E M478 14 .a